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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4006: Advent Begins Edition Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 20:57:20 Id: af92ad No. 487352
South Korea president backs down from martial law plan after MPs vote to block it https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cn38321180et >South Korea's cabinet has lifted the martial law announced by President Yoon Suk Yeol, according to the Yonhap news agency. >Yonhap is also reporting that the South Korean military has disbanded the martial law command. Tulisa DELETES all traces of her time on I'm A Celeb from her social media and 'snubs' one campmate - just one day after leaving the show https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14153893/Tulisa-DELETES-traces-time-Im-Celeb-social-media-snubs-one-campmate-just-one-day-leaving-show.html >The N-Dubz star, 36, was the third campmate to be evicted on Monday night's show but hasn't wasted time erasing the ITV series from her feeds after getting her phone back. >These now-vanished posts included her being announced for the show last month and the documenting of her time in Australia by who was controlling her account while she was gone. South Western Railway to be renationalised by Labour https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceqlnrgjr79o >South Western Railway will be the first rail operator renationalised by the Labour government after it passed a law last week. >Labour has pledged to renationalise rail services as operator franchises come to an end, and South Western's contract finishes in May 2025.
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Merry Christbums lads!
>>487352 I'm amazed they are re-nationalising railways when the country really can't afford it atm
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merry shartsmas
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>>487354 On the first day of Christbums, my true love gave to me, a shartridge upon a toilet seat!
>>487359 On the second day of Christbums, my true love gave to me, 2 turdtil doves and a shartridge upon a toilet seat!
>>487354 Fruity bum bums for Christmas Dinner
>>487360 On the third day of Christbums my true love gave to me, 3 skid marks 2 turdil doves and a shartrige on a toilet seat!
I can feel it. It's almost Millenniyule.
>>487362 On the third day of Christbums my true love gave to me, 4 caustic braps 3 skid marks 2 turdil doves and a shartrige on a toilet seat!
>>487355 It's not really a change at all. Many train operators were already under public ownership in 2021. They've continued functioning in the same way and will continue to do so until they're merged and the administration is simplified. Knowing our politicians, no hope of improved efficiency or lower prices anyway. These articles are good. The second fails to mention what the first says, which is that Great British Railways was announced by Grant Shapps in 2021, so Labour are just continuing Tory policy. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57176858 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy63j4x66ylo
>>487364 I stopped listening to these years ago now it's just repetitive shite isn't it?
>>487358 He's a good lad
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>>487365 On the fifth day of Christbums my true love gave to me, 5 brown rings! 4 caustic braps 3 skid marks 2 turdil doves and a shartrige on a toilet seat!
When going back to visit my family what should I bake? Feeling banana cake
>>48736 you fucking take that back right now. It will always be comfy. Regardless of how grottier he gets with each passing year.
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>>487369 On the fifth day of Christbums my true love gave to me, 6 geezers a-laying (a fat shit) 5 brown rings! 4 caustic braps 3 skid marks 2 turdil doves and a shartrige on a toilet seat!
>citations of texts written in the year 500 CE when jews were being persecuted by Romans Fuck off Shapiro
>>487375 I'm feeling it lads the merry spirit of christbums! God bless us, every one!!!
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>>487373 he's such a weasly little liar
Ben Shapiro's entire audience consists of goofy goyim tbh. Bunch of suckers.
Hordes of fat muricans just exist to getting grifted on
>>487375 Keeeeeeeeek. >what horrors I hath set in motion
>>487373 Kèeeeeek the programming is wearing off Shapiro really only connects to pilled out boomercons. It's why the jews are in overdrive they know the westoids are waking up
>>487354 bit early lad tbh
>>487374 Cassowary is another bird with a blue head. Strange looking things.
>forgot to defrost sodas >forgot to buy bread or crackers at the shop >made a pizza out of a frozen naan bread with tamarind sauce and the end of the extra mature cheddar
>>487386 imagine eating this good
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>>487386 me, I had seasoned roast chicken with red onion and red wine gravy, steamed and butter fried sprouts, brocolli and sugar snap peas, served with red current jelly
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Hey Shartin
>>487389 he won't be online at this time he be toilin'
>>487390 he's a busy b
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>>487391 >a busy b groomin' toilin' but never postin'
>>487392 >>487392 > sadbinstrans Wdhmbt?
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vile post thankguvn shites mummy made some good baked chicken and tatoes smh too much tatoes in steinhog
smh she's fattening him up just like 22st's mummy
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>>487398 madlad BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
*tink* hey madlad, how are you feeling? im glad for one I have not "done anything" for the "white race" because if nick is "doing something" then im team asian people
>best martial artist in the world is a Brit Why are continentals so shit at fighting?
>>487401 hunnic blood maybe
Rassinier's first book, Crossing the Line (1949), an account of his experience in Buchenwald, was an immediate critical and commercial success, one reviewer describing it as "the first testimony coldly and calmly written against the demands of resentment, idiotic hatred or chauvinism".[18] The Trade Union of Journalists and Writers also praised it, and it was recommended reading by the SFIO.[19] It is notable for its criticism of the prisoner government. Rassinier claims that effective resistance was found only among the Russian prisoners, and that many brutalities in the camp were committed not by the SS, but by the mainly Communist prisoners who took over the Häftlingsführung and ran the internal affairs of the camps for their own benefit. Rassinier blamed the high death rate at the two camps he saw on their corruption.
>>487401 Aren't all British martial artists from up norf?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SIu51KoPv0&list=LL&index=4&t=151s joe owens BKB his stage name is sean macfarlane
>>487404 Most of them, best souf fighter is probably Allen who I rate. Don't think he's getting the belt though.
>>487401 Jon Jones isn't British, mate.
>>487407 Jones lost to Reyes then ducked Nigannou and Aspinall, he needs to beat one of them for his title to be legitimate imo
>South Korean president declares martial law >Military enter National Assembly to arrest his political opponents >Oh shit it's happening >Lawmakers ignore it and simply vote against the coup >Coup gets reversed Keek
>>487409 There weren't any votes in favour of it, too.
>>487405 that's how joe should treat liam thorp if he ever comes across him
>>487409 the house always wins
doesn't seem like it was anything high-intensity tbh https://nitter.poast.org/3_bm15/status/1863966664145957362#m
Rupert mogging Nigger Elf again. Someone should advise him against saying woke and just say anti white or maybe just anti british to still play to the boomers
>>487418 >nosely
THE WEAT IS FALLING AND ZOOMERS THINK IT'S FUNNY??!? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rX34kJvnclI?feature=share
>>487421 *WEST
>>487418 nah, they love that word. it isn't explicit about race and sounds cutesy.
the jokie wokies go brokie brokie
>>487426 Didn't know he had downsyndrome.
new cut wdy think please take me seriously bros
>>487428 looks cool. how often do you have to water it?
>>487429 rarely as I use the expensive soy-based stuff got the idea from my mate dickie, he still hasn't realised that perms are in right now
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for wessica
>>487431 hello, lid.
>>487432 cheers la
>>487433 Hi, lad. That post was another Jap poster, surprisingly.
>>487436 never got into idol group gooktoons tbh angel beats at least had some 2deep4poo sideplot or something to go with it iirc
Guess who came up with Make America Great Again - for Reagan Yeah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGLKWZud6_M
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every day i suffer
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He Heils Hitler Nigga
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>>487439 ha get him based elf
>>487439 Kieeeeeerk
Might make this my christmas card and send it to all my neighbours
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yenta? Amazing that spamming their fag flag everywhere isn’t illegal despite an ongoing and verifiable genocide tbh Also SS membership Number 2 a founding member of the SS was jew Emil Maurice. Spielberg hasn’t made a Hollywood film about that yet of course
>>487435 >Hi, lad. That post was another Jap poster, surprisingly. we're taking over.
>>487439 keeeeeeeeek >he's done him
>Dafna >Yoran >progressive lesbian >felt sorry for nigger who robbed and killed an 85 year old for $300 >demanding minimum of 15 years for white man who killed someone by accident No early life check necessary
>>487448 oy vey >you can't lock up our useful pets
>>487448 Evil creature smh.
>>487448 >Yoran >Religion:Jewish >Gender: Boy >Meaning: to sing >Origin: Hebrew
>>487453 the things the commie chinks did to their own population are much worse albeit and he lived through that too
>>487453 I remember reading that the Japs moved too far ahead of their supply lines, and the soldiers were told to travel light, so they had to steal food from Chinese civilians on the way to Nanking. Officers couldn't maintain discipline without anything to give their soldiers. Once they finally took Nanking, it was just a free-for-all. Similar things happened during the Thirty Years' War. Breakdown of discipline due to lack of provisions for troops. Repeated plundering until there was nothing left, causing mass famine.
>>487456 this also le bugpeople mindset, they did comparable things to themselves all the time even before the japs showed up that >300,000 civilians were eaten shit really is a regular day in china at war chinkies only complain to whitey in whitey langauge about this among themselves they just continue to seethe and feud
Oh bloody blimey Mr. Vance saar!
>>487458 tbh >>487460 jeet driller vance
>>487455 Full vid. Prime sneethe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ8gfE-0ngc Every one of those foreign security guards need fucking liquidising (after the traitors)
>>487461 A proper cuckold Imagine being introduced to the mother grandmother and rest of the family smell and not jumping out of your skin and running to a hwhite state
>>487462 No sympathy tbh, should've killed a nigger instead of killing himself
>>487465 Should at least have doubled down on the monke noises I would have given the police an interview and made monke noises into their tape recorder until their fucking hard drive was full and would then have done a big shit in my hand and thrown it at them tbh
>>487463 just saw that tbh. nearly overdosed on seethium a week or so ago when I started watching all the other videos he had on there
>>487466 Unwisely Financed Oriental
Good job Joe pardoned himself and Hunter cos Trump was going to execute them by firing squad
>>487465 tbh, prefer people that go out in a blaze of glory if you've decided you want out.
>>487470 he was going to shoot them up while locking Hillary up. absolute beast mode.
>>487473 probably some sort of fuckery going on here with police pushing towards pleading guilty, with some shite, jobber lawyer given to him.
>>487469 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>487466 Nothing will compare to when he was sleeping in the garage living off scraps and coins. Still remember the video he made when his chinky wife turned the electricity off and locked all the doors. You could hear the storm outside shaking his garage as he looked out seething.
uno black tea with rancid yak milk please luv
american insurance company CEO got acked
>>487479 based unless it was an even bigger boy taking him out in order to monopolise more
also STEINER get an engine for your coal roller that can do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34100cXEt50
>>487481 based nippon
>>487483 Good lad, I'm definitely getting tickets
>>487483 >london FUCK >next october when I'll probably be dead FUCK smh enjoy lads
>>487485 >he's been dying the next year for the best part of half a decade
Probably going to watch a Sumo training session in Japan next March too. Not sure which stable yet.
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Sosig rolls, cheese an biscuits, mixed pickle wi' bottle a Newcie Brown for tea
>>487488 it lush and I mean lush.
>>487486 keek yeah I know I got an early start on the doomposting but it really is it this time
closer to 8 years than 5 also wonder what I could have done with myself if I didn't become a chud overinvested in a microscopically niche imageboard community
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>>487490 It ain't over until it's over. Never give up.
>>487491 >8 years you've really been milking it.
>>487492 that's the spirit might have to shitpost on public nhs while slowly expiring from blood poisoning wifi but i'll do it
>>487493 sadly have been unable to actually do this smh the disability bennies I do get are for being an autistic depressed retard (basically the same as being a woman and saying you have chronic fatigue or long covid or whatever) rather than any long term physical issue, because every single aspect of the welfare system has to be clownish and unfit for purposes other than draining taxpayer monies
maybe I'll hedge my bets and get tickets anyway not like I have children to leave money to could be a cool /brit/ meetup thing to do
>>487495 Such is the state of clown country when you can't even get disability bennies. Utter farce.
proper disability bennies*
>>487496 I'm up for meeting. Would most likely be going to that sort of thing solo anyway.
>>487499 safer to band together in london also keek trying to remember the clip of that cartoon dinosaur film 22st liked to post did a quick search and couldn't find anywhere to buy tickets yet so have to remember in the new year
>>487500 this filum?
>>487501 maybe, don't think i ever actually watched it the clip is something about the herd banding together to stop the evil raptors from eviscerating them or smth
>>487500 >safer to band together in london also tbh. I know it well having worked there and going to many concerts, but I'm not into traveling around the place on my own.
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SAAR! SAAR! PLEEZ MAHNEY SAAR! *extends open brown hand*
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>>487481 keeeeeeeek
>>487479 It will be interesting to see if there's a clear motive.
>>487462 Reminds me of Peter Lynch. So mindfucked by the regime into thinking he somehow deserved being persecuted. Life fallen apart with perceived reputation (never done an actual crime but oh no now I'm accused of counter revolutionarism maybe that is le bad too if I'm good why do they hate me). Sad and pathetic ngl.
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>>487455 Jeets dangling the stolen seethe in front of the gammon to even further exploit the downtrodden Britoid race.
>>487511 never forget that this is the fault of the British and American men that fought in WWII
>>487495 Wonder how much of the stats of womanitus claiments are genuine fucked and dying good lads now. Smdh. >>487491 >Starmler would've deprived you of 8 years image boarding At least now you can have womanitus bennies removed by BASED ROIGHT WANG OF THE LABOUR PARTY and then be continually asked if you've tried killing yourself every time you write a letter of complaint about the bins not being collected. Heavy is the horn honked by the clown, for his horn is the world.
>>487501 >>487500 >Wessex couldn't find a dinosaur film called "dinosaur " https://youtu.be/CLba6l1dHcY?si=uww_kW5BgU3IUn_n
>>487448 literally looks like a troon
No rest for the wicked tbh lads.
brapping up an absolute storm today tbh
REVEALED! >has account of blue sky nonce platform >continues posting in. >investigation didn’t reveal these accounts are fighting with each other >I’M NOT A JEW!’ing Phenotype is everything here tbh https://archive.is/BWW7C
>>487522 >vp of jp morgan runs a wrongthink twitter account wew suppose by reaching that high up in finance you'd develop a proper understanding of jewry as a matter of course
>>487525 wonder what put him on his current path then
>>487526 Tbh All a bit sus could be he’s trying to rehabilitate himself could be he’s compromised
>>487527 >could be he’s compromised that's usually it
keeeeeek soft girl trend scares capitalists and communists
>>487522 I love how liberals (including Richard B. Spencer) now call anyone doxxed or found to be behind an account an "operator" as if they're super sekrit Russian spooks, and not just rando disaffected chuds.
>>487531 Farcical tbh
>>487529 jeez louise sweden calm down with the antisemitism >>487531 the idea that regular people don't like the current thing is poison to any regime everybody is happy and 100% on board with the direction things are going and the only people who say bad things are only doing it because they're spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) on the bad man team if you don't like thing then you're literally the only one and will be ostracised
No one likes us, we don't care
>No bloody bastard bich! You cannot stop me to selling crumpets! It’s just bloody not on m8 innit! t. Prasanna…Callaghan(?) - Owner Veganas Buckingham Palace Road Innit, SW1 All these multi millionaire furriners They go back, money stays here. They’re obviously good at making it by ripping people off so they can do it again in India and Pakistan OUT
>>487483 Kino. /brit/ meetup before the basho?
>>487534 Imperious Wankers Mausoleum
>>487534 Also based Millwall
>>487515 Oh shit that one takes me back
>>487515 DESTROYED with facts and logic
>>487541 buh buh based
>>487541 >Extremist jewish literature made this happen t. Adolf Honkler
ni lads
>>487544 night lad.
>Jeet discovers new way to become billionaire is to corner shop differently and lend his disgusting jeet name to an already successful business headed by a starstruck cuckold and become a sleeping partner https://www.instagram.com/p/DC52olqIDU0/
OI! WE’RE THE. VICTIMS HERE INNIT!? https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/this-muslim-playwright-believes-yorkshire-is-headed-for-civil-war/ >Expendable, at the Royal Court, is an urgent bulletin from the front line of the grooming gang scandal in the north of England. The setting is a kitchen in Yorkshire where Zara is trying to keep her family together after her son, Raheel, was outed as a rape suspect by a national newspaper. White thugs dump parcels of excrement on their porch and Zara cowers under the kitchen table, too scared to answer the door. The racists have mounted a mass demonstration, supported by the cops, which causes local bus services to be cancelled. >This is a harrowing, deeply uncomfortable show to sit through. The performer, Tigar, delivers his lines with a biting, accusatory edge. You start to feel that Nazism was all your fault.
>say this >still import a million bomalians
>>487548 she even put on the charming southern accent to make it work, even though she despises whites. hickface
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>>487372 On the seventh day of Christbums my true love gave to smee 7 floaters floating 6 geezers laying (a fat shit) 5 brown rings! 4 caustic braps 3 skid marks 2 turdil doves and a shartrige on a toilet seat!
>>487550 i was thinking the other day immigration always used to be justified because it helps the economy (even though we now know it doesn't) but how does Islam help the economy?
The gay race communism flag that's been up in the local church graveyard for 2 years has been replaced by a union jack. >>487534 >the lion chasing them Keeeeek.
>>487550 >The racists have mounted a mass demonstration, supported by the cops fantasy
>>487556 it's truly vile how foreign subversives are given every aid zog can think of I can barely stand to visit the public libraries any more because each time I go in I find some new disgusting antiwhite poz the latest thing was polluting the SF section and the blurb starts with "A white extremist has assassinated the prime minister..." some clancyian slop starring the gay nigger SAS btfoing skinhead caricatures
Need another Covfefe. all this doom and gloom is making me tired.
As 'a nation of animal lovers' you'd expect there to be more pushback against Halal slaughter. But of course it would clash with kosher slaughter, thus...
>>487560 Tbh These animals were probably stolen to order for halal butchers by Balkan gangs or gypos from the Balkans/East Europe
SA on the prowl in Harrow
just seen a new DEI name for drug addict / junkies junkies bastid etc: "Person of Addiction"
>>487546 Crypto mongs btfo once agian
>woke up at 2pm >Check work computer at 4pm >No messages >Instantly turn computer off and went for a walk I love getting paid for nothing
>>487567 Civil Service?
>>487568 Nah, I'm working at a bloated bank, which bank isn't, best part is I'm a contractor.
>Go to see sick wife at 2pm >Doctor walks into the room looking groggy and dishevelled >Peers at life support machine and starts mumbling "no messages" to himself >switches off wife's life support and walks away
>>487569 *debanks you*
>>487571 *Goes back to sleep and gets paid for it*
>>487572 good lad
>there is a banker amogus
>>487574 sperm bank
>>487575 unlike the financial sector a place where you really don't want to hear about a bull run
>>487574 I'm not a banker, I just work at a bank.
>>487578 lots of pointless office jobs involved i guess especially now so many banks are closing down branches smh
>>487580 Fucking depressing
thought it was already the case for some years now and that the top 4-6 places were all variants of the name tbh
If it's any consolation, my name is Mohammed and I'm pretty based.
>>487584 based? based on what? the quran?
>>487584 You live in Saudi and support killing all pakis because they don't belong in Britain, right?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOyHMftfbGA in 2025 resolve to train your racism to reach heights unforeseen by even the greatest chuds of our age
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>jeet logic
>>487589 >he's going to put a another gorillion hours into skyrimjob
https://youtu.be/HXdcxRtPJVA found Steiner's grandfather at 00:34
>>487591 I'm already bored this time tbf.
>>487592 so comfy to just be able to say nigger whenever you like without it being some big thing
>>487594 BASED >>487595 tbh, I do so in private then have to think twice before saying it at work keek
>>487596 I suspect he may have fallen prey to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1OBpA01ldE
>>487590 >46 TRILLION SAAR YOUR SISTER ONLYFANS DOG BLOODY FUCK CUCK YOU SAAR BBC BASTARD There was a lot of this on anglo xitter today kek
>>487598 Keeeeeek We don’t hate them enough
Why did all the classical liberals die out? Seems pretty much extinct now.
>>487590 just needed some tea and sugar tbh
>>487600 political polarisation rendered it an ineffective grift
really going to have to find if the jeets had a derogatory term for us during the colonisation of india and apply it to them like steiner said
https://youtu.be/HHK8PD1oxEM Freshish information likely to be of use to a terrorist.
>>487603 gura log or burra log or something similar was used to refer to working class / enlisted soldier whites and means red face monkey iirc
>>487602 fairs >>487604 Yeah, he was one of them I was thinking on, now he's a soft white nationalist.
>jewgle translate censors your writing if you try to translate something even as tame as "poo man" smh
>>487603 >>487606 Gora (गोरा, گورا), Goro (गोरो) Tori is the female form they also used the word Firangi similar to what the Thai’s use ( Farang ) Been called the G word a couple of times iirc
>>487609 *Gori is the female version
>>487609 firangi seems like another permutation of frank (as in french as in white as in foreigner) >The evolution of this word is curious: Frank, Frangi, Farangi, Ferringhee. The last form is the incorrect spelling of that preceding it
fellahin is a good one, meaning dirty peasant and it covers arabs as well as jeets
>>487610 Reminds me of the half paki that used to hang around at PA early on and was shilling her book.
>>487614 KEEK wtf
the name does sound a little familiar
>>487611 Also Raj lads had bits of magic paper saying they were legally resident in Bharatia and owned property/business etc until the jeets withdrew them. We will return the favour and seize all their cash and assets to boot
Bet she used enhanced interrogation techniques to force a confession out of him tbh
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>>487624 keeeeek he got dobson'd
>if you cork a jeet's bum the curry farts will build up and he'll inflate into a balloon and pop in a shower of shart
>>487626 Popadum
Cannot stand jeets they’re oblivious to hate as well it’s as if they expect it and it runs off them like water off a ducks back they just accept it with a grin and a head wobble
>>487630 IVPITER won't go for it he'll never consneed to losing his BBC supply
>>487631 Iewpiter must concede
>>487632 impressively ugly specimen
>>487634 If that confronted me I would probably panic punch it in the throat
Trump did say it's okay as long as the parents make the decision. Didn't specify what age, probably not that young however.
>>487636 Trump is a kike
>>487636 >Hawk Tuah’s your sex
Yeah he is a spiritual jew. just pointing out how rightoids are taking it in the arse yet again by their demi god.
Japan had better sort it’s shit out
>>487632 >their name is Chase Strangio
>>487640 Fuck the japs tbqh, im tired of 4chans philia of them.
>>487644 Nigger Elf loves diversity too!
>>487645 Knew he was a terrorist supporter
started The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Fucking hell it's boring I thought Russian literature was bad for overly long tangents of macroscopic details with literally no relevance to the plot but Victor Hugo really took it to the next level
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Hama has fallen and they're going for Homs. looks really bad, Russia should nuke Idlib, though I'm not sure what that would accomplish at this point other than being based. what I've heard is that it's basically a massive light cavalry charge, like 10,000 sandniggers on trucks zerg rushing and there's no counter for that
assad bros...
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>>487651 Jews bomb Gaza for a year and yet they can still raise an army of Sunni jihadists to destroy Israel's enemies. the subhumanity of browns knows no bounds
>>487652 they are utter mongs and will do anything for money and promises of rape
>Wessex died and reincarnated as a squirrel
>>487654 Leave are Wessie alone. He's a good lad.
Lads, I think Assad was democratically elected. Shouldn't we be defending democracy or whatever it is our politicians are always banging on about protecting throughout the world?
>>487642 Xenophilia. It's gross.
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CONTENT ALERT if any lad is bored and has want of content to listen to, here is a 7 hour ebin drama stream. lots of cutthroat intrigue in the racist streaming world >recent scandal is that literal hasbara kikess slut sexually manipulates antisemitic twitter goyim into divulging identifying information >now a 62 year old woman becomes sexually infatuated with misogynist streamer, obsessively stalks him 14 hours per day, gets banned eventually because it's disruptive/gross and she goes on a vengeance warpath demanding attention from him. check 4:51:24 >she teams up with pajeet groyper 'Top Right Zoomer' and another pajeet, they do doxing and threats, get twitter accounts banned on election day (severely hamstringing growth of a political stream) >streamers and their minions retaliate by doxing the old lady and one of the pajeets, tells the pajeet's mom everything including credible nonce allegations >highlight is a twitter space of them all arguing and then the pajeet's mom comes in the room, interrogates him, he swears on a Bible lying that he's just talking to himself and not getting himself in trouble via internet bloodsports https://cozy.tv/politicallyprovoked/replays/2024-12-04
Sounds gay and incel. probably both.
Cambodian makes hog traps that purposefully never work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSzmMLxMKm8
Merry Christmas, anon. You are invited to this year's >>>/christmas/ event. This project aims to gather anons from different board from inside and outside 8chan and hang out together and have fun. The planned date is December 14 and 15, so I hope I'll see you there. If you have any questions about the event, please make me know here or in the organization thread >>>/christmas/3691
>>487664 Based
>>487665 interesting >event of 202 smh missed it
smorn lids
smorblas >he's clickbait pooliticalgrifting now smh where is the integrity as a trve drvid and worshipper of the mighty stick ACK
>>487671 money's money.
>>487670 surprising lack of diversity.
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>>487676 you post some good podcasts lad
who here /ard/?
>>487678 still don't get it tbh but I see the lidl logo at the bottom shame about the arla scandal
>>487682 that's the ikea logo lad the joke is that toskalad with standard legs rhymes with and has the same rhythm as tossed salad and scrambled eggs it's a frasier joke have honestly been sneething constantly at a low simmer about that poison cow feed shite tbh not about people trying to wipe us out tbh used to that sneething at the niggercattle continuing to ignore everything no matter how obvious it is
>From 1 January, Ofgem's price cap is going up. AGAIN KEEEEEEKACK fucking evil bastards milking us rentslaves for all they can
>>487684 KEEEK of course it's a high IQ frasierpill need to undergo more confrasion therapy to understand this stuff smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHlF-jWdce8
also the cow poison thing is extremely transparently about boiling our frogs because "making cows fart less" is on par with masturbation machines for "reasons to do nefarious things"
>>487685 sorry lass the money printer has to go brrrr or else we cant afford to keep importing useless inbred criminals >>487687 based and froovepilled
Does he live with Colin Robertson? The grot.
BREAKING NEWS After months of speculation, It's official. He's going to have them on for a chat.
Only 3 months? He must've been working round-the-clock.
>>487693 >it takes him nine months to recover from milleniyule
>>487692 Keeeeeeek he can't find anyone
>>487696 keeeek. good lad.
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>>487693 >exhaustive preparations other content creators do this kind of thing routinely, but Woes has to make a total martyr of himself in public over it
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>>487699 Fruity Bum Bums 0: Origins
>>487699 Batman 1989
>2 hours of japanese subtitles bins is gonna freak
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>>487704 I'm freakin' I'm freakin'
>>487701 >Fruity Bum Bums 0: Origins I've heard this is really good
"anglofuturist" AI larpers go full retard
>>487708 I do like their stuff like this unironically tbh like niggers they should have a few reservations after the global british empire genocides the majority so we can consoom the interesting and/or funny bits of their culture
bins put on this mard maratha film tbh
>>487712 what?
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>>487714 can't find a source
>>487717 link didn't work
should we try watching Joker 2 (2024)?
Panipat on cinema deck works just fine for me
>>487719 Remember Matt Walsh showing his IQ criticising this for "foley a dukes" like it was too obscure and nobody would understand the subheading. No.
>>487702 I voot @This
>>487702 I'd rather watch the Nolan ones
Reform UK's Strategic Blunders: My debate with Richard Tice https://youtu.be/FbKlvyATgG0
Wot about heretic?
>>487726 >cucking to the centre ground >expecting to be taken seriously by Lice & Cabbage Keeeeeeeeeeek
why don't we watch some christmas films, like die hard?
Probably be some Christmas Marvel film.
>>487733 keeeeeeeeACK >he puts on Santa Inc
>>487734 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Might be worth a hatewatch ngl.
>>487673 Think these two need to stop eating and fuck off of YouTube and go for a daily 30 miler followed by remedial school
>>487732 Cor. Imagine dying hard
>>487669 Fucking wankers tbh
>>487665 Cheers lad, we can have a 8chan Christmas party >tfw bins gets drunk and tries to kiss 22st
>>487739 Stick a wig on him. it'll have to do.
gets me emotional watching the gnomefolk
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Once again I got paid to sleep in until midday and did no work. To free money!
>>487747 zognald apparently really likes ordering fast food because it's harder to poison than cooking for yourself or having dedicated staff for cooking
>>487748 >Rasputin liked this poost
>>487748 Or maybe the kike lover loves goyslop? Nah, couldn't be the case, heil Trump!
>>487752 Literally who?
Better than movies with jeets in ‘em tbh
>>487754 Some SNP singer of the year slag making chungus shout outs a la Farage
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>>487744 might send this to my ex
>>487757 Taped inside a sorry for your loss card
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>>487758 >Taped inside a sorry for your loss card her loss, was smee
>>487760 not builders (((developers)))
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Could at least put the man with the iron mask on.
>>487766 Eddie Izzard is looking relatively good here.
>>487764 oh you didn't want to watch that?
>>487732 shall I stick on die hard?
>>487769 or three amigos just something smh it's already half eight
>>487770 >already half eight what the ack?!?!
>>487768 Literally who does? First you mentioned it.
>>487772 Skyrooming tonight it is.
three amigos is genuine comfy kino THOUGH
>>487773 >Literally who does? First you mentioned it. the election was fortified, lad you're just a sore loser
>>487777 That stopped being funny ages ago lad. Watch what you want but don't ask for suggestions if you already decided on something. This is exactly why your livestreamed suicide wins every poll and 2 or 3 viewers is becoming standard.
>>487773 Steve Martin films are generally decent
>>487760 We need more immigrants to build more houses for immigrants who build houses for immigrants.
>>487780 Not the point.
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>>487681 me la. you want to make something of it?
Do you guys bet regularly on anything?
>>487785 yeah on nothing happening
the complete song and visuals perfect distillation of modern american culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssj5ZBuhwIo
>>487783 keeeeeeeeeek
>>487786 How much you up on?
>>487789 approximately? the national debt
>>487790 Well then you should be able to give everyone in this thread a billion and not notice it.
>>487791 sorry chud that money is earmarked for infinity niggerbreeding subsidies
>killed health insurance CEO >in broad daylight >wearing no mask >escaped on bike >got away with it Based
I miss England, I don't like Belfast.
>>487794 Meet any Irish chavvies?
>>487795 Maybe, some are rougher and have boxers knuckles, but don't come across as chavs.
>>487796 Lots of them in Dublin tbh.
>>487797 Fair play, never been.
>>487798 Why'd you miss England?
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>>487800 Muh family and friends
>>487801 Will you get to see them over Christmas lad?
>>487802 Family yeah, going to Norway next weekend.
>>487803 go visit 22st and bully him into drawing more OC
>>487804 Im going to be skiing the entire time, Im not going with a harpoon to hunt him down.
>>487515 This is how humans evolved to be weaker than monkes. 10 incel monkes beats up the alpha monke every time
>>487734 >>487735 I think it'd just be exhausting. All these people are incredibly grating
Talking about Belfast, its proper cheap here if you are looking to buy a place thats whiter than English cities. https://www.propertypal.com/property-for-sale/belfast
let's take over Belfast and outbreed the natives
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>>487744 do you think this will affect women? they don't care. they don't have morals, they don't feel guilt, even in the rare instance where they acknowledge that they've 'made a mistake', they will blame a man for 'making me do it by making me feel bad'. they genuinely believe this moreover, (white) women do not have any desire to have reproduce. it would require effort to do so, and all it would accomplish is 'doing their part to prevent their race from going extinct', which they don't care about anyway. even though a brown planet would be cruel to animals, destructive to the environment, ugly, gross, they don't care about any of that because they don't care about anything but themselves you can't make a woman feel guilt or remorse. all you can do is punch them, kick them, pull their hair, cane them, shove shaved ginger root up their ass, pour hot wax on them, etc... and even all that, they would get net enjoyment out of. you'd have to escalate to ripping out nails and teeth with pliers to make it an actual punishment. they're monsters
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Syria is kill... I think it's official that Israel has won now. the only thing that can stop them is a large nuclear arsenal, you'd need the US military to >take out their submarines >ground every plane that tries to leave their airspace >launch a bunch of hypersonic nukes, both at their nuclear sites to try to reduce how many nukes they can launch, and at the cities to annihilate the population no other country has the ability to do all this but the US
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Nick got charged with battery for pepper spraying and shoving the fat old kike >A person may be charged with the crime of battery under Illinois law if he or she makes actual physical contact with another individual with the intent to injure, provoke, or insult that person. A simple battery charge may result in a fine of up to $2,500.00 and a jail sentence of up to a year. >Pursuant to 720 ILCS 5/12-3, simple battery takes place when one person instigates physical contact with another with the intent of injuring, insulting, or provoking that person. A simple battery is a Class A misdemeanor.
>>487810 I remember I was chatting to a bird a while back and she asked me my opinion. I could be arsed, so I said I didn't really have much of a view on it, to which she replied "thats very mature". It rather annoyed me, it felt like she was congratulating me on being a decent person, so I said, "Not really". But abortion really redpilled me on how self-interested people are, they don't care about anything apart from themselves and theirown convience. This was a shock for me as I thought we all wanted to work for the greater whole, be that our people or the globohomo humanity.
"Don't turn your back on Nigger Elf" sez Tommy from prison https://youtu.be/CQp04K4JaLc
>>487813 Had this same shock after working a few years. Everyone is so cutthroat and selfish and nobody follows the golden rule, meaning the few that do get screwed
>>487814 Almost like they are both feds
>>487814 Is the Nigger Elf gaining followers or are the Tories able to crush his influence with their deeper pockets but falser utterances?
America is really banning tiktok?
>>487818 Psssht, this is one of the few places I even read about American politics, lad. Most of the time I'm into philosophy and working. I can seriously doubt that TikTok is going away, as far as I know it's very popular here, so often see the ads going off wherever I am browsing on the internet. That sounds like "fake news" to me.
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>>487819 >Most of the time I'm into philosophy and working. I think you meant "wanking"
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>>487817 >Is the Nigger Elf gaining followers or are the Tories able to crush his influence with their deeper pockets but falser utterances? Seems like they are back sadly. >>487818 We can only hope.
>>487821 I really hope FPTP dies so people will stop voting the Cuckservatives.
>>487819 Yeah, I heard that they are making it illegal but then somehow they are going to buy it/take charge of it, which means it will sitll be there, just more censored, which I find insane. Tiktok is already heavily censored and gay. It was so bad I didn't even bother trying to find anything based
>>487823 I know a half dozen people who work for the govt in some manner or another, you can't use tiktok if you work for them.
>>487824 That's hilarious. My TikTok feed is mostly early 20 something e-girls strutting their stuff and wearing too much makeup. So strange, no idea what they're getting at... Jingoism. Our corpos better than yours. Keeping the yellow man down... Hey that's not so bad after all. Still much work to do to clean up the scene at home before acting so boldly though. >>487820 I really turned up my digestion of philosophical material while using the pomodoro technique. i know this one lad, who bought the whole of John Owen's work together to read it, that's seven volumes or so. I'm dreadfully behind that kind of progress in such intellectual matters.
>>487825 >So strange, no idea what they're getting at... Jingoism I think it is to do with data the app can collect, but I don't know thats me guessing. Like listening in to your conversations or reporting your location or whatever.
>>487826 Don't forget... you're here for ever.
>>487827 The Five Eyes are a cliquesh bunch it seems. Still really blindsided if they are banning it from "The States". Gonna take a quick look at the internet search engine news on it.
>>487812 keeek he has that latino mustache genetics
Well, I can't post at 4Chan anymore. The banner ads are full of sodomy. 🤢
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>remembering 2010 4chad
Nearly time to make a Stormfront.org account
just want cuckchan to finally die
>I didn't know that the catalogue was a thing for the first year I used 4chan Keeeeek
>thought people would hack you if you posted
/b/ wasn't awful about 15 years ago
>when you debated holocaust deniers and instead of arguing you just posted le ebin trashman until they redpilled you with infographs
Something extremely diabolical about trying to discuss even combat for a better ideal and then, as soon as you post, see a lad tarted up like a bird. Can't do it. F the 4 Chan bougie fags.
Ive always been quiet resistant on the JQ redpill, its not that I liked them or anything, and I knew there are plenty of bad ones. But I struggled to understand to see how the Jews were in such control if their views were so diverse.
>>487839 based lad
>>487836 yeah same
>>487667 That was a typo, I meant 2024. >>487739 Bins is a cool character, looking forward for more christmas related bins.
There was an age in which Britannia avoided celebrating the season like this...
>>487845 wonder what mexcrement celebrated instead of christmas
double nigger 😏
>>487847 No, lad. I'm referring to the banning of "Christ"mas... Puritan style 😎
Based spic?
I think spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)ither went to sleep or left to go looking for interracial couples to stare down
oops I meant sp*c
some weirdos come out at night.
>>487847 Uhhhhmmm.. Are you kidding? Iberia apart from the renegade Masons were full of Christmas-adoring papists. The Calvinist tradition of Western Europe including Britain were Sabbatarians who disregarded the End-Of-Year obligatories in favour of a Sabbath every Seventh day throughout the year... "Much to learn, young Padawan" I digress.
>>487851 No spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) here, we are Ango-American.
>>487856 just when you thought hogs couldn't get more based.
https://youtu.be/b0uv_VcMqrU some 'gon slop to goon to
https://youtu.be/88NLqXZ-nck Man what a downgrade shere kahn's voice is >le bbc
https://youtu.be/rDF6WSoP2-Y Sargon teaching me about rare lore from Paraguay where the dictator in the 19th century ordered a national interracial orgy and forbade people from procreating with someone of the same race
>>487860 >Paraguay remains one of the poorest countries in latin america really worked out well for them
>>487859 >idris elbow Keeeeek smh.
according to mum, bovaer isnt dangerous to my coom. err guess ill be having EXTRA milk in my tea!
>>487812 Keek he's literally a beaner.
bit dead in here.
>>487865 would have been poosting but i'm wiped out from overtoil
>>487866 grim, I'm actually supposed to be going to a job right now but I am being lazy.
>>487868 more of a skittles person myself.
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Lighting must have been different in this photo
Determined to get a nigger killer verdict Smh
>The Doll >Colombia’s latest serial killer also killed her bf Who could have saved her?
Skibidi TND
>that neck Keeeeeek
Fucking trans giraffe
>Daniel Penny : Nigger killer - Artist’s impression - Two views - 2024 - Jewberg Art Galleries - Manhattan,NY
>>487860 >7:40 Every. Single. Time
>>487860 >Also Carl encouraging racemixing Cuck
>>487881 he has to maintain his sensible centrist position
It's not often discussed, but the Algerian War against France is interesting. A case study in how not to fight against guerrillas, leading to the collapse of the Fourth Republic and the end of France as a colonial power. A stark contrast to the British success during the Malayan Emergency.
lovely bit of wind out today whole town shut down because of one (1) tree blowing over and taking a power line with it and of course it can't be moved without several days of bureaucracy and health and safety and such first walked up on top of the hills and got buffeted around and played with dogs for a bit
>>487885 sounds like a pleasant day other than the power line being damaged
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According to Trump, Russia has had 600k of their men killed in the war so far.
>>487887 Just more of NATO trying to wear down Russia
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>>487873 >Who could have saved her? me
>>487887 Assuming that he can survive for a while, the Syrian problem is another reason for Russia to agree to a ceasefire in Ukraine, so they can free up troops to help Assad. So it's sort of a good thing.
UK GOVERNMENT TO PUT TOXIC PRODUCT IN TO MILK TO "REDUCE CLIMATE CHANGE" >promoted by Bill Gates and the WEF https://youtu.be/eNVuU7H1q44
>>487888 >>487890 Just surprised by the number of it, I thought Russia was doing a lot better.
>>487892 >Just surprised by the number of it, I thought Russia was doing a lot better. doubt Drumpf's numbers are correct
>>487887 They're literally Turkish and Mossad backed militias, the destabilizing of Syria is not good for Syria or the us or moscow it's good for Israel and Turkey though.
>>487892 The real numbers on each side are heavily distorted. As far as the Ukie mod is concerned the Russians are conscipting kids and the eldarly and according to the Russian mod the Ukies are doing exactly the same. Although the US has been pushing for a further lowering of the age of conscription in Ukraine presumably to complete the ethnic cleansing and collapse of Ukraine.
>>487893 I'd think Trump would have the most accurate numbers tbh >>487894 Yeah, I want Assad to stay, for all your reasons plus he's a different type of rag head than his people which makes some shitskins seethe.
>>487895 >Russians are conscipting kids and the eldarly I doubt that's true, Russia has a big enough population and army that they don't need to do this
>>487897 They aren't, again it's all distorted propaganda. You can't really trust anyone for claims of their own KIA or casualties inflicted. Best you can do is calculate based on growing graveyards.
>>487875 keeek
who here /notoutsidern/?
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>>487899 actually pretty good
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>>487901 smee!
where's manx
>>487896 Trump just lies out of his arse half the time anyway. America not get involved? keeek. always has been and was during his term too.
it cold. it windy.
>>487873 How do her methods compare to The Crazy Blonde?
>>487904 do you mean mancs?
HEY BINS put on no country for old men
>>487909 no a huge fan of that film, it's a bit depressing can't we watch something fun instead?
>>487910 is there something fun and not streamed before?
>>487911 I bet there are some Carry On films we've not watched
>>487912 don't really care for it tbh any new cgi slop?
Angela Douglas phwoar
>>487913 there's a whole animaged Watchman 2 (2024) thing
how about some real superslop like the garfield films
>>487916 I fucking hate garfield even the comics weren't funny
>>487915 it has good reviews surprisingly if it's out in watchable quality
>>487918 yeah it's out in HD
>>487919 okay lets do watchslop 2 and if there's time after try an episode of dunc for TV
seems like it'll have a lot of womanseethe in it
>>487920 >Dune Prophecy (2024) been watching that, only 3 episode out so far first 2 are boring as hell, just women talking to women about women clearly feminist influenced, they just want it to pass the Bechdel test
>>487922 >seems like it'll have a lot of womanseethe in it that's all it has
>>487923 keeeeek ugly old bitches and not even in a cinematic way should have kept the binbag heads on
>>487925 yeah and they aren't bald anymore either
>make nice cuppa and leave the bag in to steep >anticipating having a nice warm drink >go back after steepmaxxing >teabag was split all along ACK
ten to eight there better be a film before it's too late
>>487923 dunc is so overrated the original story is cringoid boomer shite its full of mong feminist shite and its just garbage ngl tried to like it but its full of cringe araboid orientalism
>>487933 i LOVE to pay vastly inflated prices on comestibles and airplane tier seating to watch the latest superhero films!
Bins, let's hatewatch Santa Inc.
>>487928 that's what you get for being a bag pleb
>>487936 I am a pleb smh too poor to have the space for all the nice things people used to use like hostess cabinets for keeping food warm and full tea sets with teapot and saucers or silverware in felt cases or glass jugs or even a fucking dining table god I hate the dystopian present
>>487937 don't even need to spend money lad, once you have a teapot or a french press the leaf tea works out about the same if not cheaper than bags for a better product
>>487939 it's the space lad I barely even have a square foot of kitchen surface to prepare food on
Hullo yes
Not eaten anything today, starving tbqh
>>487945 Jeej.
>>487947 yeah I think it's over
>>487947 Will be sad if his alahuwhite family are killed by dirty isis niggers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njRQRee4tnA Syrian rebels close in on Damascus as presidency denies Assad has left capital They've just reached Damascus lads.
Fat mutt and a smug whore should have no authority just KILL THEM AAAAAAAAAAA
>>487938 They made a sequel?
Nm thought it was the live action one.
https://youtu.be/QXQHog8BHTI Listening to it again. >>487952 "Our democracy" in action again.
>>487951 why is western media calling them "syrian rebels" when it's literally al qaeda / ISIS / the usual suspects they spent 20+ years calling the greatest threat to demosharty on earth
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showing soon: animated watchmen chapter 1 (we watched 2 first because bins is low IQ) https://app.kosmi.io/room/ldihlf >>487958 need to edit the first ends tbh
>>487953 good lad
>capeshit once again >can't even watch it in order absolute pottery.
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>Police are still on the hunt for the suspected killer, whose motivation is unknown, but authorities have revealed messages written on shell casings found at the scene. >The words "deny", "defend", and "depose" were discovered on the casings, which investigators believe could refer to tactics which critics say insurance companies use to avoid payouts and to increase profits. Based.
>>487965 hope to see more of this
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>>487941 why did I have to be born in this time period
ngl if I was a shitskin the last place i would immigrant to is like liverpool or glasgow probably would try to live in like valenica or rome or somewhere warm where you could get a bit of sexual emergency from beach lasses
>>487967 watching it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSwAd2T41-o *farts* >>487968 there's too much compettion from other wogs there now i think standing room only on the milling around spots
>>487967 Our time period is honkino. Ride the unicycle.
>>487969 >even the great lakes beaches are now full of jeets shiteing on the sand. point pele is like a world class beach area even in my lifetime and now its full of jeets shiting on the sand. thanks boomers
>>487969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsNOF4P_ktY *defends boomer retirement home full of boomer trinkets that steinzog can't afford*
>>487973 based war pig or however the sabbath is blacked
>>487975 kind of want to actually know about this whole shitshow but not going to click on a soyface like that smh
>>487975 epic thumbnail
maybe assad can come back to britain and be a dentist or doctor again or whatever
>>487972 smh that's depressing was hoping to visit the great lakes one day
>>487978 Britain regards him as a war criminal.
>>487975 Didnt know it was the Turks, but i also dont follow syria/ukraine >>487981 Do you think he's tired of the struggle?
>>487980 oh yeah all that bullshit about barrel bombs smh i remember going to some libshit talk thing proving that was fake and the white helmet shit was a psyop, was quite cool except they let some faggot commies have a booth selling (lol) stuff at the event
>>487983 wouldn't have expected a libshit talk to be entertaining the idea of that being a psyop. what else did they talk about?
>>487984 it were leftards of the old type Iguess, a panel of genuine independent journalists focussed on the realities in syria as pertains to the "rebels" and the bombings and such the commies were just there for some reason and had nothing to do wit hthe talk the question and answer session at the end was pretty funny at the time as some schizo retard ruined it by shouting about aliens and UFO disclosure and other unrelated shit but looking back that might be a common thing that local authorites do to disrupt genuine enquiry
huge pressure drop or spike gave me an anime nosebleed smh guess the comfy wind is over gn
Thinking about taking up boxing for fun, but dont want to lose braincells, dont have many to start off with.
>>487985 >some schizo retard ruined it by shouting about aliens and UFO disclosure and other unrelated shit but looking back that might be a common thing that local authorites do to disrupt genuine enquiry I don't doubt it one bit.
>>487986 good night, sweet prince.
https://x.com/bapak7189/status/1864241665281794411 The sound Steiner makes at the end
>>487979 holland shitagain is still based
>>487990 giwtwm
>>487987 fighting shite is overrated and not worth the injury imo but yeah just take some classes and learn the basics but don't do it as a hobby its full of sociopaths and violent mong deanoids as well as boomers seething about being old.
>>487990 Hate chinks more than niggers
>>487993 Shouldn't sportsmanship be able to keep psychos out?
>>487995 Some mongs take liberties with sparring and newbies.
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>>487993 Fairs, maybe not, I know I can fight in the street, 3-0, just thought it could be fun. >>487995 Yeah, they are just peaceful moderates
>>487998 nah you should do it just don't go to any of the sparring shite and maybe only like spar like 1 or 2 a year if you do it. not worth the long term damage lad. I did judo for a while and a mong almost broke my leg
and you could spend all this time learning to be steven seagal and then some fat chud ends you with a glock or in your country lee morrison brains you with a milwall brick
>>488000 Yeah, might take it up after Christmas.
wish I did martial sharts and proper exercise as a kid tbh. Instead I worked out wrong like a retard and fucked up my body smh
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>>488000 *posts ancient pre zoomer meme*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojYK6CW8gdw Will we ever get peak white culture like this back?
>>488005 choon that probably not for a long time tbh all the cultural poison needs to be flushed out of people's minds first smh
>>488005 considering one of the twins trooned out, and the other member is black, probably not.
getting a lot of this shite from xoomers on my socials. starting to annoy me
>>488008 steinzog is going to love this.
Ive heard kids these dont go out alone and play in the woods/park. Sad tbh
>>488010 tbh, how will they know what it's like to walk around dead high streets and shopping centres fearing roving gangs of ethnics?
>>488011 There weren't ethnics here 20 years ago and I lived in the countryside.
>>488010 Honestly it feels kind of barren out there. Less kids are born and more of them are inside, and in urban areas
>>488012 same, i was being sarcastic. rural village life was great as a 12 year old, it was when we started going in to town that things got dicey
>jews voring ukies, syrians and palestinians and all people can do is put flags in their bio on twitter while crygooning
>>488013 The world around us is dying, depressing feel >>488014 Yeah, when I have kids I wonder what lives they'll live
>>488016 >The world around us is dying, depressing feel tbh. LEss children leads to less children. Each generation is 30% smaller than the last, but one of the thing that makes women want to breed is seeing other pregnant women with snabies. The less there ar eof them, the less there will be in the future smh. Culture really is the most important factor in breeding, but I don't see how you can actually change that without collapse
>>488017 >Culture really is the most important factor in breeding Sister who has just married says she doesn't know if she wants children, she would rather travel with her husband. Also wouldnt be suprised if her anorexia made her barren and its cope.
disappointed in all the men that don't breed tbh. From what I have seen, in a relationship, it really is on the man to make it happen. Women really is the follower sex. I know couples that have "dated" for 10 years. How did they not breed by accident? Don't get it
apparently a lot of yanks were killed in ukraine last week. i missed this news
>>488020 finally some good news. it was probably a handful in reality.
>>488021 some youtube grifter said about 40 trying to man an attackms missile or whatever the latest gay nato missile which pales in comparison to russia's hypersonics is
>>488022 >40 trying to man an attackms missile or whatever That sounds like bullshit, you use the vehicle to reload, you don't need special operators for that.
>>488022 >attackms missile such a cringe name tbh
>>488024 >ATACMS Yeah American military naming sucks, our ships have the best names.
just want a young zoomer gf with kissable feet, not asking much, i'm not even an incel goblin i'm just #norizz
>>488024 tbh, faggots would argue that "storm shadow" is a cool name but it isn't. i'm pretty sure the north koreans and iranians name their missiles after their own mythology which is only possible if the population supports and cares about the missile's existence (a proper country)
spoilered but i will probably coom to this later. not good
really not good smn
>>488029 why poost it lad?
>>488031 quiet shift need a >(You) post is filthy and should be deleted perhaps
>kikes' xitter account tweets pic of airplane >hours later assad's plane falls out of the sky, he is almost certainly dead by sabotage it's fucking over smh one of the last genuinely good powerful figures destroyed by the evil empire
>>488033 Wew that was a lightning offensive on Syria. Mossad and Turkey must have been planning that for a while.
>>488033 won't accept news of this magnitude from you
>, “When Syria falls, a great war between the West and the East will follow. In the spring, a conflict will ignite in the East, leading to a Third World War—a war that will destroy the West." - Baba Vanga.
it is real btw https://nitter.poast.org/IsraelWarRoom/status/1865590739603792121#m disgusting kikes gleefully reporting on this acount things like how the iranians in syria are being executed by the "rebels"
sick of these bullies tbh hiding behind foreign languages just a bunch of subversive spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) “Italian” when it suits him but not really an Italian https://xcancel.com/EYakoby/status/1865581128591052895
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>they Mossad the Assad
>>488040 Took them more than a decade.
Damascus has fallen
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Oh good yet another destabilised country in the middle-east, the rebels certainly won't turn their aggression outwards on us again in order to justify their continued existence this time, right lads?
>>487957 "Rebels" is just the accurate term for a group trying to overthrow the government tbh. ISIS is also a rebel group.
Based Vance loves browns even more than drumpf
>>488046 yeah he should have said TND to appeal to us chuds that would have been the smart thing to do
>>488038 don't get it, they just posted an airoplane?
>>488047 Yeah the lad with brown children is secretly on our side and is playing 4D chess with the media so true!
>>488033 oh this, shit
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>>487963 look, nobody knew it wasn't a sequel
>>487957 >why is western media calling them "syrian rebels" when it's literally al qaeda / ISIS / the usual suspects you know why
>>487945 I like this
Do they think Putin is just going to take this lying down?
>>488055 Russia has been fair weather when it's come to supporting Syria from the start.
>>488056 >Russia has been fair weather when it's come to supporting Syria from the start. That's not true or they would never have got involved in the first place
>>488057 That's like saying they aren't fair weather for the armenians. You can get involved and still avoid over commiting.
>>488058 it's never been "fair weather" for Syria, while it's been under attack from NATO
>>488059 I didn't say that and frankly Assad is out of allies in the region.
Putin must realise, the people that took out Assad also want to take him out What will he do? Continue to wait for Drumpf to assume office and end the hostilities?
>>488061 The middle east is less of an issue for Russia than the Armenia Azerbaijan war and they barely interviened there.
>>488060 >I didn't say that you literally said Russia was merely a "fair weather" friend to Syria here, but never mind, not interested in your opinion now >>488056
>>488063 And you said it wasn't fair weather for syria which is definitely not what I said.
It might have been vital for assad but it wasn't for Russia and you can see that just through how many assets Russia directed away from Syria.
The fall of Assad is a disaster for Putin. More dominoes may fall across the Middle East https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/12/08/assad-fall-syria-putin-disaster-iran-mullahs-threat/
>488065 just be quiet now lad, let other people speak
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>>488066 >The fall of Assad Too soon.
>>488068 tbh they are really really trying to provoke Putin in to acting before Drumpf gets in to office and creates and end to hostilities between NATO and Russia killing off his friend like this is such obvious bait, will he take it?
>he thinks I need his permission to school him on real geopolitics
>western lugenpresse declares it so it must be true.
have you been following Trumps picks? the idea he's going to bring about peace is ludicrous
>changing the topic
>>488033 "they expect one of us in the wreckage brother"
fwiw i believe he is alive
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>>488077 the new pro multicultural syrian government should import 6 million pooskins to improve it then
>>488077 made me wonder if Syrian Girl will move back home from Australia now
>>488078 I hope they do retvrn home and then the lion's heir emerges from the shadows and vores them
>>488046 Hate Vance so much
>>488079 Why would she? She will get killed lad.
>>488079 of course not she was pro Assad what a stupid thing to say
is israel going to annex southern syria now
77th Bridgade really out in force today
assad and his family have arrived in moscow
>>488088 Nafo troons will gang rape and torture them to death with pootler in a few more years instead of jihadcels, don't worry goy.
Impressive if the Assad does remain un-Mossad though. Thought it was already ogre.
>>488088 im happy for them but what an emotinoal rollercauster >>488090 Didn't (You) hear his lore, lad? You can't Mossad the Assad.
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lads... why do all the shitskins opposed to the kikes fuck everything up so mf bad. I wish anglos didn't have kikes here so we could show them how its done
i can't believe it's over
lads he died in a plane crash wtf jews just spawncamped him after he was logged out of rust and took over his base
4 of these for breakfast
the amount of liberal boomer progessive "evil assad hate innocent sunni extremist anti diversity arab supremacist rebels" media BS spewing out of the hebrew anuses of new york media smells like this is just some zionist expansion of their fake and gay war attempt
>>488097 yeah the kikes are working hard online trying to make this look turkish but everyone can see. they still haven't been able to annex gaza or defeat hezbollah all that will happen is they will destabilize the whole area then get BTFO and ottoman empire will remerge and then fight with based persian chads a retvrn to tradition if you will. kikes outremer playthrough is even more trash than catholicucks
>>488100 i've always felt the logical conclusion to israel's chicanery is that turkey will be forced to occupy former ottoman empire
Maybe Putin had to trade Syria for Ukraine
>>488103 kikes carving up syria kurds are just a buffer. kikeremer will fall its a fake and gay country they won't be able to really annex these regions full of arabs. they don't have enough kikes.
>>488104 i doubt it, its jews jumping in when the prey is weak. they can only destroy they won't make any of this last and it will only in the end make turkey a super power IMO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ7OwQhDaoE >Israeli PM Netanyahu vows to take action against 'possible threats' in Syria >Netanyahu has announced his forces would temporarily seize the so-called buffer zone between the two countries which has existed since 1974. >The IDF also warned residents in five villages in southern Syria to stay in their homes because Israel would not hesitate to act if it felt it needed to.
sneethening lads >>488108 greater pissrael time to piss away more shartican lives (and probably are zogbots too)
Well the silver lining is the Syrians will suffer from this.
>Al-Jolani >Al-Jewlani
>>488111 Interesting with such a background he has no problem with Israel.
>>488110 >Well the silver lining is the Syrians will suffer from this. what even is this post?
>>488116 he OD'd on chudseethium
>>488116 I wanted Assad to secure peace because he's better for Europe, I don't care about Syrians. If Assad was pogromming his people I still wouldn't care, in fact I would enjoy it due to the dead Muslims.
>>488111 imojen my shark
well when they suffer we just get more of them here in Europe. their boys won but they won't be going back.
>>488119 keeeeeeeek
>>488121 They are coming here anyway, the issue isnt the push factors but our wide open border.
>>488123 enjoy even more mate
>>488119 makes me think of this cretin.
>suffering moslems >we win
>>488126 bit more to it than that
>>487841 >Ive always been quiet resistant on the JQ redpill, its not that I liked them or anything, and I knew there are plenty of bad ones. But I struggled to understand to see how the Jews were in such control if their views were so diverse. Love this btw
>>488124 The problem is on our side and hasn't been treated. The issue will continue until we fix ourselves, we can't fix the middle east while Muslims live there. They will always try to flood us. And they have been and always will be our enemy, I enjoy their suffering.
>>488129 >You can't hate both Jews and Muslims This is retarded 4/pol/ shit, you don't have to pick a side.
>>488131 Yeah, you can. Never said that. Don't be a lying cunt all your life.
>>488131 >you don't have to pick a side. wrong you *do* have to pick a side the side of the HUWHITE RACE!!!
>>488135 erm, lad?
>>488133 >Muh poor muzzies why would you hate them??? Shitskin loving faggot
>488141 does this lad just not read anything and have his own headcannon?
>>488134 Sorry, thought that was implicit, my side is my side not theirs. I want all of the middle east depopulated for our to spread our seed.
>>488146 >for our to spread our seed. but you're an incel
>>488146 >implicit
watched the first two episodes of wolf hall season 2, didnt even realise it was out tbh and once again the beeb ruining anything good by forcing their nog worship into everything getting a bit sick of this ngl...

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