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Britain can be a lot better than this.

passive* income not massive income smh I wish
>>313585 yeah the mexicans on the construction site are all super protective of each other compared to gringos and they all have each others back and they seem so much less cutthroat than gringos.
>spic spends all his time in his basement because he doesnt need to work hate him
>>313584 >So long as it fooking stays there yeah but we shouldn't be feeding Africans though either, we should be letting them starve
>>313590 good point tbh maybe that schizodietlad is right and the insect diet will kill them off
gingerlass keeps going out at night comes back really late, she just got back hmm
>>313584 That's not how it works, they're just using them as guineapigs so they can tell you it's safe when they price out real meat and offer roaches as the only ethical and sustainable alternative.
>>313592 follow her
>>313593 yeah smh nevertheless I will autistically read food labels and never EVER eat the bugs
https://youtu.be/wDYKFxsCLlg this would have been a good theme for the march to charlottesville
remembering that US food regulations stipulate agreeable amounts of insect and rat dropping contamination for products and it is in the range of 2-5%
>>313593 >That's not how it works, they're just using them as guineapigs so they can tell you it's safe when they price out real meat and offer roaches as the only ethical and sustainable alternative yeah, according to the report the study will have "applications here", and they want to find out if kids given the bug diet will do better in school compared to kids just given porridge there are schools in africa where the main incentive to go, is to be fed, you see - so they can study them this way the way the study will likely be reported here is "bug food boosts brainpower" because the starving african kids that were given shitty gruel were more dum than the bug fed ones
>>313594 i would if i could
shnight lads got to spend tomorrow wasting time on neet humilation rituals to secure those worthless neetbux
>>313600 night lad sleep well
>>313599 use a taxi? follow that car?
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i want to completely destroy her
many bluepilled normalfags will survive the coming collapse while us enlightened chuds may perish despite the fact that we are the ones holding up the white races energy field in the astral plain and in the mind of the shite race smh, we will never be given credit, such a thankless task being burdened with such knowledge, when the masses start to act based I will be there to tell them, "I KNEW ABOUT ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU", perhaps we will be rewarded in the next life.
>>313606 lad, it's still worth it it's all worth it
>>313606 as long as the white race survives its okay to me tbf
normalfags are going to become normalslaves soon enough
https://youtu.be/HsMVGZacKpY we will defend the white race to the last man
"They keep posting his picture, what will we do Rosita?"
As long as I'm posting with you lads, Even if brit dies, I'll know you all exist out there somewhere.
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https://youtu.be/4KlyHwnPqns *walks up to wessex after the battle to save the white race is over*
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i love kisses
>>313612 > Even if brit dies, I'll know you all exist out there somewhere. /brit/ won't die lad, there are numerous bunkers out there now on discord

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