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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3777: FUCK LIBTARDS Edition Anonymous 09/24/2022 (Sat) 23:10:13 Id: 5a3aac No. 309097
no links oh wait here's one https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ libs triggered
>>309805 keeeeeeeeek
yeah go on madlad get 'em *doesn't read
I honestly don't even follow any of this drama and have exclusively come to /brit/ to post in the threads and never joined a bongo and got involved in drama. I can handle seeing banterous newbrit drama and degeneracy every now and again, however you fags turning the thread into your own personal echochamber has singlehandely killed this board.
>>309805 I agree with all your suggestions, but Dorset shouldn't be temp banned because he's a founding father of brit/politics/. He'll be alright provided the thread isn't overwhelmed with trannies and bongo bum boys smh.
>>309805 I'm the guy who runs streams for frenschan so I've spoken to the owner to get that set up, nuff said lad. I don't think it's a honey pot but that's up to you. As for your posts about my old OC. I really was around for quite a while.
>>309814 Lad you created it. Don't you remember?
>>309791 it's pembs, Dorset's friend that he brought here from his bongo
>>309805 good post
(2.03 MB 232x232 whitepill piggu.gif)

>>309805 smh you just misread me and have a grudge for no reason
>>309817 >He really doesn't remember
>>309805 +1 Auslad, do something
>>309829 yeah wessex is half deaf
all that has happened before shall happen again alzheimers is a flat circle
How did Dorset and his bongo tranny cabal get away with it for so long?
>>309831 want to watch that series again
Roaring at the Afroocan pastor in this video tbh lads
>>309805 good lad
>>309805 >BINS >A flagrant and outright homosexual this is a lie, I have never been homosexual, al the "evidence" is fake bongo screen grabs posted by Dorset's bongo tranny cabale
oh my days the bloke on frenschan is such a fucking spastic keeek
is vanland still alive?
I am baffled, shocked, confused and dazed. "Dorset" is not waifuposter. Bewildering and disorienting.
>>309841 got a text from him for christmas of '20 or '21 but left my phone at home and didn't see it until two weeks later and he never replied again after that hoping he just moved on and didn't dead or in prison
>>309847 >do you actually believe that? yeah, you fight and then make up smh
>>309847 There are subtle similarities to his old posting style. I've been away for years and coming back I naturally thought you were the resident waifuposter of old.
>>309843 they have become very similar lately, both coomoids
>>309805 based >309806 Ass burgers is what allowed /brit/ain to build an empire that the sun never set on. That lad should be proud. >>309808 tbh >>309820 good lad
>>309863 speak not his name lest ye summon him
> Pakistani minister harassed in London for not wearing headscarf. Keeek. Welcome to Britistan innit kuffar https://www.twitter.com/RehamKhan1/status/1574064277937426432

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