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We Are Pomu

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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 18:08:30 No. 9890
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/KyoKanek0 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis: https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/ks1mraas71v3fjf1c2 To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/92k76 Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post Previous thread: >>7819
>>9887 I would honestly like if she got over her fear of streaming Isaac because i would watch someone streaming Isaac from 0 even if they played the game already, hell people still watch Northernlion after years and years of daily Isaac
>>9891 Why does she have a fear of it?
>>9892 If i remember correctly she thinks it could be a little too grotesque for some audiences
>>9893 Not grotesque necessarily but she felt like it might be uhhhhh triggering, for a lack of a better word.
I was in the process of creating a new thread but it takes a LONG time to copy paste the OP on mobile. Thanks OP.
I was in the process of typing when we archived. >>9866 It happens whenever the thread gets into 4 digits. It takes a solid 2 minutes to load the site, even on my fiber wifi. >>9867 This was originally supposed to be anal but I talked to the artist and we'll have some alts for vaginal since he went hard on the rough draft
>>9895 You're welcome! Also long OPs normally break a little so you gotta fix them and that takes a little more time, last thread totally eliminated Ver and replaced it with Selen as the 5th XSoleil member
Selen cosplayer cute and FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET https://twitter.com/_momo__c/status/1734153968287470035
Kunai is groming sickling into rats.....
Kunai wants to fuck the nailsmith bug
Kunai and Aia are so cute together
>>9901 Sorry for weird comparison, but they kind of give the same vibe as *Tomoe and Sukoya**
>>9901 Double paizuri with my two mature office ladies!
Kunai would probably code an indie game for free
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>>9896 Ooohh nice! I'm primarily for vaginal so I am glad for the variety! Artist is putting in some good work, so props to them and thanks to you, anon! >>9888 Ahh sorry to hear that, ninianon. Zomboid's issue is it doesn't have the persistence of Minecraft so a lot of people get bored because it's loop appeal is similar to minecraft, and the main directed content ideas aren't happening until next major patch after the upcoming one since it focuses on NPCs they've wanted to do since the start for dynamic storytelling and mechanical correlation like hearing director event gunshots being the npcs, or npcs having personalities that make them more or less likely to do bad things or ask players to do different kinds of quests for them. At this point with the Ender Dragon, Minecraft has more directed play. Valheim and Sons of the Forest are similar games with much more directed play so they've solved that problem for the kinds of players that don't enjoy finding their own fun but like having objectives to go for. The only resolution ATM is making server related events or creating stakes that encourage PvP and faction forming, and I dont think most anons want to do PvP stuff unless I make catered events, and I don't think I'll have the time to do them, at least not for a few months. It's like GTA RP too in that sense. Good luck
Aia schedule!
Feesh overslept/never showed up to her meeting last night...
Auntie raided Pomu, thank you auntie! I'm hyped for the Lethal Company collab
Look at this sassy child turning 3 very soon
>Vivi got invited to Pomu's house to play MGS4 GIWIWV
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>>9908 >Feesh didn't show up for a meeting
>>9911 I don't trust Pomu and Vivi in a room alone, she'll get coerced by her oshi, she also has silver hair and Pomu loves silver haired girls with juicy thighs like her
>>9905 Hi bud, haven't seen you in a while! Glad to see you back
>>9911 >>9913 >Big tits >Big thighs >SIlver hair >Willing to play MGS I think Pomu has a type
Vivi's little doodle for the birthday of guy who made her intro animation https://twitter.com/VBrightshield/status/1734307877278646485
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>>9914 Hi anon. I'm mostly lurking! I usually only post in either thread if I'm doing stuff that doesn't require high concentration and or get into a discussion. Mostly stick to Rosemi's chat during her streams too, and will pop in during collabs I'm interested in. Hope your day is growing great!
>>9916 Cute!
Pomu is lietally kidnapping women to her base based on looks, she's basically Rance
>>9905 It's really no fault but my own. I was in the process of creating Millies dungeon and then I got told that it'd be better as an arena, then I got the idea to turn it into a kf2 esque experience but then I wanted magic wands cuz Millie and then the magic plugin fucked up my other ones.…...
Pomu.... Just redo the mission with proper equipment, it will literally take you half the time than trying to bruteforce it.....
>>9922 Banned.
This fight looks painfully long for no reason
>Claude playing The Finals Selen...
Pomu efeated Python! Java is next
Imagine being a doctor putting an injection in Mumu's delicious latina butt https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1734354406227800168
>It's like ARK! brainrot
Elira is being a creep and watching someone in their house
>>9930 Elira's senpai autism forced Claude to investigate for her and it's Yorumi being AFK
Elira's piss fetish strikes again
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I love my bird wife Enna!
Kotoka's dirty laugh is so funny
>>9936 she's fucking dying, she's been laughing for like 10 minutes
>>9937 she fucking snorted because shes laughing too much
It's good to see Koto being more active in a EN collab
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Some good laughs
>>9940 God I love her tits
Veganism killed Kotoka
>>9942 Veganism claims another one...
kotoka is fucking delirious
Vivi short schedule
I'm gonna be honest. POOPS kinda sucks
>>9948 It was basically a test for the many systems they introduced in Peace Walker afterwards
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxRFEQkYLvzBwtr9nu-TeY6FhdtuZ5SdQD Koto will be doing a guerilla shorts karaoke again soon
Well erm I'll probably only watch one of the lethal company collabs. Hope she will feel better enough to have a more balanced schedule next week.
Koto says that she got really bad food poisoning before, but funnily enough, it wasn't from her own cooking. She ate some really bad restaurant food when she was in high school, she even had to be taken to ER because of that. Guess this is why she has iron stomache now
Koto has only 10 songs today, so it will be shorter stream
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I love this song so much!
>Phony Let's fucking go, I haven't heard anybody singing this song in karaoke in ages
Holy fucking shit, Koto's phony is so fucking good
>>9953 It'll probably get better once she gets kicked by the japanese government at the end of the year and she returns home
>"Hello from Brazil" KOTO IS BRAZILIAN
>>9960 Enna is gonna get Jonny Somali'd...
Well if Koto actually abuses the system with the new short livestreams then it's very possible for her to reach 300k by the end of the year like she wants
I actually haven't heard this song before
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>>9963 She literally only 4k subs left till 300, I think she can pull it either way
>>9964 Sand Planet? Kotoka actually did a duet with Millie for her 500k karaoke which was how I recognized it.
>>9967 How long ago was it? I probably memoryholed or missed it
I may be biased, but Koto's kamipoina is my favourite performance of this song. The only one that I liked more is Ado
>>9969 Yeah, I was busy and it was in like 4AM, I've missed it. I'll check it someday, thanks
Is saying my water really that esl I say that all the time. I also just say on instead of turn on.
I've never heard anyone saying "I've spileld my water" as piss euphemism. She's so ESL sometimes in incredibly silly ways, especially when she says weird idiomas in a wrong context or when she misinterprets words
>>9970 it was nice but i still have the Hiba cover living in my head rent free
Koto feels more silly than usual today, I think she got drunk
>>9976 Yeah with cum, that cum being mine
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>>9977 Rude
Enna something, concert? Event? Something i don't know https://twitter.com/SceStarcube/status/1734454783489286329
>>9979 I looked up and it's some kind of Taipei convention, so it's probably meet and greet
I actually don't remember this song. I know it's One Ok Rock, but I can't remember this one at all
English singing Koto, my beloved!
>>9982 She actually sang some English song acapellas on her previous karaoke, she's pretty good at English singing. I wish she would do English only karaoke someday
This is somehow my first time I'm catching Koto singing live, never had the time to before lol
Koto will do Morning Show tomorrow (today), but other than that, she's resting for the rest of the week. She will upload shorts and might do some guerilla streams
Look at this cute cat, it's her birthday today!
>>9988 I hope this cute cat doesn't have any more issues with her other birthday streams and they all go smoothly
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>Kunai still doesn't have a waiting room for her Zatsu No.....
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OH FUCK SHE MADE IT WE'RE SO BACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O6GM8wx7d0
Kunai actually changed her membership name with fancy font on, lmao
Kunai may play BG3 next week
Girlies(male) we have to save Kunai
Kunai said that she used to work as a caretaker before joining Niji. The pay was ok but overtime was just hellish, so she decided to quit it right before Niji
Jiyu and Derem sex
I agree with Kunai, JP artists should draw more big asses
Neil! Give Anycolor the money for auntie!
>>9994 It sounds like a good plan, that could be interesting since i can't watch Scarle at the ungodly hours she streams at
>>10000 10000!!!!
>>10002 I'm gonna go with A because it looks like she would moan into the guy's ear if she were in that situation
>>10002 Definitely b
>>10002 keep A but do something about that ridiculous tongue
>>10005 I think the tongue is hot tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6olUuRX8_o Koto has been streaming short Zatsu in JP and EN for the past 20 minutes, sorry for not liveposting since I've been AFK. Basically, here's most the important info so far: >She's been testing short streams for analytics purposes since they're popular in Japan right now >Koto got invited to GTA VCR server. She said that she may stream it, but she's afraid of bakcseaters >Apperently she didn't sleep at all since Rust collab
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Koto selling her fridge is still one of the most dumb thing she's done
>>10007 People actually backseat the GTA server? Isn't it for shits and giggles?
>>10009 It's probably jp autism because muh honorobu ropurayu is sacred degozaru
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>>10009 She's traumatised after Sekiro, please understand
>>10011 And subnautica...she should actually get a mod or be more trigger happy with timeouts
Koto loves to eat snow in winter.....
>>10012 She has a mod but she rarely present in chat and yeah, she should really stop tolerating backseaters. It's really frustrating to watch since she clearly is uncomfortable with them
Koto said that since she's pretty well established now, she will now try to do covers of more challenging/interesting songs wich people in general want her to cover
Oh yeah, Koto will definitely get flamed for this, but it would be kino if she does it
>>10016 It would be funny but i can already see the seething from here
>>10016 kino if she prints them out and then cuts and pastes them together for a handcam
>>10008 Honestly, I kind of understand her way of thinking. If you don't buy a lot of food and eat everything you buy right away, there's not much point in a fridge anyway. Still, it was a bad decision in retrospective, considering how much she ended up cooking
Koto wants to go to onsen with Millie
Koto will let others know if she will play GTA through twitter
Millei is doing birthday stream and apperently, Elira is offcollabing with her right now
>>10022 Yeah, Wiwa brought cake!
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>>10023 Chocolate one?
>>10024 I dunno, Millie just said it was cute, i hope they take a pic of it
>>10026 This is a lemon cake btw
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>>10026 >>10027 No........ It still looks pretty good though
Oh yeah, Koto will be playing VCR GTA in 2 to 5 hours maybe
I wish I could stay up for rosemis stream tonight but I'm so tired
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>>10035 All of NijiEN besides TTT have puppes now
Enna still doesn't know that RMB stands for right mouse button after 2 years of playing games.
Ren freaked Enna out with a spider in the room which made her ran off the platform. Rosemi followed her too so they both fell to their deaths. Then Ren accidentally walked off the platform too when searching for both of them.
Ren and Rosemi got eaten by a dino while Enna watched helplessly
>>10036 thanks man, i somehow forgot it was time for the iluna puppets, i kinda wanna have all the girlies.
>>10040 And make them kith?
Slightly offtopic, nina is still enjoying her warhammer journey, now she's planning to buy and paint some models. Hopefully in the future maybe aia and her could collab and sperg about it.
Holy shit Vox x Yocast, his dream come true
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Koto doko?
>>10045 Oh shit, they got perms for Undertale Yellow. I didn't think it's possible since it's a fan game, but I'm glad that they're allowed to play it
>>10046 She's fucking DED BOI
>>10048 she lives!
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>>10048 I think she actually fell asleep since her Twitter is dead too. I get it that she wants to finally play some fun stuff, but damn, her sleep schedule was ridiculously bad. >Barely slept on Sunday >Didn't sleep on Monday >Said that she only napped during Rust stream on Tuesday >Was Tweeting again in 5 hours after her morning stream on Wednesday >Posted a short few hours ago When I had such bad sleep schedule, I've passed out for 15 hours when I wanted to nap for 3 hours. It's a shame if she actually overslept and misses this stream, but I would rather let her rest properly than fuck up her body just because she wanted to do a guerilla on a rest week
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>>10049 Oh ok, nevermind. still, I hope she's ok
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>She actually overslept >Senpai's call woke her up I knew it... Please don't be sad that you missed their call....
Koto is extremly ESL today
Koto...you should probably sleep like you planned to do this week...
I don't know how the other lethal company collabs went but this one is feels pretty casual, just them relaxingly traversing the maps.
>>10055 Others can get sweaty or they get to the point where they just try to kill each other
>>10055 Depends on how good the players are. If they really suck at the game, it can get pretty sweaty
Enter Shishi!
Enter shiina
Shu tried to grab the beehive as the last one alive but then he clipped off the ship that was so bullshit
>>10060 Kek, classic kusoge magic at play
>Interact with RPR once >Have 600k bounty Just a normal day
Kanakana being a fucking troll like always
I still swear that management is completely incompetent about covers
Shu wore a mask which killed him and took over his body which caused him to kill ren damn
>>10064 What are you referring to exactly?
The revenge of Kanakana
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Kanae is back
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What are they going to do to Koto and Shiishi...?
>spends a ton on animation >management takes 5+ months to approve it >not a single word back yet
>>10069 He just took them for a little trip and reminded them who was the top bitch in the town
>>10070 Who's talking about this?
>>10066 Reimu is talking about how it's been nearly half a year since she paid for a cover with someone else outside of Nij and it's just been permanently in perms hell to the point where she's getting depressed over it
>>10070 Reimu had the same exact problem, this is where she learned that you should always wait for the approval first before doing anything. Besides that, Reimu said that she'll just repurpose the MV for a different cover so the money wouldn't be wasted
don't mind me just checking these >>>/2324/2324
>>10075 I mean these >>>/2434/2434
>I'm too unmotivated to even buy ice cream that's where I'm at right now Mumu.....
>>10073 >>10074 (me) Oh wait, you're talking about Reimu? What did she say? I thought that she figured the perms stuff already?
>>10078 She apparently did too and then management has ghosted her on the cover for nearly 6 months
Koto is trying to get a job at a coffee shop
She deleted the vid because she spent the entire time complaining and didn't want dramafags to use it
Koto is getting her maid dress for the maid cafe
>>10079 Oof. Why didn't she try to ask the manager again earlier?
>>10081 Reasonable choice. Is she not in the mood to stream the game right now? Hope she will be alright
I missed most of the lethal company collab I want to see rosemis pov next time
>>10083 Probably because they have their direct manager and their middle manager, she always talks great things about her direct manager (probably the one who speaks english and japanese and acts as a bridge and more like someone who communicates news) but then she probably can't speak with the middle manager which is in charge of perms and stuff, also skipping the line of command and asking directly is a big no no as we've seen so there's no good way of doing it from her side aside from pestering her direct manager, which she probably does, to ask the middle manager but the problem probably resides in middle manager being a faggot
>>10083 It kinda sounds like the issue might in part be the other company as well
>>10085 It reminded me of zomboid collabs just the livers being chill and working together to complete the objective.
>>10084 Yeah she's gonna try again later but she's really bummed out
>>10087 I'm gonna have a wild guess and say that Reimu probably asked for Honeyworks perms and they can be really fucking anal about some songs for some fucking reason
>>10090 Is this a monster girl maid cafe?
Awwww, Shishi is wishing Koto luck in her new job like she's her mom who drove her there
Plenty of people are livetranslating Koto's stream today, glad that she finally got some
KEK Koto fucking died after 1 minute of her starting her shift
Sorry guys, it was me
Koto is talking with this beauty btw
Ethyria+Kyo are gonna play lethal soon. Unfortunate. I was unironically hoping for zutomo
There's blood on the cafe floor...
>>10098 I'll probably skip that one, this one was very enjoyable already anyways. Curious about how the dynamic would be for that collab though it probably won't be as laid back as this one along with more shouting.
>>10097 I actually never watched any VSPO members, she looks really cute
>>10098 >Petra >Playing co-op games No offense to Petra, but not a single non-mario party zuttomo collab ended well
>>10101 Oh, Koto is friends with some of them, she even showed up in Qpi's (gyaru from pic) 3D
Wait, did Kotoka add another 0 to the cost of that?
>>10103 I actually had no idea about it. To be fair, I barely know anything about VSPO since the other site barely talk about them, and when they talk, it's always some retarded begging shitpost
>>10103 By the way, sorry for offtopic, but does VSPO plans to debut any EN talents? It would like to get into them, but JP filters me off
>Koto practically gets paid for just standing and being cute Holy lifehack
>>10105 VSPO are basically gamer girl vtubers that focus mostly on FPS games, they're part of Brave group that has many other sub-groups like the one Pomu's sister is in (V4Mirai) >>10106 They have Brave Group US and they had VSPO EN auditions open but i truly don't know since they debuted V4Mirai not long ago and that seems to be the """VSPO EN"""
>>10102 I actually enjoyed most of the Niji UK collabs last year, not so much this year though I think it might be due to collab fatigue. Their Apex and Valorant collabs were some of my favorite collabs ever. Also saying this as a Peep sometimes Enna is the worse one I remember finding her extremely whiny in their outlast collab.
>>10108 V4Mirai seems to be a completely different thing, it just so happens that both are owned by the same company, kind of like Holostars and Hololive. Anyway, thanks for the answer
>Boss tells you to make some juice >Punch the fuck out of him Damn, Koto
>>10110 Well that's why i used the triple quotation marks kek, they're debuting another EN group soon and it's not VSPO EN either so that's why i think the idea maybe got canned and they're using the hires from that audition for the new groups
>>10109 All those collabs were fun, I'm just trying to say that Petra isn't really good at such type of games
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Why is there so many bloodstains in the cafe?
>>10114 Koto's asshole was bleeding, it was me, sorry
>>10086 Yeah, upper management can be really shitty, especially in JP corpos. Reimu really has bad luck when it comes to covers for some reason
Fun fact: it has been almost one year since Koto and Ars interacted with each other
That one art of Ars sucking Ex's tits stuck in my head and I hate it
Qpi entered the cafe! She's talking about her gyaru milk
Gyaru milk........
Shishi acts like a mom with Kotoka kek

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>>10126 Is yellow amogus a gyaru too?
Qpi-chan's milk.....
I wonder if any other members will play on the server besides Koto and Luca. Krisis boys playing it would be kino
Koto died from thirst again..........
Koto's pantsu
>Koto wants a hummie She's such a westaboo.....
Someone got stabbed in the cafe...
Koto may play tomorrow too
>>10138 It has been a fun stream, i hope she does but also please sleep you dumb bitch
Enter sex 2 from VSPO!
>>10139 Good news: the server is closing up like in hour, so Koto will be finishing soon Bad news: Claude is doing Valorant guerilla right now, so Koto may hopcon
It's 4AM in Japan, so the server is pretty much dead at this point
Naked Koto, don't open
The girl Koto's talking to sounds like a shota
It's so funny how Koto keeps forgetting that it's USA and she suppose to drive at the right lane
>>10146 I don't think that would improve her driving much...
>>10147 Harsh....
Ohhh, the cafe is called MASK due to abbreviation of their members (Minase rio, Arisaka, Sqla, Kinako), so this is why they wear masks
Koto said that she'll stream more tomorrow (which means on Friday since it's Thursday in Japan already). It was a fun stream, but I hope she'll actually have some proper rest now
Finana totally deserved to die there. She sacrificed Aia to the thumper
Pomu and feesh being tiny lolis.....
Pomu dropped her shit and killed Feesh
I'm beginning to like pufferfeesh more than elipomu
feesh scream erotic
Pomu sounds like a mosquito
>>10166 its highly erotic
>>10165 any ship that has finana being a brat is peak
Feesh rescuing Pomu was thrilling
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shu's personality
Mumu said her measurements on stream just now, they're: >65 >84/85 >around 100, she says most likely 102
How the FUCK
I might be finished with two of the big projects I have been planning, very soon. this is the last week before I start my Christmas vacation. I have been super hard at work trying to get stuff to work and I've spent got only knows how much money on it. I really hope I can get it done.... Millie booba may be involved
Edited last time by Nini on 12/14/2023 (Thu) 09:56:32.
I had to skip half of Koto's stream today, how was it? Had anything fun happened?
>>10176 Nice, can't wait to see it! >>10177 I watched her tumble her car and destroy it, then she went into the mines to work because the cafe workers were not awake and then i had to go to sleep
>>10179 Oh yeah i sometimes forget Narei is korean so that's why Ver wrote in korean
I think Koto is getting kidnapped.......
Koto is way too upbeat for someone who got taken as a hostage
This is the mst scuffed bank robbery that I've ever seen
Mel is so cute. I wish she and Koto would collab more, but I'm afraid Mel's schizos will attack Koto over it
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Koto is gpong on a date with Mel
Koto got second job, she'll be a paramedic now
>Koto's trying to heal with her punches CURAZY DIAMONDO
Meloco has login itno VCR server for a minute, soe expect her joining too soon
Koto, I don't think punching and kicking him is going to heal him....
Melo has joined the server again!
Mel got herself injured somehow, guess she'll be Koto's first patient
>Mel is piloting I have a bad feeling about this....
Mel almost killed Koto and the doctor....
The doctor won't let Mel pilot after this lmao
>>10199 If you crash into people then they'll need to get a doctor, that's just getting clients
>>10200 Mel will get in debt at her own workplace if she'll keep going like that
This westaboo guy in cowboy outfit is so fucking hilarious
Oh shit, they're with the winning son
Holy shit, Koto is actually not bad at flying, that's impressive
They're talking about Koto's cooking...
Koto wants to find Melo and Luca on the server now
>>10206 Wasn't Luca kicked for cheating or something?
>>10207 I think it was server's bug, he relogined again
Koto arranging a date with Ars!
>>10207 Don’t buy what the schizo from that site has been parroting. It’s just a bug
>>10211 I don't even know what they said, i'm working with the stream on the side and saw he was kicked because i only recognize names that are not in japanese
ARS CHAN KAWAII 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ars shouldn't worry about punching Koto's car, it'll probably be a wreck again in 5 minutes
Cute sleepy Koto
I don't think it's the car's problem, Koto
Koto, you wanted to end the stream like an hour ago.... The stream will be dead in an hour, but still, please rest more....
Auntie is playing the horror kusoge again. I wonder how she'll handle it since she hasn't played horror games before on stream I also wonder if she'll be able to speedrun it
>At this point, everybody is my type BROS I'M SO IN
At this point, I think this will be the longest Exit 8 playthrough in Niji
Kunai is going schizo already lmao
My sexy penguin latina wife!
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Kunai doesn't know what concourse means
Kunai beat the game!
wtf she did it!
Kunai will keep playing, she wants to find all anomalies in the game
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1735366530819604513 Koto will be playing more GTA approximately in 9 hours, I guess this will be this year's ARK
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wanna boop her nose and kiss her
Kunai found all anomalies!
>>10229 I'd say the same but the Ark server was kinda barren in comparison
Mumu and Millie are trying to organize something with Nina but they're all busy as FUCK, Ethyria has a calendar until mid 2024 and Nina is busy with "a lot of work back in Heaven"
Kunai may do a guerilla zatsu stream tomorrow
>>10234 She better do or i'm painting the walls
>>10232 Yeah, most of the stuff in ARK Koto was doing herself, in GTA it's more based on interactions
Mumu has such a fat ass that she couldn't buy pants nor skirts in Japan
>>10233 From what i remember, she has several covers in the making, she's moving atm, and she has at least a trip to japan in in the early year.
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I love Rosemi-sama!
Wilson says he'll have a joker arc soon
>>10241 I hope it's not a Jared Leto moment
>The only times I've interacted with Meloco is Prism cup and Luca showing her my Willy Wilson.....
Wilson promises to do a 24 hours stream someday
>>10244 I hope it ends up in him getting drunk with Vanta at the end
Lethal is so good for collabs kek
Oh kek i just came back and i see someone was having fun getting his words filtered kek
>>10252 Any stand out moments? I probably won't watch the VOD hopefully there's some concise clip montage like that one with Ren's multiple deaths.
Koto GTA in 30 minutes! She'll be working in the hospital https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W-6YVhnmG8
>>10254 So far its not as good as that collab but watching them get ejected because they forgot to go to the company on day 0 was funny. They were mad
She's ready to moe moe kyun your wounds
Kotoka just fucking killed someone with her ambulance
Oh, Koto is talking to Gura's mama
Millies new outfit makes me dangerously parasocial
>>10261 they were clearly dead when she got there....
>>10263 Millie is dangerously parasocial with her fans all the time
>>10265 I would date the girl in a heartbeat if I ever stood a chance shes so fucking cute
>>10266 Idk, she seems like the kind of girl that would need you to take care of her because she will never do it herself. She could probably be extremely needed for affection so your free time would be little
Holy shit, Kotoka just fucking one punched KO a femboy
Despite being only 1% of the players online, Kotoka has been responsible for 80% of the car crashes in the server, also she destroyed her ambulance for good as i was typing this
>>10267 you act like thats a bad thing
>>10270 I had a friend whose gf was like that, she ended up gaslighting him into thinking he didn't "spend much time with her" and we haven't heard anything from the dude since then, from what we know of other friends he's entirely dedicated to her. I don't say this would be the case with Millie 100% but people that are so needy can be a hassle if you want even a little of free time for yourself
Kek Koto crashed the hospital helicopter and downed herself, then a senpai went to pick her up and the helicopter exploded downing both of them
>Kotoka sees downed person >Approached them >Kicks them >They get up Problem solved
Koto almost invested in crypto...
Holy birb thighs
>>10277 Enna-chan kawaii! 😭 Her chest is a bit more prominent in this art than usual, but it's still pretty flat, so I'm happy. Probaably one of my favorite artworks of her, she looks so cute and beautiful and lickable.
>>10277 It's not the most original but I still hope she gets a Chinese themed outfit one day.
So it seems like exit 8 is some sort of maze game where you need to be observant? Vox doesn't seem to be making much progress but I joined late.
>>10280 Yeah, you could call it that, you can finish the game in 3 hours or be like Alban and finish it in 5 minutes
He just got to the exit and then the credits rolled. Is that really the entire game.
>>10282 Uh...yeah
>>10283 I didn't expect that lmao. Enna mentioned she and Petra might do a collab where they play it together, they will probably take a while longer. Now Vox is ranting about his chat not appreciating how old people can look attractive.
>>10284 Good, someone has to tell those kpop teenagers that dapper old men are great
Regulations for fan letters have been updated https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/terms-of-fan-letter
>>10287 Uehhh I don't know if I have the time to watch Bokurs tomorrow.
I want to use Elira's thighs as pillows...you wouldn't be able to see her face though
My big assed latina wife (confirmed) is starting!
I love her new starting screen, how she moves her feetsies...
Oh yeah now that i think about it Reimu is about to watch a fucking genocide happen today
>5 minutes into the stream >Already talking about JJK Brainrotted latina brain talking about shounen anime...
>>10294 DBZ power level tier list when?
Oh shit you can timeout people for new amounts of time, you can even timeout them for 1 hour
>Reimu aware of getting deez nutted with SCs I still remember a spanish stream where someone got her to say one of the big ones in spanish and Reimu ended up saying "my big fat cock"
>>10297 Reimu's big fat latina cock...
>>10296 Up to 24 hours I think
>>10299 I don't know why they can't just add a custom timer instead of letting you timeout people by limited amounts of time
Reimu please stop attacking the ghosts when they disappear...
Willy will be playing GTA RP apparently but in Nopixel, i don't know that server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N6NYL5uW50
>Reimu steals everything from you >Then punches you to death giwtwm
>>10302 Oh, it's the server xQc and other streamers play in, i think Luca played there too for a short time
Reimu HATES Aerith
>>10302 Oh shit, they got permissions to play on Nopixel too? Let's fucking go. Nopixel is the most popular GTA RP server in the west, all big Twitch streamers are playing there Luca used to play there in his PL too
>>10306 Willy and Luca are collabing it seems, also Luca says there's more "new friends" so idk who else will be joining
Reimu says that Tseng is her type
Reimu wants to fuck Tseng and i honestly don't blame her
>Mumu thought Rufus was a girl He's babygirl
>Mumu wants to be slapped by the stoic long haired chinese man I get it, if it were a woman i would be all in for that
Reimu doing a Geto voice now for Cloud since the JP VA is the same kek
Reimu's throat has been quite bad lately, i gotta apologize to you all since it was my fault her throat is so sore
Reimu is fighting a fucking house
I'm just gonna say that FF XII was peak turn based gameplay and then they ruined everything with action RPGs because retards can't into turn based RPGs now
>>10314 She can wreck my home any time
>Reimu gave barret steal materia REIMU NO
>>10315 I don't mind turn based but I do honestly prefer action RPGs with slight turn based elements like ff7r Something about it just feels good
>>10319 Nomura doesn't know how to make action RPGs without making them so damn fucking clunky though, auto jump is always messed up, navigating through menus is terrible, auto lock makes camera noclip with everything. In that department i think FF XVI actually made a better job at making an action RPG because it felt really clean and fast paced, some people clown on it calling it a DMC game but i take that as a compliment
It's so funny how Reimu accidently grinds herself up by being dirctionally challenged
In a way I really like how ff7r takes time to chew the scenery and really make sector 7 feel like a real place with real people. It makes the devastation feel that much more awful to you when you're so close to preventing it
>>10322 That's good, though i don't remember having to grind so much for FF7, just fighting your way through point A to B would normally leave me in a good enough level
>>10321 I like the kinda clunky feeling though. The spells feel like they're turn based in a sort of way while the rest feels action like. I'd say it does a decent job of balancing the two. Way better than 13 or 15
>>10325 Anon, you're comparing it to 2 shitty games...
Mumu says Aerith isn't an ancient, she's just a schizo
>>10326 I mean they've been trying to get the action elements to work since 13 which has some of my least favorite combat ever, 15 was okay, I kinda liked teleporting everywhere but 7R feels like they finally accomplished what they were aiming for since 13
>>10328 You're forgetting something (that honestly everyone does) and it's that Stranger of Paradise exists and i think that's the best evlution possible for FF7R, probably because Team Ninja was taking care of it
>>10329 Admittedly I haven't played that one yet, I need to
>>10333 Camera works a lot better, abilities are way simpler to cast, you can parry and steal spells from the enemy, the camera WORKS IN TIGHT CORRIDORS, it's an altogether better game to play but the story is dumb as fuck
>>10334 To be fair I don't know that there's a single ff game without a dumb as fuck story. Even 7 is played by the rule of cool vs anything else
>>10337 I like 9 a lot, it can get into some pretty deep themes even though the game looks googy as fuck, as opposed to 7 and 8 who look edgy as fuck but their story is dumb
>I'm just going right in and kill everybody Sasuga cartel princess
>>10339 Crashing the Shinra building with no survivors
Taking the elevator is better for exp but the stairs are hilarious
>>10342 I love the stairs dialogue
>reimu is making Barrett steal everything what did she mean by this ?
This part of 7 feels like it takes forever to get past
Reimus backseating policies are funny
>>10337 Despite some cheesy moments, I think FFVI's story was great
The sprite animations are so funny
>It looks like Avengers Reimu....
Reimu's face when she realised who's going to breed, LMAO
Two dudes capturing the whole party like that is so fucking stupid
>>10354 It's because """Tseng is too powerful"""
I love how Reimu is full on team Tifa guess Aerith's death won't hit her that hard
So, are Cetras just allegory for jews?
>>10357 Like every JRPG, Cetras represent shintoism and the villains are the catholics
>The CEO of a company died >That means the company dies Barret, you're not very smart
Selen is playing too in the Nopixel GTA server but she's too shy and will be just making her character it seems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyNprB_h8g8
>>10361 what's the point then ?
>>10362 >not enjoying shylen cringekino
>>10362 I dunno, probably will make her character and wait for the other EN members to make groups she can join afterwards
Reimu hates the boys.....
>>10363 dude, if she ain't playing, there's no shylen to begin with
>>10361 >>10362 >>10363 Honestly, the potential of Selen interacting with fleshies like XQC is asctually kino, even if she'll end up just playing it off stream
Reimu is peeing on the bike!
>Reimu went to pee >I went to pee WE ARE
>>10369 PvPeeing
Reimu loves the bike chase scene lmao
Mumu is out of Midgar!
Reimu says that they only have perms for the original FFVII and Crisis Core, no other FFs besides that for now
>>10373 And XIV but fuck XIV, it's boring as fuck to watch
Monster design in FFVII is so fucking goofy sometimes
Reimu loves ojisans
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https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1735750135190311037 I'm so confused......... In JP she says that she wanted to stream but her OBS didn't work, in EN she says that she played the game and didn't realise that her stream isn't working..... I guess she had ESL stroke and she just played offstream, because even Koto isn't that dumb.... I hope......
I love how this whole section with Sephiroth is basically on auto play. I know that devs tried to hype up how strong he is, but it plays so fucking funny gameplaywise
>>10380 I love Cloud fucking dying in combat and then Sephiroth taking care of the situation
I don't know why people see Pomu and Kiara as date partners when it looks like Pomu is her mom or teacher most of the times
Kunai will be streaming Atlantis for members in an hour. Is Nini anon around? I remember he promised to stream it on the server. I don't play there, but I think some anons may want to watch it there
Reimu got the fat fuck chocobo summon!
Reimu is out of money, guess it's grinding time
You know what? I'm not even gonna check the other site after that Kiara comment, that was unnecesary
Reimu got chocobo run away.....
Reimu got one!
>>10391 I need a mod to replace him with the pentomo model
>Mumu's game dies >She reloads >Stream dies Mumu...
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If any nakarat is itt, Kunai is about to start her watchalong
Kuna was watching Arcane with Aia for the whole day!
Kunai said that she used to have Pomu and Petra's memberships, but she wasn't able to watch any of their membership streams. She also superchated Lazulight girls back when they were new and watched their debuts live
>>10399 Correction, she sent them streamlabs since they didn't have superchats back then
The guy who was fixing Kunai's water leak? Yeah, me
>>10401 If by "water leak" she means her pee then it was me
Johnny Sins was hired for a cameo for her friend's birthday
>Kunai thinks that Milo is hot BROS I'M SO IN
>>10404 Many women actually think that nowadays
>Kunai thinks Helga is hot Bros, I'm so not in....
Not going to lie, Kunai's voice kind of fits Yugamin
>>10407 Oh shit, she's using Yugamin? Is she using a cutesy voice or just her normal voice?
>>10408 Mixture of both. She got ecstatic and owerwhelmed by chat, so she sounds a little bit high pitched from hapiness right now
Oh shit, Kunai wants bigger tits
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I think I want to fuck Yagumin now, help...............
Oh shit, Wilson is still streaming GTA RP, guess he's doing endurane stream
>>10413 Well he spent like 4 hours trying to get in the server, might as well stream as much as he can
Bye the way, Kunai will be doing watchalong of Treasure Planet next month if anyone wnats to watch it
>>10415 Oh nice, 2 mature cat ladies i wanna fuck in the same stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r8rBGMEWWM Fuchan is coming back tomorrow
https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark/status/1735800612762374639 Claude is playing GTA too, I wonder if it's on Nopixel or VCR
>>10418 He's in Nopixel, he was playing with Wilson not long ago, they both got hospitalized and got a 3rd guy hospitalized too
>>10419 Kino. I'll check the VOD later on
Wilson now has a knife, will probably take an eye out with that thing before using it in someone else
>Willy meets some dude while looking for a job >They both chat smoothly and exchange names >Guy tells him the office is a certain way >They both jump the railing onto the stairs and fuck themselves up really badly >The other guy is unconscious >Now Willy has to take the guy to the hospital KEK
Ohh Reimu is trying to join VCR server
Enna got the idea to play Bokura from watching a clip of Sonny and Alban crying during it lmao. Looks like it will take about 5 hours to finish, don't think I can watch the whole thing live today.
>>10424 Will they try to do it in one go?
>>10425 They didn't say.
Ok so Mumu wants to play VCR GTA with Elira and Alban next week
Luca was the one that pushed hard and got them perms for VCR and Nopixel it seems
These ojisans that Wilsons talks too look extremly sus
>>10429 I think everyone working at security is planning robberies
>>10427 Glad that more people in Niji are joining the servers I guess Rust really is dead tho
>>10431 Well VCR is up until the 24th so it won't be staying for long, probably why Luca got Nopixel perms too
>>10430 I think they were planning to gangrape him, but they might be robbers too
>>10433 I was gonna say they might steal his anal virginity but Krisis tower seems like a wild place
I hope Millie doesn't stick with the goxlr for the next 5 hours lol
That cute girl was gonna peg Wilson
I could hear their brains go into overdrive in that first see saw level
>We don't need backseaters this is a 10 year-old puzzle Enna's ESL coming up isn't helping her case.
>>10438 Well maybe the developers made that puzzle 10 years ago before making the game!
I wonder if the changes are just for appearance
Willy ending but Koto starting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQfhG6VWohw
Wow this game had a mute icon to tell the co-op partners to not talk to each other for the story.
Now the differing povs are affecting the levels themselves
>>10443 Ohhhh that's a nice mechanic
>>10444 Yeah some of the differences are quite stark.
Vivi is highly desirable
>>10447 Nice anal version! Also pubes!
I kinda wish we had a Nintendo autist in en
I used my end of the year paycheck to pay for help on ninisani and now I can't get the thing I had for Selen to load in.....
>>10450 Dragoon....
Millie and Enna ending soon....
I've had this game on my wishlist for forever I keep seeing YouTube shorts of it and Millie and Enna make it look really fun. I really like Millie pov
Enna actually does a pretty decent shots voice ngl
It's been a nice and chill collab. The last game they played together was we were here and I remember it being very frustrating to watch while with Bokura it felt like they made decent progress so it felt more pleasant instead. I'll catch up with superchats and check out what decisions Sonny and Alban made for their playthrough later.
Would you kill the grandpa?
Maria deserves good things to happen. Even if I don't like roomie
>>10459 *are. Sorry my ESL brain bloken
Kotoka didnt wake up :(
>>10461 Check Twitter, she's up
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Reimu is stilll AFK... I don't know if she's sleeping or having troubles with the internet again, but at this point I'm convinced that her MGS playthrough is cursed
>>10463 yeah, not gonna hype myself much again. did she put it on the schedule next week, if she ain't there today ?
>>10466 motherfucking wrong quote AGAIN >>10465
>>10467 >>10466 oh well, let's just hope she decides to stream today despite being late, assuming it's not internet but just oversleeping.
Reimu is here, her mom fell the stair yada yada yada, now she dunno if she streams or not, but the retards in her chat will talk her out of it
>>10469 >One MGS stream cancelled because Reimu's mom tried to kill her >Another MGS stream cancelled because Reimu tried to kill her mom They're settling the score and we are the victims
>>10469 >>10470 Apperently, her mom fell from the stairs and broke her arm, so Reimu had to take her to the hospital. She decided to reschedule stream for tonight, she'll play it in 7 hours
>>10471 guess i have to go sleep now at least i can catch both reimu and nina live today, which is still a plus.
Kunai is streaming Risk of Rain 2 right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-UyYEmR3HY
Kunai said that she might do ROR2 collab with TTT
>I'm getting sucked Yeah, by me
Oh shit, I haven't realised Koto was doing GTA guerilla for the past 4 hours... .She's so addicted.....
>can't access vt anymore because 4channel is kill I guess I'm permanently here now.
>>10480 You're finally free, congrats
>>10480 Your ISP killed any access to 4chan instead of 4channel?
>>10482 4chan's been banned for years here I could only access it through 4channel until just today, well I don't even post on /vt/ as much anymore so whatever.
btw reimu started mgs
>>10484 I'm having a little bit of a stream overdose, i normally can't watch more than 1 but i'm watching Feesh and Willy and then also Pomu because she's doing zatsu now
Oh Reimu is still getting the bombs, this is the boring part of MGS2
>>10486 well it's over now
I've been watching Reimu's MGS VOD and it's so funny how Reimu ended up hating Rose and liking Meryl, meanwhile Pomu and Nina liked Rose and hated Meryl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AR_0Z3J0ng Kunai is starting. She'll be building jail for rats today
Wilson chats in Kunai's chat alot. I'm glad that he got close to one of his kouhais
>Put a stuff door in the cantine >Hey, why are they escaping? My sides
>Ants were carrying asbestos all over her house Still can't believe that half of the houses in USA were built on this shit. How the retards that build them weren't realising that this is toxic as fuck?
>>10492 >why is there so much poison in everything By either not knowing or not caring. Wait until you hear about corn syrup.
>>10492 it's only around 1980 they started to ban it. It was an excellent thermal and electrical insulator, resistant to fire, was time resistant and was easy to "craft" into various shapes/uses. It was also good for sound isolation.
>>10495 She hasn't been the same after her trip to Korea...
I'm sad that mumu ended
>>10495 oy vey
Koto's cooking is starting!
Oh well, Kotoka finally slept for a long time
No Tazumi towel today. He smells
>>10501 She streamed 6 hours ago. Even if she slept for the past 6 hours (she didn't), I still can't consider it long time
Why even make christmas cake when she's meeting Pomu in a few days?
>>10504 Because she wants to? She originally wanted to stream on Christmas and had plans for it, but NijiFes happened and she had to cancel everything
>>10505 Anon, it was a joke because Pomu is a single hag
Pickled radish????
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>>10506 Oh, sorry.... I'm dumb.......
Milk and sugar
Finally, the actual drill egg beater
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Koto said that the rest of her kitchenware has arrived too, but she hasn't open it yet. Hope it won't stay in the boxes for months Rice cooker-kun is still unopened since summer....*
Oh god, she's adding broccoli
>>10516 Koto didn't wash the pot, so she'll be washing brocolli in the pan
Squishy wiwas for your morning/night
I guess she's cooking vegeterian cake??????????
Koto should make the actual japanese christmas dessert
>>10520 Dumb anon, vegetables aren't vegetarian nor vegan!
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Kotoka, cutting out mold doesn't make molded food safe...... Thank God they're just bruised, but still.......
>>10523 Yeah, with how autistic the japanese are with fruits and how EXPENSIVE they are, i don't think they would sell food with mold
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>>10522 I thought veggies are vegetarian......
>>10525 If they're not vegan then they're not vegetarian either! https://twitter.com/forwardvbs/status/1734435054623814087
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>>10526 I thought vegetarian = products with no meat, vegan = products with no animal resedue (milk, cheese etc.)
>>10527 Anon, i don't want to use tonal indicators, it's a joke because Kotoka thought veggies weren't vegan
>I wanted to buy cherries, but they had no cherries, so I bought corn instead
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>>10528 Ohhhhhhhhhh
>>10529 Ah yes, i love ice cream with corn on top
Tazumi is back!!!!
Enter Takenoko (it's leftovers from cooking with Yashiro, she doesn't want it to spoil so she's going to put it in)
It's actually turning into cream!
She added some jam in
I think microwave killing the stream off is purely fuse issues. And yeah, if PC and microvawe are enough to kill turn off the internet, her electric cables are pretty shitty
Ohhh, Koto remembered that she has some ice played for killing off fever, let's go!
It doesn't turn into cream... No...........
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Drill-kun..... No........................
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It doesn't turn into cream and the drill is dead.... I think it's actually jowari da......
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She's charging the battery and going to a store to buy cream on bicycle....
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Man, Koto should've opened a totsu at least... Leaving the stream dead for like 20 minutes is kind of bad......
>>10547 Or at least have a waiting screen for those watching the VOD...
Ok, she actually managed to go there and back in 10 minutes, let's go!
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And drill-kun is dead again......
Ohhhh, thank God Koto actually bought pre-baked cake, I thought this will be an endurance stream at this point
>She put brocolli in because it looks like Christmas tree TENSAI
Not going to lie, it actually looks really pretty. Sorry for doubting you, Koto
This thing looks dreadful
Is this a new pokemon?
>Eating cake with chopstics Koto.....
>I have to do another job as a medic today Koto... Please sleep....
Kotoka please go the fuck to sleep, you don't need to RP like a medic so hard with living on 2 hours of sleep daily
Oh shit, I've just realised that Koto got over 300k subs already. Glad that she managed to get it till the end of the year
>>10564 Well, at least she's having fun... Besides, the server is shutting down in a week, so these are her last chances to play on the server
>>10565 Yeah, she talked about it in a GTA stream a few days back, one of the ones where she's the only medic in the server more or less
Oh shit Wosemi has another cover! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmGDLC4CWso
Koto says that she'll give Reimu a tour on the server
I haven’t been liveposting but I’m loving the luxiem streams
>>10571 Always feel free to livepost, the thread is slow even with multiple stream liveposters and any fanbase is welcomed here
>>10571 I had fun yesterday watching Shu be goofy with full body tracking banana. I'm watching other streams right now but i hope they're having fun! Did they say if they were gonna announce something?
Reimu's character is a latina with a big butt
Mumu's character actually looks really cute next to the monstrosity that is Kotoka
>Reimu's audio is completely broken Holy scuff kino
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Aster will be doing unarchived karaoke on Saturday
>>10574 Oh yeah shu is unexpectedly the highlight of yesterday and today as well with his malding and the batsus he got… he is so cute those times
Thank God Reimu fixed her audi, it waas actually annoying to hear
I think i read in the vsj thread mysta was looking into the nopixel server, maybe we'll get some impromptu collab.
I think these guys ate too much pizza.....
Reimu is interacting with the amogus girl
rpr joined Koto and Reimu
Koto makes Reimu smoke....
>Hears explosions everywhere >This is like coming back to latin america Sasuga cartel princess
LMAO, Koto is farming money on these guys
>>10589 She overprices people a lot normally
>I want to work somewhere I can get free food Tensai
Ewiwi schedule!
Mumu and Runa-chan are cute!
Kunai is starting Hollow Monday! She'll be grinding Geo and trying to beat Grimm today
Eepy Kunai.......
>Numbefags botted Kotoka and Reimu's streams I have no fucking idea why they are even doing this shit. What's even an endgoal?
>>10597 Its not a big deal either way though
>>10597 Reimu having 10k for like 10 minutes was pretty awkward, but yeah, it won't matter in the end
Kunai may do a guerilla stream on Christmas
Reimu is overwhelmed by how kind is everyone
AWWWWWWWWWW Amogus girl is really cute
>The tenchou in the pizza place threatens people with a gun on the street to come buy pizza Can't say he's not shilling the place properly
>Kunai is talking about seed oil conspiracy theories God I love her so much
My sexy big sister!
Ok Reimu, i'll eat pizza for you
Bye Kunai, it was a fun stream, even though not much happened gameplaywise.
Reimu's pizza squad is going to meet with Akirose from Hololive
Aki calls Reimu "Mumu-chan", so cute!
Aia schedule! Finally playing BG3!
>>10610 I'm glad she's finally got a new PC. Hope she'll finally be able to play more games and host D&D with models on screen
>>10611 Yeah or even try using some other software that isn't roll20, roll20 does have the bare minimum tools but there's others that can be much better yet more taxing on the computer
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>0 calorie pizza Wait, it doesn't sound right
Ok so basically what is happening here is that Akirose's gang wants to heist the Union Bank but sent the Arupapa gang (the pizza people Reimu is with) to go sell pizzas and distract the police while they rob the bank
Auntie schedule, sorta...
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Kunai is going on break for a week (she said she might do a guerilla on Christmas) Good thing I have tons of VODs to watch while she's gone
If anyone was curious about the heist that was being planned in VCR, it failed and now everyone is in prison
I hope Reimu will do GTA guerilla this week. I know she said she'll only play on Wednesday, but I wish she would play more till the server shuts down since she liked playing a lot
>>10617 wasn't aware, but i'm not surprised.
Koto is doing arena shooting right now
Astel's engrish is so fucking funny
NijiFes schedule from the other thread Day 1 23rd 9:50AM JST / 22nd 7:50PM EST - Day 1 Main Broadcast Announcers/Interviewers (w/Sonny & Alban - Exact time TBD) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDKCp3k4sAU 23rd 1:00PM JST / 22nd 11:00PM EST - Rosemi & Maria's Flower Garden Quiz - No Stream 23rd 1:30PM JST / 22nd 11:30PM EST - Ichisango Radio NijiFes Edition (w/ Meloco) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoCAWFHV8FM 23rd 2:25PM JST / 23rd 12:25AM EST - XSOLEIL's Xceptional Holiday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoCAWFHV8FM 23rd 3:00PM JST / 23rd 1:00AM EST - 3rd Nijisanji Singing Championship (w/ Pomu) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoCAWFHV8FM Day 2 24th 11:30AM JST / 23rd 9:30PM EST - Nagao Kei's Hospitality (w/ Luca, Ren, Kotoka) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp_hBaDNKns 24th 1:30 PM JST / 23rd 11:30PM EST - Newcomer Escape Challenge (w/ Bandage) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp_hBaDNKns
Koto will be streaming GTA only for 2 more days, after 20th she's going to NijiFes. She got invited to Nopixel too but she wants to take a break from GTA, so she may play it sometime later. Also, she doesn't really know people there besides nijis so she probably won't stream it and play it offline
Kotoka still wants to finish New Vegas and also wants to play Subnautica 2. She played Starfield offline too much so basically, it's fully dropped. She doesn't know if she can finish RE8 due to ending perns so she decided not to stream it more.
Kotoka plans something exciting for the next year
vivi sched
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1736865664118472871 Reimu will do GTA guerilla, let's gooo
>>10627 Exit 8 isn't chilla's art... It's actually a fun game, just short
>>10629 It's an overplayed japanese kusoge so it's at the same level for me, at least the devs are not scammers like the shart bros
>>10628 Nevermind, this is a tweet from 8 hours ago that got delayed, lmao
>>10632 Yay, my favorite metroidvania movie and now Vivi and Feesh will be watching it!
Selen schedule, she finally went to bilibili...
Enna please
>>10635 She needs to stop making promises she can't keep smh she should just wait till she comes back to canada imo
Seeing the other thread with the schizo samefagging all his post while anons are busy doing something else is something…
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>>10637 Average day of a schizo with his tulpa
>>10632 I like this new trend
Alban is having a new outfit reveal on christmas 10 PM EST
Well since Millie is not gonna put on a list i'll just list the karaoke songs as they come: >Yu Yu Hakusho Opening >Re: Cutie Honey Opening
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>Kotoka is AFK and is late for her stream for 2 hours already Yeah, she passed out, I knew it. Can tell from my own experience: living on 3 - 5 hours of sleep schedule for over a week will eventually just knock you out with 15 hours long sleep. While I'm glad that she's finally resting, I hope she'll manage to wake up by her morning stream, otherwise she'll be upset over it.
>>10643 I'm mostly worried that she doesn't miss any of the NijiFes stuff with this sleep schedule she's been having
>>10644 She lives in the Tokyo Prefecture outside the city, so she will actually have to travel for NijIFes. She said yesterday that she'll be gone after the 20th, so she has enough time to prepare for it
Koto woke up!
Full list of Millie's karaoke >Yu Yu Hakusho Opening >Re: Cutie Honey Opening >Yakitate Japan Opening >Doraemon Opening >Law of Ueki Opening 1 >Law of Ueki Opening 2 >Gundam: Witch of Mercury Opening >Frieren Opening
Da wose with a cute pig bag! I should try to make accesories for my papes next year maybe, have a hobby that makes me get away from my PC
>>10648 I should one day too but I have no idea what accessories to even make.
>>10649 I wanna add the demon arms to my Pomu pape, maybe get her a box and an eyepatch too. You could also ask for recommendations on what to make
>>10650 I only have Enna and Vox's papes. Maybe I can give the Enna one glasses or something, don't know if I've seen someone made a glasses accessory for their papes before though.
i didn't even open my papes and nui, too scared of damaging or dirtying them.
Millie went back home for her ugly feesh....
>>10651 Hmmm, how about making some demon wings or horns for the Vox one? And for Enna i don't know much but glasses could be hard to make, think about things you can make out of cloth so maybe her little beret or put a bird on her head
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>>10653 Dopefish energy
can't wait for finana playing y3. She's only one game away from my boy Akiyama
>>10659 Best boy! Also playing Akiyama is extremely fun
Kunai is starting! It's her last stream before going on break
Basically, Kunai's break is not even really a break, she'll be prepering for Christmas with her familly, so a lot of cooking, decoration work etc. She doesn't really have much time to stream this week, so she decided to take a break since she was kind of tired from non-stop streaming
>Fehreroh rocher This is not how you pronoune this..........
>>10663 it's easy for me because i know how to do the hard R! Latino buff
I think Kunai has exhibitionism fetish
>>10665 I wanna be her neighbour and see her naked through my window...
Kunai shared so much IRL information that I think I actually figured out where she lives... I won't tell where it is, but she should be more careful with it
>>10667 I like Kunai but sometimes i think she opens her mouth a little too much
>Be a femboy with a beard Wow Kunai, that's terrible advise
Ren & Stimpy creator being a creep is one of those cases where I was expecting it, but was surprised that he hasn't been outed sooner
Kunai's talk reminded me how that one Fortnite YouTuber with like million subs on Reddit told that he applied to the gamer wave, it was funny as fuck
>>10671 Oh yeah, i'm actually very happy about how the "game wave" turned out and more happy that they got very good people not based in numbers
The ojisan that Kunai was teaching English? Yeah, me
>Kunai pronounces Kotoka in Japanese correctly >Says Kohtohka in English Why is she like that....
I hope Kunai will get passed her "nihongo not jozu" autism. I want her to collab not only with Koto, but some JP senpais too
>>10675 It's all about confidence, even Ren with his kuso japanese got a collab with Debi
>Only know 6000 words Oh stop being a baby, that's more than enough
Nina literally knew like 50 words in Japanese when she collabed with Nagao, it's all about confidence. Kunai is fluent, she talked with Lain and Seffyna pretty easely, it's literally just "I'm emberassing gaijin" insecurity that majoeity of weebs have
>>10679 A teacher of mine told me a thing once: >"your ability to speak a language is only limited by how mindful you are of being wrong" And it's true, when you don't care you just try to say things and your message normally gets to the other person, if you doubt yourself then that's when you start to stutter and search for words
I love Kunai's autistic ramblings about random shit like types of concrete, this is the type of autism that I enjoy
He's back!
>>10682 I wonder how she would sound doing a cute mascot voice
>>10683 She just did the Ash Ketchum voice
>>10684 English Ash Ketchum is not cute, he's a 30 year old smoker
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Bye Kunai, have fun on your vacation
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Koto beating up the amogus girl.......
Did Koto say if she'll be doing Kotomorning today or not? Sorry, I've missed it
I've been so fuckin busy with my vacation I haven't had time to watch streams. I miss my feesh wife
>>10653 Finana......
>>10689 Idk but she was fucking dying at the end of her stream
>>10693 I mean, she said that she would do it yesterday, but if she wants to sleep over it today, I'm fine with that
>>10695 No theme this morning, she just doing sleepy zatsu
Koto addmited that she isn't japanese..... I already figured out that she isn't native, but I think this is the first time she actually slipped up about it
>>10697 No more gyaru, she's bimbo now
>Petra loves Taylor Swift >Kotoka loves Taylor Swift They are!
>>10699 Honorary white girls
>>10698 >Koto didn't want to come out too girly when she was young so she didn't like to addmit that she likes pink and cute stuff Cute small tomboy Koto
>>10701 I can see her being a tomboy seeing how she interacts with the guys
Koto believes in the soy meme........
Going with Koto to Fuckin......
Kotoka didn't realise that 25th is actually free and Monday, so she actually may do another Kotocooking stream next week
Koto has an orgy planned with the EN members!
>If you saw California girls, you know how mean bitches look like Scarle and Vivi....
>>10708 Vivi is canadian, anon
>>10709 She's PST Canadian like Selen?
>>10710 Yeah, she just jokes about being american
>Koto talking about male precure in japanese Never understood why schizos on /a/ freaked out over male Precure so much. I've heard JP fans really liked him
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Kotoka wants to feminize man
>>10712 People who like femboys and traps also liked them
GN Koto, please rest well
Not really feeling this GTA rp arc, they should do a wow rp instead
>>10717 No, i don't want people to give Blizzard a single cent >"Because of the haras-" No, they're a shitty company that treat their fanbase like shit
>>10718 I mean, I could say the same thing about rockstar but eh...
>>10719 It's morally correct to pirate Rockstar and Blizzard games
Ok other thread is shit again. Wonder if Aia is gonna be in a polyamorous relationship with Gale and Karlach at this point
>Aia needs to roll a 7 >Her bonus is 6 >Gets a nat 1 This girl only knows how to fail...
Vivi is gonna be a slutty valley girl in GTA, my dick will not resist this
>NoPixel working like this again Perfect
>Vivi complains >Suddenly everything works Maybe Karen's were right all this time...
NOPIXEL has a lot of fucking jiggle physics for the tits, you just know where the resources went into
Wow Aia has been streaming for 5 hours. Does she has off day tomorrow?
Did anyone catch reimus stream? I heard it was kinda bad even for a chillasart
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also wip we're changing the pee effects tho
>>10734 Ohhhhh nice >>10733 Nope but from what i read it seems like it was her least liked Chilla's game, also it was full of things that made her feel a little uncomfortable
She's so flat ToT
This Vox GTA RP stream has been actually really fun, the vibes are a lot different when everyone is RPing
>>10737 The adventure of Tony Pizaa
>>10738 He wanted to be a criminal yet ended up saving a few people and his worst crime is punching some dude because they made fun of his marinara cologne
Wow, Vox just fell and fucking died on the same stairs Wilson did
Nina update: she moved back to her parents house, so she can pay her mom to do the chores and focus on projects and streaming, and more importantly, training for the half marathon that may be the same one she will do with the one and only fairy menace, Pomu Rainpuff.
>>10741 While i dont mind hearing about notNina you probably shouldnt make it a habit. Kudos to you for sticking with her though, i tried and it just wasnt the same for some reason
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz4SJ0EzOHk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmarX1lHo4Y Koto and Reimu are playing GTA. It's the last day for Koto today!
>I wasn't planning on sleeping today Jesus fucking Christ Koto, you have NijiFes tomorrow, you're going to fucking die
>>10743 I think it's the last one for EN, Reimu doesn't have it on her schedule, Melo already said this is the last day and Koto too
>>10744 wouldn't it be funny if she overslept the nijifes ?
Reimu has become an amogus
Reimu says she may do GTA guerilla tomorrow
Some guy run Reimu over....
Reimu doesn't recognise Astel....
Reimu and Meloco went to swim in a pool and drowned...
>>10752 Pizzeria was actually a death cult all along, normal thing in Japan
Wosemi has a twitch VOD channel now https://www.youtube.com/@rosemilovelockvods
Why my internet acting up for rosemi's stream right now? It's fine when I'm watching meloco before...
>>10754 Oh great, glad that she finally made one. I know she mostly streamed collabs on Twitch but it still a shame that so many Twitch streams is lost media now
>>10754 Amoguses flying everywhere after getting hit & run is so fucking funny
>>10761 Rosagemi Lovelock!
What did he mean by this?
No VCR anymore from Reimu after this. She said that she may play Valorant or Amogus with pizza familly after this
Reimu said that she may play on NoPixel later too
Honestly, Ryse is a pretty good game. I think people were shitting on it way too much on release for being Xbox One exclusive and being way too different from other Crytek games
Had Picts even known how to use catapults and sieging towers or the game just make all of that shit up just to make it look cool?
>>10770 Well, kinda like cyberpunk and cd project, the crytek, the hype created by the studio fame and microsoft marketing was too high for what the game was. I played it later down the line and i thought it was ok and good fun. >>10771 IF they had catapults, it's likely it would be looted from the roman.
>>10772 Man, i remember playing Cyberpunk 2077 on release week but i only watched like 2 trailers for it to not hype myself and the game was fine, it was fun and i only came by 2 game breaking bugs and one of them was me using the double jump to fuck around and it was me getting stuck between a wall and a structure because i was being a retard
>>10768 I hope she does! Pizza family was very fun
The VCR will be closing down soon for today, tune in to Koto's stream to see EN's last hour there since, sadly, nobody will be on the server to see it shut down
This is why you shouldn't play on a rooftop, Koto
Med staff is chilling till the end
Koto is crying.....
>Have good night sleep It's morning in Japan, Koto....
>>10779 Well yeah, she made a lot of friends and the server helped her meet a lot of people, is like making friends during a vacation and then having to go back home
Kotoka won't sleep today, she'll be doing work and mixing, and will log in at noon on the server to say goodbye again (she won't stream it)
Koto please sleep. Don't make me concerned for your health...
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>>10772 >>10773 Playing through Cyberpunk now with some mods its honestly a good game, especially The marketing screwed them because people thought it was gonna be more like gta and they were talking about a lot of conceptual stuff like factions, and showing off some UI features that implied early ideas that never got implemented. On top of this CDPR during development went through some major shifts in corporate structure and even lost key team members. It was also released before it was ready, obviously. A lot of people also had the wrong idea that they had been developing it for 9 years but 5 of those years it was in pre-production. All of that together paints a worse picture than what CP2077 actually is: a narrative driven, open world, first person RPG with some extremely good worldbuilding and design elements, with a ton of fantastic content and an actually fun combat and rpg system especially since the 2.0 update.
Can someone post all NijiFes streams where EN livers will appear? I have a schedule but I would like to have waiting rooms up in advance
Here're some clips If anyone wants to see some highlightes from VCR server https://www.youtube.com/@EXPTclips/videos It's Ars' clipper, so most of them are focused on her, but there're plenty of moments from other members too
>>10787 Here you go anon >>10622
https://twitter.com/tamo_00127/status/1738092294988009573 Holy shit, that's a cool sign up from Koto
https://twitter.com/HexHaywire/status/1738078597511107047 Hex got sick, so he'll have to skip NijiFes
>>10791 whose sign is that illegible one below hers that's written in black
she looks older here somehow
>>10795 It's like an alternate version of her second outfit. KT Mama mentioned they are setting up a mail order service so I might just get all the goods. And speaking of goods I can't believe Enna is getting a figure, we're so lucky. I'll probably be going for that too, wonder if I'll drop Enna by then lmao it's going to be a while till it gets shipped.
I'm watching Reimu's FFVII VOD and it's so ridiculous that it took her over 20 minutes to get Yuffie and it wasn't even worth it
>>10797 my dude, it took me an hour once. On the plus side, all those levels and shit made the next bosses a walk in the park.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OrsKRLZRBA Reimu is finally starting FFVII
Reimu says that if you're a starving child you should DIE
it's funny reimu chat didn't tell her to fuck off fort condor, since you can't do it until the latter half of cd2
Reimu says that 16 is an ok age.... >>10801 It's the backseat gacha
Imagine Reimu jumping on your body while giving you CPR
Reimu got some guy executed...
Reimu got camera operator fired....
Mumu stopping to try and pet every doggo and baby talk to them when she plays games is the cutest thing
>10807 Vivi's so cute, I love her and Kunai's drawings. So much SOVL.
>>10809 I fudged it... Meant to reply to >>10807
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>It's literally age of empires 1 water Finally, Reimu's reference that doesn't make me cringe
>>10812 I wish microsoft didn't hate NijiEN, we only had 1 or 2 AoE2 streams...
Reimu wants to play Xenoblade!
Yuffie is scamming the party....
I love how party members just hang out in towns and do funny stuff like that. It's the only FF that does that and there're literally just few RPGs that do it either. Makes party members feel really alive rather than just extra slots for battles
>I won't skip the animations, they look cool Based gigastacy
Reimu is shitting on nostalgiafags, lmao
>All these /v/fags with unironic soul vs. souless talk in chat God, I hate them so fucking much
Reimu's aim..........
>>10821 maybe it's a case of the computer being too powerful, i remember this portion was slightly slower back on my old 200 MHz computer.
What even decides which party member accompanies you in Gold Saucerer again?
>>10822 But she plays the game on PS5....
>>10816 FF IX does it too, mini stories where a good part of that game
Reimu says that the subway sandwich is so fucking disgusting that she wants to end stream now and eat something good
>>10826 What did she expect? Subway sandwiches aren't that good to begin with
>>10827 She said that the tuna sandwich was pretty good, but chicken this time was awful
>>10824 i mean, i dunno how shit the port is even on ps5 look at this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH3nZ1-D4_4 the man doesn't seem to have his crosshair going everywhere fast and the game seem a tad slower.
>Reimu doesn't like the subway sandwich >Someone wants to SC her some food money and asks her what she wants to eat >"I'm craving some suchi now actually" God she's so fucking bratty
>The game really wants Reimu to pick up Red >Nah, fuck off
Thank God levels of party members in FFVII scale, otherwise the grind would be unbearable
How many party members are there left for Reimu to find? Just Cid and Vincent?
Reimu is going to visit grandma on Christmas, she'll be back on 26 - 27th
I never expected Reimu to like ATB system so much, glad that she's enjoying it
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All NijiFes signatures of EN members
>>10837 And then the super hidden Pomu and Maririn signatures all over the venue!
https://twitter.com/obakepam/status/1738273199320956929?s=20 Vivi will be participating in this concert
>>10841 Oh yeah, i remember her raiding into Pam a few days back, well that and she also said she was gonna participate in a christmas concert during the cookie stream
>>10842 Didn't Vivi say that she can't sing? Or will she just participate in like a guest?
>>10844 I don't think she'll sing but she'll probably do something else
>>10843 Pizza family was so much fun, truly something the server needed too since the police and the gangs are like their own world and being a mechanic or a medic is just sitting there for something to happen many times
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>>10826 >>10828 The white stuff that was in Reimu's sandwich? Yeah, me
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>>10849 DAMN i hope Mumu sees this one actually. Also SHE'S SO FLAT PERO PERO I LOVE IT
Kinda hyped for wiwa snake eater ngl
I cant really see the virtuous mission crew the same way again...
Wiwa was so fucking confused by the Raiden mask that she didn't get ANYTHING from that sequence at the beginning
Kinda funny that wiwa is paying close attention to the CQC tutorial when Nina kinda skipped it by accident
For a PS2 game it got some impressive implementation of grass for it's time
>>10853 It's no big surprise, most of EN members follow her on Twitter after all
Oh shit, the rest of Luxiem got nendos
If anyone wants to see some Pizza familly highlights, a holostars clipper has made a several clips of them https://www.youtube.com/@mayushark5609/videos
>>10856 And yet Gamefreak can't do it right...
>>10860 Oh thanks, Mumu and Melo did a good job kinda jumping between languages and explaining what was happening but it's nice having the full conversations translated
>>10859 I actually didn't expect that since I thought that it's 1 million subs milestone reward. Glad that I was wrong it also opens up a posibillity of other EN members getting nendos in the future
>>10863 Nah, JP members under 1 million had them before, also it's Good Smile that decides who gets one, not Anycolor
Does anyone know how long the panels will last? It's middle of the night for me and I quite sleepy already. I think I can stay up if each of them will take like an hour, but if they'll go on for like 3 hours, I think I better go to bed and watch VODs later on
She's pretty good
>>10865 Luca actually looks cool here, and Enna loosk kind of derpy
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDKCp3k4sAU Sonny and Alban's panel is starting!
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>>10866 Last year they were like 30 minutes long more or less if i remember right but there's no difference in watching the VOD since nobody will interact with chat
>>10871 >>10872 It's good that we are getting more but Palverse...is a mixed bag
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>>10873 I just wanted to livepost, lol. Either way, if all of them will be less than an hour, than I'll be fine, thanks for the answer
It started!
While I'm glad that both Obsydia and Xsoluna got representation on the fes, I hope they'll get some merch too
Daaaaamn, the venue is fucking huge this time
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Oh damn, this chick came all the way from Osaka
Pata-nee and Mikoto itabags! Based
Wosemi hand!
>>10883 This means the doomposters were full of shit as usual, right?
>>10884 Obviously, lmao
NijiFes will also be broadcasted in the EN channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMX2g0W2Hc8
Fumi and stinky cat!
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>>10887 Oh fuck, I didn't realise that EN is starting in like 2 hours... Time to nap I guess
>>10890 You have the schedule in the description in case you need it
>>10891 Yeah, I've already checked everything. EN will be streaming through the whole morning for me, but I have free day and no streams that I'm interested in besides NijiFes itself, so I'll just watch some VODs afterwards and go to bed earlier to rest properly before day 2
>>10894 Ethyria doesn't have half bad artists
>>10894 >that drawing Enna....
Sakuyui free part! get in quick! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCpjiUlYEMc
>>10892 >>10894 >Pomu skipped Selen's drawing Bros...
Anon's wife on the telly!
Having an actual theatrical comedy is such a good idea
Yaminion representation!
Joe, Melo and Suo are on!
Ver is the loser that makes powerpoint animations...
Meloco doesn't know what a presentation is...
Pomu in 5 minutes!
Pomu won!
If you know you know aHR0cHM6Ly9raWNrLmNvbS9mb3JtZXJuZWV0YW5vbg==
>>10913 This got posted on the other thread… but thanks anon!
>>10914 I wish they didn't, holy fuck some people truly need a lesson or two on gatekeeping
Relevant nina news: she said in her last streams recieved her fans letters from her time in nijisanji and will go through them.
Mumu starting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVNanSScG0c >>10917 Ohhhhhhh that's nice and wholesome
Mumu sits with her legs crossed on her chair just like me...
>Nagger Mumu please be careful, you're ESL and using words like this could go wrong...
Mumu's mama didn't want another dog but Mumu felt really lonely without anyone greeting her when she came back home so she got Mimi
If you're ugly Reimu WILL throw you out...
Wosemi's 12 days of christmas with NijiEN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHCpeT1dUfA
>"You like this house? Good, you're gonna be living with me here for the next month" Reimu always denies it but she's the most parasocial liver
Reimu has TOO MUCH FURNITURE, this is not hazukashi
Mumu will be gone for 3 days, she will also be playing FF7 next week and wants to finish and start de new year playing FF7, also she might do a new year countdown while playing and get drunk
Reimu is scheduling a 12 hour endurance stream for MGS2, let's hope her mother doesn't try to kill her this time
There's going to be an end of the year collab between Reimu and "another company" it seems. I'm gonna say Nerissa
Ewiwa MGS + announcement at the start of the stream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnO3OqkdIM
I've had so little time to do anything but I'm so happy that Elira is getting her original song finally
Also I'm gonna post some porn soon they turned out pretty well
>>10944 Yeaaaaaaaaah also next week on the 30th, the same day, Selen has an announcement it seems (i hope it's wrestlesanji) >>10945 Ohhhhhh nice, hope to see them soon then
Mumu schedule!
>>10948 >>10949 thats some good shit anon
Reimu gojo
>>10948 >>10949 Niiiiiiice, Leone always delivers really good lewds
God, Salami dancing is so sex, her hip movements are so erotic...
Fuchan is starting Christmas karaoke. No totsu, just solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvbgXabQytY
>>10956 Oh, the board role got cached kek
>>10958 Are all ENs from NijIFes there right now? I only hear Doppio, Luca and I think Ren
>>10961 Yeah, Millie was going through many of the members getting voice tweets
So after Vox went through multiple Kindred projects he ended stream only for him to be attacked by some dude with an American sounding voice. He was then forced to transform further into a demon which audibly sounded extremely brutal and the stream ended abruptly again. He didn't end the stream properly thought (may or may not be part of the roleplaying but who knows) so we can't rewatch that part yet.
>>10964 Vox was in Detroit all this time, that was the lore
>>10962 Yeah, I've heard everyone besides Ren and Krisis boys, I wonder if they're there too
>>10966 I don't think I've heard Rosemi, Petra and Enna either
>>10967 Enna is probably with her family
Ver is doing Christmas stream right now and Hex is with him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Iwl4j4GXKY Hex's voice sounds even more raspy than usual, lmao
>Petra nad Hex were fighting over who has to pay bills Cute
>All Xsoleil members messaged Hex when he got sick Awwww
Ver thought that Hex will be evil when he first heard his voice
Ver says that their manager was crying after they met on NijiFes
Ver's showing some asset pinning
Ver is doing racist asian uncle accent again (Santa Claus edition)
>>10973 Reminds me of Elira's new manager that cried when they finally saw her upload her original song, they seem to be very happy that they finally are getting tons of things for the peeps in NijiEN
>>10977 Cute! Reminds me of her tipsy GF ASMR
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I hope Kunai will do guerilla tomorrow since she's already back
If someone missed it, Kunai's mama had been to NijiFes and found Kunai and Vivi's doodles https://twitter.com/e_kaq/status/1738765848213659771 + more TTT doodles https://twitter.com/Meredith_D/status/1738737151054106765
https://twitter.com/animate_cafe/status/1739103792493400366 Niji X Animate cafe collaboration. Koto is there!
The more I read Enna's tweets this past month the more I feel like she's getting imprisoned in japan lmao
>>10990 Fuck me for /soc/ but I wish I'm able to experience this one. Making girl cum and pee from anal.
>scarle just keep chatting in prechat instead of streaming because her housemates are celebrating christmas Real introvert energy right here
>>10989 Iirc last trip she joked about how she'll miss her family a lot but after staying with them for long periods you'll lowkey get sick of them.
>>10993 >but after staying with them for long periods you'll lowkey get sick of them. Enna after going back to japan be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkpS2Sdu2io
I've been watching NijiFes VODs and man, Pomu did great. Glad that she didn't spill her spaghetty in front of her daisenpai
Koto may have to throw out the Tazumi towel........
Kotoka missed her train after the party and had to spend 250 bucks on Taxi
>Mane-san asked her why she didn't stay in the hotel >Oh wait, I should've Koto...
>I should've slept on the streets Kotohobo....
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>Millie was the one who bought the secret santa presents OK I'M NOW OBLIGED TO SUCK MILLIE'S PUSSY
https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1738847475455426858?s=20 huh.. does this mean they can finally pin assets now
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A rotten mushroom stuck on a plate... It doesn't coming out.... She needs new gloves now....
>I found a pair of socks that I lost Yatta......
Nobody could understand Kotoka's venue announcement....
>>10990 Love chinese pee
Koto will do 30 songs endurance karaoke for her 300k celebration!
Koto says EN will have a lot of crazy stuff next year
>It was my dream to collab with a food realted company
Koto says that the cafe collab will be really exciting
Koto has 2 interesting collabs prepared for the next year
>>11020 Vox mentioned that last stream too, hopefully we get some news soon
One of the collabs is unexpected since this person is someone who doesn't collab with Koto. Both will be happening in the beginning of the next year
Kotoka and Meloco will have colalb with EDWIN. Besides them, the only unit that got the colalboration is Chronoir
Oh yeah, Kotoka didn't eat the onions raw in the cooking video, she microwaved them
Kotoka wants to get an original song for the next year
Koto says that she doesn't plan to do a lot of endurance streams next years. She wants to do more clips and videos instead. She may hire a clipper to do it for her.
Koto confirmed tha mahjong tournament is happening next year
Kotoka will make some GTA VCR clips with translations!
Since nobody in EN is streaming, penuts and Toya are doing Christmas stream right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBEJ-mR1FrA
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By the way, Fuchan is doing a christmas stream if you have nothing to watch right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Y1TrPhRfE
>>11035 Oh nice he's using the pinned asset feature
https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato/status/1739324222009212939 Auntie is wishing you a merry Christmas!
I just came back from the christmas party and will now fap to paizuli since i see Melo did another GF ASMR, also i love how she comms Ruru to make these thumbnails https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df4RLIgQ8bc
Man, the other thread is so shit for the past two days.... Feel like these guys don't like Christmas at all
>>11045 Filipinos don't celebrate christmas, not the chronically shitposing neetbux ones anyways.
Aia schedule!
Selen had a piece of pizza for Christmas lunch and KFC for dinner....
Selen has somewhat improved her singing
>>11048 She wanted japanese christmas at home...
>>11050 I can save her....
Pomu thinks more about Pomudachis than she does her own family....
>>11052 Ngl, the time she went to her sister's wedding sounded like she was suffering
Scarle has something coming up on February it seems
Finanya schedule!
so uh, can anyone tell me what's going on with selen's cover? don't really wanna ask on the other thread rn. i listened to it a bit earlier, and i don't really understand why it'd have to be privated
>>11056 The thing is nobody really knows much and you'll probably have to wait until Selen's next stream where she explains what happened
>>11056 Probably because there are some errors on the uploaded cover, that they need to fix it before reuploading it. Or perms. It could be perms too
There are some places in Japan where the rice is free flow, fitting for Maririn and the other constantly hungry livers.
$150 is Maririn's budget for the steam sale. She can buy a lot of farming and indie games with that she usually doesn't play AAA games
Maririn going on a 10 day trip with friends later in January...
>Wake up >Check Twitter >Selen Uh.... I shouldn't even check the other site right now, should I? >>11056 >>11057 >>11059 Millie is confused too https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1739518726758940757 https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1739518797110010233 Apperently, nothing like that has ever happened before with covers that were released. Unless Selen uploaded without approval, I don't even know what went wrong.
Ugh, I keep digging Twitter and everything there is pretty nasty right now. Millie got dogpiled and called bootlicker (as expected), some guy actually went to Anycolor's Q&A and they ACTUALLLY RESPONDED. https://twitter.com/HeyGuys90973722/status/1739574717390962872 The account is a genuine Niji fan who wanted to defend Millie, so it is posted in a good faith, but the source is dubious and is basically >just trust me bro So take it with a lot gramms of salt. Also, Selen's cover is still up on her Billibilli channel, so it must be purely YouTube permission issue. Sorry for bringing up drama, but this is the only place where I can discuss it in good faith without shitposting retards stirring the conversation off
>>11064 Nope, you don't need to. Maybe stay away from other side until holidays end. On another note, you should watch Maririn being cute in Apex.
>>11065 Thank you for the info, this clusterfuck of misinfo really needed something like this, i see in the comments other are reporting getting the same response at least
No thanks Enna. Also this is why people keep spamming the flat joke you were complaining about before because you keep playing into it lmao.
I don't really know what to think about Enna pushing this puppy thing very hard sometimes but that aside she unintentionally confirmed you can only pin one asset at a time.
Wait so Enna just streamed for 20 minutes to shitpost?
Ironically I think this stream was the first time since the handcam bracelet stream she gave a non-grandma kiss to everyone in chat. Also please don't bring do this gag again for the new years this small stream is more than enough. >>11071 Yeah
Of course Vanta loves the fried chicken
Maririn could eat omurice everyday, that's how much she loves omurice. Had some nice omurice in Osaka was better than I expected which I found from just randomly searching on Google maps and reading the recent reviews on there, that's how I find my food places when I'm in Japan. The livers should do that instead of just going for kombini food lmao. If Maririn wants to play lethal company without trolls he can ask Shu he was like a tutor during his last lethal company collab. https://youtu.be/WnVB_rnfTeE
>>11065 I don't get how an employee can be called a "bootlicker" but whatever.
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>>11071 She's a bit retarded but she's my retard.
I wonder if she actually realizes that they're bots. https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1739640368852009302
>>11078 You're asking the women that thought Jerma was an AI if she can discern bot posts on twitter? LMAO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gSINhMG3oY Oh wow even salami is playing MGS
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>>11079 Kek I've forgotten about that. Also the same person that modded a fake Shoto account and only realizing it 1-2 hours later when they admitted it despite chat trying to tell her.
>>11081 This explains why she no longer have mods in her chat
>>11082 She never had mods to begin with
>>11076 Not a "bootlicker" per se, they accuse her of doing "damage control" for the company, even though I see no reasons why Millie would do this.
>>11084 > they accuse her of doing "damage control" for the company From what I see they just mad they got called out shitposting on twitter and don't want to stop doing it because they have the mentality of a child. <BUT MOOM I WANT TO SCREAM NIJI BAD ON TWITTER.COM WHY THIS MILLIE PARFAIT CALLING ME OUT Basically
Kotoka update: she got some unplanned business, so the morning stream is cancelled. The rest of the week will be busy too, so no schedule and probably no streams, but she promises to do clips, covers and some videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggO2c1unS-oLwTLT0ICywg/community?lb=UgkxlqyvMB2X0Ey_XpkQ0teYkI0Y7dFDI1mg I hope it's not related to her mother. She's still sick and it's really rare for Kotoka to cancell all of her plans for a week out of nowhere. Hell, the only time she cancelled the morning stream was when she left her town for planned vacation, and she told that it was cancelled in advance.
https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato/status/1739684218202988967 Kunai cooked jambalaya, it was too much for her and she decided to eat twinkies in bed instead
>>11086 Hopefully everything will be fine on her end.
After reading some comments and rewatching some parts this honestly feels like an accurate interpretation, although I doubt that was Enna's actual intention.
>>11056 Okay I'm super late getting to you on this one but according to the q&a people and according to what I could find on the Internet, this isn't exactly rare, it is uncommon and unfortunate BUT basically everything requires permission from EVERYONE if even one person wasn't able to give their express consent and permission to anycolor at the time of the cover, it cannot be uploaded. In hololive alone we've seen this happen to gura, bae, Ina, Kiara, Kanata, Marine and Pekora. Basically it's a symptom of Japanese autism. Seems like the cover may be re-uploaded after all permissions have been granted. The question a lot of people have asked is >well why did she say to re-upload it and say she lost a lot of money Because Selen is very easy to put down. Unfortunately if things don't go her way immediately she becomes very negative towards the idea of things ever changing. This happened early on when she didn't get selected for sponsors as often, it happened when she didn't get selected for merch, it happened when she gave up on doing tournaments for a while, etc etc. What we can do now is hope that within the next few days the cover will be re-uploaded and that she doesn't catch a suspension for publicly requesting her fans to re-upload the cover.
>>11090 i already saw a youtube reupload from some smuck in my recommended which had 45+k views.
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I hope things get fixed for Selen. Don't care about all the drama surrounding it, and I know it's JP perms autism, but that's all that really matters
im not a fan of this site but jesus i cant even browse the other thread for the whole day...
>>11094 same i closed the thread tab yesterday for the first time in ages
>>11095 normally i literally sitck there to no end but it has been so bad
>>11094 >>11095 I post my ritual there then leave unless my oshi is streaming or a big event is going on like during NijiFES. Does wonders for time and mental health
I saw this and i thing it needs some recognition. Basically some people were being dicks to a vtuber telling her that she sings bad during a karaoke and she was feeling down but Aster came in chat to cheer her up and she was very happy to see him watching her https://twitter.com/yukinoshitapeo/status/1739586194554642796 https://twitter.com/niko_cwips/status/1739723790291259667
this is the kind of news dramaturds should be covering.
>>11099 aster is absolutely based for this, why would anyone be mean to her?
Rosemi is awake now, I'm really really really hoping that the collab is still on
>>11101 I don't know, people are cunts sometimes, i'm waching the girl's stream and she's a cute little ball of cotton candy
>>11076 ngl as a famillie, i do wish she'd stop doing this. yeah, maybe someone that's a liver needs to do it, but i don't want it to be millie. it's tiring to see her catching heat for shit like this
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>>11104 tbh, this is why i like millie. She's not afraid to say what needs to be said or take the defense of her friends/coworkers regardless of the heat she takes if she thinks it's the right thing to do.
If anyone wonders, Kunai got a really bad jetlag, so she'll be resting for few days. She'll be back on Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxm1MvkLVrqZowc0NbxbryZMDLvLo7Z7BR
>>11106 >Some PLfag is shitting up her comments I fucking hate people like this. Either move on if you don't like her reincarnation or just start supporting her again without questions, I'm sure she would appreciate it. Acting like an entitled cunt and demanding some kind of "explanation" is so fucking shitty. Vtubers reincarnate all the time and everybody knows that it's an unspoken rule to not bring this shit up. The guy is either a newfag or a complete fuckign retard.
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>>11099 CHADSTER-SAMA... I KNEEL....
>>11094 >>11095 >>11096 >>11097 The thread was shit for the past few days, and when I found out about Selen, I didn't even want to open /vt/ because I knew the whole board will be shit and the thread will be just unusable. Hell, I just saw a dramafag video about Selen with 80k views, so the contaiment is broken. I won't open Twitter either since I'm sure it's just as bad as /vt/ right now >>11102 >I'm really really really hoping that the collab is still on Same. I'm afraid right now that Selen might get suspended for telling people to reupload the song, I hope it isn't the case.
>>11110 Well, it has to be postponned because Rosemi feels sick, so at least it isn't due to Selen, so I feel eased.
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Finana needs bred
>Finana talking about wanting a white haired design sus
Finana why didn't you just watch the movie in her room or something....
>>11115 Everyone will have a white hair design by 2025
>>11116 she knew how many depraved incestuous fantasies people would get out of it
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Feesh is bad and Mario kart I love her
>>11118 Fuck....incest in anime is so hot I'm not gonna lie
>>11122 Did you draw this? I'd pay for more
>>11123 Nah, that was scat kyomie. Oh yeah i forgot there's people not from /vt/ here, scat kyomie is a NijiEN regular that draws whatever he feels like and takes requests, he can get very unhinged and has a preference for scat but just does whatever people tell him on requests
https://poal.me/me70eh I forgot to add empty classroom desk and back seat of an uber
Sometimes when feesh breathes she sounds like she's moaning and it's hot
>>11126 I honestly think that peeing in pools is peak
Pomu is getting nosebleeds...she truly became japanese
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https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1739844373272301760 More JP puppets available at the EN store.
>>11132 I will get the Ars one and give her huge tits
>>11132 mashiro sexxxxxx
>>11136 Cute Selen, i hope she streams tomorrow so that everyone can be at ease even though i actually don't like collabs with Zen
Chivalry 2 with viewers would be so fun
>>11129 Now the question is do we combine it with Elira's piece or have them separate
>>11137 Same I feel very nervous about it... we've just had so much happening and I'm so tired
>>11139 That would be nice since Elira always talks about pee and seems like the person that would pee in a pool not for relief but because it excites her
Feesh is having a lot of fun with the pinned assets!
Pomu you can't just live only eating jelly, Chris Broad tried and almost fucking died...
>>11141 Gdi my overly ambitious nature is gonna affect me
>Pomu vertical stream LET'S GOOOOOOOOO
https://youtu.be/hzvQj4TgVKc I don't think Taiwan is renowned for bolo bao, should be Hong Kong.
So I posted about it on the other site but my previous commission doubled in price... I am now doing a 2-3 page comic where Elira and Finana get drunk in the pool and Elira convinces Finana they should break the seal right there and then, so they pull their bikinis to the side and out flows Niagara falls, a yellow cloud flows around them, they end up getting caught by a guy underwater with goggles but it's too late, they can't stop
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Thanks janny
>>11149 Precious, can't wait for it, i love doujins where someone gets caught but they still go on with things
>>11151 It'll be so sex. I'm glad I've found people willing to work with my fetishes honestly
The worst part of bg3 is the inability to romance karlach and shadowheart
>>11152 Tbh i think the NijiEN fanbase is mostly ok with most /d/ fetishes and artists who maybe want to do those things but don't due to possible backlash feel a lot safer doing it with NijiEN livers
>>11153 For me it's the absence of Dispel Magic...
I kinda feel bad for wylls VA, like nobody ever brings up how good he was
>>11156 All the VAs were really good but everyone brings up Astarion because toxic vampire bf
>>11154 Surprisingly piss is easy to find people for. But I'd imagine if I started delving into rape or incest I'd struggle since subscribestar and patreon have rules against it
>>11158 Well i know someone who does beastiality...but also you can get many things if you go through pixiv requests
>>11157 It's so interesting too because he was apparently really struggling to find work before the game but everyone really likes him. I actually kinda liked gale even though he was a bit of a sex pest. If I wasn't doing a full Yuri playthrough I could see myself being won over by him. The moment he shares with you the weave, I was like >I would be hook like and sinker for you irl rn
>>11160 I'm gonna be honest here, i didn't like the characters much and by the end of the game i was like "yeah yeah whatever resolve your quest or something, give me the loot already". All the characters being such special snowflakes is really meh for me when my character was a normal dude who went to buy milk and a mindflayer nautiloid abducted him
>>11159 I actually don't necessarily mind beastiality too. I think that people should realize that anime/art exists so people can explore the taboo. I know pixiv is good for stuff like that but I don't have much experience commissioning people from there
>>11161 Eh I mean it was kinda like that in divinity 2 as well
Aia is torn between romancing astarion and karlach and I don't blame her.
>>11162 Yeah i don't tend to kinkshame people for those things neither because fiction exists because of that, i will never understand all those idiots in sad panda in comments going "ugh, why did you post this?!?!?!" after ignoring the 20 tags they didn't like. As for pixiv requests it's really simple, it's like skeb where you set a price but also people can help you pay for the commission if they're interested, also pixiv doesn't prohibit you and the artist contacting each other, the first time i used it the artist actually had some doubts and contacted me and we sorted it out really well
>>11163 And that's why i mostly regard BG3 as Divinity:OS 3, well that and being a barrel throwing simulator
>>11165 Most the time I see those comments under NTR stuff and I think it's less that people are upset about the material but more upset that NTR has been Japan's favorite thing for the past like decade.
>>11166 Fair enough. I liked it better than ds2 admittedly because animal speaking in bg3 was less depressing....
>>11167 I see it mostly under the hardcore tags like guro and vore where they go "YOU'RE ALL SICK FUCKS" and it gets 500 negative points and then everything else is in chinese
>>11168 I liked the crab knights...but yeah the silly bears corrupting was kind of a low blow
>>11169 Ah I don't really go through guro so that makes sense. Never saw the appeal myself but I've known more than one chuuba into it
>>11170 The bears, the dogs, etc etc. every animal you could talk to was on the brink of corruption or death and you couldn't do shit for them. It genuinely made me feel a bit like I was being punished for choosing to have animal speaking
>>11172 I'm more of a snuff guy with monster girls being like succubusses but when you read an anthology book there's sometimes no escaping the guro, i don't feel much for it since it's fiction (i can't really stomach the real stuff though, i handle gore really bad)
>>11174 That's fair anything with eyeballs or veins disgusts me and makes me cringe like not metaphorically or anything I legit feel like I wanna be a turtle and retract into my non existent shell when shit like that happens
The full body assets when pinned on looks pretty distracting tbh
>>11176 I liked feeshs
Completely forgotten about mo li hua until Maririn chose to play it.
Another Maririn stream, another lettuce allergy story kek
>>11179 the more i listen to vtubers, the more grateful i am for my body. glad i don't have the thousand allergies/intolerances most vtubers somehow have
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Maririn is such a good Tromboner
>>11180 i'd be a great vtuber i could talk about how im allergic to chicken every stream LET ME IN NIJI
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1739983883578560784 Koto will be doing an endurance karaoke on Saturday!
>>11184 ooooo exciting! i'll watch if i can
>>11162 Honestly, I don't mind fucked up stuff unless it involves my oshi. Rape, hardcore ryona, guro etc. would be unbearable to me to look at.
Oh, by the way, here's EDWIN collaboration that Koto was talking about on her stream https://twitter.com/edwin_japan/status/1739888844084810193 Chronoir from JP and Kotomelo from EN I wonder if Kotomelo will actually become an official unit in the future, they got tons of sponsorship together and this one is pretty big
If anyone cares, Mika is doing her last totsu before graduation. She's talking to Shu right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUXizVDQuLE
Ummmm........ Reimu has put up the Lethal company collab waiting room.... Selen isn't there..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EAwv7k4XvI
>>11191 Yeah, straight up telling people to reupload the cover probably wasn't a good idea
ALban is talking about drinking piss.....
>Alban doesn't have periods No..........
>>11195 He's pregante right now
Maria is now on Mika's totsu!
Pomu is not home right now, so she's on her xbox mic
Pomu doesn't let Mika to piss....
It's omorashi stream now
>Mika forcing Pomu to sing happy birthday Mika was the birthdayfag that was sending Pomu the superchats.....
Enna has joined Mika's totsu
Man, I didn't watch Mika that much, but this graduation totsu still brings my mood down... I'll probably just watch some VODs and will look for my oshi's appearence on stream afterwards
>>11205 Yeah, I actually really like Mika and the ex-IDs, and I'll miss her infectious energy. I never really get to talk about her like that for obvious reasons, so I'll just say here that I wish her the best in whatever she does after she graduates. She deserves it.
Enter Kunai on Mika's stream!
Such a shame that we didn't get any horse bestiality arts with Mika
>>11208 Just generate them bucko
Enter Petra!
After effects has mollested Petra...
Ike has joined Mika's totsu
Mika taught Ike what ESL is....
>Ike and Mika had cases when they didn't realise that the stream was offline and talked for like 10 minutes Why are they like this......
>>11215 Could be worse, Koto "streamed" GTA for 4 hours without realizing she never hit "go live"
>>11216 I thought she just played offstream because OBS broke, no? She didn't even have waiting room up for that stream, so it's kind of hard not to notice
>>11217 I'm just repeating what she said, take into consideration she was terribly sleep deprived for most of those streams
>>11218 The thing is, she typed in Japanese that she just played offline because OBS broke. It might have been ESL stroke, so I don't even know. Had she ever clarified the tweet on stream?
>>11220 I think she did the next stream after that tweet happened and it was like i said, she forgot to hit "go live" and had another chat opened (i don't remember if it was for another waiting room or a VOD) so she didn't notice
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>>11221 >had another chat opened This is..... Just weird........ Well, at least I'm glad to know that she isn't the only one who did this, with Ike and Mika confirming that this shit happens a lot. I guess she was way too sleep deprived to notice that chat wasn't live
Enter Ewiwa!
This was a happy moment for Ewiwa and a embarrassing one for Mika, hehe
Ewiwa is shilling Xenoblade to Mika...
>>11192 Yeah I'm guessing she caught a suspension for telling people to re-upload it on their own.
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>>11226 Mika and Wiwa LMAO
Enter Koto!
Did Reimu joined Mika's totsu or not? I kind of missed the beginning of the stream
Evalira is doing things to me
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>>11232 Pomuva is awesome too.
>>11230 I wasn't here for the start either, hopefully an anon knows?
Man, i fucking hate that today Feesh Yakuza 3 and Elira's MGS 3 overlap mostly because Elira is gonna go until the end and Finana is gonna be doing the extremely homo love hotel sequence
Nevermind, she's talking about Egg thing, I'm just a schizo
Shame that Koto didn't have a chance to play more ARK together with Mika. Hope she won't be upset that much over it since she took Nina and Mysta's graduations pretty badly
Enter Oliver! Man, this one will be the saddest....
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Oh man, Mika getting emotional the moment Oliver gets on... MY heart
Man, I didn't want to watch this stream, and still did... This is so fucking sad, I feel so bad for Oliver....
Fuck, imagine losing half of your friends in a year. I hope Oliver will be fine.
I need some opinions https://poal.me/gujbbh
>>11242 You know, on one hand we know they can keep in contact behind the scenes... But I do actually wonder sometimes, because obviously when people graduate and rebirth they spend most of their time with the new people they're with... There were some stories early on from the Niji side about Nina, but at this point the last thing I heard about was Matara mentioning Nijis during her breakdown moment... Knowing that most of them are socially awkward to a degree, they probably don't speak as often, especially with how busy they are... It's sad thinking about it that way, but also it's part of life in a way, where people just come and go...
>>11244 Yeah, I remember Kotoka said that she doesn't talk to Nina anymore Although she played LOL recently and I wonder if maybe she played it with Nina or not
Fuck, I'm crying...
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>>11230 >>11234 quick checked the rewind, she didn't seem to have joined by looking at the fugis it was a video of zeta, then ollie, bobon, rei, hada, risu, shu, alban, maria, pomu, enna, kyo, ver, kunai, petra, ike, hex, ewiwa and now oliver
Enter Aia!
>>11249 Ohhh, so just IDs were in the beginning? Thanks for letting me know, I've started watching the stream around the time when Shu joined. Reimu told on Twitter that she still has bad jetlag and her sleep schedule is fucked, so maybe she'll join soon
>>11245 Yeah, and I'm NGL, as happy as I am for Matara, I'm sad because I miss the dynamics she had with a lot of my favorite livers... I really wanted to see an eventual Kotoka, Nina, Rosemi-sama Terraria... I miss the zatsus with their dynamics... She was always good at making the trip stories interesting and plugging holes in the stories that ended up killing some schizo rrats on the other side. It makes sense but it still makes me sad. I wonder how much she talks to Oliver and Rosemi-sama both... ALSO I DIDN'T SEE THE SPOILER PART OF YOUR POST BECAUSE I'M USING THE LAIN CSS
>>11242 nina said around her graduation she was going in japan with mika and oliver early 2024, we know from recent streams that nina and mysta are still going to japan, and nina is bringing a female friend with her when she's visiting Onigiri.
>>11253 Oh... You know better than me, Honey. I was kind of an emotional wreck at the time. Good to know she's keeping close
That one D&D collab with Mika, Layla and LAM bros was so fucking kino, probably one of my favourite D&D collabs that Aia did
Mika's crunchy cat from Aia!
Enter Nox!
By the way, does Nox stream on YouTube or is she only streaming on BilliBilli? She's really fun
>>11259 She has a youtube channel but hasnt streamed in it in a year
>>11259 Mainly just Bilibili, honestly if I could figure out how to use the site I'd probably watch her. The VR girls seem pretty cute
>>11252 Yeah it's really not the same with vsj+ and I think she also kinda feels that way honestly
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>Banned from 4chan for racism against SEA "people" What a joke of a website, JFC
Enter hamster Melo!
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I'm so tired...
>>11263 That is an exclusive /vt/ thing btw. I browse /vg/ all the time and no one gives a shit about SEA getting their feefees hurt. Anyway is Mika gonna do a marathon of this thing like Nina?
>>11266 I don't know how long the totsu will be, but the graduation stream itself is tomorrow
>>11252 >ALSO I DIDN'T SEE THE SPOILER PART OF YOUR POST BECAUSE I'M USING THE LAIN CSS Oh, sorry.... Kotoka played LOL offline recently and I just wonder if she played with Nina since Nina promised to play LOL with other Niji members on the graduation stream
>Mika watched all Melo's ASMRs Holy based
>>11265 Me too goon, me too....I was really hoping she would join today but I'm guessing she got a week "off" for publicly telling people to re-upload it
Anyways I'm backing up the Minecraft server. I'm gonna update it today for 1.20.4 and all the plugins too. Hopefully nothing breaks!!
Melo has fucking died....
>>11272 Deadge...
>>11268 No no, not your fault, just kinda surprised and like that the CSS works like that. I can't really stand league but I'd still rather they all had things to hang out and do, so I'd be happy if they were playing. I feel like they'd have a lot of fun doing terraria progression together without streaming pressure, or something like zomboid or valheim or the like
>Meloco was depressed when she did the hamster zatsu No.....
>>11270 Just wanted one day without the shit postingover there.... can't even had that
>>11276 I won't lie to you. It's gonna be a long week
Doppio will gift Mika Bug Fables, let's go!
>Mika is recommending Doppio to play Alice madness return to Doppio Holy fucking based
>Only 2 people played Bug Fables after he gifted it Doppio.........
>>11281 If he's around when I plan to audition, if I get in... I'll play it the day after he gifts it to me
Enter Rosemi! (She's still sick)
>>11262 Well she was crying about how much she missed the "hag fairy"...
Vivi couldn't make it for the totsu, but she left goodbye letter for Mika!
>>11262 Yeah... I tried watching but she overlaps my kamioshi too often now and the dynamics aren't the same. Chat is too big to have many conversations like in the old lazy American afternoons... I feel like Nina needs a real BFF and some understanding friends and Pomu was probably the best BFF she had, besides Oliver, Mika, etc.
>>11285 Cute
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Rosemi-sama soon, buds
Poor elira....
https://twitter.com/EliraPendora/status/1740117507053347055 Elira has canceled because of family issues
>>11290 Ahhh shit, i hope things get better soon even if they look bleak...
When Rosemi-sama reads my chat and laughs my heart always warms up... Thank you, my kamioshi =w=
>>11294 Pomu only reads me when i'm thirsting for people or making fun of her...
Finana wants to creep on the couples in the Love Hotel...
Finana says no cuddling, just straight to the sex! This is how i know she's a virgin also
>"I like hot they're saying 'oh yeah, how's that?' but they just lay there and do nothing" That's japanese sex, Finana
I wanna go to KBBQ too...i never went but i know tripe is usually the cheapest meat yet where i live tripe is like a special ocassion food
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1740155951959924877 Reimu will now be using reipapa's office chair
>>11293 >Check their Twitter acount >It's a yuguy Oh......
Question: are speculations about potential candidates for the next wave allowed or is it considered to be off-topic? I saw plenty of vtubers graduating and I would like to discuss it
>>11303 no idea
>>11303 As long as it's on the topic of them being possible hires then i don't see anything wrong with it, hell i even miss the scout anon who did the Ethyria report. Just don't actively discuss their activities here, speculation and giving some info on them is ok
>>11305 Ok, thanks for the answer. I'll link some candidates later on
Kek Finana is losing it at Yakuza 3 engrish
>>11307 Beautiful eyes
>>11309 can't wait for the kiryu-richardson exchange
>Finana doesn't want to walk a few blocks and takes a taxi >Immediately says she's hungry and opens uber eats Fat Feesh...
Finana... Your uber order...
>>11315 >>11314 Listen...she's a growing girl!
>>11317 Only her ASS IS GROWING
Feesh's new orisong is done! At least the music part, she now has to record her vocals
https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/status/1740185617198424407 Oh god, did she try to kill herself or something?
>>11321 I don't get how people reach this conclusion. It is usual for people in North America(canada included) to try kill themselves and word it as accident?
>>11322 In the states there's this thing called suicide watch
>>11322 The "under supervision" part sounds like that, it was my first thought also and suicides here are a rare sight
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>>11325 >Niji Mascots FUCK YES
>too apprehensive to open /vt/ or even my vtuber twitter and youtube alts i think i care too much about this branch... sorry for venting here but i don't really know where else i could put it. so many good things were happening as the year was ending. it's starting to feel like every time something good happens, something bad will also happen that overshadows it. i feel like i should just become a fan of the main branch at this point, it'd certainly be easier, and people would be less hostile. sigh
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>>11328 Don't take their focus to heart, anon... The good things that happened are still there and great, and lots of livers are getting back into streaming again. Focus on them, and if you want to discuss your oshi, do it here where people will actually engage in good faith. Let's hope Selen recovers quickly. Avoid the other side if you have to. I have taken breaks from there and generally don't use it as much and have been much happier generally speaking. Good luck
>>11328 Well, the thing is that main branch still has these things but JP fans gatekeep the fuck out of the issues and you can basically only read about it in places like 5ch. Also they have so many members that if idk, Aizono calls someone a nigger then that's on her and not on the whole company and every co-worker she has. Just take a moment and distance youself from everything, play a game, do another hobby, etc. Question yourself "how does this vtuber situation affect me personally?", make yourself a cup of coffee and maybe watch a movie or talk to some friends
how have the nopixel streams been so far? i dont really like the server so ive been reluctant to watch them but idk
>>11333 Well most of them were going solo into the big vast world, Kyo and Luca played together a little but only now we're seeing a big GRA RP collab
>>11328 yeah i actually was thinking the same thing yesterday.. all the drama really made me feel like shit and i was looking at some jp stuff that day and really considered getting better at jp and sticking to that branch instead
>>11335 Well as someone who watches JP without knowing japanese i can tell you it's mostly about just starting watching whoever streams something you might like and then you'll begin to understand things by just the little words you might know and the intention you know the liver is talking with
>>11328 honestly i find the vtubing community utterly shitty. Liver taking a vacation ? stealth suspension Liver getting in a accident/sick/having technical trouble ? it's management ordering her to say some bullshit to cover the stealth suspension Coworker defending coworker ? management mandated Coworker suggesting maybe management may have a valid reason for doing what they do and not jumping to conclusion ? bootlicker Liver telling everyone they're retards and acting like animals ? menhera outburst I'm so fucking tired of those retards so deep into believing whatever any retard or dramatuber is spouting instead of watching streams and enjoying shit that i barely check anything anymore outside of the schedule and streams. The worse thing on top of this, is that they're making the talents depressed, a fact that they got explicitely told, but that didn't stop them or make them question themselves.
>>11328 Man, I know everything look shitty right now, but believe me, JP branch had way worse yabs throughout the years that would make EN look tame in comparison. They had their own Yugo situation, they had like dozen dubious graduations with unclear reasonings, they have a JP equelevent to False who's 100 timese worse than his EN counterpart (he's partially responsible for Roa v. Meiro case), they had Nippleman, Gundou and fucking Raito. If anything like that happened to EN, the branch would get shitposted non-stop for months. The only reason why you don't know about any of this is because, thankfully, EOP retards don't know shit about JP branch due to langauge barrier (and even then, sometimes JP drama gets leaked into EN sphere in the most out of context, bastardized form like it was with Gundou's suspension). Just filter all of this crap, block all dramatubers and enjoy your oshi. If you're a dragoon, just take a break from social media in general and wait untill Selen will be back for streaming.
>>11327 Those look sizable and the Stargazer is incredibly FAT. >>11337 >Liver telling everyone they're retards and acting like animals ? menhera outburst I don't remember seeing this one.
>>11337 Leaving this here because it is still relevant to this day, kinda wished Nina said this in public instead of members but i get why she wouldn't want retards attacking her for saying how bad shit is with the retards online speculating suspensions
>>11339 millie, but she obviously didn't word it like this
This scottish girl sounds cute ngl
>>11340 Fuck, wasn't it her last membership stream before graduation? Everything there feels so bitter in retrospective The way she said that Nijisanji fans hate her hurts so much....
>>11343 Yes, the same one, after that clip she goes into the topic of how she doesn't feel like she's part of NijiEN because the fandom doesn't want her there...it's kinda sad seeing as how she was getting a lot more love when she left and now that many undesirables have left the fandom i think things would've gone better
>>11337 The fcommunity is in this predicament because we, (And Anykara by extension) don't realize that we are engaging in a culture war and simply let ourself be trampled upon.
>>11345 So you're saying we should kill dramatubers
>>11347 I feel like killing dramatubers are the only acceptable killings me thinks Joke aside, they will get karma one day where the fame they build will eat them alive in the future
>>11347 I don't mean like a literal war lmao.
>>11348 Well terrible people do other terrible things on the side often so i'm expecting to see someone call them out for being a groomer or a pedo
>>11340 >>11343 she kinda alluded to that in yesterday stream tldr >i loved my fans >i loved my coworkers >i liked my workplace >i hated that my fans got harrased because of me
>>11344 It's so shitty that she felt this way due to few shitters that only watched Luxiem and stopped watching Niji long time ago. I remember we tried to cheer her up and told her that it isn't true but to no avail, she just didn't listen. I feel like she had convinced herself at that point that they were right and she really didn't belong in Niji... She had so many plans for the future, so fun streams that she wanted to do... It was really heartbreaking to see her just giving up...
>>11348 Reminder that JP dramatuber that shittalked Nij ifor years eventually got his YouTube account and Twitter nuked, so there's a chance that Khyo, False and other shitters will eventually get the boot too
>>11352 I think the thing that broke my heart the most was seeing her realize during her graduation how much she really meant to everyone and how many people were actually going to really miss her, dumb hag didn't want to leave the stream by the end...
>>11353 Here’s hoping enikara will get their shit together and start doing just that
>>11355 JP laws hold no grounds in foreign lands
>>11356 No, but you know what, I have an idea next year but I won't talk about it here. Only in the future after the actions are done
>>11357 anon will merge japan and the US together....
>>11338 JP lost like 1/3 of its members in the first two years they operated honestly. To this day if you look at the wiki you can see that a lot of JPs graduated within the first two years and there's no real explanation given. Just gone one day.
>>11328 >i feel like i should just become a fan of the main branch at this point, it'd certainly be easier, and people would be less hostile >>11335 >i was looking at some jp stuff that day and really considered getting better at jp and sticking to that branch instead Do it, fags.
>>11360 There are a lot of JPs I wish I knew more about honestly. I'll never lose my love for en but I wish some of them were bi lingual outside of Hskw. Her British accent is so fuckin cute
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>>11318 That's the best part
Aster says that he doesn't read fan fics or manga
Aster says he hates sweet bread because it's not even bread
Maria is too busy playing with assets to stream....
I'm kinda glad it's a quiet night tonight. I don't get to watch Maria or scarle very often. I enjoy Maria a lot but her tz is awful for me
Teams for the mahjong tournament! Seems like only Meloco and Koto are participating from EN this time
This is the first time i see someone get to this part in Dave The Diver
>>11351 Man, as a fan, I've never cared what retards were saying about me. The only thing that hurt me was when people attacked her directly. I didn't know that she felt like that and while I'm greatful for care, I wish she would think about herself more when she was in Niji
>>11371 Yeah, Kotoka actually mentioned on her latest stream that she'll be participating in the tournament. Weird that only Meloco and Kotoka are participating in the tournament this year, I at least expected Shu and Sonny to be there too
>>11356 There're defamation laws in the USA too, this is how JP dramaniggers got nuked. If Anycolor can get their shit together and actually try to officially complain to YouTube with a defamation case, I'm sure YouTube would comply.
>>11365 Fucking based. When I found out about sweet bread, I was shocked. It's just 80% sugar. How do burgers even eat this shit?
>>11369 I actually didn't recognise Hex here. His drip looks cool, hope he will get something like that for the next outfit
>>11378 Do you expect them to bring the ADL for this shit?
>>11373 Reposting here since I guess people care about her here too, even though it's a little bit offtopic. She'll be finishing soon
>>11381 They actually can. Remember how dramaniggers spread Vox's doxx everywhere? This unironically falls under defamation case.
>>11383 Yeah but they were retarded/too rash and went with copyright issues for them displaying the livers in their streams
Melo schedule!
>>11387 Pizza family collab! Nice
>>11386 >>11387 Is the collab lethal company?
>>11389 Most likely
>>11387 Oh, here's the collab that Reimu was talking about!
>>11388 Yeah, I remember Reimu promised that she'll play with them other games later on. Glad that they actually decided to do a collab so soon
>"The corpse has grown!...i mean the crops, the crops have grown!" And then people tell me Maririn is not some secret psycho...
Mika says that people shouldn't chase trends. Instead, if you want to be sucessful, you should find your own niche, do what you like and then grind it untill you make it
I feel like making a split of my oshi for fun but then I'll be stuck in the dumb dilemma on whether to post here, the split or the other site.
>>11395 The catalog is barely utilized so go for it
Honestly, love or hate Mika's content and personality, but she is genuinely a good streamer. She probably one of the best when it comes to streaming quality when it comes to ex-IDs. In contrast, I remember I tuned in to Mika's ex genmate once and she just streamed GTA San Andreas on PS2 n 720p with shitty Xbox mic for like 6 hours (which was soulful kino, but definitely not an appealing content for an average viewer). She grinded a lot, she invested in her PC, assets and in general quality of live feature for the viewers like respondent TTS for donations. I know people say that she astroturfed herself by "leeching EN", but honestly, she wouldn't be high 3view/low 4view on average if she just relied on EN collabs. Even though I didn't watch her that much, I still enjoyed every stream that I've tuned in. Hope she'll succeed wherever she goes next.
>>11395 With the posting speed on the board, your oshi's thread will stay there for over a year, so go for it. It isn't like the thread will go anywhere.
>"I will not be streaming for long today" >Streams for almost 8 hours Maririn...
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1740334380827258977 Koto played LOL with EN members offstream. Hope she had fun Seriously thouhg, I'm glad that she has some time to rest offstream. She deserved it
>>11397 Honestly, I never understood the complaint over there that Mika's a leech, because from what I can understand, they say that because she collabed a lot with NijiEN, and I don't see why that's a bad thing. Maybe it's because I'm just autistic, while it's okay to not like her, getting angry at people for being a frequent collab partner with EN members seems silly to me.
>>11403 It's just a usual shitposter lingo that is used to shit on people that collab with other members a lot. If you want to see a real leech, look at Shoto: the guy only spammed collabs with Luxiem for like a year and then ghosted them off completely when their numbers fell off. And it isn't like Luxiem were special, he did the same with Tempus when they debuted, then U-san and now Kuro. U-san especially left bad taste in my mouth since he basically ignored him while he was still in Niji, and now pretends like they're best friends Also, the guy completely ghosted all girls that he used to collab pre-Luxiem, which just feels like desperate attempt into appealing to female unicorns. He is just a clout chaser who only orbits people with big numbers and has no real relationships with people that aren't popular. Mika never collabed with people based on numbers, if anything, plenty of people that Mika had collabed with (Ver, for example), were less popular than her. Mika is just good at networking, it's a good skill to have when you want to promote you channel and expand your audience, which other ex-IDs just didn't do and got stuck in their little bubbles. The fact that people percieved it as leeching just shows how retarded people on that site are.
>Mika only now is realising that people actually care about her Same as Nina... Why are they like this?
>>11404 Yeah... It's just so odd why they target Mika specifically. I've never seen Bobon or Oliver get this type of treatment when they're also frequent EN collab partners. I chalk it up to her relation with Mysta.
>>11405 it seems like a common thing for these people to focus on "haters" than the people who love them, which is a human thing to do. especially when those haters are that loud. i think it's because for some people, it's easier to believe that others dislike you or are judging you than the alternative
Mika is doing her last goodbyes right now
>>11408 that and some people just have this belief that they need to have everyone like them, otherwise, they've failed somewhere. kind of impossible for a content creator
Well, this is it. No matter how many times I watch graduation streams, they always make me feel empty afterwards.
It really feels like the end of an era with Mika now gone. I really thought she would be one of the ones who stuck around. And I guess all her VODs are now dust in the wind, unless by some miracle somebody saved all her VODs.
>>11395 (me) This will probably take me a month. I want to do a small write up as a follow up on why I personally love watching them along with examples but at the rate my drafting is going it's going to take me a long while.
>>11412 Mika's VODs will stay up for two weeks, you have plenty of time to archive them
>>11303 Ok, here's one of the candidates: https://www.youtube.com/@Viracchi/videos https://www.twitch.tv/viracchi https://twitter.com/viracchi_ She's a Nijisanji and Hololive fan. Goes on indefinite hiatus similar to Vivi and Kunai's PL, the twitter will be privated after her last stream, the YouTube channel will be unlisted.
>>11419 Also, she participated in the big Vtuber Christmas concert (the one that Vivi attended)
>>11419 >>11420 And another one: https://twitter.com/ssr_rubi https://www.twitch.tv/ssr_rubi She's from the same indie cicrle and was on the concert too. Goes on hiatus in January too
This will be the last time I ever post about anything related to that site, but it’s awfully obvious how the schizo does his thing I can always pick up when he made bait threads and when he linked his own post and when he double posted with multiple device. He geniunely need to be put down because he ain’t roght in the head
>>11422(me) I’m sorry if this annoys you guys. I just want to vent out and I can delete this later
>>11419 >>11421 Third one. Form the same circle, the biggest one from the three https://twitter.com/Quokkanini/status/1734981507368792214 https://www.twitch.tv/quokkani Same graduation timing. Peculiar thing is that she straight up rushed her 2.0 model debue untill graduation, so the timing is strict
>>11419 >>11421 >>11424 That's it for the girls. There're plenty of hiatuses/graduations among indies, obviously, but these three are the only ones that feel sus and have close timing to each other >Why are you looking among indies? Maybe they hired a fleshie again? Well, the thing is, this must be the April audition. The one that suggest that only experienced streamers can apply, so no surprises out of left field this time. Obviously, there can be a chance of a flashstreamer applying in, but I feel like there aren't that many flashies that want to become vtubers and aren't indies already. Anyway, since the wave must be mixed, I look for boys now. I've seen a male graduate recently too, so I'm look him up
Well, here's the last one. Already graduated https://twitter.com/sensei_yami https://www.twitch.tv/yami The timing is off, but it can be explained by the fact that he had tons of merch collaborations signed up and he had to deal with the contracts. Left huge reincarnation hints. While the girls might be hit/on miss, I'm 90% certain on this guy. Girls still can go in a small corpo (which would be kind of stupid for decent 3view indies to do, but whatever), but he can only go either to Holostars or Niji, and stars already had a debut recently.
>>11426 He already is in a small corpo, Globie.
>>11427 Oh well, kind of retarded for a male to go to a small corpo, but whatever. Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep looking
>>11428 Another thread had mentioned that apparently he did audition for both HolostarsEN and NijisanjiEN, but was rejected. So I guess for him it was corpo or bust. Kinda sad, I would've loved to see Ike bond with a fellow Swede.
>>11427 Nta but heck, that's where he went! I hadn't gotten around to checking out how that group was going so I'm glad for the reminder~
>>11340 This still hurts... It hurts even more because... I was there and literally am there in the clip.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpWiQXE9jdE Kunai is back! Starting now!
New background! (It's a free asset)
Oh, Kunai was in Japan for just 2 days.
Nobody found Kunai's penis joke....
Kunai thought that Zali wasn't a real french......
>>11422 It's not a singular "he", because the monkeys are currently organizing to harass Selen into a full-on graduation. The past three years have made me more racist than I ever thought I could be. And it's not even against black people.
>Her sim card got broken by her delivery guy >E-sim didn't work >Her operator didn't support connection roaming in Japan >Had to rely on strangers to move where she needed to go This is insanely bad luck, but it's also extremly impressive how she figured out everything with no phone at all
Kunai got a lot of moomin merch in Japan
Kunai had to cancell her Christmas plans because she felt sick....
Kunai schedule this week: unrailed collab with TTT tomorrow, Stardew collab with Aura and Elia on Saturday, drinking Zatsu on New Year's. Next year she'll try to beat Hollow Knight, beat the path of pain, do steam sale stream. After Hollow Knight she plans to play Enter the Gungeon.
>>11438 Imo I'd just keep an eye out for any containment breakers on twitter and try to get their ass nuked, them organizing on kekchan is irrelevant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n3FNbqw-qg Man i feel like this Nerissa chick is the most collab HoloEN in recent times it's crazy. She kinda hot too,lmao
>>11442 >Stardew collab with Aura and Elia on Saturday genuinely, who ?
Kunai will play Dinkum with Maria and Vanta next week
>>11446 hehehe dinkum
>>11445 >Aura GX Opera girl >Elia Twitch indie
>>11425 Thank you for your report! Are you sure this is for the ones in april and not for the acting ones?
>>11448 Isn't Elia the ex kawaii girl who greeted Alban and then had unicorns ask for her head?
Kunai's huge tits are a bother when she buys clothes because they fit everywhere but there...maybe she wants bigger tits for her next outfit because her tits are bigger than the model
I wouldn't be opposed to Kunai getting Elira sized tits >>11451
>>11439 It probably helps that she's bilingual
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https://twitter.com/NKNlak/status/1739618561406959850 Anycolor's year's end illustration. Kunai and Wilson are here!
>>11449 Too early for acting. Assuming TTT were the January auditions, the next must be the April ones, then I think we aslo had audition in August, and only after than we'll get the acting audition. I know that auditioning/debut gap feels big now, but keep in mind that before that all waves besides Ethyria and Krisis were pair ones. If we assume that all auditions are for 1 wave, then the short gap between auditions themselves but big gap between debuts makes sense
>>11371 Man, the reaction on the other site was so negative to this.....
>>11459 when it is not ?
>>11459 Tell me something I don't know
>>11460 >>11461 Don't know, maybe the shitposting is getting to me. It's just tiresome to see >why >not EN Everytime Kotoka and Meloco join stuff like that. It isn't like any of the "thread favourites" would ever join a JP tournament like that, at best it would be just Shu and Sonny, and the same shitposter don't give a fuck about them. Furthermore, they don't care about this tournament at all and wouldn't watch it anyway no matter how many EN members were there. It's so shitty to see people complaing that Kotoko and Meloco are there every single time, like it's somehow a bad thing. Nobody else in EN get such treatment when they join JP stuff either.
>>11462 Just ignore them and look at how Koto and Melo are doing now compared to debut, they've been invited to many nice collabs, know a lot of vtubers already, they're getting sponsorships, their covers do great, many more people are watching them now, etc At this point i just assume it's jealousy or they're mad that they were not the flops they thought they would be at first
>>11463 >At this point i just assume it's jealousy or they're mad that they were not the flops they thought they would be at first The term /vt/sisters is and will always be applicable Also what happened to Pomu's stream
>>11464 Hotel was shitting the bed with the internet so she ended stream since it's gonna be a 2 hour stream anyways and she was one hour in
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Man, I really enjoy watching Finana plays story game. She really enjoy the story. It makes so happy :D
>>11469 you're right, now that i think about it, i don't get annoyed when she's playing a story game as i am with other streamers/vtubers who look at chat while passing dialogue then proceed to not understand what happens.
>>11470 I guess it's because even if Finana was focused on the game dialogue instead of chat she'd probably still have no idea what's happening kek
>Check Twitter >My whole timeline is just Reimu liveposting JJK Reimu.........
>>11463 Yeah, thanks. I'm glad for their sucess, even though the shitposting is bothering me. I hope Anycolor will make KotoMelo into an official unit someday
>>11474 >>11463 Funny that the JP fanbase dont mind it as much compared to the newfag EN fanbase
>>11473 i genuinely couldn't have cared less about jjk before this and i still don't but okay, reimu i'll watch it for you. mainly because i don't wanna feel left out in zatsudans lol
Millie wasn't part of the fun...
>>11477 >chanting it was actually a robe enjoyer initiation
>>11478 >Wants more robe enjoyers >Leaves when they show up. What did she mean by this
I really enjoy Reimu honestly she's been on a bl tangent and now she's taking a piss
Reimu cleans herself with a showerhead after she pisses
>>11481 >>11482 Why piss is so hot lad? It's dirty, it suppose to make you squeamish not arousal. But it turn us on. Why?
>>11483 To me it always felt taboo and I liked that. Also now she's talking about wanting an alpha girl (a girl with a small penis) to be fucked by an Omega male (large penis male)
>>11483 For me is a domination thing
Vivi is thinking about playing MGS4 or DMC 1 after finishing Bloodborne
>>11489 Are you looking for some guy's FTP server or something similar
>>11490 Please refrain from engaging in off-topic conversations with random banned strangers
>>11488 I'll be honest I'm not that interested in either....I guess if I had to choose I'd choose dmc1 but yeah
Vivi would kill herself if she had to survive in an apocalypse
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1740606460193812749 Koto got some kind of present from Anycolor in Kanji and couldn't read it. She got a little bit embarrassed over it, but funnily enough, Belmond didn't know what it is and could't read it either https://twitter.com/belmond_b_2434/status/1740613947940823131 According to the replies, it's a traditional Japanese year-end's thankful gift for someone who helped you a lot. So, I guess Anycolor is really greatful to Koto for.... Something?
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1740647010003288253 Reimu might reschedule MGS 2 stream for tonight since she probably will be tired after pizza fammily collab, so no endurance stream today.
>>11495 Anycolor being grateful to Kotoka for being gyaru. Being gyaru is a thankless job you know
>>11496 i thought mgs 2 was tomorrow ?
Koto translated short with Putechi and Yui ft. Nacho the only serious medic https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZH6shCOBYfk
Oh damn, Ren is streaming! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZkIwCKkMFk He flew in business class in the same flight as Maririn but she went on economy...
Ren arrived in Japan with shorts...you dumb alien forgetting how hemispheres work
Ren says that hearing Doppio's voice in person was super trippy
Pomu recorded Ren and Pio going down a slide and going "wooooooooo"
Kek Ren gave Pomu a Minecraft torch for secret santa
Vivi gave Ren a bunch of chocolate for secret santa, he's been eating chocolates and other snacks for days now
>>11498 No, it's today. Tomorrow is a date with death
>>11503 >>11504 >>11505 >>11506 >>11507 I love this dumb ojisan
>>11509 Have another dumb ojisan story: >Mari was offended that Ren was going on business and not with her in economy in the same flight >Ren said that even if he did they wouldn't be able to sit next to each other >Mari was still offended >Ren asked in the business lounge if he could bring a friend to make it up to Mari >They told him that he could >Ren invited mari to the lounge and hyped it up for her >They get there and they ask him if he's a gold member >"A what? I uh...no?...can i go in with a friend anyways?" >"No"
>>11501 Here's the clip, Koto reuploaded for some reason https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G84HN_kSZ6o?feature=share
>>11510 Ren......
Ren was dumbfounded by the venue and how massive it was, he was blown away by the size of the main stage and got his mindset set on performing on that stage in the future
>>11513 Ren is one of the ENs that I'm actually exited to see on stage. Hope EN will speed up 3D debuts next year
>Watching some of Reimu's old zatsus >She almost dipped out from playing VCR due to anxiety Fuck, why are ENs so afraid to play with JPs? This is so fucking stupid, considering how much Reimu ended loving playing on VCR and regretted not joining it earlier. They should just quit doing this senpai autism, considering they're 2 years in the company already
>>11515 Let's hope they do...apparently from what everyone is saying there's still more being cooked so who knows, i was reluctant to get a ticket for the boys stage in AR live last year but if we were to get Ren for the next one i might actually get one just for him
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stNe3U84ltw The pizza familly collab is starting soon I've only just noticed Nina at the background of Reimu's starting stream...
>>11517 I think it's more them being anxious of talking to other people than anything, then you have people like Claude who goes ham into Rust and just talks to everyone
>>11519 Yeah, she said it during her outfit stream, she said "you might see someone you recognize looking at us from the beach"
>>11520 Reimu is probably the most non-anxious member of the branch. She had no problem organising collabs with Astel or Nerissa. This is unironically "my nihongo is not jozu enough, I'll shit my pants in front of JP senpais" moment. Most of EN suffers from it for some reason
The collab has started! Here's Melo's POV. She has live translators in chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5lbXSGmM7U
I love Ao-kun, she's so cool She reminds me of Yugo so much.....
>>11508 i dunno i tend to trust the team up then check nijimado when i have time. thanks
>How do you say fire exit in Japanese Reimu, shouldn't you know stuff like that? It's kind of important.....
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>>11526 https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1739107191758491996 It's on Reimu's schedule, so I don't know. It's probably a mistake on mado
Reimu is laughing. Pizza familly is dying from bee stings and she's laughing
>It's easiest one >The whole crew got wiped out by bees on spawn My fucking sides
>Meloco and Reimu explaining the concept of Walkie-Talkie Don't they have a word for these things in Japan?
>>11528 Years of AI shit and we still don't have an AI that recognizes dates and times to upload them into a calendar...or maybe we have but nobody has delved on that
I'm here to clear the rumor that ver is a woman https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin/status/1740727656344396191
>Half of the crew is already dead and they didn't even find the enterance Sasuga....
When Ao-kun yells she sounds like Levi
Ao and Aru can't read....
>Aru sacrificed himself to get the beehive Sasuga ojisan
Ao-kun... No....
>>11544 Cute! Shame that it probably will never get scanlated
>>11545 It'll be in sadpanda for sure but only in JP
>>11546 Nah, this is volume 5 and there's no volume 1-4 in there, the artist is not very well known and that's mostly the reason why i like to promote them
The whole group got wiped out by bees again......
>>11548 Tale as old as this game, i like it when someone brings the bees into the ship and everyone wipes
>>11546 SFW doujins are extremly low priority for scanlators. I barely see stuff like that scanlated when it comes to popular franchises, let alone niches like NijiEN. Chances of something like this getting scanlated are close to zero.
Melo are telling them about Reimu's Gojo birthday stream, lmao
>>11551 I aspire to one day have someone love me the way Reimu loves Gojo
>Meloco F Fuck, I lover Aru so much
Aaaand everyone got kileld by a dog, lmao
Oh shit, Aru is still alive
>>11554 The fucking dog causes 50% of the casualties in this collab
>This was their first encounter with the coilhead Well, it went as expected
LMAO, Reimu deserved it
They don't know...
Well, RIP. This was a fun run
Aru was the one who suggested to play the game for the collab. Funnily enough, he didn't play it before
>>11561 Well it doesn't have a japanese translation so he probably saw clips of people having fun in it and decided to play it with people who knew english
>>11562 Yeah, plenty of JPs have played it already. I saw JP heroes playing it recently
>>11563 Was Mana with them? I know he's pretty good at english
Reipapa doesn't give a fuck if streams hears how he pisses
Reimu drank 4 cups of pure black coffee last night, wtf
>I thought it will make me sleepy because it's a warm drink Reimu............
MGS is cancelled today, Reimu is too exhausted due to all the coffee she drank
Oh, Reimu forgot that Kyo's birthday is today, so she doesn't want to overlap it by streaming MGS. She says that she'll join the totsu. She also says that he planned a lot of fun stuff for the stream
>>11569 >he planned a lot of fun stuff for the stream Let me guess, totsu and 1 or 2 party games like everyone does
>>11570 Maybe? Reimu said that it will be really fun, so stay tuned for it. She probably won't be able to join everything since she's too tired, but she'll definitely will be joining the totsu
Reimu wants to play something with all pizza familly members, but they don't know what game they should pick
>>11572 LMAO, Shu in chat suggested Valorant and she said that maybe they will
>>11573 why is shu like this?
https://twitter.com/fliuxxx/status/1740792991084945807 >Reimu reposted this Reimu is the meloco poster...........
>>11581 That's fine and all but whatever kotoka cooks should be banned by many countries
>>11584 the pomu one is kinda botched
>>11586 Wosemi's Qussy is smelly ToT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1lqg9jmcGg Kotoka, Enna, Ren, Uki and Wilson are on Kyo's stream right now
Ren's roast was actually pretty good, lmao. Koto sounds like she barely slept. I know she wanted to hang out on the birthday, but I wish she would rest more instead
Koto you fucking dumbass.... Please sleep properly, I beg you....
Thanks for short appearence, even though she barely slept... I hope she will sleep enough untill her endurance karaoke
Fuck, Ren and Uki are good at it... Wilson tried his best, lmao
One on one totsu is starting now
Shu is on right now
Enter feesh!
Enter Aia!
Aia's birthday cat! Also, enter ewiwa!
Ewiwa stopped playing LOL and started playing Valorant now
Enter Claude!
>>11604 I love Aia's birthday cats, i wonder is she'll do another round of them once she runs out of birtdays
Claude, you have a TTT collab..... Why are you on Kyo's totsu...........
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUDbVLMAGfo TTT is starting! Sorry, I won't be able to livepost Kyo's totsu now, feel free if anyone is available
People in The Qussy are so fucking retarded...
>>11610 People in Supermassive Games games are retarded in general besides that one Iranian guy in House of Ashes, he was pretty cool
Vivi HATES trains!
>>11611 I really liked House of Ashes a lot and the twist with the monsters was actually good for once
That was a fast game over
>>11614 How did it even happen... I literally spaced out for a minute and they are on the game over screen....
>>11615 They didn't know what the fuck to do
Unrailed is one of those collab games that Nijimembers play once in blue moon, but every single one of the collabs has been really fun
Vivi is just murdering things...
TTT is killing each other with snowballs
I also think Kunai would like Lobotomy Corp
>Vivi is shilling LobCorp to Kunai It's unironically a perfect game for her, I hope she'll play it
>>11621 Also she would like Library of Ruina even more after playing Lobo Corp
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Why are they so dumb... It's like their colelctive IQ somehow goes into negatives together
Claude just went into full autism mode
They got carried by rain LMAO
Bucket is back!
>"I love video essays!" Kunai is so white...
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Vivi doesn't want to play Minecraft because she's scared of creepers
>>11629 But she played GTA RP
I would not survive prostitute Kunai...
Kunai hasn't disabled sticky keys....
>>11632 >Be a programmer >Too tech illiterate to disable sticky keys Kunai...
I think TTT should one day do the thing Krisis does where it's all of them +1 because it creates some funny interactions and chemistry and also many games are for 4 players or intended to be played with 4 players
They actually doing pretty good at the underwater level. I remember Maria and Doppio struggled here so much wehn they played it
>>11613 what i kinda liked with the dark antology pictures is that you could kinda see what general ideas were bad, at least in the first two. Third was funny. didn't play the fourth one. They would make good collab streams.
Had anyone reached space biom before or are TTT the first one on Niji?
>>11637 I don't think so, the most i've seen was the lava biome
Vivi is stoning.....
Holy shit they're gaming
>>11641 They stopped gaming, auntie is eepy
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>>11642 Yeah, it was a really fun collab. Guess it's time to go to bed for me too since it's almost 5 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIo_VEUrhN8 Waiting room for Koto's karaoke is up
Rosemi-sama new outfit and ARG if you squint enough! https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock/status/1740983493796954272
>>11647 Solving the ARG so far has been super fun =w= As has doing my monthly contributions to Rosemi-sama
Koto's karaoke is starting!
>>11647 Judging by the silouette, I think it's Lucifer outfit
I've just realised that Koto got like 15k subs in the past month. I'm so happy for her
Koto may go overtime and sing more than 30 songs today, depending on how she feels
Ohhh, new song!
I don't think 30 songs is that much. If Koto won't stall, she can easely finish it in like 3 - 4 hours
I think the reverb is a little too high... It has a concert hall effect. It definitely isn't bad, but I would prefer studio quality
Aaaand the model froze. The Levi special
>>11655 Oh, someone told her about it in chat, she fixed it!
Let's go, Overdose!
Next song is dedicated to Enna!
>Kamipoina Yeah, her cover was good Not my favourite, but I can see why Koto likes it
Koto, please, do kamipoina cover next, I beg you
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Kotoscuff... Why can't you practise the songs that you sing beforehand....
Koto's nihongo is not jouzou....
>I've been singing 4 hours before stream for practise YOU DON'T DO THAT RIGHT BEFORE THE STREAM WHAT THE FUCK
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Yeah, I don't think Koto will be doing New Year's stream after this... She'll be dead tomorrow
Luca got gifted members but I thought Nintendo games can't be monetized?
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You could finish the setlist if you actually rested properly. You're stupid bitch not because you put goals, but because you fucking slept for 3 hours and then practised for 4 hours more.
>>11667 You can't disable the gifted membership feature. This is why non monetizable games like this is the perfect moment to nab a gifted membership
Holy shit, Koto got a second wind! Her natural singing capability is just insane
>>11667 You can't disable gifted memberships. I remember Nina was streaming Dead Cells with monetasation off and still had tons of gifted on that stream
>Let's take a break >By break she meant not a break from singing, but just low tempo songs Koto holy shit, you're insane
Kotoka, closing your eyes for 20 seconds is not a nap.............
Koto is half way through the setlist, let's go!
Koto, one ok rock is pretty popular in the west. If anything, it's the most well known Jrock band in the west
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>How old is this soup? >Not that old
Koto actually has pretty good pace. I think she'll be done with the full list in an hour.
Kotoka will be cooking Mochi on monday!
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Koto says that this is the last stream of the year, so no New Year's stream I guess.... Fuck, everybody who I wanted to watch on New Year's either don't stream on stream in the fucking January 1 morning. Unless Ike decides to stream tomorrow, I have no one to watch
5 songs left! She's almost there!
Another Ado song, let's go!
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>I can't read japanese Koto.....
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Show for last, let's goooooo
Ah...i missed the karaoke because i was playing until late last night...
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She did it! The set list is finished!
>>11685 It should be archived, so don't worry. You should really wathc it later on, it was greaat. Koto sang plenty of new songs this time
Oh, another liver saying that 2024 is gonna be full of exciting things
Koto says that a lot of exciting stuff will be announced in January!
>I plan buying mochi tomorrow, hope they aren't sold out Koto, it's New Year's... Barely anybody wants to work and everything will probably be sold out.....
>>11688 Please keep in mind when they say "exciting stuff", they usually just mean themselves and their waves. Remember how Fulgur hyped up exciting stuff in November and December and it turned out to be Noctyx level up? Don't expect branch wide events when they say stuff like that.
>I was the slowest to grow Koto, it's literally not true. You were top 3 in Xsoleil after Melo and Hex. Please don't bring yourself down
Encore from Koto!
Cute high pitched Koto!
Bye Koto, thansk for the endurance Kraoke. Shame that you won't stream on New Year's, but I hope you'll have fun!
>>11691 Tbf at least almost every wave had a liver saying to look forward to next year lmao.
Well, Koto's karaoke got blocked, unfortunately Usually this stuff is just temporary, so it should be back in few days. At worst it will stay down for a week
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1740964834005733694 Koto is recommedning Tarkov to the amogus girl from VCR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0MlTz0HSWo Kunai is playing Stardew Valley with cute girls!
>>11700 Ahhhhhhhh teamups wth...
>>11701 come on, the anon (anons ?) who do it are likely on holiday.
Doppio's general rigging got upgraded too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceTCxe1m7Ks Elira's original song has released!
>>11726 The song and the MV are SO FUCKING CUTE
I think schizo is sniping this thread right now. He started reposting stuff about KotoMelo from few days ago on the other site.
>>11729 He's probably acting like a little bitch knowing he can't post his shit here
>>11729 Literally rent free
Ok, the schizo actually went off the rails and rants about japs ruining white people culture, lmao. Anyway, enough about mentally ill retards. Here's Enna and Maria's cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3wL7BwgNCo It's really good. I love how Maria and Enna's vocals are harmonizing into each other, it's really rare to hear such good synchronicity in covers
>>11732 >First thing you see of both of them are her feet They know what i like...
With how everyone says how difficult it is to get an orisong going i sometimes wonder how the FUCK did Ren manage to get 4 done in one year, he's like a couple away from an album
>>11734 He has a decade long experience of making music, composes and writes lyrics himself and has a crew backing him up. Ren basically cuts the middle man out of equation by being the middle man himself
Ewiwi 600k!
>>11736 Let's go!
>>11734 i dunno, i think it's just difficult to get an origsong in a corpo with the legal shenanigans. Seems they don't have this much trouble outside of jp corpos.
>>11739 oh my
>>11741 Meanwhile I don't think I'll get one with my oshi this year kek.
>>11741 fuck i wish my oshi did this too
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I can't wait for Rosemi-sama's tea party!
Reimu, youre a bit too excited over the idea of buying nsfw art of death. lmao
Reimu is literally browsing nsfw art and giggling about it on stream, this girl is down bad
>>11747 Well she's one of the few people that actually browses her NSFW tag
>>11748 she hasnt commented about the gojo art unfortunately
alright reimu give us the deets here, what do you seeeeeee
Well one thing that i'm sure of is that Reimu will be masturbating before going to sleep tonight
>>11751 I hope so
reimu is cute, underrated
so is this game literally just a death datin sim
>>11754 Basically
>>11755 well, reimu is having fun so thats good enough for me
To nobody's surprise, Pomu went to Comiket https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff/status/1741361036421484980
which hetalia ship is the most toxic....
>>11758 Turkey and Greece
>>11759 Ooh I see
lmao I wondered what the star meant
Reimu update, she does not want to be horny
reimu will put up with 16 year old flirting so long as you give her flowers and remember stuff about her
Reimu doesnt like catboys apparently!
Honestly between the 3.0, the fixed eyes and the cute ass assets shes using, reimus default outfit is a lot cuter than I ever thought it was
I cant believe reimus inability to flirt landed her a bad end kek
I love how reimu gets down bad the second he goes back to being soft and her eyes start darting around the place shes so cute
>>11650 I have a hunch it's gonna be kinda fighting game based or Dehya-like from gi or Surtr.. God, the long wild hair is gonna be so good..
>>11766 Her model really grew on me during the 3.0, she's so cute >>11769 God, i hope she gets some rest and gets better soon
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Happy new years /2434/ here's to more fun streams with your oshis.
https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1741390105863209357 Koto spent New Year's with other EN members! I'm so happy for her! I wonder who hanged out with her... Probably Pomu, Enna and Petra
>>11772 Happy New Year to you too!
>>11772 Thank you and happy new year!
>>11770 Judging by the wings and halo, it should be Lucifer since it continues Rosemi's hell themed outfits. I don't really think it's fighting game inspired tbh, but it reminds me a little bit of Eliza from Tekken, so maybe this is what she was going for
>>11778 By hell themed I meant the ARG with the whole Satan/hell story line. Oh, by the way, has anyone had any progress on Rosemi's ARG? I remember buds on /rose/ used to have daily updates when the first ARG came out, but since that thread died long time ago, I don't really know where to ask
Oh by the way, Meloco was cooking pizza today in an open totsu with pizza familly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0rBVhl_xCY
>>11778 >Eliza J-Jesas... But yeah, obviously hell-themed since stuff kinda implies things went wrong >>11779 The ARG has been solved pretty much in the first hours for now, just waiting for new stuff to drop in 1-2 days. Buds are just loosely talking about it in the other site and cord but I can drop some hints if anyone here wants to give it a go
>>11781 I would love to participate in this ARG but i'm really checked out mentally, i remember going through the first one and being a lot of fun so i hope you guys have fun!
I wasn't here when it started but Pomu is doing a NY countdown stream, the countdown is over though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-6YJnzwtGg
https://twitter.com/ike_eveland/status/1741475542002786694?s=20 Ike was doing JST countdown, so I guess he's in Japan too
>>11784 I honestly don't know where Ike is half of the time
Pomu saw a NijiEN cosplay at Comiket btw, it was someone cosplaying as Maririn!
>>11787 Don't worry, she's gonna get kicked out of Japan soon
>>11788 I'd imagine she'll be returning after New Year
>>11782 Understandable, if you wanna know what going on so far the link in the picture was a reverse alphabet code that lead to a jigsaw puzzle which we completed in like 2 hours jiggie.fun/SEQUENCE-REVERIE with a link in the QR code to a pastebin with pw that you get from unscrambling the letters around the puzzle circle ROSEBUD, which has the mosna site, user Employee2232 and pw Rosepill.
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>>11791 I figured it out and was so happy to see other buds trying to help but not trying to cheat (well besides the fomo ones and the pentomo) It's a treat =w=
I have listened to Sunbeams like 5 times already and watched the MV all of those times...it's such a cute song
Meroco stream watching the sunrise! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBrtK7kS-Es
https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato/status/1741568187978731541 Kunai is congratulating Rine with 100k subs!
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>>11797 Kinda reminda me of Pop team epic lmao My nihongo unko though
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1741629945636327771 Reimu is alive! The waiting room will be up soon
>>11802 hey, she had some sleep at least !
Kunai teeth hurt again... No........
Kunai said she will have Lethal Company a collab with Millie, Vivi and Aia next week
>>11808 she should go to the dentist, have them all pulled and wear a denture instead.
>>11787 Maririn said her and Enna will do a collab zatsu talking about the cover so she can't back out of that.
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Happy New Year, anons!
>>11814 Happy new year bro!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SABmm1fK5_0 Koto should be starting soon, the earthquake didn't postponned the stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJbeUm5wlo0 Ver and Vivi will play Yu-Gi-Oh with Nova from Vreverie
Koto is really genki right now! I know that she wants to cheer people up, but I hope JP schizos won't flame her for not taking the eathquake seriously or something
Moch rice (it's brown for some reason
Debi-sama woke up Koto in the middle of the night to talk, lol
>>11823 Kotokaine...
Watch out gorihime, you might break the bowl with the hammer
>You suppose to boil it? Koto.....
>>11829 The mochi looks dry as fuck man
>I haven't washed the pot yet Of course.......
No Koto, frying pan is not ok
>The bowl is cracked No.....
Ever since i saw the gammer i was expecting this
>I'm going to boil it in a frying pan
>This is a big pan Ok, this might work....
>>11838 Only cause the other ones were dirty
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Another year, another sucessful dish
The NijiEN handwriting stream and other colalbs may have to be rescheduled due to the eathquake, Koto will infrom if the time will change
Koto just figured out that mochi mugi is a completely different thing from regular mochi....
Koto will upload Shanti short cover tomorrow!
Kotoka can't read.....
>Time to use my vacuum cleaner for the first time in 6 months Koto.......
>Koto can't wash dishes She's such a womanchild sometimes
I don't think Kotoka catched up the Fullmetal Alchemist reference...
Kotoka literally can't find the cooking equipment that she bought from Amazon. She says that they're somewhere in a cardboard box in her house
Koto hanged out with Enna yesterday
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https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1741830984067330326 Koto is providing charity support to anyone who get hurt during the earthquake
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>>11862 yay still yakuza 3. Also i may boot up chivalry if there isn't too many people to join the game.
Lowkey hyped now
>>11863 I think it should be the last Y3 stream, she's near the end
Kunai schedule!
>>11865 well i was thinking that the previous stream was to be the last too
Ohhh Pio-chan says that one of his goals for next year is more international tournaments and that he cannot say much without spoiling shit so he's probably already planning something for the near future
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>>11865 >>11867 Damn, she's speeding up the game. I remember it took her like 3 - 4 months to beat Kiwami 2
Pio is working on 2 international events right now, also he said he shouldn't have said that
>>11872 Suika tournament was pretty fun, can't wait for stuff that he's cooking
>>11873 With Suika he showed that he can really do his homework to create a nice ruleset. Also his power to adapt during the tournament was really good
Mari in Kunai's chat. It's 4 AM and she doesn't want to go to bed
>>11870 after checking, she hasn't played that much kiwami 2, but she took a lot of break between streams. Her first y2 stream was the 29/12/22 and the second one the 13/01, the 4th one on the 24/02.
>>11877 Oh shit, nice!
Pio said tomorrow there's a mahjong soul collab with Shu, Elira and Vivi
Kunai's neighbour dogs barking? Me
Kunai killed the Radiance!
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Kunai beat the final boss, let's fucking go
Kunai is looking at what games to do as a semi long series and it thinking about >Yakuza >MGS >Devil may Cry
Vivi schedule!
>>11886 Did she beat orphan ?
>>11887 Nope, last boss she fought was Lady Maria
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>>11889 oh nyo
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1741953128021275046 Pizza familly collab is cancelled too, unfortunately
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1742026599493464516 Reimu wants to do a rebroadcast of the Shakira karaoke
Vox got kidnapped and tortured by a group of demons over Christmas
>>11896 Rough family dinner i see
Ren schedule. He's gonna gain more enemies on Thursday
https://twitter.com/akagi_wen/status/1742165542474281320 Kotoka found someone who has worse food preservation than hers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJHHyBYzn-w >dragon is basically a worm with legs But aktually there are dragons that have no legs such as the Shenlong, Japanese Ryu, and these nuts gpttem
>>11904 it is! I played Chivalry 2 with Selen and dragoons once and fucking killed her with a cauldron to the head. Also if you plan on playing there's a single thing that separates the noob from the average player and that is knowing how to feint
It's so cute how Maria calls Kunai Kuchan
Kunai wants to play Rust with Maria and Vanta
>Vanta and Maria drink milk in baby bottles 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Maria and Vanta to do Stardew collab with Vanta
Maria and Kunai may play Terraria on the EN server
Vanta's talking about Reimu's JJK liveposting...
Vanta is a wizard now
Fuchan wants to play my time at Sandrock with Maririn if they ever get perms
Maria said they have perms for Sandrock, so maybe they'll play in the future
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggO2c1unS-oLwTLT0ICywg/community?lb=UgkxGdk6c6-7H0MLAFj7tsEzdj5HDNwzzkvv Koto... I know you want to do your scheduled stream, but please rest more...
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Oh fuck, guerilla Kotoka members stream.... I only noticed right now and it has been on for 15 mintues already........
Oh, Koto wants to do English learning stream collab with JP members
Koto wants to do a JP > EN telefone game like Yugo used to do
Oh, Koto is anxious about those collabs... Still, it would be fun. After Yugo disappeared, there was a big void when it comes to JP and EN colalbs.
Koto is still insistant on colalbing with her mom. Since Koto is still saying collab is going to happen, I think management has basically allowed to do familly members collabs, so it's a matter of time when other members will do something similar
Oh, the goal is updated: instead of mom, Koto wants to do a collab with her parents and grandparents as well!
Koto wants to went to America for few weeks and stay with some livers there. She has some kind of super crazy idea for the trip, but she doesn't say what it is and she isn't sure if she'll have balls to pull it and if the management will allow it
Koto wants to do an original song! She wanted to do it last year, but she felt that she wasn't good enough to do it yet
Glad that Kotoka is proud of all the work that she accomplished this year. SHe is one of those people that actually deserve all the praise for their effort
Kotoka wants to do some watchalongs and games for membership! while I never complained about her membership content and I love her zatsus, it was quite barren
Koto wants to play God Field, fall guys, mario cart and garlic phone with members
Koto also may do jigsaw puzzle, f-zero 99 and crab game
>>11919 I realized now that i took an hour nap...
>>11930 I miss Gartic Phone with members...
Koto will play the games on her membership opening anniversary. Either 11 PM 14th JST time or midnight 15 JST time (so basically in the afternoon 14th for Euros and Morning 14th for NAs)
Koto wants to play on NoPixel but she doesn't have perms for it yet for some reason
Koto says that she will have collabs with cafe MASK members in the future
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>>11932 Don't worry, I've liveposted most important stuff since 20 minutes mark. I'll make a summary of the first 20 minutes if Koto said anything important there later on after the stream will end
Kotoka said that the anime cafe collaboration art was requested by herself. The art was inspired by her playing Monster Hunter
So funny how Koto sometimes enters keyfabe mode and calls her illustrations "photos". Like, this isn't even consistant, she just sometimes does this
Koto will have a collab next week with someone outside of Niji. She didn't collab with this person before yet. Overall, Kotoka says she has planned a lot of collabs outside of Niji
>>11937 Thank you! i've been reading them while watching her, since membership streams usually don't have timestampers this is really useful
One of those outside of Niji collabs will be big and crazy!
I'm gonna assume the one with corpos is the big one since she said "we are still confirming with managerS"
Apperently this big collab is a cross-branch collab. One with corpos and another one with non-corpos. It should happen sometime next month
Koto wants to collab with VSPO members, but she's unsure because her gaming skills are washed up and she doesn't want to bring them down on stream. Maybe she will do a cooking collab with them!
>I've been streaming for two hours? Oh, it was suppose to be 30 minutes, and I have morning stream Kotoka please...................
Oh, she will cancell morning stream, thank God. Instead, she will do the caligraphy stream JST night time that she cancelled yesterday. Kotoka explained what the calligraphy stream is, but I won't spoil what it is. Just stay tuned, your oshi will probably be featured there!
>>11947 9 PM JST, so like 8 AM EST and 1 PM CET
Kotoka forgot about the mahjong tournament..... No..........
The 30 songs endurance stream will probably be gone forever. Instead, she will do a revenge stream with better voice
>>11950 Oh by the way, the karaoke stream this week is cancelled too since Koto wants to prepare for the mahjong tournament. She wants to do a practise stream with Genzuki, but she isn't sure since it will be EN unfriendly. She will think about it and if Genzuki collab won't happen, she will do a solo practise stream instead
Koto is thinking about playing with Elira, but unfortunately, she is busy
Koto might do a solo mahjong stream, but she's unsure since it will be full of dead air and will be scuffed. If she won't find a collab partner, she will probably do a solo membership stream
Koto met Ishigami Nozomi and Akagi Wen on NijiFes. When Wen met Kotoka and found out that this is her, he started laughing his ass off
Ohhhh... Koto didn't want to finish the stream
Well, Koto was a good companion while i was building a chair, thank your for the livepost also kotocat!
>>11941 >>11932 Sorry for being late, I've spaced out. Here's the summary of the first 20 - 25 minutes: Kotoka gets around 4 hours sleep daily under futon, then lays down for like 2 hours watching TikToks untill finally waking up. She says that it's enough sleep for her No, it isn't, dumbass She was pretty upset by the whole eathquake stuff, but she quickly shifted her mind onto positive stuff and focused on doing content for her fans. She postponed the caligraphy stream because she felt down and wanted to rest properly. She realises that membership streams were rare and apologises for that, she also sorry for not making a single watchalong stream. She says that she was anxious to do it since she likes to talk over watchalongs a lot, so she was afraid that people would be angry at her for that. Koto realised that she never watched Home Alone, even though she considers it one of the "American bible movies" alongside with Mean girls, Ted, Deadpool and Borat, which she watched. She says she watched Borat in middle school with her friend. She regrets it to this day. Shiina said that her cooking streams are "traps": the food on thumbnails looks good, but the cooking itself is... Completely different. Kotoka doesn't think that they are scams though. She wants to do an English learning stream with Shiina and other JP members.
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>>11956 Don't mentioned it, glad that you've enjoyed it
By the way, does anyone know how to get notifications for YouTube's community posts? I miss them all the time and only find out when I scroll YouTube feed
>>11959 I've googled it and apperently, YouTube will send notifications only "occasionally", even if you turn all notifications on. This actually sucks ass
>>11960 Your best bet is to make a discord server for youself and have it notify you usinga bot
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I have no fucking idea how to play mahjong and I don't know what's going on.....
>>11963 The little i learned is because i was FORCED into Mahjong in Judgment, basically you need a certain amount of points, having a ladder of 3 in succession with the same type of tile, having dupes and triples with the same type of tile all adds poins. You can also steal other players pieces if you can form one of the ones i listed but it's not always the best thing to do since you reveal your hand while doing so and also you can't touch does tiles anymore so what you can play is limited. Lastly there's riichi, when you're one tile away from winning you can declare "riichi" and then announce you're one tile away from winning, this earns you more points if you end up winning
Doppio says he will start gifting people eternights when he'll gift bug fables to everyone
>>11964 i just followed a guide and brute forced my way to victory for this substory.
>>11964 What do W/S/E/N tiles do?
>>11967 That wind tile, it gives point based on your seat. It also one of the requirement of easy yaku
>>11967 The same but it earns you more points if it matches the wind direction in the middle or if you're the dealer (the red square) and get tiles corresponding to the wind you're sitting at. Right now both are east so everyone gets more points if they get 3 easts and win. If the dealer was sitting at south, for example, the dealer then could do the same but with south tiles
>>11969 I know it's a werid comparison, but basically, those tiles are like tramp cards? Also, if they collect 3 tiles that don't match the wind, do they still count or are they completely useless?
>>11970 >are like trump cards? Nope, because they don't decide if you win or lose but how much you win >do they still count or are they completely useless? They still count towards a win but they earn you less points
Elira will play Bug Fables this year!
>>11964 What do Tsumo, Pon and other commands mean?
>>11973 pon - you declare 3 same tile by taking final same tile from other player discard ichi- you declare 3 sequence tile by taking final tile from player on your left discard riichi - you declare you only need one final tile to win (you can still win by not declare riichi) ron - you take your final winning tile for other players discard tsumo - your final winning tile come to you during you draw tile phase
>>11973 There's also Kan where you declare 4 of the same tile by taking the same tile from another player but if you lose you will lose more points
>>11975 Thank you anon. I forget about kan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Ewz_lulbA Koto's calligraphy stream is starting
Koto is gonna do a pretty penny selling these in ebay...
Xsoleil had a lunch with Tazumi, including Hex!
Rosemi's brush letters looks like a man did it...
Rosemi and Doppio comparison
Wosemi and Pio have similar handwriting...
Kotoka had to scan this one
>>12001 Enna's wish is just to be happy...
>>12003 The first attempt
It's very Enna
He was completely shitfaced when he wrote it
Koto's drill asset! Kotsu, it was fun!
Oh shit the black haired girl actually sounds like Kotoka, wtf }https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqFyfOIdRYM
>>12020 My dumbass thought she would actually showcase Chibisuke that day.
>>12021 Anon.... Maybe if she streams outside of niji she would, and that's a big if
Fuchan says that Baldir's Gate probably won't be back anymore. Too much time passed and every member is busy all the time
>>12021 >>12022 Maybe she'll be able to have him on stream in some way when Niji will be able to do familly collabs again
>>12023 To be fair having 4 people play the game until the end is as difficult as actually getting 4 people to play D&D for a long campaign. It's better for it to die
>>12024 Most likely would be her dad, she talked about wanting to collab with him a few times before if it ever becomes possible. At least we got to see a few cute interactions between them this Japan trip.
>>12028 If Kotoka wants to find another liver to clean her place she could get Enna whenever she's in Japan again.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG5NB9rqwa0 Kunai is starting her steam sale stream
Did Kunai already choose the games or something?
>Streaming on twitch Please no
Kunai wants to do a Deep Rock Galactic TTT collab
Kunai's steam sale list
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tolBZeDENrk Is rosemi getting a succubus outfit? that's hot
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYiefW5VcDs NijiEN Mario Party collab is starting
Petra won!

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