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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3776: Morality Edition Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 15:46:32 Id: 762412 No. 308363
Most of the world doesn’t practise monogamy – so when will UK law recognise polyamory instead? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/polyamory-meaning-monogamy-uk-law-b2172833.html Alcohol duty freeze welcomed by drinks industry https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/kwasi-kwarteng-chancellor-commons-government-scotch-whisky-association-b2173964.html
>>309057 >paki hmmm, no I don't think I will. and please, do feel free to kill thyself darkie lover xoxo
Now for some proper content: Woes, Morgoth and the yank poof https://odysee.com/@countercurrents:6/ccradio:e
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KEK the English BIO-SPIRIT lives on. GSTK
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Think Im having a quarter life crisis tbh need a big fuckoff car to fill the hole in my heart
>>309063 go daft
well don't go silent on me lads
>>309068 the last remnants of /brit/ should just move in together tbh
Watched the Yellow Submarine. Great film. Very meme worthy. I haven't seen it since I was a lad, good stuff. Now for a wee and boe boe leeps. Nos da x
>>309062 Scouse makes plants grow better. It is the trve drvid voice.
>>309061 it's over is there a place to watch the replay?
>>309073 nah only 16 and up, I am repulsed by anyone a second younger
https://www.unz.com/aanglin/total-media-blackout-on-republican-killed-by-leftist/ guys did you know that andrew anglin invented internet antisemitism?
>>309075 he's still on clearnet you don't need to link unz http://stormer-daily.rw/ he also claims to have gotten Trump elected
>>309077 *slaps your bum and winks at you*
>>309075 He also had a fine old sex tour of the Philippines back in the day
>>309079 Night night Dorse
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willies & bums
>>309078 *has nasty hairy carpenters ass*
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>>309086 good thing I'm pure Brythonic
>>309086 yeah but the native americans entered america via a landbridge so they aren't native either by that maxim
hohol natashas are enjoying their mediterranean pork while dumb A30B orcs die in the trenches for gay marriage
>>309089 they're such monsters. Thinking about how everything good about women was just something the white man made them do smh
>>309089 slav women are such trash compared to westoids never understood the memes of them being based
>>309089 sup Bernd
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>>309091 well specifically the slavettes can you really blame them for not wanting to be with slavic males? >>309092 it's not that they're "based", they're renowned for being hot gold diggers that fiscally well-off western men can easily import and make into a trophy wife that mogs the fat pigs in the wect. Odessa is famous for this, men use sites like AnastasiaDate and RoseBrides to find a wife, meet her in Odessa, and bring her home to wect. problem is that she will impart slavic dna onto your sons, the daughters will be pretty and thus fine but the sons will be ruined that's really the problem with mixing. mutt daughters would be okay as long as they come out cute but mutt sons are a real problem, you're supposed to be proud of your son and root for him to breed and propagate your genes. but knowing he is half ukrainian or something would ruin that even if the mom is pretty >>309093 stalker
>when somebody makes a fucking terrible thread immediately after my very good post
>>309069 nice try GCHQ

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