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Firearms and Melee thread Comfy Anon Board owner 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:42:59 Id: a9d63c No. 138
Thread for discussion of fictional and real life firearms as well as melee weapons. I will be dumping some few pictures that I think that look nice.
Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:45:04.
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>>138 What is the worst design for a vidya/movie gun? I've seen some terrible designs out there that make no sense whatsoever, but I'm curious if I missed some especially bad ones.
>>344 (checked) Borderlands has a good chunk of weird looking weapons that doesn't make any sense, such as a under attachment minigun. No idea about movies, maybe when a movie buff anon would be here he could post a few examples. Then one of those CoD games and I am not sure if it applies to later Battlefield games had a lot of cursed guns too.

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