/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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New management Anonymous Board owner 12/16/2021 (Thu) 21:12:32 No. 2331
Sup homos. Any ideas or requests for improving the board? Also go join the matrix https://matrix.to/#/#cuteboys:cuum.space
Edited last time by cutemod on 12/16/2021 (Thu) 21:20:06.
>>2331 What happened to Kazoo?
>>2335 He got tired of managing it
>>2335 He decided he just wasn't that into guys, and dedicated his life to banging your mom.
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>>2331 >Any ideas or requests for improving the board? Keep it strictly 2D unless it's convincing cosplay.
be cute and be active
>>2335 The schizophrenia got the better of him.
>>2338 What a fag. >>2343 Such is life as a huemonkey.
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>>2340 While I'm not a fan of 3D porn and 90% of the time I fap to 2D yaoi, I don't think it's fair to exclude 3Dfags, specially when they make most threads.
There isn't much to improve in terms of quality, only quantity. And that requires shilling.
Get it off 8moe. This site is outdated as fuck.
>>2365 Yo momma is outdated as fuck
>>2365 What about it is actually outdated? All seems to work fine to me.
>>2331 >>2331 >Sup homos. Any ideas or requests for improving the board? Deleting the board and not being gay would be a start.
>>2415 ur a faget
More horny hunks & tiny twinks having loving bumsex!
Rename the board to "Cute Boys" since that's what every banner says.
>>2454 Second this. More twinks and cute faced guys. Less 2D on the board as its got its own board, the shota one
>>2673 moar
>>2688 Don't be greedy
More cute LEGAL twinks please
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>>2729 here
>>2740 Thanks Mr Anon. Can you start a new thread and post some and I'll add to it
Get that posting shit sorted out, I have to fight every time (connection error, captcha shit)
>Warning: Block bypasses require cookies to work >You have a valid block bypass. >It still needs validation. >Download the PoW Solver and read it's instructions on how to obtain the code from the following string: are you fucking serious? guys, get the no-cookie captcha fixed
The link should work now.
>>3005 How do I use this? It says "no connection to the server".
>>3008 I usually just paste it into a browser and let it redirect me to the application since I couldn't figure out where to paste the link in the element program itself.
>>2673 lol that last guy looks like the chubby kid from Power Rangers Turbo if he took the femboy pill instead of the chubbier pill when he grew up. god i remember being 14 and spending hours every day writing fanfiction of pervert monsters having his ways with him.
Unpinning the thread because it's not really needed anymore, and there's a different thread to draw attention to the matrix. Plus the one in the OP doesn't even work anymore, I think.

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