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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3943: Bad Vlad Edition Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:36:56 Id: 9eeced No. 434921
The smiling assassin: Putin laughs as he addresses a crowd minutes after it was revealed he had been informed of Alexei Navalny's 'murder' in prison https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13092597/Putin-laughs-minutes-informed-Alexei-Navalnys-death.html >As the world reacted with anger to the news today that Alexei Navalny had died in a Russian prison, shameless Vladimir Putin was seen grinning from ear to ear. Wellingborough and Kingswood by-elections: Job not done despite huge wins, says Starmer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68313421 >Keir Starmer has said Labour has "more work to do" after it inflicted two big by-election defeats on the Tories. Newhaven: Six taken to hospital after migrants found in lorry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-68316252 >Six people have been taken to hospital after migrants were found in a lorry aboard a ferry in East Sussex, police have said. Israel launches deadly air strikes in Lebanon after rockets hit army base https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68292471 >At least seven civilians have been killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon, security sources say, after Hezbollah rocket fire killed a soldier in Israel.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:47:16.
>>435631 Yeah I wouldn't count it as proper employment. A lot of companies exploit that system to have a revolving door of people they never have to pay properly.
>>435621 smh my first bossman tricked me too. No empathy. 1 hour of driving to the job each day. 12-14 hours of toil each day. 3k each months before taxes *screams*. I am sure this slavery will help me move up- >company goes bankrupt >bossman makes new company >join, but he says we're starting as we're all new employees so any goodwill we've built up is reset *screams*
>>435636 poolad on a rampage
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>>435636 Is covering "news" from nearly a decade ago Sargoy's current grift in 2024? Haven't been keeping up.
>>435640 oh she's cute *kisses her*
>>435641 He's basically running a youtube GB news.
>>435638 Sounds like you should've been covered under TUPE https://www.gov.uk/transfers-takeovers
Sensible Centrists are growing stronger every day.
>>435643 tbh. call me mad, but I'd let her sit on my face.
how is an audience meant to be impartial when its not a debate it was a q&a with the PM, are they supposed to just suck him off?
keeek always funny when they admit they prefer to live among whites rather than their own kind
>>435649 Just want to live in a White country without Whites, innit.
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>>435652 ffs smdh la
thought I'd been improoving and managing calories and getting exercise then I stepped on the scale earlier today and I'm back over 21st and have about ten days to get under again tbh
>>435654 How about going to iceland without buying all the food in the shop lad
>>435654 Have you tried just not eating?
smdh, he's never going to make it.
I suppose every week is a blessing at this point.
>>435654 Retards smh. Don't you know that digital scales have a bunch of sources of variance like temperature and water retention? You're supposed to measure at the same time of day over a week take an average. A daily reading is just noise. Scooby did an experiment on digital scales back in the day.
>>435659 Glad I still have a manual scales.
>>435655 I haven't gone to iceland since at least the end of 2022 smh everything in there is goyslop so full of salt it'd instantly kill me >>435656 yeah that's what I'm doing now >>435659 I use a trad mechanical one to btfo the battery operated jew tbh it's even more innacurate
>>435661 >yeah that's what I'm doing now Try it for a year.
>>435661 If it's any consolation lad I'm right there with you fasting as my digestion is fucked and eating only brings pain at the moment.
What is it with bum bandits and cannibalism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwztc8QLajw
Saving money is what made it easier for me to lose weight tbh. That bar of chocolate and energy drinks don't seem that appetising when more than a third of an hour wage would be spent on it
>>435664 I guess one taboo wasn't sexually gratifying enough?
>>435663 poor lad smh liquid diet maybe?
>>435667 I think drinking all the beer is partially what got me here.
>>435661 Do a statistical test for non-correlation or plot it on a graph to btfo the metabolic jew.
>>435609 I thought they’d learned the jew lesson tbh Oh well

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