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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3780: Freedom and Democracy Edition Anonymous 09/28/2022 (Wed) 22:43:31 Id: 04a123 No. 311274
All of SA's remaining bans have been lifted, REJOICE AT THE NEWS
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>>311922 >do you think it will ever look remotely normal? no now allow me to provide you with some rope
>>311925 >true but if it were in england the worst youd get is horseshit [spoilers]human shit aswell most likely[/spoiler] and dead vermin you don't do spoilers that way lad, you use ** either side othe text you want spoiled
>>311929 good lad
>>311928 many troons say they wont ever get the lop but then change their mind once they take enough hormones and shit or become peer pressured online to do it dont want any troon to lop their cock off, not into willies myself though
>2:30am really saving the white rice here lads
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>>311932 >not into willies myself though umm, really?
>>311934 im not a sub, lass
cant fool me nigger unless
>>311936 >im not a sub, lass that doesn't really counter all the other things you've said but never mind
>>311938 do you take every single thing i say 100% seriously?
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>>311939 just a prank, bro?
>>311940 Not quite, but I am not really into sucking dicks.
>>311755 why didn't she use the stairs?
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>>311941 so you don't like dicks, so you are not gay, but you do like girl dick, which isn't gay?
I think about this a lot
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TORONTO WOMAN GETS BELLS PALSY 2 WEEKS AFTER GETTING VACCINATED >says she still would get vaxxed again though there is just no helping these people
mate, thats like 2 years ago
oh I only just saw it
STUDY SHOWS VACCINATION INCREASES RISK OF COVID BY 44%, AND INCREASES LIKLIHOOD OF DEATH https://odysee.com/@AlexJonesChannel:c/BOMBSHELL--Oxford-Study-Confirms-Covid-Vax-Increases-Risk-of-Infection-by-44-:2
he was actually assassinated and his family blamed the french government
>ywn be a gunslinging adventurer in the old west who tries to circumvent the meat kikes but gets jewed and returns home to btfo world jewry with your friends https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_de_Mor%C3%A8s#The_Badlands
awoke to my neighbour smashing his fridge up yesterday. don't they have toxic shite in them? said he knew a scrap man who would take it. probably just dumped it somewhere tbh
>>311951 >limited economic socialism I should learn more about why they want this, I tend to ignore the economic part of politics for the most part other than basic shit like "pipelines = cheap energy = everything is cheaper = good" and "protectionism good because jobs" Germany did this whole thing where they said the jews can't get rich speculating money anymore, people have to work for money and they made sure men could all get good jobs. but I've always thought a lot of the 'Socialism' part of National Socialism was just because it was popular at the time because of the Great Depression and they had to incorporate socialism into the party ideology so people would join them instead of the communists >>311955 all I know is on the burgerstan you're not allowed to throw out a fridge without detaching the door because some dumb niglet could climb inside the fridge and get trapped and suffocate
>>311956 he goes on to write this but idk how much (if any) influence it had on the nsdap
Arrested her under Anti-Terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLVo2B7A8eA&t
>>311958 it's disgusting how anti-terror legislation gets used smh wish i could say misused but this was always its intended purpose
>>311958 TLDR?
>>311953 Back in France, the Marquis claimed the Chicago beef trust was dominated by Jews and announced himself the victim of "A Jewish Plot." Turning to politics, he organized a movement that mixed socialism with rabid anti-semitism that fed the French collective mania which led to the Dreyfus affair. On 23 June 1892, he killed a Jewish captain, Armand Mayer, during a duel.[2] In 1896 (after ten years), he was killed by North African tribesmen while carrying out a wild scheme to unite the Muslims in a Holy War against the British and the Jews. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>311963 saw one of those cunts the other day, not that big though

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