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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3581: Literally WHO Edition Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 18:21:11 Id: 776d87 No. 159887
Can the booster drive cope? Scramble begins for scarce third-dose appointments with 40 MILLION Britons now eligible but NHS booking site sees thousands queuing - and at this rate it will take until FEBRUARY to jab everyone despite Government drive https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10255165/Can-booster-drive-cope-Scramble-doses-begins-4-000-Brits-queue-NHS-booking-site.html Robbers dressed like Harry Potter Dementors who made Rolex watches disappear in £17,000 jewellery raid are jailed for total of 32 years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259191/Robbers-dressed-like-Harry-Potter-Dementors-17-000-jewellery-raid-jailed-total-32-years.html 'I certainly remember President Trump': loli Express pilot says Donald Trump flew with Epstein on his private jet in bombshell testimony at Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10258841/loli-Express-pilot-says-Jeffrey-Epstein-introduced-victim-Jane-cockpit.html Rand Paul claims Fauci is acting like the 'all-high priest' of science and it's 'dangerous' to make him 'untouchable' because it shuts down debate outside his 'edicts and mandates' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259283/Rand-Paul-Fauci-acting-like-high-priest-science-dangerous-make-untouchable.html Tucker Carlson calls Fauci a 'shorter version of Benito Mussolini' (even though both were 5-foot-7) who took over the US and 'promptly went insane' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259067/Tucker-Carlson-calls-Fauci-shorter-version-Benito-Mussolini-took-US.html
>>160627 why does he have the keys though? isn't that a the keys camo unlocked for papist only
>>160629 dnooooo
>>160618 useful alongside a double boiler for making crank and HE
>>160631 >crank and HE Is that drugerinos?
HE has no style HE has no grace HE has blown up your local post office and the authorities are on your case
>>160632 yes one is the other word for meth and the other is abbreviation for high explosive
head hurts from hours of scroooling
>>160634 I want to make chicken stock without stinking out the house, and also low carb cheesecake
https://youtu.be/5dX91V_sDjw >ywn spend 111 hours trying to set up a tent in order to start working
>>160637 >age restricted
>>160638 smh fuck kiketube
>>160635 *rubs tibbles head until it’s not sore anymore*
https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5dX91V_sDjw >coomments full of druggies and larpers trying to out-degenerate eachother
>>160640 go to bed you fucking queer
>>160642 Well now I have to stay up Bastard
https://youtu.be/MmZvJB1XUOo meth sounds like a chad experience compared to pot
stayed awake for 4-5 days on speed once and thought the TV was sending me coded messages about an alien invasion
>>160645 I think you just decoded tv tbh
I love sleep deprivation, literally the best drug on the planet.
>>160648 after 24 hours i go back to being fully awake, no tiredness its rather nice
>1000s killed by vaccine in first month nobody will care they’ll still get vaxxed
>>160650 The vaxx could all turn them into variations of The Thing and normalcattle would still get it
>>160651 Yeah, and they would look at you weird if you said you weren’t getting it too
>>160650 smh pragerjew had one of faucis compatriots from the 1980s fag disease epidemic period and they talked about how fauci and the rest kept the control group alive with meds until the gov't allowed their drug to be used and that he killed 30k people in the 1980s knowingly with shitty drug that killed peoples liver for the fag disease AIDS.
>>160653 Fauci killed a load of faggots? Kinda baist
>>160654 yeah like 30k up to like 100k fags were injected with shite that did nothing to stop AIDS and just caused them to get cancers and liver failure and it was only done to keep the semi defunct CDC from being defunded by the reagan admin in favor of fundin the cancer institute.
>>160656 He seriously creeps me out, does Fauci
>>160656 Now there's a man that understands business
oz coof camps marketing v reality
>>160659 keke these dumb stupid conformist whores getting paid to be poster girls for gulags. not even russian soviet women did this
>>160659 The world is scaring me Can’t believe this shit is really happening
>>160660 because they couldn't
>>160659 not funny that that gay squid game came out recently tbh

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