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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3943: Bad Vlad Edition Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:36:56 Id: 9eeced No. 434921
The smiling assassin: Putin laughs as he addresses a crowd minutes after it was revealed he had been informed of Alexei Navalny's 'murder' in prison https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13092597/Putin-laughs-minutes-informed-Alexei-Navalnys-death.html >As the world reacted with anger to the news today that Alexei Navalny had died in a Russian prison, shameless Vladimir Putin was seen grinning from ear to ear. Wellingborough and Kingswood by-elections: Job not done despite huge wins, says Starmer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68313421 >Keir Starmer has said Labour has "more work to do" after it inflicted two big by-election defeats on the Tories. Newhaven: Six taken to hospital after migrants found in lorry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-68316252 >Six people have been taken to hospital after migrants were found in a lorry aboard a ferry in East Sussex, police have said. Israel launches deadly air strikes in Lebanon after rockets hit army base https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68292471 >At least seven civilians have been killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon, security sources say, after Hezbollah rocket fire killed a soldier in Israel.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:47:16.
need a tight little minx on me knob tbh
>>434921 >murder Zero proof for this of course
State of Ben Wallace smh
>>434930 audible drooling at the thought of millions of dead Europeans smh
>Epstin murdered >Coomzalo Lira murdered >Assange illegally detained >Dr.David Kelly murdered >thousands of people imprisoned or persecuted for wrongthink in the UK Think they can all fuckoff with their Navalny shit tbh Secretly they all thought of him as Putin-lite and genuinely hate any Russian who wouldn’t just sell Russia out to them. If Navalny had been President he would have fucked the US and EU off as well tbh Crocodile tears and just something else they can use to beat Putin with boring cunts
How it even benefits Russia to murder this guy when he's pacified in a prison is beyond me. Who benefits the most? The US gets an extra news piece VS CIA asset wasting away in prison. He's more famous dead.
>>434933 >Secretly they all thought of him as Putin-lite and genuinely hate any Russian who wouldn’t just sell Russia out to them. If Navalny had been President he would have fucked the US and EU off as well tbh Huh. Why was he imprisoned by Putler then? Smh he should only be imprisoning those sorts who would sell out his country.
>>434933 >Coomzalo Lira murdered WEW only just found out about this now smh
>>434936 >>434933 The spic journalist killed by Zelensky?
>>434921 good lad
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>Skyrooming >What good are fish if you have to eat them alone?
They probably waited so long to poison him so he'd be less of a martyr. Assassinating him after he just survived an attempted poisoning and then willingly returned to Russia would cause too much unrest. Surprised they killed him at all.
>>434940 Couldn't he have just died because he became ill? Happens in our prisons, an arctic penal colony has got to be worse. Might not have been deliberately timed but Putler would still be responsible tbph.
>>434937 Coach Red Pill
reminder to buy those flossing sticks lads, in a decade or two when you need your teeth looked at, dentistry might not exist in this country anymore. trust me you need to floss the gums between the teeth. save yourself some middle age xoomer workhorse misery
>>434941 >On 17 April 2021, it was reported that Navalny was in immediate need of medical attention. Navalny's personal doctor Anastasia Vasilyeva and three other doctors, including cardiologist Yaroslav Ashikhmin, asked prison officials to grant them immediate access, stating on social media that "our patient can die any minute", due to an increased risk of a fatal cardiac arrest or kidney failure "at any moment". Might not be deliberately timed. He was killed through torture and denied medical treatment. The only treatment they gave him were two ibuprofen tablets.
>>434943 I have a private dentist, pauper.
>>434943 good point lad
>>434943 Tbh need to remember to floss. Keek at that image though. Can imagine plod on twatter showing something like that in a weapons shiezure post, alongside gay zombie knives.
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652866 >the signatures are already stagnating Smh.
signed it, my ancestors were UK citizens
>>434949 well it's hardly a proposal that will be taken seriously is it not only is it far too brief and lacking in content, the topic is one which parliament has repeatedly made clear their views on democracy counts for nothing
I remember signing a bunch of petition-parliament poo back in the old days 2014-2016 not a thing came of it and the resulting debates were poorly attended and formulative
>>434935 When I say Putler-lite I mean they saw him as someone else who wouldn’t necessarily do their bidding and sell Russia out. Gameplay is constant regime change until they get total control and can just asset strip the place and fill it with niggers He’s just convenient to pick up and yell “Look! Another ‘good man’ Putler murdered, the murdering murderer!”
>>434940 He appealed last year but it was denied. Then he got another sentence of 19 years. He was supposed to be released in 2038
>>434954 coke and ciggies jutsu pistachio power
Paging Predator Patrol Nonce Hunters Got one!
>>434958 tbh no-one deserves that hairline
telegram sharted for anyone else? can't get the latest seethe from the PA crew smh
>>434961 Mine's alright, had to pull out of a PA event this evening due to a work commitment smh
>>434961 works for smee
wait nvm it's back only thing of interest is el marko trying to be smart by stating the obvious ELECTION ANALYSIS Wellingborough and Kingswood By-Elections Yesterday two parliamentary by-elections took place, one in Wellingborough and one in Kingswood. Labour won both, and in both cases, they overturned sizeable Conservative majorities. These results show the continued trend of a complete Conservative collapse. The Conservative Party has always been a blockade to genuine nationalist change, as the Conservatives have always managed to hoodwink voters with false promises about curtailing immigration and defending traditional values. The destruction of the Conservative Party is something to be celebrated. However, the bad news is that in both cases the beneficiary of the Conservative collapse was the Labour Party – a party that is even more pro-immigration, more anti-traditionalist than the Conservatives, what’s more, Labour would support even harsher and more draconian restrictions on our freedoms. In effect, the voters have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. The other interesting take away from these two by-elections is the rise of Reform UK, the successor to the Brexit Party, which was itself a successor to UKIP. Reform UK polled very strongly in both of these by-elections, taking 13 per cent and 10.4 per cent of the vote respectively. For an outsider, non-parliamentary party to come from nowhere and take two third places and take over 10 per cent of the vote in two seats is very promising and shows that a significant number of the electorate are now willing to break away from the two main parties and vote for a populist ‘right wing’ option. However, don’t get too excited – in Wellingborough, over 70 per cent of those who voted still supported the two main parties and in Kingswood almost 80 per cent supported the two main parties – something that seems unbelievable considering how bad things are in the UK. Further to this, Reform UK are NOT a real nationalist alternative, and in Wellingborough their candidate was a ‘Pakistani-British businessman’ who was not born in the UK, but migrated here with his parents as a teenager. Wellingborough was presented with a more nationalistic candidate thanks to Britain First fighting the seat, however they lost their deposit and took a meagre 1.6 per cent of the vote, coming in 8th place. In Kingswood there was no real nationalist option, however UKIP fought the seat, but they fared even worse than Britain First did in Wellingborough. In Kingswood UKIP took just 0.5 per cent of the vote, and came last. The turnout for these elections was 38.1 per cent and 37.1 per cent respectively. What are the takeaways from this: 1. The Conservative Party is in freefall and may well be effectively wiped out at the next general election – it is a realistic prospect that the party could end up with fewer than 100 seats in Parliament. 2. Labour look set to win the next general election by landslide. This will undoubtedly usher in an era that is worse in every measurable metric than the one we live in now – more migrants, higher taxes, harsher restrictions on our freedoms and a rapid acceleration of anti-white and ‘woke’ policy making. 3. The rise of Reform UK on the surface seems like a positive, however Reform UK is NOT a nationalist party and will likely act as a blockade to any genuine nationalist bid for power. 4. Despite the absolutely dire state of UK politics, of those who vote, 70 per cent plus are still happily voting for the two main parties.
when are the electsharts tbh I forget how to even voote think I missed the last round of whatever we were vooting on since 2019
>>434965 Dan C's comment is based and right tbh
I've arrived in Rome. Graffiti everywhere. EVERYWHERE. It's far worse than London in that regard. Saw a couple of Forza Italia billboards with a smiling Berlusconi on. Saw a group of about 6 niggers congregating outside a shop, chatting, drinking and smoking. There was also a horde of around 30 Chinese people of various ages walking together. Many Chinese tourists. Plently of moslems too. Rome has fallen. Also the Italian lady at the local shop was mad because I didn't weigh a pear I bought. Nice Italian man in a local shop gave me free samples of cheeses and sausages though. Also had some free fudge at the airport.
>>434921 Good Vlad.
>>434969 travel lad? I suppose it was inevitable since it seems like every major city in evropa has been occupied
22st, this one's for you. https://youtu.be/6Pjc_zOuY2c
Did you guys delete all my wow characters and leave one called homosecsual on there?
one struggle
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was at the library studying for my carpenters license and this nigger was panhandling and I told him to fuck off then he started bothering and cussing at this asian mummy with her daughters so I told him to fuck off and leave them along and he did like a cuck, told him he could go shine shoes if he wanted money. #civilization defender
>>434962 whats wrong with them lad?
>>434976 based but could have been more based if you asked her to go back to china because all the railways are already built
Wew just heard that Putler literally personally vored a journalist
>>434977 They don't fit, they're too baggy.
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>>434980 god I hate boomers
>>434976 very good lad you can say what you want about sam hyde but hes been advocating for the bullyciding of inner city nigcels
>>434959 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's my look from middle school
>>434978 don't have a problem with east asians tbh
>>434986 Is that you, lad?
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>>434989 no this is me
>>434985 Well don't go silent on me...
>>434994 >It's a very calculated act I'm cumming. You're clean right? What do you mean you're not on birth control? Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
I'm convinced most kids are unwanted. Shit parents just half arse it and spread copium.
>>434966 Don't give a shit. Going to vote for the daftest independent candidate I find.
>>434999 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek seems like most of sharticas police force is staffed by spics
>His BWC video >BWC Images
>>434999 Feel a trembling reading BWC tbh. We're powerful. BBC is old news
No, I am not an IQ supremacist. My leader posts shit like this
Holy shit look at that bone!
>>435004 KEEEEEEK >city soy scot sees real food for the first time
smh luring wews away from coke and sweeties
Leaning towards settling with a fattie who seems agreeable tbh
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new boomer bossman is my age and offered me a job immediately at 28 an hour will pay me at the end of every week
>>435010 maybe he will lead your warband
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>>434999 howling
>>435010 >Steiner earning more than me now smh Steinhog on top again
>>435014 Why did you post that?
>Why did you post that?
god I hate women
love big boobs me
>>435018 I love women, I just hate that they have rights tbh.
>>435018 she is perfect lad big bimbo american slag
and just like my cousin she gets to have some fancy tour of western europe totally randomly and not because some europoorean richfags are paying for it
meanwhile the incel's greatest hedonistic pursuit outside of gooning is eating themselves to death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYhvOt5yyT8
>>435025 Homer eating doughnuts in hell.webm
>>435025 Poor eggy he really was destined to go out like this.
filled with the urge to shout NIGGER in this densely populated low income urban environment
there is a claymore on sale on ebay for 200 dollars kind of want to buy it so I can keep it in my truck as my toil self defense weapon
a fake 1757 one
>>435030 if it can hold an age, do it there is no downside for incels to larpmaxx
an edge wish loss of coherence was from tinnies and not insomnai
thought about buying a crossbow in a more pathetic version of how shart gun sales go up every time there's a ban scare but there really is no point shitty little island where we're packed into urban environments and can't afford gardens and the only hobby clubs that exist are for over 50s or women or children so I'd just be sad lonely autist even if I did manage to cycle out to a "fun activity centre" (designated field where it's okay to) to shoot arrow
>>435005 Here's a little combo a lot of people don't know about... Some Dairy Milk chocolate and.. wait for it... A glass of milk hmm oh yes ho ho ho.
>>435035 in what situation is a galaxy bar appropriate though?
>>435034 crossbow is better than nothing tbh, was thinking about selling my guns because its 99 percent a larp. would probably just keep my single action revolver since its sort of like a romantic piece rather than anything practical.
>>435037 she was always overrated
>>435039 tbh. Boomers just went crazy because it reminded them of their porn mags with scantily clad women in sexually suggestive poses around cars smh
always sad when a woman boggs herself >>435038 my uncle keeps an xbow presumably for home defence keeeek it's been sitting on top of a shelf fully strung for years, must be about as loose as foid cousin's nethers by now shudder to think of the consequences for actually using it in that context here probably 200 years prison and all your money is used to import more niggers for the audacity of attempting to defend oneself from wealth redistribution melanated gentlemen
>>435040 yeah agree she is a boomer bait yoomer slag.
hate how much the jew psyoped women into thinking mother hood is ugly when it really gives lasses a second youth almost in their 30s
>>435041 self defense shit is such a memi, 99 percent of the time in burgerland chuds just end up shooting some other chud over road rage. without a high trust community its a joke.
>>435043 >18 year old girls on dating apps saying they want children when they are still young... in their early 30s Half the children in twice the amount of years. Not looking good for those birthrates, lads
Then again, I came around to the thought of having a family myself. Literally nobody in my family encouraged me. I might be pseudo-autistic and this just comes normally for normies, but I still think had parents of people actually given a damn we'd be doing better. Amasing how you can shit out children and then let them end up becoming childless either through trannyism, incelism, careers, etc.
>>435048 > Literally nobody in my family encouraged me. yeah my family treats me like a workhorse drone, the only thing that has ever been discussed of my life is "what kind of work are you doing" twice in high school my parents enforced incelism on me. once I was at a dance and a mummy invited me to dance with her daughter and mummy forbade it. and the second time a lad from my school set me up with a turbo slag on a date as a joke and when I was supposed to meet her my dad forbid me from leaving the house, even though it was most likely a prank by bullies smh
smh mummy said im not allowed to buy a claymore, too bad she doesn't know i have like 5 guns under my bed including a semi automatic with a shoulder thing that goes up on it
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>>435049 Ask them why you need a job "because it's what people do". Smh just give me a chance and I'll be such a better parent. >>435052 >>435053 Keeeeek. That's ridiculous. See these kinds of trucks when making deliveries in places that are awful to get to. Delivery vans are not made for Norwegian nature
>>435054 yeah sprinter type vans are good for urbanoid areas but they don't do well in mud and snow
>the next truck I'll be driving will run in cowsharts to save the environment It'll be the iveco brand but with a cabinet instead of being a hauler. Doesn't feel right driving italian trucks in Norway, but I assume it's because Volvo and Scania are expensive.
>>435056 based shartin thats impressive though you are driving big rigs. I am thinking of getting certified in off road forklift called skytrac in burgerland its a 3 hour course
>>435057 Driving school made it sound so scary but now after driving for a while it's become just like driving the van. A trailer or pic related gets worse though. That's nice, I should get that done as well since one of the places I deliver to don't have a regular forklift so I just have to kick the pipes out the side. Don't know about America but all courses like that are so overpriced here. So many people could get easy well paid jobs if they were just aware of this equipment and could pay for it smh. Warehouse workers earn more than me. Think it's because they have better unions, truck drivers have historically weak unions in Norway, probably because it was a low status job and a lot of migrants have done it.
Escavator lads also doing well for themselves. Smh imagine if I had looked into what jobs pay as a young lad. >people in middle school and high school with the title "advisor" >didn't give anything more than the same "do what you want to" spiel keeeek
>>435059 jeets are in the process of destroying the trucking industry in canada and north america its really all because gay ass boomers pulled up the ladder on like every possible niche jobskill 10-15 years ago and lads had to find it for themselves
>>435060 yeah equipment operators make 100 an hour, crane guys make 200 plus an hour especially the big tall cranes.
yeah the job shite doesn't really bother me so much I am okay being a poorfag peasant, I just wanted to have a wife and family
>>435061 >jeets are in the process of destroying the trucking industry in canada and north america >that pajeet truck that had a poo tube installed so they could poo while they drove and when they drove off the road, rescue wouldn't help them because of the stench >>435063 tbh. Living thriftily is just poison to the princesses of today. I'm considering settling, but that feels wrong too
https://twitter.com/AshaLogos/status/1758689528103960715 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek former Jewish JF guest is shilled by tucker and Elon. he never showed his face but his voice is instantly recognisable.
>>435065 politics is just boomer shit I don't care about any of this shite because I cannot even afford to live as a man so why should I care about which boomer team is in power. not my problem
where were all these faggots 15-20 years ago when it was already too late to solve these problems? all the industry and tech is in east asia. nobody cares about boomershit like muh constertooshun.
putler also reminded everyone that cucker is a CIAnigger
>>435066 yeah it's just entertainment. >>435067 This guy? Probably being jewish. He was incredibly knowledgable about this shit jews were doing, details I had never heard, but he removed it all and is now saying it was to deradicalise whites. >>435068 Really strange that shopping mall video he made where ancient trolley tech is somehow seen as a new invention. Apparently he also said that it was fine that Putin killed that guy in the news the last few days. Smearing it on a bit thicc ngl
Oh, never mind, Tucker said it was [the shapeshifting shill of darkness] people before this guy was killed/died.
even if RIGHT NOW incels saved western civilization it would still be another 20 plus years of rebuilding from all the corporate looting and purposeful destruction of our societies.
>>435071 Tbh. Don't have any plans, just wait and see what happens
>>435069 white nationalism is clearly a useful device for US CIAniggers, which is why I think its important that europoors should be skeptical of it. its just like in the US prison systems where the guards support segregation as a way to make the prisoners self police
smh he continues his yellow peril lust villain arc
>ywn sit in terry davis's minivan and listen to foo fighters in a parking lot and watch him play his drum pad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpRPOTh1KUg
Surreal feeling sometimes how all westoid major problems today could've been avoided by not deliberately inflicting them the last few decades. And if you were to go back further and try to explain to people of the past where we are now, they wouldn't be able to believe just how much work had to be put into building our own funeral pyre.
>>435076 yeah I mean at least in burgerland we had boomers build entire careers and financial empires out of corporate looting like mitt romney. its so tiring to hear the china fear mongering from boomer news channels
>>435059 It's because the warehouse workers work harder actually
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Very high blood sugar but ran nearly a mile without stopping. Should make progress back to where I was at the beginning of Autumn.
keep seeing this fucking meme https://youtu.be/Ke_9ethHTG4
>>435078 source?
>>435080 jewtube is garbage their front page just shills gender war shit nonstop
>>435081 T. Warehouse worker
My Gary Glitter/Stray Cats/Billy Idol combo is great for running. Will have to get some running shoes.
>>435084 Smh your autism blinds you to the trials of the truck driver
>>435086 Wow it must be so hard having to sit on your favourite butt plugs for fourteen hours 🙄
Help. I'm being lynched
>>435088 >lynched by thine own blubber je weep for snee 😔
>>435056 How are you supposed to have time to bred when you're spending so much time toiling in your fart truck?
>>435090 I don't work that long, here are my hours for January. Average about 9 hours >>435091 smh love Jackson me
>>435092 Does your mummy leave you treats for when you come home like mine?
>>435092 At least the weekend belongs to you. Plenty of time to fill a breedee up.
>>435094 Yeah. Smh been so crushed since the traitoree betrayed me, and with this fat one I'm talking with I just feel it's wrong since she's fat, yet she also wants what i want and is easy to talk to >>435093 She keeps buying sweets even if I don't eat them, filling up the sweetie cabinet. I don't eat sweets outside of the free hot chocolate I get at work
>>435093 does your mum work in a hotel or something? Remember when I was in London there was left a sweetie on our pillows
>>435095 you deserve better than a fatty. know your worth. 💅
love mummies sweeties me.
>>435095 >>435096 my mummy is retired (she's really my nanny but i call her mummy for le maymays) she just goes out to Tesco everyday and buys bum bum his sweeties and cakerinos
They took down one of my favourite lip dubs . .
>>435100 Bumbum wasn't raised by his actual mummy interesting
>>435101 found it https://youtu.be/qxlDo_-4L4Y >>435102 Neither my mummy nor the eternal daddy (taker of sweets). I was lucky they abandoned me.
>>435100 Is that your grandmummy or a worker? https://youtu.be/ttR0M3buoBo
smh bumbum was an abandoned snild?
>>435104 grandmummy >>435105 like Moses smh >>435106 infuriating scene. But makes them clear for a good old raping
The bumbm origin story is finally piecing together.
>>435105 smh >>435106 disgustang
22st do you understaund Icelandic? https://youtu.be/PAItdosVx8g
>>435112 No, just a word here and there
>>435114 would be nice if Trump did something about this when he becomes president. Expecting a 4 more years of nothing smh
>>435114 I'm sure this will have no long term negative consequences when Trump wins in 2024 (screencap this)
>>435114 interesting how niggercattle can see him be put through the wringer as punishment for his presidency and still not understand what anarcho-tyranny is or that we're currently living in it he didn't even do anything ffs worst he did was put the idea into people's heads that this rot can be resisted and then spent four years contributing to it
https://youtu.be/XjCPsRJAs6s SAY IT WITH ME OOF THAT HOOF
>>435118 lad please stop poosting unspoilered hoofgore
>>435119 smh it looks like chocolate cake and strawberries
>>435120 The greatest game never made.
>>435121 I was thinking meatloaf.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUwOYeei5MU Based. The man died laughing.
>>435124 jokerpilled
it's how we should all hope to go out tbqh piss on the system and it's flaws
>>435124 Good night, sweet prince.
morning lads. I wish this paki would stop chasing me to do a dodgy install.
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>>435128 smorbing lad
>>435129 we truly do live in a society >>435131 not only do i not get it but i am also disgusted that a blonde haired blue eyed lass would let a nigger touch her like that
>>435129 >A moment of sheer panic as I realise my NFT portfolio has lost 99.7% of its worth in two days. Who would have thought that an asset with an infinite supply would lose value like that? Keek.
>>435132 tbh, I'm a big advocate of fixing such slags with a big beef eating cock tbh
>>435129 Kino.
>>435131 She just seems really uncomfortable that the nig touched her back?
Navalny started out as Anti-Immigration and had a lot of Nationalist (non-civic) rhetoric too. Then he toned all that down and became focused on anti-establishment and fighting corruption. I think the West will be trying to prop a female up next time.
>>435138 It's supposed to be the reaction of a girl that has finally been touched by her crush.
>>435138 You're an autist lad
>>435140 Is it?
>>435136 keeeeeeeeeek it's like baiting scam callers but better
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>Stuck at home waiting for a delivery all day just because royal mail won't tell me pick up the parcel from the delivery office that's just down the road Fumin lads.
>>435146 let me*
listening to clown core and wishing i'd tried harder at learning saxophone when i was a youngun again that lad has some seriously fast fingers >>435146 know that feel lad smh
>>435148 Imagine if you'd spent time playing saxophone instead of shitposting on here.
>>435149 I know he could be making obscure meme music for another obscure corner of the net.
>>435149 don't even want to think about it
>>435151 Only way to stop time traveling lad it to pick something up right now instead of procrastinating.
>>435152 tbh. otherwise you'll just be dwelling on it again in a years time.
>>435106 Thanks for sharing 👍
>>435152 tbh should get back into it not sure how when i live in a flat thoughever maybe there's some sort of community practice space around where you can be as loud as you want tbh going to look into it
>>435154 I was just having a discussion with my mum about what you were talking about. How we're all entering our 30's and we're completely disenfranchised to the point of not even being able to afford homes and how all the political pantomime is irrelevant as a result. She was sympathetic but ultimately she got no more solutions than I do. I think there was a slight panicked look to her when she realised how fucked her sons and how that bodes more generally for the future but whatever. I really just want to lynch the politicians for the assumption I'd remain impotently angry about all this.
Is there no digital/electric saxophone or a way of muting the sound?
saying "how is this real?" over and over again until im in a padded cell
>>435155 You might meet a saxophone chick lad
>>435156 tbh getting past the point where society can keep pretending that there isn't a problem >>435157 don't know about digital saxes but in any case that would mean buying something new smh not really an option looked up muting and there's the saxmute one which is apparently very good but it costs half a grand
>>435158 >troon >black >climate yep, that's current year
>>435158 What a joke America has become
night lads >>435160 would be nice
>>435164 ni ni lad
>>435158 It's all too much for me
>>435163 An absolute woke joke might I add
>>435167 best to ignore it, it's what I do and seems to have worked so far.
>>435167 you see the trannies, the blatant lies, the psyops… the dark brandon meme after the super bowl; what they want is for you to go insane. you beat the gangstalkers not by running away, but by smiling, waving, and going about your day.
>>435171 Tbh the negative waves can only get in igf you let them.
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>>435158 >no vaxxattack compensation, or any non ludicrously expensive healthcare to begin with >but the military (never actually served) health troon is going to intersectional word salad all co2 related nigger hernias, trust me bro
>>435175 A BLM BBW should have run up and stole the microphone. Weaponised BAME.
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https://youtu.be/pHtBtR-gnCM review of barbhund
>>435104 >this fat kike
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the lie about niggers leaving because of cold weather is as old as niggers coming here in the first place
I was hoping that the Barbie movie was going to be hilarious and cheesy. An inironically straight film about Barbie. Nah, it was anti-woman, anti-man shit.
>Trump didn't get up and tear the shit out of the hyena
>>435184 yeah everything has to be part of the death cult agenda
>>435129 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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scott steiner spotted
>>435184 Confusing film with a confusing message. Ends with barbies controlling the barbie world, because it's okay to have anti-male sexism in barbie world because males leaders are sexist in the real world, and both worlds should converge towards equality over time. And barbie goes to the real world to see a gynocologist because..?
>>435185 weak horse energy from dumpf
>435179 smh lad why post that first one
>>435185 GEts bank loans legally pays them back What was the problem here?
>Turing broke the law by being a sodomite >breaking the law is stunning and brave >this tweet has inspired me to live and think differently Thanks gchq. Knife cuts both ways Absolute fucking brainlets. Country is doomed
dear gchq Here’s a puzzle for your dyslexic code breakers £rgfjj(f fuhndjjjjdjdndnchhdbndnch(fhajiie bbcyhbrjjs. Rhgttsbbfjspamnettsgbdhheyytfsvbnekijf Enjoy Jamal
>>435194 death to spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>435197 Finest lass in Britain. Almost as fit as are Maggie.
>>435199 we should do a photoshoot like this
complete and total racial WARFARE has broken out in the netherlands. hundreds of casualties reported already. this is the big one.
They are definitely a type. Not one I would save from being battered in the street
what a refreshing image
Hard to understand how such shops works. The toilees would have to run around helping people shop all day.
>>435210 >fcuk capitalism New N word dropped
>>435211 Here I thought Bernard Manning died?
>Tories about to sacrifice another child to Moloch so Jeremy Hunt can buy another 7 rental properties at discount from his wealthy donor frens
>>435213 Not his wife though
>>435212 >there could be capitalists here, he thought
Fresh floyd just dropped
State of these cops. Troons and pakis, mystery meats and midget porkers https://nitter.poast.org/PaulBrown_UK/status/1758864833187844170
>>435216 Keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435217 Fuck me. Amnesty dropped him for being a nationalist and anti migrant
>he doesn't have a bibelen
>>435221 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek is that crunch sound added or is it from the car? No way that's the head keeeeeeeeeeek
>>435220 It's long been arbitrary which persecuted political dissidents they'll stick up for. They exposed themselves as a cog in the globohomo death cult machine when they included the right to legal muhbortion as some sort of inalienable moomin right too.
>>435223 Yeah it's the car, lucky his skull wasn't crushed wew.
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Who /wholesomepolychungus/ here?
accidental (You) tbh
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>>435228 keeeek polys always look like this
>>435228 >not one but two homely breedees >goat farm Unironic cyborgchad.
>>435230 niggers can tan, apparently
smh current breedee has a poly body type(fat)
>>435234 ask her if she will get fit with you that would actually be a good test and a good way of building a genuine relationship tbh
>>435222 Allahuakbar
>>435226 Fucking brutal
>>435235 Yeah she says she wants to lose weight. Red flag was that she said her family is genetically fat, but at the same time she is aware of calories in vs calories out, so it can be redeemed
We can donate our loose skin to the holocaust museum so they can recreate the lamps
Smh they're snowboarding him
>>435083 >>435242 BRO YOU'RE STEALING MY POSTS
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>>435244 Keek you can see her panties. How embarrassing!
>>435240 >>435239 Keek and good luck lad.
>>435244 German arguing with Russians and she gets a smack and returns to factory settings after calling his mum a dog? Don't understand foreign well enough.
>>435244 Imagine being in a country where you can deck a woman and the men in the room don't even flinch.
>>435251 tbh smh
>>435237 >Screencapping Russian bots
>>435254 Post it again with sound.
>>435253 So the Nigerian is a bot? Intredasting Where is he wrong though?
>>435255 Haven’t got it with sound tbh lad
>uninjured spic acorn cop
>>435256 Yes retard. Bots use whatever identity they want. The idea of him being bought is wrong. After being poisoned Navalny could have been rich in exile but he chose to return to Russia.
>>435259 Good thing Wessie likes a lassie in uniform >>435251 >
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>>435262 >it just folds into itself like an accordion keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435260 Bots rarely use names. They use a lot of numbers though Yeah. Never figured out why he returned but if you play the great game expect to get offed by your opponents tbh
>>435264 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omumHFXo2-U He made a statement on it. Basically said if your have convictions you should be willing to stand for them. Refused to give up his ideas or his homeland. He was assassinated by Putin and lived. He could have made a fortune telling that story in the west if he cared about money.
>>435265 Seems he was a good lad. Smh fuck jewtinler.
reminder it would be very easy to force government to fund itself by producing and selling something instead of taxation
what? you lads didn't rate my williamoid libertarian governance idea? where'd you all go?
>>435268 They want both, lass. They already do both in Snorway with are snoil
just realised i'm going to become a 60 year old yoomer who listens to the same vaporwave albums over and over like my 60 year old boomer dad does with peter gabriel CDs
>>435254 needs a tranny ack face tbh
>>435272 everyone qvetches out about leafland wanting to expand MAID to the mentally ill but that video is kind of the same thing kek
>>435271 me too if I live that long
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https://youtu.be/HukxRaD8_0o >lego mech builder has a wife *screams*
curious about some of the videos of avdiivka that must be circulating at the moment. bet it was horrible
Why do people keep chimpbulls as pets?
>>435279 >thumbnail spoiler smh
>>435279 glad the car didn't go in the water i was expecting a gore video
>>435281 Lad talking says he wants the to fill the hole so people don't drive in and drown keeek
>read the signs >they point towards the road that eventually leads to me
if you can keep your head when those around you are losing theirs
>>435285 good lad
Tfw no ugly hulder gf. "Temper" is wrongly translated here. It is supposed to say "cow tail", which hulders have.
Did they have AI in the medieval times?
>that lad who has "foreskin" written in runes on his shirt
Goyslop bros... we eating good?
Yo, Steiner, why one of your kind accusing us of being bbcsluts while he's being a bbcslut?
>>435295 Dindubros??
>>435298 > gets pulled over for reckless driving >officer smells weed >step out of the car D’Spliffious! >No! I dindunuffin >deploy taser through window >shocded jogger still manages to shoot both officers >one of them died >I dindunuffin! Drives off >brother, hwhite gf arrested >he’s on the run Another Slices two cops throats, gets shot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6l1ENSFvok
>>435299 smh. Imagine being a coop
>that subtle bbcposting by 57a754
>>435300 Um check links before linking them, lass. This is your second and final warning
wew it was real
https://youtu.be/6EV4hQzCbJA smh anyone got the kino boomer version?
>>435175 >he's done him
>>435306 >comments
>>435304 Little known fact is big foot is a time traveller. He knows how shit the future is, so decided to travel back in time and live in the dense forests, in peace, away from all the degeneracy.
There's also a theory that time travel makes you gay. But I don't buy it.
The percentage of articles prepping the plebs for Ukraine's complete failure increases every day.
>2021 Didn't even hear of this. Just another mental case from the US Navy serving in Nippon.
>>435288 aren't they a warning of how two faced women are or something and a central part of their myth is that if you see them from behind they are either an empty shell or their back is dead and rotting and full of maggots or something similarly vile >>435292 >cheerios brekkiebros i don't feel so good >>435313 cunts do this everywhere they have their gay shart bases, it regularly happens here too wasn't there something in the news recently about some bitch "diplomat" shart running over some children
>>435314 >aren't they a warning of how two faced women are or something and a central part of their myth is that if you see them from behind they are either an empty shell or their back is dead and rotting and full of maggots or something similarly vile Yeah, beautiful from the front but ugly from the back/cow tail, but then also it has evolved. So you can as a man marry one and transform her into human, while huldermen will make human women into hulders.Smh love the idea of an ugly woman becoming a loving lasshog me. Sadly in the reality of today even ugly women are whores, and seem to think even higher of themselves smh. I noticed that when I tried to go for ugly misshapen women in the start of my dating app career.
>>435314 >8 months, suspended for 12 for driving on the wrong side and killing somebody. yikes.
>wait until proper nationalism rises, cupcakes! keeeeeek ACK
do you lads remember motorola and that other cool lad ghimbli or something. i remember talking about it on early brit/pol/ 4chan
>>435318 I remember that motorola died smh
Wow there boomer, calm down
>>435319 blown up in an elevator by jews iirc
>>435320 It's so over.
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s'morning lads
enjoy how putin is giving the west a rollicking, but don't much care for how he shits on "nazis" aka me smh
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>>435323 >>435324 smorbing lad
>>435325 I get it, but I'm not sure how a Russian premier could ever publicly display anything but disgust for Nazi's and the symbolism tbh. And on a personal level, one of his younger brothers died during the Siege of Leningrad.
Anyway, he did say that Hitler was 'forced into action'. Equating the Donbass with Danzig.
>>435331 Who's this shizo, lad?
>>435332 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o-SRsDH-pQ8?feature=share King Richared the 4th, a chud lost in the world of black american music
>wearing wings keeeeeeeeek
>>435317 Yes. That will be allowed to happen Grandma Cupcake
>>435336 two more weeks for hitler to rise from the grave lad
>>435333 Probably Polish
>Gay Bame News paywalled it
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fSyvhC3PEG8 It's better than psychopaths soc world of entertainment tbqh, sorry bigman lee
>>435341 >spudtatoes Would boil it all and throw that goyslop down her neck tbh
>>435343 >Would boil it all and throw that goyslop down her neck tbh Big Man Lee won't be happy about that, lad.
You think you can take him?
Did not redeem bobs
>>435348 looks like something bins would chose for film night.
>>435353 Hello Saar
Fucking hell. How do we fix it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pByxaaNCY6A
>>435357 The CIA know their audience.
>>435357 >journalism
>>435356 kek, a lad turned up before with a balaclava on grunting. auditors can be such mongs. smh.
>Cambridge man, 39, stabbed mother in head with fork after she took away his speaker for playing loud music Forked her right off
>>435361 get forked
>>435364 They were fighting over how much gets kicked back to US businesses >we want 90% to stay in Ukraine >Sorry big Z it’s gonna be 5% for you. Let Av D’yeevka’s loss be a lesson to you!
>every poo you’ve ever done can be recalled and scrutinised by the military pervert complex https://twitter.com/hollyjayewiley/status/1758531808436670810
>>435367 >Lockheed Shartin
>It’s a Grrreeaaat Britain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_RUlnHmGoM
>>435368 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>435359 >No line specifically for The Mail on Sunday
>>435364 If the House Republicans actually approve that bill they're pathetic. It's just the previous bill with all of the border funding taken out.
PA rhetoric dialling up to naughtier levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTc1mMgOmL0 zog might ramp up their cracking down in response
lids I have a request. Just spent an hour and half looking for that old I FUCKING HATE PAKIS TBH LADS image with all the bright colours in the background and I still can't find it smh. Does anybody still have it, I'm desperate.
also been gone 6 months, can't see any wessy posts. He's not really... brown bread is he?
>>435376 think he's posting without his flag again
>>435375 sorry lad nothing under P for Paki in my files >>435376 been dealing with another giant solid poo lurking at the bottom of my loo smh not quite blocking it this time but it refuses to leave
yidtube feeding me troon or zoom slop or smth reminds me of the 00s tbh tfw no scene girl gf with big poofy dyed hair (but not in a sjw dangerhair way) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqc0lqW6AEY
>>435378 shame smh, but nice to know you're still among us la. That poo has every right to stay in the loo tbh, his ancestors have been landing there for years.
> "They were my testicles. ... We're talking about my nuts. ... I wanted them in my fridge — not his. ... He denied me access to my own body parts. I don't think that can be quantified. The damages were the loss of these nuts." https://eu.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2024/02/07/judge-rules-its-a-wash-in-pontiac-court-battle-over-transgender-womans-testicles/72480584007/
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Found this gemmie I made, posted once and forgot about a few years back, while I was looking for the pakis thing keeek.
>435382 Filtered. The mind that can create such a vile image has no business expressing its ideas in my presence. >>435381 >transgender woman >woman who can take these fucking freaks seriousl?
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>>435350 I'm glad mongs like him at least didn't (afaik) get booooosted. Lot of people got ill or died from their 3rd+ jab. Thinking they'd be safe to play Russian roulette again because they'd survived it before. Smh.
>>435381 Freeze Freeze deez nuts
>>435385 >Vaush's not evil twin
>not revelling in farts and hairy bumhole jokes twinky winky bongo boy detected
>>435378 Eat some lead shot to add extra momentum to them and make sure you spray the bowl with pledge or wd40 to prevent too much friction
Der ewige Pole
Found this t shirt in a british heart foundation for 2 quid the other day, what a bargain that turned out to be. https://everpress.com/kat-slater There was a local metal band playing at a pub in town the other week, wore it down there and tried to blend in as best I could with all the illegible black, metal logo shirts.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Butt hurt belter
>>435395 Like a golem made from flakey pastry given life
On the dark choccy digestives smh Be shitting well this evening lads, let me tell you
>>435396 Bet it’s name was originally Greg
>>435397 Well, they were designed to make you shit
>>435390 sound advice tbh >>435398 >two vegan items not avin it goin down greggs this minute to be racist in there
>>435401 >Ms Alexandra said her cat, Gucci, has been affected by the mould smfh
>>435403 The Queen was a traitor to Britain, and that monument is the perfect representation of our regime so I support it's honest vulgarity.
>We desperately need 4.5m new homes, says Taylor Wimpey boss Jennie Daly >The Government is well aware it is a flashpoint. Housing Secretary Michael Gove warned last week that if the young cannot buy homes of their own they may abandon democracy. >She adds: 'There is a danger of us feeling it is too big to tackle. But we can't just say it's too hard.' https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-13094823/We-desperately-need-4-5m-new-homes-says-Taylor-Wimpey-boss-Jennie-Daly.html
>>435405 how about get rid of 4.5m useless fucking NIGGERS shitting up the country ACK
>>435405 God I hate construction companies and their main client groups (politicians and foreign bame niggers).
>>435385 Met him at the conference. Very good lad.
>>435406 >>435407 Ponzi gotta Ponzi These people should be bashed in public and made to refurbish existing housing stock and then made to get into brutal fights with migrants forcing them onto container ships in their downtime
https://youtu.be/DRW64AiqIlA pics of pocahontas TOP KEEEEEEEEEK
Government will now pause stamp duty legislation so ministers and mps can increase their portfolios. Wimpy will give attractive discounts. Muh democracy. All 4.5 million houses will go to bames anyway and you’ll get calls a racist for even putting your name down for one
>>435404 The Queen never had agency as the King doesn't now. Their sources of information are carefully curated and the forces of evil surround them. In addition to this, they have to safeguard their family and an ancient institution integral to Britain. From someone who shits their knickers at the thought of showing his own face, fearing THE DATABASE etc. I don't think you have much room to criticise without exposing your absolute hypocrisy. You wouldn't act any different in their circumstances. Let's face it, you don't even act now.
>>435412 Your defence of her is that she was a useless mong spoonfed propaganda her whole existence? Could believe it but it doesn't make me want a statue of her.
>>435414 You're even more useless. She deserves a statue because she wore the Crown. Simple as. Then again, I'm sure if you were King it would be different right? Daft cunt.
>>435413 yet another form of incel exploitation smh
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>>435416 >Then again, I'm sure if you were King it would be different right? Unironically yes, because I'd try to do something in our national interests, even if I lost my gold shitter because of a constitutional crisis ending the monarchy. Any /brit/lad would be better than a Windsor.
are boy getting the recognition he deserves
>>435414 Madlad has you dead to rights, you bloody anonymous marxist sjw troll demon lad. Post your face and address and willy pics somewhere they can be used against you IMMEDIATELY or you lose your right to comment on the hecking serious political discourse for a minimum of 50 years.
>>435424 keeeeeeeek tbh it's in Sweden
>>435424 this is what sweden used to be about
>>435430 still is tbf
Rishis co-nationals getting in on that lovely lovely guaranteed for five years taxpayer funded government dispensed loot https://twitter.com/YorksRose_84/status/1758803029585744290
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>>435429 smh didn't realise the ethnostate would come at the price of dog shagging
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Bloody Welsh!
>>435434 Keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435437 But at least we have GEEDEEPEE
>>435431 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>435436 found out recently that the 'organ' lead melody on the original recording of that track is actually an analogue synthesiser which is mad for 1939 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMEuibX4c04
57a754 never makes any good posts, just boring filler posts
>"General behind plan to relax Army security checks says force is ‘too hierarchical’ >"Lt Gen Nesmith was author of Army Race Action Plan which advocates easing security checks to drive diversity" >‘Asked to name her most inspirational non-military leader, Lt Gen Nesmith said Jacinda Ardern, former prime minister of New Zealand. >“Not necessarily because I’m a fan of hers but because she’s a mum.’
>5b8ed2 >drops in on the regs every evening to make >1 posts Fuck off Marianna
>>435409 tbh exact same shite here
dry frosted shreddy wheat out the packet for dinner
>>435441 Wow! Now what you'd expect from back then.
>>435446 Smh lad
>>435446 >>435448 at least it's not posioned, bollock destroying cheerios/quaker oats
>>435446 you mean frosted shreddies? did not know those existed corr. love shreddies me and those would be even penger, maybe with some gold top too
>>435450 they're just about the only cheap cereal left at lord jewsbury's goyslop market smh even plain big shredded wheat (the kind that come in paper tubes of 2 bisks) is more expensive somehow
And just like that the weekend is over *screams*
Lads, can any of you remember what brand or model those leaky, fat blue/purple dry wipe whiteboard markers they used to have in schools in the late 90s/early 2000s were? Just remembered they existed.
Ahhhh. All has become clear
>>435453 >junkies junkies bastid wants to get high off sniffing them
>>435454 what is the chemical tbh need to add it to the "autistically stand in the supermarket aisle for 5 minutes reading the entire package" list
>>435455 the thought may have crossed my mind...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCeLbpxNiI >Another Sunday walking in circles on Church Street rambling about how "everyone in this city is now aware of Joe Owens and his videos" Definitely known as the local schizo.
>>435458 referring to himself in the third person keeeek poor lad bbk should do a wellness check on him and make sure he's eating alright and has company at home sometimes
>the only thing on his community page poor lad smh
>>435458 04:33 'illsboroughcaust invoked
>>435459 tbh been waiting for tbbk to make an appearance on one of his public videos
"superscouser" sounds quite scary tbh like a tracksuited junkie with an accent thick enough to kill with a word and an afro that chokes people to death or something >>435463 this too is frightening tbh
>>435466 do you think that harvey price will be remembered in british history books 500 years from now
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I got a solution to your problem maam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoBW_UggLsw >wessex when he hears that they have a sale on 'zas and he has to get there before harvey mong nigger vores them all
>>435469 smh want to do this to my octavia
>>435467 For sure
>>435467 >500 years from now >any history books existing Optimistic.
This must be some next Savile level shit if it could cause him and his connections even more damage tbh
>>435472 Bames don't get much out of looting libraries, so there'a a slim chance
>>435472 jewish ones will and he’s jewish isn’t he
>>435473 >young ex >younger lover It's a fucking little lad, isn't it?
bored of it all
Been watching so many of those vaga vagabond videos lately that I keep slipping into a russian psychosis and expect to see snow and soviet concrete wreckage when I open the curtains smh.
luv mint Clubs ate mint Penguins Simple as
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neo bossmans toils are less hard than working on skulletboomers crew based less framing more trim
https://youtu.be/JmkvsojD2sI?si=EJ5MrGqnHVc_DUni these old gen 3 cummins videos are so kino
>>435478 is that like vagrant holiday or whatever that channel was? loved that lad but he is gone now
>>435476 ‘Gagging’ order. Bet him and his mates are having a right hoot at that tbh
>>435482 Yeah he was a good lad, really miss seeing him camp in bushes and dabbing on hostelberg. Thought about trying something similar myself one day (when I'm homeless). Vaga is a russian lad who takes full advantage of his passport to get into cities that are closed off to furriners, goes to the north korean border and explores a lot of wilderness. He does wild camp sometimes, like when he's out in remote russia, but doesn't go quite as far as vagrant holiday did and uses hotels when he's still in civilisation. Not really a 'how to visit X on the cheap' channel, more a 'visiting X because nobody else will' channel.
>>435481 holy wew i love this sound
Just seen the new Bob Marley filum it was as much a legacy-milking propaganda piece as you would expect from his family tbh
>>435485 >dabbing on hostelberg keeeeeek
>>435491 That video is gay. Batty boy. Smh.
miss when sam hyde used to record videos in his car, i don't like le zoomzoom streamer format
>>435493 I don't like nu sam tbh, he isn't even funny anymore its just weird grifting shit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGnfgTqlzo my favourite sopranos kino >if you can keep your head based sunshine
>>435494 yeah i did like his ghostsuckers series and great war was pretty funny but i guess he doesn't bother making much anymore, just le "tough advice" for zoomzooms about how they're too old to achieve anything
>>435494 He's surrogate zoomer and alpha dad now.
>>435497 he kind of gives shite advice IMO since he is a richfag
i don't think it's right to hold a wealthy upbringing against someone. lots of yanks probably grew up in really rich houses where the fridge made ice and the house had an intercom to every room in the 90s, it's just how it was being a yoomer child in peak shartica
>>435500 lad he went to a top level global art school
>>435500 They shouldn't be treated like wisened sages, but sam still leans in to it to pay the bills.
*blocks your path*
>>435503 used to hope that one day the proliferation of fancy thermal optics shite will lead to kino uniforms making a return but i know it won't the kind of sincerity needed to wear something like that is long gone from society plus armies just kill insurgents now anyway and they can't afford that shite
>>435504 it would be kino in general if we could just have better aesthetics in western society
everyone today just dresses like a child or a whore
>>435505 >>435504 watched a video about ingussettia, and if you leave the house in slippers basically everyone loses all respect for you and you never marry keeek. we need that i think.
>>435511 that's nuts
>“My brother, whom I have never seen and did not know, was buried here, I don’t even know where exactly,” Putin said during an annual wreath-laying at Piskaryovskoye Cemetery in St Petersburg in January 2012. An estimated 470,000 civilians and soldiers were buried in mass graves at the site, with a memorial plaque stating that 641,803 people died of starvation in the city between 1941 and 1944.
>>435513 would've been cool if central asia were first to make video gooms instead of japan and the music in them sounded like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkfuqNFxT1w smh don't listen to the whole album, just the title track
>>435518 choon that
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that black sun halo on the art in the back
They bred
>Shartin as security guard
>>435523 almost conductor we have a problem tier tbh what causes people to act like this?
Morning lads
>>435525 Think they’re just affirmative action autism/disability hires
>>435526 smorbing >>435527 smh
>nypd have a dance team Think we need a multi regional nuclear war to sort shit out
>>435529 part and parcel lad
>>435530 dude no way...
>>435523 >the sweating >the shaking >the anxiety yikes.
shmornten tag lads starting off the day with an especially stinky, squirting, bubbly shite
>>435534 same semi liquid and under pressure.
>>435534 good lad
Even Dua Lipa can't resist the BIG ANGLO COCK
>>435473 It's weird that he has a 'friend' with the same name (Philip Schofield) that groomed this one at an even younger age at some theatre school/group and probably introduced them to each other.
>>435538 BLEACHED! by Milly Veitch
>>435540 >4th Make want hit woman with rock tbh
99p lemonade, salve for my seething soul
>>435523 >Have fun protecting a million dollar corporation Keek poor lad thinks Walmart is worth a million dollars.
Fucksake Hands like shovels and bigger than Ckarkson and ‘from Stirling’ Fucking psyoppng is getting more blatant https://nitter.poast.org/Bettybowen73/status/1759328105095745798
>>435494 Sam had one funny skit and it was on MDE tbh. The "tripped my wife" one.
>>435543 thoughts on current freddo price?
>>435548 Too expensive and they’ve probably cheapened more ingredients
>>435547 false, he had loads of funny skits before mde, off the top of my head >moms
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>>435548 >£1.39 in sainsburys
>>435551 per 100g smdh still over
Sam Hyde solo is just not funny the majority of the time. MDE as a group has a better rate, as they can play off each other. tbh.
>>435554 MDE never recovered from the world peace implosion
>>435550 Still occasionally quote the entire "you've gotta try it once/masturbating to the postal service" part from the college cunts outtakes to myself like a battle mantra tbh. Shame the adult swim kikes sucked the soul from the lads and split them up, at least the golden age is still largely preserved on the net.
>>435555 World Peace 2 will still be better than any of the solo skits, even if it doesn't live up to the hype.
>H confirmed fucking her again for the first time in over a year >going away to celebrate his birthday It's never been more over.
Can't get to sleep at night sometimes because I remember a line of this and start to piss myself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWdBnwn5bQ0
>>435559 H Chad has done you once again. 終わりだ
patiently waiting for mancs to get his knee caps blown out by a paki driver arc.
Want to buy H a drink and laugh about the fate of mancs tbh.
worst arc /brit/ has ever seen tbqh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2s30FgRFvY >Denmark sending its 'entire artillery' to Ukraine This is getting a bit silly now. At what point does a proxy war become a war?
>A 13-year-old boy called 999 after his drunk dad, who was banned from his family home, arrived outside armed with a knife and started banging loudly on the door. Leicester Crown Court heard on Wednesday how Ratilal Bamaniya was subject to a bail condition to keep away from the home in Catherine Street, Belgrave, Leicester, following a recent arrest. >Bamaniya, 44, had two previous convictions for assaults on his wife and had even been jailed in the past. On February 7 Judge Philip Head jailed Bamaniya again, for 44 weeks. >Bamaniya, listening through an interpreter, shook his head when the judge told him he thought he would offend again and fail to be helped by the probation service if the sentence was suspended. The court heard the defendant had grown up in India and worked as a fisherman before moving to England for a better life. He arrived in 2013 and brought over his wife and children - the couple now have four children aged nine, 10, 13 and 16. >In December 2017 he was convicted of four separate attacks against his wife. For the battery charges, he was given a suspended jail sentence. But just one year later he was back in court again for more drunken violence against her and this time he was jailed.
>>435567 >Ratilal Bamaniya was subject to a bail condition to keep away from the home in Catherine Street, Belgrave, Leicester wish he was subject to a bail condition to keep away from the british isles altogether tbh
>>435566 When they start bombing the sponsor and not the proxy.
>>435567 >Ratilal Bumminya
>>435568 Send them all back. India's a big place I'm sure the wife can find somewhere to hide from him back home.
>>435566 Saw that thread yesterday
>>435568 >>435570 Nixon was right. Just the thought of them procreating has me gagging Should be banned of the planet or just airdropped over are greatest ally
>>435572 I read somewhere that the Caesers were incredibly temperamental in combat with the operators having to use boiler suits to keep them clean and free of mud, the other complaint was that they can't use their sat link from under concealment so it's either expose it for the better accuracy and receive counter battery fire or keep it concealed and lose the improved accuracy. Other than that general statements about nato artillery is that they're high maintenance and have poor durability.
>>435575 Disgusting antisemitism on display lad.
>>435576 sorry mate. I'm just one bad lad.
>>435578 No sssssssssssssiiiiiiirrrrrrrrsssssssssss do not redeem food in the library.
>>435578 They just smell like that anyway. So you have to ban them too.
shouldn't have stayed up until 5am for no reason smh >>435566 >open embed >see thumbnail >woman playing dressup *sips yep
Russia may attack from the north now apparently as Ukies have been given orders to dig in Russia has also started spring offensive all along southern front. It”s all active apparently Super elite warriors of Ukraine winning so hard have asked for all NATO equipment requested to be donated to Russia in order to level the playing field https://nitter.poast.org/RnaudBertrand/status/1759110741729370515 Whole thing is a gayop tbh
>>435578 *shits in your racist library*
>>435582 That Avdeevka equipment ratio is probably more an example of Ukraine running out of equipment rather than Russia getting beaten badly.
>we need a hot piece of tail to astroturf the Ukraine situation so Bud Boomer will but into it! who ya got!? >Simo….Sarah Ack-ton-Shill-iro…? >DO IT!
>>435584 If anything yeah It’s why China produced cars outsell high end over priced German shit Russian equipment is produced by the state, simple to operate and negligible if destroyed cheap replaceable easily stripped and fixed Doesn’t take 2 years to learn to operate it either
Looks like the troon’s off his meds *balding intensifies*
>>435587 I think he's spray painting hair on or dying his bald head.
>>435588 BASED centrist brown man tbh
mfw labour get in and I become a bennies millionaire.
reform results at the recent by elections, so absurd they they get 3x the votes of the libdems but get no seats
Let it be known that I am retarded
>>435592 Do you not love democracy lad?
>>435593 >tfw high iq with a BIG cock
>>435595 >bins liked this
>>435593 >adjusting for list of factors that have no bearing on iq or benis size Sounds bullshit. >>435595 #MeToo
>>435589 Had a nose job as well
Not fucking surprised. They know what’s up or dey rayciss It’s both https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68332923
>>435599 SAS have been a bit naughty and don't want any witnesses getting cross-examined. Can believe it.
I'd do the same.
>>435600 Whatever self serving reason at the very least we have slightly less Afghans here.
>>435604 >he did a drawing of King Charles
>>435604 could have been a top tier soviet cartoon animator tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8IJ9YOHtKo
simply do not care about Slavs murdering each other over who transhearts jews more.
>>435607 same tee bee
>>435607 I feel a certain amount of pity for them tbh. Either despite, or because it's the most retarded and pointless war. Not a single slavoid lad should've died for kikelensky or jewtin.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Yet years of totally unbiased Question Time....
>>435610 Just a little revenge using the state.
I reckon that Scottish lad that got fucked by the vaccine having a go exploded a few heads. They then went on to complain.
>>435612 Can't have him spreading malinformation.
>>435610 Didn't watch it. Did GBboomers have an audience that actually reflected the public (overwhelmingly against immigration) for a change? Would be a breach of impartiality not to eternally stack it half with SWP members to express a range of views including those held by a fringe minority and our elite, against the majority, in a democracy.
>>435614 Boomerwaffen did a number on them so bad they went crying to ofcom.
>>435604 That cat one made me laugh
how tf am i meant to get a job
>>435609 I have some sympathy for the Russians, in that they too were once a great empire, but I don't really give much of a shit about slavic people. Boorish drunks and thieves.
>>435617 Swallow your dignity
I literally cannot survive off any of the jobs I can get. 22,000 is starvation wages. I refuse it.
>>435620 My first full time job was £12,000 a year.
When I left about a year and a half later I was on £19,000 per annum, but they offered me £30,000 to stay. I said no, because I'd only recently renegotiated my pay. I knew they were being stingy and they knew it too.
je qeeeeeeq!
>>435618 tbh just dont want them in the west
>>435621 That's illegal
>>435623 Translate the norge runes.
>>435626 "young women and men on the liberal left and conservative right scale" The soyjaks make fun of a guy recently in Swedish news who claimed that right wingers are being radicalised because of incelism, women taking higher education than them and taking jobs etc.
https://youtu.be/FT_QSQXZiP8 Been one of those days lads
>>435523 Look like he had 'tism probably shouldn't have bullied him so bad
>>435625 For an apprenticeship many years ago, it's perfectly legal. Even though it was an apprenticeship, it was pretty much a full time job, but I was just allowed a day each week for study leave when a classroom course was available.
>>435630 stuck between a rock and a shart place tbh. Looks like he's having an existential dread moment
>>435529 Need to send Danny g out there to clean up Birmingham
>>435530 The NYPD has detectives that travel to other states new York is like it's own country
>>435621 alright gramps
>>435631 Yeah I wouldn't count it as proper employment. A lot of companies exploit that system to have a revolving door of people they never have to pay properly.
>>435621 smh my first bossman tricked me too. No empathy. 1 hour of driving to the job each day. 12-14 hours of toil each day. 3k each months before taxes *screams*. I am sure this slavery will help me move up- >company goes bankrupt >bossman makes new company >join, but he says we're starting as we're all new employees so any goodwill we've built up is reset *screams*
>>435636 poolad on a rampage
(218.69 KB 602x533 sargon_ass.png)

>>435636 Is covering "news" from nearly a decade ago Sargoy's current grift in 2024? Haven't been keeping up.
>>435640 oh she's cute *kisses her*
>>435641 He's basically running a youtube GB news.
>>435638 Sounds like you should've been covered under TUPE https://www.gov.uk/transfers-takeovers
Sensible Centrists are growing stronger every day.
>>435643 tbh. call me mad, but I'd let her sit on my face.
how is an audience meant to be impartial when its not a debate it was a q&a with the PM, are they supposed to just suck him off?
keeek always funny when they admit they prefer to live among whites rather than their own kind
>>435649 Just want to live in a White country without Whites, innit.
(3.83 MB 1280x720 wessie.mp4)

>>435652 ffs smdh la
thought I'd been improoving and managing calories and getting exercise then I stepped on the scale earlier today and I'm back over 21st and have about ten days to get under again tbh
>>435654 How about going to iceland without buying all the food in the shop lad
>>435654 Have you tried just not eating?
smdh, he's never going to make it.
I suppose every week is a blessing at this point.
>>435654 Retards smh. Don't you know that digital scales have a bunch of sources of variance like temperature and water retention? You're supposed to measure at the same time of day over a week take an average. A daily reading is just noise. Scooby did an experiment on digital scales back in the day.
>>435659 Glad I still have a manual scales.
>>435655 I haven't gone to iceland since at least the end of 2022 smh everything in there is goyslop so full of salt it'd instantly kill me >>435656 yeah that's what I'm doing now >>435659 I use a trad mechanical one to btfo the battery operated jew tbh it's even more innacurate
>>435661 >yeah that's what I'm doing now Try it for a year.
>>435661 If it's any consolation lad I'm right there with you fasting as my digestion is fucked and eating only brings pain at the moment.
What is it with bum bandits and cannibalism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwztc8QLajw
Saving money is what made it easier for me to lose weight tbh. That bar of chocolate and energy drinks don't seem that appetising when more than a third of an hour wage would be spent on it
>>435664 I guess one taboo wasn't sexually gratifying enough?
>>435663 poor lad smh liquid diet maybe?
>>435667 I think drinking all the beer is partially what got me here.
>>435661 Do a statistical test for non-correlation or plot it on a graph to btfo the metabolic jew.
>>435609 I thought they’d learned the jew lesson tbh Oh well

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