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Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 01:15:57 No. 453651
You hate children with autism and other disabilities and fucking want them to kill themselves, so why are you fucking banning women from aborting them? Are YOU going to pay to raise those kids who you want to kill themselves?
>>461228 you didn't address anything I said, and as 'fun' as it is talking to neurotic narcissistic machiavellians, I only have so much patience, and if you're going to talking about retard shit that I said nothing about, might as well do something else just know your retarded views aren't going to be around in the future, and they will never gain enough momentum for you to able to get power by virtue signaling ever again right now.
>>461230 Instead of being so dismissive, why not regale us with your definition of 'purity'? I'm certain you have one. And why should I quit when you have been the one on your back foot all this time? Conservatives really are allergic to challenge, aren't they? And my personal 'view' is that conservatism and scientific racism are unsupportable when given to close examination. You fail to prove me wrong. And I am NOT 'virtue signaling' via the definition I found. "Social conscience or moral correctness"? Me? Bah-hahahahahah! Being truthful and factual can be so much more dangerous than that!
>>461231 >Instead of being so dismissive, why not regale us with your definition of 'purity'? I'm certain you have one black and white absolutism, truth (truth is not what you believe or think), divinity >And why should I quit when you have been the one on your back foot all this time? I'm quitting because I get nothing from talking to you. I'm pretty sure political outlooks are genetic anyways, so trying to 'convince' someone of your shit is folly >And my personal 'view' is that conservatism and scientific racism are unsupportable when given to close examination you haven't disproved group selection with anything you have said, you haven't even been using the proper lexicons if you wanted to go about doing thing your personal view is shit, and if you don't think genetics, and how related people are to each other plays a big role in how they treat each other, then you are retarded, sorry about your disability I have found an 'AI' that will write about raping babies, so i got something to do now you have fun being 'right' because i quit or whatever
>>461232 >black and white absolutism, truth (truth is not what you believe or think), divinity ordered systems, being clean, having a nervous system that isn't fucked because you're the offspring of two that are of the same ethic group
>>461224 I also need to advise you, that the pre-industrual, bucolic utopia you pine for, never really existed. Like others of your mentality, like Authur de Gobineau and Houston Chamberlain, you chase after a fantasy of what you wish existed, and something you never experienced, when the truth of the affair is far less flattering to your agenda.
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>>461232 Black and white absolutism? The truth does not exist in absolute polarity. Nor does reality. The number of shades of grey approach the infinite, dependent upon the number of variables introduced. The truth is indeed not what one believes or thinks. I have enjoyed this correction many times, albeit not once in this thread. Divinity is clearly not what the religious believe it to be. And again, the manifest demonstrative truth of the universe and its workings put the lie to churchish sentimentality. You get nothing from talking to me because I am engaging you for my own amusement, not for your benefit. I don't need to convince you of anything. I see through the whole "change my mind" trap. Instead, I am testing your positions and ability and I am finding them wanting. And I don't need to argue on your terms. Your entire pseudoscience is a very convoluted and faux-academic rationale for simple, old-fashioned bigotry and elitism. It is not a new item, and it is as silly now as it was then, driven by emotional needs rather than cold science or impartial divinity. And given your own poor English grammar, are you really one to be talking about AI ..?
>>461237 Ai would use proper grammar unless talking in its own language, retard
>>461238 Baby, AI writing is comically bad. It's been a running joke online for years. it's almost like it's trying too hard. And yes, its presence is concerning.
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>>461244 it still uses proper grammar, retard >driven by emotional needs rather than cold science or impartial divinity Humans can't act outside of the emotional, nor what the molecules of their DNA determine for that matter, I simply go by what would be adaptive over a long time (not the decaying artificial ecology we live in now), from the perspective that humans are animals driven by instinct, and those instincts include prejudices I don't even know why you want to fight this, you want to fight a mountain getting thrown at you, in the metaphorical sense of the total death that will be upon you
>>461248 >it still uses proper grammar, retard Then perhaps the poster above should use it. Because their grammar, and punctuation, are total ass. >Humans can't act outside of the emotional ... The disciplined ones can, and do, all the time. You underestimate the human capacity for adaptation and instinct for change. And 'decaying artificial ecology' has been a boogums of reactionary fear for centuries. The statement that we are mere beasts driven by and bound to mindless instinct is disproven by how far beyond such a bestial estate we have already developed. We are capable of so much more good acts than what the reactionaries insist. I need not respect such inferior standards. The cartoon you posted is merely the latest in a long line of such protests against modernity. Once upon a time, the Waltz, the telegraph and the steam engine were reviled as sure signs of the fall of civilization. The reactionaries hate change because it challenges them with the uncomfortable. All this scientific racism was founded by those kinds of men. Their incapacity to accept the flow of time, or even really to mind their own business, is a sign of their own wanting character.
>>461249 >The disciplined ones can, and do, all the time i don't have to prove my point, there have been studies looking into people's brains while they are making choices, and current flowing from old parts of the brain to newer parts, showing there is no you making choices, rather impulses that make "you' move and think, and the glands make you feel, all predetermined and outside of your perception there is nothing to be disciplined, there is no self, there is no will, there is simply what you can, and thus what you will do, Discipline, as in the way they make you act in an army, is only for people how have a healthy group that is worth putting all of your bio-energetic resources in >I need not respect such inferior standards. cool, you're stupid, and i pity you >The cartoon you posted is merely the latest in a long line of such protests against modernity people say that because archeologists keep digging up artifacts from dead civilizations, there isn't that many meteor strikes or eruptions, and they also study the art and writings of them and they keep finding the same themes and archetypes. the sequence of events gave away the genetic cause of this cycle, a population is under a harsh ecology makes them smart, they become smart enough to make their ecology easy, an easy ecology makes them dumb and decadent, the now stupid people don't know how to work or maintain shit, so they are back to finding what grass, tree bark, and mushrooms they can eat don't believe it, don't matter, if it happens in your lifetime, you won't have the web so I couldn't call you a retarded bitch the mean IQ threshold is around 60, but that is if everyone is working at 100% to keep this fire going
>>461250 How sad that you cannot recognize the self. And so your reliance upon group superiority. I enjoy self-discipline because I dislike living in squalor. I don't need an external group to force me to live clean. I hate filth more than I enjoy laziness, so let's clean this shit up! Poor self-care is just bad character. In your embrace of decay, don't forget about wars. Wars are the forest fires of human society, and they are legitimate mechanism. The cycles of social rises and falls are the motif of history indeed. But so is the fact that each fall is less disastrous than the last. Starting with the printing press, modern tech gives society more thorough back-up files so that when things do go to hell, the rebuild will be quicker, and better, than the fall before. Progress. I personally have been pleasantly surprised how often the average 'stupid person' can actually step up and get the job done, when crisis arrives. Your embrace Nihilism. Sad, really. Human civilization will outlive us both, in many ways you would likely disapprove of.
>>461251 >How sad that you cannot recognize the self. again, you're something to be pitied really And so your reliance upon group superiority. yea, a white person has to have a reason to be adaptive >Progress won't be, will be forgotten, and they won't be able to read it when they do find it >Human civilization will outlive us both but not by much really, a few 1000 years maybe is nothing, and niggers will get the worst of it, so I don't have a reason to want to make it past a few 100 and know, that none of retarded niggers are going to know or be susceptible to your retreated libcuck ideas they will be racist, they will not allow women any freedom, and they would kill you for trying to expose them to your maladaptive way of thinking and by the by, believing there is no God is nihilism, okay? fuck you
>>461252 I suspect Madison would be both horrified and disappointed at the end result of New York City, in how much actual variety the place has NOT produced. A few thousand years is nothing? A few thousand years is all we've had so far, and look at the progress! Your desperate desire to hurt other people is petty and pathetic. And who cares what YOU want? The system we are in is bigger than any one man, people or nation, and it will do what it does, whether you like it or not. There are videos online that show just how fluid the maps of Europe and China are over recorded history. And do not state that such places are single, homogenous blobs. Life itself is given to flux, feasts and famines. Storms are SUPPOSED to come. They're part of the system. They are not yours to personally weaponize, nor are they a sign of divine wrath. Christ himself said that calamity is no sure sign of sin. Believing that there is no God is Atheism. Nihilism is (ahem): "the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless".
>>461254 you ain't smart enough to know the ones that were born before your time, and it get more pronounced the further you go back >Your desperate desire to hurt other people is petty and pathetic. why not, why not kidnap coal burners, cut parts of their brain to make them a vegetable, then breed slaves and test subjects from the monkey meat? why not?, slaves are nice to have >the system we are in is bigger than any one man, people or nation, and it will do what it does, whether you like it or not are to trying to reproduce? what you do matters, what everyone does matters, some obvious, some not, but it all matters, trying to influence the 'system' is something to do it is like jedi powers >There are videos online that show just how fluid the maps of Europe and China are over recorded history so europe once encompassed africa, and china was watching, you're a nigger aren't you? >Storms are SUPPOSED to come yea, but the capacity to deal with it fluctuates, you mong bible also says slaves should be as loyal to their masters as they are to God, and like the bible, and agree that storms are God testing health >Nihilism is (ahem): "the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless". nono, all religious and moral principles, are based in the belief of God making us, and that makes us divine, if you ain't divine (you don't think there is some kind of God or gods) you are meat to rape, work, or eat, your intrinsic virtue, dignity liberal shit is a cope you think you can brainwash people with, or simply find comfort in the cope
>>461254 >A few thousand years is nothing? A few thousand years is all we've had so far, and look at the progress! I am making a note to talk about Christianity is the reason this progress has happened but humans have be around for 100000 years or a little less if don't consider niggers human so, yes the 2 to 3000 years it will take for the nigger remnant population to die off totally so yea it aint much. It is basically nothing in the sense of time we have had
>>461256 Our forebears who left behind sufficient writing are hardly mysterious, and their minds are easy to read; they made sure of it. >why not kidnap the coal burners ... You are a sick, sick little monkey. >so europe once encompassed africa, and china was watching Capitalization, please. The Scramble for Africa was indeed a thing, yes. And China's shyness was slowly being overcome at the same time. All because of the Industrial Revolution. >yea, but the capacity to deal with it fluctuates Of course it does! But that same capacity keeps getting better and better after every storm, and the recoveries quicker. Thanks to modernity! Fuck slavery. That def. I got of Nihilism I got from Webster's. Don't like it? Go argue with them.
>>461258 >I am making a note to talk about Christianity is the reason this progress has happened Aside from all the knowledge achieved by pre-Christian Europe, non-Christian Asia Minor, non-Christian India and non-Christian China, you kind-of have a bit of a point. So long as you consider that the Church has been historically resistant to most-all new discovery, fearful to protect its own power and prestige. And we are indeed only in the first few chapters of our species' story. It is not unreasonable to estimate Humanity has millions of years of growth ahead. Whom and what you consider 'human' is of-course irrelevant.
>>461259 >writing are hardly mysterious And yet you're still stupid to understand them >Capitalization, please No, and European imperialism wasn't around long enough for it to consequences for evolution the populations that lived on those continents >Thanks to modernity! Socal trust and intelligence determine how well a population does in crisis, modernity has destroyed both of those things >>461260 >estimate Humanity has millions of years of growth ahead. Wrong and stupid unless whites don't die off Why do you make the distinction between Asia and China? Have you been eating china shit about how they are equal or greater contributors to the industrial revolution in Europe? Christianity is what allows all of this, it made the population smart enough, you don't need as much knowledge if you're smart enough to learn it yourself
>>461265 You're still too
>>461265 "Still TOO stupid to understand them" And no, me and the old masters get on just fine. Partly because none of them write nearly as poorly as you. >No, and European imperialism wasn't around long enough for it to consequences for evolution the populations that lived on those continents Ah-hahahah! Engrish! Engrish everywhere! What a mess! Social trust has eroded because of the rampant corruptions of the traditional institutions, which was there all along, but now intelligence and literacy keep exposing with greater frequency. As well as the resistance of conservative leadership to reverse policies they know are wrong. China's history is dynamic all by itself, also because the Chinese dynamic was different than Europe's but with equally fluid results over time. The point: the rock-solid security and continuity that reactionaries pine for, has always been a fantasy. Christianity has always resisted any advancement that could threaten its power. This is why America has to date been so successful: a de-emphasis on state religion reducing inertia against progress.
I just wanna have sex. I have autism and they wouldn't let me have sex so I never got to have sex right so every time I tried I did it wrong. Can't someone have autistic sex with me and teach me? I'm an adult though.
>>461269 multiethnic societies have very low socal trust as a result of being multiethnic. People (sides liberals) have instinct to not trust outsiders and in multiethnic societies even the native population won't trust each other due not knowing who (liberals) works with the outsiders >Christianity has always resisted any advancement that could threaten its power. It. Makes. The population. Smarter, they will advance as a result just as result of that
>>461281 Multiethnic societies are chill so long as there's mutual respect and the local ethnicity-in-authority aren't twats. Which is why there will always be so much tension in any community run by conservative Christians, who view their belligerent misbehavior towards everything different as a divine right and mandate. The Christian church demands and enforces obedience to the church. Nothing less and certainly nothing more. The more illiterate and backwards states in the USA are those that are also the most given to churchish Christian traditions and politics, with the exception of New Mexico. This is not a co-incidence.
>>461285 K.you r retarded and i hope u get live a society that is to your liking so you can die with it
>>453651 I'd rather be hated than dead kys faggot
>>453651 Women are objects and should never have any rights or freedom. That is why. Every decision in society must always be made by Men. Including decisions about a woman's body and what a woman can't do. Women are to be enslaved. Not heard or cared for.
>>453651 >You hate children with autism and other disabilities and fucking want them to kill themselves, so why are you fucking banning women from aborting them? Because most aborted clumps of cells are actually BIPOC, killing them is racist >Are YOU going to pay to raise those kids who you want to kill themselves? I will gladly pay for their bottom surgeries
>>461285 >Multiethnic societies are chill so long as there's mutual respect and the local ethnicity-in-authority aren't twats Multiethnic societies can never be chill because wypipo will forever be evil and guilty of slavery, Jim Crow, colonization etc. Even giving 10 quadrillion dollars of reparations and donating their virgin daughters' pussies to black men will never ever repay the debt. BIPOCs cannot and should not ever forgive whitey. Also, asians are white adjacent, and latinos are the brown face of white supremecy, so they are guilty too. Only jews and niggers I mean BIPOCs are good people. African American culture was invented by jews which is why those two groups are compatible with each other.
>>461275 >Can't someone have autistic sex with me and teach me? https://www.sherisranch.com/reservation.aspx
(1.90 MB 640x360 autism my liiiife.webm)

>>466339 You absolute splat of a human being. Some autists would rather die than touch someone they don't know and trust. >>461269 >Christianity has always resisted any advancement that could threaten its power. No kidding, right? Why can't they just be chill like the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Scientologists...
>>461275 > I have autism and they wouldn't let me have sex Parents can be cruel. >so every time I tried I did it wrong. Can't someone have autistic sex with me and teach me? I'm an adult though. Here: https://autisticdating.net/ Go build a connection with the man/woman of your choice and practice.
I'm so sick of people claiming they have autism. Most of them don't even know what it is, let alone have been diagnosed with it
>>453651 You are putting the actions and beliefs of multiple different people into the same strawman. But besides that, tf is wrong with the whore mother paying for her own kids? Is she too washed up to get a man? Too incompetent to work?
>>454473 How can you believe in le ebic Science yet not evolution? That one sperm was the fittest. He survived uber inbreeding and was competent enough to become a leader. How many of you mud bloods can claim the same feats?
>>466507 >Muh diagnosis Fucking doctors don't know what autism is, which is why they recently redefined it as a spectrum of various disorders, matching the cultural zeitgeist in calling every little weird behavior autistic.

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