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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3582: Generic Edition Anonymous 12/02/2021 (Thu) 02:11:20 Id: 332bf4 No. 160663
doesn't really matter what i put here, does it?
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first for Anjelica Huston in The Witches
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>>160667 the cuffing the dead body of the man you just killed bit gets me every time
>>160659 not funny that that gay squid game came out recently tbh
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>>160673 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>160673 Based ²
slavs love having gypsies around though, it makes them feel civilised by comparison
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luv russians, me
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>>160678 sam hyde...
>>160679 I know imagine faggots ruining history with pop culture.
a good man and father, but a poor politician. He could not conquer or compromise.
>>160673 smh damn jews making the slavs hate amerikek
>>160682 yeah we should all love america instead right
>>160683 you're ruining my investment in loving England and hating india.
Dorshit if you pull a full 48hrs of no sleep you have to be woken every two hours for the next 2 days to prevent coma.
>>160685 what does that mean
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>>160683 they hate you more lad
>>160685 I don't think I've made it past being awake for 27-8 hrs tbh.
>>160686 If you go 48 hours with no sleep there is a you can slip into a coma after those 48 hours when sleeping.
>>160687 would love to punt that little prick square in the face
>>160688 Most western militaries have a hell week that involved being awake for 48hrs.
don't blame the russians at all though after this ukraine bs and the georgian south ossetia bs
>>160691 I'd never survive that.
>>160693 just smoke some meth lad
>>160694 haha no thanks
>>160694 They use caffeine pills now. They give you about 40% of the jolt of meth
>>160689 based
>>160696 smh no more go pills for the lads
>>160698 If you neck like 20 pills you can go for two days straight.
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watching it again
imagine being awake for 7 days on super soldier pills then they give you the demon vision night goggles to try out
>>160700 did he died?
>>160701 After 2 days you're hallucinating anyway.
>>160702 no he came back with a bowie knife later that day
>>160703 >hallucinating no such thing
>>160704 keeeeeek
>>160705 try two days will no food or sleep on in a dirt field.
can you hallucinate yourself a wife and family?
>>160708 No you hallucinate food and a warm bed.
>>160707 challenge accepted chief >>160708 no because hallucinations arent real well, they are, they are actual real things, but not hallucinations its the other realms showing themselves to you
>>160710 If I was hallucinating eternal rest it looked good.
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>>160711 i hope to hallucinate being in belarus in 1944
>>160712 you hallucinate that every time you imagine ginger lass.
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counting down to breakfast now
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this is the ideal female body and nothing you say can prove me wrong
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>>160716 wrong she should have bigger tits for that level of chonk

>>160716 uhh..
>no tits while being fat
do boomer toilers in the UK use painters tape when cutting in on painting? smh so many macho faggot boomers here don't let learners use painters tape because "only people who suck with their brush use tape"
>college boy wants to use the sissy tape just slap the paint on with your hands like a real man you faggot
why are you girls using paint? what's wrong with cob walls?
and by cob walls i mean, of course, smearing shit on the walls
>>160722 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
wish I took a video of this one boomer when I asked him how to cut a 6x6 beam with a circular saw he just called me a little girl and then held the blade guard off and just walked at it with the saw running and just kept jamming it into the hole until it fell in half keeeeeeeeeeeek it was so dangerous and he had two zoomers hold the beam
based and needlessly dangerouspilled
>>160721 If you're cutting in around skirting you can do it without tap. It's slow and tedious but doable.
>>160726 what the fuck is wrong with using a handsaw and a bit of time?
>>160729 he would have missed happy hour lad, although to be fair to the boomers if us whitemen don't work fast the richfags will hire some spics to do it as fast as they can for half the price
>>160730 Then use a reciprocating saw with a long blade.
>>160727 That's most construction sites in general.
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>>160728 without tap? how can you do it without fresh tap?
>>160733 with vintage bottled carcinogens
steiner you should go to flint michigan and drink their tap
>>160735 big city college boy like Steiner couldn't handle it the tap would best him
>>160735 I drink tap all the time probably have drank that shitty atrazene crap. there is a huge dioxane plume that is in the ground water making its way into the local river and soon enough it will flow down into lake erie. lake erie is already getting full of fire retardants which are leeching out of buildings in rainwater http://www.currentcast.org/toxic-contamination/lake-eries-dangerous-flame-retardant-problem/
“The big issue with PBDEs is that they can block thyroid receptors,” Wallace said. “Your body thinks it’s producing too much thyroid hormone, but in reality it’s just these PBDEs that are mimicking that, and it makes your body stop [producing the hormone],” Wallace said. smh turning like 30 percent of the worlds freshwater into troon fuel
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>>160738 And that's a good thing!
>not just suckling milk from a suckling peeg
wouldn't happen in the south
King Charles, even in death he knew he was making history.
>>160743 wow... deep
>>160744 keep contemplating an early exit champ.
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>>160746 only cowards contemplate.
reminder if God actually gave a crap he'd have given you a gf years ago.
wait, maybe God is busy baking cookies, after that though
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too bad I am hallucinating my own gf rn
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loving how fucking pissed off normies are right now
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>>160751 tbh whose the conspiracy theorist now sex havers?
>>160751 juicing jock skips cardio, pays price
>>160750 lying in bed hallucinating gingerlass next to me its real it was real in my mind
cant wait until the jab makes normies dicks fall off or explode
>>160755 A yes the every year dick explosion season

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>>160741 Speaking of suckling...
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what's biden ever done for me?
good for nothin', unless ur rich
drills ur capsule
5 years ago, before the mods banned them all, real Brits came to old brit
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Bevare of druids tonight lads
>>160700 man the first few days of the riots where we had this guy and the sword guy getting rekt as if nobody in america had access to guns lmfao.
>>160758 tbh. I dont expect much from you lads but the least you can do is not be a troon.
going to slurp this dipperino i think, i'm not scared of lockdowns or w/e. line on graph go up soon
>no degenerate b*sexual powerful socialite mummy gf with massive chebs for me to suck on
>>160767 People are really implying that she is attractive
>>160768 Yes. Gayist like you wouldn't understand.
>>160668 >3rd image Based and trve. Hot babes like Ghislaine can do nothing wrong. I love her, lads. I can save her. She won't be a b*sexual anymore when she recieves a real big britnat cock.
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>want to watch a netshits series made in scandiland >only torrents are dubbed, not subbed At least it's as well dubbed as dubbing gets.
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>>160771 >want to watch a netshits series
>>160772 It's supposed to be a folklore accurate depiction of dastardly, viscious elves. Peaked my curiosity.
>>160773 smh sounds like it could be kino if it was made by literally any other company
>>160774 I think the way it works is they fund people/smaller companies to make things they already would've made and netshits gets the rights for it, sometimes. Not sure if this is netflix made or one of those. Might end up being shit but I will see.
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>>160702 >>160704 i think his car was overturned and probably set on fire
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so much shite happened that was never prosecuted keek
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>insular, secretive nordic community that placates the forest elves with animal sacrifices to survive >blacks in the group
>>160716 Unpleasant expression on her face but I like her body tbh
Just had this 2 minute ad about anti jew hate on youtube >gaysrael flag keeeek
>>160780 >tiki torch lads wearing a q shirt lmao these are clearly your more low iq libtard jews.
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>>160781 this is also a very confusing image lel
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>>160780 What kind of people would promote an ethnostate whilst arguing against nationalism in all foreign communities?
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oh to frolick in the woods with my underage gf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tEgzGnzojc
>>160780 Well if they say it's baseless enough times then it is so
>>160784 As long as you don't fuck her I guess you're alright
>>160786 Those are some strong white genes
>>160788 she used both a whie egg and white sperm so the kid is 100% white.
Also awful how there is just no way to stop women from breeding while incels can't even get a crumb of pussy
>>160789 Oh what the fuck
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>>160792 Even China having the same problems smh
>>160793 Women finishing education at 25-30 thinking they are higher value than 18 year old lassirinos.
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>beg customer to let me deliver her parcel in the local shop because of how long, narrow and hilly the road to her house is >she says no.jpg
>>160796 Jesus such a mutt country
>>160795 no slacking off lad smh just wait until she tells bossman about this >>160796 looks like a caveman tbh
>>160798 Wait until i tell the bossman me and the van tumbled off the mountain side smh
>GO TO BIG BOI BUTTHOLE BASHING COUNTY JAIL! JUDGE NANCY CARNIAK steiner could probably get charged with terrorism for doing navy seals in a ski mask tbh
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>>160801 so sick of the terrorism memi tbh completely made-up crime
>>160801 shartica is such a joke, everytime I see these cases its some teenager being "charged as an adult" whats the fucking point of having the distinction then, should shag a 15 year old then say you were shagging her as an adult same logic.
>>160802 Weird how normies used to balk at foreign countries expanding the use of the term 'terrorist', like in Turkey, and yet now in the UK you can be labelled a terrorist for putting up bland stickers at a uni, and nobody seems to care.
>>160786 atleast its not a nigger family, should still be illegal, and kek at that chinky lads face compared to his sister
>>160803 >literally openly said he was antifa and had the typical online profile of an antifoid >some soyface or lisa at the fbi "UMM ackshually its not"
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>>160804 keeeeeeeeek >>160803 >>160805 tbh terrorism is just "thing i don't like" >>160808 keeeek
>sweden has 14 refugees per 1000 citizens on top of the normal migrants and "citizens"
Also just found out that pepe is actually a limmy pepe
>>160810 yikes
>>160808 Never forget >Assassination attempt on “right wing” doubleplus good >mass murdering avowed hard left nutter doubledoubleplus good https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62715
Worst part about reading normalnigger conservashite people arguing online is it always devolves into them talking about how non racist and left wing and liberal britain is compared to other countries, major blackpill
>>160813 still amazed he killed so many in only 30 seconds and only cause they police were on him immediately, if he'd been given even a minute more he could've racked up a massive count, in terms of efficiency he is really high up there
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>>160813 par for the course tbh if it advances the cause it's good >>160814 tbh for them it's a competition to see who can cede ground faster >>160816 smh so sick of the chinky takeover
German and Dutch hippies are on their way to the Channel lads
>>160816 >that whole thread also she seperates herself from "aussies" literally in the second tweet.
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>>160818 Boomers on shitter and daily mail still threatening to withhold their tory vote until bojo gets rid of priti and stops the "incompetence" over this KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >tfw the tories have fulfilled open borders more than any other party
>Nothing to do with unprotected bumsex and obesity Good news
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>>160820 >Shiti Patel
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had a strange hunger that cant be sated recently tbh, can't find any 1 particular food that makes me feel content
>>160824 Are you pregnant, lass?
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It could also just be the latent lust for Aryan blood thanks to Anglo genes.
>>160825 >>160826 poof, also not really an anglo
>>160824 Have you tried eating the pizza box as well?
>>160829 disgusting, never liked takeaway food of any kind apart from pizza which I seldom order
>>160824 probably a hunger for vengeance or justice or some other concept
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Wish I could coom in Ginnie's 30-something womb but all the dust, sand and probably a good deal of plastic particles from her dildos would make it very uncomfortable and meaningless. Wish I could go back in time to when she was fertile and coom in her womb while she's in her weeb onsie playing Skyrim with those cringe anime themed and sex mods I know she used. You know, back when she was 24. Okay, thank you.
>>160833 What sex mods?
>>160834 The bouncing HD physics anime titties ones and skimpier armours. Dunno. Never used any myself. Just remember a screencap she'd posted of her character in a kind of skyrim dojo and it was obvious.
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Jesus fucking christ i should have delivered my fist to that woman's FUCKING FACE
>>160836 van upside-down at the bottom of an icy ravine?
sees transwoman at the dsa meet hoo boy combs soybeard and approaches ahem Hello lovely lady. My pronouns are he/him/his. Don't worry, I'm not like those other cis white men haha. Cis get the bullet! Mayocide! Hehe. You should check out my reddit account. I've gotten a lot of karma from owning tankies and doing funny bits. But sometimes I can be a bit of a goofball troll too. Yesterday, I went on the_donald and told those chuds to post hog and they banned me haha! A subreddit enforcing its rules, priceless! Sounds like they need a safe space. Not that there is anything wrong with safe spaces though! I think I'm a lot like the twitter account dril when I troll the chuds. Have you heard of dril? That's D-R-I-L. It's a pretty crazy twitter account that says silly stuff that you can repeat verbatim to own people. Corncob haha! You should look it up. It's dumb but hilarious. Whoops sorry, I shouldn't be using ableist words like dumb. How careless of me. Anywho, have you ever heard of a band called death grips? PRETTY PRETTY NINE MOTHERFUCKER! Haha that's a death grip lyric reference. Whoops, now everyone is staring at me because I used my outside voice hehe. What's that? You need to go to the bathroom? If you'd like, I could follow you to make sure no chuds give you any trouble for going in your preferred bathroom because that is my chivalrous duty. Wait, where are you going?! Just a pint of mouthfeel before you go? Please ma'am, might I just have a microwatt of girldick?
>>160796 >>160801 clear psyop to distract from the nigger mass running over people
>>160808 good lass
>>160838 the sad part is that there are people who are actually like this >>160839 makes sense smh
>normie m8s won't stfu about spotify wrapped don't even know what it is FUCK OFF if you aren't listening to a music playlsit collated entirely through youtube and downloaded from imageboards and its all autistic shit thats been banned
>>160833 good lad I have been thinking about ginnie as well
>>160842 command and conquer generals now that was a good game
only strategy game I've really liked was rtw and aoe and stronghold and some other browser game from 2011
>>160837 Luckily not but heart in my throat. Had i met another car or Had to slow down I'd be stuck. Would put on chains but the ones we have are so small they are a pain to put on. I swear they are missing a part. Another woman i delivered to was an ugly fat yellow belly chinky who no speak norski. Absolute embarrassment to the old lad who bought her
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>>160848 keeeek smh
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of carbs, I will fear no cheat day, for thou art with me; thy dopamine and thy thinspo they comfort me. Thou preparest a healthy meal before me in the presence of mine sweeties: thou anointest my stomach with protein; my cope runneth over.
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>>160850 >weetabix
>>160851 l...lad?
>>160852 haven't had weetabix in a very long time tbh i miss it
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>>160850 good poost tbh got me keeking >>160854 based
need to channel our vril the fat norge is weak, we can end it once and for all
>>160856 Um lad I am on the BIG ROAD going home now
>>160856 I have gathered my toilet things
still watching this civic chinky gf channel, its always sickening how they always have videos of them going to the "most remote" and "idyllic" areas of the country when you just know they are doing it because those are the whitest areas and they want to act passive aggressive by merely existing there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THZzhwEPVOo
>>160857 not for much longer
>>160850 what is nesquick cereal like?
>>160856 heartbeat monitors at the ready >>160859 hate them
Crash slip fall die crash slip fall die crash slip fall die crash slip fall die freeze breakdown freeze die
>>160860 You hit one of my window wiper fluid things so it doesn't work smh
>>160863 keeeeek >>160861 cardboard with overpowering hints of soy and corn syrup probably
>>160780 RAUS!
>>160863 Bit scared tbh
>>160861 its little cookies, always wanted them but mummy would never buy since they were too sugary but she'd sometimes buy other stuff that was just as bad kek, probably tastes better than the yank version
smh nevermind thats cookie crisp got them mixed up, the nesquik cereal was awful smh, little choccy balls, wheetos were much better, makes you poo quickly though
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>>160863 sending my energy lad
>>160869 had cookie crisp a few weeks ago and it was shit tbh >>160870 keeeeek love this one
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*shreds the roof of your mouth* heh nothing personal
>>160871 was probably always bad but food in this country has been getting worse and worse over the last 10 years tbh, americanised etc, like with cadbury's
>>160872 would only ever be allowed to eat these while on holiday to caravan parks for some reason kek, cereal was the staple caravan food
for me it's honey nut cornflakes tbh or it would be if i still ate cereal haven't had breakfast cereal in years tbh smh gone off it
>>160872 that way the atrazene can get into your bloodstream faster
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>>160877 Fuck Br*tain
>>160877 tbh looking a bit scraggly smh
>>160880 huff those fumes bwoi
>>160880 Smh just as my toilache ends it's passed to another
>what in the hell are you doing using all that painters tape we bought don't you know that we bought that to return it for cig money smh a real painter just throws the entire jug on the wall and its perfect
>>160880 i'll trade you lad smh been trying to get more toil for weeks but no dice
>>160884 Get in on the south asian drug market lad
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is this a fucking joke
>>160884 smh get on one of those america ships because you can literally walk into a home good store in work clothes and boomers will hire you for their projects
>>160887 why should the sultan of londonistan put effort into a holiday most of his subjects do not observe?
>>160885 would if i could lad but i'm not cool enough to know any drug dealers smh can't get a foot in the door plus the two weeks quarantine after every flight would really cut into the profit margins >>160888 land of opportunity smh
can one of the old guard britlads give me a qrd on who shego was?
>>160892 physiognomies checked tbh
>>160892 >women
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honestly love the mummyposting series of frog pictures tbh the serene contented expressions really make it >>160895 two more doses and two more weeks lad it'll be over soon
>>160895 The bots are getting hammered by the pissed off normies, I think they're understaffed at this stage. Though I'm starting to think there are bots on the anti-vaggs side now, or I've become so derealised that I cannot tell who is a bot and a normie anymore.
accidentally fell asleep
>>160897 niggercattle are indistinguishable from bots tbh even the ones on are side >>160898 wish they'd just stage an indefinite boycott of huwhite countries and be done with it
I feel bad for the grannies who trust the government, and are going to get the jab, and probably have their health deteriorate because of it.
>>160900 Yeah tbf
>>160898 UKIP calls for month-long resignation speech in parliament during the referendum season to support 'Brexit' and end 'David Davis' cabinet position'
>>160901 I feel bad for any decent person who got psyopped into vaxooming
>>160898 dabid dabis did they forget how #onedaywithoutus completely blew up in their faces
>>160901 find it increasingly hard to feel sorry for anyone who takes it unless they are coerced to tbh if people refuse to see that the people in charge are satanic cannibal pedos then thats their problem
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>>160909 pvre kino lad
>>160905 tbh taking glee at decent people getting psyopped like this is edgelord tier. lots of loved ones who did it including mummy just makes me sad tbh. wish they'd all fuck off telling me to get it tho
>>160909 Didn't Ginnie have a kid?
>>160914 yeah one
>>160913 Niggers and poos need to fuck off
>>160908 Yeah, but there is massive epistemic divide between us and them mostly due to age and technological factors. Western governments managed to create a lot of trust with the older generations of the public by solving the problem of TB and smallpox etc., and they're now burning right through it in order to soften up and ruin a large chunk of the public, and its services. Gen X and Millennials who had the crimes of the deep state/zog etc. handed to them on the plate through the internet I have absolutely no sympathy for, and can burn in hell.
>>160908 tbh it's not that hard to see what's going on smh they just choose not to see because they're set in a comfortable paradigm smdh i don't take joy from seeing them be consoomed by the vax hordes but ultimately it is their decision to make smh just wish they could have had the courage see what's going on >>160912 tbh >>160913 baste sheffield council
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>>160912 tbh sick of the edgelord shit, yeah they are listening to what tellybox tells them being a polface in response isn't going to change any of that
>>160920 David davis has called for an additional month long resignation speech as the first one was clearly not heard.
>SA bot glitching
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>>160920 lad you literally poosted this yourself just seven minutes earlier come on
>>160925 And it was a David Davis then as well.
>>160923 They've obviously handed over the coding to some poojeet fresh off the boat.
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>>160924 lad you poosted this less than two minutes ago >>160928 laaaad
>>160929 >just filtered him >another >(6) starts Abandon thread tbh. Cursed. Ruined.
worried about 0298ca tbh
>>160918 honestly think they did all this shit because zoomers are far more aware of whats going on than the older generations and that eventually society would become too aware, and the elite had no choice in order to enforce control zoomers seem to be split 50/50 and more radical with no centrism while boomers are 99% cucks >>160919 i remember telling my dad before his first jab, that he'll be taking them every few months for the rest of his life and he just replied a defeated "yeah..." sad tbh
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So I got hold of some lore on what became of Project Reality and Squad. Apparently the reason they're barely updated anymore is because the guy that did all the coding was racist and the other devs pushed him and his cliche out so now they have no idea how the coding in game works and are holding the game together with spit and piano wire.
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>>160925 The only correct response to someone replying “David Davis” to your post, is to post it again
2 in the heckin filterino. Smdh.
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>>160934 gingerlass will kiss me under the mistletoe this crimbo, right??
>>160933 >zoomers seem to be split 50/50 and more radical with no centrism while boomers are 99% cucks That's because boomers are literally the last generation of the middle class and everyone knows it.
>>160936 DAVID DAVIS!!!
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>>160940 channel this video and it will happen lad.
>>160943 I think the way of resignation
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>>160933 >he just replied a defeated "yeah..." smh i really do pity the niggercattle sometimes it's like they almost know what's going on but they can't quite get there >>160934 wouldn't tbh >>160941 tbh the funny thing is that they could have kept things going forever and stayed in control for all eternity if they'd just managed things competently but they just had to get greedy
>>160945 >resignation?
>>160946 mummy is a care worker too so she is forced to get the jabberinos smh deep down i think everybody knows whats going on but its uncomfortable to admit >>160941 based neo-feudalism
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>>160946 you sure?
>>160949 Is the choice between one pig or the other?
>>160950 is there a difference?
>>160948 >deep down i think everybody knows whats going on but its uncomfortable to admit tbh that's the niggercattle way it's not like they don't know what's happening smh they just choose to not see it because thinking about uncomfortable things leads to bad thoughts and bad feelings >>160949 looking a bit more appealing in that picture tbf but i'm not so sure about the lass holding her
>>160951 one might squeal more
(250.61 KB 400x396 seether.png)

the difference between us and the niggercattle is that when we saw the seethebait we walked towards it we emerged the other side as changed men but stronger for it
in a spending mood what should i buy going to buy loads of pellets
>>160955 buy a camera drone and spy on boobs
>>160955 six pack of dark fruit and some pork crackling
(35.32 KB 1280x720 MMMM.jpg)

(33.58 KB 184x184 sad_pepe_2.png)

out of beer and wishing i was a bond villain again
>>160960 Sorry lad, need to show your vaxx status to be allowed in the shop to buy more beer.
(1.47 MB 1920x1080 david davis resigns.webm)

>>160961 then i shall take the tinnies by force >>160962 keeeeeeeeeek
(1.73 MB 962x1443 ClipboardImage.png)

witcher s2 soon
(463.28 KB 960x637 4hnpqy.png)

>>160942 Thanks
>>160965 meme makes literally no sense you retard
saw a ghost bus this morning lads
(8.79 MB 1920x1080 Downing Street ball.webm)

>>160964 remember back when lasses who bleached their hair blonde would at least make a token effort at pretending it was their natural hair colour instead of letting an entire fucking inch or two of brown hair grow through? smh
>>160968 cover your mirror then
>>160967 You have to click on the image to make it bigger
>>160970 some lasses have that type of hair naturally lad
>>160965 keeeeeeek >>160969 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad >>160973 no they don't lad hair colour doesn't work like that you've just seen lazy bleach jobs so often that you think it's something normal now
death to all lasses who use hair dye or bleach or makeup tbh stone them to death it's fraud pure and simple
>160974 >no they don't lad hair colour doesn't work like that lad people in my family have hair like that stop coping, look at the edge of her hair ffs its a different colour from the rest as well lmao at thinking peoples hair is the same colour all over, autism.
>>160975 tbh smh. love natural beautirino me. Also stop shaving body hair okay thank you
(32.24 KB 768x570 saddorsie.png)

lasses with dyed ginger hair
>>160978 Spergerinochads...
(1.08 MB 2094x1232 IMG_20210606_221616.jpg)

>>160980 I love her, lads
>>160981 even after i had sex with her?
>>160983 oh wait this is the reality where she didn't stay with you and make a family. Smh guess I don't love her
>>160976 i looked and i'm not seeing it lad i don't believe you where are the proofs >>160978 disgusting
>>160984 if only i coomed inside her she'd have probably stayed with me that way
>>160986 yeah... I should have coomed in my ex as well
(150.06 KB 853x1280 horse slags 43.jpg)

>don't bother with him he has sexual dysfunction from watching too much porn
(411.15 KB 1024x548 ClipboardImage.png)

thinking of getting a bald gf(male). At least her(his) hair isn't dyed
(143.52 KB 1200x675 p01gkmp3.jpg)

>>160982 but what might have happened, if he hadn't ?
>>160988 She was on her period gushing, lad
smh his dick used as a waste remover
>>160991 yeah literally couldnt feel anything i did eventually get hard though and made her cervix bleed or soemthing
(57.52 KB 810x610 polface-bane.jpg)

His big slightly above average length cock
>>160995 7 inches is not slightly above average it is average
>mongs who think a foid being on her period means anything kek all the more reason to coom since she can't get pregnant
>>160996 for her
>>160996 you are not 7 inches we've seen the pics coper
(1.51 MB 1029x1372 ClipboardImage.png)

This thread is feeling incredibly sexually repressed right now.
>>160999 >>160997 what is his problem? ban him now
(4.55 MB 1728x1826 cringe_pepe_drawn.png)

>>160999 prove it
A numbers been done
(307.90 KB 960x1280 dorset willy.jpg)

this is not 7 inches
>he's only seven inches
Question is, why do you have a picture of my cock saved?
>>161007 that looks more like 10
>>161000 >nutcracker
don't really want to see the dorshite willy pics thanks smh
3-4 inch chads
(64.93 KB 447x378 see.jpg)

(24.68 KB 319x319 smug desk pepe.jpg)

>Hes not a member of IBIS
>>161013 people like you should have been bred out a long time ago
>>161015 international bureau of incel shitposters?
>penis size discussion
(579.46 KB 550x753 MATRIXRELOADED.png)

Independent /brit/ intelligence service
>>161016 I will breed
you can't breed out dysgenics, its like dust it builds up over time
>>161018 keeeek spotted the 2 inch hidden in a fiery haired bush
>>161018 pvrest form of physiognomy all the essential characteristics distilled down into one number >>161019 keeeeek based how do i join lad?
>>161023 its in the name lad "independent"
(3.34 MB 1280x404 22st sleeps over.mp4)

(426.73 KB 600x603 Ruler.png)

>>161025 smh anti-asian propaganda
>>161026 KEEEEK
(58.21 KB 640x480 relaxed_homer.jpg)

>>161024 understood lad i'm appointing myself vice-chairman
>>161025 What film is this from?
>>161030 really, lad, that is something you'd want to watch?
>>161030 one of the "the hangover" films tbh but not the first one because that's the only one i saw and this scene wasn't in it
(74.46 KB 960x617 penis prop.jpg)

>Amputated penis of infamous norwegian serial killer "fartin martin" Johannessen
(23.21 KB 641x530 Glasses_Pepe_2.png)

>>161033 keeeeek
(37.36 KB 656x611 mulatto_pepe.jpg)

>that bit in one of the hangover films where the main character has sex with a ladyboy
>>161035 tbh it's all jew shite
>>161035 >that brit-lad who banged a tranny ironically for banter
>>161037 problem?
(14.09 MB 362x640 deano shags a tranny.mp4)

(24.70 KB 400x400 1637709004097.jpg)

seriously what the fuck
(216.58 KB 470x543 ClipboardImage.png)

its all a bit tragic, this could've been steiner if he was 15 years younger
>mum gets home >immediate noise
(104.30 KB 1024x673 1511544224733.jpg)

>>161041 its just good banter
being a Deano used to mean something..
>>161039 I don't know how this guy didn't die of shame
>>161043 bet I have it way worse than you, I share a single floor whereas you have upstairs
>>161046 just get drunk and high and do it again the next night WAHEY
>>161046 probably did when he woke up the next morning
to be fair i'd probably shag that tranny
>>161039 yeah thats the one keeek
>>161043 is she sparking up a joint?
(300.66 KB 840x1560 deano01.jpg)

>>161049 but he kept saying "get your dick out" as if that didn't make him totally gay so weird
>>161053 not yet
>>161050 >I'd probably shag a tranny you'd get poo on your dick
>>161057 Pembs' hole is free if anyone wants to dye their dick brown
>>161057 i'd make them have an enema first
>current (absolute) state of the thread don't make me twitter post lads
>>161059 as if pushing your dick in and out of his pooper doesn't vacuum the poo out from his intestines
>>161061 it doesnt
>>161060 please twitterpost
>>161059 >them don't do the tranny language thing lad
>>161063 tbh post seethium if you have to anything is better than this
>>161064 sorry, it
(103.81 KB 1000x860 deano03.png)

(752.85 KB 768x1024 ClipboardImage.png)

>>161063 Found this fresh Pembs on the twitter >>161067 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>161068 i would tbh
whats pembs disc0rderino?
filter button getting a workout again
>>161067 keeeeeeek smh >>161068 age is going to hit him like a truck >>161070 filtered
(1.79 MB 380x480 IMG_1956.mp4)

>>161072 Are you going to shag pembs, lad?
>>161072 >>161076 recreate the dino video
(793.51 KB 1280x720 ClipboardImage.png)

Is he preglant?
(2.86 MB 720x480 1638462403588.webm)

jews jewing jews jews jews
>>161068 how much longer can he keep up the "I'm a young twink teen" act at 24
watching it again lads, palette cleanser
(494.85 KB 2048x1536 FFnSRKHXEAUbZxT.jpeg)

>>161074 >age is going to hit him like a truck mfw concern trolling inceloid chuds
>>161084 he's cute tbh
(379.82 KB 755x697 ClipboardImage.png)

>>161084 >>161082 femoboys hit the wall even sooner and harder than real femoids do
(30.45 KB 434x426 fatpolface2.jpg)

>>161085 ffs Dorset!!!!
(106.82 KB 1080x259 ClipboardImage.png)

>he's going to his grave earlier than expected
(259.33 KB 600x599 smug pepe.png)

>>161084 >the filter can't even hide the stubble
>>161088 >19 hearts why? is he actually some sort of e celeb in twink twitter
>>161089 stubble? He said he lasered his face >>161090 2009 followers on twitter, that's like 50 /brit/s
>>161090 19 other coping trannies all fuelling eachother's delusions
put a big scented candle on tbh
>influencer on alt shite adjacent nascent homosexual e boy twink sadboy twitter dead before 30 I reckon, overdose, the womens way
(22.02 KB 593x584 smug le pol face.png)

>nobody (you)d my adi kino
(15.51 KB 349x267 dobby downtrodden toast.jpg)

good thread
>>161094 Too true smh
he looks like ghislaine maxwell
>>161095 give me a moment lad I'm still watching it
(68.27 KB 250x243 sad green nigga salute.png)

>>161083 >that He might impart to them the insight that this could have been avoided, and that they gain nothing from going to war against us
(103.19 KB 1000x860 deano03.png)

fixed a couple of mistakes on it
(838.84 KB 823x770 le pol face shine.gif)

>>161101 I pictured you using that pepe in a reply to that webm before I posted it
hitler was a poof
(127.36 KB 1560x802 le pol face hand shake.png)

>>161102 good lad >>161103 my brvthvr
(59.04 KB 392x590 le pol face angry.jpg)

hitler was definitely a quare
>>161100 keeeeeeeeeeek
(195.48 KB 1320x1676 le pol face seething.jpg)

>>161107 exactly, look at those limp faggot wrists
(64.17 KB 406x451 fitwojak.png)

I'm going to go workout now lads
nobody cares gayboy
(84.75 KB 242x286 ClipboardImage.png)

>>161113 you're the one that wants to fug pembs
>>161112 good lad >>161114 >road to we aren't already there?
>>161114 that's in an hour's time
>>161117 It's Norwegian 6 PM
(103.75 KB 250x237 lel.png)

>>161120 don't start with this "B" shite you dirty poof fuck off back to the bongo where you belong
>>161120 Yes, it is I- I mean B!
(3.52 MB 1800x1200 in the mouth of mandem.png)

>>161121 good lad no surrender
(402.14 KB 852x480 TEAMWORK.png)

>>161123 haha get him b
>>161124 needs a tranny soyjak edit with Discord written where astro world is
(18.67 KB 300x100 dorshit.png)

>>161126 traitor smh
(982.92 KB 1293x1565 daily brit jan 8th 2021.png)

we need another successful IBIS raid to stop these bastards
>>161130 yup, 2018, now THAT was a boring year
did 2018 even have any happenings
don't really understant this "b" nonsense smh >>161131 keeeeek luv the daily brit tbh
>>161114 now I can't decide whether to go workout and improve myself or sit on the sofa listening to Morgoth softly explain why civilisation is doomed smh
>man dies, seething, alone and unfulfilled. nobody cares
>>161131 keeeek the daily brit is probably the best OC of the decade so far tbh
>>161134 it's a homosexual mating call exchanged between binposter and 22st
>>161138 tbh i understand that much smh i just don't understand why
been trying to get smyself some sneasonal work tbh but women keep getting the retoil positions smh
(146.36 KB 1600x1066 R.jpg)

>it's a premiere not a real stream
>they don't know
still have an hour and a half stream of woes and plenty of dutty backlog, also a stream from keet woods about the charlottseville trial which admittedly is a month old but still good, the last morgcast was too short and had no guest though, reminder that milleniyule shall be starting in short order
(1.53 MB 1920x1080 BEAUTY.png)

>>161142 the stories of our people must not be forgotten
>>161140 KEEEEEEEEK yeah, applied for 4 jobs but not heard fuck all back tbh don't know if I'm missing some normalfag programming about how to apply properly smh, should prob start cutting up bits of the daily brit for individual (you) harvest
(62.76 KB 406x451 fitwojak.png)

>>161141 >just a premier ah cool in that case imma go workout wish me luck laddingtons!
>>161140 tbh i apply and apply and not a fucking peep smh it's like i'm magically blacklisted inside the niggercattle psyche even before ever seeing me in person >>161145 tbh there's got to be some normgroid subliminal transmission that we didn't receive smh >>161146 good luck lad
shit costs money yet whenever i ask for toil there's nothing that needs doing why isn't everything free yet?
>>161148 everything could be free lad... but it'll cost you...
(216.75 KB 650x488 aldis.jpg)

>>161148 all this talk about a "labour shortage" yet asda wouldn't even give me a look in even after I filled out there retard survey that you have to create an individual account on their website for
high unemployment and inflation is good for the economy
>>161149 keeek smh no thanks lad would much rather go dafty >>161150 tbh at this point i have to believe it's deliberate psychological torture against good lads
>be non-white who don't speak the language >get the job >get paid do do courses and whatever else necessary to get jobs >doesn't take the job and goes on welfare instead wasting 10k bongo bucks on a truck driver's licence
>>161153 this improves the economy somehow
(1017.02 KB 720x480 comfy dead yellow dafty nigga.webm)

(4.39 KB 128x128 god i wish.jpg)

night lads
>>161156 gshni
(59.79 KB 406x451 polfacejacked.png)

>>161147 thanks lad still not started my workout, made this OC first
>>161158 very good lad
vacination being made mandatory everywhere smh sorry lasses
>>161160 vaxxcels seething
>>161160 ahhhh but we were hecking winning
Join the resistance now lads before it's too late. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8kkHMJyOYI You get a sexy Huwhite but cat spliced Jessica Alba style gf if you do
boohoo the nazis
>>161160 still not taking it
>>161160 You mean Germany and Austria are considering it.
Data fraud all of it.
(90.33 KB 768x768 ant mcpartlin.jpg)

is he /ourgoblin/ lads? he has a powerful cranium
doughnut cranium
>>161168 don't know if I trust him
(138.59 KB 233x365 ClipboardImage.png)

>>161168 Looks a bit like Hila tbh. giving me a half-chub
>>161168 I don't give a fuck anymore tbh. I just want complete conflagration.
>>161168 he looks like a villain from a gerry anderson show
Any day now with these mandates
>>161174 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
(189.07 KB 953x711 Hoods_temple.webp)

>join me captain polface it's the white race's only chance
>>161168 french farage but worse since hes a jew zionist , varg had a good tweet about it
it's a keeking for a minute at that pic episode
>>161176 Hood had mad drip fr
>get out of shower >immediately need a horrific poo AAAUUUUGGH >>161168 he is jewish >>161177 tbh
>>161176 lmfao
>>161176 >>161179 thinking about how International Rescue is a UN/NWO type organisation and children's propaganda of a type again
plot of the OT but its set on earth and its about a communist father whos son is a le pol face and a civil war is about to start
>>161182 yeah anderson's real name was abrahams
>>161184 >jewed childhood AUGH
>>160909 >>160962 >>160969 very good lads
>>161177 >french farage but worse since hes a jew zionist You're not making sense, lad. That is exactly what Farage is.
>>161186 bit late on those (you)s lad
(763.25 KB 425x425 polfacejacksonnerrand.gif)

finished my workout lads
>>161190 how many towel pulls did you do, b?
>>161189 yeah I couldn't listen to them until just now >>161187 based science cultists
>>161187 genuinely horrifying its an actual cult
>>161188 farage is neither a jew nor particularly zionistic, zemmour being a yid gives him even more license to be "based" than a non jew would thus being an even more effective controlled opposition, hes almost explicitly ethno nat
(1.56 MB 1103x1024 ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw germs get this chrimbo kino
do norges get krampus
>>161192 >>161193 it's honestly amazing that these are the people that mock anything they dislike as a cult but act like this is completely fucking normal
>>161197 its about saving lives lad
(17.58 KB 1190x1112 polfaceanger.png)

>>161194 He's an (dis)honourary Jew tbph. He is also French. And he doesn't want to nuke Israel and Palestine so he is not based. Okay, thank you.
>>161198 and killing puppies
>>161199 Fuck that lad we want goblin https://youtu.be/mlxMy9e6yHg
(2.43 MB 2048x1152 ClipboardImage.png)

dutton tonight
>filtered (you)s
(570.57 KB 1415x1485 sneedbrah.png)

>>161204 tickles ticklish tibbs
(138.74 KB 1214x718 ClipboardImage.png)

(81.10 KB 922x765 le pol face fade.png)

>>161199 I fear nothing
(11.15 KB 640x734 happypolface.png)

>>161205 I remember back when Alex Jones used to be happy.... good times we were happy once, too
>>161195 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhLDxRQyhnE >>161202 Dancing close to the filter, lad. Morgs is based and anti-racist goblin is cringe. Don't be cringe.
>>161199 sargn is already in the comments keeeeek
>beeb news talking about the trafalgar square christmas tree >"what the government wants is for everyone to put the vaccine at the top of their christmas wish list" do soyim unironically not see this shit
>>161210 based 'gon comin' around
(83.42 KB 490x586 le pol face smug look.png)

>>161210 Just put him in his place, updoot my comment lads
>>161211 well pine trees do prick and remind me of the jabberino tbh
Even if an unjabbed person wanted to take the jab, it's too late. It would take several months for you to even be considered fully jabbed. By which time there would be even more boosters out. lol
>>161213 can't see it, you might be shadow banned like steiner is
>>161217 yt filters certain words as well tbh
>hearting all the comments yikespilled
>going up against the Don wew lad shoot at the King you best not miss
>>161207 good lad
(160.20 KB 540x960 lepol face anime.png)

>>161217 augh, cowards
>keith falling for zemmour kek just like with his prediction that the lockdowns would be over by april this year
>>161221 >app that lets you find based lads
(42.96 KB 453x460 sargon JP.jpg)

I miss sargon posting
>>161224 he is easily the worst britosphere eceleb and regularly gets btfo by twitterposters for being a one struggle retard who simps for arabs who want to jihad us out of existence
>>161220 >>161226 *chuckles* did you say something incel?
>>161226 missed when we had a gradient of goodlads to badlads and biglads and smallads on all sides fighting in a big war where battles where hyped up and there was subterfuge and all kinds of stuff smh. This is what they took from us. Now it's just leftist infighting wank while rightoids have their own little playpen corners and don't interact
(319.08 KB 800x720 le pol face can't breed.jpg)

tried commenting with another account and it didn't show up smh, maybe morgoth holds all comments for review, regardless its an intolerable situation.
>This man is pacing around with a shotgun aimed at himself in front of the UN building in NYC.
>>161232 poor lad smh ought to have turned on some of the bureaucrat conspiracy scum instead of himself
turned it on* smh
>>161232 >another cowardly schizocel not bothering to take out some traitors yawn
>They talked him down. it's already over
>>161236 smh now he'll spend the rest of his years in some horrific yank prison
chippy time soon
(40.37 KB 849x1032 BECOMEwhoyouare.png)

>>161239 why don't you do keto and workout like smee?
>161240 he isnt gay
>>161241 why yoooooooooooooooooouuuuuu!!!!!!!
(70.70 KB 614x209 1638465359646.png)

>>161244 death
(201.85 KB 1092x1600 elvis.jpg)

(209.55 KB 737x1079 toilee gone postal.jpg)

>>161247 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>comes into smy room >leaves without closing the door sneething beyond belief could punch a hole in the wall
>>161247 very good lad
>>161244 Can’t find this tweet tbh
>>161251 didn't even bother (you)ing it because I could tell it was fake
>>161247 keeek some real bangers getting made today
cannot wait to take a sleeping pill in an hour or so and just drift off into nothing...
>>161254 god I wish that were me
>>161256 god I wish I was that comfy
>>161257 God groypers are so kino, imagine that big mob of smug santa groypers walking towards some kike
(62.31 KB 434x426 fatpolfacechristmas.png)

(894.99 KB 919x703 ANGRY.png)

>>161262 all those lassies walking unraped simply because of are restraint smh *dies without heir because I was too good to forcefully breed*
(104.06 KB 1039x1079 Image3.jpg)

>>161259 >>161261 And goodwill to all(except poles)
(394.86 KB 666x666 1638461568740.gif)

(83.04 KB 1280x720 pure kino.jpg)

need the christmas mosley in the corner
went chippy and the wagie scum had got my order wrong again need to find another place smh but there's only wog food stuff to choose from
>>161265 Keek. Did they make her as ugly as possible on purpose or is it just they made her look shrewish like Silverman?
https://youtu.be/o5OA1bo1h9g let's make a rap response, lads
(11.30 KB 400x408 22stpepegun.png)

>>161272 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK nice cope you vile chinky whore
(24.92 KB 312x401 all smiles.jpg)

after half an hour, the drugs are starting to take their effect
>>161274 bet yu have night terrors again
(73.16 KB 1148x1000 barabins.png)

>>161275 hey, you yeah you you bully Dorshie, you have to go through me got that?
The Chuck Who Would Be Sneed
(41.73 KB 468x702 binscinema.jpg)

>>161277 lad, you got any film suggestions for tomorrow?
(215.19 KB 828x573 ClipboardImage.png)

>>161279 pembs, that you?
>>161281 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>161281 KEEEEEEEEK wish I could see his response
https://youtu.be/yOdrJPvj8Rg smh that finnish lad who drank vodka and jumped into ice water died
>>161284 >last video 10 days ago >I am Not Dead, I am 57 Today
>>161281 Had to look up was shawarma was, didn're realise it was halal. Tahini is fucking good stuff though, full of energy.
(53.66 KB 792x462 ClipboardImage.png)

(49.91 KB 783x312 ClipboardImage.png)

(71.02 KB 434x426 fatpolfacechristmas3.png)

who needs they Christmas dinner ate? omg me
>>161288 me too tbh, just got a fuckan christmas pudd in
(149.62 KB 800x636 pizza supper.jpg)

half pizza supper here
(59.00 KB 960x968 bearjacksalmon.jpg)

Still my favourite.
(31.44 KB 215x217 soyfish.png)

>>161291 that's a catfish
>>161292 Queshe.
>>161273 >>161272 It's true though. China is racially homogenous and a foreigner would stick out like a sore thumb. Here in Britain, we have long since debased any notion of race as part of national identity. Half of our government are wogs. It's not out of the ordinary to have furrin looking lasses that were born here and speak perfect English. One of my colleagues in my first office job was a lovely chinky spinster that was born here.
>>161290 Jesus Christ why is that pizza covered in blood?
>>161290 I don't know what that is but it's certainly not pizza. looks vile
>>161294 still think everyone is just in on an elaborate cope about it though and that we all know deep down the wogs here are not and never will be british
(411.98 KB 671x774 loweffortOC.png)

>>161294 I'm at the point of being a living hatecrime spree as I tell every single non white I see, before they even speak, that they should retvrn to their ancestor's homeland. Not even in a nasty way. Like an autistic public service announcement.
(74.47 KB 807x802 1499802807568.jpg)

>>161298 qeq tbh
I know he likes fasting
The entire Unherd/Quillette/Spectator lot are stuck defending Australia, Germany etc. and denying totalitarianism it's funny as fuck.
(25.32 KB 300x316 1531240557463.jpg)

its his genuinely smug retard look
>>161298 >shawarma Now we know their weakness…
swiss roll and whipped cream
he's so confident but doubts himself for a split second because of bens reaction
I'm gonna go with stoning to death please ben
(352.80 KB 640x480 tom cruse laugh 480p.mp4)

can some one post it again love that clip tbh
(240.76 KB 730x563 ClipboardImage.png)

the exact moment of self doubt when he notices bens face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ITHvtBjegw
>>161311 >the women just goes along with it KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
(31.40 KB 614x586 green nigga kek.jpg)

>ben subtly opening his mouth in shock thinking "Does this cunt think I'm talking about homer simpson"
it's the smug forehead that gets me
>that subtle lisp kino clip tbh
(218.07 KB 1046x537 ClipboardImage.png)

>ben holding in the laugh
>>161298 Good lad alhamdulillah
(1.81 MB 640x640 garfield.mp4)

(138.05 KB 340x630 mulatto_pepe_puglad.jpg)

>start zoomer posting in voice chat >puglad UNIRONICALLY thinks "SHEEEEEEESH" is "CHEEEEEESE" >proceeds to cope for 20 minutes whilst we keek and call him a retard forbidden lore
>>161297 it's true, if you ask them where they're from they get very self-conscious, especially if they have a furrin name. Even if they're second/third generation.
(21.17 MB 1280x720 IMG_2403.MP4)

>>161322 were you on the gay camping trip lad?
skitterin fr that cheeeeeeese no cap
(53.81 KB 585x462 pepe stop hand disgust.png)

>bongo voice chat
seething threadoids
(92.91 KB 600x989 bossman_homer.jpg)

anyone got that pic of a poorly drawn smug pepe doing a poo into his hand?
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>> 161324 >The reason why the vaccine didn't need 10 years to produce because it had more money poured into it.
>>161324 >vaccines usually take years to produce because of a lack of funding >the vaccine is totally free But yeah, be on the lookout for misinformation, good advice that
>>161333 by jove my boy I think you're on to something >the vaccine is free >israel is one of the top vaccinated countries in the world
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>>161331 No, but here are some poo related images.
had a good long actual out loud kek at my own post just then what a classic "jews like free stuff because they're greedy" joke
>>161335 the monkey one always gets me keeek
What's the best website for finding out which hedge funds own what stocks? I've forgotten the name of the one I used to use.
>>161339 I literally thought he was Jewish for ages after watching this and couldn't understand why people on pol were posting him.
>>161340 >Salam al Hayeeda >Jewish I would beat you with my shoe if you were in my presence.
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https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/cia-employees-sex-crimes-children-secret-files-foia CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted. >Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets. >One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked. >Only one of the individuals cited in these documents was charged with a crime. In that case, as in the only previously known case of a CIA staffer being charged with posting on /leftypol/ual crimes, the employee was also under investigation for mishandling classified material. >The official, who noted the agency has had a problem with child abuse images stretching back decades, said they understand the need to protect “sensitive and classified equities.” However, “for crimes of a certain class whether it’s an intelligence agency or not, you just have to figure out how to prosecute these people.” >Sexual crimes involving children, including the viewing of images of abuse, have been uncovered at other agencies that handle sensitive information. In a November 2009 report, the Department of Defense acknowledged that dozens of Pentagon staff members or contractors had such images. In 2014, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community found that two officials from the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees America’s spy satellites, acknowledged viewing images of posting on /leftypol/ual abuse during polygraph examinations. >At a symposium in 2016, Daniel Payne, a top Pentagon security official, said that when workers’ computers were examined, “the amount of Democrat activism I see is just unbelievable.”
>>161333 no amount of money can speed up the search for long term side effects, but that's what these retards are claiming fucking dark times
>>161332 I can't believe anyone can actually believe that Leftoids used to understand that money can corrupt science, now they think that it improves it amazing
>>161343 👏ev👏ery👏one👏wo👏rk👏ing👏for👏zog👏mu👏st👏die👏
>>161343 just doing their jobs
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>>161343 >/leftypol/ual
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>>161347 A bit like Nazi Germany when you think about. Big Al Global Criminal Nightmare! Pfizer and FDA Work Together to Suppress Evidence that COVID Shot Killed Thousands in First Month https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61a7f47898ce5c78e9004de3
why is dorset ITT talking about having sodomy with men? gays go to the bongo also toil done for the day
>>161353 did you use the painters tape?
>>161354 no it wasn't allowed had to "get learn by making mistakes" then right after I had finished all the trim some stoned out yoomer came by with a paint sprayer and sprayed all the trim white and undid 2 hours of work and then b-bossman came in and asked why I didn't cut in around the trim yet.
>>161353 This whole thread has been a mess since about 2gmt thanks to bins, dorshit and 22
>>161355 smh do you still get paid
>>161355 wew smh
>>161355 This is why I like being specialised, people can't bully me if the don't know how to do what I do.
>>161356 prefer dorsie to 22st or especially bins by a significant margin tbh
>>161357 of coursh getting some serious munei rn, gonna get me a new pistol over winter and maybe even some gold
>when I was supposed to clean the excess caulk off the windows but not the seal itself and I thought I was doing a good job but then vanlad found out and had to redo everything while I flailed around with a broom trying to push bits of waste off of the garage roof not cut out for boomer toil smee smh would be much happier messing around with numbers and bits of paper, but in a constructive way not like officefoids
>>161359 tbh just have to learn to have a really bad temper and bully people who tell me how to do things smh
>>161362 smh silicone caulking? wew why would somebody give the learner that job unless they wanted to redo it.
>give the learner the most visually obvious jobs and then get mad when its not to the standard they want why are boomists such mongs?

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