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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3750: Offshore Banking Edition Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 16:01:08 Id: 2fb6b9 No. 288793
How to Open an Offshore Bank Account Legally in a Overseas Bank https://www.offshore-protection.com/open-offshore-bank-account
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>Taiwanese islands have entered a state of "combat standby", for the first time since 1996
It's just good business.
>>289504 >Pelosi wanted to make a bold statement before she retires because muh legacy >A world war is triggered just to stroke the ego of a career politician Keeek.
>Several Taiwanese government websites have reportedly been DDoS'ed per Taiwan's Presidential Office. >“Fire trucks on every street” in Xiamen, Fujian province, PRC
>drone strikes a bunch of syrian miltiamen being trained by wagner >portray it as EPIC LAST STAND OF SHARTMOPOLYAE
>>289507 woman moment >>289508 it's happening
>Taiwanese media reports that the island authorities tried to withdraw Pelosi's invitation due to the risk involved. >However, the American official summoned the representative of Taiwan and insisted on going under the pretence of doing something "historic".
>>289511 >A personal historic position MUH LEGACY
>>289511 I guess the kikes have decided to start ww3 on the eve of a historic economic collapse.
There's so much PLA hardware in the streets, on rails and in the air being moved atm.
Fuck me is WW3 dropping?
>>289489 >chinks don't support the new world order israeli involvement in their belt and road initiative while trading stolen US tech would suggest otherwise. >>289506 >oil company make profit from supply shortage Nobody but retards ever thought peak oil would result in oil companies suffering. They will profit from collapse all the way down while building their luxury bunkers.

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>>289489 >brics niggers btfo'ing le nwo
>>289516 God willing
PLA loading shit on ships too,
going to be another war where it's impossible to tell from the online footage which side is which keeek smh
>>289518 >1st video smh slow progress >tfw waiting for the liveleakmobile to hit >>289520 From God, to Kane, to Sseth
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The Taiwanese doing shit too.
>>289522 tbh keeeek
>>289524 >1st vid those are Pattons btw, literally 1950's american cold war tanks, I don't fancy their chances against the type 99 or whatever tank it is china has these days though we all know it would not just be taiwan vs china in a conflict, this really could be it lads
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>8 fighters and 5 tanker aircraft of the US Air Force took off from bases in Japan
>>289507 There's a bigger pattern
Apache gunship literally just flew over my house
Why does every high ranking politician in Murica have to be senile?
>Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian: >"Pelosi's visit to Taiwan will be a gross interference in China's internal affairs, and will lead to very serious events and dire consequences. >The Chinese side once again warns the American side that the PRC is on high alert, the Chinese army will by no means remain an indifferent observer and will definitely take decisive and effective countermeasures to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity." >Reuters notes that Pelosi's plane still hasn't applied for a landing in Taiwan
not long to go before ww3
>>289531 adrenochrome overdose
>>289531 >Why does every high ranking politician in Murica have to be senile? Because of the infant trafficking shortage, smh show some sympathy.
>>289531 mentally ill gerontocracy
>>289531 Soft-pedalling the Vatican's takeover of course

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