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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3774: Leicester Race War Edition Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 23:01:42 Id: cdb75b No. 306892
Leicester riots: 16 cops and police dog injured after being ‘outnumbered’ during clashes between hundreds of rioters https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19857452/leicester-riots-cops-police-dog-injured-outnumbered-clashes-protesters/ Police officers diverted from the Queen's funeral to deal with violent unrest in east Leicester https://www.itv.com/news/central/2022-09-19/police-diverted-from-queens-funeral-to-deal-with-violent-unrest-in-leicester Fifteen arrested in Leicester disorder operation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-62946146
>>307559 nothing can stop what's coming
>>307647 10k to complete my isa allowance for the year.
>instead of transforming into donkeys the children in the new pinocchio transforms into troomjaks who acks
>this is just the beginning of what they are going to do >soon they will be able to do anything they want! night lads
>>307652 Ni, love
>>307650 Likely wants you to invest in a collective investment product tbh, less than £100,000 you can't build a diverse enough portfolio on your own Tell him you have a high risk profile and you're willing to gamble and he'll select one that'll take a lot more risks and shit tbh
>putler mobilised >something happened
>>307654 Barings Global Agriculture Acc -U First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Acc -U Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Equity Acc -U He wants me to transfer these investments to the isa but I have £10k available to just buy, I might as well just buy?
"we worked together to ethnically cleanse this city of english people lets work together to do it to the rest of the country" so fricken wholesome
>>307657 Based Biafrans have our back in the comments lads.
>>307656 good lad *apes in*
pidser for sninner
>>307657 "we built it up together" ah yes, there was literally nothing in Leicester before pakis and indians turned up
>>307657 >>307661 smh just want them to be ethnically cleansed >>307660 based what kind lad?
>>307657 hate these worthless weak cunts so much
when I was a wee chud I remember saying that swarthies will only ever work together when it's against whitey. smh how right i was. I am so smart.
>I predicted all this ya know. <and what did you do to prevent it >....
>>307665 I had you
>>307582 >and meds only have brown eyes because of african admixture tbh they were originally blue eyed and blonde haired like everyone else nah that's complete bullshit. why would a Mediterranean climate select for blonde/blue pigmentation? it has lots of sunlight and warm weather. only northern Europe with the scarce daylight hours and low UV would select for those traits the blonde minority in southern Europe is the result of Germanic invasions like the Goths and Vandals, they are not indigenous >>307633 I am a staunch anti-retard bigot
>>307666 >thank you skyrim, that's just what I needed to hear. now go tell gunther we're having chudsticks for dinner.
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>>307669 Sometime before 2027 according to party rumours.
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look what they did to our boy
>>307672 gotta respect how reviewbrah has never simped even with his massive audience he's bound to get a little minge if he tries.
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>>307674 holy aged coal
>>307669 China is literally less aggressive than Russia despite being totalitarian, SAD!
>>307676 chinkcels lack the testosterone to do anything
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umm... gamers...
>the blonde minority in southern Europe is the result of Germanic invasions not even true lots of roman emperors/leaders early on were noted as having light features stupid mong
>>307679 where did the italic language family originate lad
>>307680 wakanda
>>307681 modern day germany, along with the celts. germany was called the womb of nations for a reason.

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