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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3757: Atlantis Edition Anonymous 08/15/2022 (Mon) 08:00:26 Id: 6438d6 No. 294003
Underwater village hidden beneath a Welsh reservoir is revealed for the first time since the scorching summer of 1976 due to weeks of dry weather https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11110719/Underwater-village-hidden-beneath-Lake-Vyrnwy-Wales-revealed-weeks-dry-weather.html
guess wet farts don't really help with the humidity
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i have a date with gingerlass
>lad posts just as I am typing a "don't go silent on me now" woes joke smh >>294006 I'll believe it when I see it
>>294006 was she impressed by your prolific scrumping?
>>294006 congratulations, lad
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>>294006 based
I could not sleep, sore back. Plans ruined.
I fall to shit in the heat tbh, don't get how we managed to conquer all those hot countries when we're adapted for the North Atlantic environment
morning lads disappointed at madlad's seething last night it's not as if he's been transcribing anything or if the project isn't big enough for more than one person to work on it very uncivil smh
>>294013 I don't recognize madlad, which id was he in the last thread?
>stay at home mum sends kids to nursery school then sends snapchats of her cats all day
>>294014 probably about 80 different ones thanks to the most annoying VPN out of all the ones people use on this board
>thunderstorms and lightning today and tomorrow but the heat doesn't break
>>294012 tbh tbh >>294013 smorning
>>294017 should find a lone tree to give some shade, lad
>>294019 keek smh I'll wear my tinfoil hat with copper ribbing to stop the zog mind control waves too
>debate about le monkeypoz >dude how do you know you don't like anal if you don't try it >it should be called WHITE DISEASE because more white people have it(which isn't true per capita) >err if prolapse is bad you shouldn't have vaginal sex because if women give birth to a lot of babies they are at a bigger risk for vaginal prolapse
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>>294022 based keeeek
>>294021 not even worth responding to people like that tbh barely more than animals
>>294021 You have two doors. One leads to a pleasure chamber designed specifically to give you ecstasy. The other door leads to a sewer. One of these choices will indicate mental illness if chosen over the other tbh
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>lad pretending to be me again
sounds like he's living your life better than you are
fucking app got rejected for some dumb shit reason even tho it got accepted and wasnt a problem before makes zero fucking sense i will not give them the privilege of me working for them, fuck them. they call all fucking die
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>>294025 good analogy >>294029 no point in working for low pay lad
>>294030 >good analogy Thanks lad, I demolish all of my enemies with it when I make TV appearances on Question Time in my mind
>>294025 why did you phrase vagina in such a gay way, lad? Pleasure chamber? Ecstacy? I think I'm gay now
>>294030 its 25k a year
>294032 Faggot hands wrote this post
She put him in a self-defense situation
>>294035 tbh, she shouldn't have been spreading semen stealing pheromones about the set if she didn't want to have half her head blown off smh
Game of Thrones was always absolute shite. Couldn't make it past the first episode it was so cringe.
>>294037 I watched the first season over a friend's house and I had no idea what was going on, impossible to figure out the characters or whatever, and there was so much nudity, it was just gross. there was even a naked midget, it was so degenerate
>>294038 keeeeeek it's so fucking cringe, it's an american brainlet trying to mix LOTR and the Wars of the Roses with degeneracy
seriously where the fuck can a loser NEET like me emigrate to realistically
>>294041 Nowhere.
>>294040 >the American Tolkien
>>294041 unusually pessimistic post from are dorse...
>>294045 He saw how everyone would react if he pulled his finger out and asked Violet to be his love
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>>294047 She's waiting for you to make a move.
>in the 21st century more police have died at their desks than in the line of duty
>>294048 that hideous monster face. every time
>294050 She's gorgeous, fool!
also we can all see that po between her tits right. what the fuck was she thinking
>police fitness requirements are to run a 15 meter course and lift a lightweight bar 5 times out of 35 attempts keeeeek how
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no idea what i could even do as a job society rejects me for anything
>>294055 KEEEEEEK knew she reminded me of someone
>>294056 professional dole dosser
>>294049 bunch of lazy bastards wasting taxpayer money tbh the streets have only gotten more dangerous >>294056 society will always need trolley wallies tbh
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>>294059 couldnt even get a job at a supermarket
>>294056 think of how your wanking skills can translate into other disciplines, maybe you could get a job in a furniture factory polishing chair legs
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Lightning keeping me up through 4am
You go for an early night and God says no
>>294064 pure kino he wants you on the night shift
>>294065 keeeeeeeeeek
>>294063 kino tbh luv lightning
>>294065 Day shift Nightshift it's all a toilees blur
>>294063 >>294064 our sleep schedules are pretty much inverted, you go to bed shortly after I wake up and vice versa
>office slags stopped wearing sandals
nini >>294071 fukken hate when they wear closed toed shoes in the summer, how becky can you get ffs
sky's gone dark and thunder has started does anyone bother disconnecting their electronics during a storm any more or is that obsolete nowadays?
>new film out that people are recommending >only cam quality for piratechads
>>294072 ni la >>294073 never heard of anyone doing that tbh shouldn't be necessary since it's all grounded
>heavy rain turning the whole town into a swamp pure kino
>>294076 comfy
post jaks
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>>294080 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that's great love how it explains the titty poo
society has collapsed and the west has fallen.
>jobcentre wasted 20,000 bongo buckerinos on trying to get a woman a job driving a truck just because she's a woman She's been "sick" for a month now
>JFG made his own autism wiki https://arguably.io >>294082 do you have the graphs to prove this?
>>294083 sounds about right
>>294083 this says a lot about society
>>294088 >all those politicians condemning the attack as one on free speech when they've done nothing but imprison people for "Islamophobia"
>>294022 fuck osho wish that the oregon militiamen put a bullet in that shitskin conman
>>294089 Tbh classical liberalism is rubbish
>>294061 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>294091 Who is he? Some sort of brahmin conman
>>294095 look up rajneesh puram
>>294096 still can't believe that's a real person.
rajneesh movement was also crawling with jews
>>294097 wew I wish chuds could from something like that but I reckon they'd waco everyone instantly
>>294097 wew even back in the 80s foreigners could just show up in weimart and set up their own colony
>>294100 yeah or like in elohim city where the feds just completely infiltrate it and use it to train chuds
>>294093 wew keeeeek
upper ranks of rajneesh was taken over by mossad/kike sayanim gangsters just like what happened to the hare krishnas >Sheela and 15 to 20 other top officials abruptly left Rajneeshpuram.[14] The following week, Rajneesh convened press conferences and publicly accused Sheela and her team of having committed crimes within and outside the commune.[14][23] The subsequent criminal investigation, the largest in Oregon history, confirmed that a secretive group had, unbeknownst to both government officials and nearly all Rajneeshpuram residents, engaged in a variety of criminal activities, including the attempted murder of Rajneesh's physician, wiretapping and bugging within the commune and within Rajneesh's home, poisonings of two public officials, and arson. jews are filth
>great hu'whites supposed to have lived along side and competed with the memegaladon >cetaceans supposed to have entered the ocean around about the time of the meg's lineage Soyentists who love the meg don't appreciate how unbelievably chad today's ocean dwellers are to be here when it's not. Okay, thank you.
>>294086 I like this post
>>294109 keeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/3tNizajIpRk LABOUR PROMISE NOT TO PUT BILLS UP!!!!
>>294111 Well that's convinced me.
>>294113 >Daily Star using pronouns. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>294113 >they there's more than one of him?
>>294113 keeeeek little chink willies! (b-but le bbc is a meme :( )
i should become an international travel vlogger
was watching another one of those UK mummy milf cleaning videos and the tile job in her bathroom was spic tier
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>was watching another one of those UK mummy milf cleaning videos
I've got something she can polish. Waheyyyyyy
>>294120 Your micropenis?
>>294120 yeah? what is it?
>>294122 His micropenis, it gets quite dirty with the lint build up from his beer belly
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fuck off
>>294118 probably hired some drunk Romanians for the work.
>lad keeps talking about micropenis. Gay or projecting. Probably both.
>>294127 Keep believing that, micro penis haver.
>>294124 not attractive, just makes you aware of how it's just lifeless fat flopping about. same with twerking
>294124 >waited for the humorous ending where she falls over and grievously wounds herself or a wild animal of some sort chases her >nothing >it's just coombait disappointing tbh very poor post
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>>294130 tbh a bear should have come out of the woods and mauled her to death
>>294124 would be good if the video ended with some big chud in a mask with a gun to take her back to his hunting shack to put her in the training pit
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>>294130 wish i hadn't read that image tbh
>>294133 Don't let your dreams be dreams lad.
>>294133 The last shot is of his micro penis flopping about and retracting into his pot belly in the cold hahaha
>>294135 I'm just happy machine learning is still shit. We'll probably have to bomb most of googles server sites into a half mile deep crater but at least it'll set skynet back a few years.
Thinking about all those jars I've wasted now.
>>294140 inconsiderate bitch
How The Left Eats Itself and Still Wins https://youtu.be/cUAhZAIK-5c
>>294139 tbh once bots can fill out captchas it's over >>294140 she gave him the ultimatum of either her or the jar and he chose the jar truly based
>>294144 Who the fuck is that lad? FUck off. We want Sargon showing off his painted warhammer figures that are out of focus
>>294146 tbh, but we can't have the best of the best all the time sometimes you have to settle for less
Thinking about that time my penis doctor brought an intern in to look at my penis and they laughed
pao de queijo for smee >>294148 smh rude
>>294148 wtf seriously? you could sue for that
>>294150 it was like 12 years ago smh
>>294148 Thinking about the time the doctor and nurse both loudly exclaimed "my, they are huge!" when seeing my balls because I had orchitis and they were legit the size of coconuts.
>>294151 even more damaging when you're young tbh
>>294152 Thinking about that time when we will rise up and cleanse this foul earth
>>294152 >size of coconuts very worrying smh >>294153 tbh
>>294155 Was painful and I waddled like a penguin but a course of antibiotics I should've had months earlier did the trick.
Enjoy your sustainable cricket flour cheese puffs goyim
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Insects contain a poison called chitin that we can't digest
>>294158 More like Shitin. Let the self flagellating mongs eat it tbh.
>>294129 Fat is beautiful, lad
>>294158 Chitin is what makes up the shells, which could maybe be removed before crushing the 'flesh'? Wouldn't be surprised if they were found throughout the insect body and definitely wouldn't be surprised if companies didn't bother trying to get rid of it. Another thing, insects don't have haemoglobin. They haven't something else containing copper instead of iron. Don't know if it'd be significant but I imagine it could effect health in some way long term if you were exclusively eating insects? Instinctively I just don't want to eat the bugs tbh that's enough.
>>294144 Tbh the left eating itself is quality control. Left vs right makes everything about ideas and denies the importance of genetics too, both sides are gnostic. They are the left and right hand paths
Also, to play soy's advocate, not everything that can't be digested is dangerous. Fibre can't be digested but it aids in digestion and is part of a balanced diet.
Chitin is used in industry in many processes. Examples of the potential uses of chemically modified chitin in food processing include the formation of edible films and as an additive to thicken and stabilize foods and food emulsions.[23][24] Processes to size and strengthen paper employ chitin and chitosan.[25][26]
>>294163 Chitin invokes an adaptive immune response in mammals.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-62554210 >Scuffles, allegations of vote rigging and division among members of the electoral commission have thrown the much-awaited announcement of the results of Kenya's presidential election into doubt. Brandbongo is stealing another election
I thought these Marvel lads and lasses were saving the world in every film. Can't even handle a bit of criticism on t'internet in real life.
>>294167 social media is poison, still completely unsympathetic to celebs that complain about being given large amounts of attention.
>>294166 Immedietely thought of Tower Hamlets before I read Kenya.
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HRT-lad are you in here? Have you gotten more racist since being juiced?
>>294167 >26 Smh he's got the SA genes. Thought he was still 19 and a young looking 19.
>>294170 >Kenya It's called the Kingdom of Equatoria. I have decided it. It is under the British Crown. SImple
>>294171 dont old people lose their test over time tho? why are they so based in comparison?
>>294174 >Old people >Based They're the biggest nigger lovers on Earth
seems like there's a fuckton of foid cults popping up now. literally just some dumb bitch posting health advice on instagram can create a loyal army of foids and their bfs to pay piggy for them and build them a commune
>>294174 Yeah they do, but its also the case that T levels have dropped considerably over the last 50+ years https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/?sh=4042efdd8b7f
That ingrown hair was a real bastard. Fortunately now I can get some respite.
>>294174 They have more responsibilities and experience, though they are still not as good as they could be.
>>294167 You really shouldnt expect much from actors, tbh
HEY LIL CUC/K/Y How do you think things are going in Ukraine, make an effort post for us
I will move to Tanzania.
>>294184 u can't even move out of your mum's house
>>294184 theres a war going on there tho
>>294187 Then I will go over there and win it for whichever side is based >>294186 i moved up your ma
which african country has the sexist black women?
>>294167 Social media slowly cooks your brain, including imageboards. Literally no benefit of prolonged usage.
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https://youtu.be/GEBA8RJWxoQ god I wish I had some comfy slaggy mummy milf to clean up my room for me so I don't have to do it
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>>294189 Royal Ethiopia
racemixing with niggers eh? pathetic
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>>294191 She has very red hands.
>>294191 I hate her tbh she always hearts everyones comments but mine stupid cow
>>294037 >>294038 KEEEEEEEEEK retards, s1-4 is kino
>>294171 >136 sample size Meme study.
>>294197 wow i wonder why
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I miss him lads
>>294197 she has to have some intern like all the drooling lust comments by the endless hordes of shitskins using windows 98 bootlegs powered by their slaves on bicycles in streetshitter land
>>294196 She's Ulster-Scots
I love listening to someone hoovering
>>294196 and? I have a very red neck thanks to the sun. at least hers is because she is kino pale lass instead of a pseudo-swarthoid firbolg type
>>294199 It confirms what i had already believed to be true so it is in fact correct and not a meme
>>294189 nubian kwangs
reminder that the ancient doggerlanders travelled and settled widely in north america and mined copper in the great lakes region and they may have even made it as far as new zealand because of the fair haired maori peoples.
>>294208 thats bullshit but i believe it
>>294208 Maori have only been there about 500 years iirc.
>>294209 nope -moon eyed people -the stone tower in plymouth predates settlement by english -copper culture sailors on the great lakes had red beards -copper culture sailors deposited herbal plantlife on isle royal that originates in UK
>>294210 yeah the blond maori are remnant of atlanteans/doggerlanders and most likely anglo saxon "5 eyes" civilization is an atavistic recurrence of atlantis empire
>>294194 Smh they're not even on the /brit/ approved list of datable races.
>>294211 bollocks
>>294212 gobshite
>>294213 Need a qt Lemurian
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Eyebrows: Trimmed Left hand nails: Cut Right hand nails: Filed I need to shave my balls now!
>>294211 Algonquins who live around the area of the copper culture have early European haplogroup X. Based off the earliest Tarim Basin mummies, the earliest Native Americans were probably more Europoid in their first waves but more Siberian groups overcame them in the West of the continent.
>>294205 I think it might be the cleaning chemicals she uses.
https://youtu.be/ZJ1KQbi2sSI watching it again lads >>294219 wew so the book of mormon is actually correct? because they say that the first men living in the new world were pale and one of the lost tribes but then dark men came
>>294219 Bullshite
Stop chatting shit, incels. It's embarrassing. I want to talk about POo!
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The Beothuk of Newfoundland had high levels of X mtDNA also. The Beothuk maintained the tradition of covering their body in red ochre (why Indians are called "red indians") like the Algonquin, and the ancient Indo-Europeans. This probably originated with the ANE, which contributed to both Indo-Europeans and Siberians aswell as Paleo-Indians. Not saying they were white just that the divergence between Europeans ancestors and Paleo-Siberians is likely 30,000 years ago, from the ANE population group. The only distinctive features we share is long noses, Europeans and Natives both have the genes for huge noses, a rare trait in the world. With the early Tarim Basin mummies we have some idea of how a significantly ANE (infact the most in the world before their replacement, at 85% ANE) population developed on the other side of the Bering strait. See "the genomic origins of the Bronze Age Tarim Basin mummies" by Zhang and Ning 2021. These were a totally Europoid presenting population group with the genes for red and fair hair. The ANE were the origin of the KITLG allele 17,000 years ago in Eastern Siberia. Yet they were more genetically related to Native Americans than modern Europeans.
>>294225 Gobshite. Utter tosh!
>>294225 algonquins/anishnaabe chugs are my favorite they seemed the most kino
>>294227 >algonquins tbh
>>294228 algonquins that racemixed with anglos produces some weird phenotype like jack palance looking people with BIG JAW
>>294231 Wish they had an independent chug state where we could look at them doing things but in reality they'd just end up getting pissed smh
>>294232 that may happen in leafland
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manitoulin_Island this should be the algonquin/anishnaabe chug ethnostate IMO
>>294234 keeek the canuck boomer guy went there for a video with a native and the native was like 99% european
>>294234 Did you ever read "The Cross-Bearers of the Saguenay" by Harris William Richard. It's about catholic missionaries meeting the Algonquin.
>>294206 >136 sample size >4 different political categories (weak R, strong R, weak D, strong D) >2 different hormone categories (TRT and placebo) >12% change This study should have been called "a few people met Republicans at the gym during an election after starting TRT"
>>294237 Hi Aggnonce, thought you left tbh
>>294238 Not me. I'm the lad with the VPN.
>>294239 I know, we're the same person!
>>294240 Good lad. Based and VPNpilled.
>>294237 dysgenic and estrogenic take
https://www.macrotrends.net/2016/10-year-treasury-bond-rate-yield-chart Bond charts often only show since 1962, coincidence? I think I've found a Correlation Between James Bond Film Name Lengths and Bond Market Returns.jpg tbh
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>>294245 Goodlads.... we lost
>>294242 >>294238 Nice arguments lad.
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>>294247 Who said I need one of those?
>>294244 That's like finding a nugget of gold in your filter paper, then chucking it out cus it'd ruin your coffee. In other words, your loss!
>>294248 If you did you'd be in trouble.
>>294251 fucksake keeek I hate you lad
>>294252 I'm right a priori any argument is superfluous
>>294255 >starting soon >17 whole minutes >plus another 4 for your last minute wee >21 minutes >soon
>>294256 yes I did that just to annoy you lad
>out of nowhere, bins with a troonpost yeah lad, you're right, you are obsessed you faggot
>>294258 it's ironic humour
>>294254 You used "a priori" in your post so I guess you know what you're talking about.
>>294260 We should put you on some TRT.
>>294259 but you're not funny
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>>294262 s-sorry
>>294261 According to the study that only works if I'm a weakly affiliated Democrat. Otherwise no change.
>>294263 >sadbinstrans02.png
>>294264 As a completely unlicensed medical professional I know it'd cure your communist leanings and stop you being so passive aggressive.
Or maybe turn you into a troon
>>294266 Prescribe me TRT to stop my aggression doc.
>>294268 Passive aggression we want the superior kind of aggression know as violent aggression.
Proscribe this
>part 2 >haven't seen part 1
Give me TRT and the Gilling sword then drop me off at Westminster.
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>>294161 had a nightmare last night that I was in Somalia and there were niglets everywhere and they gave me a plate with 'local cuisine' and half of it was bugs, like fried cicadas or something. then they were helping a (literal) sow give birth to piglets (which doesn't make sense becuase they're moslem but whatever it's a a dream) and to stimulate the sow to get into labor they pop a balloon on its stomach and then this huge piglet wearing a space suit comes out and runs around a bit, then collapses >>294218 >trimming your eyebrows poof. unless you just mean plucking in between
>>294236 no I have not
>>294274 >had a nightmare last night that I was in Somalia You could have just stopped there. Horrifying.
>>294218 Good lad. Got to shave my armpits before my next laser appointment.
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Seasonally adjusted for Hitler's Birthday spike, it would appear that "raw beef" and "Adolf Hitler" PBUH are on a collision course on google trends. My second chart shows the trendline for "raw beef" approaching the Hitler Resistance zone. The Jews are likely aware of the Vril cataclysm that would occur upon this intersection, and are making preparations to diminish any racism cascade. Hard coded into the Jewish diet is a lack of animal blood, this is to make room for human blood, so in a very real sense, eating raw animal meat undermines the grasp of the Jew over common culture. This applied to the Jewish internet (metaverse) realm translates to the finds in pics related, evidently they are able to suppress Hitler, but the raw Vril has been growing for decades and there is nothing they can do about it. Brother out HH
>>294279 the national trust? yes. they actively mutilated historical sites during the 2020 shit.
d day occured on the 6th month on the 6th day of that month, with the main landings commiting themselves at 6 am. seems like masonics were doing some loosh harvesting
>>294281 I'm guessing she was a jew?
One fully stocked freezer full of milk will be enough to buy a chateau in 5 years.
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>>294279 >The book proposes nine steps for discussing racism, with the ultimate goal of teaching children to be antiracist. Wew
>>294285 yeah probably some weird seething swarthoid with dyed blonde hair seething every second of the day about how ugly and pointless her life is
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They are going to release "mega TB" and kill all dairy cows, resulting in real milk being a delicacy of the mega-rich able to own illicit milking cows. Booby milk will be cheap and plentiful, but most will subsist on oat milk and forget about real cows milk. Human bone density will diminish to such an extent that men WILL NOT be able to get boners anymore - this is how true global depopulation occurs. This is how the globalists win.
>>294236 >catholic missionaries Did they fight back?
>>294290 They succeeded at converting a number of groups without being violent. But the Algonquin were some nasty cunts to other Indians, there's a few parts on their various torture methods. One included scalping a man and putting hot coals onto his bare skull until he died.
>>294288 All that bloodshed for the devil.
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Toil comes early
nazbol bros.... I cant go on
>>294298 What would Lenin have achieved in dissolving the Russian empire anyway?
>>294298 lenin was a tatar kike who was seething that slavic gestalt of russian civilization didn't want to live in the gay kumbaya talmudic kike slave state so he had to put them all in camps
>>294299 he was a seething mutt
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>Nigel Farage: 'I could never have turned UKIP into a major political party' without social media <Nigel Farage says Stand Up To Racism 'have lost their minds' for protesting Immigration Enforcement
"social media" means sargon btw
>>294306 * PART II
>>294305 King Sargon of Akkad
>two managers get redcarded for arguing on the sideline >one player gets a redcard for a "headbutt" which wasn't even a headbutt Fucking fannies the lot of them. https://youtu.be/wQlbWY7u8QA https://youtu.be/m6E4T6wfl68
>>294309 Luv the passion for the byootiful game, would've smashed contes little yid face in I would've
>>294311 tbh, unironically fuming at the soyim condemning them
>>294313 So no mention of the mass looting then?
>>294313 keeeeek at those people wearing masks the ultra masks make people look like ducks it makes me keek
I hope America ping-pongs between electing Trump and Biden until one of them dies of dementia
I wish the big show was president
>>294317 >stabbing between two staff members in a restaurant >media panicking for no reason Oh I guess that's ok then. Just a stabbing nothing to get worked up about.
>>294318 Burger presidents get a max of two terms though
>tfw foids
sneedless today & sneedless tomorrow
>>294327 Dark Maga,Dark Brandon, now Dark Frasier?
>>294322 do we know that footage is of Anne Heche? The commentator says it's "he", not "she"
>>294322 Wew we really are living in the belly of the beast.
She got first hand experience of the culture.
>>294322 plot twist - they harvested her organs to make sure she is dead
that's just air escaping from the body sometimes it looks like people have come back to life and are trying to run away
>>294324 hate these gay movies where manlet dago kikes act like they are baddasses when their entire operation was run in the shadows of anglo america and when john gotti went to prison he had to polish ABs shoes
>>294334 >on drugs >suffered a sever chest injury >organs are good to go
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>she is cleaning inside the house while wearing doc martens my ancestor
>>294328 >After being gang raped she deleted her TikTok and stopped being an influencer Based.
I want to rape some squaws
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>>294342 I kind of just want her to win again so that the boomers don't go back to sleep because we elected some do nothing conservitard zombie bimbo slag. gretchen whitmer is an acceleration mummy
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>>294331 is that her? jesus christ what an idio
finlands pm on the left, she is honestly the ultimate lisa
>>294345 the crazy part is that 20 plus years ago the real power players were doing shite like giving their little fuck toy secretaries too much power, now they have gone on and the fuck toy secretaries are in charge. really seems like western elites are a load of retards.
>>294313 I didn't even hear about this until now so there have been flash looting in Londonistan, and some nog got stabbed by another nog
>>294338 >after sharing their bed yeah, that explains the "anal lesions"
>>294348 New symptoms of monkeypox found in the greyhound include anal lesions and cum soaked fur.
>>294348 huh. you don't think they were anally penetrating the animal with their penises right?
>>294348 yeah, it was reported in local news, but not national, that the dog had been anally raped
State of this fucking country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKKzq648cSg
>>294352 wew is that some romanian subhuman or something? hope you lads get some comfy version of chud culture. because over here the wogs are even starting to dress up as chud rednecks wearing hunting camo, baseball cap and 5.11 mall cop shite like generic midwestoid rednecks. its that gay nu-country shite. smh will never complain about nu-country again because that video is just like pure distilled shitskin subhuman
>>294353 its albanian, looks like it was filmed in tirana tbh, they run the drugs stuff over here though, subhuman scum should all be liquidated.
>>294345 Lisa = woman smarter than an incel
>>294353 It's Albanian scum. >>294354 Most of it is filmed in Barking. They run cocaine over here.
>>294357 all the drone shots are clearly not uk
>>294354 smh instead of being pure illyrian aryan hoplites fighting for evropa looks like they identify with shitskin genetics
>>294358 The first drone shot is Gascoigne estate in Barking.
>>294359 the spics of europe tbh
wew. death to the queen lads
really praying for the death of the entire royal family, hopefully at the hands of a minority. that would be justice.
>>294362 how come he doesn't get a sainthood like ar' ste'lawrence smh, also queen has fuck all to do with that shite tbh
steiney didn't repost his incel rants from last night so the dayfags missed them tbh
>>294364 fuck her all she does is pat wogs in the head while english people are genocided. her authority is just used to hurt us, she should die. preferably by being raped to death, preferably by minorities.
>294367 na tier mongery tbh
>>294368 Okay, William.
*a pack of minorities rapes 439a6e to death tomorrow*
>>294353 >because over here the wogs are even starting to dress up as chud rednecks wearing hunting camo, baseball cap and 5.11 mall cop shite like generic midwestoid rednecks smh I saw a yidtube video a year or two ago of some chinkoid larping as a cowboy >>294371 keeeeek
>>294352 I just saw a vice documentary on albo gangs and this was in it. wtf, get out of my walls lad.
don't even want to think about the existence of albanians
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I am forgotten
>>294376 I hate them so much. why did they do it? why did they have to ruin everything?
>>294377 >I hate them so much. why did they do it? why did they have to ruin everything? bit antisemitic lad smh
>>294378 I don't mean the jews, blaming a jew for jewing is like blaming a dog for barking. I blame those fuckers that fought for the allied cause in wwii instead of sabotaging the war effort
we need to buy this in bulk and put it in the water supply
>>294054 >lift a lightweight bar 5 times out of 35 attempts got to get those 5ft nothing women out on the streets to protect are nation against evil racist white incel virgin misogynist gamer hate speech 13chag terrorists
>>294289 source?
>>294381 yeah but it makes you patriotic for the USA lad so it wouldnt really work here
>>294385 it doesn't say that that'd be false advertising
morning lads
>just consume vaccine then get excited for next vaccine
>>294388 mornsneedfeed chuck >>294322 wew, it's real >>294330 there is other footage, it seems they didn't know it was her. wtf is with american news just filming this sort of thing with helicopters and shit
Last full day in Tirana
>>294391 wahey haha have it lad
>>294392 Don't worry lad, been returning the intense staring some Albanian men do
>>294387 Keeek. >>294362 Tbh.
https://youtu.be/3-dDjTralx0 Fresh le BASED youtuber
I'm a yank lads.
What is this? I was told to post anything here with "Yank" selected in the drop down menu.
>>294362 >Victim was white Let me guess. The police found no evidence of a racial motive
>>294398 Seems the judge to his credit found it a racially motivated attack and that any other white boy could've been killed. Not like it could've been denied in court given they chased and tried to stab other random white kids before killing him. Reading the wiki page, it seems as London Mayor Boris Johnson denied the racial motive, and the justice was not fully done (one got three years, another was released in 2008, many were never charged and fled to Bangladesh, including possibly the knifeman). The Labour MP for the area Frank Dobson also lied about there being no racial motive and no reason for further police investigation, and remained an MP until 2015. Seethe on so many levels.
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>294379 because the west at the time was still largely racist and places like the UK had fuck all immigration, society was still largely pro-white still took USA 3 decades to stop segregation with huge opposition hate you fucking mongs that think allied soldiers in ww2 were deliberately destroying their own countries while the axis would have probably imported non-whites after the war too considering how much they used them in the war just fuck off you retarded jerrycuck retard
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not only that but after the war plenty of krauts and even members of the SS went on to join political parties that imported turks and wogs
>>294400 the current UK and US governments are a direct continuation of the UK and US governments of then. the current German government was installed by the UK and US governments; the German government that was installed by the Germans themselves was dismantled in war. that government was run by racial idealists and their successors would not tolerate immigration anymore than the the UK and US governments would tolerate antisemitism WWII was an opportunity to install nationalist governments throughout all of Europe. if it had succeeded then Europe would be pure white today, with the only possible exception being the UK, although even that is unlikely because why would they tolerate bringing in all these pakis and everything when continental Europe is run by racial idealists? that would be the political norm so even the UK would probably be fine even with continuity of the WWII-era government does the concept 'power struggle' register in your brain? you just spit out this "nah everyone would be gay and retarded anyway" nonsense as a coping mechanism. Britain is guilty, accept it
>Britain is guilty fuck off spic, you deranged delusional nigger. the fucking never to come here and tell us we are guilty kill yourself
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UPDATE: Crimea blast was an act of sabotage – Defence Ministry There has been a second explosion in Crimea, and it's deliberate.
>>294403 it's the true fact, British men burned millions of blonde babies to ensure Jewish domination of Europe. America is guilty too- as are Russia, Poland, and Serbia. I wouldn't blame Greece though tbh and I'm not saying you as an individual are guilty of anything. we were born decades after all of this happened, it was never in our control as individuals. but it's likely that some of your recent ancestors are guilty, and you should disavow those individuals and spit on their graves
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>British men burned millions of blonde babies
should actually permaban him for telling us to spit on our ancestors graves unironically, i'm dead serious
>>294408 if they fought on the allied side of WWII, then yes, it is their fault that your homeland is crawing with stinky brown people. whether or not that was their intention does not excuse the fact that it is the direct result of their actions. personally, I don't even want to know, I don't prod into my family history, I know at least one fought the Japs and that's bad enough. I would be deeply ashamed to be the progeny of a man that waged war against Europe on behalf of Jewry. I guarantee you that his ancestors are deeply ashamed of him being their progeny as well- that man is wicked, cursed
Ukraine failed to mount counteroffensive – ex-Pentagon adviser Colonel Douglas Macgregor thinks that Russian forces could soon go on to seize the port city of Odessa in Southern Ukraine >The Ukrainian military has not been able to pull off its promised counteroffensive, and Russian forces are now likely to take over the whole of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, a former adviser to the secretary of defense in the Trump administration, has said. >Appearing on a livestream hosted by former US judge and columnist Andrew Napolitano last Tuesday, Macgregor dismissed as “utterly nonsensical” reports in some US media outlets that the Russian military has lost some 80,000 personnel in Ukraine so far. According to the decorated Gulf War veteran, “more accurate numbers are probably thirteen to fifteen thousand dead on the Russian side,” with Ukrainian forces having lost “sixty to eighty thousand.” >When asked to comment on the current state of affairs on the frontline, the former Pentagon official said that the majority of Russian personnel had been given rest, “refitted, reorganized,” to renew the offensive in August. Macgregor claimed that the first signs of that happening were already evident, “particularly down in the south.” He went on to predict that the Russian military would seize the key port city of Odessa, making Ukraine a “landlocked country.” >He concluded that “first comes the operation in the south and then subsequently up in Kharkov,” pointing out once more that the Ukrainian army does not appear to be able to stop either one. >Macgregor added that he expected these offensives to be over by the “end of August-beginning of September.” https://www.rt.com/russia/560893-former-pentagon-adviser-russian-offensive/
I see spic is giving it the works today. I think spic is more guilty than our ancestors however for being the pollutant that the kikes let in.
>>294376 homos really need to be purged
wasted the whole day doing chocobo husbandry smh got the gold chocobo at least >>294411 wonder why he even comes here tbh
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>5-6 K:D wew >>294411 just trying to make dorset take a redpill that he doesn't want to swallow. might need to sneak it into his food >>294413 >wonder why he even comes here tbh pffft. I have stuff saved from over 4 years ago
>>294414 Here lad let me tell you about your wetback ancestors in Mehico and why they deserved genocide but the Spanish were simply too horny to be rational.
>>294413 I have never played a Final Fantasy game.
>>294415 I don't have any injun ancestors, or spaniard for that matter. I'm Anglo-Lusitanian ubermensch, like Sam Hyde
>>294417 That's exactly what someone with brown nipples would say.
>>294416 never really gotten into the series much myself tbh but 7 is a classic
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>>294418 they're salmon-colored
>>294409 You’re not British or even Western European so fuck off you 80IQ nigger monkey baboon.
>>294420 maybe burnt salmon.
>>294421 I'm 43.75% British and fully western European
sam hyde is IRISH you mong
>>294424 proofs? Hyde is an English surname. his father is some rich yankee that sent him to art school
>>294425 How can you not see his big pink taigish lips
>>294425 surnames aren't a substitute for genealogy tbh i have a jock surname despite being 100% english
I'm not even sure if Sam Hyde is his real name or just a stage name.
>>294428 Sam Whitcomb Hyde
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>>294427 What is it?
>>294430 not literally 100% lad but nobody on that side of the family has even so much as set foot in scotland in living memory no idea who originally moved souf but it would've been before my great-grandfather's time at the very least >>294431 you'll have to try harder than that lad
>>294432 Is your given name Shaun(a)?
imagine the fallout if norge police ever raid shartin's house and seize his computer because he chatted up the wrong groomee the dossiers he keeps on every lad would blow the britnat scene wide open smdh
What if take your meds meme really was a way to normalise swarthoids from the Mediterranean being brought into your home town?
>>294435 he has all sorts of fucked up shit saved on his computer
>>294410 >source: RT
>>294435 well I don't have your names or locations, and it is not like you have done anything incriminating
>>294439 Pick where you want your partisan info from.
>>294441 I'm just saying RT speculating high casualties for Ukraine and Russian victories isn't exactly a surprise.
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>le ack!
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smh just got up to speed on how the norge jannies killed that walrus
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Politics is generally the most fun a boomer will allow himself to have
>>294445 you're only allowed to have pride in your nation in the past smh
>>294445 Getting shaken up and calling the police to settle a scuffle is such a LibDem thing to do tbh.
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>>294400 good lad
>>294411 tbh spic wouldn't have been allowed to eat in restaurants in most of america during ww2 yet the krauts are based
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>>294452 smh "oh but it could hurt someone (even though it hasn't ever done that)"
>>294453 tbh its so funny how femoids act like they love the majesty of life but in general femoid society just exterminates anything that interfers with human comfy. in the past that beastie would probably have been seen as some kind of good omen or like a silke or something smh. its like the people shooting the white stag in UK. or like the video of the shart cop shooting the ground hog
>>294454 >its like the people shooting the white stag in UK smh forgot about that one tbh an animal with incredibly potent symbolism and they shoot it because it wandered too close to some people's houses used as a metaphor for many things including a direct representation of christ and agreed upon throughout the world in every culture that killing one is incredibly bad luck and then as soon as one turns up too close to modern society they deem it unmechanical and kill it on sight
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>The white stag often appeared when something sacred, or a law or code, was being broken.
>>294455 deeming something unmechanical is that a machine stops reference?
>>294456 yep just like george flyods mural getting zapped by thunder
https://www.lancs.live/whats-on/whats-on-news/blackpool-central-library-locked-down-24771477 Blackpool Central Library locked down after protestors oppose drag queen show >Aida H Dee was heckled by people who opposed the performance >By 1.45pm, more than a dozen protestors had gathered outside the library in opposition to the drag act. The opposition saw the front doors locked, with private security on hand as well as around four police officers. >LancsLive was inside the library as the event was taking place and was locked inside along with those watching the performance. The rest of the library had also been closed for the show due to the threat over protests. >Sebastian Samuel, the man behind Aida, said the performance is meant to be a positive LGBTQ role model for kids. He told the BBC: "So many children out there don't get an LGBTQ+ role model because it's taboo. I was never told Alan Turing was a gay man, even though he was one of our greatest mathematicians."
>>294457 tbh >>294458 had a hearty keek when that happened >>294459 based these freaks need to be prevented from ever interacting with children
>>294459 this one normalfag guy I knew from uni was talking to me at a wedding I went to how this was a psyops by the elite to ultimately defund public libraries and clear up real estate, etc. because in shitagain this arguement was used to defund and entire counties library system.
>>294461 I hate iranians, so many of those fuckers in canada now they are all self obsessed this one iranian faggot was kind of aware of wignatism and he would tell me that sarmatians were in england at the end of the roman empire and that king arthur was iranian and therefore etc etc. fucking hate those weird swarthy fucks
>>294461 not going to judge until i know what year this was made in tbh medieval art was also kind of shite took a very long time for people to learn how to draw a person tbh doesn't happen overnight
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>>294464 >king arthur was iranian
>>294462 Cunts, I'd battle that shite all the way tbh Good to get involved with issues like that to build a portfolio of based deeds that the Fascist Party secret militia can use to verify that you're based and not cringe
>>294465 It's Safavid so 16th-18th century.
>>294468 bit embarrassing smh they should have advanced past that centuries ago
>>294470 wew smh
mudshits are the biggest copers they were the original globohomo degenerates and they spent 400 years kidnapping northern europeans to be their sex pets.
browncels people just seem to be deathly horny 24/7
Don't even try to bull shit us brother HH
>>294472 yeah they just conveniently forget about all the white slavery they did >>294473 tbh especially indians but really they all are >>294474 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>294475 Given that I almost wanked my entire willy off in the heat I can't blame hot country people for being horndawgs. Alas, darkies are willy wank addicts even in the GLORIVS NORTH
>>294476 tbh they've got no excuse
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>>294025 >pleasure chamber designed specifically to give you ecstasy. can't get over how this lad described a vagina
>>294478 Because you're a faggot frightened of vaginas, 22st.
>>294479 can't breed without one
Also, that's an accurate description. I would add "self-lubricating" too tbh >>294480 breed and sneed the willies shall feed
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can't breed with 'em can't breed without 'em am i right or am i right
it's so gay though. We don't value LE ECSTASY or le pleasure lad
>>294482 true smh. reminds me of my brother's sow which has put a hook in her cunt so she can't be bred more
>>294484 hope he got at least three sons out of her before she did that smh
>>294483 We do.
>>294485 got one >>294486 animal. monster
>>294487 You're unironically a fool tbh, it's pleasurable for a reason.
>>294487 Yeah, to get retards like you who live by instinct to breed
I guess urge to breed is also instinct. Anyway, as an extra carrot for creatures like you who wouldn't otherwise do it. smh LE BONOBO lad
>>294487 close enough tbh >>294488 even without making children doing the deed helps to bond a man and his wife even the puritans understood that and they were literal puritans
>>294491 >even without making children doing the deed helps to bond a man and his wife tbh, nothing wrong at all with sexual pleasure in the bond of marriage. >>294490 You're offering women a dour slavery to a fat man who hates pleasure and is suffering a constant masculinity crisis. Get it together lad.
>>294492 > > constant masculinity crisis. what
yeah maybe we should focus a bit less on what we should be offering women and more on what they should be offering us smh. Imagine having to lick a cunnyrino or else she divorces you and takes the childhogs
get some fucking help martin ffs so sick of hearing about your cock, been hearing about it for 5 plus fucking years
>>294495 nobody mentioned my cock lad
>>294461 Based off Chinese miniatures that were imported during the Timurid era
>>294497 >Chinese miniatures lad be more politically conscious smdh we call them "adults" now
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It's finally raining here, a proper heavy downpour, after what seemed like weeks of oppressiive dry heat
>>294499 kino thunder soon lad
fuck malta and FUCK the maltese
>>294499 Going to thunder here tonight
>RAF 'pauses job offers for white men' to meet 'impossible' diversity targets https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1559525478532259841
https://youtu.be/6gRRqhTn80c Him being able to speark so clearly with a pacifier in his mouth broke my immersion
>>294504 >Tour of my nursery and diaper review be warned this is adult baby fur content and should be expecting to see diapers and related stuff this is not sexual this is my lifestyle Who do they think they're kidding when they say shit like this?
>>294501 wrong wrong wrong malta is kino and the maltese are very nice people and also they have the playmobil factory which i had the pleasure of going to back when they still did factory tours >>294503 get it through your head lad we aren't wanted in their world
>>294504 >the heavy breathing where do these people even come from
>>294506 > the playmobil factory I didn't know that. perhaps hate has blinded me for too long.
also went to popeye village which was extremely kino as well >>294508 yes lad the maltese have always been are firm friends
>>294510 typical trajectory of the dog owner, they pick up dogshite all their lives and talk like little kids to their dog and then they want to be treated like the dog so they do this shite.
smh the dog owner puppy play pipe line
gay people be eating poo and raping dogs
hi hickok45 here were gonna see what this smith and wesson 500 does to a furrys face
>>294512 don't like this anti-dog angle you've been on lately tbh soy golems buying dogs as replacement children are the problem tbh dogs are just a symptom >>294515 keeeeeeek
>>294494 >Why yes, my dear! I expect you to do all the housework and have no joy or even love in our marriage! What . . . why are you reporting me you ungrateful swine!?
You offer nothing you will receive nothing. A marriage is give and take. A woman must be your wife, not your slave.
>>294517 >Why yes, my dear! I expect you to do all the housework and have no joy or even love in our marriage!
just finished a wooden 3d puzzle very enjoyable way to spend four hours tbh it was a fokker dr. I
>>294520 Hate those
>>294522 ifunny tier
>>294523 yeah, except that loads of people are dying lol so it's kind of dark
dude these are some dope memes are you a meme magician?
>>294524 uhm that's weird cuz me and all my friends from Uni are fine but all the chuds i know are dying from alcoholism and drug overdoses??
>>294520 based and wood pilled
>>294526 don't you know anyone that's had heart problems from the vaccines? all the right wing types I know didn't get vaxxed
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>>294526 > all my friends from Uni did you study humanities lad?
>>294528 nope. >>294529 philosophy
>>294528 I know nobody who's had any complications at all among the vaxxed. He's right, get off the fucking internet.
>>294530 >philosophy wow you must be really stupid and useless
>>294532 actually im really smart
>>294532 >(42)
>>294533 >actually im really smart so why did you study philosophy?
Incels need slapping down. Bitter little faggots who live on the internet. I'm glad Wessex and Dorset died in the floods tbh
>>294535 Why shouldn't he have done?
>>294531 >I know nobody who's had any complications I know one person that died and another that now has heart porblems they didn't have before there have been huge numbers of vaccine injruies, and the MSM is ignoring it https://youtu.be/h-2WwO324F8
>>294537 >Why shouldn't he have done? because it's a useless subject how much debt are you in?
wish i could have been a fighter ace during world war one and been there at the cutting edge right as a completely new form of warfare was being developed smh just imagine >>294528 my entire family got the jab except me but they're all doing fine still stand by my decision tbh
>>294540 >my entire family got the jab except me but they're all doing fine my whole family got the jab, and they all got covid I didn't get jabbed, and I'm the only one that didn't get it
>>294539 me? none. my parents paid for it all.
>>294542 >me? none. my parents paid for it all. ah so you're a useless williamoid
>>294541 tbh my dad got covid just a month or two ago smh caught it off him when i went to visit keek
>>294544 I went to visit my mum WHEN she had covid, after being double vaxxed, and I still didn't get it
>>294545 to be clear, my mum was double vaxxed when she got covid, I have never been jabbed
>the fear in people's eyes when you say you aren't vaxxed Kind of shocked at the high percentage of "anti-vaxxers" in my class. 5/15. Guess truckdriverinos are predisposed to being based
>these bongofags trying to subvert the thread again get fucked
>>294547 yeah, truck driverers are fierce independent breed, too sigma to be cowed, kings of the road
sneedfertnoon, trying and failing to fix my schleep schedule day 10
>>294543 sour grapes
>>294549 One just turned a female sloevian athlethe into a pancake in a tunnel in Norway
>>294528 One of my friends who's 26 recently had a full on heart attack
>>294546 lucky smh at least i have natural immunity now >>294547 tbh luv that look in people's eyes when i reveal my non-vaxoom status >>294550 sneed m'chuck tomorrow's the day
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>294548 >pro vax system pig trannies with mental health issues and humanitees degrees encouraging MSM narrative oh yeah it's bongofags that are subverting the thread
>>294551 >sour grapes so you ARE a useless williamoid? I knew it
>>294555 >>294556 why does protecting myself and others from a deadly disease make you so upset?
>294555 are you implying that I think its not the case, fucking bins mong cant even read
This prick is either agg, his marxist m8, or pugfag.
>>294553 >One of my friends who's 26 recently had a full on heart attack was he really fit? the mRNDA jabs seem to knock out fit people quickest the lad I know who now has heart problems was an athlete
>>294558 who do you think is subverting the thread with pro-vax talk?
bins is so braindead hes doing blue on blue in the thread, should be permabanned for having an IQ so low
>>294560 He was a strong slim athletic lad but also an alchie so it's a pic n' mix really. Everyone else is saying it's because of the drink that caused it but I think it was the drink that pushed his now-weakened heart over the edge. Annoyingly this lad was against the jab right off the bat but got two shots to go on holiday
>>294562 Hey leave him alone
>>294539 Philosophy is hardly a useless subject, how can your point be justified? Will you now say that you mean it's only useless in a university context?
>>294563 >against the jab right off the bat but got two shots to go on holiday smh hit normgroids where it hurts and they capitulate instantly
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>>294562 >blue on blue I'm all about the blue
>>294565 tell us some useful philosophy lad go on gizus a nugget of wisdom
>>294565 >Philosophy is hardly a useless subject, how can your point be justified? what career did it prepare you for?
>>294567 I'm blue da ba BEE da ba daa
>>294563 >this lad was against the jab right off the bat but got two shots to go on holiday sad
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>he guys, what do you think of my new brand new hifi?
>>294574 get him lad
>>294559 puglad is a vaxoomer?
>>294552 >One just turned a female sloevian athlethe into a pancake in a tunnel in Norway kind of proves my point
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>>294557 >why does protecting myself and others from a deadly disease make you so upset? 1) covid isn't deadly (except to those about to die anyway) 2) the vaccine doesn't protect you from covid 3) the vaccine has deadly side effects your philosophy degree is really showing lad
>>294569 Career takes second place to doing the right thing in the world, lad. One needs to know what is happening philosophically >>294568 Religious apologetics seems to be everywhere. I saw Biblical was trending on Twitter so then I saw people debating, then I saw a similar thing on 4chan and so I told myself that this sort of thing is the right thing to do at this time. The Catholics were answering me that I can't know the contents of the Bible because it was written in languages that I don't know. Then they were saying that if somebody reads the Bible there's no chance of really understanding it except for someone having formal training. I realised (last night) that this this obsession with language was part of a typical apologetics technique used by Romanists when I remembered back to what I had learned from a scholar earlier and that the correct and honest view of language is something called Universal Grammar. Having this knowledge allowed me to not be surprised by those arguments, to have more trust in what I'd been learning, and to stand my ground and make it through that encounter better.
>>294579 1. debunked 2. misinformation 3. conspiracy theory
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>>294580 >One needs to know what is happening philosophically what's happening philosopically then?
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>>294580 okay yeah that's a good use for philosophy
>>294581 1. bullshit 2. bullshit 3. bullshit
>>294583 tbh can't believe this fucking guy exists
>>294539 >usless subject Retard alert. It doesn't matter what subject you study at University unless you're trying to get into somewhere specific like the NHS. Fucking shut in incels haven't got a clue about >Women >Work >Healthcare You're a curse on our race. >>294540 >my entire family got the jab except me but they're all doing fine >still stand by my decision tbh tbh, it's a matter of autonomy >>294543 What did you study at university? What is your profession? Your post count is in the fucking sixties and you have the gall to call anyone else useless. >>294545 >>294546 Purpose of the vaxx isn't to stop you getting it. It never was. It was to lessen symptoms in people who did get it. If you were a retarded cripple with borrowed organs and shit, worth the risk. If you're literally anyone else it's a pointless exercise with a miniscule risk but the risk remains. >>294555 Ad hominem from a useless turd with the brain of a turnip. >>294563 >got two shots to go on holiday keeek deano related deaths on the rise smh
>a philosopher itt Tell us it's not proven that fucking kids and dogs and eating your own shit is wrong, lad.
The incel menace needs to be cut out. They're a dead weight at best, active poison in most cases.
>Purpose of the vaxx isn't to stop you getting it. It never was. You cheeky git.
>>294587 >Purpose of the vaxx isn't to stop you getting it. It never was that's a lie, they claimed at first it would prevent infection and transmission - both were incorrect the vaccines don't even work, AND they have deadly side effects, you'd be stupid to get them
the best part about going to uni is being well-socialised and having sex.
Even this guy who was initially pro-vax is turning against it https://twitter.com/ResistereNews/status/1559535698868420608
>>294592 tbh although honestly the smug self-satisfaction is better imo
>>294582 In addition to what I wrote in the post that you replied to, right? There is always a lot of political philosophy that's rather high profile. Economics, too. There's ethics. Philosophy of science is the formal process of determining the quality of information one is being presented.
>>294590 >>294591 They never made such a claim. You heard left wing retards and vaxmummies on twitter say it and though that was the official line. Your views are determined by your political opponents rather than any inherent observation. The vaxx and all other vaxxes lessen the symptoms although they can functionally stop you getting the disease by training your immune system to fuck its shit in at the point of entry. Like the flu and pneumonia vaccine. Only severely retarded people require it because their immune systems are weak. >>294594 His position hasn't changed, you're just a retard who can't think in any other terms than this or that.
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>>294587 >Purpose of the vaxx isn't to stop you getting it. It never was. This is the kind of bullshit vaxxoids tell themselves now to cope with the potential damage they have done to their health But we have a record of what was said at the start of the vaccination program, then what was said when it failed - watch vid releated from Australia's health chief for example
>294597 Filtered. Tedious mong.
Incels are as degenerate as coomers. They're a symptom of the same mental disease. Death alone should await them. >>294598 That's what vaccines are you fucking retard. That's what they have always been. Your head canon isn't reality. Get off the internet and fucking go outside. >>294599 Filtered right back. You have fuck all to say. Grotty little incel cunt. Live in the cave detested and despised by all. Believe that its because you have some deeper insight than everyone when you haven't lived a day of your fucking life. Cringey fucking faggot.
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>>294597 >You heard left wing retards and vaxmummies on twitter say it and though that was the official line. and the official authorities knew this was happening and deliberately stayed silent at a time when clarity and accuracy of information were paramount almost like they wanted people to believe a specific thing without having to be the ones to say it themselves
>>294600 >That's what vaccines are you fucking retard. That's what they have always been. Your head canon isn't reality. Get off the internet and fucking go outside. watch the video you dishonest prick, the health chief literally says the vax will stop you getting infected, in april 2022, then has to walk that back in august
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I know who 2bcdf4 is
just stop responding to the fed
>>294604 who is it lad? lew? anprim? gin3r?
>>294606 most likely bbk, has his posting style
>>294607 I thought bbk just spammed nigger dick?
>>294603 He probably suffers from internet memory. Oxford English dictionary online and Myriam Webster w/e site he uses changed the definition of vaccine last year and so he's forgotten that a vaccine was (and still is really) by definition something that will stop you catching and spreading a disease (most with 95+% effectiveness at this, not zero). Or was the smallpox vaccine only meant to lessen the symptoms? Keek.
>>294606 >>294607 it's the fed that is bumming jocko we know you're watching us, eat shit gchq nigger cunt
bbk was probably told by his handlers to take the vax or else
>>294611 keek wouldnt be surprised if bbk actually looks like that and was some government blacksite lab experiment gone wrong
(4.69 MB 1280x720 bumbumboogeyman.mp4)

>>294611 Take your meds, dorshit.
>>294597 Nah most officials made claims that it prevented serious illness AND infection/transmission. Fauci + CDC made claims that it completely prevented transmission at the start, Fauci himself said "You will not catch Covid if you get the vaccine". Virtually every government made wild claims about it preventing or reducing infection/transmission, in the UK, USA, Australia, NZ, they all did made the same false claims. My local government claimed it reducing infection by ~67% and almost entirely eliminating transmission. Only at a later date did the claims shift to "high efficacy" focusing solely on preventing or reducing serious illness.
There's something karmic about bbk have the vaxx.
>>294613 Why does the other lad type so similarly to you, lass?
>>294616 I'm not him either. Keek.
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At this point you'd have to be contrarian to be pro caring about covid.
God fucking hell if Dyslexia is real I must have it, the utter state of the typing in that last post
>>294620 It was a good post, even with spellnig mistakes.
>>294614 This is true. Though one can probably lay the blame on government falsely advertising the vaccine on behalf of the level headed scientists.
>>294622 I'm pretty sure they were probably just parroting what the drug companies were telling them.
>>294609 >He probably suffers from internet memory. Oxford English dictionary online and Myriam Webster w/e site he uses changed the definition of vaccine last year and so he's forgotten that a vaccine was (and still is really) by definition something that will stop you catching and spreading a disease (most with 95+% effectiveness at this, not zero). Or was the smallpox vaccine only meant to lessen the symptoms? Keek. good job he has a philosophy degree so he can spot these tricks!
>>294610 >it's the fed that is bumming jocko ah of course, now it makes sense
>>294626 *getting bumbed by a fed just for clarity jocko takes fed cock in his arse
HEY STEINER someone told me you got fired over the vax, is that right?
>>294628 Looool
shnight lads
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>>294629 I doubt i would win a lawsuit against umich
>>294614 glad you posted that vid, I was looking for it
>>294631 night lad don't let the fed buys bite
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>get week long vacation >just good screen and do nothing productive
>>294631 take care lad
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*blee blo blee bla lba blee lbee lbaa laa la*
(1.30 KB 66x60 micro chadface.jpg)

*stuns the board into silence*
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>>294640 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>294626 Keep 'ACKing transteens
(27.37 KB 459x512 go getter.png)

>>294636 fuck yeah, we need more rave potatoes tbh
>>294640 keeeeeeek
Alessa Silverstein says it's white people's fault niggers are fat
>>294648 pushing 40 and still playing with toys
>>294649 t. staring at good screen right now
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im a culture warrior, the last stand of the white race. im like don quixote
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>>294649 >They are a family of white, round fairy tale characters with large snouts that make them resemble the hippopotamus. However, despite this resemblance, the Moomin family are trolls
>>294652 Whoops I was gonna reply with a witty comment equating lego's to minecraft or something.
time to change vpns lad you won't live that mistake down
https://youtu.be/_7qsxeQrKhg why do narcisistchads make empaths so salty? Endless amount of youtube channels trying to bring narcisisterinos down
love moomin me. Such lucky lads to grow up with such a beautiful series
>>294626 >fed Hate this Americanism. Though we do now have SOCA/NCA who aspire to be as fucked as the FBI, no doubt. What exactly does his bumbuddy do? Smdh.
>>294655 How many great inventions would there be without a sprinkling of narcissism in the white race?
>>294658 Are NCA the people making the cringe videos of over the shoulder cameras filming people doing bad things on the bad screen ?
Government propaganda is like something out of gears of war
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Maybe the BBC is a highly advanced algorithm which shows you exactly what you don't want to see. It's the opposite of the mirror from Harry Potter. This would explain reports of leftists saying it's a right wing news outlet, perhaps it is from their perspective.
>Birthrates are declining? Good we're too many people anyway must have heard this 100 times on dating apps now. Can't women just do the bare minimum to save the white race. Fucking hell
>>294663 Tell them you're ok with abortion if it's a girl
(1.51 MB 320x179 hah.gif)

>>294663 >Can't women just do the bare minimum to save the white race. Fucking hell
What's his porblem keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
there's a silent war being waged against narcisists smh
Why do narcissist have such low insight ?
>>294669 I don't know. we should watch that video
>>294655 Ed Dutton talks about narcissism quite a lot.
>>294671 Narcissistic mutantchads...
>>294668 That's an example of obscurantism
>>294672 Looked at the video. This guy is dumb. His first example is asking what their deepest hurts are, and if they don't answer they are a narcissist? As if it's a normal thing to ask someone that. As if people have to answer that and can't just be private.
>>294666 >rails against narcissism >has endless videos on the subject with his face on every thumbnail
minecraft isnt fun on singleplayer
>>294676 Wow you actually managed to get through the microsoft shit and login?
>>294677 yes can you?
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(468.01 KB 1249x854 bbkdragonscaled.png)

6 gorrillian hours in GIMP.
>>294678 Nah it took 3 separate email verifications and codes to migrate then turned up with "error something went wrong" so I've lost all interest
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>>294680 when you click on login, does it come up with error? you need to enable xbox stuff
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warzone servers are down lads
>>294658 We don't have an equivalent term so it works. I imagined calling them 'guvtypes' for a while or "jeeks" i.e. G-C HQ
>>294682 not relatable
>>294663 the media propaganda clearly worked perfectly, getting white women to think it's their fault for overpopulation was exactly the goal all along. and you can't expect women to be smart enough to avoid being manipulated, my mum literally said last night after I called her out for believing in unsaturated fats and 5 a day etc that she was proudly "unmanipulatable" even though she's peak guardian reader zogpuppet
Basking in the splendor of are America again lads.
>>294683 Nah its during the migration in browser, seems like thousands online are getting the same and microshart is telling them "Try again later, we're looking to fix it. In the meantime you can play the demo"
>>294688 Careful not to get shot, or worse, get picked up by an ambulance after.
>>294679 pretty impressive lad, you're good at painting. i'd suggest sticking to the linework a bit more strongly or using a different brush as the eyes look a bit soft around the edges
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>>294692 >tfw Albanians ask me if I have a wife. They just assume that a young man like me would be married. Smh Anglo Society is sick
>>294693 maybe they'll set you up, lass
>>294694 I hope so
(6.18 MB 2560x1377 tbh.png)

>>294692 Lad...
>>294696 lobely stone walls
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>>294696 smh back when everyone loved 22st(me)
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being jewish must be like having the death note but for money
microshit is fast becoming no1 on my list of evil companies tbh, truly demonic the things they are doing, and they have a total monopoly.
there's a free and open source minecraft clone called minetest you could play instead
(655.82 KB 1280x720 youre fucked up you.webm)

>>294705 keeeeeeeeeek as they say
>>294696 holy shit that's my castle ahhhhhh the memories
>>294697 thank you
we need to revive are minecraft server in real life in minecraft
Nothing will ever get through to these people
>>294711 >recovering 3 MONTHS from covid
(4.80 MB 640x640 Pilotredsun - Thanks.mp4)

Night lads >>294706 fyi lad its exactly 40 days since I said I wouldnt post the vore again for at least 40 days >>294707 Castle Comf
>>294712 yeah, weird use of English. I think she means she had covid 3 months ago but she will probably get it again now
(12.27 MB 640x360 letsfroove.webm)

watched like an hour of breadtubers because youtube keeps recommending me them. these niggas are dumb af.
>>294689 see this tbh >>294704 I've tried it before, it performs well but you'll want to install a shedload of mods on top of the base game, then just get someone with a good connection to run a server. Fuck MS and minekike.

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