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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3751: Nothingburger Edition Anonymous 08/02/2022 (Tue) 13:15:41 Id: 746ab9 No. 289534
China-Taiwan: Tensions spike ahead of Pelosi's expected visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-62386487 Channel Migrants: New daily high for 2022 set on Monday https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-62392898 Manchester Arena attack: Arrest warrant issued for bomber's brother https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-62391278
>>289534 first for WW3 confirmed
Happening-fags gonna fag
first for nothing happening
>>289544 good lad
>Nothing happening after Ukraine
pelosi will arrive in Taipei in about an hour, unforeseen circumstances notwithstanding
They are going to rush Taiwan from Xiamen.
Troonjak snitched on his boomerchud dad for going to jan 6 and got him 7.5 years in prison. Interviewed by CNN. https://twitter.com/NewDay/status/1554437668938911744
>ww3 Establishment shills can't decide whether nukes exist or not
if the happeningfags are right then we're going to be targeted by another bot translating all the chink telegram shite
>>289551 War spam guy will be back, as will gchq/77th to try and nudge our thinking.
>>289552 >there is no evidence of war in taiwan
The Chinese Foreign Ministry issues its final warning to the United States less than 20 minutes left before landing: >"Pelosi's visit to Taiwan will be a gross interference in China's internal affairs, and will lead to very serious events and dire consequences."
>>289553 it is a hypothetical
>>289552 >>289302 somebody has to pick up dorshit's slack we'll just end up with imperium spam instead of slutty redhead spam
>>289549 Yanks apparently take their pantomime elections so seriously that they are willing to go full 1776 mode and storm the capital building just so Drumpf can get a recount. Imagine dying or languishing in jail over a Republican candidate that wasn't even very good.
>>289557 imagine your libtard skull shattering into a thousand pieces 0.2 milliseconds after you see me entering your bedroom window with a harpoon gun.
>>289557 Did blumpf even spend any money on the defense of his warriors?
>>289559 yeah a few million i think
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>China closes Taiwan Strait to civilian aircraft
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>Global Times: China to speed up reunification process with comprehensive action as it ramps up military readiness against Pelosi’s Taiwan visit
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Pelosi has 8+ fighter escorts.
>>289565 source
>>289563 pagan troons I bet
sister and bf arrived and we had lunch and toured the churches and it was nice except she said that because of anti-rejection drugs she can't have children and neither will my other sister be able to zero chance of an inceloid like me breeding so I guess this family line is over
>>289566 How dare you ask for a source from a known pathological liar?
>>289568 >giving up
>PLA Su-35s "crossing the Taiwan Strait" reports China's Global Times
the site is bugged because of huge traffic but pelosi will arrive in about 15 minutes now
Bored of this bongo namefag spamming already. Get filtered, cuc/k/.
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>White House refuses to take responsibility for Pelosi's trip to Taiwan - CNBC
I hope war breaks out and Pelosi fucking dies.
Anyone reckon Pelosci is shitting herself yet?
>>289581 keeek she probably doesn't even understand whats happening
The US just broke the one china policy with the PRC, not looking good for Taiwan tbh.
The Biden administration changed their China policy shortly after Russia intervened in Ukraine. Now it's official.
>>289584 really hope this is some genuine stuff and not more big boy games smh
>>289584 Going to need a sauce other than Telegram on that.
>Cuc/k/ the mod <Annoying cunt >Cuc/k/ the poster <Ironically high quality Fair play to him, if he posts his genitals I might even unfilter him (I'm inconceivably homosexual).
>>289582 >Her advisers frantically trying to convince her that the PLA has modernised beyond millet plus rifles, and she just responds that someone has to stop the Soviet Union
>>289585 The invasion of Taiwan is unavoidable from now on.
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>Emperor Pu Yi was a polface keeeeeeeeeeeeeek based
>emperor pooey
>>289592 Far superior aesthetic to faggot PRC/Taiwan's knock off Soviet/Yank aesthetics
>>289594 love the contrast of all of the trad uniforms and trappings next to the BIG battleships tbh
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>>289597 IT'S HIM! KEEEEEK!
>>289597 where have you been lad?
>>289599 He's been wanking
>>289600 well yes, naturally, but that doesn't normally stop him from posting here
>>289601 He wanked so furiously he reached the speed of light, for him he has been gone for two minutes whereas for us it has been ten days or whatever
>>289604 makes sense
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>>289605 incredible
>>289604 >getting special relativity backwards I don't blame you for being too smoothbrained for kike nonsense
>>289608 nvm, read that as two months on the first go
>>289608 >kike nonsense tbh >hehe goy! if you run really fast you can go back in time! explains why niggers be in the stoneage
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special relativity? dorset works on sped wank activity
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have wanked an unknown amount of times since i got back though was doing relatively fine avoiding any triggers but on the last night i got woken up in the hotel by a couple shaggin and that done me it did
Seeing loads of pop science books come out with stuff about 'the multiverse' in the titles or descriptions. Obviously influenced by Marvel soy. Always thought it was so cringe when devout atheists resorted to there having to be other universes that had physics that 'evolved' to explain away physics in this universe being perfect for life. There's still absolutely zero evidence to infer it's real. It's a pseudo religious belief.
>>289613 Did you try to join them?
>>289616 Were they white or scum?
>>289609 >crusius, le ridiculous Two indulgences have been desposited into your heretic account
>>289616 When couples are really load in hotels it means they want you to join. Should've gone in with your trousers down and yelled "your room service, madam" and then fucked the wife in front of the husband while he fanned you both down with a feather fan. It's the done thing.
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>rotten little peepers wanking at the keyhole
>>289617 young and white >>289620 err i dont think so
>>289625 >young and white small and bright you look happy to greeeeet meee
poor lad was tired after a couple of minutes and had to stop
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I'm sorry, honey. You were right. That lad in the lobby who was shaking uncontrolably was too autistic to get our hints. Next time I'll slip a letter under his room door.
>tfw the neighbours thank you for taking care of their chickens by bringing you a massive bag of sweeties
>>289630 Based.
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>Dorset was that close to being backpack-cucked
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>nothing happened
>more backing up with the trailerino in truck school tomorrow hate it. Not like it's so hard, just that my retarded brain can't understand the joints of the trailer and what happens in mirrors smh
>>289635 smh, imagine its a penis and your backing your gay Norwegian arse onto it
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Dreamt I went back to school to do a shooting was wearing camo and the rest of it. Shot one round into the floor then put down the rifle walked a few more paces and then lay down face first with my hands at the back of my head and waited for the authorities. When I was arrested I was asked a lot of questions but kept saying "I want to talk to a lawyer". I kept thinking " how can I take seriously a society that doesn't take itself seriously ?". Can't remember any more except that I did not answer any questions but kept asking for a lawyer. Overall it was a good dream, but still mostly the usual dreamlike nonsense.
>>289636 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek based and bumbumkingian post >dreampost yeah nah
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>spic is a schoolshooter Don't lead them back to us
Its bad to take the unserious seriously, everyone knows it. >4Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. 5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Yeah, iberianigger doesn't know scripture, does it?
>>289637 i had one about britney spears dying in an accident aged 66 and i broke the news on here with a HEY STEINER post
The question becomes then what is the correct answer and yes I would myself be foolish were I not attempting progress on that very thing. No it doesn't involve firearms really, ideas are much more powerful than them indeed violence is the way certain institutional forces plan to cull a lot of their enemies. Its mostly about hard work and sacrifice, to build a competing philosophical school which will one day be dominant. >>289642 Oh can you travel to the future in your dreams? That's very mysterious.
>>289632 >backpack-cucked wtf does this mean? someone was going to fuck his backpack?
>>289645 No lad, getting cucked while youre on a backpack that the chum thats cucking you is carrying, how could you not know?
The individuals indeed the organisations ruling the world are of course fairly serious in their own way, but the average individual especially according to historical standards is unserious to a fault. Most are just sneaky entertainment addicts, smh.
>>289646 Its what happens to manlets when someone puts one on his back in the manner of wearing a backpack, as one would do to a little kid.
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>>289643 >Benefit Fraud detected xDDDD
>>289557 zumpf even mindlessly shilled for the RINO slag running for shitagain governor who is funded by nevertrumpers instead of shilling people from his literal base. trump is a fucking mong
>>289650 god I want to rape her so bad lads
so what happened with pelosi, if anything
>>289651 good lad that was one of the first big keekpieces on 8chan iirc
smh need to go vote lads
>>289657 are you able to voote for that one based candidate?
>>289657 >being a vooter
>>289658 yeah but I doubt he will win state primary elections are probably just totally fake and gay. trump already shilled the RINO over his own grassroots base
Spoiling the ballots lets them all know they're fuckups.
>>289657 good lad
fell asleep now have no idea what's happening
tasmanian tigers are mental
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>using humour to normalise cuckoldry
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keeeeeeeeeek nancy asserted dominance over chinkoids
>>289665 Smh I'll never get to Jannah at this rate.
David Davis asserted his dominance over the HoC with his resignation.
>>289670 If he were underweight he'd look a lot worse
https://youtu.be/0bTcz9Y3a5s >Curius le ridiculous ten indulgences deposited in Moams account
That one time in Texas
I want to kiss a woman
Some paki got charged with treason lads
>>289672 I need to replay that goom one day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PseDEMo8b18 >>289677 which one lad? link it
>>289678 https://youtu.be/mZFZAztMD-U One who broke into Windsor Castle
>>289678 Some games are best left as nostalgia. Max Payne isn't one of them.
It holds up
Barbeque pussy lips
https://youtu.be/Dn_40K0er0E Chinkoids strike again
>>289679 >only time it's used is when the head faggots might conceivably be in danger >it's not been used against anyone in parliament, government or law and law enforcement etc i hate them
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came up with an idea for unlimited energy
>>289679 >jaswant singh chail, from southampton Oh no, this one needs to go to rwanda
my stomach hurts from eating expired mustard, it was that strong mustard from Norfolk in the tiny jar, thanks ingerlund
>>289688 incel, treadmill, stick with crumb of pussy hanging in front of them
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>>289688 I'm out
https://youtu.be/tCFSeLAnHYs The fucking state of zoomer fashion
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been having intrusive thoughts about injecting myself with vimto
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>>289687 That clip is way too short, m'lad. I lost when she kept pointing her brapper at the camera, hilarious but it's a big enough target so the chances of a right angle are increased no?
going to start referring to britain as "the kingdom" from now on
>Does Pepeposting normalise furry "culture"?
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>>289693 These fucking sluts are diving me into temptation GAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
https://youtu.be/h4SMSCKOXO8 how come Woes and Joe doesn't have a citadel of nationalism compound or something? How do these noname gamerinos make enough money to support something like this, but Woes can't??
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>>289693 And there it is
>>289701 oh dearie me
>>289701 I want to fuck her and Ava Daniels with my big red cock gotta cut fast losing control reet reet
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>>289699 tbh, this is what we need, but people like woes are not entertaining to watch in the slightest
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walking the sneep snorp creature in order to cool off
shat liquid twice, think I feel better now watch out for expired mustard lads, the vinegar doesn't protect it
>>289710 lad sneep snorp creature will never be a thing
>>289707 she's looking pretty good for whatever her age is ngl, good jawline, clear skin, good teeth and no wrinkles
>>289701 why do they advertise going to Dubai though? is it so that Arabs can search "Dubai" and find all the sluts willing to go there? or do they think potential mates will interpret it as 'innocent travel', with 'travel' being some sort of bizarre mating dance that proves one's alleged reproductive fitness? the female obsessions with tattoos and "travel" really perplex me >women like men with tattoos because tattoos are edgy and antisocial so it is high-testosterone behavior to get them >women get tattoos because they think that will attract men with tattoos >women like men that 'travel' because... they have money or something? they are "adventurous"? >women 'travel' and take pictures of themselves 'travelling' thinking it will attract men that also 'travel'
have nonce hunter become a thing worldwide? I remember them being super rare in the US now they're everywhere. are there indian nonce hunters? chinese? japanese?
>>289714 Women travel so they can get mercilessly railed outside the scrutiny of their family/peers
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https://youtu.be/jVIVe8gtHng big bone growth inside hoof
>>289714 I've known people to go to gulf arab countries solely for travel. Like old ass women, I doubt they're going their to get railed.
>>289715 do you know what would be really subversive? noce hunter hunting
>tfw you call the cops on the nonce bashers because you know you've done nothing wrong and they are harassing you
>>289719 come on, I doubt any young, hot, fertile girl is really going to dubai just for 'travel' though, it's obviously different >>289722 based >>289715 yeah no, those countries still retain an element patriarchal enough to understand that men being attracted to teens is natural and normal though i guess you can still draw a line somewhere, only the west has enough of a virtue signalling culture
filtering a lot of posters here
>when libs try virtue signalling to me about the age of consent.
>>289715 Figured nonce hunting in the US would be a pain in the arse for them because they might have to drive for 12 hours for a sting, idk
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https://twitter.com/FatsPostingLs/status/1554362222645846016?t=gxc3BNOx7i6mmb2Ee7fXpQ&s=19 >when your toxin absorption buff is too powerful to let you enter a toilet
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>envelope pushing
>>289730 >either of those >women
>>289724 Anyone who's been to Dubai I view with deep suspicion. But I've heard it's pretty relaxed so far as arab countries go and young people can work there a few months and hardly get taxed and then return home with more money, and that's why some do it.
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yeah it's proper lush they've got a 200 foot waterfall inside a shopping centre
>>289728 >walking skeleton cope
>>289736 nobody told me what happened to pelosi, is this what happened to pelosi?
>>289737 yes lad they used a mini-nuke on her she's dead
*nothing happens*
>>289741 you are now about to witness the power of cupcakery when something happens on britpol nothing happens it's just another boring day straight outta norway, crazy motherhumper called twenty-two from the gang called Nonces with Attitude when he's called off, he's got a toil job squeezed by leatherman and wages are cut off you too lad if you post with him the mods are gonna hafta come and ban him off the board, that's how he's going out for the shit posting posters thats hangin out got bored of reading nigger hoot song tbh
chinese are burning 5 million taiwanese a week
>>289744 in this economy you can't afford not to
Going to see if I can get filipina lass to go to a heritage steam railway with me.
Taiwan is well armed and protected by sea borders, an invasion would be a disaster for the mainland. It would either have to be done by stealth or by political agreement to be successful. Fat chance of the latter
>Nigel Farage GB News migrant crossings exclusive: 'How can human traffickers advertise on TikTok?' >oligarchical controls of media exposed
>>289748 Human trafficking is pretty much endorsed by the government and media anyway. It's only when trafficking results in deaths or indentured servitude that talking heads say they have a problem with it. Oh, the poor people are just desparate to have a better life, never mind that they paid to be trafficked, we must accept them all with open arms, oh, what a tragedy that they die getting here
>>289748 Of all the propaganda on Tiktok directly controlled by China, this is what he chose to complain about. Brainlet Nige with his Fox News style reporting.
OK shill
>>289751 >Migrant crossings shouldn't be allowed to advertise on my Chinese brainwashing app Sorry you don't have two braincells to rub together lad
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>b-b-but you must pay attention to my internationalist psychodrama! Filtered
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>>289712 Evidence of the existence of Sneepicus Snorpicampus species of legend found in amateur archeological dig outside Liverpool Harlow B&M's. His Majesty the King has expressed his joy at the finding, but critics suggest a hoax. The fossilised remains will be examined later this week by Britain's top paleontologists.
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>>289753 The problem with TikTok is clearly the trafficker advertiser that reached fucking no one rather than the 50 million users using a video platform that is state controlled in China. Mong.
we should become 'traffickers' and advertise everywhere then leave them stranded in the ocean
>>289754 don't believe in fossils tbh
>vpn lad Keeek You're embarrassing yourself
>>289755 Leaping libtards, now this is based!
>>289757 The politicians deciding for the dysfunctional status quo are worse than the refugees. What do you suggest for them?
>>289759 Oh no the libs have invaded a miniscule fraction of the Beijing propaganda network on everyone's phone.
>>289761 Unironically believe every PM since Blair should be tried for treason and then lawfully executed. Not that it will ever happen. But it is a sincerely held belief. Note that this is different from fedposting, as I suggest no illegal actions, let alone terrorism. Okay, thank you.
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>meanwhile on twitter >>289764 Hang them high
>>289765 oh what's that, open ethnic hatred against whites being allowed, encouraged and liked 950000 times? Yeah I guess that's fine
>>289765 TikTok would never allow this but after Nige's bombshell maybe they have bad intentions after all.
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>>289767 >TikTok would never allow this What gives you that idea?
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>>289766 She's a mess. Should be working on herself instead of tweeting tsundere racial hatred. Maybe twitter agrees she's a liability too?
>>289768 I'm just making fun of that lad who was acting like ByteDance Ltd. allowing content harmful to the west was breaking news.
>>289765 the swarthoids generally cope and call blond haired men "light brown" as part of their lust for the destruction of the anglo saxon race/nords
>>289769 she would go unconscious from one strike of my framing hammer and the last thing her worthless insect swarthoid brain would see before the infinite darkness of the NPC clthonic ahrimanic vibration level is my dirty blond hair
smh kind of want to buy an AR-10
Reading that again it makes me think it's more about how she doesn't get attention from blonde men she fancies
>>289774 yeah its always is what it is probably a beaner or beaner adjacent swarthoid in america they are obsessed with anglo/gringo blond hair genetics and pale skin
Having a good time calling Hispanics as "Aztecs" So the non white races, all of them, are: Asian African and Aztec Simple as
>>289754 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omeDomW0Oy8 This hoof kind of looks like the sneepsnorpbeast
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>when the comfy hoof gp lads starts using the tool that sounds like a dentist's drillerino
>>289779 never happened, also when I was in Budapest I literally met two UK blacks who told me they were drug dealers so blame them.
>>289782 >never happened But I want to believe it.
>>289781 What if the video was edited to make some extra-squishy sound effects when the pus starts squirting? Would you like that?
>>289784 No, I like what's real
going to have a poo now pretending my sphincter is a giant abcess that gets popped then have a shower tbh
>>289785 Yes the visuals themselves make enough of an impression on their own. I know what you mean.
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>>289779 niggers just make this shite up to get attention and simps
I want to fuck Taylor Hanson circa 1997
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fuck off gayfaggots
hey xi its time for your 3 am bollock destruction
>>289790 At least post her picture
>>289771 I think we used to just call that "sandy"
>>289793 >her pretty gay lad
>>289795 ? Post it now faggot
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steinhog on his way to vote
>>289798 good lad
https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/2022-michigan-primary-election-results REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
voting and elections are so fucking fake and gay
I want to gauge out the eyes of the boomers. If I hear one more Putin WW2 analogy I'm going to rip them in pieces.
>>289806 The soviet union did nothing wrong, not during WW2 anyhow.
https://youtu.be/tOUxDN8cvto No sleep, the toil of an archon is never finished.
>>289777 checked I might start doing that too >>289807 it is Germany that did nothing wrong. actually, I would say that the only thing they did wrong was not being nearly brutal enough
Happening cancelled by the way. Time for some GB News, let's keep it local
>>289810 which happening has been cancelled? The Russian one, the Serbian one, or the China one?
>>289811 China
Like the Goths overrunning ancient Mediterranean cities
smorning lads very disappointed that world war three didn't start while i was asleep smdh
The Chinese are safe for now, there is still more devilry to be worked in the homelands
>>289815 tbh, I woke up yesterday afternoon buzzing, hoping it was finally going to kick off
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>when she gives that playful and knowing smirk at 0:10, combined with the hip scoot Gays really make no sense at all
>>289818 * starts crying in incel*
>>289817 smh nothing ever happens
>>289714 Tfw in Albania, am I adventurous lads? Will I get deannete pussy?
>>289821 don't think travel thots go to albania tbh
>>289822 The young ladies here dress kinda raunchy
>3/3 women in the truck driver course have so far failed all 3 written texts and thus can't do a driver test. 5 months in and they're having a bit of a le panic Womenchads....
>>289825 keeeeeeeek
That's what they get for talking about having sex all the time tbh poljak.jpg
>No happening No lads I don't want to go back to seething over fake social media posts and party politics gossip.
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>>289828 Even happenings get boring. Who's that excited by what's going on in Ukraine, or Syria, or Libya for that matter. Happenings happen and then edgelords get bored. There will never be a total nuclear war, for God is not that merciful. Take a hammer to your happening blueballs. It's the only way.
Liz Truss smash or pass?
>>289830 tbh tbh you're right smh just don't want to accept It >>289831 wouldn't tbh she's almost fifty
>>289796 Tylor Hanson was a bloke who looked like a chick >>289807 They did, they fought against National Socialism. They cut a Germanic country in half. Fuck off with your contrarianism.
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>>289833 >fascist >faggot Adds up.
https://youtu.be/NHozn0YXAeE Song was shit >289834 We Fascists put faggots in concentration camps and have stuck to that policy. Communists on the other hand . . .
Anti-Fascists should unironically be banned
>not liking unironic mong german fascism larpers is the same as anti-fascism (which is always a code for anti-anything actually based)
>289835 >We Fascists ok grandpa
Nazism was based, just because you have PTSD from being bullied back hen we were on 8chan /pol/ it's not a basis for political ideology >289838 Go and wank some more you little cuckold, man literally wanked to a couple having sex
nazism lost now its just edgy homo retards like you on obscure imageboards
Who even is this cringe schizo homo?
You can kill the man but not the ideas
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I, the Bum Bum King, affirm the principles of Fascism.
whats that? noncery?
>>289842 >ideas have next to zero support even in Germany Mong. Fuck Stalin though. Also fuck Churchill. Splendid isolationism for the anglo race. >>289843 Moseley was very different to Hitler tbh.
>Mosely was very different to Hitler No, he wasn't. His 100 questions borrow heavily from both Italian and German Fascism with unique British characteristics. Moreover, who cares if the ideas have "next to zero support" in Germany? Argumentum ad populum. Hitler was right.
>>289847 Moseley said Hitler's militarism fucked over his own people. Also said he didn't need to distance himself from German crimes because he was no more responsible than Churchill, for admiring some of his domestic policies before the war. Don't have some willfully ignorant anti-Moseley leftoid view of the man. It's cringe.
>>289846 Seethe on multiple levels reading those trending shit twitter takes.
Mosely was ultimately a little faggot who essentially disavowed his pre-war vision of Fascism for good boy points. He fled to France and abandoned our country in its darkest hours. I have more respect for German naughty mustache man than Mosley.
*generates colossal seethe even beyond death* How could one man be so based?
>>289851 Okay lad. No one cares.
This board is fucking shite fuck me. You can stop whining at the bongofags now, it's literally more constructive in Bin's personality cult than on here.
>no on cares >while he sits there caring >while he started this argument >on a Fascist board
what are you doing for fashism then?
What am I doing for Fascism? Building a career and finding a woman to breed. In addition to this I've been in multiple riots and street fights for the cause since I joined the BNP in 2011. What are you doing? Wanking off. Moreover, it doesn't matter what I am or am not doing. Fascism is right and it's that simple. Ad hominem.
>>289855 This board isn't about fascism anymore; it's about metafagging, whinging & microblogging.
>>289854 use your filter lad
>le "I've just been fucking demolished and my only argument is to feign amusement" laugh Figured Dorset wood be a Sam Hyde sycophant. He needs a surrogate daddy like the rest of Hyde's incel cabal.
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>bbk acting like he isnt an incel did you say you were what, 29, 30 years old too?
>>289821 if a non-Albanian touches an Albanian girl, the Albania mafia comes after them. be careful lad, they steal organs >>289840 why do you think there are brownoids everywhere and everything is cringe and gay? the Germans tried to stop all of this- they are a heroic race, unlike the bloodsucking degenerate Normans. "the Anglo" is a misnomer because the Anglo-Saxons were Germans, the real source of the rot in the British Isles is the Normans (as well as the jevvs obvs)
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morning lads
>>289864 smorning lad
can't beat the fucking speed plaza minigame at the golden saucer smdh seething
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>>289867 clumsy hoove-handed oaf
>>289868 keeeksmh it's impossible lad
>>289857 good lad
DING DING telegram for all the CHUDS in the thread
HUGE SURPRISE PUSS EXPLOSION! https://youtu.be/rovwEkJhYhQ
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>>289843 > affirm the principles of Fascism. good lad
>>289840 Jesus lost now its just cucky homo retards like you
>>289874 stop posting unspoilered hoof gore lad
>>289877 first time I ever posted a hoof video tbh I will spoiler in future
FRESH DURAN >Kherson, Waiting for Godot. Donetsk evacuation as 'Allies' advance >The Duran: Episode 1344 https://youtu.be/I8Nlc63zV6w
shnight lads
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>>289880 nini lid
>>289812 never really thought China would amount to anything tbh, paper tiger
Just 21st Century things
>>289871 So what you're saying is you don't like Patrick Crusius and all you can do is post unflattering caricatures as a cope
>>289884 epic and wholesome
used to wish I had hoos since then I wouldn't need shoes, but turns out having hooferinos aren't indestructable smh
>>289882 China sells way too much to America to risk those generated profits.
>the other lad also has a teal id which begins 47a
>>289888 >China sells way too much to America to risk those generated profits. Yeah, not that long ago they used to talk in terms of "Chimerica", to explain the intertwined economic domination of America and China nobody uses that term these days though
Why did she know or assume this?
not posted in 2 days, day 62 nofap, still no gf despite trying, started exercising again though and been good on diet for a few days.
>>289892 Goodlad. I heard the storkerino brings gfs to lads who go nofap for 100 days
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>>289891 nobody knew much about trannies back then, also most of their violence is against themselves - self harm and mutiliation
>>289891 libtards routinely say "theres no correlation between x and x" without actually knowing if its true, and even if it is true they know some authority will have back them up
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>>289892 Very good lad.
>>289891 Depends on whether you think suicide is violent tbh.
>>289895 This post has been factchecked by libtard.org factcheckers. False There's no evidence that libtards routinely say "there's no correlation between x and x" without knowing if it's true, according to the Libtard Government website.
>>289898 >>289895 x and x are always correlated though
>>289892 Gfs can take time or they can come when you least expect it. Women should not be the end goal of a man's life, honestly. If you try too hard to get them you will fail; if you simply focus on yourself [as trite as it sounds] they will come to you. good lad with the nofap, I only just breached the one month mark today
>>289879 Good lad I like watching Alexander Mercouris.
just get money and have friends and a fulfilling career and hobbies and you'll find someone eventually not that it's that easy haha fuck i want to die, honestly im attractive enough that I can get any girl I want pretty much, but I don't want them, I just want money and a life
>>289891 Don't understand half the word she uses tbh, she is from a strange philosophical school
>>289902 Lasses don't care if you have friends tbh. They just care about looks, potential to make money, and if you can make them laugh.
>>289900 fuck you
>lads trying to rewrite the book that incels have already written its Looks first, then money, then status its that simple.
>>289906 Kek how would that be a topic of expertise for incels, lad?
>>289906 Looks has a diminishing return curve.
If you spend all your time and energy focusing on looks you will end up a very beautiful hermit with no friends, connections or skills me, btw
>>289910 Introverts generally look too intense to be beautiful, so excuse me if I'm skeptical
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What are the consequences of immorality?
>>289900 >Lad on nofap giving advice on how to find gfs The blind leading the blind. What is she asexual or something?
>being that clueless
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>it's a recycled insult response episode
cant even fucking play minecraft anymore
>>289918 >cant even fucking why are you so exasperated?
>>289907 retard,incels understand women.better than most >>289908 cope
>>289921 incels are the biggest fucking faggots around. if you understand so much about women then why are you an incel?
People with ‘extreme hatred of Britain’ could be deradicalised under Prevent scheme >Rishi Sunak says he plans to widen the definition of extremism to include people who vilify the country https://archive.ph/RKQpH
>>289925 extreme hatred of diverse, tolerant multicultural Britain* :^)
Victoria 3 looks absolutely awful
>>289928 I gave up on it as soon as they announced they were scrapping combat. Many a country did i save with bullshit strats and minmaxing to win wars.
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>>289929 and the average redditor thinks thats an amazing thing
>>289929 That's the only positive thing about the game, fuck nerf strats
>>289931 Found the redditor. Military asspulls are a joy of real human history, i refuse to get that taken away from my autism population graphs simulator just because some swedish cuck thinks i shouldnt be able to win this war.
>>289568 >anti-rejection drugs is she taking neuropozyne for a robot arm?
>>289932 Found the window licker, I want a game about demographics and economics. Not some shit combat simulator with dice rolls and autistic minmaxxing
>>289929 it needs to be dumbed down so wogs and woman can understand it
>>289934 >I want a game where i do nothing
>>289934 We had both things you twat, and it was fun, it gave smaller nations a chance to turn the tables if you know how to organize your army and use the terrain in your favour, now you get a mana bar that makes you autowin if youre a great power.
>>289892 the only lasses who match me in dating apps are foreign nationals, niggers or the very occasional normal hwhite lass who stops responding. >>289934 Democracy 4
>>289934 to be fair if I wanted a game with combat i'd play literally any of the thousands of action games out there. never been a fan of those autistic map simulator games myself, if i want swords i play for honor, chivalry etc, if i want guns i play doom, warframe, rainbow six siege [though i don't play that anymore because of all the poz]
>>289937 When you controllable units you have a shit simulator for brainlets >>289936 >Brainlet spends his game moving le flashy units about
>>289940 what do you even do then? just stare at the map until the game ends?
>>289941 Manage the economy with the variety of tools available
>>289942 You already do that, you want a game with LESS content you double redditor.
Pair of retards tbh, warfare didn't have any significant relationship to economics before. Now it is crucial to use your economy to support war. The best change they've made and the least thing wrong with Victoria 3
Makes you think, has Dorset ever had a good take?
should of stuck with fifa
>>289945 >>289946 You should go get shanked by a paki tbh
It's Scout on MvM for me.
It's Scout on MvM for me.
>>289948 Unit movement games are just fifa for incels >>289948 t. paki
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watched jackass forever the other night, one of the worst things ive seen in recent memory. not even funny or entertaining, its just testicle torture after testicle torture [not fun to watch at all] with some 'new guests' that get no screentime and barely any creativity
if some english lads did jackass it would be 10x better i have no doubt
>>289942 holy william
>>289942 holy william
Shite's sitting the bed again.
>>289952 Based. It's morbin time
>5 days into trying dating apps again and I'm already about to give up god I fucking hate women, hope china or russia nukes the planet and women go back to being the worthless property that they are
>>289956 holy faggot
>>289960 >worthless property yet you value them so highly they've destroyed your self esteem . . . curious
>c115d8 obvious bongo tranny, filtered, should be banned.
>557d6a Obvious incel, filtered, should be banned.
>>289925 So this is what twatter leftoids were screetching about shitty Rishi turning 'fascist'. >>289926 Tbh. Everything any real Englishman hates.
>A new offence of encouraging terrorism in a prison cell - even if it contained only two inmates - would close the loophole that prevents police prosecuting offenders with Islamic state posters on their walls. Fucking hell this is legit terrifying. Just do away with double jeopardy and continually prosecute someone for the same wrongthing offence in prison. All they'd have to do is put the muzzies with NA mongs and have them report on each other or just make shit up and effectively we'd have life sentences for wrongthink.
>>289921 >cope If it wasn't true then dumb handsome wage slaves would be dating lasses of higher status, but they aren't and most lasses will say they won't date someone who earns less. Yet average looking guys of high status often play out of their league.
>>289960 Keeek did you pull a polface on your display picture?
>>289968 It's generally true but there are some exception. Brother is handsome and his wife is bigger brained/less poisoned by alcohol and earns more than him.
>>289960 keeeeeeek what a le loser
You incels are huge fucking faggots
heavy tranny energy tonight
trannies are the super incel, the fully realised form of incel
there's only one tranny who frequents this board now, right
>>289976 That's still one too many. >>289977 Keeek.
>>289970 How long have they been together and how much more does she earn than him? My parents were the same and ended in divorce.
>>289979 >My parents were the same and ended in divorce. Is that why you became an incel faggot? Little bitch.
Why is it so complicated to buy a car, none of this shite was ever explained to me so I need to figure it all out and its just confusing to me, another thing that normalfags get beamed into their heads, also can not find a cheap car either fucking hell.
Got a big watermelon for free at the Albanian mini mart
Might have have 2 pizzas for under £10 at the pizzeria tomorrow before I move towns
>>289983 Was that instead of a car?
>>289985 No, I will put automobile in my Google translate next time tho.
Will try and squeeze the watermelon later to test that lady's thigh theory, unfortunately I'm neither pembs or a woman tho
>>289981 Nothing incel in my post. What are you on about?
>>289979 I don't know exactly, but he's a tree surgeon and she works in a lab studying bacteria or something, and it's been implied she earns significantly more than him. They've been together at least 5 years. Maybe more but I can't remember tbh. I know they already wanted to get married but couldn't during the covid bullshit. They are now married and have their first child. Really happy for him tbh. They're a kino hu'white couple. That enough info, GCHQ?
>>289990 > and she works in a lab studying bacteria or something lisa simpson job that she shouldn't have
>>289993 >Like many people across the UK, Luke Downham, 26, has found himself living pay day to pay day as the cost of living crisis intensifies. >During the pandemic, he was able to save money and pay off student debt. Relocating to Manchester in 2021, he started a new job as a biomedical scientist for the NHS with the belief that life was improving. >But as inflation hits a 40-year high, Downham’s rent is due to increase by 10% this month. He has since taken out a consolidation loan to pay off rising debts. He said it was difficult to live every month waiting to get paid. >“It’s pretty depressing because I’m just kind of starting my life. I feel a bit taken aback,” said Downham. “I feel like my friends and family are all in a similar situation. This world is not sustainable.” >voluntarily paying back student "debt" what a fucking idiot
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>>289992 Think she's one of those women that's actually smart. In an abstract, analytical sense. She's got degrees and wasn't a le diversity hire. I have noticed that she's more prone to social pressure as much as the average woman is compared to men. IQ isn't everything. Smh. But so far as the poisons of modernity go, she's relatively untainted and seems quite the catch. Don't piss on my whitepill, lad.
>289995 >this entire post how do mongs like you even get here OH MY HECKIN GOD SHES GOT DEGRESS
Calm down seethecels.
>>289988 >A chef called DUNG
>>289997 Incels can only seethe wank and repeat It's incredibly sad, but annoying seeing as they poison our community
is this bbk or some bongo fag, so annoying honestly, just doing a pathetic version of 4britpols pube
>>289988 >The Columbian last week was really horny. But sudenly she disappeared. Too bad. Wdhmbt?
>>290002 Another lad probably murdered her in post nut rage
>290001 Case in point. See how he tries to de-person his critics. All that seethe, all that effort but not a single girl likes him.
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>German sex-havers
>looking up videos on how to back up with a truck and a trailerino >"just do it lol" reee
>>289997 how can you be on a place like this and think that a woman having a degree means shes smart, are you straight up braindead.
Absolute state of you lads who belong to the best race on earth but can't even convince someone to have sex with you.
>>290006 haha what a le loser >>290008 >(1)
>>290009 NO YOU'RE THE LE LOSER "no u"-ing won't save you lad just stop being a LE LOSER
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>>290007 Degree in chemistry means she probably has a higher than average IQ and is more conscientious than average. Not sure why this offends you so much. I've said I noticed that like other women she defaults to what seems like safe and trendy opinions, and that IQ obviously isn't everything. I am still happy for them BREEDING and continuing the family line. Calm down, sneethecel.
I'm unironically looking forward to the power of the rings. Will there be a bins streaming?
Keek at you lads seething that there are people with degrees who are having sex.
>>290011 as I said earlier, shes a lisa, yet you feel the need to simp for her like a pathetic faggot
wait, he's a breeder?
Based breederchad. He did it
worst thread in months tbh
>>290011 He hates women because they are repulsed by him Hence his eternal seethe
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NOOOO LE LIS LE DEANO LE WILLIAM Absolute state of /shit/
>>290019 Fair point, well made.
>>290019 whats the matter there girl you had a little bitty too much corn?
>290020 stfu you larping faggot nobody is buying your act
>>290019 seeing her arsehole past that wide pantierino keeeek looks ridiculous
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>>290025 Here's this faggot incel. Hey cunt have you spoken to Violet? I'm sure she's not repulsed by you.
seriously which schizo is this?
>degrees >turns 360 degrees and walks away
>>290022 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>290028 think its bbk larping tbh
>>290024 lad that is not a wide pantie that is literally a thong
>>290027 no speaking of which, she has a new pfp of her in a bikini..
>say "le" and they go insane
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>>289344 Here lad, two days later I've got it working
>its not even bbk its some larping bongo fag whos probably a tranny
>>290040 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Took about eight or nine attempts to mime that out, really struggled to say "Glorious Cheeses of Skingrad" Dunno how these voice actors do it tbh
cant even tell if shes attractive or not i dont get it
>>290040 I meant the goblins but a hearty keek. Good lad. >>290036 Why is she doing that? Doesn't even seem to be a reason. Just abuse. Want to murder that nignog in minecraft.
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slightly larger messy version >>290045 oh keeek that makes sense
>>290046 yikes he fucked up the request
pale milky boobies
>>290049 conical, dipped into my open baby mouth
>Exclusive: Mother of grooming gang victim forced into hiding after confronting Oldham Council https://youtu.be/5H0208T583k
i made out with a girl on friday if I can do it so can you
>>290052 yeah 22st here even I kissed and cuddled with a lass
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>>290054 damn he's literally Dorset
quadruple vodka flavoured with crabapples
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make that a SEXtuple or whatever
>>290057 You counting wanks?
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>>290052 I never got that far with filipina lass. The good ones are notoriously coy
>>290064 Smh lad, you have to take the initiative. She'll reject your advances if she's not attracted to you of course but if that's the case then it's just a quicker way of finding out you shouldn't bother
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>filipina lass
you can't get drunk and be aggro dorsie
https://youtu.be/g6fcSOgUoGo I'M JUST AN INCEL BOY
>>290065 no point, she gave up on her dream job and has accepted that her visa will run out in a year and a half. No point in trying to romance her any more. She's a lovely person though, we still text each other
>>290068 if i get accepted for the job i will probably be looking after him in a couple of months keek >>290067 why not las
how true is this lads? Celts: dark, wavy hair, tend to be on the shorter side and quite slight in build with black/brown eyes and pasty, white skin, almostly sickly in complexion. Oddly broad hips of the women. Germanics: straight hair, often red, blonde or brown, with broad shoulders and a ruddy complexion (you can see the blood in their cheeks), they tend to have blue eyes or softer brown/gold and are taller.
>>290070 Would be based tbh, wonder if I could get a letter from him with a signed picture
>>290072 maybe if you pay me >>290071 >dark, wavy hair, tend to be on the shorter side and quite slight in build with black/brown eyes and pasty, white skin h-heh y-yeah
>>290073 https://youtu.be/oVF8VeWubrk It'll have to be an IOU
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>super hot girl with lovely feets was wearing crocs and doing shoeplay never realized how seductive crocs could be- the cruelty of the toes being hidden, juxtaposed with the exposed heel.. the squeaky noises.. and you just know that if it's a hot day, and she sweats, they ought to smell marvelous
*kills him*
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>>290066 every time
dunno about you lads, but I love a bit of muff or Taylor Hanson bussy
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>Crocs bought the company Foam Creations and their manufacturing operations, which secured the exclusive rights to the proprietary foam resin, known as croslite. >The croslite works to the wearer’s best benefit because it forms to the wearer’s feet and, therefore, offers the best support to individual’s unique feet shape. This gives the wearer reported medical benefits, according to many podiatrists. wow it's like memory foam... probably toxic though >>290085 are those gingerlass' boobies? I think so, I think you stalked her social media and cropped the face out to post here
>>290071 retarded shite tbh, the "celtic" nations in the british isles demonstrate the opposite of your supposed characteristics
>>290086 of course
>>290085 >BBC talisman
>>290085 you are just torturing yourself by pining after this slag, if she actually like you you'd know
>>290091 i want to beat her up
I've got a sneaking suspiscion she actually likes him tbh
>>290076 >feets certified NONCE
>>290093 interesting
*gets married*
>>290098 Imagine letting your wife humiliate you like this
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https://youtu.be/7dSUdzgmCik >When a keto fag has 26g of carbs in a day rather than 25g
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dont like her mouth tbh its just like too far away from her nose
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https://youtu.be/kL9wJAND1WI How can you mend a Dorset's heart?
>>290071 smh I got the germanic color and skin with the cucktic body type
>>290103 Alright anti-Crusius seether, why are you having so many incel feels? Is it time to repent?
>>290108 odnfoah pfjwfj]24 kfwrhgern wf] bbn ]jvoerh prj gG
Poo in a bucket, see a nigger fuck it
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>>290098 >marrying a tattooed woman what did he expect?
i don't want to not believe
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>>290117 good lad
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>>290003 Only thing that lets me finish.
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>>290125 smh I almost hope she beats the other beady bogged brunette whitmer is more kino, tbh I think she is gonna be moving on to higher politics than running this backwater shithole
wish mummy gretchen was president
>>290127 keeeeeeeeeeeek imagine her meeting with putler she'd probably be bettert han xiden
at least tudor dixon is a anglo american woman and gretchen is german-anglo type woman so no swarthoids or niggers can be governor of my state (which wouldn't happen in the south because they love niggers)
>>290129 that is not a bar anyone struggles to step over, not even warwick davis I would love to see president davis meet putler and get punted into a bear pit
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>>290132 >those poo-coloured come-hither eyes >that gut currently voring sonic >the shirt enchanted with the stains of 1000 tacos >imagine the smell
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>>290071 germanics have tawny western hunter-gatherer influenced complexion, they tan well celts are ruddy and burn; the fairest skin in the world, an adaptation specific to the british isles and their exceptional cloudiness, which was even more pronounced in earlier times most people you find will have a mix of these traits for obvious historical reasons
>>290071 big hips if true, then I know a true celtic shortstack mummy lass >those hips phwoar woof
>The incel movement gaining notoriety
smorning lads >>290137 they always try to find things to pin le far right's success on like having fancy propaganda or simply being able to talk online but the simple truth is just that it offers something that people innately know is true tbh
>>290138 Tbh never seen any study guidelines, most people I meet online in political discussion seem only semi literate with no studious ambitions at all. But even cretinous NEETs can appreciate the refreshing feeling of the truth in an era when deception is so rife.
Smh as if normalfags don't do abhorrent things
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>Amelia had embarked on the trip of a lifetime with her pal when they decided to head along a walking trail in Custer State Park on their second day. >Yet as they headed along the picturesque route with her friend's dog, they noticed a large male bison blocking their path. >As it seemed "unconcerned" by their presence the pair decided to skirt around the animal, keen not to disturb its grazing. >But as they approached the beast - which can weigh up to a whopping 2,000lb - it stopped eating and began to examine the duo and the dog. >The 19-year-old was then launched "head over heels" and flew 15ft in the air after the wild animal bulldozed into her. >Medics at Rapid City Hospital managed to save Amelia's leg after performing a bypass on her femoral artery. >But the keen dancer is now paralysed from the knee down, has "no movement" in her foot and faces a string of gruelling surgeries. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19405348/brit-gored-bison-fighting-for-life/
>>290142 >walk up to a wild animal >it does wild animal things
>>290144 This is why segregation was a thing. Wogs believe white people are very prestigious, and will "love us to death" if they're allowed, the lower class whites polluting the countryside with miscegenation.
>>290146 don't know what that last flag is smh
>>290147 it's the flag of kosovo
>>290148 >a fucking map
>>290146 >twitter screencap of a twitter screencap of an eceleb do you not ever feel embarrassed for liking this shit
>>290149 People even on the left talk about Vaush's CIA connections all the time, dunno how true it is though. It would be worse if he was doing it for free.
>>290151 I've never had a twitter account >>290152 all he does is shamelessly endorse every single US government position
How is Vaush not the most obviousl kiddy diddler?
toil >>290040 absolute nectar >>290141 >>290142 based maniacs fc removing thots tbh
>>290156 rip lad
>>290158 wish i could go back to when i was surprised by this shite smh
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FdDLvED_4E Wasn't expecting classical music buttmatrix, such is life
>>290160 keeeek that reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7ktPB6toqucpkkCiolwLg/videos sort from oldest to newest and you can witness the evolution from normal girl into gigathot
>>290160 This is real life, Chads. The blind man gets the girl
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how do they even expect unemployed people like me to have all these requirements like 3 separate IDs
>>290164 would be kino if they invade the island as soon as she leaves. no wwiii but they still reunify
>>290165 driver's license, birth certificate, passport? that's pretty retarded though yeah
>>290167 i only have a passport
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>>290168 >being 20 something and can't drive
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>>290169 why would i drive when i live within running distance to everywhere
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have to do teeth again feel like all I do is clean my damn teeth
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now i cant find my passport
>>290174 Why would you need a passport when you're within running distance of everything?
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>>290175 found it
>>290173 remember, when Russia massed forces on the 'krainian border, they said they were doing military drills. the west called them out and said they were preparing to invade, and they're not doing that for China now, but it's something to think about
>>290173 China wouldn't need to invade Taiwan, only assert naval and aerial dominance to starve them out tbh
Keep seeing soys making videos about how Taiwan won't fall because of it's defensibility and le unsinkable aircraft carrier meme as though the entire world wouldn't capitulate to an economic embargo except for the US and its pets
thought about putting "bisexual" down on my application form but decided against it tbh
obviously i am 100% heterosexual
>>290182 >>290183 when I get to that "diversity and inclusion" part of job applications I just put prefer not to say for everything because you know if you put that you're a straight white male you're guaranteed to get shafted for a nigger
>>290184 but then the interviewer will be thinking youre a poofter, and i cant be havin that
applying for a local place and most of the people there are local anyway so i doubt whether it even matters probably prioritise local people since they dont have to go through all the shite of relocating people
>>290185 fuck them in the arse to assert your dominance heterosexually lad
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>>290187 half of them are probably women relative was saying they are hiring lots of 18yo lasses there
>>290183 You lust after tranny cock though lad. Multiple occasions. Kek.
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>>290189 not anymore
>>290188 Violet
>>290191 hmm? what aboot her?
keeeeeek he started crying when he saw her name and plucked up the courage to post this after fifteen minutes: >>290192
>>290194 was having an annoying poo, tbh
I'm a yank lads
>>290196 prove it
>>290197 I don't want to post my willy lad.
do a vocaroo of you shooting up a garlic festival
gimme pissa P-I-Z-Z-A gimme pissa P-I-Z-Z-A
bit frustrated by my countrymen's unwillingness to try new things tbh was at the bottleo and the shochu was all reduced to clear (presumably being discontinued never to be seen again) and there was some sake too that i hadn't noticed before (also on the chopping block) got a good bargain out of it at least tbh never had sake before but it's very nice >>290198 post a picture of your lifted ford f150 lad
>>290201 alchie
>>290202 i dabble but financial constraints prevent me from truly spreading my wings and soaring into the endless horizon of grog smh
>>290204 keeeeek we've got a live one what state are you in lad?
>>290200 Here lad.
>>290206 Lived here in the Lone Star my whole life, have been to 24/50 states, 25 if you include Ontario, Canada. It's pretty comfy here if you're white and live where the population is below 100k. Still gonna move to Florida if my business takes off and I can afford to hire help.
>>290207 choon that >>290208 based hope your business does well tbh don't think i could ever live in florida tbh too humid and full of crazy people smh it's basically queensland
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>>290209 Thanks lad. Florida is not for everyone. It was in a tossup with New Hampshire for a long time. That place is actually much more comfy. Everywhere that's not Manchester, Nashua, and Concord has the style of English villages. But it's got too many happooners, and is too far away from everyone I know who all live in TX, CO, OK, and AR. So I can't be fucked with that. But if you ever visit America, you would probably enjoy it. New Hampshire really is a lot like a big campground with villages that feel like rural England, except without all the coons.
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another fucking yank
>>290212 Yank is a memeflag here? This is based
can't help thinking of texas as being endless orange desert with mesas and cacti all over the place like in cowboy fillums tbh even though i know it's almost entirely covered in grass smh >>290211 everything i've ever heard about new hampshire points to it being about 80% based but full of rich aging ex-hippy nimbys tbh never spoken to anyone from there though so i don't know for sure >>290212 many such cases
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>steiner >spic >this yank >canadalad >auslad >22st
>>290214 >can't help thinking of texas as being endless orange desert with mesas and cacti all over the place like in cowboy fillums tbh even though i know it's almost entirely covered in grass smh It's got four main biomes, of which the prairie grassland is the largest. The next largest is the semi-arid and semi-mountainous northwest. Then there's the southern pine forest area of the southeast. Then there's the arid desert of the southwest. The coolest spot is Big Bend National Park, which is a mountainous desert park that is so far away from any big city that you can see a crazy night sky there. The beaches are absolute dog shit and there's only one natural lake in the whole state. >everything i've ever heard about new hampshire points to it being about 80% based but full of rich aging ex-hippy nimbys I've been there several times and that is absolutely dead-on. Those nimbys are the only reason the place reliably votes dem. You know a good amount about are America. Are you some kind of burgerboo? >>290215 Lad, I...
>>290215 Just as we are set to be a minority in our own homeland so it is on our own board smdh
>>290217 All because your ancestors needed to have continental landmass and didn't have the grapes to just take it from the French, just for the sheer banter. You created yanks and our knockoffs. Now you owe us a place to shitpost.
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we need you to kill a spic. not just any spic but one particular spic
>>290219 Can a newfag yank get a qrd?
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>>290215 /brit/ is becoming a multicultural board and us flaglads will be at the forefront of this change my sponsors at the world economic forum have assured me that this will be a beneficial change lad there is nothing to fear >>290216 can't imagine ever being more than walking distance from the beach tbh just completely outside of my experience >Are you some kind of burgerboo? not especially tbh just absorbed a lot from my time spent talking to people online
wish i had my own business
>>290222 Checked. Living far from the ocean feels bad man. When I'm in Florida, I just feel like I'm at home. Anglos were not meant to live this far inland. Gonna move to Florida if I can. As the anon said, it's basically Queensland. But lads in the old country have to share their shores with gulls. They are the niggers of birds. But they do land on boat people and peck holes in their inflatable boat bits, so that's pretty based I guess. They probably also shit on them.
>>290218 keek fair play lad we could do with some fresh blood anyway, feels like this place is on its last legs sometimes
>>290224 Try selling dope to niggers lad.
>>290227 I've considered it ngl but i'd rather not. Idk how people can just "start a business" everyone tells you to just start but never explains how you register as a business or whatever or get loans etc might just sell dope to teens instead
>>290227 what's yours anyway lad?
>>290226 It's a lot fucking better here than brit/pol/ on 4. Those threads used to be hilarious, slick bantz with a laidback but sardonic style But nowadays they're utter dogshite. It's a bunch of namefags bickering with each other and newfags giving them attention. Can't even run a proper "fellow brits lets give back the Malvinas" larp with a memeflag anymore because nobody cares.
>>290225 tbh at heart we're a coastal people i think if you can't get to the shore without making special arrangements and can't get fresh seafood you're living in uninhabitable territory tbh modern travel technology has expanded these borders but not eliminated them >>290226 been considering unhiding the board tbh wouldn't want to do it without a massive majority of the lads on board though i reckon we could properly absorb the two or three who actually stick around
>>290229 I don't usually spill the beans because I don't want a bunch of intelligent, capable oddballs like me getting a cut of my market share yet. But since you're not yanks and won't affect me either way, I import kratom from Indonesia and sell it under my brand name at an enormous markup that still undercuts literally everyone else. There's a huge industry for this in America, but the process for getting involved takes a lot of risks of scams, risks of customs seizures, risks of losing credit card processing, risks of getting tainted batches, risks of bank flagging, lack of privacy, and mass-friending Indonesians on facebook. So there's not too many people doing it, so the profits are insanely high. I generally turn a 700%-1800% profit on a kilo of kratom depending on the products sold, and I'm importing by the metric ton. My goal right now is to get my brand in all my local stores. I'm not sure what the kratom industry looks like in the UK if it exists at all, but if it is a common thing there, you can make stupid money from this. I've known about it for years, but only this year have I overcome the banking bottleneck that filters everyone out, as well as the quality assurance bottleneck that results in people getting sued. I knew about it when I worked in the casino industry, and I met 3 guys who do this at my blackjack tables over that time. Every one of them went from wagies to /minted/ in under 2 years from the time they started.
>>290232 >mass-friending Indonesians on facebook. smh how nightmarish didn't know kratom was so profitable tbh
smh looked it up and it's illegal here
>>290232 big wew tbh, id love a piece of that but it does sound complicated and probably extremely illegal. you must have had to put a lot of money down firsthand before you made a profit no?
i want to get rich so bad
just sling rock
>>290233 If a business gets to the point where it is moving enough volume to import kratom by the container (27 tons), then they are paying 4 dollars per kilo and making AT LEAST 90 dollars per kilo. Generally it's a lot more, because the lower volume products that require more processing, such as a 60 gram package of 100 capsules, are more popular than the unprocessed bulk powder in a basic kilo bag, and those usually run between 20-30 bucks in convenience stores and headshops, where the margins are low. So they are selling these packages of 60 grams of kratom for about 15 bucks. That's about 250 per kilo once enough of those particular products are moved. $250 for a $4 investment. There are MANY players that are moving containers, which is 27,000 kilos, which grosses them about 6.6 million every time they do. We won't be able to get to that scale until we've got quite a bit of capital, and right now we only have 50,000 USD and 1 ton we are processing and moving. The goal right now is to take over the greater area of where we live, which is easily doable, because we have provably superior quality and will beat anyone's price. We're already in a bunch of stores, but there's still many to go, and lots of work to do. It's exhausting, but I'm not a wagebuck anymore.
how do newfags even find this place
>>290235 >complicated Yes. I got scammed over and over and over before I finally found an Indochinaman whose legs I'm not gonna end up sending somebody to break. I had to learn a lot of things to get viable at this, such as how to find a good Indonesian on facebook, the proper sanitation and cultivation procedures, the laws on importing this stuff (which are arcane and contradictory), how to build a competitive business model, and the Indonesian language which wasn't necessary but is helpful. They don't speak English and Indonesian does not translate well. >illegal None of this is illegal in America because it's so new that there's basically no laws on it, and we got lobbying power before the DEA could make their move. They tried to make it a fucking SCHEDULE 1 narcotic in 2016, but the Indonesians here already had the lobbying power to strangle their efforts in the crib. They probably also have political ties, because the entire industry gets its product from Pontianak, West Kalimantan, which is a mafia town. >money down firsthand I had to save my wagiebuxx until I had about 20 grand so I could keep paying my bills while building this.
>>290238 wew that's a hell of an operation you've set up tbh >>290239 tbh by all counts it should be impossible
>>290241 If I end up getting /minted/ from this, I will hire any bongs or oz frens who want to come to America, and I will personally deal with the visa bureaucracy. But the catch will be, whoever wants the job will have to put his hand over his heart and sing our National Anthem until tears of patriotic joy stream down his face. Whosever performance moves me the most will get the job.
>>290177 >China may invade Taiwan before US presidential election says senior US intelligence official and data from one of US allies- FOX News
>>290240 >>290242 keeek was going to say I'd offer to work for you tbh i'm pretty desperate
>>290244 Keep coming to brit/pol/ then. If things accelerate at the rate we expect, and we don't come across a new bottleneck that we're unaware of at this time, then we will be able to hire several people by this time next year, probably on the earlier side. I'll leave a drop email to contact. But I'm very serious about that performance. I need to feel that you are completely overtaken, genuinely awestruck by the splendor and power of are America.
>>290242 keeeeek based you'll know who the winning candidate is because a bald eagle will fly through the window and land on his shoulder >>290243 after being let down too much lately i'm putting my money on them not doing anything smh
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>seeing a fellow blatant autist out in the wild today https://youtu.be/7TXHZYGGozg?t=135
>>290248 keeeeeeeek
shnight lads
>>290250 night lad
somebody post
>>290252 feeling lonely, lad? add me on bongo
I'm personally waiting for nuclear war to break out so I can frantically shitpost for the last 20 minutes of my life.
https://youtu.be/KEHYMWIr9rA Hate these cunts even though I agree with them
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/famine-and-diseases-likely-drove-europeans-ability-to-digest-milk-180980483/ >In a study published today in Nature, researchers compared archaeological evidence for 9,000 years of European milk use with genetics, and found an unusually rapid, evolution of lactose tolerance among Europeans well after they first started consuming the beverage. The authors suggest that something more extreme than regular milk consumption drove the genetic change. Exceptional stressors like famines and pathogens may have exacerbated milk's typically mild gastrointestinal effects on the lactose intolerant, creating deadly bouts of diarrhea and dehydration while making the ability to digest milk extra valuable >“It rewrites the textbooks on why drinking milk was an advantage,” says lead author Richard Evershed, director of the Biogeochemistry Research Center at the University of Bristol. “In order to evolve a genetic mutation so quickly, something has to kill off the people that don’t carry it.”
Half a bollock. Twice a cock.
>>290255 All that fat bitch did was make bad joke comments here and there. Was she there for eye candy or something? Fuck off.
>>290255 yeah, and even the most based lad among them is le anti-racist
>>290258 kind of, also to use her female powers to poke fun at the based lad so his views look bad simply by having a woman voice the opposite opinion. Doubt it's like that intentionally but that's the dynamic it has become since she joined
>fresh yank suddenly appears on dead british dafty politics board >large scale drug importer CIA intern doing some light five eyes work? we have such sights to show you awful voluntoil today, two dozen man high stacks of shit to move and sort, usual partner off and one of the officefoids brought in their retarded son who could barely be trusted to unpack stuff but insisted on trying to sort things so I spent even more time going through what should have been perfectly arranged inventory and redoing it all
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might just eat a block of lard
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>>290264 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>290263 after all... why not? why shouldn't you eat a block of lard?
for me it's salmon wellington and mixed vegetables
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>>290266 need to regain energy after cooming twice tbh
4 pieces of chicken.
>>290264 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq love these animations lad
*accepts inceldom*
https://youtu.be/4BJLRCGNNWQ This is what Dorset listens to while he daunces
https://youtu.be/4BJLRCGNNWQ This is what Dorset listens to while he daunces
https://youtu.be/9wTl3Sx156k >The Jews were programming us to be good Goys every Tuesday Assembly
>>290264 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Still waiting for him to reveal his plan smh he's keeping it so close to the chest
>>290277 this sounds like it is mocking what it's saying, even if it is being genuine when you have to ask kids to please behave it's already kind of too late to control them
>>290278 It's coming along well, achieved my qualifications on Tuesday. Looking now to get into a certain industry and get a wife and home. Giving it five years before my next phase. Too many non-professionals and NEETs in the movement who have no specialisations.
>Study in Tanzania showed that niggers have slightly smaller cocks than average I said it all along Chrouser, Kristin; Bazant, Eva; Jin, Linda; Kileo, Baldwin; Plotkin, Marya; Adamu, Tigistu; Curran, Kelly; Koshuma, Sifuni (August 2013). "Penile Measurements in Tanzanian Males: Guiding Circumcision Device Design and Supply Forecasting". Journal of Urology. 190 (2): 544–550. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.juro.2013.02.3200. PMID 23473900.
>>290281 laaaad I can drive a truck that's ought to be good for something
I must now bathe >>290283 It's better than some NEET fool like Mark Collet tbh
>>290279 >aztecniggers have a dog with a brown body and black on top of its head Pottery
LIVE • Farage at Large https://youtu.be/X5ANI-Q-kNw
>>290287 I think he has a cottage estate in my state near where tim allen and mummy gretchen have theirs he was up there a few years ago.
>>290289 the tone and gesturing of that judge like a primary school teacher scolding him. Yikes
>>290289 *steals your cheese*
its okay lad alegs will defeat them we just have to buy more penis pills and he will get back to screaming at obama
>>290291 I feel like mummy gretchen could beat her up in a fight
>>290289 Why is he in a court room?
>>290289 this trial seems as fake as sandy hook
>>290286 HEY STEINER a texan posted on this board earlier
As I thought. Smh. Going to have to keep filtering him manually.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW_NCpghk88 Meet Australia's first Muslim hijab-wearing senator
Oh no. It works without the ##. Never mind.
>>290300 >CAT FUD >FAT C(H)UD
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>>290297 god that soyboy prosecutor needs to get buckchugged
>>290298 probably an actual beaner
>all those lads who got gfs and left /brit/
>>290303 >stunning + brave Not sure if that's (You) taking the piss or a genuine libtard. Smh.
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>>290308 always knew westie would make it
>>290308 What do you think teeline schizo's gf is like?
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>this is what waifuposter is going to have sex with
>>290308 >implying having a gf is better than this
>>290314 I must breed
chigger celeb talks to dutty professor michel malkin, the name is familiar and I thought connected with mainstream shart so quite suprising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1X9gKHjxtw
>>290313 looks like some bpd blonde lass with a manface
>>290317 >with a manface well thats because.. well.. err..
gays fuck off
>>290316 she has spoken at american renaissance and she supported Nick fuentes when he got deplatformed
>>290317 yeah it is a tranny, which is a shame. I do find him pretty
>>290319 ah, but you thought it was a woman, so therefor it is not gay
>>290316 she is a white obsessed gook bitch but she is based and more or less leading a large amount of the middle american boomer chud gestalt into jew hating her last article on vdare was more or less openly calling out the jews for running extortion businesses around NGOs involved with immigration
>>290320 interesting choice of grift for a wog tbh >>290323 kind of based tbh
>notstargate knockoff goom on steam AUGH just want a real stargate goom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8VIqLHLgWI
>>290326 yeah play your life away fatty nothing's ever serious
>>290308 I just stop posting when it's time to have sex.
>>290328 nice I want to have sex
The chad (1) vs the (53) virgin
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>>290327 yeah posting online does so much for the white race
>22st in the mean cunt phase again smh
based (me)
why is it so difficult to meet troons smh
>>290332 keeeeeeeeeeeeek smh nobody ever gets smeee >>290331 I was talking about his life, lad. Surely we're all building towards saving the white race in our lives
>>290335 tbh I got a 5 dollar raise per hour today
>>290336 That's very nice
>>290282 yeah lad all the studies saying niggers have 9 inch cocks on average were all self reported its bullshit >>290296 he was arrested for saying sandy hook was fake or something
>>290335 tbh dont like bbk's holier than thou attitude we're all trying are best
>>290339 yeah tbbk and steiner are the same person
dinner was fucking awful cant eat this shite
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGrJxXGWdiI Watch this but replace every use of the word "Russian" with "Jewish"
make a new thread already you fucking spackers
>>290343 shut up nonce
>>290343 thanks for nominating yourself as threadmaker
>>290347 Grooming is LE BAD
>>290347 If there's grass on the pitch play ball tbh
reminder that they are fine with women making hardcore porn the second they turn 18
What's that Gary Glitter song bbk always posts?
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>BAKED ALASKA IS LIVE https://cozy.tv/bakedalaska
>>290354 based yobachads. it's time
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>>290356 holy BASED
>>290356 is the day of reckoning at hand?
frankfurt school, remember e-celebs talking about that all the time around 2014
he's really talking about the frankfurt school of sausage production
>>290360 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>290211 the USAF kikes poisoned the water in Portsmouth, NH with PFAS from 'firefighting drills'. I wonder if west NH is okay, it was my plan to move there up until I read about the PFAS. marg bar amrika tbh, heil xi, heil putler https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/pfas_contamination/map/ >>290232 good lad. fuckers banned kratom in my state 'cause they want people dying from opiates or something. you should consider dipping your hands into the Kava market as well, it's a similar thing

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