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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4015: David Lynch Memorial Edition Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 15:08:41 Id: 958519 No. 494484
David Lynch: Mind-bending Twin Peaks director who embraced the weird https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyv9ge0pgeo How a cigarette butt helped solve a 30-year murder mystery https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2mledn8l8o The Ceasefire Charade https://www.unz.com/article/the-ceasefire-charade/ Hatsune Miku Hits The ‘Fortnite’ Shop As The World Celebrates https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2025/01/14/hatsune-miku-hits-the-fortnite-shop-as-the-world-celebrates/
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For me, it's some Fruity Bum Bums kino.
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What about Wolf Man b*ns
what is it with lads keep requesting films with pajeets in?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ryW6g_-cwM Cage kino, you know it makes sense
>>494497 Think they all get murdered in this one TPD TPD TND TKD
>>494492 Disgusting
>>494495 >NO what's YES then? focus on the postiive lad, that's the best way to get what you wantoom
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>>494497 >what is it with lads keep requesting films with pajeets in? I have no fucking idea and I never put them on
>>494501 Requoosted Woolf man someone else Inheritance others are too long too boring TO BE QUITE HONEST WITH YOU GRANDDAD
>>494502 Wouldn’t mind seeing pajeets minced in some yank slopperoni. Check the t4ailers and reviews out Bince. Time to put some work in for teh lads
>>494503 >>494504 colletively these two posts had too many words so I didn't read either of them
>>494503 >Woolf man is that The Wolfman (2010) ?
>>494496 dunno this film tbh
FFS BINS! > Literally bins
>>494508 what?
*punches bins straight in the gob*
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>>494484 just realised that absolutely none of these posts have anything to do with politics
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>>494510 I wonder what The King of England makes of the absolute shit stain his country has become? or did he always look down on us, so thinks it's as bad as it ever was?
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>>494512 fucking awesome really ought to stream TGSNT from start to finish
>>494513 I think he looks down on us, remember how gay his coronation was? If it was up to me I would have kept it traditional with a few sprinkles of based as a wink to the people. I think he doesn't want us flodded with subhumans, but now that its happened he cares more about keeping the country together than he does about the british people. He's no Henry the Fifth. I want him replaced with a king that cares for his people, that would fight for us.
>>494513 He doesn’t give a flying fuck
>>494515 Think you're probably right His main concern is with himself and the perpetuation of the monarchy, rather than the people of this country who may as well be interchangeable to him - he never felt connected to us anyway However I think the new ethnic replacements will have absolutely zero respect for monarchy now and in future so he's basically signed his own death sentence in that regard out of touch and asleep at the wheel, as is often the case with complacent monarchs
very proud of a rather big poo good sneevning
>>494519 >sneevning but it's still merely aftersnoon!
>>494515 >a king that cares for his people, that would fight for us
>>494521 Yeah gonna keep looking.
>>494518 Signed his families death sentence. They’ll abolish the monarchy next and all fuck off to California
>>494523 They we seize the crown estate.
>>494511 >just realised that absolutely none of these posts have anything to do with politics let's keep it that way.
>>494525 The gaza stuff is.
>>494518 >His main concern is with himself and the perpetuation of the monarchy, rather than the people of this country who may as well be interchangeable to him - he never felt connected to us anyway Yep, maybe he cares about his people as a man would care about a pet fish. But ultimately, as you say, his true motive is perpetuation of the monarchy and we are replaceable. >However I think the new ethnic replacements will have absolutely zero respect for monarchy now and in future so he's basically signed his own death sentence in that regard >will have The ones here have never respected him and still don't, there's no will. And funnily enough I think he knows it, but he's doing the hole cope thing where if he tries real hard maybe we can all sit around the campfire and be freinds, which will allow his lineage to keep hold of them crown. But I bet deep down he's worried, this is his only gamble in his eyes, to make all the people here one big happy serf class that loves each other.
>>494510 >The Three Stooges
>>494526 I made it anyway
I just like being contrarian to whatever bins says
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>>494521 There's a book my great uncle wrote, it contains my family's link to the monarchy. I'm backing myself, sorry lad.
>>494524 Tbh they’re in the process of abolishing Britain and turning it into an economic zone and I wonder if half the cretins working for the state and security services even fucking realise it let alone care
>>494528 Two and a Half Policemen
You know who wouldn't have allowed this to befall us?
>Coomwell would have saved us
>>494535 >>Coomwell keek
Based Cromwell would also have us take Ireland back
they're locking up so many freedom fighters, it's disgusting.
>>494538 smh, poor lad
>On 2 October 2022, Sir Ian Dove was appointed as President of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber in the Upper Tribunal.
>>494540 the system is rigged from top to bottom.
does the one lad still want me to stream the herzog nosferatu fillum at a sensible time? I see bins is keen on streaming tonight
>>494541 tbh, tbh. If we win, in my lifetime, im going to be screaming for an up by the roots apporach. Their crimes taint their bloodline. LARP over
>>494537 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek there's a memi i haven't seen in a long time
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>>494545 Edit it into an h ok thankyou
>>494527 I think he's probably trying to last out his term (which will probably be short) and then hand the problems over to William He's basically given up, I think, and will shuffle off with a shrug
>>494548 Fairs, i guess he does have arse cancer or something doesn't he. I wonder what Bill thinks of the situation. iirc he was on a fag magazine cover, we need a new Cromwell smh
>>494549 > I wonder what Bill thinks of the situation. I suspect William is as out of touch as hid Dad, but even less aware of it
You Are Banned from Talking in Pubs https://youtu.be/R4250Zk8Q9k
>>494538 5 times what a wog would've got for stabbing him.
>>494538 never heard of him
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>>494550 Our new Cromwell shouldn't accept ignorance as an excuse
>>494551 Are they crypto wn that present a soft face? Ive heard some stuff from them that skirts the based territory
>>494555 No they're grifters earning a paycheck.
>>494555 They're sensible centrist based ethnic not white nationalists okay thank you, that I think were radicalised by me making comments on their vids for about 2 years. You're welcome.
>>494555 it's Sargon lad
>>494556 >>494557 >>494558 Fairs, I watched a video a while back where they were saying some good things and they have had morgoth collab with them. Ive not been following them.
>>494542 yes lad bins will probably cancel his own slop stream anyway
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>>494560 I'll pop it on in an hour then, would you like the english or german version (more authenticity)?
>>494561 English tbh
>>494561 Based. FUCK b*ns and his ilk.
>>494555 Harry Robinson and Beau Dade are basically our lads. the rest are somewhat racist tory boys and Sargon is still a faggot
>>494545 oof. He looks like a homo my sister is friends with
>>494564 >Beau Dade Yeah I like him, I remember Sarcuck giving him the stinkeye on the election stream for saying lock all of labour up or kill all foreign criminals, I can't remember what.
>>494564 It goes Calum salahyakum > Beau and Harry > Josh > Connor > almost all of the guests they have on > stepfather tbh
>>494543 Hail Rooty Tooty Uprooting I uproot this suggestion
>>494550 He’s a twat as well tbh. They all are. In the good old days they would have been booted by another civil war
>>494567 I like Josh Death-Penalty tbh Connor is an annoying grifter Deau and Harry are based some others are ok but can’t name them. Think the Greek lad is hiding his power level
>>494569 >the fruity bum bum room no thanks
>>494571 I think Connor is sincere but the one most stuck in the liberal playpen of thinking. Hard to get over his Williamoid phenotype but he's a good lad. Oh yeah Stelios has his moments. Almost goes without saying that they're all above and beyond and simply expressing ideas, compared to all mainstream and faux dissident leftists. Makes them interesting. They get way more views than Owen Jones, Novara, Gollywog etc. on a regular basis. Which can only be a good thing since they pretty much quit any punching right a while ago.
>a wicked filmnight usurper appeared
>>494576 why yoooooooooooou
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What film did lads want to watch for film night then?
Herzogs Nosferatu
>>494579 didn't we just watch that?
>we One minute to set a room up for the night
30 seconds
>>494581 I'm not going to stick on the same film again lad that'd be silly
Stick wolf man 2024/5 on or Inheritance which has 3 votes
Open the room now
>>494585 inheritance, the one with the spy foid killing poos?
Room link now
>>494588 There are a lot of films called Inheritance help me find the right one https://app.kosmi.io/room/bqgk5q
>>494588 it's not out yet lad
>>494588 apparently it's not out yet
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Will probably watch this at the local kinoplex next weekend. Looks alright. I like Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg.
Imagine living in an area prone to wildfires and having a wooden house. Yanks are retarded.
JOE ROGAN DOESN'T GIVE A F**K! https://youtu.be/7ilNk6Qr5Mc
>>494595 Joe Rogans wife child is half nigger, and Joe love nigger fighters he talk about their attributes nonstop. He clearly has a thing for niggers.
>>494596 >Part Italian Probably has Moor blood
UK pledges support for Ukraine with 100-year pact >Queer Two Tier Kier Stalin has pledged 300 billion of our money to Ukraine war https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvgem31jekvo
>>494598 >has an historically flimsy mandate for a 5 year term >pledges that your great great grandkids will play the slavgeld
>>494598 Smug Jew cunt
>>494599 >>pledges that your great great grandkids will play the slavgeld he can't be allowed to get away with this
>>494600 >smug Jew cunt Zelensky or Starmer?
>>494602 Starmer isn't a Jew, just his wife. Russia would be doing us a favour by annexing The Ukraine at this point.
>>494603 > Russia would be doing us a favour by annexing The Ukraine at this point. tbh and he'd be doing Ukraine a favour too, because the longer this war goes on the more Ukrainians get killed, until there are none left
>>494598 >We promise to continue our deal to steal money from the tax base Hang them all
>>494606 >Hang them all tbh, it's just outright treasonat this poing
>>494595 joe rogaine is a CIAnigger
>>494606 >Hang them all tbh it's outright treason at this point
>>494594 are british roof systems made out of brick?
>>494610 Most roofs are tiles
>>494612 the structural framing is made from tiles
>>494612 on wooden battons with plastic water proofing underlay.
She’s got a fucking point you know
Starmer’s Fingerprints All Over Southport Trial Reporting Restrictions https://youtu.be/m2x9FOomn10
>>494613 lad don't worry they're office cucks.
>>494610 UK houses are 2-3 times less likely to have a fire than those in the US. Those houses that do burn tend to keep the main structure intact, it'd just be the interior and roof that need re-doing rather than having to rebuild the entire house.
>>494599 kikesgeld
>>494613 Nah the exterior, there are some thatched roofs which are comfy but fucking expensive. >>494614 Sure
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>>494615 That's a direct unedited quote. The normal BBC news actually translates Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch quotes from Pidgin.
>>494621 Glad you're a subscriber to uuukaaaay aesthetic nigger.
>>494618 the state I live in is the same size as the UK lad and the statistics are basically fudged because westcucks are too much of faggots to do proper forest management like great lakes does so they have these meme fires that the great lakes got rid of in the edwardian era. and the last great fire here was because of a near earth impact from a stellar body but it killed shitloads in the firestorms
yeah american construction is a memi but japanese houses and korean houses are made from wood as well but eurocopes never meme on them and the nips actually adapt and upgrade alot of american style platform framing tech and make it better
>>494626 lad a lot of rural European stuff is wood stop listening to them. Shit here in the UK there's planety of timber framed shite outside of former industrial centres.
>>494608 >joe rogaine is a CIAnigger point he's making is that governments always seem to have money for foreign conflicts that don't concern us, but have no money to help their own populations in a crisis
>>494627 yeah the scandis build very similar to in burgerland. germans are actually the worst for insulting american construction much worse than UK. but really it seems that most of their work in their country is actually done by poles kek
>>494628 That's universal to the west. Anacho-tyranny is not a meme in the exact same way we can house infinite browns but our own poor need to suffer forever.
>>494621 I sentence them all to death and I’m not even a judge! Hah!
>>494629 Because they can afford poles still we're down to Albanians and Ukrainians for cheap labour.
>another week's toil over
>>494626 Fucking hell Salubrious Anus really did a job on you didn’t he?
>>494626 Don't worry I shit on slit eyes more than everyone else, hate them the most out of all races
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>>494626 The Japs can do no wrong
>>494621 was to be directed at the bulb heads here
>>494640 >>494637 Just wait till they get unironically jeeted
>>494637 Yeah. Also RIP to David Lynch. SHOUTOUT TO THE USA BABY FUCK YEAH AMERICA! anyways, peace niggers. I'm outta five thousand y'all.
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>>494638 honestly, at this point, there really *ought* to be more terrorism nothing else seems to work
>>494642 Tbh, can't wait to see the jap humpers seethe about it
>>494645 Nips don't deserve it but it is coming and anyone blind to the idea that this blight has fully metastasizedis a retard.
>>494646 Wish I could support myself on 40 hours a week.
>>494647 >Nips don't deserve it Their war crimes against us is more than enough of a reason
>>494650 Yeah no none of us deserve this fate and wishing it on others because we're currently suffering it is the worst sort of mentality.
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BBC EXPOSED - Full Interview - COVERT Recording >Last week I was invited to participate in an interview with the BBC in relation to a forthcoming documentary aimed at ‘exposing’ anti-migrant activists. I attended that interview and recorded it all – now you can hear the full recording and find out the BBC’s true agenda. https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20250117---BBC-Exposed:a
>it will be so epic when some other people suffer from the exact same things we are suffering from
>>494651 >wishing it on others because we're currently suffering it I didn't say that, I said their crimes against us is more than enough of a reason. It isn't arbitrary. Also if we die out, I'd rather the world burns than it continues on without us.
>>494653 At the same time stop worshipping some other race because they're slightly delayed on getting the long kike dicking.
japan, korea and china are the future of high civilization. I sort of prefer japanese society because their philosophy is in my opinion similar in many respects to the better parts of 'aryan' thought but its also obviously different and its own thing. there are things about the chinese I like as well, it doesn't matter really because its the future and the west is just some dead end road. its quite obvious that there is no future here. the old bastards sold our future for some lake homes and campers and the rich jews that rule the west have no concept of anything other than themselves
>>494654 So would most and it is arnitrary because you're hoping that they get fucked by the same forces fucking us because of a completely unrelated slight. Strangely I don't want to see every other good people burn because we're failing and if you want redress stop looking to some exterier force to cheer on and claim as your own redress.
>>494655 nippon is not going to be ruled by kikes lad lmao they are already becoming quite xenophobic from just a few kurds causing a ruckus in osaka. japs I have met in real life all dislike niggers instinctively
>>494658 So do most whites through most of our history but that didn't stop a forced imposition over literal decades did it.
>soft poower cooncil How about a smack in the gob with a paving hammer m9?
They'll do it in the exact same way of manipulati ng the polite nature of a civil society at first and then shaming afterwards.
>>494657 >is arnitrary because you're hoping that they get fucked by the same forces fucking us because of a completely unrelated slight >It's arbitrary because I don't like the reason you dislike them Blow me. The entire world is full of grudges from old wars. You think I'm a bad wrong racist for having my grudges? Fuck right off. Also what do you think the word arbitrary means? By your logic it'd be wrong for wanting Israel to get swamped by Arabs.
>>494661 I think the jews are using the idea of the nips suppressing the ainu as the way they say that sassanachs are immigrants to britain so therefore some nigger is british. how they will brainwash the nips to think since they aren't ainu then anyone can be a nip and then jews will slowly interbreed with ainu to genesteal them. thats my guess. however its too late in the jew timeline where they can operate this way because the anglo saxon world is already reaching a terminal threshold of exposing jewry and nippon is a satillite of shartica so they will get to exterminate jews and view problem elements whenever massive jewish "zionist" element becomes discussed in burgerish politics onces zionald trump gets BTFO during his presidency
>>494662 No you nigger I'm saying you have a crab in a biucket mentality, if you were sending gun boats over to redress given grievences I'd have a different tune. Also no I just want jews out of our politics I don't give a flying fuck what happens to jews or Israel after that you double nigger.
>>494663 The thing is the jewish question has always been semi open in Japan but at the same time the sort of tenrals I see extending now into nippon make it an open bet as to which way they'll take their nation. I just sort of hope the terminal nature of the west becomes apparent to them before they decide importing infinte browns is the best way to prop up the meme economy we currently have.
>>494665 A crab bucket mentality would be me seething about Belarus or some shit, crab bucket mentality isn't when you've got a reason to dislike them. >Also no I just want jews out of our politics I don't give a flying fuck what happens to jews or Israel after that you double nigger. >I don't care that they are subverting us #StopTheHate Lmao
>>494668 retard.
>>494669 You're the one misusing terms you don't understand.
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>>494670 Gantz really fell off after the first couple chapters but it was pretty funny
>>494673 2 brownoids too many
Saw a nice piece on Lee Anderson but at the same time I really do dred the fact that we don't have an elite that actually care anymore. You have to wonder in an earlier age would we have had a well educated elitist that spoke latin and had a trust fund but still cared and wanted to represent his consituents on a matter of principles and honour at the very least and at the most a vested local interest? Fucking Markon of Mansfield died of a stroke because he was incensed by the number of underaged soldiers during ww1 his constituents were writing to him about and he just owned a local successful business as a liberal opposition MP. He died of a stroke because of his exertions.
Sorry sir arthur Markham
>>494675 Our time is going to come again but my complaint is in the getting there. I do not want a swarthy replacement population to dwell here with a different blood memory and a mimicked pantomime of what once were our own ideals. Either Nigel will do it for us or his failures leave the legitimacy of our leadership completely shot and the aftermath makes the rothschilds a pretty penny
>>494677 They aren't us they can't be us they're just deplacing us and our racial soul on this land. They won't even mimick us given enough time.
I'm literally coming round to stieners idea that the scientific method is literally muzango magic that won't outlast us.
maybe it always was and there are others that have taken it. I like the stuff about soviet scientists insisting that crude is abiotic.
>>494677 >Nigel will do it for us I'm a hopium fag, but even I know Farage isn't going to do shit for us. But maybe Reform can, unlikely but possible
>>494682 stiring satire to be sure.
>>494679 its already dead too many non whites live within our societies and you can see how its cargo cultism
>>494684 Literally had people I know trying to dismantle is as an anathema to thier ideology like it hasn't clothed and fed them at our expense. Fuck this joke of an existence.
>>494679 Arabs pre-13th century had some scientific method. Even if it dies it might come back. Convergent development. Inventions are arrived at in multiple times by multiple different people. >>494680 I'm sorry, what?
>>494685 yeah as soon as some dearborn muslim chimes in on anything its always 4 words from muh koran. fucking dumbass kikes and liberals have no idea how much they destroyed their golden goose
>>494686 They ransaced ancient greek records and literally rejected the method because it was a rejection of their faith's principles and the few scholars that did emerged wer literally considered heretics. As for the other part I was just saying the scientific method is not set in stone and concensus can be formed beyond an actual agreed series of results form experiments if needs be, weather you read into that as the soviets or the west doing that is for your own mind to make. >>494687 Yeah literally checked out. Let them have it we really do deserve to all starve for this fucking shit cake that's been baking for the last 75 years.
the best is the random people from other parts of the globe that the kikes trot out to explain what "america" is when the flag of this country is basically just like a slightly evolved version of a classical 17th century english civil war flag and that all the major figures and heroes of the country are from britain
>>494689 I think it'd be far more scary if you had the keys to gods universal idea of forms and basically gave that away. Far better it never be understood or atleast be considered some form of obscure mizungo magic.
>>494692 Keeper that one
>>494690 lad some nigger-kike hybrid is promoting the idea that the golden ratio of the hellenic world *ackshully* came from ethopia because muh textile findings in archeological dig.
yeah alfred north whitehead holds the idea that westoidic science memis are just a continuation or extrapolation of a basic grecian tragedy. its in his book about science
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5JjdFqaVaw jpn made some kinos gooms tbf
>>494694 Then we're safe and the world will regress and thatnk god these people will not have access to what we were on the cusp of unlocking. Chinks have already gone through a cycle of advance and decay but fuck me 4 thousand years is a long time. I really hope it's just a post african paradigm that only the European to East asian axis suffers.
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>>494692 Ate my ration choccy expiration year 2023 yumm yum yum
My broken arm still hurts, it's been since the 18th smh
>>494700 Lad stop posting footage of oldham for us to dispair over.
>>494700 the pakis there are probably a bit less hostile.
Deeply disturbing
feel like I got done with the Trump nfts but this will surely be better.
>no Italian 1980s pop star gf Why even live lads?
tfw you give up ever buying a house out right only to find out you can't even afford a deposit *screams*
Auslad I think you should probably remove Mosley's Santa hat now.
>>494709 Buy a lottery ticket
>>494711 dad's been buying them all his life and he's getting his pension soon smh
Thinking about how dad has smoked for 45 years and bought lottery tickets for the same amount of time
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>>494715 Greetings, lad. May you have a joyous weekend.
Why does he smoke low IQ brown ass?
>>494717 speaking like a nigger doesn't reek of Anglo supremacy. I get these people all live online where'snegro slang is the thing. But have some restraint with the ebonics.
I can't stop imagining him literally smoking low IQ brown ass. Help
ugh, imagine the smell
also, rather gay.
>>494718 Seconded, ebonics is far too ubiquitous, and even if somebody isn't writing or speaking like a nigger they're still probably butchering the English language, either through having it as their second language or just by having a very poor grasp of grammar.
>>494707 BOGGED
>when he turns the thug shaker into a bomb to smoke de peaceful erb and btfo the libs epic style
>>494724 bong* not ackbaring ACK
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>>494726 feel like pure shit. just want him back.
we need more of this
>>494729 >he could easily get 3 years in prison for liking that post because it counts as ditributing and the Niggerballs plus Hitler image can be construed as causing offense, alarm, distress, whatever and he's a white patriotic Englishman
>>494730 >lus Hitler image can be construed as causing offense, alarm, distress, whatever It's incitement to racial hatred/violence
>Man sentenced for liking NiggerBalls smh
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>>494709 You can get 95% loans, deposits are the easy part. The hard part is having a high enough salary to get the loan offer.
How Did Liberal Modernity Create Women Like This? https://youtu.be/DjAHEEeJc1w
Trump Will Help Finish Off Starmer https://youtu.be/MEpZWYNpryc
>>494737 >Trump Will Help Finish Off Starmer
>>494736 western women are so oppressed smh
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>>494738 KEEEEEEEEEK but also CEASE such reckless and provocative gayism posts smh.
>>494741 Just want to see Starmer finished off good and proper
>>494736 Woah so she got a better score/performed better than any of the men and got cheated out of her earnings? Or maybe it was just a women's category but she somehow pulled in more watchers? I'm sure this must be a terrible sexism and not just suply and demand.
this lass, honestly
>>494737 Mummy Liz will sweep into power and save the special relationship
>>494746 I thought that show stopped years ago
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>>494745 I think she's learned a lot since she was PM but I doubt they will let her lead again, especially now
>>494745 might be an unwilling participant in the knockout game walking around with that cap on.
>>494751 he's so dark and mysterious
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>>494752 he's a dark mysterious b
>>494745 She was probably unironically a bbcslut for kwasi coontang like Amber Rudd. Into the trash with her and her late blooming bottom of the barrel roight wang views she's only ever expressed post-coup against her.
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>>494754 >She was probably unironically a bbcslut for kwasi coontang like Amber Rudd. Into the trash with her and her late blooming bottom of the barrel roight wang views she's only ever expressed post-coup against her. She did an interview recently where she called out the rotten civil service and said Britain was a "failed state" But then went on to talk about how we need to build on the green belt
>>494755 You'd let her jerk-punch you in a tossjob and give you a toothful blowie and still soil the matress with her. Don't you lie to us. fucking chinless YIMBY still better than David "Porky" Cameron. You're all just in-group bullying my trussy.
>>494756 >You'd let her jerk-punch you in a tossjob and give you a toothful blowie and still soil the matress with her. Don't you lie to us. >fucking chinless YIMBY still better than David "Porky" Cameron. You're all just in-group bullying my trussy. damn you got smee
>>494757 What about: >You're in a room just you and Olakemi Zulu Okakwembe and she says: "Wot na we do on de bed?" and she leg locks you. Wat do???
>>494759 >Olakemi Zulu Okakwembe le who?
>>494758 based?
>>494707 it's as if these women don't even exist in my life. only on screens. the pengest woman i see irl off screen is probably a 5.5 or 6/10 by goodscreen standards
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2BsP_GR4UA remembering how the spot where the lads who tried to sally out of fort detroit all got tomahawked is now just some nigger gas station
wild how they can have cat hotels in nippon so comfy to see high trust societies. fags here would steal the cats or eat them or something all the nigger caveman savages. can't even have saunas here since the fags invade them or they fill up with niggers trying to steal peoples bags
>>494762 smh poor lad there as some decently fit lasses at the localist toolman shop and also walking the town where I live midwest lasses have a decent amount of fit looking slags
>>494764 we have them in London now, probably elsewhere too. just know a gang of niggers will walk in, faces covered and steal them while filming it to post online
>>494766 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hSsRlZMEbs&t=557s just cant even imagine something like this existing in burgerland. too low trust even the whitoids would ruin it
>>494750 Another book on how (((Americans))) own us gr8
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>>494768 >>494750 Yeah, I was thinking about picking it up at some point.
>>494750 Got an mp3 of this lad?
So Farage took his 30 silver dollars and sold us to US (((private equity))) Hmmmmmm
>>494759 Kick her in the bollocks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx_L7j-Nvvo nip boomer toil seems so much more comfy too
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I’ve done this. Best thing to do is wait until they fuck off and take the clamp as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU6yp5u_3sQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLmlVU9P0hI great lakes nigcicles are en route
>>494777 Here we purify the building with urine and vag butts. Amazing how similar we are cuchutaralley
*fag butts Cigarette butts to you steiner
>>494781 yeah mexicans purify the building with pissjugs in the wall cavities its ancient mexican cultural enrichment
>>494772 are you listening or reading it too, lid?
I wonder how Russian's feel about brazzas replacing them while they are off dying for Putin.
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>>494786 no film than you!
>>494787 >than you you lost, lad
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Ive just read something saying that there was a 50–100% replacement of male lineages during the Early Middle Ages in eastern England. I thought we weren't Anglos and we wuz really Celts. Someone explain what we are to me.
>>494789 confused by this also, i've heard that the romans barely interbred with us before leaving, and i've also heard that england became so intertwined with the romans that when they left they sent a letter to the emperor begging for help against the barbarians, which i guess were the celts
>>494790 I watched a video from StJ saying we are mainly pre-anglo celts, but im reading this https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9534755/ that so far implies we wuz anglos n shit
>>494791 romans had negligible impact, saxons did push out a lot of celts but are genetically pretty much identical to celts so there isn't much difference in the dna record aggregate
>>494792 > Here we provide strong evidence of large-scale early medieval migration across the North Sea zone and extend its temporal scope. In particular, we show that these migrations started earlier than previously assumed, as evidenced by individuals with CNE ancestry from later Roman contexts, and continued throughout the middle Anglo-Saxon period. >Together, these migrations appear to be part of a continuous movement of people from across the North Sea to Britain from the later Roman period into the eleventh century ce. >Our results overwhelmingly support the view that the formation of early medieval society in England was not simply the result of a small elite migration18,61, but that mass migration from afar must also have had a substantial role. I mean I dont know about this stuff, just reading but according to this paper it seems we wuz. But I dont know enough about this stuff to really comment, all I can look at is their conclusion and trust the experts.
>>494793 >trust the experts they are basically saying the same thing except more poncey tbh probably with an eye to manipulating things more later to claim that niggers were here from the start or however the poz load is dispensed
big kephart knife is almost complete
>>494796 >search on jewgle >immediately see "KA-BAR" appended based and US MUHREENpilled scalp some spics with it
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>>494797 >kephart no it looks more like this and is like a working seax more than a bowie which is like some kind of seax/langseax type weapon
does it matter if we came from zesty euroboatmen who canoed over from doggerland or whatever? what matters is that we are a people now and that we are better than the new arrivals who most certainly do not hark from doggerland or denmark
>>494798 looks a proper everyday knife, nice and thicc for eating your ploughmans off of
>>494799 tbh tbh read a few more pages of wewlius ewola today and he was getting into tripartite racism which was pretty good i think >physical race (if you are white or a nigger) >cultural race (if you act white or like a nigger, in a group) >spiritual race (if your inner values and personal behaviour is like a white or a nigger) etc
>>494800 yeah its not pokey so you don't accidentally poke open guts of deers and fish. but its BIG for doing bushcraft style memi shite. yeah this guy named NIX in illnois forges some every once in while so I bought one and it had copper in the iron looks kino
>>494799 >does it matter if we came from zesty euroboatmen who canoed over from doggerland or whatever? what matters is that we are a people now and that we are better than the new arrivals who most certainly do not hark from doggerland or denmark No, but I want to know who we are and where we came from and when we came from there. I want to know our story and our history. But at the end of the day, we are us, and I want us to survive and thrive
>>494802 wish britoids weren't cucked smh thought about getting an opinel to carry recently but even if it falls under the chode length limit and is a non-locking folder it's still not legal unless commuting to and from toil or whatever gay shit that doesn't apply to niggers with machetes it is
>>494804 tod cutler makes those old 15th century longbowmens archer picks
>>494804 >reasonable excuse I'm gay and the handle is perfect for stretching my batty hole and you pulling me for using it makes you an anti-semite anti-IRA leprechaun, because I have both Irish and gay roots and you're persecuting me for being a communist which is the same as being a hebrew so I hope you'd like to answer to the ADL and your supervisor likes the paperwork
>>494804 >sihks can carry their little daggers because muh culcha but jocks can't wear dirks and anglos can't wear seaxs just kike things
>>494805 >>494806 blud de mandem no wan de sherrifmen roun here no mo innit ting any mans enter sherwood park road an dey get plate piercen na okay *wears cap with a feather in it backwards*
>>494807 mudsharts literally have armouries of swords and guns in their mosques here and the police know it and they brandished them openly during the "race riots" (retarded leaderless xoomer whites having an ineffectual tantrum in which nobody died) and all the po did was ask them nicely to put them back in the mosques haven't heard of a single raid or confiscation spree or anything
>>494809 hate those fags "gay jesus" too his best mate is a ltieral satanist
>>494809 it must be amazing to be russian and laugh at all this western gayness. nobody here ever does anything unless it's faking it for a camera
>>494809 smh its such a shame that forgotten borders didn't die from the time he got shot >>494812 tbh
finally the gangster computer god is feeding me random comfy autism again WW1 aircraft kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zELul8q0HjM
me? it's got to be the sopwith camel >ywn fly to egypt overnighting in exotic european cities while filing zero paperwork about your journey
>>494815 vgh used to have a load of trad tin camel models but threw them out like a complete retard smh muh downsizing
>>494817 fruity sofa tbh
yakub's finest creations should engineer a way to cause wog heads to literally explode upon utterance of the power word nigger
>>494821 Pretty sure the video will be him shitting on Trump and his vooooters
>>494822 yeah endeavour is an interesting lad not that i watch much polishitical content these days
>>494820 holy snore lol
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wObG9btLHh8 this is more interesting that the trump autism shite
https://youtu.be/z4OuGFxB3JY?t=299 Steiner, what subspecies of American is this?
what was that one dabke video that had baathist iraq military parades with migs flying overhead and peng music? i think it must've been taken off youtube and i lost the tab maybe. loved that one
>>494804 Yeah I'd love to carry a functional non LARPY 4 inch fixed blade, but we still do have legal carries. Just absolutely do not tell police you're carrying for self defence, and if they bait you saying "don't you think it could be seen as a weapon" remain insistent that it's a tool. Been thinking of getting this smeeself. https://heinnie.com/rough-rider-apta-folder-red-folding-knife/## >>494807 Yeah the multi culti exceptions same as pikey's right to camp anywhere really fuck me off.
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>>494831 wtf is this lad?
can confirm new Nosferatu is kino tbh lads
>>494834 you went to the cinema?
>>494835 yikes kek
>>494834 Good lad.
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>>494836 lad you basically just paid jews for their propaganda so they can make even more
>>494838 actually this, i retract >>494836
>>494840 oh look, it's this washed up degen xoomer who drowned in stripper minge as a bouncer during his youth in the 90s but now waxes poetic about how awful this lifestyle was. nigger try getting no pussy your whole life and now being on the cusp of middle age, reeee
>>494802 Looks like you’ve been using it to investigate niggers bumholes tbh hope so anyway
>>494842 I'm not familiar with that arc. Only just discovered the channel; some interesting stories as of recent vids.
>>494832 that first image makes my brain hurt. one time this somali lad was trying to tell me to visit sweden because he said, "us swedish have very pretty women"
>>494842 tbh this, the worst arc is the grumpy old burnout nihilist gen xer arc. fucking hate their takes on everything.
>>494848 Prefer the one in Mournhold.
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Rikishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Trump is making billions of a rugpull shitcoin. Meanwhile, outside inauguration ceremony is cancelled.
>>494850 odd how hard it is to remember prime ministers. wasn't gordon brown prime minister within the last 15 years? vaguely recall this, he sold the gold or something
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>>494852 He's sold all of our what?!
>>494853 Labour is so inept its incredible
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>>494856 keeeek
For me it was this Steinerian scene in the 1979 Nosferatu film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdzHAKPV7dk
>le pig meme
>>494851 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>494863 was just about to post something about this
In Celtic culture, the wild boar also symbolizes spiritual authority, a representation commonly associated with the Druids caste 5. When envisioned in dreams, boars are seen as an indication of the warrior spirit.
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Think im going to go to sleep, cant hang on much longer
>>494869 yum yum
>>494869 some of the ancient stories like that of hercules are basically just a hunting story
>>494868 night lad
tealc dial the DHD for the early iron age im done with this gay kike time period
>>494874 Sorry lad you've been dialed into the gay jaffa bath house planet.
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you gotta be quicker than that buddy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUE4oDunYkc this, and saturday night by whigfield were my favourite songs on the radio as a bairn
>>494880 haven't heard that choon in yonks tbqh
TBH I hate zoomer nigger patois and how its infested the gaming aspect of the internet
what's to be done about the xoomers though? they grew up on spielberg nonsense and aren't capable of anti-jewish thought
born before 1985? yep, trapped in the ww2 thought prison
*crashes in to say hello to /brit/* MORNING LADS! *mumbling back*
>>494882 tbh >>494883 xoomers are a carbon copy of boomers tbh they'll keep clogging up politics until they're geriatrics only hope is to make sure that younger generations become based in order to outnumber them and push them out of the political process >>494885 smorbius lad
>>494884 Tbh afraid to betray the legacy of wuhwuhtwo Heard loads of stories of there being endless reruns of war film as made throughout the 40s-60s being played back to back on the only four channels they had up until 1990
>>494886 Most xoomers were trapped in state propaganda cycle until the mid nineties and were themselves mostly shutout from positions of power because the massive boomer cohort were still in their fifties. They were caught up or caught out in the massive property booms either having money or not plus completely blindsided by mass immigration they didn’t really see coming in most of the country by the mid nineties ( government also turned the bread and circuses hedonism and drugs availability up to 11 to keep their eyes and minds off what was happening ) but yeah the xoomers in charge now are the ones who benefitted from generational wealth and are just as interested in keeping the Ponzi going tbh tl;dr Billions
>woke up >I'm white >mum's buying takeaway pizza today
>>494886 It’s futile but necessary. Don’t prostitute yourself too hard lad
>tfw your xoomer dad tells himself he failed as a dad because his son is a nazi >not because he didn't impart any skills or knowledge to me
>>494893 No one imparted any to that generation tbh either boomers were frightened of getting challenged for their own jobs or because of the birth of computerisation and the internet caught loads of them out because of late/no investment in computer sciences. When did state schools get computers that weren’t always locked behind armoured doors for the sole use of the brainiest kids? It was only the smarter richer kids that got an early start with this and ones with parents who knew they had to teach them about it. Fucking education policy here has been a disgrace because the elite thrive with a dumb population Tl;dr Billions
We don’t hate these people enough
>alone with your thoughts Lads! Wake up! Pooooost! Ack!
>>494898 my ears feel weird are you glad I posted?
also gonna see if chamomile and lemonsweet will grow where I want them because I want sky daddy to notice smee
keeeeeeeeek. of course a jew would have a black militia at his disposal to use for terror ops.
>>494899 >us manufacturing jobs outsourced to Ukraine >needing 200 dollar machine to sharpen a knife >slava ukraini https://www.hapstone-usa.com/ Keeeeeekmfao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNyk4q7N-ng >>494900 Yeah gudlad
>>494902 Subversion tendencies obviously goes through both lines
>>494903 Good fixed angle systems give the best results even according to expert freehand sharpeners but the gayto line on Ukraine is giga cringe.
Although that one looks crap especially for the price keek.
>>494905 Just can’t imagine anyone apart from the cringe edc lot buying this crap for knives they’ll never use. Not as if the local gypsy knife sharpener will buy one maybe they still have them in Ukraine and I can’t see tradwifehusband buying one. You might have an outside chance of starting a business sharpening knives for your local hoodrats though >Oi Jamal cross my palm wiv silver innit blud an’ I’ll make sure you can slice an dice Bullring Bandidos an’ Postcode Porch Pirates mandem
decent manga for the lad who likes to watch autist docus definitely a romanticisation in multiple ways though protag is /brit/core (reveals himself as a certified brapologist before chapter count even reaches double digits) https://mangakatana.com/manga/asper-girl.23570 >>494900 noticed I had some wax in one of my ears last night so I prodded a little further and felt the entire canal was full like a big glob of bluetack or an owl pellet so I took the shower head off and rinsed my earhole out and a giant chunk of black and yellow gunk and shit fellow out into the bath and it was so huge and grotesque i expected there to be some woodlice in there or something
lidls has been doing a faux asian/nip food line which is quite good but they never sell plain mochi, only ice cream filled variants
>>494909 Are you not allowed ice cream?
thinking about that earwax pellet again tbh never experienced that before in my life feel like I should dig it out of the bin and preserve it somehow, like an ear baby >>494910 milk and associated products in general are bad I just like the idea of a nice plain ball of chewy pounded rice and sugar or whatever it is, without being overly sweet
>whole premise of the manga is that his gf just turns up on his doorstep just like will happen for us in real life if we just keep waiting
>>494912 He was producing porn though, that's what really won the woman over.
>>494913 often think about this tbh all the great works of romance throughout history come from male artists and it's not because wombyn were le oppressed since the arts were historically an area they could always participate in also how many social norms and mannerisms of the past seem very autistic today therefore a) women were always THOTS and b) functional spergs were the elite of society in times past and should be again tbh (me especially)
>yeah yeah..blah blah thankyou for your service you are hereby sentenced to deaf. Lmao
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK No one likes him no matter whose furrin boots he licks. Should have stayed loyal to your own tribe innit ‘blud’
>>494917 I hate kikes so fucking much.
>>494915 and yet I've only seen ppl of the tribe rudely point like that Whom is jewwing whom?
>>494922 No one shall miss OnlyFans. OnlyFans pays no tax here. OnlyFans lies contrary to God. But let's ban TikTok because of the red menace
>>494923 Tbh. >Oy! Da anti s*** is outta control!
>Reform cucking on as many fronts as possible what a joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w8vl-NfsW8
Waxy Wessie btfo again
https://youtube.com/shorts/AnTbsGYQa4o?si=JgiqrV-z-4B0-sQP Lads just got back from Detroit I gave these two niggers some fantasy
>>494926 Yeah ozempic is super dangerous it can give you a stomach condition that is basically like perma vomiting. No cure. There will be lots of suicides fuck American big pharma
>>494915 What's she a veteran of? Sending emails
>>494917 Keek kikes are so retarded h They are forgetting how to leverage the holohoax. Who was it that freedom the heebs from the masterbation machines? Oh yeah. Fucking dumbass kikes
>>494929 Isn’t Ozempic Danish? Although I know there are other derivatives and ‘authorised generics’ which is basically Israeli companies like Teva copying everyone else’s recipe or somehow bullying and inserting themselves as middlemen and selling the same drug at 14%+ cheaper They’re also the ‘pharmaceutical’ company that makes all the tranny drugs
>>494930 Supposedly an intelligence officer Maybe she was reading all the incoming reports of “Fucking hell the Jews are going full genocide here Mr. President!” and it broke her mind so basically yeah
>>494927 Yung Bigla is bigly a troon
>>494933 >Jews are going full genocide It's unironicaly their cultcha, antisemite.
>>494928 Just need a Negrotech™ neuronigger implant is all
>>494936 Unironically except now they found a way not to get yeeted for being so genocidally antisocial
UFUCKINWOT?YOU POSH ESTABLISHMENT APOLOGIST CUUUUNT! https://xcancel.com/TomHCalver/status/1880922715525419397
>>494940 You be pimpin’ hoes now?
What happen to Ginnie posting tbh?
>>494943 Stopped after bbkang started bullying her
>I do not like my fellow americans anymore. Literally every other silouette of a person makes me on edge. They look like zombies when they are driving god dammit. EVERY single one is fat. The kids look drained. The sky looks bleak and evil. I awake to the dreary bulk of morning commuters eating breakfast flavored goyslop pressed into food shapes. and i complete my day to the the bleak sadness of a night drive amongst burnouts and renegades, needles fresh in their arm on a freeway. Some seem goofy and ignorant; sedated. Adults with the critical awareness of high school girls on the rag. America has become a ghost town of freedom. Only coward slaves wander and are picked off by negro gangs like hyenas to scraps of food left behind by predators. Jews roam the local walmart freely, pawing at their claws with rabid ghostly eyes watching the nearby children wearing mincraft shirts and leggings. Cops follow around citizens angrily, trying to pass through their workdays, while everyday whites curse at them even, underneath their booze and cigerettes. I doubt some even go outside at all. Murders probably happen all around you but you would never be sure. Babies could be screaming under the sewergrates in decrepit chambers but you would never be sure. The population is fake and gay and the telivision is AI generated. America is not what it once was. It is the trash compactor where dreams go to work and die. It is the rusted ideals graveyard. A place where free people fight over food and oppurtunity. A place where death has forgotten us even. America is the epicenter of cringe of the human soul. >Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
>>494944 Phwoar. Imagine sucking a fart from her arse and holding it like a bong hit. lush and I mean lush.
>>494950 this was the title of a Morgoth video
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>>494946 >GORDON? We always called him Jahans
>>494896 these are the shittest memes you fag, you must be 50 years old
>>494902 kek he was a moor jew literally the people who brought niggers to the new world in the first place then he decides that they are now his tool to use against the anglos since now the anglos don't like slavery anymore. fucking kikes have been a problem for a LOOOONG Time
>>494489 >a serbian film Wouldn't be surprised if that counted as category B democrat activism in the UK, lad. Venom is based. She watched Wicked recently. She liked it so it's gauranteed awful.
>>494957 whom is this she you speak of?
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>>494957 >democrat activism
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>>494959 I type it out as that because I'm so used to it being filtered. Pornography featuring small people. Smdh. Serbian film features a fake small person grape scene. Giving that even cartoons can count as the offence, and that it is graphic not merely suggestive, I would hazard a guess that it would count as category B at least. The sort of thing that if you were also a wrongthinker may get you 5 years in prison. Suppose b*ns has the same excuse as Hugh Edwards given he likes things in his own bum and he's rich. But the lot of you would be fucked for watching that particular horror movie if say, a lurking tranny decided to make a malicious and unnecesery report to authorities.
>>494962 feel sorry for people back in the 1800s if this was as good as music got for them
>>494963 Lad 1800s was banging that's 1920s slop.
>>494965 >1800s was banging tbh lad tbh https://youtu.be/CS58YQaVIaA
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>>494946 And I would do it again.
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>>494968 hehe good lad
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>>494970 I see you have learned to download xeets yourself
>>494971 yes, just changing the url from twitter.com to nitter.poast.org makes it really easy just right click and snave
You lads hair about PA Wales being infiltrated by the BBC? They're doing an undercover documentary or some shit
>bins and the fatherless children of brit
>>494974 mongy marky voluntarily talking to the jewsmedia and expecting to epicly btfo them by releasing his recordings even THOUGH the niggercattle will just consoom the slopaganda the bbc puts out without further thought or care even if they some are made aware that the interview was manipulated (just like last time he talked to the jews media) Marks interview with the BBC regarding forthcoming hit piece on PA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQjS5D3R4LI
>>494974 yeah Mark Collett published a really long boring video about it (as usual)
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>>494975 tbh I'm the dad they never had
tbh it's good that he is getting pooblicity one can only hope just seeing someone who's not a libtard will "radicalise" tv watching xoomers
>>494978 good lad
Not a week goes by when I am not grateful for the work and effort Mark Collett has put in over the years.
>>494953 You have autism tbh. The point is the guy hosting the channel is obviously taking the piss out of boomers and their lame ‘boohumour’
>>494976 >when the interviewer asks him about taking advantage of neurodivergents
>>494955 Thousands of years no wonder people try to eradicate them
I've only listened to the interview in part, but I know Mark will do us proud, as always.
>>494976 Mark should have just beat him up on the spot would have achieved exactly the same result as talking to them with their serial dishonest editing history
>>494981 >Not a week goes by when I am not grateful for the work and effort Mark Collett has put in over the years. > yes but I still don't watch any of his content because its all too boring
If you believe Blumpft's campaign promises, the Russo-Ukranian war will end tomorrow. Here's hoping that means he'll nuke Kiev.
>>494983 tbh utter joke considering the mindfucking and abuse soyciety heaps on us trooning is the least of it >>494987 except for him doing time not that he won't anyway smh i'm sure some shartspeech faggotry will be used as an excuse to gulag him until he dies soon enough
>>494991 qeeeeq
I unironically find slightly chubby oriental women even more attractive.
I don't find chinks all the attractive tbh
>>494995 same they all look the same
>>494975 powerful look of grief tbh.
>>494994 Post Moar
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Lad dont post things that will make me seethe at this time of day
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finished my cowboy seax lads
>>495003 noice
>>495000 >>495001 Noice seethe there lad well done
>>495003 Need to Christen it now. Time to sex that seax up in Detoilet on D’toilet and his m9s
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Crypto is done. The market will crash. Welcome to the next four years.
>>495006 keeek its mad how our ancestors used to do shite like that and do memi cattle raids just so they could let their swords drink the crimson
>>495008 Tbh Retvrn to tradition
>>495009 proof enough we're in decline
>>495007 >Crypto is done Bitcoin is up 7.5% from last week? What's got you doom saying?
>bbk putting in the work on behalf of PA
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/tony-blair-mental-health-benefits/ Tony Blair tells Brits to stop self-diagnosing with depression as 'UK can't afford spiralling benefits bill' >"Life has its ups and downs and everybody experiences those. And you've got to be careful of encouraging people to think they've got some sort of condition other than simply confronting the challenges of life. >"We need a proper conversation about this because you really cannot afford to be spending the amount of money we're spending on mental health."
>>495011 If niggers are saying it and slinking off home they can smell it. Time to sling the politicians and traitors out with them
>>495014 >Why is the world I've crafted gone to shit?
>>495014 Faggot could help restore their spirits by offing himself and his entire bloodline tbh
>>495016 I've been screaming this at my mummy for years now and it's still not working, smh
>>495013 rough.
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Like flies on shit
>still posting seethe bait Smh
>>495021 I hate it all, paitently waiting for the great collapse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW5kcUUu2Ac
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NtzNd3fy7M keeek she looks like an ancient pict with all those vile tattoos
>>495003 Ha. Cool name. Well done lad.
>we are so back Whi’s writing these things for him? Q?
>>495021 Who tf is that mongoloid with the zio poo?
>>495027 Her husband
>>495024 >ancient pict She just looks like some porn who’re tbh lad
>>495009 im so tired of these niggers speaking about the anglosphere in OUR LANGUAGE and being so fucking entitled that they need to go somewhere else because THEY RUINED OUR COUNTRIES
>>495023 >the great collapse Lad... there's no great collapse, it's a general enshitifcation. The kikes will do anything to avoid a collapse as it's kill their power.
>>495031 I bet the bronze age elite thougth the same thing.
>>495028 Israeli/10 then fr fr
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>>495032 Where's South Africas collapse? Where's America's, it's less than 50% hwhite.
>>495035 great talking to you spic.
>>495032 toward the end the pharohs were trying to pass off pyrite as gold to pay debts
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>>495030 Like rats off a sinking ship no loyalty and that’s a good thing
>>495036 Considering this screenshot >>495038 automatically compares to GBP, I can't be a spic. Why do you think there will be a collapse?
>>495024 Fucking hell, she looks so skanky with all those tattoos but I want to bend her over that bed. and it shouldn't be that way.
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>>495040 For the exact same reason you think speculation means actual wealth.
>$MELANIA No thanks. Why would you want to $mell her? Probably stinks of Covfefe man’s stale farts
Village People really did sing YMCA just now at Trump's speech. keeeeeeeeeeek. they said they all voted for kamala however. goofy goy rightoids just have no standards at all.
they also showed clips from Full Metal Jacket as cool and how the military should be, mixed with 'woke' military clips from previous years. I keeeeeeeeek.at least they didn't show the Pvt. Pyle murder, suicide part.
>>495042 That's just a single shit coin, who gives a fuck?
>>495046 the entire trump phenomena is the TV brain generation falling for a character played on TV
>fell for the ADHD medication meme Thanks doc
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Don't forget to buy the sneakers too, suckers
>Fagrage milling around with ex SBS zoggie who wants to stand as London mayor for Reform despite having been convicted in 2013 for bashing a female cop Does Fagrage have any sense? Is he fucking just starstruck and senile now? Maybe he’s got Korsakoff addled brain
>>495052 The kikes clearly want him over Kemi so I don't think they are purposely sabotaging him, I think he's just a dumb fuck boomer.
I'm here for boomers killing the crypto market https://x.com/RyanAFournier/status/1881098144039256187
>>495051 dayum those kicks is fire on god nigga
Tomorrow is going to be even more zesty.
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That cowboy looks just like spic fuentes.
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>>495061 Keek not seen him in ages
>>495059 I hate the local YMCA its full of fat ugly dykes and trannies and the locker room is full of niggers and niglets who steal your shite but if you are a whitoid you have to pay full rate but some somali shitskin gets to go there for free
boomers literally just partied for the last 50 years and now the western world is fucked
>>495064 maybe you just need to be in the navy.
>>495061 Thought he'd be embedded in Reform, or is he completely in America now for those big grift bucks?
Try that in a small town got snubbed for Nelly. smh, rightoid moment, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyjBJqteFI0 surely Hulk can get up and perform this.
>>495070 keeek I had that album
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNqxWTsUIjs&t=56s america and the white race need a *glass breaks* moment when that zionist faggot gets up to the podium
and then gold dust needs to smellania
>>495073 Wrestling does seem kinda funny and entertaining
>>495065 the holiday from history
next film night we should watch lost highway (1997)
>>495076 exactly
wonder what milennial woes thinks of the trump inaugeration. smh will have to wait for the next 'yule since he is back in his gou'ald sarcaphogus
>>495082 shni la
>Now here’s the thing…you’ll ALWAYS be a paki Raheem
Still can't get over team drumpf using clips from Full Metal Jacket to try and sell joining this drumpf era military. rightoids are such fucking retards, they deserve everything they get.
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Reportedly Australia is going to get pooed
Would've been better if he was sentenced to death for those tattoos. but I'll take it.
That Ngubu that killed those 3 girls pleaded guilty. getting people say to me he should be put to death. I point them to this character that made sure we can't do such beautiful things. not legally anyway.
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Fucking looked like BoJo to boot.
>>495061 Raheem has lost a lot of weight and is looking good Remember when he used to hang out with Milo?
finally a photo that isn't of him at 8 or whatever.
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I hate my job so much, might quit and take a less well paying role >>495095 Ugly nigger, we would execute him if we had justice
>>495095 Apparently he was referred to prevent several times before his attack, but nothing was done Ben John, on the other hand, is serving two years in prison on terrorist charges for reading books https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cqx949jzjlyo
>>495097 The anarchist cookbook is illegal now? wtf
>>495098 >The anarchist cookbook is illegal now? wtf only if you are right wing
>>495089 unironically a death sentence for this country already bad enough as it is tbh have to wade through a sea of brown every time i go to the shops
Is that shaking to do with years of being bummed?
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>>495101 two old gay liberal jews in New York? What are the odds?
>>495106 MIGA bros we won
Imagine the $MELANIA
rightoids not only getting done after spending money to be at the inaugration that is now inside, but also the smash and grab meme coins.
>>495099 >only if you are right wing Unironically true. Fucking hate this systemic two tier bullshit that causes white children to die and innocent white adults to go to prison.
keeeek. elon sperging out in the background when going to Mars was mentioned
>>495100 tbh near instantaneous replacement
My sister had a mini rant about how Trump is a rapist
>>495113 Did you forcefully put her in her place (on your dick)?
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>Dad was watching Trump at work smh, my dad has fallen for containment
>>495100 >>495112 >remembering that the saltwater crocs stretch to india, where they kill far more people than in aus Lot of pajeets will get eaten when they move. Silver lining.
>>495111 what you watching lad?
>>495113 to be fair it's probably the one time your sister is correct
save some for the rest of us, Elon
we have to make our country more appealing to high skilled indians
>>495120 he on drugs?
>>495123 You arent?
>>495124 based
>>495125 I'm joking, I worry about getting bad gear that fucks me up.
>>495115 we are all contained until one's spirit casts off the flesh >>495113 You should have told her you were a rapist as well and that you only support trump due to rapist class solidarity.
>>495123 He takes Ketamine for depression, not sure if it's that.
>Trump is unironically gonna try and change the name of the gulf of mexico This man is a retard
>>495128 butter-biscuited
>>495131 snowflake detected
>>495133 *chudjack "I'm not unique" meme*
>>495131 He should at least change it to something funny like Sid Meier's SimGulf or Tiger Woods Gulf Tour 25
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Trump is going to deport all of the illegals to Mars. Without oxygen.
>>495135 MicroProse Gulf
Just rename Mars, Musk already.
>>495138 hahaha MICROPENIS GUL! YOUR MUM'S FANNY hahahaaha
>>495139 Call it "big red dude"! roflcopter!
>>495139 >Edom >>495140 what?
*starts crying*
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>fazzas is all in Trump and said can't wait for him to put the woke away >he thinks Trumps second term is going to be very different >he thinks there's going to be mass deportations >he doesn't understand that Trump is the systems containment Smh, how are generation Xers so captured by the political system? It's boomer tier
>>495144 who is fazzas? domhnall dump is a woke as fuck apocalyptic crypto-kike
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>>495145 Sorry, my father, still sleep deprived from UFC
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>>495148 England Lives And Marches On
4 more days of dad trying to bond with me over his hatred of brumpf(if you ask him he doesn't know why he hates brumpf)
Did he intentionally thank everyone but white people again?
>>495150 >Irish Dancing >England Fuck the Irish
I girl I liked did Irish dancing when we were young. Mostly it looked like she was trying to kick someone in the face.
>>495155 He means that Ukraine should open its borders and allow richer countries to exploit all of its natural resources.
>>495153 Ireland is Englands rape baby
How much goy slop is tales from the cryptkeeper the cartoon series? I'm looking and thinking the B side to kino Courage could still be good somewhat
a few leftoids seem to be a little... upset
okay, we are back
>people will call him literally nazi again while we get indians
>>495161 >people not people lad only leftshits
>>495160 Lel is this some sort of autism issue? He's behaving like a small boy without good motor control >>495159 Overrated 00s band that hipster normigroids are into
>>495163 >Overrated 00s band that hipster normigroids are into not even heard of it tbh
>>495148 based UP THE RA
>>495152 >Did he intentionally thank everyone but white people again? he did. went through all the groups twice giving thanks. didn't mention Whitey once.
>>495165 Farage is going to be PM in a shitty power sharing arrangement with the Tories
>>495148 SMH they must be putting chemicals in the bogs to make the bog trotters gay
>>495148 if this is based then why does he look like a faggit?
>>495169 It's Irish. So it's automatically based.
Makes me keek every time.
>>495170 >It's Irish. So it's automatically based. um lad?
>>495172 uh oh stinky
>>495172 fookin luv me whores tracin thas fer shure laadie
>>495159 gotcha 4444skin leafed clover for yah black & tan m80 cost ya a fair punt thas fer shure tho bout tree fiddy hatetahtetahtetaa
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK they are sneething
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It's that time again
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>>495177 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>495176 >Poasts Sam O’Smith
>>495182 Good to see spics intergrated to the US
>>495183 It's all a fucking spectacle
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>>495183 WE ARE SO BACK!!!
>>495186 probably the most grounded fucker there.
>>495186 he has the face of a future emperor I hope he becomes one
>>495189 He just looks like any other that's aware and discontent.
>>495190 he looks like he knows they are probably going to try to kill his dad
>>495191 good.
>>495191 >they are probably going to try to kill his dad Why the fuck would they want to kill Trump now that he's their guy?
It's a gay charade and anyone buying into it deservesd the boltgun they're walking into.
We are so fucking back guys Trump's half slav autism baby is the white rice god emperor like in dunerino and Elon Musk is Gurney Hallack
>>495193 >Why the fuck would they want to kill Trump now that he's their guy? because he's not their guy?
>>495195 yeah I don't think reddit is saying that lad
>>495196 Ah ok, you're baiting, smh
>>495194 you love playing gay charades
>>495199 >bating lad I gave that up
Not giving (You) another (You) while you baitpost
>>495202 Trump is going to begin the NEW GOLDEN AGE
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>>495195 Try and relax a little lad Keep in mind that a Blyats blood recollection has a natural dislike for ashkenazi. Elon Musk is a globalist brain implanter rocketship thunderbirds car builder of useless goy toys, but one concerned vaguely with the condition of his soul. It won't be meme meteoric, but it'll come alright God loves you so do I glad you weren't born to be normie lad
Can this kike nigger hybrid please leave.
>>495205 >infighting bait ok pedo guy >21c2ea Licyea gay >>495200 >8e0145 8eat outg ayass >>495199 >3cf044 3cokfagg I win the thread bye bye
>>495203 I hate the 40k type armour. It's so close to being realistic/practical but those huge pauldrons would restrict movement and tire you for no good reason. Suppose it's still better than 95% of fantasy gear.
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>>495203 Ha hah yeah
>>495206 yeah fuck off
good night kikel appreciation society patiently waiting till the funding for these niggers collectively drops through.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqpRlOF3rO0 BLACK, NOT MIXED RACE, BLACK
>>495211 What's that LicLegay? Not having your 2am yummy sippy twist n squeeze? Mummy mustn't love you the same is all. Sad when you think about that. *BRRRRRAAP*s on u
>>495207 40k was kino for a long time but its been around too long and the 80s autism part of it is catching up with it. its also being colonized by reddit hive mind
just breathe, kikebros! it will all be okay ;<)
>>495215 the ADL is a jewish secret police that is allowed to operate in my country by all the coward faggot white "patriot" retards
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>>495216 b-but muh 14 communtations! it's a bat signal that he's saving the white rice for real this time! Musk even did a Sieg Heil! to be clear, I'm 99.9% confident that this all going to be a total kike screw job and we get raped and shitted on with infinity Pajeets. but if these 2 guys could just not be complete and total cuck retard faggots then I'd be happy to be pleasantly surprised
ah so Nick did do an inauguration stream, and will do a proper stream tonight. I slept through everything https://rumble.com/v6bej9m-the-inauguration-of-donald-trump.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
>>495217 even if trump was based he could not fix this country lad. the only way its gonna get "fixed" is it gets destroyed and a rumpstate of self aware whitoids create a different one based around their heritage as descendants of the settlers and speakers of english. the current country that exists above the "gulf of america" is a gay nigger shithole even hitler would probably not have been able to save this gay nigger shithole because the only way to save this gay nigger shithole is to kill it because its just like a writhing retarded monstrosity like from john carpenters the "thing".
>>495219 white people aren't angry enough. it needs to get to the point where if somebody says something pro-shitskin, some boomerwaffen automatically slugs him in the jaw
the Gulf of America thing doesn't roll off the tongue correctly, it's not viable. 'of America' is too laborsome, you can't say it easily like 'Gulf'a Mexico' if he made it "Gulf of Texas", that would actually work. you can say 'Gulf'a Texas'
>>495220 yeah its going in the correct direction for sure but most of this is faggot boomers having a little temper tantrum that its getting too expensive for them to keep their 4th vacation house
>>495221 who cares? you can draw pretty maps of the Imperium Romanum Occidentale and say how you control all this land but then some dux will go and see that the villages are all full of saxons and suebi and goths and cows are put to pasture in the theaters of your great grandfathers and the herdsmen don't speak latin.
and then some nigger will look up from his phone and say "I don't like he attitude" and the person you are talking to using a roman empire reference says "im more of a stormcloak guy"
>>495224 well yeah obviously it doesn't accomplish anything, it's just dumb bread & circuses to make MIGAniggers think they've won something so they don't get unruly. Gulf of America, Greenland, Canada, Panama... although US annexing Canada could actually strengthen white consciousness in a way, since white Americans would be thinking, 'well we're basically the same anyway, why is that? because we're white I guess? *scratches chin*
>>495146 >Melania pulling off the Mafia Boss Lady look. Fair dinkum.
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>>495226 no thanks the canadians joining the union would add too many leftist seats to our congress, leafs would ruin our working class system with their cringy bankrupt socialist stuff. they would be very entitled about it, of course those systems are indeed better but the leafs don't have as many lazy dole scamming trash as we do in this country. idk it could also be good since the leafs could help promote some of their better work safety stuff in boomer toilism but idk overall I think that america has too many strange odd people here now and it would be best to get smaller and focus on cultivating elite skilled people of our own and closing off just as east asians did for a while in the earlier centuries. we don't need to be around with all these fucks around the world tbf
>>495226 >although US annexing Canada Aren't they just annexing large areas of snow? And some French people. Though it would be interesting to see how the brit govt/crown react seeing as Canada is part of the commonwealth.
>>495229 >the canadians joining the union would add too many leftist seats to our congress they're all leftist seats my reasoning is that you'd combine Canadians, who are whites being rapidly replaced by Pajeets, with Americans, who are whites being rapidly replaced by Spics and Pajeets. and people would realize that what they have really wanted deep down all along is to be in a white country, and that wouldn't matter if that's Canamerida or whatever, what matters is that there aren't Pajeets shitting everywhere >>495230
frankly, you could have a civilized and prosperous society with: >Whites (supermajority) >Yellows (some) >Light Browns (a few) the problem is Medium Browns and darker. those need to be deported. and kikes obviously who need deportation to H E double hockey stickistan
spic is a retard, no alberta has already memed about joining the federal union and the would be the only ones the federals would want since they have gas but i think many in the union would not want the leafs to join because of their politics causing political disorder.
>leafs >the federals >the union lad it's not happening because it's a silly idea in the begin with, Canada is already a satellite state, there's no reason to actually annex it when there's already free trade and lax border
>>495234 exactly
the issue is that the leaf government is not completely a satillite and they interact far too much with other states that are much more powerful than them such as india and are now becoming satillites of those places when they should be completely enslaved as facial abuse slaves to uncle sam and they should be immediately invaded and dominated anytime their gay faggot politicians do faggot shit that makes north america weaker
I love leafs but their government is pure unadulterated anglo cancer, austrailia as well. both of them have much better demographics (well not for long) than burgerland but their governments are like insane autism socialism
>>495237 Canada actually has worse demographics than the USA now. they brought in EXTREME numbers relative to the total population size. Canada used to have 30 million population, they have that initiative where they say they want to bring it to 100 million population. even liberal redditor Canucks have started to become racist against Pajeets because they're like >I thought this was just about being tolerant or whatever, I just wanted to feel like a good person, I didn't want to actually walk down the street and not see anybody that looks like me
>>495238 yeah the canadian side of lake huron used to be world class beachs like point pele but its become a problem where the shitskins are all deficating in the lake.
when I was a kid brampton was a place that was like 99 percent white like something in europe but now its almost all indians
>>495238 >>I thought this was just about being tolerant or whatever, I just wanted to feel like a good person, I didn't want to actually walk down the street and not see anybody that looks like me hate these mongs tbh helped destroy the world because it was fashionable and now they're getting upset because they live in the world and it turns out actions have consequences >>495240 jeets are a plague
>>495241 >hate these mongs tbh helped destroy the world because it was fashionable and now they're getting upset because they live in the world and it turns out actions have consequences they're sheep <I'm not a bad person <I don't want to do anything bad to anybody <nobody will do anything bad to me as long as I don't do anything bad to anybody WRONG, FAGGOT!
they think "oh i didn't know it would be like this" works as a show of remorse but all it really says is that the only reason why any of them stopped holding the door open for the global shit tsunami to flood in is because a little bit of shit got on their shoes and if they were more comfortably insulated from it all they'd still be doing it
>>495243 yeah it's really easy to masturbate about how moral you are while ruining other people's lives, stops being easy when you are personally affected as well. but by then it's too late
never saw a David Lynch film, are there any that I should see? I'm not really a films person
>>495245 David who?
>>495246 some film director guy that just passed away a few days ago. the thread is named after him
>david who?
>>495245 Watch Dune at least.
this is really surreal having the leftoids thinking Trump/Elon are pro-Hitler and Elon throwing Romans but it's actually a total Jew op that will deliver nothing tangible and only hurt us. it's as if they're flexing their power over us >>495250 an old Dune? I saw that new Dune with that Chalomet faggot and it sucked. I've heard the old Dune was good but that it was primarily a book or something
Morning teh lads Drumpf failed to establish his Chad credentials at his inauguration and decided to take the Woes pill and thereby follow him down the path of failure Tis a bad oomen
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>>495251 The Dune movie from the 1984.
>>495252 Should've give ol' Joe a big kiss to make up for it. that big hat didn't help matters.
>>495253 Only ever seen clips of this and never read the book. But I always read it's closer to the source material, aesthetically too. But flawed because of production problems and a limited run time. Not ideal for a visionary like Lynch and the scope of Dune.
This is the best version apparently, if somebody can find it https://fanedit.org/dune-1984-the-alternative-edition-redux-special-1080p-edition/
Wallace and Gromit isn't being exploited enough in our tourism sector tbh. Get rid of all the cringe Harry Potter shite and sell Gromit mugs.
>>495258 The one that came out Christmas was proper gay, I'm happy for it to die.
>>495259 the one that came out at Christmas was a glorious success, and with much critical acclaim
filtered for not being a mong? I'll take it.
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Imagine not having an internal monologue. Like, really?
>>495254 Big hat was probably deliberate. Women work in mysterious ways
>>495245 Is this real
>>495263 must be for attention or hes genuinely retarded

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