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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3677: Empty Egg Basket Edition Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 23:00:59 Id: 678921 No. 231370
Suffolk couple's egg business decimated by bird flu outbreak https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-60933422 Ipswich woman had sex with dog https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/crime/woman-had-sex-with-a-dog-8794210 China accused of launching cyber-attacks on Ukraine before Russian invasion https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/01/china-accused-of-launching-cyber-attacks-on-ukraine-before-russian-invasion
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first for incels shutting up
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>>231370 Good lad >>231369 smh keeeek its so hard without a clock on the same screen
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fresh castilian goddess https://youtu.be/RV8ptcfjkEk
>>231366 they literally abandon their mummies and grandmummies to die in unheated dark basements surrounded by hol hol psychopaths so they can shop in italy. did you see the patrick lancaster video where they founded the abandoned 79 year old mummy in a basement with messed up legs? fuck this gay earth
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>Mandy and Will Fisin said their free-range egg business of 35 years was ruined when all 8,000 birds had to be culled in December.
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>when all the mummies come out and are looking for their sons who have all disappeared because of conscription >the one russian xoomer who starts seething at patrick lancaster for being a westoid because he cannot find any of his family
>>231377 That's an immigrant, Senor Hernandez. "Native" Spanish are mixed with Moors and are much more swarthy.
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>eternal woman edition Lad
>>231381 That really existentially fucked considering grandmothers carry their granddaughters in their unborn daughters.
>>231384 I think the spanish have a term for people who did not mix with the moors, the people who lived in galica and never were conquered
women hate is fucking boring I dont care get new material. its the same shit every day.
>>231386 https://youtu.be/4XopADw6m9U >the jews and westoid government scum who did this and some old innocent slav mummy who grew up in the ruins of ww2 has to sit in filth basement with no food or toilets because a gay jew actor will not surrender until he can escape to his mansion in florida
>>231381 really puts conquerors raping women into perspective tbh
>>231388 he was just some retarded normalfag who sent a dick pic to a pajeet on sex.com or something like a retard and then anheroed because it was his first real struggle in life because he was a football chad who never was bullied
>231389 shut up agg
>>231392 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK pretty boys are such faggots
>>231394 literally did it over 300 dollar extortion what a retard that low of an extortion lets you know he was being scammed by some pajeet in india using a fake profile
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Fuck women, take the Scotty Road pill.
>>231382 Why would you celebrate this? They are engineering artificial shortages of meat and eggs [i.e. real food] so that they can usher in their NWO bug protein slop rations. This is nothing but a bad thing reject modernity, raise chickens
>>231395 but israel is a strategic point, its right next to suez?
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Women thread? It finally has subs.
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>>231386 >grandmothers carry their granddaughters in their unborn daughters
thanks for showing me about hispachan lads gonna make a gringo/pol/ general on there some day
>>231399 more of a reason for us to NOT let jews just own it for free because of a couple bombings.
>>231395 I never read Crusius' manifesto, is that where you learned his thoughts?
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It's finally subbed.
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>Air raid alarms in Ukraine tonight, massive explosions reported from Dnepropetrovsk.
>>231407 its so amazing seeing white women under 35 giving birth, in the patrick lancaster video at the school there is a younger slavic lass who is early 20s with Nancy Pelosi it was kino
>>231397 Keeeeeeeek good lad
>>231409 why is there a wordfilter for c-hild where it makes it say child?
>steiners long awaited nonce arc is finally here
wtf how did it change the word baby to nancy pelosi?
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>>231384 the overwhelming majority of the moors were expelled, genetic impact was minimal
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>Use £50 to buy 10 chickens >In 6 months you have 1000 eggs >Fertilise those so they grow into 1000 chickens >6 months you have 10,000 eggs >hatch them >6 months you have 100,000 chickens >hatch them >6 months you have 10,000,000,000,000 eggs >sell them for £1 each >You don't understand scale.
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>>231397 >wcw nostalgic chuckle
>>231417 brb gonna manually pick the seeds out of tomatoes and plant 4 million of them in my backyard
>>231416 any vids of her flicking her bean?
>>231417 they've never been to a farm
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>>231395 >Palestine was a desert nobody wanted Pretty sure the Jews came out of the desert to reach the promised land though. It may be an arid country but its climate is probably about as mild as it gets in the region and agriculture is very much viable. "middle east is ... LE SAND" is a gay meme that needs to stop.
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>>231398 exactly, chuds ITT not vaxxing their chickens are a threat to our parallel society.
>>231422 she made onlyfans when she turned 18 but not even topless afaik, best is 5 second clips in bra. just wanna see those milkers dammit. amazing how so many of these thots get paid by simps and don't even show the goods
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just nutted thinking about extinguishing an Ukrainian male's line by filling an Ukrainian female's vagina with coom
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>>231426 I'd buy that for a dollar
>>231427 Is it clickbait? Can believe it.
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>>231416 Could have been alluring if she didn't have make up or piercings or false nails or aliens eyebrows tbh
>>231416 Prime breeding sow material
>>231431 Probably contact lenses and filtered to death too. tbh
>>231416 all foids have such shit "taste" in music, if you can even call it that. they don't have their own thoughts or opinions they just listen to what is played at le nightclub or whatever they can twerk to
this genre of generic mexican booty music just sounds like something from a tv show for toddlers about pirates, genuinely moronic
>>231382 >>231398 >>231425 Suffolk couple's egg business decimated by bird flu outbreak >A farming couple who lost their entire flock of chickens, bantams and geese to bird flu before Christmas said they still cannot operate three months on. >The HN51 virus was found in a handful of hens at Elmsett Game Farm at Great Cornard, near Sudbury, Suffolk. >Mandy and Will Fisin said their free-range egg business of 35 years was ruined when all 8,000 birds had to be culled in December. >"We had a business then all of a sudden it's gone overnight," Mr Fisin added. >"We don't know what to do, where to turn - it's devastating." >The Fisins have had no income since December and were awaiting confirmation from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) that they can restock their hen houses, which could take months. >The couple were compensated for the cull but the lost sales and disinfecting the farm and replacing the flock will cost them £100,000, they added. >Meanwhile, a further case of bird flu has been identified in the Woodbridge area, the eighth in Suffolk since 26 February. >Suffolk Trading Standards said it was asking keepers to "remain vigilant and to keep their birds under cover, away from wild birds and do everything they can to stop this disease from spreading". >A 3km (two-mile) protection zone has been set up around the latest outbreak, which is in a domestic backyard flock rather than a farm or business. >A wider surveillance zone has been created around it up to 10km (six miles) from the centre. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-60933422 >decimated by bird flu outbreak >lost their entire flock of chickens, bantams and geese to bird flu I fucking hate this thing where they blame some other thing for what the government is doing!!! I assume what happened here is that the government commanded them to kill off all the poultry because they detected some stupid microorganism in a few of them. and they get "compensated" for a small fraction of the damage. reminds me of when they culled the minks in Denmark >migrants caused by "war" (not the government inviting them in) >lockdowns caused by "coronavirus" (not the government ordering them) >gas prices caused by "Putin" (not the government's sanctions)
>>231436 Anything a woman ever sends my why is auto-tuned garbage
>>231437 gas prices were rising before the Ukraine, fixed deals were removed before Christmas last year
there was a time where you could expect the average woman to want to be a mother
>>231319 Well? Why would anybody be surprised Ukraine would attack Russia in Russia? not a flood
>>231424 tbh judea was an important strategic control area even in alexanders time
>>231436 mexican culture is like being trapped in a house of mirrors with a fishbowl full of paintfumes on your head and you are being chased by globe shaped dwarfs
>>231438 >women send him stuff Lady's man in the thread
>>231440 Yeah, they'll use Russia/Ukraine as an excuse though
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OH FUCK FUCK FUCK >Wisconsin flock of 2.75 mln chickens to be culled as bird flu spreads in U.S https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-detects-highly-lethal-bird-flu-wisconsin-egg-laying-chickens-2022-03-14/ >About 4 million commercially raised U.S. chickens and turkeys have been killed since February due to outbreaks of a highly lethal type of bird flu, data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bird-flu-spreads-us-poultry-farms-2022-03-07/ stock up on nonperishable food, lads, they are manufacturing a food crisis
ngl the grandma stuck in the hol hol comblock basement has made me seethe to the point I want to go throw rocks government officials
>>231447 It's 2022 and we still need to pay for electricity and gas. It's ridiculous.
>>231448 It pretty much started in israel like a month ago.
Also, stock up on freezable food. It's the best food, so long as electricity still works. Chicken & pork especially - beef is a nice to have. Remove them from the packs and repackage, label and date in baggies. They don't need to be freezer baggies, imo Canned goods are good. Corn is in short supply, because it requires a lot of fertilizer. I got the 2nd to last deer corn from sneed's.
>>231448 I still have plenty of tuna tins from the pandemic.
>>231449 For me it the teary eyes of the camera man tbh >>231450 Broke: nationalising utility companies Woke: privatising utilities Bespoke: privatising utilities, but the buyers are foreign governments
deer corn is not for eating, duh. Thought I'd explain that though. But corn generally is in short supply. I got freezer bags of corn and think I'll get some more and fill the freezer to the brim. Thinking about getting another freezer. >>231453 Tuna is very nice, make sure you have a way to season it, though. Does canned mayo exist? I can tell you that canned roast beef is pretty nice, cooked. You remove it from the tins after chilling, because it is easier to slice, that way.
https://youtu.be/s6xhD8BVKo4 this is how I imagine wessie would go to the shops if he was from the american south
>>231454 yeah when he sees the dead ukie girl that was murdered by azog in that basement, a lass that would be like a 7-8/10 in americuck
>>231397 very good lad
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>>231455 cheers lad, I have plenty of spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s too, I didn't shop in the first lockdown for a good three months
>>231456 kek. Looks like there's too much effort involved for Wessie to be involved in such a thing. Mobility scooter with Half-Life stickers/vinyls on is more like it.
>>231453 >>231455 >tuna has a ton of mercury. maybe it's useful as a survival food but you shouldn't be eating it otherwise
>>231462 Mercury is the secret ingredient in Taoist recipes.
>>231461 keeek yeah he would be the lad riding around in one of those power chairs outside shart marts with his gut falling out around the sides of the cart
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>>231456 >barely even starts >stall when reversing out >immediately lose control when starting to drive away Neat piece of kit tbf, I imagine after everything goes mad max he'll roam the south capturing stray mexicans to boil down into biodiesel to fuel it
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>Kartoshka >$1
>tune live show >it's already over >finishes saying everyone needs to get married Invent a religion then which reforms women.
>hispachan already has shitloads of burgerflags >its just spics in my country smh needs a gringopol general
>>231468 wew lad keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Catbox was taken down, the admin is pro-Zelensky.
>>231471 lmao do you want me to suggest a strategy for getting text past ai censorship?
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>>231473 keeeeeek surprised I haven't seen such an edit before
>>231462 It also contains selenium which counteracts and absorbs the mercury
>>231476 >which counteracts and absorbs the mercury Dangerously based
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>Fucking thing sucks
>lads posting madmax deathtraps itt good, keep it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8M1KVrO5JE
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Caption video 1: It will take some time to find and bury all the dead Russian invaders in Kyiv Oblast. Caption video 2: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: Combatant of #Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces, carrying what seems to be a noteable 5.56x45mm Steyr AUG A3 SF bullpup rifle. Caption video 3: MARIUPOL. I first saw a machine gun mannequin in Chechnya. I saw it in Donbass, in the industrial zone of Spartak and in Spartak itself. Yesterday I noted such on the Donetsk-Mariupol highway, and now in the village of Moryakov. Caption video 4: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: #Russian Forces have allegedly fired several 9M723 missiles (Iskander-M system) towards #Ukrainian Positions. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦📹 — Russian Armed Forces convoy tonight moving around Kherson, Southern Ukraine
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦📹 — Russian Armed Forces convoy tonight moving around Kherson, Southern Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🚀🇺🇦 — Arrivals of Russian Army MLRS near Krivoy Rog, Central Ukraine Caption video 3: There are never too many trophies! New SAM Tor-M2. To date, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have captured 4 Russian air defense systems Tor of various modifications M1 / M2. This is already the 5th. Caption video 4: APU in action. Minus the orc tank💪 Caption video 5: Residents of Hola Pristan took to the rally, demanding that the occupiers return the mayor At the end of the rally, the protesters sang the anthem of Ukraine together🇺🇦
>Yield Curve inversion
>>231448 bet some blackrock glowniggers are going about releasing the flu to force this >>231471 fucking scum
>>231482 why do cockholes think its funny to make videos making fun of dead people?
>>231471 what the fuck... did somebody pay them to do this? >create service for hosting files >suspend the service and destroy all files without warning >>231476 idk about that man, mercury is the most neurotoxic substance known to man, damages cells in any quantity >>231486 >they are hurting our living people so who cares about the dead ones this is an argument of theirs I've heard also >mocking and desecrating the dead is totally normal during wartime, you don't know history
pardon me for suggesting catbox.moe as a site to host things, I didn't suspect this would happen
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>this fag shilling for people who mock the dead
>>231487 which is why tuna fish have selenium in their bodies to counteract the mercury they absorb from prey.
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>10 years in Afghanistan cost the USSR ~$460,000,000,000 in 2022 >20 years in Afghanistan cost the US/NATO $~2,300,000,000,000 in 2022 (minus Libya, Syria, and Iraq)
>>231490 doesn't mean it works well enoguh for us when we ingest it. last time I ate a can of tuna (brand advertised low mercury) I felt like my IQ was dropping
poo flutes, bum trumpets and clinker castanets
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>>231483 Video 5
>>231495 god spics are just the worst so glad when the poles beat up and almost lynched all those mexican sailors on the beach in europe that one time made me keeek to see them get btfo
>>231495 >mick ryan keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>231498 It's a bit obvious isn't it.
>america lost 10 thousand planes helis and uavs in vietnam
>>231498 >>231499 i don't get it
>>231501 In Tom Clancy novels the protagonist is an Irish-American CIA analyst, Jack Ryan. >Mick Ryan
>>231502 Tbh I thought it might have something to do with that. Mick Ryan is some CIA madeupguy then?
tbh no one writing an article would have their subtitle be 'military leader', what a meaningless thing
ukies just can't help themselves
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Tbh this is an important image, historically important; the very moment in which the boiling conflict between Russia and the Kievan administration of Ukraine came into view of the rest of the world.
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>>231505 They can't because they know they've already lost. Alexey Arestovich even admits ISIS tactics are useful. Also he's tranny, and has gay face.
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lads it's negative zero outside
cockholes are like a nation of cringy eric and dylan edgelords
>abandoning the geneva convention when you are losing is a great political strategy >IShit was successful (IShit was literally just mossad/CIAnigger run psyops like azog full of sacrificial retards)
>look mr. sheriff we promise we ain't none of them cards up here
>>231500 >UAVs in vietnam
>>231501 its like being named patrick taig or something
https://youtu.be/vLZXm5TLF9k >tfw shartin is edging to groom pics on discord when he rearends some lad and it ends like this
>Reconnaissance UAVs were first deployed on a large scale in the Vietnam War. Drones also began to be used in a range of new roles, such as acting as decoys in combat, launching missiles against fixed targets and dropping leaflets for psychological operations.
>>231515 wew really
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>Russian media have stop calling it a "Special Operation" and using the word Voyne
>>231518 luv aircraft nose art tbh >>231519 it's about time
Gazprom has shut off gas flows to Germany. It's official.
>>231522 based
Cities are too hard to attack without massive unacceptable civilian casualties. The attackers don't have the cover that defenders do so they lose more when things are equal during artillery duels. Sieges could work, if the city wasn't too big but Kiev is too big for that. The reason there is such buildup of units in the western part of Donbass even though it is an area without a city which could be used as cover, is because if Russia occupied that part (the remaining non Russian part of Donbass), then Russia could hold the position and defend as needed, calling off the war. So it must be defended.
>>231483 You can't operate modern sam without unlocks.
>>231522 Well, it's not winter yet.
>>231507 With any luck the whole country will "go rogue" a la Dune. I had hoped (for entertainment) Assad would, but he proved extremely conservative.
>>231505 Which is which? They look the same to me.
>>231512 Also computer-based analysis and such. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Igloo_White A huge tldr, and much of it still classified, I guess. Certainly the code won't be released.
>>231526 Gas is needed for dairy production and industrial baked goods that already raising in price themselves.
>>231530 Germans are fat anyway.
That's a Kirkegarde joke.
How large is Germany's dairy sector?
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You never see videos of Ukrainians pooping, it's very suspicious. Lads need to poop.
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I have Germans freeze to death though.
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The last remaining oil refinery in Kremenchuk was just destroyed. No more fuel for Ukies in the Donbass as of this morning.
>>231537 not looking good for them tbh
170 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to LNR this morning too.
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>The oil refinery in Kremenchuk is owned by Azov Battlion's Jewish Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky
>>231537 Was the refinery even in operation?
>>231542 It was the largest in Ukraine, so yes.
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Fresh Tank Kino.
>>231543 So there were civilian casualties?
>>231545 Nobody knows yet.
>>231544 >he keeps patting the cute tank Not fair.
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>>231548 time for /brit/ to reconquer england
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>Slotted Azov in the SBU Mariupol HQ Looks the rumours of Ukies turning on each other might be true.
>>231552 People have sex in the morning?
>>231553 doesn't your penis feel hard after u wake up lad?
>>231554 not really, just feel drowsy and dehydrated
>she says she does his laundry >he cooms into his boxer like kid me used to at an age at 40
>>231555 maybe your night time emissions lid
>>231556 Why not use something disposable?
>>231558 because... it's easy to coom in and mummy does the laundry anyway >tfw you end up chafing your dick on the stained and hardened brieferino
When your ultimate incel fantasy is going take you 12 000 hecking miles from your toil wage slavery, >from the producers of tin whistle father, lawyer ldr.
>>231560 where are you going?
>>231561 Philippines and India (if Phillipines makes me sad)
>>231562 oh you're an expat
>>231563 Not yet, was abroad in 2019, it's much better than toil
>>231564 *beats you up*
>>231565 accepts the beating but goes anyway. Will still read the threads whilst i'm there lids.
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>Russians routed,1000 russian planes shot down
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>need to fill out some forms >bennies website is down for scheduled maintenance it begins >>231569 she's just a 25 year old child you sick fuck
>tfw we all age in the west and they raise the consent age to 35
>>231573 menopause is the body's signal that it's finally ready to bear a child
Are other countries still doing the whole covid shite?
Fat people are repulsive.
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>>231575 still in full force here tbh same in new zealand
>>231577 smh, haven't heard anything about it here since before December keek fat bozza getting caught partying pretty much destroyed the public's support for it
>>231575 China having 6 vacinnations
Europe not really doing anymore, parts of SEA stopped too,
>>231578 jealous tbh i'm so sick of it >>231579 wew
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I really fucking hate fat people lads
>>231582 >pointless numbers
morning lads caught up on the thread and got extra downtrodden tbh god i hate the conspiracy. also women, also wogs, also everyone who is not posting on this board tbh
>>231585 smorning lad
>>231588 tbh lad
https://youtu.be/FrOogA9hRyU Woman won't work with blobbies
>>231544 Blessed, thanks lad
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-471711/Scientists-discover-people-dislike-fat-people.html >Researchers found that the mere sight of someone who is overweight can trigger feelings of disgust and nausea similar to encountering rotten food. I've heard the same thing about fags
>>231571 >>231569 the reason women do this is not because they care about the poor 25 year old underage childwomen being 'predated' by men with actual resources [what women are attracted to regardless], but because women have an innate urge to themselves be seen as the most desirable by men they don't like seeing attractive 40yo men with 20yo women because they subconsciously hate that it's not them in that relationship and they feel the need to gatekeep male sexuality, given it's the only true power they've ever had
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Plenty of Fish won't let you date anyone under 10 years than you
>>231593 tbh >>231596 keeeek these lasses are ready to be grandmothers except none of them had kids to begin with because they were all too busy larping as the cast of sex in the city
i thoroughly despise women
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>>231484 wew it's time
it took the job centre 2 months to finally give me bennies, it took them less than 1 week to cut them by 35% FUCK OFF
Don't fart in a bag they just escape sadly
>>231602 wew smh
>>231598 Keeek tbh smh.
Is there anything more cringe than esparanto?
>>231607 esperanto pretty much takes the cake tbh maybe something like atheism+
>>231602 such is life for the oppressed and downtrodden NEETs
>>231609 I'm a proud toilee suffering a temporary setback
>>231610 That's why they're fucking you so hard.
>>231610 go to uni lad. You get guaranteed bennies for at least three years and some bullshit paper to put on your CV
i fuckinh HATE you
>>231615 >>231616 Tell us the story lad?
>>231617 i saw her today walking her dogs by herself
>>231618 Why has that made you angry lad? How many dogs has she got? Of what breed are they?
>>231619 because im a loser but if i went out for a walk every day especially at the weekend i woul dlikely meeeeeeet herr 2 one small one and one mediumish one medium one is sort of thin, like a greyhound but not a greyhound
>>231618 >didn't kidnap her
>>231621 she had dogs, lad
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posting it again
>>231623 nobody likes this webm everyone hatesit
>almost 30mb don't like that even memes are falling to storage bloat smh the most awful consequence of modern computing
>>231626 Can remember when max filesize used to be 21mb. Or maybe webms are different. Never did bother with them tbh.
>>231627 tbh can remember when it was 16mb
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i wish that i could turn back time
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>>231631 smh the vaxxoids got to him
>>231632 he unironically accepted medicine that transformed his dick into a chestnut or something and didn't look up the medication before taking them smh
u u uwa uwa
>>231620 Just go for a walk then?
>>231635 y-yeah
might go to the pub later even tho i feel like absolute shite wanna die may as well just get as drunk as possible and die that way lol
>>231637 Why not drink a soft drink an use your angst to better yourself?
>>231638 the time for that has passed
>>231639 Only in your mind
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>>231630 Why? Only God should have that power, and it's doubtful he would ever need to use it. What is done is done. I have as many regrets and wasted opportunities as you, maybe more, yet I do not wish to go back. Would murder any sciencefags who made any serious attempt at time travel. Or ressurecting dead species. Even the wooly mammoth. It had it's time. As far as our situation as a nation, we chose the wrong future, and are continuing to choose the wrong future, but we cannot literally travel back in time, nor should we if we could. A proper reactionary rejects the idea of time travel as an abomination. Okay, thank you.
>>231641 based >>231640 i improve socially when i drink
>>231641 tbh, we're paralyzed by apathy and regret >>231642 Me too, have you tried just acting dunk?
>>231643 by drinking?
wish i had tinnies smh
>>231645 same lass
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played overwatch custom game for like 2 hours straight my mind is fucking numb
>>231650 did you win?
>>231649 Quuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkeeeeeeeeee bucko.
>>231641 time travel makes you gay
>>231649 keeeek
>-2c tomorrow >no heating waterbottle going to be getting a workout smh
>>231655 light a fire indoors to keep warm lad
>>231655 come to the pub with me
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>>231651 no it was one of those things where there's not even a time limit or win conditions just endless chaos smh idek why i played for so long >>231655 do pushups
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>>231656 Unironically, with caution. Homes should have fireplaces but thanks to it not being good business for people to fall back on, most today don't. Get a few bricks from the garden (or nick from the neighbours if you've no bricks, or no garden) to contain it on the floor where there's no carpet obviously, and then use what nature provides, even if you have to walk a bit to get it and look daft as you do; dry leaves and dead grass for tinder, collection of smaller and larger sticks. If he's the space in a garden or secluded bit of woodland, can even make charcoal to burn hotter and last a bit longer. All you have to do is light some wood and carefully cover it and block out the air. Bit tricky without clay deposits near a river to use, but regular mud works. Literally no reason to freeze to death unless you're old with bad legs and hands and can't do these things.
Or just do it the brainlet way with paper, lighter fluid, and a metal bin.
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"I could outrun any woman... As I used to say, I could catch any woman in the world." -Jared Taylor
looking forward to the "wessex's house burns down and he rapes his mum and goes to jail forever" arc
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light 20 tealights under a blanket
>>231666 based
>>231662 Based and clownpilled.
>>231663 >>231666 literally all wess needs is just an electric fan heater thing you can buy one for 10 quid from a hardware shop probably unless you can't afford the electricity either?
>HistoryDebunked removed that noncey video Smh.
>>231669 Everything is going up tbh. Think wess' main problem is hardware needs fixing/replacing though.
>>231669 >>231671 yeah the leccy price is the problem, my new storage heaters are too expensive to run and regular electric heaters are too boiling the kettle another two or three times a day for a hot water bottle under my jumper will probably be okay
>>231397 When Hitler stayed in Liverpool he met the Queen of Scotty Road. In Mein Kampf he said "Times are hard and friends are few, ta-ra to fucking jews!"
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Reddit is incredible
>>231672 smh lad sounds grim genuinely think exercise would be a smart way to heat up, even just 10 pushups will get your blood pumping and you can do it anywhere
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>>231675 yeah a bit of jumping up and down and pacing the walls and screaming SNEED in the dead of night and it'll be gravy
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>>231674 >retake Crimea first to retake Mariupol
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>>231674 On my signal we storm Crimea, Leddit!
>>231680 they can't stop all of us!
Had a dream that an earth sized planet crashed into venus then crashed into earth
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>>231682 based this disgusting world needs to be erased >>231683 smh
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Caption image 1: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: A 5.56x45mm CZ 806 BREN-2 assault rifle (supplied by #CzechRepublic 🇨🇿) and large stockpile of alcohol, currently owned by combatants from #Georgia 🇬🇪 (members of #Ukrainian TDF). Caption image 2: Map of the approximate situation in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 02/04/22. Caption video 1: “The Russian military evacuated the inhabitants of Izyum during the night shelling by the Ukrainian army Residents of the city were taken to a safe place. The injured citizens were promptly provided with the necessary medical assistance.” Caption videos 2-3: In Mariupol, on the Left Bank, the Nazis from "Azov" sat down in another high-rise building, and they fortified themselves thoroughly - with ATGMs and machine guns. The DPR infantry stood up, the offensive stopped. The infantry called our friends on the tank from the post above, well, and we flew on the drone after them. We got these shots. The civilians who still remained in the city perfectly learned a simple rule: if the Nazis settled in your entrance, you run to the basement. Unless, of course, they let you escape
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Caption video 1: My brother sent this to me. Town of Bucha northwest of Kyiv. The amount of dead citizens on one street alone…I just can’t even process. Caption image: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡In Kremenchug, strikes hit a large oil refinery If it stops, the Donbass grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine loses the last chance to supply fuel Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A broken column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Chernihiv. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 As in any large-scale conflict, the echoes of the war will be felt for a long time in the form of thousands and thousands of mines that the Armed Forces of Ukraine randomly buried anywhere for 8 years. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A column of abandoned equipment and weapons of the 56th Ompbr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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>>231683 holy hell
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>🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian militants, running away from the village, threw the corpses of their colleagues. Before escaping, they plundered the village and smashed all the houses.
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>>231677 feeling this rn
want to go to bed since ive been up since 10pm yesterday but theres a boomer neighbour mowing outside
>>231691 So sleep at night
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>watching cam quality new film >the hindi/urdu subtitles >breaks periodically for an advert for dodgy online gambling >guy in the cinema filming coughs dead loud feeling like it's right in my ear Ah, like the good old days of piracy.
>>231693 What're you watching?
>>231694 Morbius: the Living Vampire. Dark capeshit with that 30 seconds from Mars singer/actor who was in Lord of War as Cage's brother.
>>231693 keeeeeeek
>>231571 <sex havers Get. Out. Normie.
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>>231697 If you aren't a sex haver, become a sex taker.
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>>231569 Time to totally destroy them, with this: >If a woman wants to be successful at having children, she should have sex in her 20's. >Older men, understanding many men her age are unwilling to commit, are helping her achieve her childbearing goals.
>>231699 errr le source
>>231700 You didn't know? This is established medical science.
>>231701 Of course I do, but how does that graph work? 86% of 20-24 year olds who try to have children succeed? So still 14% of people in that age group are le infertile??
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The infertility is not quite that bad, because some men are themselves infertile.
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Caption image: Ukrainian forces found dozens of Ukrainian civilians murdered in cold blood by Russian forces in #Bucha northwest of #Kyiv today. Some of them had their hands tied behind their backs. Caption video 1: Terrifying videos have surfaced from Kyiv’s suburb of Bucha, where civilians were shot by Russian troops. We still know only about a fraction of the war crimes that Russia has already committed. The scope of Russian brutality is yet to be seen. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Endless columns of the Russian second echelon. The troops go to the largest battlefield of our time - to the Donbass Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Ukrainian Nazis continue to terrorize women in labor in the Mariupol hospital. Assistance to patients is provided by soldiers of the DPR Army. https://files.catbox.moe/ubyxw0.mp4 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Street fighting in Mariupol: Special forces finish off the remnants of Azov Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Destruction of the storage facility with gasoline and diesel fuel at the Kolomoisky plant
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IVF: 43% for women aged 30 to 34 years 31% for women aged 35 to 39 years  11% for women aged 40 to 44 years. so that chart >>231703 May be including IVF failure (of both self and donor eggs) as "infertility". The exact facts aren't that interesting, because the basic point is max fertility is something like 16 years old, but everyone agrees girls are too retarded to have babies that young. For whatever reason, God made teenage girls so fertile that they are highly likely to get pregnant at the first instance of sex.
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>>231705 They were warned
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>>231707 Yes, explicitly.
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Caption image: At least one person on this photo from Bucha has his hands tied up behind his back, meaning that most likely the civilians in this photo were executed by Russia. Caption video 1: First videos coming in from Bucha, just liberated from Russian occupation. Devastation and bodies of killed civilians lying in the streets. Just over a month ago this was a prosperous Kyiv suburb Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Endless columns of the Russian second echelon. The troops go to the largest battlefield of our time - to the Donbass Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Ukrainian Nazis continue to terrorize women in labor in the Mariupol hospital. Assistance to patients is provided by soldiers of the DPR Army. https://files.catbox.moe/ubyxw0.mp4 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Street fighting in Mariupol: Special forces finish off the remnants of Azov Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Destruction of the storage facility with gasoline and diesel fuel at the Kolomoisky plant
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welcome to my castle, chateau d'rape house of my great harem
>>231708 Tbh Western nations have no business on the other side of the continent when the West has gone so badly, it's hypocritical
Is there a ceasefire in Ukraine right now?
>>231569 my dad said this is an entirely new phenomena and when he was a lad it was seen as weird and cringe for a man to date a woman the same age or older than him in the 1960s-70s. and he always tells me to not bother with women my own age
>>231711 Especially on a helicopter with Azog dafties.
>Latina likes me smh the suffering and isolation on nationalist incels
>>231712 No, calm before a storm.
>>231717 Just an ukrainian groomee who said her mum's house was getting shelled yesterday. Don't want to ask how she is until after I know the shelling has stopped
>>231712 Unless something happened super recently then no. The nutters in Mariupol refused to surrender, so they're still being cleaned out. There was a tactical retreat from round about Kiev, but even then everyone knew that the Russians were simply moving units to help the fight in eastern Ukraine, not really a ceasefire.
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thinking about how Ukrainian women are basically enjoying travelling and holiday while their men are forced to die again
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian army destroys the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the industrial zone on the outskirts of Maryinka near Donetsk Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Special forces from the Chechen Republic help the LPR army liberate Rubizhne >🇵🇱🇷🇺⚡️Western sanctions against Russia do not work, as evidenced by the ruble's exchange rate, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says. Caption images 1-2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The DPR Army uses the Trophy Ukrainian armored car "Varta" against the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption image 3: 🇩🇪 The Chief of the General Staff of the German Army, Eberhard Zorn, said that “Iskander missiles stationed in Kaliningrad can hit all targets in Western Europe. Germany currently has no protective shield against this threat. We understand that if translated from German, it means - gas must be taken for rubles
>Oh man the russians are really shelling you? my dad sometimes makes loads of noise when I'm trying to masturbate so I kind of understand what you are going through, do you think you could send some nudes though?
>>231723 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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The lad is probably the most influential person in the 21st century now.
>>231725 I thought strelkov died early in the war?
>>231725 wow thanks for not posting the name
>>231726 No, he's a leader of dissident party in Russia now.
>>231727 Unironically Strelok.
>redditors living in another dimension again
>>231728 ukrainian troops will storm the kremlin this time next week lad just you watch
>>231731 the way they talk actually makes me seethe tbh
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Was able to get out of bed today lads
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>>231731 >Azov commanders btfo with their French handlers >it's just like 300
>>231729 really what kind of dissident? slav nationalism or somekind of civnat like zumpf?
>>231716 Now this is true racial ambiguity. No nose, lips, and can't tell if he had darker skin or is just burnt. This is the average american after WW3, and it's beautiful.
>>231723 Well she is in Norway, just her mum is in Kiev. I did lose my patience and get angry with her when she didn't respond though and she said she was just in a bad mood because of the war and worried about her mother. Not my problem smh
Normies really think Ukraine, can beat Russia somehow
>>231736 Anti-Putin Russian Nationalism, the fuck Kholok kind.
>>231737 its probably what the jews want to make the future people look like they will harvest al theiir stemcells off their faces at birth to make eternal youth creams or something
>>231739 Sometimes I believe that, but then it comes to me that most are only pretending to believe that for greedy goals, which requires keeping happy the ones who do. They like to discuss these kinds of things endlessly so they are able to practice telling lies.
>>231742 *practise
>>231742 I don't get it
shartin has the arc of becoming a beta bux truck driver in a poly relationship
>>231744 I doubt if most of them even believe the lies they tell one another
>>231745 Got so many groomees in the air now. One retarded who has been sold on the whole tranny agenda and has the pronouns "she/him"(yes, she is so retarded she doesn't even do it righ), then there is the ukrainian who I communicate with through google translate, the autesse who just want to get fucked before turning 18, and a lass who is going to the doctor to check for brain damage on monday >>231746 True. One of them said Ukraine had shot down 1000 Russian planes and it was obvious the rest felt awkward about it, like it was too obvious that it was a lie
>The head of the Russian Yandex fled the country to Israel.
>>231748 Luv that pic tbh
>>231747 Smh what the normalfags need is a strong hand: they are too weak. They have weak minds and low, short-term priorities, like women.
back to demanding a philsopher neethood.
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Now that is how you stop a protest.
>>231752 What protest was that?
>>231753 Ukraine nationalists protesting the Russians in Energodar.
>>231751 >philosopher >neet
>they're intrinsically linked >this Lafargue nigger
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watching it again lads
>>231758 >Bronson
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>>231758 >no Uncle Chop Chop
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>>231756 Is the philosopher the neet himself, or is it that the pool of potential students, of the philosopher, is composed of neets? Because the former wouldn't make sense but the latter might.
>>231762 Haven't seen that gif in years. Saved without your permission.
The Russians killed another 100 or so, Frei Korps and Westoids in Kharkov.
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> Dozens of Extinction Rebellion and Just >Stop Oil eco-activists are arrested after 10 fuel sites were obstructed across Britain. >The groups threaten they would become "more disruptive than ever" from next week. These women need their heads turned inside out with a hammer.
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Some Norge cunt got fucked in Ukraine.
>>231767 hm, if only there was more to go on
Hope they mag dumped his fucking head in.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Chechen special forces, together with units of the RF Armed Forces, began to storm the positions of Ukrainian Nazi formations directly on the territory of the Azovstal enterprise. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Russian forces regrouping near Kharkov Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The DPR army is advancing near Donetsk: the Nazis and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are demoralized, dress in civilian clothes and run, throwing their weapons. >🇺🇦⚡Ukraine spends about 10 billion US dollars for a month of war - Ministry of Finance Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Missile strike destroyed the target in the Khmelnitsky region According to preliminary data, the fuel storage facility was hit. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ The only fuel storage that was supplying fuel to eastern grouping of Ukrainian forces was Destroyed
The nonce of kiev
>>231772 Keeeek Good lad
>>231767 whats the deal with this, do they genuinely have tactical sitting pads attached to plate carriers now, gayest thing I've seen yet.
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>hehe I'm a cheeky scum fuck >keek good lad
steak pie with gravy, mash, carrots and purple broccoli and cheese, leek and cabbage sauce followed by two (2) bakewell tarts and it was very nice then the evening was ruined by some normie retard drunk or junkie repeatedly talking to me at the bus stop uninvited including asking if I was carrying weed, and two niggers who slowed the bus down trying to get on even though it wasn't the right bus and staying inside just long enough to ensure their foul stench permeated the space
>>231776 You should smoke the weed to keep warm
>>231766 based accelerationists trying to destroy the ZOG state
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>qt girl who became a tranny and lopped her big titties off is posting topless pics again
>>231779 can I see lad
>>231776 Two cheese toasties, over two pints of coffee and milk and 200g of bread over 12 hours.
>>231778 They're nigger cattle. They need oil for their gay vegan diet.
>>231780 Why would you want to?
>>231781 good lad carbmaxxing >>231777 I don't have any lad I'm a goodlad who abstains from drugs and excessive alcohol consumption (but excessively consooms carbs)
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>Foreign mercs posting in front of Ukies Parliament >Giving the Russians an excuse
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>>231778 I'm lying down rn preemptively waiting for the state to build an oil refinery in front of me, what are you doing for the white race ?
>>231786 lying on my bed thinking about fannies
>>231783 curious innit. Stop being a pussy and post it
>encouraging mancs' e-stalking smh it's just the pembs shite, let the lot of them alone and stop thinking about it because they'll kill themselves eventually no use sneething over retards ruining themselves
Glad there are no explicit gaymers making their presence known
two dinners
gaming is such a cool and trendy hobby https://youtu.be/2AZmuZNu5LA
>Employees of the Greek TrainOSE railway company refused to transport US and NATO military armoured vehicles from the Greek port of Alexandroupolis to Romania and Poland in order to deliver it to the Ukrainian border Based Greece.
>>231791 >tengo mucho dinnero
>>231794 verygoodlads, a way to fight back against the jew cunt EU westoid faggots asset stripping and holding their country in debt slavery
>>231789 She's already had a baby and has loads of hideously disgenic looking norfen family being supportive so I think she'll be one of the ones that doesn't an hero tbph.
And I don't e-stalk her. I e-stalk my b*sexual ex gf, who e-surrounds herself with such people. Smh.
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Slotting zoggies.
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>dead noggies.and zoggies
nigger >>231801 pvre based tbh
>watching new zealand detective show whilst eating tea with mummy >it's an I.N.C.E.L terror episode
>>231805 whats it called, whats it feature too?
>>231800 >revolution with American flag on his top Was he a le based negro Trumptard who thought he was going to scrap with a fronting skinny unbased negro antifa and found out it was a hoodrat? Smh. Another terrible POC victim of Coronavirus. If only Putin had worn a mask when Russia invaded Ukraine.
>>231802 Brutal pooicide. Smh.
>>231807 Tbh everyone in shartica needs to just stay indoors till segregation is re established
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>America gave Ukies surplus 10mm colts >all those 10mm hand guns in Europe now Based.
>>231811 colt delta elite, those are extremely rare in shartica and worth like 2k. wew lad always wanted one of those. based coke dealer gun
>>231811 KEEEEEEEEK its gonna be like balkan gun smuggling on steroids, islamists will have a field day over the next 10 years, nato has sent 10s of thousands of anti air and anti tank missiles too
https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?Keyword=colt%20delta%20elite easy 2k on US domestic market for a delta elite
>>231806 brokenwood mysteries season 6 episode 1. i only saw the last 15 minutes but the gist is an incel who is on medication and has an overbearing mummy, gets rejected at a party by a blonde girl. she turns out to be a dyke in a relationship with a black dyke. the incel stops taking his meds to own his mummy, then he tries to blow up the black dyke but ends up killing the father of the lass who rejected him. i think the incel was friends with her father or something as well and the father didn't approve of his daughter being a dyke so the incel put in work but friendly fired his mgtow pal. when the police interview him they talk about him using incel sites.
>they are now going for 4k a piece wewlad
>>231811 >>231814 The mundane 3rd world violence aka non terrorism alone is probably going to kill more whiteoids than the war itself.
also the dykes live happily ever after
>>231816 >>231819 and this is in tiny nz, need rahowa now tbh
>>231812 very good lad going to enjoy these on the morrow
>>231816 The antagonist in Morbius that I watched earlier was very incel like. Smh.
>>231822 Is he okay?
man with endless coomings and no showerings my cock is becoming a coom stalagmite
>>231826 >there are many Ukrainians who have never seen a black person before
>gown that I used to soak up arsesweat while wanking is starting to smell again really need to stop this
>>231827 should've been us smh never saw one til I was 12 now they are everywhere
>>231828 >gowned racist >not taking a note out of Woes book and using a wanking pillow for the arsesweat
>>231829 Had one halfcaste friend in primary school. Remember making mummy nervous laugh when I asked one day why he was darker than his siblings, in front of the obese coalburner mummy picking them all up. He was the middle child too, so she must've burned coal inbetween the other kids dads. Smdh. I know my secondary has more nogs and pakis than it did when I went. Presumably the primary school does too. Something that hasn't crossed my mind until now. Hope little whiteoids are not being bullied for being the wrong colour there now.
saturday night i hate the antichrist
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>>231533 >How large is Germany's dairy sector?
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>one B-52 >in a shooting war where Russia shot down Su-37s over Kiev city centre all all way from deep in Belarus >sending a message
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>>231833 just a crumb of milk
fresh ukie gigacope map
>>231833 I must not coom Coom is the mind killer Coom is the little death
>>231837 it's funny because frogs call cooming la petit mort
I'll have to tell my kids all that matters in life is SEX so they won't feel lost and cofused and actually have something to work towards
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A Russian heli watching ground forces take Ukie tanks out with ATGMs in Donbass
>reddit just outright banning any footage that makes the ukrainians look bad or like they are losing
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Special forces of the Chechen Republic are pulling out a wounded comrade from under enemy fire in Mariupol Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Footage from a copter from the Izvestia film crew showing the consequences of the destruction of the center of the city of Popasna. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Entrance to Mariupol
>>231814 >now they've flooded European cities with xenos they finalise the project by giving them all guns and turning the cities into European Detroits Th-thanks America
chechens saving a wounded in mariupol
hate how britain is the mini zog puppeteer so nothing kino ever happens here and the shadow govt just ruthlessly puts down any opposition.
woes uploaded another gram 2 days ago btw
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>ukies built a killdozer in Odessa
want to have one of those cow holes on my belly so I could flood my colon with materials and poo endlessly, or for as long as I feel like
>>231844 Strong horse is strong tbh. Also find it funny how listening to them speak takes me back to the ISIS videos where half the conversation is Allahu Ackbar on repeat only now it's Akhmet Sila.
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>>231747 >the autesse who just want to get fucked before turning 18 >lass who is going to the doctor to check for brain damage on monday Absolute stallion, going for a threesome eh
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Soldiers of the special forces of the Marine Corps of the DPR (384 OMRP SpN) demonstrate the abandoned form of the Nazis. For the purpose of maximum camouflage in order to pass through the checkpoints of the DPR, militants from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard steal even panties and socks from civilians. Caption video 2: Russian servicemen delivered humanitarian aid to the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region 45 tons of products were distributed to the residents of the city, who for several days were without communication electricity, drinking water and basic necessities. The population was provided with basic necessities and food packages, including baby food and vital medicines. 💬 The children had chicken pox, they couldn’t even find brilliant green, the pharmacies were broken, - says a local resident. Caption video 3: In Energodar, a few dissenters were clearly explained that it was not the time for protest actions. Caption video 4: “People are alive, no one is lying around, everyone has scattered.” In Energodar, they decided to pomaidan, but something went wrong.
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>231848 That's it. Into the filterino again. Don't want this to become a regular thing. Smh.
>>231831 The boomer capitalists and the zoomer self-hating nonces will pay for what they've done. One way or another, in this world or the next -- they'll pay!
>bbc news just now >Smug journo saying the russians had no idea what hit them when they got btfo by the ukies >ukies having retaken the entire region to the north west of kiev >muh war crimes shite >also some womens rugby shite. the map they are using doesnt even look like mariupol is under siege, dealing with normalfags is becoming unbearable
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>231855 should be banned for this shite tbh, foreign cunt
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Some of these ukie lads still had their Soviet Voennyi Bilet (Lit. War Ticket)
Have the Russians been btfo lads?
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>the lad on the left unironically has the family name Trokstky
>>231855 >crusius is le ridiculous How's the weather in a city surrounded by Italy, Juan-Carlos?
nobody cares that you speak russian cook you fucking fat cunt
>crusius schizo whats his deal
>>231858 yes its over, the ukrainians are at the gates of moscow
>>231862 Russians killed another Trotsky.
>>231863 I think he might look like the meme irl
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>>231858 western narrative is that they wanted to end the war quickly and decisively by capturing Kiev, and this failed, so now they are going to take over the southeastern half of the Ukraine as a 'plan B' eastern narrative is that the attack on Kiev was a feint to distract hohol forces away from Donbas so Russia could surround and annihilate the bulk of the hohol army and form a strong land corridor between Crimea and Donbas considering the latter seems to be happening, and that Russia has been very succesful in 4D-chess-imploding the west, I'd say the latter is more likely. the US has really dropped the ball on a global scale- they've resorted to beg-threatening like 10 countries at once with nothing to back those threats up- and the worst that can be said about Russia is some criticism about their logistics which may or may not even be warranted
>>231867 The French got their shit pushed in at Mariupol, Macron sacked the special forces commander too.
>>231867 keek yeah modern westoid bureaucrats don't understand slavic deep operations strategem and think that russians were just gonna steamroll into keeev like shartica did in iraq 1 and 2 and that its not an attrition battle to drain hol hols down to where their command staff quits
The Ukraine war has been suspiciously free from peculiarities, the kind memes are made of.
>>231863 >>231866 Why would anyone disagree with the Hispanic invasionary army? I mean they're CaThOlIcS !! Idiots
>>231869 We also just choose to ignore that the west bombed the absolute fuck out of Iraq and killed like half a million civilians but it's not a war crime because we're the good guys.
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confirmed he looks like the meme
Has anyone been to 4Chan? There is a new joke filter that makes their writing look especially ridiculous. Take a look Can't be bothered to copy paste any message from there over here, it feels too wrong
>>231873 OK spicnigger
I'm lookin fer a chinaman. Mighta passed through here askin about poopin pills
The earlier in the war there were so many highways of death choc-a-block with Ukie transports. Russians really did a number.
>>231857 Which ones? This is interesting. As I can't read any of that, you'll have to explain. As in they were in the Ukraine SSR army?
>>231874 4chan blocks my isp and all vpn I know of. Not sure exactly how they decide which isp get to post.
>>231847 The guy taking the photo is absolutely hilarious.
>>231879 Oh sorry to hear that. I can't actually post there either, but I still read.
>4chan right now
>>231841 But why? It's not like votes can result in reduced spending.
>>231882 Ask them why they ban AT&T Mobility (cellphones and tablets on mobile data).
Act like everyone is a mod, and demand answers lmao
>>231876 yeah i seen him, strange feller. ran right out the store then rode his horse into the side of the saloon there.
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>>231882 uh-oh posting gone fucky wuky
>>231876 thems shittin words fill your pants you son of a bitch
the fuck is going on here, is it just 1 schizo IP hopping or are there now multiple schizos
>russians shaved the heads of the ukie foid larper pows
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I believe we have one schizo and several shit posters.
>>231874 4chud is cancer anyway its 99 percent USgov shills and kike shills and then a smattering of people from around the world and then a bunch of american spics
>>231890 Just had that same thought I think there is the crusius schizo and t schizo
>>231892 >no big RETARD cuts scarred into their foreheads like they branded swastikas on suspected nartzee sympathisers
>>231876 keeeeeeeeeeek it would have been so kino to have gopro cameras of frontier sheriffs
>>231890 What's it like being on of the low IQ ones?
>>231896 na rusfags have to be extra nice to avoid the amerishart/westoid propaganda matrix trying to male them seem like savage mongols
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>>231884 >cellphones
>>231894 Yes, but pressure them, ask if Putin requested the ban on Americans, who are on AT&T Mobility.
>>231895 >>231890 >nooo patrick crusius must be made an example of ! >we will never stop shaming him!! Smelly papists
>>231892 Are you sure they're all women?
>>231902 you are being monitored
assuming direct control
If you know you know
some intel twat has probably decided this is the best way to disrupt our board.

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>>231888 It's an absolute zoo The thread had as the OP some heiress of the Disney cartoon world being a toasty roasty where else but on the abomination known as Twitter
women larp so hard like they are in control and they aren't the one stuck holding the wheel as the car goes over the cliff
>>231909 I could not bring myself to reach that wall of twitter text.
>>231911 its just the delusional ramblings of a dumb american woman. its just the typical zoil boomer memes of "le culture war" shit that retards who try to pretend they le resistance while they live the easy life as the stooges of the elite
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we should have had a wordfilter that changed words to the yank spelling or synonym
>>231911 >perhaps the right wing has finally bitten the hand that has been feeding it superfoods these last few decades Probably safer not too tbh
>>231878 The one on the left is Yuri Fedorovich Trotsky, he enlisted in 1994 as a specialist gas welder, born 17th January 1976 I guess Ukraine was still using USSR papers at the time. The one on the right is way too hard for me to read, he was genuine Soviet Army enlisted in 1986 as a lathe turner and is from Sarny Raion, Rivne Oblast. Probably a liquidator.
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This could be vegetarian propaganda
Also the older lad was born on the 13th February 1968 from Kirovograd.
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>Russia actually used the Su-57 over Zhytomyr Oblast Kino.
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Caption video 1: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: #Ukrainian Combatants with a 40x53mm Mark 19 (Mk 19) Mod 3 belt-fed automatic grenade launcher and M430A1 grenades in PA-120 ammo box. Both the GL and munition was supplied by #USA to Ukrainian Army. Caption video 2: 🤬 An army of marauders. The military of the Russian Federation send home by mail loot in Ukraine The Russians take the loot to the post offices in whole trucks. What is not sent home is sold at the market in Narovlya. Caption video 3: A large number of broken equipment of the RF Armed Forces near Kiev. Caption video 4: An infrequent video of the FGM-148 Javelin in action. Tore off the tower of another T-72 invaders.
>even the chinks are protesting the covid shite
>>231921 >chinks >protesting Lad quit it with the gore posting. Not clicking that.
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Some Russian lad survived getting shot in the arse.
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>>231923 Ouch. >taking one in the arse against globohomo
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>someone shot a FSB lad in the arse
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>>231923 that used to be the million dollar wound that conscripts would do to themselves in vietnam war
>>231926 meanwhile the girl he fancies is being piped in some refugee hotel in poland
>people born in 02 aren't even teenagers anymore younger than smee and dying in a war smh
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no seacow
>>231930 tbh he looks like a little kid to me. I doubt I could pull the trigger on some little twinkey zoomer kid
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>>231926 >Denis >October 2002
>>231929 think he is a russkie kid hence pushkin statue, was a unikid probably a slav incel nerd
>>231934 probably got btfo by artillery or something anyway
Ralph being totally JUSTed
Denis Vladimirovich Yurzov DoB October 2002.
>>231921 That's good
>when you goon and groom and regret it all post-coom smh keep your grooming and cooming sessions separate, lads
>>231942 lad please stop
>>231943 the coomer takes over and death grips my cock, lad, I can't control myself
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Caption image: Ummm.. was it like the field headquarters of the invaders?🤔 Caption video 1: The Greeks pour paint on NATO trains transporting war from the port of Alexandroupolis to the borders of Ukraine Caption video 2: Army of alcoholics and looters. Caption video 3: Kharkov. beautifully burning Caption video 4: The Russian landing force, fleeing from Ukraine, abandoned a lot of its equipment. Abandoned BMDs.
>>231945 good lad
(133.35 KB 1200x1200 excellent post haha cheers.jpg)

The part of the inside of my mouth I chewed off is starting to grow back tbh
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this calls for a celebration
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>>231950 tbh bringing out the finest food to go with it
>>231944 He means stop discussing it
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>52nd pooost It's been a good day
>>231936 Yup Russian. "РФ" in the hologram is the abbreviation for Russian Federation
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Russians really seem to take suffering in the very physical sense as basically a necessity of life.
>>231909 Fuck off you useless stupid clown cancer.
>>231957 good post, we aren't used to what they are
>>231400 What’s the relevance of this?
>>231960 women trying to make the entire world focus on their inconvenience while the young men are dying and the world might pay attention to them for a few months
>>231946 >Video 2 In a game of paintball they'd totally be relevant lmao >tanks stuck in mud >victory lmao google "d day landing"
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>>231960 She was on every front page of every British newspaper calling Russia war criminals.
>>231920 Do you believe that it's okay to burn teenagers alive?
>>231963 Why the propaganda, though? It's not up to the people to decide if there's war, after all, or if it's funded etc. It's due to the kickbacks politicians receive from Ukraine, mostly.
>>231965 It helps if people agree with being sent to their own deaths.
>>231966 OK, I support it then, hate blue-haired freaks anyway.
The Ukrainians shelled the maternity hospital with the press ready.
>>231967 They'll agree with forcing the people that don't agree to.
>>231969 Sorry m8, birds of a feather.
>>231965 Because the women in the photos used by the west as at odds with the women herself experienced, Are you thick?
>>231958 No why don't you kys boring no-fun cancer
>>231400 >>231963 was it Russia that shelled the hospital or did the hohols shell it themselves to create the atrocity propaganda? the latter makes more sense, since there's no motive for Russia to do so, and the hohol soldiers extorting food from them already makes them look guilty >>231968 I believe it, but is there proofs?
really bored of this thread honestly
>>231810 So basically stay in Wal-Mart.
>>231974 Have you considered livestreaming something exciting? Well why not?
>>231974 That's on you, m8.
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The Sony a7 IV, who's getting one?
Jack's right. It sucks that you have to basically go full China and submit your phone number just to fucking post memes.
Woe am I, humble maker of memes. btw, someone is finally calling out China for its MASSIVE hacker network: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/china-accused-massive-ukraine-cyberattack-days-russian-invasion
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The Azov Batallion has been cornered in a steel factory
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I thought they were cornered in the kosher deli.
>>231985 kekked
They are going to TU-95 the fuck out of Azovstal If the short wave radio turbo autists are right.
>>231984 * according to unverified reports Reminder none of your sources have posted 1 solitary video of soldiers dying in battle.
In other words, none of the people telling us things have managed to get footage of anything significant. So they are getting things second-hand, or are incompetent, and therefore also in that case to be ignored. I believe nothing about the war.
>Days before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China staged a huge cyberattack on Ukrainian military and nuclear facilities, according to intelligence memos obtained by The Times.
> The timing appears to confirm that Moscow had already informed Beijing of its invasion plans, cybersecurity experts said. “It sounds like they didn’t care that they were seen — they had an objective to get in and get what they needed as quickly as possible,” Tom Hegel, a senior threat researcher at SentinelOne, a US cybersecurity firm, said. -The Times As I have said for a long time, China uses ai to censor on the Internet. The majority of strikes people on Twitter & FB receive are by the Chinese mass reporting.
>>231992 cry about it fgt
>>231993 don't understand this post at all
>>231995 You will never be white.
Chinese people are so ugly, their eyes are tiny.
Someone should nuke china so we can forget about them.
I'm glad they're all dying in Shanghai ha ha ha
>>232000 im watching you right now
I'm an exhibitionist.
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I like my Asians with big eyes.
A quick point of the supposed cornering of Avoz. The rules of honor of siege warfare are that you allow them to surrender. Even the most brutal of muslim conquerors and genghis khan gave them a chance to give up. >The Mongols also spared many cities from massacre and sacking if they surrendered
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>Air Raid Sirens over Kiev
Santa Anna refused to offer honorable terms of surrender, and so is recalled as a monster, rightly.
>>232005 ngl I think Ukrainians are retarded. The most obvious move would be deep strikes by the ukes in Moscow and similar places.
>>232006 its really funny that he's called the mexican napoleon when he lost the majority of battles and wars he fought in. a completely typical spic caudillo.
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>>232006 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Buena_Vista https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cerro_Gordo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Contreras santa anna was such a shit general and he treated the indios so badly spic-burger war had some of the first photography
lmao Youtube is being used to engineer regime change in Hungary.
will never understand how zoomers get 6 weeks for a cheeky racist tweet to a random footballer but there's a thousand nutcase neo nazis on /pol/ that dont seem to ever get arrested for the extremely illegal things they say.
>>232012 Type something racist, and include your name & phone number ty
>>232012 they'd rather covertly monitor people while preserving the guise of anonymity that emboldens them to edgetype more than they ought to
lmao https://archive.fo/2cMvy >‘Punishment from above’: Underground hobby pilots build deadly drones for Ukraine terrorism is good now, say the kikes.
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Saw that pic of that Russian lad slotted in the head with 5.45x39 again
>>232016 why does the caliber matter? such a fag post >slotted sick of the gay fucking jargon
Yeah, let's kill him and rape his corpse. It's not gay if he's dead.
The German granny is back in prison for holocaust denial, since she shows no remorse (for words). lmfao democracy an sheit
>>232017 For reference.
>>232021 interesting, i guess the idea is better floatation over soft ground and that the inside tracks mean it can still move after one of the outside tracks get btfo by a rocket. you can tell from the way it moves that a big drawback to the design is that it's hard to turn, plus there's extra weight and complexity, but if it means it doesn't get stuck in a bog then it's worth it
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>>231731 "termophylae" fucking retard trying to invoke historical similarities and can't even spell thermopylae
remember the child drag queen that libtards said wasn't sexualised? seems like the parents are just openly sexualising their kid as a "femboi" for older gay men (who are all cooming in the comments)
>>232024 Are they aware that their "freedom" doesn't leave anything of value for normal people?
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New bill of rights, this time a right to SEX.
>>231989 >>231990 schizo, you do realise that during ACTUAL firefights theyve got more important things to worry about than holding a phone out to record it just so you can see someone get slotted?
>>232021 this thing is a cunt to fight in world of tanks no exposed lower plate = no frontal weakpoint
>>232028 >phone lmao just wear a gopro retard
>>232017 tbh gun autists are the most annoying kind of autists guns are not that interesting, you only care about them to this degree because you think it makes you badass >OH WOW IS THAT A PB-J-TB-56-R-302 LOOK HOW KNOWLEDGEABLE I AM
Richard Spencer told me once that the reason gays speak with a lisp isn't because they want to act like women, rather they're acting like Democrat supporting boys. gays aren't acting like women they're acting like unmanly young boys. gay "culture" is entirely about infantalising each other because they all just want to vote Dems or be the kids getting fucked.
>>232031 Love guns me ngl. I don't often talk about them.
>>232033 me too lad, I just get annoyed when I see guys on the internet sperging out about the differences between 10mm and 9mm or whatever as if it really fucking matters at all its like virtue signalling but for knowledge, absolute reddit behaviour
>>232034 tbh, i was a bit hard on f2b0a7 for his post though
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Am I 1952b0? 1952b0 brings me pain, therefore it is not-I.
Am I 46ae62? 46ae62 brings me pain, whatever brings me pain cannot be the I. Therefore 46ae62 is not-I.
Oh monks, which is greater, chasing skirts or philosophizing on the nature of the I?
Also not-I: (your)-momma
schizo's being really active today smh get a hobby lad >>231799 keeeeek good lad
>>232042 I don't even think about you.
All is suffering. To gain is suffering, to lose is suffering.
The Oil refinery in Odessa got deleted.
>>232045 maybe the hohols can flintstone their vehicles to still use them
I like having schizo back, it's like having a really ugly and aggressive household pet that is actually quite harmless.
>>232049 keeeeek
>>232045 Hey, that 3rd video is excellent!
>>232049 I don't even think about you. >>232050 I don't even think about you.
>>232046 thank you for this
<comments disabled lmao faggot
wish i was a farmer
>>232055 china would just eat all your cows though
why do muslims say shit like "uhm jesus is a prophet too you know CHUD?" and the only mention of Jesus in the quran is him breathing life into clay pigeons at his birthday party and then tricking a man into being crucified instead of himself. do those fucking rag heads not understand how deeply this is blasphemous to christians.
not looking forward to subversive posts like >232057 destroying our general in the future
>>232057 Christian heretics exiled out of the Roman Empire had a impact on Islam. The Quran is a collection of homilies from those Christian heretics.
>>232058 Im only asking questions?
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>>232056 not if i eat all my cows first >>232057 because it sometimes works on milquetoast retards who won't question it further
If I ever met a muslim I'd immediately tell him muhammed was a pedo. I tell it to everyone who brings up Islam in anyway. It's literally a killshit for pooskinned muslamics tbh.
>>232062 good lad
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Also Mohammad was a filthy coomer and cum eater.
The Hadiths is where the real shit is.
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>>232064 keeeeeeeek
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Bit spicy.
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>>232069 whoa, bit transphobic there reddit bud
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>This is what happens to some foreign volunteers who rush to war
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myANd_WFasE amazing bum on this cute negress tbh
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>Look! Real Soviet clunge!
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>no welsh gf
bank balance getting dangerously low smh not getting paid any more but toilberg hasn't officially fired me yet either >>232075 modernity has ruined humanity smh >>232079 >no gf
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I will never grow weary of Welsh clunge.
English clunge scares me.
>>232083 for what reason lad
>>232082 be honest, have you experienced it?
>>232080 tbh i havent checked mine in ages just out of fear at this point im living off the insanely good profits i made selling my old metroid games on ebay
>>232085 Yes, even made sure she wasn't from the same town just in case.
>>232087 fake and gay post, i just feel it. don't know why
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>>232086 >living off the insanely good profits i made selling my old metroid games on ebay based
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>>232062 Yes, and that's a good thing.
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>>232088 Can't blame you.
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Thermostat in the house has reached 12 degrees
(2.93 MB 464x848 IMG_1590.MP4)

(805.67 KB 400x400 Firemaking.gif)

>>232094 you know what to do lad
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>>232098 not very nice of them smh
And when everyone will forget about it, it will come that all those men were Russophones.
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>>231514 Man he really crumpled that car. Wonder what happened. Quoeo and truck driver looking at his phone? But how did they end up in the other lane then? hmm
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>>232062 For me, it's saying he was a murderous warlord and slaver, rather than soying over if he maybe nonced Ayesha when she was below current UK legal age (despite the fact even the Sunnis say she flowered/he waited a few years after she was given to him before cooming in her, and Shia say she was already a woman not a girl).
>>232102 I see it's basedlad hours
>>232062 that and the baby cocks bit for jews
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Found in Izyum.
>>232106 >someone's walking around with a dao sword
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>Atheist polemics of Islam Big gay cringe.
had a shower so I hope I don't coom today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQXWmduunys >tfw never got to enjoy the boomer stripper era
>>232106 keeeek is that a panzerfaust?
>>232116 based
>Scholz offered Zelensky to abandon NATO and avoid conflict with Russia, but he refused >According to The Wall Street Journal, on February 19, at a meeting in Munich, the German chancellor suggested that Zelensky abandon the idea of joining NATO and declare the country's neutral status. >Scholz proposed declaring neutrality as part of a broader European security deal between the West and Russia. According to him, the agreement would be signed by Putin and Biden. Zelensky refused Scholz's offer.
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BIG SWORD UNIT >>232118 >talk with some potential Ukrainian groomees and they say he's a hero smh
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>this timeline is real
>Uki starts posting video for upvotes and dies
>we have a nigger here
>>232124 not true lad
>>232106 God I wish I was there rn, sure i'd probably end up with my guts hanging out with my genitals cut off but at least for a time I'd just be walking around collecting weapons
Fucking what?
>>232128 dead internet theory. you search anything on jewgle, it says 100,000,000,000 results, but if you go to the next page, that number keeps dropping, and ultimately there isn't much read this: https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php?threads/the-internet-is-a-potemkin-village-proof-of-dead-internet-theory.3554/
Is he going to do it? Will he finally say the N word?
beautiful day out there had a good night last night going to shower and get dressed then go on a walk and then go to the pub
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>>232071 What countries number plate is that?
>>231963 Oh I see, the Ukraine soldiers moved in to the hospital made it a base, then once it got attacked filmed the pregnant women THEY had put in harms way for western propaganda
>>232133 Poland
>>232122 his voice is exactly how i imagine every redditor to sound >AUGH >>232137 F
>>232136 >Poland Aha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hje5TuVZIDo >care to watch a gaymer playing the same game very quickly again for your lunchtime entertainment sir? why yes, don't mind if I do
actually i dont care about videogames smh its just cope
going to go for a bike ride in the sun
>>232142 ponce
wish I had a bike smh >>232143 nonce
>>232144 I'll send you mine lad just post your full address
>>232142 comfy
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>>232030 Russians actually take their opsec seriously unlike the Jihadis.
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His whole torso is a prolapsed anus
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Tin whistle father making Sunday generally uncomfu again. My only day of rest and he us running around, baby talking animals, heavy breathing and playing his radio friend.
>>232152 >Tin whistle father keeeeeek smh forgot about this poor lad
>>232143 Lad… Hands off
Bins spotted
>negro >going to heaven
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>>232157 he's just in the shade lad t. official huwhiteness inspector
>>232157 that's what the biblerino says lad
>>232158 Better be right lad or the h'witeness board reserves the right to take back your h'wite license and assign you an Albanian extended family member.
>>232157 >he doesn’t know…
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Made the mistake of searching my cousin's name on tiktok, lads.
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>>232162 is she fit?
>>232162 sorry lad.
>>232164 No tbh.
>>232162 smh rip lad
>>232162 Lad we need to see
Yes lad just dox a family member, it can only go well.
What's your longest length of time groomee?
I will describe the worst video for you sick fucks, but you aren't seeing it. Lip syncing to nigger music about niggers gang banging a woman on a bus.
>>232172 Yeah that sounds like tictok, it really should be banned from all platforms great internet firewall style.
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>>232172 What the fuck. Why would that be a song and why would she lip sync to it?
>>232174 It's popular.
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Based zoomerinos dressing & LARPing as niggers & failing.
>get to heaven as a reward for a long life of being Christian >it’s full of niggers tfw
>>231484 I have reason to believe this will finally set the milk price free. https://twitter.com/FirstSquawk/status/1510659056943321091?s=20&t=25EkGGP9Ga19tOQpAu6m9A Germany raising prices across the board by 20-50%. Expect to see extreme milk volatility / loss leadership status being abandoned unequivocally. Reminder that Milk's "loss leader" status is as influential as the US Dollar "reserve" status. They simply cannot kick the can down the road any further on the milk scam that has persisted since we went off the milk standard in 1994.

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