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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3740: Gnomepilled Edition Anonymous 07/10/2022 (Sun) 08:35:22 Id: 343035 No. 281336
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10998435/Ciggies-Clarkson-secret-love-gnomes-TV-doc-gives-insight-Duchess-Cornwall.html >But perhaps one of the most surprising revelations about the woman who will one day be crowned Queen is that she has a secret love of garden gnomes. >‘No place like gnome!’ she says. ‘Actually the Prince does at Highgrove, too – he’s got a gnome hidden away.’
>>282036 keeeeeeeek kino
>>282045 kind of shite how these lads are being thrown into the meat grinder just to prolong an unwinnable war tbh
>>282046 unimaginably shite, i can't imagine ever having to live through that. ww1 tier just being served a draft paper because you dared to leave the grotcel to buy tinnies then you get turned into meat by russian artillery and 3 days later patrick lancaster shows up and says your body smells bad then chechens dab on you and teabag your corpse. smh
>>282047 yeah smh
>>282048 Imagine being forced to fight as a zog
>>282049 tbh it's not surprising that so many of them are surrendering
Tfw /Brit forced to fight for our multicultural values
>>282037 your phenotype appears white at first glance, but you have admitted that your family tree contains a 'chug', which is a mongoloid from east siberia. you're 'basically white' in the sense that the admixture is small and unlikely to affect your personality, maybe 1/32nd or so depending on how many generations ago that was, but you're not pure and I wouldn't let you near any daughter of mine me, on the other hand, my ancestry is wholly European. the worst you can say is that there is 0.1% North African from some Berber 'New Christian'- which is still quite racially similar, Caucasoid, just Hamitic instead of Aryan. I'm objectively whiter than you, even if my pigmentation is darker due to my predominately southern European phenotype. if you consult this German race scientist map, I'm 99.9% Arier, 0.1% Hamiten- 100% Kaukasische (with 0% Semiten). you are probably like 96.875% Arier/Kaukasische, 3.125% Amerikaner/Mongolische. in what universe does having yellowish hair change these mathematical facts? I'm pretty high percentile for Neanderthal blood also, I have a thicc brow ridge, relatively large ribcage... neither of us are 'beaners', but you're a Squanto, which is precisely the problem with beaners... if the Mexicans were pure Spanish then they would be just as white as the old Americans and I'd have no problem with them coming in in reasonable numbers as long as they learned English. but that's obviously not the case, they're like half Aztec on average
>>282052 >but you're not pure and I wouldn't let you near any daughter of mine
>>282052 >I'm objectively whiter than you, even if my pigmentation is darker
>>281944 tried joining but got an email back just saying there arent enough people in my area smh of course there aren't if you wont accept new members
>>282055 seems a bit counter-intuitive smh hope they're at least keeping the contact details for people who wanted to join instead of relying on people reapplying after being told no
bought a case of horrible beer and now i have to get through it all
>>282057 smh rip lad what beer?
>>282058 it's a cheap type that's pretty popular with the youngens round here so i thought i'd give it a try, tastes like malt beer or something. honestly hard to swallow
eating my asian takeout with chopsticks because i'm a massive fucking weeaboo i have no clean cutlery
>>282056 tbh >>282057 >>282059 all beer tastes equally bad to me and I don't drink so I don't have this problem
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>>282052 looking at this image, i can see why i acquired chopstick proficiency so quickly it's my lapplander coming through
don't understand how you can live in this time period and somehow not drink but there you go. power to you
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>>282060 Yo! Arright! Rockin' dude! You eat that takeout yeah!
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>>282052 >my pigmentation is darker due to my predominately southern European phenotype. >if the Mexicans were pure Spanish then they would be just as white as the old Americans
Off to Southport for the Twelfth lads
>>282066 thank you i did
>>282045 Just convert to Judaism
>>282064 don't know how you can live in this time period as a White Man and consume toxic poison instead of working out and consuming protein shakes
like yeah everyone needs a coping mechanism but alcohol is legitimately pointless for me I never liked the taste anyway, being drunk isnt even fun if youre a lonely incel, its expensive and impairs your judgement, theres literally no benefit
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Just checked the weather forecast for next week
>"Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A women slew him." king of Shechem (12th century BCE). Mortally wounded in battle by a stone thrown by a woman, he asked his armor-bearer to kill him.
>>282015 >when they manage to breed but then the manny gets an abortion for moloch
>hopping IDs for that nasty evil coomgoblin spic trying to get other lads' loosh smorbing lads just got off phone to NHS (lengthy paid wait of course) to say that the stupid cunts put off my appointment I am now even more ill and can't attend, to which the receptionfoid said there are no more appointments available and she cannot reschedule so you may as well have not fucking bothered with anything in the first place
Love are NHS >uncoordinatedly bashes pots and ladle together

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