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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3676: BIG Tortoise Edition Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 18:10:44 Id: e38716 No. 230571
First giant Galapagos tortoises born in UK zoo https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-60943402 Man with learning disabilities should receive Covid jab despite family fears https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-60945335 Met Office issues snow and ice warning spanning the Highlands down to Kent for tomorrow as Arctic blast brings bone-chilling -8C https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10671267/UK-weather-Thundersnow-4C-temperatures-snow-falls.html Putin threatens to turn off Europe's gas supplies tomorrow if countries refuse to pay in roubles https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10672659/Putin-threatens-turn-Europes-gas-supplies-TOMORROW-countries-refuse-pay-roubles.html
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first for nothing in particular
oh cock
>>230573 good lad
>>230571 good lad good edition >>230573 keeeeeeeek
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Thanks for the like!
>>230581 proper cunt
>>230581 Britain's gold reserves don't really affect smee tbh, what was beneficial were all the bennies new labour brought in. I'd have them back in a heartbeat.
>>230581 Can't they just at least get someone new to moan about austerity or whatever they want to call it this time (nigger rich whites on finance)
There isn't anyone new, our politics is dead.
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The so-called British politics is a faceless anarcho-tyranny operated by a hive of apparatchik niggers, as it always was, but now they don't pretend it's not.
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>bank collapses >seethe about being poor and oppressed >learn nothing and take out more debt to buy new homes and cars
>>230584 same reason I vote labour. They'll make it easier for the white underclass to keep their bennies, and they're the only white people having children. Don't really care how much tax some middle class toryboy has to pay tbh.
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The Ruble is now 75 to the dollar.
>>230590 is red line go down good in this case, raising in value compared to the dollar?
>>230589 >I vote labour.
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Calling out niggers who think working class whites are some personal army they could actually convince outside their personal family members.
>>230591 yes, it means to buy one dollar, you'd need fewer rubles, as it's increased in value russia has singlehandedly wiped out about 30% of the dollar's global value, its brilliant
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>DNR's Basurin said that foreign mercenaries will not have the status of a prisoner of war and, accordingly, will simply be disposed of
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business idea: ornamental heron breeding
>>230596 The coke must be good.
>its brilliant
>>230598 are there more pictures of him like this?
Screencap makes it look weirder than it is
>>230601 kind of relieved, it looked fucking disturbing
>>230581 Churchill gave all of our gold to the yanks years before Blair or Brown were born. At least when they were in power you could actually get decent interest on your savings.
>>230601 Coke nose as fuck.
>>230603 The economy had absolutely nothing to do with their policies.
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>>230606 bannable post
>>230606 >>230607 Are you suggesting you'd like to rape them on stage in front of that crowd?
>The General Staff is transferring 15,000 troops from near Kyiv to the Dnieper to reinforce the eastern front. >SBU Spetsnaz were sent to Donbas yesterday
saw leftoids complaining about the movie Belfast being 100% white so I watched it. It was a complete lie there's a black british soldier in the first scene, a bunch of chinese kids in the classroom scenes, an indian corner shop owner, an indian best friend of the gran and a nigger school teacher. Literally more diverse than Belfast today. the movie was also just shit twee britpopper appeal faggotry too.
>>230605 Even if that's so, you can't do much worse than the last 15 years under the "Conservatives". It's laughable. The tories have a tranny MP now too.
>>230606 it all seems so forced and artificial they aren't really singing, just miming and jumping about on stage
>>230613 shut up you bumder
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The remains of Ukraine's ~30 ships
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>>230612 >The tories have a tranny MP now too. yeah, and they're really proud about it
>>230613 they do have proper dance moves with some songs, and I'm pretty sure they're actually singing at least parts of this rather than miming - it varies a bit from the album version of the song.
Pretty sure Tories have way more LGBTQWTFBBQ MP's than Labour. Something they can really brag about
Don't know why I thought it was 15 years. It's only been 12 years. Close enough
>>230617 shut up you fudge packer
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>The Russian just confirmed the bombing of US mercenaries Forward Observation Group
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>>230450 >Feel more sorry for if you feel sorry for the hoholette at all, then you're missing the point of the video. she gets to leave her shithole dystopian 2nd world village for some lovely town in Italy and eat Italian food and get shagged by spaghetti Chads, the dream of all women. meanwhile Dimitri Seethoshenko is getting decapitated by chechens for his retarded 'Kievan Rus Revival' LARP
>>230620 I generally prefer boiled sweets to fudge tbh. Can't go wrong with werthers. Local Sainsburys does alright cheap salted caramel fudge, bought some on offer for 50p. [spoiler]
God dammit posted before I finished
>>230622 >US DoD contractors getting drone striked Absolute Pottery.
>>230547 That's a photo of some badges. Have your retards read this: >>230285
>have your retards
>>230621 lmao are you fucking blind? Those patches are not identical.
>>230629 <i want sedate and government boomer filtered war footage lmao faggot
filtered for sucking too many cocks
thread's taken a turn for the worse here
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>Coach spic pill >says he left the country because bitcoin assassins >still in Kharkov
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Anyone interested in watching Lawrence Of Arabia (1964) tomorrow evening?
>>230632 >look a guy holding some patches >look a bunch of unidentifiable corpses >look crappy video of something going kapow All fucking trash u slutbrain.
you lads see this? >A man in a respirator has set fire to his house, climbed out the window and os now facing off against Police Scotland officers with 2 knives. https://mobile.twitter.com/respectisvital/status/1509559203731591173
>>230635 oh yes, wow, movies are so awesome oh wowowowow im a retard just like u
>>230635 can we watch society (1989) instead? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inrBU8juGI8&
>>230637 He should have 3D printed a sword.
>>230637 keeeeeeek madlad finally snapped
smh you lads are so lucky that your police don't just execute mentalists like over here
>>230635 luv that movie
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>>230616 yet another great victory against the anti-semitic, homophobic and transphobic Labour party
>>230621 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>230621 well atleast some zogbots died
>>230646 The patch doesn't match. The one in the background has the off arm raised, and has a white head.
dumbass redneck chuds should have just stayed in the midwest and driven BIG trucks and worked at shartmart instead of pretending they were main characters
>>230648 yeah it looked like a standard blackbeard flag but it was probably still a burger motard
>>230647 Literally nothing exists about it. You are dealing with propaganda, there is nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing entirely. Example, bones in a ditch. Caption says it was jews killed by Hitler. Thing is, it could be fake bones for a movie. Or other bones. Could be a mass grave of either side etc. Nothing and nothing and nothing. See here: >>230285
The Russians will seize control of all territory up to the river Dnieper, which serves as a natural barrier to west Ukraine. This is the goal. They will not bother trying to take the west
>>230651 calm down schiz
>>230645 smh stealing american culture I see. he should have discharged his wheel lock for smoke and come in low like his ancestors
>>230653 Post 1 video of someone dying in combat. Impossible challenge.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian columns are moving to the front line. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 DPR units destroy the dugouts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with anti-tank missiles Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Shots of the destruction of positions and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with precision-guided munitions Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Another Azov base in Mariupol was destroyed
>>230589 Crigne Aggnonce post
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>The UK Department of Defense will donate 84,000 Mk6 and Mk6A helmets‌‌ to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
>>230656 1st video. It's just some trucks. Signifies nothing whatsoever. 2nd video. It's just a video of the use of a rocket. Anything can be alleged of such nonsense footage. 3rd video. Same as 2nd, except the sky version. Meaningless blur. 4th video. Faggot talking. bla bla bla, ammo cans, meaningless, anybody can have cans and take out one block of rounds (lmao @ him throwing it down). bla bla bla literally nothing recovered. bla bla bla bla bla the same faggot is talking. Stickers of avoz lma anybody can print stickers. Patches? Let me introduce you to embroidery machines your retard >washing machines Victory! Show real action you insufferable homos
gonna make a dating profile lads, any tips?
>>230589 That's not true tho, ethnically British areas with the highest birth rates are commuter towns outside of London like Dartford, Elmbridge and Gravesham.
>>230652 nice geographically, but that leaves substantial numbers of Russian speakers in the south-west omitted (around Odessa), plus oblasts with only small numbers of Russian speakers. Green would be a better division, imo
>>230660 Pretend to be rich.
>>230662 They should just take the whole thing tbh
>>230639 can't find a source for it
>>230663 please just kill yourself mate, this is the most boring post i've ever read. >pretend to be rich on a dating site, oh wow lad well done, what a post
The only way the US could defeat Russia is for the US to open up another front on Russia.
>>230666 Wait, you really would lie to women? I should slap you.
>>230660 yeah, don't spend any money and don't expect much
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>first image on one of the websites
>>230658 just good business probably nearly the expiration on the kevlar
>>230666 You alright mate? Just wanted to check up incase you had mental health. I'm always here mate.
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>>230670 smh if I wasn't a wignat I would be a slave master
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>>230652 I'm salivating thinking of the upcoming Western normalfag tears, tbh. I mean since the fate of the Zelensky-Kiev side is already decided, better get what I can out of it. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The fighting at the oil mill is over. Now this is a deep rear. Caption image: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Photo from the crash site of one of the downed Ukrainian helicopters near Mariupol. Let me remind you that this morning our air defense not far from Mariupol destroyed TWO enemy helicopters, one of which fell in the area of ​​the settlement. Rybatskoye. The crash site of the second helicopter and the number of liquidated Nazis is being specified. Caption video 2: 🇺🇦 Hohols caught on camera using red cross vehicle to transport their soldiers Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Dead Azov pigs in Mariupol 🐷 Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian helicopters Ka-52 and Mi-28N are working on manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Popasna area.
>>230662 >>230664 they should have each oblast in the southeast of green line 'declare independence' and become 'x People's Republic', then have a referendum (rigged if necessary) to join Russia. then the remaining northwestern half, perform regime change and make it into a Belarus, in Union State/CSTO, with the long-term goal being reintegration of Belarus/the Ukraine into Russia
>>230671 Kevlar? It's Nylon.
>>230664 They might have to, the way the international community keeps feeding Kievans so much copium.
>>230675 1. video of a guy walking. meaningless 2. photo of corpses. meaningless, corpses can be faked & posed etc 3. more total nothingness, anyone can put soldiers onto any vehicles etc (ie it could be real, but the video alone proves nothing, too easy to fake or have other causes) 4. see 2 5. It's very exciting to see low-flying aircraft, but really that's just home video material, and nothing whatsoever of meaning. Yet again undefeated is the impossible challenge: >Find me footage of soldiers dying in combat
>>230679 meds. now.
>>230677 I know amerishart sells all its old helmets once the date on them passes a certain period the fibers in the material degrade via UV and they lose anti ballistic capibilities
>>230680 take these meds
>>230680 Your images are stupid and suck.
>>230683 meds. whether you like them or not.
The only good one so far was the ukes kneecapping captives. That was impressive-ish, but not a combat death per se, just a war crime.
>>230686 suplexed
>>230686 what happened to her?
>>230686 >>230687 Hope he got the 3 count.
>>230686 good god, that would have fucked her up royally
Fresh greggy doom UN telling us they are going to take the frozen pizzas away
>>230686 Hope the horse wasn't too hurt. Thumbnail made me think it was doing a full backflip keeek.
>>230683 if you want to see death in combat look up simpsons porn on google images its code from the white hats for real war pictures
>>230684 Your images are stupid and suck. You are fake and bullshit.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺⚡ A Russian citizen who collaborated with the SBU was detained by the FSB while trying to leave Crimea. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Russian military with high-precision weapons destroy the positions of the MLRS of nationalists "Azov" in the area of ​​the industrial zone of the metallurgical plant "Azovstal" in Mariupol. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Chinese TV channel CGTN-Russian reporter Dmitry Maslak visited the crash site of the downed Mi-8 helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Mariupol. There were reportedly 17 people on board. Operational measures are being taken with the two survivors.
>>230696 oh my sweet summer child.. dont you know meddies are good for you?
>>230691 lad your days of carbs are numbered now.
>>230697 Video 1: fake and dumb propaganda, not sure the point. Easily faked by highschoolers Video 2: Looks cool but pure propaganda nonsense. Could be anytime, of anything, without expert analysis. Video 3. very nice, footage of a stationary object.
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Steel booming.
>>230698 This is an interesting theory. So, being brave enough to speak the obvious is cognative non-normative? Anyway, the images thus far are weak sauce, meaningless and stupid bullshit at best, often obviously fake. But why bother with propaganda anyway? it's not like people have a choice what their "leaders" do.
>>230699 soon I will be obliged to feast on the flesh of the weak and elderly
>>230701 Because of Russia? Or Shanghai?
https://youtu.be/qXyhuhgYSbk >3:40 women need hanging
>>230702 mommy and daddy are scared, we want you to take meddies right now.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian paratroopers in Mariupol Caption videos 2-3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The path to Azovstal: the roads are littered with the bodies of dead Azov militants, broken equipment, shells and fragments from rockets and mines. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Azovstal Iron and Steel Works, where the Nazis retreated from Azov - inside view At this time, the troops of Russia and the DPR continue the offensive Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 More captured Ukrainian soldiers
>>230706 Insult jews, you can't.
>niggers literally vote ITT
>>230705 keeeeeeeek this slut has got 200k in student loan debt I bet you
>>230707 Hey, say something degrading jews, I know you cannot. Video 1: Nothing happening, people talking, SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FAGGOTS SHUT UP Video 2: Nothing also happening. Imagery of the dead, but it signifies nothing. Nice airpods, though. Funhouse horrors, you can manufacture such things easily (duh). Could benefit from modern dentistry if you want to be on camera, lid. Video 3: People walking around lmao Video 4: It's a building. nothing is happening, and the text/voiceover must provide all the "work" of the propaganda. Video 5: jiggly grainy footage, usefully VHS quality. Highschools can fake such nonsense, nice try?
>>230709 Insult the kikes, you can't lmaooooo
>>230705 >>230711 she has such a meticulously manicured profile with tons of professional quality photographs and yet she's just complete trash that is apparently how to succeed on dating sites, basically devote your life to manucuring your profile by going places every day and having people take pictures of you at all sorts of different places with different people, to create the impression that you have an interesting life
>>230713 take the meds, you can't lmaooo
>>230714 keeek sounds like the typical amerishart middle classoid slut
>>230711 what even happens to people with student loan debt? are you just poor your whole life?
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>site asking me how much I earn >earn ten grand less than the lowest option
Russia is so obviously winning the war Do normies really believe Ukraine can win?
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The artillery of the Luhansk Republic is working! Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A road mined by the Ukrainian military with the help of TM-62M anti-tank mines in Borodyanka, Kiev region. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 One of the schools in Mariupol, used by the Azov people to equip positions.
>>230717 idk my brother just paid his off but was living in a nigger infested ghetto apartment in detoilet whilst having a decent deano tier job
>>230705 Why? God created you for misery because of the sins you committed in a past life.
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>Germany try to virtue signal their way out of a energy crisis
>>230719 Yes yes, win or whatever. But can you insult the kikes? Pro tip: you can't, because you are a kike.
>>230719 these are the same people who pretended masks worked for 2 years
"I will protect you, I will provide for you, I will devour you"
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I miss her >ywn fight in her operation barbarossa
>>230725 Why do you think there is war propaganda? Just to drive recruitment? There's no influence on war policy which is derived from the people, obviously.
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>finally have money in savings account to start being a normalfag >hyperinflation
>>230729 Bargains exist, but are you able to identify them?
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Caption images 1-3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Dnieper, all the same marauders. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Armed Forces of Ukraine blew up the bridge of the Oskol reservoir, Kharkiv region. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Volunteers from South Ossetia arrived safely in Donbass.
>>230729 You also quit your job.
>>230727 hell yeah, brother
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I've started using candles instead of electric lights to annoy madlad
>Biden announces the largest release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in U.S. history
>>230736 1 million barrels a day from a stockpile of 600 million barrels.
>>230736 can't wait until north america is a slavic tier shithole and all the foreigners fuck off forever
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>>230737 dear god we only have 6 days left
>>230734 >"Bear please stop!" >"Bear!" >"Bear!"
hey bear, it's me bear
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>>230723 Is buying the ruble so inconvenient?
>>230736 That's possible because the defense industry has invented nuclear powered planes and tanks etc.
>>230740 Enjoy losing a vital strategic reserve because of political incompetence.
*throws bear trap down mountain to protect the mummy*
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>>230740 ~182 million barrels over 6 months, It's ~570 million now. A ~30% drop is huge.
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here lads
*knocks on door* hey bear, its me bear I forgot my pooping medicine from when we said we would meet up for kayaking
>>230751 kek. good lad
>>230746 Of course I can recognise Crusius, but who are the other two?
>>230754 (You)
>>230754 puglad the famous english spy who is friends with Q and the other one is SA
>>230751 verygoodlad
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Kyiv region. Grads. Chechen battalion. Operation start. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦🔥 A large convoy of Russian forces in Berdyansk. Caption videos 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Energodar. Last day, the Russian Armed Forces distributed humanitarian aid to the local population.
Can't believe steinhog no sold my first post OC
mummy julia is on qt tonight
My headline is "Serva me, servabo te." to flex on slags. Now it's asking for hobbies and shit. I'm no good at it. How did 22st manage this smh
>>230758 Video 1: meaningless nonsense, could be anywhere Video 2: possibly verifiable (there is a church in the background), but not really interesting still Video 3: perfect monotony. Impossible to tell if the food given is enough to help the people. Useful as propaganda but by the captioning. Video 4: Such a tiny crowd. Really nothing of value. These sanitized boomer-tier videos suck. Video 4;
It's interesting that just like with Iraq, nobody every sees any combat for all we can tell. Super lame.
>>230749 need milkies
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Caption video 1: near Kiev. These invaders will not be taken anywhere. They could have refused to carry out criminal orders, then they would have been alive. Caption video 2: Citizen of the Russian Federation in the Troop Detachment near Kiev. Its history and faces of the defenders of Ukraine. Caption video 3: In this video, #Chechnya "#Kadyrovites" soldiers were filming a video-selfie for #TikTok about how they invade #Ukraine, but something went wrong... Caption video 4: Ukrainian defenders destroy the logistic equipment of the RF Armed Forces with the help of an explosion on the road. Caption video 5: Another Russian nikchemysh turned out to be not a soldier, but a banal marauder.
>>230755 In a way he is free, living in your head, Anon.
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>>230766 Dead bodies are meaningless. Anyone can make them, and will for propaganda. People talking is stupid, it means nothing and is nothing. Explosions are meaningless, as they could be of anything and anywhere at any time, actually. lmao >look what we "found" in a pocket Yes, and you found a mouse in your cocacola
Grainy explosions. Grainy people being frog marched. Sharp images of soldiers who just won't shut up. Videos of a bunch of loud noises, oh my! (nothing happens in the video) Videos of supposed corpses (maybe they are, maybe not, maybe dressed, posed, etc) The videos of column movements may be sort of interesting, if you're a local (and thus know the buildings, to verify it). The only really legit video so far was the kneecapping by ukes of ruskies. It wasn't quite a combat death video, but at least it showed a war crime. Impossible challenge: Find footage of soldiers dying in combat.
Compare these videos to the video of Tarrant.
Who would win the footage challenge? >1 crosseyed aussie >10,000 men in fatigues
>DPR Defense Spokesman Basurin says that Ukrainian forces will not be allowed to leave Mariupol: "They have already been made such an offer, they refused. Therefore, they are no longer considered soldiers, they are criminals, because they were killing civilians." >"Yes, we guarantee to keep them alive, but I don't think we will let them go." He adds that foreign fighters captured in Mariupol will be arrested and brought to trial.
>>230769 >let me shame-post cruisius in peace !!! No
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Delve into her mithril mine lad
dating site posts fill me with uncontrollable incel rage tbh just want to liquidate women
thinking about the life that pug faced mutant lives and how it contrasts with the average incel
thinking about sending slutty pics to my gf tbh
>>230768 Baby picture was awesome tbh
>>230780 > slutty pics to my gf tbh why?
>>230776 yell Khazad a menu when you shag her lad
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This is how I want to spend my mid life crisis.
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>>230780 surely you want slutty pics *from* your gf, not sending them to her?
gf (with a dick)
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>>230787 pembs?!?!?!?
>>230768 >nice softspoken midwestoid blowing the fuck out of city slickers
>>230778 tbh, some alright lasses on here though even though it won't let me select under 100 miles of my location >>230783 keek
>>230784 this lads arc has been amazing used to watch him years ago and his slow descent into redpilled boomer has been pure kino
posted this yesterday and nobody acknowledged it smh
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Caption video 1: No comment. Just look at this... Caption video 2: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: New video of combatants from #Georgia 🇬🇪 (members of #Ukrainian TDF). At least one 5.56x45mm CZ 806 BREN-2 assault rifle can be seen in the background —it was originally supplied by #CzechRepublic 🇨🇿 to TDF/UAF. >Update: Washington: We have verified that Russian forces have detained American citizens in Ukraine. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🚀🇺🇦 — Reports of Explosions in Lviv, near the Polish-Ukrainian Border! Caption video 4: Mariupol, Kuindzhi street
do russians really still issue 1940 pot helmets?
>>230792 it's sad lad just couldn't find the words
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I hate this lass so fucking much keeeeeeek
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First Gimli now trans Legolas
>>230799 >her brother was conscripted >she barely even posts about him
remember when foids would larp like they cared about letters from the front and so forth?
>>230800 kek. Looks like a member of some New Wave band.
>>230802 that was just in films wasn't it?
>>230792 That's nice, lad
>>230801 She even used his death to post a tiktok with a selfie of her looking 'mournful'. Everything is a work with these bints.
>>230803 keeeek I walk along the avenue... I never thought I be a girl like you with bright green hair and dope head eyes the kind of eyes that make make me know its true, never be a woman like you. (and I dialated, dialated all night and day, but I couldn't be a woman) a label appears above your head, it says your a female too, your a female too. the label moving nearer still, it flys right over me and shines on another woman too, shines on another woman too.
>>230807 That is a choon tbh
>>230809 this is like my uncles main boomer toil song, that and stepping out, west end girls, living on the ceiling and duran duran shit keeeeek
>>230811 How was the pub quiz?
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Alright, some interesting girls there. Will shave and take a photo of myself tomorrow and send some messages. The inceldom ends NOW.
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>>230813 Good luck, lid. You're going to fucking need it.
>>230776 What if she's rich, lad? THINK! THINK!!!!! THIIIINNNNNK!!!!
>>230776 Bet she was made up when face masks came about
>>230804 No, my mother wrote a guy who was in Vietnam. He's the cousin of my dad.
>>230818 In the very least she'll make your pingas look large in comparison
>>230820 >No, my mother wrote a guy who was in Vietnam. I bet she did
>>230792 >the rooskies are red pilled >men are only valued to what extent they have whore validation oh
>>230822 lmao vietnam was way better in the movies.
Still don't understand the rule against public masturbation tbh
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Just want a cure for all diseases tbh
>>230826 So you want to annihilate suffering?
You might be interested in the doctrine of the Buddha. In his teaching he lays out the eight-fold path of liberation from suffering and samsara.
Hello? Hello? Don't let the demons control you, become liberated!
Just want all diseases to be incurable tbh
What is the cure for such things? Public wankings
>>230833 me on the left
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ngl some Kazakh women are lush
Once, a waitress accidentally touched me.
>>230840 They are indeed. Ethnic Russian men clean up there tbh.
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Nothing like a wank in a pair of jeans that fit just right
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anybody know where there's any ukraine kino? there should be some sort of documentary where someone with a camera is embedded with the russians by now
>>230848 Aint shit.
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>>230848 ukroids banned people from recording stuff on their smartphones and Russia didn't record much to begin with. so there's less than there was initially
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>>230848 Only tank go pro footage today and the RT guy getting shot at. Which most likely considering the shot is heard before the round going by. The Russians take their OPSEC seriously.
Which most likely fake* considering the shot is heard before the round going by.
please oh allah let another plane hit the pentagon https://twitter.com/usairforce/status/1509580161376731144
>>230845 get em on you brother
>>230658 >>230671 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK mk6 has less protection than ww2 helmets >>230848 do you even read thread you mong shit gets posted constantly
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God I wish
>some chink trying to hack my email
>>230860 go all throwaway fgt
>theres now 2 schizos ITT
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>>230848 Most are unintelligible, but at least this one is an Anglophone
>>230865 why so neotenous?
>>230859 i remember 2006 being better than all that shite. also wtf was vice city stories?
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>>230866 They're Kazakh.
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>>230856 At least he's honest.
>Ala kachuu is Kyrgyz and translates as "Grab her and run" Very based.
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>A good marriage begins with tears Think these Kyrgyz might be on to something.
It's incredibly based that their demonym has six letters and the only vowel it uses is Y
>>230873 oh fuck off filtered
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Ukriane's agricultural minister Roman Leshchenko resigned for no reason last week. Turns out Ukraine is on the brink of a famine due to the sowing season getting fucked with a lack of seeds, workers and fuel and Zelensky ignored him. Even tried to going to the EU for seeds with no avail. >TL;DL Sneed's Seed and Feed
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Caption video 1: Bandermobile with a 12.7 mm M2 machine gun in service with the mercenaries of the "Georgian Legion" Caption image 2: #Ukraine: UA forces captured a Russian T-90A tank in very good condition. For those who are unaware, this is one of the most modern by far platforms that the Russian Army has deployed in this conflict. Likely happened in #Kyiv Oblast. Caption video 2: Georgian Legionnaires. Handsome Caption video 3: Chernihiv region. The villagers meet Ukrainian fighters in the liberated village.
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>>230872 It's usually the women crying because the daughter is leaving her parents' house. Caption videos 1-2: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦☢️ — On March 26, 2022, it was reported that units from Russian National Guard had encircled and entered on the city of Slavutych, northern Ukraine, a purpose-built city for the evacuated personnel of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the 1986 Incident, where currently the workers of Chernobyl power plant live in. On footages it's possible to see the units patrolling and moving around the city. Caption video 3: Mobiles from ORDLO. The most pathetic sight. Soon they will be disposed of, paving the way for the infantry of the RF Armed Forces and other Kadyrovites. >🇭🇺 A meeting of defence ministers from the Visegrád Group that was scheduled to take place in Budapest on Wednesday has been cancelled by the Hungarian Government. >The announcement comes following news on Monday that Poland and the Czech Republic were set to pull out in protest of PM Viktor Orbán's apparent neutrality on the war in Ukraine. Caption video 4: Main Events of March 31st in #UkraineWar Caption video 5: 🇺🇦🇬🇪 Activists in Tbilisi honor the memory of children killed during Russia's attack on Ukraine🙏🏻
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>>230817 just realised what this guy's face has been reminding me of
>>230873 Should be something like Kiergies
>lads itt can't even think of a post
>>230853 <shot at Annnnd they missed. Also, he's not a soldier. Still no videos of actual soldiers dying in battle. Corpses (easy to fake, probably not faked, but it's trivial, see "house of horrors" etc, it's done in even tiny cities for Halloween)? Explosions (google "tannerite")? Aerial footage (google consumer drone parts)? bla bla, NOTHING from that "war" has matched Tarrant's livestream. >tank Why are tanks so cute? It makes no sense, but the japanese are right, tanks are cute.
>>230860 <doesn't use yubikey lmao
>>230877 >tank (tracked apc?) behind lace tanks are so cute >video of nothing happening oh, did we request that? >video of nothing happening oh, did we request that? >Anna It was better at Syria, this is very yawn inducing. >shoes lmao propaganda is so retarded lolololololololol <look at all these shoes - all jews burned by hitler lmfao dumbasses
>image tldr >people talking proof people can talk wow >guy in front of tank Yes, tanks are cute. <tiktok please go back >people yelling at the convoy Is everyone in Ukraine filthy?
>>230862 They're not schizos, you're just a retard m8
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*asserts dominance over bins*
>Defunded: Financing for Oil and Gas from Big U.S. Banks Has Plunged Big opportunity for Bitcoin.
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Caption video 1: Mini-movie with special effects for morning coffee☕️ Aerial reconnaissance shared the results of night raids on the invader's equipment Caption video 2: 😢Monstrous shots from Irpen. After the liberation of this town from the orcs, some of its inhabitants will not be seen alive by neighbors, relatives and friends ... Who gave you the right, Putin, to kill peaceful Ukrainians? Caption video 3: 🔥 The defenders of Kyiv powerfully hit the technique of the Russians Ukrainian artillery destroyed self-propelled gun mounts and multiple launch rocket systems, as well as several dozen armored vehicles and vehicles: https://bit.ly/3ISvEJ5 Caption video 4: This is art! Ukrainian soldiers showed how skillfully they eliminate enemy equipment🔥 Caption video 5: The fifth reserve battalion of the 28th Specialized Brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign "minus" enemy equipment from the Ukrainian "Stugna"
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Caption video 1: "Here's the yard we walked through. Just a battlefield." A girl from Mariupol kept a video diary for several days under the shelling of Russian invaders. We admire the endurance and calmness of this child! Just listen👂 Caption video 2: Alexander Turchinov was presented with a cake with Putin's head on his birthday. He cut it open and said, "There are no brains there at all." "Bloody pastor" is back in business😁 Caption video 3: Look how many carpets stolen from Ukrainians are in the video 😵‍💫 We sincerely do not understand this carpet fetish of Russian marauders. Do they not sell carpets in Russia? The carpet liberator can no longer answer this ideological question, as we see in the same video Caption video 4: Ridiculous Russian "liberators" carried out "denazification" and "demilitarization" of a cowshed on a collective farm in the Kharkov region. For years their udders have been oppressed by milkmaids from the nationalist flying death squads, but now they are free. 👉 Details Caption video 5: Lousy "denazifiers" with a swastika on buckles, worshiping the Third Reich, the murderers of civilians from the Fourth Reich.
>>230869 keeek that caught me off guard tbh
>>230891 Images of the dead are meaningless. I don't care for videos of people talking and eating, it's dumb. And destroyed buildings are meaningless, as any text can be attached and nobody knows what's true. >swastikas Impossible to verify, anybody can make a belt buckle. In the US, it's common to find jews spraying swastikas on their own buildings. We have the meme "hey moshe, whatcha doing?"
>>230890 Corpses are meaningless. Of course, they could be real, but they are too easy to fake & manipulate. CCTV footage of attacks are useless, as they are trivial to fake "google tannerite" and require expert analysis. Easily text can be attached, the text is the propaganda, and you can implant there any nonsense you please, just so. Aerial footage is the same. Come back when you have footage rivaling Saint Tarrant. Thank you.
Please understand, I know the Ukrainians are totally fucked, they have no chance without US troops getting involved. However, I won't put up with propaganda crap for retardos.
why does filtering an ID take you way back up the thread?
It's flattery to be filtered by someone perfectly stupid and useless entirely.
The simple charm of idiots is the just rewards they reap by their stupidity. That is why they are called stuck pigs.
>unidiomatic word order very schizo
sneed lads >>230896 tbh didn't used to be like that very annoying smh
>>230899 I'm using the style of the Russia.
>transvestite commissioned military officers These gayists entered the military to have people call them ma'am
In case you haven't been noticing, all things bear are alpha thanks to the glorious conquests of the liberators of the regions.
>>230902 tbh just psychos looking for institutional power over people
People who say that women are losing opportunities because of the transvestites should remind themselves how many opportunities men of character lost when homo-ists were enabled in formerly normal and non-perverse male organisations. Cut the cancer at the root
Why do you want the west to have a healthy military?

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*clicks embed*
As if I wasn't mostly writing this to troll the despicable sodomites that sometimes come here. No peace for the wicked Here's >(1) now
>>230910 you really think thats gonna work picard? a trivial little (1), why I have been posting family guy/simpson porn in threads back in the regency period
>>230907 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they should make trading cards
>>230907 what's Nikon going to do about the Z mount? They have a whole line of pro cameras built around the letter Z. The Z9 is Nikon's flagship camera. It costs $5,500 dollars, and represents Nikon's commitment and conversion to mirrorless (and commitment to video). All Nikon Z mount cameras have a giant Z on them, they're easily identified because of this.
virgin ukraine: we claim two non-primary colors, and only used in combination chad Russia: we claim a whole letter in the alphabet, causing you yanks to switch to British spelling.
Sorry, yellow is primary. So one primary, but only when used with a specific non-primary color. >>230913 I don't get why people hate pit bulls, they are literally brave as lions on the battlefield.
>>230908 Why is modern art so unrealistic?
>>230913 if i were to procure a war dog it would be one of those daschunds that can jump over anything. pitbulls are so crude
I wonder what it's like to be so retarded that all people of superior IQ were certain to be, to your mind, schizos, and thus not worth listening to. Being retarded is so amazing.
>>230918 Can you be a whore on whorechan? Thank you. Goodbye.
morning lads fresh incelogre kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XG0yAteE_g
>>230918 based >>230921 smornig lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMtU1r6ndRI& good tune lads but i know we're not supposed to like such things round here
Smells like WANK
>>230923 decent tbh >>230926 keeeek >>230927 no lad april fools was cancelled this year
Still smells like wankpost
Yeah, definitely either retards or people smoking WEED. I hope the police or karma catches up to those FOOLS!
schizbot should kill himself for april fools tbh
Oh nice to see Magic Lantern getting ported to more cameras. >>230931 You sound like a loser boomer "derp something SHOULD happen" I have invented the trangle of loserboomers for fools such as yourself: >point 1 of the triangle: should be (we'll obey the rules, they'll not, gosh, how is this happening?) >point 2 of the triangle: what about (hypocrisy lol like they give a crap) >point 3 of the triangle: hahaha (laughing at the ones winning completely and totally, such a win, boomers)
You fail at everything, because you have no realistic goals. My initial point regarding the British far right is that they were stupidly isolationist, and are thus doomed to total annihilation, and the proof of that is in the total inability to capitalize on common ground in opposition to a war in eastern Europe, because they wish to sit and fap and larp at home. So they are the stupid dodo creatures assured annihilation.
yeah, what he said
Mssr Sneethe de Seetheville take your anti-sneetholytics.
>>230916 >I don't get why people hate pit bulls, they are literally brave as lions on the battlefield. they were bred for dogfighting, they are extremely dangerous due to their genetics and it is irresponsible for them to be allowed anywhere but a cage and a dogfighting pit. either we decide as a society that dogfighting is immune and euthanize the pit bull breed to extinction, or we bring back dogfighting and implement strict regulations regarding the storage of pit bulls (so they are not able to access residential areas where they can harm people, pets, and livestock).
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>>230936 tbh they were bred for a specific purpose and they're always going to try and fulfil that purpose >>230937 every time
going hard on the mark felton today, seething about the kosovo one though like
>>230939 kosovo is serbia
>>230941 that's fake, look at the way it moves and imagine manipulating magnets to make it do that. it's bullshit like all science articles always are. it's just a grift for some meme grant.
>>230941 >robot this is just magnetic slime with someone moving a magnet around underneath the table smh
>>230942 don't know I've seen similiar stuff before that was legit
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just found a self-replicating nanobot colony under the sofa lads
this nigga frettin bout magnetic sludge while walking round with a microphone connected to the internet in his pocket
>>230947 good face score. 10/10 would stream.
big assoom going on buddy
>>230948 you haven't seen her toes yet though
>>230942 >>230943 >The slime, which is controlled by magnets, is also a good electrical conductor and can be used to interconnect electrodes, its creators say. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/apr/01/magnetic-turd-scientists-invent-moving-slime-that-could-be-used-in-human-digestive-systems
also lmao @ the robot turd
it looks like something my dear wee pal used to shit out when his tummy was upset pbuh
The Guardian says "magnetic turd", but robot turd is better. >>230950 It's okay, I'm sure the Chinese have invented toe ai.
>>230734 Needs a beta sigma edit.
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>eat magnets >get a job building robots it's so simple
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>>230875 It's not looking good food wise for the next few years.
bennies toil this time some bossman cunts are literally just advertising their business not specifically hiring or anything just rubbing it in our faces for some reason
>>230945 Are you sure it isn't just ants, or chinks?
>>230958 Look you disgusting neets at all this toil we'll never hire you for.
>>230961 California desperately needs to fall into the pacific ocean
>>230958 naturally lad it's neet humiliation if you actually get a job that defeats the point so they may as well stop pretending >>230959 keeeeeek
>>230962 No, read shitlord: >camera companies need to do something. security options to lock cameras. Basically, this whole situation is the fault of the Japanese. no surprise really that they'd do that, they allied with the nazis.
>>230965 I don't think that man ever sleeps, maybe he's just a lobotomised chatbot that escaped microsharts digital vaults after all.
>>230966 could very well be
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>>230957 time to start vertical gardening
>>230968 We're fucked
>>230968 >vertical gardening smh trellises have existed for thousands of years and these people act like they've invented something new just because it's made out of white plastic
>>230960 >>230963 got gussied up again in the toilman's noose and all but when I got there it turned out the lass running the session (freshly hired according to one of the only lads working at the job centre) was "ill" and had to reschedule for the third or fourth time in a row guess I'll go on a shopping walk instead
>>230970 then why aren't you already doing this?
>>230971 keeeeeeeek this is getting ridiculous >>230972 no land
>>230973 These can be done indoors.
the jew fears the indoor agrarian cover your carpets in compost
>>230971 Maybe t he entire decline of the west can be attributed to office foids, Steiner should write his doctorate about this.
>>230974 You still need space, power, water and very specific sorts of lights.
>>230976 *sends emails while rome burns
vertical farming is a pipe dream as long as it stays more energy intensive than actual farming.
>>230978 *emails about scheduling meetings to discuss emails to be sent about other meetings to discuss getting together to talk about what we can do as environmentally conscious lgbtq+ allies to stop the burning of rome.*
sorry support the refugees fleeing rome.
Putting up a door net to stop fly refugees coming in and stealing resources tbh
>>230983 Good lad.
*borrows your lip balm*
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>>230983 bit racist lad they're doing the jobs you're too lazy to do
>>230966 I don't think about you at all.
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>>230985 don't like this polface very much ngl
>>230981 Go die in a fire job having cancer.
Right I'm off lads, remember not to feed schizobot.
>>230991 have fun lad
>>230985 terrifying
Two Ukie Hind gunships did a run over the border into Russia and hit Belgorod
>>230991 positively crushing, the retards find unity in ignorance and failure as always and in all things.
>>230994 what do they think this will accomplish? it's just going to drum up more russian support for the war against the evil ukrainian aggressors
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>>230994 oc, just for u
>>230997 I don't know what they hit in Belgorod but I assume it must have been some kind of valuable target. Maybe they can cut off the supply lines and isolate the ruskies
trips for a tranny killing themselves today
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>>230999 yeah sounds about right tbh just have to wait and see >>231000 based
>>230997 Nothing, Alexey Arestovich already admitted that Ukraine is militarily fucked.
>>231002 hohols should've surrendered weeks ago tbqh it was over as soon as gayto decided not to intervene
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hojHGXi1qew >le science versus the le propaganda if only reality was this perfectly Manichean totally not a fucking nonce either
>>230997 They apparently hit oil supplies, so it's an attack on the adjacent supply change.
>>231004 >How Nazis Infiltrated Academia (and why they're obsessed with penis size)
It was literally a sortie.
>>231006 I wish Andrew Joyce had cadre sleeper cells in every fucking Humanities & Sociology department across the western hemisphere tbh.
>Colonel Andrey Kislovsky, the commanding officer of Odessa got caught banging trannies by the SBU
Don't care, just hoping Russia nukes London.
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gorillas standing tall
>>231010 admit it you are working for the pope to spread romanist catholicism in these threads
>>231009 so many good memories from Odessa
>a third of the way through 2022 already
>>231013 >>231010 sorry lad, thought you were schizo was going to bully him smh
>>231015 sharp surge in energy prices my direct debit tripled since October
>>231015 almost over
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Big changes today in the Scottish Parliament.
>>231019 keeeeeeek
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>>231023 Suspiciously little meat is involved in that plate.
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My god, Russian army ovens have a proving shelf. We've already lost the war.
>>231023 not sure what the green stuff is
>>231027 1 slice. Stale.
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sdeiner i laid a easter egg fah you
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>>231028 >bake bread daily in field kitchens >load it all onto a supply convoy back to russia >leave it in a warehouse for a week >ship it back to the front lines and ration it out
that was oc btw
>>231004 >that thumbnail >every race circumcised
>>231026 that's camouflage. They wear it to blend into the background, making it hard for the enemy to spot them
>>231030 >>231033 based good lad >>231035 thanks lad that makes sense
>>231033 Good lid
>>231034 was gonna say that keeeek americans do not get to have opinions on cocks >>231035 sensible chuckle tbh
>>231030 a mild qeq tbh have to wonder why not a single zogbot takes one for the team and beats him to death there and then smh
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new reaction image tbh
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>>231039 theyre probably all chipped on completion of basic with a nano-explosive that detonates and severs their spinal cord if they so much as lay a hand on the golden puppet tbh
fresh unfunny wojak animator lad featuring eceleb drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU1oX6AeNJs
>>231043 Not exactly selling it.
>>231043 don't get it tbh
>>231044 I'm disgruntled because I thought it was going to be a new memi about a redneck piglad, very steinerian, instead of ralph guntman drama >>231045 I guess the guntceleb has encountered fresh troubles
A hideous Pig American
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>>231046 >ralph guntman Who? At least post about known ecelebs, lad.
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Although there's 3 I don't know and one I'm unsure of in that image now I look at it.
>>231049 Is it going to be a poojeeta or will they be doing some real archaic animal cruelty by sending a nigger into space like they did with poor doggos and monkes? Smh.
>>231051 It isn't going to be a Chink.
>>231049 >>231051 >>231052 it'll be a money laundering scheme
https://youtu.be/5Lj60or_6BY keeeek so many bruce willis slapping the rock memes
My broadband is up by £5
Women be like "carrying a few extra pounds" when they be loaded down with guineas lmao
>the worms in my hair are getting louder
>>230908 >Moe >not our lad Wiggum
>>230908 nothing worse than badly drawn tits
(8.00 MB 1280x720 video_2022-04-01_12-46-02.mp4)

An ambush in Kiev Oblast.
"carrying a few extra pounds"? more like a few extra pies!!
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>>231063 keeeeeek
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>>231065 >that monke it's all connected
(9.05 MB 1920x1080 Beating meat.mp4)

>forget that Joost exists >check what the Joost is doing SMASH MY BOLLOCKS NEDERVOUW
>>231065 keeeeek
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>In the centre of Kherson on Svoboda Square (which is very symbolic), the Russian flag🇷🇺finally flew proudly I would like to recall the wonderful words of Emperor Nicholas I: >"Where the Russian flag is raised, it will not be lowered."
>>231009 wat phenotype is that?
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>>231070 Weird nigger.
>Rhodesians named a city "Wanky" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Ukies just shot down a Russian Mi-28N.
(2.80 MB 576x1024 1648813652065.webm)

old sneethe tbh lad you need to get better material
when I don't make any money by moderating online
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>Norks are releasing a Trump commemorative stamp
she's killing her self to make money off online feeders and she thinks that's something to tictok.
>>231080 was under the impression that it was for ASMR retards or whoever the target audience for "mukbang" is given that she clearly puts effort into her top half but not anything else
>>231079 based kim maybe the darkMAGA Q will convince him to press the big red button
>>231079 based >>231080 validation short-circuits the reward centres in foids' brains tbh she thinks she's got it made as soon as the fans move on to somebody new she'll have a breakdown as she's forced to confront how she's irreversibly ruined her body even if she loses the fat those stretch marks aren't going anywhere keeeek and she'd probably still have skin flaps too
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*mocks a fat lass* time for another bacon sarnie i've earnt it
>>231084 keeksmh goodlad for me it's baguette and greekoid olive and herb cheese that looks like sick
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Turns out my butcher was on holiday in Poland so need to go tomorrow for some bacon.
>>231087 poland's a long way to go for some bacon lad plus it'd be rude to pester him while he's on holiday just wait until he gets back
>>231088 He is back and I will continue to use increasingly poor grammar to get my point across.
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might go out now as it goes, all I have in the house is a tin of sauerkraut and some slices of ham
>>231091 luv that picture tbh
Press Secretary Jen Psaki is resigning
>>231093 wow the replaceable scapegoat was sacrificed and another irrelevant foid can immediately take her place stay winning Q
>>231074 Lol swarthoids smh
>>231093 do we know why? I suspect she just began to find it too stressful and upsetting having to run cover for the demented Biden and his insane regime
>>231096 MSNBC are offering her a better wage.
*appears suddenly holding a cigar* well picard seems like this thread is lacking in simpsons porn wouldn't you say?
(5.26 MB 720x1224 E6t3xGQBWVf0TtHJ.mp4)

Ukie paediatrician losing her rag at some lad from Irpen.
>>231099 keeeeek god I hate women and the gay PR battle phone shite too with both of them tactically pulling out their zogslabs
I am sure they care you hate women mr. beached whale whose blowhole is on his leg
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Caption videos 1-2: In Sumy #Ukraine several #Russian Cruise Missiles have hit. Caption video 3: Tanks of Ukraine yesterday afternoon moving from the north to the Antonovsky bridge, where the battle will take place. The entire Colon will be destroyed a little later in the day! Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Footage of air strikes at an oil depot in Belgorod. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian Defense Ministry showed Ukrainian T-64BV captured near Chernihiv
bitchy today aren't you martin
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>>231102 >The entire Colon will be destroyed a little later in the day! bit gay
>>231103 Just teasing, love
>>231104 KEEEK
>>231102 >Antonovsky bridge That was a month ago.
>>231108 these are so weird
>>231099 The whole medical industry stinks. Unfortunately impossible to avoid during wartime, one of the only valid excuses for being in one of their dens of iniquity, er offices.
>>231108 I wish my cock was neck thick
thats right peecard, there is alot more where that came from unless you deal with this schizo character who has been running amok on this thread for too long
(1.08 MB 480x362 wiggum_trousers_down.gif)

>>231040 The one in the back looks like he's crying
I totally disavow that Q lady, she's bad news, she has lots of yucky diseases, and is a GLOBALIST.
>>231102 Someone brought us the early report: >>230994 And there happens to be one more video of this circulating, but it's of 3 helos egressing from the x. And let me guess, still no Saint Tarrant -tier videos of any soldiers dying in combat in Ukraine.
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shut up schizo
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Caption video 1, picture 1: 🇺🇦⚡In Odessa, the commander of the defense was caught in an orgy with a transvestite. In the underground brothel of the Odessa region of Arcadia, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kislovsky, a deputy of the Odessa City Council from the Trust in Affairs party, one of the leaders of the local territorial defense, was spotted. Caption video 2: 🇺🇦❌🇷🇺 — During clashes in Lukyanivka, Kyiv/Kiev Oblast on March 24, 2022, Ukrainian Forces managed to damage a Russian Ground Forces MT-LB tracked vehicle, T-72B3 tank and a BMP. A Russian T-72B3 and another BMP variant are also seen destroyed on footage Caption video 3: Russian Army Invading Mariupol Caption video 4: Ukrainian defender works on air targets
(29.78 MB 1280x720 video_2022-04-01_13-07-47.mp4)

Ukies getting with ATGMs this morning.
>The Mountain Fortress of Brimstone Valley
>231118 David Davis has posted a gay rape video.
Oh, I didn't read before I clicked, and only watched as far as what looked like them going after his arse. Apex keek at the tranny being real.
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>the influx of ukrainian tranny refugees
>231120 >231124 into the heckin filterino you go
>>231117 So which side are you on? Putin's or Biden's? Can't be both.
>>231124 Find it amusing that globohomo Zelensky has stopped troomers from leaving saying they have to fight because they're male. Wonder if the mortality rates will match the regular suicides in peace time.
>>231119 Good video
>>231119 that the Ukies getting missiled, or the ruskies?
>>231128 Pretty similar to a lot of Afghanistan ones tbh, expected snackbars.
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>>231129 Ukies.
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first for homely girls in suggestive yoga poses
>>231134 Thunderfood is so embarrassing
>>231133 based >>231134 dumb redditoids learning that real life isn't call of duty
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Caption video 1: Hastily retreating units of the RF Armed Forces fell into one of the ambushes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Shooting devils like in a shooting range. Caption video 2: This occupier did not have time to escape from Ukraine. Now fried. Caption videos 3-4: A unique case in Ukraine: the Russian Mi-28N, working in tandem with the Ka-52, was damaged by an anti-aircraft missile and lost its tail boom. Without a much-needed detail, the car flew several kilometers and fell - but the helicopter pilots survived. The search and rescue service evacuated the crew. Separately, it is worth listening to the words of a local resident, his attitude to what is happening and to our military.
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Caption videos 1-2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦🔥 Soldiers of the Chechen special forces continue to clean up the Mariupol direction. Caption videos 3-5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Mi-17 helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on extinguishing fuel tanks at an oil depot in Belgorod
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ni lads
Been rejected after two interviews smh cunts
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Love planes me.
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The US Navy just lost a E-2D Hawkeye off the coast of Virginia.
>>231142 Fucking hell, it's not a submarine what were they thinking?
>>231143 "it'll be alright if I let go of the controls for a bit, I need to check twitter" probably
>>231142 Kek how many ships,planes and helis have the US lost at this point, ridiculous.
Scones with butter and cream and my life is falling apart again for post sninner snack
>>231143 Putin made sure that Lt. Shaniqua Senchez couldn't get enough flight time to be competent. Ukraine needs another $500 billion.
FRESH BOSSMAN OF THE TOILNOOSES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rERo2BYdVnY
think I'm gonna end up as a neet again
>forgot it's Friday
fresh jive turkey Good Walls for Bad Neighbours: The Meaning of Asgard's Walls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zAEk7GbnF8
>>231150 good lad
a big fat arse
>>231149 is that Jeremy Corbyn on the right there?
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>>231151 >fucking off to scandiland Traitor
video of the ukrainian commander getting caught with a tranny
>>231155 He's moving? Maybe I can visit him for an interview
does jive have children yet, hes been married 3 years
>>231156 Why was he naked while SHE was wearing all HER clothes?
>>231155 >medposting Cringe tbh
>>231161 Okay, Mr Bean
Posting against germanics in favour of meds is simply unpatriotic. That much is obvious
lad 70% of us are related to King tut, we are meds
oh. it's aggnonce
love meds me
wasn't able to reply to the reddit mong yesterday who was implying only germans can be national socialist, literal 80iq grugbrain take tbh.
Meds are poor and uneducated which is why they learn and communicate in a germanic language (for example at 4Chan), and borrow germanic money in the EU. It's no longer the age of antiquity. Nice place to visit for a holiday, but unfortunately proximity to Africa comes with a heavy cost. Let us not become "med-ified"
>>231167 >implying only germans can be national socialist likely aggnonce again
i hate aggnonce
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Looking to get on the property market, how much would one of these set me back?
>>231172 115 grand
>>231173 Reasonable, I'll give Deano a call.
how do people even rent or buy shit nowadays, was looking at rent prices and it'll be a council house shithole that looks like a place an orc would live in and its £500 a month is in the middle of nowhere, imagine wasting money on that shit.
>bbc news STILL using 2 week old cope map for ukraine
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>get great grandad's records back >got transferred three times between the Welsh Regiment, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and the South Wales Borderers for going AWOL seven times Based and local pilled, fuck the bossman.
>>231175 Why does a one bedroom flat cost the same per month as a 3 bedroom home in exactly the same areas.
Only lads I know that were able to buy was due to their father-in-law helping them out bigly. Then you've got those paying through the nose to rent with others in London and live like a rat.
>>231180 I'm looking a prices in the north It's all orientated towards students now, if you go any place near a city you're competing with rich kids and government grant money for rental properties.
>>231177 good lad
>>231180 my sister pays £800 a month rent for a tiny London flat and that's with her boyfriend paying the other £800. I do know people who've bought property but it's always inconvenient to travel to/from - have to use car/bus, not near train stations. Probably cheaper price that way. They're probably mortgaged out of the eyeballs though.
>>231177 I thought you were talking about vinyl records for a second there
>>231155 the med meme is the biggest cringe cope
>>231142 astounding that the yanks can rack up losses of military hardware like this when not even in combat. Quite telling.
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watching it again
>>231190 I want to watch the porn video
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>no militiabros
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>>231190 she is so peng it's unreal
>>231190 what doco is this from?
>>231195 can't remember it was during the trump hysteria
its an aljazeera doco
https://youtu.be/lU9THDZ2S5k >the same mong who went and interviewed azog fags this last year stupid new york jew
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>>231192 >ywn be implicated in a glownigger op to kidnap mummy gretchen
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>Imran Khan Assassination Plot Reported By Security Agencies: Paki Minister smh
>>231199 >ywn force her to watch the greatest story never told and make her join the militia as the leader
smh those poor lads were in the local news lately I think one of their wives narced on them even more since the kidnapping charges didn't stick
>>231159 because "she" was probably sucking his dick
cannibal yank looking like he wants to put mr anderson back in the pod
>>231204 You ever remember that e-celeb 'Poseidon'? Trump cultists have mentally fucked him into full retard.
>>231205 I remember him he was pro vax, and everyone turned on him what's he up to now?
Abolish cul-de-sacs
>>231205 never heard of him
(763.25 KB 425x425 polfacejacksonnerrand.gif)

Just smashed my press up record!
>>231205 ice poseidon? the ugly dago who walked around saying nigger?
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What's left of Azov getting smash.
Also footage of a Ukie tank getting out by a DNR tank in Volnovakha earlier in the war. https://files.catbox.moe/zql8ho.mp4
>>231204 Keeek
>>231204 >white poz weekend
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>>231206 He is so invested in his love of the vax. You can currently find him calling anybody that disagrees with him on any subject including Covid a Nazi.
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DNR caught the "pregnant" woman that was plastered over the media.
>fridge temperatures again >can't afford to run the heating parliament should be bulldozed with the MPs inside tbh >>231217 >NWG engaging with him keek smh
>>231219 Yeah, seeing Cannibal reminded me of seeing him in the comments the other day
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦🔥 Firefighters managed to reduce the fire area at the oil depot in Belgorod by localizing several outbreaks. This was reported by the press service of the city administration. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian Armed Forces attacked the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with an Onyx missile from the Bastion coastal complex. Caption video 3: Extinguishing oil tanks attacked by Ukrainian helicopters in Belgorod. Caption video 4: MARIUPOL. SPONTANEOUS DIALOGUE OF THE CITIZENS AND THE DPR MIA SPECIAL FORCE THROUGH A SHIELDED STREET Caption video 5: Kyiv region is a runaway russia. At the end of the video, they destroy their own BMP.
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>>231222 Keeeeeeek love me some matrix kino me
>>231222 KEEEEEEEEK goodlad
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>>231222 keeeeeeek
You take the blue pill, your posting ends, you go back to deciphering coded messages from Q left in the reflections of London bus windows and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the white pill, you level up your schizophrenia, and I show you how tasty human flesh is.
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>>231232 society is collapsing
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the two reasons we dont have france 2015-2018 style terror is because our black market isn't flooded with guns, especially automatic rifles and muslims get far more preferable treatment here than france so aren't pissed off enough to chimp out.
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h'uncle j'hared and noseley cannibal too, I guess he really wanted to get some second hand clout from being in the same call as old man taylor https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR151:3 >>231234 bit gay lad
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>>231236 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>231213 >zero soldiers dying in action Yeah right, believe it when I see a Tarrant-style video of Ukraine. Dead bodies are a total cheat, they could have died of anything and then been dressed up to suit whatever purpose.
>>231230 >You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.
>>231142 Who was the pilot? :^)
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>I know he doesn't like medication >I'm gonna go with schizo, please Ben
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>>231231 Loooool so good Cheers lad
>>231134 Ukraine had one job, which was to take care of our sterile youth problem, and now they are betraying us.
dates for pudding
It's incredibly important to get this out there: >It's never been against the law for guys to kiss each other >It's never been against the law for guys to hold hands What was against the law was men having sex with each other. That's all homosexuality is about, it's nothing to do with romance at all.
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>>231246 It's not gay if my penis stays doesn't enter your bum, kitten.
It applies to the so-called debate about medical sexual experimentation on children. The topic never was whether a boy could wear a dress or kiss a boy, but that his normal sexual function would become damaged by the experimental medicine, and that the result would be harm. It's always about sex, the topic is sex, not anything else, don't let them say it's anything else.
Need a groomer bins tbh
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FX-05_Xiuhcoatl never knew the mexicans had their own assault rifle
need a bin gf tbh
>>231250 >spics doing aztec larp KEEEEK based retards
>>231247 keeeeek
>>231252 >they are getting sued by H&K for basically ripping off krauttech keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>231251 keek never saw that one before
how often do you think powder monkeys got nonced on long voyages during the Napoleonic war.
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>>231255 What about this one?
>The United States blacklisted the KGB of Belarus, the KGB special forces "Alpha" and the Ministry of Interior of Belarus. What does that mean? They're terrorists now?
>>231252 less gay than amerishart companies naming their new guns after jewshit even when they aren't run by jews like fagpul naming their ACR the "masada" until based texas bushmaster told them to fuck off with the gay name
>polygonal rifling is an amazing new 21st century technological development >actually it's from the 1850s based decline >>231259 keksmh they know in whose service the guns will be used I guess
>>231258 america is reduced to thinking the whole world is high school and they are the popular girl who can call people dorks.
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>>231257 smh I'm not going to save that
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Unintentionally lost a stone
>>231263 I found it
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Just had a great heinous shite.
If I was in America I'd call the cops on every black person I come across until I get another summer of floyd. maybe thats just because Im a good fucking person unlike steinchud?
Whenever you see an Apple watch, ask, "does that have the pedophile symbol Mickey Mouse on it?"
>>231266 The whole 2020 race riot thing was due to the media. If the jews who own the media want the chimpouts they just turn on the faucet.
>>231268 yeah but niggers are also uncontrollable and uppity, if you put the videos of cops executing innocent negros they'll chimp. it wont be coordinated by niggers on social media will force it to the best of their ability.
>>231266 this is a good idea lad, I have only called the police on niggers 2 times in the past few years need to up my game. there is a panhandler nigger i called the police on a few times but he always ends up back on the street
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Ukie maps of Donetsk.
maybe we can just call random US cop stations and say "yeah I saw two BLACK MALES flashing guns on (google maps located) street" enough times until the cops get into a bad altercation with random blacks.
>>231273 yeah just by sensing the vibe in shartica I can tell there is gonna be at least one chimpout this summer
this ones good, someone mp4 it https://youtu.be/dOzWnTU47cg?t=140
>>231275 Jesus CHRIST the screeches
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>231278 why are you posting gay porn?
>>231279 Because you posted gay demonic shit too.
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>>231275 Best as I can tell from the vid it looks like the retard cops were antagonising a drunk guy for no reason and jumped to firing a full mag into him when he threw a punch after they were trying to grab him. Body cam 2 guy seems to have though officer one overreacted.
>>231282 wtf i thought we were watching Barney's Great Adventure (1998)? is that in a different room you set up?
I'm going to read the Jewish Bible and nothing you homo-adjacent edgelords can do will stop me
>nearly 2 hours long capeshit >at 9pm smh I'm getting some sleep instead
>>231286 1:44 minutes if we start now we will be finished before midnight
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>ukraine denies responsibility for belgorod Russia can't do anything more than she already is, looks like a random move to see what happens by Ukrainians. Smh The Ukrainians don't imo look quite so good on the battlefield as even some pro Slavic pro Russian commentators say, it's just been loss after loss. Part of me wishes they'd just surrender. But it's been so long since there's been a big war anywhere on the earth. And then you add certain problems with Slavic culture which make them less sensible than they could be.
>>231290 >you add certain problems with Slavic culture wdhmbt?
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This happened today. A whole ukie counter offensive that didn't even happen.
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>🚨BREAKING - Bucha, a Suburb of Kyiv has been Liberated by Ukrainian Forces announced by Bucha's Mayor. >❗🇺🇦 No Russian Troops are now present in Kyiv Oblast. Caption video 1: 🇺🇦🧱📹 — In Lviv, Western Ukraine (far away from the frontlines) that's how Locals are trying to prepare defenses of the city. Caption video 2: 🇧🇾 ⚡A Column of Belarusian equipment was seen on the R-23 highway in the direction of Slutsk. Around 50 units, including S-300 missile systems. Caption video 3: In Odessa, this is how it is now - whoever has a gun is the coach. Caption image: 🇺🇦❗Ukraine has suspended the recruitment of mercenaries in the "Foreign Legion" due to a lack of weapons and low qualifications of militants who have no combat experience. Caption video 4: Rosneft gas station in Belgorod (RF). There's already a queue 😏 Somewhere near such a gas station, Kadyrov was praying and recording tik-tok the other day
>No Russian Troops are now present in Kyiv Oblast. They pushed the Russian back to the Belarusian border in one day?
>>231294 the russians left intentionally, giving up on kiev to focus on the east.
>>231295 :cringe:
https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/red-pill-prince-curtis-yarvin >The Red-Pill Prince thielbux working away, looks like the elites are trying to build up a controlled dissident right again since the alt lite isn't cutting it anymore with the challenges over the horizon
>231297 >:cringe: disgusting poof
>>231296 No, they said they digging in and staying put. .
>>231295 he's right, the same sentiment is behind troomerism
>>231284 I prefer Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000) starring Alec Baldwin
wanna cyber bully my race mixing cousin tbh
>>231302 >that vile little jew i want to squeeze them to death >>231304 just wrote "You must be ashamed to be seen with THAT 😂" on her story
>>231305 Based
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>Ukie MoD is denying Russian withdrawal from Kiev and Chernigov Oblasts I'd rather believe that tbh. Why would Russia give up Chernobyl? Giving up on just Irpen on the Kiev city limits is far more believable than the whole of Kiev's Oblast.
>>231305 coalburner?
>>231308 yeah, he's a halfie or octoroon or something, has autism, i'm bullying him too tbh, his dad left him before he was born surprise surprise
Isn't it sort of weird how everyone considers it in poor taste for Ukraine to attack Russia? I'm really at a loss here.
Auron Macintyre commented on it: https://nitter.net/AuronMacintyre/status/1509995074226118656#m Maybe because Russia kept Syria from attacking Israel, and because the US is just way too far from Afghanistan for a reprisal, people forgot about the whole idea of counterattack.
>>231307 Chernobyl is om the wrong side of the Dnieper river. It's not easily defendable for Russia and apart from serving as a staging ground for attacking Kiev it's not particularly valuable territory.
>fucking chink still trying to access my email
>>231314 Just into yubikeys.
>>231312 >THEY CROSSED STATE LINES??!!!! keek
>>231311 I still don't believe Russia would free up forces in Kiev proper by giving up the Oblast.
>>231295 I wonder who cried. Such a mysterious tweet.
>pro hol hol fags ITT
>>231319 It's a sincere question. Why would anybody act surprised that at least Ukraine would try to counterattack? Consider the humble turtle. Though turtles rarely are thought of as strategists in the art of war, their first instinct if you grab them is counterattack - they'll try to bite you. And if you're out of reach, they'll hide inside their shell waiting to ambush you.
how about surrendering when its obvious you have lost and you could not draw your "allies" into the conflict?
>ukrainians being encircled in the donbass over the next month causing the largest pocket in the world since 1945 80k ukies finna be rekt
speaking of 1945, sports event in stalingrad a few months after the war
>>231321 BBC Radio have been running with the notion that Russia lost, and troops are essentially retreating
>>231321 it's basically the US wanting to inflict casualties against the Russian military, capture some of their materiel to analyze, create atrocity propaganda against them, and try to get Europe buying American energy. they can't and won't try to stop Russia from deciding the fate of the Ukraine, but as they've said, they want to make it "costly" >>231324 they've been saying that the whole time. Russia is only using some 200k troops again 600k ukroids, so they have to maneuver and use feints. the attack on Kiev was a feint to draw ukros away from Donbas- now that they have a good Crimea-Donbas corridor and Mariupol is almost finished, they can position away from Kiev to focus on taking over the whole east and wiping out the hohol army
https://americanmind.org/features/replace-the-ruling-class/the-unbearable-whiteness-of-jews/ >As “whiteness” becomes code for “evil,” many Jews are understandably—but misguidedly—fleeing the label. Their ability to discuss what is going on in society without actually describing it or talking about it is incredible tbh
>>231322 Are they going to bother to retreat themselves or going to allow themselves to become encircled?
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Any excuse to not talk with me
have you lads been watching patrick lancaster?
https://youtu.be/CqqkHeV8WBg >why did Russia trust England what did the finns mean by this?
>40% of teen pregnancies in 15 y/o girls involve a fathering man who is 20-29.
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Giving up on in the cities of Kiev and Chernigov but keeping the as much of the surrounding oblasts to tie up the as much Ukies forces away from the Donbass.
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Both times I downloaded the app that gets the Twitter threads, it causes this website to freeze and become unwieldy
do mexicans have their own imageboard. I wonder if there's a european spanish sub-group of them. Like britpol with yanks.
>>231337 8chan used to have imageboards for a bunch of other countries, I recall there was an Argie and an Egyptian one at least.
>>231338 There's that big Finnish one as well
>>231338 The Italian one seemed pretty active from what I can remember
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>>231340 just found this there. brutal
Fins seems based tbh, it's mad I always see finnish players on video games and on the internet disproportionately to other countries userbases.
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>>231342 It's too close to midnight for me to be seething about women
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>>231342 Just want to meet them then never reply to their messages after
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I thought they both died of covid?
>>231344 Seethe? That just makes me hard
>Zelensky avoided answering the question whether he ordered the attack on the oil depot in Belgorod “I do not discuss my orders as commander in chief or head of state. There are things that I share only with the military, and they tell me,” the President of Ukraine said in an interview with Fox News.
>>231342 don't let steiner see this he'll go ER
>>231345 Seems a bit dusky, weird head shape, a relative of the quadroon boyfriend perhaps?
>>231344 it just goes to show that the female existence is overwhelmingly superior to the male, being conceived male is flipping tails on life. your country gets invaded- men die in agony for nothing, women migrate to greener pastures where they can continue to get free stuff, attention, sex, whatever they want with no consequences. these urkoid women's lives got BETTER due to the war, they get a free one-way ticket out of their impoverished shithole to the promised land of the west
plus now they will have the privileged status of not only being a woman, but a "refugee" as well! they are untouchable!
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>>231346 nah, lad she's too busy killing jiggaboos to die
>halfchan added emotes
Just realised she's a refugee dancing and jiggling her bum to life in Poland whilst journalists and social media influencers rage about her home country being invaded
>>231356 It's worse than that, her 18 year old brother was dodging shrapnel until he died the other day.
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>>231351 >>231352 let's keep the seethe train going. god i hate women
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>>231342 wew https://youtu.be/4XopADw6m9U this lads content has been making me ashamed of being a westoid
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I must not seethe Seethe is the mind killer Seethe is the little death that brings total obliteration I will face my seethe I will permit it to pass over me and through me And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path Where the seethe has gone there will be nothing Only I will remain
>>231359 Graham Phillips too.
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give new thread
>>231353 >lets out massive fart in bunker before he dies >kek, jokes on you orc.
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women are incredible beings. Just imagine your country being invaded. Your government, the government of the country you've moved to, and all press talking about how brutal the invaders are treating your fellow countrymen. You're slavish to popular opinion, so you accept it all, and feign to understand the gravity of that: The destruction of your country. That said, you want your minge stuffed by foreign cock.
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>>231330 we invaded northern russia during the civil war solely to prevent further Finnish expansion in Finnic lands because they were allied to Germany lol.
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US 2yr/10yr bond yield spread has inverted (gone negative) which always precedes recessions and occured before the tech bubble of 1999, the 1989 recession, and 2008. what it means essentially is that investors are losing faith in short term returns (obviously there's a shemitah coming) and are locking into longer term bonds with safer lower yields. the crash isn't coming just yet, but this is a definite checkpoint on the way. learned all this from /biz/ https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/10Y2YS
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>>231366 they literally abandon their mummies and grandmummies to die in unheated dark basements surrounded by hol hol psychopaths so they can shop in italy. did you see the patrick lancaster video where they founded the abandoned 79 year old mummy in a basement with messed up legs? fuck this gay earth
>>231319 Well? Why would anybody be surprised Ukraine would attack Russia in Russia?

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