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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3944: Bossman's Butty Edition Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 18:54:52 Id: cc613b No. 435670
EXCLUSIVERevealed: The letter cleaning boss sent to single mother on £13-an-hour when he fired her for eating a leftover £1.50 tuna sandwich she had found in City law firm meeting room https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13099985/The-hard-hearted-letter-cleaning-boss-sent-single-mother-13-hour-fired-eating-left-tuna-sandwich-meeting-room.html >Single mother Gabriela Rodriguez was fired after she munched on the £1.50 Tesco sandwich left out on a discarded platter for workers at a City law firm. Type 2 diabetes warning as shock figures suggest a MILLION Brits are unaware they have the condition https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13100123/Type-2-diabetes-warning-shock-figures-suggest-MILLION-Brits-unaware-condition.html >Survey data suggests seven per cent of over-16s show evidence of the condition but a third are not diagnosed, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Russia will not hand over Alexei Navalny's body for 14 days until 'chemical examinations are complete', his team reveals after widow claimed he had been poisoned by Novichok https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13101435/Russia-not-hand-Alexei-Navalnys-body-14-days-chemical-examinations-complete-team-reveals-widow-claimed-poisoned-Novichok.html >Russian investigators will not hand over the body of dead Russian opposition leader Alexi Navalny for 14 days, his team have revealed, after his widow claimed he had been poisoned by Novichok. Crew abandon British-registered cargo ship off Yemen after Houthi attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68337027 >The crew of a Belize-flagged, British-registered cargo vessel have abandoned ship off Yemen after it was hit by missiles fired by the Houthi movement.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:47:43.
>>435420 You're a clown lad. What you fail to understand is that you are one of us because of your experiences and things that you've learned. Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You're nothing and you've done nothing with the information you have. If you were a member of the royal family, none of that experience or information would be available to you. This is the problem with the autists in our ranks. They are incapable of empathy and therefore their ideas exist in a neutered fantasy land. These are the posters to frightened to do activism in case they get put on a list.
>house of Windser shills itt
>necroseething Don't like this thread make another
>>435675 tbh nuke it and start again, much like the west
>>435674 It would be the same were it the House of Stuart, Tudor, the Plantagenets, Normandy, Wessex, etc. It would be the same if you were King. You are divorced from reality to believe otherwise.
>435676 Now we get to the core of this mong's philosophy: Destruction. In another time he's a Marxist. He's shown Marxist tendencies already in his discourse.
>>435677 lad that was not a response to that other lad it was your usual gimmick of a personal attack packaged as if it's addressing the other lads point.
He's seething at jokes now too, get a grip bbk.
>>435681 And these are the budget friendly bundles?
>435679 >435680 I made a personal attack because you are anti-British filth and warrant a personal attack. The difference is that I've made a personal attack with an important point, one which hasn't been addressed nor refuted. You are making a personal attack without argument, without substance. Clown. >>435681 keeeeek I don't see why they don't simply make tobacco illegal instead of all this pussy footing around.
You're suck a clown.
>>435677 are you sure about that lad?
>>435682 £330 for 2 bundles of 20 works out about 8 quid a cigar, which is pretty spot on for the individual cheap cigars at my local tobacconists tbh. >>435684 bit freudian that la
>>435687 It was wasn't it and fair enough I'm not versed in this stuff. Still looks like an expensive hobby.
>>435688 Nigger
>>435689 Hello lad how have you been?
Love a cigar me
>>435692 First time seeing unprocessed food?
>>435692 >no licked ice cream >no wares locked behind protective glass >no sharts in the mart >no loud obnoxious negros or spics, or their loud obnoxious phones put on speaker
>>435694 No employees being made to do the happy toilee shuffle by management to boost morale.
>>435690 Okay I guess think I got ibs from my court case stress Can't eat much and no cofeve
>>435696 I know it all to well, hopefully it'll settle down when the case is through and you have your court order in place. I've still got to go back to the clients house to find out the company he's ensured under so I know what company I'm filing against. This slipper shit has multiple active companies under multiple holding addresses. I should just be glad he only screwed me for a small amount.
>>435697 Is this the boiler insurance fags? So sick of gay boomers and the red tape bureaucracy (which is only ever used against young westoid lads)
Also found out my tax cunt didn't add my tool expenses and listed my toil truck as personal use so I didn't get 11k worth of write offs. Mong boomers
>>435701 Is it hard to self assess in America?
>>435685 Yes. >>435692 keeek he's not wrong >>435696 weaponise your ibs lad
bbcbros... not like this
>>435702 Kind of there is a alot of forms
>>435705 You'd think someone would have tried to streamline the process for self assessors.
>>435692 he visited the promised land rise up shop lidls
auslad, does the quick reply window really need to take up half my fucking screen?
>>435708 keeeeeeeeeeeek are you on a 640x480 monitor?
>>435709 ummm maybe? i'm still on win 7 so possibly
my version of ms office is 2010
>>435710 > i'm still on win 7
>>435692 I had the same reaction when I went to eastern Siberia and saw an eskimo's fanny that was tight and grippy.
Tightening my GLVTES during a plank has helped a lot tbh
>>435710 good lad don't ever upgrade
Me? Windows eleven. I send daily diagnostic emails calling them niggers every day. We are not the same.
>israel is creating a 1km wide deadzone splitting gaza in half and building massive defences
>>435717 it's okay lad they're allowed to do it because holocaust
going to cop some maccies for dinner later, very excited about it. will probably do a quarter pounder with light ketchup and then the biggest chips they have and i will be a cunt and demand freshly cooked ones. drink will be a decaf coffee i'm thinking
>>435716 >>435710 This meme where we all post our operating systems is almost as base as the one where we post our date of birth and initials.
privacy was sold away by the boomers a long time ago one of the funnier things at toil has been watching old cunts with proto-beast-mark gangster computer god frankenstein radio telephone apple wristwatches seethe when our equipment refuses to interface with them due to age and obsolescence and they can't simultaneously pay for entry and send an automated facebook post detailing their exact time, location and current bowel status
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OH8UEHf8i0 Joe Owens back on Church Street demanding an interview with the Liverpool Echo.
>>435722 what a daft old kook
smh go easy on joe he'll be in a nursing home soon >Hullo, yes, that's right. It's time for my medications, but I see you are brown. All foreign peoples must return to their lands of origi-ACK! >pillow smothered or beaten to death within 24 hours of being admitted
>>435723 >Goes on about LOCAL politics >Stands in the general election Smh
>>435726 Gotta start small to get big.
>>435726 hope PA backs him tbh they did say they would help aligned independents one last ride of the dafties
>>435728 PA are standing independents this election in a fair few areas. Don't know what's public or not.
>>435719 do they have culvers in UK?
>>435726 British general elections are essentially local. That's what "Nationalist" parties in this country have always failed to appreciate. Even UKIP ran elections as though they were running on a European style proportional representation ticket.
It leads to high vote percentages but no seats every time.
>>435731 don't think so lad, what is that? there are some wimpys around still but little chef is sadly completely gone
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>>435734 its pure kino
>>435735 Nothing like that more like gourmet burger joints that for some reason serve everything on brioche buns
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>burger and a pint of custard could go some of that right now
>>435737 https://www.culvers.com/ such a kino place if you ever travel in middle america go to one they are generally in small towns and they are usually staffed by the local lasses and the food is actually high quality. they had a fish fry competition recently and some britoid gave an "official fish and chips" recommendation and culvers won over even the posho restaurants
>>435735 How did an American lad such as yourself wind up in a Brit (67% British) board such as this?
>>435738 What is Ohio like? I know somebody who will be visiting people there soon. :))))
Be careful, Steiner, I guarantee that's a tranny.
>>435741 I'm not a tranny, I'm just a very merry young lad you see.
>>435740 is this somebody a previous pooster of /brit/
>>435740 what part of ohio, south eastern ohio is extremely kino but the northern part of ohio is really flat praire cornfield agricultural landscape that foreigners find boring
>>435743 From back in the day yeah, not been about in a long while but Steiner is something of a celebrity you see. >>435744 I shall have to enquire, I forget that US states vary in geography within the state. Have you visited England, where did you go?
>>435744 I swear down lad: don't fall into this trannies honey hole. The honey turns out to be poo sweat.
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>>435746 You sound like you're talking from experience. Do you have something to confess lad?
>>435749 The trannies came to me in a dream.
>435750 Filth. Absolute filth
>>435672 I'm on every list, sweet bumbling bumling.
Hey Steiner!
>>435753 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek some of those comments
Oh good heavens I used the wrong word for inquire didn't i? Gordon Bennet and bloomin heck blimey goodness me oh dear oh deary me.
>>435755 Shitney is so kino she is now like some meth slag you would see at Walmart in ohio
daties seething itt
>>435762 >(1) Hullo lad.
Square burger is best burger tbh.
>Russia is a dictatorship and Putin is a tyrant >also the death of this “opposition leader” matters Which is it lads? If Russia is a dictatorship why bother killing an opposition leader, and why would it matter?
Forgot picture
>>435735 i don't know why it's so hard to find a proper burger like this with no gimmicks like that lad said about brioche buns. this looks absolutely peng and is a prefectly healthy meal if you do a diet drink
RUSSIA “PROMISES” TO NUKE LONDON >please please please https://uk.yahoo.com/news/russia-threatens-unleash-entire-arsenal-175940269.html
i wonder if russia will make the same mistake as america and become multicultural now it's on the verge of being the most powerful country
>>435769 Russia is in a worse demographic position than shartica despite memes
>>435769 It is multicultural. Russia is constituted of tens of republics some Asiatic
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/MY2023RichardSpencer:8?t=3690 >The main thing Dickie Spencer learned from the mayhem of 2016 is that being on telly made it easy to hookup without the wife finding out So the alt right was just one big swingers party.
>>435772 Dickie always gave off that faintly quare vibe.
>>435772 I watched the Richard Spencer Millenniyule and didn’t come away with that message tbh pic not related
>>435769 > now it's on the verge of being the most powerful country China is the most powerful country lad
>>435770 The russian govt is promoting white genocide and the ethnic russians will be a minority within 10 years?
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shnood shnight lads
>>435776 >thing used to fill gap on stove
>>435779 >thing used to fill gap on stove What are these in English? Do we even have such a thing?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhQ5678cJU8 >Team America is 20 years old
>>435782 good memory of watching this with my family. laughed so hard at the puke scene
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wish i had a house i could do diy on lads, i'd make it very comfy to live in.
>>435792 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
britney in that one looks like a lass you would meet at the truck pull or at nascar lmao
>>435764 Mmmmmmmmm
When tiktogram thots start losing followers in their thirties there’s gonna be mass suicides and demands from fifth wave feminists to increase the age of consent to 35 so they can get laid.. Prove me wrong
>Fridgney Spears Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435803 toil looming
no reason to go to work, i don't even really need the money that much as i still live at home and have very low expenses, know if i stop toiling though life goes to shit
>>435805 tbh smh stop toil long enough and your name will end up on the secret blacklist that all bossmen around the world have access to
>>435809 i'm doing my part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvPGRwNCm0 1:41 to 2:04 would be the perfect backing to a toiler hoomer video tbqh want to make it mysnelf once my bennies toil course ends there's got to be some footage of homer swinging a pickaxe at a rock in some episode somewhere probably in a treehouse of horror
although ending it at 2:32 could have better effect with him in a straightjacket or padded cell or something plenty of footage of that
>>435814 >>435815 go on lad it'd be good to get some fresh OC in Manxlad can't do all the work
Beeb broadcasting straight up troononcery propaganda now
>>435816 tbh tbh not right now though smh completely drained from learning about workplace health and safety all morning but we got let out early today so then in the afternoon i treated myself by going service sa (your one stop shop for licences permits and so much more) and filling out forms and waiting will finally be free on friday next week tbh five long long weeks
Morning lads >>435817 >Men’s milk is higher quality women btfo These people need to be put into labour camps
>>435817 nope not watching that all the way through
we truly do live in a period
>>435819 morning >>435822 tbh morning
>>435820 Bigot
>>435824 yes lad i'm a bigot and proud of it
Have to go shops *digs out stab proof vest* Oh! I haven’t got one! Surely there must be a grant for this?
>>435814 Gonna listen to Tally Hall now and this splinter project.
>>435826 It's alright lad I'm sure your winning personality will keep you safe.
>>435828 Better keep my jacket buttoned up
imagine thinking you could troon out with a hairline like that anyway based norwood reaper keeping the barely sane lads safe and turning the too far gone lads into clowns in dresses >>435826 have fun lad just think sturdy thoughts >>435827 based tally hall enjoyer poosted it here before but banana man is still one of my all time favourite songs really says a lot about society re: the rat race and certain kinds of escape
>>435817 It's impressive how effectively this shit is being pushed by a very small amount of ideologically driven technocrats and nomenklatura.
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Bossman, I am running out of money and thanks to your decisions HAHAHA it will run out even faster so send it over
>>435830 bananaman needs to be paired with some sort of orangutan animation.
>>435831 the long march on the institutions wasn't for nothing lad the values they were fighting for are long gone but the propaganda they used to unite various misfits and miscreants is now a self replicating entity chalk up another win for the germans and their fire-and-forget memetic weapon that would certainly destroy russia then destroy itself and not turn it into a global superpower and also would never spill over into other nations real forward thinking there tbh luv them
>>435833 keeeeeeeeek tbh tbh god i love them wish it was poojeets who were nearing extinction and orangutans who occupied a subcontinent in their uncounted billions
in a real genocide mood this sneethening
BLACKS ARE FIGHTING PAKIS TO SEE WHO IS WORSE https://nitter.esmailelbob.xyz/ek365_/status/1759489429318648177#m
>>435834 I just put it do when you give batshit idealism to kikes they'll take it and warp it into an anti-numinal nuke.
>>435837 Money on the Pakis just for their ability to organise clannish activities faster than niggers can organise and sustain a good chimpout.
>>435837 Pakis tbh.
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>>435836 me every morning tbh
>>435837 based blapipo doing the racism it's too illegal for the huwhite man to do >>435838 tbh every time >>435841 tbh tbqh
>>435841 Such a shame neutron weaponry is kept under lock and key deep deep under ground.
>>435842 Don't wogs get cart blanche to do a racism on all social media?
>>435841 Wish I was an astronaut tbh.
>>435845 You'd probably die to some diversity hires incompetence
>>435841 good mp4 tbh thought it was just an image at first glance god the amount of times i've fantasised about being able to selectively bombard specific ethnic groups from orbit and then have a moment to ponder it with my finger hovering over the button smdh for me thoughever it's orbital lasers precise enough to shoot through a person's roof and hit them straight in the head by targetting the phone in their pocket a few tens of thousands of those firing every second on the second until things are clean again >>435844 yeah smh brown on brown never gets enforced
>>435847 Maybe just have a laser powerful enough to detonate all the lithium ion batteries in smart phones and e scooters. Some potential for massive fires but it seems more doable.
>>435846 I'd be the one blasting them out the escape lock tbh. GROUND CONTROL TO PAJEET! PAJEEET!
>>435849 I meant more something like a maintained techie decided to dispose of a half eaten samosa in the engine he was refitting.
>>435848 keeeeeek devilish lad pop their crotch pockets and send a few of them face first into the road at high speed don't want to die? go back to chucking spears (but do it somewhere else)
>>435852 I reckon we could convince people that the batteries detonating was just a result of climate change.
Apparently Tally Hall was disbanded because one member was too based and didn't bow to over-troon window.
>>435853 keeeeeeeeeeek >>435854 my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined this is why i always make a point of learning as little about an artist as possible tbh would prefer to just assume they all died in a freak climbing accident on the north face of the eiger
>>435855 I treat it as always to separate the artist from the art. Good art has a life of it's own that often outlives and completely eclipses the artists themselves.
Apparently it's mental health and grooming issues if you flirt with a fan and say anything disparaging about troons.
>>435856 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbRFV38EZEg Reminded me of this libtard artist I like talking about how he likes evil raycis artists. It's okay for some things to transcend poolitics.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYiV-A7JjiQ >Oklahoma judge steps down after sending 500+ texts during murder trial of a 2-year-old boy Kek.
>>435858 Still love the fact having Welsh blood had Lovecraft in an existential crisis.
>>435859 I guess he was bored.
>>435861 >Text message to Bailiff while a police officer was on the stand "He's pretty. I could look at him all day." Its a female judge lad. judges.
>>435856 >>435858 tbh >>435860 tbf lad >>435862 same as it ever was smh we were warned about this
>>435862 Ah same as it ever was.
>>435864 tbh timothy 2:12 it's pretty clear they just aren't cut out for it
>>435862 Was it declared a mistrials?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-LZudHEk7k >>435866 lad she's a wombyn she's literally born infallible
the sherman tank was actually genius tbh designing it to fit the logistic pathways it would have to travel down (i.e. train tunnels, bridges, etc.) instead of listening to the big army guys say we need this this and this now make it work and leaving it to the logistic lads to figure out how to get it from the factory to the front line actually very impressive tbh in awe logistics wins wars
>It’s are fault Part 565,679 >Clint Romany casts an anxious glance across the grey bath mats that decorate the floor of his Luton bedsit. Adrian Clarke, his ex-boyfriend, fills his polka dot suitcase with t-shirts and the last slice of coconut bake. Between roll up cigarettes, he’s been taking calls from Enfield Council and the offer of a new home has just come in. He’s about to move for the third time in two months. >These lovers are both survivors of sexual violence. Hounded out of their country of Trinidad for being gay. Put in an asylum seeker hotel for two years, then forced to leave their new home after being given an eviction notice brought about by their leave to remain. Like many refugees who have been given a Notice to Quit since August 2023, they were left on the edge of destitution. >They come from a country in crisis. Once one of the richest states in the Caribbean, corruption, oil money, and narco-trafficking from South America has thrown 'Trini' into chaos. Clint blames the legacy of British colonialism in Trinidad, where, after taking over from the Spanish in 1802, the slave trade was banned in 1807, but freedom was only granted to enslaved people in 1833. >Another legacy of the violence endemic to slavery is rape and posting on /leftypol/ual abuse, which is high on the island, according to research by the University of the West Indies. Just last October, local media reported an average of 1,395 reports of posting on /leftypol/ual abuse are made to the Children’s Authority each year, and almost all of the perpetrators are known to the victims. Clint says he was one of the those victims. Adrian too says he was raped repeatedly.
>Clint and Adrian left Trinidad for the UK, arriving in the country whose empire, built on the backs of slaves, had already left an indelible mark on their lives. As soon as they landed, they were sent to a hotel near Reading to wait for the outcome of their asylum application. >Clint describes the two years he spent at a DoubleTree Hilton in Wokingham, with a particular focus on the food. He splutters at the thought of the microwave meals and butterless bread. >He shows more photos on his phone with disgust: Wet chips and amorphous frozen burgers, rotten fruit one day, the next a mountain of fruit and nothing else. “Do I look like a monkey?” Clint laughs. >The bland food, a strict hotel curfew, and the ban on asylum seekers working in unskilled jobs, left Clint, a self-styled bushman, at a loss. The Home Office offered them voluntary work, but Clint says it’s like slavery. "I'm a free man born on this land, I should not have to do what they say you should do," he said.
>>435874 Oh well time to go then
>>435870 smh every time i try to use nitter it says the service is rate limited and to use another service keeps doing this even when i turn off umatrix and ublock origin need to figure this out >>435874 >nearly broke us we're almost there lads
night lads bennies toil in the morrow
keeeek another body found in the Thames and this time we got him!
>>435878 schnite schlad
>>435878 Nitelad
>>435881 >even the zesty niggers breed It's over
>speech impediment Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.mylondon.news/news/uk-world-news/met-police-officer-used-n-28614669 >A Met Police officer said the N-word at a BBQ then claimed he was misheard saying 'bigger' due to his speech impediment, a tribunal heard. PC Colin Eastop was heard saying the racial slur by six different colleagues during a 'light-hearted' conversation about football at a BBQ in September 2022 but was spared the sack by a misconduct panel this month.. >PC Eastop was 'tipsy' with colleagues as they watched a clash between Manchester United and Arsenal on September 4, 2022, when the Tottenham dominated group got into some playful jibes against Arsenal supporter PS Lee. After around five minutes of 'banter', PC Eastop came out with the N-word, apparently 'completely out of context', the panel was told. >Officers who gave evidence heard variations on 'Oh, yeah, fking n*s', 'Yeah them n*s', 'makes you just want to say n*', and 'Yeah n**rs'. The officers immediately challenged the comment, but later said the remark did not 'fit' into the prior conversation, and nothing about the race of players had been brought up, the panel heard.onduct panel this month. >PC Eastop denied saying the N-word at all, and claimed: "He was saying the word 'bigger' in reference to Arsenal being a bigger and more successful team than Tottenham." >While PC Eastop was not found to be racist, his offensive comment was found to undermine the public's confidence in the police. Finding him guilty of gross misconduct, the panel spared PC Eastop the sack and concluded a three-year written warning was appropriate for a 'single isolated incident'.
>>435885 >Being overheard saying nigger at a bqq years in the past will land you in front of a tribunal and the only way to escape losing your job and possibly jail is getting yourself labelled a spacker for life Proof, if anybody needed it, that coppers are all rats who sleep in their uniforms and cannot be trusted in any capacity """"outside"""" of work Hmm yes today I will think about going daft again.
>>435887 Big brained thinking.
/britfeel/ appears to be migrating to 8moe however they wish to keep "the rivalry" alive perhaps when anon.cafe shuts down we visit their board, say hullo and poost some /brit/ OC in the spirit of neighbourliness >>435867 extremly funky choons lad thanks >>435877 "based" elon upped the gatekeeping and nitter no longer works, the few remaining instances are being strangled by shitter's code
Fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Troons everywhere >26:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01Le_k28sg
>>435888 If you beat your enemies they win
>>435879 One down 1.8 million to go
>>435881 >"Do I look like a monkey?" Clint laughs Yes
>strongly worded ok
>>435894 More like the prince of williams.
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>>435896 Banai! Banai! Tenno Heika Banai!
Someone shoot this gook spy.
>>435894 Thank God we have the monarchy to hold politicians to such a high standard. Only someone with royal blood could have come up with the notion that "the middle east should stop fighting as soon as possible". Without these key interventions into the democratic process, we would descend into chaos. Thank you William, Charles and Andrew for your service.
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>>435881 >he was getting bullycided for shakin that thug thang when he walked https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L22Etlbn_W0
How long will we submit to a world run by racketeers and gangsters? Neil Oliver: The Profits of War https://youtu.be/baVAk6sez0c
>>435900 Careful lad you'll summon him again.
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>>435881 so basically our "refugees" are gay men fleeing from the wives
>>435902 This scruffy bastard is a presenter for GB news?
Didn’t know he was married to Sammy Davis Jnr
>>435904 There's a reason why the US and its dependants are so heavyhanded with the pro homo nonsense. They actively want to attract such people. What's that? Your home country doesn't like willy bum? Come to London. You can get paid at a guaranteed minimum wage and willy bum as much as you like, with free healthcare.
>>435906 Madlass or BBK, whoever was sneething over criticism of W*ndsors. >>435905 He the most based they still allow on at all.
>>435909 he's*
>>435905 you don't even know this? he's the best thing on the channel dumbkopf
Great Bond theme. They've all been shite themes after Quantum of Solace. https://youtu.be/5dslJ-xLO4s?si=PSkAVhdOuDTY5T2-
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>>435902 >feels like 1939
>>435914 >waheeey lads off on a quick trip to Ukraine, just financed a new AK for the wife!!
>>435914 did she died?
Katie Hopkins: Ofcom is the weapon wielded in a war of attrition against GB news. https://youtu.be/fIrU6t5wgos
>>435918 how did she end up such a disproportional fucking chicken alien of a woman lads
>>435918 She’s on the first stage of the Edna arc with those glasses. Exciting times
https://youtu.be/B8Z6eU2W2jA What's that admixture? White and canadian indian?
>>435922 >discord link in description will shartin go for it?
>>435923 No, I want a scandinavian queen
pick me chudette or glowie tbh either way she cute but already has 460 other orbiters
>>435926 Seeing these types of tattoos on dating apps a lot recently. A random mess placed iregurarly across the body
>>435921 Pretty good from them ngl got all the right things and names mentioned not much missed
>>435922 Kevin McDonal spoke on one of Noseley’s shows about the unbelievable drive and coordination that leftist tikkum olam jewish groups had that makes it possible to push these agendas and make them succeed
>stinkychinky posting
Total libtard death
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>>435922 I'm in
>>435926 >white (jewish) bf keeek of course, being a ricecel in the west must be hell on earth
>>435933 It's breeding time
>nitter instances keep failing NOOOOO I MUST HARVEST SNEETHE
MSM now admitting Covid vaccines are not good. Watch how hard they try to bury this
>>435940 Nige’s gnashers need their own instagram He should have them removed
>>435765 The Russian Presidential elections are coming in a few weeks. >>435944 Repatriation is inevitable.
>>435941 >a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia must unite to end one generation's unnaturally protracted reign. keeeek the chudcel, the commie thot and the boomers keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435946 >>435937 re(you)meration tbh
>mine can control rats tbh
I have more nostrils than everyone hear.
>>435948 there were devices for controlling mice via thoughts alone years ago, and didn't need anything implanted in to your head
>Can now noscope headshot everyone in csgo just by looking at them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-JvOEXkdAs
>>435944 Where's this chart from? I must sooooource
The Big Fuss Over Navalny? >Navalny critic of Putin mysteriously dies >Navalny was anti-migrant >attended neo-nazi marches >compared mirgrants to rotten teeth that needed removing >uk MPs and Media praise him https://youtu.be/6er7Wdc39Ww
>>435953 I got it from Nosely's telegram
>>435935 Got to confess I'm an absolute retard. I got double vaxxed in my mid 20s in perfect health just to get a vaccine certificate that no one cares about. I thought it would stay necessary for visas and employment but it turns out vaccine passports was just a fad that collapsed abruptly. If I get a chronic disease from long-term side effects I deserve it for failing the global retard test tbh. Bet Rishi and Bojo didn't even take it.
>Look up my local MP >Every knife sold in the UK should have a gps tracker fitted in the handle. It’s time we had a national database like we do with guns. If you’re carrying it around you had better have a bloody good explanation, obvious exemptions for fishing etc. literal subhuman retards "representing" us ACK
Explosive toilet accidents.
>>435958 >literal subhuman retards "representing" us ACK I remember when they "debated" whether Drumpf should be allowed to the UK or not, and it was like listening to school children could not believe how dumb they all were
>>435958 How do you recall all the knives in the UK so they can get tagged? >>435962 My favourite one is when Theresa May wanted to ban the field of cryptography to prevent terrorism. Literally no one knew what they meant. How were they going to stop computers from doing basic arithmetic?
>>435965 >My favourite one is when Theresa May wanted to ban the field of cryptography to prevent terrorism. Remember when David Amess MP was killed in a literal act of Islamic terrorism? No? Well neither does anyone else tbh But when that happened, literally all the politicians including Richard Tice said that it was a clear sign that internet anonimity needed to be ended none of them explained why the two were conntected though
>>435958 Hate to burst your bubble, but it might be possible to remove the tracker. Maybe let him know?
>>435966 A mess but not a missed.
>>435967 >Hate to burst your bubble, but it might be possible to remove the tracker. Maybe let him know? what if you forget to charge the battery in your knife? the GPS won't be able to work then or did they think knives should have free energy devices installed too?
>>435969 Criminal offence to not charge your knife.
>>435968 >not a missed. he doesn't even get mentioned, while Jo Cox is brought up every time a Muslim gets a bit explody some terrorist attacks are more equal than others
>>435970 >Criminal offence to not charge your knife. meanwhile the borders stay wide open because there's "nothing we can do"
>>435972 nobody tbh
>>435962 keek I forgot about that. We can really be such a faggy country at times
>>435976 bristol?
Anyone here have any of the emojis Woes made of himself that he uses on Telegram?
>>435978 Glasgow >>435974 wew i thought he just pushed them off didnt know he was a rape bastard too
They're doing a documentary on /brit/ https://youtu.be/j8Z0EGrkcDI
>>435981 god what a bunch of twats
>>435969 Perhaps they could be kinetically charged, so each stab thrust would activate the tracker a la wind up torch. >>435971 True lad, I member are Joe.
>>435963 Muh gdp
>>435981 A SECURE NATION Sends shivers down the spine doesn't it? Like the first time listening to I Vow to Thee... Beautiful.
>>435984 >Perhaps they could be kinetically charged, so each stab thrust would activate the tracker a la wind up torch. that would't be enough to communicate with a satelinte lad ever noticed how quickly your phone loses charge when you use mobile data? that's because it' having to send a signal in to orbit when you do that, which takes a lot of power gps knives would have to do that too
>>435966 >In a police interview, he said "I mean, I guess yeah, I killed an MP. I done it, so yeah", then said he regretted that statement because it sounded like a Little Britain sketch. Keek. Poor lad fumbled his statement. No wonder no one remembers him.
>>435965 >How do you recall all the knives in the UK so they can get tagged? Electro magnets
>>435914 god stfu. every thread you just spam 4 picture posts about bullshit nobody cares about. you are the lowest quality poster on this board by a mile you inane faggot kys.
>>435989 >"I mean, I guess yeah, I killed an MP. I done it, so yeah" yeah but no but yeah I done it so yeah
>>435991 >Who? sad thing is, people say this unironically when you mention David Amess MP
>>435994 What Amess tbh
RIP DAVID AMESS MP 1952-2021 He died so internet shitposting could be made illegal
>>435997 that was 3 years ago?
>435992 Not reading your blog you fucking spastic but I’m happy for you or sad for you whatever
>>435998 >that was 3 years ago? 2 and a bit years, not quite 3 yet he was mostly peacefully killed on 15th October 2021
If you love this bloke so much why don't you marry him.
>>435999 i've done you
>>435989 Should have added ‘but no’ on the end of that to confuse them
Can you marry dead people?
>>435817 >A drug is required to lactate, such as domperidone, which is often prescribed to women struggling to breastfeed, and helps to stimulate the production of prolactin – a separate hormone that tells the body to produce milk. >Domperidone, also known by the brand name Motilum, was not intended for this, but is prescribed off-label by doctors, despite the manufacturer, Janssen, itself recommending against it because of possible side effects to a baby’s heart. >The patient leaflet for Motilium says: “Small amounts have been detected in breastmilk. Motilium may cause unwanted side effects affecting the heart in a breastfed baby. [It] should be used during breastfeeding only if your physician considers this clearly necessary.”
stinky lingering cabbage farts all day today smh
>>436011 keeek, he has the gall to claim Russia has "political oppression" and Shartica doesn't he's invoking "price of freedom" bullshit to explain why America is so expensive and shit
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>>436011 the sophistry here is off the fucking charts god I hate them
>>436013 >Number 2065 >survives How is it that they all survive until 100+ Truly miraculous
>>436014 >How is it that they all survive until 100+ healthy diet and exercise when young
>>436014 Literally survivor bias.
>>436005 Only if you're the president of France.
>>436016 >Literally survivor bias. more like liar bias
>5:20 Keeeeeek Froths at the mouth throughout Absolute mentalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx_qCu7jF9U
>18% bodyfat I've indulged too much lads.
>>436022 >18% bodyfat how did you calculate this lad?
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>>436023 great, foreigners being cruel to animals
>>436025 Dry your eyes you massive jessie
>436026 >animal abusers itt
Keeeeeeeeek >Rabbi accused us of genocide killing millions of Germans indiscriminately while Israel is conducting ‘surgical strikes’
>>436028 > Israel is conducting ‘surgical strikes’ Yeah they literally bombed hospitals
Its over
>>436030 smh, surprised he made it this far tbh at least he can rest now and not see the horrors to come ought to buy his books tbh
>>436027 *Picks you up for 20 seconds and makes you dance to bachata music*
>10,000 jews were gassed per day for 4 years! >"You see this is what is called pilpul, and its a jewish debate "tactic"" >"Yeah but Norman is a jew too..." >"No, he was just brainwashed by his parents who got it from the real jews, a satanic cult that views the world as theirs and the people on it their property" >LOOK! Retract that right now Norm and I’ll give every viewer a one time discount of 15% for Blacked.com plus a free recycled microplastic butt plug. Deal?
>So 10,000 jews gassed per day over four years >So the Germans gassed 14,600,000 jews? >YES!
>>436030 >It is said Nice source lad.
>>436025 How do you think meat and dairy is made you spastic?
>>436035 This has been up a while https://irvingbooks.com/blog/
>>436030 RIP King
>>436037 >How do you think meat and dairy is made you spastic? by forcing frogs to dance with your burning warm blooded hands as they scream silently in pain not understanding what is happening or why? smh
this >1 poster needs to be banned tbh probably a troon
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Dorset! I knew it!
>>436040 >>436041 Keek don't cry to the jannys to save you from the obvious logic that crying about dead frogs and not slaughter houses makes no sense.
Teacher teacher he called me a mean name. Ban him.
>this thread
>>436038 >>436038 I've got a thousand dollars for anyone who can show me one document that proves he's dead. Check the crematorium for holes.
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>>436046 why do you love Dorset that tranny fucker?
>>436048 I don't think he mastered advanced oven dodging despite his research.
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>>436051 glad I don't watch tiktok
>>436051 Want to rail that slag on the right tbh. Big boobas.
>>436051 stick to your 2024 looksmatch chud.
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>>436053 big talk from a >1
>yank recreation of Britain Manage to make it look authentic by their mere presence
>>436058 Keek lad on the right is up to something.
>>436059 he's thinking about how to save the huwhite race
new rw foid just dropped
>>436061 A nigger stole her eyebrows.
>>436059 That's a true Gamma Male
>>436063 who the fuck is oli london?
>>436067 wrong post >>436062
>>436066 Oli London used to be a troon that got plastic surgery to look like a Korean woman, then changed back to become a right wing essex lad and eceleb instead
I'm sorry I asked.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLmy68gMsRA Interview with Julius Assange's wife on his last-ditch appeal to stop US extradition.
>>436072 this shit goes on while mongs in the jewSA all are out with their gay slava cocaine nafo tranny take about NABALKNEE
>>436057 Funny lass. I'd kiss her potato stump like kissing a womans hand on our first date.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIuH-2naozI keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAIHPzuqSc4&list=LL&index=22 tbh I just want to chase these gay covidkikes down with a massive diesel with a mile high blackstack and run them over pulling a sled full of huge butt slags
TheMuslimVote.co.uk UNMASKED | 'Campaign backer' exposed as ex-UK leader of banned terrorist group | GB News https://youtu.be/1yJbHvTxBvY
>>436078 based
>>436058 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>436058 kino pic
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>gif failed
>>436081 kid looks like he knows he fucked up smh
>>436086 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>436087 he looks like he is generic midwest playthrough NPC probably just thinks about trucks all day at his job making fishing boat hulls in some factory
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>>436090 you don't think he ever thinks about how his wife got so fucking fatt?
>>436091 yeah looks fucked
>>436081 >>436087 looks like an alt universe version of that Russian military commander with the qt goth gf, but if he accidentally took up a career in architecture... what's his name again?
>>436094 motorola
>>436095 o fug. I just read that he dieded. did he leave a widow?
>>436096 I saw the pic it was fucked
feel daft now not having known that the pics of those two being romantic together were several years old and he was already dead. smh the brother war meat grinder is so grim
toil looms on the horizon and I'm going to be so fucking tired after 3h sleep. >>436097 hope neoboomertoil siding keeps going well lad, it's good honest work
>>436099 >3h rip lad
>>436099 this was me yesterday, you'll get through it lad, weird thing is, when i come home after going to work on no sleep, i'm never tired and stay up shitposting. i'm sure i have a naturally nocturnal circadian rhythm, possibly from my ancestors being banditchads and highwaymen.
>>436102 luv this one tbh classic
>>436102 smh if only I could go back in time and share my wistom with 19 year old Martin. >you can see my shitty hairline even with the hat on keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
he's the blobby highwayman who we're too scared to mention he spends his cash on sweetie stash and grooming for attention The police take your copium and your troonie accusation! The way you look you'll qualify for MAID attention!
>>436081 basically the type of woman I am talking with now smh
>>436105 Bravo
bowl ov porridge wiv maypole sizzurp for brekkie
>>436105 keeeeeeek
Morning lads
>>436104 >smh if only I could go back in time and share my wistom with 19 year old Martin. >Make sure to download all these apps!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipXkxgyFIjQ smooth wigger choons to start the day with guess I'll do a little cleaning and a lot of gooming as ways to go extinct go NEETing ain't so bad
>>436110 smorb lad
>>436113 Good lad.
Politicians in Ireland shitting themselves right about now EU commies need to go. Wish one countries in Europe would find there balls and shut that fucking place down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llAnoLFUgHM https://youtu.be/OtVrriu6coc
>>436117 based taigs
Keeeeeeeeek ‘God’ has turned the whole world into the third world with their shenanigans https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1759968793206325388
>>436117 UP THE RA
>>436119 So as a kike do they think everything they orchestrate is divine will or do they just reserve the right to claim that at any given moment because they're kikes?
>>436122 both lad they just say whatever's convenient at the time
t. mark THE BAD NEWS: The British government want to bring back conscription so they can send young Brits to fight Russia. THE REALLY BAD NEWS: They will give conscripts wooden guns and tell them to run at the enemy shouting 'pew pew pew'. THE REALLY REALLY BAD NEWS: They spent the money they should have spent on the military on hotels for migrants in order to fund the invasion of Britain. So whilst you are dying in a foreign field your wife and daughters are making the acquaintance of the men brought here to replace you.
>>436124 >Plops
>>436124 I do just love how everything seems to be failing but the only thing we have more money for is funneled into hs2 pay outs to the politicians nepotistic entourage and housing fucking illegal migrants.
>>436126 looting stage smh
couldn't be arsed watching that 2 hours of mark tbh, whatever he said isn't worth having to also listen to a poo coloured jihadi
Sargoy also getting involved with some low IQ anti white cunt. All the rage it seems
>>436129 Phwoarrr
good shnafternoon lads, windy today again >>436124 The consequences are entirely on them if they think conscripting incels like us is a good idea, should we all decide to "acidentally" fire our guns in the wrong direction tbh
>>436129 >All the rage literally smee
>>436130 Would look great in a curry being fed to her compatriots
So is irving actually dead then
>>436136 Kikes probably have his consciousness digitally boxed and eternally tortured.
It's live now if anyone wants to suffer, she's thick as shit keeeek https://www.lotuseaters.com/the-podcast-of-the-lotus-eaters-855-21-02-2024 >>436130 cor spaff
Either he’s a traitor or Russia are spinning he is How long till he gets Ack-d?
>>436138 He’s getting ‘innit’d’ keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
We need to ban furriners speaking English
>>436140 "STOP STOP STOOOP" keek I'm tapping out this is tragic
Trust the science lads
>>436143 WE! Keeeeeeek He should just bash her face in with the microphone in his meinkraft studio and then Roblox her in her unconscious holes why wouldn’t he even?
Thanks for posting this! Comedy gold tbh. Absolutely roaring >yeah but no but yeah but ACK-MED!
She’s been sniffing coke *rubs big paki nose*
>told her she’s not British Keeeeeeek
THE NEW BOOMER PSYOP - THE LOTUS EATERS https://youtu.be/rAxgf31u3_M
She’s on the ropes Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Sargon still owning the low hanging fruit all these years on. based.
>>436154 Yeah but no but
>An Albanian is white! They have an advantage over me! >Sargon agrees
Give her some bwc
Katie Hopkins. How cancel culture (evisceration) REALLY works. https://youtu.be/lMqt36_Bigg
woah lib dems are secretly based?
Imagine the colonial roleplay she's into Corrrr.
Tonight on Lotus Eaters with Katie Ho-pkins and Tommeh Rabbison : Are Liberal Democrats the REAL Nazis!?
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>>436163 >implying
How i Prepare and Paint New Plaster - Mist Coating Guide https://youtu.be/1oNtMDN0ih8
>Russian naval losses mean Odes cannot remain in Ukrainian hand >Transnistria overlooks the plains all the way to the port >Moldova has 30 to 50k militia plus 5k + Russian soldiers I believe it https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/15/ukraine-russia-war-latest-news1/
>>436165 Fucking hell! Can’t listen to that, painful
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>>436167 yeah he shouts all the way through even though there is nothing in the room and no background noise a true sign of the lower class tbh
Romans are drafting new legions of barbarians with promises of land in the newly conquered territories should they be victorious! Ave!
>>436167 >>436168 Oooo scawy tradesman speaking in loud empty room huwts my gay little ears! Ebil working class scum! You pair of fucking quivering fannies deserve torture. Steiner, sort 'em out.
>>436170 I didn't say it was a bad thing lad men like that built the british empire
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>>436169 fucking hell, we all predicted this too it's like they are following a playbook for collapsing an empire
>>436174 William
These fuckers terrorising kids smh tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxfVdZu0IOo
>436175 Shut up Deano not listening to your Barrett Homes Boombox drill rap
I've done him
>>436176 >Are they going to take back Malmo then?
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>>436173 Don't really trust Adam Curtis, his last video series was total garbage full of literal misinformation
>>436173 What was Adam Curtis's position on the "pandemic", the biggest and most obvious psyop we have lived through yet?
>>436180 They should start there and Rinkeby, Uppsala and the other places they’ve fucked up tbh
>>436182 Don’t know much about him tbh see him more as someone who produces slick content that at least he’s normier thinking a bit different but yeah ikwym https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Adam_Curtis
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CUGYc4_1mcc?feature=share The first ever truly based thing this lad has said. Hey Jocko, STOP re-enacting your rape. Dorshit, STOP enabling him. Okay, thank you.
>>436186 Phwoar, when did Blaire become so peng?
>>436186 >Jock STOP he's completely insane lad, total mentaler, crazy as a coconut, you can't just tell him to "stop"
>>436187 it's all makeup and lighting, lad
>Peng >open stinking necrotic wound
>>436190 >>open stinking necrotic wound has he had the full lop?
>>436189 I'm not being serious. I know Blaire White looks like an angry chimpanzee with broad shoulders irl.
God Save Us All From This Hopeless Woke Buffoon - Grant Shapps' Defence Secretary! | Godfrey Bloom Official https://youtu.be/erHbi-RRlh8
>parents encouraging nephew to be noisy and then complaining he is noisy later again It's a miracle I grew up to be such a good boy
>>436195 You should groom him to become a based muscular incel traddy chudderpede, lass
>>436196 this tbh red pill him on the jq and the holohoax
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>reminder that there are probably troons itt
>we absorb some food in our large colon >meaning we literally are eating poo bros??
>>436198 >>436194 never heard him use this expression tbh are you troons?
>436200 what a silly post
do trannies really use plungers on themselves to suck out the poo before "sex" or do they just not mind it?
>>436203 nah, they have a soy enema.
>>436201 Yes, lad. I'm going to wear a dress and bum you.
>>436203 Used as lube I believe
>Here’s who qu…NIGGERS
These AI youtube videos that is just a long summary of a film
>>436210 blapipo sure are fragile
>>436210 *mad-dogs you until it escalates into us killing each other*
>>436211 SEASONED! They have this theory ngl, that we invaded Britain, enslaved them and then deported them to the Caribbean before taking over control of their ancient lands. Do not fucking ask where we are supposed to have arrived from but I have heard this guff peddled a few times
I had 3 black kids being raised by a negro single dad move in as neighbours. My liberal mummy and daddy encouraged me to befriend them and we lived in a relitively well off area so the coloureds tended to be well behaved by and large (middleclassoid conscientious medical types ). Long story short, this fledging childhood friendship ended with an expensive vase smashed to pieces; my favourite large a1 marine biology book worth maybe £100 being used as a sled down my staircase (ridiculous since we already had a sled in storage) along with a few hundred in cash going missing from my dad's wallet after a visit. 2009 marked the year any trust I could ever place in the blacks was eroded. I swear to god I still miss that book.
>>436210 If these bucks smiled more they could avoid so many needless deaths. oh well!
>>436215 Poor lad. Kind of sad to see in school the kids who befriend people of other races ngl.
turns out Irving isn't quite dead yet
Just want a polite society again
This was just advertised to me by the Jews: https://youtu.be/PJCN8EZGEJ8
big malarkey in parliament right now over gaza
>>436223 low iq woman in the big green chair smh brownoids and more women and old cunts ACK
talking about fucking tweets what a joke of a government
>>436222 keeeek first time i've laughed at a wyatt tbh they're normally just unpleasant and wordy
people in casual clothes too fucksake
>>436224 She can't control the house.
it's clear that parliament is a sideshow for idiots and the real power is in the unelected bureaucrats smdh
keeeeeeek did you lads see the illegal chink that got sworn into San Franciscos commission? Genuinely an illegal immigrant
i don't like it lads no i don't
>>436230 bit rude to interview her in profile
>>436230 Looking forward to San Fran and Canada joining the neo Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
>Adam Wallace
>>436223 wtf is going on?
>>436236 Tango supports Sheffield Wednesday, la.
Has the speaker had to grovel to the jews or something?
>grovelling to jocks Just as bad
>>436240 wtf is that? Adam Wallace?
>>436234 Alrigh' Joey la!
>>436237 retards larping
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>shartus eaters getting on le heinlein train because they're retards who don't know about farnham's freehold
Beer gut
>>436245 keeeeeeeeeeek. never seen it before.
>All this fuss over wogs AYE!
>>436247 It's all those matzo balls she has at home.
Based Natsoc ho
This anti semite
What Norwood pattern is she sporting lads?
What did he say? In English
Aren't all the ones with any clout Friends Of Israel anyway? keeek.
Angry jock philosemite
JEWS WIN AGAIN! Havanagila.webm
>>436256 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >strokes one out
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>>436205 >Yes, lad. >I'm going to wear a dress and bum you. I fucking knew it
>>436263 >i've done him
THE STORY OF TUCKER CARLSON AND THE WOKE RIGHT https://twitter.com/triggerpod/status/1760044299654176975
>Woke Right
>>436230 This is wong
I hate this jew and his nerd mate.
>>436264 it's only the dress part that upsets him
>>436271 >it's only the dress part this is the bit (You) like the most I bet smh
>>436266 Traitor ‘russian’
>>436266 this jew cunt invited a grooming victim on his show to lecture her about identity politics
Anyone have the ausländer raus lego float clip?
>>436274 Just look at the fucking physiognamy. Fucking shapiro-looking arse. Especially in the mannerisms
>>436277 >Just look at the fucking physiognamy. Fucking shapiro-looking arse. Especially in the mannerisms everything about him looks nasty and dishonest the dark shadowy snake like eyes, the strangely large rubbery lips, the narrow effeminate chin... he has no trustworthy masculine features
>honour your ancestors >your ancestors are boomers BROS???
>>436278 Thanks, love
>>436274 He’s a prick and that gormless beard Francis Muppet to lend him credulity as ‘British’ is a fucking embarrassment as well tbh
>>436282 So Konstantin Kisin is the direct relative of one of the Jews that ripped post-communist Russia apart like a vulture feasting on a dying animal
>>436279 >Russian-British satirist But > Kisin grew up in Uzbekistan in the former Soviet Union to parents Marina and Vadim, then 18 and 20 years old, respectively. His family is of Jewish and Russian heritage. His experiences in the country inform much of his own political worldview today. At age 11, he moved to the United Kingdom. And then >He attended Clifton College boarding school and subsequently Edinburgh University, which he left before finishing a degree. >Clifton College former headquarters of US army during the war has an exclusive jewish boys house called ‘Polack’ This fake ‘British’ jew glows like anything tbh
smh everyone gets a wall
we need to take down this Kisin guy
>>436288 Ask Group 13 to stick him in the Thames face down. If he’s not a witch he’ll drown, if he survives he is and we’ll ask Putin to novichok him
>>436290 who are Group 13?
>>436282 Is there anyone who doesn’t glow and isn’t a thief, a murderer…or jewish?
>>436291 People who don’t exist who do the dirty wet work on behalf of the shady fuckers who run this shit show Ponzi scheme
feral youths chase a uk police officer out of their hood
>>436294 Just a bit of Ramadan fun is all
Think I might try and find some proper Italian made gangsta movies. Learn some skills. Learn how to be a badman
its heating up in japan
>>436298 based they should throw all the wogs out, they are whiter than balkanoids IMO
some mudshit was messing with a shinto shrine I believe, such cunts.
poo skins desecrated a shinto shrine so nationalists staged a protest in the kurdish area and the pooskins started threatening them. https://twitter.com/RadioGenoa/status/1759801520277647632
brownoids walking on the coattails of anglo saxon/british empire folkways are acting much more arrogant and presumptious than our ancestors ever did.
nigga wearing a kebab shirt lmao
>>436301 japan/japanese: aesthetics/philosophy/literature/tech shitskins: nothing I know who I support
ugly disgusting wogs just infesting everywhere
its a good sign that the amount of kurds in japan is like 3,000 or so and the locals are already chimping.
Are Saddam could have prevented this
>>436306 they aren't stupid they see what is happening here
>>436301 Time to act is now, before they get in the state we are. Literally 'Nip' it in the bud.
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What chance do Kurds have against an army of chigyu organising on 2ch?
>>436310 Is that my Korean ex?
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wiggum-esque keeek
>wiggum posting keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>436315 Sort of wish it'd stuck around longer tbh. It was a powerful memi.
>>436301 Kurds are turbo criminals tbh. Dangerous fuckers should be thrown in the Sea of Japan
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>reminder that troons post here
>>436318 >Looking like normal people
>t-troons, PLEASE post here!
Forgot webm
Me sneaking back into brit after 6 months off trying to blend in among all the shite posts
>>436323 Glad this doesn't have sound tbh. Imagination does it all.
I miss her (real woman, filthy whore) lads.
>>436324 You can hear it >Ywnbaw!
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>>436326 keeeek
Just glad Tony Soprano died before they made him troon out
>>436325 I bet H is balls deep tonight. WAHEY
David Irving should b on the back of the fifty tbh
22st, you alright la?
>>436330 Why is Nick Fuentes on the Fifty Pound note?
>>436332 Because he’s a poof
Was he a Groyper, lads?
>>436321 why does it have two belly buttons?
Even more immigrants are necessary.
>>436325 you got any more vids of her to play for us in Kosmi?
>>436336 the genetics are so fucked, the lower one is the bumhole.
>>436335 >was he a groyper more like a gay-per
EMERGENCY BROADCAST FOR VIRGCEL STEINER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0-ZCb0nr4
>>436341 Leave him alone. He'll get a gf one of these decades.
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>Iddy Izzard has been done
bbk’s been done blunt force trauma up the bum
>>436345 what's the problem here? he's not a simp, nothing wrong with that
>>436338 Oh loads, but not since you spilled last time. Smh.
>>436350 >not since you spilled last time what got spilled?
>spilled my seed
Spilled fer Engerlund I hope m8
>>436354 Fucking grim
>Romanian woman who runs the nightshift keeps not adding my overtime >told bossman I've done the maximum amount of hours every day
>>436355 wow it's fucking nothing
>>436359 Your fucking times up boomer!
>>436358 Seems deceptive and not of the Anglo spirit to me, lad.
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BASED https://files.catbox.moe/wailgb.mp4
>>436364 About time they got it handed to them >What shall we concern ourselves with today fellow Australian ladies. Should have grabbed her phone and slung it over towards Perth
>>436365 >Could you tell me what this man looks like? >Yeah, He's white, bald and hates immigrants keeeeek top man
>>436366 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Abo vs Abos vs bus Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://files.catbox.moe/n7evhl.mp4
ONS Change Conting Method To Cover Up Excess Deaths - Katie Hopkins https://youtu.be/1TEHMpk8uV0
>>436369 please end in k*rd genocide
Morning lads
/noposting/ for 6 hours smh
>>436374 smorbing lad
>>436376 Who’s this based lad? >>436363
>>436378 keeeeek based
never forget science did this
>>436380 keeeeeeeeek
>>436380 wtf? Where is this?
>>436382 Cafe & Konditorei Rothe in Germany, 2020
was she ok?
>>436379 When he reports himself to police. Keeeeeeeeeeek Even the dog knows what’s up and isn’t getting involved Stupid thots had their singular brain cell rearranged but I’m sure they commiserated with each other over a biscuit and cuppa. Fucking hate these types tbh typical nimbys won’t understand until they’re getting slung around their beds in their oap homes after having that brain cell removed by a migrant doctor who fucked up a boil lancing procedure
>>436383 Fucking hell should have guessed with the autism colours tbh
>>436384 SEASONED!
>>436384 wew >>436385 tbh just a bunch of bored mongs who want a reason to pat themselves on the back it's not real to any of them until it's already too late smh up until that point it's not politics it's just a fashion accessory
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>>436385 RNHS >with a hard r
>General Harald Kujat, the former Chief of Staff of the German armed forces and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, warns that the US and NATO instigated the Ukraine War to destroy Russia: > By some conservative German media (Bild-Zeitung, Die Welt) Kujat was criticized for his pro-Russian views in German TV talk shows, allegedly being considered with misgiving by the German Federal Government. >This is what it looks like >TRAITOR! Of course, why wouldn’t they https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U21-RrB8E6Q
>>436388 Exactly. Coffee morning activity club/trying to remain relevant/virtue signalling mornings Should go and pick up litter or something in the migrant areas if they want something to do. He should have just picked them up in his ute “Hullo ladies! We’re off to a really impactful and exciting location where you’re actions will really hit the headlines! Jump in!” …and then just dropped them off outside a drug den in a ghetto and then filmed the results
>>436392 >commodity-based reserve currency >gold standard so it's war then
>>436393 We’ve always been at war with a few breaks for peace to restock on population and commodities
>>436393 Russia will take Odessa and Transnistria and then eventually Kiev
>>436396 I get it. Women do go on and on. They understand after such a gesture, usually.
>>436397 But they never forget. Always cemented in their memories absolutely vindictive fuckers
>>436398 Sounds like something a cringecel would say.
Not interested in being associated with such.
Woman or simpcel? hmmmmmm
probably a femcel
Hurry up and get in power, Labour. I want to benniesmaxx.
>>436403 No chance unless you’re a muscel tbh lad
>>436404 I'm converting
>>436405 Learn to drive and they’ll probably throw a car in as well
>>436406 I can drive, lass.
>>436385 Nursing revalidation consists of a few 10 question online tests (google the answer lol) and a personal statement you can get chatgpt to do for you instantly. No wonder these fraudsters can fall through the cracks especially with the ridiculous levels of corruption and nepotism going on in these NHS trusts. Half of those tests are instructions for the BAME's to bully autists and worship LGBT. NHS is an ethnic cesspit designed to break the do-gooder lasses who care. Nurising industry is an underpaid catty shithole industry when only the most cynical and lying remain (the nice lasses get married to rich doctors). Thinking of moving to the gulf for a few years at some point to get tax free salaries with free flights and accomodation; women being discouraged from their base whore nature and not having to worry about being stabbed by some niggers because the openly racist islamist gulf police are perfectly happy with cutting off the hands of criminals/shooting them in the head when they do a naughty. Whites benefit from the racism in that they get treated better and recieve higher salaries due to arab internalised colonial racial inferiority. All the competent doctors and nurses I liked have left or retired. Fuck this country.
>>436408 Tbh What are you going to do in the Gulf?
>>436409 Be a paki there too, presumably
Interdasting Didn’t know Barrage subscribed toKeef https://nitter.poast.org/KeithWoodsYT/status/1759322032515305793
>>436414 >he's done me again
>Girl queuing in front of me in a coffee shop paid for my order Just came here to brag. I'm too handsome to post here. Sorry lads.
>>436416 Maybe she thought you were disabled
Famous Favela Monkey guilty of rapey rapey in Spain
>>436418 >4 and a half years for irl willy posting sopadomacaco.jpg
Tbh he’s right. I’ve seen many jews fleeing from their pets and indeed they are on occasion faster however a more thorough study must be conducted Open borders for Israel and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
smh forgot screenshot
>>436418 How do you rape someone in a nightclub, aren't there 100 lights on and people everywhere?
A paki, a jew and a taig walk into a studio…
>>436423 VIP area, away from the plebs/
>>436423 Lad. He’s a ‘highly decorated’ footballer with lightning dribbling skills. Who knows how many goals he scored that night. He probably only got caught because she threw herself on the floor like Ronaldo and the ref cried foul
>>436417 Still counts.
>>436411 Wanting to be compensated more for wiping bums doesn't make you a paki lad. I wouldn't mind staying for the less pay if the wards weren't so mismanaged and understaffed.
Imagine the smell
wipe my arse you dirty (1) wog
>>436416 Sounds good, but what happened next?
>>436416 What were you buying lad?
>>436424 >Chanting "jihad" at a pro-Gaza rally is a terrorist act >Sharing a birth rates graph on X is a terrorist act Funny how neither side actually supports free speech. They just want the other side to be arrested more.
>>436432 >>436431 Americano in Black Sheep Coffee. I made my order and the card reader came on and she paid for it suddenly. The cashier said it was mine and offered her a refund, but I guess she said it was OK because he announced she had paid for my coffee. When I heard that I asked her if she got her money back, but she smiled and said it was fine. I smiled, thanked her and then walked out. Not single so I just took the free coffee and left her there tbh.
>>436435 Ahh, It was just a mistake then.
Wouldn't want to brag about buying vile nigger slave bean sludge from an extortionate coffee shop on here tbh, but if it was free then fair enough.
>>436416 this happened to me ones and I was so confused by it I didn't know what to do
>>436433 you liar PA will never give up, until the White British race is saved
>>436439 My mistake, I must've misread it.
>>436438 Keek. Did you say thank you?
>>436437 Not my fault you're a broke tramp lad.
poorfags are always bitter about lads just living their best life. smh
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Addicts and >(1)s don't @ me
Fuck me someone make the new thread already smh
>>436445 smelt it dealt it
>>436434 We need to get rid of the useful Marxist stooge and neoliberal bureaucrats who make the laws and the MPs (actors) who just sit there ‘debating’ it and pretending it’s them that came up with it making a show of being legislators. Nothing but theatre Deport them all don’t care where, preferably somewhere painful and inconvenient
particularly sneetheful meal today first I found out that along with subsidising nigger breeding in the third word, the boomers pay directly into Amnesty International, ie jew fraud and migrant trafficking, then the xoomer women went on about their childhoods (in nightclubs by the age of 15) and how much better birmingham and nottingham were when they were young (no it's not their fault for vooting for infinity niggers) and then described the places they lived in growing up and it was upper middle class, almost even tarquin condintions- mcmansion with long drive and pillared entrance etc. And they became anarchist types just to btfo their parents the stupid faggot cunts. benefitted from all of the proper british richfag end of empire life and denied it from their children intentionally. And then they teamed up against the boomers to get them to hire a personal assistant (friend of theirs) for way too much money to do way too little (arrange appointments and make the bed occasionally) without giving a single thought to me sitting there listening even though the majority of their conversations with me centre around employment and how I don't have enough work. ACK
>436443 male nurses are failed doctors
Why is everyone shitting on the nurse? He's said nothing false or wrong and I completely understand wanting to go make some real money somewhere else while this place is being looted and ransacked.
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Finally a fucking end to this awful arc.

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