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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3756: Sheffield Steel Edition Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:10:04 Id: ad68f1 No. 293314
On This Day - 13th August 1913 The first production in the UK of stainless steel by Sheffield born Harry Brearley. Brearley's life had humble beginnings. He was the son of a steel melter and left school at the age of twelve to enter his first employment as a labourer in one of the city's steelworks. Sir Salman Rushdie: Satanic Verses author is on a ventilator and may lose eye after he was stabbed on stage, says agent https://news.sky.com/story/sir-salman-rushdie-satanic-verses-author-may-lose-eye-and-is-on-ventilator-after-he-was-stabbed-says-agent-12671704 Grand Tour star James May 'was rushed to hospital after crashing into wall at 75mph during filming for the Amazon Prime show' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11107103/Grand-Tour-star-James-rushed-hospital-crashing-wall-75mph.html
stainless steel is shite, there's different levels of it dependent on the levels of chromium mixed in, most of the time stainless will still rust because it's had the bare minimum of chromium to be legally considered stainless. it's also much heavier than steel and more difficult to fabricate with. it's a nighmare to drill, cut or weld. thank you for reading
>>293317 didn't know that tbh
>>293318 titanium and magnesium are the god tier metals of strength, lightness and resistance to corrosion, titanium especially, but they are even harder to work with. you have to weld them in a vaccuum chamber and if you have a car with any magnesium parts it'll literally cremate you if you crash and catch fire. magnesium is the lightest and strongest metal though. anyway won't ruin the thread with further metallurgy posts
bed time
>>293319 >you have to weld them in a vaccuum chamber sounds like a massive pain tbh may as well go back to rivets at that point >>293320 shnight lad
>>293321 tbh tbh tbh, civilisation was built on riveted iron >you will never not be able to pick up a post toil tinnie because your hands are too burnt from throwing hot rivets
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>>293322 smh the sacrifices they made
goin' shops
>>293324 buy tinnies
>>293327 did we breed the survival instinct out of dogs or what
>>293328 they're just stupid
>>293326 bought tinnies >>293327 smh
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>14th century smh how far back does the cringecel phenomenon go?
>>293331 ni allaf fridio
smorn lads
>>293333 smorning lad
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Good Morning /brit/
>>293335 morning lad
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atwbo4LkDi0 smorbollocking destructionlads
>>293339 smorb lad kino episode that
>>293335 you're a cute cat?
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pembsian filenames and posts tbh prepare the ACKmobile
I am so hung over and fucked
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I am so hung and fucked
>>293344 rip lad smh didn't get enough sleep last night and my bones have been aching all day smdh i miss being a dumb eighteen year old back when sleep was optional and hangovers were just an urban legend and pizza was a legitimate breakfast >>293345 based
I'm never eating or drinking ever again.
>>293347 heard that one before
Heart gene therapy to remove young sudden death risk https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-62332785 more normalising kids and young people dying from heart attacks
>>293348 < >>293349 more worried about what they're injecting in to replace the vax
Deus Ex game set in the scamdemic, where you play as Alex Jones, travel to Wuhan China to stop bill gates from deploying the GigaVax which irreversibly updates people to Windows 33.
i hate alcohol I hate takeaway I hate my existence
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>>293349 odd how basically nobody was at risk of sudden cardiomyopathy for no reason until some time around 2020/2021 and now everybody's had it since forever and it's always been a major issue that people have struggled with >>293352 self control lad just don't overdo it
>>293328 Dogs will do what they're bred to do no matter what, sometimes that's to their detriment. Having been raised by niggers, I imagine he is a pretty untrained dumb dog. >>293333 keeeeeeeek fucking nigger mongs
it's too hotteroo
>>293356 hang up a wet cloth in front of a fan to make a ghetto evaporative cooler
simply not opening the curtains shivering a bit actually
>>293358 based
>>293357 good idsneea tbh
put the oven on to preheat it but forgot to set an alarm smh going to give it another five minutes and then assume that it's good
>>293314 based edition
>the entire comments section is gigachad avis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJJYpsA5tv8
>>293363 thanks lad >>293364 wew keeeeeeeeeek you weren't kidding it's literally 100% gigachad keeeeek
yeah we had this posted before
Breastfeeding doesn't have that much of an effect tbh, preferable to formula milk but still I wouldn't say it's that important.
Whoops, thought I was on mum's net
>>293367 *caves your head in*
>>293367 it's important for transferring antibodies and for letting the infant bond with the mother tbh
pork sausages and chips and gravy (but no veggies because i cba cleaning my steamer) for dinnero
>>293370 Not really though is it
pound shop ruselad tbh
>>293372 um ackchually yes it is
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very satisfying dinnero tbh had to get a slice of bread to soak up the leftover gravy
>>293375 verygoodlad it's two peices of bread and olve pate for me still haven't degrotted to go shops tbh
might have a pizza to remedy my boredome
>>293376 >still haven't degrotted keeeek me neither today tbh bully the npcs with your grot musk >>293377 don't do it lad eating because of boredom is a bad habit that's hard to break
>>293364 Never has scrolling down been such a kino experience.
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showered and ready about 9am only to go to greggs, pick up some cans and now sat back at home.
"The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest." -Albert Einstein
going to play more ffvii
(2.38 MB 720x720 M5QAbl37gdlECCle.mp4)

>>293364 Annoying that this song is associated with being a gigachad. Ollie Sykes is a soyim nonce (literally he was fucking CIA agents in Manchester around 2008 and probably still is today) degenerate druggy that supports jewraine with the money edgelord fans of his screamo shite pay for their concerts. Only the intro is half decent. Was disappointed to hear the rest of it and see who is was by the first time I learned were the meme music came from. Okay, thank you.
>>293385 Keeek that sitewide filter.
>>293386 What's the filter?
>>293387 Take a guess lad... Unless he really was giving it to cute little CIA agents with terrible or no parents in northern England.
>>293388 Yeah what are CIA agents doing in Manchester around 2008?
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>>293385 can't really relate tbh had already heard the song long before the memi because of a uni friend who was really into screamo so i was already familiar with it >>293388 lad i've seen spy kids (2001) they probably were doing exactly that
>it's a woman are awful o'clock >bitch yesterday tried to fuck with me by making me drive 4 hours to what she alleged her adress was, but turns out it wasn't. Just casual evil from her side, fucking with a lad whose big crime it was to say hi on a dating app
>watched one of those current Spitting Image sketches >unfunny cringe >zero mention of the widely detested government policies of incentivised, open ended mass migration
>>293393 you deserve it because of chadfishers doing the same t. cunt logic
>>293394 >expecting modern entertainment to talk about actual issues
You know how the last crumbs of chocolate tastes the best? Ever thought of maybe eating it really slow like as if maybe to pretend could it be that there was though really there in actual so small of the chocolate left only for eat, could be taste more thought.
>>293397 eating slower is always better tbh
I'm better now lads, I had to throw up last nights dinner and scrub the toilet clean but the pain has finally abated.
>>293399 Love that feeling, have some toast lad.
>>293400 No I'm going on a two day fast.
>>293399 thats what you get for being a normong
>>293402 I'm going to come and vom on you.
get it in you lad
>>293404 hey that reminds me of that film where food fucks haha
>>293404 Fuck me that looks absolutely haggard keek
>>293406 >still would
>join group chat of old school mates >they're planning a trip to alton towers >ask if I can come >get removed what the fuck is their problem?
>>293408 Inconsiderate Arseholes tbh
>>293408 smh womanlike behaviour
love alton towers me
Just learned that Jesus was 30 when he started preaching.
>>293399 good lad get it all out >>293408 hate how niggercattle can never say it up front tbh bunch of gutless cowards got a vaxxie normgroid ex-cotoiler who lives near me and we often end up walking past each other on the pavement i'll say "hey how's it going?" and he'll stare straight ahead and pretend i'm not there as he walks past me sometimes when i'm waiting at the bus stop i'll see him walk towards the bus stop only to realise that i'm there and then change direction keeeeeeek
>>293412 can't believe he was still a virgin at 30 haha that must have been more painful than the cross thing
>>293409 >>293410 >>293413 i thought that the concept was funny, this didnt actually happen.
>>293415 it's too plausible lad it probably did happen smh just not to you
>>293415 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>polish nationalist account that just posts hundreds of pictures of dead/mutilated russians on twitter followed me
>>293408 That’s fucking shit of them, I’d say they aren’t your friends tbh
>>293327 based I hate d*gs
>>293421 saddo
>>293417 this actually looks kino
(2.62 MB 576x378 KISA_1.mp4)

You think it's just a thot, but then it gets kino
great thanks for spoiling, thumbnail. smh
how do I make my parents proud of me.
>>293427 stage a fake burglary at their house and show up in the nick of time to fight off the robbers
the classic good son gambit
>>293427 tidy your room, make dinner, breed
*transform into a pig and begins to burp squeal*
>>293427 win the lottery and don't tell anyone then use your millions to hire a troupe of actors for a few years to create a rags-to-riches story starring yourself where you walk into a business and look the bossman in the eye and give him a firm handshake so you get hired on the spot and then you climb every rung of the ladder at a meteoric pace based on personal merit alone until eventually you're running the company and then you sell the company and live off your well-earnt fortune
>>293412 i've still got time to make it
>>293317 >most of the time stainless will still rust because it's had the bare minimum of chromium to be legally considered stainless t. bought chinese
its too hot for activities but i still feel bad for not using it
experimental recipe again fried meatballs and leeched and boiled veg with pasta and lasagna sauce in crock pot in oven for a type of fucked up cheeseless pasta bake
>>293427 Are they liberals? If so just come out as gay
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shall we try having a look at Saturn tonight lads
>>293440 someone has to keep an eye on what the cursed planet is up to and it's you tbh
>>293440 Saturday Saturnday like
>>293441 aight we looking about half 11
If Saturn is the god of the Jews, and Jupiter is the god of the Romans... That means the Romans are Jew sons.
>>293443 will look forward to the kinography
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tfw no cigar
>>293440 I thought it was jupiter
guarantee the clouds are gonna roll in
mummy even has a special telescope she never uses which daddy bought for her a few christmases ago, we've been trying to set it up and I looked at the moon and jupiter but it was all just a blurry mess
>>293449 If there's any clubs around where you live, they're always happy to help people setup properly and get started
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if god meant us to look at the planets in such high detail he would have given us super powered eyes
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Quest >In 2008, Quest was arrested in New York City's Central Park with drug possessions in his pocket, a rope around his neck attached to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot Quest admitted being in possession of crystal methamphetamine, a controlled substance. Just found out about this epic Jew.
is this new trend based or soy?
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>>293453 Bit of both lad
loli (1997) was on of the biggest flops in history. Making $1.1 million on a budget of $62 million.
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>>293453 *shits in it*
Some real wiggum energy in the thread today tbh, watch out.
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me on the left
>>293453 cringe and soylish bugman attempt at making his pod resemble nature
northman was such a shit film tbh.
>>293463 yeah I was disappointed
>>293459 put your flag back on wessex pal
>>293463 >>293464 neither of you are white doesn't matter your skintone im revoking your card
>>293466 keek smh
trying very hard not to pick and eat my scabs rn
just want a gf who works all day and is exhausted when she comes home
>>293470 that's called a husband
its crazy how the battes between americans and indians had a death count of like 100 and resulted in americans winning a land mass the size of germany.
cunny draught on dating apps the last few weeks. Guess they all had their fun in summer
Russia arrested Strelkov for trying to get to the Kherson front line with an already compromised FSB cover. The LNR and the DNR fucking hate him for losing all the ground in 2015 that Russia gained in 2022. KEEEEEEEEEK
>>293474 strelkov was the only cool guy in the DNR/LNR everyone else is a boomerbolshevik.
Russia should have used the strike in Crimea to mobilise. What on earth are they playing at?
>>293476 you better ring them up lad tellem what for
>>293477 I'll call them monday when they're open
>>293478 See how the Kherson front reacts when the war markets open tomorrow night
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what sort of time would lads like the film to start? 8:30pm? 9pm?
>>293480 >>293480 my ancestor
>>293481 smh had a bad day. at least some bincinema will cheer me up
>>293483 9pm, i have to finish watching scooby doo first
>>293486 alright that suits me tbh I know other lads like to goom around 8pm, so 9pm might be better
ate a bucket of crevettes
I think we should round up everyone who supported the lockdowns, fines and hysteria about mixing households. Then they should be locked together in an isolation tomb with mandatory mask wearing, social distancing and daily boosters. The disease is too deadly to let them enjoy the weather tbh.
still feeling like shit.
rotting in a pool of sweat
>>293414 He was Messiahmaxxing, which is when an incel defeats death and literally ascends to heaven.
freshish dutty The Trump Raid Happened Because We're Back to the IQ of 1700 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sih95EJBq4
>>293495 just watched that, he's really improved his video editing skills maybe he is paying someone to do it for him, it's such a big improvement?
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would run that william down if I ever saw him
>he was emulating the lad that dorset used to like to post a lot before his ortholarp phase of religious tourism KEEEEK
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>he's shilling VPNs like a normong channel
ow my neck hurts again
This video is brought to you by Squarespace
Reminds me of when SandRhoman suddenly started shilling for ball shaving razors in the middle of a video about Cossacks
Neil Oliver calls out the elite's Climate scam https://youtu.be/Kv8CN7JF_rc
>>293503 keeeeeeeeeeek
Canadian soy telling of the leaders of the 1990s
>when the swarthoid is actually a soythoid
>>293453 just another pathetic attempt to make your desk sitting bad screen time travel through life seem less pathetic
A colossal fart putting in the windows.
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poo wank
quite a good wank tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGv1WkpKRI reminds me of bins and 22st tbh
those rare ones where you don't feel guilty afterwards
Oh shit we've been rumbled
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>>293522 tbh actually quite shocking though, you'd not think such a preference was so rare
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>>293522 >that massive uptick in ass searches when third worlders got smart phones
>>293525 what's happening chief
>>293522 >Japan >ass
prefer both tbh
>>293529 >will never go back to 06-10
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>>293532 >that video came out 2 years ago >2006 is further away than 2030 NOOOO MUMMY I WANT TO GO BACK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
>The #BreakingBad statues of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman have been unveiled in Albuquerque
>>293533 >comments from kids born after 2000s talking about nostalgia >someone calls them out on being kids >literally every comment after is some variation of "you can't gatekeep!!!" Zoomongs need to be bullied off the internet
>>293535 >I'm so special I was born in year x Fuck off faggot
>>293536 Found one
>>293537 You're a retard lad, as bad as boomers with your generation warfare shite. We are the British race. Any negative dividers are a cancer.
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just booted up Spore
>>293534 kinda kino tbh
>>293539 big breeding cock
>>293527 There's too much stuff in the house to be able to get to any of the gear for saturn-watching just impossible with living arrangements
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>>293543 smh you should have listened
>>293453 the sand would get all sweaty and grimy and you'd get sand all over your house, unless you have a water bucket next to the sand pit to wash your feet off every time you leave the computer which would be too inconvenient plus you'd have to keep changing it and washing the bucket >>293522 grim. shitskins and wiggerism are a part of it, but I think a lot of this trend is driven by the meme that being an "ass man" is masculine/preferred by women, whereas preferring breasts (which non-shitskins naturally do) may be considered infantile. so these men are not being honest with themselves, they are trying to mould themselves into what they think women want
>>293546 basically negro-worship
sitting horribly got my computer chair pressed up against a bicycle for a start, have to play twister to get out my room keeeeksmh >>293544 >>293545 tbh tbh if you want to see it though it's up a bit and to the right of the moon
>>293549 really should be light pollution ordnances smh incompatible with niggers though, the crime reduction effect is necessary
Do you lads have any good Brit/Yank juxtaposition comedy? I just watched the Futurama episode where they went back in time and accidentally caused Paul Revere to tell the colonists that the bongs were coming by land, and America was just West Britannia as a result. Very hilarious and I highly recommend it and would like to see something else in that vein.
its no surprise that the lads who create the best OC (IOM and smee) have the most dysfunctional lifestyles tbh, mind you wessex is a counter to that theory, so it dorshit actually, smh nevermind then.
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>>293558 keeeeeek good lad
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>>293560 holy schmoly
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>>293560 This bodes well.
>>293560 good lad
>>293556 any good pictures of the jew planet lad?
>>293560 good lad
>>293569 I didn't have the space for the gear in the end the mount is too important as a bagholder, towel-rack and coat hanger to dismantle unfortunately
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>>293573 I need a big van to do it I can't do it from home anymore there's too much gear
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Where is he He's usually on here footposting by now
>>293575 keeek smh must be sleeping off a big coom sesh to wrinkly mexican goblin soles
>>293574 if only we knew someone with a van
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banged 12 packets of mini cheddars think I'm dying of salt
>>293575 oh I'm here, just lurking, gonna make oats to work out. also >>293546 was me but I had to hop ips for KC ebin webm
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>>293579 >eating carbs this late at night ngmi
fuck off bins you boring poof
>293582 >(1) oh look, it's that miserable cunt, (1) poster
You could create a basic program to imitate bins posts, its the same shite every day, hes a gayer older dorshit, also something to keep in mind is hes probably one of the wealthiest posters on brit despite being an absolute mong, shows how "efficient" the market is at rewarding scum like him.
>>293539 based keeeeeeek I used to spend hours and hours in that game making vehicles
>>293582 this but also directed at spic
also I saw jupiter and its moons lads mum got her tellyscope out and I was the one who had to do everything for them keek
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>293584 cope, seethe
>>293584 >gayer older dorshit dorshit is far more pathetic and wanks ten times as often
oh talking of oats I had cereal today because it's my cheat day and once again choked on it and regretted it why do people eat this crap [continues to eat it and regret it every saturday]
>>293590 I never saw the appeal of oats tbh recently watched a vid that said they aren't even that good anyway
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gotta have a cup of tea for the caffeine first though because I'm all drowsy and yawning >>293586 rude >>293591 it's the best source of low glycemic index, fibrous carbs for long-lasting energy, especially when combined with fructose since it uses different transporters in the intestines
>>293534 Feel like I need to trash it to be contrarian. Jesse was far too shite and blatant about his criminal activity to get away with high ranking position a drug empire, and that along with his sympathy would have got him killed.
>>293591 they're not, they contain phytic acid which blocks calcium absorption unfortunately >>293592 >low glycemic index, fibrous carbs for long-lasting energy, especially when combined with fructose since it uses different transporters in the intestines just eat a banana
>>293594 don't bananas have anti-nutrients as well?
>>293595 only if you eat them when they're not 100% ripe afaik. same applies to all fruits, if they're not sweet and ripe then they still contain "defence chemicals" i.e. antinutrient poison designed to kill insects and such that try to eat it, almost all plants have such chemicals
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>>293595 bananas are full of sucrose, which is about as bad for you as sugar, in terms of GI
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>>293580 fuck off
>>293600 problem? bananas are really bad from a glycemic index perspective
earl grey and honey rn
Reminder that bins is the lowest IQ poster here and everything he says should be discarded
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night lads >>293587 spot on good lad >>293580 the man himself
>>293598 >a fruit is full of sugar, which is about as bad for you as sugar
>>293607 not all sugars are the same lad glucose, fructose, are not as bad for you as sucrose bananas are high in sucrose compared to other fruits
taking and shit rn
Dunning Kruger in action.
>lads trying to be clever when they are actually being stupid
Hes having this same convo in the bongo but its gay instead "not all gay sex is the same lad bjs, handjobs, are not as bad for you as anal bareback is higher in risk when compared with other activities"
>>293611 That's near enough the definition, yes.
>>293604 just finished a cup of breakfast tea with milk. I slept 10 hours, layed in bed for an hour, got up, ate breakfast, drank a cup of tea and I'm still yawning >>293605 wouldn't say he has low iq, he just lacks the ability to tell the difference between low and high quality memes, so he ends up posting 'so you x?' 'yes' copy-paste ragecomic-shite unironically >>293606 nini >>293612 is he really doing that? he used to say that the fag thing was in the past...
hes honestly worse than 22st, atleast he has moments of clarity in between his horrific posts, bins is like an npc designed specifically to be as awful as possible, utterly repugnant creature.
why is this lad suddenly talking about gay sex?
>>293614 no, who even are you defending him, hes utterly retarded, every film night he misses obvious plot points and thinks stupid shit, hes very low IQ.
kill yourself bins
>>293615 >worse than 22st 22st is a great poster. you must be envious of his grooming exploits >>293617 I think to find their way to this board, lads necessarily need to have above average IQ why defend him? well there's things I won't defend like the gayist thing or his chimpouts when he doesn't get his way. but we were friends for a long time and I'm not a bitter person
By my estimates 22st and Bins: 90 IQ Most lads: 100 IQ Steinlad and smee: 115 IQ Spic: 85 IQ
>>293619 >I think to find their way to this board, lads necessarily need to have above average IQ clearly not considering you are here as a bins defender, also bins is here tbh, filtered
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>293612 this is clearly a case of (You) projecting your own repressed homosexuality
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>>293620 my IQ is 130 lad
>>293623 Maybe 30 years ago it was.
>>293623 guess who was lied to
>>293624 when I was 5? wow, I would have beena genius if so
>>293622 you know what cock tastes like
>>293626 Didn't really believe you were 50 tbh.
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>>293625 lied to by an automated test?
>bins pretending he isn't 40+
>>293628 >Didn't really believe you were 50 tbh. I never said I was, other people said that as a joke
Lol can't even do basic arithmetic 65 - 30 doesn't make 5, lad
>>293627 I know what pussy tastes like which you do not
just jossin
>>293632 sneed
most people who say they have a high IQ are lying and did one of those gay online tests that inflates the score, like when mark collett said on dutty that he "doesn't care" about IQ but that his is 140 which is obviously not true because hes an idiot, same thing with bins tbh.
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>all this upset because I pointed out bananas are high in sucrose, which they are
>he was only pretending to be retarded this whole time At last I truly sneed.
>>293597 First candidate for step dad disliked me so based mummy broke up with him.
>>293633 so you do know what cock tastes like, and I actually do know about pussy, not that it matters because this is an incel board and theres nothing wrong with not having seggs.
>>293640 >so you do know what cock tastes like, I never said that, I'm not obsessed with gay sex unlike (You)
>>293641 but you do know what cock tastes like?
>>293636 Mark Collett actually got a scholorship to a private school, which is quite an achievement
>>293642 why are you so interested in the taste of cock?
>>293639 >First candidate for step dad disliked me so based mummy broke up with him. that's very cool of her tbh
good grief
I think we've all sucked our own cocks once to see what it was like, lad. It's not a big deal.
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>tfw kissed a girl after she gave me a blowjob and tasted my own dick
I do admit, I fucking love Coq Qu Vin
If only Helmer was here but that zoomong would probably rage about someone being over the age of 18 on here
>this lad seething at his micropenis and not having two of his rib bones removed surgically
Why is bins trying to pretend like he hasn't had cock in his mouth, who does he think he is, he claims to be "repentant" but won't even confess his sins to brit, instead he erotically describes them to his fellow budding sodomites in his private discord where he grooms young lads.
(71.66 KB 607x608 binshelmerweakstrong.jpg)

>>293652 >If only Helmer he's dead and I killed him
>>293608 why are they less sweet than apples? didn't know they had sucrose in tbh but there must be a reason they're seen as the fitness fruit
>>293656 maybe because they don't have juice, so it doesn't coat your taste buds as thoroughly?
oh no
>>293656 > there must be a reason they're seen as the fitness fruit I think for people that are bulking, they are a source of calories, the fact they are high glycemic index means they are a quick way to restore energy levels after a workout (for people that eat carbs) they aren't good for weight loss
>>293656 All fruits have glucose (base sugar you need for cellular respiration) fructose (gets turned into glucose going through the liver) and sucrose, which is glucose and fructose bonded together. Most tend towards having little sucrose, but bannanas do have slightly higher than most, and that's why they taste less sweet, because weirdly it's fructose (if you seperate them) that's the sweetest, then glucose, and sucrose is the least sweet. None of this is significant enough to make bannanas an 'unhealthy' fruit. They also contain sodium and potassium (like most fruit and veg) which the body needs. No need to keep away from them, is all.
>>293656 bananas get super sweet when they are really ripe
>>293660 >No need to keep away from them, is all. if you want to lose weight don't eat bananas, they are too high in sugar
>>293660 this guy seems to know what he's talking about the most, so he gets the biggest (You) >>293661 not nearly as sweet than any apple though
>>293663 here is a list of the high sugar fruits, apples are not one of them low sugar fruits are listed at the bottom https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-fruit-sugar
>>293663 >this guy seems to know what he's talking about the most, so he gets the biggest (You) they don't know what they are talking about lad, or else they'd know that sucrose is much more harmful to the body that glucuse or fructose, because it's a combination of both "Therefore, eating fructose and glucose together may harm your health more than eating them separately. This may explain why added sugars like high-fructose corn syrup are linked to various health issues."
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haven't consoomed ASMR in a long time, but at least that means there's a good backlog of fresh videos can't get over how pretty this girl is, would marry without hesitation https://youtu.be/iTefmojQHsg
>>293667 spanish is such an ugly language
>>293666 >source
>>293668 nah it sounds very nice IMO, at least non-Andalusian European Spanish when spoken by attractive women
>>293670 portugeese is better
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>>293669 nothing wrong for providing a source for information lad
>>293521 beaners are such seething trash
>>293534 kek I remember when that came out and it was just supposed to be a one season type thing
This sword swallower talking about how unhealthy bananas are when hes had miles of cock in him.
You lads done your anal breathing yet today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj2YakJzSYo
>>293551 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>293575 10/10
brit should have its own version of this so we can spot eachother irl
>>293680 >brit should have its own version of this so we can spot eachother irl Maybe a burger flag lapel pin.
>293680 why is 8134a1 obsessed with gay shit?
god I hate fags so much lads
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>>293683 They all nonce you know.
why does bins have the gall to pretend he isn't a sodomite.
not in to anal
me and my white squaw don't agree with homosexuals in this valley
I'd hate spics too if I lived in shartica tbh
>>293688 so they don't speak English because they are mentally retarded?
>>293687 giwtwm
>>293688 >an old mexican woman who can't speak english made a snappy comeback in english And then everyone clapped >I gave her free coffee And then everyone roared in a standing ovation.
>>293691 why's it called a standing ovation what does clapping have to do with eggs?
there was a car of peace in pennsylvania
>>293694 Have you got a link lad? As a yank I like to keep up with these things.
its literally on 4chan right now newfag
looks like some spic ran over a bunch of midwestoids
worked out, also deadlifted 260lbs for the first time. years ago I was at 255lbs then quit, and I finally met and passed that >>293696 >using 4chan
>>293700 >The unidentified man was later found mutilated at the bottom of the chute. He had plunged to his death 15 minutes before his body was discovered. >Authorities are also looking into whether the victim died directly from the fall or if he had mistakenly gone into the compactor portion of the dumpster, where he was found disfigured.
have the music from the spig saturday webm stuck in my head so bad eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eheh
smorb lads >>293700 play stupid games win stupid prizes
>>293699 >using imperial
>>293700 i would like to congratulate these fine people for increasing the average IQ of new york by 20 points
>>293704 yes? that's the traditional british system of measurement, are you promoting further frenchification of your culture?
>>293706 metric is objectively better though. i dont want to use 16ths of an inch when doing metalwork because its fucking stupid
>>293707 Metric is what niggers would have come up with if they had come up with any kind of system of measurement. >I's be havin' 10 fingas, so I can just measah errthin' in 10s Imperial was derived from the most intricate and profound measurement concepts of Rome, Greece, and the Holy Roman Empire. Metric was conceived of in ten seconds by a greasy wog in France, with the basic concept being "make measurement as easy for niggers to understand as possible". If you don't use Imperial, you're not white. Simple as.
Didn't the trend of doing everything in tens begin with the Romans?
(111.88 KB 1122x900 gigaphone.jpg)

Downtrodden husband of mummy's bitch friend who's divorcing him has beat up two paki would be muggers in an alley.
>>293706 >English: ninety nine Simplified metric numbers for consumption by blandafied masses >Frogcais: four twenties and ten and nine Weird and wacky numbers created by unapologetic Europeans to annoy foreigners
>>293337 >Xbox 3-Niggy Keek
>>293710 extremely based
>>293692 So true.
>>293620 who the fuck is smee?
>he doesn't know
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I don't have enough reaction images that convey astonishment at stupidity for use here. Smh.
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owwie noo I'm just a little wetard don't hwurt smee
imagine not being familiar with smeelad
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>>293722 Watched Prey by smeeself last night. Bitch fails to kill a rabbit and a deer, gets tribemen killed being a retard around a lion, so tries killing a bear, retards that up and only survives because the predator kills the bear, then suddenly she's a super warrior that kills a dozen frenchman, then kills the predator. Poor character progression gets a 1/10. Okay, thank you.
>>293723 smh sounds shite
>>293724 The special effects for the predator cloaking and head set vision etc.were miles better than the older films, but that's it. They are also a bit retarded in different ways but more enjoyable.
>>293725 special effects are just about the only part of films that's improved in the past few decades tbh now flashy effects are used as a substitute for actually making kino smh
still feeling like shite lads. just want to feel better already.
>>293727 have an ibuprofen and eat something greasy
>>293727 did you get (((the jab)))?
>>293729 no >>293728 I don't want to eat because the principle problem is my digestive system. I've been fasting for nearly 2 days but no real hunger pangs as of yet.
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>7:22 the absolute mog https://youtu.be/1irUtv_2q6c why am I watching this dumb bimbo's butt workout? to look at her butt mostly but also insight, if I get a gf then I can make her do this to make her bottom more pleasing for me
>being an arse wog.
Think I gave myself food poisoning with some bad chicken lads. Just felt some foreshocks in my arse, like I might shart soon. I'll keep you posted.
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>>293732 tits > feet > ass, but that doesn't mean you can't also enjoy ass
god, i want to ban him so bad
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oh it's spig
fugg, i wand do band him zo badd :D
old but actual politics from noseley and co https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR170:2
i want to fracture his ass with a lead boot
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>i wand do bragjer hiz arze wid a lead bood
i want to drop-kick him back to infancy
Rrrrrule Sneedtania Sneedtania feeds the seed
the "sneed" thing is so fucking stupid
(6.63 KB 201x251 index.jpg)

another green and black poo
>>293746 an ill omen
>Disastrous Manchester United sink to new depths of embarrassment with Brentford humiliation
>>293748 shameful tbh what are they playing at
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>>293746 but why is it green? you ate vegetables and you can't digest them so they go right through? >>293748 >Mbeumo
>>293750 radioactive green tbh
>>293751 keeeek smh imagine flushing the toilet and seeing the cherenkov effect as it goes down
>>293752 There's graphite skidmarks in the bowl I've seen it
>>293753 keeeeeeeeek >>293754 would argue that fermented foods and fruits should trade places
brew time lads
>>293756 delight simply delight
finally degrotted, but not fully need a really tough scrubbing brush or pumice stone or something, can feel flakes of skin dandruff or whatever on my legs
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>>293692 It comes from the Latin ovare meaning to rejoice/celebrate, not the Latin ovum for egg. >>293706 Tradition isn't justified by being tradition alone. The metric system is inherently superior. Simple as. >>293731 With an attitude like that you'll find it hard to get a woman to like you. >>293748 The Glazers are the problem because the fish rots from the head. Their philosophy of football is to make money without consideration for long term development at the club. Appointing an accountant to oversee transfers instead of an experienced scout/transfer negotiator has led to a weak team of incompatibles. Ten Hag and the players are dong shite though don't get me wrong, as a professional you should be able to manage a poor situation. >>293758 Try moisturising your body with a moisturising cream. In addition drink more water to keep hydrated. Pumice stones are good though, I use one twice a week on my feet to promote circulation and keep the skin fresh.
>moisturising >beauty products what are you a poof
>293762 >Why don't girls like me!?
(83.02 KB 728x680 wot.jpg)

With an altitude like that you'll find it hard to get a woman to like you.
>this lad focusing on foid attainment and not saving the huwhite race
>>293764 Exactly so. The fact is that anti-socials are anti-nationalist. Misanthropic retards have done more damage to nationalism than anyone else. >293765 >Not washing and being generally despised is saving the white race People like you need to be cut out of the movement. You're a dead weight at best.
wessie stood up for the white race show some respect
soap and water and a rough scrub was good enough for my ancestors and it's good enough for me simple as
I have no real interest in anything sexual now due to my chronic masturbation addiction.
>>293767 He can barely stand. >293768 Yeah, let's emulate the generations renowned for dying as a result of poor hygiene.
>this immunlet
spic is actually nick fuentes prove me wrong
>>293773 what even does nick do now? I heard he got paid a bitcoin anonymously and that he'd alienated all his friends but that's about it.
>>293773 spic did avatarfag as that one homo catboy from the vampire anime for a while
>>293775 is that on the bongo?
>>293776 on newbrit
>>293774 no idea tbh never kept up with the ecelebs >>293775 very suspicious
pootube trying to advertise downloading music and listening to it ad-free like it's a new feature as if i didn't have limewire and an mp3 player twenty fucking years ago smdh blows my mind that niggercattle fall for this shite
>>293780 The algorithms keep sending me western propaganda on the Ukraine war and bullshit youtube docs by people I've never heard of.
>>293781 For me it's the same few crap rock and indie songs that I enjoy gooming content, most of which is cringe or clickbait, alt lite counter culture cringe and the joomer. No doubt Yvette Cooper is still seething at how yidtube can radicalise to the ault roight with it's algorithm.
>>293781 smh >>293782 keeeek based
>>293762 I go through bucketloads of poof moisturiser because of work, bossman even orders it in for everyone because the chemicals ruin your skin and the coolants give you dermititus. One lad didn't keep up with moisturiser and his hands started bleeding so now he's on a repeat prescription of different steroid creams keeek But moisturising is otherwise good
>>293784 wew smh
>>293784 interesting to hear about metal shop type stuff one of the first lads I knew on the internet is a germoid from saarland who went into the industrial hellscape casting factories in that county and one of the only things he said about it was that life expectancy was a good couple decades under the average
Bloody awesome summer weather. Who needs to go on holiday to the Med when we've got the Med over here? Time a dip. Splish. Splash!
>>293773 >spic is actually nick fuentes prove me wrong spig is very anti-christian tho
>>293786 was trying to get an apprenticeship at a machine shop a few years back tbh cunts wouldn't take me on smh >>293788 smh hate renewable energy cunts tbh it does more harm than good nuclear is the way forward
>>293792 >smh hate renewable energy cunts tbh it does more harm than good the whole renewable energy and sustainability crap was never actually about securing fuel sources, it was always about control, from the very beginning
>>293793 tbh the main objective was lowering people's standard of living secondary objective was to leech funds from the state through grants
>>293794 >tbh the main objective was lowering people's standard of living yeah, to make plebs happy with less, while the elites carry on living luxurious lives at our expense
>there's 200 freaks there [at drag queen story hour], and we're being watched by the police and the media, and there is a wasp up the leg of my shorts
remembering how i bet a friend £50 that i could beat final fantasy 7 in under a year over a decade has passed and i still haven't actually finished the game keeeek always had something else pulling me away going to actually beat it this time
>>293761 I don't know which lad you are but I like you, lad, you seem to know a lot about esoteric subjects
>bus didn't arrive >no sunday dinner at the boomers >just in time for the shop to shut as well
>>293800 already had my dinner for breakfast tbf but it does mean that tonight is just more toasty carbs
cringing a bit ngl
>>293805 keeeeeeeeek
shnight lads
(1.39 MB 1200x1163 spencer doubt.png)

>>293805 I hate him for living past this point and ruining the use of a perfectly good reaction image.
Richard Spencer longs to be a normie so much.
whats with trumptards going on suicide missions at federal buildings all of a sudden.
the civil war discourse for the past 8 years is really going to bite people in the backside. you cannot organise some massive uprising by talking about civil war all the time online all you can do is influence a couple schizos off their meds to chimp out incompetently. and once you've inculcated brain rot boomer circles with the civil war idea you can't take it back. the end result is just going to be some dead boomers and more boots on your neck.
>>293811 wtf is wrong with these boomies throwing their lives away? at least take some of your enemies down with you
>Biden's America, folks.
>>293812 >at least take some of your enemies down with you Never happens does it?
>>293812 they're brain rotted. probably dumb people with real concerns buried underneath a millstone of shitty rw talking points and theories that dont make sense. its probably better to just have these people believe trump was ordained by god and biden is offending god by taking what is trumps rightful place than feeding them the insane shit out of rw media outlets, they just cant handle it.
>>293805 Macron is Jesuit-trained
Nice try leftists, we are locked and loaded.
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(118.15 KB 1849x1339 Jupiter and 2 moons.jpeg)

mum sent me the pics I took of jupiter lads
Space is Fake and Gay
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>>293819 Lobely pics lad, but it does look like what maybe the inside of a box except with a tiny hole would look like tbf
>>293819 >>293822 looks like dorsies face is gonna pop out and make the sound
Before the start of the Tigray War in 2020 you had news articles about local Tigray policemen invading military bases, arresting soldiers, seizing all the weapons in the base and then handing them off to Tigray nationalist militants in the mountains. This was before the war started and the Ethiopian government wasn't able to put a stop to it or punish those responsible. The Tigrays were far also unified in opposition to the state, if you lived in Tigray you didn't have to hide your contempt for the government or desire to fight it. Even if someone did snitch on you the government wouldn't be unable to do anything to stop you. The Tigrays didn't need to go through the dangerous and complicated role of forming an underground resistance movement where discovery was death, they already had an autonomous military structure in place. And yet the Tigrays still lost their war.. Civil wars are hard and once they've started you have to win them, I can't imagine Trump types being able to deal with something like the Jan 6 trials only all the verdicts ended in execution and it was 100,000 Trump fans.
>>293818 Who would win?
>>293819 VERY nice lad. Do you know roughly what time it were out? Going by like midnight last night picrel should be their names
Sad to still be seeing lads here that are Based, but not Based in Reality.
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gonna get a bit of kip, you lads keep an eye out on the niggers for us like
>>293822 its exceptionally difficult to take a picture using a a basic digital camera with the lens stuffed into the telescope's eyepiece and you have to just wiggle it around and pray for the best, plus jupiter was moving constantly so one had to keep readjusting and moving the telescope again
>>293831 Good lad. Had a little snooze earlier in this heat.
>>293828 We were out for a while at like 10-11pm tbh and yeah I looked up the moons and figured that ganymede and callisto were the ones on the left given that the middle one was slightly dimmer and looked more pin-prickish and small comparitively. Didn't know ganymede was the biggest moon in are system. Thanks for the annotations keek iirc you're into all this astronomy stuff proper aren't you?
actually looking through the telescope you could see it really clearly and all 4 moons it was quite breathtaking, if you really squinted you could almost see the stripes
>>293835 Cool. Wonder how that lad who took these got it done. Photographing the night sky is hard tbf.
>>293836 some people just have BIG lenses on their cameras or telescopes with built in cameras or something i suppose
why did you leave the discord, retard lad?
>playing ancient multiplayer goom >chad-in-chief and lieutenant deano going on about the community bikes and how many sweaty warband nerds they have fucked fuckk off just FUCK OFF hate these cliques and drama and personal relations shit I just wanted to goom
>>293839 it's probably too gay and tranny in there for him
>>293840 you joining us for film night lad?
(4.27 MB 3413x2560 red channel.jpg)

>>293834 >iirc you're into all this astronomy stuff proper aren't you? Wellll I used to be but haven't been able to for years really, I've lost touch tbh. My gear is all more for deep space photography like picrel than planetary, using little scopes for wide shots instead of really long focal lengths for planets
Many such cases. Smh. >>293842 What time tonight?
>>293839 Oh nuffin personal kiddo I just had to scrub that account Not cutting contact with yous or anything, just needed that gone
>>293846 errr why lad? you coming back to discord?
>>293845 >What time tonight? what time would be good? 8:30pm, 9pm? It needs to be soon because some lads might have toil tomorrow
>>293846 could you poost the lofi webm lad? presumably updated since the youtube version has SA added and my download doesn't
>>293848 8:30 would be great.
(387.91 KB 857x755 Doodle book2.jpg)

>>293849 keeek yeah just encoding into webum now added SA, a few bits and changed the doodle book
>>293851 highly based and kinopilled
>>293850 okay will do an 8:30 start getting it all set up now
(26.70 KB 434x426 fatpolfacehappy.jpg)

>>293851 >the bee Based.
(7.50 MB 1280x720 LoFi girl lurks Britpol.webm)

There we are Reckon Youtube will finally BTFO my account for the nigger bit in it
>>293855 Apex keek. Saved.
>>293855 keeking yet again at the poo and wee webbums also
keeek how does a negroid song make such good earrape
>>293860 the screams get me every time its fucking fantastic
>>293860 they are designed to be earrape to begin with I think some utter cunt of a nigger was playing oogabooga screeching at 3AM in the airport over an external speaker instead of using headphones and it was basically the same thing
>>293864 So many fucking bluetooth speakers around now it doing my fucking head in
>>293868 based beyond belief
Comfy thunderstorm and tropical downpour while I was out shopping. Noticed all the wogs started shrieking and panicking and running around to get out of the rain while the whitoids just continued as normal
Swedish general election next month. Just found out they have an Islamist party running this time.
>>293855 amazing
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>>293836 I have way better pics of the moon than that and I was using a shite digital cam when I was 14
(115.29 KB 654x981 come and seed.jpg)

>>293874 post physique
>>293876 watch out he's going to mog you with his massive 24in telescope lad
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for me? it's the pirate telescope I got in a raffle or something that broke immediately after opening
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still waiting for Manx's apology to the JWST tbh
>>293881 YAG SBARRO
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left is my favourite ive done, right is most detailed >>293877 cor >>293880 honestly I kneel, forget what I bet on it not launching tbh I think I have to eat something but conveniently can't remember what
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>falseflagger has been posting as me >nobody noticed
fuck off dorshite we're talking about the moon not your boring tart oneitis
fuck off you fucking cunt
Which country had the worst case of stolen valour in World War II?
>stealing my images which discord tranny are you then?
>>293888 soviet union
>>293891 imagine the wanks
(24.70 KB 400x400 1637709004097.jpg)

alright, you can take up the mantle of being me, not sure why you would want that
>JWST John William's snuff tape?
>>293883 phwoar those pics are really impressive lad
>giving me permission to be myself th-thanks
>>293890 What about Albania?
>>293897 Alright, you caught me. I'm not really Dorset. I just want to rape him and then murder him and then wear his skin around town. What's you're next move?
the sneep snorp creature will be euthanised if this tomfoolery does not cease
>>293898 Replying to my question in character
estimate i could probably pick 20-30kg of apples this week no idea where to store them, put a few in freezer but not much
>>293895 thanks lad, though its nothing compared to stuff other people post with similar setups but with more skill
I love Sweden and Swedish people.
>>293901 preserve them?
>>293904 why thank you sahib
>>293905 with what
>>293907 Plenty or recipes online on how to preserve apples.
>>293908 yeah but i want to make alcohol might need to store them until i get more buckets and stuff
>>293909 I'm sure some recipes are conducive to making them ferment to preserve them.
>>293712 Can someone make a cheers pepe but he's underwater drowning, however he doesn't care because he's totally focused on congratulating the recipient.
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>>293912 keeek his face in the corner like a shit reaction cam for a japanese game show
>(45) gone off the rails lad
(309.27 KB 390x388 us.PNG)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okhjkoh806E why is youtube recommending me this they know I wont like it.
(18.61 KB 300x306 enoch-powell (3).jpg)

watching an animal rescue youtuber and he has a pig called steiner
>>293921 meme magic is dea-
>293919 why did you post it here? you knew I wouldnt like it
(51.10 KB 636x382 peter gameshow.jpg)

(3.95 MB 1278x714 Initial D Bodily Drift.webm)

reminds me
(311.09 KB 1739x1440 Giga Putin.jpg)

Gapped up $1 on the open. We're so back.
(6.72 MB 960x540 brit pilotredsun.webm)

Take it easy lads have a good toil
>>293925 >wessex wailed as he desperately tried to take a bath, but his body simply refused to go near the cleansing water
(125.01 KB 1080x1080 bunny sleepy.jpg)

>>293927 nanight pal see you in't mornin
these sweeties are so nice lads
>>293933 Okay, Fatty.
>>293934 i'm not fat
>>293933 saw some at airport but the markup was probably around 8000% and I didn't get any smh
(156.03 KB 579x960 toil embraced homer.jpg)

>>293927 Shnight lad no toil for me in the morn
>>293937 lucky
Keeeeeeeeeeek. They really have made sure there's something going on every single fucking month.
>>293938 tbh would be sleeping uneasy tonight if not
the Swedish word for "refugee" is flykting, or "fleeing - thing" lmao. what a cute language.
(82.12 KB 885x1024 Sneep Snorp.jpg)

Alright la?
>>293944 >the permanent JUST face on those dogs even without the image manip
(7.28 KB 207x244 manatee1.jpg)

>>293947 good lad
>>293935 You should be as it's healthier than the alternative
>>293951 fuck off
>they killed the fat norge walrus
>>293953 22st is dead?
(1.18 MB 1130x792 moka.png)

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>>293761 >With an attitude like that you'll find it hard to get a woman to like you. it isn't "attitude" that causes attraction from the opposite sex, it's physical appearance >>293762 cleaner, physical sunscreen, and retinoids are worth using. cleanser is just soap for your face, zinc sunscreen is necessary to reduce sun damage (the primary cause of premature skin aging), and reinoids are just synthetic vitamin A that tells your skin to churn out new cells much faster which makes your skin smooth and prevents acne and wrinkles >>293765 how else are you going to acquire a breeding sow? >>293773 nah he's a degenerate christoid wigger homo, and he's not even white >>293774 he does a show for 2000 gay zoomers (and Kiwifarms who laughs at him) and has a few cryptogarchs that send him boatloads of money in crypto, which I assume he donates some of to Andrew Anglin for favorable coverage on Daily Stormer because Anglin shills him for seemingly no reason >>293775 what, moka.png? I posted this image like 2-3 times tops, that's not avatarfagging. and it's a girl. my shitcord avatar is https://seikonnoqwaser.fandom.com/wiki/Ekaterina_Kraeva_(Kurae) who is also female. pic 2 and then 3-4 are cosplays >>293784 >One lad didn't keep up with moisturiser and his hands started bleeding so now he's on a repeat prescription of different steroid creams keeek he needs to watch out for 'topical steroid addiction', you can't use those things long-term or if you stop then your skin will burn like hell. I've heard of people having to basically spend months sitting in cold baths or sitting in front of a fan blasting cold air just to tolerate the burning pain as they recover from topical steroid addiction >>293788 and for each turbine they pour a giant slab of concrete into the ground that's practically impossible to remove... >>293846 smh the shitcord era is well and truly ogre. the site won't even load for me anymore, gets a white screen, they must have done something retarded to it that makes it impossible for Pale Moon to load >>293927 nini >>293931 imagine how uncomfortable it must feel to sit on such a bony ass. idk where these anorexics get the idea that men all want super skinny, when it's only strange perverts that are into severely underweight women. it's such a mental sickness, on myproana.com you have women that are skinny with big tits saying they hate their tits and they make them feel fat... what the fuck? why do they want to be so skinny, to the point where they want to get rid of something that makes them attractive? they should be forcefed
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>>293948 >>293949 smh >>293950 Thankee lad
>>293956 Good lad
>>293956 tbh what an absolutely shite post, took less than a single word to do so
>>293954 not yet sadly he has a few more years left https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62539485
>>293960 >killed just because zoggies felt like being evil and used nanny state procedure to excuse it on "protecting" retards who risked their property
gonna upload some incel rants in a bit
>>293962 very good lad are there any others that you can reupload to rumble also? still planning to start writing them down at some point
>>293960 >this only a couple of days after the Paris beluga died smh the world is cruel to mammalkind
>>293947 What a horrendous start to the week.
hmm so I ate breakfast, took my vitamins, made a post, uhh.... what to do now? I worked out yesterday, don't have anything to do really. might make some decaf coffee or maybe a cup of tea... hmmm......
>>293919 god I hate those low IQ retarded foid teachers like that fucking hell, failed lisas
Basking in the splendor of are America lads.
>>293963 always the planner, never the doer, I have all steiner related content archived since early 2019 anyway tbh why should you get the credit when I've done all the work, you aren't even here when he posts the rants most of the time, usually its smee and the other nightshift/graveyard shift lads.
>293968 filtered
He's filtered smee lads.
>>293972 why is this one so good quality?
>>293973 only insiders are allowed to use the latest versions of those image processing AI without the face limiters that curtail its public use for propaganda
>>293973 Must have paid for the full version
fresh behind the scenes of the last great western kino that will never be made again https://youtu.be/6RnajZ3ryII
>zogbox went off >wind starting to pick up >saw a big flash of lightening and can hear the thunder
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>>293981 apparently its easy to disable however its clear this is where the tech is going, all machines will be completely locked down shitboxes where all you can do is watch the latest shitflix nigger worship slop and play the latest fortshite
>>293979 watching these and the last one and thinking about how this is literally describing my life, my slowly building normalfag life was totally rekt by covid too, I just don't care anymore, cannot be bothered with the fake societe shite, its all a complete meme, normalfags make me want to blow my head off its literally like talking to an npc.
>>293981 reminds me that i have to somehow avoid my next windows 'update'
>>293982 >>293984 tbh whenever theres a new windows update my laptop will just start whirring up in the middle of the fucking night and wake itself up for no other reason than theres an update notification and the only way to stop it from continually doing it is to open it up and schedule the update for later, fucking evil they dont even let you cancel or stop it. they also pushed the 'free' windows 11 or 12 or whatever update really hard and its scary to think how many normies will just blindly accept it
sound the toil horn awaken the toilmen
smorb lads >>293982 tbh slowly inching towards the locked-down nightmare ziomatrix hellscape future >>293984 still on windows 7 me never update software unless it's broken and the update contains a fix for that specific problem tbh even then it's risky
shmorn >>293976 ta lad just what i needed with ma brekky
>>293988 morning lad
>tfw also got all the Steiner vids archived on my pc along with audio MP3 versions
>>293991 based
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8pVZ5hTGJQ Goodbye, stranger. It's been nice. Won't you find your paradise~!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59u5z0sm4hU https://twitter.com/TweetCop999/status/1558418022431432706 Smorbing lads. Coffee and seething at the heckin niggeroonis audacity for breakfast.
>>293993 luv supertramp tbh >>293994 smorb
proper good this alot better than predetor 2
>mum and dad leaves for a few days >suddenly everything in the house is really damp
>>293997 they're going to blame that on you when they get back
>>293998 but I did nothing different smh. Are they living sponges who absorb all the humidity or what
>>293999 crack open a few windows and see if that fixes it
>>293997 >>293999 lol. you're meant to turn on the air-oscillator, you mong.
could be a poltergeist tbh

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