/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 07:14:45 No. 88
/cb/ - cutebois, a board for adult gay men, 3D/2D homo porn, and hanging out. Rules 1. No pedoshit 2. No drug use, or drug talk 3. Try to be nice to anons Thats it! Other than that welcome and come on in.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/17/2025 (Fri) 14:17:42.
>no talks about hormone treatment good thing I just now finished the telomerase repackager/bone demodeling CASaR
>>137 >glowchan no thank you
>>137 >year of apocalypse >still shilling cp virus site
(492.03 KB 827x1170 trans party perk.jpg)

>>141 HRT time
>>216 No trannies allowed.
happy birthday kazu
>>264 My birthday is in like 7 months but thank you anyway.
>>265 remember not to ask for another one in 7 months
slightly nicer to look at CSS, i suppose...
>>283 Yotsuba P is getting quite popular as a base for custom themes, I see.
>>301 I like it, it's really easy on the eyes. I might go a bit further with the CSS like I did with my themes from /tw/ but I don't want to stride away too far from the more vanilla Yotsuba look.
>>94 >noo you can't self-augment >nooo you have to age out >noooo you aren't allowed to compete with women >nooooo my loyal army of simps with untreated BPD will make you pay for your insolence, the natural order is real and I am at the top of it Loving Every Laugh
>>475 Nothing is stopping you from making a suicide pact board of your own where you convince people of a questionably low age to permanently alter their body chemistry. Here people just want to gay post without needing to be pestered by you insufferable creeps.
>>478 I second this. Aye.
>>478 wait if they're a questionably low age then why like, this board is for porn. what are you saying
>>478 also nothing stopped you from making a pact with radfems who privately post about how they want porn banned and all men over the age of 21 ground up into dog chow but maybe it should've
>>483 But I'm not the one complaining about the rules of this board, you are. I have no reason to make pacts with anyone. >>482 I'm just alluding to the fact that trannies seem to consistently target young impressionable men to convince to fuck their bodies up with drugs permanently.
>>475 >>noo you can't self-augment <comparing troon HRT pills to cyberpunk augmentation Am I reading this right?
>>485 figured out that "femboy" is the sop they're gonna throw to GNC males, but also that the no-HRT thing is about making sure that competition with biofoids is artificially limited to the five or six guys with perfect genetics who don't need it for the three or four years they're capable of doing it also just kind of generally upset about how the Tumblr Feminist was a stock figure of derision on the chans until like 2018, at which point for some unknown reason everyone did a 180 and adopted their shit
>>492 It's okay to not look like a woman. It's okay to be masculine. You don't need to compete with anyone and desperately try to achieve some arbitrary aesthetic standard so you can be a degenerate slut until you blow your brains out when you turn 30. But with the kind of posts you're making you should probably kill yourself a lot sooner than that because holy fuck you're insufferable.
>>493 >You don't need to compete with anyone see the problem with this is you don't understand how men work like the Gender Positivity shit you have to run in order to compensate for the Gender Critical shit was only ever workshopped with women and their simps so it completely fails to hit you're telling a guy that he doesn't have to compete, doesn't have to fuck, doesn't have to hold himself to arbitrary standards, and certainly doesn't have to compete and hold himself to arbitrary standards in order to fuck and like have you been present for the past million years of human existence
>>493 >no-HRT thing is about making sure that competition with biofoids is artificially limited It's about not turning people into freaks of nature witha fucked up hormonal imbalance that will cause inreparable harm to a person.
>>495 They don't say that about juicers, though, because women don't see juicers as competing with them, and therefore as a moral crisis.
>>496 So you are saying that the anti-HRT argument is an exclusively feminist one?
>>494 I mean you don't "have" to do any of that to fuck. You've constructed this world where you're competing with women for what I guess we would call "straight" or higher quality men, because we all know "gay" men are plenty willing to fuck literally anything that moves. I honestly can't imagine my life revolving so heavily around sex and gender identity that I would permanently fuck up my hormone profile on the hopes that it would attract a specific kind of guy as you desperately try and "compete" with roasties. If I lived like that I feel like I would be in a constant state of anxiety. I mostly just feel bad for people like you because your mental comfort is completely and utterly dependent on external factors that aren't really in your control. I used to think normalniggers lived in blissful ignorance, but now I think their lives are actually filled with 24/7 anxiety based on their obsession with valuing social validation. And that sounds completely and utterly fucking exhausting.
>>498 Anon, he is a mentally ill tranny. Crazy people don't act logically or rationally. Be kind.
>>499 Don't reply to my posts. I don't need your backup.
>>499 >Be kind This is me being kind.
>>500 You're metnally ill too.
>>500 That's not how imageboards work, holy shit. Kill yourself.
>>503 There's only two people on any given imageboard.
>>504 Yes, that's correct. I'm a dog.
>>498 Again, you don't get it. You're talking about permanently fucking up your body - that's what being a man is. Powerlifters have their knees go out, boxers end up retarded, racers get a bunch of G-related microinjuries everywhere. And - you can't validate yourself, either. People, let alone men, who ignore external validation are "lolcows", and most of the internet is dedicated to punishing them for this effrontery. (Also, "not giving a shit what other people think" is an off-ramp to transitioning.) Like, if you want to eliminate something that takes young, impressionable men, feeds them dreams of glory and belonging, and mostly gets them killed or maimed, you can start with war.
>>506 >comparing HRT and plastic surgery to athletic achievement This is your brain on nihilism
>>507 If you don't get it, you don't get it. It's still true, though.
>>508 Anything is true under a nihilistic framework. If two people aren't operating under the same fundamental framework then it's virtually impossible to have a meaningful conversation. If we're going to say that every single goal shares equal merit then I can assert that being the best at smearing shit on my face is as "valid" as being the worlds best bench presser. Under the framework you're operating in that is technically true, but most people would find a framework that permits that kind of thinking counter productive to the human experience. Technically speaking what is the difference between someone lifting heavy weights and smearing shit on their face? There is no actual benefit to doing either of them. There is no intrinsic value in lifting world record weights. There is almost only intrinsic risk. And there is no intrinsic value in smearing shit on your face, only intrinsic risk, maybe even less risk than lifting heavy weights. When your world view puts smearing shit on your face in the same category as Olympic weight lifting I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate things. This is why nihilism is a joke.
>>506 Your shit's all retarded.
>>490 All true. >>491 I guess. Weird. >>493 Hell yeah. Preach it bro.
>>506 That's not what lolcows are bud. Uh. Trannies can fuck right off though.
The tranny made a board lol
>>535 Yeah I saw that. Mild chuckle. Back to being shocked at Chris-chan.
>>509 If nature says one thing, and you say another, and your approach is not to put nature to the sword - to have it crawling at your feet, begging to be allowed to change - then you don't have to worry about whether you're trans or not, because you weren't any kind of man in the first place. Tell a man something's immutable - doesn't have to be sex, doesn't have to be gender - he doesn't hunker down and put his tail between his legs and accept that there are just things stronger than him. He drops a nuclear arsenal on it. This goes triple if it's a personal limitation. Maybe you don't understand that, but it's the only truth that matters.
>>623 You're just reiterating the same position. All I did was point out that under your nihilistic framework smearing shit on your face is no different than Olympic weightlifting. If you consider that kind of perspective conducive to a meaningless human experience then that's fine, we simply disagree that eating shit is a productive activity. Eat all the shit you want though my man.
>>624 meaningful*
>>623 Yeah, but giving up, chopping off your cock, and calling it good enough. Is not the act of a man. That sort of temper tantrum is indicative of a woman or child. You haven't conquered anything and your delusion on that is your stumbling block.
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I was in the middle of a fap session when I saw pic related and decided to make a banner from it. Here's the source btw: https://e-hentai.org/g/1807507/d75b199176/
>>654 Nice banner anon!
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>>655 Here's another two (+alt) with their respective sources since I'm in the mood for making banners. Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/26654959>>655
>>661 Ooooo Kaz add these please. Very classy.
>>662 >>654 I'll add this stuff. Thanks, they are nice. Sorry for not noticing earlier.
This board is really gay.
>>683 No shit genius
>683 Is it? I thought this was the cooking board
I had a great idea for trolling Kazu. I was gonna post that new MLP trailer and pretend to be excited about it. Act super annoying til he gets sick of it and kills the thread (it's off topic anyways) then ban evade and post the trailer in every thread. But then I realized I would have to download the trailer. And watch it again to make sure there were no errors. And then I became far too depressed to play this prank. It's astoundingly bad. Have you seen the new art?
(338.58 KB 300x100 rim-ez.gif)

New banner. Duplicated some frames and edited the tempo a bit because it was a bit too fast in the original gif.
>>731 That's how you get intestinal parasites.
>>731 Added >>722 It's such fucking hot garbage, I hated everything about it.
>>737 It reminds me of of the 90s when established franchises from comics and books were adapted for a movie. Everyone is so worried the common guy won't watch it they add all this stupid gimmicky bullshit. Which is weird because clearly the series can stand on its own. It doesn't need a heavy handed adaption complete with new art "style". I find the lack of faith in the series kind of depressing.
>kaz deletes all his pics off his old theme repository. Weak
>>779 How did you find out about that reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>801 I mean there's a month old thread where someone complains about how hot it is in the desert. In july. Honestly thought I had tipped my hand a while ago. The better question is how did the /vv/ guy find it. A day or two ago. Answer. In the /gg/ thread someone asked about several old boards. Including you know know which one. After your name was mentioned in relation to it, someone then put 2 and 2 together. So that's the answer. Also you are very good looking and shouldn't be embarrassed.
>>813 Ah I see, it's probably the same handful of niggers (like the totfag) who are often saying shit. I personally don't care much, I find it somewhat funny and amusing. That board is just mostly something I use to blogpost from time to time. Hopefully no one saved those pics.
>>821 It is kinda funny yeah. And I'm sure if anyone did save pics, they did so for personal use only.
>>822 Fair enough.
>>683 this board is reaaaally gay~~~ <3
>>1219 Sir, this is a Wendy's
>>1220 Oh. Well then just give me a baconater then.
>>1253 Right on
>make a post with files >delete it because I forgot a pic >try to repost it >r9k filters don't let me post because the files still are in the servers Stupid broken gayass filters, and stupid broken gayass brazilian developer who created them.
>>1433 modify the hash
>>1593 Okay I killed the tranny thread and like 7 pedo shitposters. Good? Lemme know.
>>1595 Good. Keep it up. Sooner in the future.
>>1596 Kaz is busy I'm filling in. Sorry.
>>1597 What a shame.
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Ah Shiro Amada. What a cute boi. And what's this? He reads? Well hell anons. How are you gonna attract him if your illiterate? Better brush up on some books. And on that note I draw your attention to /lit/ which just started a book club and has invited us all to come and read some words. This month they are reading fight club by chuck palahniuk. Bretty gud. If your bored why not come check it out? >>>/lit/334
(973.48 KB 480x300 glados.gif)

Still alive
>>1738 dead board
Whatever happened to the soccer contest?
Fuck niggers shit
>>1782 I too dislike niggers. They are singularly unlikable.
I'm retarded and I can't find the b00typurr thread.
>>1957 I'm not sure we have one of those. You should make one.
>>1957 >>1990 I'm pretty sure he's underage
Currently looking for a volunteer. Due to unforeseen consequences, we lost a valuable asset (Possibly dementia)
Edited last time by kazu on 10/15/2021 (Fri) 04:00:21.
>>2008 Kazu got dementia?
who the hell is the, too whom and your mother?
>>2033 The quick brown fox jumped over the fence
>>88 Why is these board so gay? I don't understand it.
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tooo girly?
>>2271 nah the works fantastically
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New banners!
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>>2537 Moar banners!
>>2537 >>2548 Very nice anon! Excellent work.
>>2549 Glad you liked it. Feel free to request more, or a spoiler image.
>>2550 >a spoiler image Shit we don't have a custom do we. Hmmm well we certainly could use one. Lemme think on it. Or if you have any ideas just go for it.
>>2551 >Lemme think on it Take your time. It's getting late where I live, so I'll probably check the thread in the morning.
>>2552 Yeah late here too. Have a good night anon!
>>2537 >>2548 Very nice banneranon, thanks! make more cat noir pls i beg you
>>2551 If I recall correctly the spoiler image on old /cb/ was some police officer femboy, with the police tape saying "spoiler" on it.
>>2555 (checked) testing
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>>2554 >make more cat noir pls i beg you Here's another one with two versions, plus 3 other banners.
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>>2557 And here's a custom spoiler at 2 resolutions, plus two banners I managed to rescue from the original /cuteboys/ at 8ch.net.
>>2559 Great shit as always. How did you find the old /cb/ banners?
>>2561 >How did you find the old /cb/ banners? I searched /cuteboys/ on archive.org. They blacklisted 8chan's main media server's URL so none of the archives had visible files, but during a brief period of time the banners had a different URL that archive.org saved.
Can I be in a banner if I'm smooth and there's no nudity?
>>2631 If you have a photo that can look good at the resolution (300x100px) and aspect ratio (3:1) of the banners I could turn it into a banner for /cb/.
(33.44 KB 500x281 Why is everyone gay.jpg)

>>2656 Because penises are more aesthetic than vaginas, objectively speaking.
>>2657 Man got a point.
>>2655 Sorry I don't think I'm a banner boy. Maybe I'll go for a walk into the forest and get some pics with me further away
>>2662 Perfect
(34.31 KB 300x100 ass.jpg)

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(28.96 KB 300x100 tummy b.jpg)

(30.42 KB 300x100 tummy c.jpg)

>>2661 Ehh, good enough. I adapted the pics to fit with the required size and ratio. Personally I like the first two banners more than the rest, but is up to the BO to choose between them.
>>2675 They look like CP. Unless OP is going to post the full images so you can verify they aren't then delete them.
>>2674 You good sir deserve a cuddle and a milkshake. Unless you're lactose intolerant... thank you
>>2676 When blown up on a 32" 4k monitor the bodies look like someone's removed the hair in photoshop. And smoothed them a little
>>2678 If you can't reasonably discern something is CP or not then it should be assumed to be CP. While that technically can apply to a lot of the content posted here I think in this instance it's clearly stepping over the line on purpose and should be avoided in good faith wherever possible.
>>2679 You make a good point anon. It's probably CP and shouldn't be used as banner as it could be used to incriminate the grand-master fuhrer BO. Best to not use it
>>2674 Added the first 3 cuz I liked them, great stuff and thanks as always.
>>2685 Thank you Mr BO sir
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>>2685 Have another two banners, one using >>2673 as a base. I couldn't decide between leaving the original contrast or altering it, so I made two versions to let you choose. Also here's the source of the 2nd banner.
>>2690 Thanks banneranon. You ever think about joining the matrix server?
>>2693 Will there be cake?
>>2702 No. Pie only.
>>2704 I do like me some pie. How does one matrix? Is it 'stick in pie' or do I have to download the tedious app and give it my information and first born son?
>>2705 'Stick dick in pie'
>>2705 Matrix is a protocol. There are many clients for it but the main one is Element. If you use the default matrix home server it requires an email. You can use other home servers that don't require emails. You can usually just use a throwaway email then delete that email from your account so it's a non-issue.
>>2707 I have 6 email adreses that use TOR. I'll allocate one and see what this Matrix protocol is all about. But if another platform for sharing odd looking dick pics, I'm going out in the forest and not coming back
I downloaded element and the link isn't valid. No dick in pie for me
>>475 ppl who say that shit should have to fuck the most walled fetlife crossdressers of all time. taser for flinching/crying if they talk about how you can be a "handsome man" instead, someone helps them man up by throwing dodgeballs full of oobleck at their head in 4c weather
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>>2657 I unironically think even some straight guys will agree with this. I'm bi but, from a visual standpoint, most vaginas just look like folds over folds of skin and even the better looking ones only do so so long as you inspect too much. Whilst an average uncut penis evokes smooth perfection when erect. As if carved out of granite, they represent an intoxicating power.
>>3042 *dont inspect too much
>>3042 Both men and women can have ugly or attractive penis/vagina. It's genetics.
>>3414 Most women have unattractive vaginas. An unattractive vagina is essentially the default. A typical dick is just normal looking, ignoring the fact that most of them are mangled from involuntary genital mutilation.
I forgot how cringe the start of this thread was.
>>3415 To be fair, nobody ever says primary sex characteristics are attractive. It's always the secondary ones, it's why guys look at tits and asses and girls look at muscles.
>>2548 >>2557 >>2559 He's just so perfect, honestly I don't even care that much about Ladybug all I want is to see more of Chat Noir
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>>3908 based cat enjoyer
>>3909 How can one boy be so fucking perfect just to be stuck on such an average kid show? Guess I shouldn't even be surprised, Ladybug is filled with wasted opportunity.
>>3959 Many such cases.
>>3959 whats so bad about that
Which one of you fags is pictured here: https://archive.ph/ko9Ly
Sorry I wasn't there in IRC to answer your questions, Board Owner. As far as I understood, I thought I was not breaking the rules listed by having an IRC thread. I'm not aware of any means of contact aside from this board itself and the channel. Perhaps we can politely discuss this? I am open to whatever you want to do.
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Effective immediately I am assuming control of this board. The plan is simple, more cute boys, less drama. Here's to a new year.
>>4116 >removing rules that prevent trannies shitting up the place Not that it makes a difference since this site will forever be dead regardless.
>>4118 Trannies never shat this place up, that was just kazus personal vendetta. Something I personally have no interest in prosecuting.
>>4119 >Trannies never shat this place up Because they board never acquired any users in the first place. Obviously a dead site and board didn't need to deal with people shitting it up. >that was just kazus personal vendetta No it wasn't. It was a rule made the moment the board was created, and wasn't by "Kazu". At least know the actual history of the board before making random shit up. Like I said, none of this matters because this place is even more dead than it was during the first couple years. But the rule was in place because the original /cuteboys/ board on 8chan prime, as well as basically any "femboy" oriented community on the internet, become filled with trannies calling themselves femboys while they destroy their bodies with hormones so they can pursue their AGP fetish while they are young.
>>4120 You are a negative nancy my friend, well instead of complaining how about we post in the various threads? Life doesn't come from nowhere.
>>4121 Criticism != complaining. And I didn't even imply this board or its BO's were necessarily responsible for it being dead. You just have shit reading comprehension.
>>4123 Your criticism is we need a no trannies rule because they will shit up the board. I hear you, I just don't think its an issue, but hey if it is I'll deal with it, and as far as criticizing the BO goes... Go for it. I just took over last night. I have no pride in psyches work.
>>4124 It's obviously not an issue because no one knows this site even exists. As BO you're free to do whatever you want. You could even argue that doing some big advertising campaign and letting trannies on here would result in more general activity and "save" the board from irrelevancy. Though I seriously doubt anyone here would ever accomplish something like that. I don't really care that much. But the rule was not in place because one of your retarded gvol namefags had a "vendetta". If that board had any sort of existing userbase I would probably be significantly more critical because boards and their culture exist beyond whatever the scope of any individual BO might want. But in this case I'll just call you gay.
>>4125 Well excuse me but no, first of all kaz was a human being, not just a selfless volunteer, also he was my friend. Please don't be a dick to kaz. Thank you. Second of all, if he was the only one here from prime who remembered this vendetta, and actively prosecuted it, would that not in effect make it his own personal vendetta? And second the boards actually always had more activity than it appears, the element group was the biggest part of that iceberg. With that gone there's now an IRC group, which is active as shit. So I thank you for time, but you are incorrect on several factual points.
>>4126 >Well excuse me but no, first of all kaz was a human being, not just a selfless volunteer, also he was my friend. Please don't be a dick to kaz. Thank you. I don't care. All namefags are retarded. >Second of all, if he was the only one here from prime who remembered this vendetta, and actively prosecuted it, would that not in effect make it his own personal vendetta? I don't even think he changed a single rule when he claimed the board. The only way you would know that he personally felt strongly about it would be talking to him in private. So, no? You seem to be under the impression that he developed the basic ruleset you changed, he didn't. >And second the boards actually always had more activity than it appears, the element group was the biggest part of that iceberg. Private chat rooms do not count as board activity you retarded nigger, holy fuck. >With that gone there's now an IRC group, which is active as shit. Ah yes, the key to a quality board. Siphoning all of the users into chat rooms instead of actually using the fucking board. You're a fucking idiot dude.
>>4127 No, I just have a different philosophy than you. See the board exists as a porn dump, as every other porn board, but with the chatroom you funnel all the pointless bickering away from the board, leading to a slower but steadier board. You see it as dead, whereas it has ever been anything but. You speak on the history of THIS board, and yet know nothing about it. Now you may disagree with this philosophy, but I ask you. How many boards have you run? Is your opinion theoretical? Or practical? It matters.
>>4128 >See the board exists as a porn dump Because no one uses it for discussion since you funneled it all away into chatrooms. >leading to a slower but steadier board No, it led to a dead board. >You see it as dead, whereas it has ever been anything but. Nope, it's definitely fucking dead. The fact you think discussion is something that ought to be actively encouraged to move away from an imageboard is a very clear demonstration of your "philosophy". And why the board will continue to remain "steady". You're also omitting the fact that 80% of the posts in the matrix room is just porn dumping that could easily be done here but is instead done there. Almost as if having a bunch of people circlejerking in private chat rooms isn't conducive to creating a good imageboard. Keep deflecting with disingenuous babble though. I'm sure you'll gaslight at least some of the zero people observing this conversation.
>>4129 And you claim to not be a negative nancy, tsk tsk. Anon this facade is very amusing and all, but c'mon. What's your agenda here?
>>4130 I have no agenda. As I said, if someone were to think that being less strict with the rules would open up the board to my activity that would be perfectly logical. I would probably ideologically disagree with it, but would at least make sense and produce some sort of intended result. But instead you just say obviously incorrect bullshit while making passive aggressive remarks. There are perspective that can be disagreed with while still making some sort of sense. Your "perspective" on the other hand is just fucking brain dead. Funneling users off of a board is obviously bad for the boards quality and activity. So I suppose that's my agenda, for people to use imageboards? What a bizarre thing to campaign for, if you ask me. Can't say why I would be of that opinion.
>>4131 But you dont use the imageboard. You specifically declined thirty minutes ago to do just that, now you say you have no agenda, but I thought this was a criticism? But you have no point? Therefore... You are here to complain. GOTO 10
>>4132 Yeah you caught me. There's no fooling you.
>>4133 I mean your picture to word ratio is ridiculous, even the picture to post index is alarming. Anon you are a forum user. For shame. Now lets go pointlessly argue WHILE POSTING PICTURES THAT ARE HOPEFULLY AT LEAST SLIGHTLY TO THE TOPIC OF THE POST in the thread designated for that. This is the meta thread, its more for just "Hey BO this thing is an issue" so I can say "Lol your wrong". Like one and done. But hey I'll take the pph. Anyways theres a discussion thread sir. I shall meet you there. I'll be the guy avatarfagging as kaz
>>4134 As all seasoned imageboard users know, people never use meta threads to criticize BO's. I'm clearly way out of my depth here with how expertly you're exposing my ignorance of imageboard culture.
>>4136 But you already said you dont have a criticism. Sir this is not the complaint thread. That thread fell off the catalog because I never once looked at it.
I'm debating a custom CSS, thoughts?
>>4143 Keep it normal, yotsuba.
>>4143 What exactly did you have in mind?

Quick Reply