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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3756: Sheffield Steel Edition Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:10:04 Id: ad68f1 No. 293314
On This Day - 13th August 1913 The first production in the UK of stainless steel by Sheffield born Harry Brearley. Brearley's life had humble beginnings. He was the son of a steel melter and left school at the age of twelve to enter his first employment as a labourer in one of the city's steelworks. Sir Salman Rushdie: Satanic Verses author is on a ventilator and may lose eye after he was stabbed on stage, says agent https://news.sky.com/story/sir-salman-rushdie-satanic-verses-author-may-lose-eye-and-is-on-ventilator-after-he-was-stabbed-says-agent-12671704 Grand Tour star James May 'was rushed to hospital after crashing into wall at 75mph during filming for the Amazon Prime show' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11107103/Grand-Tour-star-James-rushed-hospital-crashing-wall-75mph.html
Basking in the splendor of are America lads.
>>293963 always the planner, never the doer, I have all steiner related content archived since early 2019 anyway tbh why should you get the credit when I've done all the work, you aren't even here when he posts the rants most of the time, usually its smee and the other nightshift/graveyard shift lads.
>293968 filtered
He's filtered smee lads.
>>293972 why is this one so good quality?
>>293973 only insiders are allowed to use the latest versions of those image processing AI without the face limiters that curtail its public use for propaganda
>>293973 Must have paid for the full version
fresh behind the scenes of the last great western kino that will never be made again https://youtu.be/6RnajZ3ryII
>zogbox went off >wind starting to pick up >saw a big flash of lightening and can hear the thunder
(9.29 MB 1280x720 32454.mp4)

>>293981 apparently its easy to disable however its clear this is where the tech is going, all machines will be completely locked down shitboxes where all you can do is watch the latest shitflix nigger worship slop and play the latest fortshite
>>293979 watching these and the last one and thinking about how this is literally describing my life, my slowly building normalfag life was totally rekt by covid too, I just don't care anymore, cannot be bothered with the fake societe shite, its all a complete meme, normalfags make me want to blow my head off its literally like talking to an npc.
>>293981 reminds me that i have to somehow avoid my next windows 'update'
>>293982 >>293984 tbh whenever theres a new windows update my laptop will just start whirring up in the middle of the fucking night and wake itself up for no other reason than theres an update notification and the only way to stop it from continually doing it is to open it up and schedule the update for later, fucking evil they dont even let you cancel or stop it. they also pushed the 'free' windows 11 or 12 or whatever update really hard and its scary to think how many normies will just blindly accept it
sound the toil horn awaken the toilmen
smorb lads >>293982 tbh slowly inching towards the locked-down nightmare ziomatrix hellscape future >>293984 still on windows 7 me never update software unless it's broken and the update contains a fix for that specific problem tbh even then it's risky
shmorn >>293976 ta lad just what i needed with ma brekky
>>293988 morning lad
>tfw also got all the Steiner vids archived on my pc along with audio MP3 versions
>>293991 based
(219.53 KB 900x675 Audrey-Tautou.jpg)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8pVZ5hTGJQ Goodbye, stranger. It's been nice. Won't you find your paradise~!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59u5z0sm4hU https://twitter.com/TweetCop999/status/1558418022431432706 Smorbing lads. Coffee and seething at the heckin niggeroonis audacity for breakfast.
>>293993 luv supertramp tbh >>293994 smorb
proper good this alot better than predetor 2
>mum and dad leaves for a few days >suddenly everything in the house is really damp
>>293997 they're going to blame that on you when they get back
>>293998 but I did nothing different smh. Are they living sponges who absorb all the humidity or what
>>293999 crack open a few windows and see if that fixes it
>>293997 >>293999 lol. you're meant to turn on the air-oscillator, you mong.
could be a poltergeist tbh

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