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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3969: Tory Annihilation Edition Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 23:11:32 Id: f0e284 No. 455580
Voter confidence at record low, says report https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv223kzq6r9o Can we trust polls predicting a Tory ‘wipeout'? https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv22y07ggy6o Tories slump to FOURTH in election fundraising table with just £292k in second week of campaign while Reform UK pulls in more than twice as much - and Labour pockets £4.4m for final stretch https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13555587/Tories-slump-FOURTH-election-fundraising-table-just-292k-second-week-campaign-Reform-UK-pulls-twice-Labour-pockets-4-4m-final-stretch.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:01:52.
this thread is built for BWC
>>455581 keeeeeeeeeeek
got yet another chudlet with my boomer joke, he could not find the 1/16th (1.5875 mm) mark on his tape so I said he should hold the tape up next to his dick
>>455585 keeeeeeek based gradually metamorphosing into a boomer bossman tbh just remember to use your powers for good
reminder that naming things after paranormal phenomenon is peak design peng. par example: the rolls royce "silver shadow" "phantom" and "wraith"
>>455587 they should make a car called steiners girlfriend
they should make a rolls royce "golem" for conservative mps
rolls royce "job" for niggers
>>455587 wish more things had cool names these days tbh everyone takes themselves too seriously but at the same time they're allergic to sincerity so everything that gets made just ends up generic with no feeling to it
>>455592 >everyone takes themselves too seriously but at the same time they're allergic to sincerity so everything that gets made just ends up generic with no feeling to it tbh exactly
>>455591 many such cases
>>455592 or you revert to nostalgia and ape something from before creativity died which i'd say was around 2007 some time
>>455595 tbh endless rehashes of old concepts
>>455595 tbh and it doesn't seem like the cycle is breaking anytime soon
>>455595 everyone around here is all into the swedish minimalism shite
Storm shadow missile
>>455599 cool name tbh
I've heard the Milk Marketing Board lurker is working on something new. Should be good considering he was correct on chocolate and eggs, I mean who saw that coming?
it's a "waking up to some kind of inescapable foul polluted chemical smell" kind of night ACK thought maybe the wiring in the walls is fried but that usually smells like rotting fish or similar, something to do with burnt rubber tfw no paranormal phenomena gf think the SCP troons have been gooning especially hard recently as some skull faced /monster/ thing with fat tits was popularised >>455601 based if true, was a genuine revelation to me to find out that Milk Marketing Board lad wasn't actually a BBK stunt
>>455599 there are gay examples tbh, the "mq9 reaper" drone too. god bless the yemenis shooting those horrible things down. imagine being a country powerful enough to think you can fly an aircraft called the reaper in other countries airspace. such arrogance
>>455602 wessie is there a SCP splinter group that isn't moderated by autistic troons? thought you might have poosted it on here years ago
Went ahead and watched the AOT live action after it ACKed on smee when b*ns streamed it last week. Wasn't that bad. Feeling of triumph and hope at the end was indeed a huwhitepill. If only our enemies were giant cannibals and all we had to do was cut their spines. Eugh.
>>455605 yeah there's the RPC Authority, not sure whether it's active and still based though I also recorded this liminal archives link but no idea what it is, don't think it is explicitly reactionary though and might just be zoomer poo www.rpc-wiki.com/ rpcauthority.wikidot.com liminal-archives.wikidot.com
trumpisattva is redeem..! highly qualified poo in your area!
>>455609 thanks lad can't hurt to give those a look
>>455602 smh lad that place sounds like it's about to collapse tbh mystery smells and burnt wires >>455604 choon that >>455608 choon this
>>455612 probably just cunt neighbours cars leaking again or something wish I could legally smash their windscreens in for parking in the private car park I pay for and they don't >>455611 if you find anything kino on there report back tbh
>>455603 tbh americringe
scp-P00 is a PLUNGER class artefact it is a zogdonalds sloppy meal package containment procedures are as follows: one (1) mobile containment shartcart with wireframe basketto be occupied by the grossest black possible to find symptoms: if you look at it for more than 0.0001 picoseconds you will SHIT and FART
>>455613 just do it at night lad
>>455616 only niggers can get away with that because they blend into the darkness smh reminds me a couple months back I went on a night walk and the piggies were zooming around in their piggy patrol car hassling me as I traversed the streets, they nearly ran me over twice and when I went home there were bike thieves prowling the streets at 3am that they completely ignored or never even saw in the first place because it would have required doing more than just passing by in their fag pattern mobile whitey suppression vehicles
>>455617 smh maybe just smear lubricating grease over the windscreen or something then
>>455617 smh zogbots know they can get away with abusing englishmen
for now...
>>455620 tbh they love an easy target so they only go after people who have no rights
disgusting site that blocks half the screen unless you pay them but fresh sharticle about the UK's biggest pozload of a games development company medium.com/@julianmckinlay/total-war-rome-ii-and-creative-assembly-my-statement-ten-years-on-d964f65b0a8f
no eggy stream for the second week in a row
>>455625 didn't he try to self improov again? or maybe truckermaxxing for a bit to built up more alchie money
>>455626 perhaps, i will have to find some other stream. all my vaporwave streams are pretty much gone now too holy wew do i ever miss them
>>455627 got randomly linked some lad streaming captain scarlet 24/7 a few days ago, now that would have been kino if the VODs actually survived
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>>455630 imagine rolling your face all over them
ban this sick filth
>>455632 feet are ok lad, don't let spic give us a bad name
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>>455634 envision the fragrance
>spic Ttpw tier unwanted poster.
what if you find womens hands beautiful but not in a sexual way, is that degenerate
>>455638 There's no answer for such an unnecessery question.
>>455638 no lad
Sneep snorps.
I think he's taken appealing to the nigger vote a bit too far
>>455642 miss him
>>455642 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he rocking that gothmog drip fr
the age of the shite man is over
age of /brit/ is over
6th dark fruit
>>455648 good lad
Going out my height as 6 5 on bumble
>>455650 any respectable lasses on there?
>>455650 lasses can't tell the difference anyway tbh as long as you aren't getting heightmogged by everyone around you
they are watching "the wild geese" (1978) on aus/neets/ for film night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3zjBGrq8gI >filmmogged again
>>455653 luv that fillum tbh
the panzer 4
>>455654 never seen it, but they did show most of the film in the trailer kek
>>455608 those are some cool guys in cool outfits i bet they would be cool guys marching too
Was Bach in the gymnasium this morn. I grow stronger. A muscle lass was there in non-skin tight shorts. I respect that.
rockstar games should give up on gta 6, it will be impressive in terms of a vast sandbox but it won't have sovl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ2d1FJRv3E&
Morning lads
Happy Windrush day de lads. Going to perform a drive-by shooting at my local to celebrate. Lovely weather for it
>>455610 Trump is really a fucking retard and Owen’s is probably right in that he needs a proper VP and team to read through the amount of shit thrown his way. He is utterly shit at getting business done. He would be raped hourly and licking toilet bowls clean in between in a prison https://nitter.poast.org/MLiamMcCollum/status/1804009819315044440
>>455661 Happy Windrush out yer batty day bredrin. Grab mans sum peng chicken an machete tings on road yeah an blam up babylon if dey grab man up
>>455658 Based make a chiseled whiteracewarrior snabie with her.
>>455660 >literally Ashkenazi they're not even hiding it anymore >>455662 >stapling green cards to diplomas groypers heckled Charlie Kirk about this so bad yaers ago that even he stopped saying this kind of shit. Trump is officially to the left of Turning Point
went to visit my dad and then set the burglar alarm off because he'd gone on holiday without saying anything >>455661 good lad immerse yourself in the vibrant culture they brought to britain >>455662 don't know why he's even bothering to run if he's going to keep doing shite like this tbh
>>455666 Steal his stuff to celebrate the windrush mandem ting
>>455667 keeeeeeeek
>>455666 >don't know why he's even bothering to run if he's going to keep doing shite like this tbh moderating public stances in an election year is normal, but this isn't even a popular position. he'll lose more 'conservative' turnout than he'll gain in 'moderate' turnout, I think he's desperate for campaign funding and is selling promises to whoever will pay, in this case he's pandering to Silicon Valley
>>455669 you're probably right tbh
What le fuck
>>455671 >i just want to make sure that the brown person is okay
>>455672 grim smh
excited for le election. last one i remember being on here for was the 2015 one where farage got btfo and cameron won. grim night, remember it well. hope it's different this time, possible redemption for that night.
>>455675 tbh tbh keenly awaiting the the tories getting btfo tbqh
>>455675 I still haven't recovered from thanet south tbh,wouldn't surprise me if the same thing happened in Clacton but i don't honestly care this time because i don't think Nige actually wants to enact any political change he just wants to grift. This is his best chance though
>>455677 obviously he doesn't want to just grift, get your head straight lad
>>455679 dorset always used to post that werthers original wojack at me whenever i roasted him. wonder where he is now?
>we can push them the right way After 3000 years Wouldn’t trust cunts like this to sweep a floor properly
Fagrage just wants to keep his seat in the big bois club tbh He’s not going to do fuck all for Britain. He did well with Brexit but once he got it in the hole he went floppy seeing as we still have ties to the EU and EHCR and even more immigration We need a new machine
farage is a boomer but he's not a politician like lads here are implying. he puts in work
aaaaahhhhhhhhhh at last >mutual friend zoning marriages are here https://nitter.poast.org/pearlythingz/status/1803824314312978481
smoking drinking and chatting shit is not work
>>455685 What are the laws on marital rape in Japan?
>>455688 here we go
keeeek fucking hell state of it all
Farage is a toryboi (but in a bad i.e. left wing globalist way, not in a delusional ermagerd the toreees are far right way).
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>>455693 Best frens
>>455693 Cutest dictator ever tbh. The way his clothes don't even fit. Just a big toddler ordering koreancels to gulag and to be eaten by dogs.
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Choose your DPRK waifu
>>455696 They all rook the same.
>>455697 Only to the undiscerning or unslanted eye
>>455699 Wrong
>>455653 Time to let some film connoisseurs top trump bins
https://voteforpolicies.org.uk/ Funny how similar all of the party manifestoes apart from Reform are. I used this last election and alway come out with a Reform result.
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>>455706 Tbh Reform are all talk as well they all backtrack and tbh their policies are hardly radical anyway. Fucking country is infected with liberalism and corruption
>>455706 We should revive the UK pirate party and pledge to actively destroy migrant boats as part of a new subsidised national sport using restored naval artillery.
Got bored and decided to watch The Thick of It... When do the jokes start? Or is the Scotsman shouting profanity the whole thing?
>>455707 I just did it and got Conform for all issues but housing, where apparently I am 15% Green Party keeek. It treats issues that are interlinked as being seperate so it's not entirely reliable. Still actually better than most political compass tier shite.
boomoid woman at toil crying for horses that died in war over a century ago and saying that she doesn't care about escalating the war in ukraine because nuclear war would "just kill everyone instantly and painlessly anyway" and putler has to be stopped even at the cost of british bodies and also he is just a scared little incel afraid of based good guy NATO
>>455712 Yeah got 5% red and blue and 15% green 75% Deform
fresh and live womanseethe where they co-opt the incel autist experience Romantic Autism Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5C6vZyhdfE
>>455713 You killed her, right lad?
If you didn't kill her, smdh. Do it tomorrow.
Or Monday. At the latest kill her on Monday.
Unless you want to pop out and give her a quick killing today. Would be proud of you, lad.
>>455718 no but this amusing series of posts is a cathartic response
>>455713 >nuclear war would "just kill everyone instantly and painlessly anyway" if you get caught in the blast, sure. most people would be set on fire or die of radiation sickness or starvation or looting or something
>>455724 boomoids give no shits either way, they would just suicide via sleeping medication overdose and a box of wine or similar, like in acclaimed neville shute book "on the beach"
> The war began with a nuclear attack by Albania on Italy
>and then escalated with the bombing of the United States and the United Kingdom by Egypt book was written before the arab-israel war I think, 1957
>>455726 Wtf I love Albania now.
>>455729 nigger elf slurping poz as usual
i miss aggnonce
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>>455733 awful bitch turns her bodycam on only after instigating a confrontation for presumably no or a very petty reason too
>>455733 No reason to start letting off rounds like that Reckless endangerment of the public tbh
Prince Philip's Genes are so strong lads
>>455735 Smh they didn't even aim it. Stay bullet probably went through some kid jumping on a trampoline in the distance.
https://youtu.be/HyrfYEh_yMY It's good that these people are busy idiots, but they are a still disturbing ethnic menace among us.
>>455740 I have no quarrel with Arab women. Some of them are reasonably attractive.
>>455741 >Cranston keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I heard the guy's accent "get away from my cah" and wondered if it was in Rhode Island
>>455741 >Captain Copium
>>455746 Needs more gay pride flags
>>455748 meanwhile
>>455749 dude...
>>455749 smh very very grim
>>455754 is the NHS a type of collective consciousness?
>>455755 Weimart equivalent is "he's coming for your Social Security", methinks
just got paid 3k on one job hopefully will get another 3k next week for this fence.
>>455757 3k for a fence????
>>455758 no about 10k for a fence just 4k in labor
>>455759 It's a very large fence?
gonna fire my chudlet though he is not worth 25 an hour fucker can't even run a post hole digger and doesn't watch my youtube videos I send him that are like 1 minute long on basics of how to set posts
>>455760 yeah like 200 feet
lol get owned you fucking zio nigger
>>455763 kill all boomers, the boomers are the core powerblock of kike slavery and niggerworship
There's colour e readers now, might get one for x mas
would honestly rather hire a britoid or some slag to hold boards for me than these mong zoomers that turn their nose up at 25-30 an hour
>>455763 >vote for me Stupid faggot
>>455767 Import Wessie
>>455767 Trawl shartmart for talent
>>455763 looks like a nonce >>455769 some honest toil would probably improve his health
"Leicester East. Fire"
>>455772 Everyone apart from Mags drives a German car
Warsaw has fallen
>>455778 every mudshart in the west should go and defend them
>>455778 Blumpf always says or implies that, "if I were in charge, this never would have happened." how exactly would he prevent Israel from starting a war when he also claims to be the biggest Israel shill of all time? I guess his implication is that Hezbollah would just back down in fear of the orange nigger, and therefore Israel wouldn't 'need' to invade them? >>455779 I'm really hoping that these west-aligned regimes like Egypt and Saudi Arabia will see serious civil unrest and chaos in their militaries. I'm pretty sure most of the population in most of these Arab countries would want to go to war with Israel, and their governments refusing to do that will piss them the fuck off
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Hawaiian pidser and a box of hot & spicy chicken wings for dindins
>>455784 Keek he was going to start ground and pounding the bird. The amount of fights I've seen outside Maccy Ds.
>>455777 Smh give her something if you're going to mess her about.
>>455767 so u r saying that the zoomers can't work thing is real and not just boomers boomering like how they said us yoomers were lazy too? i have to say, i never shied away from work as a youngun and always had the desire to have money even in high school
>>455767 >turn their nose up at 25-30 an hour Are we talking dollars?
>>455788 Fritz Lang!!
>>455791 I'll be your migrant worker if you set me up with a visa. Britain has fallen methinks.
>>455792 can you enroll in a local community college here with student visa then just scam and get the green card?
Two more hours
>>455794 i'm hyped, i enjoyed the iranian missile attack. maybe it actually will happen
slow thread?
>>455796 no posting is a popular meme at the moment. it will pass...right, lads?
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>>455797 it's not a funny gimmick at all
>>455801 you'll miss this zoomercore if you fire chudlet
>>455802 riff raffs nu shite is trash, all these are from like 2013
is this achievable natty?
>>455805 thanks, lad. *kisses him*
spam sandwich for midnight tiffin. sourdough bread, mayonnaise, diced onion and some swiss cheese slices. PENG
spam slices were fried i should add
>>455809 of course lad spam has a nasty aftertaste when uncooked imo
>>455812 based
>>455780 Dups scenario probably involves the US doing all the bombing.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/articles/c800zxllnp6o.amp How come some emigrants from.Anglorum arenamed as literally English?
Israelis playing mad max in Palestine
>>455817 those poor israelis smh having to improvise because their so-called allies are too stingy to buy them some real armoured vehicles
>>455817 >>455818 do you lads know about israel's hannibal doctrine?
>>455819 tbh they're psychos smh
Morning lads >>455819 Yeah Elites will always throw the plebs under the wheels
Noooooooooooooooooooo! You can’t arrest us! You can only arrest the ethnics we put in your neighbourhoods! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13555157/justin-timberlake-arrest-sag-harbor-police-officer-recently-hired.html
oh boy, dayfags are up and linkposting!
had a weird schizo chud nightmare. basically I was bonding with some fellow chud from my hometown and he was telling me that they were demolishing this small public park (basically removing amenities for families to play, because whitoids 'shouldn't' be breeding anyway), and we were getting outraged about that, and then there was this giant vaxx truck with an electronic billboard and a loudspeaker telling people to get injected with vax juice and they were stopping at every house and drilling into the walls to spray some kind of vaxx liquid or gas into the walls or something. basically the chud and I were bonding and freaking out, like 'what the fuck we need to stop all this'. and then I was thinking about the demographics getting worse and seeing shitskins when I didn't used to when I was growing up and then I woke up, thinking about the dream, and realized that even if the dream continued and the chud and I started knocking on every door in the town to try to redpill people about everything that's going on, how our home is being destroyed, 99% of them would not listen and would call us names or tell us to go away. or they would open the door and just be non-white to begin with... "umm, never mind..." I'm really tired of it all. been so many years watching all of this go on, and while more people have gotten redpilled in that time, it's just not enough and so many people are still so retarded. if they are that retarded to still be retarded in CY+9... when will they ever wake up? many such cases where somebody's son or daughter gets killed by a black and they go on to defend the black. for many it seems the brainwashing is just terminal and they'd rather die than see the truth because they're such social animals that the fear of social ostracism outweighs the fear of legitimate personal danger
thinking a bit about all the pussy I'm missing out on smh
>complains thread is slow >complains about noposting >complains when posters post
Snorbling lads, got a rare snap of Steiner eating breakfast
>>455830 Is there any other kind?
>horror game set on north sea oil rig >first character you meet is a troon or just unfortunately scottish >half the crew are niggers or wogs with scottish accents >only nasty character is a whitey >"good" whiteys all have some disability >"union" shite mentioned from the start >shortly directly references communism Shart Wanks the Sheep
>>455836 It’s to make minorities buy games and make more money. That’s what it’s about
>>455836 Yeah another lad here posted this incredibly subtle screenshot from the game the other day keek. No surprise the studio is based in Brighton fucking poofs!
>>455837 number 4 is a maybe
place is dead
>>455805 he seems positive smh setting up for disappointment
>>455826 i had a dream a few days ago were i physically btfo'd some dysgenic gen x mongs who were out leafletting against nationalist
>>455844 Hello there again folks, it's over.
>>455845 Based. I had a similar nightmare were I was btfo of them in debate and they conceded all points but then pretended they'd heard nothing the next day.
>>455847 Sounds like a mien kampf analogue
>>455850 I'm much more a fan of washington dc being laid out like the Owl of Athena.
>>455851 tbh handegg stadiums being eyes of horus too
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could a /brit/on handle a russette?
>>455847 the only language those types understand is violence
>>455709 tbh >>455853 keek what a faggot >constant tests of manliness amerimutts btfo >you have to make more than her fml https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K96iV5LGDQ0
>>455853 She’ll probably kill him at some point
>>455853 That russette is prime steiner marriage material
>>455856 zoggies going all in wew
>>455852 I wonder where all that energy is being channeled.
>>455856 Russia's last warning >>455857 she'll take what money he has before he dies in a hunting accident with her brothers
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>>455856 holy fuck. lot of talk of NATO escalation in the Ukraine lately. I've been of the mindset that there was never any intention for the west to 'win' in the Ukraine- the intention was to bleed/sanction/isolate Russia and confirm European vassalization by the USA- but now they are escalating in response to Russia winning too hard (Kharkov front reopened) maybe we really are headed to WWIII, and Europe will be expected to fight Russia while the US is busy with Iran and China. but who in the west is willing to fight such a war? fucking nobody... right? in the Ukraine they drag people off the street but there's no way they could manage that in the US, or even western Europe >>455861 Kamala routinely gets fucked up on something that isn't alcohol
>>455863 When you know that you're a figure head watching a kike cabal lead the US to destruction you'd probably popping enough pills to fill a chemists as well.
>>455865 my guess is she's afraid of public speaking and taks benzos to soothe her nerves, but they make her slur her speech like a retard
>>455866 Probably but I like my theory better.
Might even be Kanya thing where they pill her out to make her pliable.
>>455823 >>455824 stay mad kikes.
>>455836 >>455840 Was me. Yeah played through it. after the beginning, there's no new poz, apart from the wog characters you've already seen sporadically re-appearing. which shouldn't be there. surprisingly enough outside of the entity attacking the oil rig, the core of the narrative is based around a man, his wife and children and his friendship with his brother-in-law.
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>>455853 >no raptor autism gf
>>455871 she's lovely tbh.
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The best there is. The best there was. And the best there ever will sneed.
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Accidentally made a snoptical illusion.
Spent all day looking for a proper yorkshire brew.
>>455875 buy meatybraps as yorkshire tea is pozzed
>>455876 I wonder if Mark is popping over her and Sam's to help out with Grandma Towler's tea.
>pops over under the guise of helping >just sits there playing pubg on Sam's PC the entire time.
haven't checked in on the telegram gang in a while looks like mancs has a based lad to vote for sam still a victim of government terrorism stevie wonder still bantering the jeets to death mark coomerposting actual /brit/pol content: huwhite papers has a new sharticle https://whitepapersinstitute.substack.com/p/a-nationalist-look-at-reform-uks >>455878 keeek he's on the helldivers 2 train tonight
>>455879 >complaining about something that's his own fault maybe if GRAMPS would have lead an insurrection to install Sir Oswald Mosley as Supreme Leader of the British Empire, instead of betraying our white race, we wouldn't be in this situation where were they for the past 50 years? you only hear them speaking out now that they're shrivelled up prunes in a wheelchair. where were they when the first Pakis were arriving?
>>455882 based
some interesting candidates in kernow, there is a heritage party lass running as well as a refoorm party member oh... heritage party is lead by david kurten aka the old UKIP nigger keeeeeeeeeeeeek
Street party music smh
What are we fucking Spanish or some shit
>>455882 Tbf the copium pre 90s was understandable, and those that wanted to speak out from then up until very recently just weren't allowed on the airwaves. The reason you only got apoolitical vets or trendy modern progressive vets giving interviews is the same that 'all' the family members of people killed in ackbarrings support the regime narrative. He may well have been consistently ignored for decades. Still with the benefit of hindsight he should've backed Mosley.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBHM_yikkVY Well, what's it gonna be? Heritage party nigger (nigger) or Reform nigger elf (elf) I have truly become a vooter
>>455888 El Bazzo del Abomnicico del Elephante.
>>455888 Pink elephants on the bog
Christian alliance or pets protection party coz I don't believe that voting is anonymous soi have to secret agent even when I vote
looks like refoooorm might actually have a small positive effect (if they follow through 100% on their policies and don't immediately discard or cuck on them or face mild inconvenience from the unelected bureaucratic machine and drop everything rather than fight back and punish the embedded traitors) so basically business as usual, nothing will change
Demographics still have us on a hard collapse tho.
>>455894 Yea removals will never happen
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>>455894 Tbh^tbh
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>>455894 the reason why the curent situation is so alarming, stressful, threatening, is because the TRAJECTORY is towards decline/death. white population in decline in terms of percentage as well as absolute numbers, white birthrates decreasing, moral/family values in decline, women getting worse and worse... BUT the silver lining is this: if we could reverse the trajectory, we would be in a much safer position. the inflection point at which the trends reverse- instead of net immigration, we get net migration; instead of birthrates in decline, we get birthrates increasing; instead of moral/family valus in decline, we get a trad revival among the youth; instead of women roasting it up and refusing to breed, they start taking the tradwifepill en masse- that inflection point is basically where the white race would be 'saved'. like, the victory condition is not 100% white ethnostate with fascist government (although that is indeed 'total victory'), but rather the point at which things get turned around. when the ship gets steered away from the waterfall and heads towards the safe port. all we have to accomplish is to right the course of the ship, so that problems are being solved by well-intentioned, patriotic men, rather than intentionally made worse by malevolent jevvs/old cunts/wogs/fags/troons/etc.
>instead of net immigration, we get net migration net deportation*
All kicking off in Dagestan Few videos on here https://nitter.poast.org/Megatron_ron
>>455900 why couldn't the leave the christoids alone and just BTFO the nasty disgusting kikes, smh
>>455887 Maybe he did back him? Who knows media and money were scarce back then anyway 1945 was 80 years ago how old is gramps?
>>455898 It’s dire and needs doing now or shit is fucked tbh
>>455904 well yeah, despite everything I said, we are nowhere near obtaining the 'captain of the ship' position necessary to right the course. that's the problem, attaining power seems totally impossible
really, you would expect patriotic men in the military to do military coups and sweep aside these corrupt democratic regimes and put them all before a military tribunal. that's supposed to be the 'failsafe' that prevents things from getting to this point. if the military isn't going to do that, then there's no real precedent for solving a situation like this
>>455905 The system is set up to make sure no nationalist ever gets it. It’ll therefore result in extreme violence or not tbh Best we can hope for is a nuclear strike taking centres of power out and then rebuild would still be a fight to do that though and how many of us would be left?
>>455906 the military is composed of civic boomers at best in the middle positions and deano mongoloids in the ranks high command is fully pozzed
>>455909 Tbh but the vets are normally pilled which is why there was such a concerted afford to coral them using Tommeh and various things like co-opting edl and fla
https://youtu.be/6ptyjImEXAI?t=398 >comfy woodcarving lad doing an SA guitar
roastie patrol- assemble! billions must lick the dust and cobwebs off geriatric cooters 30 is still young and women can still have snabies at 40! muh old sperm!
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Fact check: True
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>Finding out people I read were Jewish are no longer listed as Jewish What's happening boyim? First Russell Brand now Tyger Drew-Honey and Jim Carrey
How did he resist not just replying YOU ARE WONG! ?
>>455918 He wanted to appear more intelligent than he is but wound up looking stupid.
>>455913 That's got to be fake keeek.
>>455913 Tbf lots of yank women have 0 sex appeal
>>455922 this is the direction feminist cunts are actually going in though. there's this viral thread on leddit rn where this woman in her 40's is bitching about her 40-something husband flirting with a 21 year old woman when they have a daughter that's ~22 or something. and the top comment is some cunt saying "blah blah blah HIS DAUGHTER'S AGE!!"... as if men are ever going to magically stop being attracted to fertile women because some arbitrary numerical threshold has been reached. I guess once a man's daughter turns 40, then he's not allowed to be attracted to any woman that's capable of getting pregnant ever again? the pinnacle of irrationality seems it's an entire generation of women that didn't get married and have kids that are reaching the age where they realize it's realistically already too late for them to do that, and feeling immense regret but refusing to accept responsibility for their actions. so they have to deflect and blame it on men being "creeps" that "can't handle" a 30+ roaster that "calls him out on his shit" and therefore he needs to "take advantage" of a "vulnerable" younger woman that they can "manipulate"
>455924 If you're going to post this shit, screen cap it along with the link.
>>455916 Sonic bros....
>>455926 why? as long as he's posting nitter.poast instead of x.com, I don't see the issue. what are you some kind of phonefag or something? >>455928 could go for some hawk tuah rn ngl
>>455925 >seems it's an entire generation of women that didn't get married and have kids that are reaching the age where they realize it's realistically already too late for them to do that, and feeling immense regret but refusing to accept responsibility for their actions. so they have to deflect and blame it on men being "creeps" that "can't handle" a 30+ roaster that "calls him out on his shit" and therefore he needs to "take advantage" of a "vulnerable" younger woman that they can "manipulate" Aye, laugh at them with your pregnant gf lad.
meet me at Albert Dock at 10 and I’ll screencap you ya feckin’ divvy
>>455913 The fantastic actress from such award-winning pictures as Garfield: The Movie and Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
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>>455927 Reform better not touch my OC.
>>455929 Because clicking the links is tedious when it turns out to only be some gay shit that matters to nae cunt. It's bad formatting, too. Makes the thread look low effort and cringe. I should know, being a long time thread creator. >455931 I'm not into homosexual deeds, queer-buttocks. You should be banned for poor formatting. We should hold posters to basic posting standards.
>>455929 >phonefag Worse, he’s a real fag
>455934 >complains about formatting >uses Reddit spacing
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Have no fear, I am here to improve the quality of the thread immeasurably.
>Crimea is Ukrainian! >Crimeans are Ukrainian! >bombs his own citizens sitting on a beach
>>455939 Evil man
>>455938 lovely
>will fashion my hair in the style of many poos
>>455943 ngubo bullo ytuba uti y bongo bongo!
>>455944 cake it in place thine own chimp jobby just like them
>>455943 bet a lot of wiggers worshipped this midnight gentleman
that reminds me I have watermelong in the fridge
PETER HITCHENS: Could Sir Keir Starmer have failed to spot that he was in a Police State? https://archive.ph/3R6Qd
>>455950 >20 million views bet it's not barely even niggers listening to it.
>>455950 Disgusting rubber-lipped cryptozoological atavism.
>>455925 yeah but imagine if ur mum started rizzing up a a lad younger than u...
Just got back from the kinema, highly recommend tbh
>>455959 >films >ever
>>455958 >he doesn't know about the grannypill
>>455960 I watched this one today. T'was decent.
>>455959 based bane
are films kind of like anime but in 3d irl?
>>455964 more kiked less gay.
>>455964 The things I really hate about anime are that many male protagonists are ineffectual and romances rarelly have a satisfying conclusion. Classic hollywood did both of these things well. Is it formulaic to have a cool manly man that gets the girl? Sure. It's a hell of a lot more satisfying than the alternative though.
>>455966 >many male protagonists are ineffectual and romances rarelly have a satisfying conclusion it has to be a plausible scenario for Jap incels to self-insert themselves into, and it can't actually come to fruition because then it would be hentai. the hentai fan-artists will take care of it for them
>>455967 they make hentai of the ineffectual shite anyway.
iron = pumped dumplings = eaten oh yeah it's Mushoku Tensei time
>>455969 homosexuality engaged
Carlin= drunk Sosig roll = eaten oh yeah it's Match of the Day time
>>455950 https://youtube.com/watch?v=yJqu246RVlc >Make song insulting someone for being shot on their birthday >Dies on his birthday the exact same way The cycle continues.
>>455971 actually ingenious tbh, the finite lifetime of a sausage roll will ensure currency is rapidly circulated, thus driving up the gdp and spending etc we'll get our top jews on this at once can't be any worse than the "giant stone circles with a hole in it" currency of the micronesians https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rai_stones
try just popping down to corner shop for a pint of milk and a loaf of bread with one of these
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>>455970 it's not at all. very good anime (technically the first part of season 2 was kinda ass, but it got good again). libtards hate it! if you're not watching it, then you're missing out tbh
>>455974 >grug butcher sell good meat to tribe >one day tribesman come for steak from prize oxen, price one stone three boulder >pay all in pebbles
>>455975 is that the one where the MC is a twink playing at making a vibrant multiracial civilisation or the one where the MC is a twink who rewinds time or the one where the MC is a twink nonce wizard seeing a theme with these things tbh for me it's esports chinkime season 3 that just got released, unfortunately noticeably lower quality than the previous two >>455976 geological keeks tbh
>>455974 Might start using women nailed up in orange crates as money tbh. I’ve run out
>>455979 >capital punishment for committing adultery god I wish we had that
>>455981 Soon. Sharia is on it’s way
Come on ingerland
>>455978 the MC is a fat Jap incel that gets hit by a bus and isekai'd. would give more info but I don't want to spoil it. isekai is usually cringe/suck but this one is good, it actually makes good use of the genre. it's an afterthought for the most part but occasionally becomes relevant S1P1 = very good, interesting take on isekai genre, introduces nice fantasy world lore S1P2 = excellent, best part so far S2P1 = meh. moves the story along S2P2 = good again. by this point you're invested in the story and just want it to continue. last episode of this part airs a week from today so it's a good time to get into it
no cap, tried genning a zoomer mosley but it aint bussin fr AI has a long way to go smh
>>455981 L-lad 0.0'
mancs? I said what I said
>>455977 >has vagina >smuggles in snanus
wish I was a cowboy again lads
>>455986 Shoop it yourself you lazy bastard.
>>455990 can you open carry in martshartagain? you could get a leather larp holster for your revolver, a giant cowboy hat and a put a little lasso on the rear trailer hook (for lynching niggers and dragging them through the streets)
cool cowboy-adjacent gun trivia the british military was originally going to equip its officers with colts and imported about 8,000, but relegated the order to only the colt navy for some of the navy personnel and switched to a british-made revolver of larger calibre design after experience showed that the colt did not fire sufficiently powerful enough bullets to stop drug-crazed savage warriors from getting into melee distance there is at least one attestation of a colt owner on the northwest indian frontier firing five shots at a hashish-crazed durka, penetrating his torso five times, and still being cleaved in half by a sabre blow before the guy died himself
because of these early missteps with revolving actions and stopping power, the class of weapon gained a reputation for being unreliable among a significant portion of british officers, who favoured instead multi-barrels howdah pistols which were even carried into WW1 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancaster_pistol
>>455994 yeah the colt navy was basically a .38 the colt dragoon was the .44 of the 19th century colts. it wasn't until they got up to the schofield and colt new model in .45 LC and the smith and wesson no 3
colt navys were a massive game changer in the mexican american war where US light cavalry screens could ambush and annihilate mexican dragoons and even heavy cavalry using cowboy memi tactics
while I'm remembering what I read at toil recently, another cool victorian era gun fact one of the reasons so much fighting at rorke's drift was done hand-to-hand was that they fired so many charges through their martini-henries that the brass cartridges would soften and bind to the chamber and barrels faintly glowed when it got dark, men had to fire one-handed or suffer burns from holding them, or tie wet rags about the foregrip and even then it wouldn't be enough
>>455997 what was the equipment for the mexishart heavies? it's early enough in the century that when you say heavy cav I'm thinking they might still have been larping with armoured cuirassiers wew presumably the cavalry was better funded and equipped than the machete brigades anyway
british heavy dragoons of the period were issued pistols but apparently barely made use of them in battle because the particular arrangement of uniform and horse tack meant that the guns were placed under several layers of clothing and could take minutes to draw wewsmh at least they looked fancy
victorian swords were apparently complete arse and despite 80 years of complaints the board of military cutlery only figured out a good one in 1903 just in time to never need them again (although an order to sharpen swords and prepare to use them was sent out on the start of WW1)
an account of mounted warfare against savages went something like "we charged the enemy cavalry to no effect, as they remained stationary, leant forward against their horses and allowed our blunted blows to be absorbed by their turbans and shields worn on their backs. Their retaliatory strikes, made with old swords of british make honed to a razor's edge and kept in wooden scabbards until the moment of striking, split many of us apart as we galloped through their lines" not sure how much of that is due to being whites with bad equipment or jeets with bad and poorly maintained equipment albeit
all from Donald Featherstone's Weapons and Equipment of the Victorian Soldier, decent introductory type book
Dear Great Britain: A Heartfelt Message From Nigel Farage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m04c006Q8RE
>>456005 Dear Gullible Britons, please keep giving me lots of money and celebrity status, I promise to feed you sweet lies in return and never actually do anything positive for you, okay thanks! t. nigger elf
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>>456006 Helmer is well and truely dead
he lives on in our hearts
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>>456008 no lad, your heart is dead to him he was a true believer in farage and when you criticise farage, you spit on his grave
in this geriatric rivalry with an absent poster, HelmersBelt is the saint and Bins is the devil
Is Farage Right About the Ukraine War? https://youtu.be/1uSGh_22x0c
>>456001 >>456002 >>456003 good poost wessie
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>>456010 >in this geriatric rivalry with an absent poster, HelmersBelt is the saint and Bins is the devil you either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
>>456013 ta la love a bit of haphazardly recalled military trivia me similar events took place probably several times during the crimean war where a lot of russians got very confused by britoids whacking them about the head with blunt swords that failed to wound them underneath their fur hats smh one diarist recounts that some cavalrymen resorted to punching foes with the hilt of the sword like it was a set of brass knuckles as it seemed to be more effective than swinging it wew
>>456012 What's the origin of the Naruto Woes meme, was it just that one off image?
>>456016 just a one off
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seeing the board turn on Farage must be like what Tony Bliar feels when he see the Tory party support every Blairite cause after years of trying to oppose them
>>456016 yeah just this kino
>woes does a faggot hand signal that means "poz my neghole" and activates wart no jutsu
>>456015 smh can't believe they let lads go off to war with weapons like that
>>456020 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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i still love her lads
>>456021 yeah it is crazy but it do be like that newspaper headlines for the time often ran stories about the swords especially, there is allegedly one that headlines it with a photo of a guy with a sword which bent double on actually being used to hit someone wewsmh
it was something to do with a lot of the cutlery being bought from the Sollingen firm in Germany which used a hard shell treatment on the steel, meaning that after repeated sharpening the good quality exterior was stripped away to expose the soft core of the metal, eventually a local british firm took over manufacture and made better quality swords, but still to a poor straight blade pattern due to an obsession with the point over the edge among cavalry fighting theorists meaning that curved sabres were mostly abandoned for the victorian period
wews should review naruto whenever he finishes milleniyule preparations and owning libtards on twatter
>>455999 mexicunts had napoleonic drip whereas the burgerian military had that shitty blue sack cloth poorfag look of the union army
>>456028 maybe they might have had more success if they spent less on uniforms and more on guns smh >>456027 woes is in his permanent boruto arc smh (apparently the sequel which ruins whatever things good fans found about the first go and adds insult to injury)
>>455997 really wish spain had put more work into keeping their colonies. spanish mexico would be so much better than mexico
>>456002 good post
>>456030 mutts went to war with them. took Philippines- preventing the bleaching of Filipinas into proper Latinas- as well as Puerto Rico (giving the entire island citizenship, now there are more 'Ricans in the US than on Puerto Rico) and giving Cuba independence (so then later the brownoid gommies took over and the whites all had to flee to Florida). perfidious mutts ruin everything they touch, Britishers should have made unrelenting total war against the US until it was brought back under Britishin sovereignty (or split with France/Spain)
>>456023 fucking hell, she's not feminine at all. Dude bro tier.
I forgot how 'one of the lads' annoying she is.
I wouldn't even talk to lauren southern in roblox, she is so basic mid tier midwestoid slag type of slag you see getting pimped out downriver detroit by a trailer park by some arab immigrants for a blister pack of shitty xanax
as disgraceful as it is, I'd still let her nosh me off tbh.
hard toil on no-sleep in a few hours
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>>456039 >VATS.mp4 keeek, all it needs is the edit
>>456039 that's some accuracy from shaniqua.
Everybody knows, Roy Jones Jr. respects the hands of Shaniqua Washington, Joe.
kind of wish i had negro bone density, but at the same time i do enjoy swimming without drowning and being the closest subspecies of human to an aquatic variant, much like what the polar bear is to the brown bear (ursus negris)
>>456043 was ruminating earlier about the man vs bear thing, concluding that if I were a foid, my answer would be that "it depends on the color of the man and the color of the bear" >white man / black bear = least dangerous >brown man / grizzly bear = dangerous >black man / polar bear = very dangerous
>>456044 wewe hot take lad
>>456045 the inverse color correlation of the bears is the interesting part. dark bear is less dangerous, light bear is more dangerous
>>456046 yeah i guess that doesn't really work. but maybe a hwhite incel actually would be very dangerous to go into the woods with
Morning lads See Suvvern has entered bingo wings territory
gooned on my knees, now feet are tingling really badly, not getting better
don't want to toil, wish i could take a drug that makes me unconscious but still lets my body toil until my shift is over and i'm back on /brit/
>>456048 it's over >>456050 tbh
>>456050 The NPC pill?
>>456046 Black bear is a misnomer because they can be brown. Grizzlies are if anything more dangerous than polar bears because the latters different dietary requirements means it's less likely to want to hunt you (unless you're 22st and look like a blubbery seal). Polar and grizzly are of comparable strength, speed and intelligence. Btw they all have light skin like apes. Bonus pizzly bears might be as dangerous as either, certainly not dysgenic. Tl;dr one race the grizzly, polar and Kodiak bear race. Okay, thank you.
Black bears are like pigmies.
>>456053 polar bears have black skin
>>456055 tbh well known animal fact this, for better sun absorption under the camouflage fur think it was on the back of a cereal box in the early 00s or something
>>456056 not sure where i learnt it tbqh
another four playlists arbitrarily deleted by kiketube for being based smh
>>456058 really wish pootube would die so that something else can take it's place tbh but that'll never happen it's never been profitable but it's kept afloat because controlling a platform like that is worth more than money
based NHS bungling things once again forced me into a "video consultation" even though I have no camera, no smartphone, and an unsupported browser then deleted all evidence of my appointment and who it's with so I can't find out how to contact them and arrange for a simple phone call instead now the hospital switchboard which touts itself as 24/7 365 doesn't even work and nobody is picking up in the relevant sub-department god I hate bureaucracy
>>456059 tbh tbh have to hoard data, so much stuff is becoming lost media due ot censorship smh
>>456059 Tbh but they’re trying to change it up now by using your camera to track your eye movement to make sure you’re watching the ads. Replaying it if you’re not watching it. Embedding gets rid of ads and there are other measures.There must be a hack for this somewhere. Would really like to see Silicon Valley and nasty tech fight each other to death in an arena and the winners fed to undercover nigger polar bears tbh tbh
>>456061 Same. Dread going through a tb of stuff tbh
got last month's payslip a cool £250 I LOVE being a neofeudal peasant
>>456064 £250*10 = £2500 Thank me later
don't know what you're on about tbh
>>456064 Put that into Nvidia stocks 6 months ago you are welcome
>>456067 i'm an amd chud so far as kike and spy backdoor infested computer hardware goes tbh
>>456069 should have a little over double that this month, with govt handouts for being a physical and mental cripple I might even have a few pounds left over for the savings account after bills
>>456070 based
looking forward to going back to bed as soon as this appointment fails and the mongo on the other end doesn't even bother to try phoning >>456071 imagine being able to live on monthly interest from savings AUGH
>>456072 >as this appointment fails and the mongo on the other end doesn't even bother to try phoning absolute joke of a system smh
>>456073 the morgoth interview yesterday was pretty awful smh, six million plus backlog of patients and waiting lists over seven years long
>>456074 don't know how the "muh nhs" types can keep defending that broken mess tbh it needs redoing from the ground up
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>>456075 tbh tbh >>456076 looking like he rises out of a coffin every evening to drink anglo blood wew
have all the lads got their GLOBAL BRITAIN cultist robes ready?
>>456078 Can't forgive him for that hedgehog orgy I'm afraid.
>I’m jewish but there’s no such thing as the English , they arrived after the Africans arrived here https://nitter.poast.org/CompositeGuy_/status/1702269195218497959
>>456066 >turning your nose up at free virtual money Smh
>>456049 >prostrating before vaginal demons
>>456082 Prostating more like
>>456048 those are triceps lad smh
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>>456034 >not feminine at all tf are you talking about lad?
>>456041 It's the strategic titty-grab fakeout at 0:14 that really impresses
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>>456085 talking about her mannerism and way of speaking. that photo is well old anyway. bingo wings.
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>>456090 >that photo is well old anyway. bingo wings. how DARE you insult my future waifu
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How Liberalism Took The L | with Carl Benjamin >1:25 hours of Carl Benjamin yeah I'm not watching it either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUushwtxWdc
>>456092 >reasonable radicalism The new sensible centrism
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>>456093 >reasonable radicalism oh god is this his new cringe name for whatever movement he thinks he represents now?
>>456094 He threw it out there early on, don’t know if he retracted it though
>sensible >reasonable yeah that will get people passionate about it. keeek.
fucking mong
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>>456097 you just don't get it do you?
>>456092 He's still the slowest talking one of the looootisers but he no longer makes hour long vids to say what could be said within 2 minutes like he used to in the early ecelebing arch. Might be interesting. Not to us of course but maybe to a normie who isn't familiar with 2010 dissident takes.
have you even read Loki?
>>456089 Based Putin
>>456099 Sargon is the slow kid in the class that thinks he is the cleverest kid in the class
had two sandwiches consisting of leftover Chinese pork dumpling filling (ground pork, soy sauce, rice vinegar, chives) with some sliced Vidalia onion and some Thai sesame marinade spread on the bun. they were quite good, but now I have onion breath
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J.K. Rowling endorses the Communist Party because Labour are trannies
>>456104 >multi billionaire thanks to capitalism >backs communist party w*men
>>456089 goatfucker owned
>>456102 reminds me of spic
>>456107 explain how spic is incorrect about anything
>>456108 tbh, in the very least he dislikes niggers
>>456110 that looks like a cross between steve laws and mark collett who here /beady/?
Joel Davis shagging the arse off giftsungiven just as woes started sniffing around. keeeek.
naruto woes indeed.
>>456115 would be nice if jahans was still making videos
>the log cabin Are they talking about buttholes?
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK whatchadoinrabbi.jpg https://nitter.poast.org/THEREALJEW613/status/1805063168219103675
>>456118 Aids mumkeys
>>456118 they claim that Abe Lincoln was a fag, that's the origin of the name
>>456118 what is dumpf even claiming to do for shartica this election
>British patriots NEW COLOURS JUST DROPPED https://nitter.poast.org/MahyarTousi/status/1804206716323561757
>>456108 brown nipples
Should have vooted harder bich
>>456128 poojeet IT "experts" were likely involved
>>456130 No doubt bribed
>>456089 "MMA fighter" is shitskin speak for takes classes at some gym
>>456085 nasty slag she is like a 6-7/10 in the shidwest don't know why international mongs worship the most garbage of yank/ leaf slags +
>buy expensive duck breasts >concoct delicious seasoning >begin to pan fry >flip to sear the surface >find out instead of cooking the skin there was a wad of absorbent plastic hiding underneath the whole time, now irreversibly bonded to the meat >have to bin the whole lot >having shitty old low quality tiny sainsburys cheapo steak pie instead ACK
>>456133 yeah there's heaps of churka mongs that like to larp as big scary MMA champions >>456135 smh nearly impossible to avoid the macro and microplastics in food these days
>>456133 Think those Chechens and digest is are some pretty top fighters tbh lad. Thy’re not your average sskin
>>456137 nobody cares lad I am sure he pulled guard really fast when the 7.62x54 went into his face
pea brained mongs think that muh boxing matters when society has had walking barrages and machine guns for over 100 years. churkas are like the russian version of niggers
>>456141 >I *snee
>>456135 that sucks lad btw, you can get those duck breasts much cheaper from Morrisons, they've been doing them at 3 for £10 for months - so 3 quid each
>>456140 I know you hate them but they are known for being ok in the ring tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTw28HOy4io
>>456144 swapping to local butcher as soon as my freezer is cleared out tbqh they will at least not hide plastics from me
can't believe he's going to get away with selling us a broken down political ideology with a gearbox full of sawdust and a dozen niggers hiding in the back AGAIN smh
>>456145 sports culture and the worship of sportsfags is degenerate and nigger brained. queensbury rules was supposed to be the more gentlemanly type of fighting but it was made low class by wogs and white trash. MMA is just like old prize fight rules which was for gin lane gutter trash. there are so many nigger brained faggots alive today walking around thinking in their mind they are some kind of aristocrat when they live like a cultureless mcdonalds happy meal drone. joe rogaine is a CIAnigger and that other mong is a failed HVAC tech
its just pathetic how we are supposed to care that some terrorist who murdered women and children was a wrestler, who cares. in a normal society he would just be thrown in a pit with other UNEMPLOYED faggots
>>456149 >>456150 Who said you were supposed to care. Illustrates that you can’t trust any of them no matter what ‘position’ they attain
>>456149 good post lad
>>456147 Grass fed
sportsfaggotry is why nobody will remember this time period, instead of people teaching and transmitting philosophy we have dumb motherfuckers out there in society quoting punch drunk retarded ass rapist niggers like mike tyson like he has some profound understanding of how to be a man or overcome an obstacle. these dumb kike owned sports celebrities drown out the normal common peoples experiences and the actually profound takes on life
>>456154 Tbh. Correct this
trying hard to swallow the niggercattlepill lately tbh just do what you can for yourself and don't worry about things beyond your control etc just wish I had more toil to occupy my mind with
>>456156 tbh it's a tough pill to swallow
>>456125 they're salmon-colored, not brown at all
>>456157 thankfully Sir Reginald Brown has given us much practice
smh, betraying the rangies by having biscoffs with my covfefe weekly weigh in tomorrow too but I want to indulge after losing the duck
>>456161 based hope nobody gets gulaged for that
>>456162 Given it's Forest Gate I highly doubt anyone would be so Islamophobic
>the smell of flame seared yeast infection
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>>456167 good lad
Nigel Farage big chungus pog cameos https://youtu.be/fbWYObXSj34
>>456170 farage needs to twerk with sexy redd to keep hip with the youth vote
>>456171 keeek been watching NXT, Steiner?
>>456172 whats that
>>456173 WWE's developmental program run by Shawn Michaels, there was a clip of him twerking with Sexy Redd since she started there
>>456174 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>456170 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>456176 keeeeeeeeeek she is so vile
she should have linked up with assman
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>>456180 keeeeeeeek based >>456182 it's about time tbh >>456183 >shitskins
>>456185 serves him right for being a rentberg
>>456185 Serves him right for a number of reasons
Having a pint of racist right now as it happens
>>456188 good lad luv milk me
detected a possible chudling at toil tbh one of the new hires high-functioning autiste who likes to listen to russian military songs whilst playing as russia in war thunder coin flip whether he's a gommie or a chud but he plays modern vehicles so it's probably the latter
>>456185 I love how they say it is a sophisticated set up when it is actually pretty basic, and while effective, obviously amateurish as fuck.
>>456191 they have to pretend like the rule of law is still in effect tbh the money's in making articles about how we're on the verge of collapse not in telling people that it's already over
>>456192 >not in telling people that it's already over true true
>>456193 you tell your boomoid readership that it's ogre and either they completely detach from seethium for their own sanity or they start asking why it's ogre and then (correctly) assume that you're indirectly blaming them and stop giving you money or ad views or however this shite is supposed to make money
night lads
>>456195 nn don't let the vaxxies bite
Snorbling lads, picrel on freshly baked & toasted wheaten bread for brekky
>>456197 What differentiates oxford marm from the regular kind, being insufferably smug, liberal and 99% white?
remembering that kneeler pic from oxford where they all look like they're still living in the 70s in terms of fashion, affluence and lack of niggers
>>456198 Oxford marmalade the oranges are cooked whole before being shredded & some of the sugar content is substituted by treacle
>>456200 very nice
fresh godders and deep fried mars bar lenin looks like he's fallen for the nigger elf grift smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvtLdy4QTEU
getting quite annoyed at none of the local shartlection candidates having any events or meetings at which prospective vooters can actually talk to them smh not very democratic is it
>>456205 everybody's busy wanking to the feet, I guess
Said xiexie to the chinese lass who wanked me off and she was well impressed
>>456208 >xiexie what is this, what does it mean? is it pronounced like, "sheh-sheh"?
>>456208 went in one of those places once and couldn't finish and she got quite pissed off kek >baby why you no cum
>>456209 It means lets make incel hapa mutant babies together my sweet. Also means thank you and yeah you say it like sheh sheh with a chinko accent >>456210 Brutal de lad. Similar happened to me once when she was being overly aggresive and kept saying the most vulgar sex talk in her thick accent, put me right off tbh keek
>>456211 It's on sight with that smug poof
>>456213 This smug activist cunt masquerading as a journalist? https://nitter.poast.org/lewis_goodall/status/1805568086063337600 https://nitter.poast.org/TheNewsAgents/status/1804178802475700417 > Hilda over Britain to house criminals and layabouts from other countries who sill have homes in those countries >everyone who doesn’t agree with my activism on behalf of the mercantilists is a xenophobe >what do you mean that word doesn’t work on you!!!?
>>456214 >We have no culture and we don’t exist. >What are you doing here then? Come to season us?
>I’ve been here THREE YEARS! >Let me tell you about Britain and the British! We’re at German levels of psyopping. Country is going to have to dust the butcher’s apron of again tbh
the modern internet is so broken pintrest is such shite it holds all these jpg files that are connected to broken links to blogs from 10 years ago. been trying to research the evolution of the modern "protestant" style black suit at the time of the reformation and half the shite is just broken pintrest links to cool pics of some elizabethan era swordsman pic or something. fucking retarded normalfags destroyed the internet completely. i am sure that porn searches are seamless though
italian soldiers seemed a bit zesty though
wonder what Varg thinks about Finns. interesting that he likes Sweden and Denmark more than his native Norway
>>456217 tbh >>456218 yeah good luck trying to find any decent scholarly work on the internet today even some of wikipedia's references will link to dead pages that haven't even been archived
Literally shitting up the planet
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meanwhile in Weishart
>>456226 at least they aren't living in a heckin facist hellhole
>>456226 I want to sexual emergency her.
a message to all anglo saxon haters
>>456226 DON’T MISS EPISODE 2! Only on NETWITZ
does /brit/ believe in God?
>>456232 of course
>>456232 Depends. Does deism count?
lads the nigger worshippers are attacking joe on twatter
Well that seals it then Will do what a couple of retard xoomers say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lyB4ZaUTGs
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK WOGS OUT!!! https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1805494090056056980
>>456239 keek imagine getting arrested by two homosexual lumberjacks
>>456242 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
the live updates websocket thing is not working, having to manually refresh. just me or nah?
>rope belt to hang bully cops with >only takes middle tit out with her >autism detected
>>456244 Not just you. Been fucking around for a couple of days tbh
>>456244 was like that for me the other day but it works now
>>456245 that other photo of her getting manhandled by cops where it looked like she had boobs that everyone was talking about must have made her so happy that she tried to replicate it
>Apparently, we're all racists! >Gigachad lynching spook.png >+10% in the polls
>>456253 feel like the fat lass when I go outside and see zoomers having teen romances tbh
talked with a neighbour the other day a nearly sixty year old incel can't help but feel that fate is inescapable
Blody redeem guns saaaars not good for health saaaaars
>>456256 blumpfmongs should have listened
listened to post-backstab dickie that is
>>456256 he frames it that these curry slurpers bullshitting their way through degrees are all going to be founding fortune 500 companies that create jobs, when in reality they're just going to be undercutting american workers blumpf second term is looking like a done deal, the system doesn't seem to care to prevent it. polls have been a slaughter, even deep blue states are only Biden +7 and Virginia/Minnesota are in play. normally I take polls with a grain of salt, but with these numbers it just shows that they aren't even interested in creating the impression that Trump is poised to lose like they did in the previous two elections. the left-goyim are bucking at their master, so it's time to throw the right-goyim a bone to remind them who's in charge >>456257 >buy my house with cash I don't get this. you would never want to just pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to literally own a home, because it would be better to just pay down payment + mortgage and invest the remainder of the money. a house that you aren't renting out is considered a liability, not an investment. you have to pay to maintain it and it doesn't make you any money or is it the down payment he's talking about? because down payments don't really seem like that much, it's more of a filter mechanism. it's the making mortgage payments monthly for decades that is really costly
>>456258 see when I read normie kikes talking about politics, they're all like "blumpf is a racist antisemite blah blah", and when I read women talking about politics, they're like "project 2025 muh christofascism blah blah", so it creates the false impression that GOP would actually do something. when in reality they just function as a boogeyman for left-goyim to sneethe at and an imaginary carrot on a stick to placate right-goyim. but intelligent people know that it's all a lie and they're not going to do anything, ever
>>456241 based why can't europooroids illegally migrate to the new world when poopskins get to do it easy. even asians can't do it as easy as poopskins
>more newbies starting at work today >one is a 6ft+ negress with D-cups and a tiny waist
go on my lad get in there and make some subhuman violent mongoloid children who will look like shit and have a fraction of your intelligence
>>456263 D cup on 6' is not even that big >>456264 fucking non-white women is okay as long as you don't knock them up. but no jevvs/niggers, that's just gross. though there's also the issue of being seen in public with them. that's a major thing that's kept me away, I don't want to normalize race-mixing. so when I say it's okay to fuck them, just don't knock them up, there's also the fine print 'don't let white women see you with them, because that conditions them into thinking it's acceptable behavior' remember one time I drove by an Aryan lad with a gook and I kinda slowed down and stared at them like, "wtf?" and they glared back at me self-consciously
>>456263 Watch out it's not a troon boon, lad. You might get reverse BUCKED by xer BBC.
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>Spic the eternal virgin Yeah I'm really going to take this opinion seriously
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>that's a major thing that's kept me away he says as if he ever had any chance in the first place
>>456249 I love her.
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>>456268 I've had plenty of chances, especially considering I hardly ever get out. I just don't take them, and a major reason for that is that probably 60% of the foids that liked me were non-white. do lads here actually never experience women indicating interest in them? I don't see why you think it's so hard to believe when I say it happens to me. I'm not fat or ugly or anything, a bit short but not extremely so example scenario: have a dentist appointment, sit down in a chair in the waiting room. almost all of the chairs empty. gook lass enters, checks in, and sits down in the chair right next to me. normally people are going to sit in some random chair far away from anybody else, clearly what happened is the 'tfw no white bf' gook walked in, spotted a handsome whitoid in her age group, and sat down next to him in the hope that he would initiate. I didn't, and got called in a minute later, but I'd call that 'a chance'. if I initiated without sperging, got her name and number, were smooth and called her later that day to arrange a date, that could have been a thing. I just didn't. things things never happen to you? I don't get why it's so hard to believe >inb4 le delusional that you think a girl sitting next to a guy means she is interested I really don't think that's delusional at all. if her first impression was that I was some creepy incel, she could have easily sat in any of the other chairs around the room like any normal person would do. it's actually almost a social faux pas to do what she did, she violated social norms to create a nonzero possibility of me making a move on her
she's so irrelevant i genuinely forgot her name, but I can remember the memis keep wanting to say "gretel" keek
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>456270 keeeeeeeeeek you're such a fucking headcase, nigger
>>456273 >tfw a woman is in the same room as me she's breathing in that "I want you to give me the D" way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7POmcsMvJU spic has that cheesy dago macho shite going where they cope all day long but they don't have that anglo drip
>>456232 I'm absolutely certain of the unblinking and eternal eye of the cosmos emanating its acausal void rays.
>>456275 >ywn look like this and skewer wogs with a rapier like this
>>456273 >>456274 >a gook girl enters the dentist's office lobby for an appointment >notices a decent-looking white guy in one of the chairs, almost all of which are empty >checks in >decides, out of all the available places, to sit right next to him- something people don't nomally do, something which would require a nonzero amount of bravery why else would she do that but that she doesn't have a boyfriend and thought I was handsome, so why not sit next to me and see what happens? it's not delusional, it's common sense. she did exactly what you would expect her to do if the situation is as I characterize it, and there's really no plausible alternative explanation for her behavior. a woman is not going to open up on a guy, like say "hi" or something, because that takes more bravery than a woman has and they consider that 'our job'. sitting next to me was 'putting the ball in my court', which is the most that 99% of women are going to do. I think it is completely reasonable to extrapolate from this situation that the gook lass 'gave me a chance'. do you really not? because I think YOU are delusional. and moreover, you don't answer my question- does this sort of situation really NEVER happen to you? a foid indicating a nonzero amount of interest? and this is just one example to prove the point, and not even a remarkable one that
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>456278 because it's entirely in your head you utter fucking mongoloid basket case
>>456277 >rapier lad isn't backsword proper english?
>>456279 why did she sit next to me, then? in the hope that I would make small talk to entertain her for a few minutes? if small talk was what she wanted, she could have sat on the other side of the room and started chatting. that would require a comparable amount of bravery to sitting right next to me, which is a WEIRD thing to do
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>456281 Because she randomly picked a seat and you happened to be there in the one next to it. You're literally describing yourself imagining the motivation that you want you spastic. >it would require more bravery to sit away from the greasy spic autist rather than next to him She probably saw that you were developmentally disabled and thought it might be seen as rude if she sat away from you
when you enter a lobby and sit down, and almost all of the chairs are empty, and there's like 1-2 complete strangers sitting far apart from eachother in silence, the NORMAL thing to do is to pick some random empty chair far away from them and sit there in silence. maybe grab a magazine, or play with your phone while you wait. sitting right next to some complete stranger when there's no real reason to do that is WEIRD, it's like using the adjacent urinal when there's plenty of free ones. the only plausible explanation for why she would do that is that she: >is single >thought 'ooh he handsome, I'll sit next to him, maybe he will hit on me' I'm waiting for an alternate explanation for this behavior. this is just common sense
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it's beginning to stop being as much fun laughing at the retard
found a cool example of a gigabrained arabcel's gun recently, it's from the mid 18th century but constructed using techniques at least 2-3 centuries old by that point, meaning it was either a truly ancient heirloom gun even at the time or some larping towelhead chud wanted to play at being a horse archer it's a matchlock carbine but has a chest stock presumably for use one handed while mounted, but because it's a chest instead of a shoulder stock it means it's underpowered as well as being inaccurate >>456280 probably tbh i haven't consoomed enough swordtuber videos to know the right terminology for a small sidearm type sword I would usually just use "hanger"
>>456282 >Because she randomly picked a seat and you happened to be there in the one next to it I hadn't activated my cloaking device. the seat choice was not random. the seat was defined by its adjacency to me, and therefore it could only have been chosen for that characteristic
>you have to be invisible for someone to pick a chair at random and it happen to be the one next to you
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>>456288 >when you enter a lobby and sit down, and almost all of the chairs are empty, and there's like 1-2 complete strangers sitting far apart from eachother in silence, the NORMAL thing to do is to pick some random empty chair far away from them and sit there in silence debunk this. this is how it is, stop playing dumb. it's WEIRD to choose a chair next to somebody else in this scenario. I can think of only four reasons why that be done: >you're an extrovert desires small talk, in which case you would say "ahh, lovely weather we're having" while sitting >you're a lonely old person that grew up in a high-trust society where people tend to like to be around eachother >you're a single guy that finds the girl in the adjacent chair pretty (in which case it is your responsibility to initate conversation) >you're a single girl that finds the guy in the adjacent chair handsome (in which case it is his responsibility to initiate conversation)
Don't think you understand the meaning of the word "random" nigger
the fifth reason is that the girl was a plant from the league of /brit/ supreme gentleman sperm donors testing your faith to become one of the cabal >>456286 highly based and LOCAL wonder if he used a threshal
>this pic is at least five years old /brit/ is a flat circle, we are all delusional schizophrenics with alzheimers, and spic is still not white
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>>456290 when I say "random", I mean you pick a random one of a cluster of chairs that is an adequate distance away from the other 1-2 strangers. I drew a schematic of the waiting room. the green chairs are occupied, the red chairs are 'invalid' choices that it is a social faux pas to sit in (barring one of the 4 reasons to sit in them outlined in >>456289). the arrow is pointing to the chair she sat in, the one next to me. there is simply no plausible explanation for this seating choice other than that she found me handsome, and I will die on this hill
>it's pure coincidence, incel
>when I say "random" nigger I'm the one that suggested it's just a random choice of a chair that happened to be beside you, you can't just re-define the meaning of the word "random" to mean something entirely different just to suit your utterly unhinged delusions and over-analysis of literally fucking nothing happening
>he is drawing diagrams to demonstrate how alleged his sexual magnetism functions
on the whole /brit/ is better with spic than without tbh like a court fool type of figure
>>456295 >nigger I'm the one that suggested it's just a random choice of a chair that happened to be beside you what I'm saying is that the fact that the chair was beside me means that it is, by definition, not random. the chair is defined by its adjacency to me. only the white chairs are lacking a defining characteristic, and therefore belong to the 'random' dataset
forgot up at 5am tbh nilas
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>the fact that the chair was beside me means that it is, by definition, not random The chair being next to you has literally no bearing on whether or not it was randomly chosen, you complete and utter jelly-brain.
should not have stayed for just one more minute should not have clicked on that
spic has a car?
thanks for the seethium steiner
>>456301 so basically, you're denying the existence of the unwritten rule that it is peculiar to sit next to a complete stranger in a waiting room when there are plenty of empty chairs that are not next to somebody? that the red chairs depicted in >>456293 are, in fact, merely white chairs? that they belong to the same 'random' dataset as the other white chairs, with near-equal weighting? the red chairs are red because they are 'next to' the green chairs. they are defined by being adjacent to the green chairs. if somebody decides to sit in a red chair, they do so knowing that they are sitting 'next to' whoever is sitting in that green chair. and yet you insist that that does not necessarily factor into their motive for selecting that chair? that it was a completely random choice? pure delusion. the reality is, when a young woman sits next to a young man in a waiting room with no shortage of empty chairs, she is inviting him to make a move on her. that's a fact. imagine if a fat stinky incel playing a handheld console was sitting in a green chair >>456293- would a hot Stacy sit in a red chair next to him, 'randomly'? of course not. she would sit as far away from him as she possibly could, or perhaps one seat closer than as far as possible to be nice. >>456307 everybody does here, it's not possible to get anywhere otherwise. there's no public transportation, it's just roads
>>456309 are you still a neet or has mummy forced you to join the rest of the toilers
>>456310 I've toiled before but not in awhile. I don't want to work a shitty job that doesn't pay much, it's degrading
I feel bad for spic being this retarded. Have you ever considered cognitive behavioural therapy?
>>456313 *has you arrested and executed*
>>456218 porn search is failing too actually. bing seems reluctant to give you the same spicy videos it did 4 years ago, and a bunch of the xhamster stuff is down because of that girlsdoporn lawsuit. it's actually harder than ever to find good porn i reckon
>>456315 They're atrocious tbh. Can search the exact title of something and not find it. Kind of silver lining tbf. t. coomer
if jesus is the son of are father does that mean he's my brother?
Morning lads
>>456319 good morbing (morbius morning) lad
>456283 >when you enter a lobby and sit down, and almost all of the chairs are empty, and there's like 1-2 complete strangers sitting far apart from eachother in silence, the NORMAL thing to do is to pick some random empty chair far away from them and sit there in silence. maybe grab a magazine, or play with your phone while you wait. Maybe she sat next to you to avoid your stares while you were playing with your dick spic?

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