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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3772: Chairman Mike Edition Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 11:44:00 Id: 9ccfc5 No. 305430
Chinese delegation is BANNED from viewing the Queen lying-in-state in Westminster Hall by Speaker Lindsay Hoyle - but may still attend state funeral https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11218539/Chinese-delegation-BANNED-viewing-Queen-lying-state.html Two police officers stabbed repeatedly leaving one facing life-changing injuries https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/16/police-officer-seriously-injured-after-being-stabbed-in-central-london-17386861/ Bank of England warns of looming deadline to exchange old banknotes https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/old-banknotes-england-exchange-deadline-b2168592.html
https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1571269760184209412 keeek trump is using attitude era themes at his rally
>>305863 >Production companies >Blackpills Apparently it's a real company, and its list of works is indeed a blackpill. Thanks hollyjew. >>306067 >kill my self Good lad, you can't trust your self. Free yourself from the tyranny of ego.
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>>306071 keeeeeeeeeek
>>306073 need to do an incel rant on the esoteric shite in pro wrestling tbh in a sense it really is a post enlightenment hero cult for flyover america, like the cult of hercules
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a filthy swarthoid attacked the Queen's coffin earlier today
>>306076 >the only brownoid in the crowd is just there to desecrate her coffin imagine that
>>306075 aren't most of your pro-wrestlers from the american heartland as opposed to the amount of actors who are either jews or leftoids
>>306079 I believe you are correct lad
also all the wrestlers are sort of like these heroes who have to overcome being nobodies and they sort of generate this aura of wanting to reach being a "superstar" so its really basically just like the post christian shartican version of hero cults in old europe
its probably a psyops and its why trump attaches himself to it, because he understands that "heartland" culture element of it
>>306077 >IT'S DISRESPECTFUL HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED he should be executed
>>306078 >>the only brownoid in the crowd is just there to desecrate her coffin I really hope lots of people are seeing this
why do wogs hate the queen so much? didn't she dissolve the empire for them?
if that really is your taste in music lad, you really must be both boring and annoying i feel sorry for the lass that had to listen to you for an afternoon
wasnt for (you)
>>306085 >why do wogs hate the queen so much? didn't she dissolve the empire for them? because she is white
>>306009 have people always done shit like this in war, but you don't hear about it much and this war is just just very well-documented? or are the hohols just terminally-brainwashed savages? >>306087 yeah listen to something good

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idk how you lads aren't listening to this stuff, it's so good and it's also based starting to dawn on me that when you narrow down every single opinion and taste, there probably isn't anybody other than me that has exactly all of the correct things. like this here /brit/ is already a very small, concentrated place that is one of the most lucid on the internet and yet there are things that aren't shared by other lads. those things would be shared by randoms elsewhere but they're probably wrong in other ways
>>306092 >>306093 british pilots would inaccurately drop box loads of metal darts (called "flechettes") into german trenches. later they developed exploding tips, then turned them into bombs. also not a big fan of music tbh
its spic
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I hate niggers
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https://youtu.be/ZT9z5VnzBxY all wageman push up your toil hand
>>306097 I've been on 4cuck recently and seen posters saying that being a nigger isn't about genetics when the word nigger itself is an obvious anglicisation of the Latin word for black. There are so many niggers and nigger enablers everywhere, it really deepens the convictions, those benders are working against their own cause.
>>306099 >I've been on 4cuck recently and seen posters saying that being a nigger isn't about genetics who is ever going to believe this nonsense
>>306099 yeah its just coping shitskins who are having that weird psychological need to belong in english language spaces so they ruin you/our language by watering down the meaning of our words so they can be a part of the schema. a nigger is an american word for a black african person from the niger area and it meaning beyond that is associated with the behavior of said being
>>306101 *your
its like the boomer cucks who say well im not a racist because anyone can be a bad person im just racist against dumb people but alot of black people are dumb, etc. etc.
smorbing lads

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