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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3781: Bee Yourself Edition Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 08:08:55 Id: 3e9797 No. 311961
Asian hornet alert as insects spotted in UK https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/asian-hornet-uk-bees-insects-b2177217.html Petition demanding early general election passes 100,000 needed for parliament consideration https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/general-election-liz-truss-mini-budget-b2177835.html EXCLUSIVE: Jab got your tongue? Pfizer Covid vaccine caused 'debilitating' lesions that left 60-year-old woman unable to eat for months https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11235577/Woman-60-suffers-agonizing-TONGUE-ulcers-getting-Pfizer-COVID-vaccine.html
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>>312680 interesting lad. how was turkiye?
>>312681 Probably the best country I've been. Had a bit of a culture shock initially walking down the street in Edirne. The food there is amazing, the choice and price, can fill up on ice cream, patiserrie food, pizza, kebab, uighur noodles very cheaply, nice breakfast restaurants too featuring filoux pastry, bakery goods. Turks are very hospitable, I got practically adopted in a town in Antalya for the day, and I'm a 31 year old man. Turkish men are macho and sit outside cafes/bars but aren't as macho as Albanians. Most Turks are nice though and helpful. There are some amazing greek/roman city ruins in Antalya that you can see for like £5 in total including local transportation. hotels in isparta was like £9 a night, had an ensuite and the furniture was all new, ac too. Istanbul and Edirne had some interesting museums in it like the Turkish military museum in Istanbul. There's also a big Greek orthodox cemetery in Istanbul, I tried going into the adjoining armenian cemetery but got rejected for not being Armenian. There are cats everywhere. I saw some statues and material about the military coup, an ablution reconstruction near one of the main admin buildings in Istanbul. I saw some refugees in a few of the parks but they seemed to just be homeless and there was plenty of turkish museum guards around. One turkish museum guard hugged me and wished me a happy journey the day before i left for greece. All in all, probably my favourite 2 week country. dirt cheap currently too. It seemed a very family centred place.
>>312682 I hate turks for racism reasons but sounds nice lad. I might visit bosnia or albania to see white muslims in action this winter tho.
>>312683 Albania is also great. A Kosovan guy staying at the same accomodation as me told me he went to Bosnia and the Croat neighbourhoods were rich while the serbs and bosniaks lived run down
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>>312654 you banned Dorset for 3 days? that's way too long. unban him now
>>312686 Steiner, have you ever seen or experienced ethnics saying sjw style anti white slurs in America?
Or is it all just internet stuff
>>312687 > sjw style anti white slurs in America?
>>312687 yeah pretty regularly
>>312689 where they say like white entitlement or shut up you rich white man etc.
>>312690 >>312690 sounds pretty weird, occasionly i interact with some blacks here who say emphasise that they are black occasionly but not really seen the slurs stuff yet.
>>312691 high caste indians and non-bantu africans in uni all love saying that shit over here.
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>>312661 i'd only watch it for nat
>>312693 went to uni like 10 years ago, i guess things changed. they are allowed to bring up concepts of white privilege in class unchallenged by teaching staff?
>>312692 yeah its very common for niggers to call you a cracker, etc. in detroit
hindus are also very casual with anti white shite especially about poorfag whites
>>312697 Are they just apeing Americana?
>>312698 Brahmins just have high opinions of themselves, basically curry Jews tbh
>>312695 yeah lmao? They aren't just "allowed" it's forced down your throat no matter what subject you apply for. That wog who's always on piers morgans show Kehinde Andrews is a professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University, as an example. I've went to art school and it was better than the unis people I know went to.
>>312685 No lad, he needs to stop posting non-stop about trannies. He posted that shit like 30 times in a row. 3 days is the max I will give him but he needs to stop tbh it's near constant with him
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>>312684 >Croat neighbourhoods were rich while the serbs and bosniaks lived run down Based and Ustashe pilled
>>312701 bins bears equal responsibility for it, they're baiting eachother constantly
>>312703 Bins is violently antitrannyism. Pretty sure it's all just Dorse not being able to cope with poombs going down the evil path
>>312703 Bins is trying to talk him out of it tbh, if bins were constantly meming about "bussy" I'd ban him for between 2 hours and three days too tbh
>>312704 I wonder if Dorset is hiding behind trannies because violet blanked him smh
how about we just kill everyone who uses bongo and go back to anon posting
>>312648 *scans for women to harass*
>>312707 No names No accounts But flags
>>312709 AND MY AXE
>>312704 >>312705 bins is anti-tranny because he is gay for masculine men, his problem with trannyism is not some sort of right-wing political trad thing, he's upset because he views it as "taking masculine men out of the homosexual dating pool". it's like how we seethe at women that chop their tits off because it's taking big boobs out of the dating pool and driving up the sexual market value of buxom women, making them more difficult to obtain dorset on the other hand is just a depraved coomer that routinely fries his dopamine receptors on increasingly degenerate pornography
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>312711 >(3) >Dorset defender
>>312711 >it's like how we seethe at women that chop their tits off because it's taking big boobs out of the dating pool and driving up the sexual market value of buxom women, making them more difficult to obtain
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"Clown world? No, thanks - can't take it seriously"

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