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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3773: Baseless Conspiracy Theory Edition Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 04:26:37 Id: cce243 No. 306105
World’s top medical journal finally says Covid-19 COULD have come from lab leak https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11223335/Covid-19-Worlds-medical-journal-finally-says-virus-come-lab-leak.html Man charged with public order offence after 'disturbance' by Queen's coffin in Westminster Hall https://news.sky.com/story/man-charged-with-public-order-offence-after-disturbance-by-queens-coffin-in-westminster-hall-12700347
starting to get real frosty already
>>306860 wrap up and post urself
amphetamines are a good way to lose weight as well
>>306860 yeah, it got cold really quick seems like it was a heat wave just a couple of weeks ago
>>306862 >amphetamines are a good way to lose weight as well not really lad...
>>306862 yeah but then you become addicted to crank?
>>306865 stop taking them before you get addicted
(210.43 KB 580x383 wewsblueberry.png)

Wews should do keto and intermittent fasting tbh
toil on the morrow wageslave market where I have to stand in line and get my teeth checked by bossman and they test how many bales of cotton I can lift smh night lads
>>306868 night lad
(1.62 MB 960x540 2022-07-30_21-43-16.webm)

>>306841 >bins immediately responds with keto
>>306852 till the end
>>306868 night lad
>>306872 xD luv bins me, always cracks me up but seriously im not eating any keto crabs thats just grim
>>306858 no I needed a pee and my tummy was rumbling. You’ll regret this comment when I’m a commando of the white racial forces in the race war btw
(104.66 KB 576x512 flowers.jpg)

Fresh bread when
toil, schnini
>>306872 keto is also good for epilepsy, which Wews has it'd be good for him on multiple fronts Which is why he will never do it
Woes is a disgrace, beyond redemption.
(89.42 KB 1110x1080 BucketBins.png)

>>306875 > keto crabs thats just grim keto crabs in a bucket, eh?
>>306872 Put eet on worksjop noballs.
https://youtu.be/S_Q-fOj9Mho >>306881 knew a chap that was well built, strong in his 40s did keto and now he's a skelly, he says at least people don't try to start on him now
>>306884 >knew a chap that was well built, strong in his 40s >did keto and now he's a skelly, he says at least people don't try to start on him now he must have been fat then, because the whole point of keto is you burn fat, not muscle
(7.71 MB 640x352 -6095284640969667170.mp4)

New thread needed >>306880 How dare you
I wish I was in Turkey
FRESH BREAD!!!= >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892
Could this board just become an irl gentlelads club tbh Should make a kickstarter
>>306888 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>306825 A true nationalist you are

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