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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3676: BIG Tortoise Edition Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 18:10:44 Id: e38716 No. 230571
First giant Galapagos tortoises born in UK zoo https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-60943402 Man with learning disabilities should receive Covid jab despite family fears https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-60945335 Met Office issues snow and ice warning spanning the Highlands down to Kent for tomorrow as Arctic blast brings bone-chilling -8C https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10671267/UK-weather-Thundersnow-4C-temperatures-snow-falls.html Putin threatens to turn off Europe's gas supplies tomorrow if countries refuse to pay in roubles https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10672659/Putin-threatens-turn-Europes-gas-supplies-TOMORROW-countries-refuse-pay-roubles.html
>>231338 The Italian one seemed pretty active from what I can remember
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>>231340 just found this there. brutal
Fins seems based tbh, it's mad I always see finnish players on video games and on the internet disproportionately to other countries userbases.
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>>231342 It's too close to midnight for me to be seething about women
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>>231342 Just want to meet them then never reply to their messages after
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I thought they both died of covid?
>>231344 Seethe? That just makes me hard
>Zelensky avoided answering the question whether he ordered the attack on the oil depot in Belgorod “I do not discuss my orders as commander in chief or head of state. There are things that I share only with the military, and they tell me,” the President of Ukraine said in an interview with Fox News.
>>231342 don't let steiner see this he'll go ER
>>231345 Seems a bit dusky, weird head shape, a relative of the quadroon boyfriend perhaps?
>>231344 it just goes to show that the female existence is overwhelmingly superior to the male, being conceived male is flipping tails on life. your country gets invaded- men die in agony for nothing, women migrate to greener pastures where they can continue to get free stuff, attention, sex, whatever they want with no consequences. these urkoid women's lives got BETTER due to the war, they get a free one-way ticket out of their impoverished shithole to the promised land of the west
plus now they will have the privileged status of not only being a woman, but a "refugee" as well! they are untouchable!
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>>231346 nah, lad she's too busy killing jiggaboos to die
>halfchan added emotes
Just realised she's a refugee dancing and jiggling her bum to life in Poland whilst journalists and social media influencers rage about her home country being invaded
>>231356 It's worse than that, her 18 year old brother was dodging shrapnel until he died the other day.
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>>231351 >>231352 let's keep the seethe train going. god i hate women
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>>231342 wew https://youtu.be/4XopADw6m9U this lads content has been making me ashamed of being a westoid
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I must not seethe Seethe is the mind killer Seethe is the little death that brings total obliteration I will face my seethe I will permit it to pass over me and through me And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path Where the seethe has gone there will be nothing Only I will remain
>>231359 Graham Phillips too.
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give new thread
>>231353 >lets out massive fart in bunker before he dies >kek, jokes on you orc.
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women are incredible beings. Just imagine your country being invaded. Your government, the government of the country you've moved to, and all press talking about how brutal the invaders are treating your fellow countrymen. You're slavish to popular opinion, so you accept it all, and feign to understand the gravity of that: The destruction of your country. That said, you want your minge stuffed by foreign cock.
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>>231330 we invaded northern russia during the civil war solely to prevent further Finnish expansion in Finnic lands because they were allied to Germany lol.
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US 2yr/10yr bond yield spread has inverted (gone negative) which always precedes recessions and occured before the tech bubble of 1999, the 1989 recession, and 2008. what it means essentially is that investors are losing faith in short term returns (obviously there's a shemitah coming) and are locking into longer term bonds with safer lower yields. the crash isn't coming just yet, but this is a definite checkpoint on the way. learned all this from /biz/ https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/10Y2YS
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>>231366 they literally abandon their mummies and grandmummies to die in unheated dark basements surrounded by hol hol psychopaths so they can shop in italy. did you see the patrick lancaster video where they founded the abandoned 79 year old mummy in a basement with messed up legs? fuck this gay earth
>>231319 Well? Why would anybody be surprised Ukraine would attack Russia in Russia?

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