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Was the OT faith Jewish? Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 02:10:42 Id: 6bd067 No. 408
Prove it wasn't
>>408 >Prove it wasn't Can't prove a negative, smartass.
>>408 Judaism did not exist till after Christianity.
You'll have to define jewish first.
Before you read my arguments, i'm trying to debunk this idea of "Jesus not being a Jew" because i think it might be wrong, not because i'm some /pol/ atheist or pagan who thinks Christianity is a jewish ploy, i'm a Christian but if it's true that Jesus was not a jew then that is fine as well as if he was to me, i don't subscribe to the idea that all jews are evil regardless of their conspiratorial presence. Even if Jesus was not a Jew that wouldn't mean that all Jews are evil now, all of humanity is evil as the Bible teaches. I think it's pretty convincing that OT faith was not Jewish but there is a lot of things that are established as Jewish but are hard to prove like Hebrews being Jewish. Even Martin Luther said in "The Jews and their Lies" that no one can take away the Jewish connection to the Old Testament. I know that Christian Zionism is wrong and that the Jews of today are not the chosen nation of israel. >>412 one of you says that Judaism didn't exist until after Christianity but that one webm about Judah being the father of the Jewish people happened in ancient OT times? >>413 >Define Jewish 1) was born to a Jewish mother or 2) had formally converted to the religion of Judaism, or having a relation to the Jewish religion in ethnicity or religion, But one of you define it as as only coming from one of the 12 tribes specifically Judah. As a Jew, Jesus observed Passover (John 2:13), the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2, 10), and Hanukkah, (John 10:22). Jesus was called the King of the Jews (Mark 15:2). >“He came to His own [the Jewish people], and His own [the Jews] did not receive Him” (John 1:11, NKJV) >"You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we [Jews] know what we [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22) Here are some sources that say "The Jews and the Samaritans are descendants of the ancient Israelites." according to Adams, Hannah (1840). The history of the Jews : from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present time. Sold at the London Society House and by Duncan and Malcom, and Wertheim. and Brenner, Michael (2010). A short history of the Jews. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press and Ostrer, Harry (2012). Legacy : a Genetic History of the Jewish People. Oxford University Press and Kartveit, Magnar (1 January 2014). "Review of Knoppers, Gary N., Jews and Samaritans: The Origins and History of Their Early Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013)". Journal of Hebrew Scriptures. My question is can you prove the Jews were not descendants of the ancient Israelites?
>the tenets of Shinto were codified in the 8th century >therefore, despite the rituals and belief system of Shinto being in existence before this time, no Shintoists existed prior wew
>>416 >the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH is not a Jew wew
>Not posting the debate from the original thread
Yes, it was I suppose.
>>416 The tribe of the jews & the religion judaism are different things. Just as this same video shows hebrews & jews are separate tribes.
>>423 Sounds like a contradiction, doesn't there need to be Judaism to have Jews?
>>426 No.
Then explain to me why the idea of the Jews coming from the 12 tribes is wrong?
>>408 >Jewish As related to modern Rabbinic Judaism? Is that what your asking? If so, by the 2nd temple period, especially by the time of the apostles, there were multiple strains of Judaism. Christianity is in direct continuity with the 2nd Temple both in theology and praxis. Modern Rabbinic Judaism came on the seen much later with creation of the Talmud and Masoretic text.
>>417 Actually yes, the shamanism and nature worship in Japan that existed before the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki were written were completely different things. As well, that bears no equivalency to the question at hand in this thread.
>>408 Jesus was Jewish. This is not a problem. People who think it is don't understand the Jewish problem. I say this as an active "anti-Semite".
>>426 What he's trying to say is that Rabbinic Judaism which arose after the destruction of Israel is different to Second Temple Judaism. The former is an enemy of Christ and misleads millions. The latter was fulfilled in Christ.

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