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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3785: The Death of Spoons Edition Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 15:47:56 Id: 654583 No. 315199
Are supermarkets killing Spoons? Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin faces 'momentous challenge' to get punters back 'to the salubrious environment of the saloon bar' after filling their fridges with supermarket beer in lockdown - as empire plunges to £30m loss https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11290575/Wetherspoon-faces-momentous-challenge-persuade-punters-lockdown.html
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/07/2022 (Fri) 16:03:44.
>>316001 He got trips lad, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ban you . .
>Ukrainian Azov commander, Maksym Zhorin, posted on his telegram channel, showing the massacre of civilians in Kupyansk, Kharkov, by claiming "it's a payoff". >He's the hero of collective west
Kastoria is the place to form our /Brit/ commune
>>316003 this whole war has just made me see slavs as subhuman niggers.
>>316005 tbh dirlewanger was right
>>316003 >Zelensky joked about the Chrimea bridge detonation that killed civillians >he's also the hero fo the collective west https://youtu.be/OJ6mnmtZnuU
bbk did you unban him
(106.02 KB 1276x677 BBK Wee Wee.jpg)

>>316010 It's not fair to permaban him tbh, just filter him
*hesitates to shadow box and bathe befor boe boes because I sense chaos a brewing*
lads, if we fail and the UK degrades demographically, what will we do when we're old men?
>>316015 life expectancy for white men is already so low we won't reach old age tbh maybe late 50s before death by groid or suicide etc
imagine how good fifa will be in 2060
i think i figured it out. how do I get this to putin?
>Congratulations! You have high emotional intelligence. This is good news! EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be a star performer. employers are literally selecting for emotional, irrational foids who are worse at actually doing jobs
fit check?
>>316020 confirmed BASED
>>316015 Fight until death tbh
Hope I can grow a long white beard and live like Merlin in the mountains of Wales tbh
I will kill again.
STOP telling our secrets.
i hate hohols
sam hyde's new pill is so shit now, it's just all his bitches and not even his best bitches i.e. charls and the fat boy. it's other retards with irritating voices.
once again I am shouting sneedpilled phrases in an empty coombox
>>315987 >BBC : Total BLM >PIGS : “LOCAL PEOPLE” smh
>>316015 >what will we do when we're old men?
https://youtu.be/H8380RBSaK4 >1:11 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>315985 alexander the great was the ultimate zoomer he literally changed nothing from his fathers military innovations and inhereted a hegemony that was ready to expand and basically just coasted and craterus's/antigonuses boomer generation of generals all helped alexander during problems but then got no credit. you can tell because alexander did autistic william things like force race mixing and adopt persian cultural memes
Crimea bridge: Putin accuses Ukraine of 'terrorism' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63195504
(1.24 MB 10x10 smile.webm)

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