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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3741: Eva lass Edition Anonymous 07/12/2022 (Tue) 10:18:42 Id: 0f0aaa No. 282082
SAS unit repeatedly killed Afghan detainees, BBC finds https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62083196 Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62123886 UK weather - live updates: 30% chance of Sunday being the hottest day ever recorded in Britain https://news.sky.com/story/uk-weather-latest-updates-uk-could-hit-40c-for-first-time-ever-as-heatwave-sweeps-europe-12649795 FIFA 23: FUT Ambassadors Leaked https://www.givemesport.com/88032823-fifa-23-fut-ambassadors-leaked
>>282082 good lad was right in the middle of making one myself keeek
>>282084 That's alright, lad.
>>282082 goodlad good edition
watch them use this as another scapegoat to blame vaxx deaths on
Think I'll get the Korean metal chopsticks tbh just wang 'em in the dishwasher innit.
>>282087 Thought they were already linking 'climate change' to all these recent sudden deaths
>>282087 tbh without a doubt >>282088 based picked up a nice set of wooden lacquered ones from the jap shop near me a few years ago but i barely ever use them
Shades of Jahans
>>282082 >SAS unit repeatedly killed Afghan detainees Wonder if they were killing the good guys or the bad guys? Smh. >Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child So can we deport this illegal immigrant and fraudster? >>282087 Tbh smdh. >>282091 He's always been a roight wang Jahans.
lads has macedonia always been called north macedonia? feels like i'm getting berensteined again
>>282093 Changed in 2019 for some reason.
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>>282094 huh thanks lad
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Still can't get fitgirl's Skyroom AE to install.
feeling the frustration at not being able to do anything again, and also not having a punching bag with which to vent my frustrations
sisyphean nightmare
glass of water and apple cider vinegar, double helping of cream of chicken soup fortified with garlic granules and two soft cheese and gherkin sandwiches for lunch
2 pan fried burgers with onions, lettuce and tomato in rolls for me
going to just have scrambled eggs and porridge for lunch i reckon after another workout because what else can I do
my burger is falling apart... so symbolic.. vgh... the fall of western civilisation...
completely fucked up dinner smh didn't have flour and tried to improvise did not go well >>282101 good lad
>>282104 could always be worse ask manx to share some of his experimental dinners next time he's around tbh
>>282105 keeeeek
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guess i'll play ck3 and try and for a matriarchal gingerlass kingdom of scotland/britain
WE'VE ALREADY WON! >darkies brag at taking over the UK
>>282107 >ck3 >>282108 just kill them all smdh
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>>282108 they are all so fucking ugly
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>>282112 luv this image tbh potent
>>282112 is that ser allister thorne?
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>poutine offering Russian citizenship to all ukies
>>282115 based
>>282115 would take it if I were a pookrainian tbh jewinsky and co have made it abundantly clear they don't care about the people they are supposed to represent
>>282117 tbh he's throwing away hundreds and sometimes thousands of hohols every single day just so he can keep getting talked about on tv and have reddit soys draw pictures of the avengers kneeling in front of him a sane leader would have sued for peace the minute the west decided not to directly intervene
>>282108 "It's hot in the summer" <-- not news
Important Forklift Operation Instructional Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAHzP4umE4M
>>282119 tbf that is also one of the headlines today >>282121 > "The men won't like this," remarked Pike, feebly. >"They're going to love it," McNaught asserted. "A bright and shiny ship, all spic and span, is good for morale. It says so in that book. kino
>>282119 Thanks for thr free (You) lad
>>282125 and that somebody is me
can hear sounds of neighbours kids splashing about in a pool smh wish that were me im fucking boiling
>>282128 have a cold drink lad
>>282129 i am lad its not enough my whole body is filth
i bet its cold in australia right now
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>>282130 >my whole body is filth keeek get used to it lad embrace it just sit around indoors being a grotty bastard drinking whatever gives you an excuse to fill your cup full of ice
>>282131 yeah lad 5.2° right now and a peak of 15° tomorrow having fun observing with the perspective of somebody who's been there before many times tbh >>282132 stop waiting and make it happen lad
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>>282135 too soon lad smh
>>282133 >>282134 wew, never knew it even got that cold down under tbh, thought it was at worst warm in winter now i kinda get why people who live in hot countries never get any work done keeek
>>282136 RIP in peace sweet nippoomer. Still sneething at all the westoid leftists celebrating his death.
Despair but also keek
>>282137 lad? five degrees is warm you're not a wog are you?
slow day today huh
>>282141 nothing like it
I got to stop the escalator in the train station because some people were falling down it, very amusing tbh
>>282140 Might be an old lad. Boomers always complaining it's cold when it's comfortably warm.
not really been that hot this year in all honesty not unbearably hot at least
just want a nice plain thicc dog walking lass, me
>>282096 OK nigger
>>282138 The ugly side of politics is coming across too frequently nowadays
>>282143 based always wanted to push that button tbh
>>282143 based always wanted to push that button tbh
>>282143 Keeek at the thought normongs can't even handle an escalator
<just want a nice plain thicc dog, me
>>282140 >>282144 im not old smh, five degrees isnt warm, FUCK
<just want a nice plain thicc dog, me
>im not old >five degrees isnt warm Vacate the ethnostate post haste.
>>282150 It was fun, punched the red button and have an itchy hand now smh the police thought me stopping the escalator caused the fall at first keeeek >>282151 It was some chink knocked an old woman's cane when he was chink toilslave charging up the escalator and she fell on some norn irish bloke who fell onto mummy smh I just stood there confused laughing inside until I realised what was going on
>>282153 yeah okay grandpa >>282156 >the police thought me stopping the escalator caused the fall at first smh
I want to lick a woman's arse.
>>282158 Licked b*sexual exgfs arse once. Was okay. Then she asked me to do it again another time. Was going to, but it smelled. Didn't lick. I don't know if this helps, but there you go.
>>282160 Oh yes, this helps.
>>282158 that's where poo comes from lad >>282160 smh lad
>>282160 >an arse smelled
>b*sexual exgf lad
>On August 30, 1918, Lenin spoke at the Hammer and Sickle, an arms factory in southern Moscow.[7] As Lenin left the building and before he had entered his car, Fanny Kaplan called out to him. When Lenin turned towards her, she fired three shots with a Browning pistol.[2] One bullet passed through Lenin's coat, and the other two struck him. One passed through his neck, punctured part of his left lung, and stopped near his right collarbone; the other lodged in his left shoulder.[2][8] >Lenin was taken back to his living quarters at the Kremlin. He feared that other plotters might be planning to kill him and refused to leave the security of the Kremlin to seek medical attention. Doctors were brought in to treat him but could not remove the bullets outside a hospital. Despite the severity of his injuries, Lenin survived, but his health never fully recovered from the attack. It is believed the shooting contributed to the strokes that incapacitated and eventually killed him in 1924. she was so close to saving evropa bros
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>actual arse lickers itt and people are making fun of me for thinking literal fridge temperatures are cold smh
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muhhhhhh I was sleeping nice was having weird dreamt hat I was tsking lady about skincare prouct, and but it was cut off nooooooo
>>282165 smh things could have been different
>>282166 keeeek
>>282167 morning lad >I was tsking lady about skincare prouct, and but it was cut off nooooooo come back in an hour once you've woken up lad
>>282166 I only licked an arse one time and you are still not white.
>calls me non white when his tongue is literally brown
>>282172 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>282172 Keeeeeeek smdh. The one time I licked the surface it was probably mega clean because it was just like soap and skin. Smdh. Although I tasted other girls vaggies in her mouth a few times when we kissed, and she may well have licked another girl's arse too smdh.
STOP licking bumholes
>>282175 smh /brit/ once again a victim of a love of irony as the old saying goes, any community that gets its laughs with brap and pooposts will eventually host anus-tonguing niggers who mistakenly believe they are in good company
>>282176 tbh smh many such cases
shnight lids
>>282178 night lad
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>>282158 I’ve done it, it’s not that good tbh
so many literal arselickers in this thread
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>>282180 wtf is going on here?
>>282187 those girls are making fun of batka
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>>282122 thanks I am going to use it as a training material
>thread created at 10 am >only 108 responses >in 12 hours slow day
fucking chess jannies won't even let me cheat
>>282193 have some
>>282195 your sister doesn't count
>>282196 dont have a sister, sadly
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mornin lads
>>282198 morning
>>282198 sneedning
one of my mates has gone full chud and wont shut the fuck up about his chud opinions on everything especially the vaxx. every time I meet him for a drink he does everything he can to start an argument over some chud take he just saw on twitter and keeps arguing with me even after I agree with everything and just want to talk about something else but this fucking CHUD wont get the message.
>>282201 keeek
>>282201 Crusius living rent free in some of your heads is no better than you deserve, tbh
>chessmong didn't learn from his mistakes and play fair so that the ELO would match him against his chesslet peers
>>282203 yeah?
>>282192 You deserve permabanning from here for being such a sad cunt you'd cheat at chess tbh.
>>282188 I didn't see the humour ngl
>>282201 cage stage
I am tㅤiㅤrㅤeㅤd.
If a fucking piece of silicone can beat you at a game without even so much as training then you need a new game, suck my cock.
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just wanna shove my face into a big fat jiggly arse (female)
>>282213 why do zoomers actually want to eat ass?
>>282214 they do? i'm not a zoomer..
game over
game over
>>282217 well done
>>282213 buttmuncher
>>282221 why would you want to be so big?
>>282222 he was trying to leave humanity behind lad he left to a higher vibrational level
Laid back grotty in the dark on my very slowly sinking broken chair, listening to Nearer My God to Thee, as my eyeline sinks below the desk, too lazy to fix it grim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4LyoUGxVd8
>>282224 keeksmh lad don't die to office chair impalement
>>282224 posts are a nice touch
>>282225 both uncomfortable like this but also cannot be asked to climb into bed
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>zoomer: I want to eat ass *gets shigella*
>>282201 better then my mate tbh, he's a Shapiro tier, anti-wokist. His favourite thing about Nige is he destroyed the BNP, he thinks saying labour are the real racists is a big own and he once wrote "race is nothing, values are everything" in the whatsapp. And he also will never shut up about it.
>>282227 just one of those nights >>282228 keeeeek he makes me so uncomfortable >>282229 batter him
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I hope dorshit gets monkeypox from eating a discord tranny arse that's taken an african nigger dick in a train station toilets.
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>mark steyn covers the twelfth of july https://youtu.be/jv1TV8WA-BE
>>282231 thought that was 22st
>>282232 Guessing that's enough to kill them just not instantly. Poor piggus. >>282233 Tbh puts perspective on mubortion. Infinitely more cruel and inhumane.
>>282235 is he based?
>>282236 22 is a good moral lad who's improving himself driving BIG trucks and grooming fertile young retard lasses for the norge race. Dorshit wishes he was as cool as 22st tbph.
>>282238 He's the most relatively based cunt allowed on GBnews.
maybe pembs can squirt out his prolaspe and dorset can lick that like a poopsicle
>>282240 cheers
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>>282241 yes, this is technically possible
>>282241 he'll have to battle westie for it like two hyenas over a carcass
>>282244 there's no way westie is giving up that bussy no way
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>>282230 tbh he's a really good lad heart-wise, just a bit of a brainlet and thinks it's something we connect on as i don't go full lepolface back at him. he's actually one of my best mates, just got to deal with it and hopefully gently nudge him toward the early life pages.
>>282239 i mean the image
whys everyone talking about rape gangs again did something happen
>>282247 No, it's my quick imagining of dorshit if he ack'd himself. Used a tie because he was bullying tie retard lad at the time. Idk.
>>282248 Telford
>>282250 i already knew about the telford rape gangs tho
there was a scandal years ago about the leader of the group being released from prison 4 years into a 20 year sentence for raping a thousand kids/
>>282252 He was released after 8 out of a 14 year sentence, but originally was only given 8 max until public outcry increased it for a change.
>>282251 report was released today
can all pakis just le die already, sheesh, so sick of their antics.
>Chair’s final Report of the Independent Inquiry into Telford posting on /leftypol/ual Exploitation, published on 12 July 2022
>>282255 Tbh hope based Xi's next bioweapon wipes them out once and for all.
>we wont arrest paki child rapists because it would inflame racial tension >it's revealed >racial tensions remain unflamed, iced even.
>>282258 objective achieved
it's a grim read: >There were bedsits above the takeaway... In each bedsit... there would be around six to eight men and three or four girls... you were not just raped by one man but you were raped by loads of them.
>>282256 give us the highlights lad inject the concentrated sneethium
>>282258 >>racial tensions remain unflamed, iced even. racial tensions are worse than they have ever been
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its really something else that we all pay taxes to maintain a system that industrially imports shitskins to live on the dole and rape our women on a mass organized scale.
I regret asking already
>>282212 how do you set these things up?
>>282266 this is all very old and has been said by many beforehand smh I guess they are just confirming it as quietly as possible
inflaming racial tensions would be some kind of secret unnamed informal org that hunted down and murdered confirmed paki rapists around the country, torching their homes at night or stalking them until they were found in a isolated position, a single man administering a kitchen knife in the back, perhaps using stolen mopeds with stolen plates to escape capture. or daringly beating them to death and allowing them to be one of the many undiscovered late night violent crimes with no discernible motive or suspects. hmm yes we have to make sure this never happens to prevent racial tensions.
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Had a dream about a family of ducks tbh
>>282262 *nothing happens*
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>>282271 are you sure lad?
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>>282273 yes lad
>>282273 good job
>>282231 >>282241 i am not gay, i would never do that to a tranny
>>282273 if only he could eat pakis the way he eats lettuce
>>282273 good lad
>Homes for Ukraine local authority funding allocations March to May 2022 (England)
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>>282281 particularly harsh bouquet of anger today tbh and it's not even five minutes into it
After all that shite about Mo Farah being British it turns out he's not even here legally.
>>282284 I don't believe his story. Why coming out with it now?
>>282285 david davis tbh but needed reposting since I only got one (you) love this lad even if his choice of main character is very sus
>>282275 I never blackpill, I can understand the weaker lads here may need to reveal their troubles and fears so it can be challenged and they can come to their senses. I truly believe we'll win but I dont see our salvation on the horizon. I don't think the mass of the British public are in anyway capable of this struggle and I dont see any structures built and manned to guide and protect them on the path of struggle.
>>282285 have a (You)
good night
>>282291 i hope you get demented dreams, lad have a rough sleep
>>282268 I don't understand why you want to know details about kids being molested and keep posting it here. I'm sure there are children in this country being violently raped but do I have to know every case in gruesome detail?
>(2) >first post is trying to bring up the media approved "scandal" >second is trying to deflect away from the biggest piece of actual news and polishits to relate to britain this year
If you knew the government was actively protecting the systemic rape and enslavement of your peoples children by an ethnic group protected and privileged by the state the only reasonable reaction is committing enough violence to put an end to that government. Since nobody can do that right now you might aswell not talk about it.
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mad how its even come to this point insanity clown world so unreal yet its not
>>282294 How is it deflecting not to want to read the details about how she was pimped
>oh boy lets see how 4/brit/ is reacting to the news >entire thread is namefag samefagging about how they dont care and making fun of people for being mad about it sheesh, gotta wonder what kind of mental illness that takes.
ROI is the EU's pawn, tbh
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>>282299 There is a higher percentage of degenerates there
>>282297 tbh and it feels like nobody but polfaces care
>Combing through interviews with posting on /leftypol/ abuse victims just to seethe about what you already know is based. Enjoy being decencitised.
where is chess lad?
i'm so hungry i could eat a horse
>>282232 this is horrible why are they doing it?
>>282219 want to play again?
https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8 The aztecnigger community implosion in Texas Uvalde has been released >shooter killed 20 >hallway video
wew lad hope that little spiclet escaped poor little lad
>>282309 smh all those coward beaners but then a random redneckoid border patrolman just showed up and merc'd the spictroony
smh these cops need to play more arma
>>282311 when does this happen
>>282313 would also like to know since id rather not watch an hour of some tranny wierdo killing children
>>282314 its not in the video
video seems staged
>>282316 what did you think of sandy hoax lad?
>>282317 fake and gay
this one lass from uni toil told me that feds used her school to stage a "training" where they shot real blanks and had a simulated shootout in the school while she was in the school. is some glownigger program
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steiner read pic 2 >>282215 >i'm not a zoomer.. you are by definition due to your year of birth >>282317 it's a hoax. also Alex Jones and some other guy that wrote a book about it both got sued for saying as much and were fined $1,000,000, so the whole freedom of speech thing is de facto abolished by precedent
fuck off, spic
>spic cope
I am literally a roman legionaire guys
>>282323 Yes Hispanic and Latino is too dignified and European, plus so many are learning English now. It's better to call them aztecniggers.
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>>282327 based jigaboos tbh. every allied soldier is a shabbos goy
>>282326 "Only pay for it during winter months!" There is also an electromagnetic field that comes from such heating coils, which damage cells in the human body. Richfags are always getting themselves into trouble, smh.
>>282331 >fraud gets revealed >demand payment for it
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak85S5KZoKE good shormgin luddys grass is green, sky is blue, my cushion is soft, just like me poo
>>282333 morning lad
My NEET tasks for today: >Cut the grass and do away with the weeds >Prepare the way for the new shed >Scream into the void >Revise for exam >Apply for a new job I will not poost until my labours are complete
>>282336 good lad God speed
>JD Wetherspoon faces growing annual loss as bargain pub giant's rebound is hit by surging costs and wages
>Billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates' 19-year-old daughter Phoebe has fired back at racist trolls who criticized her alleged romance with a mystery black man by posting another loved-up snap with her unnamed beau on Instagram
https://njdg.ecourts.gov.in/njdgnew/index.php > 41.9 million cases are pending in Indian courts and more than 106,175 of them have been pending for more than 30 years. Imagine not having a functioning legal system.
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>>282340 Bet Bill had a stroke when he saw this.
>>282340 >has fired back at racist trolls >by posting another loved-up snap how will chuds ever recover from this?
>>282343 >12:18 >I think it was Margaret Thatcher who said every PM needs willy >A woman, like me, doesn't have one
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violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet violet
Two Scots were thrown out of Parliament keeeeeeeeeeek
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had 4 dreams about vivi last night insane
>>282349 based
>>282326 >payment is needed to remove a software block Wow imagine if someone had warned about this or something. Fortunately as well as being free from proprietary software, Linux users car seats are naturally heated by blubber.
>all the small clothes i bought are still too big
>>282354 you know what to do
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lass at the counter was kind of pretty and cute
not ginger tho so dont care h-hah..
finally betting my swallocks off
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>all the small clothes i bought are still too big
>>282360 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek look at his hair dorset must look mental no wonder Violet tries her best to escape him
>>282360 luv this picture tbh
>>282361 i shave my head
>>282363 You should morb yourself and sneed on it
>>282341 Wew, makes even shartica's look 'functioning'. And we aren't that far behind them.
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>trying to get clean and then dry but sweating like a paki in a primary school in this fucking heat
its not hot t. naked
>>282367 take my advice lad just give up you're never going to not be sweaty until things cool down >>282368 good lad very based
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the currynigger needs deportation and a beating to cure him of his delusions but andy jarman deserves to be excoriated and rolled in salt
tearing off bits of dry and dead skin from my nose going to end up looking like voldemort smh >>282374 tbhsmh civic scum
>>282376 luv these chunky niggas ngl
>>282377 unfortunately I did spot what looked like a ukrainian flag being used in the graphics yesterday smh
>>282378 it's everywhere smh
One of my cousins has a huwhite bf in South Carolina and has gone over there smh, is South Carolina based?I know it was the heart of the confederacy but that's it
>>282380 yeah I'm thinking they're based probably just as bad as anywhere else tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1aQ-6y0cl0
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>>282380 its the deep south
>>282381 choon that
someone please explain to me what the hell "lindy" means
>>282384 pretty sure it's wiggerspeak for "looks cool"
>>282385 almost every time i visit RW tw*tter i see the term thrown around as some vaguely positive notion- living lindy, or lindy having some relation to attractive women, but I have no fucking clue what it means beyond that
>>282386 not encountered this yet
>he doesn't know
OOGA BOOGA BUMCHEEKS! Good to see the Daily Mail boomers simply stating they don't want a wog pm
a poo pushes out of my bum. i immediately smell the pungent warmth of shit. i know now, nothing can hurt me.
>>282389 surprised they've got the guts tbh they're usually all civics
>>282389 Where? Don't read through OMG the daily mail. More a mail on sneetheday man meself.
>>282388 dont be like that...
>>282392 comments, i posted " i don't want an indian PM" and got a like/dislike ratio of 5 to 1 >>282391 tbh, but tbf you get heavily censored on there by the mods
>>282386 Isn't it supposed to mean something that has held up over the course of time? Like a practice or item?
shnight lads >>282393 just kidding lad i don't know either
>>282394 you'll get a paki PM instead
I want to go to uni and study poos and wees
>>282397 We'll likely get Penny Mordaunt. I'm calling it now tbh
>>282396 Goodnight lad, don't let the emus bite
We find out at 5PM which candidates have been eliminated
>>282398 you are in luck land. Soon there will be no need to travel to study such things
>>282403 it's only fair after all we colonised them first
>>282403 hate that googlejeetcel
>>282405 >tfw we never reverse colonised Italy, Scandavia or all of France
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for britain bros.... https://youtu.be/J9gKyRmic20
>In the 1970s, the population of Allentown, Pennsylvania, was 97% White — by 2020, that share plunged to 31%, a factor researchers say may have contributed to many Americans’ desire to participate in the Jan. 6 insurrection. https://twitter.com/CBSMornings/status/1545389137628381184 even tho its libtard framed talking about the facts of demographic change and showing old white residents saying its ruined the town is surprising.
>>282411 >a year and a half later they're still referring to some boomers walking around with flags for 20 minutes and then leaving as "the insurrection"
>>282412 The Deadly Capitol Riots
had a nightmare where there is a sequel to the Lion's king where Simba's daughter gets into an interracial relationship
>>282414 There was a sequel to the Lion King, there was a trilogy iirc >Produced by Walt Disney Video Premiere and animated by Walt Disney Animation Australia and released on October 27, 1998, the film centers on Simba and Nala's daughter Kiara, who falls in love with Kovu, a male rogue lion from a banished pride that was once loyal to Simba's evil uncle, Scar. Separated by Simba's prejudice against the banished pride and a vindictive plot planned by Kovu's mother Zira, Kiara and Kovu struggle to unite their estranged prides and be together. She was a Pride traitor but not a race traitor
or was she...
>>282389 Doesn't really matter though, they'll still get one.
>>282417 Mordaunt is pretty much a forgone conclusion at this point. Our third woman PM.
>>282418 another CRACKING thatcher to keep our great nation going!
*daunces on Britain's grave*
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giving us back the milk thatcher stole
I don't get it, there are headlines touting resurgent Thatcherism from people like Sunak as if it's a good thing. How was the destruction of British industry and the privatisation of everything from trains to energy a good thing?
Honestly I think if Theresa May stood for leader again she'd have a fighting chance.
>>282418 if it's between her and Sunak, which seems likely, I'll vote for her
>>282422 >the destruction of British industry It was destroyed by foreign competition and kept alive like a dead siamese twin taking the rest of the country with it. Much of "Thatcherism" was inevitable without Thatcher like the collapse of the docks in Liverpool. The big tankers simply couldn't fit in the current infrastructure so went further down to the deep water docks which were large enough for tankers.
fucks sake why do I keep on getting (1)s
>>282425 Polls are showing her getting over sixty per cent over him. I think most Tory members hate him because the like floppy hair man
what should i invest in unironically
>>282429 barratt homes
>>282429 Royal Mail shares. That's what I'm going to do. Pretty sure they pay dividends, and thanks to the strikes that are planned the value is down considerably. I'll wait until after the strikes when the value is trending upwards again and buy a couple of hundred pounds worth
>>282428 in the first ballot Sunak had 88 votes, Mordaunt had 67. Probably a lot of the votes will go from eliminated candidates to Mordaunt though
I just want to go out with filipina lass again already
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>>282431 I see, thanks lad time to learn how to invest
>>282434 just checked and can confirm that they do in fact pay dividends
>>282429 How much money? >>282432 The Tory MPs vote to whittle it down to two, then the Tory members vote which of the two to lead the party by postal vote.
>>282436 >How much money? roughly 1k, not into the same thing, of course
>>282437 Your best bet is to put it into a collective investment fund. Go to the bank and ask if you can buy units in an OEIC or Unit Trust. Alternatively, a stocks and shares ISA.
>>282440 Oh, sorry lad. I meant "buy into this fucking meme with your small amount of capital concentrated entirely into nonsense sectors with high volatility" along with some retarded soyjack or pepe or some shit.
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a beef burgah followed by some cookies and mug of milk
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>grandma washes up as soon as i put the plate in the kitchen every single time
at least your grandparents are still alive zoomerboy
>>282448 not for long
>>282448 they are late 70s, boomer
https://youtu.be/ndkgri_Kd28 got this song stuck in my head lads
reminds me that my boomers got a buyer this weekend and have sold their house so they could buy a £165k retirement flat and this weekend I will probably have to move all their shit while pretending to like what they've done and congratulate them and be thankful for the monopoly money inheritance that will eventually arrive instead of the property
put your money into something that makes you more money
im thinking funkopops
might invest into steiners company tbh
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>>282429 boomerrocks
>his grandparents are in their 70s >tfw parents who somehow reproduced too late are pushing late 60's
>>282459 tbh dad is nearly 70 mum is mid-60s
>>282459 mine are 85+ and seem to think they will last at least another 15 years
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>>282459 both my grandparents had my parents before they were 20, but mum was in her 30s when she had me
Lads can you tell British cats apart from foreign cats?
>>282461 smh lad i thought mine were old my condolences you ever think about how you probably would be less fucked up if your parents had had you when they were younger and more fertile? mum had me when she was 41 fucking hell. selfish cunts who grew up in the genesis of the officefoid era >>282460 >>282462
>>282464 Same tbh I blame my baldness and all irregularities on her having me past 40 Never met one grandad and the rest died at 80 while I were still too young to really remember. All just for muh careers and edyacayshun Guess what mam we're still poor how did that work out
We need a Muslima style awakening among Anglo women, seeing a lot of white Turkish Muslimas here lads, and it feels right.
smh you just need to return to the church not any of that saracen shit. shartica needs to send over the evangelicals
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>>282467 african priests come to britain to preach to the heathens now lad
>>282469 yeah a nigger from nigeria was the priest at my grandmas funeral in extremely rural michigan literally on the tip of the thumb peninsula where its like 99 percent menonite "thumb-germans" like where scott steiner is from and timothy mcveigh
still he was based and said covid was a lie and viewed the white people as his flock and did not like the government interfering
>>282471 BASED black man!!!
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>Dutch farmers besiege the municipality of Veldhoven. The world can live without politicians, but not without farmers. <Dutch farmers block distribution center Businesspark Twente in Almelo. Protests continue unabated in the Netherlands. >Dutch farmers besiege the municipality of Losser. The world can live without politicians, but not without farmers.
>>282474 seems like another boomer cosplay event but idk
>>282474 >>282475 yeah hoping for some cunts to get suffocated in silage or smth tbh
looking at jewgle earth satellite views of rural New Mexico tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8068ZrwicQ
wont the frogs or the krauts just annex them if they do anything too based
>>282478 yeah probably some other tentacle of the globohomoshites will intervene hopefully their incompetence means that the cloggers have a chance
>>282475 This one with the firemen isn't even a legit one, but it's fun to follow an even doomed event when major news organisations aren't covering it.
>>282478 Hmm maybe that's the significance of the German farmers meeting, and exchanging flags with the Dutch farmers
>>282480 yeah I wasn't trying to black pill tbh sorry its based I wish you lads would do based shit like this in UK even thought you lads rekted covid the first in the whole world. I am getting ready for the state elections next month have to figure out which guy to vote for against mummy gretchen. the one based chud who isn't a dago just chose a D I V E S T E D negress as his lieutenant governor.
>>282481 its over
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just want to emigrate to brazil and fuck big bummed womens there until i die
>>282484 And lick their bums?
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>>282483 I mean they exchange flags to show that if things were to get ugly, the German farmers wouldn't be quick to side with Berlin against the Dutch rebel state.
>>282488 yeah chuds from shitagain did this with the leafs when the leafs did their big boomer playpen/poopy diaper tantrum for hobbyists in silly costumes
>>282489 gross
>>282491 She's athletic and will bear me strong sons
>>282492 yes, but she is ukrainian, sadly
>uni athelete I guarantee she is vaxxed
The volleyball court is the amiphetheatre of breeding maidens
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>>282494 dont remind me lad
I don't want to be a senile incel
>>282499 do you think they are both vaxd?
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>>282501 >4mins in she knows exactly what shes doing fuckn filthy tart
>>282503 juggalos are good lads
>>282504 hes not a juggalo
seething so fucking hard at that tbh just the mere sight of a whore flaunting it in that clothing
wish i was a sexy gingerlass with a nice bum and i could just live the easiest life ever its not fair
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shut up incels
if I turned on the audio and actually listened to it I would probably go full louis and do some autistic screeching
>>282509 i watched it from start to finish its not that bad
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>>282457 watched it with the sound down and she was still screaming too loud
>>282511 there is no sound you muppet
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>>282506 the best is she is like a coping 30 plus slag who is living as a hobo in a car instead of having kids and doing all kinds of cringe. been following the videos just to mine the femoid cope
>>282514 at least she has her dog r-right?
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>>282507 >wish i was a sexy gingerlass with a nice bum and i could just live the easiest life ever its not fair lad stop! just STOP! this is the first step on the path towards the DARK ROAD
here he goes, obsessed with pembs again
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>>282518 lad I'm trying to save you like I couldn't save him
contemplating mixing chicken soup and baked beans together in a pot
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>>282520 that sounds absolutely disgusting lad
maybe another calipso for the sore throat >>282522 nothing left for dinner except some bread ends that are for brekkie tomorrow
have the beans tomorrow with the bread
need to breed with a white lass purely to stop myself from becoming a disgusting incel sexpat who fathers a bunch of mutt kids
>>282525 use that statement as your pickup line
>>282526 its probably better than most, its quite convincing
then just walk away
>>282528 keeeeeek
Hello ladies! You are looking mighty suitable for breeding tonight! *walks away*
>>282487 pov: you're Barb
Steiner should judo throw women while screaming SEEEEEEEXO then just walk away >>282531 that reminds me, fresh chris content >Chris Chan Writes 3 Letters to Round Out June, Thinks He'll Be Out Soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRi3mQ86IUk
I am back and very disappointed
>>282533 then just walk away
>>282534 I never said what I was disappointed in lord kneeton
kino supermoon rn
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>>282539 cwoar
insane how urbanised japan is yet its also mostly covered in forest
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>>282541 tbh wish we had cheeky bands of monkes roaming about like they do
>bbc: women's football "too white"
just had really bad diarrhea.
couple of cheeky radlers to round the day off
>>282545 Good lad >>282544 Good lad
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nickacado is so based, lads
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smh lads the captcha got me
>>282549 good lad
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i will destroy the coomer
>>282553 you cannot destroy what does not live
Tbh seeing all of the propaganda for homosexuality makes me want to start wearing shirts, holding up signs and finding public figures that are for tolerance of violence against wives and that kind of thing that has become more forbidden over the centuries
https://youtu.be/Uum7Z6ul0D4 watching it again lads, pure kino
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smorbing lads >>282561 still think calling them mercenaries is cringe tbh
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this is the single best asmr video. very good at relieving tension, Orenda's breathing is great https://youtu.be/is_DPAsfdzw
i fear for the health of putin i hear western witches are putting hexes on him very concerning
>>282562 Russians can do as they like in the Russian sphere, that's the whole point of this.
>>282564 Ed Dutton?
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Does the topic of immigration include remigration?
>>282570 >bahamanians when hurricane hits >white people america please give us free shit
>>282463 Can British cats understand foreign cats? Like do they meow different? >>282495 Hockey pitch not bad either tbh.
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>>282549 Lad... >282551 Filtered. Sick of your newfag cringe, lad.
>GB Jews saying the grooming gangs are a cultural not a race problem Man was shaking even saying it. Utter scum. >Well, it's allowed the racists to talk about it hasn't it! Like Tommy Robinson!
>>282574 >a cultural not a race problem so sick of civic mongs
>>282575 He was literally shaking while giving the most mong take
>>282576 honestly bizarre how people can end up like that tbh
>>282577 Sounds like such an intense phobia of being labelled waycis that he has anxiety even as he's dunking the far roight. Not because his bullshit may not be believed, but that it might not be believed that he believes it. Common thing in media types I think.
Fresh photograph of Dorset and Violet
seeing gru for the fourth time tomorrow with some normie mates
>>282580 how bout you gru yourself some bitches
>>282580 based
>>282581 tried over the years, i can get their phone numbers but never known what you're supposed to do with them. girls actually do like me but i never learned the art of getting them back to your room when i was in my formative years like everyone else seemed to do
>>282583 Good,your ineptitude has saved you from degeneracy.
>>282584 it's only degeneracy to you because it wasn't available to you you know
>>282585 It was available to me, although I lucked out and had a long term relationship.
>le larp
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>le cope
Imagine raging because some random anon had a gf for a period of years whilst pushing for, no, desiring degeneracy.
>twats coming to put the shed up hope I don't have to make them a cup of tea
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>>282591 you couldn't just.... put the shed up.... yourself...
>>282591 Wasn't preparing the way for the new shed one of the NEET tasks?
>>282593 >>282594 Told mummy that I could do it easily and for free but she wanted the professionals to come and do it, I had to cut the grass and paint the fence etc. yesterday smh Luckily they haven't come, I hope they come when mummy gets home so I don't have to deal with it, foids are so fucking stupid they think it's some inconceivably difficult task to lay concrete. I bet the cunts just put pavement slabs on the grass then put the shed on top. Probably won't even secure it keeeeeek
>>282596 smh hate that my boomoids do the same thing, no matter what I offer to help with they always want to pay money instead presumably they justify it with "well we don't know that you're capable" but how can one prove oneself if never given a chance it's the permanent infantilisation thing steiner talks about, when we're in our 50s we'll still be treated as children
>>282597 imagine what Charles goes through
>>282597 >but how can one prove oneself if never given a chance
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>>282597 tbh, and the talking over you when someone asks you a question in public
>>282598 not enough globalist cunt
anon mentioning the Moonies few days ago was right
>>282602 *screams*
>>282602 are they the feminist cult or a different worst korean thing?
>>282604 >>282604 I think they believe their leader to be another Jesus and do interracial weddings on a grand scale
>>282604 pretty sure they're ZOG-tier.
Nigel approves this message
this is what a prime minister looks like
>>282607 He just retweeted this >
>>282609 is she muslim or hindu?
>>282612 furriners can do this and not even get a slap on the wrist but if local lads try it their lives are over smh
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>>282597 its because they dont want us to grow up and be independence because they lose control of us they might care or love us but at the end of the day they still try and control us and prevent us from growing and becoming successful
>>282614 der ewige foid
>>282611 she's a Buddhist and seems based on issues >In an interview with The Times, Braverman said that schools do not have to accommodate requests from students who wish to change how others recognise their gender, including the use of the pronouns, uniforms, lavatories and changing facilities of their identified gender if it differs from their sex. She argues that, legally, under-18s are entitled to be treated only by the gender corresponding to their sex and that the "unquestioning approach" adopted by some teachers and schools is the reason different parts of the country have very different rates of children presenting as transgender.
>Cypriot beats fuck out of pregnant diversity addition and husbando https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YSp7BgA_hA
>>282617 bit tasteless battering a pregnant woman but she shouldn't have been there in the first place
>>282616 I can never support a woman politician. There are men who would do a better job, but are being pushed aside because beta "males" won't take orders except from a woman who will treat them like the children they feel that they are. The public see this and become horribly demoralised even though they can't articulte what is being done, meanwhile the destroyers push all that in their face with media. There's a reason why the leave vote happened under the nose of Cameron, people weren't too demoralised to ask what they wanted.
>>282618 It’s only a clump of cells
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>gingelass has a week off >just stays inside all day every day why are foids like this
>>282621 smh >>282622 saw a nice ginger lass at the shops today tbh very nice
>>282623 and you did nothing?
>>282624 briefly made eye contact with her
>>282625 cwoar get in my son
>>282627 phwoar those hips
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bet the babies come cartwheeling out tbh she could give birth to twins and they just walk out side by side
Lol Twitter is in the shitter
Is her husband Jewish?
>>282631 how so lad? >>282633 yikes imagine throwing your genes down the toilet
>>282627 imagine the smell
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>>282635 >imagine throwing your genes down the toilet
>>282637 >imagine throwing your genes down the toilet literally a definition of cooming
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>>282639 cooming and ricemixing, theres no difference really
>>282641 stop watching lite coomer content
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>>282642 its too addicting guess i'll go outside and chat a sexy dog walker milf up
>>282643 better use of your time tbh
Patriotic Weekly Review - with Dr Kevin MacDonald https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR166:7
>>282645 ta lad why do I know the name of the doctor?
>>282646 he wrote culture of critique and started the occidental observer I think
>>282646 the biggest brain in the movement
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>Quay and Muller wrote that the COVID-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus >Both American experts explained that COVID-19 has the genome sequencing CGC-CGG or ‘ double CGG’ which is one of the 36 sequencing patterns. CGC is rarely used in the class of coronaviruses that can recombine with CoV-2 which is a “damning fact.”. Quay wrote, “The insertion sequence of choice is the double CGG.” they further said, “That’s because it is readily available and convenient, and scientists have a great deal of experience inserting it...An additional advantage of the double CGG sequence compared with the other 35 possible choices: It creates a useful beacon that permits the scientists to track the insertion in the laboratory.” >"In fact, in the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2, the CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally. That means the common method of viruses picking up new skills, called recombination, cannot operate here. A virus simply cannot pick up a sequence from another virus if that sequence isn't present in any other virus," the experts noted. >“Why did it replicate the choice the lab's gain-of-function researchers would have made?" the experts said. "Yes, it could have happened randomly, through mutations. But do you believe that? At the minimum, this fact -- that the coronavirus, with all its random possibilities, took the rare and unnatural combination used by human researchers -- implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must be laboratory escape.”
>>282647 baste just found the book on my shelves tbh, along with bell curve, both bought after the adam interview still haven't read either
>>282652 whatever happened to chin man?
>>282650 keeeeeeeeeeek >>282651 proven right yet again
>>282653 either died of AIDs or joined buckfast monastery iirc
>>282650 white cock would be better
what's next for them?
>>282617 >>282618 based tbh, destroying the hive queen before it multiplies
>>282658 keeeeeek smh
>>282658 All right. We got seven canisters of CM-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole fuckin' nest.
hehe LE FILM
>>282660 never seen aliens tbh need to get around to it one day never seen alien 3 either smh
>>282414 >>282661 >try to bully me for making a film reference >you made a post about a Lion King sequel where Simba's daughter is a race mixer
is bins here? let's do an ayyliens fillum weekend tbh including the promemetheus ones
>>282663 that was a dreampost, lad
>>282664 message delivered, lad
>>282662 both are kino tbh alien 3 just falls a bit flat towards the end >>282664 rewatched prometheus only a few days ago tbh but id be up for it, luv alien me
>>282665 >Trying to pass off your gay parody idea as a dream Smh just own it lad.
Alien friday then aliens saturday
>>282664 We could do Alien on Friday, Aliens on Saturday beyond that the franchise starts getting really bad tbh, but we could still watch them...
>>282662 I like Alien and Aliens the most tbh. Can't think of anything the other ones did better.
>>282664 wish fillum nights were at a more agreeable hour for smee smh can basically only join in when i'm pulling an all-nighter smdh >>282667 >>282671 based need to watch them then
>>282670 yeah do all of them so we can have a good time pointing out the flaws and smuckling >>282673 would afternoons gmt be better? we could do that on sat/sundays
>>282673 >wish fillum nights were at a more agreeable hour for smee smh can basically only join in when i'm pulling an all-nighter smdh we'd have to do a film morning/afternoong to fit your schedule though
>>282675 I'd be up for it would let us get more fillums in too, marathoning the whole aliens series
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>>282674 >yeah do all of them so we can have a good time pointing out the flaws and smuckling we can't do them all in one weekend though, surely? that'd be too much in one go
>>282677 unless there are other plans could do one in the morning, one afternoon, one evening with breaks in between or just all at once one after the other
>>282674 could work tbh 6pm for you lads would be about 2:30am for me wouldn't want everyone changing their plans just for one person though smh >>282675 tbh wouldn't work
>>282679 maybe trial an afternoon showing tomorrow or sat/sun depending on bins' schedule it could even work out better since he seems to always be late to evening ones
Alien is 1:57 hours long Aliens is 2:17 hours long that's 4 hours of viewing all in one go... bit much imo after that the quality drops off massively too then there are the Alien vs Predator films as well...
>>282681 never seen the predator or avp films tbh don't remember seeing anything but alien and aliens actually could you do afternoon tomorrow or sat/sun? try the first film then and go from there
>>282680 could work tbh not really expecting everyone to shift their schedules to accommodate me tbh just lamenting that it always passes me by >>282681 didn't even know there was a cheesy bootleg italo alien 2 tbh
>>282682 There are two Alien vs Predator films, but they are both bad
>>282683 >didn't even know there was a cheesy bootleg italo alien 2 tbh yeah we shouldn't bother with that tbh
>>282684 >>282685 there's a certain charm to awful films I think discussing them in chat and such it would require not constantly bringing up poofter bumhole though
>>282684 enjoyed avp2 when i saw it tbh not to the point where i'd recommend it or deliberately seek it out though more around the level where i just wouldn't get up to find the remote to change the channel
>>282686 >not constantly bringing up poofter bumhole though huh?
losing lots of hair on the brush again going to end up with a qingky hairstyle where my forehead goes all the way to the centre top of the skull
>>282686 Alien 2 (1980) isn't a real Alien film though, it's just some dodgy small studio trying to cash in on the title, nothing to do with the more successful Aliens franchise
>>282689 nature's giving you a tonsure lad embrace it
>>282691 I vvill join the brvtherhood
>>282672 he wants a curry muncher to win
>>282692 based >>282693 tbh civic bastard
thought i finished all the turkey burgers but there's two more in the freezer that's dinner sorted
>>282695 baste have to go get some bread for bean on toast and a pizza or something missed the recycling and binbags day this week due to being ill and the whole kitchen is flooded with at least three weeks of cardboard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cguzlXck6M Luv the designs and atmosphere created in these vids.
>>282697 >nuTW wawahammer I guess cinematic battles is all they're good for tbf
>>282696 >the whole kitchen is flooded with at least three weeks of cardboard based >>282697 luv skaven tbh
>>282698 Never played the table top games or what I assume are new computer games. Only done miniture painting once with a mate. The videos are really well put together, and apparently there's mods used but I don't know what they change. Just luv the dragon designs and the way they move, and the elves armour and horse armour.
>>282701 kino that
3000 miles to graceland for fillum night tbh know nothing about it except that scene
>literally the first question is "what popular media is most kino" smh not a serious cult
>>282704 paganism is passé for over 1000 years
>>282708 mark's been getting around a lot recently very surprising to see a lad as serious as macdonald appear with him
>>282707 paganism has done more for the white race than politicians ever will
>>282710 So in this universe both Thor and spiderman are niggers? I like that Thornell gave his hair blonde highlights so he doesn't stand out among all the Scandinavians in Asgard.
shnight lads >>282713 kino
>listening to the larp video >suddenly a very familiar scottish voice speaks up from the audience KEEEEEEEEEEK surprise guest appearance by wews who has been reduced to begging for eceleb clout at other peoples events
>>282717 think that's meant to be godwinson not STJ tbh
>mark is STILL streaming with the guntlord ethan ralph despite him being a complete degenerate pedo and fame siphon that only spicolas still platforms wew smh >>282718 yeah it is, funny though
>kevin sitting there being ignored for 20 minutes while mark and the cannibal bloviate before even introducing him poor lad smnh
>>282720 kevin? what are you watching lid?
>>282722 >uncle taylor tactically not pointing out that giving the pozvaxx to niggers over whites is a good thing keek >>282723 mark on odysee, he got kevin macdonald on
dutty and mark live dutton extra spastic today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPAH8hUivxM
>>282725 Dutton to Mark: "at what age did you realise you were racist?" he didn't say it exactly like this ngl
>>282725 watching with a 10 minutes delay
>it's another mark bullies nick episode leave griffin alone smh he just wants to make home cooked baked beans now
>spic griffin
>known fed Charles Veitch is in the chat
>dennis the menace talk based >>282730 what's the lore behind that?
>christian fundamentalist girls slippered on the bare arse
>>282731 >what's the lore behind that? he used to part of the 911 truth movement, and was part of an outfit called "the love police" and generated quite a bit following filming himself doing dissent type stuff, and even went on infowars but then he went on channel 4 doc to deradicalise truthers, and he folded straight away - they showed the most basic bitch explanatin for 911, the conventional narrative that everyone in the truth movement knew was bullshit, and he just went "oh well that explains it then" straight away, and spent the rest of the show shilling against the truthers Alex Jones disavowed him and said he knew by the look in his eyes he was a sociopath
>>282733 oh yeah he's a former investment banker too
>>282733 smh what a faggot anyone who thinks about 9/11 for more than a minute knows at the very least it was a fishy op with the govt involved
>>282734 just like nige... that clinches it then
>>282735 after that show where he completely did a 180 on his former beliefs, after making a spectacle of himself online for years, was really waht finished him he totally blew his credibility, but somehow he's still around, and is appearing in dutton's stream chat with a verfied tick next to his name so he's obviously still allowed on youtube and endorsed by them
>>282738 did he say that on the stream?
>>282739 yeah along with a bit more explanation the EC really is stonewalling, aside from not telling him everything that is wrong with the forms and "finding" new things wrong with them after every submission, the main thing is not allowing PA to become a party because although they have no racial requirement, "nonwhite persons will not feel welcome" literally just bullshit prog "muh feels" tyranny that wouldn't be allowed for any other applicant, like that all-black christian group or whatever
>>282740 they let For Britain become a party, and now AMW has thrown all that away
>>282091 Sex pest.
>>282741 because she was a state attempt at a safety valve and not a genuine party
>>282743 >because she was a state attempt at a safety valve and not a genuine party I'm really not sure about that, I think the state would do a better job of it ngl the biggest problem with her part was that it was a one (wo)man band, with no talent in it except for her. Everyone else was a boomer cretin
>>282742 God Rod
awful take demonstrating that as a supporter of AMW, bins, too, is a boomer cretin
>>282747 >awful take demonstrating that as a supporter of AMW, bins, too, is a boomer cretin do you have any proof she was a fed asset?
>>282748 being allowed to form a political party having the most genteel and barely outre civic nationalist leanings be presented as serious rebellion against the status quo refusing to associate with genuine nationalists and ethnonationalists in particular
>>282742 >You clearly are quite dysfunctional
>>282749 >being allowed to form a political party so was the BNP, so was Joe Owens >having the most genteel and barely outre civic nationalist leanings be presented as serious rebellion against the status quo she's spoken out againt the great replacement and anti-white policies, calling for a complete hault of immigration >refusing to associate with genuine nationalists and ethnonationalists in particular She spoke at the GI conference and did the protest in York with PA guess you are wrong on all counts lad...
>>282751 are you sure that's not a picture of an unrelated man with dyed hair?
>>282752 yes lad, that's her it was shortly after this that her party lost funding, some say because jews that were helping out financially didn't like her being at the same event as PA
>>282753 whatever the case, glad she's gone because her party was nothing more than a block for more serious people a gay and tranny supporting woman is not appropriate as a nationalist
>>282754 >whatever the case, glad she's gone because her party was nothing more than a block for more serious people a gay and tranny supporting woman is not appropriate as a nationalist I'm not all that bothered either, her party was having little success and making no impact politically. If anything it means more people will join PA. But the downside is that the less nationalist groups there are, the easier it is for HNH and others to narrow their focus on destroying those that remain
>lauren southern used to charge $1k for a 15 minute skype call once a month on her patreon
Prior to the cuckchan exodus there used to be NA shills posting in the thread constantly. I remembering one of them bragging that they have a Mosley-like leader hidden in the group, who was intelligent and charismatic enough to lead a fascist movement to popularity. No idea who they were alluding to tbh. Was it the chubby guy interviewed in the BBC documentary?
>282742 >(1) He is less despicable than you, which is saying a lot. So many feminist standards on display
>>282759 tbh /brit/ is woes till we die
Seems Farage's pick is out
>>282761 please tell me we're going to get booba pm who is at least white
>>282760 Don't really support the alt right, me. But I've seen people from almost every political party attacked as not feminist enough and in each instance, during that instance, the attacker is wrong.
>>282762 There's going to be a debate Monday, so probably that will make a big difference in the outcome.
>>282764 would probably be less of a farce if she just opened cloth on stage and won that way tbh
>>282763 ironically woes is a simperino
>>282765 Keeek. Will be interesting to see if Nigel will choose another or if he will essentially hold his nose until the contest is over
>>282766 it's all an act lad part of his plan to lower their guards before he pounces
>>282768 based groomer tactics
>>282770 when he puts on a leather jacket his italian phenotype increases by 50%
never watched woes ever tbh just looks like a fat retard to me
>>282774 evil nazi hands made this webm
keek mark btfoing AMW on the kev episode, hour and five minutes in talking about how she quit because race isn't a cool topic any more
>>282760 he doesn't even say "aye" he probably thinks it's beneath him
>>282761 it's so hard to be invested in who the next WEF puppet will be tbh
>>282776 might watch that. got a link plz lid?
>>282777 yeah smh only thing worse than an anglo hating jock is an anglo loving jock >>282779 https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR166:7
(2.60 MB 816x1350 1657552260980.webm)

>>282757 weird thing to do for a political vlogger I wonder what went on during those 15 minutes?
>>282783 Honestly probably her rolling her eyes, watching a timer, and a lonely neetcel asking questions to little response
>when you had one job and it was not to racemix
>>282785 tbh smh nasty thots not even the decency to show booba >>282784 KEEEEEEEEEK
>>282781 the brunette's butt matrix skills are impressive
>>282774 keeeek I missed this video
>>282781 Spoiler it next time
god I love sluts
>>282794 for me its right to left
>>282795 middle one is all mine then
>>282795 >>282794 cor left for me
>>282651 stupid propaganda, there is no virus
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt to potentially join BRICS globohomo is finished https://www.rt.com/news/558960-saudi-turkey-egypt-brics/
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at the point where i constantly go like a week without wanking, then i have a little drink, and relapse i am becoming teetotal for good
>>282800 >not (you)ing >>282798 and saying "cor"
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heard it all before
she has a wrong flag!
mask cuck spotted
>>282801 not my type
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>>282804 lass on the right looks like gingerlasses mummy
>>282804 >not even wearing it properly, all just about muh signalin
>>282804 any qts?
>>282804 >>282807 saw one in tesco today actually, caught me off guard tbh it was a "man" as well
Dumber and Dumber lookin ass nigga
>>282810 Keeek what on earth
>>282810 Turkey
suspicious of people with one central tooth tbh, not natural, should be two side by side to maintain symmetry and evenness
PM in 2025
>read book synopsis >seems pretty decent >photograph of author
>>282816 what's the book about?
>>282817 being a henchwoman for supervillains but it's also about working in an office a le subversion of le genre thing where it turns out le heroes are le bad because of statistics (which are infallible here but never reliable when applied to race etc ofc)
oh wait never mind, I looked at the genres yeah definitely a wrong'un
>>282818 sounds boring
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Did fuck all at toil and played ape escape instead
>>282821 on bossman's money? that's a good day at toil
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smh >>282822 Technically not tbh cant get into our timesheets thing to get paid atm so for the time being I'm no better than the lowly janny
>>282823 good lad
>>282824 >>282823 smh had that before doing temp toil if you don't sign the sheets you don't get the pay what's that, we never told you about the sheets? it was just good business
smorning lads

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