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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4007 - Syria Has Fallen Edition Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 22:52:10 Id: 65545e No. 488132
Sir Keir Starmer 'welcomes' the fall of the 'brutal' Assad regime in Syria ahead of Middle East visit https://news.sky.com/story/sir-keir-starmer-welcomes-the-fall-of-the-brutal-assad-regime-in-syria-ahead-of-middle-east-visit-13269766 Pubs warn Guinness being limited could 'cripple' their business https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gzwxw4y18o Welp. Syria is Done. https://dailystormer.in/welp-looks-like-syria-is-done/ Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Sergey Lavrov https://www.unz.com/aanglin/tucker-carlsons-interview-with-sergey-lavrov/
>>488118 Assad represents the light brown Syrians, the decent ones. the 80 IQ inbred Sunni durka durkas took over and now they will kill everybody that is lighter than shit color Russia should have nuked Idlib when all the terrorists were in one place, they could have exterminated them. instead they waited for all the little jihadists in Idlib to reach AK-holding age and now Syria is dead
Good lad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5RCjvKVL38 would love a goom set in this time period
>>488132 Ironic that Assad is probably more popular with his people than Kier Starmer is over here
the only good Sunni Muslims are Hamas, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhood. the rest of them should be killed
First thread that didn't go over 800 in a while. It's a Christmas miracle.
>>488138 >This shitskins is whiter than that one I really don't care, but as I said I wanted his rule to continue as it's best for Europe, not because I like him or his beliefs or because he's "white enough". I want the entire continent depopulated in some dream scenario.
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>>488150 I'm dreaming of a huwhite Christmas!
>i want to lead a crusade of aryan space marines in a bloody odinist burning crusade across the stars
jewchads can't stop winning
>>488153 phwoar lad, you been hitting the weights?
>>488155 >>i want to lead a crusade of aryan space marines in a bloody odinist burning crusade across the stars you'll have to settle for some burning discounts at Walmart instead.
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can't believe how after a year of Jews bombing Sunni babies in Gaza, Sunnis go to war with one of the few anti-Israel regimes and install a pro-Israel regime. it's just like in WWII when Brits/Americans/Soviets went to war with pro-white regimes, overthrew them, and installed white-exterminationist regimes whites are a joke, browns are also a joke, blacks it goes without saying. we live in a kosher Minecraft server, and we're the chickens that get swung to death overhead
>>488159 >and we're the chickens that get swung to death overhead keeeek. tbh
Jewish conquest of whites: 1789-1945 (156 years) Jewish conquest of browns: 1948-2024 (76 years) Jewish conquest of yellows: ? China is next, and last, on the list. pray for Xi
>>488159 this at least angloids got subverted over the course of centuries all these brownoids fall for the most bald faced jew schemes
>>488161 in the end all that will survive to defeat the jews is nippon.
ngl I would be okay if japan defeated the jews and killed all shitskins and created japanese world where its all lasses running up hills forever
the best is how japan has repeatedly in the respectful nippon manner alerted the zionists of their awareness of the jewish cabal
IMHO jewish conquest of whites all sharted with the prots.
Unlike much of Europe, the US never had its 'kick out the jews' moment. Now it's too late.
>>488167 sherman and grant tried lad
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>>488157 yes lad, did a resistance workout today was just mirin' myself in the bathroom mirror
>>488168 still ultimately never happened. you were supposed to take the reigns after europe was decimated, but all we got was the jive and infiniggers on yank bases all over europe.
God, I need a cig
>>488167 the only path forward is a military alliance between the Amish Taliban and the Mormon State of Utah and Idaho oh and by the way... the chud from pic related incident? got convicted for hate speech, or something. it was some anti-Islam protest and some STABBY STABBY STAB STAB brown stabs the cop that was arresting the Chud and the cop died. brown stabber got shot by a brown cop or something
we should be like tommeh and side with the winning team
>>488172 that policeman actually died smh the chud survived
>>488174 but he died not being a racist and that's the main thing.
>>488175 he will go to anti-racist heaven i.e. hell
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>>488177 beautiful lad WAGMI
>>488177 Don't like Queen Liz being on this. she didn't earn it.
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/MY2024Trailer:f GROTTY KINO IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS Raid when?
>>488177 >Heaven >The queen >Muslims Doubt
>>488177 >>488180 feel stupid but who am I missing? from left to right: >Hitler >? >Kim Jong-Il >Osama (shouldn't be there) >Ali ibn abu Talib >the Queen (shouldn't be there, probably) >Saddam >Stalin (shouldn't be there) >Baghdadi (shouldn't be there) >? (Iranian guy?) >? >Khomeini and of course GLR. somebody tell me who the ?'s are pls
He's flying.
>>488181 that's so fucking weird
>>488183 oh and who is to the left of Saddam also?
>lads taking a meme this seriously
>>488181 should raid when he interviews his janny team
>>488187 it's moreso that I want to recognize all the faces so I don't feel stupid
Based Gigi
>>488184 Tbh I've never watched him because he said something about been gay as a teenager
>some sandniggers chased some other sandniggers out of desertstan
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>all these females lining up for the God Rod keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>488191 He's been balls deep in so much groupie pussy he's now cured.
>>488190 the music was so bad I assumed Woes made it himself
Ooooooooohhhhh Steiiiiinerrrrrr
>>488195 that's a remix. but you know how the original song has been used this year or no?
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek mutt btfo
>>488198 any pictures of Prince William meeting Rishi Sunak?
Think Zion Don is literally 'my feet hurt' at the moment. he didn't look huge compared to Micron recently either
not wearing lift recently.
>>488198 I doubt Trump was "mortified" as the Irish Times claims he looks pretty in control of the situation tbh
>>488203 he went to the hotel room and cried all night long.
My sleep schedule is so fucked, I blame work for ignoring me
been too depressed to post for about a month.
>>488206 man the fuck up
had a look at how /sg/ is doing
just glad that assad and his family made it out of the country alright tbh running away is a bad look but as a symbol of the old regime he and the people close to him would have been treated very cruelly
>>488208 It's funny how some of them are pro-kike now
>>488211 Charlie Kuck
So it begins - the Buckbreakening
>>488214 Uppity wogs have either upset someone or it’s time to relieve them of their wealth and redistribute it to another tribe using the courts
>>488214 Lock him in a cell with Coombs and a gallon of baby oil
>>488215 Surprising number of nogs are celebrating his potential demise too, not really sure why. They usually justify anything their own do
>>488217 Jealousy
>>488218 keeeeeeeeek that voice
>>488214 Always hated this nigger his mouth looks like hemorrhoids
>>488208 /sg/?
>>488223 Syria general
>>488177 >>488180 >>488182 >>488183 It has fucking Wodan in the sky. Keeek mongs.
Still talking about that staged beach woglet FUCK OFF
>>488227 He’s just an establishment stooge tbh Reform are tories rebranded
We don’t h8 them enouss
Tbh if he took the piss like that you’d have to step on his toes or just dislocate his wrist Spastic behaviour tbh https://xcancel.com/ZaleskiLuke/status/1865617735813591312
We gave them shelter now they call us retarded because they’re here to stay https://xcancel.com/KD69z_csgo/status/1866084968947953812
>Blody go home blody bich parasite motherfuck Europe is rightful Hind clay bhenchod
>>488230 >Every clip of trump shaking Macron’s hand looks like this! trump wrestling Macron to the ground, or gripping him in a bear hug, or arm around Macron’s shoulders. Is this going to be 4 yrs of trump trying to grind down world leaders? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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put some cream on my covfefe. maybe that will help shift that stubborn yule log.
TND is now legal in America
>>488239 Good. Nogs kills Whites every single day in Weimerica. Finally a feral is on the receiving end.
>>488239 Riots INCOOMING
>>488242 Doubt it.
Mad how quick Syria fell tbh. Sad to see Assad gone. He looked like a lovely lad. For me? I hope the Assyrians take over and forceablly remove Islam and Arabism from the cuntry. tbh
>>488245 Just give amnesty to the 30 million 'nightmares' too. not like they're ever going anywhere.
>>488247 lovely lass.
>>488248 She’s looking for a knight in shining armour to defend her honour lad
>>488249 already got a gf
>The 4th annual Black & Irish Awards smh
>>488250 What’s wrong with having two?
>>488252 Had others messaging me to meet up, but I'm not going down that path. I'm a good boy these days.
>>488244 Too small a number. There's more Assyrians in the US than Syria itself. Best you can hope for is a kosher Islamic state. which coincidentally is whom just took over.
>>488254 Yeah somehow I suspect Iran is next on the chopping block after Israel establishes it's puppet state in Syria. On a tangentially related note the Golen Heights are now officially kike clay.
>>488255 tbh. it's a plan that was written long ago and is being put well into practice. Iran is literally the next country to be targeted on said list. goofy goyim getting played again, this time in the middle east.
>>488257 Based mafia hitman or whatever. Nasty back injury tbh
>>488258 Don't think he needs much bribing with a name like that. But still business, is business.
> Wes Streeting is facing an official complaint submitted to the Labour Party over remarks he made about former Transport Secretary Louise Haigh >The complainant said his comments were "bullying" and "uncomradely" >uncomradely
>more Syrians SAA this time probably that’s why they don’t want them. They’ll throw them to the wolves and people at home will clap because they’re not getting more Syrians, we’ll just get to keep the jihadis who fled based Assad
>>488262 so fucking fed up of the cognitive dissonance and bold face lies about everything at home and abroad.
>>488172 Akshully, the guy who got kneeled on was punching one of the guys holding the sandnigger down. That's why the sandnigger managed to break free and knoife the copper.
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Book review by the United CEO shooter.
Forgot that there are hordes of Uyghurs in Syria fighting for the 'Syrian rebels', put there by Erdogan. Another ethnic group that aren't even Syrian.
>>488266 daftpilled
>>488266 he's right you know.
>>488271 wholesome
>same age as nick fuentes >middle name is nicholas >was also involved in model UN >is also of italian heritage
>>488273 if he's a gay incel too, then it's over.
>>488277 Gone already by the beginning of the Meiji era
Think he might replace Morrissey as my favourite bumder.
Normgroid fried his brain on psychedelics
>>488274 >>488278 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>488281 blessed schizopost
>Message to white boys. Time to join the US military again
Hey Steiner!
Mmmhmm das rite
nigcel kneely was a pissbaby loser and should have learned to stfu
>>488290 >clear incitment to race based violence Wonder if Tyrone will get arrested. >>488291 Yes.
>>488290 >Hold a community event Told you. Riots and looting
Dirty paki gets a similar sentence for a violent random race attack as whites who poost wrongthink on xitter do https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4g39drrjwyo TPD needs to happen in my lifetime
>>488295 tbh sick of seeing these hideous inbred mongs and the coppers that protect them
>>488290 keeeeek faggot ass gen xer niggers are just the same as whitoids all talk main character syndrome faggots. go back to standing outside your gas station shooting each other over shoes you dumb shitskin
>>488289 white boomer liberals are so dangerously out of touch the only people who follow them are their little coven of devoted lisa simpson "daddies girl" type teachers pet slags
Zesty nigger ready for some zesty action
>>488288 based hope the medal has an aryan man choking out a weak little black boy
>>488299 they are so fake this nigger who died was just some schizo drugfag who wandered the streets yelling at people. why is that one nigger dressed like he is going to belleau woods?
>>488301 Nigger is ready to zest my man
>>488301 keeeeeeeeeeeek. niggers just like the spectacle and the chance for some spotlight and most of free gibs me dat. none of these gave a shit about him.
>>488295 >2 years 10 months, so probably a little under 2 years >could've got an assault with a deadly weapon charge increased by 20% for a hatecrime, probably minimum of 10 years if races were reversed
Tariq gettin busy for sum bussy
What should I watch as I go to sleep?
>>488309 David duke on rumble with Jake shields
>>488313 Are you close to gaining wizard powers?
>>488314 I already have a gf. Spreading good fortune to others.
>>488279 Explains Mushima's suicide.
Updating me dating profile. Got the week off. Got a ten per cent deposit for a mortgage so only gains from here on in. Time to find a nigga he wife.
https://youtu.be/UGwl4a00cUg AFTER ALL THEIR LIES
Cheese & biscuits for supper. Tesco Finest coastal cheddar & Tesco Finest gorgonzola
>>488319 I think the internet has passed me by.
>>488324 medchud
guineas are the original spics
>>488321 No this is what your female equivelent has been producing for the last decade.
>>488326 Your country is named after one.
>>488324 All I see is a reasonable man driven to do unreasonable things.
reminds me of when lasses were goo gooing over one of the Abe Lincoln assassins
Loving the revival of soprano posting this lad has achieved.
>>488332 >reminds me of when lasses were goo gooing over one of the Abe Lincoln assassins fucking hell, how old are you?
>>488332 yeah except a healthcare CEO is not a polorising figure.
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>>488329 sorry I live in the state of michigan which is federalized into a united entity which exists to serve the cause of sabbatean talmudic zionism
>>488336 >he's done me
>>488334 Lad you have to be 203 to browse this board.
>>488334 I was there when the Roamings first came on are sures.
>>488338 >>488339 based draculaposters
>>488337 t.medwog
>>488339 And when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain, I'm sure.
>>488342 >accusing me of being the wandering jew
>>488343 No idea lad, you may well have sustained yourself on gentile blood.
>>488341 so are we raiding Millenniyule this year or not?
>>488334 This general has roots going back to the Paleolithic Period tbh.
>>488345 Fairly good summary that aligns with my own thinking but obviously take that with a pinch of salt. Far mor actors on the ground than there are organising agents abroad. >>488346 I hope so.
>>488324 bro could have drowned in pussy if he plucked that unibrow
>#FreeLuigi is trending Keek.
>>488350 it's all normongs that think a 'healthcare CEO' is the ultimate villain. who gives a fuck? the villains are the Jews flooding us with shitskins. this is just stupid poorfags seething at people that are smarter more successful than them. and I say this as a poorfag that is not successful
>>488351 Keep licking boots retard.
>>488352 it's the wrong target. anger should be directed at Jews, race traitors, and shitskin invaders, not some fat cat "corporate" guy that only cares about money. people that say "muh corporations" "muh CEOs" "muh billionaires" know NOTHING about anything. none of these people understand the JQ, most of them aren't even racist or anti-feminist or anti-gay. it's a completely unredpilled take to direct ire over some economic populist diaper-shitting
>>488354 he was a traitor, he killed his own for a bottom line. thinking in such linier terms only undermines yourself.
>>488355 He's a symptom, not a cause.
>>488356 He literally runs policy for this corperation. He's an active cause.
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>>488356 >The investigation revealed that in 2019, UHC's prior authorization denial rate was 8%. He became CEO in 2021, and by 2022 the rate of denial had increased to 22.7%. He's an actual parasite that was under investigation for targeting elderly and disabled people.
>>488355 I don't give a fuck about "healthcare". that's the kind of "politics" that you care about when your race isn't begin exterminated by a global Jew elite. if we were 100% white and no feminism/gay and everything was normal and okay, then fine the politics can be about healthcare policy or infrastructure or if we want to build a new shopping mall or raise the speed limits. that kind of stuff is not worth thinking about in the situation that we're in nowadays
>>488359 Yeah no a traitor for material gain now is a traitor in any other circumstance that profits himself.
>noooo you can't make money off dead elderly and disabled people!!
>>488361 Literally the goyim deserve to be exploited because they're dumb cattle tier
>>488362 I'm kind of joking but the point I'm making is that economic populism is bread and circuses to distract people from the actual existential struggle that defines the 20th and 21st centuries- the white race being dominated and destroyed by an international Jewish elite. it is completely mainstream to support this CEO shooter guy, literally the front page of Reddit is all midwit normongs glazing the guy as a folk hero. these people are not redpilled on anything, killing some CEO does not change anything, and even if it did it would be in an area that doesn't really matter
>>488351 sorry lad stay in your bong lane american health insurance and big pharma is jews lad
>>488363 CEO's are literally remoiving their details from websites because of this. It is effective. As for broader policy maybe this should be a wake up call about affecting pressure approriately for anyone without a childs understanding of politicial power theory.
>>488363 wow lad did you just time travel from 2010 stormfront?
muh shite race smdh so many whitoids want to be exterminated. racefag nationalism is kind of cringe ngl
>>488364 I'm spic >>488365 >CEO's are literally remoiving their details from websites because of this. It is effective. so, a lamb was sacrificed, a vulnerability was identified, now all other powerful rich people will try to scrub their info off the web and upgrade their security. and maybe the government will pass laws tightening up the control grid. it accomplishes nothing
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>>488361 So BASED and REDPILLED to support denying medications that slow your parents Alzheimer's.
>tfw you responded to spic
>>488368 Even that reaction would show how effective it is.
>>488370 >muh boomers hoarding all the money and living too long >muh you have to artificially extend the life expectancy of muh boomer parents so they can blow my inheiritance money in the casino
>>488370 the pritzgers made billions using the insurance cartels to price up their opium they sell to the redneck whites. big pharma is the jews, insurance is the jews
>>488367 I'm still going to stick by my beliefs but everyone should realise an enemy to their own no matter how you draw the boundries of your own.
>>488374 if it was the Perdue/Sackler fuckers or whatever that are Jews that holocausted whites with oxycontin, then I would have a different opinion. really my point is that 'a healthcare CEO that isn't even a Jew' is a dumb target
>>488376 They literally all facilitated this for their own gain.
>>488375 good lad I agree but also alot of whitoids need to be removed since they are the ones actively supporting our own destruction
>>488378 Self fulfilling that is really lad.
so what do you lads think about crypto rn? big dip today. does this signal the end of the bullrun or is it a good time to buy? lot of holders seem nervous but as recently as yesterday they were sitting comfy so idk if it's just their emotions taking a hit for the day and it's still bullish or what really disappointed with how little this board talks about crypto and investments in general. we're a small, tight-knit community for many years, if we pooled our efforts together to figure out the right moves we could all be helping eachother make so much money which would really help our lives out in a tangible way. so much missed opportunity
>>488381 I would wait longer, the dip really isn't that big, but I'm not a massive crypto head so I could be easily wrong. I'm holding out for a larger dip. The only money I put into crypto is money I don't need to buy a house, it can fluctuate too rapidly and that can fuck you when you need it the most. The money Im going to use for a deposit is all in SnP500 which has done well for a non crypto asset. I've got enough saved up but I'm not currently in England so I'm waiting till I get a job back home.
WarwickCoin when?
>>488384 >haven't experienced anything like that in western japan KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK will this become the "wouldn't happen in the south" for japnats?
>>488384 smh poor niplads just like britoidia with their small comfy island >>488385 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
that lad who predicted race riots this decade for japan back in 2020 was probably right
>>488384 wew (someone post the wwe wew webm on this post because I lost mine.)
>>488389 Yeah well aware of that but at the same time the investigation has no reason to stop just because one of the implicated is dead. Insider trading is a group effort.
>he’ only a moderate headchopper with his own prisons
>>488390 Insider dealing should be but is raerely punished
>>488391 >Rozenblatt >The Syrians are celebrating I'm sure he'll tell you anybody can be a Syrian. Just like they tell us anybody can be English.
https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24781848.uncontrollable-giant-feral-hogs-closing-inverness/ Marauding wild pigs have closed to within a mile of Inverness, it's reported, with warnings they are "out of control". keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>488363 Hitler would strongly disagree. Much of Fascism is its social doctrine. I can't stand retards like this who swallow Republican cock.
>>488381 >>488382 Crypto is for retards. You should have a stocks and shares ISA and make investments in regular funds.
>>488396 I think my position is legitimate, as said I have most my money in the SnP500. This is though ISAs, if you've yet to buy a house then I recommend looking at a LISA which is a free 1k from government per year. The money I put into crypto is spare money, because I believe the price increase will continue with the taboo around it weakening and it being picked up by governments and banks.
spic is thick as fuck
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>>488395 taking care of old German war veterans is a very different thing than taking care of American boomerscum. it was also a different time and race wasn't the defining issue of the era, everybody was white, and there was the threat of internationalist socialism so it had to be countered with nationalist socialism poor seething browns celebrating that a rich white guy got shot by upvooting shite leddit memes is not our politic >>488396 >Crypto is for retards
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retardation, ladies and gentlefish
I don't watch much Paul Town but the other day he was saying Chainlink was doing the biggest cup and handle ever, and it was going to moon, and I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not because he always seems sarcastic. then today, there was the dump, and Chainlink dumped particularly hard. he's looking at the graph and if you skip towards the end here he cuts the stream short because he "feels sick". must be that horrible sick pit of your stomach feeling when you get financial loss, sad. on one hand I want crypto to dip deep so I can buy in but on the other I don't want based people that have bought in to suffer financial loss Chainlink is ass, in my opinion. it underperforms Bitcoin, so what's the point? the whole point of an altcoin is to make even more money than you would with Bitcoin https://cozy.tv/paultown/replays/2024-12-09
>spic >paul town filtered
>>488402 as I said, I don't really watch Paul Town. occasionally I'll tune in for a little bit, to try to see what he's about, and he's always smirking and acting sarcastic so I can never be sure how to interpret what he's saying Nick and Politically Provoked, now those are great streams
>>488401 Bitcoin is the important one that everyone has jumped in on, it's the gold standard. I don't trust others with my money, but I'm not an active investor type. I don't care for the get rich quick schemes with others, too much risk for me.
>>488404 well, there's also the fact that Bitcoin is primitive and doesn't actually do anything. I think the immediate cause for the dip yesterday was news about this new quantum computer that's extremely powerful. quantum computers could potentially break Bitcoin by brute forcing seed phrases or something. it won't be the top cryptocurrency forever, something like Ethereum that actually does something and is quantum-resilent will
*not that ETH is quantum-resilent, I don't know that
>>488397 So you have money in a highly defensive tracker fund and then put some money in an extremely high risk investment which is completely exposed to tax, particularly CGT, and not covered by the FSCS or answerable to the ombundsman? Look into risk weighted funds. You can keep them in an ISA, no need to manage or rebalance your sectors, and they're regulated. >488399 Fucking imbecile.
>>488404 Tax inefficient, low liquidity, and no protection in the case of failure. Spic is a buffoon. Brown people will do literally anything than be sensible smh
>>488408 the number goes up more though and sometimes it's predictable, like how it was predictable that Trump would win and that crypto would pump as a result. if you understand that the Jews own America and that they want Trump in for Israel then you could have called that and bought in and made tons of money. those of us that DIDN'T do that, myself included, are slacking and it's hurting us financially
Spics will despise the concept of fiat currency only to advise you to invest in the most fiat shit around
Spic invested his life savings into Hawk Tuah's coin btw.
>>488410 it's not even about the concept of fiat currency, but if you're just letting your money just sit in a savings account as fiat it will bleed to inflation, the paltry interest won't even keep you from losing value. you need to invest it somewhere and crypto gets the most insane gains if you make the right moves
>>488405 >well, there's also the fact that Bitcoin is primitive and doesn't actually do anything I totally agree, but with the governments and banks going after it I think it's been given an arbitrary value like gold. The worry the next coin will be created by the banks then force regulation. >>488407 >highly defensive tracker fund Nah, my ISAs are snp500, no diversity. I get there's risk with it but the growth is worth it for me. >completely exposed to tax How exposed is crypto to tax? Honestly don't know, also I know there are funds for crypto but I would rather own the asset.
>>488413 SNP500 won't give you high growth but will give you high concentration risk lass, again I recommend looking into risk weighted funds for diversification and higher growth with ease of management Crypto is completely open to CGT, not worth it unless you have maxed your ISA allowance or don't want to make pension contributions
>>488414 >Crypto is completely open to CGT, not worth it unless you have maxed your ISA allowance or don't want to make pension contributions or, you know, if it does a 2x in a month which it regularly does in a bull market...
>>488414 >SNP500 won't give you high growth What do you consider high growth? Im getting about 12% a year so far, for non-crypto that's rather good, and it's tied to the US economy which the world depends on.
>YOU FUCKING KNOW BLODY WHERE DAT BICH VEGANA MOTHERFUCK HAS BEEN! https://order-order.com/2024/12/10/mp-defends-first-cousin-marriage-in-the-commons
>>488418 >step into the shoes of inbred subhumans lmao fucking pakis
>neurodivergent I am going to sperg if these freaks stop this flight
he never stops
>>488423 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>488423 keeeeeeek
>>488423 Don't get it tbh, not watched him in years.
>>488426 He's leaning into the suspicion that he killed his wife.
Based ICC has dropped charges against the lion of Damascus for lack of evidence Time to charge the bloodgod https://keithwoods.pub/p/israel-jihad
>>488430 International anything I don't trust, but condemning Bibi and now this, makes me think they have some integrity.
>>488431 Tbh trust them more than our government and America’s. Based magistrate here issued a warrant for some Israeli, some insider littlehat leaked the news to them police said they didn’t know who and then refused to execute the warrant because might get into a fight with his fellow white bodyguards etc etc Absolute embarrassment
>>488418 If I had a female cousin who was somewhat attractive, I'd happily marry her.
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>>488433 It's not the worst thing unless it's 1/4th of all marriages over every generation, which is why we never made it explicitly illegal. Probably will be for muh integration. Same as we only just recently criminalised cooking dogs.
Driver has approached the tangential disapproval zone! >one pint after work >4 am DON’T THINK ABOUT NOT COMMITTING A CRIME! t. Poileas Jockland
>>488435 Land of the free where unconvicted can speak freely Based What’s he saying anyway?
>build the houses we don’t have enough houses >don’t build the houses we have enough houses >there’s too many but not enough migrants >yeah but no but >ok the Tories the bankers yeah?
>tfw buck dancing for butter biscuits
>>488440 Can smell that from here
>>488438 >Its completely unjust and an insult to the intelligence of the American people and their lived experience
>>488416 30% to 40% is typical of high equity exposure but can be lower or higher depending on sector. Worth seeing a financial adviser and working out your appetite for risk/capacity for loss and going from there with a proper plan if you have a lot of dough tbh. 12% is good growth but I would certainly be wary of the concentration risk to the USA. I think the US equities will do well over the next few years though.
https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/luigis-manifesto >“To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allowed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
>>488448 He said in his youtube video that he'll release more info soon or something and flashed tomorrow's date. Given his reading of the Unabomber, could he be about to blow shit up?
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3K6ij7I-OGQ?feature=share keeeeeeeeeeeek! twenty two stones! wilt thou joinest me in a keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!?
>>488451 I keek saar. >salted peanut butter icecream and stake pizza Lush.
>>488451 have you lost your bumbum voice?
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>>488376 it's only a dumb target if you're a mong who thinks it was political and not personal
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>average spic responder
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Don't even know what he's babbling about.
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>typical spic filterer
>>488463 nah thats based I agree, he is just regurgitating russell kirk here though. TL;DR is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn200lvmTZc
Woes has a less grotty version of himself out there copycat of himself out there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf9ZJLLphxM
https://youtu.be/TWQ2EYVeHiY Soygon worshipping hunky superman.
>>488471 >Warhammer fans Poorveyors of funko pops w/higher cost per ounce
Morn lids, the flight >>488421 went ahead
>>488473 Good PR for Labour tbh If the reader completely forgets the thousand coming in on the same day. kek, Conservatives should've been doing this sort of PR every day it was possible.
>despite these crazy wokies we're really deporting them >deports about 0.1%
>>488473 based >>488474 tbh >>488475 tbh
feeling mildly annoyed about world war two regarding the aftermath specifically for everybody else on both sides it was an incredibly destructive and draining war that left everybody exhausted but for america it was something far away and most relevant to what i'm talking about it pushed them to become an industrial superpower and then when the war ended all its "friends" owed it a lot of money which it gleefully collected for the next few decades whilst also very obviously working to lower its vassals' autonomy like this is a paradox game or something just not very nice really
>>488477 Hegemons gonna hegemon
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>>488477 what could have been has been burdened by what has been
>>488473 Tokenism 5 million still here
>>488477 Europe Russia China Africa South America Britain Aus NZ vs USAtan & Isreal when?
>>488475 >0.1% 0.00001% more like
>>488479 why is norn iron smaller in this? >>488481 soon
>>488483 Don’t even believe anyone got off that plane I bet it went empty for show that’s how petty, corrupt and retarded they are. Police refused to execute a warrant on an Israeli government minister issued by a judge of this land they just do what suits them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4BB9eGUEaE thinking about Assad tonight
sneet lids >>488484 tbh scum all >>488485 as are we all
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jal-vzO8bVE Thinking about Putin and Assad right now :)
>Have a young gf <hUh!? CaN'T yoU gEt a GirL yOuR oWn Age!? I can achieve the thing of higher quality because I can't achieve the thing of lesser quality? The fuck kind of logic is that, trannies?
>AI can't even make the wake of the boat go in the right direction but is used to show concept art by the local authority AI "art" should be made a crime against humanity unironically.
>>488479 1914 border were best tbh
>>488472 Keeeek tbh. Though I did paint 1 space muhreen at a shop with a friend who was into all that at 17.
>>488494 For me? It was LOTR miniatures and historical miniatures.
22st met Wessica. They were black.
>>488497 it's true
>>488499 bit concerning how many midgets are about these days
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>>488500 When gnomes go unchecked, society gets wrecked.
Weimar tier degeneracy. really. The pornification of children's media is a sign of a sick society.
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Didn’t realise Floyd Zionigger was such a manlet https://nitter.poast.org/CrimeLdn/status/1866594959245054218
THE CHOICE IS CLEAR! t. Moises Small-Hatstein https://nitter.poast.org/JudiciaryDems/status/1866515861458288821
>>488504 >1000 views >6 updoots >0 comments
Nigger who stabbed nigger schoolgirl dead in Croydon dindunuffin swear down innit famalams gudboi professional chorister an apprentice raper
https://youtu.be/UVZfFep4mG4 Fresh late take on recent moderate huwhitepill.
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>>488510 talking to himself about himself?
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https://x.com/NJBeisner/status/1866686090918367326 >The cameraman filming the mini doc audibly gagged at the smell of sex in the room after the OF girl slept with 100 men in a single day. She said her eyes stung like crazy because there was so much cum in them.
>open video >he's bloviating about synthesisers and the "theme for milleniyule that I spent months working on" etc
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he's talking about dude weed experiences in brixton
>>488513 If you're not a born COCK DESTROYER don't do things like this.
Post-Train Slut Disorder
>>488513 The wages of sin is death.
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I don't care about the turbo slag
>>488521 smh and yet you watch Woes
>>488522 she'd never survive the god rod
>dad is watching Jordan Peterstein again I never understood why people like that Canadian cuck
>>488524 Wash your penis before you shove it up a woke moralist, bucko.
>>488525 Woke moralists like it dirty
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ck3Z9xzaQI Watching ex-mormon videos and the story is always the same - I left my religion because I'm a faggot and me me me me me Bumders need to take a step back and ask themselves why sex is so integral to their identity.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdpQs8O1S10 Pork pie with a selection of cheeses and biscuits and a bottle of Newcie Brown for tea
>>488529 fucking based >those cunts who weep and sigh and pipe their eye when watership down is shown to kids because little jonty can't see le dark things in le world
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afraid of hurting my teeth from bruxism during sleep. at first it was just molars, last night I think I clenched the incisors and that has me really worried, I don't want to deform my front teeth... >>488483 >why is norn iron smaller in this? it isn't >>488490 literally all women recite the same cope when confronted with this reality >le a woman his age wouldn't put up with his BS! without fail
>>488531 get an overhead shot, it's barely anyone. there will always be goofy goyim about unfortunately. fortunately the number is decreasing.
6million Syrians killed in the great Holomascus concentration camp within 24hrs, turned into bear and eagle scented hairy soaps after being masturbated to death with 25cms of wood up their arse while being made to wear lampshade hats Shocking Hollywood should make a movie about it so we can watch it in the binema
>>488534 that document is absolutely horrifying. >4300 prisoners in a prison of all places the shock. the horror
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>>488508 Just one zogbot to arrest a stabby ape? the armed response must've been busy going after those that called him a nigger online.
god I wish that was me
>>488536 fuck these poshos larping as le werkin man. all boomer culture needs to fuck off especially the larping as a laborer memi. pol pot did nothing wrong same with cromwell. ngl if I was king chud every single guitarnigger and bandfag would be put into a labor camp so they could make some music with power tools
>>488539 Mrs steiner isn't feeding you enough if this isn't already you.
>>488534 keeek zionigger propaganda is just enough to make most goyim froth at the mouth. how many millions does shartica have locked up? and anything that the mudshits have is nothing compared to the hell of ADX florence or most american supermax prisons
>>488534 this shite is like being time travelled back to 2010 when all the libtards were clapping like seals for the annihilation of libyan society. I fucking hate this shithole country full of moronic goyims
>>488544 good lad just like richard spencers post these midwit fags just have some vague critique of le rich people but they won't notice the overall disemboweling of anglo saxon civilization
>>488540 tbh too many court dandies
>>488546 they all dress like they are out shucking cornstalks in 1931 in a steinbeck novel but that outfit is the sign of being a upper middle classoid now. if society was honest then he would be in a suit sitting in a bourgeious parlor of the victorian era with his hat off and playing before a small gathering rather than roleplaying as some cowboy on the run. the falsehood of american society is annoying tbh. just become who you is. if I was some posho I would wear a Jos. Bank suit everyday and speak latin to other richfags so that the niggercattle could not understand what I was saying
>>488547 >if I was some posho I would wear a Jos. Bank suit everyday and speak latin to other richfags so that the niggercattle could not understand what I was saying keeeeeeek if there was one thing I liked about dickie was that he didn't hide that he was richfag by birth. him showing up at cville with his white suit was kino
>>488548 thats how its supposed to be, do you think any real noble man would dress like some poorfag?
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>>488540 >make some music with power tools https://youtu.be/2noEIMiHIcI
It's too early.
>>488554 i will go back 2 sleep i think. not the time of year to be getting out of bed
I just saw people seething about Labour banning puberty blockers for kids, and enjoyed the seethe. Then I realised that the Labour government is more right wing than either the Conservatives or Reform, can you imagine either of them doing this? Why is our left further right than our right wing parties, I hate them so much.
>>488556 They'll trade puburty blockers for service in the army against Russia. Service guarantees transition.
>Uyghuruzbekistan - Eastern most province of Syria
>>488558 keeeeeeeek
Wonder if the Tory boys who voted for the nigger were ready for her talking about "ethnic enemies" in the public eye
I have ethnic enemies too
>>488558 keeeeek
Oh just fuck off with this shit America tbh https://nitter.poast.org/disclosetv/status/1866907912356106357
>>488565 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Pretty excited to go on holiday, I've had enough of work.
speaking of work, pushed out a massive shart only for it to be BROWN! talk about disappointing result!
speaking of work, pushed out a massive shart only for it to be BROWN! talk about disappointing result!
>>488558 Wypipo din' season dey delivery service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Thq-SBtukg
Muzzies getting more and more uppity
>>488570 Apparently everyone in the comments knew someone who was part of this!
>>488571 I'm not sure those are comparable at all.
>>488570 Active for a whopping whole year with a behemoth sized 855 personnel
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>>488572 Keeek. Definitely nothing off with those comments.
>>488571 KEEEK tbh the wogs have got the white women there maybe the best thing would be to abolish both hey
>>488577 I still don't think generational inbreeding is remotely comparable.
Spic. Take the /homeless/ pill
>>488579 Haven't seen him in a while, he might already have done so.
>>488568 >>488569 Pooed yourself twice in one day. Impressive
>>488570 Astounding
>When going in for eye surgery in Moscow and the ophthalmologist turns around to greet you >this is canon by the way, Assad said that he's returning to eye surgery (doctors pay a lot) >we got Puyi 2 before GTA6
jaffa cakes, second pack.
>>488584 Man I fucking loved those films. Every time I was ill I'd put it on.
>>488586 I think he's going to be happier looking after eyes than he ever was holding together a fractious state of various hostile ethnic and religious groups.
>>488589 yeah I'm glad he didn't get the worst ending just hope that he fled with enough cash to hire 24/7 guards so the kikes don't murder him putler should assign him some more guards too just to be safe
>>488591 He's not worth assassinating now.
>>488592 never underestimate the petty evil and spite enemies are capable of
>>488593 tbh never forget the elderly jerries they murdered in south america decades after ww2
>>488594 they are still trying to dig up "nazis" today, both literally as in graves and as in pestering 90+yos for once having taken the binbags away for a wehrmacht garrison and shit
traitorous faggot. simple as
Ayckshually he was called Jerk Chicken Nigger Man you stupid fucking paki
>>488597 >white people let their heritage crumble to dust <part and parcel of progress, just get a real job >colored people build a sustainable business on the ashes <OI M8 STOP STEALING MY FOOKIN COUNTRY
>>488597 strung up by the bollocks
>>488599 Think they get taxed out of them with business rates and money laundering fronts take over, the only ones who can afford the business rates
So come here and turn the country into Pakistan eh! Get them out tbh https://xcancel.com/MavenPolitic/status/1867145158157811713
>>488602 There's no way this nigger is the actual landlord.
>>488603 Probably his cousin
>Show bobs and vagene jeets truly are irredeemable rapebastards https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-raped-woman-before-fleeing-30560459.amp
>Anusrag Sharma Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>488602 our countries are for sale
woes is doing an open hangout this year btw
>>488571 the gall of moving to UK and then being anti white is astounding to me
Israel destroyed the entire Syrian military. tanks, planes, ships, everything that was sitting in a base, they just blew it up. and the HTS that took over Syria doesn't have a single word to say about it, they're too busy celebrating by massacring Alawites and Christians. who needs a military anyway when you were never going to fight Israel to begin with? >>488579 expensive shampoo isn't going to do anything. you need Finasteride or Dutasteride to actually shut down DHT and stop the hair loss, otherwise it will just continue to progress at full speed >>488580 what do you mean? I posted as recently as >>488551
to be clear, it is the official position of Sunni Islam to allow Jews to ethnically cleanse Palestine of Muslims and demolish the al-Aqsa mosque to make room for the Jewish Third Temple Sunni Islam is a religion based entirely on the genocide of Shi'ite Muslims, who are loyal to the Islamic prophet Muhammed's family that was slaughtered by the Sunnis. that and cooperating with the Jews to genocide white Christians and rape their women
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNB4VLu6IaI friendly reminder that america is a shithole
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Brief History Lesson on the Sunni-Shi'ite Schism by Prof. Spic >Muhammed designates Ali ibn abu Talib, his first cousin / son in law married to his only daughter Fatima, as his successor at the event of Ghadir Khumm (basically he took a huge crowd of people into the scorching hot remote desert in an emergency meeting to tell them that Ali is the #2 guy) >Muhammed dies 6 months later >the companions, led by Abu Bakr and Umar, do a coup where they hold an election, voting for Abu Bakr as the first Caliph. Ali does not regard the process as legitimate and does not participate >Abu Bakr denies Fatima the estate Muhammed gave to her as an inheiritance, and later burns Fatima's house down, killing her >Abu Bakr dies and is succeeded by Umar, who appoints Mu'awiya as governor of Syria >Umar dies and is succeeded by Uthman, a wealthy old man >Uthman gets assassinated by a group of assassins that emerged from a crowd of Ali's supporters, Ali finally becomes Caliph >Mu'awiya refuses to give the oath of allegiance to Ali unless he mass-imprisons his own supporters, which he isn't going to do >Ali and Mu'awiya's armies fight a battle, which ends with stalemate >Ali agrees to negotiate with Mu'awiya >radical former supporters of Ali (Khawarij) assassinate Ali because they believed by negotiating he committed a sin and lost the right to rule I kinda forget the details after this point but I think it was basically >Mu'awiya designates his son Yazid as his own successor >Mu'awiya or Yazid or the Khawarij has Ali's eldest son Hasan assassinated >Yazid sends an army to kill Ali's other son Hussein in Karbala, Iraq >Ali's daughter Zaynab goes to Damascus before Yazid and bitches about him killing her whole family >Yazid becomes Caliph, ending the Rashidun Caliphate which had oligarchic elections and beginning the Umayyad Caliphate which was hereditary so basically Sunnis killed Muhammed's family to take over the Caliphate for themselves. Shi'ites believe it was supposed to be Muhammed's family that ruled it, which makes sense. Islam was all about Muhammed's own self-interest, like they're supposed to think of his wives as their mothers, so it would follow that he wanted his son-in-law to succeed him. also the Banu Umaya clan that Mu'awiya was from which ran the trade route from Mecca to Damascus was the 2nd most powerful and rival clan to Muhammed's clan Banu Hashim that ran the Kaaba idol worship business which Mecca was built around. hmmmmmm
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has spic finally converted to islam
>>488616 nah it's stupid. I just learned about it by listening to some Paki while playing CK2 awhile back. after October 7th during the 'hmm maybe sandniggers aren't all bad after all' arc, which ended in disappointment after the sandniggers got utterly rekt by the kikes https://youtu.be/Zh2xl0ye2Sc
>>488613 *imports more bulbheads*
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bulbettes are the only fuckable nigras tbh. less ape-like with unique-shaped badonkadonk
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like you're telling me you wouldn't? 'cause I find that hard to believe. seems lush
>made a banana cake >I fucked it up somehow It's over
>>488621 never heard of banana cake. banana bread is good
>>488622 Same difference
>>488621 smh rip lad
>>488579 there's something to this. maybe being depressed and sleeping a lot does wonders for the follicles. i know sleep deprivation is terrible for natural T levels and therefore increases DHT to make up for that.
>>488625 i love these emoji menes
>browsed cuckchan >read a thread Russians and Serbs are the most bluepilled retards, they love racial diversity, Jews dindu nothin, Russia/soviet union = good. It's like they are fed all their political takes from the Kremlin. I hate them.
Incels are never going to recover from this.
>>488629 >women can't fight in armour doubt anyone was saying that tbqh it's not about the armour foids just can't fight in general
>>488629 I know for a fact that being old and ugly bothers her more than whatever culture war nonsense she is spouting so I will not take the bait
>>488603 He could quite easily be a landlord, Pakis work very hard to keep everything in the family including chromosones >>488571
>>488632 Must be one of those moslems that holds 'british values' close to his heart. whatever those are.
>>488634 So new authentic turkish barbers to be opening in Wakefield when?
>>488632 bad actors constantly killing movements that are implicitly ethnat by pushing them towards civnat irrelevance that appeals to nobody but still manages to offend the niggercattle smdh it keeps happening over and over and over
>>488628 >browsed cuckchan >read mutt american and israeli bots Biggest retard award.png
home for the weekend holidays
Filtered on >(1)
>spic retconning more of his retardation lad you've been wanking over muhslam for years
>>488641 See that all seems quite plausible to me after interacting with Romanians.
The lads who have interacted with random eastern europeans
>>488644 No they're builders.
>>488641 author of that article os running damage control hard
>>488646 The book itself is about poor underprivilaged foreigners anyway.
>>488646 The timing and the target are quite odd, book was written 8 years ago is like >>488647 said. Can only guess he's a seething pro palestine loon trying to undermine Lammy
could we maybe do some board cs stuff to get a chrimbo playlist playing in the background?
>>488649 nice manface on ciri.
>>488647 of course smh with a name like judah >>488644 eastern europe is a myth that needs to be done away with there is no "eastern" europe europe ends at where the iron curtain was >>488650 sorry lad been so busy with toil that all that slipped my mind smh been phonepoosting since my laptop died so i can't really do much but if someone can put together a crimbo css i'll add it even just normal /brit/ but with the mosley wearing a father christmas hat would be alright
>>488653 it begins
>>488654 Tbh or eastern Europe is Germany.
keeeek jewish self victimisation is rubbing off on the locals
>>488657 I hate social media.
>>488657 so many people who won't be able to be rehabilitated smh woodchipper is the only option
>>488657 apparently this one was going to gender assignment surgery itself into a man, but then had second thoughts. now it's on GBNews regularly? seems a good origin story to embed yourself in into that sphere and then grift the fuck out of rightoid mongs.
>>488660 >going to gender assignment surgery itself into a man wew I didnt know that keek all I knew about her was she has nice chebs >good origin story That and the 'reformed' whore smh
sargon just polluting the timeline with utter wank as per
wow a lot of kino online this weekend, GLADAIATOR 2 HERETIC WITH HUGH GRANT
>>488665 any 3 hour foreign films with subtitles?
>>488667 yes lad, I really want to stare at pajeets for 3 hours. but thanks anyway.
>>488668 lets stare at martin nost for 3 hours instead
>>488669 phwoar
nice comrades you've got there, buddy.
https://twitter.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1867531067906818436 yet another lotus eater exposing themselves as an over intellectualised zionist
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>>488674 keeeeeeeeek tbh smh doing the jobs lazy aussies don't want to do
>>488672 no surprises there then at this point it seems like anybody who has views more nuanced than "kill 'em all and turn the calendar back a century" is choking on so much jew dick it's poking out him bumhole as for me i say we kill 'em all and turn the calendar back a hundred years
russian fibre optic cable controlled drones hunting down UA even indoors
>>488677 drone warfare looks so fucking demoralising.
>>488640 He posts here doesn’t he
>>488680 he's one of those northern posters
I really hate sea sex tourists and I don't blame the locals for robbing and disembowling them.
>>488682 lad if that happened, sex tourism wouldn't happpen
>>488683 Or maybe they keep it on the quiet so they have a steady supply of people to rob and disembowl.
>>488685 nice chebs atleast.
>spots fun bags >are you jew?
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>>488691 Union of Salvation (the ruskino and it's on youtube with subs and high quality)
how about a nice christmas film? RED ONE (2024)
>>488694 id watch that slop
>>488691 Bins Suicide: The Last Ack
>>488696 The Final Ack would have been a much better title
despicable me marathon tbh lets see what those little yellow niggas are about
>>488698 tried watching the first one of these and it was unbrearable clearly aimed at kids with extremely short attention spans
>>488694 lucy lu looking like asian poombs smh
Two Challenger 2 tanks get hit by drones, Kursk oblast
>>488701 By artillery right and the drone is the follow up?
>>488697 No that's the 4th film in the trilogy. Do you even film franchises?
>Bins Suicide: ACK! >Bins Suicide 2: bACK in ACK! >Bins Suicide: The Last ACK! >Bins Suicide: The Final ACK! >Bins Suicide: Re-ACK!-ed >Bins Suicide: This ACK! It's Personal >Bins Suicide (2019 version) >Bins Suicide 8: ACK!opalypse >Bins Suicide 9: Rise of the ACK! >Bins Suicide X: ACK!ed In Space >Bins Suicide 11 (2025-postponed, Bins sadly ACK!ed away before filming was complete) >Bins Suicide (2030 edition, brought to life with ACK!AI, only on Amazon Poz+ Smart Loo Tm rr inc. streaming services)
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>>488704 the only way I would do a suicide would be via an ACKassination
>Let them in! Let them all in! t. Lady Ruth Lister >Fabian society >father Dr. Werner Bernard >mother Daphne Lister >muh social justice warrior
https://youtu.be/PSUYOV8VPGw Hello again. Pakis are scum.
>>488709 Oh the banter never stops does it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gFqDaRlWPjc
>>488709 he should do a video where he gets bummed by an igbo as a clap back to her latest gaffe
Imagine going round the Yoruba Kween’s for high tea and a cannibal sarnie
We need a hard reset
Would immediately send this plastic plod cunt off to Ukraine to intimidate some Mongols with his tactitool strobe torch and his condescending tone. Should work. at getting rid of him permanently https://xcancel.com/ActivePatriotUK/status/1867207321396425015
>>488714 He wasn't bullied enough in school.
>>488716 Tbh sounds like a proper sjw should either learn to grow a beard or cut his dick off
>>488714 that plod is clearly a faggot is that a furry badge he has?
>>488720 keeeeeeeeeeek
What a load of shit why bother with these kid films ffs
I watched Juror #2 and Deepwater Horizon today. Both were good.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek The machine which crushed Bashar’s enemies into soap https://nitter.poast.org/HamdiRifaiJD/status/1866170653461667904
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Erc3z3m4kU&t=21s toil complete got paid gonna get to have sex soon. steinzog is comfy
celchads, my reflection for you is that deathgrip masterbation and gooning or edging is really really really bad for your benis same with circumcizon also porn is not real life. thanks for reading
>>488709 sorry that nigcel fromage ending up being a lolcow lads wish the britannia had a good lad to save it. not too fond of zorgald toompf tbqh myself
>>488701 that war is just westoid MILIND money laundering and doing R&D while also enabling white genocide
>>488688 tbh his wife is 10000 times better than gaylor shit
reminder that the clit is basically a tiny penis so don't touch it or else you're a homo other than that, don't wear a condom or pull out. good luck steiner
the foreigners (steiner and 22st) are outbreeding us
>>488737 bri'ish roses are busy getting shagged by spanish chads in Ibiza after two Sambucas
>>488738 get some trashy yank slags from the trailerparks and import them to shitain america is a shithole full of whitoids that are just living in poverty and doing heroin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Gr5lIdykE sorely tempted to do the CBT and buy a Super Cub tbh lads
>>488743 do the what?
>>488744 you have to do it to get a motorcycle lad
>>488747 zogbots owned
>lootisers have made 3 different vids on that onlyslag who hid 100 party weiners in her crusty clam in a day
>>488749 sargn and his band of obsessed incels
Love the Flintstones me
>>488751 havent seen that movie in like 20 years wew
that movie was packed full of jews
wasn't the lad from OG dune in that movie
>>488742 >Thought that was Dillashaw off juice for a moment Kek
>>488743 do it lad riding is fun
>>488743 i've wanted to take the hondacubpill for years but lad the weather here is so shit. the cool thing about the cub is that it can be used as an off road trials bike to an extent and will go anywhere, greenlaning would be quite fun
>>488758 and a ping pong ching chong you too lad
>>488757 couldn't you just ride when the weather is nice and take the car or bus when it isn't?
actually the honda trail is better than the cub. u could probably just wear a rain poncho over your sunday best and hang it up when you get to toil for the day
>>488761 got an older model of one of those tbh it'll never let you down luv mine to pieces tbqh always puts a smile on my face
>>488758 Weird. Cute Jap woman though.
>>488763 luv me england luv me choons simple as
>>488764 yeah, it is weird. but it did give me a chuckle tbh.
>xitter only just now catching up to the steinerian take
>>488754 John Goodman?
>>488767 >One of the most frequent questions I get asked when doing readings and talks is: Why is there such a love-hate relationship between the French and anyone arrogant enough to speak English as their first language? >The love is easy to explain: despite what we might say in public, we find each other irresistibly sexy.
>>488770 I have that book as toilet reading.
>>488771 I came across it in WHSmith, bought it and never read it
>>488772 >I came across it in WHSmith bit inappropriate that, lad.
>>488771 If you have time to read on the loo, you should probably eat more figs, old man. My arse doesn't even touch the seat, and I always backflip out the window to wipe my arse on the grass in the garden.
>>488774 That just sounds like explosive diarrhea.
>>488775 Whatever you do, it should be explosive. I put sealed cans on beans in the microwave for breakfast, and walk backwards, sharting, to get new beans and a new microwaved, every morning. If you aren't being explosive, you're doing it wrong.
>>488776 I like having none perferated bowels
>>488777 Okay, cuckcake.
Gatwick is such a shit hole
(85.21 KB 800x534 sad-pig-27200394.webp)

lads just found out that one of my old ancient DBZnigcel friends from high school that I played SSBM and half life 2 with and hid from bullies with and looked at hentais on ebaumsworld died suddenly. smh he was just a good lad why did everyone have to vaxoom and not listen to alegs jones
>>488781 She's cute. I subscribed to her when you posted her previously.
>>488783 I hope nippon gets into the westoid hipster anti BPA plastic memi
the best is the one where she goes to thailand and cambodia
>cancelled trip to Duxford because mediocre weather and holy wew it's expensive these days >cycle to town instead >got some good kitchen bits in t'antique shop >decide I'll have a quick half in t'real ale pub >it's absolutely packed >wind up sitting with ludicrously fit girl & her family because they have a spare seat, dad insists on buying me a pint and they make for good conversation what a nice day this turned out to be
>>488786 good lad
>>488786 corr sounds lovely lad
>>488786 that dad sounds like you should marry his daughter tbh lad
(2.27 MB 640x640 who_can_it_be_now.mp4)

Anyone up for some watchooming?
>>488728 what's this then?
anyone watching any good streams? my favourite vaporwave ones don't stream much anymore and eggy never streams on saturday
>>488728 >>488727 you can't just post "keeeeek" to an unfunny post to make it funny lad... just saying
>>488793 >eggy never streams on saturday where is he streaming nowadays?
>>488795 nobody serious gives a shit about that
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>>488727 I see no soap making machine
>>488797 Good to see eggy is doing well
>>488799 yeah, he usually streams on saturdays, as a yoomer i enjoy them. it's hard to keep up with memes when you toil like i do and he has good music on usually
>>488797 thanks lad >>488796 what film are you putting on bins
>>488802 just enjoy it lad, the grimness is its own kino in a way
boomers merely adopted the darkness, you were born in it, moulded by it
>>488799 stop it lad
>>488801 Heretic (2024)
I CAN'T POST some nonce using opera and getting the vpns banned smh
anyway put on some animated slop or a burton film or something I don't have to think about bins >>488802 ahh... progress. >>488808 there's only one vpn preset left smh the cunt got the rest global banned probably that retard who spams /v/ all day or smth
>>488810 looking good tbh. is he 40 by now?
>>488810 he is becoming more ovoid
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>>488810 he's still wearing that purple t-shirt
oh it's ten o' clock guess there's no film night tonight
>>488815 you only just joined the thread
>>488815 here's why that's a good thing
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>troon in thread >hates smee badge of honour tbh
not looking good for mozambique here >convection flareup just before landfall
Can nobody rival his genius?
>>488788 >killings took place at Loon Beach Appropriate
>>488792 Syria. In an Assad run prison allegedly >>488794 Can. Did. Face slapping had me keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeking As it would anyone tbh
>Bins fails in his duty to put HERETIC on
had weird dreams >I was at the north pole watching total solar eclipse and could see asteroids heading towards earth behind the minecraft blocks and clouds in the sky. looked pretty epin >childhood friend of mine was accused of raping a girl at the camp at the north pole >at my old house, there were tons of pedestrians and there were cars mowing everyone down >I went outside to my car and one of the smashing car drivers was attacking me weird dreams
CaN’t EvEn GeT RaPeD!
>>488824 Shit dream if your cock didn’t catch fire at the end tbh
>>488822 >Syria. In an Assad run prison allegedly how do we know that guy didnt deserve it?
>>488823 well nobody was around
>>488828 He did. Only posted it for the comedic face slapping tbh
>>488829 We’re here
>>488830 controlled societal shift from 'center-left' to 'center-right' for war with Iran. then afterwards they will pull out the rug from underneath, censor the internet like 2017, and move society right back to 'center-left', where Jews prefer
(59.42 KB 1148x1000 barabins2.png)

>>488832 why didn't you reply to my post then? >>488791
>>488835 I just did SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvVtjaOnwog
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>>488838 2 hours later smh Wess will never watch now
>>488837 with the fall of Syria and the destruction of its military, after the destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah, the AoR is unfortunately finished. Iran might as well make nukes and incinerate Tel Aviv, it's all they have the ability to do at this point I wonder what would have happened if on Oct 7th the entire AoR just declared total war on Israel and launched every rocket and missle they have... could it have unleashed enough destruction that there would be a revolution in Egypt from people demanding the military get sent in? we'll never know now. pissrael fucking won
>>488841 Keeeeeek
>>488841 factual
>>488841 kek lad, thank you
>crowns him with plate for ignoring crisis in country
>>488839 Do it. Put the cheese and pickle sandwich on
>>488819 good lad
>>488845 >eating carbs yeah no wonder he's lost it lately
>>488846 lad it's past 11pm Wess is probably dead again
>>488849 He’s training lad
>>488850 wow he made it
(9.53 MB 720x1280 yall got me focked op.mp4)

>>488836 An absolutely hideous photograph.
>>488852 >no crackle of incoming bullets niggers use trailer park boys gunfight rules where you fire over top of them and don't really want to kill them kek
they're just terrible shots
(45.99 KB 237x173 shrug.png)

>>488852 any explanation of what's going on here in English please?
>>488780 keeeeek. my exact thoughts when returning from Nippon the other month.
Joe Rogan Experience #2237 - Mike Benz >on the censorship industrial complex https://youtu.be/rrJhQpvlkLA
>>488855 they don't understand how guns work. in South Africa the whites asked the nigs why they adjust the range on their sights to the longest possible range (it made them wildly inaccurate) and the nigs responded that they thought it made the gun shoot harder
https://geometriclullaby.bandcamp.com/track/--1305 peak vaporwave listening again, 6:30 for the piano solo
>>488782 Vivid picture painted lol but also smh poor lad.
>>488817 Sheggs!
>>488863 spookiest cartoon character here by far
>>488863 Based powerpuff girls warning us of troon demon groomers.
(228.28 KB 498x498 chud.gif)

>>488865 basically yeah reminds me of that chud vid where the troon spouts a load of words in attack, and the chud simply replies with one - "him" - and it destroyed the troon
>>488863 I forgot how creepy that character was tbh.
Butter Cup from the Powerpuff Girls is literally my spirit animal
>>488868 are you a troon?
>>488870 worried about this too
>>488872 ignore the spooky thumbnail, its just a sewer gas explosion
>>488874 tbh, good lad
bit fruity those shorts tbh
>>488877 do you still ride ur honda trail?
>>488878 yes lad every day
Denim shorts are well gay
>>488880 it's all about how it fits lad daisy dukes pour homme are well gay but you wouldn't be saying that about some classic jnco jorts
>>488881 all denim shorts are gay. sorry lad, you're going to have to throw yours out now.
>ate like a pig at the breakfast buffet Feel so fat
mummy bullied me back in 1999. not good
This place doesn't feel like Christmas
>>488887 Stop being such a fanny
>>488888 I don't appreciate you quints confirm.
>>488866 Sleek haven't seen that one.
>>488890 good nigger morning
poosting this here to have a file to link to >>488887 forgot to change the css smh despite being reminded
refresh the page lads
>>488892 good lad
covfefe time. can only imagine the incoming shits.
>>488897 diarrhoea
Catching up on a bit of WessTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxFNprPOdss
Keeeeeeeeeek women don’ even react smh https://xcancel.com/Jonnywsbell/status/1868050636883042416
>>488892 good lad
>>488887 don't make me summon the gnomes (I wish I could) >>488895 has the unintended consequence of extra bones and reinforcing your skull to become beastly
>>488903 baste
(194.53 KB 885x1080 binsbottomchristmas.png)

(119.16 KB 381x386 christmaschudtrim.png)

>tfw invited to a neighbour's Christmas party this afternoon and don't want to go but I will go anyway because it's the neirhbourly thing to do
you better chud out you better sneedpost you better mog them for neighbourly clout retard bins is schizing them down >>488908
>>488907 >fruitybumbumposting
(85.24 KB 434x426 fatpolfacechristmasangry.png)

>>488909 nobody better say any leftard shite while I'm in earshot
>>488912 hope you go dressed appropriately
(63.89 KB 434x426 fatpolfacechristmas.png)

>>488913 I want that jumper might put it on my christmas list
>Indians and niggers have discovered skiing It's fucking over
>>488915 hello, i am under the avalanche please help me saar
>>488911 Feckin’ eejits!
>>488920 it is okay saar the cow has some antimicrobial properties
>>488922 Jet fuel melts steel ships
>>488922 putler owned
>wanton pollution of the sea to pwn pootler
>play new footy game demo >premier league sign keeps changing to "stop being racist" or something. >Same thing is written on the madden nfl helmets keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>tfw polishing wood smells great
>>488927 HE'S WANKING!!!
(5.91 MB 720x1280 PXL_20241213_174514776.TS.mp4)

>>488927 excellent lad
(71.02 KB 434x426 fatpolfacechristmas3.png)

>back from the neighbour's christmas party >mostly everyone ranting about crime, traffic problems, and neighbours they don't like my kind of party merry christbums lads!
>>488927 Need some beeswax, me.
pembs finally had his op.
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>>488932 lad we're not allowed to talk about poombis here
>>488933 can't believe he tried to have 22st jailed then just disappeared keeeeeeeek
>>488934 I think it was Jocko that got 22st in trouble with the police, but the police found him innocent
>>488935 imagine they certified him a wholesome chungus and called in a missile strike on the trannies
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>>488936 when we win, this is how it will be
>>488936 Sleeeeeeeeek.
(8.38 KB 205x245 fatblush.png)

>>488927 >>tfw polishing wood I also like polishing my wood
Bins flagrant homosnextual flirting should be deterred with a 30 day ban every time he does it.
Put heretic on bins
So obvious it’s scripted with the same ‘only democracy’ etc type buzz words/phrases Wonder if they agreed to pay for her life long plastic surgeries? https://nitter.poast.org/Erin_Molan/status/1867382344262496503
can we watch layer cake
>>488943 No. We’re watching Pasta & Eggs so fuck off
>>488944 Sh-shego??
>>488920 I hate india/bahrap
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>>488947 Our authority is so evil.
>>488954 Would show no mercy.
>>488954 why is the best part cropped out?
(28.01 KB 500x500 Pepe No 6.jpg)

>spic filtered
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sometimes just want to run away from it all lads
final form of my toast webm check this piece of shit out
(72.02 KB 434x426 fatpolfacetoast2.png)

>>488960 I saw some of my OC in there
A toast!
The time is now, old man
>>488935 >when they slam the 8chan screenshots on the table completely serious and I just start keeking Remember it included some Steinerposts. I asked to keep them but weren't allowed. A tragedy. Forbidden lore smh
>>488969 what are the proposed borders of the Greater Israel Plan?
>>488965 la nouvelle avant-garde pour être honnête
>>488971 whatcha doin' rabbi?
>>488971 Oy v…NEVER HAPPENED whatchadoinrabbi.jpg More Likud trying to scare jews into returning too Israel to populate newly gained territories. Israel needs to feel the burn and hopefully poots will do the needful
>>488971 >mirrored swastika Why do they never draw the symbol correctly whenever they invent an antisemitism?
>>488971 Also true that an atm will never dispense a note like this. Never had a mangled note from one nor a graffiti’s one they are filtered out. Knew someone who worked for NCR or whatever they’re called
>>488976 a swastika is a swastika, there's no angle at which it ceases to be one. but I know you're saying
>>488978 Sauvastika vs swastika, there is a difference.
>>488974 why have they picked those borders? it can't be arbitrary
>>488952 good lad
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>>488981 "from the Nile to the Euphrates" that's their "promised land"
already dreading the post christmas new year malaise >2025
>>488960 based >>488985 smh chin up lad
>>488965 >woes response
bannerlord is so shite compared to warband when are the dank britainwalda and LOTR style mods coming out? the eagle rising mod is cancer it has like 1000 years worth of innaccuracies
you lads need to have a harrowing of the wogs all the ceorls need to get their seaxes and stab up some poopskins
>>488988 never since most of the autistic modders moved on or were eliminated
Millennial Woes is a fat gay bovine cunt.
almost time to warm up the car
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>>488992 Time for me to warm up the bed.
>>488993 how do you pay for things then?
>>488991 why don't you like woesy?
>>488995 so sick of lads here hating on a guy that's obviously on our side
America doing what it does best along with it’s partner the only democracy in the Middle East https://xcancel.com/USEmbassySyria/status/1868544196803784980
what a pleasant, young gentleman.
>>489000 I sad now
>>488996 Because he's a fucking self-absorbed fat gay bovine cunt who is a terrible interviewer, and a fucking midwit to boot. It's not difficult. If you're satisfied with slop then good for you, but I'm not.
fucking peasants
>>488994 I just work whenever I get up (if I feel like it).
>>489003 he's interview techniques are lovely and wholesome.
omg blah blah blah blah
JEET ON JEET! REPEAT! JEET ON JEET! >Bumrah is a monkey >we are all entitled to make mistakes innit!? NIGGER! Sorry officer, mistake innit! https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9gy7938xeo
Bhenchod British Indians so bloody racist innit!
>>489010 >Bumrah
>>489010 >calling him a senior Anglican
>>489014 Keeeek
>Oswaldthistle pop 10,000 >Muslim cemetery over 12,000 plots
>>489016 Just want them completely banned from the west.
Potential gf for Colin
>489023 gentlemen a spy is amongst us
seethe and dilate

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