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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3783: Remember the Syrian Civil War? Edition Anonymous 10/04/2022 (Tue) 01:19:44 Id: 925c1b No. 313621
no links
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/06/2022 (Thu) 11:22:23.
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starting to believe that in ten or so years some eastern european nations will have higher living standards than western europe including the UK
>>313621 Good lad
>>313624 they will provided they don't let darkies in, I'd say they already do half the time tbh.
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first for 80s slaggery
>>313626 maybe, maybe not. I think the massive amounts of young ukrainian refugees in poland and others are filling the immigrant underclass role right now. >>313628 corr
smorning lads >>313621 good lad >>313628 based
>>313630 mornin bumder
>>313631 smh rude
>>313631 Thats the BO you're speaking to scum.
>>313623 >>313627 the two mods of Dorshie
>>313634 *moods
grotty 80s slags
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in bed before 4 am
women are so fucking stupid
>>313621 it's the first war that i remember
>Gordon Brown's image was further harmed when he privately described Gillian Duffy, a 65-year-old pensioner, as a "bigoted woman" after she raised the issue of benefits and immigration with him during a campaign trip to Rochdale, Greater Manchester. this was my first political memory
>>313647 based
diplomatic ukrainian "fuck u" reply reminds me of these manchester student types
>>313649 it's like the 5th time that a ukrop has made some manchild response like that on twitter. "fuck you" is their only argument
I was told by a cute trap friend this board was a sweaty incel sausagefest but someone called dorset was a very friendly member of the cause ^_^
blowing a gale out there smh power went out in one wing of the shopping centre so they had the police standing around to scare off any opportunists
absolute mad lad kim launched a missile over japan
>>313654 Stay safe
>>313656 thanks lad nothing to worry about tbh happens every year had a white knuckle moment on the overpass coming home though keeek
>>313657 hate when the wind's blowing the car around, feels so sketchy
how do you stop the thing from filling in the name field? I cleared cookies and it didn't do anything
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>>313659 just have to poost a few times while manually checking that it's empty tbh computers always remember the things you want them to forget and forget the things you want them to remember smh
>424tav.png >tav
>>313664 the war continues as planned
>>313665 The Blood Gods lust is fulfilled.
the Kherson lads have been the most competent thus far, holding their ground despite constant attacks for months
Just 2 more weeks until the mobilisation takes effect.
A lot of good men are going to die because of poor leadership.
just nuke the fucking holols already, they deserve it. nuke 'em nuke 'em nuke 'em! stop not nukin' 'em!
>>313669 same as it ever was
wonder if this partial mobilisation actually means they'll use T-14s instead of scrap. I want more tank kino
>>313673 Not while Saint Javelin watches over the Ukrainian people.
>>313675 yeah, I thought those next gen tanks were supposed to have countermeasures for that though, the t-14 specifically is supposed to have inbuilt ADS. javelins worked against older tanks
>>313667 It's where the bulk of alpha group is most likely.
The Dutch king is getting booed at public appearances
All I know is soys are getting cocky and it needs to be nipped in the bud. This cannot continue.
The Job Centre can't offer me a reference. I'm utterly fucking fucked.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE They have my old company's reference and a DBS check. Why the fuck do you need two fucking references you cunts.
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>>313679 >King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands addressing the Dutch Parliament on Tuesday Willem-Alexander acknowledged the societal strain of uncertainty, but lamented faltering trust in government among mature democracies. Farmers, above all, gave the monarch and his family a rude greeting. >King Willem-Alexander was greeted with cheers but also loud booing as he gave his annual Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day) speech to parliament. In it, the sovereign outlines the government's plans for the coming legislative period on the third Tuesday of September. >The speech was delivered at the Royal Theater in The Hague this year, rather than the traditional Knights Hall, which is currently being restored. >In his speech, the king acknowledged growing discontent among the country's citizens, especially when it comes to politics. >Referring to recent public opinion polls, he said: "It is worrying that people in a mature democracy like ours are losing faith in the power of government and management to resolve issues. We live in a time of contradictions and uncertainty. People's uncertainty about tomorrow and the more distant future is growing." https://www.dw.com/en/dutch-king-greeted-with-boos-cheers-as-he-opens-parliament/a-63186803
>>313683 These photos are bad
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>>313679 that's what happens when you're de jure superior to a parliament full of traitors either use your powers for the good of the realm or abdicate and accept merely being the normal kind of mega-rich people want change and democracy isn't giving to them so if you do have the power to change things but seem to be asleep at the wheel then of course you're going to be unpopular >>313681 just list whoever it was as a reference lad if he can't be fucked to say yes to you he can't be fucked to say no either his phone will ring and he'll answer and say "oh yeah him oh no yeah he's great i've worked with him for years he's as reliable as they come i can't recommend him enough" without even remembering who you are
>>313686 That's a very zany vid you've posted, lad
>>313682 So they can cross reference.
Off to Greenwich to met a Korean lass. Have a good days, lids.
>>313687 I don't think there is a monarch left that could overrule parliament. If it's unpopular they'd be forced to abdicate, if it's popular they die of a heart attack.
>>313685 who's the lass in green? she has potential
>>313687 Yes, it's good to remind them that they are supposed to be more than a face
>>313692 The Princess I think.
>Tuesday's events were an important step for Crown Princess Amalia, who has begun participating in official events now that she is of adult age. Although she has just started her university studies, for instance, she is scheduled to visit the Netherlands' Caribbean territories with her parents next spring.
>>313690 bad lad but good luck smh >>313691 >>313693 tbh they have authority de jure but not defacto still for anyone with even a shred of morals it's better to be kicked out for doing the right thing than to stay silent smh >>313694 would tbh phwoar
>>313689 Wow, thanks retard. Really insightful. They can cross-reference one generic reference with another! Of course! How sensible of them! How glad I am to have you here and let us poor mongs know these things! How foolish to believe that a reference and a clear DBS check should be e-fucking-nough to print documents for 7 hours a day! >>313687 I'm gonna call one or two people then bite the bullet. Just tried phoning him but no answer. Utter kikeisms.
>>313683 Seriously, fuck all these so called elites. Would be funny if the farmers started chucking them all into mulching machines and then into muck spreaders
>>313697 Take a deep breath lad, it was a joke.
>>313697 lad you've done all you can to reach him smh being a reference isn't that big of a deal tbh it's maybe five minutes out of his day that he already agreed to do and if he changed his mind he would have told you just write him down and go forward tbh they care more about you having references than they do about the references themselves they probably won't even call him tbh as long as he looks professional enough >>313698 keeek tbh would be absolute banter
>>313696 It will be interesting to see which monarchies can survive the 21st century. They really do smell like the oligarchs they are supposed to defeat
They are a light version in most cases.
>>313702 Honestly they're only kept around for legitimacy purposes, they are for all intents and purposes just another part of the apparatus fucking us all.
>>313701 call me cynical but i think the ones that survive won't survive by doing anything useful but more by hewing close to their ceremonial duties pretending to be completely divorced from the political process while kissing enough babies and cutting enough ribbons to make up for their massive (and currently completely unearned) incomes they'll hide like cockroaches and survive just as well >>313703 tbh
>>313695 > she is scheduled to visit the Netherlands' Caribbean territories with her parents next spring. I would say to get compulsorily blacked like Harry but then she’s probably been wogged already. I would imagine Holland is full of them by now
>>313705 ah yes le blacked memirono
>>313705 time to unplug lad if bbc is the first thing your mind goes to
>>313708 tbh they're becoming a political appendix they can either go big and become central and necessary again or much more likely shrink and become some vestigial thing that's hardly noticed unless it becomes dysfunctional in some way if they choose the passive approach it's unlikely they'll survive at all
enjoying two very nice pork loin medallions for dinnero well done because it's a little bit out of date but don't let naysayers tell you any different tbh well done can still be tender and juicy little bit of paprika garlic and mixed herbs on both sides and it turned out very nice
>>313699 *grabs you by the throat* I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!! >>313700 All is well, my old university tutor located, he has offered me a reference. All is well. I now work for rNHS! CLAP FOR ME
>>313711 extremely based lad milk them for all they've got and climb the ranks as far as you can every pound that ends up in the pocket of a based chud is a pound well spent
>>313708 finding it increasingly difficult to make predictions for the end of the century tbh, I think the monarchies will survive but they'll become more and more reduced in size. Although tbf the rising tide of basedness on the continent could topple the old regimes and restore the monarchies to being not gay >>313710 Based. For me it was cream of tomato soup, was going to have Scotch Broth but fancied something sweet smh
>>313713 always wondered which part of the tomato you milk to get cream smh one of life's mysteries
>>313715 sneed chuck still keeking at that missing tinnies webm you poosted last night tbh
>>313716 one of manxlad's best of 2022 probably
>>313717 tbh it's a classic smh maybe i'm biased though keeek
>someone actually commented on a steinhog vid did one of us make an account or did steiner attract a qoomer or something? he's going up in the world, first /brit/ eceleb
>>313719 which video lad? always knew he'd make it tbh he's got a knack for spelling things out succinctly
>>313720 latest, 80 boomertard website doesn't let people without accounts see comments though
Dissection of Nordstream pipeline bombing by former USAF zoggerino From 5:00 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPUwgaAScp8
>>313721 still on my tablet smdh can't watch rumble videos got a backlog all the way back to incel rant 58 >>313722 looks interesting tbh watching it now
>>313723 smh buy a PC quick before the prices get higher and the money gets devalued further I'll start transcribing the videos any day now though.. any day now...
>>313724 tbh chips are going to explode in price two weeks from now do need to unironically buy in before things get bad though smh
>>313724 >tfw our supercomputers are looking pretty cheap right now
16 hours of post office toil post Royal mail strike so far this week. Would be good if i wasn't on minimum wage again smh. Mfw the permananet workers are looking sullen and a bit angry. A lot of the other agency workers worked on the strike days tho smh.
seriously though lads if you have any spare money put it into chip manufacturers worst case scenario it stays the same best case scenario china starts sabre rattling and things start looking uncertain enough that the major chip fabricators set up additional elsewhere demand for chips will literally never go down but it can go up by a lot wish i had money to invest smh >>313725 tbh seen a lot about this all over the place tbh the us had the capability to drop an anti-submarine torpedo from a plane that could (and did) hit the pipeline >>313728 time to scab lad
>>313729 I'm too much of a nervous nelly to cross a picket line lad. My Financial advisor told me he couldn't think of anything to invest in at the time kek. maybe chip manafacturers are already priced in.
Politician updates press on economic changes while wearing a hardhat and hi-viz jacket
>>313730 they're priced in for right now tbh but it'll go up in the next few years when the supply chain gets shakey and demand skyrockets they'll have to set up fabrication labs in friendly countries (but they'll find a way to make that profit them and their shareholders) supply will increase to meet demand and then like it always does demand will increase to meet supply even if nothing happens the uncertainty is enough to spur this on >>313731 wtf i love liz now she's so in touch with the working class
Unions are huwhite imo, they are implicitly anti immigrant labour even today.
>working my fucking arse off in the Bitcoin mines >taking on as many tickets as I can >have 5 second glances at my phone occasionally because I don’t have time to get up and go take a break etc >”anon you’re on thin ice with your phone usage you need to tone it down NOW grrr” says the bossman I’ve been working on almost 20 different fucking things man give me a break >>313729 If you tell me how I’ll do it, especially if there’s at least one Western European or British manufacturer.
>>313733 the individual labourers might be based but as ex-coalminer-taxi-boomer said on sunday night unions nowadays are just fronts for the labour party and union dues all go directly to campaigning for more nigger invasion etc
>>313735 >>313735 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herrin_massacre stuff like this lad but yea i'm sure liberals have infiltrated them
>>313736 Lad that’s an American union :|
>>313695 how is she ~18 but already fat. she looks 30
put cinnamon in my protein shake, i like the taste but it's a bit strong. starting to sound like spig now smh
>>313705 funny how a belly that pregnant looks like a boob
>>313733 >>313735 tbh back when i was a wagie my union only managed to deliver one (1) pay rise and even that didn't keep up with costs of living maybe they'll stick up for you in an extreme situation >>313734 >Western European or British manufacturer. not likely to find that lad just about all of the entire world's chip fabrication comes from taiwan the fate of every single digital enterprise depends on that island tbh no way around it and the more threatened it is the pricier those chips will be intel also manufactures in israel so factor that in as well just go long on SOXX or SMH tbh >>313738 imagine what she could be at thirty if you kept feeding her
>>313741 Quick google, there’s a British company called ARM that manufactures semiconductors but they’re completely owned by the Japanese SoftBank corporation….
can't believe there's a stock ticker called SMH tbh keeeeek >>313742 huwhite people aren't allowed to own businesses lad you know that
>>313741 >>313742 https://www.ft.com/content/932c6422-f7c8-4f61-a1ad-51cea238e2fb Nevermind, plus they’re fabless anyway. The only true manufacturers are in China, Taiwan, and the US.
>>313744 tbh >China, Taiwan, and the US. and israel
>>313745 No lad the one in Israel isn’t an actual foundry either it’s either IDM or fabless
>>313746 based tbh pissrael btfo
The Walk-In (2022) All five episodes are available to watch now on ITV player. I spent last night watching them and, as an ex-member of National Action North West, I would like to review the show in terms of its accuracy and elucidate the points obscured by this outrageous propaganda piece. The show covers the career of Robbie Mullen who joined NA in September 2015. At some point he turned into a mole and played a part in the sentencing of three men to long term jail sentences. I knew Robbie Mullen and considered him a friend, we all did. For us his betrayal stung harder because we considered him to be a good lad. He was often ignorant and would talk over people but at heart he was just a normal underclass young man from Widnes. He had a good sense of humour and seemed committed. He was the only member of the group who seemed remotely concerned about Hope not Hate and their activities, which should have sounded alarm bells in hindsight. He told us that he had secured a new job paying £33,000 p/a fixing cameras and that his new boss often took him to strip clubs where he would open his wallet full of £50 notes so that the prostitutes would "pure put their fannies in your face". He also said he may have a new girlfriend which suggest an element of sexual grooming. He was a simpleton, as accurately portrayed in the show and thus more susceptible to appeals aimed at his baseness of character. Characters The characters in the show are essentially wrong. Christopher Lythgoe was not a violent psychopath. In my view he did not fully appreciate the severity of the situation and failed to address it. This is his only crime. He was a good man whom I had drank with well into the early hours of the morning. Never did he say anything suggestive of terrorism or political violence. He had a long term plan of development for the group and this did not factor in anything of that nature. He enjoyed martial arts and was heavily involved in self-defence lessons which became necessary after it became clear that left-wing terrorists wanted to use their institutional power to physically endanger our lives. Beyond this he was a peaceable man whose conviction of terror offences is an injustice. Matthew Hankinson has been portrayed more accurately. He also appreciated the need for self-defence and took a broader interest in martial arts. He had an easy-going but serious character, very easy to make friends with. He was intelligent and had few vices. He wouldn't drink alcohol too much and took things a lot more seriously than most other members of NA. They didn't greatly focus on him in the show and what they did manage to reveal was that he was friendly and got along well with others. He was even smiling in his mugshot. I was expecting a more vicious character assassination of him but he got off lightly compared to Chris. He had a friendly relationship with Robbie which might explain this. However, this makes Robbie's betrayal all the worse. Benjamin Raymond and Garron Helm were both portrayed in the film but were not heavily focused on. Ben Raymond is portrayed as a meek background character whom Chris had aggressively deposed. This couldn't be further from the truth. He is also depicted as trying to intimidate Robbie at the trial but this does not fit his character in real life. This show has diminished him in stature and fails to capture his real personality. This is something that was even more pronounced in the depiction of Garron Helm. He is portrayed with blond "zoomer hair" and with a Mancunian/Lancastrian accent despite being from Liverpool. He was shown as a weak personality who was jealous of Robbie- something which I can confirm was not true. He was certainly surprised that Robbie was appointed North West organiser by Chris but we all were. Robbie had a rustic charm and some street smarts but he was perhaps ill suited to undertake that task. Jack Renshaw was assassinated in this drama. He was convicted of nonce offenses because the prosecution in that trial used the terror trial to withhold evidence from the court which would have proved his innocence. He does not have a birth mark nor does he drive for example. The fight for justice in that case is ongoing I believe. He was by no means as pronounced a character in the group as is depicted. During my time with NA, I met him on maybe three occasions. He didn't drink much and was always friendly. There is little more I can say about him other than this: This TV show has created a fictitious character that does not in action nor in general characteristics resemble the real Jack Renshaw. Robbie Mullen is portrayed as a simpleton who was taken advantage of by NA. He was indeed unintelligent but he was very street smart. His street smarts we considered to be quite an admirable quality which is what allowed him to rise to the position of North West Organiser. His handler Matthew Collins is a mental deranged groomer who writes slanderous articles on his obscure little website. He is not remotely scouse nor does he have the masculine characteristics of the actor playing him. The dynamic between the two is less predatory than in real life: Robbie Mullen was groomed by Hope not Hate. They have made a fool out of him in this drama, that's the price of becoming a stooge. Robbie is constantly confronted by niggers and race traitors in the show with rather asinine arguments and crumbles under their scrutiny of Fascism. He had little patience for argument in real life but he was not so stupid as to being unable to defend the very basic elements of our cause. He is portrayed as still being racist until the end which I can believe. He turned traitor for money and to save his own skin. He turned traitor for personal hatred he had of certain people like Christopher Lythgoe or Garron Helm (the latter of whom he tried to have murdered). All in all none of the characters are very accurate to life. The mannerisms of the actors are amusingly on point, particularly for the characters of Christopher Lythgoe, Robbie Mullen, and Matthew Hankinson.
Events The events are largely fictitious. Even small details are fabricated or misrepresented. The opening episode shows a White Man March in Bradford. This never happened. As I recall we held a demonstration in York during the May of 2016 followed by one in Berwick Upon Tweed. There may have been one in Liverpool around this time too. When Jo Cox was assassinated we did not know who she was. The reaction to her death fell into two camps: Those who were angry because it jeopardised the Leave campaign during the EU Referendum and those who found it amusing that some unknown MP was assassinated by an absolute nobody. The North East twitter account made three or four distasteful jokes after the assassination which are part of the justification for banning the group. They are portrayed as serious statements in the show to support the mythology of NA as a terrorist organisation. The group are portrayed as having inspired or having links to rockerz88 who stabbed a Sikh dentist. This is not true either. The group considered him to be a fringe troll and if my sources are correct he intended to stab his abusive step father before settling on the Sikh. Either way he is not related to NA in any way beyond having purchased a flag and using similar memes. During National Action's existence it did not commit, nor did it support, one single act of terror. The main plot point of the show concerning the alleged plot to kill Rosie Cooper occurred half a year after National Action disbanded (the night before it was proscribed). This is portrayed as a sober conversation in the show but in reality occurred between seven or so people during a drinking session between friends. This is why everyone was claiming to be drunk. I know, factually and from first hand experience, that nobody believed Jack Renshaw was serious. They believed he was under a great deal of stress from being heavily persecuted at this time and that he was crying out for help. This brings us to the trial. They have misrepresented history. In the show only Jack Renshaw, Matthew Hankinson, and Christopher Lythgoe are portrayed as being on trial. This deliberately excludes Garron Helm, A Clarke, and M Trubini who were all found not-guilty in relation to all accusations. It does, however, show that Chris was cleared of encouraging Jack to commit a terror act. It omits the point at which the testimony of Collins against NA was openly laughed at by the jury for its absurdity. This trial was a miscarriage of justice and Christopher Lythgoe now serves eight years for membership of National Action after December 2016 and Matthew Hankinson now serves six for the same offence. Neither can be guilty of this because the group had long disbanded. The argument that the group continued to exist is largely based on a statement made by Christopher Lythgoe that they were shedding "one skin for another". This statement must be understood in the context of the group being a protest group and not a terror organisation. They are portrayed in the how as having the reach and understanding of a spy network. This is false. Robbie's first meeting was not in a dingy pub surrounded by surly bodyguards, for example. In reality he met with Christ Lythgoe and me in a well lit pub in late Summer. There were families drinking and eating around us. Patrons enjoying some midday drinks. It was a relaxed, friendly meeting with some banter. The group is totally mischaracterised and that youthful humour which was its hallmark is removed or distorted. Additionally, the gym has been shown as belonging to National Action. This was purchased after National Action disbanded. It did not belong National Action nor to any organisation. There was much talk of starting something new. We abandoned the idea of contesting the ban and made not so much as a murmur in public. It was decided that we would instead start off with a new legacy. We’d take the positive aspects of NA and form a far more professional group which would make clear its rejection of terrorism and political violence. It would also allow us to put into practice what had been learned from NA’s mistakes without any baggage. Unfortunately, this group never came into existence. Summary This is a perverse hit piece against National Action and the people who were later involved in the so-called Jack Renshaw terror plot. It tries to tell the story of a brave simpleton who, despite his naughty political ideas, overcame his flaws to foil a terror organisation plotting the murder of an obscure politician. However, it comes across as a desperate scramble to justify the political repression of those who seek the preservation of their race and nation. They try to pin two terror attacks on National Action. Both of them were unrelated to the group as observed and affirmed by the courts. They try to use the “edgy memes” which were so popular in this group of young men as serious statements to support the invented philosophy of far-right terrorism. This was the same tactic used by the state to justify the ban in the first place and shows how this group of mentally ill defamers has a symbiotic relationship with that same state. As previously told, the Jack Renshaw case occurred after the group ceased to exist but even if the group continued, as presented in this fiction, the anti-Whites must concede that this can only be utilised on a post hoc ergo propter hoc basis to justify the state’s actions. There is no justification for the banning of National Action. The men convicted in relation to it are the victims of obscene injustice. I would not recommend watching this without knowledge of what really happened during those infamous years of 2016 and 2017. The acting is good enough to convince people without critical thinking skills or the wherewithal to research the various cases. My message is simple, avoid this televisual atrocity.
There is a lot more that I could write but 2,000 words is enough keek
>>313748 >>313750 Thanks for the effortposting lad
not going to post here if mongs can obsessively post about being a member of a pooscribed org for attention tbh. ban this fucking mong.
>>313748 >>313750 excellent posts lad with a bit of cleaning up vis a vis naughty language it could easily be put on imdb and sent to news sites and places like countercurrents reckon it'd be worth it tbh
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>>313748 >>313750 very good lad >>313753 I think everyone here who may have been a part of it left before that
>>313753 Liking you less and less for these stupid takes.
>>313748 Should just join the US Navy Seals lad. Could be your new home
does he think that BBK is 22st?
* Walks williaminlgy towards you *
>>313759 >in birmingham keeeeeeeeeeek the police presence to make sure none of the niggers attack them and break the delusion they live in
>>313748 >This TV show has created a fictitious character that's what they do for everyone lad you only exist as far as their records go back but beyond that it's all fiction that they can freely make up tbh for the public it's true until proven false he made a deal tbh he's a tragic misguided idiot but you're all evil and he walks free while you're all public enemy number one or Garron Helm (the latter of whom he tried to have murdered) qrd lad? >>313751 you should write it out someday tbh lad it deserves to be preserved for posterity could probably make a nice mint by publishing your memoirs tbh ngl "memories of an unrepentant nationalist" or some shite tbh something to stir up talk on the niggercattle news channels >>313759 *raises taxes on corporations and trusts whilst lowering taxes on low income families*
miss the screenshot feature that og 8chan had smh
>>313748 >>313750 Good post lad. Going to give it a watch now for a laugh
>>313754 Tbh send it to counter current. They'll publish anything
>>313748 >>313750 you have done your people proud, lad
>>313761 >*raises taxes on corporations and trusts whilst lowering taxes on low income families* YOU LEFT WING COMMUNIST BASTARD
>>313761 tbh it's still true even after proven false
>>313770 tbh there's no way back smh they spread the rumours and the public sees it and then that's it tbh they don't care about a second opinion only way to btfo them is to be the strong horse
>>313772 they're not real
>>313772 2>1>3 tbh two has uneven tits this AI shite has come a long way tbh but it still has a little bit further to go it's almost there tbh tantalising really
>>313772 1 for smee tbh
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for me its number two because she looks the youngest
the future will be spics and gooks using CRISPR or magic laser eye surgery to turn their eyes blue and larp as huwhite and bleaching their skin everything we've invented up until now or will invent from now will be co-opted by swarthoid hordes larping as huwhite they will then pretend it was theirs all along and that the uk was a globohomo colony from the beginning 'ate them tbh just sick of it all
Watching HotD and he did it. He had sex. With his niece.
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>>313781 chin up lad it'll get better we'll see things get better and we'll be able to endlessly lecture young people about not giving up like we didn't
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>>313782 no it wont you dont understand
>jocko gave him aids rip lad
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don't like this "HotD" abbreviation tbh keeps reminding me of the undoubtedly more kino and sexo japcel cartoon about zombies
>>313784 I wish
>>313783 what happened lad? has jocko dump you?
>>313790 what about the hotel room meetup? is that off the table now?
>>313783 i know it won't lad i'm just trying to cheer you up it's absolutely fucked smh but we have to stay alive to see just how bad it can get we were put here to observe tbh to watch babel as it falls >>313787 for me "HotD" means house of the dead i.e. zombie shooting kino
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>>313790 chin up lad you dodged a bullet a poo-filled bullet
>cornwall council job website >search function and applicant forms include the entire fucking world FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF AAAUUGH >>313792 good lad tbh think dad and me tried to play that at a holiday camp or something but I didn't really understand and and we died a lot and gave up after five minutes on the first stage
>>313795 the trick is to shoot the people who are zombies but not to shoot the people who aren't zombies sometimes if you double-don't shoot the people who aren't zombies they give you health it's self-explanatory lad
>>313794 tbh, if he'd gone through with that he'd never have been the same afterwards I'm relieved
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>>313794 dont care
>>313798 tbh tbh >>313799 you clearly do or else you wouldn't be making a big deal about it lad do the right thing smh all we're asking you to do is nothing at all you can't un-fuck a man's bum after you've done it lad just don't go there you've already had segs tbh you're not that desperate
>>313800 but shes cute
just ban him again
>>313801 >"she" don't turn prison gay lad that's a man
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It's all satirical, the tranny posting Christ sake dorset don't make me question that its anything but a joke
>>313801 >but shes cute who?
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>>313805 Its real, chief.
>>313805 lad...
>>313806 jocko
>>313802 trying to put lads back on the right track is worth ignoring the rules tbh >>313804 don't stop dorting tbh lad it's a man a man is spreading his poopoo hole smh that's where poo comes from lad >>313809 lad no
>>313809 jocko is not a "she" he's a mentally ill man that wears dresses (badly) and takes numerous pills (including hormones)
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oh no he's dabbed on us all looks like the meetup with jocko is still on
>>313653 keeek, I was wrecked off my tits on painkillers when I posted that just before going to bed, thinking I was being funny and I'd get lots of (Yous), but this even better.
>User Woesist_ banned the posters of the following posts: 313780 from board /brit/ until Tue Oct 04 2022 16:30:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "spoilers". new mod throwing his weight around I see
>another retoil job opening for the same shop I have already applied to three times appears again if they're so fucking desperate for staff why can't they give me a fucking chance AAHHHH
dorshit is going to pump a man in the arse, my word
>>313818 >dorshit is going to pump a man in the arse, my word a mentally ill man that wears dresses and takes hormones, no less
>>313778 it won't work as even spic will admit to that. doubt the shite race in its current state could invent something like that
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>>313822 sorry lad, I meant "a cute girl"
fuck off
/brit/'s transmogrification into /newbrit/ has taken a while, but we are finally here.
>>313825 so you are going to bum her (jocko), after all?
>>313822 don't do it lad >>313823 it's already been invented tbh can't remember the name but there's a laser eye surgery that turns eyes blue it's already here lad
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>when they start bleaching their nipples pink
>>313828 Kerato, keeeek it's so messed up
>>313826 not if something to say about it I have
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>>313828 smh even if it becomes widespread they will always be larpers lacking the genetics >>313830 keek its looks so un natural
>>313830 fucking hell that's weird af
>>313830 they looks like dogs eyes
>>313833 >looks so un natural because it is tbh
>>313816 where do you see this lad? is there a mod log?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gpbFKKqHTA >It was a joke created in 2Chan and the creators of the song have remained anonymous (since it's 2Chan, after all) . This song says that using emoticons should be capital punishment and the world should use Kanji characters based tbh
I looked it up and its nothing but nasty chinks and niggers using and advocating for it
>>313817 They need a passportless brown container child not a crippled ex-aristocratic chud.
>>313837 book in the top right corner of the index
>>313820 Yeah he should at least have the conviction to be a proper homo instead of this self denial crap.
>>313841 not seeing it tbh smh never knew about the side catalogue though
>>313841 ah thanks lad, been looking for that for ages
>email job provider middleman type company of email sending foids >contrary to all of their website information it's a fucking temp agency FUCK OFF AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO I WILL NOT BE A FACTORY SLAVE
>>313846 Get into the satanic mills chudzy.
>>313845 ahhh yeah lad i see it now didn't know about that tbh that's pretty cool transparency is good tbh i want this administration to be accountable for its decisions >>313846 smh they're cornering you lad smh you should get forklift qualified tbh
>literally all the jobs in my local area are the same dozen or so hiring for the same positions they have been all year for fucks sake is turnover just that brutal or are they that picky? either way it's over
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I demand that dorshit be unironically perma'd for his posts itt. We have all seen them. Auslad cannot claim ignorance, dorshit cannot claim he was joking. ANY mod who were to unban him should be demoded. You have until tomorrow at this time to bend to my will, or I will crash this board with no survivors, leaving even auslad in fire and blood. Okay, thank you.
>>313849 lad you should just find something you're good at and can sell to people.
>>313851 Tbh can see wessex making a top-tier snooker commentator
>>313851 I'm good at working with children (attested to by non-family members at voluntoil) and teaching history ie areas in which I will never be able to get a job for being a dangerous incel white male with a not from poovent about being an extremist that won't pass a DBS check, and also being too based to suffer teaching in the zog propaganda environment of schools and colleges (which I couldn't do anyway because I dropped out of uni due to how faggotshit it was and didn't end up getting history degree + teaching certs) >>313852 wouldn't mind it tbh maybe get a haircut for a mullet and go into darts or something
>>313853 What about building computers?
>>313853 Also I don't think a private tutor needs a dbs check.
>>313854 I bought a prebuilt lad keek >>313855 yeah it'd be an independent thing that'd mean a lot of networking and advertising online, no guaranteed income etc probably does need good qualifications for A levels and above still too, I have one history A level and one business that are Cs or Bs and that's the extend of education
there is a tutor on the route up to one of my voluntoils who advertises themselves with a little notice stuck on a fence post in their front garden keek smh I think it's probably a good way to benniemaxx and pretend like you could be making money any day now
>>313849 >or are they that picky? always and forever lad imagine a farmer skims the cream off the top of a fresh bucket of milk then he recycles the milk and skims the cream off the top again then he recycles the milk and skims the cream off the top again then he recycles the milk and skims the cream off the top again there's always a fresh supply of zoomers who will do it for cheap lad if you weren't the cream the first time you aren't the cream if you actually want toil i'd recommend doing one of those online uni courses tbh go for accounting or something >>313850 making a good point but i don't believe in permabans smh in the age of dynamic ip addresses and vpns all bans are voluntary just want to believe i can talk him out of it tbh i already failed with pembs smh i don't want to fail again
didn't look that blackpilling when i was poosting it
>>313858 keek yeah smh tbh I don't care about toil for toil's sake and am under no illusions that it would be a good way to meet people and get wife etc so what's the point really may as well just keep pretending and neetmaxxing, actually put effort into meme web novel writing or something if I can ever be unJUSTed enough for it
what are some good books on the ottoman empire? I need to start actually buying books now that I have a bookshelf. as a plus i can post pages with highlights to here when im making a point so you can all see that i gather information from a wide range of topics and apply them to the current day. thank you.
>>313858 This is why Wessex needs to throw his weight around, he'll get a job if the retoil bossman fears being crushed to death.
>>313860 It's a shame all those magazines that you could send short stories to all disappeared.
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>>313860 do it tbh the world needs more autiste passion projects if it ever gets long enough send it to a publisher lad not like based and redpilled sci-fi is a heavily contested field tbh the only problem is keeping your boat-rocking to a sufficiently small margin to get published in the first place >>313862 keeeeek tbh
currently writing a treatise on general wessex's embarkation in somerset and the following bath campaign
>>313863 there are some niche alt-shite associated ones that started up tbf https://thebizarchives.com >>313865 tbh the thing that most stood out to me from that time is that some really strange xoomer "christian fundamentalist" type lad joined the group to do leafletting but said he had to go to a cashpoint and left halfway through might just have been an ur-autist but might also have been some local crusty type trying to infiltrate don't think anything came of it but that was the mean streets of bath apart from the current year incident
I've secure a sandhurst grant
keeeek the autistbund
>>313868 lad on the left has a mog worthy jaw tbh. lad on the right just looks like woes
>>313865 mad to think about how in the future either history books will be quoting whatever they can find from this era tbh scavenging literally any quote they can get from lads here or the mainstream meteor trying to glean a few nuggets of truth or else this'll all be forgotten and buried and we'll all be evil nazis
>>313870 they'll unironically probably just quote the mainstream medias worst propaganda if we dont win. its over...
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>>313871 but if we do win lad... these discussions are too sensitive to be archived lad so if we should win what will the history books say about us?
sat down at my computer at around ten am today intending to look for toil currently three thirty am so i think it's high time i started taking this seriously
>>313858 Then the board is doomed. See you all in pen.
fuck it im just going to play germany in hoi4 again
>>313875 basiert und redpilled
chicken and asparagus pie in oven tbh gaysbury's raised the price to nearly £4, almost reached 200% inflation
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.” have we had watership down for film night yet tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug3WqPxrySk
>>313878 decent choon that
>>313878 That opening animation... so kino >>313849 wess me boy, only one thing left... the Ultimate Fighting Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJsTv3ypGxI
>>313880 >That first comment
Some of this eye surgery can blind you. Remember reading that destroying the brown pigment can also leave detritus floating around that then causes vision obstruction and impairmaent There’s three ways to do it https://www.visioncenter.org/surgery/eye-color-change/
>>313761 >Garron Helm (the latter of whom he tried to have murdered Robbie tricked some of the lads into thinking Garron was the mole and started trying to get them to kill him and pour battery acid on his dead body smh, might write more one day just in case I die in inaction tbh >>313752 >>313754 >>313755 >>313763 >>313766 thanks lads, their injustice must be defeated in snattle
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What the fuck is happening to monke man? The pukies are pushing on Kherson now smh
shnight lads
https://youtu.be/_tJLnKXtfVc Love this song tbh, 22st should blast it out of his chud wagon
Trial for the nigger who drove through the parade of white children has started, he's already been ejected for acting like a massive nigger in court https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCCKEYra-0g
>>313891 >>313892 >>313893 based niggers tbh >woman judge KEEEEEEEK he will get six months community service to be completed at three for good behaviour
DEPLOY THE TRIFFIDS! They could prune da citizenry in da endz https://www.dwbowen.com/plant-machete > This installation enables a live plant to control a machete. plant machete has a control system that reads and utilizes the electrical noises found in a live philodendron. The system uses an open source micro-controller connected to the plant to read varying resistance signals across the plant’s leaves. Using custom software, these signals are mapped in real-time to the movements of the joints of the industrial robot holding a machete. In this way, the movements of the machete are determined based on input from the plant. Essentially the plant is the brain of the robot controlling the machete determining how it swings, jabs, slices and interacts in space.
lors opinion on iranian cunnies bringing down americas last enemy in the middle east?
>>313898 Their enemy is not in Iran
Recent Hitchens appearances on GBN https://youtu.be/AZhrCFNjynI https://youtu.be/DMS09p_eqfw >>313708 Pope is stronger than ever don't forget
Purely good business
>>313901 >7:00 people are too stupid to want grammar schools anymore Ah Peter what a legend
>>313898 dont know why the iranian government hasn't put their boot down yet
>>313906 you okay lad?
>>313904 I actually like GB News now, they've really pulled it back
>>313907 could see a silhouette of a woman bouncing up and down again in one of the houses at the back of me
>>313908 Yeah they're good compared to other news sites. Wish they'd go full 14/88 though tbh
>>313910 >Wish they'd go full 14/88 though tbh well that's not going to happen is it lad
>>313912 part n parcel tbh!
New PA Leaflet
>>313914 normongs will say that its fucking worth it tho i hate them
>>313909 goodness smee
>>313911 A nigga can dream >>313914 They should have put an outline on the letters tbh but good concept I guess
>>313917 yeah you're right they should, it would make the letters stand out more
>>313915 tbh any youtube comment section from a video about ukraine has mongs saying we aren't sending enough
>>313916 figured out which house it is so i might sneak into the back alley and get a closer view next time it happens
>>313920 don't think you should do that tbh
>>313919 >ukraine is winning >but we need to send more to help
>>313872 the history books will be written by are children if things go right >>313909 and she's fucking... NOT YOU!!!
my dad's birthday today I'll send him an email but he didn't reply to the one last year or christmas of '20, didn't bother sending one for christmas '21 sent me two short sentences in thanks for birthday wishes in 2020 and that is the last I heard from him
sent pressies in '21 too
>>313927 You tried lad
>>313925 looks awful >based on books written by a woman who looks like a troon >Twenty years after a flu pandemic resulted in the collapse of civilization, a group of survivors who make their living as traveling performers encounter a violent cult led by a man whose past is unknowingly linked to a member of the troupe yeah not bothering tbh another shit bins choice
>>313929 the series about the colonial french he put on the other day was decent for a change but he put it on way too fucking late
>>313929 we're just giving it a try, to see what it's like it's not like a weekend showing where the choices matter more do you have any suggestsions for a mid-week tv show we could watch?
>>313930 That was Barkskins A really great show, but they only made one season and axed it, realy shame
>>313928 feels like my family is self destructing tbh nobody cares about relationship links and continuity, ancestry etc don't know anything about the patriarchal line except that his mum has gone senile and grandad refuses help in caring for her and they are going to die together mum's side are all libshits and she specifically said she doesn't care about children, how fucked is that that a mummy doesn't care that her daughters won't have granddaughters for her total perversion of the natural order >>313931 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2-8yoQDgIk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q16DV-6DidU
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extremely kino bit of history if anyone wants to read btw The Siege of Lucknow, A Diary https://archive.org/details/siegelucknowadi00inglgoog/page/n4/mode/2up
Macron’s spad caught red handed >Hide among us >Manipulate everything from behind the scenes >Gene steal >Marry money to steal companies and a countries wealth What a complex web They truly are evil
>Book from the collections of University of Michigan smh steiner must have been around so much kino stuff and had to see it all get thrown out
>>313926 smh lad
toil complete crazy boomer almost got us into a fight with 30 mexicans today after we caught them illegally dumping grass and sod into a contruction dumpster he rode up on them in his lifted diesel and rolled coal on the spics while they were eating lunch and bitched them out with only me as the other white guy and he told them when they said "no comprende" he said DHS, green card, deportation comprende? and then the boss spic made them all go clean out the dumpster and we watched them from the other neighborhood with binocs and were laughing at them
>>313937 yeah that would be on the 5th floor of the graduate library in special collections.
>>313939 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq most kino m'lad
>>313935 thanks giving this a read right now, >>313939 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek is that the one with skullet? he sounds like a good lad even if he is a bit unhinged
>>313939 kind of based moment tbh lucky they didn't machete you I guess >>313940 do they just buy this stuff just to have it? doesn't seem to have any relevance to michigan, the US or the new world as a whole
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chewed mastic gum last night and didn't eat much, now my jawline looks the best it ever has tbh >>313828 >it's already been invented tbh can't remember the name but there's a laser eye surgery that turns eyes blue I've looked into the options and none of them create a result that looks anything approaching natural, plus there are serious risks of blindness etc. only realistic option is color contacts and those look very unnatural/obvious too >>313830 see >>313850 Dorset is a staple of the board. not condoning his behavior but it's just a phase and people are overreacting, just keep making fun of him and eventually he'll move on to something else >>313887 >2nd she looks like gollywog with the ridiculous "hair", the eyeshadow that makes her eyes all googly, and the light lipstick >>313898 I support the Iranian government 100%. they should send me there to lie down with all of these rambunctious persian females to calm them down >>313905 they have to strike a delicate balance between cracking down and not cracking down so much that it inflames more opposition, the important thing is that they shut down internet access to twitter etc. because that's how the west influences the minds of their people >>313939 baste
>>313942 yeah he was in his skullet and he made me get his browning out of the backseat of his truck in case the spics tried to get fiesty. one spic spat on me the first time I told them to stop throwing shit in the construction dumpster and it crazy boomer got super rage when I told them the spics were having attitude about it
>li'l spiccy that's a filter
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@Wessex Isn't it true you got a girl pregnant in France years and years ago? Dorset won't believe me.
>>313943 idk I think the hatcher graduate library just collects lots of shit, I don't know why they would have that document though doesn't seem relevant. they also have the bentley historical library but most of that is american history. wonder if some teacher brought that to Umich in the 1930s or something
>>313945 >getting spat on by an invader wew smh that should be grounds for lynching >>313949 possible, even then it would have been around at least 80 years old >>313948 not unless I had sexual relations between the ages of 12 and 16 or so and don't recall I only have two female anecdotes from that period, one about a hairy algerian negress contemporary who wanted to snu snu me and I ran away, and one about putting my game on a nice french lass and actually succeeding but then realising we went to the same school and I would have to put the front up 24/7 and be a normie and snubbed her which I regret to this day because it was a "could have been a chad" moment smh
>>313944 Dorset must die. It is ordained.
Haven't done willy wanks in a week. Replaced it with shadow boxing. Three rounds of five minutes long. Will increase once I've built a good shadow boxing routine. Now that the jews are letting me work again and the coof has fucked off, I can sign up for MMA. Downloaded a load of books to read about technique etc. so that I'll be aware of what I'm doing.
>>313951 we all must die, lass
Where'd the stream go? Aaaaahhh.
NHS has just released it's new anthem lads: https://youtu.be/UNAr5tzZxdk
Is kosimi down or was I kicked ? Smh
Based Mummy Arrested for Shitposting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11279745/Devout-Catholic-mother-arrested-series-malicious-posts-uploaded-chat-forum-KiwiFarms.html >A Catholic mother who has been praised by JK Rowling claims she had her personal devices seized in a police raid and was quizzed by cops over a series of 'malicious' posts on the far-right chat board KiwiFarms. >While in the middle of preparing a roast dinner for her priest husband Robin and five children on Sunday, two police officers rang her at home and allegedly demanded she join them for an interview under caution. >She tweeted: 'When read my rights and told that what I said could be used in evidence against me, I replied that women don’t have an [aubergine emoji - often used online to refer to a penis].'
>>313958 I hate this fucking government so much
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>>313939 Absolutely based good lad
>>313961 keek good lad
>>313961 pure /brit/ish culture that
>>313961 smh I miss wallace and grommit
>>313965 I think a new film came out in the past year or two but they are CGI and pozzed
film night choice then, watch the wallace and grommit fillums
>>313958 obviously its fucked that this is happening at all but the fact the law acts to arrest a women who was doxxed by multiple illegal actions from hacking to daily ddosing of a website makes it worse. the system will stand by and watch as psychopaths try to harm you in anyway they can using illegal means and then step in to arrest you afterwards.
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>>313970 checks out he's one of us
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>>313972 >steven crowder schizo fan isn't that an alt lite gaybo smh >>313970 >all those 7s
>>313939 good lad
I sleep
osama bin laden was the che guevara of our generation
>>313976 he was CIA-Mossad patsy
>>313968 tbh smdh
made coffee too strong, it's like drinking mud. delicious mud but still mud
>>313958 >far-right chat board >mummies posting on kf >comments turned off
dont really understand the economy tbh
>tfw I obliterated some sixteen year old kiddo in sparring tonight No match for my style
>>313986 I love that fucking image
>>313987 tbh and it's specifically british too because 70 percent of British men share the same DNA
(20% higher than the rest of europeans)
we literally were kings
double chocolate cadbury fingers for supper
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https://youtu.be/zLmsZC45-m8 >the blue hawaii outtake at the beginning pure kino
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Cant make it tonight
>>313991 makes me sneethe all the more thinking of all of are ancestors efforts coming to an end with the collapse of degenerate hedonist westoid civilisation and incelism >>313994 hopefully someone will carry the torch probably can't either what with neet torture on the morrow
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>>313996 >makes me sneethe all the more thinking of all of are ancestors efforts coming to an end with the collapse of degenerate hedonist westoid civilisation and incelism some say it's all part of a natural cycle though so this was all inevitably going to happen
>>313998 the natural cycle has never included the psychological warfare and complete brain destruction of our times though, not to mention the manner of invasion by foreign peoples and the number of them previous conquests and collapses under normans, saxons and romans don't compare to today imo but I really hope the shite race can somehow pull through
thats a bloke
>>314001 no it's not you mental case
>>314001 want to bum him do you?
>>313958 is kf handing over IP data to the govt?
>>314004 they got hacked and there was a big leak including user accounts' ip addresses and passwords. every account has mandatory password reset and a lot of people used emails that they didn't have access to so their accounts as lost
Some really depressing wessie posts today, haven't seen smee dad since I was 12 tbh, I mostly blame the foid matrix society.
>russians breaking eachothers arms so they don't get conscripted
writing my email to dad 10 minutes before midnight because it's nervous even writing to a brick wall smh he did his best when mummy offloaded me on him but I was too far gone even then and mostly just got fed and watered and quietly watched telly at dinnertime with him and never said much or built a rapport over the years >>314007 I assume he was a nest builder and cast aside then ? >>314008 femur_breaker.wav
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>>313999 Yeah, I don't believe in the cyclical theory of civilisation either We will live to see the New Dawn
>>314009 >I assume he was a nest builder and cast aside then ? kek no didn't even last more than 2-3 years I think
>>314009 >mostly just got fed and watered and quietly watched telly at dinnertime with him KEEEEEEEEEEEK wessie bessie the comfy cow
>>314010 feels like our enemies are already starting to sense their impending doom
>>314013 oh yeah do you remember that black lives matter rally in the UK, where an uppity young black girls said "the west is falling, burn that shit down!" ? I do, wish I'd saved it
>>314012 mummy taught me this behaviour first smh I can't actually remember having dinner at the table here in england and the only memories from france are about me taking my meals up to baby's first computer desk because of how shit it was to be around her and stepdad and their filthy toxoplasmosis-ridden kitchen where they thought nothing of having cats on the dining table going after the food
>>314015 >he doesn't respect felines you deserve what you get tbh
>>313998 Spengler isn't as fatalist as that and although we're in the decline we're nowhere near the end. Caesarism hasn't formed, still firmly behind the beginning of the imperial stage. First is to understand Faustian civilization today is at its height of power. We are still expanding, our civilization is in control of nearly the entire earth, it's essentially driven to consume the planet, the instinctual goal in this soulless, materialistic, and megapolitan phase of our culture being a universal empire. It's the UN, with the General Assembly and the Secretariat. It's NATO. It's the US. It's a mercantile rules based order that nobody can hide from, we may be swamped by foreign peoples we don't like but they've been turned Faustian and fulfil it's ultimate goal of dominating and homogenising the entire world even if its against our will. Faustian civilization acts on the metaphysical instinct ingrained in our world feeling -infinite space. In our imperial age this expresses itself as endless expansion, our internal politics and disputes (everything we seethe about) are what form our expansion takes. This form was not decided by metaphysics it was decided by incident, at some point conflicting forms of "Socialism" (Socialism in Spengler's work means grand totality of an organization in function). Two rival Socialisms existed, Prussian Socialism and Viking Socialism, (also known as English Socialism). Prussian Socialism was discipline, obedience to authority, concern for the greater good and self-sacrifice. Force power manifest. Viking/English Socialism was mercantilism, laisse fare, self sufficiency and charity. Money power manifest. Viking Socialism won WW2, the faustian spirit expressed itself through that lens and sought to dominate the earth through rules, ordered freedom, money and assimilation. We're living under the triumph of money power over blood power (nobility, clans, familial bonds) from Cromwell to the French revolution to WW2. The dialectic at play is between the three powers; Blood power reigns in the age of High Culture, High Culture becomes civilization; power transfers from the country estate to the city, as wealth grows money power emerges and inevitably grows to usurp Blood Power. Money power inevitably creates a shrinking class of elite in possession of wealth and power. Inevitably a member of this class see's attaining wealth (power) only through usurping his own class using the physical force of the population. This is the triumph of Force Power and the start of Caesarism. We havent reached that point yet. Once a high culture finishes up its civilization phase and ends its ~1000 year lifespan, it becomes a petrified tree. It either withers and dies (and this has only happened from external causes, such as the Germanic invasion of Rome, and the eastward metaphysical expansion of various cults and religions which transmuted Eastern Rome into something new), or it indefinitely stays like it is forever in an ahistoric state. Stuff happens, but it's more or less incidental. No new great ideas (Rembrandt, Beethoven, Newton, Kant) or grand politics (American/French Revolution, World Wars, Napoleon), come out of that civilization. That's the death of civilization, it's not mass migration changing the genes that inhabit the imperial core, it's an idea being explored to its end. There being the lack of any coherent creativity and what remains is only returning to what's already been created and whats already occurred.
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>no sea cow
fuuuuck i was going to post the seacow but forgot
looking at it again, that gigachad looks suspect tbh
>>314025 you starting a new channel lad?
>>314028 do it lad
>>314028 what's that video all about then? don't get it tbh
>>314019 well it is an effortpost >>314025 nooo lad the content smh
>>314030 Just getting rid is all, I'm just sad to see it go
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>>314031 tbh Hey sorry about your dad lad, sorry I wasn't (You)ing earlier
>>314033 ta lad but shouldn't really encourage woeismeposting anyway tbh maybe archive your content on odysee or something?
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playing grand tactician the civil war as the union and im going to create a unit of chugs called Steiner's Hogs and get them to raid the south tbh okthankyou
oh right it's neet torture day and I need to go snhight lads
(7.66 MB 480x360 Goodnight 26.webm)

>>314036 all the best lad
>>314037 good lad
hate that I've developed a habit of comfort eating sweeties smh, its my one joy when I come home from the world of seethe.
Saw so many niggers on the way home too, they appear to be growing at a much faster rate lately, does not bode well for the future, felt like how yanks must feel, they are mostly straight up bantu niggers fresh off the boat from africa too.
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>>314040 R E P A T R I A T E
https://youtu.be/Io3qEXfuc2s Suggestion for kosmi
Whoops don't watch too much of the trailer, spoilers keek
https://www.endukprivatejets.co.uk/ I might hop on this Sunday.
>>314045 what is this, some global warming horse shit? it's kinda funny how the zoomers go to school using a program called "ZOOM" keeek
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>>314048 >perpetual mudvasion, trucks of peace, mass rapes, grooming gangs >whites refuse to breed, rapidly dying out >children being brainwashed to mutilate and castrate themselves >economic collapse >teetering on the edge of global thermonuclear war nooooooooooooooooooooooo cows are farting this is the end of the world we must eat ze bugs
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>>314048 the elites are not going to get rid of private jets because this idiot poured shit on a crappy statue they'll put up all our fuel bills, stop us eating meat, and owning cars, but they won't give up their private jets this idiot will get nowhere with her dumb protest - no soros funding for her!
>>314050 libs owned
>>314049 people died for her freedom to be this way lad, who are you to criticise?
(17.56 MB 1280x720 kek.mp4)

I think it is great, Capt. Zogcunt was an annoying cunt. Shame it's just the wrong cause.
>>314053 there's a video of her setting herself on fire lol
>>314054 lel class
>>314051 libs owned and happy
>>314054 Did she burn her eyebrows off at least?
>>314053 >gEnOcIDe Of AlL hUmAnItY
captain toms last act was boarding a flight to barbados after scamming the niggercattle and funneling the money into a family-run charity
>>314060 what a fucking spastic
>>314053 negative canthal tilt
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>>314060 Kek Luddites aren't wrong though
>>314062 she's out there saving the climate race, what the fuck are YOU doing?
>>314066 keeeeeeeek
schnini lids, toil calls
>>314072 god, i hate niggers.
(29.20 KB 275x244 t.png)

like me a lass with nice thick bushy brows.
>>314053 >>314048 >>314074 lmfao. she's crazy where can i find more?
climate. climate has changed
>>314074 stupid cow when you set yourself on fire, you aren't supposed to put the fire out, that defies the whole point
climate has.... fallen
>>314077 on the twitter I think
druggy livestreamers in portland saying nigger on stream has caused a war between them and antifa. antifa accidentally torched two other rvs trying to firebomb the junky rv so far lmfao https://twitter.com/BrownBrandon503/status/1577128973942722560
>>314086 they are doing this rn where I live those cunts are really everywhere. crazy boomer roofer was going to do that this weekend to get ready for deer hunting
>>314086 best thing about killing coyotes is it makes dogcuck seethe so bad
yeah doing that in some place like north dakota or where its very wide open in the midwest or plains or mountains would be a good way to become a very skilled shooter
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>>314087 >>314088 i have the option to do it. i just need to find a rancher who'll let me. i know a guy. just don't know if i'll follow through. just seems fun went critter killing a couple times when i was young, but i haven't done it since
>>314089 i'm in the northern prairies lots of coyotes
>>314091 based yeah you have the best place on earth basically to do that. alot of people here rn are goose hunting because all the leaf geese are crossing down from canada and stopping over after crossing lake erie and its just clouds of those fucks
(2.95 MB 352x640 NoeXbYT4Ls5e27tp.mp4)

hull bradford poo accent is easy to do tbh just carry the o's and roll the r's
(13.21 MB 01 Bland.mp3)

>>314097 I made a webm of that image with this as the audio once, nobody ever reposted it so I figured that it was lame and deleted it. it's 'Blank' not "Bland" btw ignore filename
>>314098 lads might not have seen that it was a webm tbh
>>314100 >4th don't agrew with Tucker's take here. nuclear war would wipe out urban dwellers and adjacent suburbs, not rural areas. would actually save the white race, 90% whiet again
>>314101 wild how the media has been reporting "we have done the analysis and Putin will not nuke, yeah he said he's not bluffing but actually he is bluffing"
>>314101 >>314100 just tired of the endless fearmongering tbh wish the stupid niggercattle would stop paying attention to the zogtards
>>314106 keeeek smh hate what those things represent tbh just more "you will own nothing" shite for soyim
seething at this goyslop shit i saw years ago still >good middle class family >daughter is nice lass, does well at school >their grandmother dies and the main character family are invited over >the rapscalion lad from main character family gets a wank of the daughter and the whole funeral party walks in on them >the daughter drops the funeral urn spilling her grandmothers ashes on the floor The makers were jews btw
I love tits!
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she literally makes the smile from the soy meme thinking about great dane dick, wtf
>>314108 always hated shite like that smh vulgar just for the sake of it
This is a day of seethe
Date on Friday and a massive pimple has appeared on my nose. Just my luck
>>314114 Gonna have to live with it.
>>314114 smh rip lad
That post with nothing in it is the webm of the cat listening to the slow heavy metal btw, it's coorrupted for some reason.
>>314118 >it's coorrupted for some reason. We're all corrupted, friend.
>>314119 Christ is my salvation.
>>314120 Good lad.
Think I'll start Black Mesa at the weekend.
>>314095 Wreck his car and then assault him while he photographs the damage? Sad to see how Gd is beating up his children like this, must be a very badly needed lesson though, smh
Joe Owens sniffs cats
>>314122 good lad
>>314122 bad idea lad play something better
>>314125 Cringe
>>314111 what the fuck
>>314129 That should be solid grooming motivation for you.
>>314095 Higher caste Hindu bullying some muslims?
https://youtu.be/ca20JkKFAcE How to make pots after the race war
Even more grey hair this time at the barbers. Soon I'll be a Johnny White wig smh
>>314133 You need to find a way to unwind.
>>314134 >unwind *farts* thanks lad, gonna keep farting until I'm totally unwinded!
A festive Tesco career for me smh but also kek
>>314137 Wear a Father Christmas hat lad, the lasses may think you're a good lad and gravitate toward you
>>314138 I wish Angard would just give me guaranteed shifts in december, i wouldn't have to bother with public facing toil. but they don't like their angard servants leaving the casual zero hour role.
>>314137 You're officially more employable than Wessex.
>>314140 I haven't applied yet, trying to work out what they mean by twilight. But yea, i worked like 4 jobs in the last 2 years
I almost applied to work for gorrilaz warehouse but decided not to cos they wanted group interviews and wouldn't tell me what warehouse locations they were recruiting for. checked their reviews on indeed, and they get a lot of hate.
>>314141 That beats my record of one job years ago.
>>314143 Do u get dates with women? I'm 31 now and I noticed after I tell them (these are relatively rare matches) that i work in warehouses, they don't reply back. It's rather irritating coz they are leaving the cock carousel but don't consider me any good anyway.
https://youtu.be/gUTMkHUQWUg Quite like this lad tbh, love autists tbh >he calls the description the doobly doo based
>>314143 It's alright, i didn't work for 3 years and then got a tiffany seasonal job and then employment was a bit easier to get after.
>>314144 I don't use dating apps.
>>314146 Oh I work for myself. I just have no work today.
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>>314149 Wanked yourself out lad?
>>314019 keep meaning to come back to this post and finish reading it, then getting distracted
Through out my plastic water bottles. Now I have steel ones.
>>314152 Get some lead ones instead lad.
>>314152 I've been thinking about doing this too tbh
>>314152 got a glass one me
>>314155 Me too. They're the best.
Colleague drilled a hole in my glass bottle for a laugh
>>314156 surely they break too easily
>>314157 Is that the same cunt who tells them it's your birthday? He might have gnomish blood by the sound of it.
>>314157 really unpleasant of him
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>>314161 ba jah him be givin dem island vibes
>>314098 I remember it and thought it was good. Smh. >>314158 It's the type of glass used in labs and what mummies bake using.
it hurts to poo comes out like glue i feel the pain in my arse membrane
>>314163 >It's the type of glass used in labs and what mummies bake using. Pyrex? that stuff still breaks though
just had my fourth booster, feeling sick but at least i'm saving lives.
>>314168 good lad, don't forget to get your fith, sixth, seventh and eighth boosters
>>314169 we must protect the vulnerable, lad, i don't want mummy passing away
got my flu shot tomorrow too
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Tbh starting to seem really vainglorious how many profess to care deeply about culture, but know not even a basic survey of the philosophers, and philosophy schools, which are directly influencing said culture. For years I-- using myself as an example--would read about news and politicians legislating the culture, but when it came to philosophical inquiry about why these changes were being made, I would understand it at a very superficial level, maintaining my own ideas --or really objects of awareness-- as fundamentally correct, trying to get others to adopt them so as to win them to my cultural preferences, thus enacting a better society. I had no appreciation for the fact that, beyond the working class, into the oligarchs that truly rule, large amount of literature consumption was going on, namely of works from profoundly different and perverse philosophical schools. Now the oligarchs mainly run on respectability, i.e. opinion, but their minds are shaped by the literature--or even in the case of those in the intellectually bereft cocaine-to-rehab cycle, the fictional works of video, they exclusively consume-- as hardly anyone trusts anyone to have face-to-face instructive conversations to convey philosophical themes, the inanimate "teachers" of print and video serve as the primary vehicles for the conveyance of such philosophical doctrines. If have made such a mistake by focussing primarily on the leadership of the cultural institions enacting detrimental change, in an attempt to damage the reputations of them and their associates, it is probably a mistake that others are making too. In intellectual endeavours like the implementation of cultural change or even, for that matter, cultural norms, there are a lot of readers in employ of the operative institutions. The employees are relatively speaking quite intellectual, and they enforce conformity not primarily as the minute details, the successes and failures, of their day-to-day tasks related to job description as would salesmen profiting by commission, but instead through shared, obviously philosophical, ideas. They read the same things as one another, self-indoctrinating. Therefore instead of putting the blame squarely on the executive of the cultural institution, such condemnation should go on the application of ideas from bad philosophy. This is why it's unacceptable to not have a knowledge of, a brief outline of understanding for, a dozen or so most influential and popular philosophers of all time, with an especial focus on the modern world. There are even huge themes like for example irrationalism in the churches which could make someone of a Protestant religion, which eschews the offices of monasticism, as mystical as any lotus-sitting Oriental, such is the power of ideas. When one considers how many more are not into the immediate practices of spirituality but instead read from the more derivative schools which are less obviously canonical with their literature, like economics politics sociology, one can appreciate that those in the world of application of knowledge still do have certain consensus which affect their willingness to participate in projects. At the end of the day culture is nothing more than the results of the wars between philosophical schools. >>314136 Amazing how conscientious some are about their Crusius-posting >
>>314172 Keeek the funniest bit is how dated that show is lad
>His father was Jewish FUCK OFF!!!!
getting really fucking fatigued with all these bastard jews
>>314131 Yeah, I actually wondered if he was half Indian or something, and was channelling his Hindutva, couldn't find anything. Just fucking whitoids apologising for him.
whats a good way to btfo foreigners who think having a passport makes them british
>>314179 Nationhood is written in blood not paper
>>314172 >no red muff gross
"I have a car license that doesn't make me a farrari"
"If a dog's born in a stable it doesn't become a horse"
>>314179 Tbh tell them if they believe colonialism was done to them they are a different people
Get a card made saying "world's biggest cock" and say "if you're British, then I have giant cock"
>>314180 >>314183 >>314185 tbh feel like a lot of them would just cope and say because the government says they are british then it must mean they are
>>314186 keeeeeeeeeeek
Going to apply to be a UPS heavy box lifter night time slave
>>314187 Would they want comparitive migration into their homeland?
>>314191 thats what your going to be doing lad?
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>Waifuposter is getting PEGGED right now
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>>314193 I miss him tbh
>>314192 Yes, i know someone at Angard who works for them, he has been losing a lot of weight tho and looks really tired.
>>314196 >Angard touche
>>314197 The HR for angard seem to be illiterate at times.
>>314198 All HR cunts are tbh
Anybody remember that post-apocalyptic goth TV show set in New Zealand that used to air on channel 5 after the cartoons were finished?
Now worries, found it. This made me fucking despise goths tbh
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>>314202 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek WASH YOUR FUCKING HAIR!!
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>>314154 just do it, why are you drinking out of plastic? >>314157 f >>314158 yeah you need durability in a water bottle, stainless steel is the way to go >>314166 >all of these people that hate whites wearing the urine flags but if hohols are whiteoids then doesn't that mean "they are racists that should be decolonized"? "they are occupiers on stolen tatar land"? >>314195 I dislike him because he started acting hostile towards me for no reason. also he is a pathetic simp
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into the filter he goes
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>>314207 >access to makeup and hair gel >No access to shampoo
You will be worked to the bone warehouse operative (Current Employee) - Stanford le Hope - 15 July 2019 You have to work harder than you have ever worked and if you don’t youlll get shouted out endless lorry’s coming in >sounds like a kino terrorist origin story
https://youtu.be/5reUgv9SUr0 Found some Velayrions
>314206 This is disgusting
>>314193 you know this, how?
>>314212 why wouldnt i?
>>314213 what lead you to believe waifuposter is getting pegged?
>>314214 becaues he told the discord?
>>314215 fourth booster niggas be like
>>314216 jesus christ, really? who is doing the pegging?
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Why do women love horses so much?
>>314218 a polish prostitute
>>314220 and you guys just let him do this? your server is a cess pit of degeneracy
>>314221 what are we supposed to do to stop him just like before the final blow was struck to stop me
what the fuck is up with that filter >y0u are powerless
>>314206 pure goblino
>>314222 >what are we supposed to do to stop him talk him out of it? >just like before the final blow was struck to stop me idk what this means tbh
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those horsey lasses that get posted from time to time... do they wank off horses too?
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>>314227 lad look at this >>314219
>posting horse porn bbk ban him pls
>>314229 it's not porn you ding bat
(3.50 MB 720x1280 wgfd.mp4)

saw this today too women are weird
PATRIOTIC WEEKLY REVIEW IS LIVE Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE with Warren Balogh. - Putin’s speech - The reality of Western intervention in Ukraine - Countering Judeo-American Western liberal democracy https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR178:b
>bins now obsessed with bestiality and not just homosex
>>314233 shut up idiot
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I bet it was Dorset that encouraged Waifu poster to get pegged by a polish prostitute
no, thats gay
>>314236 yeah, it is, but so is your whole server
not this again
>dad ordering Chinese >they recognise us by voice now It’s the little things lads
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>>314238 its all projection on Dorset's part tbh bit tired of it myself too smh
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REMINDER WHO IS IN DORSET'S BONGO >pembs - homosexual femboy >jocko - mentally ill m2f transexual >lew - homsexual that bums pembs >waifu poster - visits prostitutes to get pegged >22st - ex-gayist and nonce >dorset - bisexual tranny loving compulsive masturbator says it all really...
should be banned for trying to cause drama shite just fuck off
i dont care
>>314243 I agree you should be tbh
why? you deliberately cause shit in the thread yet on kosmi you are fine horrible cunt
ban the both of them
>>314246 >why? you deliberately cause shit in the thread yet on kosmi you are fine horrible cunt lad, you always start it, then when I respond you blame it on me!
>>314246 >>314248 >>314249 and again here, you try and get me banned: >>314229
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>inb4 Dorset calls his troon army to "defend" him
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>>314254 I'm posting between sets
bins is keeping /brit/ alive
(316.67 KB 531x825 barbiebins.png)

>>314255 you post here all day i dont believe you even have a job
Shadow boxing done. The book I have shows a number of combinations. Will start with 2 punch all the way up to five or six for about 4 five minute rounds.
https://youtu.be/rJC18Oy9P7E >/Brit/ is the place for the homos and nonces to argue
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>>314242 >nonce b...
>>314095 reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at the wogs trying to say they are british
>Dorset and bins fighting over bussy again
>>314176 yeah newman was a gay kike
>>314265 you could tell he really offended them when he said they weren't
>>314268 yeah they know it inside
*starts crying*
>>314264 I take that bit back I was making a point to Dorset sorry b
had a little visit to the sex-havers house tbh...
>>314272 ok lad, let us know how it goes
>>314272 find out what she's doing lad
>>314274 riding
>>314275 can you see his dick? is it a big one?
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>tfw you will never break teeth listening to hardcore in some shitty basement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLjnCxnFaQ8 why live
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theres just something so hot about the way english women moan tbh..
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>>314276 Another one for the filter.
>>314279 mong needs to lose weight, shave his head, get better non-chud glasses and grow a beard, then go to some sex tourist country also get rid of his stupid watch
>>314280 lad you can't filter me, I'm (You)
>>314281 just go sex tourist honestly, if u're a low status male in ur 30s u're finished dating wise. foids don't settle for low status providers.
>>314283 47yearoldrapebastard.png
>>314284 are you phone posting lad? I thought you were outside sex-haver's house?
>>314285 I am home.
>>314286 with your telescope lad?
Dorshie, I'm sorry I annoyed you I hope you can forgive smee
>>314287 No,I went then came back.
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>>314211 >>314224 she's a super thicc colombiana.. I think her ass is BBL though. tits are natty. so fuckable though
>>314290 spig is this you? those women are monstrosities
>>314291 obviously you don't procreate with her but you cannot claim that that would not be an enjoyable body to have sex with
>>314292 how out of date is this one now? is he talkling about the queen's death or some other news of yesterday?
>>314294 just posted but it's still from august lol
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>>314295 bloody hell he's such a lazy cunt
also, YOBA is Live on Cozy: https://cozy.tv/bakedalaska
>>314297 even paying attention to Spic Fuentes at this point would be pathetic, paying attention to that loser faggot EVER is inexplicable
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great thread
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>we let down steiner
society is taking to long to collapse
>>314303 https://youtu.be/m3tHZ_WxZsc How can society collapse with such heroes?
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fuck off
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>>314305 he's such a cheeky little scamp, I love him even though I hate him sometimes too
fuck off
>>314303 this crazy boomer was saying today that we are gonna build all these houses and then right when we finish the elites are gonna start ww3 and we will just get turned into shadow marks on the siding of the houses
I had a dream that wessica and i ere camping I got attacked by a huge ram and had to wrestle it while he fucked off over some wall
>>314293 She has a face like a downie, I'd rather not tbh.
>>314313 it's the north andean blood. they are the least ugly mestizoids actually, softer features, dilichocephalic, more chinky looking and less goblin
if the US bordered Colombia instead of Mexico it would be a lot more demographically fucked because whitoid horndogs wouldn't be able to resist all of the prime CULOmbiana gash
https://youtu.be/easEzA0qFkw tee hee I am just a cute girl that magically just got a collector grade 75k semi truck
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see, much better looking than beaners
fuck off spic
now he is shilling this gay beaner supremacy shite on a british politics forum
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>>314318 you would do well to embrace the spic pussy. unlike me you are not white so you could actually marry one and it would be morally acceptable
Russia are getting fucking destroyed
>“It is possible to fight with unprepared people, but it is fraught with great losses. People will not be able to perform the assigned combat tasks. Our task is to defeat the entire army of the West, this LGBT community, in Ukraine and eliminate Ukrainian statehood. We need not to defend, but to advance, and in order to advance we need a well-trained army. It’s bad if we learn from blood.” https://southfront.org/military-reporter-on-why-russians-are-retreating-in-ukraine/
decided not to work for UPS, it's a permanent job and i only want a seasonal for now.
seriously though Russia just kill the fucking hohols why is this so hard? knock out the electricity, water, heat, destroy the railroads and highways, starve them and freeze them
from the very beginning there should have been a big mobilization, huge blitzkrieg of the southeastern half of the ukraine while completely destroying the northwest half, turning into some africa-tier shithole with all ruined infrastructure that will be yemen-tier poor for the next hundred years
russia is legit just awful at war lmfao.
>>314328 they usually win by having superior numbers but now they are severely outnumbered...
tranny furry chimps out and gets pushed out of wheelchair at furry convention
>>314327 >obliterating the lebensraum now why would russia do that you fucking retard
>>314332 take the southeastern half that is has all of the Russian speakers and natural resources. destroy the northwestern half that is filled with brainwashed khokhol subhumans because it's basically Poland 2.0 and they will seethe and chimp out at Russia for all time, ungovernable
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If only putin had called on the expertise of hardened meme warriors
>>314331 Seems staged.
we should shanghai spic into the russian army so he can get bummed by a bydlo
don't worry putin, i'll sort them out
browser isn't clearing cookies upon exit like it's supposed too bravebros
(7.28 KB 207x244 manatee1.jpg)

>>314340 already opted out and use startpage and yandex
have a pimple on my gooch and whenever I fart I feel a sharp sting of pain
>>314344 rub it on ur bed
(4.59 KB 497x454 eh.png)

>>314344 your gooch?
(96.69 KB 415x375 polfacebliss.png)

>>314341 delight, simply delight!
>Putin deposed, Russia broken up, and NATO in a face-off with China: As Ukraine sees a path toward victory and a desperate Vladimir hits the panic button, expert argues THIS is how the war could end https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11252515/Ukraine-war-end-Putin-deposed-Russia-broken-up.html
they've been reading the threads
hope russia hangs all their traitors and nukes ukraine and calls sharticas bluff tbh
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@86f1eb fuck off, spic
>contemplating again
Who remembers when the Taliban were sneed posting Those were good times... Why is this Ukraine war so low on good memes? Slavs seem to have such a shitty gritty sense of humour...
>>314355 >T. Shinzo Abe
>every single advert in 2022
Bunch of utter mongs ITT
>>314357 the memes are targeted at libtards and trannies instead of the right. so you get capeshit and doge coal
Don't trust the science
>>314361 >(1) Well? Get off your VPN and join the discussion, twat
>>314357 slavs just edgyfag gore post they are /b/fags where mudshits have a bit more /biz/ tier banter in them
>>314363 damn that must be why there are so many female construction workers
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ELON MUSK IS BUYING TWITTER https://youtu.be/ACbbdjciKnQ
>>314369 me bottom right tbh
Of course, lisas at it again.
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>>314376 who could shit be?
>>314376 >>314377 I meant, who could *this be?
(53.59 KB 848x531 ADAM T C WALLACE.jpg)

>>314375 wonder how they would react to crazy skullet boomer driving up in his powerstroke and yelling at them to stop littering on the jobsite https://youtu.be/8ah80AjyhjI
>>314379 Adam Wallace is finally back?!?
(29.16 KB 638x561 teehee.png)

>>314383 sneaky...
(3.60 MB 886x510 pfizercoverup.mp4)

Late night schizoposting again bins?
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Why does the lass keep coming home at around 2am every single night? Hmmst.
>>314389 I don't know but if we work together then we can find out
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>>314331 not just kicking it whilst it is on the ground
horrible posts tonight
I'm seeing peace memes on twitter now Has the Ukraine conflict come to an end or something? I can't believe it tbh
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>>314389 she was probably cleaning off a ruined shirt at her wagecuck job lad
>>314400 It makes sense she may have changed her job to a nightshift.
>>314400 fucking hell that webm surely get his eye under the tap straight away? wash the stuff out
Russel Brand just got BASED!
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think I'm going to turn in snight lads
>>314400 fellatio?
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>sleep schedule is fucked >keep trying to stay awake as long as possible so i can pull an all nighter one day >even if i go to bed at 6am i will automatically wake up at 1pm and unable to sleep in
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these graphics cards are getting ridiculous
My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.
Can literally see my blonde milf neighbour showering every single morning. Feels good to see a naked woman for once. Exhilarating. Must shower now, my willy is covered in coom!
Better than porn, if I may say so.
Find it odd seeing photos from the 1800s and sometimes people have their arms/hand over each other, seems like more of a modern thing. Hmm.
>>314412 snap a pic for the lads
>>314415 Might do. Might get too busy wanking though.
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First coffee in months. Been awake nearly 24 hours. I feel like I can take on the whole world.
>>314418 choon that >>314419 based luv that high point where all the tiredness disappears tbh

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