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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3779: Weak Pound Edition Anonymous 09/27/2022 (Tue) 06:11:05 Id: 4e8dba No. 310572
Bank of England 'will not hesitate to change interest rates as necessary' after pound's fall https://news.sky.com/story/bank-of-england-will-not-hesitate-to-change-interest-rates-as-necessary-after-pounds-fall-12705776 Britain holds its breath: Pound stays stable as Asian markets open after currency tumbled TWICE yesterday - while BoE could be forced to hike interest rates 'within 48 hours' and Tories blame Truss' mini-Budget for huge Labour poll surge over Conservatives https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11251985/Bank-England-forced-hike-rates-TWO-DAYS-failing-calm-markets.html
>>310572 First for Farage in Australia
>>310574 based big round head man
>>310574 based
https://youtu.be/jpcqo6Pu69g Filipina splitting up families smh
>>310577 based mummy trying to look out for him
>Government saying they can't be deemed to be trying to sneak into the country and avoid the authorities when they've been physically brought into the country by those same authorities. BASED TORIES PUTTING THE ECONOMY FIRST!!!
>>310579 >"arriving passengers"
>>310579 >>310580 keeeeek, remember when population goes up, its good for gdp lads. This is like the mourning wars, all of europe wants migrants.
>>310579 society is collapsing
>>310581 can't stand it tbh it's infuriating >>310582 clown world
you know I don’t like to blackpill or make premature declarations but I just have to say it. Society is collapsing and the West has fallen.
>>310586 when america goes into recession, it'll be fully on
Don't understand why they won't raise the interest rate faster in the UK tqbh. normies say hur durr housing crash, but it will crash anyway so why wait?
>>310589 everybody responsible for making these decisions is heavily invested in real estate because it's guaranteed to increase in value as long as the borders are left unguarded for the few who have the misfortune of actually needing to win elections to stay in office their main voter base is also heavily invested in real estate """developed""" western economies don't produce anything of value any more smh it only exists on paper it's all a giant ponzi scheme that's been running for decades and decades now
>>310590 u ever considered working in the mines?
>>310591 wouldn't mind a job in the mines tbh got no idea how to get one though
met a friend of a friend once who finished school in year 10 to go work up in the mines and he was earning six figures still in his teens
>>310593 https://youtu.be/U9ZmNyu_JcQ Don't worry lad, there's way to make money online
although ngl, this lad is actually quite succesful for an Autistic man, but 5 hours live stream with 2 viewers is a bit nuts, especially when said audience is ofws, but damn he really got the balding gene
>>310597 always found programmes like this a bit weird tbh inventing fictional dramas about real people and not just real people but real people who are still alive while it's airing just strikes me as strange
>I’m Scottish >muh fascism No You’re a luxury communist. Absolute filth >Tucker on the fascist Giorgia Mussoloni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VzT4n27AC8
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just noticed recently how jc denton's design is a complete 1:1 copy of blade >>310599 every single time tbh they're getting so obvious that you don't even need to look up early life any more
>>310600 The nose was a bit of a give away tbf.
>>310601 i hate them lad i hate them all >>310602 tbh the nose knows
Dorset is awake
>>310603 >The whip hand smh
Bet Kwasi is taking advice from Diane Abacus He’s like a weakling who tried to pick a fight with the hardest lad out of bravado and now doesn’t know what to do when the hard lad accepted his challenge Out of his depth in a raindrop tbh
>>310607 should've stayed in africa tbh he could have been the foremost economic genius on the entire continent
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>>310609 keeeeeek
>Apply for a job at the passport office >they constantly kick the can down the road leading me to expect a start date every other fucking week before informing me MONTHS later that they don't want me and are taking their offer back >Apply for NHS job and get it >Spend £70 odd to get my fucking passport renewed and go crazy giving them all this shit they ask for for about a month >My old company only gives a company reference and not personal references >haven't worked for anyone else in five years >NHS want a reference for the gap recently >must be from a professional email or the job centre I have nobody like that. Everyone I know does no work or manual labour. They don't have professional fucking emails. I'm being punished for not taking bennies, being in long term employment, and being working class. I've just signed on in the hope that I can get the JSA to give me a reference before the offer is once again revoked
>>310611 >professional references slavemaster bill of sales.
>>310611 at this point society wants you to bennymax.
>>310611 they don't want you lad they want a woman or a wog or preferably both they're going through the motions at the bare minimum required by law so you can't press charges if you were a bipoc foid your company references would be good enough >>310612 tbh
>>310600 more or less very good costume design tbf
>>310611 god that's rage inducing. I remember trying to get any work at all when I was 16 and it was soul crushing when even mcdonalds and burger king were simply ignoring my applications.
only differance really being the blue colouration of his clothes though im fairly sure that implies that it should be black, otherwise how would his character model stand out in contrast to the engine's dark backgrounds and without heavy use of artifical light objects in scenes
>>310615 tbh >>310616 leave it to modern society to make the search for toil even more degrading than toil itself >>310617 tbh hadn't thought about that
>>310616 toil itself is also bad, especially when you realise so many of the toilers literally only have toil their whole life.
Turns out the violence in London between Iranians was actually between Iranian libs vs Pakistani Shiites. There's a number of militia's/terror groups for Shia's run by the Iranian government and they're their only protection as minorities in a country that hates them. https://twitter.com/SAMRIReports/status/1574158997363593218
>>310613 tbh, gonna back date it three months if I can >>310614 they're swines, hopefully the JSA will get me on in time to give me le personal reference smh >>310616 There should be guaranteed work for those who want it tbh
>>310620 I'm so glad we imported such vibrant and diverse people.
>>310621 >There should be guaranteed work for those who want it tbh Or at the very least some cheap night classes where you can go get the skills you want.
me? I just enjoy ethnic conflict. dont care who's doing it or who wins. just keep it coming.
>>310620 there's literally no reason for this to be happening in london tbh the solution to this problem has always existed but you get unpersoned for saying it aloud smh
>>310624 I'd prefer it if the wogs did it in their own lad.
>>310625 millions will die
>>310626 tbh no excuse for it occurring on home soil >>310627 hopefully they're all brown
>>310627 Millions should definitely be repatriated.
Anyone got good recipes that involve Cayenne pepper? I got a put of ground cayenne pepper and have no idea what to do with it now.
been reading into the greek war of independence and the accounts of greek muslims and traitors being butchered sometimes by their own family members during the start of the revolution. it can happen here... it will happen here.
>>310631 >greek muslims and traitors isn't that the same thing?
>>310632 I'm sure there were some Greeks that weren't muslim and still worked for the Ottomans.
>>310633 yeah true smh even worse
>>310634 i think of them like the ideologues that staff universities and government positions, they do genuinely deserve to be strung up.
>>310635 tbh no morals they just say whatever's convenient
>>310636 I'm sure they do have morals it's just they're reprehensible. Like protecting brown rapists from racist repercussions like jail time and deportation.
>>310632 yeah but there were also christians who were put into administrative roles like the Phanariots, most of the early revolutionaries living in exile or amongst the diaspora were young phanariots that had been educated in the west. The most remarkable thing was how the leaders of the revolution had a concept of "Europe" and being European and that most Greeks at the time didn't see themselves as members of a Greek ethnic group but rather as "Romans". The revolutionaries at the head of the uprising enforced a collective ethnic identity on the religious motivated peasants and bandits fighting under them. >Fight for Faith and Fatherland! The time has come, O Hellenes. Long ago the people of Europe, fighting for their own rights and liberties, invited us to imitation ... The enlightened peoples of Europe are occupied in restoring the same well-being, and, full of gratitude for the benefactions of our forefathers towards them, desire the liberation of Greece. We, seemingly worthy of ancestral virtue and of the present century, are hopeful that we will achieve their defense and help. Many of these freedom-lovers want to come and fight alongside us ... Who then hinders your manly arms? Our cowardly enemy is sick and weak. Our generals are experienced, and all our fellow countrymen are full of enthusiasm. Unite, then, O brave and magnanimous Greeks! Let national phalanxes be formed, let patriotic legions appear and you will see those old giants of despotism fall themselves, before our triumphant banners. -Alexander Ypsilantis
>>310637 they might have morals but they act against them whenever they're challenged >>310638 based tbh didn't know that
>>310640 I mean more their morals are just skewed tbh, they genuinely think what they're doing is right.
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And remember Greeks were only 50% of the population of Greece at the time, most cities were majority Turkish or Albanian aswell as a significant amount of converts. It took outright genocide to win: >"Women, wounded with musketballs and sabre-cuts, rushed to the sea, seeking to escape, and were deliberately shot. Mothers robbed of their clothes, with infants in their arms plunged into the sea to conceal themselves from shame, and they were them made a mark for inhuman riflemen. Greeks seized infants from their mother's breasts and dashed them against rocks. Children, three and four years old, were hurled living into the sea and left to drown. When the massacre was ended, the dead bodies washed ashore, or piled on the beach, threatened to cause a pestilence..." Siege of Navarino >For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of a mob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children were tortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter that Kolokotronis himself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse’s hoofs never touched the ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of two days, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, to the number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principally women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains and there butchered like cattle. Siege of Tripolitsa >The Hydriots murdered them all in cold blood, helpless old men, ladies of rank, beautiful slaves, and little children were butchered like cattle. The venerable old man [Sheikh-ul-Islam], whose crime had been an excess of zeal on behalf of the Greeks, was forced to see his family outraged and murdered before his eyes Hydra Island >But the most deliberate act of extermination was that perpetrated at Eteà. In this small village, too, the Moslem inhabitants, including the women and children, had taken refuge in the mosque, which the men defended for a while. The building itself is a solid structure, but the door of the small walled enclosure... was finally blown in, and the defenders laid down their arms, understanding, it would appear, that their lives were to be spared. Men, women and children, they were all led forth to the church of St. Sophia, which lies on a hill about half an hour above the village, and then and there dispatched—the men cut to pieces, the women and children shot. A young girl who had fainted, and was left for dead, alone lived to tell the tale.[7] Lasithi massacre, Crete. >The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later.
>>310643 Maybe we'll get our own chapter in the history books with the harrying of Bradford.
>>310641 even worse smh >>310643 based tbh it's cruel but ultimately necessary smh it's not like they will just leave if you ask there's no other way
>They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later.
The west funded a genocide >omg
>Iranian libs smashed windows and threw eggs and alcohol at a mosque then attacked people leaving lmfaooooooo https://twitter.com/fresh_sadegh/status/1574650573055725568 https://twitter.com/Tracking_Power/status/1574118883618918400
>He killed millions...to kill millions
>>310648 still not sure what this iranian uprising is all about tbh beyond some vague idea of wxmyn's rights not sure the protestors do either
>>310650 the simps are demanding that western men be allowed to fuck the women of iran in every hole at all times of the year since its the only way to achieve freedom and democracy
>nigger in charge of the country's finances for a week and we are already experiencing economic collapse
>>310652 no white men at all in the major jobs of government, thus they can not blame us
>>310651 that's what i thought tbh smh der ewige foid >>310652 tbh keeeeek isn't it grand
>wog labour mp suspended for "racist" comment about Kwasi a nigger could nuke this country and you'd still get done for calling him a nigger
>made that same comment about kwasi being a nigger ruining the economy in under a week and family just went silent and ignored me traitors
>>310656 lucky you found your real family here
>>310656 holy based. remember everytime you ruin a dinner conversation i'll be there with you in spirit.
we're winning simp bros
>>310656 stay strong bruthur
>>310609 They make Israeli naval ships in Germany don’t they?
Prehistoric Gods of Britain Lecture: https://youtu.be/QjC0lGr4h04
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>A chief recruitment officer was severely wounded after a man opened fire at a military recruitment center in the town of Ust-Ilimsk in Irkutsk Region in Russia’s Siberia on Monday morning, the local authorities have said. There were no other casualties in the attack, they added.
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Fucking hell what a nest Obviously this model never ever died and is probably the same as what is happening in (You)kraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p66snlA33xs
We're all fundamentally fucked
>>310652 I never understood blaming the government for the state of the economy tbh. It's not like they have any real control over it to begin with.
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>>310667 saw some good footage on twatter of fat wimin police getting attacked by the ethnic mob
>>310671 Life goes on
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>>310674 but the niggers will not
Gotta love madlad.
>>310679 Police should be like these blokes again tbh
>>310672 it's not like it moves when they command it but they have more power over it than anyone else in society and they're constantly fucking with it recessions are the natural consequence of artificially-created boom cycles tbh have to pay the piper sooner or later >>310680 tbh
https://youtu.be/ILQD5IZ0gjA >aaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghaaaaaaaaaa
>>310681 I just never seen it that way. Even the regulation they do put in is often ignored and the government is often reactive to economic forces rather than the one directing those forces. I'm pretty sure the BoE is a completely separate institution to the government and makes it's own policies.
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>>310684 >>310667 footage of Iranians attacking police in London I'm not really sure what's going on there tbh
>>310683 > I'm pretty sure the BoE is a completely separate institution to the government and makes it's own policies. yes it is, it's privately owned, not part of the government
>>310684 are globo homo attackgin the police?
>>310685 why are there so many Iranians here? Are they just the children of all the people that fled the country during the Islamic revolution?
>>310683 >the government is often reactive to economic forces rather than the one directing those forces true tbh this is why whenever the government tries to deliberately move the economy in a specific direction it's like a caveman hitting a bomb with a rock >I'm pretty sure the BoE is a completely separate institution to the government and makes it's own policies. yes lad there's a certain sect of cosmopolitans who specialise in finance
There's this Indian customer doing my dads noodle in. He keeps quizzing my dad about his plumbing, he's probably looking to do it himself. He also need to be told the same answer three times before he seems to understand to boot.
>>310688 yeah probably refugees kek >>310687 not really sure what's going on tbh
>>310690 if he's trying to learn plumbing from your dad, then your dad should just start telling him nonsense
>>310686 It is part of the government and it is not privately owned. It was nationalised after the war and now functions under the Treasury Solicitor as an independent government organistation alongside the FPC.
>>310690 >He also need to be told the same answer three times before he seems to understand to boot. pajeets are just bargain bin chinks tbh they just want to copy smh they never want to think
>>310692 >>310694 When he inevitably fucks it up we'll go fix it.
>>310695 based
>>310693 >independent government organistation Doesn't that mean they make their own policy independent of the government?
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US subs have “boomed” Nord Stream 2
>>310699 The kikes in charge of the US really want Germany to freeze.
uncle was telling me about his business partner who owns a part of a different company that's planning on firing it's workers in order to bring in near a thousand workers straight from africa. using "energy crisis" as an excuse to stop operations to get rid of the brits before replacing them. we laughed about it while i memorised their names.
>>310702 How is that legal?
>>310701 just posting things i found brosing for my friends.
Spilled cofveve on my laptop, lads. Using on screen keyboard as it's been fucked for days.
>>310697 Faux independence, their job is to issue bank notes, act as banker to the private banks/government, advise the government on financial matters, manage gold and foreign currency reserves, and act as lender of last resort. It's essentially there to maintain stability as a security against Williams and Tarquins tbh
>>310665 hell yeah I fucking love the neolithic nigga.
>>310704 Purely good business. Keep voting
>>310707 I would have thought it was to maintain stability for Williams and Tarquins?
>>310705 are you drunk lad?
>>310709 I had no idea Jack Dee was based.
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>>310702 >>310709 smh the dafties were right
>>310715 https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/promotions/88516824 1.20 for 3, 3 chocolate bars for £1.20 Blue team are trying to ban this, Red Team said they will save our chocolate.
>>310699 wew >>310702 good lad hopefully you can find a way to keep them warm this winter
>>310717 i'll investigate further and try to break the news to the workers. even if its just through fb messages. not really much else you can do. if we had a UKIP in power then atleast you could make a bigger stink about it to them.
Last 2 days without internet (I thought) there was nothing even on gbjews about leicester. Still going? Spread more?
>>310719 No idea no one is talking about it.
>>310719 it's over, controlled spontaneity got into action and made both sides blame whitey. i'm sure thanks to a couple mil in the pockets of "community leaders"
>>310721 I wonder how they'll blame whitey when there's none locally left to blame.
>>310710 Williams and Tarquins are dangerously retarded lad, they're the ones who push economic ideologies like communism etc. They need to be protected from their own retardations and so do we tbh The BoE can't defend against darky Tarquins and extreme acts of stupidity though, as we've seen smh
>>310723 That doesn't sound like faux independence to me.
>>310723 Board of Education?
>>310724 On what grounds?
>>310726 They run economic policy independent of the government, like you said to protect against poor economic decisions. I doubt it was a government minister that decided QE was the best course of action after the 08 crash.
this country is being murdered
>>310728 They don't run economic policy. It has responsibility for some parts of the economy and acts as an advisor and safety net for the banking system. You're a fucking midwit trying to force some conspiracy shite where it doesn't exist.
>>310727 ah the people of the birmingham caliphate never shall we forget how prince rupert ruthlessly burned the homes and mosques of innocent kaffirs, simply for being subjects of wallah
>>310731 No I am just trying to understand.
>>310721 pooskins are so soft, they can't even kill each other properly >>310733 keeeeeeeeeek
>>310732 embarrassing williams
>>310732 >reddit not clicking THAT anytime soon me lad
>>310699 what's the official explanation for this unexpected accident?
https://youtu.be/m4OlwpmO93E New character boomer for /brit/
ran into one of those gym going libtards thats like "yeah im MANLY enough to hate white people, made about rape gangs? who's the REAL snowflake?" the other day.
>>310738 Putler did it
>>310742 free you?
>>310743 that makes no sense it's obvious USA that stands to gain
>>310745 didn't make sense for them to bomb their own pow camp but MSM still said they did
>>310746 holy shit the BBC is actually reporting that!
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>>310702 lad i don't want to say anything bad about your uncle but you have to do something.
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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63050482 MP Rupa Huq says she has apologised to Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng for describing him as "superficially" black. During a Q&A session, she said: "He's superficially, he's, a black man but again he's got more in common... he went to Eton, he went to a very expensive prep school, all the way through top schools in the country. "If you hear him on the Today programme you wouldn't know he's black." See even a /brit/ member like me doesn't think this way.
>>310579 le hostile environment policy >>310611 smh similar situation to dobby >>310702 happened at a company my uncle worked for in the 2000s but they replaced them with eastern euros
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>>310688 London is basically PUBG for any random group of minorities, do you remember when Turkey invaded Afrin and you had kurds and turks fighting pitched battles in london? Anyone who has ever had sectarian violence in their country has migrated to Britain in various pro/against formations. Diversity truly brings us together lad.
fucking cunt woke me up at 1pm, I'm gonna scream at her >>310579 it's kinda funny how Albania is ostensibly a European country and Albanians will claim to be white Europeans, but then they are just another subhuman shitskin migrant source country. Serbs need to genocide these people >>310593 that's bullshit, you don't make good money doing shitty hard jobs like that. maybe if you're a mechanic fixing big machines that very few people know how to fix, not just some laborer
>>310753 Albanians are illyrians
british kiwifarms posters getting letters from the pigs for meanposting >>310754 they are inbred shitskin mud people with lower IQ than turks
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80 IQ. that's the same as american niggers
>>310755 Reminder to get some form of dynamic IP or VPN or whatever before you make any meanposts, however that's fucking insane, what the heeeel
https://youtu.be/Ba0gL2PjU1g Another Norge groomeee lost, they aren't even waiting for Martin, they're self delivering to Paolo in the fucking Philippines
>>310757 also have to disable webRTC in your browser. webRTC is how VOIP works in browser but it leaks the real IP address through a VPN https://restoreprivacy.com/webrtc-leaks/
>>310759 disgusting
Papa Oscar Oscar Tango Bravo Hotel
looking up this Orwelian 'PACE Interview' thing, what the fuck >"You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." it may harm your defence if you keep quiet?? the fuck prison island holy shit lmfao at least in America you have the right to remain silent and your silence can never be used against you, so you just never talk to police, ever. in Britain apparently silence can be used against you, somehow
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this is nuts
>>310764 nobody is going to read all that tiny text
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Going to get a job as a fisherman lads
We watching hotd tonight?
>>310768 good lad
>>310769 Go back to reddit
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Hey Germans, if you wanna stay warm this winter, I've got a novel idea!
Where is door shit? Was he banned?
>>310770 already wat ched it t
>>310774 probably in the trannycord
>>310774 hopefully
bongoniggers on the loose. ban them all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lncxQ_Q0DOQ
>>310765 ctrl+scroll, moron. you should know it anyway because it's british laws, the government can summon you for an interview and if you keep silent they use it against you in court
>>310780 we already know this
>>310774 He is playing NTW3
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>>310782 that Radek Sikorski is Polish, he's not being sarcastic. Poles need to be wiped off the face of the earth
feel a bit cold
>>310782 god i hate america and poles so fucking much
so when does putler make his move
>>310787 takes him to mobilize people, I would think Russia will plan a big decisive offensive for the spring. couple months and it'll start snowing which should stabilize the frontlines
>>310770 that was yesterday lad
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>>310782 >Don’t look him and his wife up
>screaming in a snaby's face https://youtu.be/RBSEmv84c68
>>310774 >Where is door shit? Was he banned? probably ERPing with pembs and jocko in the tranny bongo as usual
>>310793 He stoppped playing NTW
Any of you lads read this? Is it any good?
>that scene in Hot D where she is giving birth and it makes the sound you make when giving birth to a soft poo
The mutt military just bombs vital German infrastructure that will undoubtedly result in a death toll of European poor and polacks along with mutt cuckservatives are rejoicing. Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse upon the Jews.
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>>310579 keeek and in addition to his tax cuts kwazy kwarteng has promised more immigration to boost the economy
>>310799 Yeah, total Tory betrayal, as usual Expect nothing less from them
>>310797 >mutt cuckservatives are rejoicing are they really? being anti-Russia is more of a libtard thing now
found a lady who torrents
>>310801 National Review & anti-Trump republicans
>>310803 so Jews...
It's been nice without door shit and wessica tbh
>>310806 Dorset told me someone impersonated him last night
>>310807 Has he been frightened off for good? Don't even remember him posting smh
>>310808 He says he'll come back one day but with his tranny horde.
>>310809 smh, well I do enjoy bullying trannies
where’s are wess lads? *holds back tears*
>>310648 >far right khomeinists Christ, far right Tories was bad enough, and now this?
>>310743 keeeeeeeeek now the europoors have to buy anglo gas BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAp
>>310813 not enough to go around lad.
So Albanians are claiming asylum from what? As benders who can't fly a rainbow flag in their native land? This is outrageous, the Conservative Party is rubbish
>>310811 In are time of need, when we needed him most, Wess sided with Dorshit and his trannies We will not forget
>>310816 He always does shit like that. Sided with cuc/k/ the jew too.
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>>310600 >>310602 The Hebrew patronym was a bit of a clue too
>>310816 I refuse to believe it. wessie would NEVER
dogs live in grass
>>310813 >>310814 Both missing the situation. We have gas to sell, but nowhere to store more than few days of it, so we sell it to Belgium + NL all through the summer, where it's stored in gigantic fucking tanks, then we buy some back off them in the winter when we use it faster. Fuck knows why we haven't built seasonal storage tanks here... oh wait, we off-shored all our big industry. Thanks, Maggie & (((co.)))
>>310821 Wasn't maggie planning for the UK to go hard into nuclear energy, or am I misremembering?
>>310821 he sure said alot of fancy werds there 8989ba, he musta be some kind of fancy college guy, hey mr smarty pants why don't you start thinkin up how to get a pair of gloves
>>310819 His posts are still there lad
>>310822 Her government pals put a lot of support in place for nuclear power when it wasn't price competitive, while she was sounding the alarm on climate change well before it became current thing. We're now fucked no matter what we do. Britain could have sustained itself with its renewable potential last century if it were harnessed at the time, but since all the poos flooded in and put England into the top rankings for overpopulation, that's mathematically not possible anymore. Until we somehow get rid of a few tens of millions of consumers, we may be turning coal, imported power and nuclear power into synthetic liquid fuels and importing Aussie uranium for the rest of this century (if industry doesn't entirely collapse before then). How'd you like dem werds hoggie? Ya had a bit too much syllables?
>night 3 if only you knew how over it was
(688.04 KB 1920x1080 1657335321903.jpg)

>>310827 its over
>>310830 If you would please consult the bikini chart.
>>310827 Do you know anything about it pre-thatcher? I was reading a book that said by 1960 we were leaders in atomic energy and that we were on track to using it as an energy source, replacing coal. The book was released in 66 so at that point things looked good and it doesn't elaborate about what went wrong. I wonder what happened.
i'm pretty sure it doesn't mention the holocaust or even use the word. really makes you think
why did zog destroy the nordstream pipelines
>>310834 make it impossible for germany to relent and buy russian gas.
(1.07 MB 1079x606 civic joe.png)

>>310834 >push Europe to buy American LNG >deny Russia income >Great Reset >Der Ewige Polack Butthurt
>>310786 America is a chef who puts Polish flies in your soup. >>310834 Morgenthau Plan 2.0
>>310841 nice. I for one welcome our machine meme-overlords.
>reddit entirely running with russia bombed their own pipeline millions must die
(69.06 KB 606x680 FaHv9gjXgAApLK2.jpg)

>>310843 >bomb it
>>310843 probably western intelligence pushing this narrative
everything reddit believes is exactly what the deep state wants people to believe.
>>310834 Forcing Germany to comply with ZOG, so they have no back up plan. It’s an attack on Germany as much as Russia tbh
>>310843 Reddit is fucking stupid then
>>310838 >le crusius is le silly! Nigger cope
Tucker Suggests Biden Regime and US Behind Terror Attacks on Nord Stream Pipeline https://youtu.be/KrDY5vJviBQ
>>310850 my god it's almost like he's paid to run a counter narrative.
>>310851 it's the only intelligent conclusion tbh
>>310845 Given how reddit is run almost certainly.
>>310852 Glow niggers gonna glow.
>>310764 That is crazy but it's not a surprise that they will find a way to prosecute you and call it legal if they wish.
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>>310852 But what if gnomes did it?
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>>310857 Them they will usher in a new (old) coal based future.
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waiting on the day of the ack.
will pookrain be like france after the napoleonic wars where 25-30% of their adult male population had been killed. if so, nothing stopping us emigrating there to farm the returning horde of mail order ukrainian wives. its not like they have that much respect for their disposable cossackoid manlet male population already, but when compared to the tall and astute race of angoloid-britonnics, their naturally disposition will command them to abandon the males of their own deadend mongoloid race. slafa ucrainy
>>310862 >>310863 waiting on the day of the turk tbh
>>310864 maybe farmsteading would be better than starving here when our currency is inflated to nothing.
>>310849 t. /int/let >>310851 it's called the truth
So lads what is the next escalation in this 5th gen war shitshow? Cutting internet cables, more colour revolutions, instigated market collapses?
maybe another ethnic riot.
>>310871 yellow turbans
(58.69 KB 434x426 fatpolfacebigbrainhappy.png)

>>310871 >>310872 hoping for a string of tit for tat political assasinations myself
>>310873 based chink invasions and a restriction on the west's manufacturing base.
this world honestly feels poisoned beyond repair.
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>>310871 The loosh must flow.
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*blocks your path*
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(787.57 KB 608x480 based cat.webm)

>>310880 keeeeeeek le ebin
>>310880 >niggers tongue my anus haven't heard that one in a while tbh
>>310884 this was several years ago, I would know because I posted the video
good morning, brvthers
Rich uncle has offered to give a character reference for the NHS job, but he's retired smh
>>310888 keeeeeeeeeeek wtf is happening to Russia
(886.62 KB 245x180 wolf puff.gif)

Cat 4 Sharticane barreling straight for Tampa lads
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Yerumuel Applebach going by my earlier post
>>310895 Shalom chaver! Are you enjoying the eight chans!?
>>310898 very gay nu-rw twitter memes tbh lad.
>>310898 notice how in the first pic its the gatekeepers misdirecting to le WEF instead of the great replacement and jewish power.
>>310899 that's modern 4chucks for you
>dude i fricken love conspiracies im such a schizo brained danger to society, that's why my handle is basedschizorespecter haha, i'm a fricken danger to society, the feds are after me just like those BASED niggers that got killed by the FBI in the 60s, I speak truth to power like ehm water cars and the cia did bad stuff in south america haha uh oh think the cias outside my house rn XD
Almost finished my quest of watching the top ten grossing US films of every year 1950s Hollywood consistently pumped out anti-white and pro-race mixing propaganda since the mid 1950s. Yet these times were supposed to be based?
>>310903 which ones lad? also yeah in the 1950s radio stations in the south refused to air Marty Robbins "Ain't I Right" anti-Civil Rights song.
>>310904 Negroid Race-mixing: >Island in the Sun (1957) >Imitation of Life (1959) Mongoloid Race-mixing: >The Inn of the Sixth Happiness >South Pacific (1958) >The King and I (1956) >The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956) >Sayonara (1957) Amerindian Race-Mixing: >Giant (1956) Poo-in-the-loo Rae Mixing: >Around the World in 80 Days (1955) Bonus: Auntie Mame in 1958 had a joke where the little boy who goes to live with his New York Aunt gets set to a "progressive" school where everyone including students are naked and have sex
There maybe some I've missed off the list but that's 1/10 of all top ten grossing films in the 1950s. Note that they're all 1955 onward. meaning the real number is 1/5 of later top grossing US films in the latter half of the 1950s and none for the first half. I may have missed some though not sure. I also note that much of it was mixing with mongoloids.
What's happened to Wessex?
>>310908 I do wonder if he was banned
>>310905 keeeeek
Royal Mail's agency trying to bribe agency workers to work on the strike days: 'Dear colleague – we are expecting large volumes of work this Friday and Saturday across the Royal Mail network. As a result we are pleased to confirm that all worked hours that are less than 8 hours this Friday and Saturday will be increased to 8 hours paid working time per day. For all pre-AWR workers completing 8 hour shifts with breaks your pay will also be rounded up to 8 hours paid working time.'
>>310911 Time to demand proper scab pay.
(838.84 KB 823x770 polfacebegins.gif)

>tfw can't goom using on screen keyboard Time to save the hu'white race instead.
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>thread for the new coalfax website deleted at 4chan This board is a bunker of sorts. Good lads get good content, here is the website in all its glory: https://coalfax.top/
>>310914 the first coalfax was literally a troll lad
>>310908 He's a toil nigger now, only posts once in a blue moon. I exaggerate, but still.
>>310915 All sex is a conspiracy at the end of the day
>>310914 >>310915 It's a good idea tbh
>>310918 mental illness
>>310919 What is lad? Making a list of traitors? Why hast thou a problem with that?
>>310920 mutt law tier
>le concern troll
You can't help feeling sorry for zogbots sometimes
>>310925 OK nigger
(763.21 KB 425x425 Mighty Poljack.gif)

We need a list of race traitors so we can bully/avoid them
Pound dropping more
>>310928 Finally we'll have a competitive export economy.
It's an exciting time lads. Just 7 cents left to go! I am thrilled to see Britain switch to the USD, as it always should have been.
>>310931 Why would we switch to another collapsing currency?
>>310932 Because its collapse is so slow by comparison that it's still an enormous improvement.
>>310933 It really isn't that much slower at all. In absolute terms the fact that the global reserve currency is shitting the bed as badly as it is means we're all fucked anyway.
>>310934 I mean...anon it's just basic math. The pound has lost value relative to the dollar. That means that they cannot be declining at the same rate, otherwise it would have stayed the same value. And the dollar can't be declining faster, otherwise the pound would have gained value. The pound losing value relative to the dollar means that the dollar is declining much more slowly. The only currencies that are performing decently compared to us are currencies of very small, uninfluential countries, mainly the Saudi satellite states. So the dinar in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and the like are performing well, but stand no chance of replacing the dollar internationally.
We should return to the gold standard tbh
>>310936 Wasn't Putin talking about implementing a gold ruble? Was that just yet another thing that never happened?
>>310937 No idea lad
>>310938 was wessica banned lad or is he just off doing his homotoil
>>310938 Good morning auslad
I've pood myself
>>310941 have you ever had a poo accident, amerilard?
>>310940 homotoil
thread wasn't updating keeeeek smdh >>310940 he isn't banned tbh >>310941 hullo lad
they're going vote of confidence truss
parliament recall
Sick of every legitimate/'moderate' organisation, individual or political position being exactly the same. Sick of the most 'successful' actually meaningful counter cultural person being Morgoth. So tired of any blue v red team or internal blue team shakeup bullshit.
>>310949 tbh smh it's all the same and then anything outside that is forbidden
Al Jazeera doing hit pieces on red zog throughout the red zog party wank fest https://youtu.be/P-cHBQf5z_M
>>310946 Biting my tongue to not make an off colour joke
So they are going to scapegoat Liz
>>310888 can't they just kill these fucking ukrainians, what the fuck is wrong with these faggots? just nuke them already, nuke them into submission >>310953 where've you been, buster?
>>310955 I was banned.
>>310956 really, wtf? by who, and why?
Auslad you need to demod everybody except yourself
>>310957 He was banned by Auslad for bringing trannies to raid the board.
>310958 >shows up just to support dorshit sus
>>310958 why lad? if it's just me the board is completely unmoderated during peak hours
I'm willing to give whoever it was Auslad modded a chaunce tbh
>>310961 ask yourself, cui bono?
>>310963 tbh smh
>>310957 No idea, but it was for 3 days All my posts were deleted too, every single one Makes me laff that bins thinks i am a bongo server owner even tho its a meme role the tranny horde was a joke too keek
>>310959 if you ask me the only ID that was bannable was the one that was posting naked males, and I suspect that was 'Kay' who is a biological female with autism. those trannies may be faggots, but at least they are racist british men like us >>310961 it rarely needs moderation at all >>310965 >All my posts were deleted too, every single one even in old threads and you use the same IP all the time? holy shit
Dorset is a constant pro-tranny poster. He claims that inviting a tranny horde was a joke. I would be inclined to believe him . . . if it weren't for the mysterious tranny horde that then appeared.
>>310966 I left after telling them to mention me in their suicide note Trannies are dangerous despite being racist because they entertain an equally dangerous delusion
>>310966 not checked other threads but i know all my posts in that thread were deleted i dont use the same ip all the time methinks kay also doesnt post here that wasnt her posting the gay shit, idk who that was >>310967 they appeared before that >>310968 and yet theyve still not ACK'd, you seem more mentally unstable than them tbqh lad
(44.65 KB 680x865 1640065483970.jpg)

*summons the tranny horde*
Dorset is already defending trannies after an instant return . . .
>310965 >the tranny horde was a joke >jokes on them I was only pretending >310966 >admits to knowing these bongo freaks straight after showing up to defend dorshit sounds like those bans need an extension
>>310971 I mvst defend my maidens
(105.72 KB 850x753 Hanging a Tranny.jpg)

>>310974 Makes me qeeq the way even the most generous depictions of nigger bitches look ugly
(407.54 KB 498x359 pepedabtuxedo.gif)

>>310972 there are 4 trannies, 2 of which left years ago >Luna/Leon >Neo >Jocko (active) >Pembs (active- only recently became a tranny) there was also a noflagtranny that posted on /newbrit/ briefly but not for long enough to develop much of a persona and then you have the homos >MoonMan >Bins >Somerset >Lew, apparently, considering that he's bumming Pembs
>>310977 am i gay if i bum jocko?
Wow thanks for that information, please now fuck off tranny swinepigs. Which tranny are you e63992?
keeeeek >>310979 I'm not a tranny nor a homo >>310978 that would mostly certainly be a homosexual act
this needs a more spicy edit tbh
>>310906 good lad your research will not be forgotten
(88.76 KB 220x261 dorsetneedstrannydick.png)

>>310978 lad you are already gay, this is evident, it's just a question of how much more gay you are going to get
>>310981 >Implies their bland >Gives them unique easily distinguishable features Retard cartoonist
>>310984 the problem with Labour isn't that they are bland, it's that they are stuffed full of insane anti-white activists, trannies, and muslims, with a veneer of blandness to make themselves appear electable
(149.74 KB 786x1200 williams.jpg)

can you bloody imagine if Labour got in?
>>310985 tbh, same with red and yellow and green and purple zog tbh
>>310980 >Hume:so what can be learned from that image, by sensation? Not even a meme, its simply a photo which was meme'd
>>310965 >the tranny horde was a joke too keek liar we literally have screen grabs from inside your server, where you bring them here, and you admitted to it in the thread
(396.66 KB 929x799 greenniggagunsyoudown.png)

>>310986 >>310987 the Tories are awful, yeah but they aren't explicitly anti-white, they are just indifferent, and pretend not to see race so you have one side that actively hates you, and the other that doesn't care that they hate you
i do it to get bins riled up
>>310989 >Sneed thinks 22st was in NA
>>310993 that was about bbk
(237.40 KB 764x528 dorsetlovespembs.png)

(246.74 KB 897x544 dorsetlovesjocko.png)

>>310992 >i do it to get bins riled up first you say you didn't do it they you say you did do it, but only to annoy me (as if that makes it okay) lad, you're gay. You hang out with trannies in discord all day, flirting and talking about sucking their dicks, then you bring them to the thread to "defend" you, and they start posting gay porn but it's all just "ironic" too annoy me?
There he goes. Posting the same images again.
>>310996 >There he goes. Posting the same images again. oh yeah sure, you never post the same images again and again
(83.04 KB 1280x720 un homme qui dort.jpg)

>>310994 Oh, then allow me to elucidate my position: >Abolish the Age of Consent >Introduce strict anti-child abuse laws >Abolish extra-marital sex >Marriage of your own will at 18 for both sexes >Marriage with parents consent at 14 for women and 16 for men Simple as. I do not believe in the age of consent because it implies that extra marital sex should be legal
arent you like 30 years old
>>310999 Based and actually trad pilled.
>>310999 so in the end, BBK was the most trad out of all of us, all along
>>311000 t. 26yo who lusted after 14yo drag queens
>feigning ignorance
dunno what youre on about lad
>dorshit pretending he never posted he would nonce Lewis Bailey
>>311008 who is that
>ed dutton's intros
(389.65 KB 480x480 schizo pepe.png)

>when you realise its impossible to know everything even about a specific subject of a specific subject
>>310999 So how could I be like based King David and have concubines?
>>311014 dont ever post anything like that again
>>311014 >Hope for Dorset >323k JewTube subscribers This odd looking brown creature is of higher status in the modern world though.
https://youtu.be/sf4PUU5roO4?t=408 Based (non cucked) conservative btfo of dorshit and poombs.
>>311014 Literally what race is he? Aaaaahhhhh.
(494.44 KB 460x458 FpeAUMgiHXCp7oXw.mp4)

>tfw Dorset returns to thread and spams his tranny nonsense
le dorset boogieman
>>311012 You couldn't and shouldn't, read about King David and what happened to him on account of his whoring
>>311020 >dorset making typical dorset posts is boogeymanning
>it's time for my booster wessie
>>311023 >when she has trouble breathing and blames unvaxxed chads for giving her kungflu >every two minutes every day for the rest of her life (possibly 5 years)
>>311023 what a hideous tattoo
(321.74 KB 567x699 chadwanger.png)

Poo skids with arms
>>311026 dorbitch
(6.83 KB 130x159 pig_001-3738246231.gif)

>>310935 The point is the relative decline is irrelevant.
>>310999 yeah this is based, I agree. "age of consent" is feminism, the morality of sex is not determined by the female's willingness but by marital status. the only difference between this and how I would describe my own views it that I'd say marriage at 16 period, but the 14 with parents' consent 18 otherwise is also reasonable, I see the logic also, primary school should be coed, while secondary school should split. girls go to a 2-year girls' school that would teach things like motherhood, cooking, cleaning, how to be good wife, duty of a woman, etc. while boys would go to a 4-10 year vocational school depending on what they're going to do
(1.66 MB 1551x973 1.png)

pick a video for me to watch, lads
>>311032 why can't you keep this fetish to yourself?
>>311033 what fetish?
>>311034 foot, asmr, latina
>>311035 asmr isn't sexual to me, it's just relaxing, I like to listen to a cute girl make pleasant sounds
>>311032 how do they have explicit footfetish pornography channels on youtube? like are they even monetised?
>>311035 also if you define "latina" as 'new world woman with spanish blood', the only one in that screenshot is Vivi Alto who is Mexican. a side note, she always has nice cleavage in her thumbnails which is never as good in the videos, she's a disingenuous clickbaiter. hot body though Yarify (best girl), Blue Siesta, Andreawhispering are Spanish, Kittyklaw is Russian >>311038 it's not "pornography", it's women chatting about whatever asinine thing while showing off their feets and making foot puns
(852.42 KB 800x1500 americano.png)

2 women in Manila offered me free accomodation in their apartments. But I think I have to fuck them and be their white bf. I'm an unemployed neet currently, should I do that? I feel kinda depressed and sad in England currently.
Is that tranny loving faggot still here?
>>311042 Look in the mirror, lad
>>311042 Door shites remains with his love for trannies smh
>311043 funny how he knew this was directed at him...
(298.45 KB 2089x2097 green nigga.jpg)

>>311044 he should be banned on sight tbh he'll only shit up the thread with his troons again if they don't
youre the one constantly bringing up trannies you need a good banning
Do you repent of your homosex?
ironic that you call out my supposed tranny shit but you have no problem with literal pedos in the thread lol
R E P E N T !
>>311053 do you have a version of that pic that shows her arse?
>311056 wtf is chemsex? this must be one of Dorshit's troons, injecing vile degenerate slang in to our otherwise fairly wholesome politics board
le troon boogieman
(681.95 KB 433x1138 animebutt.png)

thats a man
>he's still troon posting
>>311061 I'm gonna fuck Jocko tbh
tranny lovers out!
>>311057 just googled this, what the heeeeeeel. We need to stop gays and figure out what the fuck is going on
both of you shut up
Filipina lass started texting me again. mixed feelings tbh. Possibly it was an accident on her part.
he's gone from being obsessed over pembs to being obsessed over jocko keeeek
>>311065 that is an egregiously manly jaw
>>311069 she will breed me strong jawed sons then
(596.92 KB 593x616 1472748990820.gif)

>>311055 there doesn't seem to be a full pic.... it's so over bros... >>311065 varg-sama... forgive me.... i yield to the bussbuss
>>311070 he has no womb you pillock
(509.37 KB 154x156 dorshievibrate.gif)

>>311064 >We need to stop gays and figure out what the fuck is going on what's going on is, Dorshit is a portal to a hell world of degeneracy via his tranny bongo as long as he remains here, the portal stays open, and all manner of perverted filth will pollute the board
>>311072 then we will pretend
(1.98 MB 480x320 methd up.gif)

>>311073 i don't think dorseticles is having chemsex, at least not yet. However there are lots of "regular" homosexualarinos engaging in meth'd up three day sex gang bang rape parties. What the heck!
>>311069 you should see his before pics
(302.52 KB 620x620 Kaburagi_Koji.png)

>>311076 turkish jail... not even once
>>311041 you would be more depressed over there >>311073 tbh I like dorsie but he should flee from every bongo he is in
>>311077 >turkish jail is that where swarthoids bummed him to infinity and beyond, broke his mind, and made him start to believe he was actually a girl?
>>311076 his beard looks pretty much like mine when I grow it
>>311078 >tbh I like dorsie but he should flee from every bongo he is in have you seen his posts? he begs to suck that troon's dick
>>311079 stop you're giving me a slightly larger than average erection at a quickening pace.
>>311083 evidence? proof? youve made numerous posts yourself about wanting to suck dick, faggot
>311084 one of Dorshit's troons no doubt
(53.25 KB 640x640 green nigga concerned.jpg)

>this thread
>>311086 *rapes you to death* teehee
No doubt I will be banned again even though Bins is the one constantly bringing it up, keek.
>>311085 if I post the proof, you will say, "oh he's posting the same pictures again" so here they are again
>>311089 you deserve is tbh you should be shot too tbh
(2.43 KB 125x125 1653054730681.jpg)

>claims to not be obsessed with troons >has every single picture of them saved hes probably mad he couldnt bum jocko before transition
>>311094 bins deserves banning more than me ive never sucked a bloke off
>projecting this hard Despise you, dorshit.
>>311097 Beeb really gloating in this.
>>311099 Hey man, not cool
>>311097 We erect statues to our enemies. Delightful
(19.98 KB 1105x170 3686.png)

>>311097 didnt some leftoid uni professor give details on how to effectively damage bronze statues like that
>>311104 Sulphuric acid?
>>311104 >didnt some leftoid uni professor give details on how to effectively damage bronze statues like that yeah, and she was in a postion to safeguard heritage too
(46.03 KB 748x563 saddorshie.png)

>tfw you remember a lass you'll never meet again
>>311109 then stop strangling them and chopping them into pieces.
>>311067 Can u send me her number?
>>311108 >american born kike giving details to the wog and wog worshipping on how to destroy British heritage disgusting, she had better hope nobody takes her advice to that ugly new nigger idol
>>311113 Plus she married a rich capitalist banker of the same ethnicity. Not very progressive of her smh.
(472.91 KB 425x425 poljakblacksun.gif)

EVERYONE WITH A BLUE CHECK ON TWITTER MUST DIE! >they have made the list themselves
>>311114 He's dead; you're welcome.
>>311118 huh, I didn't write this?
(1.04 MB 245x223 22606107.gif)

I appreciate that he keeps pretending or is retarded
>>311120 huh? what's going on? wha?
>>311116 I wonder what would happen if the same chemicals were used on her.
>>311122 >I wonder what would happen if the same chemicals were used on her.
>>311118 I was told he got married and saved the white race
who got that quintuplets? >>311111
>>311126 why would you ban smee? i'm not the troon loving faggot, Dorshit is or are you one of his troons?
>>311126 Do it, either way, this place is getting unusable.
fuck it burn it down only been coming here for the seacow for at least a year now
(29.20 KB 275x244 t.png)

>>311045 keeeeeeeeeek based bins
why can't we just have a semi-normal thread?
woke up 10 mins ago to this, again 3-4 threads theyve shitted up with their fag drama now just fucking ban them both, the pettiness of their dispute shows how feminine brained they are not like we'll fucking miss them anyway, uninteresting tripfaggotry okthankyou
>>311133 >>311134 good posts
>>311133 Because Bins and 22st got called out on their shit three days ago and he's been throwing a tantrum ever since.
(2.76 MB 1280x704 lifeonmarsfags.mp4)

(658.17 KB 360x360 why not.mp4)

The cheerleaders of the old bongo-gayist regime such as dorshit should've been permad along with the tyrant and his right hand tranny cuc/k/ from day 1.
>The cheerleaders of the old bongo-gayist regime such as dorshit absolute horseshite now youre deliberately making shit up
nothing but fags on top of fags with axes to grind. I'm done.
Filipina lass lad, I the Filipina whisperer am at your service.
>>311141 Just like Salty Anus himself, he continues to lie or feign ignorance past the point anyone could fall for it. Pathetic.
youre a mong if you think ive ever defended SA, stupid nonce
>>311145 You excused him unjustly permaing me every time without fail. Not sure why you are lying right now. What do you hope to gain? Going to start filtering you on sight tbph.
yeah because i dont like you
Let it all out
Dorshit and his troons are wrecking the thread AGAIN!!! >why is he allowed to do this?
Considering banning bins for his toryboyism earlier which somehow went under the radar
If the trannies want a showdown . . . BRING IT ON!
(41.44 KB 376x506 existential homer.jpg)

>>311129 tbh only really come to post the manatee at this stage
>>311153 and you fail at that most of the time
>>311153 thank you for your service lad, even if you don't make it every time
(133.35 KB 1200x1200 excellent post haha cheers.jpg)

>>311155 tbh an implicit last stand of /brit/ish identity so it is
(4.68 MB 4000x3000 foto_no_exif (45).jpg)

But wherever an Englishman is buried, England is created so ackshually Mr Ataturk, they are not the sons of Turks.
>>311041 do it for like a month, the pussy feast will cure your depression. then you come home, lasses will smell the vagoo copulin phenomones on you, they'll know that you're a fucker, and it will make them respect you more so then you can upgrade to a regular gf >>311076 wtf he looked totally normal, why is he turning himself into an abomination?
(2.48 MB 1080x1350 spig.png)

>>311163 All trannies and Dorset will be banned on sight lad, might as well kill yourself now
>>311165 He hates trannies lad, as do the rest of us. Neck yourself.
When were you molested, freak?
(1.18 MB 1369x686 brit2022.png)

All of you pick your side now, because this is over.
>>311161 Could probably find my feet there in a month too, flee and cheat. >>311168 Bins is Dutch?
none of this is my doing. all troons act out of their own free will
You invited them, you support them. Door shit should be banned alongside the trannies to keep them in line.
>>311172 >You invited them proof?
The evidence has been provided sufficiently at this point. You're playing with fire you little gnome.
auslad isnt gonna ban me without evidence, so you better come up with some
there's no need for banning, bins and dorset just need to stop talking about it it's really bins that keeps bringing it up and dorset that keeps entertaining it that's the issue
We'll see about that if these trannies get uppity. >>311176 It's Dorset who has been going on about it literally non-fucking-stop
Then of course his trannies appear threatening to spam us
restarted rdr2 and steiner is right about arthur tbh had to turn it off
>>311179 what about arthur?
>prevent bf
/brit/ does not negotiate with trannies
>>311181 I'm not the pooster you think I am.
(46.03 KB 748x563 saddorshie.png)

>>311181 I thought I was your bf now
>>311183 tbh send these freaks back from whence they came
>>311173 >>311172 >You invited them >proof? I keep posting the proof, but he STILL keeps lying about it
(1.66 MB 1300x800 TrannyMachine.gif)

>>311188 like . . . THE JEWS!
(237.40 KB 764x528 dorsetlovespembs.png)

(88.76 KB 220x261 dorsetneedstrannydick.png)

(246.74 KB 897x544 dorsetlovesjocko.png)

>>311186 Dorshit brings them here, then flirts with them once they arrive
bins should be banned for posting troons tbh
>>311180 i think it was him. something about arthur being a libtard faggot with an annoying voice
>>311192 *kills 200 men* wait a minute! *robs an orphan* you mean to tell me! *slaughters civillians* you're a no-good rotten racist!
*filters you* what now looney troon?
(7.38 KB 248x250 1653644148877.jpg)

Your pet door shit is getting the ban for this >>311202 Assert control over your pet lad
starting to think this homo thing was a bad idea
>>311202 restrain them
My imitators are really low quality tbh, no strategy whatsoever
stop it, lassie
god I wish my cock was that big
(165.02 KB 728x1024 Nothing To Be Proud Of.jpg)

You're supposed to add funny quips and build up with flare. This retarded troon just jumps straight into it. He hasn't even made demands. >tfw more sickened by trannies than a prolapsed anus keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Also, you're supposed to do this when there's a mod or something who can actually follow through your claims
More trannies here than on Manila tinder.
you're shit at this lad. schizo would be on his 40th vpn by now
(1.17 MB 220x244 CEO of Suicide.gif)

(1.75 MB 386x404 MonkeyDaunce.gif)

nowhere as quick as bbk is on the draw either, embarrassing troon amateurs
(221.41 KB 699x1024 Poljack Crushes the Trannies.jpg)

Oh look actual disgusting fag porn spamming. Definitely someone who belongs here and not a tranny freak bongonigger.
bonus posts from wessie and some other lad
you'd be better off spamming your tranny face tbh lad
>he spams while easily filtered Sad!
>>311232 Yeah, it's so stupid. And the goofy Klansmen in 1920s Klan uniforms who set themselves on fire as though they're wearing synthetic materials keek game was jewed from the start enjoyed hunting though, wish they had a game like that set in sif ifrika where you hunt game and Boers
>>311243 his voice is the reason why i stopped. i forgot how bad it was after playing the epilogue so much
>>311243 with all the soyim in the industry we'll never have a game like that. I always wanted to play one set during the indian mutiny
(39.36 KB 600x747 nat.jpg)

>311242 there are no jannies here mong
>tfw the hot water isn't working
tbh just make any lad a janny at this point
>>311248 Make me janny.
>>310958 >>310966 >it rarely needs moderation at all well I guess I was wrong for once
youre already a tranny
who knew there were so many bad lads.
I will defend /brit/ from the tranny horde, from gayists, from bongo cabals
>>311253 You literally invited the trannies.
>>311247 i've been freezing all month. i won't survive the winter
>>311254 and thus only I can protect /brit/ from them
(93.12 KB 490x586 Accuser Poljack.png)

a toast
>>311258 the trannies are deceased!
kiwifarms.net back up on the clearnet
who lives and who dies, /brit/?
>>311262 millions must fry
(230.15 KB 900x900 skellies.jpg)

>>311263 this is the future you chose...
>>311262 >population centres full of shitskins and dissidents >british country relatively untouched nothing of value would be lost
Autistic deano isn't married to the filipino woman smh
the military backs Bolsonaro, unlike Trump, so maybe something will actually happen
thread cleaned, I was gooming, stop complaining
>>311269 ok now make a new one jannie.
>>311270 new what?
>>311272 a new thread battyman. need i say it again?

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