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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3968: Bro Please Edition Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 06:24:08 Id: 166d8a No. 454814
Opinion polls predicting 'Starmergeddon' should make voters think twice of handing Labour huge majority by voting Reform, Transport Secretary Mark Harper warns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13536649/Opinion-polls-predicting-Starmergeddon-make-voters-think-twice-handing-Labour-huge-majority-voting-Reform-Transport-Secretary-Mark-Harper-warns.html Tories FINALLY open fire on Reform with ex-minister David Davis saying party merger would be like 'offering a golf club arsonist a membership' and Robert Jenrick saying Farage's outfit is opening the door to a Labour 'dictatorship'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13535705/Tories-FINALLY-open-fire-Reform-David-Davis-Nigel-Farage-Robert-Jenrick-election.html Nigel Farage to launch 'contract with the people' in Wales following poll boosts https://news.sky.com/story/nigel-farage-to-launch-contract-with-the-people-in-wales-following-poll-boosts-13154079
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:01:28.
you're basically a yank now, lad.
>>455547 does spic lad still hang about?
>>455546 Grim. Get healed soon lad. I was jewtilated as a child for supposed medical reasons, not sure I besneeve it though. Smh.
>>455525 keeeeek, does he still start arguing about politics before he even enters the room? he is my favourite /brit/ character
>>455549 same lad, i think it's just jew doctors getting in the ear of retard boomer parents and telling them it's for the best. of course boomers would never question authority, least of all a precious and wise doctor!
>>455542 Good. Will stop your lust
>circumcised are itt
>>455553 i was actually pretty traumatised by being different to my friends at school when i was 13. had a huge go at mummy about it
>>455553 All the Muslims at my school got bullied relentlessly for being circumcised.
>>455553 The thumbnail always makes it look like he has proper medieval banter drawings on him keeek. Cheery looking fellow. He's probably dead now.
>>455520 India is a social experiment at this point. >>455521 Keeek.
>Steiner btfo yet again
>>455561 a nigcel appropriating mossy oak just like steiner said
Considering actually vooting Reform to shift the overton window a smidge. Would be the first time I've ever bothered at a general election and I wouldn't even expect nigger elf and Tice to deliver if they were in government. Smh.
>>455564 I know, I know.
smorbing lads
>>455567 Wakey wakey, don't get bitten by a snakey, upside down lad.
i must be shadowbanned
>>455569 from where lad?
>>455570 ty lad, perhaps my posts were skippable
so sun burnt rn lads look like a lobster
>>455573 good lad
>>455575 ab getting greenlit
casper is such a peng name. you almost have to become chad if u r named casper
casper crowell is such a cowboy old school shartican name as well. he looks like some wild west 'ardman as well, wish he didn't change his name to odinson but he seems like a decent enough lad
>>455577 or a ghost >>455578 chuds of all stripes just can't resist we-wuzzing as vikangs tbh
>>455555 >ye wilde hunte approacheth borther https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5krzKn4l9g

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