/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Aliens Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:25:56 Id: 6bd815 No. 35887
Post cakes having close encounters.
Had to bring up one of my deliveries from previous drawthread it's colourised image from the colour/modify thread and the Atomic Betyy image that partly inspired my request If your wondering who she is, she's Kate from the Tumblr Webcomic, Aim For the Stars which had the style, setup and humour of Gravity Falls, Star Vs., Amphibia, The Owl House, 2017 Ducktales and Hayley's on It but in outer space.
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>>35892 Never finished this shit, but might as well post it here. >>35887 Even thought of doing a full sci-fi animation at one point (last gif)
Is this a thread about human lolis with aliens, and not about alien lolis, right? Because there's aIready a thread about alien lolis: >>38673
>>49554 I love your style, do you have a gallery?
>>49591 Oh, no, that’s about it! I don’t even keep a gallery for the "safe" stuff anymore. I did have a DeviantArt account back in the late 2010s, though. feels like forever ago! I Might as well post the full comic at one point one here.
>>49554 >>49664 >>49666 Gosh I love your style. It reminds me of a cross between certain euro cartoons I've seen and the look of the third Frosty movie. I hope you get back into making things. >animated OH GOSH!
>>49564 I love Yuno so much
>>49666 Wow, That's fantastic.
>>49666 do you have any social media

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