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Hypno Thread Baby 07/16/2020 (Thu) 00:39:36 No. 559
Share Files, or discuss your experiences. Found any files that really brought you into little space? Any that went too far? Share you experience! :)
Anything new come out that's worth checking out in terms of loss of control?
>>24728 Seconding this. Kemono has almost no hypnosis files.
Anyone have Erasing Potty Training by Hypŋ0 /\/\0m^^y?
>>14631 hey, does anybody still have this Bladder Curse file featuring the name Brandon? I uninstalled updates on Chrome and reinstalled them and the thing wiped out my whole download folder, syncing? idk, 2 years of downloads vanished, I'll upload some uncommon shit in return
Does anyone else have more hypno mommy files they could post?
>>24895 Thank you so much!
miss the days when this thread had a new update every day :(
>>25289 frankly, there's a lot that's not good, that moreso aims to be sexual and good stuff that people pass on because it's not racy enough, like I could share a lot of the crap I've bought on etsy, but it's basically a waste of your hard drive space
>>25320 Well... I DO have lots of hard drive space to waste, if you feel like you wanna share..... just sayin'....
Could you share what you have, please?
It wouldn't be a waste of my hardrive space! Please share!!
Same I have a 1TB hard drive with a lot of free space so it would not be a wast.
Here what I have from esty you can have. https://mega.nz/folder/k1QC2bRQ#9hqtgNvgiR2fWpF42nZ8lg
So in your opinion, who do you think makes the best hypno files in terms of wetting and messing? On a hunt for something that render me completely incontinent...
Does anyone else have some stuff they can share too?
>>25507 Any source on who made these? I'm loving the "Deactivating Adult Behavior" one!
>>23528 You should be able to just click on a post and the downloads will be listed.
>>26024 I did some digging on Etsy, and here is what I was able to come up with for sources: AgeRegression.mp3 - Like Many of the ones below, seems to come from this shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleHypno, but I can't match the length/description to a specific file. BabyBrainedBrEnergz.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1440213332/abdl-baby-brained-hypnosis-baby?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=baby+brained&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1 babytileTendencies.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1444485542/infantile-tendencies-brainwash-hypnosis?click_key=5bcdbd1b3bdb0986aafaf43f23c81e24143edba0%3A1444485542&click_sum=438abe2e&ga_search_query=infantile&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1 BedwettingReinforcementHypnosis.mp3 - Not sure if this came from Etsy. Definitely one of HypnoBombshell/Stella's files. Her patreon is: https://www.patreon.com/hypnobombshell/ DeactivatetheBladderEtsyAudio.m4a - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1346820806/abdl-adult-baby-bladder-hypnosis?click_key=925caf46d98634f136491d399c3baf1c4e42d2a2%3A1346820806&click_sum=661391ae&ref=shop_home_recs_4&crt=1 MindlessBabyTrnsBEgr.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1440213332/abdl-baby-brained-hypnosis-baby?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=baby+brained&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1 REGRESSIVEHYPNOSISAUDIO1-DEACTIVATINGADULTBEHAVIOUR.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1200297748/regressive-hypnosis-session-1?click_key=d883f24f01cb4a86165004c35891d47a6e152e8b%3A1200297748&click_sum=1c8305c5&ga_search_query=deactivate&ref=shop_items_search_1 UnpottyTraininggg.mp3 - UnpottyTrainThetaWvs.mp3 - These 2 both come from the LittleHypno Etsy shop. The dialog is the same, but the file lengths are slightly different. The 2 files below seem to be video and audio versions of the same script, so I think one of these is the audio from the video file. Not sure which is which though. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1447095590/unpotty-training-hypnosis-incontinence?click_key=20dbbef51ca3bbf465c9b2f5732ffc95c85c8a45%3A1447095590&click_sum=a8b73cce&ga_search_query=unpotty&ref=shop_items_search_3 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1437628688/unpotty-training-hypnosis-incontinence?click_key=ca894ae7ffe1524bb9d50664f92cde5ec4ef340f%3A1437628688&click_sum=2c349e04&ga_search_query=unpotty&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1
>>12104 Are there any audio files out there like this image? I just want a gfd mommy to encourage me to let go of the pee I've been holding and to flood my diaper and cum without touching myself. This image is literally perfect, I just wish there were a long audio of it.
>>21527 There's an alternative version of this in the description called "lucid drips delta". Had this playing for a Saturday morning from 0900 to 1400 while padded in tykables new unicorns and a onesie from tykables as well under my clothes. Around a week later I'm having way more thoughts about padding up, I don't wear much normally.
>>26047 Do they pay you per post?
Does anyone know who reecorded this and how to commission more from them?
Anyone have wetting and messing by Jenny Demilo?
>>26289 Thanks 🙏🏾
can someone post some esty stuff for hypnosis?
I have been trying to figure out how to use these hashes for days.
>>26338 Read the thread, bruh
is this thread dead
>>26476 yes, threads no longer get bumped after 500 posts
>>26476 >>26508 Someone made a new thread here 26509
>>26780 Wait, did the formatting wrong >>26509
Anyone have bambi daycare series?

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