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Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 01:42:06 Id: c6cb8b No. 803 [Reply]
Sooooo... I've been told I'm spiritually detached, but religious is the way of thinking in the future, any of you can come up anything against the reasoning women willing and able to go through with abortion has psychopathic traits, and it is good thing, to the point there would be so many more criminals around social order couldn't be maintained the only thing I can think of is it will hasten God's judgment if outlawed, and that might be a good thing too
>>803 >the reasoning women willing and able to go through with abortion has psychopathic traits I think each woman will receive judgement after life >that might be a good thing too Final judgement will come but at is time, sooner or later
Speaking of psychopathic traits. Or that cluster of behavioral and or moral problems in general. I've always wondered if such people can truly go against who they are, or just destined to fall. Sure, some will genuinely work hard to seek change because they can. But what about the implications behind those that seem so... inherently evil, yet want to show God they're not, even though they will just do terrible things completely on a whim their whole life?

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Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 05:07:14 Id: 6dfabc No. 771 [Reply]
>>525 Someone isn't reading the Bible. Isaiah 11 11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. Romans 11 25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: 27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. You liars who keep lying about the identity of the missing tribes of Israel is why God ill save them themself and send our self rightouness sabbath breaking 10 commandmetn hating liars into hell
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See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.

Nancy's detransitioning Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 21:23:53 Id: c25218 No. 719 [Reply]
Nancy is no longer a trans woman, because evil leftist commies rejected her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6dHCDKzabw It seems transgender communities express undue obsession with political causes instead of well-being of their mentally ill members.

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I'm not a Christian Anonymous 05/01/2023 (Mon) 15:09:54 Id: b5f550 No. 427 [Reply]
Nor do I have any other religious form of belief. I can't bring myself to have religious faith, Neither does my wife. We tried, though. Before we met, we tried very ahrd to believe. I was a christian for most of my life, she gave up ab about 12. So, that's how it is. Some people tells me that I should ask God for faith, or for signs, or something else that will help me believe, but I hope you see why that makes no semse, right?
I had little faith, what helped me was having a spiritual experience with God, i went to a Christian retreat and there i went to church three times a day and had pastors praying over me, and i was full of the Holy Sprit. There are other ways to be full of the Holy Spirit like singing the Psalms over and over until you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.
>>428 I've done all those things already, except going to church three times a day. As I said, I really, really tried. When I lost my faith and my belief in God I wasn't happy about it, and I really felt like I was failing and needed to become a Christian again and be even stronger in the faith than before, so I tried everything you just said, except I don't go to church as much as you did. I went a lot, though. Nothing really happened.
>>430 How many times did you sing the Psalms? Because i have to sing a lot to feel the presence of the Holy Spirt. I would say join some assembly of Christians (not just a church) and participate in their ministry activities, there you will see God "speak" to them in their lives, some bizarre coincidences might come to you from God, like it did with me. It could also be that your sin has separated you slightly from God or you have opened doors to spirits that are not of God, do you watch porn? Also reading the Bible is how you will understand everything you need to know about God.

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Anonymous 10/14/2022 (Fri) 01:58:54 Id: 81c087 No. 100 [Reply]
Why is every /christian/ board so dead?
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>>778 Furry. Loli. The list goes on and on. It would look the same way no matter which imageboard it is, since these places attract bad people.
>>165 >Because every time one picks up the bad actors which are just as bad as feds come in and shit up what bad actors?
>>859 the holier than thou types that want attention even if it means being bad or annoying

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one of esquire's 02/17/2023 (Fri) 08:03:13 Id: 5048bc No. 341 [Reply]
to the one dude who stumbles across this. <red the fucking Nag Hammadi Codecies especially the gospel of Judas. Melekh Mashiach cousin.>
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I feel like the message of that image fell apart at the end. Also Gnosticsm is a part of the anti-Christ since it belives God is evil.
What is with Gnostics and dead Christian board, or is it the same guy from /christ/?
>we're all made in the image of God, so why fight? This was not made by a Christian, but what someone believes a Christian sounds like.

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Scatman John Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 01:55:30 Id: a585df No. 289 [Reply]
>man has a stuttering problem for most of his life >gets "spiritual" help? >suddenly he's doing masonic symbolism in his music videos and is famous and rich >everyone loves him and is ignorant of his alliance with the devil. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=K1joxLyd-HA

Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 01:14:17 Id: cc3431 No. 133 [Reply]
Thread to complain about the bullshit moderation of anon.cafe/Christian They deleted my post when i posted this video https://www.bitchute.com/video/B9GPlIxb7sxC/ KJ OZBORNE: 'ALL PORN IS GAY' - SICK SATANIC L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ AGENDA EXPOSED [20.06.2021] and then when i asked them about it they just deleted my post. It's rule 2 all over again.
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>>231 >janny deletes post from schizo trolls >janny deletes post responding to schizo troll so to not derail >janny deletes schizo trolls posts in /meta/ >janny deletes low effort posts >schizo trolls mad
>>233 They always are to be fair.
>>232 >>233 >>234 Satanic conspiracy theories post are not only a part of Christianity but inline with the rules, only incoherent ramblings are against the rules, I even asked the mods about their "skizoposting" rule and they said that it was more how you post not what you post.

Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 22:11:01 Id: 9825d3 No. 215 [Reply]
World Economic Forum says God is dead and Jesus is fake news.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/JYIqmhIIF7x4/ Here is the original video if you're curious.
WEF is literally a Satanic cult
Their god, known to the Christians as Lucifer, is pretty much dead by now.

Why White Nationalism doesn't help the dissident right and the problems with jewpilling Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 07:30:03 Id: c856ca No. 167 [Reply]
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>>188 What am i wrong about?
>>189 dont argue with this fool, he's delusional. Ill check out your articles. I support your cause.
>>220 It's not just saying "white nationalism is racist/bad" it's a right wing look at the problems with white nationalism and jew pilling from a right wing person.

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Anonymous 12/15/2022 (Thu) 22:25:02 Id: 6f53c3 No. 191 [Reply]
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>>199 they said that a mod's password got leaked, and other threads were deleted as well as the one about ethno-nationalism.
Both the link in the OP and the aternative link redirect to https://waifuism.rocks
>>211 Not if you try the link by itself christ-chan.net but it's been 404 for a while now.

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Merry Christmas Anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 22:14:19 Id: 14c2f3 No. 212 [Reply]
Merry Christmas, /christian/! From /co/.
Merry Christmas.

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Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 12:29:34 Id: d6e456 No. 177 [Reply]
Hello, friends of /christian/, we're currently trying to get the Winter version of the Infinity Cup up and running, but we sorely need your help to make it happen. Currently we're looking for a host, a co-commentator and some 3D assets/someone capable of making some. Even just cleaning up a bit of the wiki would help us out immensely. Stay tuned for more and keep us posted on https://anon.cafe/icup/res/4864.html

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A River of the Eden Resists the (((devil))) Anonymous 10/26/2022 (Wed) 15:37:31 Id: 293425 No. 119 [Reply]
>Be a nigger >Sells himself to (((Satan))) >Pushes (((degeneracy))) for so long >Notices (((Satan))) behind the (((wicked ways))) >Realizes (((Satan))) owns even his family >Turns himself to Christ >Repents from his sins >Follows the short path >Names the jew right in the open >(((Satan))) takes his money >Regrets nothing I Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a nigger. Submit yourselves therefore to God[YHWH]. Resist the devil[jew], and he will flee from you [the mark of (((Cain)))]. James 4:7 (KJV)
Yeah when James the Jew said resist the devil he was clearly talking about Jews. You are in deep trouble my friend and need to hear the actual Gospel, you're not on a path to glory. You are not a real Christian I say boldly and you are in fact doing nothing but harm and God will repay you if you continue. You have a filthy mouth and filthy mind and I can say that clearly because you won't deny it, of course you do, you speak like a 4chan user you have not been changed you are still in that culture or racism and awfulness and my friend you need to stop.
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>>119 Absolutely Mein NIgga!
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>>119 >I Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a nigger. All those who didn't reject God, are all the loved sons of God the Only the Eternal the Everloving the Just the Truth. About jews though, don't overstimate them, they are not satan, they are spawns of satan. Satan can only be defeated by God, humans alone can't overcome Satan. Only with faith in God, even an human can make Satan run crying into a dark hole as the defective murderous failure of an angel he is.

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why? Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 16:15:14 Id: 91c4d9 No. 114 [Reply]
because they are christians? and what made them become one?

Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 23:04:56 Id: a26114 No. 47 [Reply]
Anoncafe's /christian/ board is now owned by a talmudic crypto-muslim that censors and bans, with an aggressive passion, true Christians and/or just people who disagree with him. Now, let's make THIS board our new home!
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uh k.
I pee on your soul.
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>>47 all anoncafe is jewed just look at the other boards there full of satanic leftists, and obviously also jews that place reads like a reddit sub https://anon.cafe/christian/

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