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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3968: Bro Please Edition Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 06:24:08 Id: 166d8a No. 454814
Opinion polls predicting 'Starmergeddon' should make voters think twice of handing Labour huge majority by voting Reform, Transport Secretary Mark Harper warns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13536649/Opinion-polls-predicting-Starmergeddon-make-voters-think-twice-handing-Labour-huge-majority-voting-Reform-Transport-Secretary-Mark-Harper-warns.html Tories FINALLY open fire on Reform with ex-minister David Davis saying party merger would be like 'offering a golf club arsonist a membership' and Robert Jenrick saying Farage's outfit is opening the door to a Labour 'dictatorship'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13535705/Tories-FINALLY-open-fire-Reform-David-Davis-Nigel-Farage-Robert-Jenrick-election.html Nigel Farage to launch 'contract with the people' in Wales following poll boosts https://news.sky.com/story/nigel-farage-to-launch-contract-with-the-people-in-wales-following-poll-boosts-13154079
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:01:28.
cannot wait for the conservative party dissolving forever soon
>>454816 choon that >>454817 tbqh and good riddance
Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say At least Greece is doing border control correctly. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0vv717yvpeo
>>454819 finally a coastguard who actually guard the coast
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Had a labour campaigner at my door on Saturday and I asked him about the local migrant hotel and he just said "we'll look into it". At the end of our conversation he begged me not to vote tory because i was coy about my vote. Mumberg saying she will vote green then I told her about the troons and the allahu snackbar muzzies and she had no idea that was even a thing I hate so many of our own people, it really doesnt sit right with me that i do >>454817 tbh
>>454822 >Mumberg saying she will vote green then I told her about the troons and the allahu snackbar muzzies and she had no idea that was even a thing think it's just a given that mummies will be underinformed and just voot based on surface appearances tbh
>>454823 I get it tbh but ignorance or indifference to politics should simply be unacceptable to anyone who goes outside these days. Pakis and niggers everywhere, every institution crumbling and browned and you're going to just vote for the 'nice' one. NOT GOOD ENOUGH MUMMY
>>454824 tbh tbh
Morning lads >>454823 >>454824 Tbh most voters are quite distracted with work/kids and don’t pay enough attention and the rest dgaf or are just dumb, younger voters have no experience of different parties and their criminal histories, older people who should know better fall for the lies time after time and just play switcheroo every 5 yrs
>>454826 smorb lad >>454827 well they can't be that upset about it considering what country they all moved to
>>454828 >Nige and all the others keep repeating the ‘we are one nation and must act as one’ unenforceable and in any case utter nonsense rubbish.
Keeeeeeeek >DONCHU AXE ME A BLACK MAN TO HAV MANNERS IN A MUTHAFUCKIN’ RESTRON! https://nitter.poast.org/Muhsoci0factors/status/1802098887131312208
>>454829 smh what can men do against such reckless civicry
>>454830 homogroidic drama queen who needs fucking lynched tbh
>>454831 Difficult isn’t it. All I know is your homeland cannot be called such if you feel unsafe in it
>>454835 Exactly what I predicted based off of Hitchens book the Cameron Delusion, which he apparently did not. Wonder if he'll continue to be a contrarian or re endorse zero seats.
>>454835 So did Tommy Mair
Wish they’d support their own suicides tbh would make other people feel less suicidal and maybe enjoy a better quality of life without swamping the country. It’s not going to stop at terminal illnesses is it?
>>454834 she's not even good looking either. vage inflation is chronic.
>>454839 This tbh. It’s the entitlement as well. What the fuck do they bring to the table? Tbh if we are in competition with import ideologies such as Islam, jeets and other turd worlders we are fucked demographically. Women will just end up screwing themselves over. They know they’re expected to work at a job for 40 odd years, why not a marriage?
BMJ is collapsing. Twitch staff member mentions his (broken) door and he calls him a rat
he loses it all and then realizes the crack dealer is on the way
>>454843 There's an Indian man in town who walks about 1.5 miles to and from Tesco with a trolley, I think the staff just let him take ownership of it at this point
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfEzx-i_fqM
Imagine working for crazy joe
>>454846 Seen this loads tbh. Seen the downie who collects them in the street fighting with these jeets as well
Shamefur dispray
>>454850 would like to have a job that involves battering jeets every day
>>454852 You would have to become a jeet cop or go back in time to the days of the raj tbh. Would be a funny occupation though tbh - Jeet beater NO SAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DO NOT REDEEM STICK ON MY BAAAAADY SAHHHHHHHH! PLEASE SAHHHHHHH!
>>454853 no shortage of sikh suckers in the replies
>>454853 Respect to Sikhs bro 👊 >>454855 It's baffling tbh
Anybody else here succeeding with alcoholism?
Even get battered at football too.
>>454858 Gave it a try tbh. Failed
Spic is always trying to gaslight that gambling addict/actor into brit discourse. nobody gives a shit.
>>454857 >’ate ragheads >luv Seeks >’ate muslamics >luv Doobye >simple as me
You actually fucking wotm8? Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >G’wan blud, lemme stab you again! https://nitter.poast.org/alexharmstrong/status/1802361646657962378
If this means public executions for all previous politicians and traitors as it should then count me IN! it won’t
time for another covfefe
>>454861 I'm delivering only the top BMJ kino, you should be thankful. he's really melting down after the magnitude of the Kick ban sunk in >>454841 >>454842, this is good stuff he has no fucking money, bro, he's about to fuck a dude. oooohhh my gooood man
>>454867 Seeing Moran's work go from regular newspaper cartoonist to unhinged Garison tier since the pandemic has been hilarious
thais are good gooks
is there more than one flip/thai poster? I get the feeling there's a few.
>>454869 nice chebs tbh. want to bury my face in them
>>454873 that's one beefy taco.
>>454873 hispanics are such dogs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay692Tc2380 >Reform pledging to spend almost as much as the Greens and create a 36 billion black hole Wew
>>454876 >source the most notorious lying news outlet in the country
BLACK HOLE SUN, WON'T YOU COME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mbBbFH9fAg
You'd have to get into power and actually see what the fuck is going on anyway.
>>454876 >believing either reform or sky news at this stage lmao
>>454868 Censored image is degenerate derangement.
>>454874 That's what they look like post puberty, nonce.
>>454883 nah not always, incel.
>those OP links ZERO SEATS *shoots a T*ry in the head* Okay, thank you.
>>454885 Tbh some lasses have perfect pink innies their whole lives.
>>454874 >>454888 I like brown horse pussy tbh
>>454889 nip lass is perfection ngl.
would love me nose right up that arsehole *sniff sniff*
Any good discord servers lads?
>>454885 Always, tranny nonce.
>>454891 >>454892 neither are nip, I think the first is Thai and the second is maybe Filipina, would be south Chinese at the northmost
>>454894 >he's never even seen a really pussy smh
>>454896 real*
>>454895 could be, you wouldn't know.
>>454898 no I just looked at a bunch of other pictures of her, she is clearly southeast Asian, not northeast Asian. that's like looking at a swarthy Mediterranean and saying 'he could be Finnish, you wouldn't know'
like, bro...you're not a connoisseur of pussy.
anyway, I guess what I was trying to say was I want my nose up that.
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>>454903 you're looking well lass
>>454903 typical white woman playthrough of self own because they can't cope with youths passing and motherhoods approach
she was decently fit before and had top level god tier milk
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Am I the only lad who found vanilla Oblivion high elven women beautiful?
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>cheese on burgers made of fresh ukrainian for serial criminal Chuckie and his lesbo daughter
>>454913 >This elderly Jew with an annual salary of $193,400 has a lesbian daughter, has never before had a barbeque with his family and when he finally does have a barbeque, he uses what appears to be low quality mass-produced supermarket meats I actually feel sorry for him.
https://wws.youtube.com/watch?v=yDTiZisXrkw >Forbes Smh I literally thought this was an edit the first time I saw it.
>>454908 Keeeeeeek
>>454907 No, you are right and based. >>454908 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I've infiltrated some normie spheres to try and geg on some normal birds
>>454919 Hellish creatures, aren't they?
>>454920 Love 'em tbh, they're such silly shitehawks
they flooded Liverpool recently, it was . . . exhilarating
Dario G has died lads He up in heaven now with Bernard Hill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFKhgF_vkgs
Just read it was a trio but the bbc and daily mail are both saying dario g is dead, I've been had. He was only one third. Dario G lives on
>>454924 Ian McKellan fell off stage tonight and was screaming "help me". He's in hospital now. I'll keep you updated.
>>454913 boomers have no self awareness. he is larping like a 40 year old dad when he is an ELDER statesman guy is pushing 70 the founding fathers were my age when they wrote the documents of this memi country and 50 something benny franklin was considered a gramps by them
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>>454925 Bad news comes in threes
boomers intentionally sabotaged generation of millennial daughters so they could avoid becoming grandparents so they could larp as "the parents" for longer. you can see the boomer self obsession when you go to their house and they act like toilmen are invading their house and get all pissy
>>454925 once less gay nonce thespian
>>454913 >cheeseburger not kosher, is this a ruse? also, mantits
>>454929 Tbh. I don't actively wish him harm, but I certainly have no problem with misfortune being visited upon faggots.
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>spic spamming his ugly mexicoon coomer material Auslad why hast thou forsaken us
>>454912 He got his nose broken at the end of the match tonight
spic is built for bbc
>>454928 tbh very accurate poost
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>>454913 hope he washed them down with a couple of cold plant based beers. he's so relatable, i luv him
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mla6ocf8cc >Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow >Gotta get to happiness, want no more of sorrow
>>454932 he toils now
Bought some fig rolls.
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>>454940 good lad
Jezza should set out to smash the Labour party by creating his own party, taking over the WPB, or at the very least urging people not to vote Labour. Unfortunately he's too much of a senile cuck to stand up for himself.
overtime today smh a piece blew up in the furnace last night so we had to take all the rollers out and clean the glass off them takes about ten hours for it to cool down to a safe temperature and then another six or seven to heat it back up again big backlog of work piled up that we'll be spending the rest of the week clearing out tbh busy day tomorrow >>454942 the tories and labour both getting btfo in are lifetimes is something that's just too good to ever happen in reality smh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vueQQTBFCoE >UK net migration in proportion to population size is at its highest since 1855
Net migration is only part of the story tbh. If a million people left the UK to balance the million coming in per year we'd be at net zero but that would be even worse.
>>454947 shh lad you'll give them ideas
A very Hitler morning de lads
Morning lads
>>454951 Beardson is a midget faggot tbh but he is correct with the second post
>>454951 What kind of name is Beardson Beardly?
>>454947 Hopefully a proportion of those leaving are other disillusioned browns.
>>454949 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek morning lad >>454950 smorbing lad
thinking about how there were lots of lasses wearing ankle-length skirts at the shops on the weekend vgh
>>454956 Probably a new drive to protect from skin cancer.
>>454957 >By importing more Sudanese we can eradicate this in Straya!
>>454957 don't think so tbh it was in a shopping centre choosing to believe that they're coming back into fashion tbh tired of lasses only wearing jeans or yoga pants although speaking of jeans i did see one lass pull off the avril lavigne look very well tbh suppose that's long ago enough that it's retro now smdh >>454959 don't think anyone actually likes albo tbqh he only got in because he was the least unpopular of the big two to be frank that kind of thing is the main reason why i advocate for the single transferable vote tbh not because i expect anything to change but because i expect nothing to change give people complete freedom of choice for who they want to be represented by and they still pick the big two and then grumble about it grumble about red team and tell you that blue team wouldn't have done this or grumble about blue team and tell you that red team wouldn't have done this it's freeing in a way knowing that the average joe is a slave by choice god i wish i could cut these creatures loose
>>454960 It's always a shocker when I see a woman with dress sense these days. I still remember one a few years ago with this long flowing summer dress. It still sticks out in my mind because it was beautiful (as was she) but it had none of the crassness of jeans, yoga pants or short skirts. She looked refined for it, hell she probably was of some intellect for not conforming to female fashion noosphere consciousness.
>>454962 >hell she probably was of some intellect for not conforming to female fashion noosphere consciousness. tbh they have fashion conformity beamed directly into their heads 24/7 smh have to have at least half a brain or be a complete autiste to ignore that kind of programming
>>454964 And so the cancer continues to spread.
>>454964 >thailand
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>>454951 >>454952 >>454953 beansoy is a dumb fag kek @ this roastie though >>454964 why are people supporting this garbage? <le men should fug eachother in the arse xDD >but why? that's gross < >:c
latest anti-gf propaganda just dropped
>>454967 >put a ring on it When they don’t take that seriously and have 6million laws enabling them to just dump you and ruin your entire family and life when they have a mood swing
>>454970 Excuses you disgusting incel misogynist.
>>454970 not to mention that we don't want to marry used up old cunts. if I'm going to be basically dedicating the rest of my life to building a family with a foid then she's going to have to be young, attractive, and pure, otherwise she can fuck off and look for some other sap
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! they’re all deep fakes https://nitter.poast.org/libsoftiktok/status/1802790750049952223
>>454975 just sad smh let the man rest he's half dead as it is
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>>454975 wtf is going on with Meloni's top? you can see in the second pic that there's no cleavage, but in the first pic it's as if she's pulling it down?? why is she hiding her hand under that scarf? in the second pic, the neck area of the shirt looks stretched out.
>>454978 What are you seeing qoomer lad? Her hand is touching her collar bone because she's getting hot and bothered surrounded with power of the old and poo
shnight lads
>>454980 ni ni
>>454979 I'm saying that it looks like she's pulling down her shirt collar to expose her breasts. Notice how the camera zooms in on her face, she does a bizarre hand signal, and then the camera zooms out to her shirt no longer being pulled down. I don't know if there was any premeditation between Meloni and the cameraman, but it definitely looks like she's pulling her shirt down to show off her cleavage. >>454980 nini
>>454982 Yeah i want to shag her too
>>454984 but are you seeing what I'm seeing regarding the top, though? this slut is a head of state, sitting in between two heads of state, and she's concerning herself with showing off her tits >women in politics
>>454985 kek no tbh lad, that top is too high for any good cleavage shots
>>454983 keek based. one of these on every street if Reform get in
>>454986 exactly. and yet, in that first screenshot, you can see her cleavage. the only explanation is that she is pulling her shirt collar down to expose her breasts, hiding the hand she's using under the scarf
>>454988 circle the cleavage in the pic, because all i see of flesh is her forearm positioned up to her neck
>>454988 Lad I think you need to lay off the gooning for a little while
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>>454989 are you blind?
>>454992 that's a forearm nigga
>>454994 it's not. is it going up or down? if it's going up, where's the hand? if it's going down, where is the arm coming from? the shoulder goes down. that flesh on her chest is boob, lad, and her top's collar is high up enough that you wouldn't see it unless she were pulling it down
>>454995 Her left hand is clearly on her right shoulder, you can see her fingers
>>454996 draw outlines on where you think her arms are like I did. I am not seeing any fingers on her shoulder
>>454996 Those are shoulder tits
>>454997 cunt stop trolling or go get your eyes tested
>>454999 oooooohhhh okay I'm seeing it now
>>454993 Such a mundane bint rehashing very basic talking points not very well. Hate the internet tbh. Full of proper mongs. Just like outside tbh.
meloni would get melonied tbf
>Me posting “IT’S HAPPENING LADS!” on the bus in Kirkby https://nitter.poast.org/ActivePatriotUK/status/1802973936520765607
Of course
This fucking retard
>>454993 She's a fed
>>455009 Do not trust her at all. She came in like a rekting ball tbh
BMJ got a sponsorship on Shuffle, another online casino. he gets 8k/week split into 2k 4 times or something. got a runup to 15k and seems he lost 10k of it in 30 seconds, idk what happened to the other 5k if paid some loans or something but he was 30k in debt his mood seems to have improved, at least. he was really falling apart for a couple days
The purest of seethium. https://nitter.poast.org/BylineTimes/status/1796884120305303840 >>455006 isn't that like old footage?
>>455012 Why do you follow this ape?
>>455014 because it's funny >>454841 >>454842
>>455015 But it isn't. Watching him is about as funny as being dismembered. tbh
>>454908 just needs some good sfx keeek >>454940 luv em tbh can't have em no more though smh >>454944 smh 'ate setbacks me less physically intensive but I'm having to do a load of officetoil again this year since several months of work I did last year magically got lost smdh >>454949 feels like the french equivalent of toryboys getting too optimistic tbh >>454968 too much of this and the architects will co-opt the meme tbh >>454969 been a while since I've seen tim his beanie got even bigger, I guess he's got a massive norwood and an oasis-like bald spot by now >>454983 giwtwm >>455017 not pictured, I<3Japan coomer about to go in for the kill
>>455022 TRS dot biz
Anybody who saw Charlottesville would recognise him from that alone tbh.
Has anyone asked pee tear bitch tins of he's changed his mind about his retarded endorsement of Tories now that poonACK has come out in support of euthanasia?
>>455025 wews should ask him since he always seems to respond to his post on twatter
>>455017 Very beautiful lasses
>>455007 Why would you pay £144k before any work was even undertaken? Ridiculous.
>>455027 thanks, lad.
>when you hire Tories to weed out racists but they don't do a good enuss job so you get embarrassed by having a few racists in your party Leader of the Briddish roight wang Nigel Fromage.
>>455031 There was also the shitskin who got done for kicking a dog keek
Bought some Lindisfarne mead to try and it's very nice de lads
>>455034 good lad
Our Lady of St. Louis Performer of miracles https://nitter.poast.org/EndWokeness/status/1802755626428137960
>>455036 Es todo tan cansado.
The only decent thing he posts is the odd tearup >bobs and vagene jeet btfo https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1803147107114659978
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEReCN9gO14 Wonder what happened to her.
>>455041 That was 9 years ago lad.
that's a catch up video. what else do you think has happened in her life? might not even be still about.
>I'm here for the Prime Minister job
>>455038 Barely speaks English but he knows the routine that gets him out of trouble. >I turned her away just told her come back later >It's the other guy I dindu nuffin >Ah you're a nooticer, das racist, you're done now you're getting arrested bloody bitch bastard
>>455043 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT9pjyMH6so She gave an interview on Brexit since then. You're just talking bollocks.
Furiosa is a good movie. I recommend it.
>>455046 THAT'S 8 YEARS AGO
>>455047 >Furiosa is a good movie. I recommend it. so it's shit then.
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Bins, stick a film on.
>>455048 Keek that's why I asked you spastic.
>>455053 learn how to use the internet, lass.
How about some footie chants for de lads?
This news is a real bummer.
uh oh lads, I don't think this room belongs to one of the good guys.
>>455058 UK seems so paranoid about nationalists in shartica they kind of mock and joke about nativists but they are not so mercilessly pigeonholed and strawmanned as you lads experience
>>455060 aight me breda. ye smokin' da peaceful 'erb?
>>455062 what? I thought you were are resident rasta.
>>455063 It was a trap
LADS LADS LADS >>455058 is that from a game or CG artwork?
>>455065 Game. Set in 1975 on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland.
>she's done him
>>455067 >it's real Didn't know Jabbles was a libtard. Smh.
cheese recommendation for the lads Pie d'Angloys extremely nice golden mild camembert, doesn't need melting or anything was just going to have a little taste before bed for good dreams but had 3/4ths of the round on toast before I knew it >>455034 verygoodlad, what's the price like? last bottle of mead I bought was local and still £20 smh >>455057 getting mandela effected tbh thought he already died years ago along with christopher lee >>455059 got to have someone to oppress smh >>455068 >streaming zogglevision why though? if the bbc spy cunts ever come knocking the only response is to tell them they'd have to pay us to watch their shite
>>455068 People should be arrested for watching Sky, not just for not paying.
>>455071 tbh tbh any consoomers of state tv need some time in the stocks at the very least with lots of rotten fruit to hand for the public
>>455068 Anyone who watches Sky should be arrested.
glad to see /brit/ has a firm consensus on the talmudvision question now let's watch some BASED anime, or maybe bins can stream Mad Maxine!
>>455070 Got it on amazog for £10. worth it tbh very pleasant, though this is my first time trying a mead
Chud truck just arrive
>>455075 good deal >amazog albeit tbh mead goes well chilled with ice cubes, it's a nice summer drink
>>455076 based even THOUGH it's probably some kind of pissraeli seethe stunt
>>455021 F. had such a powerful voice, that's too young for a Chud to pass
hey wessieman
>>455079 I agree, lad.
>>455081 majestic
JUSTin Timberlake
he hit 105k! 70k in the casino, 35k in withdrawals wonder what happens next, still catching up
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$1m wagered in 24 hours on the new site 175k in withdrawals thing is the site technically does not allow US customers so he may have an issue withdrawing the money. some are speculating they tweaked the odds in his favor because he's a new sponsor, it is unusual how lucky he got on the first day with a new sponsor
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BOSSMAN GOT THE 175K it just hit his wallet
>>455091 keeeeeeek >>455093 sharting himself just to consoom some poorly made nigcel propaganda
>>455060 another banger from rastalad
>>455095 trying to do a 3 day fast, but parentbergs aren't happy about it. why can't people just mind their business
>>455085 lad literally nobody here except you cares about this subhuman
>>455099 based smorb lad
pew pew pew
>>455099 keeeeeeeeeeeek
Expecting British police to go full idf on them https://nitter.poast.org/antisemitism/status/1801666771872629000
>>455104 Nice to see all the kikes kvetching in the comments.
>>455105 it's all they ever do
Fucking hell keeeeeeeeeeeeeek >we wuz geniuses an sheeeeeeeeeeit https://nitter.poast.org/HilzFuld/status/1802576753778467311
>>455106 lmao >>455108 a lot of them are legit mediocre
>>455105 They’re literally threatening everyone if they don’t toe the line whilst also trying to tell people they’re the good guys. They must think people are really so dumb as not to notice. Obviously not genius level, more gangster level tbh
>>455110 it's worked for them so far
>>455111 They get a pass
>>455106 >"I sent my rabbi pictures of the guy with his dead kid. He didn't say anything. He has kids. He's posting pictures of him, his husband and his kids" missed that because I didn't listen all the way through
>>455114 Murderous gay rage rabbi keeeeeeeeek
>>455116 I was just thinking as a gayist he's not interested in his kids as you are as a straight woman.
>>455110 >Flying the flags of proscribed terrorist orgs would've been unthinkable, now there are no consequences Police being indifferent to Isis flags but arresting people for waving our own flags isn't new in westoid shitholes. Fucking hate this canary in the coalmine narrative. Jews aren't the first threatened in a slippery slope to everyone being threatened, they're literally the last affected by things authority didn't care were affecting everyone else.
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The Maldives, upon considering banning Israelis from entering the country, has realized that doing so would also ban some Arabs- an unintended side effect. As a result, they may simply ban all Jevvs instead. If they also deport all Jevvs from the country, this will officially be the 110th expulsion.
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>455121 >Jevvs as cringeworthy as people who use asterisks when they type swearwords
My postwoman is a qt in her 20s with with blue highlights in her hair and she smiled at me. Incel no more >>455119 Grim, but muzzies and lefties will be sneething. Every cloud
$50k gone in 50 seconds. at the start of the video he had 200k total, down to the 150k he had withdrawn at the end
>>455121 There was something floating about about Japanese hotels doing something similar. They stated something about housing IDF members potentially put them at risk of sheltering war criminals. lel
>455124 filtered
he freaked out more over losing $5 last week than he does about $50k now. dopamine receptors utterly fried >>455125 banning IDF is pretty conservative, Maldives wanted to ban all Israeli citizens and now they might just ban Jevvs
another 50k gone

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Niggardly Noah flipped on the rat switch. poor Bossman can't help himself from gambling away all the money he won yesterday -$100k in an hour. he went from $175k to $50k
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>>455130 do you realize the magnitude of this guy's retardation? just a few days ago he was down in the dumps, didn't have a single dollar, $30k in debt. then he gambles his way up to $200k, and rather than walking away, paying off his debt, buying a car, investing the money, and becoming a fishing streamer or something he just gambles it all away. he says "I have to win it all back"
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>455131 I reiterate
FRENCH FAR HARD RIGHT TO BAN FURTHER FAR HARDER RIGHT! Freemasons gonna Freemason tbh https://nitter.poast.org/ultrasnotreds18/status/1803363065926394125
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>>455135 Hank Green became based?
another -$50k
Snoop Frog Wessie! What’s he saying? sounds like he’s giving surrender monkeys their marching orders if they don’t like immigration tbh https://nitter.poast.org/F_Desouche/status/1803185699065139562
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this is not new but I haven't seen the second or third before. wild
>chinks on the scene to stop them gooklad was right!
Might just shit on my ballot now
Even if I trusted Farage, I'd ask wtf is he doing allowing Tories into Reform. Even Anne Biddicombe is a Blairite. Lee Anderson was in Labour post 97 and Cons post 2010, two things that should make someone banned from joining a proper patriotic party. Of course Farage endorsed Tories in 2019. He actually knowingly told people to vote for far left globalist Johnson. He should never be trusted or forgiven.
>>455144 There is such a thing as a right wing tory, you know
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anything to the left of vid related is far-left, tbh
>>455142 Fucking Gayrainian
>>455143 Will draw a Pepe on mine >Vote PeePee PooPoo [X]
>>455141 how does spraying stone henge with pain help end pollution?
>>455153 dude... just stop oil, lmao
Would you like to see my rocket later tonight?
>>455156 Wew she has not aged well. I remember a video before Musk was quite such a big name where she totally emasculated him in public. There's also one of his exes trooning his son, and not to mention grimes. His taste in women is shite
>>455158 None beat the wall no wonder di caprio swaps them out on the regs
>>455159 >MsLadyBritannia expected it to be a troon, technically even worse
so much astroturf it is wild
>>455141 based chinks defending are heritage
>Tommeh not realising he’ll always be a traitor https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1803353403252146446
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek Rebel news have run out of people to work for them State of this one https://nitter.poast.org/RebelNewsOnline/status/1803213074234745311
wews is placing a bounty on the heads of the stonehenge defilers
>>455166 accurate memi for canada as well
>>455168 Accurate for everywhere Anglo tbh >My name’s Daniel and I love me pockets ..and Ross Kemp as well probably https://nitter.poast.org/RUK_RossDarwen/status/1803453149274935360
>>455167 A Bounty? Not a bar o Dairy Milk and a pint of milk?
https://youtu.be/HzLQzAtjjEw found i new midge to despise
The state of this trans hasid keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/JustStop_Oil/status/1765355879640060315
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek Another troon >Pentonville >male prison https://nitter.poast.org/JustStop_Oil/status/1725504070977298858
1kg away from obesity lads!
>>455180 Congratulations?
>>455181 how heavy would this make you? get on the extended water fast train lad
>tfw upper abs becoming almost visible after 3 days nofood do feel really tired and out of it though
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=995MPnGFHn8 Tories to slump to lowest number of seats since party's formation
>>455182 >>455183 It's muscle, I'm 171cm and 87kg
btw i'm bbk, add these facts to my lore books
carrying and sustaining all that muscle takes too much food and work. there's a reason our default body type isn't swole, it's also hard on your heart
like how many freddos can you afford to eat to maintain this body?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8Ho8QUcPmU fresh landfillyank shredding things
>455190 Wrong and jelly skelly pillled. Our ancestors were swole. We know so because it shows on their skellertongs. The BMI scale is based on weakling but cheeqs. My diet is largely vegetables, various berries, nuts, and meat. Mostly meat and vegetables with the occasional cheat (fast food lunch on saturdays to celebrate not toiling).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNKyasDqjRg watching alot of muslamic version of HEMA videos they seem kino malays seem like they are the best swordsmen of the mudsharts
>>455194 >(fast food lunch on saturdays to celebrate not toiling) based i do this too, make a bit of a feast out of it (then follow up with an evening of dark fruit tinnies)
thinking about it, our ancestors would've had to carry more muscle than we do today just to farm and fight.
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seeing more dickie spence resurgence again wtf
alberto about to make landfall in mexico as a tropical storm. not the most riveting start to atlantic hurricane season.. but finally something
>>455200 thanks for the updates, weathersperg.
>>455187 I love him, lads.
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>policeman collapses from heatstroke and later dies >colleagues just take selfies and make tiktoks with him rather than seeking medical attention I thank God every day that I wasn't born a jeet
>>455203 he was weak and jeets must be poo proof.
>>455194 Erm ACKshully Neanderswoles were out competed by leaner early modern homos, sweety.
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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd11xxn833yo Muslim entrepreneur gives Reform UK its biggest donation yet, claiming the UK has "lost control of our borders” >As well as being a donor, the BBC understands the 37-year-old will have a public role for Reform UK during the campaign.
>>455206 literally bribing them to water down the agenda
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>>455198 He's come back more moderate and vaccinated than ever.
>>455153 The Druids clearly built it using diggers and cranes which use diesel. Plus there's a car park and cars bad.
>>455209 Also general agents of entropy.
>>455198 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek never heard that dickie take on constantinople and the turkmutts
>>455208 id roll coal on this lame
what if richard spencer became a shot caller in the AB
>>455213 he greenlights spic
>>455215 everyone in charlottesville would be greenlit as well
>>455210 I can understand them throwing paint at a BP garage but not sure what Stonehenge has got to do with it. Just Stop Oil -vs- The Druids might be fun to watch though.
>>455214 smh too many normongs act like you're threatening them if you knock on their doors nowadays >>455217 should send this to dobby
>>455214 love the rotary clubesque cog lel
I love how GBNews are trying to look balanced by having Hitchens on one side and Bastani on the other, when they're both at least part Hebrew. Also Hitchens comes off like an exhausted ghost desperate to get out of limbo realm.
all horned out over the thought of latina puss again lately I've been eating a lil more and think I gained a few pounds of fat, haven't been feeling high test. but the last hour I definitely have been, voice is deep, dunno why. actually now that I think about it, it's probably because I did red light therapy on my testicles before bed, haven't done it for most of a week prior. pfft and lads say it doesn't work gonna work out today, need to get back into that and shred those few pounds I gained and get some muscle back. so skinnyfat rn
I wish I could just breed something like this and 100% European babies would come out. why do they look so hot if that doesn't happen? it's so stupid
>>455224 She looks like a Eurasian with downs syndrome tbh, nice body though.
>>455225 she looks 75% Spanish 25% North Andean (most attractive Amerindians)
Fresh spic
nothing wrong with some red light on the bollocks
Alex Stein's favorite big booty Latina just named el Judeo, lads
>>455230 >shoes on indoors I'd be disgusted too
>>455231 >shoes on ever do you even ground?
accidentally bumped the furnace emergency stop with my leg today
>>455233 woolly jumper time 14m88
>>455234 keeeeeeek
also it is the longest day of the year today, does that mean the shortest for u in aus?
>>455236 shortest day's tomorrow over here tbh had to look that up though now that you've pointed it out is has been getting dark early definitely doesn't feel like the middle of winter smh probably the mildest i've ever seen
still t-shirt weather honestly
>>455237 hate the mild winters, we've had a couple the last few years. want one of those old fashioned blizzard winters that starts in november and nobody can leave their house until april. keep in mind, winter doesn't really kick in until well after the solstice, because it takes longer for everything to cool down, here the shortest day is deec 21st, but probably the coldest day would be around late january or early feb
>>455239 >want one of those old fashioned blizzard winters that starts in november and nobody can leave their house until april. same lad really miss snow smh or at least frost even back in england i never saw snow that was more than a light dusting smdh >keep in mind, winter doesn't really kick in until well after the solstice, because it takes longer for everything to cool down fair point tbh
Morning lads
>>455241 >she ignored the sign and relaxed around big, black horses
>>455241 smorbius lad
Big Chungus sends his regards
>>455244 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek now this is politics
>>455195 seamonkeys have a huge sword/knife culture pre-islam so it makes sense they carried it forward tbh think the jungle asian cultures are the only ones in the world that successfully pulled off dual wielding in actual large scale battle >>455197 average farmer in the 1770s had 5k calories for brekkie every day lush >>455233 >tfw you get made to climb in there with a firelighter to get things going again >>455236 >oilfags cheeto dusting stonehenge that close to the summer solstice the mighty stick shall curse them
>>455242 She’ll never use apple shampoo again
>>455244 Keeeeeeeeeeek Micron’s brother looks a bit odd tbh >
>>455246 actually when the furnace was down for real one of the maintenance lads (a grey-haired old head with a thick lancashire accent) climbed inside to get all the melted glass off the bottom of the furnace only been there for a month and a half and i can already see that the grease that keeps the place running is these sixty-plus lads with multiple decades of experience who haven't been training any successors for their roles microcosm etc nothing more needs to be said >>455247 guilty feet have got no rhythm
>>455249 many such cases, awful! maybe you can ask for some training forthrightly just in case they feel like passing it on but were waiting for a confident lad with a firm handshake to approach them first and they're not just wanting to keep their own jobs secure until death
>>455249 They’ve not been allowed to train for years because everyone thought automation would take care of it. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RETARDED AND INCOMPETENT LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT! The managerial class need decimating x 10 TBQFHWY
read some of the memoirs of a british squaddie and he said that the rendlesham forest ufo incident was a bunch of army lads pranking the raf or something I believe it tbh
>>455249 > guilty feet have got no rhythm I’m safe. Have very short hair and use this
>>455253 >zero poo what are their secrets?
>>455257 shitting on company time must have harsh consequences with a poo free boss smh
>>455250 tbh tbh trying to learn everything that anyone's willing to teach haven't had much opportunity though since my first priority is the furnace still managed to learn the cutting table and the va (vertical arrissing machine) in the moments where there's either nothing to do or too much to do to let newbies get in the way want to learn more but i'm kept on a short leash smh whenever i'm on the cutting table they talk about how they want to get me moved to there permanently tbh they like how i'm quick on the uptake >>455251 tbqh the enlightened types really thought they'd be the last generation to work reminds me of how ai research started getting a computer to look at a photo and tell what was in it was given to some undergrads as a summer project god i wish we had their optimism
>>455257 >Poof Ree Taster
>>455260 yeah how do them reeeeeees taste? poof
>>455259 Don’t let them pigeonhole you and ask them to get you sent on courses my mate did that and ended up with loads of certs and working three days a week and getting paid to study for two. He does this everywhere
>>455261 Keeeeeeeeeeek
"Up the RA" Nige?
shnight lids >>455262 tbh going to try to get forklift certified on the company dollar if i can already a first aider but i get i can get them to pay for me to renew it when it comes around
>>455265 Did forklift and reach truck in the same day had to pay it myself though. Think the cert allows you to drive the construction forklifts though and they’re more comfortable, slightly better for your back and pays more. If the floors you work on aren’t smooth with the smaller ones they will guaranteed fuck your lower back
>>455265 Night
Cannot wait until these traitorous rat cunts are all gone
Oh shit Farage is in my neck of the woods right now
>his speaking event is sold out fuuuuuck
>>455274 just loiter outside with a milkshake lad
>>455277 You alright lad?
oh fuck YESSSSS Russia and North Korea are now officially in a military alliance https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/19/russia-and-north-korea-sign-mutual-defence-pact
>>455280 it's kino and all but they can't really do much THOUGH
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iirc a lot of tards on soybattles are kvetching about norks being sold western tech that is being used to assemble missiles which are then sent to russia impressive logistics tbh doing all this under sanctions and scrutiny. not sure if chyna helps out or doesn't give a fuck or what, presumably that's the route this stuff takes anyway
>>455280 Literally weh though? Just makes Pootler look like an evil pooviet gommie moomin rights abuser.
>>455282 >hyping up conservatards the redux I suppose sargn is revolting tbf
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>>455285 lad you just don't get it do you
>>455247 Apex keeeek
Sarcoon of Stepdad.
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>>455288 you'll regret that
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>"Farage might just do it" t. Sargoon do what though?
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Wonder what his new machine will herald?
>>455295 >>455295 shave britun
>>455282 >>455282 >a lovely gent called Douglas Carswell
>>455293 >the two-headed monster >progressivism and wokeism not >the banking system and global jewry
>"great" Shaitan
>>455298 >>the banking system and global jewry wow you really got him there lad these are the policies people really want to hear about
>>455300 >these are the policies people really want to hear about I care not for what the common man wants. They're a mad rabble of peasants. They must be red pilled intravenously and by force if necessary!
no way a farmer ate 5k calories for breakfast in the 1770s. if they could afford to do that every morning then i want to go back and be a peasant
>>455303 Just before he had his 5 lassoed Irish Wolfhounds drag him out on to the fields for a hard day of plowing the fields with nothing but his massive gunt.
england stilll poo at footballl
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>>455303 Not impossible if you consider that he may not have eaten much else for the rest of the day >>455284 The second largest party in the Duma are the Communists. >>455244 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
red are communists
>Giving cancer to every nigger with my cerebral racism machine
>>455306 meant to (You) >>455306
>>455306 That was me. That was me thinking nigger at them. I fucking hate niggers. I despise nigggerss. Can't fucking stand NIGGERS.
>>455309 >>455310 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
will the FN victory in france change anything lads
Keeeeeeeeeek The kikery from 16:20 >israeli little hat >imf banking gook >gook says how little israelis work >because they get so much US money >little hat pretending he doesn’t know who money works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsUbV0McYXM
>>455314 No. Bardella is a Freemason who has said he is going to crack down on the far far hard right and far far hard left
>>455316 smh love controlled opposition
>>455315 >what if i don't drink milk
>>455302 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek The Spanish n Italian fans are singing in the stadium
>a koon playing for Spain called Williams
>>455320 niggers need to seriously fuck off their headcanon is absurd and they also make englisc speakers look bad with their peabrained antics
He just had to poo on it with his lesbian friend
>>455321 So irritating tbh
>>455321 tbh it's even worse that zoomies have been adopting their mong speak
>>455324 he's undefeatable
>>455324 He's pretty good at twitter. Suppose he had to be good at something.
wait so some mongs and foreigners defaced stonehenge? imagine if some foreigners spraypainted shite on osaka castle or the black box at mecca or the taj mahal?
>>455328 Yeah some elderly jeet and this genderless freak sprayed orange shite on it, also the first ones on the scene to stop them were elderly gook tourists keek state of it Every member of Just stop oil and all other leftists need hanging from the neck until dead tbqh ok thank you and nite nite
>>455329 These jeets get everywhere
At 6’3 he was no manlet >died at 88 Wdhmbt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pllRW9wETzw
*ahem* NIGGERS
>>455335 Where?
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>And last year, on the forum Reddit, he said that Assad was “gentle by nature” and not “some bloodthirsty tyrant who exercises control over his people with an iron fist”, adding that the dictator had been “led astray” by social stereotyping. Smh the Reform UK candidate praising Hitler is a Redditor.
>>455331 scam heeb hasn't been funny or relevant in 10 years
>>455334 he was a well known hollywood nonce
all for the love of sunshine tank attack scene is kino though more of a vietnam era black comedy angst statement than ww2 since that was a vietnam era song
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>>455336 everywhere
>>455338 Assad unironically is a gentle eye doctor and computer enthusiast thrust into his unenviable position by inheritance and sense of duty. Smh.
>>455330 incel culture has been coopted by shitskins who are upset white women aren't all porn whores that do anal immediately after first introductions
>>455344 A lot of them just rape tbh
>>455346 Uh oh Trump is gonna have you pooed to the max https://nitter.poat.org/NickJFuentes/status/1803918326235537607
>>455347 wtf is nitter im a boomer so I don't use these gay ass zoomer sites where they are bussin or whatever
>>455347 spics out jeets in
>>455350 you lads actually believe any of this election mong shite? yeah stone cold steve austin is going to stunner the rock at summer slam and thats the bottom line
>>455348 Nitter scrapes twitter and lets you read replies that are paywalled on twitter basically >>455350 Ta lad
>>455351 no i only believe in local elections. haven't really been paying attention to shart politics or zumpf
>>455351 No but I believe Drumof will yeet the jeets at you
>>455353 good lad
Can’t fight for toffee
the local issue where I live in shitagain is the town ann arbor is trying to pass "reparations" for the niggers when the 1st michigan infantry regiment in the US civil war was mostly from the town and it was annihilated in combat so actually blacks should pay us reparations
>>455359 should enter during one of the meetings and btfo them epic style by reminding them that weak little nigcel boys had to be freed by white men
So sick of seeing these freaks
>dildodick is a thing
>>455363 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek still hard to believe that's a real goom model
>>455361 yeah I was thinking of going to the city council meeting for repirations i will post the link to it when it happens might try to argue for trans racial reparations since african americans are all from the south and are at this point generally 45 percent plus white
boomers owe me 3.2k for a deck they have like a week to pay me or steinzog will be pulling that shit off their back porch with his POS silverado
>>455367 when did you finish the job? is it common for boomers in shartica to avoid paying toilmen?
>>455368 seems more common than it used to be. finished it on tuesday
>>455366 Do it
>le cia
>>455371 he said he was going to release the 9/11 Commission Report and never did. if he was ever going to do anything, the time was 1/6/21
>>455371 michael collins piper has more or less been proven right and its just more mong brain normalfag boomer trump being out of touch and he doesn't have his good mid 2010s writers anymore so he is just some old fuck saying shite that meant something back in 2005
thats just trump trying to rile up the bill o reilly boomers all in their mid 70s with his mong brained takes. the leadership in this shithole is so fucking old
its like in CK2 when your character has loads of negative traits and all your rivals are getting stronger and your leader will not just fucking die
>>455375 tbh could learn a lot about polishits from ck2
rome tw is another one. i remember flooding enemy cities with rapefugee peasants that came from my overpopulated cities to cause unrest
anybody in the government that isn't a kike, is a fag, easily preyed upon by Project Veritas' undercover pretend fag secret agents. here a state department official, thinking he's on a gay date with a fellow fag he probably met off Grindr, confesses to a Veritas journalist that the purpose of enabling migration is to intentionally cause demographic replacement at the expense of white people skip to the last minute for the more interesting part. think it's two different fags that get interviewed and the second one says the spicy stuff
>>455378 i dont want to reveal too much but pembs is deep undercover in zog headquarters getting them to say white people are bad on camera. keep your head up patriot.
>>455378 the great replacement is a conspiracy theory though
homofag is part of the secular cult its like being a cultist of isis
>>455379 keeeeek maybe dorset is doing something similar
>>455379 kieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tramping around DC like some 1980s glam rocker heroin junkie
just discovered something epic. shined a flashlight up my nose, found this giant booger that was out of picking range, and guess what... I used tweezers to reach up there and carefully extract the booger. worked like a charm and now my breathing is SOOO clear, feels great, would recommend. never occurred to me that this was an option
>>455386 >le pakidemic hur dur >shortcut for reasoning I'm not a fan of AA's nihilism and retardation. However, this idea that "if the regime wanted to establish Nick they wouldn't have banned him off everything" line of thought is pretty low-grade peasant reasoning. They clearly make people the underdog all the time, Trump, Farage, Tate etc. ban them, defame them, and aggress them, yet they're still clearly a tool of the establishment. Keet has always been deficient when it comes to conspiracy and strategic thinking tbh. Also fuck Fuentes, all he and his bots do are run about, defaming people by calling them Jews if they have a mild disagreement with him, the definition of badjacketing itself.
but yeah zoomer devout Christian make funny
>>455390 but yeah zoomer c h r i s t c u c k Christian make funny
>>455389 >Also fuck Fuentes, all he and his bots do are run about, defaming people by calling them Jews if they have a mild disagreement with him, the definition of badjacketing itself. no? he is presenting a palatable narrative that drops all of the redpills. he just needs to get on finasteride because his temples are receding
>>455392 >omg he's redpilling people guise yawn
>>455393 that's literally the only thing we're allowed to do that actually helps
like... create more white people and redpill the white people that already exist. that's all we can do until there's a critical mass of enough redpilled white people to cause political change or destabilization or something
'cause you know what, if we could get even 1/4th of the global white population to be 100% redpilled and actually getting married young and having 10 kids per family... that would be a win. we would not die out at that point, our survival would be secured. and I don't think that's completely impossible to achieve, it just has to happen ASAP because we are being drowned in muds
>>455394 people have been red pilling people since the dawn of time, it isn't going to change my mind on that obnoxious twerp and his gang of semi-illiterate zoomer c h r i s t c u c k s.
He's probably of a deep Marrano bloodline.
>>455397 >c h r i s t c u c k s I was the biggest anti-Christoid poster for the longest time, but even I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. not that I believe in it, but you need to have some method to manipulate the nigger cattle into doing what you want. like having morals, having children, what compelling reason is there to command people to do these things? individuals are motivated by individual self-interest, morals benefit the collective at the expense of the individual. "you have to do what I say because I say so" is less compelling and more reliant on power imbalance than "you have to do so because this book says so and if you don't then you're gonna burn forever after you die". the latter historically worked to get the masses of people to behave in an acceptable matter now if I could make my own religion and make everybody believe in it, it would be very different from Christianity. it would be basically hardcore white supremacism/antisemitism, ruthless in-group prioritization, male chauvinism, women would be breeding chattel, all sexualization of the anus strictly prohibited. the biggest problem with Christianity is that it's not racist, and the second problem is that it's not antisemitic enough. but at least it's a book you can throw at a woman and say "this book says you have to shut the fuck up and make my babies, or you're gonna burn". otherwise, what can you say? "shut the fuck up and make my babies, or I'm gonna hit you"? that's not viable with the way the laws are right now, and even if the laws enabled that then the above paragraph applies- it's just more reasonable and persuasive to outsource the demand to "the book says so, or you're gonna burn". "because God says so" is better than "because I say so"- even a kid will ridicule their parent for saying the latter because it's obviously irrational
>>455401 can't wait
>>455402 hang in there lad
Morning lads >Disney littlehat lawyer caught on tape talking about diversity. Lots of it is to make mo money by appealing to a wider audience apparently but they’d do it anyway he says. >7.10 you can’t get a management job unless you are a jewish male Sounds like O’Keefe is going to go down that rabbit hole soon https://nitter.poast.org/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1803833834946883901
On my Weekend already lads and its 19 degrees and sunny, shall i take a walk outside?
>>455404 smorb lad walt disney must be turning in his grave smh >>455405 of course lad make the most of it
>>455406 your toil sounds a bit brutal lad. from retoil to a brutal factory job
>>455407 sounds worse than it is tbh although my feet were killing me for the first few weeks all in all it's decent toil >>455408 the death of the so-called conservative party can't come soon enough tbqhwy
>>455410 It’s not negligent it’s deliberate tbqh
>>455409 keeeeeeeeeeeek didn't even know it was possible to have a y chromosome and not know how a hammer works >>455411 tbh tbh
>>455399 Intredasting take Spicstic.
Australian poverty porn just doesnt'd do it for me, why is that?
>>455414 smh things just keep getting worse money is worth less and less every year
>>455408 >Blackman >loves brown men I hate them so much its unreal
(1.17 MB 3840x2160 inflation.png)

>How to get food for free.jpg
>>455421 so sick of brownoids existing
>>455422 Tbh. And of this highly qualified meme
>Qualifications Sanjeev? >Dole bludging first class, sahhhhhhhhh! >Ok, you’re in! Here’s your family reunification papers! >Foodbank’s round the corner next to Centrelink >Next
I remember speculating with my grotty little mates at the time that his was an omen to that lads suicide jej
>>455427 not going to subject myself to forty minutes of sneethebait tbh we all know things are bad but nothing can change until the niggercattle start admitting that there's a problem >>455429 how so lad?
>>455430 Well we were only children and he died not long after this songs release, so we were just seeing symbolism in media like a bunch of spastics keek I mean it IS a weird coincidence that he is the only one to have that strange aura around him. Can hardly blame my past self for an overactive imagination
>>455431 >farage and tommy
>>455430 its pretty boring lad lol. i thought it was going be like that go pro of peckham rye lane
>>455432 >so we were just seeing symbolism in media like a bunch of spastics keek based >>455434 haven't seen that tbh tempted to ask but don't want to ruin an otherwise nice evening
This has to to be deliberate crashing no survivors seats https://nitter.poast.org/Conservatives/status/1803734430206284139
>>455436 I am genuinely starting to have concerns that zero seats is a uni party objective too
>>455427 Footymong was footymonging all his life and not paying attention. Ask me how I know
>>455438 if 'the right wing party' gets wiped out and replaced with an ostensibly 'slightly more right wing party', doesn't that then create a precedent for that party getting wiped out for an actual nationalist party?
What's a british souvenir lads? or something unique?
>>455440 hopefully >>455418 possibly money laundering
>>455440 I have doubts that Reform can even replace the Tories in any meaningful way unless they get essentially get taken over by the Tories so it would be pointless. Also by the time we get a trve right wing party through this elimination process you describe we could be looking at demographics so devastating that no amount of vooting for a 'more right' party will matter. Beyond that it could be that a Labour supermajority at this period is what the elite want. Or the elite arent as competent as I fear and the zero (or low) seats into a labour fuck up will lead to a genuine right wing party to emerge in 2029
>>455436 they're done tbh absolutely done >don't voot for labour or else you'll get the exact same shite that we've been doing >t. hindu manifesto party >>455440 we can only hope reform deserves support for currently being the least worst but as a lukewarm civnat party they certainly don't deserve any loyalty >>455441 a stick of rock
>>455444 Country will ethnically fragment soon, the whiter areas will start going tory/lib dem. then there willl be talk of culture wars
>>455427 >Was cuddled by Sophia Loren as a baby He fucking blew it!
>>455446 Im ready for the culture war
Aftersnoon lads
>>455449 Love Italian women me.
>>455450 sneedersnorp lad
>>455441 Some kind of hairpiece that you can sometimes find discarded in kfc after a tear up
>>455444 They're already of Tory cloth so to speak. The think tank apparatus and money just needs to slide into place (and it is slowly starting to). Lord Tebbit seemed to believe that UKIP was infiltrated by intel years ago, and there is evidence of ex-MI6 members close to Farage back then as well, so it is probs sewn up tbh.
Farage SLAMS Ofcom Election Interference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKcErPWhtMA
>>455454 >>455456 Tbh there are insane levels of committeees, quangos, Ofcoms, various orgs and mechanisms staffed and run by establishment and spook types to keep the country voting uniparty It’s all a sham
>>455457 >Tbh there are insane levels of committeees, quangos, Ofcoms, various orgs and mechanisms staffed and run by establishment and spook types to keep the country voting uniparty Mostly set up and run by Blairites, for exactly this reason
>Committees? Ofcom? Quangos? Blast all this damned red tape
that lad that went missing in Tenerife. Bit sus.
love this barnet tbh
what music would go well with this?
>>455463 Proper double steak & kidney pie with chips, mushy peas and curry sauce sort of lad
>>455464 sesamee street theme? maybe the rave version?
>>455464 Love Me Love My Dog / Peter Shelley (1975) https://youtu.be/v044SCWA4LA
>>455464 Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree - Dawn https://youtu.be/7-RlLFxgCkk
>>455469 think this is the best one tbh https://youtu.be/PxG9XFqHSFw
>>455464 oh, what about, "we've only just begun" by the Carpenters? https://youtu.be/__VQX2Xn7tI
>>455464 this one lad, this one >>455472
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>Uniparty current leader wants to bully people into national service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oleB3NZ2Zpc
>>455474 Nooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
>>455474 based
>>455408 sirs please redeem immediate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ydUdqWE1g >>455438 it obviously is just as refoorm are obviously the damage control "alternative" that will be identical to the tories >>455441 a nice block of cheddar >>455443 >yid kvetching about catastrophic electricity grid failure oh please oh please >>455464 just the two of us >>455466 excessive if confirmable >>455475 that thumbnail really emphasises how sledgehammerable his face is
>>455478 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13553371/Rishi-Sunak-threatens-revoke-young-peoples-driving-licences-National-Service.html >British PM Rishi Sunak threatened to revoke young people's driving licenses and 'access to finance' as possible sanctions for refusing national service in new comments. Sunak - who said it would be 'politicising the armed forces during an election campaign' to respond to criticism of his policy - suggested a Conservative government would look at models 'existing around Europe' to decide the details. >Mr Sunak said: 'We will have a set of sanctions and incentives and we will look at the models that are existing around Europe to get the appropriate mix of those. 'There's a range of different options that exist. There's all sorts of things that people do across Europe, whether that's looking at driving licenses, all the access to finance all sorts of other things the right thing to do.' >The Prime Minister insisted the military route was optional, despite the proposed national service scheme being compulsory. >When asked about what sanctions people could face for not taking part, Mr Sunak pointed to 'access to finance' among other examples. Asked if this meant taking away people's bank cards, he laughed, and said: 'There's lot of different models around Europe.' >On Wednesday Mr Sunak said his two daughters were 'excited' about the prospect of national service. I’m excited for them going back. Can’t think who in their right mind would take any orders from Second Lieutenant Vajeeta unless they’re irredeemable coomers
>we will look to Europe to guide us Fuckoff Poonak
>>455481 >people used to think I lived in an igloo such better times more innocent times like the monkey french spy of hartlepool or the idea that russians were hairy bears in ww1 smh
autistics discuss community building How to build a manner-bund with Musonius Rufus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOgjjL0AZ_Q
>this is the first public fishtank 2 content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JUHgVx1Ync
>Last ever Tory PM of the Britain was a jeet Another historic win for the Conservatives
Wonder what his new flex will be? >Hello saaaahhhhhh you are speaking to Richard from Microsoft ScamsCentre Mumbai we have freezings your bank accountings and suspendings your driving licence until you are doing the needfuls in Ukraine for are greatest allies Israel and America
galloway threatining to shag more brown women
Another white child murdered by a paki. Pretty shocked they named him considering his age https://www.gbnews.com/news/alfie-lewis-boy-murdered-teenager-jailed-for-life-stabbing-pupil
>>455491 >dafuq u doin bitch, I ain't need that shit
sunscreen is whitey magic that literally steals black kings' melanin i bet it causes rickets too, shiieeet
just wearing a hat is superior to the UV blocking jew anyway tbh
>>455490 black eyed inbred liar needs to be strung up by the bollocks >>455494 tbh
come to think of it, did negroes ever independently develop hat technology? In more northerly areas they wear arabic and north african derived hoods and turbans etc but I don't recall any native headwear of the genuine sub-saharan black, which means they are less intelligent than rangies
possibly the fuzzy wuzzy type hair acts as adequate cranial weatherproofing
levelling up my racism in real time rn lads whitey cavemanoids had footwear at least 40k years ago too which I don't think kangs developed either
>>455494 >>455495 you need both. zinc sunscreen on face at the bare minimum, reapplied every few hours- plus a hat, shade preference, less bright time of the day preference, etc. there's nothing 'jevv' about not looking like a prune at 30. these women that tan look DISGUSTING. but you should avoid chemical sunscreens since they are xenoestrogenic poisons- stick to zinc mineral sunscreen
>spic lad we're all anglo-saxon or celt, not moortuguese. we don't have to be scared about suddenly turning into a nigger the moment a single ray of sun touches our skin
>>455500 I'm pretty pale, there's only a little bit of swarth. and your point is illogical anyway because the fairer you are, the more vulnerable you are to sun damage. in other words, you need sunscreen even more than I do... I give good advice, and you reject it because I gave it. this is a recurring pattern. maybe I should intentionally give bad advice so that you do the opposite and benefit yourself
keeksmh I'm remembering the old newbrit days of 22st and the troons grooming lads into showing nipple to prove they're white now
>>455494 Get the one in the middle and strut through jewish areas in once in a while see if it blocks them as well as the sun
>>455505 based judenhut enjoyers tbh it would bring great joy to force jews to wear stupid coneheads with knobs on top at all times in public again
Nice having are own resident beauty consultant tbh Hey spic stick ‘’’Beauty Consultant’’’ in the name field
>>455507 Indeed would love to call them all knobhead when having to talk to them
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>>455509 a keek and a think tbh perhaps there is a connection there >>455510 HEIL PLACENTA SA HA FETUS
ywn have a wife with a pregnancy fetish
we are not so different, spic and I.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUTKxh3Vlek
Well if simping paid off for spics dad it can work for us lads!
that boy needs therapy
>>455479 As if his kids won't be living with him in California in 6 months keeek.
>>455512 All women have a breeding 'fetish' lad. Just grab yourself a filthy slag and say "snabies?" And she will say "omg yes daddy please breed me". Such as it was in the time of old, so shall it be now.
>>455517 pretty sure w*st*rn w*m*n have a baby killing fetish instead ngl
he is saving the gamer race and this is definitely extremely important compared to every other problem facing the UK right now (they will do nothing) Dead Games News: Response from UK Government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVGZe-xXS68 >it looks like a useless non-answer, and it mostly is keeeek the cunts probably have some AI to spit out political nothingspeak to placate the masses with, you probably get the same template whether it's stopping immigration, oil, or saving videogames
https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/up-mans-genitals-removed-sex-change-surgery-done-while-he-was-sleeping-5929531/ >He went to bed as a man but woke up as a woman. For 20-year-old Mujahid, life took a drastic turn when he was deceived into undergoing gender reassignment surgery. This was orchestrated by another man in collusion with doctors from a local medical college in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar. >This sensational case has sparked outrage and led to protests by the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU). >The incident took place at Begrajpur Medical College in Mansoorpur. Mujahid, 20 and resident of Sanjak village, alleged that he was deceived by Omprakash on June 3. Omprakash allegedly convinced the doctors at the medical college to perform surgery on Mujahid, which involved the removal of his genitals and a forced gender change. >Mujahid claims that Omprakash had been threatening and harassing him for the past two years. Mujahid was falsely told that he had a medical issue requiring hospital inspection. Accompanied by Omprakash, he visited the facility where the hospital staff allegedly administered anaesthesia and performed the sex-change operation. >"He brought me here, and the next morning I had an operation. When I regained consciousness, I was told that I had been changed from a boy to a girl," Mujahid recounted. >Omprakash allegedly told him that he would now have to live with him, adding that no one from his family or community would accept him anymore. Omprakash also threatened to shoot Mujahid's father and seize his share of the family land. >"He said, 'I changed you from a man to a woman and now you have to live with me. I have prepared a lawyer and prepared a court marriage for you. Now I will shoot your father and the land of your share will be named after me and then I will sell it and go to Lucknow'," Mujahid recalled.
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>watching the Channel 4 documentary on Jeremy Kyle >three addicts who couldn't afford to pay for rehab appeared on the show and were told only the one of them chosen by Jeremy after filming would get treatment >they pressured a mentally ill lad to stop taking antidepressants and then Jeremy bullied him into committing suicide He's an actual demon.
>>455443 What a retard. Does he think the military are running on the same electricity as the population? Does he think the fucking Jews of all people haven't thought of these things? >>455448 Great chungus! >>455463 >>455465 He's a faggot trying to act like the arch-faggots of Oasis. I'd batter him meself. >>455522 Surprised he's not Jewish. He's an enemy of the common wealth.
Tinwhistle dad asked me for the 10 time in the last 2 months what time I'm starting work tomorrow again. I told him to stop doing that in response.
>>455522 He's always come off as a psycho to smee. He's restyling himself as a political commentator/presenter on radio shows and being like the other "right wing, common sense talking" rabid leftists.
>>455526 Tbh he’s a psycho grifter
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>>455527 >why didn't you voot in the first virtue signalling voot that effected nothing >partisanship twasn't a labour motion, we ad are own >reeee the palestinian babies that die will not be vooting for you >crowd of elderly mohammadens sth at her hysteria and back /theirguy/ who'll let them keep noncing white girls
>>455526 I get what you mean about him seeming psychotic. Can't watch any political shows with him on it because he creeps me out. He did an interview with the dad of James Bulger and there was total deadness in his eyes and voice whenever he pretended to show sympathy.
>>455530 psychopathic*
Sick of all these glowies Utter nest of vipers Ruth Smeeth’s ex husband heads this https://britishamericanproject.org/about-bap/ It has an ex head of MI6Sawers on it, the one who was behind ISIS and the Free Syrian Army and White Helmets and the Libya coup which saw Gaddafi murdered Smh what a
What shit is bins putting on tonight
>>455535 Bojo as home sec was supporting le moderate Syrian rebels "the sword of islam". Also same people behind Libya (Cameron, May) knew of likely terror threats from 'returning' Libyan jihadis, including the MEN bombing and one of the London bridge attacks. Makes me fucking seethe that they get away with all this shit.
>>455539 It is of no benefit to the nation and Brits and therefore treason but Blair made sure that’s not a crime for the elites anymore in clown world that is a charge levelled at others for questioning ‘authority’ - up is down
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Got circumcised today lads
>>455542 Mozalshnob or whatever they say heeblad.
Also underageb& (think they do it around 13)
didn't 22st undergo circumcision due to having a cripple cock
>>455543 had to be done on medical grounds tbh,paraphimosis and the first thing the nurse said to me was 'you need to see the urologist now or you could lose your penis' which i thought was a joke at the time. I'm just glad they put me under and i didn't have to go through one of those african rituals where they literally use a penknife with no anesthetic.
you're basically a yank now, lad.
>>455547 does spic lad still hang about?
>>455546 Grim. Get healed soon lad. I was jewtilated as a child for supposed medical reasons, not sure I besneeve it though. Smh.
>>455525 keeeeek, does he still start arguing about politics before he even enters the room? he is my favourite /brit/ character
>>455549 same lad, i think it's just jew doctors getting in the ear of retard boomer parents and telling them it's for the best. of course boomers would never question authority, least of all a precious and wise doctor!
>>455542 Good. Will stop your lust
>circumcised are itt
>>455553 i was actually pretty traumatised by being different to my friends at school when i was 13. had a huge go at mummy about it
>>455553 All the Muslims at my school got bullied relentlessly for being circumcised.
>>455553 The thumbnail always makes it look like he has proper medieval banter drawings on him keeek. Cheery looking fellow. He's probably dead now.
>>455520 India is a social experiment at this point. >>455521 Keeek.
>Steiner btfo yet again
>>455561 a nigcel appropriating mossy oak just like steiner said
Considering actually vooting Reform to shift the overton window a smidge. Would be the first time I've ever bothered at a general election and I wouldn't even expect nigger elf and Tice to deliver if they were in government. Smh.
>>455564 I know, I know.
smorbing lads
>>455567 Wakey wakey, don't get bitten by a snakey, upside down lad.
i must be shadowbanned
>>455569 from where lad?
>>455570 ty lad, perhaps my posts were skippable
so sun burnt rn lads look like a lobster
>>455573 good lad
>>455575 ab getting greenlit
casper is such a peng name. you almost have to become chad if u r named casper
casper crowell is such a cowboy old school shartican name as well. he looks like some wild west 'ardman as well, wish he didn't change his name to odinson but he seems like a decent enough lad
>>455577 or a ghost >>455578 chuds of all stripes just can't resist we-wuzzing as vikangs tbh
>>455555 >ye wilde hunte approacheth borther https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5krzKn4l9g

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