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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3581: Literally WHO Edition Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 18:21:11 Id: 776d87 No. 159887
Can the booster drive cope? Scramble begins for scarce third-dose appointments with 40 MILLION Britons now eligible but NHS booking site sees thousands queuing - and at this rate it will take until FEBRUARY to jab everyone despite Government drive https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10255165/Can-booster-drive-cope-Scramble-doses-begins-4-000-Brits-queue-NHS-booking-site.html Robbers dressed like Harry Potter Dementors who made Rolex watches disappear in £17,000 jewellery raid are jailed for total of 32 years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259191/Robbers-dressed-like-Harry-Potter-Dementors-17-000-jewellery-raid-jailed-total-32-years.html 'I certainly remember President Trump': loli Express pilot says Donald Trump flew with Epstein on his private jet in bombshell testimony at Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10258841/loli-Express-pilot-says-Jeffrey-Epstein-introduced-victim-Jane-cockpit.html Rand Paul claims Fauci is acting like the 'all-high priest' of science and it's 'dangerous' to make him 'untouchable' because it shuts down debate outside his 'edicts and mandates' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259283/Rand-Paul-Fauci-acting-like-high-priest-science-dangerous-make-untouchable.html Tucker Carlson calls Fauci a 'shorter version of Benito Mussolini' (even though both were 5-foot-7) who took over the US and 'promptly went insane' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259067/Tucker-Carlson-calls-Fauci-shorter-version-Benito-Mussolini-took-US.html
good thread
>my ancestors died because of nazis and you're humming along? >>159886 It was very much kino
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where do i get chloroform from?
>WHO recommends more like WHO cares!!!!!! haha like and share
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first for your brain rotting because some water from a stagnant pond went up your nose
Eric Zemmour announced his candidacy for the French presidential election. https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/french-far-right-commentator-zemmour-announces-presidential-run-2021-11-30/ >PARIS, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Far-right French pundit Eric Zemmour announced his candidacy for president on Tuesday with a video in which, to ominous music and footage of street violence, he said he wanted to save France from decadence and minorities that "oppress the majority". >As footage showed women with headscarves, Black men in the metro and CCTV footage of fights, he told voters on Tuesday that, watching movies, walking on the street or going to hospital: "You feel like you are no longer in the country you once knew ... you are foreigners in your own country." >"We will not let them replace us."
>>159896 You can get knockout gas from Dentists, GP surgerys and vets.
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>>159897 ahahaha!!!
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>>159895 jews have the copyright on their skin being made into clothes and household items. You've pissed off Shlomo now, Shaniqua.
>>159904 They both trade on the public licence of fictional atrocities.
>>159895 my foreskin
>>159905 Have they already done the jews being buck broken by work camp guards yet?
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stay up or take loads of sleeping pills?
>>159908 take some waking pills
>>159908 >stay up or take loads poof.
>>159909 i'm already awake
>>159910 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>159898 He's connected to the same corporate Zionist bloc that gave birth to Macron though, fake et gay tbh >>159908 I've been up for twenty-five hours. I want to die tbh.
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what race is this
>>159914 octoroonopus?
>>159914 part australian aboriginal.
>>159914 hispanomoorish
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>>159914 gets me everytime. what an ugly mutt.
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>>159917 >>159916 >>159915 https://twitter.com/i/events/1465695073161469973 >Her father is African-American, with roots in Arkansas, while her mother has German and Scottish ancestry; she has five older siblings. I unironically thought she was indian
>>159919 just another weird mutt from la terra del shart
Her father looks like Whoopi Goldberg
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>>159907 not that I'm aware of but who keeps up to date with that ever evolving lore.
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>>159920 I honestly feel bad for mutts tbh, they're the result of their parents fetish and they have nothing as a result had a lass at work like that >"I'm British, Portuguese, Sri Lankan, Japanese, and West African" >she unironically looked like fucking nothing unironically cannot even fucking describe it, she did not look like any of her ancestry, she was just a weird brownish blob
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>>159918 kind of hot in dune ngl
>>159925 Stick another "what' in at the end lad.
>>159924 There was an American girl at my school and she was part white, black, mexican and filipino. She was just an ugly mutt.
>>159924 tbh not their fault their parents made a bad choice, they probably have a difficult time fitting in anywhere
>>159925 Jesus that entered uncanny valley fast.
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>>159921 >>159919 Knew a mildly qt half caste like Zendaya. Proper slag and alchie for growing up without no dad. Smh. Always does make me laugh when I recall overhearing her talk with another half caste girl (who was nice but looked like a yeti) who was in disbelief that the more Indian looking girl had a dad that was, in her words, "a proper, full on, groid".
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>>159932 keek. good lad.
>>159931 it shouldn't have to be like this.
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filling some binbags and doing my recycling and was SHOCKED and DISMAYED to find out that pringles tubes are not recyclable smh
>>159937 They're just the German settlers from South Brazil?
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every day living on the same planet as brazil is a blessing. >>159940 dumb image
>>159943 New York was supposedly already a multicultural crime filled shithole by the 1950s. Even Lovecraft wrote that there would be 'ethnic horrors' i.e. rootless creaturas there. Absolutely hated the spic nig invasion of New York in the 30s.
>>159943 brazil is still white.
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you VILL toil for eternity!!!
>>159945 It makes sense given it was the main port any one from the east head towards.
>>159946 The Germans came later didn't they? Like in the 1880's, I can't remember.
>>159946 maybe in the souf but the norf is absolute nigger hell
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i cri
>>159952 had the telly on earlier and during the ad break it was unironically nothing but charity ads for muh poor suffering brown people
>>159953 getsme ever time
>>159953 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>159953 >sizzi
>>159953 he looks sort of like a younger Hitchens
>>159952 if only they could have foreseen this
>Nordomed. with a lot of autism.
I'm Bazarian of South East Angloid and norfen mix
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>>159952 >non-whites not being able to handle it being a bit chilly without dying
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there's a school sharting in michigan
>>159964 best part about this time of year tbh warms my heart
>>159965 they'll be coming for steiner's gun soo nenough
>>159965 Imagine her angrily tossing you off, while she talks to you like you're a naughty schoolboy. I have.
>>159970 while chain-smoking rothmans
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https://www.rt.com/news/541687-austria-vaccination-resist-fine-bill/ >People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might face fines of up to $8,100 or several weeks behind bars, according to a draft that was leaked to the media.
>niggers just walking around in ballies thanks corona!!
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>>159973 >given vaccine summons >go to prison >Get let out after several weeks >given new vaccine summons >Go straight back in for another several weeks >Get let out after several weeks >given new vaccine summons >Go straight back in for another several weeks prison for several weeks becomes prison indefinitely
>>159973 >the person would face a fine of €3,600 ($4,061) or four weeks in prison. >The fine would increase to €7,200 ($8,000) for those who had already been fined twice for violating the vaccination requirement. >Still, no one would be “forcibly brought” to a vaccination center or made to get a jab against their will like that even makes a difference. sick of everything. really hope ausy land will serve as a wake up call to the rest of the world rather than a manual on how to do it
Don't just give socks, give Socks™
>>159976 lad they'd just jab you in prison, no questions asked
just hope auslad can survive and flee here as a refugee, or lead a warband of antivaxxers to lynch the oz government, every single functionary
>>159979 Well this is it if prisoners are forcibly jabbed and mandatory vaccination means prison then it's becoming a case of either leave and live unjabbed elsewhere, or suicide by police i.e resist arrest until you are shot
>>159981 Hopefully that law wont pass but something tells me they will find some jewish shenanigans to force it through
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>>159986 really hate poojeets
>nothing in his background to suggest wut?
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this got deleted off youtube a while ago, saved the vocaroo of it though and tried to recreate the pic best I could remember, original instruments a bit louder too if anyone wants it for archiving purposes
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>>159991 >Sebold, who is white Thought she was Chinese from that photo
>>159992 very good lad
>>159992 Good lad
>>159966 God I fucking hate /pol/
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>>159973 But muh heckin fundamental European values such as body autonomy and consent
>polish mummy sending me a text message telling me I don't have to show up to work tomorrow for the first time in a year based, finally, with 1 month left I might get 1 day off unless called tomorrow
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1 day off.....
>happy tears at the chance of a day off I was a NEET... once
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>taking half the working year off Shameful, lad
>>160001 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek boomer hands wrote this
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>>160001 Based
>>160001 literal slave mentality God I hate y*nks
>protestant work ethic >entitled to the sweat of your brow >except bossman gets 90% of it smh
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>>160005 >bossman is getting rich on surplus value of my labour
>>160007 keeek coommies do have a point I guess
if I am ever to change company I hope bossman gets investigated for crimes. The police already has their eyes on him since they interviewed my colleague and didn't like to hear how much she worked and how little she got paid.
>>160008 Always thought it was a bit daft the mental gymnastics liberals go through to deny it tbh
>>160010 example, lad? I never thought about it outside of libertarians and conservatives
>>160006 Fucking ridiculous.
Literally a time of open looting by foreigners and private interest and no one does anything because they're either in power and being paid off, ignorant or plebs looking from the outside in.
STEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIINEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1465778560401121286
>>160010 lad you are literally employed on his surplus of labour subject to demand. It's a hard world but if you can't fill all the requirements yourself you're subject to his demand for labour. Buy a fucking van and take his clients.
>>160011 They claim surplus value of labour isn't real because akshually the value doesn't exist until the capitalist has sold the product. >>160015 Please tell me this is real
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it's safe to come out, open the door bro
>>160020 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>160019 thanks, lad >tfw lads are literally doing it for free and should be happy when bossman throws them scraps smh
>>160018 Wrong way round surplus of demand for labour
>>160024 saving the shart race.
>>160025 >die for israel and get cucked doing it
>>160026 cucked? that is a perfectly normal child for a hwite shart couple, anyone that says otherwise is a racist and subject to mandatory liquidation.
sure would be nice to breed
>>160028 fuck off 22 these are real night shift hours, you've been evicted.
>>160029 err no I just got my licence for tonight when the Polish mummy canceled tomorrow's toil
the polish mummy who has been to Dubai in a bunny outfit... wonder if kissing her would taste like poo
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>>160024 smh I don't have the one with somebody messaging the army to ask if a black baby was a requirement of enlistment
>>160033 keeeeek still going with the "war" angle
>>160033 if vaxxed and unvaxxed alike can contract the virus how is one an incubator and the other not? Besides, wouldn't getting it once give you natural and better immunity than the vax?
>>160030 do you ever worry that people can identify you so easily? do you ever imagine what a smart man could do in a given state of employ? The monster nonce Norwegian, known for groomed multiple girls east of Finland.
Many such cases
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>>160036 What?
>Pembs has 1995 followers on twitter
>>160035 Moreover it is the vaxxed who provide the evolutionary incentive for the virus to develop vaccine-resistant mutations. The unvaxxed do not provide a host which rewards such mutations.
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>>160041 brb vaxx-maxxing right now
>in McDonalds >voice on the tannoy tells us we're supposed to wear masks now >take a look around >basically nobody is, not even the staff
i c not much 2 think abt here
hullo lads done with toil had to go the dentist. sounds like a nigcel went daft in shitagain. hopefully mummy gretchen bans mini-14s from being owned by white nationalist virgins so I can finally breed when she sharts the "U chuck and I suck" program
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>>160047 Should have been banned 10 years ago, lad
>>160048 kek he was one of the best polfaces who ever lived far better than paul joseph franklin and other chuds
>>160049 actually went after the people that matter tbh
Part 2
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Test tbh
>>160054 >>160053 yikes it was really that clear cut what they were trying to do
what else than following the jury vehicle is it that they could have done? Surely this should haunt them
>>160059 based brown man
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>>160048 >>160051 i miss breivik memis
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>>160056 prefer the nord milf to the swarthoid
>she met bledi cuci I thought he was are PM
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>>160066 I'd share my DNA with her iykwim
>>160067 into the ditch with (you)
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I just want her to choke me to death, is that too much to ask?
>black magic yep, indeed Also genuine Cornishman banged up
>>160069 It will happen no need to worry. She’s going to choke the entire country
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>>160072 Thanks for your efforts as always, lad
Oh yeah, there's another St Ives isn't there? Well that's a sneeth averted for now.
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>>160073 Thanks shlad a (You) is its own reward
>>160078 has science gone too far?
>>160080 Science is just getting started
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>>160082 >BoatyMcCarface Hope it self destructs
>>160081 smh >>160082 can't imagine buying one of those tech-filled pieces of shit tbh wouldn't even want one if i got it for free
>>160084 Hello lad
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>>160085 hullo lad
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my one uncle won't drive a car made after 1994 when the started adding in all that ECM shit, perfers to drive carburated motors. drives some oldfag early 1980s general motors truck
>>160087 >source? That's seabiscuit, lad.
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>>160088 based tbh computer parts in cars is a scam
Just got premium lads I can say dirty things now
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go outside
>>160092 now this is podracing
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>>160092 don't know what this is
>>160096 ai chatbot for incels
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https://youtu.be/51R_LaRCr44 listening to it again
>>160100 do som donut for the buddies
>>160101 smh the temp is too high its lingering around freeze so its not good snow powder like where martin is. its just ostfront tier wet soggy half frozen mess
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how long are xoomers and boomers just going to keep 2 weeks coping about all this? do incels have to put in all the work?
>>160104 complete unquestioning obedience has never failed them before lad
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59485586 But now it's trendy in society to say that black men are victims so how can we believe her if she's so easily influenced by social trends?
>>160104 Does seem a bit incredulous
>>160106 whoa based she ruined a man's life but it's okay now because she said sorry
>>160106 she got raped by a nigger and wrote a book about white guys raping nigger women. fuck her.
its called we do a little trolling
>>160111 based
Big Mike and the gang are on the case.
>>160113 tbh heard that a nearby wog school closed down recently and a bunch of the students from there got sent to this one instead then on the day of the sharting all the stayed home for no reason
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Race against the clock to get zoil work done before the deadline
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swiss roll for brekky as energy
>>160115 wish i could zoil tbh seems like a complete bludge
>>160117 until you actually need to work
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>>160118 smh yeah have to pay the piper eventually
https://youtu.be/Sh7UWLa0Rnw so comfy smh, wish I was a general in charge of the logistics of a war just like in my rts games
want a chocolate orange now
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>>160122 you must overcome these urges
>>160122 Don't listen to him, lad. Why would God make the choccy orange if it wasn't meant for eating?
>>160124 the jew made choccy orange lad not god
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>>160111 >Russia state-controlled media Hate big tech social media thought influence tbh
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*enters the thread and asserts my dominance*
>>160127 luv that nigga ngl
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>>160129 >and a DNA molecule
>>160129 >coom plastic is it really that fucking hard to make things out of glass or wood or steel? unless there's some very specific engineering requirements that need a specific material with specific properties plastic is only ever used for penny pinching
oil has been a disaster for the human race
>>160132 Wish it had never been found in the ground. Just want to hunt whales me
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>Lidl didn't have any golden syrup I BET THE EUROPEANS ARE BEHIND THIS
morning lads
>>160131 Probably the ability to mass produce little things in moulds of arbitrary shape. >>160132 iirc people were predicting a doomsday scenario when the coal ran out, not anticipating that crude oil would come and rescue the economy in the nick of time. I wonder what magical substance will rescue us this time.
>>160136 the blood and body parts of white children are already being farmed for vax ingredients to 'save' the cattle from el mentira and no doubt much of it is redirected toward conspiracy blood rituals and adrenochrome supplies
>>160133 could never hunt a cetacean me smh i'd feel bad >>160134 smh unforgivable >>160135 morning lad >>160136 >the ability to mass produce little things in moulds of arbitrary shape. tbh penny pinching smh no more need to hire skilled employees any more >I wonder what magical substance will rescue us this time. nuclear power is the future lad as soon as peak oil makes the hippies shut up it'll come into prominence
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>>160139 kek those zoomoid posts give me a chuckle tbh
was seething about something but i forgot what it was >>160142 >women smh >muh russia smh
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>>160138 >could never hunt a cetacean me smh i'd feel bad Except for maybe the killer whale tbh. But even those I don't think are much of a threat to humans. Just great white bros.
>>160144 smh it's sovereign citizens all over again except cucked >>160146 tbh
Jewish pro-BLM uni student brutally murdered by a heckin niggerino lmfao
"you're welcome"
>>160149 based
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Just remembered when getting banned from yandere's discord became a speedrunning category https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpAFgWJR-xE
They keep making out like this was just a spoiled rich kid throwing a tantrum but seems like hid dad got put in the cuck shed and he did what his dad should have done before he died. This is the only article it was mentioned in. >He said: 'In the summer of 2003, Anne and her children were invited by Sir Richard to move to Moorhill, which they did. David Schreiber moved into a cottage on the estate where he lived until his death in 2013. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10258451/Son-35-stabbed-hotelier-death-injured-mother.html
>>160153 been noticing home get used a lot more in youtube video background music lately tbh it's nice >>160154 sounds like there's a lot of family bullshit at play there tbh maybe mummy should have been less of a gold-digging thot
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Day off? Nah here have a longer day with awful driving conditions
>>160156 ffs lad just kill bossman and wear his skin and take his routes for your own
we do a little trolling it's called we do a little trolling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J2WRhOuuAM
>>160157 Keeeeeek its in the works. Until then ill have to be loyle to my bossman
>>160159 do alleged "people" really judge the quality of things by what other people thought of it? smh of course they do so sick of society
>>160156 You should do a Youtube channel called "Van Driver's View", where you just drive about Norgeland in blizzards.
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Attempt 1.
>>160156 If you see a lass with car trouble make sure to kidnap and breed her >>160158 love eggy me
>>160163 lel the big nose is good
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>>160166 looks like nothing's wrong then tbh nothing to see here
>>160167 I was really worried about this, but I guess Reuters has spoken, best go get my n-th booster tbh (I forget which one I'm on).
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>>160168 >keeping count
>>160169 lel I can count zero quite easily fortunately
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>>160170 How do you count 0?
Here’s hoping the judge gets stabbed
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been fantasising about winning the lottery lately but the more that i think about it the more i realise there's nothing i'd actually want to spend it on
>>160174 stop stifling his cultural expression
Army handing out condoms to put over the end of your rifle
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Pembsie P-E-M-B-sie
>>160174 fuck kind of mutt is that?
>>160178 Poombsie looked like a middle-aged housewife in the last image I saw of him.
>>160180 Some sort of Dravidic jungle temple abomination crossed with something slightly more human, not sure.
>>160181 keeeeeeeeek took me a minute
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What do you mean you are sold out of chocolate glased, chocolate stuffed donut buns? I've had a bad day. I NEED THEM
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cheese toasty and choccy milkshake, milleniyule soon lads
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>tfw buy cake at shop but they ambush me with "card only" at the checkout and I've come too far to stop now seething tbh, should be illegal
>>160187 based >>160188 drop it on the floor and walk out
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>>160189 had no choice lad I was stress eating
>>160188 Did you lads know that Bins made this fat polfarer? He doesn't get enough recognition
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>>160192 I've made half the OC that gets used every thread and you don't see me bringing it up
>>160193 Lafs, this lad has made half the OC we repost every day, he deserves recognition!
>>160191 why did he rape a lass in the gay village smh not very culturally sensitive of him >>160192 bins does a lot of things but i never see him poosting it here smh he may as well be a complete stranger >>160193 tbh
When you spend a week of toil rest on making a dud oc nobody reposts smh
>>160194 God I wish I could do that, instantly commands respect, the opening of dune is kino
>>160197 kek yeah
>>160194 choon that >>160197 tbh iktf smh
>>160201 comfy
going visit boomers again tbh hope the buscunts aren't going to complain about being a nomaskchad
poo and shit and fecal pellet ploppings
>>160114 yeah its called student of choice program in shitagain its how the gov't continually busses niggers from detroit to the white suburbs for gibs and etc. because the niggers don't pay taxes. in the 1970s some dafties tried to bomb school of choice buses to prevent school integration by the feds and state. its why even though I live in a white community the schools were full of niggers
>>160204 Ye ngl this made me laff
had some jobsworth miserable looking cunt security guard cheekily ask me to wear a mask the other day, wish I'd decked the cunt the disrespect in his voice made me seethe.
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>>160201 The manga adaptation was better
>>160203 good luck lad >>160205 smh that's abysmal lad >in the 1970s some dafties tried to bomb school of choice buses to prevent school integration i'm not going to explicitly encourage you to do that lad i'm just going to say that nobody here would think less of you if you did do that
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>>160207 had a bus driver the other day who wouldn't open the doors until i put on a mask smh was so taken aback by that that all i could do was internally seethe smh took me by complete surprise tbh never expected that to happen >>160211 tbh want more turmoil so that everybody's uncomfortable instead of just the people already living on the edge of society
>>160213 >took me by complete surprise tbh never expected that to happen smh yeah this is how it always is, then you're left with only 2 options silence seething compliance or going dafty on the spot smh
>>160213 Just wear a really obnoxious mask
>>160214 tbh smh next time i'll be prepared though after having autistically run through simulations of this situation countless times >>160215 wearing a non-standard mask is tacit acceptance of the maskoid status-quo lad putting effort in means you expect it to last longer than a day or two and expecting is a stone's throw away from hoping the only acceptable response to maskoid mandates (besides refusal) is a ratty old blue (long since turned grey-brown) single use mask that you've been re-using every day since this all began
>>160216 >after having autistically run through simulations of this situation countless times it really do be like that
>>160216 I like to wear the neck buffs so no-one can tell if I'm really wearing a face covering.
>>160215 Swastika or BUF lightning flash might do it.
>>160218 not sure what you mean lad >>160219 keeek now there's an idea
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>>160220 The neck scarfs and I just make sure it's falling off my nose/face every 5 minutes. I also have a shemagh maybe I'll try that. I'll probably just stop wearing if everyone doesn't go mask-schizo coming into mid-December.
for me its no masking and staring at the door people wide eyed while walking past them and if they ask me if I want a mask I take it and don't hold over my mouth with my hand until I am in the aisles then just throw it on the floor so wagies have to clean it up
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can they just hurry up and go full NWO with the vaccines so I can actually go dafty
>>160221 I think it's important your mask doesn't look anything like a clinical mask even if wearing a mask at all is embarrassing.
>>160221 think you're complying fully with the law either way as long as your mouth and nose are covered lad >if everyone doesn't go mask-schizo coming into mid-December. lad... >>160222 based tbh wish i lived somewhere where it wasn't really enforced >>160223 tbh
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>tfw even after reading that swedish copypasta about littering to make people remember the good times I can't bring myself to be grotty because of my european sense of duty smh
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>>160222 *hoovers up your mask*
>>160225 smh poor lad yeah nomask chads rule the shops where I live and maskcucks have to seethe and they only lash out when some mummy isn't wearing a mask like little bitch faggots. saw this one xoomer yelling at an older mummy about nomask and then a bunch of toilboomers told him to fuck off and she said he was harrassing me to the staff
>>160225 I just don't find myself concerned with the masks as a priority now when the more likely scenario is being banned from employment and buying food due to no digital ID.
>>160230 just wait until the fuzz are snooping around waiting to hand out fines lad >banned from employment and buying food due to no digital ID. tbh this is just the beginning
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>>160228 Are these wool caps actually well known in Michigan ? Ordered one because it seemed less zoomer-ish than a beanie.
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Toil end, the journey home begins https://youtu.be/UR_CqjzwTBo
>>160233 >fuel used >383.7L
>>160234 I think thats something you can reset to see how much fuel you used on a drive, obviously not been reset in a while. This van uses 45 litres on a 470 kilometer drive
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A bridge on Norway's Main road is closed now, which means a 5 hour detour for all trucks
>>160237 Smh multiple cars in the ditch today
>>160238 Are they still planning to build the coastal motorway using underground tunnels ?
>>160240 Pretty sure yeah.
>tfw by the time you're recovered from toil its sunday so you can't and don't feel like doing anything productive
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She's done a great job getting herself on that controlled opposition gravy train.
>>160243 just another worthless whore
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>>160242 tbh >>160243 of course she has tbh she's young and f*male and moderately attractive she can suck dick all the up to the top
>>160243 Who’s this? still would
>>160246 Have you only been here 5 minutes lad?
can't stand all those smug talentless williamoids on tory twitter that do the controlled op circuit, hate them more than the lefties tbh.
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>>160248 Find it hard to dislike them as much as the US contOp because they're just extremely cringe instead of coming off like prefabricated personalities.
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>tfw you watch a british themed youtube video about something and the yanks start reinterpreting it with their yankisms in the comments
>>160250 they are way more smug, I went to school with people like them
>>160243 she would get railed tbh she wouldn't be able to leave my rat pit unwounded
>>160253 how can one anon be so based?
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>>160251 tbh, preparing secretly to write them into the story as the villains in my next fantasy epic.
>>160247 don't know who it is either tbh
>>160256 Her and her sister were getting posted a lot around the time of Brexit.
>cpu hit 100°C and i had to restart my computer smh >>160255 based >>160257 lad you can't expect me to remember the name of every w*man i see smh they're all interchangeable
>>160258 >lad you can't expect me to remember the name of every w*man i see smh they're all interchangeable true
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>keep forgetting that its not the 2010s
>>160260 shite decade tbh even worse than the 00s
>>160261 2010-11 was good tbh
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>>160258 tfw you boot up chrome
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>>160263 lads?
>>160265 Love are border force
>>160260 yeah >>160261 tbh but it was better than nothing >>160264 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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i slept for 12 hours
>>160196 >bins does a lot of things but i never see him poosting it here smh he may as well be a complete stranger lad?
>>160193 There is only one poster here who never gets the recognition he Beserves
https://youtu.be/DPMiWwqX4wI I swear these twats just make shit up, spends the whole video calling things that are reasonable stupid but then at 15:50 when NIGGERS are shown to be roman soldiers he says "wow this is so historically accurate rome was very diverse", these cunts should have their degrees stripped from them and be thrown in a gulag
>>160271 maybe if he poosted with a recognisable style or used a flag i'd know when he's here >>160273 yes lad that's exactly what happens smh you should block these pop-history channels tbh they only exist to feed you lies
In another video he says that boiling flammable oil didn't exist because "you can just throw boiling water"
going to watch time of eve again tbh luv it >>160275 what a mong smh
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what retard phenotype is this
>>160277 downie face is international tbh
>President Joe Biden balked on Tuesday when asked by reporters if he would visit the victims and families of those affected in a school shooting in Michigan. >“I don’t know that I’m able to do that,” Biden replied when asked by reporters about whether he would visit the victims. “I don’t even have the detail of who the families are.” Uh. No idea, anyone know what's the issue? I'm literally the least social, but I could manage that one. You just listen to people talk about themselves. There's nothing to it, just be grave, it's easy to tear up if everone's crying, seems easy.
>>160275 It was used, but rarely. People didn't have much of it and it was expensive, meanwhile water and sand was plentiful. Heard they used lime too. Remember seething at that diverse rome comment tbh smh
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read the fuckin memo jack none of this is his problem
>>160269 I've POOPED longer than that
>>160281 lmao it's in reverse
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damn look at this breastplaterino
>>160196 >bins does a lot of things but i never see him poosting it here smh he may as well be a complete stranger heres a quick rundown of bins he went to a boarding school his dad was an MP he was in the army for a while he is a housing developer he is a homosexual(and has admitted to having sexual relations with men) he is a schizo
at funerals: >so sorry to hear that >sorry for your loss >I see how much he meant to you >he was much loved >there's a hole in the world that can't be filled >the silver lining is you're single
>>160285 err he WAS a homosexual, lad, just like Woes.
>>160284 Nice B reastplate
You just know if loads of modern shit that we do disappeared and there was a collapse historians from the future would be saying "UMM ackshually theres no evidence of 21st century use of xyz, I'm an expert"
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Any update on the school sharting? Was it some nigger who hated whites emboldened by the nigger van of peace? >>160284 Looks a bit elven.
>>160286 never uttered or heard anyone utter these yankisms
>>160292 I assume brits say >ees abin a cuppatee in eaven m8
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>160285 >160287 >160288 >160293 Daring today aren't we
>>160293 We say he/she had a good innings. Unless of course they didn't.
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Charlie Kirk knows the mulatto perm is a guaranteed way to successfully groom zoomies.
as a united king british subject i demand my mp let parliament known we demand full second amendment rights, constitutional carry. it's our right, and we demand it be restored to us.
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>>160296 >you can see his nipplerinos
>>160279 but lad they're not black >>160285 thanks for the binslore qrd lad >>160290 tbh history is just consensus and popularity
wonder if I can get away with grooming a retard by being a retard. Feel retarded a lot of the time tbh
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>>160285 I was never homosexual or schizo
sneevening lads forgot boomers internet was out so I couldn't do my always-online toil and just had a quick catch up and a few drinks and left saw a very lovely plain looking goth lass in a reasonable below the knee length skirt and tights and I wanted to wife her then the busmong said something about legal requirements and masks while I was getting on despite not wearing one himself so I ignored him and went home
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>>160302 >a very lovely plain looking goth lass in a reasonable below the knee length skirt and tights tbh
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>>160302 there was some nice chubby goth lasses at one of the pubs in town i should go back there some day...
>>160304 if God loved you he'd cause them to speak with you already
>>160306 i did speak with them
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>>160304 that time a nice chubby goth lass was taking sneaky pictures of me with her phone at the hipster cafe and I didn't go over to talk to her
Brendanbros... We're back.
>>160308 beta af tbh
>>160269 good lad always make sure you get a good nights rest
>>160309 hopefully he's still the hero and not just an old cuck role
>>160305 smh just lazily rolling over the edge >>160307 good lad >>160309 will unironically go and see this at the cinema no matter what tbh sending him my power
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>>160310 she was too fat for me anyway
>>160314 there is nothing wrong with fat lasses
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>>160315 >when their vaginas and arses fuse into one big slitterino
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>>160315 >there is nothing wrong with fat lasses you've never been with one, you wouldn't know
>>160319 its like swimming in a pool of flesh
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>22 stone reminding me again why I filter him
ah yes the good old "he tries to breed and that makes me sneethe" smh
>>160315 spoken like a lucky prick whos never had to shag one, they are awful
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>lads who are as much of a cringecel as you are but somehow managed to shag a normal lass
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>>160325 many such cases
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>>160317 >when their vaginas and arses fuse into one big slitterino this lad gets it
>>160328 wear that fat slut like a hat mmmmmmmmmm
mmmmmm baby let me see how long I can hold my breath in you meat pool
>when you can feel her fart bubbles slide up through her fanny past your cock
>>160331 mmm she's like a living fuck doll but powered by sausage rolls instead of batteries mmmmm
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speaking of fannies....
lot of filtering to be done this day
>>160333 maybe this is why Pembs' boyfriend left him
Another for the heckin filterino. nu/brit/ is getting brazen with their grotty gayism.
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>​>160333 stop
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>>160337 >filterino >22st trying to hiderino We see your folds baby mmmm
out of rum and out of pão de quejio smh this is terrible
>replying while filtered
can't even tell who 22st is tbh
>>160344 me neither
>>160344 i can,i am austomed to his earthly oils
>>160307 like where they walk up to you specifically. in pickup it's called opening, they'll open you
no one's posted any historical weapons or big animal videos so he can't be here
Redpill me on Caesar, was he good or bad?
>>160347 they did they said i have nice teeth
>>160350 "good for eatin' with", they said
>>160350 lmao food apple to new and said your gay
how is swipe getting less accurate?
>>160349 Neither, he simply was.
>>160352 wdhmbt
>>160349 he was okay
>>160299 Don’t believe him he’s lying
god has limited resources, gotta cut him some slack. god just like literally everyone better than you
>>160349 gigabrain tbh
22st is a good lad tbh
right now 100% of the women of the whole earth could call you. the reason they do not is god does not love you.
>160360 Another dancing close to the filter.
SA is in the bath with me now. We have rose scented candles. He looks so sweet. I can't wait for these bubbles to disappear! 🥰
>schizo posting at the same time as me lad get off my fucking turf
just had a poo, might have a wank
>>160365 if god loved you he would remove me from your turf. the reason he has not is because he does not
>>160363 >rose scented candles gay smh
And another actually added to the filter. Most I've filtered in any thread. Smh.
>>160367 homo god loves you, this is why you do not have a gf
>has to filter the netire thread >thinks he isn't the problem
>a6ec57 >97629a
>>160370 maybe homo god can have you join SA and i in the bathtub, I''m sure we could squeeze you in ;)
ngl homos are nicer than women
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may schizbot and the gayposters destroy themselves
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>>160369 Just filter everyone and only read your own posts
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reported all of you
>>160373 sorry lid, got 3 supermodel wives
>>160377 basede
the only way to prove ur straight is teeline
FACT gays can't teeline
>>160379 Keek. Filtering you as well. >>160383 Don't know how I haven't filtered Dorshit yet. Time to remedy that.
>>160386 lmao, just leave
ttps://mobile.twitter.com/301_AD/status/1466079862217715724 >Clashes with the use of artillery broke out between the Iranian military and the Taliban on the border of the two countries. https://mobile.twitter.com/301_AD/status/1466082929772220436 >The transfer of Taliban reinforcements to the zone of clashes with the Iranian military on the border. https://mobile.twitter.com/301_AD/status/1466083851135037441 >Iran sends military equipment to the border with Afghanistan.
>another replying while filtered Sad!
>>160388 interesting
>>160388 I'll believe that when you Teeline it
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>>160392 choon that
fucking despise bins and 22st
>>160394 don't really understand why everyone from newbrit hates each other tbh honestly don't really care that much
>>160395 it's friendly banter, lad
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going shops tbh
>>160398 buy fancy cheeses
>Kalki (Karki) literally means "White" in Hindi hmmm
>>160398 just went to get some money out tbh
>>160400 bro that horse got skinny af legs fr
hoarding cash for when they inevitably shut down the unjabbd bank accounts but cash will be useless by then :suicidepepe:
>guy left his receipt in the atm >he only has £250 keeek poorfags
>>160404 been there before smh don't mock
>>160405 tbh remember when i actually ran out of money and had like 5 quid that was it was rather abysmal maybe hes a cash hoarder like meee
My contacts are tell me Russia is to invade Ukraine on the 15th of December. Screencap this post.
>>160406 tbh always always keep something in your wallet and something under your mattress just in case jewberg decides to raid your bank account >>160407 didn't they already do that years ago? old news smh
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>>160408 im slowly amassing a few grand in notes
>>160409 you should go on a nigerian sex holiday
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>>160399 got iceland's cheapest £2 red leicester tbh already got some wensleydale with cranberry or something in the fridge unopened for up to a week because I keep forgetting to get crackers to have it on
night lads >>160409 based tbh diversify into precious metals though lad >>160412 making me hungry smh luv some red leicester i do
>>160413 nn sweetie
>>160158 What's the name of egg white's new channel?
>>160416 big yolk
>>160174 >fucking stabbed someone in public >"low risk to the public"
came across a genuine cannibal yank fan. made my skin crawl.
fresh noseley and co reviewing cannibal yank's book https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/BOOKREVIEWCrucible:9 >>160422 what are they like, lad?
>>160423 I know right
bad news lads
>>160425 >shawn cohen did he at least shoot niggers smh poor lad
>>160174 So I looked up the judge and she has a history of giving light sentences to wogs.
I honestly just think 99% of judges are satan worshipping pedophiles at this point.
>>160428 Yeah likely, or even just run of the mill grubby little peeds, maybe some are masons and do it for the 'cause' too. Women need no explanation.
we really let them kill our king smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzDAWHyt5gU
>>160430 He was not a good king. If he was he wouldn't have been so easily outmaneuvered politically.
>>160418 >dorshit bopping his chode at the thought of an annoying bint getting blacked by the imported wagie
mad how the vast majority of the public was on the kings side and they still lost.
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>>160425 AUGH, another youngling
>>160434 He could have helped himself before declaring war on half of parliament.
>>160436 if he hadn't declared war first then they would have, giving them the initiative and a head start on raising armies not sure if the parliamentarian trained bands edict went out first or the royalist commission of array did in any case tbh
The parliamentarians clearly didn't give a single shit about the law and just acted through power alone. from prides purge to charles illegal trial and execution everything about them was shameless pursuit of their unpopular ends.
>>160437 He gave them a head start by running away to Nottingham and raising his standard there.
>>160438 He made the fatal mistake of thinking the status of king has ever protected a king in England.
>>160438 naturally
He could have stopped the civil war at the eleventh hour just by raising his standard in London and frogmarching the parliamentarians away for execution.
>>160438 tbh >>160442 he obviously didn't think those orders would be followed, because the londoners were pro-parliamentarian
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they really killed the king frfr
>>160443 See a poor politician, I'd have had a royal guard ready, especially after the parliamentarians had made it clear they had no intention of being dissolved this time.
Fuck he could have just gone out and rallied a fucking mob for fuck sake.
>>160446 tbh, seems like reactionaries throughout history always do half measures until its too late.
>>160425 1000 Alt right narratives collapse in an instant
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>>160451 I'll never forget working at Robbie Williams concert, many moons ago. There were middle-aged birds pissing and shitting themselves in droves like the fucking drunken animals that they are.
>cannibal yank's book is all about how he was being bullied by nogs and progs in school and how he's been seething about it for over 20 years afterwards
>>160453 can confirm I've seen the aftermath of a robbie williams stadium gig it's like 5000 hen parties formed into one screeching warband
This will make auslad seethe tbh. I know it's made me seethe. Starting to hate Chinks more than Jews these days. https://twitter.com/SallySitou/status/1465773714969022469
>>160455 It was bad tbh, I knew working class birds could be terrors, but I was never forced to watch it unfold like that all night. I was worried I was going to get a kicking from a female bouncer at one point because I cracked a joke about middle-aged women losing bladder control or something.
>>160457 keeeeeeeeeeeek
KEEEEEK the shooter pretended to be the sheriff to get people out of hiding. https://twitter.com/Phil_Lewis_/status/1465802106867269634
>>160459 Classic. The Breivik strategy.
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The space nigga Away Team is ready.
why is /shit/ so slow
>>160462 saving all my good posts for a couple of years time
>>160463 good idea tbh
is it not considered weird that this CEO "just so happens" to have a lot of "quotes" that are "just taken out of context"
>>160464 yeah got a load of OC that only really becomes relevant after wessi's death
>>160465 Bet intelligence services have shit loads of dirt on this poojet if he's that sloppy with his tweets. You'd think he would delete them before the announcement, just for PR reasons.
I'd correct poojet, but poojet is actualyl better tbh.
>>160469 "post-natal abortion"
>>160467 it hasn't even been a day and people have uncovered a score of these tweets from so fucking long ago, looking at it feels like the simulation is breaking, why would the new CEO just so happen to have a plethora of tweets that just so happen to be taken out of context but are justifiable as they just so happen to be quotes from something else
mutt cop shoots wheelchair pensioner in the back ten times https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1466099784385712136?s=21
>>160470 fetus from womb to tomb >>160471 Yeah something seems completely off with it.
https://twitter.com/i/events/1465731114065018881 I think I'm going fucking insane
>>160474 you vill drink from zee spermcup and you vill be happy
>>160469 smh evil cunts >>160472 shart coppers are the worst, it only says they fired him
So many Whites have been gunned down in cold blood by schizo yank coppers knowing there will be barely any push back against it.
cant wait to breed out my anglo genes with a cute ruskie lass
>>160474 I am absolutely enthralled by our current timeframe. I see a future of absolute destruction and renewal. A new race, transfigured in blazing white glory, a master of its destiny, and perhaps even of the entire world. Inshallah.
>>160474 SA falls for these gay meaningless news articles every time. this isn't even seethe bait, its literally nothing.
>>160469 That is actually insane and evil. Hate satanists so much, lads.
https://archive.md/ZJ1RM >‘Biggest cancer catastrophe ever’ to hit NHS as up to 740,000 potential cases missed >>160481 Absolutely, it is one thing to make petty and rather selfish arguments for abortion, like many women do, because they have the intellect of a child, but to subvert metaphysics to the point where life is dehumanised and the law is changed because of it is literally the work of the devil.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJy7Jmpxc4w Hey there, Steiner What's it like in Detroit city? I'm a thousand miles away But, boi, tonight you look so schitzy Yes, you do Time square can't seethe as loud as you I swear, it's true Oooooh, it's what you do to seethe Oh, it's what you do to seethe What you do to seethe
>>160482 It's a Greek tragedy tbh, so unhappy yet so unwilling to make the changes to make themselves happy because the ideas are coming from men.
https://youtu.be/dp7lzK-qo4A watching it again lads >that guy at the end god I hope that is me in the ethnostate
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had a dream i was travelling with bald and bankrupt to iran was cool >>160486 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>>160486 bonus points for the shooter having scotch ancestry.
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>>160474 I think I'm going TO COOOOOOOOOOOM
>>160490 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>160472 back the blue so thankful that terrorist was prevented from hurting innocent black friday displays with his non-walmart power chair
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>>160493 Fucking hell. Only just unfiltered that lad as I was curious what was posted. The cop needs lynching if he isn't given the Chauvin treatment x10, but I bet whiteoids will do nothing.
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>>160495 David Davis, but that nigger should get all her book money tbh. Bit sad that he really dindu nuffin, on a basic human level. If the suspisciously scooby dooish looking bint doesn't pay him, she should be murder death killed in minecraft with extreme prejudice. Okay, thank you.
>>160496 doubt whiteoids are even talking about it
Fresh shouting and seething and getting done by coppers >PA Yorkshire take to the streets in Hull, demonstrating against rape gangs. https://odysee.com/@SamMYorks:1/HullProtest2021:7
>one of the main activists for the anti-police stuff in his area over the last few years >area turns into a crime ridden shithole >got killed in a carjacking get fucking dabbed on gommie
>>160472 Glad they neutralised the threat before he could set of that motorised explosive device.
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>>160459 This only makes it funnier tbh
>>160503 When the LEO is sus
>>160496 no whites only protest if its fashionable, if anyone protests it will be niggers because some of them legitimately believe in the police reform thing which is obv complicated and I support it as well but tbh I understand that half the reason bolice are so fucked in shartica is because of niggers themselves
https://twitter.com/i/events/1465967080151281668 >While emergency contraceptive pills can now be purchased for under £4 from online retailers, women are still paying four times that for an equivalent product in places such as Boots then just.... buy it online?
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>>160500 good lad now this is based
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>>160510 No, I don't think I will
>>160501 marxoids seething
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Three different types of chicken for supper
>>160513 what typeee?
his fate was sealed long ago
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>>160514 Don't remember tbh think one box was from sainsburys
>>160515 keek good lad
>>160518 Good lad love that meme me
https://twitter.com/haleyjrichey/status/1465785057134710787 >women only care when police hurt niggers or animals but don't care when white men are killed by police
bussin rn
>>160524 Legit thought that kid was getting shanked at the end ngl
>>160485 keeeeeeek
>>160527 dey eats de crissmuss dinner ob peanut buttah invented by de black man for to put on his toast feel like blm is just the occupy wall street shite but for niggers and more violence at this point tbh even has a jewess running it iirc
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stay up or take sleeping pills?
>>160529 run around the streets hooting like a monkey until you're tired enough to go back home and sleep tbh
>>160528 yeah it has always been the distraction from OWS stuff, and niggers are just the dumbest of the dumb OWS is an absolute fucking joke now and the complete antithesis of its original purpose
>>160513 cheesecake tbh
>>160534 Based
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>mum gets home >immediately starts smoking weed
>>160536 based
>>160536 keeek
>>160537 meeting my dad at the weekend so i have to put up with it at his too fucksake
>both his parents are redditors smh good on you for staying away from it
>>160540 i get bad juju when i smoke it or eat it honestly think its devil work ting ting irie
>>160536 >>160539 remind them that it is the uncoolest drug on the face of the fucking planet
alex jones did a spiel where he talked about how george soros funded a group that purposely farmed specific traits into weed strains to cause schizophrenia I think its the super high THC content
it's honestly impressive how uncool weed really is
>>160543 my dad gets it from all over the place but some of the stuff thats grown underground and shit cant be good he will definitely go schizophrenic
>>160543 no that's just weed in general tbh, sounds like copium invented to try justifying weed
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>>160527 oy vey
>>160549 why bother with something so irrelevant and pointless tbh
>>160549 "Does anybody watch GBNews?" he asks, knowing the answer in advance.
>>160549 troomald poompf is shilling the vax so he can go suck a shotgun
>>160550 >no fun allowed you have to be doomer and miserable 24/7
>>160553 nobody said anything about being a miserable doomer personally watching two has-been gatekeepers suck eachother off isn't my idea of fun either
>>160549 Yesterday’s men Just sad tbh
>>160554 >>160555 tbh, they can't even keep up with our dopamine demand anymore.
>>160553 Watching Farage and Drumpf is fun?
>>160557 >gloomposting on /brit/ is fun?
>>160556 I’d like to hear Farage interview Nosely That’d be worth listening to
would only watch trump getting interviewed by woes and joe
call me when zognald funds a dirty bomb attack on the senate and farage is out there machinegunning invader dinghies tbh >>160559 well BELIEVE ME you are a sussy baka and I see you have a very big chungus
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I've had to read so many Russian letters at toil I've started to be able to read Cyrillic
or trump getting interviewed by chairman mike while matt heimbach is outside the trailer fucking melania
>>160562 based I wish I could learn other languages
>>160562 >he was forced to read russian at toil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_flBjFxCnIU
>>160562 good lad hope a cute lass at the russian church will help me learn russian
>>160558 Whose gloom posting?
>>160566 how about you learn russian and earn your cute russian lass.
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made some noodles but they smell absolutely vile like gross spicy shite. fucking hate spicy crap, stupid spicy tomato sauce making it smell like vom
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>GayBoomerNews >fun
>>160562 have you read any cursive?
>>160569 keeeeek ought to be more careful around the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
>>160573 cyrillic cursive looks like the electrocardiogram of a person ODing on meth
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>>160573 Not strong enough for that yet tbh
>>160570 ohhhh I'm gonna funpoooost >The country's first 'brexit MP' starts to resign or wait is it fresh and at the previous footage of the mcgooggets eating shit they weren't replicating yet?
>>160576 KEEEEEK what the fuck
>>160570 >”living robots” I watched the video, the “robots” are just bundles of powder that float about in liquid, and “reproduce” by making other bundles of powder
fuck lads I just realised (((their))) master plan the vaxxoomers (majority retarded cattle white people) are being injected with the chicken nuggers and after a further dozen or so booosters will begin to mutate into actual chicken nuggets, thereby spurring on the negro population to race war as they consume the dying nuggetmen in a cannibalistic frenzy
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>>160581 close enough
>>160581 >>160582 how many nights in a row has it been "close enough"
>>160583 I don't know any more I can't discern the passage of time there is only seethe the seethe never ends
Explain this image to your great grandfather
>>160585 demons
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>>160585 wont have to
>>160589 le 109 sacks of coal but still on the nice list face
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After all there's only just the two of us And here we are still fighting for our lives Watching all of history repeat itself Time after time I'm just a seether I seethe my life away I'm just a seether Who seethes of better days
>>160589 Parasite tells the host we can’t live without it
>eats Wessex
>>160593 needs a few more runs through the morpher tbh, he just looks like a slightly more cannibalistic than usual american there
>>160585 >Grandad, you know how the church has been sending missionaries to all corners of the world for centuries? >>160589 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK it's funny because they killed Jesus
>>160594 As you wish
>>160596 keeeeeek on a one-man quest to return america to a white supermajority one act of cannibalism at a time
>>160598 The metaverse is a bit yawny, its been in the pipeline for years and a lot of ink has been spilt over it.
>>160600 I'm surprised copyright hasn't killed it.
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>>160603 shame his game looks boring tbh https://store.steampowered.com/app/792120/FIGHT_KNIGHT/ same for highfleet,absolutely kino aesthetic but nothing really new or cool to smee
>>160605 yeah, highfleet looks really nice at least
>>160601 I actually welcome it, because I cannot wait for the world to implode even faster.
>>160605 Modern gaming is soulless, whether indie or triple aaa shite smh never getting the PS2 days again
twenty eyes for twenty open cloths
I would play a DayZ 2 if it ever came out, and Civ VII because I'd be forced to by my old school mates. I probs spend around £160 on Civ VI in total, and feel like a paypig tbh.
>>160611 >like a are
>>160612 the shame is deep
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>go to It*lian restaurant with mummy >wake up in the middle of the night with a roiling belly to expel an extremely uncomfy poo it's my own fault but I'm still angry
>>160614 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzRH2Mv031U declare vendetta against italian cooking lad
>>160614 Italian food doesn’t agree with you?
>>160616 my nordo-kurganoid gut biome has difficulty processing anything from south of the Danube
Red pill me on pressure cookers
>>160617 Indian food fucks me up
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>>160618 you can do fun things with them like making food and blowing up parliament
>>160620 >tibbs is here
>>160618 Jew scam to steal nutrients. If anything you want to cook your food below atmospheric pressure
>>160621 I want to be able to make chicken stock without stinking the house out
>>160585 JUST papistbros...
>>160625 >anglicans
>>160589 you can tell she has a SS rape fetish
>>160627 why does he have the keys though? isn't that a the keys camo unlocked for papist only
>>160629 dnooooo
>>160618 useful alongside a double boiler for making crank and HE
>>160631 >crank and HE Is that drugerinos?
HE has no style HE has no grace HE has blown up your local post office and the authorities are on your case
>>160632 yes one is the other word for meth and the other is abbreviation for high explosive
head hurts from hours of scroooling
>>160634 I want to make chicken stock without stinking out the house, and also low carb cheesecake
https://youtu.be/5dX91V_sDjw >ywn spend 111 hours trying to set up a tent in order to start working
>>160637 >age restricted
>>160638 smh fuck kiketube
>>160635 *rubs tibbles head until it’s not sore anymore*
https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5dX91V_sDjw >coomments full of druggies and larpers trying to out-degenerate eachother
>>160640 go to bed you fucking queer
>>160642 Well now I have to stay up Bastard
https://youtu.be/MmZvJB1XUOo meth sounds like a chad experience compared to pot
stayed awake for 4-5 days on speed once and thought the TV was sending me coded messages about an alien invasion
>>160645 I think you just decoded tv tbh
I love sleep deprivation, literally the best drug on the planet.
>>160648 after 24 hours i go back to being fully awake, no tiredness its rather nice
>1000s killed by vaccine in first month nobody will care they’ll still get vaxxed
>>160650 The vaxx could all turn them into variations of The Thing and normalcattle would still get it
>>160651 Yeah, and they would look at you weird if you said you weren’t getting it too
>>160650 smh pragerjew had one of faucis compatriots from the 1980s fag disease epidemic period and they talked about how fauci and the rest kept the control group alive with meds until the gov't allowed their drug to be used and that he killed 30k people in the 1980s knowingly with shitty drug that killed peoples liver for the fag disease AIDS.
>>160653 Fauci killed a load of faggots? Kinda baist
>>160654 yeah like 30k up to like 100k fags were injected with shite that did nothing to stop AIDS and just caused them to get cancers and liver failure and it was only done to keep the semi defunct CDC from being defunded by the reagan admin in favor of fundin the cancer institute.
>>160656 He seriously creeps me out, does Fauci
>>160656 Now there's a man that understands business
oz coof camps marketing v reality
>>160659 keke these dumb stupid conformist whores getting paid to be poster girls for gulags. not even russian soviet women did this
>>160659 The world is scaring me Can’t believe this shit is really happening
>>160660 because they couldn't
>>160659 not funny that that gay squid game came out recently tbh

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