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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3740: Gnomepilled Edition Anonymous 07/10/2022 (Sun) 08:35:22 Id: 343035 No. 281336
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10998435/Ciggies-Clarkson-secret-love-gnomes-TV-doc-gives-insight-Duchess-Cornwall.html >But perhaps one of the most surprising revelations about the woman who will one day be crowned Queen is that she has a secret love of garden gnomes. >‘No place like gnome!’ she says. ‘Actually the Prince does at Highgrove, too – he’s got a gnome hidden away.’
Golliwog politics is seriously obscene tbh This is most likely gang violence, the equivalent of grassroots campaigning
>>281338 pretty shite how far south africa has fallen tbh used to be able to call it a developed nation and keep a straight face
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>>281340 I used to watch h3h3 videos, surprised to see him let himself go like that
>>281342 keeeeek
>>281339 >>281338 Wouldn't happen in the south of Johannesburg.
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>>281340 >this is real life, the fat retard gets the girl
need to learn some chicken dishes tbh bought chicken breast because it was yellow stickered but then just chucked it in the frying pan with some seasonings very boring smh >>281345 buttmatrix gradually turning from a societal observation to a universal law with every passing day smdh literally just "look at my butt give me compliments about my butt i wish my butt looked better so higher status men would look at my butt"
>>281347 >chucked it in the frying pan with some seasonings more than most lads here including myself are capable of tbh maybe just try a basic curry or stew
>>281347 boobmatrix would be much better, if only these thots were using progesterone cream to grow their breasts instead of the hip thrust progressive overload scrunch leggings thing. instead we get a breast r*duction fad, every time a woman with very large breasts posts online you have all of these hateful spiteful women asking her about "back pain" trying to push her into destroying her tits. in reality either they are seething at their own lacking chest and want to eliminate the competition, or they're just lashing out at men by attacking something that makes them happy, or maybe both
>>281349 tbh never got the butt fascination, massive butts are for niggers milk is for aryans
>>281348 tbh need to get into stews and the like definitely the season for it here >>281349 >every time a woman with very large breasts posts online you have all of these hateful spiteful women asking her about "back pain" trying to push her into destroying her tits. makes me seethe every time shoo shoo back pain jew >or maybe both tbh foids only know how to destroy and sow misery
>>281350 I like ass but it's very low on the list of priorities and doesn't really have much merit to it considering pretty much any woman can get a fairly nice butt in a few months of the gym. I would take big tits lame ass over the alternative 100% of the time. and frankly if a woman doesn't have big tits then she would need pretty face, cute feet, long slender arms, just perfect waifu tier in every other way to make up for it >massive butts are for niggers >milk is for aryans we are more evolved than the primitive groids- we are meant to practice front-to-front mating, while they reproduce via the front-to-rear "doggy style"
>>281352 tbh exactly plus both sexes have bums so it's more interesting to be attracted to traits that are unique to the opposite sex like boobs >we are meant to practice front-to-front mating, while they reproduce via the front-to-rear "doggy style" this is where i disagree slightly tbh, negresses still have booba too so its not like its not a factor there either, i just notice a lot of wogs seem to fixate on the biggest most disgusting cellulite ridden buttocks as the ideal for female fertility hence the prominence of twerking it's natural for men of all races to like female bums to a certain extent as it's where the puss is located after all
for me it's boobs and bums and tummies and thighs and sometimes armpits but only with appropriate personal hygiene and also the back of the neck
literally nonstop streams of clear mucous filling whole binbags with tissues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHt0sd1tEvo
>>281356 love women. There is no nicer feeling than to have a pretty woman give you genuine compliments, sharing of inner thoughts and laughter
>>281355 choon that >>281357 rip lad smh
>>281360 been ages since i last watched a nipponese pig fight tbh
>>281361 something comfy about watching sport on a slow sunday
nice bout between tamashoho and dewanoryu tbh
had to watch chiyoarashi vs akiseyama three times tbh kino
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How many working class friends do you have? It's zero for me.
>>281354 tummies are based >>281366 >implying i have friends
nice bout between nishikifuji and daiamami too tbh >>281366 used to be one plus a few work friends but i haven't kept in touch since i got fired smdh keep meaning to go back and say hi but i never do smh heard his baby was born basically right around when i was fired but i never got a chance to say congratulations smh
recorded myself playing some of my favourite tracks from the dragon's crown OST on piano
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>>281369 David ziss is not good enough you must play better
>>281366 I have working class acquaintances that I chat to and friends of friends. The guys past middle age tend to be cool but the ones in their 20s/30s are tattooed alcoholic weedsmoking wasters >>281369 sounds beautiful, lad
>>281364 >>281365 good lad for actually paying attention tbh I just listen to it in the background might have to properly watch now
>>281369 very good lad
>dragon's crown AAUUGH BOOOBA
yutakayama vs oho well worth a watch tbh trust me lads >>281369 very good lad old friend of mine used to be all about dragon's crown tbh we used to play co-op all the time i'd play the dwarf and he'd play fighter >>281374 tbh luv the sorceress me
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>>281377 why though?
>>281366 he looks like downs
>>281377 staged
>>281378 no more pokeman cards for little chudjak time to be a man and go get a minimum wage job at wendys and get a used car and live in a drywall toilbox like a real man
>>281381 understandable
https://youtu.be/KJRr_F0BSd0 hey chudjak time to get to work
>>281377 was going to say he was going a bit too far but then young nick took his shirt off and threw a tantrum so i knew it was completely justified old friend of mine from high school with a career and a gf still plays yugioh and spends more on cards in a month than i spend on myself in a year and makes me silently seethe whenever we meet up
chudjak you didn't put 3 extra sweet and sour packets in laqueesha's orders and she is calling her lawyer and they are gonna sue you for racism if you expect mcdonalds of highway exit numer 117 to stand up for you, you are on your own. I hope you can afford 50k for a lawyer chudjak. looks like you have to move back in with mom and dad
>>281383 >you don't have to be here didn't realise people could get paid to do nothing
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>>281371 >>281373 cheers lads >>281375 ahhh didn't know anyone actually played it smh wish I could but i never had a gaystation, just discovered how good the music was recently and got a bit obsessed those animations phwoar >>281384 >tfw never played the game because i never had friends but had a small collection of cards and sold one for £40 that i should've gotten twice that for
>>281386 tbh I had the exact thing happen to me when I was a wagie at pizza hut at uni this faggot fatass peter griffin looking xoomer yelled at me for having my company baseball cap on backwards and I just immediately took his cheesebread and went in the back and rubbed it on the floor and put it back in the warmer
mad how it's going to be 40c next weekend
>you chose this job fucking christ are they all going to say that line? >>281387 it's a fun little game tbh not a must play but if you've got something that can play it then it's worth your time just a fun little game with nice art and music where you can smash away at shite and get treasure and make delicious food >>281388 keeeeeeek good lad
they should ban alcohol when it's this hot seen people sunburnt and KO'd already today
>>281391 wrong lad when it's that hot there's fuck all else to do except sit around and drink blame the sunburn on inexperience tbh these lads should be sitting in the shade
myogiryu vs takarafuji worth a watch
>>281387 peeves me when people go to the effort of making an alluring image like this but then crop the feet out. why?
>>281394 just got to kagayaki and tohakuryo at the end of juryo tbh >281395 not everyone has brain damage
>>281396 harsh lad
>>281390 tbh i had muramasa on the wii as a lad and that was just as kino, loved the hand painted art and everything and the food bit too, that also had a killer soundtrack >>281395 keeeeek >>281396
>>281397 but true according to bro science some part of brain responsible for things to do with feet is next to the coomer part and they get mixed if your skull gets pressed in or something idk
one and a half loo rolls used on snot today so far time for crying, cream of chicken soup and snausij rolls
>>281401 smh poorlad eat a whole clove of garlic raw its a powerful immune booster but itll burn your mouth out for a bit
>>281402 used to really like garlic cloves in honey tbh ought to make a jar of that for next time best I can do today is fried eggs with lots of garlic powder for dinner later
chiyoshoma vs okuridashi also very good tbh a lot of impressive displays today >>281396 accidentally skipped juryo by clicking the wrong link smh watching makuuchi rn smdh >>281402 for me it's a teaspoonful of minced garlic from the jar before bed
I'll have the fried eggs and garlic on top of meat stuffed blinis I think there were two varieties at lidls, both with slavrunes on them one said it was from lithuania or something and the other I think said something about not being from russia, and was packaged next to something pookraine themed smh not even gluttons are safe from the poz
>>281405 the krakauer sausage is banging if you're on slav week at Lidl
kotoshoho vs meisei worth watching >>281405 learn how to make it yourself all local like lad
okinoumi vs tobizaru really like the drawn-out fights or the ones that make a spectacle
>>281367 >>281368 >>281371 >>281379 I only know middle and upper-middle and a few from upper class.
>>281403 need to clean my stove top smh >>281410 do us a favour and influence policy for us would you lad?
>>281340 >when you're 100% portuguese/white
takakeisho vs kiribayama need to start betting on the sumo tbh i can pick out the winner more often than not height weight and track record don't matter in the slightest unironically it's all about temperament a level-headed lad of adequate skill and weight will mop the floor with literally anybody >>281412 keeeeek
oshoma vs hokuseiho is a proper scrum ngl
>The next PM is in this painting
>>281413 wonder if betfred does sumo
hiradoumi vs kotokuzan is a very nice fight they're all bringing their a game today tbh >>281415 they're all shite tbh just want a huwhite lad simply to retain dignity they all have shite policies but i won't accept a woman or a pooskin >>281416 hope not tbh i'd lose so much money
want a sturdy mummy prime minister but I'll accept a ziopajeet if they turn all premier league wogball arenas into pigfighting venues
Is it over for her?
don't really like how coomers are deciding everything based on looks tbh >>281419 hope so tbh sick of this curry bitch polluting my green and pleasant land
Started writing "the government hates white people" on news articles, they haven't caught me yet.
>>281420 might as well enjoy the collapse from an aesthetic standpoint tbh
>>281423 tres qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq! Jean Coques in the video!
>>281423 >generations to come <shows a nigger
>>281423 >freedom >fairness >courage >compassion
>>281421 based
>>281423 >give others opportunity
>>281423 I'd like to think the comments have been turned off because people keep posting milkies
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>>281430 >deactivated
>>281421 >day 2 of raping eminem
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK look at these sri lankin wogs they broke into the PMs house and started lyingin his bed and using his swimming pool before they set it on fire
night lads >>281437 unironically based tbh all heads of state need to remember that they live on the same planet as us and are not exempt from the consequences of their actions
>>281438 Except when the burgers did it on Jan 6. They have to live with the consequences, not the politicians.
>>281438 >>281439 They made him resign, much more than the burgers achieved
>>281440 tbh if the sharts were smart they would have burned the capitol
>>281441 tbh 1812 will commence again
>>281441 Yeah, lock the coppers in first
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>shite incident in binstadt
>>281445 keek >>281444 did the boomerwaffen get any kills or did they just get nigged?
>>281446 no the nigger unloaded on a crowd of unarmed middle aged dutchmen then ran away
>>281448 smh they must have said a nono word to him
Noing kniggers he likely didn't kill any of them, they're notoriously shite with guns
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>tfw never even touched a pistol >still know how to use and fire one correctly Just white power things
>>281451 look up how to repair extractors its a useful skill for when in the racewar you are given used semi automatics, that and how to replace springs on semi automatics
>>281444 can't wait until the racewar dutch are fellow racewarrior bros with anglos when it comes to rekting poopskins
>>281441 I would have coomed if they had even just barricaded it for a day
>>281453 Will do, can't wait for it to just go fucking mental so I can genocide people
in terraria of course
>was doing judo and was practicing wrestling and took the back of this teenage lass and my willy touched the inside of her bumcrack through our clothing while getting ready to roll her into a pin did I lose my virginity lads or is that only actual penetration?
>>281456 tbh alot of westoid old pistols have external extractors which are easier to replace but the newer glock central european style striker fired pistols I don't really know how to repair those. I assume its some kind of thing in the center of the trigger assembly
>teenage lass smh first 22st, then bbk , and now steiner. Is this the curse of efame?
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>>281456 smh lad you are just going to be forming self defense groups protecting your homes from looters https://youtu.be/Gy0zP4pYkSo
>>281452 >clearly says 7pm good to see mark is setting up some more VILE NAZI HATE CAMPS wonder if the news will give them the NA treatment >>281458 yeah lad turn in your incel card and get the fuck out you lucky dog you >>281460 legal teens lad
>>281461 smh that poor lad got deported just for cleaning up his city
test post
Let me post you cunts
>Its a "could not reload the CAPTCHA at this time" episode
>>281470 its just you and me, think the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) got everybody else
dont forget we've still got 9chan.tw/brit/
>>281346 >fat He's obese. Fat is something that healthy people have and consume, lad.
onto the third loo roll of the day
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> charges of attempted murder filed against the officer who shot at the kid by Farmers Defence Force
>>281476 gebaseerd
it's fucking boiling
>>281478 yes, 29C in my garden right now
https://youtu.be/jAh0cU1J5zk I want this blokes job
>492abe "the computer god has bestowed on me the duty of avenging his death" "..." "it will be an honour"
>Mark not registering this domain
>>281481 get his looks and shape
>>281483 he tried but didn't fill out the forms correctly
>>281485 keeeeek
>approach paki working at the railway station for directions >nigger in a suit smoking a cigarette indoors approaches the other side of the auto ticket barriers >says to the paki "open it!" >paki says "do you have a ticket?" >"just open it!" >paki turns to me and asks "why is he acting like that? He only just came over." >I reply "he's a lunatic. psycho" >paki tells him he needs a ticket and starts speaking to his radio >nigger shouts "do it! call the police!" >when this doesn't get a response he pulls two paper tickets out of his wallet and throws them to the ground near the paki >paki ignores him and starts giving me directions >tickets are on the other side of the barrier now, so he asks for them back >"No! I'm not helping you until you treat me with respect!" >nigger crouches down and squeezes his arm under the barrier to grab his tickets >uses them to open the gate >he shouts "my problem isn't with you; its with white people" >starts muttering under his breath "he thinks he's a bad man" >as we're riding the escalators he keeps glancing back at me
>>281484 I have better looks and a better shape not even joking
>>281489 175 goodlads and lasses heartwarming tbh PA might be a xoomer's game but it's working
>>281493 they're not even fucking registered
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>>281493 good for them, but I'm not getting involved
>>281489 did you think they bred?
https://youtu.be/0w09e0ac05U >those 20 first seconds HEY STEINER
>>281489 I guarantee you, there are spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) in that picture
>>281498 Mark says more pregnancies and babies this year, which indicates that a breeding programme may be underway.
Wish I had a non legal age teenage lass to groom and raise until she hit 16 and then I would LEGALLY fuck her and make healthy hu'white babies, lads. Might date a woman with a teenage daughter for this purpose.
>>281492 Happened yesterday lad. A nigger acting aggro to railway staff and muttering about white people isn't exactly a UFO.
>>281498 Who cares. For every white couple breeding more wogs are being imported/born. The political parties that run the important shit will do everything in their power to turn your children into zogbots. Retards who take >>281495 approach are gutless faggots (figure of speech in Wessex's case) who are deliberately putting themselves in a weaker position because it means they don't have to do much work.
>>281503 was it in London?
>>281505 Up norf.
>>281490 >>281503 Amazing how the hu'white man's existence causes schizophrenic breaks in the mind of the fragile inferior negroid subhuman.
>>281506 Good Lord. Cancer is spreading.
>>281502 I'm sure that would go down well with the family. Dating the mother and then the daughter. Bloody wierd.
Filipina lass asked me about Ukraine and Russia yesterday so I went on a mini rant about the breakup of the Soviet empire, how Crimea and the breakaway regions were ethnically Russian, about the 2014 coup and Ukraine causing drought in Crimea that Russia only now alleviated it after recent military action. Truly I am a master of romance.
>>281511 Have you met her or is this online?
>>281512 yes we've met quite a few times now this was whilst we were walking around a museum
>>281513 Have you told her to get a fillipino husband and not shame her ancestors yet?
>>281514 She may very well do that, idk. She's good company though
fresh actually half decent scambo doing blood sports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYLJs30Q7zA
>>281516 >that thompson guy is e-famous for playin g a violin while a thot twerks
are cheds didn't die for this lads
>>281519 based depraved sprave hope he is going to kill some piggies but I think he is just a xoomoid civic mong smh, unsubbed ages ago for some slight or other
>>281515 Lad, no, filipino family dynamics are bad., Your finances will be milked dry
>>281521 Some one has to propagate the next generation of hapas to go on sprees
>>281507 Maybe he thought only white people get let in at the barriers without having to show their ticket, and that's why he started rambling about the hu'white man. Either that or it was because I called him a psycho and he wanted to provoke me.
>>281525 Oh wow I don’t care
>>281526 But who asked?
>>281525 Smh this one site always gives video only, no sound, for some reason. ^Better version
hohols are literally fighting and dying for fag marriage Russia needs to wipe these people out https://www.rt.com/russia/558704-zelensky-gay-marriage-petition/
>>281530 >doing globohomo shit while the country is literally being invaded and broken up
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>3 hispachan board themes smh wheres the /brit/ theme?

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fuck off
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>>281534 that's a kurd
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>>281536 dorse come to the /newbrit/ bongo, it's active again
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>>281538 I invited you, all you have to do is click the invite
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>nexit This is why the party nepotists at BBC won't cover the protests
>>281540 >nood
Ik ook ik ook
redditors will be happy
they are going full degenerate
i legit feel bad for ukies tbh
>>281547 I don't. Ukrainian scum stole from me $100.
>>281547 Was it the constant atrocity propaganda all over of the UK media that gave you this feeling?
>>281547 the average slav polface and niggercattle who don't know any better, kind of yeah
Being robbed in a foreign country was a traumatic experience. Seeing so much about Ukraine in the news brought back these feelings. I hope the men who stole money from me got a bullet in the head.
they're the poorest country in europe, on par with angola in 2014 and their economy has only gotten worse since then. on top of that their entire country is run by like 4 jewish and one muslim oligarchs that see them as cattle. really sad overall.
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>>281547 I wonder if anyone feels sorry for us?
>>281551 why were you in ukraine lad?
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>>281553 valid question tbh
>>281553 Tbh war is less disastrous than a thorough and ongoing colonial effort. That is why in every civilisation that has endured, wars were fought to prevent being colonised
can't lay down and sleep I'm generating so much snot
>>281559 it's too hot anyway
>>281559 all my snot is dried to a crisp, and almost welded to the inside of my nose
>>281561 drink more tbh
First I'm hearing of a Chinese bank run
>>281563 >bitcopers
PUTIN'S SPEECH SIGNALS THE END OF THE NEO-LIBERAL WORLD ORDER >it's over lads >our leaders will continue to pretend it isn't over though https://youtu.be/pPcX4vep_Lo
Both wogs and poisoned whites are both dumb in their own kinds of ways tbh
>>281565 who are these people? they don't look trustworthy, but maybe that's all french
what is putin's speech and why don't we have a webm with translated subtitles tbh
>>281489 >no tiki torches polface does not approve
>>281568 they are The Duran, do regular reports on global events, pretty good analysis mostly
it is neat they have sort of reflexively took up defensive position on a hill in traditional sassanach fashion
>>281570 they had BIG barbecues instead tbf and noseley joked about cannibalising vegans
binge watching rich piana videos again lads I miss that little nibba
fourth loo roll of the day
>>281575 Good lad
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>can't sleep
>>281577 contemplating some more blinis tbh
impossible to read the news anymore everything is such a grift
>>281476 here's a reply to that >Another weaponized conversation.... Farmersdefenceforce: only out for escalation and attention, not for de-escalation and positive contributions from the lee. Makes you wonder who has a vested interest in this. Ridiculous Too crazy for words, what a nutcase. Moron put on trigger by parents and not obeying police order. That cop is the victim here, he is doing his job for us the real Dutch citizen!!!
>>281579 >everything is such a grift all our mainstream news is propaganda at this point none of it is honest
>>281581 he's such an ungrateful ittle shit ought to be strung up in public
>>281583 half of it is AI generated
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>>281580 keek fucking delusional niggercattle >you can only make "positive contributions" by meekly complying with everything the people who want to destroy you say >>281582 based retards tbh >>281585 >open article >narrative description relating to ones own person god I hate women
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>>281590 good lad alas, the seacow cannot save me
who will win the mucus or the mould?
>>281590 good lad
>>281593 they're forming a tag team
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poor old wessie
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>>281591 smh feel better lad >>281592 >>281594 tbh
>>281593 the worm
cleaned my kitchen and was about to start on the bathroom shortly before getting ill tbh it's all connected
>>281596 kleeeek love this highbrow memi tbh
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Had my #1 spot on this week's duolingo leaderboards poached from me fewer than 30 mins before they reset
>>281590 brilliant
>>281601 what are you learning lad?
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>>281601 fly a passenger plane into their offices lad
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>>281603 Just French tbh I used to be so into it that I was would find myself thinking in it, just got fed up with being so rusty in it after not practicing for a few years tbh >>281604 tbh always an option
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a1o3OHGTcM I can't tell (you) how I knew - but I did know that I had posted The meme. Every ID I loved was lost and no dacbac could report regret. A noose of rope was convulsed and set; And blood-black nothingness began to cope A system of incels interlinked with in- -cels interlinked with incels interlinked Within one thread. And dreadfully distinct Against the darkies, a tall white race fell.
>>281605 bon travail tbh I've forgotten almost everything and barely spoke it even when I lived there
>>281607 smh many such cases
thinking about that pug that says "poo poo" again lads
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>>281609 he tried to warn us
who really was dacbac?
>>281580 Yet it is interesting because after the farmers protested the police station, the lad was released with the accusation against him withdrawn. So it's hard to tell what will happen with regards to the farmers asking or demanding for more, like the prosecution they want against the offending policeman.
>>281612 one of the many identities of the enigmatic doogler
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>>281614 that picture reminds me of roger dean's cover art for 'Relayer' by Yes
>>281612 keeeeeeeeeeek was just thinking about dacbac
falling for nostalgia bait again like always
is picza unhealthy lads?
>>281619 yes. full of carbs and vegetables pure poison
I lost 10 pds as a siding installer this summer already lads (1 st)
>>281622 based we got a live stream? I imagine it will be a spic/nigger fest since its a texas metropolis
>>281582 a mong i went to school with works at the MoD and the fact I know that and where he works exactly tells you what kind of mong williams they recruit.
poolad is the most mysterious poster here
tried to sleep and half my nose decided to shut down to punish my arrogance
>>281547 then you haven't been interacting with them. they are scum, there was this viral video of a Russian mother doing the traditional ice water plunge thing and she got swept away by the current and froze/drowned. her kid was crying "mama!" in the video when she plunged down into the water and didn't come back up, it was very sad. and what were the ukrainians doing in the comments? gloating and celebrating her dead, just some random mother, because she is Russian, basically the same ethnic group as they are. ukroids are terminally brainwashed degenerate freaks and they deserve everything they get >>281619 nothing in it is bad necessarily but it has a poor macronutrient ratio, too carb-heavy. bit better if there's a lot of meat on it
2 more months until comfy autumn storm season
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lads pembs just tried to 47 percent
>>281632 drugs must be toughening up the population. imagine in russia the eugenic effect of madcunts doing drug fueled stunts and only the toughest ones surviving. i bet by the end of the century russians will have evolved to survive falls from the top of radio antennas
Slovenian Top Court declares homosexual marriage and adoption legal, as its banning is "unconstitutional". https://www.euronews.com/2022/07/09/slovenias-top-court-strikes-out-bans-on-same-sex-couples-marrying-and-adopting-children Slovenia has held two referendums (2012 and 2015) on legalising homosexual marriage and both times the votes were overwhelmingly against it. The 2015 vote was by a margin of two to one against.
weird how this is how "progress" always works, courts and cops drive progress crushing the will of the masses underfoot every time.
>>281635 I love democracy
>>281637 what is your latest snot health problem arc lad? do you just have a cold or something?
>>281638 the wu flu I think been having breathing trouble for two months or so and this weekend I got a sore throat which has become a constant stream of snot and now one of my nostrils isn't working and the other is still doing the mucus flow it's what I get for going outside and meeting new people I guess
>>281639 grim lad, recommend cold showers for those sweet wim hoff extra white blood cells but everyone has generic joe rogan green juice medical advice when you're sick i guess. maybe just freddo binge and enjoy being ill
>>>/v/641538 FRESH HUNTER BIDEN DICK PICS THIS TIME BRANDON IS GOING DOWN FELLOW MAGAPEDES!! >>281640 tbh for me it's calipsos and corner yoghurts and fruit and lemsip and apple cider vinegar in water and whatever other shit might help still haven't done eggs with maximum garlic powder so that will be brekkie if I am able to stand up for it
oh that's alright then
america's performance in lebanon was insane, it's weird how little it's talked about. >April 1983, Hezbollah bombs US embassy killing 63, 32 being Lebanese embassy workers, 8 CIA agents and four US military personnel. >October 1983, Hezbollah suicide bombs American military base killing 241 marines >September 1984, Hezbollah suicide bombs military annex at the American embassy killing two officers >March 1984, CIA station chief William Francis Buckley kidnapped, tortured and executed by Hezbollah and they just left afterwards lmao.
>>281643 >241 killed jesus, good post btw. the Lebanon war is something else, i can't make much sense of it. i have a pretty good idea of most conflicts but not that one.
>>281633 keeek tbh >>281643 >weird how little it's talked about. probably because it's embarrassing to the americans so you know what that means
>>281644 yeah its multiple civil wars thrown into one that lasts for 15 years and each faction fights itself aswell. not including lebanons first civil war in 1958 that was the same fucking thing. the country is such an ethnic/religious mess it shouldn't exist.
>>281646 interesting you can see the the levant rift valley in that ethnic map and it's maronite christian for some reason
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scCfNNRbpwo good one this. feel sorry for this lad
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>tfw an ineffective coomer in my prime
>>281636 Anyway secular people aren't allowed to have nice things, God's rules
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0SU8z981eg playing control it's alright still getting jaw mogged
what would be the most useful generic normie tier college qualification I could get local college has nothing relevant to my interests besides becoming a mechanic but i have zero opportunities and no hope in life otherwise just feel like i have to get something that could get me some sort of job whilst also allowing me to mingle with fertile 20somethings and have something to do
>flags turned upside-down
so much of it is just "health and social sciences" bullshit intended to get as many foids into offices as possible
>>281654 what is this lad? protests in holland?
Priti Patel will decide on today whether to stand in the Tory leadership race as a candidate who could unite the Brexiteer right of the party.
>>281658 >frail >elderly Guess she's due to be next, smh >>281659 Tacky. Never trust someone who's first and last names rhyme, even while salivating over meme potential, that's my advice.
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>>281656 Blue white and red, yeah that's the Dutch flag upside down. Not that it matters so much, but there is a story ongoing about the motive behind the Japanese assassination. The killer held that the Unification Church, a Korean new age cult, had too much influence on Abe, reportedly. > Had no idea that Chicago had been halfway colonised by aztecniggers already, smh
Have sex Have sex I poop my pants my pants I poop my pants my tent I poop my spam my spam I poop my pants and have sex Have sex
not sure what to make of the south korean cult shite tbh. first heard about it during the ferry sinking
Define ethnically British, please? No foriegn blood like Roman, Angle, Saxon, Dane, Norwegian, Swedish, Norman French? What about German? That would rule out the entire royal family, even if you allowed that the Norman conquest was too distant in the past. WIth Liverpool being a port city, it is full of the ancestors of people from Ireland, China, Africa, the Caribbean, and probably most of the rest of the world. Hang on a mo. Crusius sounds suspiciously Latin to me. Have you got Roman ancestry, you interloper?
>>281665 My reply was: Ethnically British people are those largely descended from the people who settled here after the last period of glaciation. They are without any racial admixture but may have some input from other European populations all be it minimal. You know what an ethnically British person is just like you know what an ethnically Ethiopian person is. You are being facetious and racist to the ethnically British- perhaps because you aren't one of us? Maybe you should leave.
>>281635 But giving life sentences for disagreeing with saint Zelensky and siding with Putler isn't a violation of moomin rights. Also >adopting children I wonder where that will lead.
>>281665 >using the name Crusius Fuck sake lad. Keeek.
>>281666 good lad
>>281668 Was going to use a polface avatar but it was too on the nose smh >>281669 cheers lad
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>>281670 Could use something like this.
>>281663 >>281664 >Unification Church degenerate race mixing
>>281671 keeeeeeek thanks lad
Keeek. Just looked this up: it's a doubly Protestant name. In addition to Patrick's action, no wonder the minions of the Jesuits are apoplectic
>>281672 smh >>281675 based
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>>281672 >getting an assigned trad *civic* gf ngl lads
burnt spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)d meat blinis followed by corner yoghurt and suffering for brekkie
>>281678 >burnt
>>281679 coof progressed to the point where I actually have a painful cough now too smh
>>281681 smh rip lad
lemon calipso and fifth loo roll only four remain
>>281684 >we broke up
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yeah I'm thinking I'll degrot (and immediately cover my hands in snot from constant nose blowing) then go shops
>281662 blithering cretin
>>281688 many such cases
>>281683 let eat the loo rolls more slowly you'll digest them better that way
>>281693 now nato will take action
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farm opposite me now has a bunch of little piggies hehe
>>281693 cautiously optimistic about the pootine arc tbh >>281697 rustle them and make fresh sosij and bacon lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMME4QuxGvw
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fresh maybe actually interesting bloviation from the spenglo of the norf https://odysee.com/@MorgothReviews:5/MorgCast-23-Dave:6
>>281689 If you want to escape natural selection then lock yourself indoors, while people with healthy immune systems can coof outside in peace.
>>281702 Of what significance is this image to you?
>>281703 can you not decipher it yourself?
>>281701 you misunderstand lad I am the one who coofs
>>281704 No. I just see a closeup of some flowers and leaves.
>>281706 and what is the name of the flower?
>>281707 I don't know.
>>281707 gingerlass
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>>281708 violets...
>>281710 I still don't get it. Why do violets make you sad?
>>281712 Gingerlass is called Violet? Wait, I don't care. Carry on.
>>281713 you cared enough to reply..
The mere sight of the outdoors can bring him to tears because it reminds him of the life he'll never experience because he's a disgusting NEET.
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>Researching some family history >Find my great great great grandparents are buried in a specific cemetery in Manchester >They, along with 20,000 other dead bodies, were exhumed and buried in a mass grave in Bury >To build a car park for Tesco
love Tesco me
Why doesn't Dorset just ask her out? Just forget about the time you fucked it up tbh
>>281717 massively disrespectful smh
>>281720 tbh, some kids found bones there so they didn't even clear it away properly smh On the plus side I have my patrilineal line back to the 1720s, gonna wait on some certificates before doing any further research tbh
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>>281719 because i never fucking bump into her when i see she goes out for a walk with her dogs, i go out, but never bump into her because theres so many paths she can take
>>281723 he died. smh
>>281722 Lad you don't get another chance. When she says "hello" that was your chance to start a conversation and you blew it.
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>>281722 Just run after her? If you make a fool of yourself at least you'll not cross paths
think i have the zog flu
>>281727 >she is walking her dog >suddenly the footpath begins to shake >a terrible wail emanates from behind >a blue and red blur vibrates at impossible speed >the shapes surround her as the wail reaches a crescendo >dorset's face congeals from out of the murk >vivi...! I want to vibrate inside you...! >there is no escape >her dog howls >>281728 join the club smh
>>281728 Seems like everybody is getting it recently.
>>281726 ye.. unironically.. fuck my life i wasnt assertive enough when we met and talked about meetign up AAAAAAAAAA >>281727 she can run quite fast..
>>281717 Dedicate a minecraft server to your defiled ancestors.
>>281730 keeeek
>>281732 >she can run quite fast.. She will not run, I feel it in my penis. Make Violet your wife so you can breed for the white race.
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>>281732 >Chat a little to make an impression >Get her contact >Arrange a date >Quit at any step if it seems like she's not interested If she's friendly just ask for her number. She won't bite your head off for shooting your shot, and if she does then you can just ignore her because most people don't care.
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shit arc tbh. still going to be reading about this next year
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>>281741 when i spoke to her it was surprising how long she talked to me tbh..
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>>281742 > it was surprising how long soon this is what she will be saying
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watching it again
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>going to try the skyroom anniversery edition because fitgirl uploaded it >delete skyse and the nmm mod files >had 50gb worth of mods >pretty sure that was 5x the size of the game
>>281748 is fitgirl really a girl?
>>281749 No clue. Unlikely, but not impossible. Just the only good gaymin torrent site I know.
>>281750 tbh, i download almost all games from her hope she ain't a tranny
is dorset a waymouth nigger or bournemouth downie?
>>281751 >teehee i put girl in my username so you know i'm a girl! yeah girls did that back in 2009, now only trannies do it, its a surefire way to clock them online
>>281752 he's a lulworth lolcow
>>281752 neither
>>281755 >I killed the wrong lad Yikes.
>>281756 even if you caught him, you couldn't kill him for poowankman is invincible
>>281757 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
i heard u been chattin shit
>>281759 >that's it I'm creating incels t. dorkub
>>281759 >Ello zurr Viowet, oi wan'ee t' be moi broid so oi duzz
>>281761 Dorsilanth quotes: "Cooms... another..." "Sex... you cannot have sex..." "Poo... what have you pooed..." "You are incel... he is not incel... for chad she waits... for chad..."
had 2 dreams about her last night...
>>281765 get it together lad, you're too old for oneitis
>>281766 im 25...
>>281767 yeah? and the uuuunnnngggggg I looooveee herrrr shite is for hormonal tweens
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a pretty lady doesn't need some rotten little peeper bothering her
>>281767 >tfw 26 in august
>>281768 i just want to have sex with her
i dont have a wojak withered enough for that feel tbh
>>281771 are you sexually attractive to women lad? if you're not, don't bother trying its a waste of time if you are then your problem is already solved
>>281773 i have had sex with a woman
>>281774 theres a difference between doing it one time and convincing her to do it again if you only did it once theres probably a reason...
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>>281773 he is not, he is extreme manlet with very beta eyes and forehead, no brow ridge
>>281777 nice trips
not eaten in 50 hours, since saturday tbh lads ready for the biggest fryup of my life, thinking 12 sausages are in order Also fucking hell working in this heat is pure suffering
>>281781 wew, how did that happen? watch out for refeeding syndrome or whatever it's called, try nibbling on something now
>>281782 spent sunday hungover forgot my wallet today
My name's Wilbert.
>>281781 tbh hoping the weather changes soon
https://youtu.be/4FxTuyeqMoc Holy shit this is cringe.
>>281785 Oh its changing alright lad Supposed to be getting hotter
>>281787 like a lass just turned 13
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>let's make sure they do it on purpose
>>281782 2 days is not long enough for refeeding syndrome, he'll be fine
>>281791 >refeeding syndrome more like can't-keep-it-down syndrome!
i am become sleepy the goer to bed
>>281772 >>281781 goiod lad for me it's cheesy hash browns and maybe chicken soup if I clean the pot >>281789 don't know about you but I don't have a freezer capable of producing a giant ice block
>>281794 luv klepackino me
Wearing my blue pin stripe trousers and my linen shirt tomorrow what are you lads wearing?
>>281795 >tfw the feel was about turning 26 not fasting >he doesn't have a freezer capable of building The Wall one brick at a time
>>281798 skinned, dried, tanned, and dyed nigger hides
>>281799 yeah I was going to reply but forgot been thinking about the big three oh recently smh
>>281798 nothing maybe some wet towels possibly a funeral suit if the neigbhours notice my rapid decomposition
>>281801 smh lad we're sold a lie as teenagers tbh you think you have your whole life ahead of you and then it just passes by
don't want to be negative tbh but im sleep deprived and feeling shitty. sorry lads
>>281803 the wise elder steiner will teach us his ways at least my neighbour's birthday on friday was his fiftieth and he is a white haired old incel, one of those inoffensive sperg types from a time before the internet he seems happy doing a bit of school toiling and has apparently spent the last 30 years working on "the ultimate doctor who fanfiction which will tie up all the loose ends and plot holes ever introduced"
>>281805 >the ultimate doctor who fanfiction i don't know whether to laugh or cry tbqh admire the work ethic though
even other incels born in a time before ours had it better smh
>>281806 it's an interesting psychological study tbh all these wierd fixations that serve as defence mechanisms so most older incels don't go postal because they spend their lives building model train sets or whatever
my deeds are sneeds
>>281793 Horrible nightmares to prepare you for the waking horrors to come, lad.
>>281808 This is why the anglo traditionally tolerated eccentrics tbh.
12 phat sausies
>>281812 very good, lad
>>281812 very good, lad
>>281795 ooh nice lah
>>281795 ooh nice lah
Fucking hell I want children so badly
>>281805 remember my incel uncle when I was lad coming to the family parties without a wife or kids and just talking with my grandad. Works in finance or something and definitely an oddball. Always felt bad for him tbh and the woman in the family giving him the 'it'll happen when you're not looking xd' bullshit. >tfw becoming the incel uncle
How many of you incel faggots are actually looking for a woman?
You have five minutes to explain
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>Some engineering kino for the involuntarily celibate
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struggle to play crusader kings because the family tree gets too big and i cant tell who is who
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>Just the man for the Red Wall! > T. Farage
>>281826 prune it then lad
He's back. I will defeat every. last. one. of. them.
>>281829 >engaging with hatchlings good lad I guess but it's a fruitless errand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxQqaG4gl9A
>>281828 tried it and it was a complete joke whenever i murdered the ruler, the new one would appoint me as spymaster and i'd murder them happened like 15 times before i was found out
>>281830 keeeeeek based morgoth, i like bullying them for my own amusement tbh it's quite fun to BTFO them
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>turned off antivirus and ran as admin to avoid another error that kills the install at 24% unpacked
>>281829 link me lad so I can downvote him and upvote (You)
https://youtu.be/Ek-ELW5S278 I need a new job my current one fucking sucks. After three years I'm out of the loop and a bunch of young furriner coworkers are taking all of my work. Very depressing.
>>281837 https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/something-change-merseysides-sausage-roll-23817958 >“People in Birkenhead don't want paninis. They want sausage rolls. This is a sausage roll town. We should know - we live here and we work here," Simple as.
>>281839 I like paninis though
>Leipzig yesterday
>>281844 >gets raped >"what is rape?"
>>281827 Working class people don't have friends
>>281847 Dr Strange Chinky version?
>>281643 they made some cope movies about it with chuck norris lad
>>281848 yeah something like that
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Yea... think I'll be missing everything but kino
>>281845 >implying you'd rape that Vile.
>steyn with lord frost https://youtu.be/4eiwwrE_edk >Samantha reports back after her interrogation https://youtu.be/hcM7T1shgXs
>>281848 Allegedgly better, but the ones alleging it are RLM
>>281829 close shitposting support en route this is pigboy 1 we are onsite and ready to drop some banter on these normalfags
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>>281853 OMG!!! it's a real hekkin disney princess
>>281857 >the crystal treatment is working
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It really is everywhere huh
>>281853 I hate this slag so much lads
she looks like the worst richfag suburban country club midwestoid slag I just want to smash her in the fucking face with a hammer and run her over in my truck. it should be some young dutch lad leading the charge and she should be sharting out more belgic warriors
>>281863 teeheee guys does my butt look big in this revolution?
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>>281860 umm no, she's like snow white but replace the dwarfs with ugly peasant farmers.
>>281864 smh I know how blonde lasses are my extended family is full of them her little dye job and all that curling shit is like 100 plus dollars. dumb broad flaunting wealth like that while dutch people are protesting their lives being destroyed. just another grifter.
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shut up incel
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dont act like you wouldnt get on your knees and worship her you grotty little incel freaks
>>281867 https://youtu.be/4tmFNJKOZus *follows brunette lass home staring at her butt the whole time*
>>281689 This post really feels like someone coofing vile green mucus all over the board.
>>281872 then it did it's job on that stage of having really painful ribs from so much coofing as well as raw and chafing nostrils from so much blowing now tbh
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>>281873 *squidge* *squidge* *sloop* *squidge*
>>281875 very important information from /brit/, sex-havers HQ
>>281853 >Samantha reports back after her interrogation I was about to post it. She's good.
>>281853 lovely looking lass
>>281876 you need to know if she has a K or R life strategy
>>281827 someone was sitting on this video for a while
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my dad made me a logo for my business
Reading Hilter's "Mein Kampf". It is radicalising me even more. I love him.
>>281881 did you get him to make it extra fashy?
>>281883 no keeek that would have been ebig
>>281881 >my business what kind of business is it?
>>281885 home repair/ handyman type shit
>>281884 when I was self employed and had to do the paperwork for my own company (which existed for about three months) I made it esoteric and drvid themed tbh
>>281886 good stuff do you have plans for buying dilapidated properties for renovation?
>>281888 that's a xoomer's game tbh, at least here no millenial could afford a foot in the door
>>281887 good lad I made mine 19th century PT barnum theme >>281888 yeah planning on eventually gobbling up some delapidated farmland and building the incel pigboy commune on there and then fencing it off and planting lots of pines to block view from far and above but that is just some pipedream
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>>281875 Chilling
https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-62121650 >Shinzo Abe killing: Hideo Kojima threatens to sue over false posts qeeeeeeeeeeq
>>281892 >the biggest hub of internet subculture, 4chan has been responsible for many false claims and memes.

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>>281893 Is that why I'm rangebanned, too smart for four chud tbh
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>>281895 most likely
despite losing all her baby weight she still looks very heavy
>>281892 He's opened a can of nanomachines by doing that. kek.
>>281898 she looks like she lives on ready meals and takeaway
>>281898 sturdy flower of the norf tbh >>281900 solely cheese and meat actually
>>281898 >>281900 >Gossip magazine tier
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All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards the development of convenient half-truths. Just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you. WE made Shinzo Abe dress as Super Mario. It was US who told you to have children... via anime, AHAHAHAHA
>>281900 >>281901 >>281902 I think she's doing keto
>>281904 >I think she's doing keto It's not working.
>woes telling people to just be selfish because you can't change anything smdh he's completely given up.
he should've never made that thotgate video, it's cost him everything...
>>281898 thats okay she saved the white race more than the bogged dutch slag everyone is lusting over
>>281906 >41 >no job prospects >no money >banned >doxed And you blame him?
>>281906 yeah he was trying so hard before
>>281905 She's probably not even Ketosis 1 yet
>>281908 she definitely did, I'm very happy for her and her husband
>>281909 yes. Hitler was homeless before he saved the white race (part one). sorry but there's no excuses.
>>281913 YouTube and Twitter made him homeless from the internet. Perspective.
>>281912 she will age fine too mummys always get that benefit over wine aunts. she looks like she is losing fat but keeping her milkers and probably has mummy hips now so she will probably look fine
woes should move to north virginia and become a pentacostal preacher and get an 19 year old wife
>>281916 why don't you? you can supplement preacher's stipend with your diy skills
>>281853 women are literally saving the west. especially jewish women. I love them so much.
>he's now telling a lad to leave the movement for fuck sake woes, there's nothing out there for any white lad. Why are you saying this...
>>281917 I would be seen as a carpetbagger yankee by the subhuman southoids, although probably not in west virginia. but I am not a mountain creature like woes mountains confuse me, only seen the mountains from a plane. shitagains mountain range is pretty much cucked compared to all the other mountain ranged on this continent
>>281919 he's taken his thirty pieces of silver foil wrapped cadbury dairy milk bars from zog smh
>>281921 >only seen the mountains from a plane do burgers really?
>>281924 well I mean it's that or drive for 12 hours to go to the next county or whatever tbf
>>281924 I saw the rocky mountains IRL as a kid but never seen the appalachian mountains. only the porcupine mountains (cuck hills)
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>woes countersignalling while PA are building the most powerful movement in the UK Mark needs to tel him to bend the knee on this one tbh, he's blackpilling good lads >>281923 tbh very sad to see this happen, always thought woes was gonna be one of our top lads
>>281887 keeeeeeek wtf is this mene >unsheathe your lute keeeeeek
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>>281913 Husbant, you've spent all your free time in jail writing your autobiographical manifesto, now we are homeress.
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>>281927 This is how I imagine Morgoth to look tbh.
Is this the Aylan Kurdi moment for the dinghy invaders?
>>281927 don't join PA lads, it's spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>281931 DEPORT HIM
>>281932 wrong + cringe + scottish (gay)
>>281853 GB news is just mental cock and ball torture for boomoids incapable of even beginning to think of ways to stop whats been mounting for the past 100 years. >BREAKING GB NEWS EXCLUSIVE IN THE YEAR 2022 The police protected Pakistani rape gangs to rape 10,000 white kids and now they harass people who speak about it >boomer mong reaction: "This isn't on this, that's not right, the police should stop that" Then nothing happens. They're just waiting for this mythical sane hidden men in power to put things right so we can go on as we have ignoring the reasons this happened and continues to happen. God help them when they realise he doesnt exist.
"Bro don't join the only viable nationalist movement in the uk, just watch spic fuentes bro, that'll save the white race haha. nah bro, you just need to support LOCAL groups haha. Me, nah I don't get involved haha, its not my sort of thing haha."
>>281935 >GB news is just mental cock and ball torture for boomoids my words on their first day
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>>281931 So thats why he's so good at swimming
The thought of meeting up with random good lads is probably terrifying for someone that can't even enter a kitchen if females are in it.
What a bitch
>>281939 Pretty much.
>>281939 >Kitchen with females in
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in all seriousness lads, the summer camp was very good and you should join tbh.
>>281944 did you get to eat mark's sosij lad?
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just remembered i grabbed my friends gfs belleh on friday night
this is how I imagine wessex looks IRL
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smh no image
Wessex is invisible wow lads.
>>281944 Did you go? Which side of the tug war were you on?
>>281948 are they all trannies?
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>Post about grabbing the most ungrabbable part of the human body
>>281950 Cock tugging?
>>281951 no they are coping swarthoids
>>281948 keeek
>>281954 ah.. like me..
>>281952 what do you mean she has a chubby belly
The BNP talked about, and in some cases did the work to expose literally all the modern rw outrages and nobody looks in the past to thank them. Nobody even knows the level of brutal oppression the BNP went through down to their individual members. The level of political violence was unmathed, Ken Livingstone the mayor of London was chairman of UAF at the same time and openly tried to use his political weight to have the police allow his UAF goons to assault BNP members. Thousands were fired from being doxxed and the government took the unprecedented decision to ban all members of a political party from being employed in the public sector. A man was literally murdered by a mob of Pakistanis for being a member and the Pakistani that got caught served 4 years in prison, the guardian practically celebrated it. Whenever a white person was brutally murdered for being white by some wog mob and the BNP petitioned for justice the state sent people to intimidate the families into condemning the BNP first or else. When the BNP finally won a few elections the government actively increased migrant settlement into the areas they won in, Barking and Dagenham went from 80% white to 49% inbetween 2001 and 2011 because they gave the BNP 12 councillors in 2006, today every single one is labour. The people who went through all that for the sake of truth and basic morals receiving nothing but condemnation and state abuse are fucking heroes and everybody who knows about Rotherham owes it to their struggle.
> Ofgem chief executive Jonathan Brearley (inset) said energy bills were likely to rise faster than predicted. He admitted to MPs on Monday yearly energy bills could rise as high as £3,200.
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>>281959 Ladies and gentlemen, a toast
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>>281963 keeek
Mark Collett on Jolly Heretic on Thursday
>A man enjoys a drink while contemplating joining the PA on Bournemouth beach this afternoon.
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>>281968 keeeeeeek
>A man regrets tattooing his girlfriend's name as people make the most of the hot weather on Bournemouth beach this afternooon
>>281971 hmm, might get VIOLET tattood on me
>>281973 post her nudes
>>281971 I'll bet sophie is not half so swarthy, cuck
>>281974 she doesnt have any publicly i guess
don't use the heating, don't have ac, don't use hot water in the shower, don't drive and basically heat my coomchamber with my pc in the winter. not concerned with energy prices in the slightest
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>>281976 Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know if 1million LINK is deposited into my wallet by midnight.
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pre-midnight captcha green we are go for seacow deployment
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>>281982 to the moon!!!
>>281982 perfection.png
can you hire a prostitute to just be your friend and listen to your talk so that the only people IRL who you talk to arent just your parents?
>>281988 yes, probably dont they actually exist, like you can hire women just to cuddle you in some places
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what about buying a wife?
>>281988 probably
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>>281990 yes, they are called mail order brides.
>>281989 japan is world leader in this incelsploitation of course
>>281994 I would never pay for an asian woman's hugs they are so fake and akward only white lasses hugs for me with a bit of judo choking and rapey for dessert
>>281988 call Samaritans
>>281997 good lad don't fall for the shovelface lies
get yourself a chug
>>281993 don't exist all are just passport scams
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>>281998 no thanks I am just bottling it all up inside so I can unleash it when law and order collapses in an orgy of psychotic retribution
go on discord and find yourself some tatted up pagan/satanist lass
sorry lad if I was gonna bag me a midwestoid slag she wouldn't be a williamette with middle classoid autism ideas like paganism. she would be trailer trash kino
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just fucking breed you incel freak!!!!
>After it became clear that no one else would bring the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide to justice, the Dashnaktsutyun, an Armenian political party, set up the secret Operation Nemesis, headed by Armen Garo, Shahan Natalie, and Aaron Sachaklian. The conspirators drew up a list of 100 genocide perpetrators to target for assassination; Talaat Pasha headed the list. There was no shortage of volunteers to carry out the assassinations, mainly young men who survived the genocide or lost their families. One of these volunteers, Soghomon Tehlirian, was picked because he had assassinated Harutian Mgrditichian, who had worked for the Ottoman secret police and helped compile the list of Armenian intellectuals who were deported on 24 April 1915. > At the end of February, the conspirators located Talaat Pasha after spotting him leaving from Berlin Zoologischer Garten railway station on a trip to Rome. Vahan Zakariants, posing as a man looking for lodging, investigated and was able to discover that Talaat was living at Hardenbergstraße 4. To confirm the identification, Tehlirian rented a pension across the street at Hardenbergstraße 37, where he could observe people coming and going from Talaat's apartment. His orders from Natalie stated, "You blow up the skull of the Number 1 nation-murderer and you don't try to flee. You stand there, your foot on the corpse and surrender to the police, who will come and handcuff you." >On a rainy Tuesday (15 March 1921) around 10:45 a.m., Talaat left his apartment intending to purchase a pair of gloves. Tehlirian approached him from the opposite direction, recognized him, crossed the street, closed in from behind, and shot him at close range in the nape of his neck outside Hardenbergstraße 27, on a busy street corner, causing instant death. The bullet went through his spinal cord and exited above Talaat's left eye, having destroyed his brain. At first Tehlirian stood over the corpse, but after onlookers shouted, he forgot his instructions and ran away. He threw away the caliber 9 mm Parabellum pistol that he used for the assassination and fled via Fasanenstraße, where he was apprehended by shop assistant Nikolaus Jessen. People in the crowd beat him severely; Tehlirian exclaimed in broken German something to the effect of, "It's ok. I am a foreigner and he is a foreigner!" operation nemesis was very cool, I hope donald trump does it to the libtards who stole the election.
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*tries to impress stacy*
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>>282003 Also set up a camera to record the paranormal activity like those found footage films.
>>281981 >>281983 keeeeeeeek
>>282006 good lads tbh
>>282008 good lad I should hire a prozzie and then me and her should go searching for the doggoman in the wilderness
*hires prostitute* ahem lass we are gonna go and colonize the wilderness for an hour
>>282012 you could probably find loads that would be ok with that stuff
why does anyone think this is ok?
>>282015 so glad I don't work at uni anymore when we were installing siding on this house last week these chinese people rode by on bikes and all the workmen were going oh herro suck you preeze and pulling their eyelids keeeek fucking sick and tired of this faggot gayworld that whiteoids are supposed to live in as hypercuckolds to even basic catagories of reality. I would just want to blast both those satanic freaks with a shotgun and move on.
yep thanks lad that pic made me seethe real good. god I want to destroy the enemies of the white race violently
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>>282018 there's just no way to escape it. violence needs to happen.
>>282020 yeah and not just random violence, like organized removal of specific segments of society generally the managerial class needs to be purged and made example of once the elites lose control of westoid society right before they try to "rescue" us from the disaster they created.
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sheeeeit I'll help you find your dog sweety but it gon' be extra if we goin out in the swamps
-purge the bureaucrat "caste" because bureaucracy is fundamentally un anglo (or at least un american) -removal of majority of the rights of non whites so they self deport -greenlight on: jews and niggers
>>282022 keek the 2 dollar suck job shaneequa and not even the fit negress with big milkers and bum lad? that would be kino seeing negresses freak out hunting for the dogman
>>282021 I was just reading about the janjaweed recently tried in ICC over Darfur, they only killed a couple hundred people directly but caused a mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of specific ethnic groups purely out of fear. it wasn't like a few hundred guys with aks were capable of exterminating 200,000 people but the idea in the heads of the 200,000 was that they each *could* be one of the few hundred killed, so they fled and the janjaweed got what they wanted. thats probably how things will work out in the future.
>>282025 yeah I don't get the blackpillers you lads have better numbers than in north america but in leaf and in northern US the only people who will stay here when its shit tier are the people who have been here before it was comfy and like you say all its gonna take is some chuds doing edgelord shit to make all the shitskins fuck off
>>281958 good post lad
>>282029 good video, this has irked me for a long time. overestimating the enemy
>>282020 tbh really started to realise that after working in retoil for a few years
>>281795 >don't know about you but I don't have a freezer capable of producing a giant ice block any bucket of ice water will do >>281812 that must have hit the spot >>281843 based Saxony >>281863 >lower middle class (or worse) mestizo seethe
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watching it again
>>282034 lad i have posted my face on this board several times establishing that I am not a beaner like spic
>>282037 you're supposed to filter spic not reply to him
smorbing lads >>282039 >“Have you noticed that fascist statues never smile? They’re not live-laugh-loving.”
>>282041 smorbs
>>282042 hullo lad
>>282036 keeeeeeeek kino
>>282045 kind of shite how these lads are being thrown into the meat grinder just to prolong an unwinnable war tbh
>>282046 unimaginably shite, i can't imagine ever having to live through that. ww1 tier just being served a draft paper because you dared to leave the grotcel to buy tinnies then you get turned into meat by russian artillery and 3 days later patrick lancaster shows up and says your body smells bad then chechens dab on you and teabag your corpse. smh
>>282047 yeah smh
>>282048 Imagine being forced to fight as a zog
>>282049 tbh it's not surprising that so many of them are surrendering
Tfw /Brit forced to fight for our multicultural values
>>282037 your phenotype appears white at first glance, but you have admitted that your family tree contains a 'chug', which is a mongoloid from east siberia. you're 'basically white' in the sense that the admixture is small and unlikely to affect your personality, maybe 1/32nd or so depending on how many generations ago that was, but you're not pure and I wouldn't let you near any daughter of mine me, on the other hand, my ancestry is wholly European. the worst you can say is that there is 0.1% North African from some Berber 'New Christian'- which is still quite racially similar, Caucasoid, just Hamitic instead of Aryan. I'm objectively whiter than you, even if my pigmentation is darker due to my predominately southern European phenotype. if you consult this German race scientist map, I'm 99.9% Arier, 0.1% Hamiten- 100% Kaukasische (with 0% Semiten). you are probably like 96.875% Arier/Kaukasische, 3.125% Amerikaner/Mongolische. in what universe does having yellowish hair change these mathematical facts? I'm pretty high percentile for Neanderthal blood also, I have a thicc brow ridge, relatively large ribcage... neither of us are 'beaners', but you're a Squanto, which is precisely the problem with beaners... if the Mexicans were pure Spanish then they would be just as white as the old Americans and I'd have no problem with them coming in in reasonable numbers as long as they learned English. but that's obviously not the case, they're like half Aztec on average
>>282052 >but you're not pure and I wouldn't let you near any daughter of mine
>>282052 >I'm objectively whiter than you, even if my pigmentation is darker
>>281944 tried joining but got an email back just saying there arent enough people in my area smh of course there aren't if you wont accept new members
>>282055 seems a bit counter-intuitive smh hope they're at least keeping the contact details for people who wanted to join instead of relying on people reapplying after being told no
bought a case of horrible beer and now i have to get through it all
>>282057 smh rip lad what beer?
>>282058 it's a cheap type that's pretty popular with the youngens round here so i thought i'd give it a try, tastes like malt beer or something. honestly hard to swallow
eating my asian takeout with chopsticks because i'm a massive fucking weeaboo i have no clean cutlery
>>282056 tbh >>282057 >>282059 all beer tastes equally bad to me and I don't drink so I don't have this problem
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>>282052 looking at this image, i can see why i acquired chopstick proficiency so quickly it's my lapplander coming through
don't understand how you can live in this time period and somehow not drink but there you go. power to you
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>>282060 Yo! Arright! Rockin' dude! You eat that takeout yeah!
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>>282052 >my pigmentation is darker due to my predominately southern European phenotype. >if the Mexicans were pure Spanish then they would be just as white as the old Americans
Off to Southport for the Twelfth lads
>>282066 thank you i did
>>282045 Just convert to Judaism
>>282064 don't know how you can live in this time period as a White Man and consume toxic poison instead of working out and consuming protein shakes
like yeah everyone needs a coping mechanism but alcohol is legitimately pointless for me I never liked the taste anyway, being drunk isnt even fun if youre a lonely incel, its expensive and impairs your judgement, theres literally no benefit
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Just checked the weather forecast for next week
>"Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A women slew him." king of Shechem (12th century BCE). Mortally wounded in battle by a stone thrown by a woman, he asked his armor-bearer to kill him.
>>282015 >when they manage to breed but then the manny gets an abortion for moloch
>hopping IDs for that nasty evil coomgoblin spic trying to get other lads' loosh smorbing lads just got off phone to NHS (lengthy paid wait of course) to say that the stupid cunts put off my appointment I am now even more ill and can't attend, to which the receptionfoid said there are no more appointments available and she cannot reschedule so you may as well have not fucking bothered with anything in the first place
Love are NHS >uncoordinatedly bashes pots and ladle together

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