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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3750: Offshore Banking Edition Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 16:01:08 Id: 2fb6b9 No. 288793
How to Open an Offshore Bank Account Legally in a Overseas Bank https://www.offshore-protection.com/open-offshore-bank-account
>>288793 Good lad
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I wish the entire German women's football team won't come and squeeze my head with their thighs to teach me a lesson for being a bigot
>>288797 Always think those watermelon vids must be fake or we'd have heard of a woman crushing a man's skull with her thighs by now. Suffocation, I can buy. Those watermelons must be softened somehow. Maybe even already cut.
If I became a tranny I could make the starting 11 of england womens not even memeing. Besides my innate bigotry this is just shit, literally sunday league tier
>>288799 Don't know what any of that sportsball lingo means. Sportball is for gayists. Watching women's sportsball is no different. Now ballet, that's far more physically impressive, gruelling even, but elegant. Stop being a faggot and wank to ballet videos instead.
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>doesn't know what a starting 11 or sunday league is ngmi
>wank was with you up until this point >>288801 Probably one of the cringe yanks who think their opinion matters
I'm as upper middle lower verging on under class as the rest of you. Grew up around fags obsessed with sportsball. Never wanted to hear it then. Don't want it on MY /brit/. Sportsball defenders get out.
>>288802 I meant if he has to wank, which he's obviously doing. Smh.
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>I'm as upper middle lower verging on under class as the rest of you
You're underclass? Okay then, name the location of every Home Bargains and B&M
>>288745 >Freedom for all means freedom for nasty people > I need to defend a person I do not much like. I will explain why I do not like him in a moment can he not just back this lad up without signaling about it? >but that is not the important bit. then why are you opening with it? >The danger is that, because Mr Phillips is so hard to like, the Government will get away with it. Then why pile on then? Fucking hate this cuckservative instinct to make sure everyone knows you're not friends with a wrong thinker even when you're on his side.
>>288807 I've been watching his videos, and can't find anything dislkable about them, he just reports on events in Donbass
Nice and white teams tbh
>>288762 >crusius lives in his head >implies that he's 'average' Below average in aptitude
>>288798 watermelons probably aren't that hard to pop
>>288818 jesus christ hope he faked that
>Gunshot wounds reported among Serbs at the Jarinje checkpoint >The Serbian population of Kosovo and Metohija began to build barricades, the national television of the republic reported. >Kosovo army plans to attack the northern part of Serbia at midnight - Vučić >Serbian President Vučić intends to issue an emergency address to the nation on the situation in Kosovo >Serbian Orthodox Churches over all Northern Kosovo have been continuously ringing the bells for half an hour after the clashes on Kosovo-Serbian Borders as they did in 1999 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeAEdU4p5Cg
Also tanks on the Kosovo-Serbian border.
>>288823 >>288821 >balkans delivering the escalationkino yet again they can't blame this on pookraine either can they it's totally disconnected slavs just decided it was time for more war I guess?
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Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic: "Serbs will no longer be persecuted, if anyone dares to persecute or kill Serbs in Kosovo, we will win.
Who are the good guys in the Kosovo conflict again? I can't remember
>>288827 kosovo is serbia, as the memes go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKmQbOizmrw
>>288828 one side is muslim, the other slav. Is that right? but which is which?
>All those PLA arms shipments to Serbia going on starting last year
>>288830 china wirr gror rarger
>>288831 didn't the UK/US side with the Muslims the last time there was a war there?
>>288833 We initially sided with Serbia then stabbed them in the back and pulled a reverse-uno
>>288833 Yes. Smh.
>Serbia is gathering its army to the borders of Kosovo, including combat aircraft.
>>288834 >We initially sided with Serbia then stabbed them in the back and pulled a reverse-uno perfidious fucking albion and the empire of lies
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>microwaves killing housec*t sperm and frying the females wombs so they can't breed Based.
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>>288838 we should do that to jews
DANGERFIELD IS LIVE! https://youtu.be/werplNuidgg yeah I don't care either
Kosovan Police ROSU have closed the borders and roads near the border.
>>288822 finally
>>288822 >>288842 who is eggy?
>he doesn't know
>>288844 yeah I don't know, obviously that's why I'm asking!
>>288846 >ENGLAND 2-1 is that the ratio of darkies to white people now? 2 -1 ?
should we watch the Alien vs Predator films? they don't fit with the lore of Alien Covenant at all though, but none of those films actually fit properly together after Prometheus was mae anyway
>>288848 yeah put summat on tonight
>>288849 what you rekcon lad?
>President Vučić’s emergency address is in 30 minutes
>>288848 would rather watch the original Predator
>>288849 it'sll be a late one if we watch something tonight, as I'm doing my workout and not had dinner yet either
>>288852 >would rather watch the original Predator yeah me too, that's actually a good film but because of that it deserves to be a Friday or Saturday film choice, not a rushed late Sunday one
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>>288855 he hunts down right wing accounts and bans them
ENGLAND FC HAVE WON THE EUROS Because the women's team had far less niggers
>blonde lass took her top off after scoring
>>288532 finally
>>288860 fuck sake it's near impossible to make this stop once it's started
>>288860 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck
wow thaks (((Rubin)))
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>>288865 >that bloke in the middle
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>>288860 >got two lads with it KEEEEEEK very good lad a weapon to surpass metal shart
>>288865 shes got pointy nips too
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>Russian Foreign ministry backs Serbia, says Kosovo and its foreign backers are is trying to trigger war. >Spain backed Serbia only yesterday, saying "says that Spain and Serbia are "old friends" and that Spanish support to Serbia is based on International Law and that Spanish Government will always be allied diplomatically to Spain over Kosovo."
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>>288870 >Spanish Government will always be allied diplomatically to Spain over Kosovo
>>288823 albanians finna get btfo
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Can't wait for Dua Lipa to spark outrage and support for Kosovo and become the international voice as an Albanian-British national treasure
What's going on in Albania, was busy wanking????
>>288875 keksmh entirely plausible
>>288876 kosovo is ethnically albanian you mong >>288876
>>288878 Yeah lad, everyone knows that you thick fuck. It belongs to Serbia nonetheless.
Muslim defenders should have their throats slit.
don't understand balkanoid politics tbh just give it to russia
>>288881 Albanians and Bosnians should be destroyed. That's all you need to know.
>>288882 just move them to that part of northern iraq that turkey has bases all over and wars with the kurds in, then let turkey annex that part and it becomes the new ottoman empire. iraq is perma-fucked now anyway.
>>288852 >>288854 We should watch the newest Predator or Predator 2 because it's pretty good even if the main character is a nigger.
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>>288884 fuck off lad, we already decided we are watching Fred: The Movie (2010) on bongo
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Link me then.
>>288887 bins will when the kosmi is ready
>>288888 Sounds like a terrible movie. Hope you aren't watching that one. Checked.
big fat bouncing anus
Bins don't blue balls smee like this. Is a film even on tonight?
i just had a poo accident
>>288892 good lad
Where is Dorset?
Wess you still up for a film?
>Self-proclaimed Kosovo police say shots fired at their direction. Kosovan Police special forces are fully mobilising, KFOR on high alert.
Italian Carabinieri sent by the UN are in Pristina.
>>288896 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the video quality is the same as the last war
>>288898 >only >(2) in the room
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Serbia is gathering it's armed forces, while Kosovo are gathering police.
>you denial Why for, gentle Wesshog? Hath toil hardened thine heart like coarsened leather?
>On Facebook, the Prime-Minister of the Self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti published an statement saying "Terrorist armed groups" which according to him are "controlled & funded" by the Serbian government opened fire at Kosovo Police in Northern Kosovo today. <At the end of the video statement he said: — "The following hours, days and weeks can be challenging and problematic. >We are facing the Serbian national-chauvinism that we know well. <We will work day and night, we will be at the top of our duties, for you as citizens and for our democratic Republic" Also; The Special Forces of Kosovo police began to implement a plan to occupy the ethnic Serb Settlements along the border with Serbia
Of course Albanians backed by NATO and the EU decide to pull this shit out of the blue on a Sunday. They must have cucked over Taiwan and the scheme Ukraine scheme must be squeezed dry.
>>288905 why can't we just wtch fred like the bongo wanted?
>>288909 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gY1516YF50 it's a shame this cool bridge jingle only made up such a small portion of the song. that 13 second bridge is probably the best turbofolk there is
All that Serbian Lithium.
>Iraq is happening >Serbian Telegram channels claiming that Serbian President Vučić has arrived at the General Staff of the Serbian Army. >The citizen of Serbia is hospitalized. >He was beaten by members of the special forces of the Kosovo Police when he tried to break through the barricades at the border of Kosovska Mitrovica. >Russia released naval combat footage It's too much
>>288914 What's happening in Iraq?
>>288885 >>288899 hope they put their capes on for the dance tbh like a bit of uniformkino me >>288908 >facebook proclamation seals the deal tbh definitely retarded zog puppets >>288910 tbh, got to keep the international global-scale money laundering and fraud stuff going >>288914 plot overload to disguise something big going down in the westoid nations maybe smh
>>288915 Iran is turning Iraq into a vassal state, it's been happening slowly since 2003 Shia rushed parliament multiple times in one week. The Iraqi government is failing to address Turkey's annexation of northern Iraq is accelerating it.
Gun fights in Kosovo confirmed.
>lads won't say where Dorset is he's dead, isn't he?
>>288919 he died doing what he loved illegally tunnelling under his street in order to spy on gingerlass from beneath the floorboards poor lad breached a power line
>>288919 hopefully
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Whenever Dorset isn't in the thread all the other posters should be asking "where's Dorset?"
>Hulk Hogan's daughter got blacked I'm going to do violence
business idea: give up the adultwork habit and compress my coomery in to a 2 week thailand trip each year. supplement the rest of the year with masturbation
>>288928 as expected
>>288928 Next Georgia will start demanding a return of it's lost borders.
>>288931 >they're going to start a shitter version of the yugoslavian war and genocide the serbs just to put nato forces near to pookraine in order to escalate that conflict
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>>288932 Nah, the Serbs are backed by the Chinks and Russia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmRtxAJCUNM
>>288935 yeah I mean that is why nato is using kosovo as an excuse to attack them and escalate with putler
>Russians spilling Ukrainian blood >Serbs spilling Albanian blood Marche Slave moment >>288798 bone is harder than melon >>288878 yeah just like Birmingham is ethnically Punjabi
>>288938 nice bright targets on their foreheads and armbands there
>>288826 holy based. I've always wondered how could the Serbs just let Albos ethnically cleanse Kosovo right on their border.
put orange juice in my sparkling water
>>288940 NATO bombed Serbian civilians until they surrendered, this was under Bill Clinton, you should know this
>NATO forces arrived at the Jarinje checkpoint, where the dividing line between Kosovo and Serbia is located. >>288939 The KLA got smashed to bits by the Serbs before.
"mistakes were made"
It's like clockwork with the balkans
Vučić is projected to speak in around 10 minutes
NATO need an UN resolution to act in this conflict, but they know Russia and China will veto so they are doing it anyway.
>>288942 I know I mean what a humiliation that is.
Croatia vs Bosnia will kick off also, screencap this.
this coincides with the astroturfing of the nafo doge memi that is primarily aimed at russia. it's glownigger shite so the memi is dead on arrival and years behind the based incellian vanguard
They should settle it with a tournament of womens football
>>288950 who do we support there? why did croatia war with serbia when they both hated bosnians? it's all so confusing. i guess the serbs the croats were fighting were technically yugoslavian soldiers
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>Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said this evening after a meeting at the General Staff that the KFOR commander is expected to arrive in North Mitrovica around midnight. >Vučić said that Pristina's action has long been prepared at all levels. There will be no capitulation, Serbia will either die or win, he concluded.
>>288954 Fucking brainlet, watch a documentary or something fucking hell
>>288954 in WWII era: Croatia > Bosnia > Serbia in modern era: Serbia > Croatia > Bosnia
>>288917 >Iran is turning Iraq into a vassal state Based and Parthian
>>288954 nobody lad. it's subhuman balkanoid shite
>>288954 Modern Bosnia was created through negotiation with Serbia. The Serbs therefore got their own autonomous region called the Republika Srpska. The Croats didn't and since a Bosniak nationalist party is in power the Croat government is trying to pressure them into granting autonomous region to Croats. Watch this series by the BBC on the Yugoslav wars (its actually great) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj9Zw5fN3rE&list=PLdw7wnKe0wiUSNdugFGpnSfm6wt-9gvUt&index=1
>>288959 The Shia faction occupying the parliament is anti-Iranian and technically hold a parliamentary majority. The Iranian faction that has been in government the last 18 years has basically suspended the government until elections with both the presidential office and legal executive council so they can change election rules to regain a majority.
>brainlet retard who doesn't know basic shit posts grotesque latex jew frogs speaks VOLUMES
>>288964 that's a turtle
fidel castro's grandson became a tranny
>>288965 speaks VOLUMES
>>288966 really hope he is assassinated soon
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>>288963 >suspended the government so they can change election rules Still seems kinda based tbh >>288966 keek I could believe it but twitter is a gay website so I can't fact chook
>>288961 i've tried to watch that numerous times but i never get further than the first episode, it's too dense and slow
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hmm what content to consoom....
>>288971 keeeeeeeek
>Serbia invades Kosovo >China invades Taiwan >Trudeau is assassinated >Turkey seizes the Greek Islands >Iranian "peace keeping" operation into Iraq >American civil war >Egypt invades Ethiopia >Armenia invades Azerbaijan with Russian support >Ukraine war goes nuclear
>>288974 >*nothing happens*
>>288974 >Armenia invades Azerbaijan with Russian support that wouldn't happen, relationship between Russia/Armenia/Azerbaijan is complicated Armenia is in CSTO, but they are poor and weak so they have little to offer Russia. also their Soros NWO PM Pashinyan tried to move towards the west, away from Russia, which pissed Russia off. then he gutted the military while Azerbaijan which has money and a strong military because they have gas in the Caspian Sea bought drones from Turkey which is their BFF4EVR. so Azerbaijan invaded Artsakh and easily crushed Armenia, and Russia did nothing except negotiate a ceasefire and install Russian peacekeepers in the resulting Stepanakert rump state. basically, Russia can't afford to alienate Azerbaijan, they need to maintain a balance there. also worth considering that Russians have a general racial animosity towards all Caucasians a.k.a. Churkas and that includes Armenians, so they don't really care about Armenians getting ethnically cleansed from their native land by Turks
>>288977 ok but I just wanted to post the funny crusius face lad.
thinking about hayley atwell tbh
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goodnight lads w-what what in the world No, I - I went to bed I'm still posting? Why am I still posting? I did what I was supposed to That's not fair
yeah we won, lads!
>>288982 they knelt at the start, dont care. hope they all get raped to death by niggers *reaches for the chud note book*
>>288982 very angry at this
peanut butter and banana sandwich for supper
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>>288984 good lad
>the cute petite tomboy best friend who showed you her pussy and you had a huge crush on in art college is still with her 300lb hambeast gf literally why
weak bait
>>288980 Can't blame you tbh >>288982 IT'S COMING HOME LADS
smh poor lad
>>288981 night lad
oh well, she's not even 16 anymore. oh bloody well.
lads this is my warning to you never ever check your old facebook contacts NEVER
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>it's a captcha episode
>>288991 what the FUCK
>>288997 keeeeeeeek smh
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I find it strange that anyone stil believes we won WW2
>>289000 boomers m8, the scourge of the nation.
>>289001 it's because of that Tom Hardwood tweet, "2 world wars and 1 world cup" >>288982 that sentiment makes me sick now
>>289000 but why did the BUF just fade into obscurity when they failed to take over? shouldn't they have undermined the war effort or something?
>>289004 Mosley encouraged the Blackshirts to enlist, two of the first British casualties in the war were Blackshirts.
>>289004 >but why did the BUF because the organisation was outlawed and they put the leaders in prison?
>>289005 what a cuck >>289006 like NA then, smh prison island
oh so thats what that guy got arrested for
i love eggy, the music in his streams is always so comfy and good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59giI0W8HaM
>>288917 >Iran is turning Iraq into a vassal state good >>289009 decent
why are they like this? it's like they are mocking us all, but do they see it that way?
>>289012 Humiliation is a means of control.
>>289013 >humiliation is ameans of control this would make sense of it tbh
>>288834 just like in ww2 with the chetniks
>>288837 those two niggas kills so many shitskins its not even funny smh they did it for the jews though
there wasn't a single sneed n feed mene or reference on the eggy stream. end of an era
people never notice when a meme disappears, only when they're first created
So the civil war in Iraq that will start tomorrow is Sadrists vs Pro-Iranists. Mark it down.
>>288915 al sadr fags finna dab on shianiggas fr fr
>>289021 >>289020 no you were right the first time.
hate these kinds of copy-and-paste memes but this one got a chuckle out of me
>>288988 girl nextdoor showed me her posi when we were 6 years old and hiding in a trunk in her basement playing house but then she grew up to be a dog mom married to a doctor who still doesn't have kids
theres so many big british rw twitter accounts that are nothing but "MUSLIMS NIGGER RAPE BEAT UP WHITE RAPE BAD THING BAD THING BAD THING" and they have tens of thousands of followers and dont get banned. I 100% believe they're a part of a psyop operation.
>>289025 yeah noticed that this was being allowed now, potentially as demoralisation propaganda because folk are susceptible to decline porn tbh
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>>289022 he is one crafty boi, I just remembered iraqi polishits from 2008 era memory when he was hiding in the background after kind of playing both sides in 06 to get after ISI and ba'athismfags and also do cheeky attacks on zogbots. I didn't know that he did a heel turn on iran
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I don't like seeing based lads having a dispute tbh, focus on the common (((enemy)))
>>289028 he seems cool and his ideology is actually based. but still I want Iran to vassalize Iraq so they can use vassal-swarm tactics to siege down Israel.
>>289030 tbh yeah I want to see the kikes get annihilated and also letting the shia problem get out of control will play into our anglo hands so that the sunni fags come begging for big nice anglo masters to come save them and then after our racewars and collapse this will be good way to keep muslim world from becoming turkroach empire since we could back one or the other against turkroaches
>>289030 the best thing would be a big anti-zionist islamic revival across the middle east, without sectarianism between sunni and shi'ite, against the USA and western degeneracy. second best thing is a powerful Shi'ite axis from Iran to Lebanon, supported by Russia and China
I remember when the kikes were brainwashing all us midwestoid how evil al sadr was. fucking rat kikes need to get what they deserve
>>289032 tbh yeah a strong iran shia axis to block turkey as well
>>289023 kek, can someone fill me in on this castration thing? i missed it. i think russians did a bad thing to a ukranian combatant, all i know of the incident
>>289035 latest chugfag gore spam
wish we could do cool gepolitics instead of being a landing zone for shartanshart joe brandon's fag empire.
>>289037 smh at least you lads were relevant 70 years ago, the great lakes has been political since isaac brock and tecumseh around the time of napoleon. smh the closest it came to being relevant was when the leaf truckers blocked the bridge to detoilet and the imperial city government of zionigger nonce kikes all realized that it was the most economically important border crossing potentially in the new world
>>289026 nigger
Algeria wants to join BRICS btw >Brazil >Russia >India >China >South Africa wanting to join: >Algeria >Argentina >Egypt >Iran >Saudi Arabia >Turkey >>289035 video came out of some Kalmyk (Buddhist Mongolians that settled northern Caucasus) Russian soldier (or mercenary or something with 'Wagner Division' or something idfk) slicing off some ukrainian soldiers balls off. then they headshotted him and dragged him into a pit
>>289027 just take the W faggot >>289032 often forget that afghanistan is on the border of iran, it's weird to me that iran had a border with a US occupied state and for whatever reason nothing became of it
>>289040 it shouldn't be called brics its literally the ad-hoc anti 5 eyes alliance and the frogs and krauts will ditch us pretty fast and the kikes will jump ship to somewhere else looks like russia/hol holistan and leave the non anglos of the world to exterminate the 5 eyes
>>289041 talibs and iran are having a faceoff rn because the talibs want to try out their new kit
>>289035 here are the videos. pretty gross especially 'cause of the ass hanging out, bleeugh >>289041 I think having the strategic bases for Iran/Russia/China was part of the reason for the invasion/occupation. main thing seems to be the opium though, I still don't understand why they pulled out, now the Taliban is destroying all the poppy fields and the world's supply of opium is drying up hence why most opiate addicts are on fentanyl now which is extremely dangerous due to its potency and ease of overdose even with skin contact
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>>289044 I really really don't like this stuff
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>when the horse realises the rider is jogger
>>289047 where is this from please lad?
>>289044 what did he do to make them hate him so much?
>>289045 yeah its truly horrific ive seen gore before but this is just barbaric >>289048 wish i knew sorry lad not my screencap
>>289045 aye lad, there's no reason for it
just skipped through bits of the video paused and i still regret it
>>289047 Who is this? Not sure about doom mongering though, the situation is very grave. White nationalist or 'racist' feminists do seem to pop up from time to time, and just be dumb fucking birds attempting to excuse shitty female behaviour otoh.
>>289047 good to know my 200IQ chud brain is immune to psyops
sounds a bit like bap tbh
>>289056 >>289057 does BAP actually source anything? He seems the type to just make shit up
>>289049 i want to know too kinda hope someone does the same to them
also given the ukies track record i would not be surprised if it were actually a russian dressed in a ukrainian uniform and the alleged "russians" were actually ukrainians
>>289058 lad this was literally the peter sweden goes missing case from 2019. he tried to marry an egirl he never met who turned out to be a fed, who also ran "voice of europe" which shut down afterwards.
>>289046 >onto the bonnet Keeek perfect delivery. Apefricans and horses don't mix. Any horses that went into Subsahara traditionally went into the stewpot instead of proliferating
>>289025 i'm sure nosely use to do this a lot on twitter. not sure if it was sinister or just him being a mong can't imagine the shite being posted on telegram
it's like crack to the boomers and tommy crowd you have to step over it
>An Indian family that arrived three hours later than everyone else aggressively pushed their way to the front of the queue and took the first waiting room ticket Indians are the worst ethnic group tbh. I have never had a good experience meeting one.
>>289067 the lasses are peng for what it's worth
>>289068 They are selfish scum. I went on holiday in a group that had one and she complained about the food at every restaurant we went to just in the hopes she could get something for free. The lasses are also fat.
>>289069 tbh, they're definitely entitled. brown women who grow up in white countries end up even worse than the buttmatrix hwhite foids
still peng though kek
morning lads missed some prime kino smh
>>289049 idk, some are saying it's just Mongol barbarism considering the guy that did it was Kalmyk (literally Mongolian Buddhists, not meming). but I don't have much sympathy, these Ukrainians deserve whatever they get, they made a deal with the (((devil))) >>289059 disagree, Russia should probably throw him in prison after the war though, he hurt Russia's image internationally >>289060 somebody said the boots he's wearing are Ukrainian >>289068 yeah I wouldn't mind some kamasutra pagan sex magick with tight pajeeta puss eager to extract my aryan sperm tbh
>>289073 rise and shine
>twitter has added warnings to serbian media links >it's happening
>>289071 Are you really attracted to Indians or are you just meming?
>>289079 ni la
>>289067 tbh I really fucking hate them
>>289079 >pink panther mene based, i wanted to post the one where he smashes the clock with the pipe spanner wrench but i couldn't find it in my meme folder. night lad
>>289083 making me want to watch rover dangerfield tbh probably more than a few jokes in there that went over my head when i was young >>289084 tbh
>>289086 what's this lad?
>>289088 percentage of South America's GDP. notice the relative decline in Argentina/Venezuela and the increase in Brazil
wonder why argentina is going down tbh
>Gator bait Baste.
>>289092 jesus, is that real? seems fake
>>289093 it's always fake
It's real. the niglet was flying around in his pyramid before the whitey devils shot him down.
>>289095 keeeeek
always astonished at how i keep going to toil on monday hungover to the point i'm of no use but keep getting away with it. sometimes i wonder whether it's me pullng a fast one on them, or them laughing at me for even showing up
>>289098 depends on what toil you do and who your cotoilers are tbh there's a non-zero chance that you're still more productive than average
>>289099 this might be it, i'm still an asset to them even with reptilian brain function. as you get older you realise how much of an asset you are to le toilmaster, especially if the young toilees you manage like you and think your jokes and memes are funny, which they are because i poach them all from here. literally everyone at my workplace calls work toil now kek
>>289100 >literally everyone at my workplace calls work toil now kek keeeek based even now /brit/ is still a memetic powerhouse
smorning extra blackpilled today don't want to toil for free and make money to pay for the undeserved wages of a clique of email sending officefoids who do nothing useful or relevant and in fact are actively harming the character of the workplace
>>289102 smorning lad >don't want to toil for free and make money to pay for the undeserved wages of a clique of email sending officefoids who do nothing useful or relevant and in fact are actively harming the character of the workplace smh
>>289102 unironically emigrate to australia or canada and take some shit laborious oil/mining/logging job if your health can handle it. as soon as you show even the most minimal amount of cognitive ability you'll be on 100k pa and will be given a cool pickup truck to thrash across the wastelands of the former british empire. don't fuck around with voluntoil here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59giI0W8HaM
>>289104 tbh lots of work in western australia at the moment on the new gas pipeline
>>289104 shackled to the NHS smh
toil prep nearly over
>>289107 don't be late lad time is money
>>289108 considering an emergency poo unavoidably postponing my travels tbh
>>289109 >not saving your pre-toil poos so you can poo on company time smh you're never going to make it as a toiler lad this is basic stuff
>>289110 Nothing like baking a real stinker exclusively for the workplace
>>289111 keeek tbh
>>289110 keek smh the loos there are awful unfortunately, open to the public as well can't risk getting monkeypox from the toilet seat
>>289113 who said anything about using the loo?
>>289114 KEEEK
another green poo with barely anything coming out worrying this might end elvis style
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A pub football team would batter the lionesses 8-0.
>>289049 I heard he was a rapist or something but no clear story is coming out
>>289118 >Men are physically stronger than women Revolutionary take lad
>>289120 goes without saying. but you missed my point, mong.
>>289120 in times such as these stating a simple truth is a revolutionary act lad
>>289121 No, I understand your point I just think it's retarded. A woman's sporting achievement should be treated as a woman's sporting achievement.
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ice cold can of vimto
I'd never shit in a public toilet. even using the urinals freaks me out, I stand way back to avoid splashback but sometimes you still feel it on your hand, horrifying. think what I'm gonna do in the future is just use my shoe to lift the seat of the toilet and then piss in that >>289123 but what's the point of "women's sporting" other than watching fit girls prance around in slutty outfits
>>289126 The same point of men's sport, my retarded friend. Health, competition, pushing the human body to its limits.
Hype and propaganda about wahmen's football. when the quality is not even non-league men's standard. Pathetic.
>>288991 I'd honestly rope if I were you tbh fucking HELL that hambeast just fucking hates men and is keeping a fertile foid spinning on nothing >>289104 > as soon as you show even the most minimal amount of cognitive ability you'll be on 100k pa why do people on here write such utter shite
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD SCHMORNING SNEEDPOL fixed smee sleep schedule finally, woke up at 6 am.
>>289130 good morning sir
>>289130 6am is too early to go to bed IMO
>>289132 can you read, thats when I woke up you mong
>>289129 it's true lad
>>289134 then why aren't you doing it
>>289104 what are the health consequences? people always say jobs like those take a toll on your body but never explain it id consider doing this but I also want to become a bodybuilder >>289129 tbh and tbh though I think theyre probably both vegans or some shite it gets even worse, they flew off to america and got gay married
its amazing how wessie thinks it makes sense that he can't eat normal food because of his health or something yet he'll eat sweeties all day
>footy lisas and dykes still larping as men all over the TV its the most fake performative shite I've ever seen being forced down our throats, every newspaper and every channel just covering this shite nonstop, this will be the new standard until the regime falls btw.
No wonder you lads are incels, fucking hell. >>289129 >why do people on here write such utter shite Sheltered retards who turned their social anxiety into a political movement. They've been poisoning racism for years now.
>lopping knob off Degeneracy >smashing bollocks Kino
was watching a doc on yt about pakistani pederasty and this blonde lad appeared in an clip in an child centre, what phenotype is this, very strange indeed, his hairs more blond than mines was when I was far younger than him. https://youtu.be/niN5g8ZxFQg
>>289142 Could be dyed by his groomer tbh. Light skinned enough for him to pass as european bummy cunny in Ikbal's mind. There will be no need once he gets to Sweden or the UK. Don't worry, lad.
>>289142 Rishi on the right
came home to see yidtube gave me a warning and deleted my moonman playlist VGH.... Yovtvbe has fallen... >>289137 I am not allowed red meat smh my diet consists solely of a small amount of white meat and fish, grain based carbs, a piece of fruit a day, and boiled vegetable mush no sweeties beyond plain tea or digestive biscuits and only a few of those because I have a carb limit too
>>289145 >I am not allowed red meat >boiled vegetable mush they want you sick
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>>288916 >plot overload to disguise something big going down in the westoid nations maybe smh https://bills.parliament.uk/ who keeps track of this shite to flag up notable nonce-sense? >>288931 >There will be no real prospects for a better future in the Balkans, without full respect for (((human rights and democratic values))) get shelled, scum
married incel rage
>>289142 there's a number of ethnic groups in pakistan with light skin and visible blonde hair and coloured eyes. Kalash, Hunza, Pashayi.
saw another nice lass at toil accompanied by two lads which is a concerning trend I've noticed smh I guess middle-value normies have to band together in twisted provider-harems to compete for the attentions of average women
The reason these groups have light hair and eyes isn't because they're necessarily more Aryan than their neighbours its just because they practiced endogamy for centuries. Endogamy in a population with recessive genes makes those genes predominant enough to be expressed if it goes on for long enough.
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>>289157 wahey
Rishi is trying to trick us in to voting for him by posing in a huwheat field smh
>>289159 wish he and all his foul kind were fertilising are huwheat fields with their corpses tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZOTFMyMyM lol this game looks like absolute shit not to mention that ship looks like a blatant ripoff of the prometheus
>>289160 lad, given that you may only have a few years or months to live... do you really have anything to lose?
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>>289164 i'm right though
>>289165 no you aren't
>>289169 is the watchman comic any good? the guy who wrote it seems like a libtard
You gotta give it to the Eldar for literally creating a god though like zamn ong.
>>289172 The eldar were, are, and will always be a bunch of twats.
>>289170 >the guy who wrote it seems like a libtard he's an odd characer but yeah, I think he's anti-hierarchical so a leftoid I heard him tell his life story in an interview, he was the brightest kid at a state school, then got in to a grammer school, where he wasn't the brightest kid anymore, so he decied to rebel. In his own words, once he realised he couldn't win he decided he didn't want to play - that's how he avoided getting a proper job and became a comic book writer so he's the type of leftist that resents that there are people better than him, hence he hates the concept of superhero because they are better than everyone. That's why he writes anti-superhero superhero comics
this was written by the peach slag. this is her husband
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOSVAHXF4oI This scene from the film is kino.
so are we watching Watchmen this weekend or something?
>>289175 >he cooks all our dinners >he does the shopping >he pays all the bills so what exactly does this moaning bitch do herself? fuck all by the sounds of it
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>>289175 so she's just a whiny unpleasant bitch that likes to wallow in misery even though she has nothing to actually coplain about? women tbh
how the fuck do people get their lives in order i swear most people complaining about going nowhere in life already at least have stable jobs and friends but i dont even have those
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>>289178 >so what exactly does this moaning bitch do herself? she makes comics complaining about how hard her life is
me trying not to kill myself every day as I approach closer and closer to 26
>>289183 it's probably ok if you were never given any expectations in the first place however i have gifted kid syndrome and was told since birth I was always going to do great things and be a genius etc so i am deeply troubled woe is me etc i know my problems arent unique, doesnt make it feel any better though
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>>289180 go outside and start digging a hole lad
>>289184 same tbh the most retarded mummies seem to do that arrogance tbh >I shat him out so he's going to be great and I don't even have to do anything like raise him or teach him, in fact I'll stop his dad doing anything too because that might be dangerous/impinge on my authority/is a reason for me to seethe constantly and create a broken home for my own satisfaction >>289185 based
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>>289182 >26 days of nofap?
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>>289182 Didn't realise we had such young lads on here
all I remember from childhood is her screaming at her partners and it only stopped when I did the dependent version of defooing and spent 4 years living in my bedroom on the computer trying to ignore them until she sent me away to live with dad (and he just fed me and didn't do whatever raising was left to do either) love living in the first world me okay thankyou
>>289186 >I don't even have to do anything like raise him or teach him literally, tbhsmh i wonder if its endemic to the boomer population in particular to be such shit parents >>289188 we had a 19 year old lad but he fell victim to the tranny cabal smdh
>>289187 years of age, i'm actually on 28 days so not far off
>>289145 That's going to make for a pretty grim christmas
>>289192 don't really bother following it for family meals tbh, once a week or whatever is probably okay granny tries her best but already forgot what is okay so snaturday sninner this weekend was pasta bake with bacon bits and tomato (both on the no list) and very nice just have to hope that the boomers don't get psyoped into some new project fear shit and spend another christmas alone wearing masks indoors like they did for '21
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>>289145 pretty sure a keto diet would sort you out ngl unfortunately uk zog doctors will probably tell you the opposite of that
considering going shops but all I can think of to buy is prison milk (300ml/day max)
they put me off blue top, never mind gold top
>>289196 think they are giving you all the wrong advice for weight loss tbh
>>289197 hopefully it won't matter in the end because they also mandated portion control so I am on a deficit and should eventually start wasting away
>>289196 so overpriced lactose water, then? >>289197
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>>289195 get a nice can of grape soda
>>289198 >coloric deficit ffs. is the purpose to get you to lose weight?
>>289200 like a bit of old jamaica tbh will have to see >>289201 lose weight and not strain kidneys, so portion control, low salt and low potassium I piss away protein that should be going into the body or something
>>289201 >portion control it sounds like it >>289202 >protein that should be going into the body put it to use or lose it, same with calcium, you need to push your limits to build any muscle or bone density maybe get a couple of planks or fenceposts and screw together a simple calisthenics frame in the garden or your room >tfw you end up a muscly sumo wrestler and they still call you fat then if you can't go running for fear of exploding knees, you need to go swimming long distances if you want to trim up
>>289203 >maybe get a couple of planks or fenceposts and screw together a simple calisthenics frame in the garden or your room you think he can do calisthetics? he would need to start with arm circles lad
Nothing I can poo Total eclipse of the shart
tfw no fur baby family
>>289206 hate d*gs so much ffs. the fuck is wrong with people, look at those things
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WWIII alert
>>289209 Anything that pisses off mainland taiwan is ok in my book tbh
how much do they make? how can they endure the humiliation of being the ones that do this to people?
>>289209 >set to visit didnt that happen like 2 days ago already
>No point talking about demographic replacement. >Talks about the growing number of moslems every video.
>>289213 that's a more recent thing, allegedly she's doing it
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based joe chatting up kuwaiti lasses
cmon baste pagang chink empire, behead the snake
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>>289218 Chink bros, we got too cocky.
kuwait isn't a real country
no old jamaica nigger with the latest in cold weather gear and completely pristine backpack and larp accoutrements begged me for change twice sister is visiting tomorrow to show off her richfag boyfriend and pretend that we are family that care about eachother LIVE EGGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G1-OU64lqk
saw the same nigger begging outside a chip shop too, still in his expensive larpfag clothes I hate them so much
>>289222 >sister is visiting tomorrow to show off her richfag boyfriend and pretend that we are family that care about eachother Should've rented yourself a ukie slag. There's nothing that winds a woman up like a foreign lass.
watching videos of dogs attacking spics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd0j3d-xBJs
>>289224 keek smh not worth the investment tbh >>289225 based
>that fucking retarded woman in the thumbnail
>>289227 what's occurring in this hoomer?
>>289225 he was only being friendly
Hate people that let their dog off the lead. Same goes for men with their women.
>>288848 first one isn't bad. Even has Lance Henrikssen in.
>>289230 properly trained dogs are fine off the lead
>>289233 Don't care, keep it on a lead.
And stop posting Tilda Swinton singing.
>>289233 leads won't save the retarded anyway first dog I had was a rescue and overprotective to the point of warning others away in public apparently mummy (also a retard) took it walking one day and some old french cunt wanted to pet her despite mummy saying DO NOT DO IT DO NOT COME CLOSER SHE WILL BITE and the dog growling and bearing her teeth.... and then biting the stupid fuck who came close anyway, who then seethed, went to the governiggers and probably got the dog executed because mummy said "we gave her to a farmer"
>>289233 leads won't save the retarded anyway first dog I had was a rescue and overprotective to the point of warning others away in public apparently mummy (also a retard) took it walking one day and some old french cunt wanted to pet her despite mummy saying DO NOT DO IT DO NOT COME CLOSER SHE WILL BITE and the dog growling and bearing her teeth.... and then biting the stupid fuck who came close anyway, who then seethed, went to the governiggers and probably got the dog executed because mummy said "we gave her to a farmer"
instead of trying to rehabilitate her she got her partner to build a big cage a few meters rectangular in which she was kept almost all of the time except for when they remembered dogs need walking probably didn't help
instead of trying to rehabilitate her she got her partner to build a big cage a few meters rectangular in which she was kept almost all of the time except for when they remembered dogs need walking probably didn't help
>>289237 yeah u cant have a dog that bites people lad
>>289240 we all need dogs that bite people in these trying times for anti-nigger protection
>>289240 we all need dogs that bite people in these trying times for anti-nigger protection
smh more ewar in the balkans making me doublepost not even clicking the reply button more than once
smh more ewar in the balkans making me doublepost not even clicking the reply button more than once
>>289243 War in the balkans is the natural state of affairs, lad.
It's your fucking fat fingers, you cunt.
>>289240 >yeah u cant have a dog this
>>289204 anyone can do some calisthenics unless they are paralysed it's just a matter of what angle of inclination you do press-ups, how much weight you take off your legs for tricep dips, or coolrunningschinups.gif etc. you might have to do 80° press-ups against a wall to start, but everyone starts somewhere >>289212 pathetic, but they don't think about the crap coming out of their mouths, just literal NPCs there to state the rules >>289242 tbh
>>289250 unfathomably based I do like how shartica is so big and states are independent enough that they still sometimes have good cops who will go against federal scum
>>289253 nice lass tbh
forgot this memi
>>289253 *latches to her breast and starts suckling to induce lactation*
>>289256 *wheezes from hilarity* Tired of listening to politicians who are mostly ignoring the ongoing invasion by the third world, honestly visiting UKIP media accounts and hearing them stay on topic is refreshing
the GBNiggers should hire /brit/ to vacation on the north coast of france and work as POP patrols going around popping invader boats with novelty extra large syringe needles tbh
what does a smooth buttoxerino mean? He shaves his arsehole?
>>289252 in this case i think it was more just a case of dumb cops being dumb cops and jumping on the chance to be aggressive keeek the guy who phoned was a genius
>>289261 tbh a 200IQ play
>>289253 >is there a plan we could go with? kill them all
>>289260 It sounds like somebody asked him about getting spanked metaphorically, lad. Just bantz hopefully
live dutty professor on le footballerino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRA24I8ZyJI
who wants to come to dover with me armed with BIG sharp pointy things to defend are beaches unironically
>>289259 didn't see this post smh tbh great minds think alike
>>289218 >*disguises my gonads to look like Mao Zedong Avenue before the Chingwan 42nd Womens infantry division arrives*
>>289250 >>289250 why do niggers and federal agents don't make it easy on themselves and just comply? Fuck's sake. Imagine having a gun on you and not complying with a cop who is ready to magdump you for pulling your trousers up
>keto mongs itt tbf, licking windows will cause you to lose weight.
>>289266 Scuba suits and harpoons, that's the way
everything's gone lads, there's no joy or festivity here anymore. everything is sterile now, it's really hard to describe but people just don't spontaneously come together and party and be mirthful like they used to. i remember as a kid we'd spend all summer in peoples back gardens and all the grown ups would drink and be merry. something's really changed now
>>289273 society is collapsing
>>289274 It's being attacked and devoured by parasites
>>289275 the west has also fallen
>>289276 Obviously
Industrialism was a wrong turn for sure, on top of it the technocracy is a Huxleyite nightmare
>>289279 the cool kids amongst zoomers are the cunnychuds now
>>289279 There are cultural indicators that subsaharans are inveterate egalitarians, this is probably why the newer generation is being shepherd towards such appreciation
>>289266 No point [redacting] migrants lad, there’ll just be more the next day, and the next, forever Got to [redact] politicians, journalists and bankers instead
>>289253 Fucking hell he talks so slowly. 75 iq tier sounding cunt.
average IQ on /brit/ must be close to 150 tbh
>>289285 I'd say the average is about normal average. But only because of spic dragging it down. There are quite a few 120 chuds like smee and steiner.
>>289268 keeeeeeek >>289285 >>289286 did a test like 10 years ago and I got 135 but it's probably way less than that now because of depression and social media programming smh
iq estimates can be wildly innacurate though i remember seeing some thing comparing celebrities iq and it claimed kanye west had 145 keeek such bullshit
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>>289285 >average IQ on /brit/must be close to 150 tbh yeah
>>289282 shut up schizo
>female friend sends me trailer to a film that looks like absolute kino >description suggests gay undertones and a recommended video is subtitled "deconstructing masculinity" https://youtu.be/Hh4HzACZOOQ
>>289292 future film night?
>>289127 >The same point of men's sport, my retarded friend. Health, competition, pushing the human body to its limits. Retarded take women only really compete at aesthetics with each other.
Rewatched Prometheus earlier. As kino as I remembered, even with the bits of poz. At least they didn't show Charlize Theron getting ELBA'd and just implied it happened. Though IRL she probably did because she's a batshit anti white liberal south african. Smdh.
>>289298 That was abrupt.
>>289297 yeah glad you weren't there to watch it with us. sound like a retard
>>289289 >leftypol meme
>>289283 >there’ll just be more the next day, and the next, forever gotta have an asset-based mindset lad, that there is a business opportunity. >set up an odysee and subscribestar for some "Pop Patrol" or "Channel Shepherd" group >post videos of your fun lads days out at sea >get massive donations for every boat you pop >re-invest the funds to buy faster boats and longer needles >[redacted] >profit!
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A lot of them know but are OK with it https://youtu.be/i0BTB8jaM0Q
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek look at the gay manlet kike who is the cousin of JP morgan execs acting like a tough guy https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1554163274970791937?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
>289303 >vatican assassin zog agent probably a secret mischling seventh day adventist
>>289305 tbh, jesuitlad is just a boring broken record at this point
>coping heretics
>>289301 Fat poljaks are used on leftypol?
https://compactmag.com/article/the-attack-on-rail >“The trains are our friends. When you can hear them, you feel that everything is going on all right,” says Lewis Eliot’s mother in C.P. Snow’s unfashionable book Time of Hope. It is an autobiographical novel, set in an English Midland town before and during the First World War. Mrs. Eliot is trying to reassure her son after a night bombing raid by German zeppelins. I suspect that anyone who has lived in earshot of a railway line knows exactly what she meant. A railway train is a great achievement of civilization. Discipline, planning and order are needed to allow it to set off and to make it move. If the trains are running, then things are still under control somewhere, even if men are hurling explosives from the sky onto your street. This is why train crashes fill us with such dismay. They are far rarer than car accidents, and far less likely, and that is exactly the point. When things go wrong on the rails, you may reasonably suspect that something is wrong in general with your society. >The state of a country’s railways is a measure of its civilization. The tragic decay of the US’s passenger railroads, once beautiful and magnificent, now a melancholy remnant (as I know from thousands of miles of direct experience) has always fuelled my doubts about the general direction of the great republic. My strong reluctance to visit Latin America stems directly from the collapse and decay of its trains. How miserable to be condemned to travel in nothing but cars and aircraft. Peter showing his autism again.
>>289292 >Female friend My condolences. Does she let you watch at least?
>>289309 fat big-brained polfaces, at that >>289304 >"Jon began screaming in our faces for about 10 minutes." >13 second clip with nobody screaming I don't get it
>>289312 Show me, I’ve never seen them anywhere but here
>>289313 I was meaning it would be all the more ridiculous that it's a big-brained polface
>>289314 They aren’t a leftypol meme lad, I made them
>289315 >I was agreeing with you >this is the lad dragging our IQ down to 150
>>289285 Despite being .5% of the population trannies make up 50% of the posters on /brit/
>>289317 yeah keeeeeek imagine reducing your existence to friction for another man's cock
>>289318 >friction for another man's cock
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>>289310 Steam power and later is all deleterious technology tbh, especially in the cases of transportation and communication. It makes me a bit pale to think of the level of clerical domination which will be required to keep man from reaching for such harmful technologies, but this kind of planning, for the future, is really the only responsible conclusion. >train = autism Yeah, I get it
>>289320 Tbh >ephesians 5:12
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Dont think I can make the seacow tonight tbh early rise for smee in the morn
>>289310 He has a point though. The decay of US infrastructure is a very ill omen, and only the most civilised countries have successful train systems. >>289307 ...which makes me wonder, did you ever play NEO Scavenger in your gooming Steiney? I wonder how accurately it reflects collapsed Michigan, as it's my main point of reference for the place aside from your short wildlife documentaries.
>>289293 >>289311 i'm interested in it for sure, but she told me she'd tell me whether it was gay or not after she watched it so i'm sitting tight >>289297 tbh I've always gone against the grain and been an unabashed prometheus fanboy, despite the questionable plot points and poz [which is in every movie anyway] it's just visually a bit of a masterpiece with an atmosphere like no other >>289298 looks pozzed >>289302 literally want to do this so bad smh, we have a similar mindset >>289310 this is the kind of autism that built great empires tbh
>22st vs spicposter
>>288780 Brought it up a breakfast and my dad said he should be shot or deported and my mum said defending Russia in this war isn't valid free speech. The brain rot over Ukraine is so bad that most people probably support this kind of thing.
>>289327 >mum said defending Russia in this war isn't valid free speech mummies being utter retards as always, women literally seem to not understand what free speech is supposed to be. the female is the biggest oppositional force to freedom, always
>>289327 and what is the cure for such disorders?
>>289281 *breaks his armour*
How often are there shootings in your neck of the woods lads?
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>>289327 >(1) Welcome Russia shouldn't be defended as much as expansionism attacke. Indeed nearly all international events other than those befalling adjacent nations shouldn't be regarded as more than distractions from abysmal yet constantly occuring local events.
>>289331 mostly stabbings and common assault, i know people are armed though
>>289331 in the woods? quite oft- aahaha, nice try (1) >all these (1)s all of a sudden
>>289334 It's called a VPN dad and it helps me stay anonymous.
>>289333 We've had shootings nearly every day for weeks now in the NW
>289334 Tired meme
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>>289334 tbh spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) about
>>289335 that must be one of those hip-hop VPNs I keep hearing about what with all the IP hip-hopping you're doing
>>289324 never played it but getting to camp grayling in an a post apocalypse scenario would be basically impossible unless you were a woodsman and had hunting equipment or brought food with you
Hold on
>>289340 It does it on its own tbh. Traffic just comes out of whatever endpoint is available.
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>>289338 Hope our master illusion mage Isle of Man lad can put civic goblin on a clip of Oblivion goblins for us one day. Always makes me keek imagining him doing the screetch they do.
Call me schizo if you must, but at least hear me out... It used to be that nobody gave a flying shit about women's football, so I wonder if the fact the women's England team was ALL WHITE was a way to get rightoids interested in the sport, then they manufacture all this outrace that the team isn't celebrate more (perhaps because they are white)...
>>289341 it's well worth a pirate at very least you can pick skill options like those as trade-offs for being a fat short-sighted cunt if you pick too many tis a good laff to bash bandits heads in for a bit of string, a sip of water and a functioning left shoe, befriend injuns, suffer horrific diseases, sell phones with rare memes on them... just make sure to back up your save once you get a good run going if you want to see the story bits, as the game can fuck you over hard and fast.
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>>289343 Get it sorted
>>289346 ill check it out
quite like neo scavenger tbh I can mostly recall the right settings to get the best gear at the start but never actually got further than four or five hexes after that keeksmh
>>289350 smh wess you missed out on the most unique thing about the game, the option to pretend to be retarded to advance a certain story encounter
there is always a doggoman encounter at the start and if you pick the right traits in chargen instead of hiding from it you can punch it to death, rip off it's skin with your bear hands and wear it as a cloak that also frightens all the chugs and nogs because they think you are a skinwalker >>289351 keek smh will have to try playing it again some time
So many spam comments on GBNews YouTube. More than usual, can only imagine a vile assortment of wogs and retards sending the spam comments at them as a kind of puerile retribution
>>289352 It's part of when you get into the big city and want to check your bank account despite lacking a password where you have options including autistically stare through the branch window from across the street and wait for the teller to finish and go home before breaking in with your leet lock-picking skills or a crowbar or just go in and fucking ask. >>289353 Isn't that YT in general?
>>289354 KEEEEEEEEK urboids btfo
I hate
Big exam tomorrow, wish me look lads
>>289344 I have an idea but trying to mime out oblivion speech proves very difficult tbh
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>>289360 kek good lad
>>289358 keek loving this mene so far
>>289364 >>289365 >satanists
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>>289366 Like a golf ball with legs
>>289367 STEINER
>>289344 Sorry lad I got the bulk of it done but the deepfake thing isn't working, it's packed up. Might try it again tomorrow see if its fixed
anyone seen this film?
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>>289373 think you lads would hate this film it's pretentious boring shite with leftist undertones
Assuming each upcoming generation believes in and supports "women's liberation" is just blatant hubris. First the proliferating wogs don't have the mental ability for such abstraction, secondly natives don't have the same backgrounds that older generations which wanted the newly liberating policies in the first place. >We can indoctrinate them! Can only go so far with that, it damages not bends minds when it doesn't work, and damaged people don't stand up to defend what's theirs so are easier to rob true, but such wonky ideologies aren't going to function the same, won't have perfect continuinity. It's just going to get ugly.
>>289377 Thats not the french flag retard that's Colgate
>>289378 oh right, yeah
>>289381 i have le vpn though...
>extremely shitty meme yup, it's bins
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>>289345 >The cabal: "Activate systemic racism" >Women's team becomes all white and wins trophy >The cabal: "Deactivate systemic racism" >All white women's team isn't celebrated like the diverse men's team >The cabal: "Manufacture right wing outrage" >Papers demand to know why there isn't a national celebration >The cabal: "The plan is complete. Britnats will waste their time trying to get women's football celebrated like men's football" >Gerry Gable speaks up: "... but according to our research they hate women"
>>289383 fuck you you fucking fucker
>>289385 it's just weird that Norfs suddenly care about women's football, they never used to
>>289374 good lad
>>289390 what did you put in to get this? bertie basset as a pig?
>>289392 pig snouts made out of liquorice allsorts
>no seacow >bongoniggers still awake
>>289389 this image gets posted an awful lot and my eyes always just glaze past it without consciously noticing it. this is the first time that I've actually opened the image and looked at it, it's a cow gazing through a window
>>289393 you'd be better off eating actual pig snouts, licorice is a potent phytoestrogen
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>>289397 do you have the webm for the 2nd file? I seem to have lost it. very wholesome
>>289393 >pig snouts made out of liquorice allsorts why liquorice allsorts?
>>289396 fucking kill yourself >>289399 why not? it was the first thing that came to my head
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>>289394 >bongoniggers still awake bongo never sleeps lad...
>>289401 >why not? it was the first thing that came to my head just has not connection to steiner that's all
>>289404 Rude to give me unsolicited dietary advice you utter gimp I'm not interested.
>>289396 >licorice is a potent phytoestrogen it's also fucking disgusting
>>289405 this just eat whatever you want, nothing matters anymore
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>hah ah *snorts* yes anon, this thing you eat once or twice a year, you should eat pig snouts instead, because of estrogen.
>289407 >this just eat whatever you want, nothing matters anymore worst post ever
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"just eat whatever you want, nothing matters anymore"
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pig snouts- the official meal of /brit/
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>>289411 >pig snouts made out of liquorice allsorts in gravy
>>289410 Fat individuals don't eat whatever they want; more correctly it's underweight (less than fat) individuals doing whatever they want as they are mostly motivated by their anxieties, like badly performing worker ants. Fat = happy = beautiful
>>289411 Pigs eat a lot of rubbish. That is why eating them is proscribed
>>289416 goats it far worse stuff than pigs though, and they still eat them
i have such a strong urge to raise livestock, i would do goats because you can take them anywhere and they eat the shittiest forage, then you can sell them after a few months of grazing to a pajeet and make free money. farming is literally free money i don't know why white people stopped doing it
>>289419 *nothing happens*
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POV you are a goatcuck looking at a pigfarmer
I think I'd prefer cows of I had the space
cows and horses have finnicky tummies that make them go ACK really fast if they eat bad food whereas you can literally feed dead trannies and niggers to pigs and they just vore them
>Pig is a 2021 American drama film starring Nicolas Cage as a truffle-hunter who lives alone in the Oregon wilderness and must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped. yep it's kino
cows are good lads though
>>289424 The unbearable weight of massive talent was funny. Very meta ironic humour but funny.
obviously cows are the best livestock except maybe pedigree horses, but the point of goats and pigs is that you don't need acres of grassland to raise them. we're not boomers that shit is never going to be available to us
smorning lads >>289416 >proscribed nothing wrong with eating pigs lad >>289419 tbh wish i could raise some livestock
>>289424 we watched that last year, it's a bit meh
>>289427 wonder if it's still legal to graze livestock on any of the few commons that still exist
>>289427 goats are ideal for the barratt new build estate >>289428 morn
>>289431 you could literally have a lawn mowing company that just uses a few goats to eat all the grass and you can charge the deano and you end up with meat at the end of it
>>289432 could probably make a killing if you advertise it right tbh all natural and zero emissions
>>289432 good lad
that is actually a p gud idea to rip off richfags
tbh been using quickbooks now for b toil running my own business and its pretty easy to make your BS look polished using their easy peasy invoice builder
>>289436 go on lad give us your discount code and you complete the cycle of e-celeb to grifter.
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>>289437 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>rumble gets me an ad space in my shite videos for makita shit
Years of chudmaxxing finally pays off.
I'd like to thank ruger for sponsoring this 20 minute video of me ranting about jews and women and niggers while driving around aimlessly
>>289441 If you use my discount code DRILNIG932 you can get 10% off all this amazing Milwaukee power tools.
smh redfags are richcunts over here
>>289443 redfags?
>>289444 milwaukeefags
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boomer foreman has all milwaukee shit so he makes us use the new milwaukee cordless framing nailer and its so heavy compared to paslodes or air ones smh they weight like 12 pds
>>289446 It's called progress lad, we need to have lithium in everything from our batteries to our medication.
>Mark Rutte's police brutality towards peaceful Dutch farmers in Almelo. <The Dutch farmers' hymn. >A35 motorway blocked in both directions with manure. Dutch farmers are not joking.
>>289447 tbh exactly
>>289448 hope these lads stick to their guns tbh
>Dutch farmers are not joking. Blocks in progress with sand, waste, hay bales and manure on highways A1 in Bathmen, A12 in Bunnik, A30 in Ede, A35 in Hengelo and A50 in Apeldoorn. Actions in progress other areas of the Netherlands. Many farmers are heading to Den Haag. <Dutch farmers' convoy on their way to the Truckstar Festival in Assen. The actions in the Netherlands continue unabated. >Mayor of Almelo wants to cancel the mural "no farmers, no food", but the citizens are opposed en masse and shield with their bodies. The majority of the Dutch support the farmers' protest. <Farmers are throwing rubber tires on the fires to keep them burning after Mark Rutte ridiculed their frustration.
real niggas use hilti and festool
>Italian farmers also rise up in Piemonte: "We are not slaves, we are farmers!" Then in the evening party with many citizens present, food, beer, music and blessing of the tractors. <Fires, motorway blocks with hay bales, stones, tires and manure. Dutch farmers' protest becomes more and more incisive in the Netherlands.
>>289450 The authorities shouldn't mess rural populations, certainty not so intrusively. They are just as tough as their police forces, and the resulting bad optics could cost them their political offices in the next elections. I didn't even know Rutte's name before summertime.
>>289454 smh they can't stand people not being completely under their control
>my crypto never recovered
>>289456 rip lad
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me rn
I'm an alpha. You can be too. I use Reddit spacing. So should you. However if you mention the Jews, the negro IQ and my wife's boyfriend I turn into a blubbering mess.
https://twitter.com/masculinesoul/status/1553772478798766080 literally every post is sales/reddit spaced astroturfed garbage keek
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the market for this self-help affirmation shite is middle aged fuck ups like dobby. Live, Laugh, Love for men
>>289462 Looks like a Romanist-Catholic with the legionnaire avatar and this doctrine, too
about to get in the car and go to toil
>>289273 >>289274 >>289275 >>289276 They took our giant mushrooms.
>>289465 >car bad lad, purchase a mule
>>288754 How does keeping your money in a bank make you immune to inflation?
>>289468 Keeping it in an ISA is tax efficient and most products are designed to outpace inflation. Or do you think only we know/care about inflation? Like it's some secret that only we 90 IQ Britnats know about?
>>289359 >>289371 Based lad for trying.
>>289427 chickens or ducks are the easiest, lowest maintainance, smallest footprint. they're just noisy >>289464 at least I'm not a glutton. or a sloth, really, I've mostly overcome sloth
>>289471 I've heard ducks are much harder than chickens and they need more space and a source of water or they get really distressed/unhealthy and make more of a mess in the same size bit of land chickens would be fine in. Would make sense as chicken meat is more common than duck, despite imo duck being tastier. Or it might just be about the eggs. Duck eggs have higher protein but are supposed to taste awful. Never had one myself.
>>289472 I've had duck eggs, they're just like chicken eggs but slightly larger overall with a significantly larger yolk
Airspace overthe Taiwan Strait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lAwmNmCAUo Pelosi flight in SPAR19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2m3TisOuWs
>>289439 congrats >>289442 remember to click the link lads >>289466
if taiwan is china then why are they so antsy about pelosi visiting a part of china? china is basically having to contradict themselves in order to even talk about this
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bitch finna sneak round the back
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>>289477 maybe you should explain it to me then since i'm such a brainlet, instead of just using a reaction
Nigga is so dumb there's no explaining anything to him. Waste of valuable NEET time.
>>289480 >a nigger that moves into your basement >you complain but the cops do nothing, they say your house belongs to the nigger >nigger invites a home inspector over to appraise the value of your house
what happened to making fun of john cena for cucking to the chinks lol, fuck china, I hate china and chinese culture, they are the niggers in this circumstance
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pizza beer and ff7 for dinnero >>289476 tbh us officials visiting china is hardly a newsworthy event they should send someone to greet her tbh unless for some mysterious reason they're unable to do so
>>289486 I don't like the chinese as a race either but it is a fact that china is the most powerful country in the world and they are pagan gentiles with no nigger blood and they are btfoing the new world order with their economic success you need to be pragmatic >>289488 >pizza beer smh lad that's fat people stuff
>>289488 exactly >unless for some mysterious reason they're unable to do so i think you're the only lad that gets it. it's one big contradiction >>289489 this is true, but they're also doing it with no remorse at the cost of everyone else our economy and that of shartica would be 10x better if not for how literally every company that makes things outsourced to china, and I also don't like how our WEF-linked leaders are taking heavy inspiration from their social credit system
>>289489 barely eaten anything since getting the coof tbh lost a few kilos this past week so today's the cheat day where i put it all back on
>>289490 >muh social credit the mongposting needs to stop chinese culture is different, they don't care about individuality, they like social credit, it rewards pro-social behavior with government jobs. it has absolutely nothing to do with the western phenomenon where you say nigger and you get depersoned, the chinese have much more freedom than we do and their culture does not even value freedom and blaming china for benefitting economically from a situation that was created by western governments is just stupid. that's like some guy takes money out of your wallet and hands it to another guy and you blame the guy that has your money
>289492 >chinese culture is different, they don't care about individuality which is exactly why I don't want that system implemented here you idiot
>>289494 the chinese don't want to implement their system here, they just want to make money and it isn't "chinese-style social credit" that they're building here, it's a biometric control grid
>>289497 >rehab >dealer
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The PLAAF and the Taiwanese have launched missions over the strait.
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>Taiwanese islands have entered a state of "combat standby", for the first time since 1996
It's just good business.
>>289504 >Pelosi wanted to make a bold statement before she retires because muh legacy >A world war is triggered just to stroke the ego of a career politician Keeek.
>Several Taiwanese government websites have reportedly been DDoS'ed per Taiwan's Presidential Office. >“Fire trucks on every street” in Xiamen, Fujian province, PRC
>drone strikes a bunch of syrian miltiamen being trained by wagner >portray it as EPIC LAST STAND OF SHARTMOPOLYAE
>>289507 woman moment >>289508 it's happening
>Taiwanese media reports that the island authorities tried to withdraw Pelosi's invitation due to the risk involved. >However, the American official summoned the representative of Taiwan and insisted on going under the pretence of doing something "historic".
>>289511 >A personal historic position MUH LEGACY
>>289511 I guess the kikes have decided to start ww3 on the eve of a historic economic collapse.
There's so much PLA hardware in the streets, on rails and in the air being moved atm.
Fuck me is WW3 dropping?
>>289489 >chinks don't support the new world order israeli involvement in their belt and road initiative while trading stolen US tech would suggest otherwise. >>289506 >oil company make profit from supply shortage Nobody but retards ever thought peak oil would result in oil companies suffering. They will profit from collapse all the way down while building their luxury bunkers.

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>>289489 >brics niggers btfo'ing le nwo
>>289516 God willing
PLA loading shit on ships too,
going to be another war where it's impossible to tell from the online footage which side is which keeek smh
>>289518 >1st video smh slow progress >tfw waiting for the liveleakmobile to hit >>289520 From God, to Kane, to Sseth
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The Taiwanese doing shit too.
>>289522 tbh keeeek
>>289524 >1st vid those are Pattons btw, literally 1950's american cold war tanks, I don't fancy their chances against the type 99 or whatever tank it is china has these days though we all know it would not just be taiwan vs china in a conflict, this really could be it lads
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>8 fighters and 5 tanker aircraft of the US Air Force took off from bases in Japan
>>289507 There's a bigger pattern
Apache gunship literally just flew over my house
Why does every high ranking politician in Murica have to be senile?
>Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian: >"Pelosi's visit to Taiwan will be a gross interference in China's internal affairs, and will lead to very serious events and dire consequences. >The Chinese side once again warns the American side that the PRC is on high alert, the Chinese army will by no means remain an indifferent observer and will definitely take decisive and effective countermeasures to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity." >Reuters notes that Pelosi's plane still hasn't applied for a landing in Taiwan
not long to go before ww3
>>289531 adrenochrome overdose
>>289531 >Why does every high ranking politician in Murica have to be senile? Because of the infant trafficking shortage, smh show some sympathy.
>>289531 mentally ill gerontocracy
>>289531 Soft-pedalling the Vatican's takeover of course

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