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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4016: Up The RA Edition Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 11:53:34 Id: a4d7b8 No. 495264
Musk responds to backlash over kino sperg gesture at Trump Inauguration https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy48v1x4dv4o Starmer says 'terrorism has changed' and that UK faces 'new threat' after Southport murders. spoiler...it's not wogs. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c9q7r4wpep0t Orbán declares offensive to 'occupy Brussels' as Trump presidency begins https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/01/20/orban-declares-offensive-to-occupy-brussels-as-trump-presidency-begins Fortnite Leaks King of the Hill Crossover https://gamerant.com/fortnite-king-of-the-hill-crossover-leak/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdo5QoA_Ofo First for Wallace and Gromit
>>495266 absolute kino, lad.
>>495254 Big hat was probably deliberate. Women work in mysterious ways
>>495270 Good start, Trumpy. 4 years of these please.
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>>495270 Think he confused the PIGS nations with the BRICS nations
Starmer Will Never Tell the Truth https://youtu.be/8QLfsJvc8SI
>>495278 >Think he confused the PIGS nations with the BRICS nations
>>495280 PIGS = Portugal Italy Greece Spain BRICS = Brazil Russia India China South Africa
yeah, I know what it means.
Clearly Trump doesn't or didn't know what BRICS stands for however.
THIS SHOULD FINISH STARMER https://youtu.be/j4ynLki_FbA
>>495284 >All these videos about starmer getting 'finished' Please stahp
The odds on Starmer getting lynched are probably the highest of any prime minister in a long time.
>>495286 lowest*
IT’S HAPPENING! The UK is ROLLING OUT Digital ID's in Starmer’s Surveillance State https://youtu.be/H1b9ZQ9APpQ
>>495289 they found a new Jimmy Cranky?
>>495285 The Backstabbing Has Started - Kier Starmer Gone After May Elections https://youtu.be/x5ybyPE8FUA
>>495290 There are a lot of these feral harry potter/nwobh clone manlets in the scottish left.
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>>495292 >nwobh lad?
>>495293 >new wave of british heavy metal They think getting 'bangs' will make them look like a bird, but instead it makes them look like a third-rate 80s metal guitarist.
sorry nwobhm
>>495295 >nwobhm what a rubbish name for a band
>>495289 Fat Brenda?
>>495299 what the bloke from the chatshow?
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>>495299 >Fat Brenda I think you mean Fatt Deborah lad
Starmer Admits He Knew & BBC Caught Running Damage Control? https://youtu.be/ewBcJhY3x78
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It's over for chudposters in their bedrooms
>>495305 >"terrorism has changed" it changed years ago when Europe opened its borders to "syrian refugees" back in 2015
>>495305 does anyone at all find Starmer's delivery sincere? I can't listen to him for too long before I start to feel ill. It's all so stifled inauthentic and rehearsed Listening to him, I can feel the soul being sucked out of me trying to fill the void where his should be
>>495308 don't get it they're saying he really wanted a latina but got an asian by mistake?
>>495309 Its the usual gay race thing, he should have mixed with X not Y.
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Does anyone have the Scruton noise webm?
>>495301 that's the one
>>495307 It's totally insincere, and he knows more than he's letting on. His nasally voice is fucking grating. I hate it.
>>495308 Jeff bezos latin wife is vile looking.
>>495309 Shitskins seething at the gook/whitoid alliance and demanding we be obsessed with them
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>>495310 >Its the usual gay race thing, he should have mixed with X not Y. I think an asian woman is better from the point of view of IQ not sure what the advantage of Latina would be - aren't they part nigger?
>>495314 looks like a female bogdanov. also was with a negro previously. state of bezos.
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>>495316 I'd prefer not making a mutant of any sort
more chance the baby looks like you with a latina. many hafus just look 100% oriental, of course there are exceptions. Not condoning it either way.
>>495319 are you on the Scam Snyde bandwagon now?
I cba to really care about Asian white mixing there is so many larger issues that are facing our societies rn that it just seems like feminist cope. So many lasses my age never had any kids what's a lad to do? It's like that story of the faroes islands lads all the scandi lasses left so what are the lads supposed to do according to the sigma chudsters? Just have sex with Lydia in skyrim?
you have a gf. breed her. what's with all the overthinking?
I cba to really care about black white mixing there is so many larger issues that are facing our societies rn that it just seems like moid cope. So many lads my age never had any kids what's a lady to do?
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https://youtu.be/UKLO5-2SjdY?t=121 >literally all the 'conspiracy theories' about Southport were true, including Kier personally being involved by being the lawyer who ensured their asylum claims
>>495324 >I cba to really care about black white mixing there is so many larger issues that are facing our societies rn that it just seems like moid cope. So many lads my age never had any kids what's a lady to do? you're a lady?!?!?!?
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>>495326 I'm just inverting the point dumb fuck. I don't like any form of race-mixing, it means less hwhite children.
>>495325 >117k subscribers didn't realise he was doing so well
>>495328 tbh, he's got a really dumb theory saying that its good we have so many women fucking other races because its us losing our dysgenics and making the hwhite race stronger by purging these types.
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>that lad who believes strange and absurd claims about small rw youtubers is here
>>495314 yeah idk why he wouldn't get a smokeshow. I assume all these rich guys with ugly wives are nonces or something >>495316 >not sure what the advantage of Latina would be they're part European, some of them are like 7/8ths European >aren't they part nigger? depends on the country. Dominicans are, some Colombians/Venezeulans/Ricans/Cubans are. also a small part of Mexico, but not most of it. in general though most of them are mestizas, European/Indio mix with no negroid admixture
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surreal watching leftoids freak out thinking based people took over when it's just a different clique of globalist oligarchs >muh abortion trannies immigrant browns, muh hateful incel Andrew Tate manosphere, muh Elon Zuckerberg fascism
basically their intelligence is so low that they are basically animals but they have the ability to move their human mouths to verbalize words and they know how to type words on a keyboard but there is nothing of substance in their mind
>>495332 mentally ill mongs, winding each other up into a frenzy of mass hysteria. Seen it so many times.
>>495330 >that lad who believes strange and absurd claims about small rw youtubers is here who is that?
>>495331 >they're part European, some of them are like 7/8ths European but they still look more niggy than white Asians have higher IQ too
>>495332 even a slight move towards the right the left call "fascism" been like that for decades
>>495334 what irks me is when they call their beliefs, "values". they don't call them "morals" because they don't believe in morality, and are against every 'moral'. their 'values' are basically 'morals' inverted morals: >religion good, abortion bad >family good, gay/tranny bad >in-group loyalty good, treason bad >domesticated woman good, feral woman bad "values": >religion bad, abortion good >family bad, gay/tranny good >in-group loyalty bad, treason good (if white) >domesticated woman bad, feral woman good
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>>495336 I've been warming up to gooks recently. the Japan-Korea-China-Vietnam belt has some pretty-faced women, I've underestimated the continental ones in that respect. also perhaps with age I'm becoming less tits/ass-obsessed >>495336 >but they still look more niggy than white nah. look at this one for example, the one I flirted with many years back lookd kinda like this. not as big booba but similar ass and prettier face, no tattoos, not trashy. still think about her occasionally apparently- that's what happens when you don't go out and find new foids for your lizardbrain to fixate on, you're stuck with ancient memories
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oyyy veyyy the ADL isn't kvetchin' hahd enough, I'm reporting them foah antisemitism this is in response to the ADL tweet on Elon's Roman
problem with impregnating Asians though is that the sons you'd get from that are pretty much worthless. cute daughters but what's the point of that? <insert raising a daughter is the ultimate cuck copypasta here> honestly just knowing that my spawn is gestating in a low test Asian womb would bother me. rice coochie good for fucko boingo probably but not for actual insemination
plus they can't even give natural birth to hapa babies since the heads are too big, they need C-section. clearly not meant to happen. I guess if you really have yellow fever then the whole 'your oversized neanderthal baby cannot breach the narrow rice vagina' could give some gratification to some but that's not my thing really
>>495323 Basically, you can overthink this
>>495301 >poombs being unironic frens with unironically blacked trannies
>>495344 Didn't want to know that.
>>495345 Don't worry, Poombs is still pure and swiped left on a BBC on grindr because he didn't like how it looked or something like that
well this was before we lost contact with poombles. Who knows what he has been up to the last 3 months
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>Newbrit are trannies Keeeeek, utter state of that cohort
>>495350 keek smh keeking at this leaves a sour tasterino in my mouth. Hate him, lads
>>495350 THIS UGLY LIBERAL Is Sieg Heiling IN FRONT OF MILLIONS and basically, you are fucking stupid How? ..Just Watch The Free Video
New containment poll, Tories are still behind Submit UK. Could this be fake right-wing party A replacing fake right-wing party B?
>>495353 This country is beyond repair.
He did it.
>>495355 That was the very least he owed them, 4 years late.
Yeah right m9
>>495353 FPTP, so Labour supremacy ad infinitum due to the split right wing vote. Not that the PMs from Cameron onwards have been conservative in the slightest anyway.
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yookay in whitechapel
>>495360 Whitechapel is in Bangladesh.
>>495354 Our people aren't and that's what matters. >>495359 Due to FPTP and the vote split we would be forced into changing to PR, if the vote is split like this. Or conservatives will begin to shrink and dissipate. The biggest issue I see with this is if Reform and Conservatives unify.
>>495360 >Ukay? no, I'm really not.
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>>495367 hullo lad >>495365 yeah I noticed that too
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>daddy's back >biscuit status: buttered >jive status: buck dancing >bum status: broken I cannot imagine calling another man on any fucking level "daddy".
>>495369 I cannot imagine calling another man on any fucking level "daddy". first time I ever saw this was milo calling trump it.
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>>495369 Utter state of bucks
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>>495356 must be difficult being so tall so young wew alex is looking great
>>495373 Big Pharma Ozempic out there working miracles wonder if there will be any long term effects.
>>495322 >So many lasses my age never had any kids what's a lad to do? >what's a lad to do? >what's a lad to do? >what's a lad to do? >what's a lad to do? >what's a lad to do? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij1ZLvbcpCI
Got these figures wrong India needs to repatriate 81,000,000 citizens Tbh reeking rapey retards
>>495339 They don’t want you. You are dark skinned smelly monkey for them
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Just put the bins out
>>495384 >These ‘based’ nationalists and people like the Lootisers unironically calling for TikTok to be sold to an (((@merican))) coompany
Trump's Executive Orders - It's BASED Christmas!!! https://youtu.be/xKQwM8mtVPA
>>495388 >Andy Nog
>trick lads into joining military to fight drug cartels >deploy them to Middle East to die in Israel vs Iran war Drumpf/10
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>>495389 >not appreciating based gays kinda cringe bro
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Why is it some lads here are so addicted to blackpills they refuse whitepills when they are offered?
>>495393 What whitepills? We are mostly blackpilled because we struggle to see a way our people survive this century.
Didn't it turn out he was quietly bumming a brownoid for a pair of glasses?
>>495394 >We are mostly blackpilled because we struggle to see a way our people survive this century. England is dead, for sure, largely due to the gentle corrosive influence of Christianity, but white people will survive elsewhere
>>>495396 such an ignorant post, fuckoff spic
>>495396 >but white people will survive elsewhere Where? Not the US, or Germany or Russia. Where will this great white redoubt be?
>>495392 Anyone who partakes in anal penetration isn't worthy of respect or admiration, male or female.
>>495399 if you don't know that you're not going to make it lad
>>495400 what about the glory of Rome?
>>495399 It's spic, ignore him he's not even white and a total jerrycuck
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>>495403 spic is here?
>>495401 >LARPing smh >>495403 Ah fairs
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hear that sound beloved? yeah its the sound of pussy running away from spic at the speed of science
>>495406 spic is into feet not pussy lad
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek its bins he's the one thats obsessed with welby
your spicdars need to be recalibrated
>>495409 it's still a bloody johnny foreigner who knows nothing nor cares about britain or its history and here just to posture
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>>495411 England is no longer a country of villages and spires but a land of motorways, airports, and glass towers
>>495412 Even then pointing to ruins of what once was is not proof of an existing country.
If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. And think, this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind, no less Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given; Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.
The Lotus Eaters REACT to TRUMP'S Inauguration https://youtu.be/-DO4WRBkDac
>>495412 I love private transportation and you know it's good because the WEF want to take it away, but did you know the first express way was not the german Autobahn, but instead was built for the financial district in New York? Whose idea amongst every other terrible idea ever thought up do you think this one was
>>495417 lad I'm not spic
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Why do we blackpill? It's simple, there are those of us who engage in activism and know things will not "fix themselves." So we must not get complacent EVER because without struggle there is no growth. You have to address the issues and you have to slap people in the face with it. If you only engage in panglossian bashfulness you will miss all the key details. It's like doing an exam without studying and expecting to pass with full marks.
In case you missed it, Wessex will soon be arrested for extremism. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn8xykr5v95o
>>495420 >Former Counter-Extremism Commissioner Dame Sara Khan I fucking hate this country.
>Barrister Ramya Nagesh
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>>495419 being an activist is the opposite of being blackpilled you mong activists believe change is possible and work towards that end, blackpillers belive noting is possible and try to prevent others from trying to change anything blackpillers create a self fulfilling prophecy
>>495420 wessex isn't in PA
>>495423 I say fight all you like, reealisticly there will be no change before some great collapse where the current system simply becomes unsustainable.
>>495421 >Dame Sara Khan yeah they appointed a Muslim to investigate the threat of Islamic Terrorism, and she concluded that it's white people that are the problem hence Ben John got prison for reading books, while legit jihadi Axel Rugebana successsfully stabbed 11 kids
>>495423 You are arguing about semantics.
>>495426 We literally have brown foreigners concluding native resentment is the fucking problem and entrenched in our elite caste. This timeline is beyond fucked.
>>495425 > there will be no change before some great collapse where the current system simply becomes unsustainable. collapse is inevitable at this point, the system has never been weaker, but the best way to accelerate that collapse is to push things further to the Right it's like, the best way to break a piece metal is to wiggle it forwards and backwards until the strain makes it snap
>>495429 All the wiggling is being done by the middle management retards running this system.
>>495430 >All the wiggling is being done by the middle management retards running this system. they are the ones trying to keep the system together the way to break it is to continually apply pressure the other way
>>495431 They very preassure they apply to keep it together is unsustainable. It's creaking under it's own wait without a bunch of powerless autists getting put in prision for reading books.
>>495432 > It's creaking under it's own wait without a bunch of powerless autists getting put in prision for reading books. Honestly I think the case of Ben John is an excellent way to apply pressure to the system - it highlights how absurd and dysfunctional it is I bring it up to normies all the time and they can barely believe it
>>495434 Except it's been going on for ages and it's never been an issue. Labour voters I know think two tier policing is a retarded right wing conspiricy theory.
Woke Bishop Drives National Prayer Service Off the Rails in Bizarre Stunt devout Christians being cringe as usual https://youtu.be/NaIlNOnIMWc
>>495435 > Labour voters I know think two tier policing is a retarded right wing conspiricy theory. you actually know Labour voters?
Still the more they have to pretend browns being violent animals is directly comprable to reading books the weaker they look.
>>495437 Yes. It's a bit like knowing tory voters or the apolitical, a lot of ideology and not a lot of grounding.
>>495439 you need to know more grounded people tbh I can actualy talk to my neighbours about this stuff and they are on the same page, we all agree
>>495440 I don't care what it proves to me is just like SA we're going to have ideologes that will literally support hostile foreigners because of some sort of supposed transcendent set of beliefs.
>>495436 They're not devout. Fuck off.
>>495419 good lad
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just want to listen to creed and watch pig fights and play skyrim
>>495428 tbh at this point I am more mad at other whitoids for this situation
>>495446 Tbh, it is our own weakness that lead to this.
Something my mummy does whenever I bring up anything >which study supports that? Next time I get a study >Ah, well you can get the data to say anything She's a far left researcher for the NHS smh
>>495448 Yeah when ideology supplants reality.
>>495448 leftist female bureaucrats and jews were the primary instrument in the death of empirical rationalism and the enlightenment. they just globbed onto all this kike shit at the universities as vehicles to legitimize their retarded bougie lifestyle quirks with no thought to the fact that they have paved the way for a shizophrenic flat earth alex jones redneck methhead warlord future
>>495450 I personally prefer the concept of my reality is greater than yours due to my superior grasp of violence. It just seems like a return to equilibrium also women of all groups need reminding they have no power whatsoever in that context.
>>495451 its easy enough to say on the internet but we shall see how great it is for superstition and ritualism to defeat the 'truth" of science and replace empiricism as a truth with empiricism as a ritual of the white magicians
>>495452 Our magic will always be greater and that's why everyone had to kowtoe to us just to catch up in the first place. It'll be like the first caliphate where they raided the ancient greek archives but couldn't replicate the processes of production because it clashed so heavily with their own worldview.
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>>495453 yeah I don't believe in white supremacy sorry I think whitoids should survive and are important but I think white niggerism is another aspect of the jews strategy the fact that a bunch of williams online who never breed know some cool facts about ancient rome doesn't mean that most of our race has become white niggers who can't even roof houses anymore
sorry to black pill but I just think that china and korea and japan is gonna be where all the future shite is taking place where here is going to be white nigger retards reinventing the wheel but idk I guess i am a cynic
>>495450 My youngest sister asked me about the fall of the Roman empire, so I tell her about the Germans slaves becoming citizens and how it started ethnic violence for control of the empire. And mummy smugly goes it sounds like it was a good thing because it stopped the Romans from engaging in slavery. Smh smh >>495451 While I agree that's too hostile for me to say to mummy.
>>495456 china just has to figure out aircraft engines and it'll be lift off.
>>495456 Japan is getting pooed, and the world can't be shared between China and South Korea. There's a massive power imbalance. If China rules as sole hegemon it could decay like it has beforehand.
>>495455 Which is great but still take pride in us developing the process. Decay of knowledge isn't unique but what trhe west has achieved in recorded history is. >>495456 We'll see ultimately I truely believe there are periods of great advance and then stagnation. You have to remember the Chinese reached south africa 4000 years ago and then stagnated for another 4000 years. Maybe it's a bit to spenglarian for your taste but I do think we will eventually rise out of this pit and we along with the eastern civilizations have alone shown the propensity for complex organisation.
Hell even facorio is a test on organising complex systems.
>>495458 Lad, China has learnt a lot of things fast. It's gone from the J-7 to the J-20 in like 30 years. They have advanced very fast in our lifetimes.
>>495462 A lot of that was ripped form now decaying programs like the F-22, interestingly the chinks can't replicate it and neither can the US anymore.
>>495464 They have stolen a lot, and will continue to do so. It doesn't matter if they steal, if they can replicate well enough. With their advantage in quantity they can make up for quality. I don't like chinks and I hate that we will pass the world over to them but we have to be honest about their achievements or we are LARPing.
>>495465 I am being honest and they l ike the Russians are still struggling with advanced 5th gen fighters as is the US seen with the constantly mounting cost of the F-35 program.
Although with the US it's more about trying to make one frame do everything under the sun.
>>495460 I agree 100 percent
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Is CANZUK even a thing anymore?
>>495462 There's no question how fast they have advanced but they still struggle to understand a lot of things like rockets, missiles and other aviation things like spacecraft and quantum computing and they even have problems with their pharmaceuticals. Don't even get me started on their environmental stuff. It is all far from perfect but considering the investments they have made, they have been remarkable.
>>495471 I still reckon they'll have to invade Taiwan to figure out the arcane secrets of 8nm processing chips.
>>495442 "devout christian" is what the board filters chrístcúck too
>>495470 It is the greatest form of larp actually reuniting the anglosphere and unfortunately there are enough browns in each country collectively that it wouldn't correct a thing.
>>495466 They are more advanced than Russia in most ways apart from engines which they have bought off Russia and are reverse engineering. They like 60 J-20s iirc. They have demonstrators for 6th gen military jets. Yes, they are struggling but they are pushing through the struggle. You are doing them down unfairly, I hate chinks but we have to accept reality. We can't do what Hitler did with the Soviets. >>495471 Lad, yes there are issues and they are from from perfect or amazing. But they are achieving despite these issues they have. And they have time on their side to catch up as we decline. They will inherit the world if we don't unfuck ourselves.
>>495475 What I meant about the replication issue is that they like the russians never achieved the same sort of stealth profile as the F-22 which was literally being developed in the 1980's. You just have to look at the size of the comparative craft. As for engines I really can't say last I checked was at least 8 years ago and the Chinese were still having engine flame outs.
>>495470 CANZUK can only work through a shared ethnic loyalty, with our demographic replacement ongoing it's dead. First we must rediscover the importance of our blood, then we can think about it. Maybe in the future it is more than LARP, but there will need to be a huge amount of change beforehand. Also CANZUK is a gay name, the Imperial Federation is better. Has more majesty. LARP I've had about it these last couple months: If we unfuck ourselves first, which I believe is most likely if it does happen at all, we can fund ethnic partisans to create trouble and to invite us over to save them from their oppressive governments.
the muh asian only replicate memi is like 40 years out of date. in burgerland they have to take 70 years out of retirement because nobody knows how to make our stuff work anymore. sure china has a way to go but they are going forward whereas in burgerland its just an attempt to maybe decelerate our descent off the cliff a bit, maybe just enough so some kikes can invest elsewhere
>>495478 lad the tech they're replicating now is the same stuff your lads are being brought out of retirement for.
because again it was all developed in the 80's at yankistans tech zenith before all the decay set in.
If they can iterate fine if they can innovate even better but I'm still waiting for them to produce the next leap.
>>495476 The Soviet Union could not do advanced electronics, I think this is a good watch on it(unsure?) https://youtu.be/dnHdqPBrtH8?si=8p4bPYPhmPjrEF8j , China doesn't have that issue. There is not any key technology they are missing. They don't need to be our equal right now to surpass us in the future. Look I know it's a bitterpill, but they are close enough to be considered our equals, hopefully one day we will eclipse them again but their future is looking much brighter than ours.
>>495482 I just think they'll be good at refining and frankly they're far better off just holding all the factories now but again if they can start developing new tech disconnected from the burdens of our own biases and controling instruments more power to them. Otherwise they're just going to stagnate as we do. They'll be a world power no doubt but what they produce with that is entirely up in the air.
>>495481 They won't out compete us until they decay hits us hard. But they don't need to. That's the entire point. The next leap will be ours and they will steal that too. Then after that unless there's a radical change they will overtake us. All they need to do is steal and maintain to "win".
>>495484 Sounds like a rather stagnent global power.
nippon recently figured out how to manufacture lithium batteries from lithium salts made a lab so they don't need to mine. they probably stole it from whitpeople though because we wuz exploraras and shiet
>>495486 great we need more lithium batteries in the world apparently.
>>495483 >>495485 I hope they stagnate again, but if they do it'll be driven by their own success and lack of competitors. But saying it's impossible for them to innovative after we regress isn't really backed by anything, the material conditions have changed enough that we can't be sure if they will. If China does take over the world I hope they genocide India tbh
Again the whole lithium battery post carbon meme seems like another example of iteration not innovation.
>>495478 1) Get rid of your ID I don't want to know who you are neither do I want the bins larp avatarfagging, it's gay shit redemption arc when GTFO get some help I mean that pls escape here you can do it 2) Do not count on the Sense of Right Alliance to do the healing for you. If a country repairs it will do as the Swedish are trying to do it won't come from embracing maple leafs or ned kellys I don't think the Chinese will take over either, because their cultural hegemony lacks exploitable nobility by the Jew. There's nothing there. They are bug people. Really intelligent, maths tests are not a cheat or a larp for them... But they just have no drive or desire in their hearts to do any enobleing and so the kind of advancements they're able to make don't resemble ours in any way
>>495488 Fair fair, we'll see I suppose and I'm open to a Chinese inventor of a perpetual motion divise or cold fusion.
>>495484 Essentially this. Niche but electroplated diamond stones for sharpening have improved while lowering production costs in recent years, and some of the best and cheapest are from China or Taiwan. As with microchips, surgery, steel and coal, etc. all they do, all they need to do, is copy our anomolous advances and maintain them, until our general decline is so severe that there's no new innovations, and then east asian 'stagnation' will be paradise compared to westoid poverty, inefficiency, corruption, ethnic strife, etc.
>>495489 keeek lad I mean I support western civ but this is just some cringy nathaniel hale creativity movement shit
A part of me thinks the whole >chinks can't innovate is hwhite cope, or maybe I just fear it's white cope. Not saying it isn't true, but I worry there might be some truth in it.
>>495495 Hardly lad but making lithium batteries easier to produce is hardly world changing is it.
They might well eclipse us as they did millenia ago but I just don't hold to the fact it's a given.
>>495496 of course there is some truth to it but its also faggot shit, its weakling shit. there is no excuse for all these weak white coward faggots and all these losers in our race. east asian people work hard and thats worthy of respect, their society is worthy of respect sorry thats just my opinion. I don't care for this supremacy shit because our soceities are all shitholes full of shitskins who will very soon rule us how is that "supreme"
muh jews
>>495496 The point stands that they won't need to innovate, even if they do.
>>495499 No one is denegrating what they've worked for.
Even if we're in the process of acively disassembling everything we have worked for.
>>495492 Swear no oath, wear no name, insert nothing into your arsehole, a Soyjak presentation. >>495491 Their way is the Sino-Jew. They would have stronger inventive spirit, but they aren't rid of this phenomenon. The leeches have grown so large they swindle each other at every turn. You can't develop metallurgy. They will be sold fake specification scrap instead. Unless they shift culturally and clear it (tip: it's in their bones and only a cataclysmic event will do) then they are due to match our decline as barely a blip at the peak
>>495504 Or rather, their swindling ways will remain a bit successful and a bit mid, even with an autocratic rule over a land mass the size of a continent
>>495501 This does all assume we'll just continue to decline into a Brazil of the north as well tbf.
>>495501 If they don't stagnate, which is possible if the rest of the world goes to shit, then we can never again be top dog. They will advance as we go mad max. And if we rebuild ourselves after the collapse it's hard to see how we could equal a china with such an advantage. >>495499 I think you are being overly harsh on us and too kind to them. They are very similar to us in their vices, look at Vietnam or Philippines or Thailand.
>>495507 vietnam is actually one of the fastest growing economies on earth. whitoids need to be hard on themselves we have become faggots people move to our countries and live off us and sell us drugs and rape our children does that happen in china?
>>495507 >If they don't stagnate, which is possible if the rest of the world goes to shit, then we can never again be top dog Wrong China was once the most advanced civ in the world and a lot of their world view is built on this return to primacy. I'm sure the Chinese considered it over during the boxer rebellions to.
of course racefag whites are good lads but the average sportsball mong deanoidic white is not worthy of the "we wuz innovations and shit"
>>495509 tbh, I know its sort of the andrew anglin perspective but I am just reacting I a guess to the common burger yank jingoism of today where they blame everything on the chinese (instead of jews niggers and spics)
>>495508 No they just exploit their own people and surrounding satellites, all the same I'd take a people willing to conduct self sacrifice over whatever we have now. Just look at the sort of industrial accidents they suffer on liveleaks literal 19th century cotten gin tier maulings.
china is a good example of a country that was on the brink of total collapse and came back sun yatsen and mao are good archtypes of what whitoidic leaders need to be >>495512 yeah china isn't a place that looks all that great to live but its going places thats for sure. I prefer japanese society but they have fallen for the whole club of rome depopulation memi
>>495508 >vietnam is actually one of the fastest growing economies on earth Every part that isn't a tourist trap is dogshit and the people are awful, just been there. None of their industry is advanced, they are basically like India. I don't see them becoming another SK. >>495509 I know but it required them to stagnate as we innovated, if they continue to do so as we decline I don't think we'd be able to catch up. If we never engage in trade with these parts of the world they'd still be centuries behind us, and that's what I fear could happen to us. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did stagnate as the only global power.
>>495514 They were centuries behind us when we turned up lad. I treat stagnation of any given power as an accepted part of civilizational cycle and I think you'd be hard pressed to point to any one civilization that entered a never ending golden age.
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This austim has gone on long enough, for me anyway, I personally hope for a nuclear war as the US dies. It brings us all back to square one.
>>495514 SK is just an advanced Vietnam that's used for cheap high tech manufacturing. Hell even Taiwain works their people like dogs 6 days a week standard. But again that was the same price we paid during our own industrial revolution. Cheap labour working 6 till 6 in menial and dangerous jobs to power the heart of the empire.
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>>495382 not true, I have had gooks simp for me before. they are easy for a white man also I am not dark-skinned, only dark-haired. maybe a little swarth but still mostly pale especially without sun >>495398 >>495403 that was not spic (I am) I am white I am a proud jerrycuck. Heil Hitler, the Blitz was good >>495404 I was 18dc37 and think that should be obvious >>495409 yeah seriously >>495460 >I do think we will eventually rise out of this pit the whitepill is that if we simply survive and reconquer our lands and the masses are taught the truth, the revanschism will be extreme and there will be total fascism. like if we survive this, then we are completely unkillable
When they’re gone, a huge chunk of civil society is just gonna vanish. Yeah, I’ve got my issues with Boomers, but if you’ve ever done any volunteer work, advocacy, or charity stuff, you’ll see it’s a small group of them—especially the women—who are basically the glue holding everything together in the west.
>>495516 It'd gain nothing and lose us everything in totality. Also feel free to look into the decay of nuclear deterents world wide but especially in the US.
>>495519 isn't that basically the problem? boomers are hiding the magnitude of the problem. once they die, everything will become unglued and conditions will deterioriate which is the precondition necessary to wake the comfortable normals from ther slumber
>>495519 exactly its going to be alex jonesian schizophrenic Qtards with AR-15s forming cultic communities overhere
>>495523 You have the space for that to be kino, here it's going to be people murdering each other for canned goods.
what is the future of our empire? ignoring the bad of course
>>495521 >It'd gain nothing and lose us everything in totality People overblow the affects of nuclear war, I think we'd pull through. >decay of nuclear deterents Got a video i can watch, sounds interesting?
>>495525 Brits talking about "our empire" is like Mongolians doing it, lad
>>495526 It really isn't overblown if you know what a nuclear war would actually entail and how it would affect people.
>>495527 Not really, we've still go strong populations in where the colonies were. The mongolians have nothing.
https://youtu.be/41H-2vXS3R0 Fuck sake. Clowntocracy.
>>495529 good point lad
>>495529 So did the mogolians after they split into multiple heir kingdoms.
keeeek this lad with the turbo blackpills
>>495528 >It really isn't overblown if you know what a nuclear war would actually entail and how it would affect people. it would annihilate the urban populations which are mostly non-white while sparing the food-producing rural populations which are overwhelmingly white. nuclear war would be the best possible result at this point, it would instantly skyrocket the demographics in our favor
not to mention it would probably collapse all the western governments, leaving a power vacuum which the rural people could then fill using new power structures formed from the bottom up
>>495532 No they didn't lad, thats simply untrue.
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and then everyone clapped
>>495534 It would eliminate advanced production leave a massive population incabable of supporting itself and no the UK hasn't been self sustaining in food production despite industrialisation in over 100 years. It would lead to a free for all in which you hope most brownoids would be gone but thereis no such guarentee. It would be a bloody free for all with no hope of re-industialising for centries compared to other far more dispursed contries. >>495536 Then explain the constant power they posed over bother the middle east and india all for centuries post expansion?
>>495539 >Then explain the constant power they posed over bother the middle east and india all for centuries post expansion? Look at their diaspora most did not settle outside of their home and China, and when they did settle is was in small enough numbers so that they blended into the conquered people. Also the mongol army was highly multiethnic due to the way they worked.
>>495540 We're about to achieve that multi ethnic composition very soon. The idea we're somehow unique in that regard is a mem.
>>495530 Lmao oh no he bought knives on Amazon now we need to regulate everyone into a totalitarian Zionist C2 integrated AI state.
>>495541 No we aren't, you clearly know fuck all about the Mongols. The situation isn't comparable, either you are baiting me or you just don't know what you are talking about.
>>495541 he means that horse tribes went up to other horse tribes and were like >this is the khan of khans! you follow Genghis with us! we conquer together! and they agreed
lad I mean I am black pilled but dial it down a bit let the "we wuz innovations and shit" lads have a bit of pride
>>495543 Honestly just ignorant but I don't care the idea that you can just refold former anglosphere countries into a union is as much a meme and I think you know it. >>495544 ty lad I guess loot has a draw all of it's own.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-2251_at-k this was the edgelord kid song at my school
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One last thing I want to add before I go to bed, if we are lionising chinks, look at their women. Its pretty much there same everywhere, they are the most prolific racemixers. A culture that breeds women like this is sick.
>>495548 not this shite again.
this is my own version of white niggerism.
>>495550 >>495549 Im not promoting it, I'm against all racemixing. But there is clearly an issue with their women, I even had two guys at work talk to me about their women fuck everything but them.
>>495551 yeah somehow I doubt that's existential to the chinks.
>>495548 I don't think chink culture is the reason, I think Asian moids are short and feminine, and get mogged by white or even white-adjacent moids
>>495552 It honestly is at this number. And personally ive never had anyone of any other race say this to me. Theres something different there. >>495553 I don't know, never asked a chinky lass that. Be too autistic unless I was dating one
>>495554 I think that's copium and ultimately we're going to be the group subsumed. But fuck it at the very least the world will be handed over to the Sino-Ai ruling class and the world wide mulatto undercalss.
Jamie pull up that meme for me.
fucking ifunny
>>495555 It really isn't I dont want hwhite men creating half chink spawn. I got curious if this was a meme the chink lads were pulling me on so I asked the chink lasses about the bfs and they were all hwhite. My point is that they are not perfect and they have issues of their own.
>>495558 And my point was those are infinitely less of a problem than ours.
>>495559 You were simply denying it was a thing
>>495560 I was saying it was not existential, quote me nigger.
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>>495547 for me it was listening to the first Cannibal Corpse album in art class at 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eiLZixzTqw
why are lads so insecure about east asians gaining the whip hand? I don't give a fuck i'd 10000000 times the world be ruled by nippons and sinos than niggers and jews. I would gladly be the white monkey if it meant all the jews were roasting in some gutter oil chinese wok and the the niggers were all hanging in trees
hook those kikes to the most fucked up japanese coomer masterbation machines and set that shit to 6 million and then feed the kike babies into the chinese gutter oil wok and then nuke the pajeets and then turn mecca into a chinese internet cafe
>>495564 >>495565 yeah, the anti-China thing is retarded. although they did ban Nick from RedNote without him even posting anything so idk it would really be in Russia/China's geopolitical interests to support White Nationalism in the west since they could rip whole countries out of Uncle Sam's grip and into their own sphere. Russia has Jews but China really should be at the least providing us with censorship-resilient infrastructure to destabilize our societies
>>495566 exactly
plus chinks have the numbers to bleach all of africa and improve their IQ and create an army of chiggers to exterminate all the jeets
>>495568 chiggers would be just as much of a nuisance as jeets are lad africa is in a good state right now tbqh fractured and irrelevant and filled with people too incompetent to be a threat to anyone except their immediate neighbours last thing the world needs is them getting smarter
Hi there, /v/irgin here. Would you be so kind, as to sign this petition? https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/702074 >What is it about? I will try to keep this brief. Right now, you could buy a game with a single-player campaign, but in order to play the single player campaign you have to constantly be connected to the game companies server, and at any time, they can shut down those servers and loose access to the game. So you could pay 60 dollars for a game, and in one year, can't play it at all, as such you don't actually own "your" game, or in other words the games are designed with kill switches in mind. The petition, hopes that government will enforce companies to actually let you own your game. I should also mention that this isn't just in the UK, there is also a EU petition, and Ross Scott(the guy behind it) is also working in getting Australia and Brazil on board with their own petitions. Sadly, America is a lost cause. >How would companies do that? Well first of all, not releasing always online games, other solutions would be to remove the always online components, which has been done with Redfall for instance, they could provide the server so that players could host their own games, they could remove the online component, and leave the single player component alive, or something else. >What about games that already are always online? Will probably not be affected, though I am not sure about UK law. At least in the EU, when they forced Apple to have USB Port C on their phones, they didn't require all Iphones ever made, including the discontinued ones, to have USB Port C. >Why should I care, we have more pressing matters? I understand that in the grand scheme of things, immigration is more important than video games, all I am asking is to take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule, and sign the petition, not go to a protest. And who knows, maybe because it's such a non-issue, that the government will automatically pass it, in order to pretend that they did something, instead of tackling more serious issues like immigration, and if it isn't this, it would be some other proposal. Even if you don't play video-games, this could cause a domino effect in other industries, like heart-rate monitors being always online, and they can suddenly get turned off permanently, when the company releases a new heart-rate monitor to force consumers to buy the new one. >Didn't I already sign this? There was a petition last year, parliament responded, but misinterpreted the petition so much, that the Petition Committee asked them again to respond with a better answer, but then elections happened, parliament got dissolved and all petitions got closed. Hopefully this time we will get an actual answer, and the petition has been worded to be even clearer than last time. >Why aren't YOU doing it? I am not a citizen of the UK, though I am in the EU and have signed the equivalent petition, and also asked some of my friends to also do it: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home All I can do, is kindly ask the residents of /brit/ to sign the UK petition. If you have any other questions, I will gladly answer them to the best of my abilities, you could also watch the videos by Scott >Stop Killing Games: UK Edition https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=NQnZ91mUB0E Gives a general petition of Stop Killing Games and the situation in the UK >Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games! https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA While it is about the EU petition, it does answer a lot of questions regarding game preservation and how such a petition could affect the industry
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found a breedhog for 22st
>>495571 think it might even be a troon actually... more dorset's type the youth are fucked. you can't even tell their biological sex anymore
>>495570 Sure, signed for whatever good it does. >>495564 I personally don't think of chinks in a better way than niggers or kikes. None is our friend. Why should we not be resentful if it happens?
>>495516 >I personally hope for a nuclear war as the US dies. It brings us all back to square one. you didn't watch Threads (1984) with us did you?
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>>495573 >I personally don't think of chinks in a better way than niggers or kikes you're being ridiculous. pork fried rice, wonton soup, crab rangoon...
>>495575 lush and I mean lush
Hamas Lives! And marches on! >The militant group has not only survived 15 months of war with Israel — among the deadliest and most destructive in recent memory — but it remains firmly in control of the coastal territory that now resembles an apocalyptic wasteland. With a surge of humanitarian aid promised as part of the ceasefire deal, the Hamas-run government said Monday that it will coordinate distribution to the desperate people of Gaza. >For all the military might Israel deployed in Gaza, it failed to remove Hamas from power, one of its central war aims. That could make a return to fighting more likely, but the results might be the same. >There was an element of theater in Sunday’s handover of three Israeli hostages to the Red Cross, when dozens of masked Hamas fighters wearing green headbands and military fatigues paraded in front of cameras and held back a crowd of hundreds who surrounded the vehicles. ... >Earlier this month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a prepared speech that Hamas had recruited nearly as many fighters as it lost during the war. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-ceasefire-hostages-militants-rule-93da074c251d0fcaa395503749e2849e
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all they did was besiege 2 pockets and flatten everything, starving hundreds of thousands. they weakened but did not defeat the militant organization that they ostensibly intended to defeat they did cripple Hezbollah and topple Syria which makes it nearly impossible for Hezbollah to recover, though. with the global increase in antisemitism factored in, though, it seems like a Pyrrhic victory if they don't get Trump to attack Iran, which is what we can predict will happen...
>>495574 Nah, Ive always though movie night was newbrit shit >>495575 I stick to muh british food
>>495573 >Sure, signed for whatever good it does. Thank you anon.
>>495566 It's in their interest to politically destabilise their geo-political rivals, that doesn't mean they're going to support any given faction exclusively or even consistently. The Chinese specifically are still hung up on the century of humiliation and simply seek to gain ownership of the "global south" through soft power to isolate Europe and America from resources. They have no real reason to stop the wests self abolition.
Brits actually go out of their way to vote for Keir Starmer. I'm past caring about these people. The only thing I care about is my freaks and my peaks.
It's only when you go to another country and come back that you can truly understand just how steep our decline is, and how far we are from where we need to be.
>>495582 >>495583 not to come off as information-gathering but what kind of country impressed you or whatever? just any random country where they aren't brainwashed libtards?
>>495582 People voted in Biden, Merkle, Putin, Tusk, Macron etc. All peoples are nigger cattle. The entire world is fucked, there's no running.
>>495582 Good lad
>>495584 Regarding cities, St. Petersburg. Had to go via Turkey. Been to Shanghai, Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto too.
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>>495587 >Liking commie blocks
>>495586 how's the missus, mate?
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why would they ban Nick though? so annoying
>>495591 is he banned? he said he'd been banned as soon as he made an account, only for it to activate shortly thereafter.
>>495592 I only saw the tweet where he got banned, if he's back on then that's good news
>caring about Spic "I'm Mexican" Fuentes Keek
The Reddit Trump Meltdown https://youtu.be/mynn9kk5k20
>>495593 he'll be on there. might have to get an account for the kino.
>>495594 you are dumb
>>495597 >I’m not a white supremacist...I’m Mexican Sounds to me like youre the one caught up in Jewish tricks
>>495597 keeek
>>495597 there are lads here that believe in nothing, and just want to blackpill relentlessly or maybe they are 77th Brigade plants here to demoralise recognise them and ignore them
>>495598 he's ~3/4 Italian, ~1/4 Mexican, slightly Irish, identifies as Italian, looks white, is loyal to the white race, Catholic, pro-white, American nationalist most importantly though he is competent and a household name at this point. nobody else is as effective
>>495600 tbh tbh
>>495601 >identifies as Italian >is loyal to the white race >I’m not a white supremacist...I’m Mexican Fucking keeeek, nice hero, have you checked out british patriot Tommy Robinson. >Catholic Is that meant to be a positive? >most importantly though he is competent At what? >>495600 Youre then one one posting demoralising shit and saying England is dead.
>>495600 t. 77th year old bingrade poster who doesn't believe christianity made britain what it was and can't see how losing it caused the shit it is today. you're the worst poster on this board who just spams the same lotus eaters slop everyday. why don't you go join the order of the nine angles or become a muslim or something like those fat ginger nonces you see on tiktok.you really just want a pathetic hugbox. you are empty like the bin you are manifested as. >>495597 not /brit/ related, sorry spic. go play on /pol/ with israeli and jeet bots. literally nothing to with anything in our lives. plus you ain't even white.
>>495603 >Youre then one one posting demoralising shit and saying England is dead. I only said that to see if you would fight against the idea and you didn't it was a test and you failed
>>495603 he is a white supremacist, he just uses his language carefully >>495604 >plus you ain't even white. I'm 100% western European
>>495604 > 77th year old bingrade poster who doesn't believe christianity made britain what it was and can't see how losing it caused the shit it is today. The English people made England great, not Christianity lad
>>495607 You are ignorant and anti-intellectual. Read some history books lad. There are crosses and buildings that date back even to the 9th century still. But go ahead post another tommeh video.
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>>495605 >I was only being subversive to test you goy Fuck off kike >>495606 >he is a white supremacist, he just uses his language carefully >I’m not a white supremacist...I’m Mexican A mexican white supremacist? >he just uses his language carefully So does based Farage, wait till he gets in and goes full 1488
>>495606 >I am western european None of it anglo though. Piss off you've never been here and you never will. Go play with your Brazilian friends.
>>495609 >>I was only being subversive to you agreed, you're the subversive one what are your solutions then lad?
>>495611 oh wait you're the one that wants nuclear war in which everyone dies that's your solution kek
>>495611 I'm the subversive one for not posting "England is dead"?
>>495613 >I'm the subversive one for not posting "England is dead"? you want everyone to die in nuclear war right?
>>495614 The villiages will survive on and we will be freed of our non-white horde. Far from the worst outcome.
>>495615 no lad, you're a complete idiot after an all out nuclear war there would be a nuclear winter in which nothing grows for generations it kills off everything, and England would NOT survivie except for government officials who might survive in very deep bunkers
>>495617 basically the Civil Servants would be the only people to survive a nuclear war in the uk
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>>495617 >after an all out nuclear war there would be a nuclear winter >nuclear winter Lad fucking hell, imagine being this far in and believing in the 1970s nuclear winter meme theory.
>>495618 >me in the middle
>>495620 you're a nigger?
>>495621 nah, the fat lass with a double chin.
>>495619 yeah a nuclear winter and lots of radiation due to radioactive fallout the land would be poisoned for centuries
>>495623 >nuclear winter I too like the fallout games, but you shouldnt take their events for gospel lad keeek
>>495624 are you claiming that nuclear fallout is some sort of fiction?
>>495625 Can you show me the nuclear winter in that picture?
>>495626 nuclear fallout is well established lad vast areas become completely uninhabitable are you very young?
>>495627 >nuclear fallout is well established lad Keeeeeeeeek
"I'll definitely survive a nuclear war, radiation sickness is just a lie made up by jews!"
*wake up to another day of existence in this nigger shithole*
>>495627 you are very old and very stupid though, don't flex your age on that poster when you've achieved nothing. that lad will do more with his life by the time he gets to your age.
*logs into the good screen interface*
>>495589 good enough but the lass thing is tbh a bit of a memi its just sort of another job but she is a decent enough lass not sure if she is just going to lisa simpson career maxx
nothing wrong with a bit of radiation poisoning. it builds character.
Goys you got to watch out for the nuclear winter, this well agreed upon and factual theory. There's no scientific debate around the idea. Also, btw England is dead.
>>495590 keeek now its 4 years of fat yuppy liberals and gen xer feminist hags dressing up in plate carriers
>>495633 you'll have to talk to her about it sooner or later or you'll end up with a career maxxer that doesn't want mini steinzogs
>>495637 tbh incels like to fantasize but in todays time lasses sort of have to have a job its just that they don't need some high power girl boss shite. she sort of just is gaming for a work from home satellite mapping computoil job because she like being a homebody and making food and doing lass stuff. she is like 10 years younger than me though so who knows
>>495639 >she is like 10 years younger than me nice. My breedee is 12 years younger
>>495616 so many faggot liberals here publicly seethe about this to virtue signal but then in private conversation agree it needs to be done. our people are so retarded with this brainwashed anti white shite
>>495640 good lad yeah there is nothing wrong with that tbh millennial women are cancer and in their mid to late 30s acting like zoomer girls. zoomer lasses need to be protected from their brainwashing even if its for some zoomer lads benefits. my dad always told me that he would laugh at me if I ever dated a lass my age or older and to always date younger. skullet boomers 2nd wife was 36 and he was 59
>>495284 >Starmer holding a life sized Golliwog Based
>>495631 >that lad will do more with his life by the time he gets to your age. I don't think so lad, he's placing his bets on the benefits of nuclear war
>>495644 He's not though, just wishful thinking
If you come for the king, you best not miss.
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>tfw dunking on low IQ poverty stricken retarded zoomers with no life prospects, skills or future
>>495647 >that bins just can't stop winning
>>495649 actually a million times less ugly than the actual jogger
>>495644 Im a software developer at a bank, I'm doing well.
>>495647 tbh in a few years is slowly going to come about that the pandemic era coming of age zoomers will sort of become fully men or at least expected (about 25 now in our gay cuck society) and the amount of them who basically have a 12 year olds intellect and zero skills beyond clutching in TF2 or whatever faggot game kids play today will be apparent. I had a kid work with me last summer who was 19 and he seemed to think that being a video game streamer was a career he was permenantly stoned on vape weed and had dietary issues and other pussy shit and he barely could demo an old deck and he was just so weak. I really sort of pitied him a bit. I know I sound like an old guy but these lads today have been so utterly failed by our system alot of them never learned anything of value during the zoom pandemic period (4 years) and they are functionally retarded
also why do zoomers think that listening to gay nigger pornography while in a FPS lobby is funny or epic?
hope wessie is doing alright
>>495652 i don't think zoomers learned anything of value throughout all of their schooling
https://youtu.be/r3BAizS-c_4 Another Southport already.
>>495656 Germany
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>>495654 I think he's dead again
Have you lads seen the PA documentary on the BBC? They infiltrated the Wales group
>>495661 >Have you lads seen the PA documentary on the BBC? They infiltrated the Wales group No, not yet, but I did listen to Mark's hour+ long interview with them and it was every bit as stupid and tedious as you would imagine https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20250117---BBC-Exposed:a
>>495662 Some sperg starts talking about how he wants to genocide all the niggers and that it was fun
>>495662 what a waste of time he should have just challenged them to a 1v1 in pubg
>>495663 yeah, that comes up in the interview they basically want Mark to answer for all the worst possible things that have ever been said by anyone in PA that a BBC mole recorded over the course of an entire year fucking tedious and predictable >>495664 frankly I agree. Trial By Media will always work to the media's advantage obviously If it had been trial by combat he would have destroyed them easily
>Haha you lose again government propagandist, this is why the british people will recalim their country
>>495663 do you know where we could watch it for free online?
>>495667 Only BBC Eyeplayer to my knowledge
>>495668 can't watch that don't have a tv license
>>495668 thing about the BBC's way of broadcasting - they are only preaching to the choir anyone remotely based stopped listening to them years ago, and they must know that. Problem is, the idiotic chior they preach to includes the people in power
>woah man, we're just documentary filmmakers bro! don't blame us for going undercover in your organisation and making an out and out smear project from the get go!
>>495657 I noticed right after poosting but same pattern no doubt.
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>im just a hip progressive middle class liberal who is like a hecking underdog good guy who will finally get samantha the production management analyist to like my group chat emojis if I infiltrate and dismantle this evil racism group on behalf of the oligarchy I am a rebel just like the star wars black guy who couldn't even score with the thick asian girl
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respond pls
>>495675 here you go lad
>>495676 wonder how the nip lad oppressed his people can't wait until total nigger death
>>495677 Not even going to let a few dbz nigcels exist in a zoo somewhere in British Africa for people to feed them watermelons and watch them fight with flint knives on Fridays?
>>495678 keeek yeah the paradox of the nigcels who you feel pity for. josef conrads "dont get off the boat" memi, part of the horror in heart of darkness is seeing the good niggers in the sea of worthless niggers and being helpless to uplift them from niggerdom
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id let them polish my hanger
>>495680 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>495680 >Don't you simply know that I will always love you, >Don't you always know I'll see you through. >Don't you simply know that I will always love you, NIGGER KIKE PEDO JEW FAGGOT CUCK JIGABOO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01yscxDDGn8 joe has reopened his comment section
>>495681 need my redcoat cock
redcoat is an american term for foreskin
>>495688 No it's not.
>>495689 It is. They were angry that we have foreskins and they don't which is why they revolted. The declaration of independence is written on chopped off foreskins sewn together.
He's right you know.
I don't believe it for a minute
I don't believe it but I will repeat it
>>495694 this yank is still alive and unrobbed?
>>495695 I think russians like yanks more than bongs tbf
>>495694 >Akhmat special forces Allahuakbar
>>495696 They blame us for taking the brunt of the German assault during ww2.
>>495699 Chechens are more like the feared Cossack police force of the Russian military.
>>495698 qeeeeeeeeq
>>495676 smh not even the Japs are safe
>>495701 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tj88iF-RyU reminder that rusgols did heckin racism colonialism too and instead of supporting westoidic nationalists they are shitskin bros
>>495706 It's strategic. They're just employing their soviet legacy as based enlightened liberators of the evil western colonial regimes. Never mind that Russia itself is a colonial expanse.
>>495706 >vikings fighting descendants of Rurik the Viking?
If you wore your beret like this in the RM you would get absolutely rekt Also women in RM Why do they gaslight us so?
>>495710 I say the RMC should be entirely replaced with women.
based anti raycis tories who don’t even know BBC Pidgin is a thing
>>495711 I wholeheartedly agree. The men should be sent to the Wrens
>>495708 state of that gayface
>>495714 Tbh. Every time I do a cursory check on these types always turns out they’re gay
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based
His dad is a jew prolly
He nearly got nigged as well
>>495719 looked like a based black guy to me.
Shouldn’t even exist here so who gives a fuck
>>495720 Apart from George Floyd there is only one other based black guy that comes to mind atm
>>495722 who's that? He looks Saudi
>>495723 he's a british as you or me.
>>495721 >shitskins living in your country are worried about some mong living in my country the anglosphere is cancer
>>495727 oh him, now I remember
>>495725 I don't now refer to it as the anglosqueer for nothing
There are no terrorists over the age of 18 so having two ids to buy a knife will eradicate the problem of them getting hold of any type of cutlery or cutlass
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azSYS5WDJLQ ITT rn also hope I can convince mummy to order 'za later
>>495730 shit comments tbh. just 'deport all the wogs' is more than enough.
>WE NEED TO PROTECT AFGHAN WOMEN NOT BRITISH GIRLS FROM AFGHAN AND PAKI AND JEET RAPISTS O MY GOD FAR RIGHT BRITISH BIGOTS! t. Minister for Wogs https://xcancel.com/HFalconerMP/status/1882046344023638073 Nepo baby has got a face and demeanour that screams ‘I take it up the chuffer!’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2FYCVv9tRg >BTFO of all amerishit "work" vehicles made in the last 30 years
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQdxPxJW68M we are confirmed for 'za en route to steinhogs gaming cave
>>495735 Gonna have to tariff that lad.
>>495736 I've given up with deliveries, too expensive and the food is always cold.
>>495738 thankfully the localist 'za men are white here
>>495739 jammy bastard.
>>495740 That's just politics and you'd now, it's second nature to queers like you
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>>495743 rude bins
>>495740 He's visibly aged a lot during his ascent to dictator. Not all it's cracked up to be, ey Kier?
>>495746 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>495746 lmaoo
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>In 2022 the Republican Party of Texas demanded a referendum on independence in their election manifesto for the very first time Keeek.
>>495750 that would make america more white
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>>495743 >be me >Paul Chuckle >got a get rich quick scheme to send are landlord on a wild goose chase to delay having to pay the exorbitant rent that's gone up again >get Bazzie Chuckle and the lads from the industrial estate in on it >load up the equipment needed into a transit >to smee, to smoo >"soon as we've finished, we'll dig us out of the hole we've found ourselves in Barry" >"well I don't see how all this industrial waste is going to fill it Paul" >"we'll sort this mess out here Barry, just you wait and see" >synchronise our movement through the country over CB radio with Barry in the transit >"now it's very important so listen to me Barry, you have to remember to bail out of the van and get on the train straight away, just as soon as our troubles will be over Barry" >"bale what out Paul? I can't move all that now it's too heavy" >"No Barry you need to GET OU-" >conventional explosives go up without a hitch over London's flood defenses >Thames water pours (poos) in and begins returning London back into the atlantic >barry's dirty bomb had it's fuse burn off short >birmingham town's reduced to glass along with brother Barry in our rental van >"Noooo Barry... To you, Barry. Every time I wanted to tell you. It was always to u..." >Surrounded now on one of the few unsubmerged common near tower bridge >"Well... us Chuckles got to stick together." >"Looks like we're both becoming Chuckle Visionaries on this day"
>>495751 Hope America gets the civil war ending tbh.
>>495610 >None of it anglo though I'm 3/8ths English >Piss off you've never been here and you never will I will migrate to Britain and I will sow my virile Lusitanian oats in the fecund English rosefields (specifically the ones with voluptuous petals)
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>tfw listening to old school UK rave and jungle mix https://youtu.be/nbPZVbp4Kuc
>>495756 The genre I want is PS1 demo scene music and I can't find the name for it when I look. Acid Trance is just Rez OST. I want Soyny demo scene beats instead lad
>>495758 Yeah the liquid metal visualizer background is famous nostalgia as well. I can't find when that first started. I'd guess after '98
Morning laads Time for the morning h8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff4BNElx27I
BOOOOOOOOOOOM! >"Who said I'm an anti migration party?" >"Well you did yourself?" >"No I didn't. I said the opposite" https://youtube.com/watch?v=u3rS_NmB6nc There are no high skilled and there is and never will be integration. Fuckoff spineless boomer
>Farage - head of the pro legal immigration Retard Party - says he is going for ZERO seats at the next election to prove that not even the Tories could get THAT right! Why is this cunt stuck in the 2015 muh integration rank stupidity >I will integrate oil with water! Just you w8 and see muh geedeepee!
>Fagage spooked by yenta Caroline Hepker oy veying How cucked could you get
This Queer Starmer alt account is low effort shit https://xcancel.com/Number10cat/status/1882067209079447617 >Oh no I. An’t buy a knife off Jeff Bezos! I know I’ll just steal one and there’ll also be no direct trail to me! They’ll use any excuse to introduce mandatory digital IDs
>>495767 swearing an oath is unbiblical needing loicenses to do things is unbiblical when you travel to another town you might carry a parchment saying who you are and affirming your intention but that's about it there was no mandatory MOT certificate for your horse and cart
>>495763 This basically confirmed my suspicion they were going to use Bezos' connection to Fuhrer Drumpf to push whatever Starmpot and Pooper were pushing regarding ID. It doesn't even need to be a logical conspiracy per se, just a wispy contextual thread to pull on the minds of retards everywhere. James O'Potato needs to kicking I fucking hate him. >>495768 The Eucharist is just a gay transvaluation and recontextualisation of Scythian covenantal blood oaths to turn you into a messanic kike faggot.
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Saw this on cuckchan, if the claim is true this is pretty good. If things continue to travel in this direction they could have a population of 10k by 2035.
There is a definite push to get white people to leave the UK on PooTube.
>>495774 Leave to go where?
>>495775 Anywhere more functional. Places like Dubai, or Korea. Eastern Bloc seems to be broadly popular too. A lot of Euros saying they are going back as well. They're just pushing more rootlessness and globalism.
>>495776 Being a third class citizen in your own country, that's an ever growing shithole is not for everyone. I get it.
>>495776 >Move to non-white countries or slavs lands that will get invaded Grim
>>495777 I get it. It's pure faggotry though.
>>495774 yes I've noticed this too "Why I left the UK and you should too" "It's time to leave the UK" "We're so glad we left the UK" I see these titles promoted from channels I've never even watched
>>495771 >schools are bursting at the seems it's SEAMS obviously he needed to spend more time in school smh
The more I look into it, the more obviously astroturfed these types of videos seem to be they are really encouraging white brits to leave
Astroturfed, content creators copying trends in the hope of going viral, the fact the country is in fact a shithole and people are leaving. yeah, I'd believe it's a bit of all of that.
here's the thing, I don't believe in coincidences.
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>>495785 neither do I we both don't believe in coincidences and that's not a coincidence
fear not incels, she's working overtime.
Mark Collett bros, not like this.
>>495788 when she hits the wall it'll be fun to compare these pics to how she looks then
>>495790 I have hope she will have ack'd herself before then tbh
>>495791 women don't tend to ack as often as men, but I don't doubt she is running multiple "mental health" issues which she probably will medicate away in various forms
>>495788 Absolute queen. Unironically support this. HAVE SEX with Lily Phillips or that other one, incels. Then put all your energy into based chuddery.
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>>495793 >HAVE SEX with whores how do you think this will help us save the huwhite race, lad?
>>495794 It can't hurt, and it'll be fun.
I'm thinking that putting your dick in a place thousands of niggers dicks have been must have some drawbacks.
Pakidemic Agent with Duran Duran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICy9hEAFeo8
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>>495797 they used a thumbnail pic of Pakidemic Agent where he looks less fatt ugly and swarthy
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>>495796 Nobody said anything about niggers. Assoooooomed she'd be a trad no ir super slag. Too innocent, smee. Smh.
>>495788 Lily Shitlips Bet she’s a youknowwho
>>495800 a jew?
>>495799 >Nobody said anything about niggers. Assoooooomed she'd be a trad no ir super slag. Too innocent, smee. Smh. lad there is literally footage out there of her getting gang banged by whole gangs of Londonistan feral nogs or was that the other one?
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>"No sane person could do that. It's sickening what you did, going in there knowing you're going into a room full of defenceless children. Give me a reason for what you did. Arming yourself with a weapon and stabbing children. I hope you spend the rest of your like knowing we think you're a coward." >I hope you spend the rest of your like knowing we think you're a coward >you're a coward Why do women think that these are strong and cutting words? I know women are retards, but fucking hell have some vitriol for fuck sake.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdWROaV4CNg keeek. happiest I've seen her look tbh.
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>>495805 Working on a more grippy handle for my illegal assault knife today. Oddly satisfying making the stop cuts with a saw and chiselling out the waste in this mystery hardwood offcut someone gave me.
>>495806 >illegal assault knife Unironically reporting this to the police. You don't get to ruin the board for everybody else on the basis of being edgy.
>>495807 Thank You for Your Cooperation
>>495812 For fucksake
>52 years Fucking weak
This nigger gets 52 year, yet we are sentenced to 100 years of being tied to Ukraine. How is that fair?
how cucked is having to pay for this nigger in prison for 52 years at least?
I'm about to act up
>>495807 Can't tell if you're mariana trench lad or not.
>>495820 >Can't tell if you're mariana trench lad or not. not me, I'm not a snitch anyway and was merely billy bullshitting.
>>495821 Good lad.
>>495807 Fuck right off kike
>>495817 >Darren Osborne, prosecuted by Jonathan Rees QC and Sarah Przybylska, has been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 43 years following his convictions for murder >1 muslamic grandfarther gets you 4 years >52/3 = 17.3r for murdering a white child
>Axel Rudakubana had high functioning autism
>>495806 Good lad
>>495654 went to see nostferatu was alright tbh but not scary or anything really kino decent cinematography couldn't take any of the women's acting seriously and keeked out loud in the cinema at the sex scenes and such >>495658 >>495685 unsharted link https://xcancel.com/Paracelsus1092/status/1882055560721510576 love this kind of stuff tbh my favourite illustration book i've actually read remains chater paul chater's watercolours and precis of raj military units
>>495827 >couldn't take any of the women's acting seriously and keeked out loud in the cinema at the sex scenes and such keeeeeeeeeeek good lad
>>>/v/1064009 >nigcel shooter chud RIP brave slave warrior of the white race or whatever in the schizoid fuck
>>495829 can't believe spic would do such a thing
epic woman moment
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heart of darkness shit just like earlier in the thread autistic soyjakking dbz nigcel driven past the edge by clown world smh
>sharts get buck broken nigcel white race warriors >we get demonic north african serial child murderer-rapists
>>495816 >>495808 should be death penalty
>>495832 >>495829 >>495834 what's going on here lad?
bins a retarded niggerbrained old faggot who can't even scroll up a few posts as usual I see
>>495838 8chan didn't link me to the right post What happened is: a black school shooter shot up a school, and left a manifesto saying how much he hates being black and other black people
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>>495838 >>495838 >bins a retarded niggerbrained old faggot still better than being a fatt retarded NHS dependent untermensch
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>wess doesn't post >worry that he may be dead >wess returns >wish he was actually dead
*bounces back*
>>495829 Saw a nigger with these kind of lips in the wild today keeeek smh.
>>495839 KEEEEEEK this clownpilled nigcel. What a lad.
>>495844 >it really is spic
Bout time a school shooting got seasoned
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People expected Trump to announce a reserve for Bitcoin at Davos. He mentioned crypto but not a reserve. With Trumpcoin and $melania essentially killing the altcoin market with daily dumps going around the 30% mark, people like Senator Lumis expect Bitcoin to go up to 115k and even to 140-150k in the coming year despite the rug pull which was echoing the FTX scandal in 2022.
>>495839 Keeeeeeeeeeek, based nigger. Feel bad for him tbh, imagine realising you are a nigger.
>>495849 He should have not been a faggot and dedicated himself to the betterment of the nigger race.
>>495850 >dedicated himself to the betterment of the nigger race. Thats why hes seething about being a nigger, you cant better the nigger race. You get drowned in the shit instead of lifting it up. You think other niggers have never thought we should be better? Its intrinsic, niggers are niggers, there's no escaping it, they are flawed on a genetic level. If not where are the great nigger civilisations?
>>495839 SMH dbz nigcels are okay lads they should just focus on playing SSBM and vidya and move balc to Africa and become kings instead of self hating
>>495851 Genetics are not static. Where were the great white civilisations? Hard eugenics over thousands of years is the best the niggers can hope for.
>>495834 SMH knew a lad like this he unironically adopted white kids because he think that niggers shouldn't breed
>>495853 >Where were the great white civilisations? Yeah man, what whitey ever do except keep a nigger down? Dey didn ever do nuthin it b all us Lad come on now, you cant improve them. They are a lost cause.
It's bad enough dealing with White mongs. Imagine being a nigger with a little bit of sense and having to deal with the nigger race day in, day out.
>>495856 Yeah fucked as our race is right now, bleak as the future is, we will always have tfw not a nigger.
>>495854 So long as he doesn't nonce them that's a noble nigger ngl.
>>495804 What a civic lineup >”He’d better be hwhite!” t. Mixlania Drumpf
>>495804 If the soldier Miscellania is dancing with is 6’6” and Drumpf is 6’3” ( with lifts ) are we being lied to? >Officers Nigger, Spic, Spic and Lanktroon! Dance with the spackers! Hoo Ahhhh! Fucking Jokemerica
>>495861 > ( with lifts ) is that why he has that weird posture with his legs going on at times?
It's морбин time
>>495840 Not really Check m8
>>495864 what did he say?
>>495865 >Check m8 but we're not playing chess, mate
>>495868 oh based
No one likes jews not even jews like jews
>>495864 the morb rises
>>495868 do we know where he made these statements? I'd like to hear it form the morb himself
>>495875 I still want to believe
>>495877 holy fug we will finally find out the truth
>>495868 Absolutely based if true. I've heard him called a creepy cult leader before. Maybe that's just anti-based propaganda. Hmmsst.
Imagine. Two whole days without illegal immigrants! How anti semitic!
>>495882 hope race traitors like that lose everything
>>495882 what kind of economy is dependent on breaking the law to survive?
>>495880 >And that's who killed John F Kennedy. Then everybody clapped.
I... don't want to know
>>495889 sounds like erectile dysfunction.
"Angry Nigel Farage speaks out as Elon Musk funds Tommy Robinson over Reform UK >looks like Nige didn't manage to have the meeting with Musk in America during the inaugrination like he wanted https://youtu.be/UrL6hZXCYEM
Reform has lost Elon Musks £100 million funding while Tommeh gets it instead! >well played nige you fucking mong
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wish Helmer was here to see this, he'd probably die all over again kek
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>>495804 poor slavic lass wanted to marry some BIG redneck lad but she ended up with some faggot new york rich guy
>>495897 >that's my girlfriend keeeeeeeeeek
>>495896 who told you about that
>>495845 what a good lad smh he is unironically more anglo than spic fuentes
>>495882 keeeeeeeek not my problem boomer pay up, labor ain't cheap faggot
>>495873 why do niggers think that jesus was a nigger? he was clearly a levantine man similar in phenotype to assad
>>495902 KANGZ
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>>495905 that spinning cone is impressive
Keeeeking at Farage. >he's done himself
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>>495907 finally baraged
chukchi are the masterrace
bad day for bins tomorrow
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>>495910 oh fug not again
>>495891 wish farage would disappear already ffs >>495902 they never read the part where David is described as red/pink skinned
>>495912 >wish farage would disappear already ffs farage needs to be replaced by someone better, but who is there?
any more kino of this nigcel?
>>495912 >they never read the part where David is described as red/pink skinned you mean King David, who Jesus was said to be a descendant of?
>>495914 only heard about it fromthe /v/ thread that Wess posted
>>495917 nah not him tbh that's a step in the wrong direction
>>495916 screw the old testament smh feels like whitoids will never escape from the jew
>>495902 niggers are in the bible, they are the beast who cried. the beast with hands.the beast in the field. they have wool for hair which niggers think jesus having white wool for hair in a passage means he was a nigger. arabs in the quran also notice negroes as well. arabs were keeping slaves for hundreds of years. islam also encouraged race mixing considering north africa was almost completely white at the time. The "real" Jews were European Essenes or Sadducees, like Jesus and the disciples, long gone and all but erased from history by the Pharisees.Islam is the broom of the Pharisees. The official religion of subhuman shabbos goyim. Islamic leaders of Islamic countries all suck kike penis. Jesus tried to warn everyone. >>495920 the old testament is the word of god. for Timothy said All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. It reveals God's character, laws and the foundation of His redemptive plan which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jesus said in Matthew: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Jesus used this in his teachings which means it was incredibly relevant for understanding Gods will and salvation.
>>495921 good lad ty yeah it has a link to his full manifesto
keeeeeeeeeeek this nigcel was just a garden variety poltard 4chan is all just shitskins larping. I wish WLP could have seen this shit. he has a whole 5 pages talking about how polfaces need to mew to be chad for their mugshots
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https://youtu.be/Dh1WRo2857Q Fresh obvious thing at the time revealed.
>>495929 The scale and hideous nature of this one atrocity commited by a worthless nigger. Should hang him and his whole family.
>>495891 Farage hates us just like the others do >another le centrist and a new part of keeping british politics in a holding pattern but giving an illusion of le change to le masses >occupying space to remove the power vaccuum that allows for other challengers >elites needs ‘Farage challenger’ in place ‘ready to step in’ in an emergency or maybe to help topple both the ‘lost all credibility’ tory party and the hated Starmer Party or at the very least ‘balance’ things and get them to hold the sensible centrist gdp go up line who knows, at the same tim it’s also clear he doesn’t want to be PM - he’d rather be a power broker or part of the shadowy shadow government ( maybe he is already a junior member putting in the work ) >he could clearly mount a successful coup against the government right now. At least a fifth of his voting base would siege parliament with him at the helm waving a fag and a pint even though he hilariously disowned the street movemnt led by Tommeh who could definitely Jan 6 that den of thieves, blaggards, traitors drug addicts foreigners and nonces Tommeh the coke addled hooligan thug who is another blatant control mechanism incapable of building institutional power and entering politics
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forgot to post this earlier. the top post on leddit is essentially "killing white people = good"
>>495935 I wonder who won the war
>>495936 >I am being forced to read red note >also the Martian Times is full of antisemitism who do I report this to? t. Rabbi Veryconcernedberg
>DIEversity is a strength Here we go again with the RICU shit again https://xcancel.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1882408970612293694
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek but smh
>>495936 you mean a heavy-handed crackdown did nothing except chase people into the arms of an enemy? shocked tbh truly shocked
>>495942 Who even gave them permission to carry out crackdowns. No wonder others cracked down on them throughout history tbh
>>495941 Autism is a meme anyway. The 'spectrum' includes polar opposite traits. Not a meaningful way to categorise people.
oh no there is a gale blowing keek your pants tbh
>>495945 ireland being wiped out rn :^(
>>495946 Yeah it looks mental. My power might go out, as the lights are blinking.
>>495948 Many such cases
>6 million removals would take 6 million years Brown man is going back tbh
>>495950 damn that sucks guess we'll just have to kill all the ones we couldn't deport on time and grind them up for fertiliser tragedy smh if only there was another way
>>495951 Sure if you gave them this option they would fuckoff with 24 hours
>>495952 life finds a way
>>495954 >In the video, Ukrainian soldier Serhii described the North Koreans’ battlefield approach as reminiscent of early Russian tactics during the full-scale invasion – attempting to overwhelm through sheer numbers without tactical sophistication. They fight like the Soviet army, conducting massive, frontal human-wave assaults. In contrast, The Russians have recently been attacking in small groups, aiming to create and exploit minimal gains. >However, the soldiers noted, unlike the Russians, the North Koreans are actively attempting to evacuate all their casualties from the battlefield. hohol horseshit
>>495934 Kèeeeeeeek
>>495936 Jews lost their mojo sometime during the 2000s
>>495928 is he the real power behind the throne?
>>495936 never heard of red note but now I have to have it
>>495961 it's a Chinese TikTok clone that became the #1 app on app stores from the TikTok ban
why isn't there a thread on /pol/ about this nigcel shooter? you'd think they'd be all over it
Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book / RedNote) it's funny that they went to ban TikTok because "muh Chicoms" (when it's really because pro-Palestine people) and then the zoomers flock to an app called 'Little Red Book' which is the nickname for a book of Mao quotes. like actual Chicom proppaganda
>>495963 it's a nothingburger
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>>495965 yeah but so is everything else you'd think there would be at least one thread
>>495966 pure kino
This is the real reason why woke is being (partially) "put away" - it started to turn on Jewish interests
>>495958 It’s even more funny because jews h8 resurrections
>>495969 Nick has been talking about this for like a year, it's since Oct 7th when the browns started to turn on the Jews. they partially cancelled the beanification of America and are now all-in on the Kike-Poo alliance it's that and it's 'two steps forward, one step back' where Trump is to the left of Obama but libtards still think he's "a Nazi" and the average 100 IQ whitoid feels like he's "won" something
>>495972 yes, I think he's correct the mudskin reaction to October 7th seems to have really shaken western jews up
>>495973 It’s fucked their holojokes narrative right up. People now don’t care anymore or less and think there was most likely a good reason for it and they deserved it.
Glad he’s a fan of immigration because he’s going to be immigrating back to India https://xcancel.com/policyatkings/status/1881266117794320688
they're clowning on us. Musk throws a Roman, Milei blames"international wokism" for the fallout. both of them are slaves of Netanyahu, who probably has their compromising material tapes. they have the money and the power, they know we know that and can't do anything about it, and they are making fun of us. they are trolling us because they know they can get away with it Musk, who just said, 'I'm replacing you with Indians and if you don't like then FUCK YOURSELF IN THE FACE', is now posting milquetoast White Nationalist dogwhistle stuff. is it: >damage control for the outrage against H1B >intentional radicalization of left-wing retards >trolling us epic-style, or >all of the above?
>>495979 He's there to keep the rightoids on the game reserve
IT’S HAPPENNING! ten people deported!
>>495981 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>495983 keeek. indeed. you only get to deport people if it's beneficial to the jews as to further take eyes off of them.
get them out and replace them with subservient jeets in a higher volume.
>>495957 seethers do this every year tbh the correct response it to get absolutely maggoted and tell them to fuck off
>>495987 >Me and my Kween when we season the chicken with bleach just right.
>>495979 >>495983 jews being expelled from Eur.. Hol up! jews expelling people they don’t like from America?
>a Jew called Moni Keeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sukc0JX3jEQ
The State is Manipulating You >nudge unit nudging the UK into a collective mental breakdown https://youtu.be/xGUWWgTQkNQ
can i pooost
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>>495991 I hate nudgers.
>>495991 I feel like I have been nudged right up the shitter.

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