/fanfic/ - Fanfiction

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Meta thread Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 07:58:47 No. 1
Welcome to Fanfiction Central! Rules: 1. All global rules apply. 2. No spam or obvious/low-effort shitposting. 3. NSFW is allowed, but must be spoilered and at least tangently on-topic. 4. Linking to other fanfic sites is allowed, but do not go overboard with it. 5. Discussion of fiction is allowed as well as the writing of original works. 6. Use this thread for complaints and suggestions. 7. Being nice is not a requirement, but it helps. Feel free to ask questions/complain/make suggestions/etc in this thread. FORMATTING PRIMER https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html UNDER THE SECTION Post Markdown Redtext: == before and after your words in a newline Bold: ''' before and after your words Italics: ''' before and after your words Spoilers: ** before and after your words, to spoil images just drag and drop and hit the "Spoil File" checkbox Greentext: > at the beginning of a line Pinktext: < at the beginning of a line
Edited last time by AlphabetSoup on 07/11/2023 (Tue) 08:33:36.
>>1 Some of our sister boards: >>>/lit/ - Literature and Reading >>>/pdfs/ - Books and resources >>>/library/ - Anon's Library >>>/a/ - Anime and Manga >>>/hisrol/ - Latin American Roleplay >>>/manhwa/ - Chinese and Korean Manga and Anime >>>/co/ - Comics and Cartoons
>>1 Do you guys have any idea for a subtitle?
>>2 Oh. Well then if were gonna be sister boards lemme link ya on >>>/lit/
>>5 Appreciated, doc
Added to board link. If you are curious about the code for that btw its Go read a book anon! add those ' one at a time and you want 3 at the start and end to make it all bold and shit [Comics](/co)|[Tabletop Gamin](/tg)|[Stories](/s)|[Video Games](/v)|[Weapons](/k)|[Furry](/fur)|[Random](/b)|[Retro Vidya](/vr)|[Library](/library)|[PDFs](/pdfs)|[FanFiction](/fanfic)'''
>>7 Done. Thanks again.
>>8 No problem brother. Good luck on the board. I know a couple fanfic writers I'll hassle to come post tomorrow. Anyway have a good night. I'm crashing.
>>9 Later, gator
Good sites for fanfics?
>>18 Well, there's ao3 of course, deviantart sometimes has good content too
>>18 Check out Kemono.party for patreon-locked stories
>>18 How's wattpad?
>>20 Kemono.party also have fanfic stuff? Didn't know that
What is the best tip jar / buy-me-a-coffee system for writers and other creators? Is there anything out there that doesn't ban you and take your money for bullshit reasons? If not, does anyone know the technical details of how to set up such a site and connect it to a bank?
>>23 yeah, you just have to find the right patron though I forget who it was but definitely some fetish artists like to post previews of their stories there
>>25 I heard Ko-fi is a good one, but there was a better one that was specific to a Pixiv exodus, /v/ might get you covered
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Hi im from /av/, can our boards be frens?
>>93 sure, want to be added to the list?
>>95 Yes, i will add you too =)
>>97 done
Could you please give me a summary of your comunity's lore? I'm quite interested since modt refugee boards come from another imageboards, but this one seems to come from a different kind of website, why 8chan out of all place?
>>106 I literally came from Twitter, knew 4chan existed but not 8chan
>>1 Is there any way we can advertise this board better?
>>93 Where is this from?
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>>119 Suzuka Hime from Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Please make this board SFW, admins

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