/2434/ - Nijisanji

We Are Pomu

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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Papaya Board owner 03/26/2023 (Sun) 05:58:09 No. 10
Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg/channels https://www.youtube.com/@FinanaRyugu/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 Lazulight: https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt) https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt) Obsydia: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/NinaKosaka https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/fulgur_ovid https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (Graduated) Iluna: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/KyoKanek0 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0
[Expand Post]XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/ZaionLanZa (Graduated) https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/ks1mraas71v3fjf1c2 https://walfie.github.io/niji-en-pinned/ https://nijien.vercel.app/ To watch streams at the same time: https://holodex.net/ https://pomuhub.com/ https://niji-mado.web.app/home Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page. localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0); You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared. NijiEN song playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKN0vyOK8SHelderZX3Vb84zwoAWoTKwR To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause. Nijisanji chat log: https://niji.chats.ninja/#/comment /NijiEN/ fangame VN: https://dullachan.itch.io/ninisanni-scenario Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.
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Christening this new board with Pomu tummy
>>20 damn AI really can't do dark skin huh?
>>20 2nd wose has cute panties T o T
>>21 Main reason why I didn't post it, could probably get it darker if I re-tried. >>22 I'm really happy the panties came out that nice without having to prompt for it. Like specifying frilled or anything. Pure Rosemi Power
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man this site supports a fuckton of file formats
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Testing spoiler >>30 Amazing I know, you don't need to soundpost here just upload the webms by itself.
Can you not see the number of IPs?
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mysta love!!
>>33 UIDs seem to work fine on other boards like /v/. Seems like the 2434 owner needs to check on it I guess.
>>33 >>36 If you guys want assigned IDs I could enable it, didn't know that was something people wanted.
>>37 It's not something I would want, just wondering if it's possible to still see the number of IPs. Nevermind then.
>>37 He meant the UIDs shown on here, it is stuck at 1 as opposed to the /v/'s webm thread which shows the proper number.
>>39 /v/ has assigned IDs though. Pretty sure you can't have one without the other taking a quick glance at the settings.
>>40 Wouldn't hurt to enable it to out samefagging people. But that's just my opinion this board probably wont even get those kind of people for now.
>>37 I would rather have ID's enabled than flags...
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Fuck, this captcha is hard AF
If you haven't done so already, you should rangeban SEA.
>>48 RIP sisters
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Our lovely Rosemi sama!
Where did you niggers come from? how come this board had a user peak out of nowhere?
>>63 It\s a board about vtubers, try and guess.
Very fat culombian ass, i would eat it for a whole year
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I'm also dumping a bunch of Reimu lewds
Spoiler pic is cute
>>20 >AIfag is already here shut the board down
Should i pay the 200 yen to get the version of this >>70 where she's farting a shitting? It's not that much money...
>>81 I'm curious on how bad it could be, so if you want to buy it go ahead
>>81 I may not be a scatfag but with that money you can buy a candy bar (gone in minutes) or you can buy art (stare at for a lifetime)
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Thanks for making something cool, peep
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>>82 >>83 Ok screw it i did it but i will put spoilers just because i know it might not be to everyone's taste
>>86 Thanks for taking the dive. If there was a version with just the piss it would be kind of nice.
>>63 They are from 4chan
>>86 That fart cloud looks hilarious.
Since i'm at it the same artist also has some Elira art + futa Elira
>>86 Now if only we could see her cute embarrassed face
>>90 >Nude except for shoes + socks Based
>>91 Either that or she's all smug like "yeah you like that, don't you?"
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>>104 I like it when the dragon sisters have colored cocks
I'm gonna post an oldie
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Quilldren and briskadet love!
Por favor acepte mi ofrenda, Doña Rosa Candando del Amor
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>>126 Mystakes remain pure and untainted.
>>128 Well there was a vote between quilldren, mystakes and kindred but quilldren demolished it by like 20 votes
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Hey buds, I baked a Rosemi Lovelock General here in case you guys wanted one! Using the old format from the /vt/ general. >>https://8chan.moe/2434/res/131.html
>>134 Thanks bud, i'll probably use it during her next stream
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>>140 Yeah, You're welcome! Would love to see buds discuss or livepost on the thread, or post art and .webms in general!
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holy moply
I blinked and Kotoka turned into an endurance streamer. She's been playing Resident Evil for 9 hours?
>>167 Kotoka has always been an endurance streamer but she needs to find something good to endure
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>Signature look of superiority
>>173 Bratty kaichou deserves correction
>>174 He's been very cute this stream, cackling to himself over his own jokes about needing more money. Every time I watch him I wonder why I don't do it more.
>>179 Honestly I like last year's art better, the girls are cute though. Reimu might actually be my favorite here
>>179 shu looks ugly
>>179 Oh shit it was Aia, she looks dorky and cute!
>>179 As a yaminion I think last year sakura bloom art is better. At least the girls looks good and we already got a great shu sage art from that chinese collab cafe
>>176 He's always moaning holy sex villions are so lucky
Are these the first VPs Xsoleil is participating in? Just realized Zaion got the boot before she released a single one, wow.
>>183 To me this is the first "bad" merch/collab art for shu since retro roman, you can't win em all
>>186 Just take the Verpill bro, he's comfy and cute.
>>187 Yep, they only had first step ones and they can't keep doing things with Zaion because she got terminated, cases like Mayuyu where his merch still got sold was because he didn't care for the money and decided to just leave 100% of the earnings to Anycolor
>>189 Jokes on you he's one of my oshis and I will buy his vp
Did somebody say more sex posting?
>>195 >sexposting
>>197 Nooooo anon, you're gonna kill the baby
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>>198 <proceeds to put a non-sexpost behind a spoiler !!!
>Latina girl vs minesweeper This never ended in a good way
>>202 >el no sabe
(2.31 MB 1530x2739 Yuuki.Chihiro.full.2890801.png)

>>205 <piensa que no sabe Go on anon, say "Ah"
>>208 Imagine if Anycolor were competent and we got official body pillows instead
>>209 I'd love that and they would sell really fucking well but that will never happen
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>was looking forward to Pomu lusting after 2B >not happening anymore because management lost Nier Automata perms >on the other hand it brings us much closer to Wakka's Final Solution as the long game she will play after AC7
>>211 Didn't Pom say she was gonna play Death Stranding or Yakuza at some point as a long series?
>>208 Move your tail you dumb penguin T o T
>>212 She said summer for Death Stranding, while Yakuza was just musing without any actual date of when she will play it. Meanwhile FFX she wanted to do after Nier Automata which she was planning on doing after AC7.
>>214 But they're both SE, wouldn't FFX perms be fucked too maybe?
>>211 I don't know who's responsible for perms being fucked but management is getting on my last nerve
>>215 Only Nier Automata perms are fucked right now, other SE stuff (which isn't much, apparently only FF and newer games like Octopath 2, no mainline DQ or Chrono yet) is still fine.
>>218 Mills sees all
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I love Rosemi with all of my heart!
>>216 I mean, wasn't feesh the only one to play it? Maybe she did something that she wasn't allowed to do
>>242 Perms could be strange like the Sekiro perms that need to be renewed after some time
>>260 I love her tight chinese butthole! You better not tell Millie tho
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>>261 Millie knows all.
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>>263 She was in the room with us.
i want to be chased by salome now
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>>268 Oh shit you were right
>>274 A shit karaoke with Kyo would still be better than that karaoke she did on April 1 last year.
I want to cum on Pomu’s and Kotoka’s faces
How are you guys liking 8moe?
>>283 I like posting multiple pics and videos!
>>283 Even if I'm an EOP it's actually nice to have an on-topic place to discuss ex-ID/virtuareal/etc
Edited last time by surume on 03/28/2023 (Tue) 20:42:34.
I'm gonna leak a little thingy: Nina said this is gonna be a crazy year for the honeydachis and that she has something planned with Pomu that she's having a really hard time keeping a secret
>>286 Off collab? Duet cover or original song? Official statement of marriage and on-stream yuri hag sex? You don't have to answer, I'm just speculating.
>>287 >Off collab Nina said that would be really underwhelming actually >Duet Cover Chat said that and Nina said "you think i can sing?" >Marriage Chat was actually joking about it >Hag sex Nina joked about having a podcast with Pomu named "HAGS!" You weren't so far from what everybody else said tho
>>286 Just how many "Honeydachis" actually exist, exactly?
I miss Mysta
>>290 MGS brought a lot actually
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>>237 Me too bud, me too! Glad to see you here! Rosemi-sama's schedule is looking fun!
god I hate it when luca just says the same thing over and over again
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kyo love! scat love! too bad the jannies at 4ch don't have a taste for shit!!
>>308 What do you love about Kyo?
>>308 You can post scat here, but you should probably still spoil it.
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>>310 it's hard to correctly define one thing because every part of him is so loveable and makes me want to beat him until his face caves in but i enjoy his shit talks because I can imagine his tear stained face as he has to shuffle around with shit dripping down his legs. I mean he makes me smile, need I say more?
>>308 Why are you the way that you are
>>317 I can understand wanting to induce violence to your oshi. Sometimes they just need to be corrected.
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>>318 there's nothing wrong with me
>>317 For god's sake man, spoiler that shit.
Did this board received any shitposting raids from the locals yet?
>>326 I've seen a couple catalogmonkeys from the other site but nothing from here afaik aside from some people popping in to ask where the hell we came from
>>327 Doing good so far, also just a quick heads up to people coming in, there is a /vt/ here too but it's a spic board and it's more general focused than the cuckchan (4chang) /vt/.
>>326 One guy from bannedvtmemes tried and got banned and another one tried to stir shit about Pomu yesterday and also got banned so if you don't see them it might be because they're getting sniped fast
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>>328 there is another /vt/ here too but it's abandoned >>>/vyt/
>>347 >check board >holoen doxx, coco graduation, annoying orange It's like a 2020-21 time capsule, sugoi
>>347 I think it's a good idea to keep everything in this board mainly because i don't want other people to see us as invaders in an existing board and because if this gains traction in the future there will be a spike on trolls and shitposters and it's different having some random dude who never asked for that deal with it instead of the mods in this board who basically just know what they're gonna have to deal with
I disappeared from the main thread for one week and this is what you guys were up to? Nice
>>359 sus squad is here, time to ditch this joint.
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>>361 I thought this was a spoiler...
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>>362 Cute little rosebud...
>>359 Damn we actually made this place specifically to get away from (You), pack it up everybody fun's over https://youtu.be/i3XRhb-nUrw
fuck holofags, anyways what is kotoka pc spec? her apex stream has been lagging since the debut
>>370 Don't know her exact specs but she got an intel i9, but I remember her unko dice stream with Meloco was so laggy she need to turn off screenshare with meloco.
>>373 It's weird, spec is fine but she literally has the lag problem with almost every heavy game like Apex.
>>375 Either outdated drivers, games using the integrated graphics instead of the 3080, thermal throttling or something wrong with a piece of hardware.
>>376 Her GPU might be faulty.
>>376 Wanna bet on her computer having a little ecosystem inside of it?
>>378 Wouldn't be surprised. I remember Yugo did some sort of PC cleaning handcam, maybe Kotoka should do that. Although I think for a lot of the livers their PCs are still somewhat new so they shouldn't be that bad.
>>379 Would you trust Kotoka with removing one of the panels of her PC case, clean it and then putting it back?
>>379 I don't trust some livers to do a pc cleaning stream like all of pic related and especially Kotoka. giiven how her handcams usually go.
>>381 During Enna's last plague tale streams she was stunned to learn about how PC cases have airflow and thus needs to clean the insides at least once a year. At least Feesh can assemble custom keyboards I guess.
>>383 This reminds me, I should clean my PC.
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>>383 Koto would just use them as ingredients for her next stream
>>386 Kotoka's handcam streams are something else, she keeps making it cursed but not outright disgusting enough for her to get flamed by the JP community.
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on the topic of cleaning pc some of the keys on my keyboard are all sticky and are sort of a yellow tint
>>392 Get some isopropyl alcohol and scrub that shit out, even better if you can disassemble and reassemble the entire thing.
gamer wave doko
>>406 Bring the tapestries back you goddamn fags aiiieeeee
Maririn back soon... she was cute in tetris earlier
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>>415 Gonna be watching 2 Chinese girls recounting their time on holiday in two days.
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When will the girls collab with Hime again. Please save her Seliramu.
>>417 I'd ask where the /2434/-exclusive puzzles for cool kids are but I'm phoneposting right now
About half a day to go.
>>419 Maybe for her birthday this year? I hope they never do something like Pull Your Heart again tho
>>430 Speaking of song collabs, this is going to happen soon. I still haven't listened to Pull Your Heart.
>>431 I'm hyped for this one because it has good and great singers and it's not produced by Chibanyan
>>431 That Pomu is really cute
Maririn...what have you done?
I think my expectations of the liver's skill level in tetris is set a bit too high. Maybe it's all the tetris videos I see on youtube.
>>436 I don't think anyone is an actual pro but Leos and Maririn have a very good level
Was thinking of making an AI thread, should I keep it females only, or should I allow the dudes. I was originally going to have it be girls only, as I assume that's what most people would like. But then I realized if I wanted to post any of my AI porn of the guys, I would have to A: Post it on the fujothread, when this intended AI thread is made for containment from anons who don't like AI. B: Make a second Males-Only AI thread, when I'm fairly certain I'm one of the few two people who have ever genned AI images of the guys ever; so it would be just a thread populated by myself. Or C: Post it in the main AI thread with spoilers, which I will forget to do half the time because I'm retarded. I may be overthinking this. Please just look at this Boobtra and not read this shit.
>>451 Well i made the lewd thread girls only because I've lurked in many porn boards before and know that mixing female and male porn in one thread is a bad idea with people telling the others to leave or things like "remember when people here weren't faggots", etc. I'd say it's better to keep them separate
>>453 Yeah, even with all the "rainbow company" jokes, it's probably best to keep it to different threads. The separate male AI thread idea makes the most sense, but it feels silly if it's just me. Maybe I'll just create the female AI thread and make the male one if someone asks, so there's proof there is a want for it.
She's finally back. I missed the entire stream so I guess I'll watch the vod later once it's processed.
>>466 I'm watching from the start now no buffering for me.
>>468 Thanks for the heads up, I'll watch it now.
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>>477 Let's fucking go!
Maria's rebroadcast Karaoke has some things added to it, Should have archive it damn it.
>>283 Like >>284 said, I like the huge file sizes, multiple file formats, text features and no tranny jannys
>>486 The various [insert here] schizos don't go here too. Which is nice, people can discuss livers like reimu, petra and finana in peace here.
Really curious what Ver has planned for his premiere and stream tonight. Wonder if he'll play it (surprisingly) straight like Fulgur did his April Fool's prank.
>>496 He became Aster...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jwl0hIMhFU Damn good cover holy cow. I hope maririn makes more cover and have an easier times with the perms, her work ethics would allow a cover or two a month at this rate.
>>286 Nina implied that Pomu might move to Canada and she joked about clumbing a mountain. Considering Pomu wanted to climb mount Fuji someday, that actually might be the case
>>489 They know how quickly they'd get sniped by jannies if they tried, a certain songbird schizo was one of the first posters in the /jp/ thread and iirc he made a post in /nijien/ complaining about the Enna thread on this board, he'd absolutely shit up this place if he could. But yeah being able to discuss anyone in peace is nice >>499 Finally got the chance to watch this and WOW, both the cover and MV are great, this is a surprisingly good duo. Maririn's voice actually fits the genre really well!
>>500 >Nina implied that Pomu might move to Canada I don't know how you could get this from what Nina said, if anything it's just gonna be Pomu visiting her in Canada for a few days or them going to Japan together (with Rosemi and Kiara).
I'm surprised Maria showed up to Mika's birthday totsu, are they close?
why is nina pregnant on her dredge stream, she hinting at a new wave? actually didn't finana hint at that last night too
>>506 Look at the date
>>498 Until he starts speaking uwu with a lisp I think we're safe.
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>>524 I'm so fucking mad that i missed Ewiwa's home 3D for IRL reasons
Edited last time by Koikoi on 04/02/2023 (Sun) 13:28:30.
>>526 Kinda strange that Nijisanji has the publishing rights for the song
>>533 Did you make this one?
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How do you guys not let hate about your oshi get to you? I've been feeling bummed out about it as of late.
>>550 What kind of hate? Hate from those that don't even watch or are a fan? Just watch streams, you would soon realize all the hate is just external noise that ultimately doesn't matter which makes it easy to ignore.
>>551 Generally I just dislike it when malicious lies are spread about my oshi, especially on Twitter. That shit sticks with them and fucks them up mentally.
>>552 Honestly there is not much you can do about such things except ignore it. Even Anycolor is trying to set up a squad to purge those kinds of people but they are slow at it, they're no ADL. Enjoy your oshi's stream and in general have fun and love them. because that is why you watch them, right?
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Deadge veru sadge oh my
>>594 I still check here everyday, for now.
The other site has been dead for hours LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Anyway, I'm getting really fucking tired of how Anycolor treats EN after seeing how only 7 people from the branch are gonna be at NijiFes. Not even full Lazulight to have them all in 3D again, only Pomu is going to have it.
Sonny cock
>>671 So which one is true? That more will be announced in future streams or all the important main stuff was already announced in that stream yesterday and those 7 is all we were getting?
Mr Brisko is awake and will be playing Pizza Tower soon. https://youtu.be/vj4J4f-djp4 Millie just went live with Zomboid as well https://youtu.be/xUTGV_mNUn4
Enna is now with Millie in Zomboid and they will be attempting to raid West Point today.
Sonny was really fascinated by the art style of pizza tower, says it's reminiscent of CD-i games. He didn't know much else about it aside from that the gameplay is similar to wario land... he played/liked wario land 2 as a kid, damn boomer Startan the game now
Yeah I figured he would be really entertained by the spritework KEK You'll get hang of the controls soon enough sonny
Sonny, slayer of rrats
Goodbye once again.
TTT Love!
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Oh shit is anyone still here?
is this our super sekrit club now
>>684 Yes >>685 Yesn't
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>>685 >>686 Well shit. I'm gonna have to start posting here again. I get so tired of the shitty catalog on main. It wears me out. I love doing stuff for anons, I love being Nini but I'd be lying if I said it didn't wear me out having to deal with the same tired baits and loops.
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Is this the sex with Ike thread? I totally forgot I was the first poster in this thread, nostalgic.
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>>687 nade nade >>688 it feels like dusting off old memories
I'm just waiting for Vox's movie and then watching an hour or two of Kunai playing Slay the Spire before I call it a day and sleep.
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>>690 I'm about to call it myself honestly it's 3 am. I'm working on some experiments and tossing around some ideas for the next generation of ninisani. I've been copying schematics for people so they can choose a spot for them and I can paste them when we reincarnate. I have some big plans but I have no time lately. I'll be looking forward to Vox's movie when I wake up and I'll hopefully catch Vivi too
I'm gonna be real with everyone, i used to be a meido here but uh...i...kinda forgot my password and never received a confirmation email because even protonmail filters this site hard
>>692 Does Gmail? I have a few burner emails I could see about getting meido status too but for now I think most shitposters aren't aware of how to get here.
>>694 Yeah, same predicament with gmail. You don't need confirmation to be a meido though, the thing is that you cannot recover your account
>>695 Hmmm I bet I know of one service that doesn't filter it. Yahoo, that or GMX.
>>691 Honestly I've never joined any of the servers or watchalongs but I hope it all goes well.
>>696 It doesn't really matter because there was only 2 meidos, the creator and myself and none of us can give moderation to anybody else since it appears the creator has vanished into the ether, i already asked them for mod again in my new account like 3 weeks ago but nothing
>>699 Well the other option is we use this site as a contingency measure, say...things get too heated in the main thread so we use this one for actual conversation and if some shitstirrers get to here then as the worst case scenario we could create another board maybe, call it /2232/ or something and then have some active moderators ASAP. As to the decision of keeping it a secret club or actually advertising it on the main thread i think it should be decided between the ones using this board
>>701 I actually wouldn't mind starting over if everyone here moderation wise is dead. 2232 would work
>>697 Shame you should join us sometime!
>>692 >>695 >>701 Send an e-mail to codexx (at) cock (dot) li to have e-mails manually confirmed and accounts recovered. If the BO is inactive then you can put in a claim for the board as well. Priority goes to existing volunteers.
>>704 Thank you, i'll try that
>>705 I'd volunteer for moderator as well. I don't know enough about how to set up the board itself but I could moderate pretty easily
Poor Millie. Sounds like she had to fly back to the Philippines for a family emergency
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>>708 Welcome momelira.
>>709 Happy to be here
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Alright 430 gn anons!
>>711 gn bro
hello! are you guys gonna watch vox's thing? i'm kind of feeling nervous about it...
>>713 i'm excited, even if it's not masterpiece it's still amazing that he managed to pull this off. i think it'll be kino no matter what
>>713 I just hope it isn't too boring because some of his narrative based ASMRs can feel a bit of a drag.
>>707 i saw some people in the other site implying it might be one of the reasons why they had to stream the off-collab without pomu. if so, that's really unfortunate timing. hope she and her family are okay
>>714 yeah! if nothing else, it's nice to see him pursuing his passions. >>715 i haven't listened to any of his ASMRs to be honest, so idk what to expect. it's a remake/extension of his lore video, right?
>>717 It's like shortly after his castle burned down and he lost his clan I think
Started off a bit sluggish but finished strongly imo
that was nice! good job vox
JWU, time to watch Vox's movie and then my aunt slay (my dick) the spire!
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I love Vox's new outfit.
>>716 That makes a lot of sense that's unfortunate. I hope we get another off collab when Pomu's there
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Vivi love! Also holy fuck i'm very weak to stories of nails being torn off, i get goosebumps from them
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I didn't miss Pomu when she went on other trips this year but for some reason this one is making me miss her a lot...
>>728 I've been missing my oshi more for this break too. I think it's because I've been enjoying their streams more than usual in the past few months compared to earlier in the year. Also just curious do any other anons flip flop between wanting to show and not show their flag I sometimes do that.
>>729 >do any other anons flip flop between wanting to show and not show their flag yeah i'm the same. especially since i haven't seen anyone else with the same flag as me. hope the girls come back from their break soon and everything they're working for goes well. rosemi's tweet is making me feel flashbacks
I forgot to spoiler post my futas in the AI thread. I will now commit seppuku.
does enna have mods or did every aloupeep in chat just blocked that guy lmao, no one is even reacting
>>733 Enna does not have mods. During the Kyo Daph Fortnite collab tourists from the other streamers were shitting on her and she didn't even realize for a long while until she finally saw some chat messages pointing out. I'm not really paying attention to the chat now and didn't notice anything though.
>>734 there was a guy that was spamming shit about her, i think i saw them in reimu's birthday stream too. reimu's chat were telling others to report and block, but in this stream the chat just moves on as normal lmao. it's just funny
>>728 I think all the shitposts get to us a little more than we'd care to admit honestly
>>735 I think a lot of people are used to the fatass spamming his shit in chat. They dont give him the time of day
>>737 I just saw it lmao
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im still a newfag the layout of this place is confusing but i am glad to be here
Don't have anytime to watch streams tonight but I'll probably check out Vox's VOD sometime later. Seems like it's mostly going to be a QnA about the lore implications of his movie with questions asking things like the relationship between his New Cydonia cover and the key plot twist in the movie.
>>740 Yeah it is a bit confusing on first glance but its nice to have an area to go back to
>>741 I haven't seen it yet but I think anons liked it
>>740 If i may let me tell you the pros of posting here: >You can post more than one image at a time >Captcha might be more difficult but you can post more times before they ask you again for the captcha >You can actually upload videos with sounds >Lewds are allowed in this board if you're into that
>>746 You forgot >catalogfags are completely unaware of this place and there's actually moderation
>>747 Uh...there's...no moderation actually...
>>748 I might not have my mod perms anymore but i perma-banned roseschizo at least
Ok the board now has moderation
so what caused the upswing in activity here? this place was dead for months.
>>761 Someone on the other site brought this place up again when they got tired of the shitposters.
>>761 >>762 Yeah I think everyone needs a nice place to just chat for a while. This Rosemi stream has been really cute I love hearing about how other livers see each other offline. She talks a lot about Selen which is cute. Meanwhile half the thread on main is talking about whether or not Petra is a good hire because they can't help but reply to samefags schizos. I miss Petra a lot but Rosemi fills the void!
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Some people say that this was Rosemi's last meal, the spicyness accelerated her hamster heart rate into oblivion..
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>>767 Hello there
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>>768 >>767 hello
Watchu doing now? I'm watching Claude play some Megakino, his voices are really fun to listen to, it's like a Sunday morning cartoon cast all inside one compact man
my membership will end soon, I hope we can watch it before my membership ends... I hate being a poorfag
>>771 Someone announced a watchalong?
>>772 enna's membership watchalong
>>770 I just made a few soundposts of my oshi for the first time so I'm finding more moments to clip. Think I'll have time to make another one later today.
>>773 Oh, i normally use the teamups to see what people are doing and since it isn't there i didn't even know, what is she watching?
>>775 IT (2017), I havent watched it yet so this might be fun if she does it this week, hopefully
>>774 You can upload the whole mp4 with sound here if i remember right, lemme check
4chan Thread is so bad... I hate that...
>>778 It do be like that sometimes, what streams are you looking forward to?
>>776 I think that Enna will probably kill any clown that gets close to chibisuke after watching that movie
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i can post videos with sound without having to make a soundpost.....
>>779 I'm watching Aia's stream now!
>>777 Yes you can. I even posted the mp4 in another thread here to test it lmao.
>>778 I might consider hanging out and just livepost here, is that ok...
>>782 I hope the Emperor blesses her new outfit (and gives us a little window into her heaven's door)
>>784 I'm just gonna start using this thread when the main one gets too shitty and hope some anons do the same
God, Claude used to just fight every fight because he didn't know he could escape combats
>>786 most regulars on main probably dont even know this site exist
>>789 I think it should be fine to namedrop this site every now and then now that there's moderation again
Oh, Claude is saying that they'll probably have to reschedule the Guess the Liver stream since Kunai and Vivi have very distinct times for streaming
Wait wtf, this site doxxing my contury
>>794 korean mystake...
>>791 Is mentioning this site over there bannable? and also do it in comfy hour if possible
>>794 kek......
>>797 Thanks
>>796 It was at first but honestly the extreme gatekeeping was what kinda killed this board in the past, let's just trust that the other mods and i can handle whatever happens if it happens
>>795 No, I'm not
>>800 You can actually bypass the filter by just posting a picture with the URL like someone over there did earlier
>>801 what do anons even want? Do you guys want to migrate complete or just use this thread when the main is shitting? I dont mind being active here and livepost but its kinda embarrassing...
i think it's fine for this board to be slow, just a spot to hang out when main goes to shit.
>>804 Migration would probably be impossible because shitposters over there would just say "the (boogeyman) is trying to run us off this board! Let's fight them!" but i do believe that getting more people into an actual moderated anonymous board would be better to get rid of certain prominent shitposters. Roseschizo was banned from here day 1 and never came back, for example
>>805 This
>>805 yeah like right now
I love how Vivi normally has talks with chat like 30 minutes before stream
I'm not a schizo but sometimes enna says the most retarded shit imaginable that it makes me want to pull my hair out, she has said many things that make me go "why would you say that lmao", I'm glad no one liveposted what she said during her stream of watchdogs as that might be a "drama bait". I really want to say this on main but of course I can't because of that one schizophrenic faggot that doesn't even watch streams.
>>812 It's ok, i recognize that certain person enough to know you're saying this from a point of critique. But yes Enna can say some retarded stuff sometimes, she kinda says whatever crosses her mind in the moment
>>812 I don't remember anything standing out in the watch dogs stream but she definitely said things that made me think that during that internet test stream lmao. I love last watch dogs stream so much tbh.
>Claude has hard copies of Omori Claude is a shotacon isn't he...
>>813 >she kinda says whatever crosses her mind in the moment I think she knows that as well, I remember her talking about biting bait and iirc she cant help it? I cant remember the exact wording but this girl is so retarded it hurts...
>>815 omori is so good....i wish my oshi played it so he'd get art of himself as a traumatised shota....
>>816 Enna lacks the "internet wits" to just ignore those people, honestly is something you have to learn while growing up because it's hard to kill that habit
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Sexy wiwas
>>815 I didnt even realize there were hard copies of it....
>>814 I really hope we get to see her play watchdogs 2, the cringey story aside, its pretty kino. Its basically gta but with hacks
>>821 for switch
>>823 ohhh I didnt even realize it had a switch port. I only played it on pc
>>824 Sweet love tf2!
>>828 She's actually looking at the drock
>>829 based
God TTT has 1 neuron just like Lazulight...
Vivi sounds kike shes very forgetful
>>833 Like*
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>>833 I like her airheadedness!
God Vivi's alerts are so cute, also the $100 one is E X T R A C R I S P Y
I like it, crispy audio, beautiful. TTT are such a good wave.
>>835 I cant wait until she has a collab with elira or honestly any other member of lazulight
>>816 Honestly that membership games stream where she went on a tangent about that containment breaker and haters in general sounded like a load of nonsense to me. Well at least she hasn't fucked up hard much since the GC stream.
>>838 I think she would have a heart attack because she's a day 1 fan, it's like you or me having a collab with them
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Awwww Vivi is so cute when talking about romance
do anons have any favorite romantic tropes? I think one of my favorites is sex being used as form of self harm
I want to drop maria, that sounds so bad but I'll still watch her on the side when I'm really bored and open her stream as a bgm but I shouldn't really force and guilt myself anymore because her recent streams aren't really doing it for me lately and I don't know why. My available time and her livestreams are also not aligning anymore, that might be a factor as to why I'm losing interest with her. Feelsbadman
>>843 mm dont really feel bad if her streams arent doing it for you. I had to drop meloco for the same reasons. If someone isnt doin it for you forcing yourself through their content isnt gonna help. I like maria but I can see why some may not
>>842 Not one in particular but if i have to name one i'd say friend ending up becoming lovers because i like to see the progression from one thing to the other
Yeah a lot of teen books in general dont age well vivi. But honestly even outside of teen books some books are just better the first time you read them
>>843 I actually had to drop my oshi for a week or two and then realized i missed watching her once, having some time investment in other things that aren't watching vtubers also helps
>>839 I'm hoping and feeling that she has learned a thing or two from her past, especially seeing her response to ennaschizo literally raiding her jackbox stream and spouting his shit gave me a bit of relief but we'll see.
>>843 I can't watch anyone whose streams don't align with my timezone. I watch almost 0 VODs.
>>848 Part of the reason I wanted people to go here instead is because of him. I am so tired of his bullshit.
>>849 thats the same for me unfortunately. I dunno I just dont get the same feeling from watching vods. It hurts being a pentomo sometimes because of that
God i love this level so much, the time thingy is so cool, reminds me of Singularity (i hope someone plays Singularity one day)
>>844 I might be too emotionally invested with her to fully quit as this girl is so hardworking and it stings when I hear her say >no one has me as their kamioshi, this girl would totally be popular if she followed through joining Niji no Conquistador as she said, its really a shame.
>>850 me too honestly, his shit should be counted as spam and flooding but those retarded jannies are not doing anything and even if he gets banned, he'll just ban evade
Oh this boards active again. Hello anons. Having a nice day?
Going through this Titanfall 2 level really fast in one take is so fun
>>853 I honestly dont even have a kamioshi there are so many unique people in en that choosing just one feels like a crime. But im also the same guy who as a kid would stare at the candy aisle for 10 minutes and have to do eenie meeny minny moe to pick one cuz I couldnt decide..... Her time slot kills me a lot but i support her regardless
>>854 Banning someone is honestly more quick than IP hopping
>>855 Yeaaaaaaah some of us are watching Vivi play Titanfall 2 now, she's in the cool time travel level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFk6ikb4iik
>>855 Indeed im watching Vivi be cute while playing TF2! >>856 The campaign in general was so good and we keep getting these hints that tf3 might be a thing and then it just turns out to be an apex hero mildly related to titan fall
Vivi is cute!
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>"Man i'm duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb" And i love you just like that!
futurama had a few episodes that made me cry honestly. Luck of the Fryrish and Jurassic Bark hurt
>>860 It's basically a corny action film plot but it's executed well and I can't help but get emotional for BT
>>863 When you realize Jurassic Bark is just the story of Hachiko but with a much sadder twist is honestly heartbreaking
>>859 >>860 Never heard of her. But I am glad you are having fun.
>>864 I unironically really wanna do a mission impossible marathon with anons sometimes. Theyre kino
>>866 Oh, you came from another board?
>>865 literally though. I havent watched any of the episodes I really need to. Wonder if vivi has seen any of them
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>>867 I would be down for Fast and Furious too, at least the first trilogy
>>868 I came from every board so to speak. So yeah.
>>870 Absolutely, they fall off harder than MI but theyre peak cheese and dumb fun. Wonder what kunai and vivi are gonna do for watchalongs
I like that Vivi always replies to BT, honestly i once saw a playthough where someone ignored BT all the time and it was the saddest thing
>>871 Ohhhh ok, i understand, yeah you're probably gonna see us a few more times over here nowadays
Vivi got tuned into a Vivi sandwich
>>874 Right on. You guys are easily the best behaved anons I ever see. Well anyway. hope you all have a good night. Be seeing you.
>>876 Thank you! Have a nice night too and i hope we can keep this place nice and comfy
>Vivi asked for a 2GB SSD VIvi...you're not defeating the dumb allegations...
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>Vivi corrupted her PowerPoint presentations on purpose to have more time to make them She's such a fucking brat
Vivi used to be a little boy...
>>882 >Look the game up >Mandalore video 6 days ago Well well well, wonder where Vivi got the idea from...
>>884 that just means shes based. Now if she watches sseth too thats even better
>>886 Nice. I wanna keep watching vivi but im getting a bit tired admittedly....
Now if only we could get someone that watches Clemps and plays the RPGs he recommends Or better yet, he should apply and get into EN, he's already a vtuber and a fan of NijiEN...
>>887 I get it, also daylight saving started on Sunday for PST so she now streams an hour later
>>888 Well who knows, maybe he's been applying, according to Claude he's been trying to get in since the Lazulight auditions
>>857 nta but it's nice to see another anon that has multiple oshis in EN. it makes me feel bad when streams overlap because i can usually only understand one, and when i can only support one because i'm a poorfag
>>890 oof two years of auditioning? i'm glad he didn't give up, especially this year
>>891 oh god I spend over $50 a month on memberships ngl
>>892 I sometimes wonder if they changed the people doing the selection process for the last 2 waves or if they just changed strategies for choosing people. I have the theory that maybe after the clusterfuck that was first Krisis they finally got fed up with the guy managing the selection process and replaced them with someone new
>>893 yeahhh, i didn't renew my membership for some members that don't post much since i wanted to buy merch. the life of being a poorfag...
>>895 It's fine to prioritize other things, hell prioritize yourself always, i had to drop some memberships, skip merch and donations because i was saving for an apartment
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>"I should kill civilians just for fun" Vivi is just like me frfr
>>894 i don't really watch much of krisis except for vanta, and it makes me wonder what if they actually went with who was originally hired. TTT so far all seem like solid hires, honestly, though they're just a little past their first week. here's to hoping things will continue to look up for EN in 2024
>>896 oh of course. there was a point where i had to drop all my memberships because i really couldn't afford it. it's fine now though, i just wish i could do more
>>898 I'm hopeful, the livers also seem very hopeful and they were working hard for months to make a lot of things, also EN staff seems to have woken up and they're doing programs in the main channel now at least, also they finally created general NijiEN animations instead of being just a Luxiem thing, this year we actually got some nice merch too, etc. It was a rough year but i think we're in for nice things going forward
I wonder how VIvi plays CS:GO since she has severe case of what my friends and i call "COD reload syndrome" where you fire like 2 bullets and have the need to reload
>>900 i hope they do what they're doing for noctyx for other waves too. fuuchan said it's not just noctyx that'll be doing something, but i'm not sure if he's just referring to iluna. personally, with zuttomo, i'm also hoping for more official subunits.
>>902 I really want to see what they're gonna do with Zuttomo since being a subunit comes with it's own perks, there could be sponsors and merch exclusive for Zuttomo, certain covers, con appearences or, if we're very lucky, even concerts
main has been so bad lately, i'm happy there's a place to relax here at least....
>>904 I'm just ignoring main at this point, watching the stream and commenting here every now and then has been better for my overall enjoyment
>>904 We gave schizos attention for far longer than what we should have. Also the wingman in TF2 is so much better than the one in apex
>>906 I have the same weird feeling when handling the Apex wingman that i do when playing McCree in Overwatch and shooting his revolver
>>903 My question is why is a presentation and meeting with upper management usually required to create a sub unit? I think management misunderstood them as nornis or something
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Thank you Ninianon uwaaaa I missed this place
>>908 It's possible that's what they wanted actually. All 4 of them are singers so
>>909 Dummy
>>908 Maybe they need some legal base to secure that the unit lasts and to give the ones interested in dealing with the unit a certain security
>>908 >nornis en nornis would be kino
>>910 So how did Petra convince Tazumi? She literally won them over with her presentation. kek
>>914 Well...
>>915 wtf where'd you get that picture of me
>>916 Skeb. I've been searching NijiEN members there recently and there's some things that i never saw, some of them with a big "SAMPLE" in the middle of the pic but oh well
Man I Love Vivi but I can't keep my eyes open. I'm glad she's loving Titanfall 2 so much. I wonder if she and Selen will get along. It'd be really nice
>>918 I hope so, she's also a big fan of Selen but i think that Vivi is more of a CS:GO player than BR player
Hello? I've never used this site before. Even if it's the same as main, it's still a bit intimidating... Anyways, the whole situation kinda sucks right now. It's a shame, I really do like Vivi, she seems like a sweet girl, and I'm sure not everyone who's a fan of her is some falseflagging shitposter or gachikoi extreme, it's just sad that 7/10 times I see her name it's attached to bait and catalog narratives. Same with Kunai, I really like her, too. I'll probably hang out here for a bit, since I like to watch a little bit of everybody, there's some good streams on and I'm comfy in bed.
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Scarle's such a darling... I'm glad Nina really tried pushing for her to be recognized. Her hours usually don't work for me but she's fun to watch, even if I'm not a retail fan =w= I like how she's not getting the tutorial hehe
You ever see a NijiEN have an interesting game on schedule so you decide to play beforehand so you can enjoy it twice? I did that with Maririn and Little Witch Nobeta and now I'm wishing I did it with Titanfall 2 because it seems very fun from Vivi's stream
>>920 It's ok anon, just hang out here since it's supposed to be a chillspot
>>921 I like that Scarle is not afraid to try whatever game she gets interested in
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>>920 Yeah, I like Vivi a lot as well, she's sweet and plays awesome games and has a great attitude but hate that she's become the shitposter's favorite now... Poor Lucubs, they can't catch a break and are really nice on main. Also Kunai is great too, and so is Claude even if I don't really have time to watch everyone
>>919 she did say that she didn't like BR because she hates getting 3rd partied and preferred "arena shooters" as she called them
>>924 Yeah! She has a great attitude too! I remember when Aster recommended Elden Ring to her and she took it chin up! Also she has persistence and it's so awesome to see it even if she struggles a lot!
>>923 Yeah, it does seem pretty chill so far! It's why I decided to talk. >>925 If I was a Lucub, I would've left a long time ago... One of the strongest fanbases we have. And Claude, yeah! I really enjoyed his MegaMan stream, I hope he gets to play more.
>>922 For me it usually goes like this: >NijiEN liver schedules a game i might be interested in >Go watch the stream >They suck hard at the game >I'm like "i could be so much better at this" >I buy the game >I do so much better >Now i watch the stream seeing how much time it takes for them to do certain parts
>>926 >>919 Imagine rainbow 6 with Vivi Rosemi and Selen.....
>BT sacrifices himself for Cooper >Cooper just trips and dies Perfect ending, Vivi kek
>>924 >>927 Anons may focus on her thanking supas, or the cutesy voice and big tits, but it's honestly a toss-up between her and Aia for my Iluna oshi. Scarle's really sweet and I get so happy whenever I see her included in collabs, or when I hear other EN members talk to her off stream and have fun with each other.
>>932 The Monster game collabs were great, she's also very good at VAing the characters
>>929 I get you. I was smugly judging Maria playing on easy mode and still struggling sometimes
Wait, Star Wars cagekino is actually dead? I thought Quantic Dream had the controversy hiccup but i thought it didn't kill the project
>>934 She has a pretty versatile voice, I really like it.
Awwww Vivi wants to post progress pics of her buildable collection figures
Good night anons. Don't let the schizos bite!
>>922 not really the same since it's a VN, but i staunchly refused to watch fuuchan's fata morgana streams until i read it myself. well... it's only now that i'm actually getting off my butt and reading it lmao. at least i have his vods to watch over his break
I'm such a softie for whenever Enna talks about her dad. Hope they both enjoy their outing.
>>940 Night Pomie, sleep well!
>>943 Awwww, must be hard for Enna to have her dad living so far from her for years without being able to see him, she probably wants to spend as much time as she can with him now
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>>932 The D&D collab yesterday was soon much fun! I hope Aia keeps inviting Scarle so she can slowly get comfortable with being with her coworkers and friends. There's so much good in NijiEN
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>>940 Good night Pomie! Sweetest dreams!
>>943 i wonder if her staying longer in japan than the others is because she wants to spend more time with her dad and chibisuke? i can't imagine it's all work-related since everyone seems to have gone home now, or in millie's case, someplace else
>>947 They all came together to hate on Hex's creepy clown...
>>943 I like how often Enna shows her sweet side. I loved her baking streams, I hope she does another one soon. I hope she and Selen can do another collab where they make food dishes together.
>>949 Well she said that she was gonna be in Japan until they decide to kick her out (her visa expires) so that's probably the reason
>>941 >not really the same I would say it's the same thing even if you don't consider VN games
>>946 >>949 She kind of indirectly mentioned last stream that she's still staying to spend more time with her family. Since the previous few weeks she was with Iluna and doing Niji work with the rest of the girls so she didn't get that much family time.
>Vivi asked a girl in kindergarden to be friends >They became best friends IT'S THAT SIMPLE
>>947 I'm really glad that other EN members are patient and understanding toward her. Even if they may dunk on her taste in anime men or tropes, I can tell she enjoys streaming and being in NijiEN, and that other members enjoy her being around. Makes the heart warm.
Vivi's big ears...
How can this brat be real? Vivi is going into overdrive with her level of bratyness
>"Every girl goes through an anal phase" I know she said animal but her way of talking...
Vivi looks like she has such soft hair, like silky and nice-smelling.
>>961 She said it smells like the boys locker rooms...
Vivi never having seen the original Jumanji or Back to the Future makes me believe there is potential for some kino watchalongs
>>963 I hope she has watchalongs for classics like Finana!
>>962 Oh... Well, I guess that can be charming in its own way? >>963 That would be great, I'd honestly consider getting her membership if she delivered on watchalongs like that.
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Vivi's feetsies don't touch the ground! Ahhhhhhhhhhh she's so cute! She has a foot rest (me)
I'm not sure if anybody's interested, but Vanta is live with Animal Crossing after two hours! Will he commit an hero on stream? Who knows! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJf7qFDSz9k
>>967 I normally watch them but it's like 3 AM here and i gotta go to bed soon...
>>968 >Vanta just woke up >you have to head to bed You are... At least you get Vanta morning voice lulling you to sleep.
>>951 As a Peep I'm still disappointed at Enna with how she was during Wrestlsanji. Wasn't that the last time besides the off-collab too where they both interacted on stream lmao. Doesn't help that she made that really weird Apex Predator comment in the Ethyria puzzle stream as well. I've enjoyed their collabs and I noticed in the Nijicancelled streams Selen sometimes made sure the guys noticed some things Enna said and checked on her whenever she was quiet. Their Chinese collab was hilarious too. Would be nice to see another collab but doesn't feel like it will happen soon.
Moving performance from Vivi.
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I want to steal
>>970 Yeah, I understand where you're coming from, it's more wishful thinking on my part than anything. I just like the idea of them making bento boxes together, or Enna teaching Selen how to bake. Just teetee collabs like that.
I like the airhead ramblings Vivi's zatsus branch into
>>975 Oh sweet
Oh god Zathura...Jumanji but space and incest
>>975 I feel like his Valo streams could just be labeled as zatsus with gun sounds, because that's all they are to me. I like how casually he talks while mowing down enemies.
>>950 I loved that. Hex was great for playing the party heel almost, hehe. Flex getting clowned on was hilarious! Was meant to reply sooner but was helping a couple of fellas trying to stay clean and off the streets with their motel room problem because they didn't have a debit card but did have cash app
>>974 I usually miss the gaming portions of her streams but I sometimes tune in late to enjoy the superchat readings.
>>978 I like them because of how competent he is and the fact that he mains Cypher who is a cool agent that no one else in NijiEN play
Cute Vivi ending screen! I hope Paladins had a fun time. It's nice to see somebody else who fills the timeslot she does.
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>>970 That was the one time I actually felt sour about Enna. I like her and peeps a lot especially because she gets along really well with Rosemi-sama. Oh no they're teaching Scarle about raiding lmao
ohh claude wants to improve and be invited to valo tournaments and such. well of course i don't really like watching fps that much especially solo, but it's nice to watch claude shoot some heads
I miss the days when Petra was in the US She streamed almost every day at 12am JST and I loved that time for me
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Scarle... Clitery... I'm sorry but that's too funny
I like Kunai a lot. A whole lot. A lot lot.
Claude is so close to calling someone a retard
>>989 I can't catch her anymore since her streams are now 1 hour later but I did really like what I saw and can't wait to see her interacting with everyone else in EN. Same with Vivi too.
I legit surprised this board still exists I thought the Peep BO would abandon it after seeing it went ultra deadge
>>992 I think he did. Someone mentioned he was uncontactable and had to contact the site owners instead.
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>>992 I was surprised too but anons have been good here. Ninianon kind of pushed for a second exodus
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Remember anons
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I have come from the past to say something important! I love my bird wife Enna!
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>>996 Your birdwife Enna is cute and I love the stories between her and Rosemi-sama!
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>>998 I hope they interact more often! It's been a while since they've really talked together on stream together and whenever they do, it's usually fun!
>>994 I'll use this thread more frequently as it seems like the main is getting shit more frequent than normal
>>1002 I'd like to at least live posting, but they raid too much. I don't know what the hell they're complaining about.
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>>1001 Me too! Even the stories told by both of them are great but it's always nice when they do interact on stream. Here's hoping for more collabs soon. =w= >>1002 Yeah, as much as I'd like it to be a primary spot it's not likely to have that kind of traffic for a lot of reasons but it's a good place. If you scroll up there's been a lot of talk between a small group of actually really nice anons. Hopefully we can keep it going like that at least. Good night, anons. It's too early and I have things to do tomorrow, hopefully Rosemi-sama isn't too bothered by the jetlag. Waking up at 6AM is pretty rough on someone who's usually up like 3-5 hours later, hehe. Have fun with streams and each other <3
>>1000 WASTED
>>1004 gn bud, I'd like for this thread to be active as well but its not like we can force anons lol
some bud on main is talking about this thread and advertising it, I have a bad feeling about this
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i clipped this part of peto a while back but didnt share it anywhere. finally we have videos with audio here
>>1009 Should be fine, just remember to report if you see anything funny
>>1013 I'm just worried that it'll be used against this thread and some genuinely nice anons might hesitate to join
I wonder if Enna is even still working on this
>>1014 Half the people already don't know how to get here...
>>1017 I only found it out looking for the mc server...
>>1018 I know of this site because I was there for its inception and kept the bookmark. I remember the URL the original board creator shared didn't work for many people including me. You had to use 8chan.moe instead of whatever he initially gave. So there was already a massive barrier of entry lmao.
>>1019 Original anon though the only way to get in was through Tor so that filtered a lot of people initially, then afterwards people just started giving the other link but it wasn't that effective because you can't actually link the site over there due to filters. Posting an image with the URL would probably do the job though
>>1020 >the only way to get in was through Tor so that filtered a lot of people yeah me lmao thats why I was wondering why can I post now...
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Just saw this if anybody is interested in NSFW comms https://twitter.com/XanaduAvici69/status/1721835046385127604
>>1019 Seems like Sonny will be visiting Fu-chan? He said they'll be meeting in a week
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Auntie Kunai please make your schedule...
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I will listen to Meloco eat right next to my ears
>>1025 Way to rub it in, Petra
>>1028 Indirect kiss with Pomu...
>>1028 Petra WILL have sex with your oshi and there is nothing you can do about it!!!
>>1022 Xan is good. Highly recommend him
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Momoco mama has sameface syndrome so i can't unsee white haired Petra from her last work
Haven't watched Vox in awhile. I missed just listening to him talk
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>>1033 I like his passionate autistic rambles
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>>1036 She has a phone for her liver?
>>1035 My most memorable rambles were him talking about FromSoftware games for like 30 minutes just before the Ike and Reimu Minecraft collab and his TLJ/Reylo ones. >>1037 They all get given an iPhone for face tracking since iPhones have built in face tracking due to the hardware required for FaceID and Reimu's main phone is an Android. I remember hearing her go on an Android tangent in a random stream I jumped into.
>>1039 What's next a phone for her kidney?
I passed out a little after Vanta started his stream. Is the main thread still a shithole?
>>1042 I don't think you need to name a timeframe to ask this because it's always shit
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There's some nice Aia outfit predictions
>>1042 Idk but i was banned from there because i said jannies were lazy biased fucks so i'll just hang in here for now
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>>1009 I was careful not to directly link, though that's not even possible. Also the same disingenuous arguments cropped up. Schizos and shitposters are trying hard not to lose their prey. I just wanted to let anons know there's a place they can hang if threads got as bad as yesterday's at least. Good morning, anons! I hope Rosemi-sama is feeling alright, hope she streams today =w=
>>1046 The jannies are trying hard not to lose their prey too btw
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Nakarats drawn by my aunt
Am i the only one kinda worried by Zali's mental state with all the Suika he plays?
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>>1049 Auntie Kunai is a darling
>>1051 I love how silly yet mature she is, i call her auntie but she's actually more like a big sister (well she IS the big sister in her family)
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>>1048 It's frankly ridiculous. Never in all my years would I imagine console wars over anime streamers but here we are...
>>1053 It's kinda funny because i've been on that site for years browsing /tg/ and some other boards and never got banned yet i've gotten banned from /vt/ more than 20 times already, also got my images globally rangebanned and a kind meido in /d/ asked me why i wasn't posting pics, told him why and he lifted it for me
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>>1054 Similarly, I've been on the site since 2004/5 but only started posting in 2006 and have been banned exactly one time for accidentally posting lewd in a blue board... I have been banned on /vt/ multiple times, and I only ever post in /NijiEN/ and /rose/ when that was a thing. Also a fellow fa/tg/uy! Yippee!
>>1048 I mean to be fair, this site, and it's predecessors is on 4chang's shit list long before /vt/'s creation so that deletion might not even be related to vtuber console wars. tldr, don't direct link this site there Also Kotoka on the telly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YGcByVIC4
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>>1057 Kotoka's dual language experience is relatable...
If the circumstances were aligned differently, Kotoka would be my oshi in NijiEN instead of my current oshi. But I guess I can have more than on oshi but she streams at an inconsistent hours from what I see
>>1060 I sometimes forget that Willy is ESL
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It's kinda cute that Feesh and Selen talk about the same topics: animals and food
>>1012 She's so enjoyable lol
Fuck......wtf is wrong with that number niggers...
If main keeps getting being shit, I'll just livepost peto here if other anons dont mind it
>>1066 i hope you do isn't that the point of this place ?
>>1067 I dont really see anons livepost or maybe I'm blind... but I'll do it later if shitposting keeps happening
>>1068 I'm watching Feesh right now but she started just talking about gacha...anons were liveposting Vivi yesterday so liveposting is heavily encouraged
>>1068 There's been some liveposting here and there. Couldn't hurt. I'm happy she's back home, Pentomo.
Finana talking about her PPP food, it sounds yummy =w=
Is Petra actually the one with most spice resistance of the girls? She has reached cocoichi level 10
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Finana is talking about how Millie and Rosemi can't take the spice
>>1073 I normally make mild Golden Curry at house and i think that's spicier than the level 1 curry they were eating...
>>1072 Last I remember she was struggling in her last Cocoichi stream, I don't think she's particularly resistent, just persistent.
Any membud here? is the link also broken for other buds too?
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>>1074 Oh if it's weaker than golden curry then yeah... I lived in Singapore most of my young life so I got used to really spicy food. I like Indian and Malay/Indonesian curries and rendang the most and like Thai curries too, but for household cooking I tend to stick to Japanese curries because they don't leave as much of a lingering smell. >>1076 It's broken for me too...
speaking memberships, I didnt see the deleted memebership post of millie does anyone have seen it
>>1077 Oh ok then, some of the comment said they can open it before. I guess we can only wait for rosemi to fix it.
>>1077 I just checked too and it's broken for me also
>>1079 >>1080 Yeah. Hopefully Rosemi-sama sees, a lot of people in the comments can't access it, it looks like.
>Zom 100 being mentioned I forgot this anime existed, their production was honestly a clusterfuck and a half
Shield hero sucks Also finana just admitted she only watched goblin slayer for the rape kek
Finana has the funniest anime takes honestly though I also thought that mt fell off on the second season I wonder if she's watched it
I wanna watch the undead one it looks cute
I started watching Vtuber and didn't see a single animé... Is it just me?
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>>1084 She definitely does. It's kind of refreshing because it's not at all like the takes I expect from people.
>Feesh playing "Don't Scream" How long do you think she'd last? I say five minutes before she screams and starts crying.
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Sex with mermaids
>>1087 thats a weird entry point lol how
>>1091 I simply don't have enough time I don't have time to watch anime if I watch streams
Finana fell in love with her clone
>>1093 What did she sadi? I'm working now
>>1094 There was a girl who sat in front of her who looked like Finana but hotter and Finana was really down bad for her
Finana eat borgor
>>1082 I was wondering why it was so inconsistent with its releases
I'm happy feesh is back
Cute ending screen
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WAH, your oshi is cute feeshbros
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Aia is fixing some tech issues but she'll be drawing Kunai soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9pt2Vir9cw
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Bed time feesh
It's nice to have Finana back, I missed seeing her dumb smile. >>1101 Oh, I was wondering why I didn't get the live notif yet. I really hope she gets a new PC soon... Time to enjoy some fries and watch some Aia while I wait for Petra.
>>1103 What happened ever since that PC recommendation stream with her chat? I remember joining in a bit and she settled for a 4080 with a Ryzen Zen 4 CPU.
>>1104 That was in June, right? I assume the Iluna anniversary being near at that time, and then working on her outfit and going to Japan ate up most of her time. She's probably forgotten, so I hope after the new year she can try to work on getting that PC setup.
I hate being sick so much bros....
>>1106 nade nade, anon the best things you can do are to drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, and have some warm soup it sucks, but don't let a common cold get you down
>>1106 Just don't be, haha have fun!
Ver is a pngtuber now?
Aia says she doesn't smell but I feel like I should be the judge of that
>>1110 Just checked his stream to see what you're talking about kek he also has that potato mic going on. I guess his set-up couldn't take his YuGiOh autism.
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Aia really has improved a lot
>>1113 But Kunai's fat ass...
i kinda hope peto do more studying streams, I remember tuning into one before and I feel productive kek
She's the Man was one of my favorite childhood movies
Peto...you might be kinda retarded...
paint has a new update? lmao
kek peto is making fun of vox's nose, tbf he looks weird...
>>1119 For Windows 11 if you wanna take that step into hell
>>1120 She's just asking to be eaten whenever Vox feels hungry again
I had no idea Rosemi was into FNAF that much
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>>1123 She loves it so much she found the movie disappointing compared to the source material
peto sounds so organize and she has her life so put together and others always trust her
Petra would make a great mother
>>1125 Until the revolving door shows up
millie acting like an oji san always makes me giggle
Peto is totally not saying this info so you buy lingerie and spray it with the equivalent of her body odor and put it on a sex doll with her face btw
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>press the doorbell and leaves immediately peto...
>forgets the english word petra, my beloved japanese princess
Why do those underwears have those small ribbons in the front actually
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>"She's so funny and cute" ToT
>>1137 They look cute
So Petra just told everyone exactly how one of her pieces of underwear look like.
>>1137 design
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Why is Petra telling us about her bra in this much depth
thats a weird ass bra kek
cute shy peto because of her polka dots panties
Drunk Petra begging to be taken advantage off by continuously drinking more
>Peto tells us about her underwear >Peto will drink whatever you don't I'm kinda surprises she hasn't been coerced into sex by now, also maybe she does and eats the dudes so nobody ever found any evidence but who knows
something akmething about watching the eggs will make it spoil faster
>>1148 washing**
i didnt know peto stayed in italy for a short while
I wanna spank Peto's butt when she does her stacy voice
pick me peto I can fix you
>>1151 She's asking to be corrected so hard whenever she goes into that mode.
Petra is a confirmed succubus that meets guys, sucks their life force and dumps their bodies in a swamp...
they ate raw chicken? eh....
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Oh I guess I don't even have to do the whole conversion thing for soundposts here
>>1156 You don't need to soundpost here just clip the stream directly never understood moot's descision to not include sounds there to be honest alt imageboards like this do it just fine.
Feels like many of the other girls have quite a number of long term male friends instead
>>1159 most of our girls are normalfags
>>1159 The only long term female friend i have is a fujo girl that really loves Yakuza and is the only other person i can talk about the games
sexpest reimu....
cute enna showing her dad the big scary bird
cute millie eating many sushi
>>1163 Imagine coming home from work to your daughter in their mid 20s enthusiastically recounting their encounter with a bird on the streets.
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I don't watch her a whole lot, so my perception of her is a bit skewed, but Enna can be adorably awkward sometimes.
>>1167 grandma alouette my beloved
I'm not really interested with the whole fnaf movie thing lol
>>1167 She can be kind of awkward in 1 on 1s with other livers too. These are some that come to mind for me. It wasn't shown in the clip but when Enna said she loves saba sushi Sonny perked up and got more enthusiastic talking to her lmao so it ended nicely in the end. https://youtu.be/U7tquJ25ceQ https://youtu.be/ONUNljejVcQ
>>1167 > so my perception of her is a bit skewed Gee I wonder why
>I feel like I was straight out of a comic but youre an anime girl peto...
>i like men older than me but not that old PETRA HATES OJI SAN wait petra sounds so misandrist kek
>>1173 >Shitting on pickmes >Shitting on men What a ride. Also all the men are gone for the Yuri story now because of that Petra.
>>1174 its ok to shit on pickmes
why'd the janny delete a bunch of threads?
petra is rape baiting again...
>>1177 Bratty penguin.....
>>1176 huh? where?
>needs to draw up a proposal to use the studio for their off collab so much work... japanese hate
I thought petra said hotel toilet paper sex kek
>>1180 There used to be threads about Mysta, Nina and Gundou graduating.
Hotel toilet paper sucks outside overpriced hotels, it's true
>>1183 based for meido for deleting them
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>>1183 Based meido. It's nice to have actual moderation for once. Petra mapping everyone's tactical kissing positions
this is it, the next thing peto will draw is elipeto sex doujin
peto done for today, otsupen
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>>1189 Otsupen! That was a fun stream. Good night!
>>1190 i forgot my image...
>>1186 >169
>>1193 You'd shit your pants if you saw how many resaved images I have. I don't have my PC folder loaded into my phone and I don't organize my files, life's too short for all that. Anyway bed for reals, my Rose radar tingled before I passed out and she did in fact tweet. Good night!
>>1194 Yeah, the hours have shifted...
>>1195 I'm just pulling your chain, anon A lot of my images are like that too
>>1196 >deleted I guess you're replying to a shitposter
>>1198 no deleted it myself
stop advertising this thread during shitposting hours...
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bird on my mind
>>1202 Hopefully she can beat Vox's last place score today lmao. Or maybe Vox's satiated form will be too powerful and he drastically improves.
I dont fucking care if they think am a pussy for hiding at this site, I'm so fucking done with our thread not being moderated, raw dogging that is tiring ass hell, filters arent even as effective because they shit on different things every week so that you need to constantly update your filters.
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The thread is basically unusable and it's unfortunately too hard to tell now if it's just some inside joke that one dude thinks it's funny to constantly doompost of it it's just a 24/7 numbers raid. It's just not enjoyable to be there anymore.
waiting room for the mengen stream is up, awesome
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I miss maria. I hope she gets back to regular streaming soon
>>1207 isnt she sick?
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>>1208 Yeah seems like she caught a cold or something I hope she gets better soon
blblblblblblblblblblbl >>1210 so many announcement this week and last week so I don't really know what to expect but I'm excited
>>1210 I think it's been around 9 months maybe since her and Kyo were working on some music thing together and I have a hunch it could be that. It's the only music project she's openly talked about working on in the first half of 2023 and there hasn't been an update since.
>>1012 im watching it again 1:06 to the end is my favourite idk why i clipped the rest
>>1204 yeah, i gave up on that thread. at some point, all the bait, schizos and falseflagging hits a point where i'm too lazy to distinguish which posts are genuine or not. i don't get how some of the regulars there can stay especially when their oshi just keeps getting shit on. dunno how long this thread will stay active, but i'm just gonna stay here
>>1214 I dont want to out myself but I'm one of the regulars there and I give up, I genuinely wonder what happened as it wasnt this bad last year or am I looking at it with rose tinted glass
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On the bright side, NijiEN as a whole has been great lately. I look forward to Nijifes next month and whatever else they have in store for us I feel like a lot of big things are coming since it seems like there is a lot of handwork behind the scenes
>>1216 >I feel like a lot of big things are coming
>>1215 mm, i hope more anons consider moving here or someplace else too >>1216 yeah, hope it continues to 2024. i do honestly think that anycolor has mismanaged a lot of things about the branch, so hopefully they've gotten some of their act together
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Just mentally filter the shitposts 5head
>>1212 Also other than that the only other time she talked about working on a music project was this one where she showed the tune of some song with shitposty lyrics. It's alright I guess, that's my general attitude towards all her music tbh lmao. https://youtu.be/0TtKOEJtjyk?t=2025
Oh i woke up to a lot of you using this board, nice
Edited last time by Koikoi on 11/08/2023 (Wed) 12:49:34.
i wish we got more livers to fill in these hours. usually it's just the aussies
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>>1219 I cant keep doing it for almost 1 year, sorry that I dont want to put up with that mental illness
>>1223 I'm the first comepost here
>>1222 same. if not more aussies, some eu livers who do morning streams would be nice
>>1222 We got Ike/Melo and Vox starting in a few, at least they seem like they're gonna be active again unless Ike gets the depression demons again and Vox gets the project angels again
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>>1225 congrats!
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>>1224 >almost 1 year That's nothing, we had to endure countless shitposts about Pomu basically since Lazulight's debut. And I'm sure there will be many more.
Currently talking to an anon on cytube and here's probably one of the main reasons as to why they arent joining
>>1215 honestly does feel like its been getting worse and worse
>>1231 It's kinda funny because this isn't gamergate 8chan, it's just the latino corner of the web
>>1231 This got brought up back then when the board got created too. It is what it is. Also being sated still can't stop Vox from being late.
Vox starting with his epic mix of that Runescape theme just to be ass raped by fruit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QGD0yaJREY
Shit Vox got 2.6k off stream lmao
>>1236 who is the lowest one in en now? is it kyo?
>>1230 >since Lazulight's debut i remember lazulight talking about how hard it was for them at that time during their first anniversary. idk if /vt/ is directly related to that, but christ
>>1237 Yeah I think it is.
>>1237 yeah, he was around 2.3k in that suika leaderboard if i recall correctly. i want vox to get a proper score on-stream though. wonder how enna would score
>>1240 >wonder how enna would score God I cant wait for the stream, I bet she'd have a 2.5k~29.k score
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>>1241 ngl i have less faith in her than you. i was betting around 2k lol maybe she'd get competitive and endure until 3k, or just luckshit into it though.
The first time I heard of persimmons was from Sekiro too...
>>1243 I feel like she's not that dumb so I hope for that high of a score but we'll see
They're making me feel a lot of hype! I hope Zuttomo has nice things for us! https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1722242636671778920
its over for that one peep on main
asmr suika stream
Enna you did some bad stuff at the start of the year
>>1249 she's forgetful like me, I cant remember what she did
>2.2k offline score not bad
>>1250 If you want a refresher you can backread the pseudo Enna split lmao
I cant tell if enna is lagging or its bad on my end
she releases the fruits way too early
Getting #fit with my fellow #famelira #PPGains https://twitter.com/RoamingTuna/status/1722254747242291696
Is Enna... ya know...?
>>1256 Well she did enjoy LoL yet she wasn't a Yuumi or Yasuo player so i don't know...
stop having sex with my mother enna
>Open Enna stream >See game board >Suddenly feel sick
>>1259 are you pregnant anon
>>1260 Yes, Elira's draconic cum turns you into an omega, also the baby comes out of the urethra
>feel the suika >dream about suika >wakes up and think about suika >gets suika
>>1256 She's trying her best
Pomu hoodie in production!
she's a self-fulfilling prophet sometimes
Enna really doesn't say fucking bitch nowadays
https://twitter.com/EliraPendora/status/1722262672396492901 >Kiss Petra >Everything is fine >Pomu shows up >She gives you a snack >Suddenly start to die Pomu is a yandere gf...
I don't like the Halloween BGM. Good thing she's just overlaying the BGM with the default one. >>1267 Weren't some of the girls sick during their 2 weeks of work too? Hopefully it doesn't affect what they are working on that much.
>>1268 Yes, Petra was sick also when she kissed Elira
>>1266 she got whitewashed
I dont like the look of these fruits especially the suika on the halloween ver.
>>1270 She almost just said it haha
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>>1257 I could suck her metaphorical dick because she mained Thresh.
Streamer brain is real
The layout is tetris but the mechanics are 2048
Don't be too quick to shit on the new chatters Enna kek
>>1272 she said it
>>1276 this is so sad but I still find it funny
joycon drift strikes again
She's being loud now kek I wonder if her dad will spook her and tell her to be quiet
>>1277 and again
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she's literally picrel to think or not to think suika is our only goal
that cough sounds bad, did all of the girls pass their cold around
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Damn gurl
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Grape this, grape that, when ae you gonna grape Enna in the mouth?
>>1283 Seems like it, it will probably go away within a week.
Are you sure this was the girl giving those complex seminars about businesses with japanese startups?
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>>1240 >94m since stream started >still at 2.2k
>stick it in there why'd she have to whisper it like that kek
>>1286 >it will probably go away within a week. she said she's been getting sick since she arrived in japan, hope she feels better soon
When did Enna actually say she will stop saying she will kill herself I think I missed that stream but she doesn't seem to be making much progress anyways.
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>>1289 She obviously wants us to use her actual voice instead of the AI for this
Ennas playthrough gives me anxiety....
>>1293 It's like when i had to drop Vox playing Inscryption because i was getting TCG autism rage
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I honestly think she would get better results by just dropping all the fruit in the middle without any thought process
>>1295 I can understand that now. She somehow makes every fruit not touch and I don't understand how
You heard the lady, boys, she wants everyone to touch so now form a circle
>Framerate I will always remember getting very annoyed when she set the refresh rate of Morturary assistant to 30hz and not noticing until chat pointed it out later.
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>"Fuck me, man!" >Looks to the front and whispers >"Fuck me..." She's asking for it, peeps...
>Chibisuke loves trains Oh no...he has severe autism
>>1303 Delayed speech is also a symptom of autism
>>1304 Well he was born japanese, it's in his blood
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Good morning =w= happy to see anons active here! That "This is the end" from Enna was pretty funny. No Suika but high score beaten!
Enna'a not very good at this...
The 3 pineapples look very upsetting
I think I understand why that Peep didn't want Enna to play Suika I hope she never plays this again lmao bitch I know you have a few other games you want to play like LA Noire and Hitman
>>1310 >LA Noire Please this when?
>>1310 Yeah, I understand now. Happy my oshi stopped after hitting 3k
>>1311 Don't know when but it's a game she was always interested in playing, she mentioned that last year but couldn't play it due to no perms. Recently she found out Mysta got perms to play it so its back on her radar.
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>>1311 >>1313 I hope she does play it, it'll be so awesome
Peeps please give your oshi a strategy
>>1316 I can't my highscore is barely higher than Enna's
Enna is trying to be smart about this but I don't think that is the right strategy Just make the fruits kiss, silly
>>1318 I find making the big combo on one side and trying to keep smaller fruits to the other helps a lot for the most part its just making the same fruits kiss
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She's addicted, joewari da...
>>1320 I have faith that this is actually the last one, and no more future streams of it too. Got a good feeling.
>>1321 After that... Yeah hahaha
Ennaur, the peeps were scared for you, that's the difference
I always really enjoyed the way Enna banters with chat
>>1324 It's one of my favorite parts of tuning into her streams
>>1324 Sometimes I don't really like it when it goes too far into the i'm depressed/kms and the no boyfriend stuff.
>>1326 It do be like that sometimes... Also I have that same escapism problem that causes me to force myself to touch grass and do productive stuff like work out and go walks, read books, cook, etc to avoid spiralling
Bud i know you have good intentions but the bad actors over there will treat you like a schizo that wants to troll them because they don't want to lose their power
Gn Enna. I probably won't have time to watch Suika tmr but will make it for the It watchalong. Hope the coughing improves and you have some nice quality time with your dad.
Wosemi fixed the link for her membership post!
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>>1328 Yeah, I'm aware. I'll avoid talking about it unless someone asks about finding somewhere else to post. The doom and gloom sucks a lot, especially when the mods and jannies just don't want to play fair and actually help the schizos and shitposters. Just wish more anons knew or felt strongly enough to consider that there's another option that doesn't involve having to lose anonymity like a discord server. Maybe someday others will see it. Can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
>>1331 Until then i think is better to just set up a good example of this board and keep using it to talk about NijiEN. I actually wish more people migrated here instead of being there since they are giving the schizos and shitposters power since meidos are obviously biased, so things over there snowball hard into drama and raids of the actual livers because they justy want to see the reaction of /NijiEN/ and laugh at it. When there's no /NijiEN/ to laugh at then they'll move on to other things but until then we'll always be the go to for shitposting over there
>>1332 That's true. The irony in being called LOE Schizo when they were both before my time and the whole time I've been a fan I've been pushing for unity is pretty crazy. They'll never leave us alone so it'd be nicer to have this be the main discussion zone. In any case I'm so happy Rosemi-sama reuploaded the letter! Can't wait for her stream later! Hope you hava wonderful day, anon!
>>1333 Thank you, you too! For me it's one of those days where not many streams interest me but i'll probably watch Rosemi and then Vivi later so i'll be here!
Kek, I was checking the twitter list and Hex was using Yugamin for his intro, it feels so surreal it reminds me of that little guy from danganronpa 3 with really deep voice
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>>1335 Every time a liver wears Yugamin it makes me laugh like an idiot. Everyone applies their own little flavor to it and it's great
>>1335 I really want them to include in batsu streams that they have to stream like Yugamin and do a cutesy voice for x amount of time
>>1336 I thought I was misremembering but Pomu did sing as.. it(?), I like how she immerses herself in the cutesy characters, Scarle also used it once and it fit her voice perfectly being a babby kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzWYgBkziDE >>1337 B-But my immersion..I don't think they can do that since it's the official mascot and calling it a batsu... There were some streams with the twitter funny voice batsus though
whoa shu's still streaming weird to see him live in these hours
>>1335 I always like when they break out yugamin it makes me laugh
Does Aia like sleeping with sirens?
>>1342 paizuri holes are so lewd
>>1342 >いいおっぱいの日 My condolences...
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God imagine Vivi's ass with the Cammy pants...
>>1204 >I dont fucking care if they think am a pussy for hiding at this site I used to have the same worry as you, before I realized that it's really gay and lame to be concerned about the thoughts of subhumans who only want you around as a shitflinging target. They've wanted /nijien/ off the board for years, but the instant it looks like it's going to happen, they'll hop and scream about how that's running away. Numbermonkeys literally sit in year-old bait repost threads and bump them from page 10 for hours on end as their seanigger janny buddies help them coordinate raids from their mudhut general. If you care what they think, they win.
>>1347 NTA but I don't really care about "winning" I just want to discuss vtubers without seeing idiots going full kiwifarms/gossip girl like you see on /vt/
>>1347 calm down on the seanigger as youre talking to one but yeah I'm just tired
>>1349 what the fuck is a seanigger? Islanders? Cubans, haiwaiins, puerto ricans? Theres a lot of browns living near the ocean.The term is far too vague.
>>1350 Are you gaslighting me, you know what I'm talking about
>>1351 Oh it means flip? Really? Never heard that before. And as a racist I personally think thats a shit term. Way too vague. It could mean like 50 different ethnic groups. Hell Japans an island too.
>>1350 It's a slur used to refer to people from South East Asia, it's sadly pretty common in the language of the other board we use as they are pretty prominent shitposters in the fandom >>1351 Anon...you're most likely talking to a site mod that comes here to see what all the fuss is about because we're in the top boards
>>1353 well and also because seanigger may have meant /cow/ nigger. Glad to hear it doesnt. Still upset at that terrible lazy term. I mean Englands an island. they live near the sea. Anglos are seaniggers therefore. and seeing how they ruled the waves at one point its arguable that they are the biggest seaniggers. I mean. Try and be creative with your racisms people. I am so mad at the guys who coined that. Awful phrase.
>>1354 Oh, the vtuber fandom is full of retardation, don't worry, they misuse words a whole fucking lot most likely because it's full of ESL people, they also use japanese terms of things that they don't understand and then go "yeah i understand it because some dude in an anonymous board said it means this!" and then the largest game of broken phone ensues. To give you an idea of where we come from (since we're using this board as a kind of refuge), our thread has between 100-120 unique IPs, gets raided night and day and the moderation team has allowed doxx of someone's nudes (when she was underaged) in the catalog until bump limit and then let that shit archived
Edited last time by Koikoi on 11/08/2023 (Wed) 23:21:59.
You know I wish I could get into wow again. I really liked it for a while but I've grown to dislike the autocombat style of mmos. I tried gw2 the other day after hearing how good it was but it just felt boring due to that combat
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>>1356 Good morning >>1357 The only MMO I ever played was Dragon Nest
>>1355 The worst part is just knowing moderation on that board is inline with the schizos and shitposters. Imagine trying to have legitimate discussion and having the same tired narratives and lazy shitposts interject. People become tired and the general becomes more and more off topic, then those off topic posts get deleted only for the shitpost narratives to stay up. It's tiresome. Anyway won't talk about it further it's a tired topic too on main.
Oh cool feesh is doing some sponsored stuff tomorrow
>>1358 Never heard of it. I've bounced around on a lot of mmos
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>>1356 Good morning! >>1357 The autocombat style has it's advantages like when you just want to listen to stuff in the background and play something simple, but it's not great if you want to play something with action. BDO and Archeage were super fun action combat games but were PvP centric and have the Korean MMO problem of P2W. Basically waiting on Ashes of creation at this point, playing other action games like Souls, &DMC, playing Darktide, playing strategic games and tactical rpgs like Age of Wonders 4, PF Wrath of the Righteous, BG3 and casually playing Turtle WoW with a buddy because it's fun to play with firends
>>1018 Was there a sign on the server or something?
>>1362 I never got a chance to try arcage everyone said it was very mid and then they rebooted it and nobody really liked the reboot I've been tempted to look into private servers but ESO occupies my time nowadays
I'm interested in this game Petra is playing I've never heard of it
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uuuuuuuu I miss Vivi
>>1365 it looks cool and i like petra's thumbnail for it too
>>1366 >huefag How dare you abandon Pomu?
It shouldn't bother me by now but waking up seeing Enna being taken out of context today really bothered me for some reason. Enna has a lot of flaws, has made many mistakes and has alienated many anons but that guy is clearly not interested in properly discussing them. Recently I've just been making webms and soundposts of random moments of her streams I've enjoyed when I have the time to take my mind of it and have been enjoying the process a lot. I always find moments like this from her hilarious and cute, can't help it. I'll compress it into a soundpost sometime later in the day.
>>1369 I never really watched her, maybe only the MGS streams until mgs 4
>>1370 Her stream today was funny as fuck it was anxiety inducing. But yeah ennaschizo is a large reason why I wanted to revive this site
>>1367 I kinda thought the art looked weird until she said it was a classic style like 8 bit kinda thing. Which is neat
>>1371 >BR >didn't watch Pomu What the pluck?
>>1370 did she get any higher than 2.3k?
>>1375 No that was her high score which is like 30 lower than my own lmao. She said she might play again tonight but I don't think I can make it for the stream.
>>1370 Well we were liveposting about Enna's stream today in here, you're free to join us next time! (god i missed talking about her without some huge retard barging in and spamming me)
Stop shilling
So does anyone know anything about this game feesh is doing pr for? I'm interested in it because it has a fancy name
>>1376 well she did better than i expected tbh. that's our resident bird for you lol
>>1378 Letting people know there's a place to go without schizos isn't necessarily a bad thing.
>>1363 No.. I was looking at the archives why it got reset and there was mention of other site...
>>1380 I was hoping she'd eventually get 3k but she was overthinking it and had really bad luck there were moments where I was convinced she'd be able to get the fruits to touch but they'd be like a cm apart and not able to touch
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I forgot I had this place bookmarked when it was made
I cant post on the other thread while I'm outside so I'll be using this site
>>1382 Oh I reset it because nobody has touched it in like 2 weeks and I figured actually a reset every 4 months or so would help boost replayability and with multiverse plugins we can visit older worlds too. I can also copy and paste things from those worlds! I'm just sick rn so I haven't been able to do the stuff I'd like to
I hope Claude and Aster hit it off since it would nice to see starboy get more regular collab partners. I think they're pretty similar as huge fps heads who are a bit toxic and a lot menhera
>>1384 God i wanna see Chadster beat everyone's ass in Lords of the Board
Uh shitposters are using this thread as their new ammo, who would've thunk, also it seems like myanon isnt moving kek
>>1379 some other livers are also doing pr streams for it i think. it's apparently a puzzle platformer feels like game pr streams usually tend to be gacha, so this is a nice change of pace >>1383 after seeing how many suika streams, i think the best and fastest way at least to get to 3k is just empty your mind and pray for good luck. unless you're like zali
>>1389 >also it seems like myanon isnt moving kek Not a bad thing. Can't fucking stand that attention whoring poletard.
>>1384 Well glad to see you here. I appreciate anons being here
>>1387 >a lot menhera is claude that bad? well, maybe their menhera would cancel each other out or something
>>1391 whats wrong with being polish...
>>1393 I've heard that he is almost at the same level as Mysta
>>1377 A while back I was digging through the archives when she did her first membership karaoke to look for something I posted and read through the liveposting of it. It was so positive and wholesome, I've kind of forgotten that that was the general attitude towards Enna back then. It's just such a shame that she did so much to alienate so many people in such a short span of time sometimes I wonder if she really knows what she is doing lmao.
Btw why red ponto is dead
>>1397 I killed her
>>1394 Nothing much. It's the attention whoring part. We have at least one other pole that's a pomudachi and he is nowhere near as annoying as myafag is.
>>1386 I see, a bunch of stuff was still griefed too.. I think visiting the old worlds would be cool since I wanted to finish the niji express... Wish you a nice recovery, I recommend propolis extract for the throat or honey and saffron mix
>>1391 Hush now. I'd rather not have his place turn into a gossip thread about other anons. I understand not everyone may like each other but I personally do like him
>>1400 I undid the griefs the only thing that was still stuck were the heads because unfortunately those end up being reset into Steve whenever you roll them back
>>1403 I'm glad Reimu didn't reschedule I'm gonna love this collab
Aster is cracked!
Little do they know we have the power to hornypost here
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>>1398 You fucking bitch
>>1393 He gives me that vibe but he probably has more self control over it
The purple boys are pretty cracked at Apex
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First game champion! Lets go!
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>>1371 Jetstream Sam...
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Where in the World are those 2 losers?
>>1395 i tune in to his fps streams for a bit sometimes and i didn't really get that impression, but we'll see. there's a lot you need to do to really end up like mysta >>1396 nta you're replying to, but some of the things she's done has lessened my opinion of her. paying attention to the haters to "own" them is never worth it. i still think she's skilled and entertaining though, and outside of that site, i do think she and ethyria are still well-liked, though maybe that's just in my bubble
>>1403 I probably won't be able to watch this live and I hate it
>millie's new membership post no... puta wag..
>>1412 japan, right...? selen said elira was "technically the first one to leave" because of her trip with pomu, and pomu said she was going to japan so, some other place that's not tokyo?
>>1406 There's a full on horny thread for the girls at least, there's some anon that drops a few pics over there every now and then
Petra seems to be more horny this year than last. What's wrong with her?
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>>1413 I hang out with you guys because I don't have many Nijifan friends but mostly general vtuber watchers that either have HoloJP oshis or Indie oshis and even among them Enna and Ethyria are well liked. /vt/ is really cancerous and not in the fun way like /b/ was back in the day
>>1418 She hit puberty
>>1395 The guy seems to egosa a lot but I just hope he doesn't get one guyed like Mysta
>>1415 Slurp ASMR never ever... Also, funny that I always have Millie's membership even tho I think I only paid for it twice kek
>>1416 >japan, right...? I thought that at first too, but some of their tweets are between 2-5am JST. So unless whatever they're doing must be done at night, there's an increasing chance that they actually aren't in Japan.
>>1402 Was commie storage fixed? It was blown up pretty badly and chests in houses emptied out.. Some named mobs, trading hall and farm related mobs were missing too.. Also some written books...
>>1421 Nta but it was pretty obvious when he did that guerilla valo stream after dropping the collab tweet
>>1421 dunno if he egosa or lurk in /vt/, but i really wish they'd stop doing that
>>1419 Actually there's a bunch of indies that have Enna as their oshi too if that makes you happier, I can name Killia from Eien as an example
>>1423 Pomu and Eliraare filming a special series where they infiltrate Chernobyl and fight the radiated bears
>>1422 I almost never pay membership aside for my kamioshi, its been almost 5 months of free millie membership lmao thank you miniscooter
The rrat associated with Pomu seems to be really retarded so far Endless delusions are created
>>1427 Pretty sure Skye also oshis Enna (and Millie)
>>1428 Well that's fake because BEARS DON'T EXIST ANYMORE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w56I9Xm7LYE
>>1431 And Aia, too, if I remember right. I at least know of one instance where Aia popped into some girl's chat and she got flustered and said how she really liked Aia.
>>1431 I want my hot steamy scissoring collab between Skye and Aia...
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>>1430 It all started when some retard said she had a dinner with vshojo, which is complete bullshit. The only weird thing is how she's the only one that wasn't in Japan with everyone else to record for """something"""
>>1423 where could they be and what are they doing... >>1428 a part of me is thinking what if they're exploring in another country like edengumi's fuji hike but there's no way, right?
>>1429 I've only ever been gifted memberships like twice. I guess it doesn't help that I'm membered to all of the people I watch most often though.
>>1424 The named mobs were dead unfortunately I don't have the power to revive mobs but I think most of the storage was fixed. I can double check when I feel better
>>1436 They said it was work related, also Elira seems to be barfing her guts out. Maybe Pomu took an idea from Chris Broad's book and decided to cycle through Japan with Elira and they have been getting up at 5 AM
>>1436 IIRC Pomu said it's a company trip, so maybe they're recording for an EN or JP program.
I fucking hates korean kindreds
>>1439 >Elira >doing something physically intensive
>>1441 Because of the Kyo thing?
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>>1443 That too, but they are all K-pop fans and they force that culture on vtuber culture as well
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>>1444 >>1445 Butamind...
>>1439 elira seems to be tired af at least. maybe that's just because she's ill though. well, it'll probably be a month or so until they reveal and release this project
>>1438 RIP... DW about it since everythings in a new world now but having it fixed for the multiverse thing later would be nice
>>1446 Ahhhh that fucking sucks, i though most of them would've been filtered by now
>>1441 Eh, I wouldn't bother getting all worked up about that. It might sound a bit harsh, but at this point, I ignore the opinions of any fan of my oshi who's under the age of 20 and/or is ESL. It doesn't filter all of the bullshit, but it filters a good chunk of it.
>>1452 oh shit, another song for a gacha game? i wish AK global still did collab songs...
>>1452 Oh niiiiiiiiiiice >The deleted character Well that is kinda funny...
>>1456 deleted by the CCP for being too lewd... that's only the case for CN, right?
>>1455 I hope we get one for Nikke in the future, they used Amalee for one song (i know she's a VA and singer first and vtuber second but still)
>>1457 The game is chinese so they probably had to delete the character for everyone. I truly don't know though so i'm just talking about things i suppose
>>1432 ROLLBACK THE BEARS ARE BACK BABY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSRl9VuM1-Y
>>1457 Oh shit I heard about that.
Oh, they worked on more things than they were expecting to work while in Japan
>>1429 We're among friends here so I'll say that I pay for all my memberships in Turkish Lira which is quickly approaching ARS territory. It's basically 50 cents for one membership.
>>1457 Wait there's a law for that? I thought they just didn't like skeletons or something
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atop deleting your membership post milieeeeeeee
>>1463 Do you use a VPN?
>>1463 Haha don't worry, we'll win the race after the elections in 2 weeks
>>1463 Look man, better pay anything than nothing
>>1466 I don't have her membership anymore (because it was kinda depressing at times) but i remember recording many membership streams since i knew she was gonna private them, i would probably do the same with posts too now if i had her membership
>>1459 i searched it up and apparently she wasn't outright deleted, players who have her can still use and raise her, but she's likely never going to be obtainable again and she probably won't appear in story and such. this is for CN, dunno how's it gonna go for global >>1464 there might be a law for it, it's china after all, but apparently the root cause is complaints in comments by chinese puritans lmao
>>1460 bara is back on the menu
>>1467 Yeah, it's pretty easy to turn it on and off when I want to join one
Rosemi is in a cute mood today
Oh god i forgot these games can fuck up the bitrate of the video a lot
>>1470 ah she said she'll delete this new membership post where she post her cute new clothes, she's shy I guess thats why she would want to delete it
I like how Rosemi thinks about breaking bad when she thinks of rvs
>>1473 Ahh, I'd try it but I don't really trust most VPNs. I wish I didn't have to resort to being a cheapskate, I do wanna support my oshis, but sometimes it's more expensive than food.
Eyes on the road Rosemi! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>1478 I would wife Millie if I thought I had a chance honestly. She's so cute sometimes
kinda hate the maria big boobs spam
>>1481 this is why you don't text and drive kids
>>1482 Same
I'm surprised to see so many posters here Are you guys as tired of shitposting as I am?
>>1483 I know it's just a meme thing, but I do feel kinda bad for the pettan enjoyers sometimes kek At least Maria herself seems content with her chest size.
>>1486 I mean, yeah, that's the main reason we hang out here
>>1483 I filtered boob and tits
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>>1489 GOOD
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Rosemi is so cute, also don't text and drive! I'll catch you guys when I'm done driving. This Lo-fi soundtrack is pretty nice too
Wosemi doesn't care about burgers...not my all american wose...
>>1486 obviously
>>1491 Have a safe trip home, bud! She's so cute, I'm glad I get to enjoy her tonight.
>"Why is it glowing like that? Well...just like me" ROSEMI IS A FED, GET OUT OF THE STREAM
>metapost with a luca chibi but they cant that post here roseschizo...
>>1493 BASED Brazilbro
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>>1486 I mean it's gotten to the point where they just camp on main Also Aia time!
>>1497 We don't need a live report of the things that happen in main, we actually came here to get out of that shithole
>>1487 >but I do feel kinda bad for the pettan enjoyers sometimes kek that and it seems like there are no other discussion around her aside from that, I find it funny at first but spamming aislop while saying "maria big boobs will happen" can get pretty annoying? I just usually ignore it nowadays
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>>1483 I see it as just wish fulfilment and take solace in the fact that Maririn is a staunch advocate of flat is justice and said she would never allow herself to get bigger
Damn this site is actually too comfortable for a mobile faggot like me
>>1502 Yeah, I get what you mean. Ignoring it is the best option, keep enjoying Maria and her very cute, very flat chest!
>>1504 I haven't actually seen this site in mobile, is it that much better?
Actually surprised that Enna got to sing the song for the gacha game solo, never even heard of it too.
>>1501 ah my bad.. I just find it funny, wont happen again
Time for Kino, let's see Wosemi pee all over the floor!
>>1506 Yeah, not bad
>12pm jst Petra stream Home...
Rosemi that pee doesn't look healthy
The purple boys seem to be having a lot of fun together. It's great
>Auntie Kunai just liked my comment in her bear video Ahhhhhh she's so cool i can't....
>>1506 I've found it works best in desktop mode but it's not bad. Wish it worked with kurobaex
>>1515 I will find this anon
I think most people eat their burgers and fries separately rose....
Would you rate these above or below chillasart
>>1518 Fries first always. Gotta eat them while they're hot and crispy.
Fun fact: yoi should eat the fries first because they stay crispy in heat like 3 minutes after you took them off the fryer
>>1516 First of all, it's nice to not have a limit of posting every minute.
>>1519 Above because they're unironically better optimized
>>1520 Man I could go for some nice hot McDonald's French fries rn
>>1523 I'd say so too but I like how they're based on user submissions so it's a bit more kino
>>1522 Well you can post up to 4 pics too, 32MB max each, you can post videos in mp4 format, the captcha time is longer, etc
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I, for one, am looking forward to see Maria's second outfit
>>1523 chillashart games could take down a supercomputer
>>1528 Wait, actually Maria with a farmer outfir would be actual kino
>>1528 Kek
>>1527 5 actually. But yeah. Good eye anon.
>>1527 How does this place even make money? I'm slightly concerned
I sometimes don't understand Maria's farming autism. She did a coming voice when Vivi told her that she likes to play farm simulation games
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>>1530 Yup Oddly, it fits her design really well
>>1534 I really like farming games but so few get the formula right imo
Rosemi got jumpscared by a redneck with a gun! He's gonna make her SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL LIKE A PIGGIE SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL
>>1533 >make money We don't. And never plan to. This isnt a way to get rich. Its a way to have free speech, and the admins are content to use their own personal jobs and money as sacrificial offers to anon. So enjoy it. It aint cheap. And you will never be sold ads or passes or any other stupid shit to try and cheat you into paying for it.
Btw what is a good price to ask for nsfw usually?
>>1539 5 dollarydoos.
>>1538 Thank you for your hard work then, we owe you this place you gave us
>>1539 Depends on what you want, how popular the artist is, etc. Wanna give us an example?
>>1534 Sometimes I need a comfort game to relax with after a stressful day. Farming games are great for that.
>>1534 Like that anon said, it's seems like a comfort game. Mine are solo fps and Maria likes to farm
>>1538 Alright well I appreciate that. I'll throw some money your way when I get the chance because as nice of a goal it is I don't wanna see the site go down due to a lack of funds!
>>1539 Usually at least $100 imo.
The outhouse SCARES the rose
>>1547 Outhouses are scary imo
>>1548 And smelly
Outhouse or squat toilet?
>>1542 Did you know this artist? I want Maria or Petra version, but I'm new to this, so I'm curious
>>1550 squat toilets imaging using an outhouse and a bug crawls up your ass
>>1551 Ohhhhhhh yeah i know him, i think he did Selen too. Japanese artists normally have a Skeb and Skeb gives you a recommended amount you should offer, have in mind that skebs can take a good time to get finished with certaint artists
>>1548 Yeah.. I remember having to use one and there was a huge frog just chilling inside...
>>1551 It looks like a skeb artist. Skeb artists usually have a minimum price they ask for. I usually go $5-10 above what they're asking for minimum
Rosemi got molested by Clippy
>>1554 Sounds like a good time actually. Frogs are cute
>>1495 Thank you! Clippy was annoying hehe
Rosemi so preggo clippy...
PLUCK. I googled clippy and it appeared for me too.. >>1558 I think it was a toad actually, I chose to do my thing in the woods since I didn't know what to do..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAneNXHeW_U where were you wen da bearz won da superbowl
Enna deep voice
This feels very James bondish for some reason
>>1563 God fucking dammit, i told them to vote against the bears but they took the funny meme too far...
>>1562 >I chose to do my thing in the woods since I didn't know what to do.. Kek cute I don't think either can hurt you unless it was one of those super rare venomous types and those are obvious from their color
Time for petora!
>>1563 Kunai is so fucking silly, i love my cool aunt
Nice song, needs more harmonies though lmao
>>1569 Oh, forgot to unspoil kek
Pissbaby Aia!
>>1570 I like the jazz feel
>>1568 10min
>>1567 Yeah, they are pretty harmless but slimy and yucky which I'd rather avoid dealing with
>>1573 Same, she needs to sing more songs like this instead of [insert vocaloid/anime/trending] songs
>>1574 It wouldn't be a Petra stream if it started on time!!
Rosemi is a janny again...
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My bet was right She's 10 minutes late
>>1576 I hope she sings more english songs but I feel it wont happen as she's more familiar with jp songs lol
The game got to real...
Damn Rosemi is talking shit
less than one hour...
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>>1584 Her screams are so cute, i hope she gets scared today too
>>1585 She's a comedic genius
The first video I ever watched on YouTube was family guy "ding fries are done" and red vs blue clips
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Rosemi was there when YouTube spawned... I love my cake future wife
>>1588 I remember the time when i thought Machinima was very cool before i found out about it being an actual black company
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>>1584 >Vivi is back neat
How long have these kids been alone in the house?
>>1584 I love her
>>1581 I really liked her last English karaoke which had her choosing songs from twitter that she never sang before, it was a nice way to shake things up a bit.
>>1592 Japanese parents in eternal work trips, the best anime excuse ever for incest
Aia is really feeling for the kids...
Does Rosemi always make the monkey noises when she pees?
Claude letting his gay side peak and sniffing Aster
>>1599 Well he does like femboys
I wanna take Petras ribbons off
Oh no, the mexican dude that went "yuru camping" is in this game...
I'm jealous...of an outhouse...
Aster's thick ass got him stuck
>>1604 But he has stick legs...
Do you think the guy that wrote this story told them that he was a pissy boy?
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>>1605 He has been getting some intense "workout" recently
Oh yeah, BO you can make thread cyclical here btw so people don't need to make new threads. But it's up to you imo
>>1608 Oh....that's actually very handy, thank you!
>>1607 He's been fitness dick in his mouth HA
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Scarle getto daze!
Petras rape fetish coming through again
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t- 10 minutes
>>1615 >"Spooky is a fucking nigger" Why did she say it?
Rosemi will trust you if you're a trucker
Purple boys are a good trio. haven't had this much fun with an APEX stream in awhile I hope they become a thing and maybe even participate in tournaments together
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It's time
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>>1486 >Are you guys as tired of shitposting as I am? Not really. If I see shitposts are about to ramp up I just close the thread and do something else for a couple of hours. Nothing stops me from using the 4chan thread nor this one. Not like I post much nowadays with Pomu gone anyway.
>>1619 I haven't been watching, but maybe I'll check the VOD or some clips once they're done. I'm glad they're doing some bro bonding and that Aster can come out of his shell a bit more, especially with a new boy. And I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying it yourself, Arcadian(?)
>>1621 Her design is so pretty
I like how simple and concise Vivi's lore video/intro is. She should have included the part with the powerpoint presentation in the youtube upload though.
>>1620 one day the bear sleeper agents will reawaken and take control of the whitehouse. one day...
Vivi can be such a fucking dork, she's so cute
Petra..... I unironically feel bad for you if your childhood consisted of movies like the sound of music
>>1627 Meh, actually only applies to the japanese because they can't do anything outside of Japan
>>1623 >Arcadian(?) Not really. I get curious whenever new people collab with their senpai hoping to find fun new dynamics and I'm happy to say this one is really good and they seemed to have a lot of fun together. It's also nice to see Aster making new friends and getting more comfortable
Vivi is rizzing all the ladies...
>Mean Girls sequel WHAT
Vivi HATES remakes
>>1633 Oh it's a remake, still fuck that
>>1627 But I just got here
Zuttomo can do a watchalong for the mean girls remake, would be lowkey fitting kek
I love how Vivi just says whatever crosses her mind
Vivi is mentally 5 ToT
>"I'm mentally 5" ToT
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>>1624 definitely one of the best out here
>>1630 Actually, they've created this collaboration team to try to solve it, so I don't know what's going to happen.
>>1631 Yeah, I wasn't sure if you were a fan of Aster or not, so I used Arcadian there tentatively. But I agree, it's nice to see new livers form friendships with their senpais. Aster and Zali are unconventional choices, but I think that's what makes it better. I hope we get more purple boy streams from this.
>>1642 If they end up accounting to something then i'll clap harder than anyone but until then i won't expect much out of it
>>1627 Please strike a deal with hiroshimoot
Vivi's cute french, cute cute
>Vivi French Oh my god my heart...
This monster is a fucking LSD trip wtf
Too many streams
>>1649 Not enough We need MORE!
>>1649 To think this timeslot was a desert
>>1649 Well everyone except Pomu and Elira are back so it's gonna happen until NijiFes in December. Also Millie, Selen and somewhat Reimu are still not back to streaming, overlap will just get bigger
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>I heard humans taste like pORK Butas were humans all along...
>>1654 Our meat is very similar, that's why they use dead butas for ballistic testing
Vivi will eat you if she has to survive
Killer Frequency was the best horror game of the year and will get overshadowed by stupid games about running in corridors in the VGAs...
>>1655 Yeah, I've heard that our organs are pretty similar too
>>1656 >Literally eating my dick for sustenance H-hot...
It's kinda funny how none of the actual monsters scare Vivi but the cardboard cut outs get her almost 100% of the times
I am most comfortable sleeping on my tummy preferably hugging a vivi bodypillow
>>1661 I hope Luwud (the guy that made most NijiEN dakis) makes also one for Kunai and Vivi
>>1660 she's the type that you hide behind a corner to spook
Vivi's ashley voice is so cuuuuuuute
This monster hurts my eyes
>Playing RE4 on the Wii I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...
RE5 is my favorite just because of the boulder scene
I feel like Vivi talks more about games in general than most of the other girls, or maybe I'm a bit biased because the girls I watch didn't grow up playing games.
They watch tutorials and read the wiki Vivi. For me it was Paulsoaresjr's survive and thrive series.
>>1668 Well it seems like she was a gamer since she was tiny Vivi so that's probably why
>>1668 I think she has a good balance between talking about herself and talking about the game It's nice
>>1657 Killer Frequency and Dave the Diver are both contenders for some of the best games I've seen the livers play.
>>1673 I just know Baldur's Gate 3 is gonna win a bunch of shit (it doesn't deserve) this year...i don't take the awards seriously but it has become gradually more of a "let's see if someone actually stabs Geoff this time" kind of show rather than watching it for the games itself
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100% BEEF
>>1675 Cute scared Woses
>>1675 Quality Wose images
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>>1680 I love shillmu, she's so cute
>>1677 >>1678 More coming!
https://youtu.be/2YPU2OGTw8U this came up on shuffle today. i've listened to it before but actually listening to it, it's funny how creepy DCL's lyrics can sound depending on the way it's sung lol
Last, I tried to get her with her eyes closed but it's finicky on the phone
Spooky just broke Vivi's legs!
>>1685 I hope she enjoyed her peeing simulator
Page 10?
>>1688 This is a cyclical thread, it'll be created again once it dies
>>1689 Holy shit
Vivi is a lizard
>>1691 I mean...have you seen her Skyrim character?
Vivi maybe hasn't played Clock Tower but tonight she's gonna learn how to play Cock Tower (with me)
kek that sister thought Vivi was talking about an otoge
Vivi was about to say a racial slur but she didn't! Good job, Vivi! You get a shiny star!
>>1693 Clocktower is the one where you run from scissors people right?
>>1696 Yeah, spooky midget scissor man
>>1697 I've never played it but it looks like one of those games that'd be a lot scarier if I was Japanese ya know what I mean?
I Can't Forgive Petra's Game Choice Sometimes I'm not saying she should be a Number faggot, but she should at least choose games that are interesting to watch
>>1698 It's not actually scary, it's just the japanese take on the "man with the hook" myth but in a mansion with teenage girls, actually sounds like someone's fetish
>>1700 >sounds like someone's fetish nta but isn't that every japanese game?
>>1699 And you trust the girl with shit taste in many things to somehow have good taste in games?
>>1700 I wanna try that one where you take pictures of the ghosts I forgot it's name it seems semi spooky at least
>>1699 This one is pretty good imo.
>>1701 Demonophobia was the awakening for many guro lads... >>1703 Fatal Frame? That one is pretty fucking spooky
>>1684 I miss Enna doing stuff like this. I remember her getting asked about doing more of these kind of small covers like that holiday version of hope in the dark but she said perms being harder to get was what made her stop. Admittedly it doesn't make much sense since you see other livers uploading covers at higher frequencies lol, oh well. https://youtu.be/7hcW3x3Quo4
>>1705 Yeah that's the one! I know there was one that came out for steam a while back like "maiden of blackwater" or something Ive been waiting for a good sale to get it
>>1699 You don't watch Petra for her game choices, you watch Petra for her smug bratty attitude and rape bait
>>1707 That one is good, also once you end the game you can get swimsuits for the characters and wet shirts
Vivi is a "the original is better" hippy and she's right
>>1708 It's kind a true but...you know...
Vivi and Enna can talk to each other about David Cage games
>>1712 Except Enna likes them unironically...
We were robed of Star Wars cagekino with Vivi
Has anyone in en played fahrenheit? I actually didn't think that one was terrible
>>1715 Nope, just Vivi and you'd need an actual PS2 to play the game i think. Ngl it'd be funny to see them react to the dude throwing kame hame has
>>1711 Well I get what you mean. I love maria a lot but I'm not very big on farming simulators so I don't watch her as much as I would like to Thankfully for me though, I can get my fix from Vivi now since she has very similiar taste in games as me
>>1716 I'm pretty sure I remember it being on steam if I'm thinking of the right one
Once in a while I go back to Enna embracing her Chinese blood during Beyond Two Souls. https://youtu.be/VaDRlwHVX-g
Every time I come on this board I see Mysta's fucking face looking at me, can you please get rid of it?
>>1721 Oh yeah, i kinda forgot about that one, maybe i should but i need to make more pics to replace it with
A mermaid is eating Vivi's toes, giwtwm
Vivi wants to piss in the public pool...
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>>1722 Thanks bro
>"Pool's closed" VIVI NO
Vivi was low-key admitting she pees in pools....hot
>>1728 Yeah, especially if you get near her
>All the girls i like talk about their pee a lot Why am i like this?
Vivi premeditating pool peeing
If I didn't love Vivi I would love her so much more after today. I'm 100% commissioning this now
>vore >slime >pee what's next on vivi's fetish checklist?
>>1733 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO >>1734 You forgot lolis
>>1735 >lolis Oh right. I'm waiting for her Nobeta playthrough to see how much of it she let slip out
>>1735 I was originally gonna do Millie for the prompt but Vivi is literally admitting she'd do what I was gonna commission Millie to do. My commission will be her standing in a pool with a bunch of faceless strangers and peeing in the pool with an alt where she pulls her bikini to the side and does it. Now I'm just not sure what artist I'll go with
>>1737 Might i recommend Ceijin? He has no problem drawing pee and he actually completed my Maririn commission in 2 weeks, he was also very nice to work with and really cheap!
>I love ketchup chips Well nobody ever called her perfect I guess....
>>1739 They are ok, i wouldn't pick them up but i would eat them if they were there at the table. My personal favorite is onions and cream
>Vivi became a ghost Oh...
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nta but I'll commission them someday. Honestly looks amazing to me
>>1741 She's preparing for sex with mumu later
>>1742 Meant for >>1738
>>1738 I'll definitely consider it I'm a bit short rn so it might not be immediate
Vivi the game isn't even that scary.....
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Vivi finished another game! I look ahead to see what she's gonna play next week. I hope it's Half Life Or Nobeta or both
Whenever Petra gets complimented she's so cute
>>1745 Yeah, of course, whenever you can afford it, here's the link, he charges 4000 JPY (i gave him some more because i wanted an alt and because i feel like he should charge more actually) https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11739884/request
Petra is so bratty, what's up with this woman? Does she want to be raped?
>>1750 Yes, in a cage
Oh god Vivi, thank you for making me feel old https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpOdFxTC8ZQ
.hack was really good honestly it's a shame it wasn't more popular
SAO spin-offs were better than the main story including the gun game (up until Kirito starts being the center of attention again)
>>1750 Someone earlier told her they were only using her for content and she was like >Wait why is that kinda hot Petra is unironically someone who'd be into being pumped and dumped
Vivi is a closeted gay man
>>1755 But anon, how am i supposed to engage with the story if i don't have my self-insert black haired brown eyed character that's a failure IRL but all the bitches thirst for him because he's really good at game like me frfr?
Awww you can tell Vivi is a big fan when she mentions the voice range Enna has for voice acting
>>1758 I never knew how bad the series was until I tried playing one of the games outside of the bullet one Also Vivi making kf1 references holy shit
Vivi and kunai both fit in really well
>>1760 >Vivi is a Trevorfag not really surprised
Petra is a yurifag and it's really cute
>>1762 Trevor was unironically one of the only people who had his head on straight for the entirety of the campaign.
Vivi please don't play 4 it'll take you forever to finish and while the campaign is good it's not worth the terrible driving!
Saints row 3 suckssssssssss
RIP Volition, you won't be missed
>>1765 I was hoping she picks up Vice City instead
Knowing Cantonese and being familiar with Hong Kong really enhance sleeping dogs
>she loves sleeping dogs a sequel never
Vivi likes Sleeping Dogs She and Selen would get along well.. Selen mentioned that she really liked that game too
Vivi reminded me that i called all my horses in games some variant of glue
>>1771 Vivi is probably a Hong Konger too, she brought up Hong Kong styled french toast before. Petra would probably love the game for the same reason.
>ew ghost reimumu...
Vivi, c'mon, you can't say i shouldn't find ghosts cute...
Vivi there is a penguin the branch that likes to be in a cage
>>1776 We have yet to see who outbrats the other between Peto and Vivi
Niji can't stream that incest game yet?
>>1778 I think Fu-chan was trying to get perms for it but he didn't give any more news about it
>>1779 Sometimes it's sad that they can't keep up with trends because of it
Oh so that's how her crunchy dono sounds.
Man, this game Petra's playing has an aesthetic about it that I just love. Both the art style and the sprite work are just really pleasing to my eyes.
>She almost said Black Brotherhood Vivi your channer almost showed...
Oh Reimu is gonna stream as a Giftuber tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlZt6rrWcFQ
It's nice hanging out with you, Paladins! It's really nice to see people enjoying her and the rest of TTT so much already.
>>1784 did she talk about how she's planning to get her phone back?
>>1782 These are the games that seem to have a solid fanbase Games that are not popular but have a loyal fanbase
>>1784 I feel bad for how shitty her streak of luck has been. But hey, at least she's back, and you'll get cute scuffed Reimu!
>>1785 I really like her! She also streams at like 1 AM for me so she covers my insomnia hours! Truly her and Kunai were something i needed because i watch Vivi during the nights i can't sleep and Kunai during the mornings while i work. I also watch Claude whenever i have time, he's very enjoyable and his Battle Network stream was pretty good, really highlighted his VA passion
>>1786 Mane-san recovered today when he received the message and already sent it to Reimu but, well, international shipping takes time
>>1785 she's pretty great honestly alongside the other TTT members I'm just bummed I can barely catch Kunai live. At least the Cuphead collab should be a good time
>>1791 I hope Kunai keeps doing short dumb videos like the news one she did today
Idk why but thanks to this game i got reminded of a hentai horror game where it was separated between an RPG Maker horror game with puzzles and exploration and a dating part in the HUB with 2 sisters, one a 3 meter tall MILF and the other a bratty loli
>>1789 Yeah, I was surprised by her streaming times, but she fills a nice gap for me. She's pretty chill, so it's perfect for me to listen to her while I get comfortable in bed. Kunai hours have also been pretty comfy, I hope she keeps up those Hollow Knight streams. Same with Claude and MMBN, he was so cute during it, and I loved to hear him sound so passionate about it. >>1791 That's right, I can't believe I almost forgot about their Cuphead collab. I'm excited to see how their personalities mesh 1-on-1!
I missed Ren's energy. What an uplifting goofball
>>1795 same, he doesn't mess around when it comes to mario kart either, he's gotten quite a few 1st places since i've been watching him
>>1798 No idea but that would be dumb for them to delete a feature and not replace it with something else, but this is musk's Xwitter we're talking about here
>>1800 Kek
>>1800 that is so retarded
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Vox's triple dice from this collab has always remained stuck in my mind
>>1805 hey
uuuuuu I miss Vivi
https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1722495129867403765 Reimu is pretty dang cute if I do say so myself
>>1805 dead anons, it seems like most anons are only active here during NA hours
Why did vivi change her timeslot, I keep having to watch the vods now...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVQF302toBk Kotoka karaoke starting soon
>>1812 She moved it back only an hour, no? Maybe it has to do with the retarded daylight saving thing
>>1814 I think it's that. Same with Kunai too and I can't watch her live anymore.
I swear I associate this bgm with only Kotoka
I don't think I ever caught a Kotoka karaoke since I'm usually asleep around this time but goddamn she sounds good
It fits her voice so well holyy crap
>>1818 She's really underrated to be honest.
>>1820 I've listened to some covers and I feel like she would one of the more powerful performances during concerts. I hope NijiEN gets to that soon or at least include her in the AR live as well as Meloco since they already are in Japan
>I'm gonna drink some cock koto...
>>1823 kek yeah this is the first thing that came to my mind
>>1820 Some of her covers do pop off hard though, her Show cover reached like 1 mil in a month and her Idol and G4L covers also did really well but i would love if more people listened to her karaokes
Whoa I was hoping she would cover this song one day after I heard the shorts DAAAARRINNGG
Why won't Kotoka sing the OP from this obscure old anime I used to watch as a kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klEv4JAdf-o
>>1827 I really want Kotoka to cover something that makes her seem like a bad yankee girl that would break my balls becuase her yankee voice is THE BEST
>>1828 Why won't kotoka sing a song from my kamioshi
>>1828 The same reason why Enna won't sing Kalafina songs, they may know what you did to those kids during the summer of 92
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Not sure if these comedy moments in her Karaoke are a bit or is she actually panicking
>>1831 She has technically sung one of their songs before.
Yeah, she has a very intense voice, she reminds me of tsujidou-san no jun ai road when they get angry..
>>1834 She knows how dangerous fatefags are
>>1829 >>1836 I forgot to quote..
someone in nijien please cover 'i beg you' thank you
>>1836 Didn't know about the VN but she looks like some tough girl that would be a cinnamon roll and i love those types
>>1110 he had a mask and glasses on so the model wouldn't move anyways last time he did a ygo unboxing the reflection caught him a bit kek
>>1841 Even with mask and glasses on showing the face isn't allowed, no?
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I am the seed of my fruit shell is my body and juice is my blood I have created over a thousand suika Unknown to death nor known to life Have withstood pain to create many combos Yet my score will never reach 3k So, as I pray Unlimited Suika Works!
>>1842 He should just go full Meloco and put on a horse mask
>>1840 That's pretty much it but they fight too, it's lighthearted and cute
>>1836 knowing the guy who translated tsujidou made it nigh impossible to jerk off to
Duki is making spicy woses now! Hazukashi! https://twitter.com/hduckl1/status/1722587634097397804
>>1842 i think it was more of a case if he did fuck up at least it would be blocked until he got a chance to edit it out but even the first time it's not like he showed face. it just caught his air
Oh yeah here's an example of yankee Koto, her backing vocals when she sings Call Boy are 10/10 https://www.youtube.com/live/3NiyvLaBvns?si=MZ3Akill2Fqj8pl4&t=3077
Anon I know you're opening this in another tab stop shilling this board, The "evil" reputation of this site is a necessary filter to gatekeep against shitposters.
Hi minna-san. I'm new here.
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>>1851 >fresh meat
>>1851 Hello new, I'm anon
>>1851 Hi! What streams are you looking forward to?
>>1846 Really? I thought it was okay but again I barely read the voiced text since I understand a bit of jp
>>1852 Of course pomudachi always be the same >>1853 Hi anon >>1854 Actually gonna sleep soon, watching Kotoka belting right now. Maybe visit Enna a little bit. Holy shit Queen Bee
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>>1851 Cute malaysian anon come here guhehehe
Cute hamter
Enna's stream is cutting off for me, I just hope it's only on my end
I hope that Kotoka is working in an orisong in the future with lots of growling, i would really like to see how that would go
>>1863 Fuck, your image make me desire a pregenant Kotoka image
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bird LOVE! and i'm not as old as you, HAG ALOUETTE
Kotoka should sing Tsunami
>>1864 >>1867 shit i forgot to reply
>>1867 awooooooooooooooga
>>1867 Where the baby bump?
>>1864 you're making me miss Damascus
>>1871 We have Pudding now making preggo sex at least
>>1872 Pudding is a blessing for us the /d/fags
>>1867 Aren't Pudding is The Futa supplier
>>1874 Pudding does many things, sometimes futa, sometimes preggo, he even had an alt where he made a short unfinished doujin of Elira getting fucked by beast Pikl
Koto is making me remember bird cuck and i hate it...
Man, I want to have sex with Kotoko's voice
>>1877 *Kotoka, not Kotoko. Who the hell is Kotoko?
>>1878 kotako...
Damn kotoka
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I enjoyed sacrificing precious sleep to hear Kotoka sing gn
>>1878 Some og eroge singer, I know some of her songs from playing osu kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iZVvkxiGMY
>>1883 She is real?!
Ok now that Koto is gone i can listen to Meloco eat in my ears
>>1884 Oops, that's ave;new, this is Kotoko I think she sang some Shana OPs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esU9kG9b1Go
>>1882 See ya maripet, have a nice rest
>Go to Melo stream >"OMG It's so big" >Choking noises >CRUNCH Melo...it's morning for me you can't do this to me...
Oh shit i just realized my cool auntie is gonna play Minecraft on the EN server today! I hope she has fun
>>1889 There will probably people hopconning just to greet her,
>>1888 >CRUNCH A-anon, I don't think she's giving proper blowie techniques...
>>1891 Well maybe i'm into that, have you thought about that?
>>1892 Oh... carry on then.
>>1889 I am really curious about how she is going to interact with members outside of her wave
Oh shit, i didn't know about this collab, good lineup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgEdLjIpMdw
Enna is gonna be addicted to this game like Suika
>>1896 Enna is the equivalent of my grandma at this point
>>1895 Holy crap this is gonna be fun, a dad and his 3 autistic children kek
Oh Reimu was streaming, she's using a gif kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlZt6rrWcFQ
Okay I'm here bros
>>1900 Good, take your regulatory gun
>>1899 >Main thread didn't even post a link If there is something anons here can do peacefully, it's that.
>>1902 And i would be liveposting it if it weren't for this stupid meeting i'm in...
this looks like I'm witnessing a messy break up
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I miss Pomu...
>>1905 It's ok, pomie, she seems to be having fun adventuring, also a week has passed already https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff/status/1722621582492020928
Wait i got baited into a Gojo thirsting stream...
God i want to be the cleaning lady...
Why women like Gojo
>>1909 Imagine how sweaty they were
Mumu just spent all her money in Jujutsu Kaisen merch, honestly i think they should give you a half cut discount on his merch
>>1913 Fucking kek
Itadori...everyone hates you...
Oh? Seems like they were told in a short notice to go to japan apparently, Reimu said that she wasn't planning on doing her birthday in Japan but they suddenly told her to go there. My theory that the NijiEN staff got a hold of the studio for a bunch of things so they decided to schedule it full and fly everyone there in a short notice might actually be true, also probably why TTT got so little time between the hiring and debut (1 month) as they said also, most likely to cover for all the people that was gone and to give them a good chance of getting watched by fans of the people that were on "break"
The airport wanted to charge Reimu extra BECAUSE OF HER FAT ASS
>9 kilos of merch HOLY FUCK
Reimu will eat the Tazumi curry on stream!
>>1919 I honestly would like to try it
Reimu had mane-san take her from the airport because she's baby and can't manage to navigate through Japan alone...
Reimu is a bratty stacy latina lady that asks her manager to buy her chocolate because she can't function in the morning without it
Reimus addiction to chocolate is cute
Mane-san took Reimu's chocolate because she was gonna get FAT
Enna sticking up for Reimu and her chocolate addiction
>>1925 To be fair, Mumu's mane-san sounds cute
>Ethyria's manager acts like their mom Oh...
Cute girl failure mane-san
>>1928 I want to date mane-san now...
Mumu cute
Reimu eats like a hamster
Mumu, your pics didn't get approval yet because you probably had mane-san running everywhere yesterday trying to send you your liver phone
Awwww, there's a pic of Millie doing peace signs with Pompompurin ears
This is macaroon btw
Mumu's legs are POWERFUL
>>1935 She was giving Enna a piggyback ride and princess carried Peto, she has some nice legs probably (and ass)
Finana is a child and it's so cute
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>>1867 Delete this
>>1937 I love that she actually got into a big trip with the others because it's normally just Pomu babysitting her but i'm really proud of her getting out of her comfort zone and going places with the girlies!
>Finana got vaporeon YJW
Man, i wanna eat unagi too, it looks so delicious in tourism videos
>>1941 Do you think she knows....?
Molesting drunken Reimu on a train!
>>1943 Of course she knows
Fancy unagi meal! Mumu got tipsy on plum alcohol...
Elira is an enabler that likes to get girls drunk!
>This is thread is just as fast as /NijiEN/ now Are we finally back or did the other thread just dying?
>>1948 Idk, i just wanna livepost Mumu without every retard in the site calling me Vox or something
I feel like at least 75% of reimus zatsu has been about food and alcohol, I'll marry this Latina one day
Ohhh that sashimi looks really good
>>1948 Meh idk, I post on both anyways
>>1950 I wanna take care of drunk Mumu
>>1949 It's literally just milgurschizo posting this hetship garbage. He's been doing it for over a year now, but he has gone completely off the rails few weeks ago. I wish mods would just rangeban him and ennaschizo, it would unironically make the thread 80% more usable
Enna is using 100% of her brainpower rn
>>1948 That thread is so bad, I honestly don't even want to look at it
RURU PLEASE MY DICK, IT'S NOVEMBER YOU SICK FUCK https://twitter.com/ruru_nnnn/status/1722638670845382858
>>1957 HOLY
>>1957 Oh yeah I saw that earlier! Good shit ruru has a great way of drawing breasts
Cute pastries!
Claude gets some of the best meme images i fucking swear
Millie gets super excited over small things and that's cute
>Mumu wear a lot of white She's a pimp, isn't she?
>>1964 What do you think this is for?
>I know you love whites Kek
>>1961 That baby on fire? Me.
Tuna is making a story about a pomudachi and a famelira dating https://twitter.com/RoamingTuna/status/1722643619042201773
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Good morning! Seems like we have a lot of good stuff going today! Mario Party later... I will probably Vodwatch Reimumu, I like their trip videos but don't like coming in midway =w= Hoply today is stacked for Phantomos! Also Finana's back and comfy auntie Kunai Minecarts... I think we're eatihg good, baby!
>>1968 Cute. I love tuna
Well at least the phone was in the studio and not the hotel
>>1969 I'm Actually interested in the shill stream feesh is doing
>>1969 Yay! I'm gonna go through the Mario Party collab into Vivi and sleep at 4 AM again...
>>1971 Yeah that's what I was thinking. I originally thought they just sent Reimu another phone but it sounds like it'll be her phone.
>>1969 Hell yeah, bud! I'm excited for the Mario Party collab, pretty kino lineup. I'm also interested in the game Claude's playing later, I watched a bit of Doppio's playthrough and I really like it.
Reimu loves sweaters, i also find them cute (and hot if they go down her butt)
Good nighty anons...1am for me...
>>1976 Reimu being commando underneath a sweater is hot
>>1977 Goodnight anon
>"I'm so happy because Millie went ham on the purchases and she was so happy! It was her first time in Japan and she had such a good time!" Awwwwww, Millie is kinda down now but i'm happy she had such a good time with the girls
>>1977 Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Finana and her shopping addiction....
>>1981 >sometimes I pee >HOW DOES THAT WORK Kek
Finana was the biggest spender of the trip, i'm not surprised actually
>>1981 kek
>>1971 I know it's kind of offtopic, but I'm glad this board is getting a revival. It's really refreshing to get actually good on topic discussions without schizos, /soc/fags, annoying avatarfags and raiders.
>>1987 (me) Fuck, I accidently replied to a post, sorry
Japans KFC I've been told is really good
It makes me sad that every country outside of mine can do fast food better
Honey pizza?
>>1990 There's some places in the US i really like that we don't have in other places though, i always go to 5 guys when i go over there
Enna has suika on the brain
Huh? They have different managers for daily managing and perms? This is new info
Oh, my God. I'm Korean and this shit is actually bothered me a lot I'm feel so good that he told that crazy korean sisters to get fuck off
>>1972 It looks interesting for sure! Might check it out while doing my chores =w= >>1973 It's do be like that sometimes. Ganbare! >>1975 Oo hmmm, I haven't checked that game out. I'll probably watch Piochan play it. Feels like there's never enough time sometimes, hehe. >>1977 Good night! >>1995 Yeah, it's ridiculous, people from my home countries get offended over stupid shit sometimes and I think the world would just be a better place if people developed thick skins and treated everything like bantz
>>1995 I just hope they don't go schizo, not in the intention to offend you but i heard many things about how schizo korean girls can get
>>1996 >>1997 It's so annoying that these K pop girls are already canceling Kyo, but I wish they would just go away. These assholes don't realize how many aisan jokes or white jokes are made on Niji EN Literally, they don't watch stream
>>1997 I think he's aware, especially given KPop fans
Awwwww Elira such a fucking sweety
Mumu and Elira watche JJK on TV in japanese
I agree, Maki shouldn't be there, she should be at my house stomping on my balls
>>1999 It's really dumb. Some countries just get known for things that they are good at/is popular in the country? People say SK is where you go if you want good plastic surgery, Thailand if you want cheap plastic surgery... America if you want fat people, guns and burgers, etc. Singapore if you want to go on a food trip for multiple countries, and shopping for the ladies, also overpriced housing, and being a tax haven. There's good and bad shit about every country that's known internationally
Reimu, you just bought overpriced screenshots...
Millie and Mumu went out on a date!
>>1992 5 guys isn't bad but I like chicken >>2005 Shh let the girl live
>>2006 Aaaaaand it was at McDonalds...could've been worse, they could've gone to Saizeriya
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>>2007 My dream...
>Elira sends something to Reimu mid stream >It says "Gojo" >Cute Reimu fangirl noises Thank you Ewiwa
Mumu and Millie's parfaits!
Mumu's soba
I gotta go now so i'll stop liveposting Mumu but also remember that my cute hag aunt Kunai is straming in 7 minutes, it's her first time in the Minecraft server! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1CsL3RVJro
>>1968 Elira and Pomu are funding the fanbase shipping art
I wonder if Wilson will show up in Minecraft since he wanted to be there for the last stream
Ohhh, Kunai is exploring the JP server today, pretty cool
Finana and Reimu are both children
>>2019 enter minecraft addict
I wish they could share the videos....
>>2021 Oh, she just went to jp server for a minute, she's doing EN only today I guess
>is this morally acceptable don't show her the sheep fricker
I got banned on the other side for someone proxying on my isp's mobile line at the start of October. Will be here. >>2024 I really wanted to see Selen's video of Rosemi handling the LMG airsoft gun... just the mental image of it is hilarious to me
I'm tired but I want to stay up for Reimu
Zali has joined Miencraft server too!
Mumu says finana is very pretty
Selen is very shy
granny is already looking for places to grow old and die
hag love
Wilson is an architect trying to fatten up Kunai
Is it bad if I like seeing kunai suffering ?
>>2035 no her suffering is cute
kunai is getting put into the sex dungeon
grannys screams are seriously erotic
>>2034 I think all loving guys have a little bit of an architect in them because of biological programming. Moms need a little extra weight on them to help sustain a child in the womb so our lizard brains are wired that way.
Kunai so cuuute
>This thread is actually liveposting >The other thread discusses some random korean femcels on Twitter Really makes you think
I love Kunai
I came back, what shenanigans has Kunai been up to?
>>2043 She and Wilson just went through the red maze
>>2043 She got hazzed by zali and wilson, zali left, now she is just exploring with wilson
Awww Wilson is such a nice guide
>>2045 The fucking frenchmen...
How's the Kunai bullying initiation, did she get krilled yet?
>>2048 A few times
>>2049 I'm a blind pluck, just saw the posts above.. Is this her first time playing mc?
>>2050 Idk, I doubt she never tried it
This is like Wilson showing his aunt around his Minecraft server
Kunai has one baby (yeah mine) and she needs to figure out her live now...
>>2050 She played it couple of times before, but not much
I hope she tries building a sewer home and roleplays like TMNT
>Kunai's mom was calling her just to tell her she made food Cute!
Kek, Rosemi-sama and Alban gravel scam arc
Kunai left the mandatory sign in Rosemi's abandoned house
>>2058 >abandoned house Don't remind me... I had hopes she would play it again after starting her survival world but it was just for the championship and they lost...
Kunai, if someone escapes the brothel i'm sure Pomu will use her PPimp stick to fuck them up so badly that they would be a nice example to what happnes if you try to escape
This must hurt for Kunai who is an animal lover...
This is what happnes when you don't follow the rules, Kunai
KEK Kunai spawned near the axolotl farm
It's Kunover..
>Kunai needs to hug something when she sleeps SHE SO CUTE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
They come from another world? Eh?
No Kunai don't go...
Auntie left, i miss auntie...
Bye bye Kunai, thanks for the stream, it was fun
>>2059 It was fun watching her play solo. It was a bit aggravating to my autistic brain at the same time with the lack of lateral thinking but she made some fun adventures happen and was cute as always
Damn, how did we had 5 streams a few hours ago and ending up to being literal dead hours.
>>2074 they hate europeans
Elira retweeted this one, she really wants us to lust for her tits https://twitter.com/walzrjW18/status/1722655466675957796
>>2076 elira knows exactly what she is doing
suika has broken zali...
>>2079 when he gets double suika, he is going to stop right ?
>>2080 He won't stop until he's the best in the world
watching enna's vod rn and the way she played the math stage is giving me brain damage
>>2082 I lose another neuron every time i see Enna have a try at something that resembles a puzzle
It's so cute to see Vivi replying to liggers
I noticed that we can access the logs of the board and and see which posts got reported and had their reports closed. Not sure if that should be intended for everyone to see.
>>2085 That's a site feature, there's no option to disable it
>>2084 Vivi actually follows a great bunch of vtubers
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AGCOq2TSlk Koto should be joining the watchalong soon
Reimu will be late, but she'll be joining later on
Enter Reimu, she's in
>>2082 Is she still coughing? Don't think I'll have time to catch up on that VOD but will be there for the mengen.
>>2091 I didn't hear coughing but I did hear a lot of malding and anxiety over then parking minigame lmao
I will not be able to stream it Tomorrow since it's literally 6am for me but I can provide a link to it and you can either watch it from there or set up a watchalong on cytube yourself
>"COME" >Feesh laughs for a straight minute I love her so much kek
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>>2096 Ohio Is for lovers
Finana is the right amount of dumb for this stream
>>2096 Vox I know you clarified this isn't Baba but I will still keep holding a small grudge on how you never did Baba's debut lmao.
>>2096 Vox is malaysian....
>>2099 Baba died and he got turned into a stuffed monkey
>>2098 Usually I can't catch her solo due to timezones but recently got to see a bit of the vacation zatsu and this stream and they've been nice.
Reimu update: Reimu like bread
>>2105 Yes! I'm so happy I took a nap and woke up just in time for this.
Aia, Ike, Ren, Rosemi doko?
>>2107 Silly anon, it's a collab, do you think any of them would be on time?
Huh I thought I missed the start but it's delayed...
>>2108 I mean....
>>2105 Starting!
Speak of the devil
Aia gulping on cum already...
Wosemi-sama kinda quiet
>>2114 It's 10 AM for her body
>>2115 Wosemi-sama is SEA people??!
Imagine not being in the 3k+ club
>>2116 She's just autistic
>>2116 She still has jet lag from Japan
Holy fuck, Ren can do a good yoshi impression
>>2120 He's pretty cracked at a bunch of characters, my favorite one is his Goofy
>>2121 My favorite one is Doppio
Aia showing off her big ass
Aia says her ass is so big that you can hear it go "PLAP PLAP PLAP"
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>Wait, Chris Pratt? This group is a lot of fun already =w= picrel to Rosemi's face when
God blessed Aia with a big ass and star RNG
>>2125 Now I want to see Rosemi Huh clip again. Do you have it?
Wose is the only one without a star...
Rosemi-sama is gonna be last again... KEK.
Ike bully Aia...
>>1909 why were her undies out to be folded?
Based... Ren hates Aia..
Ren really does make everyone despise him while playing Mario Party.
>>2137 And Fall Guys
God gives Aia hope just to take it out of her hands when she thought she had a chance...
>check this out
>>2128 Not on my phone sadly Also crying Rosemi-Sama...
Aia choking with the jump...
Aia...this is giving me parkour challenge PTSD...
Aia is such girlfailure
Bowser felt so bad for Aia he gave her a tip...
Why does Rosemi feel like krilling herself?
>Rosemi threatening to kill herself if she loses a children's game She's just like her oshi Kaiba...
I don't think Aia is having fun guys kek
Ren is actually such a cruel person behind the jolly demeanor.
>>2150 It's his Mario Party persona
>>2151 He also tricked Enna into riding a scary ride. Although I don't get it since the ride looked tame when I looked it up on YouTube lmao.
>>2152 Anything is a life threatening experience to Enna, even feeding ducks in the park
Oh wtf i didn't know that exised, it apparently doubles the stars you gain when you pay for a star
>Ike did an internship in a kindergarden Ike...the lolicon allegations...
Kek today is international bullying Aia day
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>>2159 Of course she isn't, she wants to read about fat lizard dumpy
Nice coordination to actually surround Ren with the blocks
Aia is gonna become a school shooter
>>2159 Brazilian pomie.....
Claude is Good At Yugioh
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>>2164 I'm not a pomie...
Aia left the room...
Rosemi became a crack smoker! Yippie!
>Roll a 1 >Into item space with Bowser Jr. God really hates his angels
What are these item spaces...
Kek Aia...
Being Aia is suffering
They didn't get the paranoia agent reference...
>>2175 I don't think many people in NijiEN would've actually watched Paranoia Agent
Is Ren gonna pull something out of his ass and win at the last minute=
I wonder if Ren ever tried playing Soulslike games
>>2178 I think not, he's more of a nintendo/party game player
>Raised the toll to 50 REN WTF
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Playing with Ren is being tortured live
Thanks for the watchalong, Wilson, it was fun. Shame that Kotoka couldn't make it this time
>>2176 I feel like Fuchan would watch it if someone recommeded it to him
Aia and her obsession with Gabriel from Ultrakill...i think she actually has the daki
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Woohoo Rosemi-samaaaa!
>>2179 I think he might have good game sense for them but maybe those types of games make him get too anxious so his sticks to his comfort party games
Holy shit Aia actually helped Ren...
I wonder what kind of sin Aia commited to deserve this...
KEK fucking Ren
Aia doesn't know that Yoshi is a serial tax evader
Awwww a vide of Ember playing with a ball https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/status/1722812190833733779
it would be so good if they can wager stars. i remember that was a thing in other mario party games. the salt would be immense
>>2191 Hayai desu
>>2194 that artist is always really fast, i wonder how they do it
>>2193 Duel glove should allow that option when you're finishing in 5 rounds
holy shit rosemi destroyed them
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Rosemi-sama zenloss
What a game..
She got robbed of that slowpoke star...
yu wasn't even in this stream yet he still gets bullied lmao. he even raided them and everything!
Reimumu doko?
Fun collab! ROSEMI GOT ROBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok now i make some coffee and wait for Vivi next, maybe watch an anime episode while i'm at it
>>2204 She's dead, anon, let her go
>>2207 yada
How was the collab?
>>2209 Aia got massacred
>>2210 It was meant to be
vivi in less than 20 minutes along with scarle! tonight should be fun. I hope the two love birds are doing okay
>vivi spent the whole day hunting for starbucks drinks
>>2213 Good on her for admitting that is more of a dessert than actual coffee, unlike SOME PENGUINS
finana was really cute today the game she played felt kinda like trine. She was having a lot of fun with it that I was surprised it was a sponsored stream
>>2215 Come
>>2213 I like to arrive 15 minutes earlier to Vivi's streams because i know she's gonna be cute in pre-chat
Claude being really into voice acting his games is pretty cute. I love the VA autism.
>>2216 shes cute
>>2214 I don't get how people drink these everyday, it's too freaking sweet
>>2220 I don't know how someone would like that as an actual coffee option more than a well made coffee grounded in the moment
bibi time
>>2220 Sugar addiction is a real thing and a big factor in diabetes and obesity stats
Her loading screen is very sovl
I wonder if scarle realized that the "secret menu" was a lie made up by people like a decade ago and that in order to actually get stuff off of it you have order the items individually....
>"It's like we're kids" ToT
It is really good
Vivi is a very bad paladin
Vivi WILL kill the children for their tomes of Lusty Argonian Maid
>>2213 >Vivi was hunting down starbucks drinks >Scarle was hunting down macflurries https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni/status/1722812352738058392 THEY ARE
I still can't hear it as let's get to looting
>>2232 The $100 one is my favorite, also you got the 2232 post
>kids really love repetition my anki reps...
Vivi is impressed she had female audience! Actually Savi drew her https://twitter.com/savisavichan/status/1717974263045505031
>vivi has an even gender split that is very surprising
Don't worry Vivi there's another Chinese girl int the branch that has the same audience split and loves to give advise.
Vivi's wisdom for the ladies: "Say no to every Valo e-boy"
Why can't she just lay one.....
>>2239 Maria.....
>>2241 She needs someone to fertilize them (me)
Mumu starting! I can't wait to kidnap Loli mumu
>>2238 I think almost all the new girls (iluna onwards) have an even split or female majority fanbase
Now I'm too scared to join Vivi's chat..
Cute mumu. She should stream like this onward
>>2245 maybe I underestimated how many lesbians there are
>>2245 I don't think Scarle and Aia have that many female fans
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Vivi could be breaking plates with a hammer and i'd still think the stream is comfy
>>2250 Scarle is the exception and I think Aia is female majority...
>>2250 I thought Aia was very popular with lesbians
>>2247 You'll be fine, I've been nervous to talk in my oshi's chats too. But after a while you get used to it. You sorta blend in with the rest of the chat and it becomes easier to be a part of it.
>>2252 Last time i heard about it Aia was like 60% women
>>2251 Her voice and manner of speaking is extremely comforting and soothing
>>2252 >>2253 Hadn't notice that, most of Aiadmirers in her chat are male. Although I've encontered plenty of female meloves and kotocats on Twitter, so maybe they're jsut lurking
>>2256 I know this is probably a broken recorder with vtubers but i would actually want her to read Lusty Argonian Maid with an ASMR mic
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I didn't know lizards could be that erotic
>>2259 She's just like me frfr
>>2260 Lizards always erotic
By the way, are there any opposite examples of male members having a lot of male viewers? I saw Fuchan, Aster and Sonny had some in their chat
>>2260 Sexy liz ard!
Scarle is playing WoW in 2 hours. How I do spoiler in this place?
>>2263 Prob Sonny has the most but even then it's probably 75% female I thought Kyo had a lot of male fans, but he has like 15%
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>>2264 LIZ LOVE
>>2264 Fuck, you've reminded me of one cute girl who cosplayed her on comiket. She had some nipslips and I've jerked off to her so much
>>2263 probably depends on what they're playing on that stream. i recall luca used to have a 60:40 split but it's probably 80:20 at this point
>>2266 Spoiler images or spoiler text?
>>2266 >How I do spoiler in this place? I want to know too
>>2272 Text. I'm too use to crtl+s
what game is millie playing?
>>2276 no way this works
>>2277 Isn't that the gacha game they were all talking about?
>>2278 Yes it does
>>2276 moe moe kyun~
>>2276 neat
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>>2276 Thank you, anon. Muah. <3
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Do you think Vivi's tail is sensitive?
>>2276 <can you combine them?
>>2286 LMAO
>>2286 [moe] I've fucked it up..... [moe]
>>2286 you forgot the /
>>2286 >>2288 I'm a retard, sorrryyyyy
>>2276 /roll{1d20]
Kyo is fucking based Holy shit I kneel
>>2279 the ui does look like reverse 1999 didn't know it had minigames or whatever
>>2293 Anon, your notation reps... 1d20 = 12
>>2293 I'm stupid 1d20 = 18
>>2293 based retard
>Vivi uses magic >Just kills the wolf by kicking it Good old kick magic
So many good streams tonight... The voices, help...
Vivi just can't stop shitting on todd...
>>2303 Scat kyomie... No
Fucking Vivi stealing horses not knowing that they're only good to climb mountains
>>2294 what'd he do? ngl i know he called out some korean twittersisters or something but that's it lol
>>2304 Don't worry, he isn't here yet
kek it just works
>>2308 Until it doesn't and you need to trigger an event via console
>>2306 Yeah and I love it
She learned about the horse tech nice
Vivi being excited and then saying some random shit has to be one of my favorite things about her
she has such a cute laugh
I kinda realize now with how bad other thread has been I kinda don't even wanna bother reading through it anymore. I might just stick to here even if it has it lulls. The board features are all better and I feel like just being around to discuss the actual streams I'm watching would be better for my time management, so the pace being slower is also kind of a good thing.
I kinda realize now with how bad other thread has been I kinda don't even wanna bother reading through it anymore. I might just stick to here even if it has it lulls. The board features are all better and I feel like just being around to discuss the actual streams I'm watching would be better for my time management, so the pace being slower is also kind of a good thing.
Woah duplicated when the wifi dropped
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>>2314 It's music to my ears, she has such a cute dorky laugh
>>2315 >the pace being slower is also kind of a good thing this I agree on
She'll say the 'do they hate me because I'm a lizard?' at any moment now
>>2315 I think people just got too used to a thread going at 15 posts per minute, many boards over there have threads that are more like this speed, hell we're one of the fastest boards in this site as we are
>>2315 This thread is too slow right now, so I just type in both. I may consider dropping the other one completely if more anons migrate here though
>>2320 Yesterday during Spooky zatsu she almost said "The Black Brotherhood"
>>2323 That was funny
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Really cute moment, but I've gotta crunch it down for over there
i miss comfydant degen posts on the other side
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>>2325 I love her laugh so muuuuuuuch ahhhhhhhhh
>>2322 I kinda agree but hopefully more people migrate, you can see right now the main thread is on fire once again so instead ill enjoy mumu and vivi
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>>2328 I was actually really happy that i could discuss Mumu this morning without trouble
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>>2329 :pray: Reimu's back :pray:
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>>2329 goddamn I just want to run my tongue all over that back
a lot of kidnappings happen within the family like 70% or so I wonder if thats whats gonna happen. Also are these games made in unity or something, hes shit out 3 of them this year
I wonder what fetish vivi will reveal this stream
>>2333 They use Unity, they also reuse the fuck out of assets
>>2335 Man, hes gotta be loaded.
dont listen, show the world your panties reimu, dont be a coward. Although reimu usually doesnt wear panties
Vivi is going to college! She's going to also be in crippling debt!
>>2336 don't they get a ton of donations to make these games?
>>2328 >>2329 I just wish we would have more activity boardwise. So far 90% of the posts here are just this thread, which is impressive, but I wish JP would get some representetive too
child murder time kek
>>2339 They have 803 members https://www.patreon.com/chillasart If you wanna make the aproximate amount they make then you could count easter eggs and names in the credits to have an estimate
>you can't kill kids that is so lame
>>2340 overseas nijijp fans seem scattered, especially if you're a fan of the girls /2434/ on that site isn't that active either
>>2343 I think it was one of the first mods
i hope maririn is feeling better
Fucking gatekeeping knife eared cunt
Playing a mage in Skyrim is actually a fun way to play the game
>Sees thalmor >"He sounds like he's scheming something" Vivi knows
>>2343 Theres an actual reason for that iirc. Theres certain things that you cannot do even in M rated games. I think youre only allowed a certain amount of bodily fluids, curse words, violence and no killing kids.
>>2351 How did the original two Fallouts and Deus Ex got away with killing kids though?
>I've just realsied that we had like 500 posts on this board in the past few days Holly accelerate. Are we finally back?
This is the most interest i've seen someoen have for Skyrim books
>>2354 but the lusty argonian maids
>>2353 anon just want to talk about NijiEN in peace
>>2352 ESRB got more strict even in games like bioshock where youre able to kill "kids" theyre killed instantly and bloodlessly with a single snap. For the most part the ESRB hates torture and kid killing
Oh shit, the Arcanaeum actually has a tome, it's in a locked display case
>>2353 it's more encouraging to livepost here since there's less chance of your posts being taken out of context and in bad faith, at least that's how i feel
I hate the college of winterhold honestly
>>2360 The mage guild quesline is kinda boring
I fucking love how the character models on reimus stream just sometimes slide 10/10 chillashart
I have an idea to make a NijiNews thread. Basically, i want to do a seperate thread discussing any kind of event/voice pack/shill collab etc. How is it? I'll think about it for some time and if anons here will be fine with the idea, I'll try to bake one >But why? For convinient discussion. Instead of piling up EN thread with stream unrelated info, I'll just contain everything in one thread so anons can easely check up what's going on in the branch and what kind of merch is available. Feel free to add any advices and requests regarding it, any kind of feedback is appreciated
>>2361 it sucks as a replacement for the mages guild of previous games. Magic in skyrim in general could stand to be better.
>>2363 go for it
pngmu is actually rerally cute
>>2363 Would be nice, also a nice place to dump announcements from the main and EN twitters
>>2366 Eri worked fast on that gif and it's cute
>>2340 I guess it's because it's really only the NijiEN thread that's been shit. I've been to the /2434/ thread and it seems pretty slow and peaceful. /nenmen/ too. So it's understandable why it's only this thread on here that's had a lot of activity. I will say that it's nice to not have to also deal with the JPshart schizo.
Scarle, you dum dum. You should check first while you're doing zatsu
KEK Vivi what was that fucking timing
vivi lets others do her dirty work fr her
No wonder the arch mage fucking dies, he just throws fist and doesn't know magic
>>2363 Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to force my way into this idea, but perhaps I could also try and link livestreams as they go live in there? With the exception of membership streams of course. Also posting schedules.
>>2372 Nta but i think they mean the dude that blows a fuse whenever someone mentions a JP liver
>>2372 he means back on main theres a dude (most likely the same schizo as all the rest) who calls people jpsharts when they post about jp members >>2369 But regardless if youd like to post about jp members feel free to do so or maybe even create your own thread. I dont think many anons know much about the jp branch though
I just saw vivis character name, shes cute
>>2377 I do like some NijiJP members, but I don't watch them enough or know enough Japanese to really post about them, aside from when they appear in merch and EN collabs, and posting fanart. I think the main anons who post members like Ponto or Yotsuha, or other Nijis like Seffyna, are still on the other site.
>>2380 Yeah thats how I am as well unfortunately
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>>2380 I watch a few JPs, i'm the one who posted the previews of some of Sophia's VPs, i also watch Nui, Levi, Chima, anon's wife when she does ASMR, Kagami when he plays Yakuza or YGO, etc
>>2382 Cute vivi :^)
>>2382 ToT
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>>2383 That's her mother, she was roofied in a party and brutally raped by many JP members and then gave birth to her, we still don't know the father/futa mother
youtube has been breaking ever since they went to war with adblockers and its kinda funny since now the EU might force them to undo it anyways
>>2385 kinda hot
>E >E >E >E >E >"Speech level up!" >E >E >E >E
>>2385 This image will become 10x funnier if you include Kotoka
>>2385 I think the answer is pretty obvious as to who it is.
>>2390 the oni strikes again
>>2390 Tomoe.... NO....
The sad thing is that i think this dude doesn't have the book in his store rotation
>gentle punch >pulls out her sword
This bratty girl is slapping orcs and then acting like a smug kid...
>>2393 Im guessing not. Im not sure his rotation has changed that much since she started this, this guy has been being beat up for nothing, except the fact that vivi is getting off to it
>She's into punching guys for fun Oh no...she knows i like that...
>>2397 When some men like when women overpowered him. Kinda weird.
>>2397 >>2398 *Why, not when
the cat better not die
skyrim gacha
>>2398 Explaining fetishes is like explaining fears, you can't
why does sis look like shes got a nylon sock on her face
she cant hear you shes got her air pods in !
alright chillashart thats not a bad twist
>elves are promiscuous by nature everyone knows damn racist book
this reminds me of when I had to read in front of the classroom......
>>2407 Every fantasy setting is racist, also racism there is kinda justified because something like a goblin will always be evil even if they know how to speak your language
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Vivi wants SEX
vivi wants to have sex with elves and then to slay them
>>2410 Eru...
>Vivi sees a book with more than 1000 words >"Wait...this is fucked up" Kek i love her
The books in skyrim were pretty long especially in comparison to eso where theres only 1-2 pages per book
>>2390 >>2391 >>2392 >Mikoto/Kotoka/Sophia planning a threesome >Tomoe creeping on Chihiro Seraph...
They finally got her
>>2417 he gets the cuck chair
>>2417 He's too busy worrying about having the gayest surname in all of Nijisanji
Holy fuck Ceijin can actually draw big tits https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113287100
Maririn is alive but no one mention her in both thread. Hmph
>>2421 damn I might end up commissioning him
>>2422 i mentioned her earlier but ended up being late ueueu at least she's still customizing her character lol
oh finana said she might play this game offline because she likes to role play with the characters
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Lusty Argonian Maid getto! And now she's off to masturbate in the bathroom!
>find the smut book >goes to bathroom vivi.........
>>2430 Gotta rub one out after all that excitement
>>2429 >>2430 based getting her rocks off to lizard people who literally only have breasts to excite males
jesus this game maria is playing is like a flashbang
Ngl the argonian maid voice she did was quite nice
scarles new outfit is so good
>>2434 Nice get
>>2435 Speaking of iLuna, Maririn new outfit when?
>>2434 oh shit you got it, want a free game?
>>2437 2 Weeks!
>>2437 wonder if the girls will be going first, so maybe a week after aia?
>>2439 Seriously? No joking?
>>2438 Nah, it's ok, i just want the braging rights but thanks!
>>2441 I dont actually know tbdesu
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This made me miss Finana's food reviews
>>2442 shame!
>>2445 Yeah, me too. But thats okay im happy with zero escape
These games never have a good ending
clussy indeed
Have some deleted Oimo
>clussy >of course I played Ace Attorney Vivi is so based
giftuber Reimu is pretty cute
>>2453 It's a shame her PL doesn't have an archive...... She played so many good games there
I have scarle and Vivi both on and Scarle is somehow completely drowning out Vivi
>>2455 Yeah I would have loved to watch her play LA Noir
>>2369 >>2372 >>2376 >>2369 >>2377 The "JPshart schizo" is just milgurschizo. I don't know why the fuck he has such a big hateboner against JPs, but all of his posts has the same writing style. He's also the one who has been shitting on Kotoka recently for "speaking japanese"
>>2458 Ill give you a hint, literally almost every single schizo can be linked to him.
>>2453 I still don't know why the fuck nobody in EN besides Millie has played AA on stream. I know that there's autism of not being able to show endings of the cases, but they still can stream 80% of the game as far as I know
Would be nice if you guys stopped talking about the other place and all its schizos. If you want to complain about them go back to 4chan then.
>>2460 I think they can't show any cutscenes
>>2461 yeah no need to make them thread celebrities here as well
>>2462 Millie showed cutscenes iirc
am I mistaken or do i detected a hint of a Canadian accent from Vivi? Like the way she just said hags
>>2465 Nahhhh shes british I keep telling people, theres no such thing as canadian paladin or swordmaster!
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>>2459 The whole thread has just 3 schizo shitting it up on daily basis. Literally 80% of the thread would be clean if they would get rangebanned, but mods don't give a shit about that thread >>2461 Sorry, I'm just venting about how shitty that place is. Thankfully, these fags won't come here since they know that they will be sniped immidiatly if they try to shit this place up.
>tramples you hehe
>>2464 She wasn't able to show the ending cutscenes for each case.
>>2469 Oh that's what you meant I was thinking the courtroom cutscenes.
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>>2363 NijiNews thread would be fantastic! It's nice that we have a board, it's just anons are used to being on a single thread and we haven't had the population before now that lasted to sustain it. Since the topic is up if buds want to they're free to use the old /rose/ thread that is still up for discussion or image dumping. Unlike on the other side it isn't the schizo's shitting grounds.
I think the toilet ghost game was actually the best one imo
Seriously, when do you think AR Live will be announced again? I think the same day as last year
>>2467 >rangebanned that doesn't really work. I remember I got rangebanned for months from /vt/ and /jp/ once and I met the person responsible for it on another board during that and he said he just evades it using some paid VPN. Those people are addicted and will go out of their way to continue shitposting and only innocent anons get punished for it
>>2473 maybe during christmas season
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I hate how similar Malaysian and USA flags look like, I keep mixing up anons because of that
>>2476 Cute and funny anon
reimu is working on creating serial killers
>>2474 They easily can rangeban VPNs too if they wanted to can testify as someone whose VPN got rangebanned by mods there, the mods are just lazy or deliberetly don't want to ban schizos, simple as.
Ugh I didnt realize Star Ocean was Squenix.....nobody will ever play it
Butch in Maririn stream
>>2480 You can always hope on Niji resident RPG-er, Nui Sociere
>>2481 nooooo not like this......
release my nigga vivi
stabs-you-hehe is the worlds brokest thief
reimus laugh is cute
>>2479 In that case I guess it is just blatant bias
>>2479 This anon is right. 3 vpns I have or am using have their ranges banned. The point is they don't want the moderation to be done properly or fairly so it never will be. I'm kinda done with that thread in general. Scrolling through the same shitposts and the flavor of the day rrats is tiring especially when you're just looking to talk about streams or discuss the livers.
>>2489 While I agree we have several livers live, lets live post
Damn horses are so OP in this game
Now, I wish Maririn has fangame that allow player to dresup Maririn and also allow player to wath Maririn be naked
Why is she always in jail kek
>>2493 systemic racism against lizards just because some stuff went missing, they just assume that the lizard that just happens to have similiar copies of the missing items is the one that did it
>>2491 its funny that she just bought a horse because shell get the best horse in the game soon through dark brotherhood
She's getting you just know art isn't she..
nigh night, paladins
4am... time to sleep
>>2490 I'll leave you to it, anon and others. I just got home from late work and already watched my oshi today. Have fun' I'll go to bed. We actually also technically already have a meta thread up, if people want to talk about it maybe that's a better place to do it so we can keep the general clean and on topic >>>/2434/309 Anyway good night, have a good time with streams!
maririn broke her audio again LOL
>>2501 Since the daipan incident, her audio setup always broke
>>2501 RIP I had to tune out for a bit cuz her stream is blindingly bright
>>2505 she really does fit in like a missing piece of a puzzle
Reimu raided vanta, I actually like his model a lot
Is there a Petra stream today?
>>2508 I dont think so itd be pretty late now for one even for her. Unless theres one early in the morning/late at night for her, but no waiting room has been posted and she usually is pretty good about posting those at least 12 hours early
Man, Maririn is so cute
>>2510 I thought she was going to do a Peto cunny today
>>2512 I could be wrong, Im just saying shes usually pretty good about posting early waiting rooms but maybe shes just busy and forgot! We'll have to see I guess!!!
American anons, why you guys still up? It already over 4 am
>>2514 its only 1 am here but I am about to sleep
I love Maririn's autistic siren
Maria always makes a lot of cute noises
This game seems very odd. It reminds me a lot of games I'd see on y8 but with some more polish.
It is the new sequal to the infamous dressing game on DS/3DS
That's a cute outfit. I wonder what Australian fashion is like. Maria seems like she's the type to pay a lot of attention to what she wears and how she's seen. I'm not a huge fan of the long skirt though
>>2519 Oh that's interesting I had no clue. I could see finana really enjoying this game
>>2520 >I'm not a huge fan of the long skirt though Them's Fightin' Words
>>2521 Yeah, and the game change the art style for global release compare to jp ver
>>2520 I remember maria saying she gets stared at in aussieland because of her fashion and even got shamed for it once She said one of the reasons she loved Japan was that no one batted an eye at how she dressed unlike back at home
>>2522 I just didn't like the burgundy color! Also Maria's striped socks are cute!
>>2524 That's kinda interesting aren't Japanese people pretty judgemental about fashion and stuff like that? Aren't you supposed to like not stand out in any sort of way
>>2526 >Japanese people pretty judgemental about fashion Are they? I had the notion that in metropolitan areas, the kawaii culture and fashion was common among young people there
You know I'll give the devs some credit, they easily could have made this into a shitty pay to play gacha game
>>2527 I know that at least in school and workplace settings a lot of adults grown up on those who standout. It's part of the boomer culture they have ig
She looks like she could start a hip hop group kek
Alright I'm having fun watching this weird ass dress up game but it's 1;45 so gn anons I hope Maria's stream entertains you
>>2529 I guess there is an expectation to dress properly in professional settings but you can pretty much cosplay whatever if you're just hanging out
>Maririn's green toes
I just got off work. Now I'm going to masturbate while watching Maria.
>>2536 I'll join you
>>2537 I wish more artists drew cunny and flat chests Maria needs lewds
>>2538 hopefully the new outfit is going to fuel some of them
>you should always wear what you want Maririn gave me permission to walk around in nothing but my Pikachu undies
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Maririn is streaming farming game #4356 tomorrow
>>2541 Based
otsumariring! and gm zali! i'/ gonna pass out now tho lool
Zali says Aia speaks too fast for him And Vox has a lot of "variety" in speaking that he can't understand
It looks like Kyo got suspended for a week
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>>2545 forgot image
Hanmak is strea,imh if anybody interested
>>2546 Koreans were retarded for getting offended Kyo was retarded for tripling down instead of doing a quick apology and moving on It was expected he would get slapped by management at this point
>>2546 This entire thing is dumb >makes joke >people don't like >No U's everyone >surprised it escalated >doubles down >gets bonked hard >All under a day All of this could be avoided honestly
>>2546 i've still no idea what happened but some of our livers really need to understand that they don't need to respond to every complaint, unless they actually massively fucked up. so many problems could be avoided if they just ignored some irrelevant idiots
My god...I fucking hates Korean K pop fan women...
>>2549 I'm watching her now
i still find it funny how the only one that they didn't use their debut art for is shu, and he's just in the middle staring directly in front lol
>>2555 This has to be on purpose or am I being a schizo ?
It is on purpose
>>2556 i remember posting about this on the other thread before, and apparently, it's something they typically do for EN livers or something. Though this is the first time i noticed it
Once in a while I go back to this clip of Mysts's and Enna's it takes two collab. Even though it can be pretty frustrating to watch sometimes I always find her directional blindness cute and it's kind of endearing how she has to try so hard to complete the most basic tasks in games. Anyways I'll be at her watchalong later. https://youtu.be/CagwmDbWH0k
>>2561 She's never defeating the clown and lolicon allegations now...
Enna only found out today that she's visiting her grandparent's graves tomorrow so now she's a bit more scared than usual lmao.
>>2561 Clownluette....
>>2560 i really liked that collab. it was kinda awkward at times, but also endearing for some reason.
In the movie a character made a paper boat and referred to it as she which is what boat owners usually do with their boats. Then Enna called him an incel and I'm just like????? Sometimes I don't get her please think ffs lmao.
>>2565 Their it takes two collab was one of my favorite ever Enna collabs. It was nice that they managed to finish it before Mysta graduated.
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Happy that Maria has a POV up for Valorant tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_ZNdXCrJI
>>2567 I think they decided to do it because he was graduating, he had been considering it for a while.
>>2569 It was also a bit of a meme between both of their chats about them taking so long to do collabs together. In one of Mysta's streams where he listed down targets to do for 2023 his chat got him to put finish It takes two with Enna as one of the targets.
banana man streaming 7 minutes from now https://www.youtube.com/live/Id4piqtzA5Y
has chat worked on-screen for any liver these past few days? seems like it's broken for everyone
>>2573 I don't think I've had any issues with the few livers I watched recently
>>2573 It's RNG, some of them have it fucked and other don't
>>2574 i see... it was broken for maririn earlier and seems to also be the case for shu (he's trying to fix it), i think it was broken for enna's last stream as well? dunno what's going on
>>2577 Youtube is having a retard fight with ad blockers and everyone is suffering because of it
>>2546 Damn... bros hating on my nibba for no raisins..
>>2580 Pewdiepie no!!!
>>2580 To be fair he should've just ignored them and never address the situation, most likely mane-san woke up to news of Kyo trending as a racist in Korea and took the measures necessary for the issue to die like it should've. You give schizos attention and that's how you give them the power to control you
do threads in this site just never die?
>>2583 No, I think it's changeable but I'm not sure
>>2582 Plastic surgery isn't even that bad, it's just people looking to be prettier..
Oh doppio is streaming the fashion game now
>>2583 It's a feature
Enna is funny today
>bingos a damn scam Kek doppio
Enna trying to be quiet while she's panicking is great
Enna will sacrifice you if you're held captive by a cosmic horror....
>>2590 She's been cute this entire watchalong
>>2592 I just woke up but I'm enjoying her watchalong she's funny
Kek enna
>>2593 I would highly recommend watching the entire thing if you have the time she was really scared before the climax, been loving the entire stream.
Enna is killing me
>>2583 Not that there's any reason to make them die, you can still post images and stuff
>let's turn on some calming music >Circus music starts playing My sides
Rip babu
I want to commission a picture of enna trying to change a lightbulb
>>2600 I remember this artist basing this off a tweet she made
>>2601 Kek
Ennas into hair pulling
IT part 2 kinda sucked but that part of the book sucked too honestly
I wonder how Enna will react when she finds out that Stanley kills himself in part 2
Ennas stream keeps dying on my end
Ennas internet is poor.....
>>2607 Yeah at least during the movie it was fine
>>2603 Well her first outfit is pefect for that
Enna is cute when she's scared
The fuck is this weird no you hang up scenario Enna please.
>>2609 True maybe someday when I'm not a broke ass bitch
>>2611 She's peeing into our ears
Peak menhera GFE
uuuuuuuuuuu I miss Vivi
>>2585 A lot of it is rooted in insecurities though, and it is largely separated from its original intention of reconstructing facial injuries. Considering how hyper competitive South Korean society can be I could see many people feeling pressured into it against their will and that could lead into all kinds of societal and personal issues. I don't think Kyo caused much of an issue by making a joke about it. We all joke about our issues to some degree. But he did fuck up by treating it so casually and doubling down on "muh statistics" while completely ignoring the cultural issues surrounding it. He's a glass cannon in that aspect. He says he loves to banter and joke about shit but he's too immature to consider the ramifications of what he's saying.
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>>2615 I miss her ass
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Good morning! >>2618 Yep. This is what she meant by the thing on Friday. Not the most exciting but I do like it when Rosemi and Selen collab together. Shill stream means it's going to be short though
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>>2545 >>2546 All of that could've been avoided if he just said "it's a joke, I don't care, fuck off". Instead, he decided that he must "own the antis" and escalate this nothingburger into a real problem. Hope he'll get the memo after this
>>2616 >He says he loves to banter and joke about shit but he's too immature to consider the ramifications of what he's saying. I don't believe Kyo gets to play the uwu i didnut know card when he participated in equally bullshit cancel campaigns. It's less about maturity and more about being the kind of dramafagging jackass who thinks rules don't apply to them. Could not have happened to anyone more deserving.
>>2618 Anyone played this before? I'm downloading via Rosemi-sama's pc link to check it out but most girls have big chests..
>>2623 It's okay-ish I didn't like the units designs, so I just stop playing
Tangela or floaty ghost reaper, which one is more annoying? Also do you prefer combo builds or poison builds on Silent? Deflection stacking and carrying can be fun but it's so slow sometimes...
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>>2623 I'll download it but not play it... Unironically was hoping she'd play more of the Kemono friends one initially It was a lot of fun but I stopped because of egregious monetization. Also because MTGA is still more compelling gameplay. Too much free art out there for me to bother with waifu gacha
Fuck, Kunai's stream is literally unwatcahble at this point due to non-stop buffering. I hope YouTube will fix this soon
kunai is blazing up on stream
>>2628 Toking her way to victory!
>>2627 I had constant buffering the last few days too but atleast for today it stopped
>>2630 Eurobros are having it rough. One of Rosemi's long time fans has been having the same issues...
Rosemi's sparkly toes
>>2630 >>2631 It was more or less fine for the whole week, but now it's completely fucked to the point of the stream just not loading at all. I'll try to clean cookies, hope it will help. If not, guess I'll do something else and pray that it will fix itself soon enough
>>2633 Have you tried using a VPN to watch too? One time I was in Thailand and streams were loading poorly but a VPN helped.
kunai may be part of the monster fucker club
Ok, cookies helped a little bit, but buffering is still bad >>2634 Yeah, I'll try to change the continent with VPN now, it kind of helped the last time I had issues with buffering
>>2624 >>2626 Ok it might be good.. It reminds me of pso2 gunner or jankier EDF made in unity
>>2634 Ok, the stream quality is still complete shit, but at least the buffering stopped, so it's somewhat watchable. Thanks for the tip, anon
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>>2636 >>2638 Any time! Traveled pretty regularly before COVID, had to try everything out whenever I was overseas on data. Picture quality usually not the best but the change in routing does help with stability sometimes. Hopefully whatever causing it gets fixed over time
Oh she got the easiest boss, cake run!
>>2635 Based
Kunai is so cute
I was gonna propose the method of watching the stream through VLC to the eurobros but it seems youtube fucked that up also
just from this, i can already see her new outfit looking really pretty. i'm so excited, aia's design has always been one of my favorites https://twitter.com/AiaAmare/status/1723037807122260274?s=20
>>2627 >>2630 Not only do I have to keep updating my adblockers, but 1 out of 5 times I go to watch streams on either Mado or Nijidex, a stream will glitch out and keep reloading or not load at all.
>>2644 YouTube really said "we're gonna break everything in an attempt to block ads"
>>2645 Finana was hyping it up too so I look forward to it
>>2645 I always thought the art in her ref sheet where she has her camisole and her hair undone was really pretty, i hope she looks something like that
>>2649 Oooh her hair being undone would be so pretty
I wanna member kunai really badly.
>>2651 This but also lose consciousness smothered between her tits, thighs and or ass
>>2652 Oh that too definitely she's sex.
Kunai 2/2! The defect will probably be the end of her streak though
Whoo go kunai
>>2654 Defect is the hardest because it's the most reliant on getting the right cards to make a good build. Ironclad and Silent are easiest by far
>>2645 I'm also hyped for her second cover. Her Lucifer was actually pretty good, I wonder how much she's improved since recording it.
>>2656 Not only that, it requires planning and knowing the order of how to play your cards. Defect is the noob killer also because channeling and evoking are two mechanics that are kinda hard to understand at first when you also have to learn like what 4 other orbs do
>>2637 Yay I got Rosemi-sama in the game!
>>2658 Yep! When you master Defect though there are so many cool builds. Easiest is probably Frost tank, but my favorite is lighting storm stacking thunder striking as simple as it is. Claw build is fun too!
Kunai's mom really likes Vivian and Claus!
Kunai is too conservative with exhaust cards...
>3 day vacation because janny didn't like my suggestive Selen pic Well time to chill over here. Have some free Selen porn guys!
Love the contrast between Vivi going "let's kill children!" and Kunai being like "i shouldn't rob the monsters..."
>>2664 Oh nice, i didn't have the third one actually, thanks!
Kunai hasn't cooked turkey before, so she'll be cooking one for the first time for this year's thanksgiving
>>2664 Based
The defect was too much for her mind
>>2671 Defect is overwhelming for a lot of new players for sure
Bye bye Kunai, thanks for the stream, it was chill. Time to nap before the Valorant collab now. Can't wait for the Cuphead with Vivi tomorrow!
>>2674 Someone should post that one screenshot of Finana and Millie together
Short vlr stream today. Meeting HATE!
>>2676 I was talking about the shill streams taht they've done together... This will do too, I guess
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>>2677 Is it an emergency meeting?
Finanas brain exploding over size is funny as fuck
Finanas laugh is so cute
She's cooking
>looking like Katie Perry dark horse Kek
Finana really said >Why do I hear boss music
Finana is so easily jump scared
Suicidal kids are the perfect element for any puzzle
Or maybe he's possessed!
Info to whoever wants to report something: >1. Please add a reason to your reports on what rule you think it's breaking >2. There's freedom to speak what you like or dislike about Nijisanji vtubers here, as long as someone doesn't go schizo over whatever their point is then i don't think it merits a ban or warning because i would have to ban quite a lot of people then if i go by those rules If more explanation is needed for rules 2 and 3 then i will provide it as they may not be self-explanatory maybe
Edited last time by Koikoi on 11/10/2023 (Fri) 22:19:42.
Radical 6 sounds like something that was made up in the 90s
>>2691 Man, i would love to livepost feesh with you but i skipped the 2nd stream and never caught up with the nonary games
Poor scared feesh
>>2692 I dunno anything that's going on either!!! But feesh is cute
>>2694 The only thing i know about the game is that people die when they're killed and that the girl in animal print with pink hair is sex
>>2695 That's all you need to know
Egyptian mummies can't die from scalpels!
Cute feesh laughter
Cure Alice she's hot
Quark is a thief Alice is hot kill him
Damn feesh be cookin lets gooooo
The s in sigma stands for sus
Feesh likes reading she's smart!
Let's goooo sigma saved the day maybe
Kay just further adds to my stigmatization against people with robot voices!
Kek feesh got killed
Everyone did this and they're all like >Wow who could have done this
Everyone in this game is a traitor kek
Alice is a bitch
Kay and clover are both conniving
>>2710 She is and she's a hot one.....
Clover you're such a liar
I wanna kidnap finana
>>2715 Wouldn't be that hard ngl, Pomu said she was falling for the hosts in Japan telling her nice things
What the fuck is this
>>2716 That'll be me one day.....
>oh shit she's got daddy issues now Kek
Oh I was thinking Alice was a clone
It's me im a mymiridon
>>2718 Don't become a host, anon, it's not worth it! They're more hair spray and make-up than person and they dedicate their lives to their clients, they make bank though but they don't hae a life outside their job
I wanna use clover
>>2722 Damn really? I just thought they made a lot of money
Rough way to go
>>2724 nta There's no job that doesn't have a cost. My friend is a male host in Singapore and he has to cater to old widows.
>>2724 They start working at 4 PM until like 2 AM (12 hour shift) and then, if they want to keep their clients, they have to go to karaoke and shit with them after the club closes until something like 6 AM, then they go back to their house to sleep until they have to work again. Also take into consideration the copius amounts of alcohol they drink every day since they make money by making the ladies drink. As an added to all that they also need to keep in touch and message all their clients in a flirty way to come to the club again
>>2727 I want to know how they flirt with women. I need to learn that technique.
feesh will solve the puzzle i believe in her
>>2729 nevermind
Finana is so cute, she'd put me in debt
Lunarose shill stream in 5 minutes
>oh my god it's gonna say COME >*giggles* God she's cute
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Selen can't stop talking about Pomu.....
gaslight gatekeep girlboss queen, Sigma
The combat has been interrupted by cheap CGI...
Wose is lagging really hard for me so i'll watch funny haha dragon
>Selen doesn't want any of the girls >She wants the animal looking robot YJK
it should've been me
>>2745 Based choice Mr Selen
Rosemi wins! She got her tanned flat egyptian goddess!
Feesh is thinking all of her brainpower is being used to piece the plot together
Alice is sus
The purple haired character Rosemi was playing as looked kinda like selen
>>2752 The nickname for that one is "big sister"
Past Alice says >Fuck allies
It's so laggy it reminds me of dialup connection
Feesh just lost her relationship with Alice ....
>>2755 I had to change to Selen because it was to laggy
This shill game feels like a unity clone but at least they're having fun
>>2757 Sex art
Kinda funny how sponsorts probably just let Selen curse as much as she wants nowadays
I feel bad for Alice but she's also a bitch
>>2760 It's one of her best features
Selen has no mercy for her characters
Cute girls in bikinis wielding guns is like a perfect stream for Selen
Women want her Fish fear her
>>2757 I'm enduring the pain for Rosemi-sama but I feel like I live in the past with the delay..
Selen will wake you up to give you furniture and energy drinks
Rosemi really likes the ojou
Rosemi is molesting the cute jackal girl!
>>2770 Rosemis taste in women.....
Did Selen also hear "hat sex"?
>>2773 Selen has a hat and I would have sex with her
>>2772 She's just like me!
>>2775 SEX
>>2774 >Not having sex with the hat WEAK
Rosemi is being eaten on stream
>tfw you will never eat chicken and drink beer with selen....
Selen is forcing girls to love her
>"It's so fun giving them gifts!" The girls are gonna get broken by cute hostesses in Japan and then they will have to sell their body to pay the yakuza loan sharks...
>>2781 Those Yakuza loansharks? Me!
>>2782 Remember to hand the guide to the customers
It's over... But Pomu's voice will cheer me up
I wish that literally any of the words rhymed in this song
Thank you for the stream Rosemi and Selen feat.Pomu's song! Now i'm gonna watch the boys getting drunk and scared https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqHE_vWpDrE
If any buds downloaded it for the shill you can put Rosemi-sama name in the game survey
Reimus song was cute but I wish she sang in English I want more English originals
I might just so she gets more money
>>2787 >>2789 I meant to reply to you with that
I will forever find funny how Millie and Finana haven't had a 1 on 1 collab that wasn't a shill stream
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>>2787 I'm not gonna play but I'm doing that to support her when I'm home!
>>2792 I love this rose
Ok, Vanta and Willy getting hammered while screaming starting! Last time Vanta did one of these he ended up calling Tom Nook a fucking child slaver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqHE_vWpDrE
How the fuck does Wilson get drunk with sapporo beer?
I mean I get what you're saying Reimu. I watched that people watching video too. I liked it a lot
>>2795 What is Sapporo
finana cooked
>rare maririn stream at acceptable hours but >it's valorant
Let's go feesh trial and error
>>2799 Maririn!!!!
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>>2799 Yeah...
>>2797 Japanese beer
It's soooo over for Wilson....
>>2804 He's gonna scream with every single jumpscare
Kek Vanta bringing up Vampire Knight
Vanta says: Remember to pull out, kids!
>>2805 Oh yeah for sure kek
Wilson is a little bitch...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30xsQZCaoG0 Oh shit, Aia's covering Death Note's first ending
>>2810 Oh shit nice! I haven't actually heard that song in years
Mumu is gone.....but she'll be back soon for valorant!
>>2810 That's pretty sick, I didn't know she could sing
>Shots Wilson you're taking mouthfuls of beer, you little kid
>>2814 She has really nice singing vocie, but she's only started to do vocal lessons a year ago. Here's her previous cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIG5YW-Z3h4
>Wilson feeling identified with the character because of kohai hazing He developed lots of traumas in that Minecraft server
>Lights blinking got him God they're so fucking dead
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_ZNdXCrJI Maririn's Valorant stream! Koto is also there!
>Maririn is sleep deprived and sick No....
Moniscooter dropped 100 gifted to maririn...
>>2821 how does he do it...?
How many gifted scooter already sent to Maririn? 300?
>>2823 bro is either using a cheap currency or he is just a millionaire
>>2823 He has some kind of plugin that deletes his messages after he posts them. The gifted still get delivered, you just can't see who gets them
>>2825 I wanna believe the second because maririn deserves more
Reimu time!
Petora in 25!
Now that i think about it, Wilson is kinda like Yosuke from P4
>>2830 Are you saying Yu is closeted homo that homophobic?
>>2831 It was more of a "genki boy gets bullied and has bad luck" approach but who knows, maybe Willy hates the gays but he is one since he enjoys Vampire Knight a little too much
>>2825 Another anon mentioned Turkish Lira having an incredibly good rate even without the problem of ARS. I do all my memberships in USD
This MA stream is very good kek
>>2834 And they still haven't gotten to the worse scares
>"Wait my kouhai is here? LOOK AWAY, LOOK AWAAAAAAAY!" WIlson...
>>2836 LMAO
>>2836 KEK
>It's just liek JJK Reimu.....
>Wilson doesn't know the golden rule of having snacks while you drink LEARN TO DRINK YOU RETARD
>"I'm 7 shots in!" Wilson, you drank a can and a sip...
>>2810 Could that be a hint to her new outfit? Maybe she's going to be a shinigami
>>2839 shes got brain rot
>>2841 >off one Sapporo How weak is he...
>>2844 Maybe he was a little boy all along
>"Nijisanji should get a bald vtuber because it's less work for the mama and the rigger!" Vanta is going into funny drunk tangents kek
Wilson is getting drunk hiccups AFTER ONE CAN OF BEER WHAT ARE YOU MADE OUT OF!?!?!?!?
This Mortuary Assistant stream just entered "hugging your homies" hours
Maria, Kotoka and Reimu are peeing cutely
>girls leave >Claude and Uki just sitting there is silence why don't they just talk about gay things or something?
>Wilson is getting a bunch of Dragon Ball content recommended to him He's gonna turn latino...
>>2852 Autism, please understand
I love Vantacrow Bringer. He is my brotuber.
>Kotoka wears pajamas when she sleeps Cute
Butt naked Reimu with pee dripping out
Kek this MA stream is fucking gold
>Uki sleeps in shorts and long t-shirt This is probably the least gayest thing about him
>>2859 I should have a piss com of reimu anal soon
>"No nipple motherfucker" Don't say that
>>2859 I'm hard now, fuck you
>>2863 Nice! Also have you seen Pudding's post about his Pomu pee idea?
Ohhhh this is getting privated to hell and back...
>>2868 Are you talking about Wilson's stream? What's happened?
>>2869 He muted his desktop instead of his mic so you could hear things in the back
Millie membie is up
>>2870 Did he say something wrong or was there someone's voice in the background?
I think only Ver can properly do the "asian uncle" accent
>>2872 Apparently female voice
>>2872 I don't wanna go too much into detail, i'm recording it though and i'll probably reupload it later with that part edited out if the VOD disappears
>>2874 Dude, c'mon
>>2874 Did he tell that he lives with parents or roommates? Will be funny if he's alone and it's another "ghost apperition" moment
Yu and Vanta really giving that "drunkly rambling with the homies at 2AM" experience
Oh damn, is Millie working in a lot of projects next year? I just saw she apparently has to travel back to Japan 2 more times next year
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>>2880 I'm ngl, i get weird feelings when she does her Mymelo voice
>>2879 she calls them vacations lmao
>>2882 Well of course she can't say what it is, she called this last trip to Japan a "vacation to the Phillipines"
>"I'm not pregnant! It's impossible! Unless you're Elira Pendora..." Does...the drock impregnate males?
>>2888 Yes
>>2885 Imagine Petra pulling him on her futa cock....
>>2866 I havent!! Lemme post my own piss commissions soon
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Fuck, Maria... You could've defused it in time.....
>>2883 tbf she did go there for a bit i think
>>2884 Vivi's model would look so good with nerd glasses
>>2898 Next outfit, maybe?
Vivi is Frieren difficulty to wake up early
>>2898 Hopefully she'll get something like Elira's casual outfit
>"He was all dark and black and scary" You're lucky of being who you are, Vanta
>>2901 I want her to have something like Toru's second outfit with glasses
>Doesn't like Fromsoft and FNAF lore explainers Milord...
Maria's cover will come out next week on Saturday. Free chat stream is cancelled, she'll play game called Cuiseener instead. Also, Maria will have a duet cover with Yua from Virtual Real today, it will release on Yua's BilliBilli channel
Vivi doesn't like minecraft 🙏
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>>2906 Wait, we have emojis here? WTF?
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>>2906 >🙏
i hope millie doesn't strain her voice too much like last year... >>2906 whoa we have emojis? 😯
>>2907 I did it to test, now I know I can go 😭😭😭😭😭
Maria will do Idolmaster and Love Live karaoke at the end of the month
Playing Minecraft with the others livers can be nice. This Minecraft collab was so wholesome and chill all the livers were just being so accommodating to Enna to make sure she had a good time and they were just doing simple things like exploring the server and strip mining for diamonds. One of my favorite ever collabs tbh. Vivi would probably enjoy herself if she had someone babysit and guide her.
this looks way too erotic
Maririn raid into Vivi
>>2912 i liked the minecraft collabs where they have a goal or something, like defeating the ender dragon or seeing the cherry blossoms
>>2912 Yeah, but both Fuchan and Enna still hated every second of Minecraft, even though they had fun with other livers. Minecraft is just not for everyone, simple as. Vivi is not the first one who shited on Minecraft in the branch, so there's nothing wrong with that
Bye bye Koto and the others, it was a fun collab. I'll probably watch Vivi for a little bit now, nap afterwards and do Kunai's VOD reps.
Aia please don't try to teach new words to the drunk man, his head is gonna explode
>>2914 I know it's kind of offtopic, but it's so weird to see North African/Arabic anon here. I ussually don't really see people online from that region who watch vtubers/anime. The only exception are arabic One Piece fans on Twitter, for some reason there're tons of them.
>>2919 Yeah anime isn't as big as it is in other regions but it has been growing lately, specifically Shonen since those were childhood shows for everyone that ran all the time on tv Vtubers are pretty much still a very unknown thing though and I don't know a single person who even heard of them, even the anime fans that I know
So anon? Can you?
I cant believe someone sent millie 2k wtf
I've only watched the epic rap battle with Mr. Beast
>>2924 I can believe. It is not the first time
I WANNA GROOM MILLIE BUT SHES GOT SO MANY PAYPIGS I WILL NEVER SUCCEED! :( But seriously though Im happy shes got so many fans who support her the girls been through hell
Vanta is having a drunk rant about Chris Brown and how his music was great but it's a shame he went the way he went
Oh god, I forgot how aggressive Vivi plays She just doesn't wait a second to recover stamina kek
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>>2923 What's the context of this.....
>>2930 Blame Aia
>>2930 Vanta was talking about getting a tan on your asshole and said he talked about it in a conversation with Koto, Mysta and one more person. Kotoka said not to include her in the story and that she wasn't there
>>2930 >>2923 ANAL WITH KOTO!
I wont lie the idea of milles butthole being pressure washed lowkey turns me on...
Vivi thinks that Europe isn't real....
Vanta actually fucking tripped on his way to the bathroom and then started jamming to the Scooby Doo theme by Simple Plan
>>2940 Yeah i saw it afterwards...
Really like these guys' design
Vanta is very gone...
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>>2937 >>2937 >>2938 >>2940 >>2941 It's a cover... I've liveposted her talking about it before.... >>2905
>>2943 I have not been able to breathe for like 10 minutes total during this collab with all the laughter
>>2945 Bro this boob question wtf kek
With how Vanta let his mouth loose I really hope Vanta can avoid yab as long as possible
>>2947 I think even when drunk he's a nice dude, he even said that he's probably stupid drunk and doesn't want to hurt anybody by saying dumb shit
who's millie's mama for her second outfit again?
I wish Bloodborne was released on PC it seem so fun
>"It's either this body or the lady" >"OH YEAH WHY THE LADY? ARE YOU SEXIST?" >"Ah? No..." >"OK DUDE I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE, I BELIEVE YOU" I fucking love this collab
>>2951 I still can't believe that retards were doomposting Krisis before they debuted. All of them are such good hires
>>2953 To be honest the wave had everything to go wrong with the leaks and supposed ex members
>"He's so white, holy fuck" VANTA KEK
Vanta is popping off kek
KEK Vanta's thanksgiving rant is on the level of the Niagara Falls Elira rant
RIP Vivi
>Wait, I wasn't suppose to go that way? Vivi......
>"WILSON, ARE YOU 14?" >"No...do i look 14?" >"I MEAN..." Wilsoneers must be having a good time
>>2956 millie
>>2961 Sisters on the other site got excited with that exchange
Vanta right now
>"Reservoir Dogs is literally Amogus" Willy...
Im a bit surprised millie was into gw
listening to drunks sing is actually so comfy
petra is pure eroticism
>Vivi would never play soulslike or horror games on her own >She plays them on stream because she has fun when she plays them with us MY FUCKING HEART YOU BITCH
Millie makes it both easy and hard to oshi her
>>2971 She is so honestly cute I really love both her and kunai
>>2973 They make me feel hyped for their streams a lot, i can't wait for them to open memberships and get superchats
>>2972 what makes you say that?
>>2950 It might happen since Sony started importing old exclusives like TLOU. Probably in a lead up to another FromSoft game being published either PS5 exclusive or PS5 early access
I would fuck Claudia, she probably has her nipples pierced
Vivi has cheese the gatling gun hunter!
>>2950 >>2977 >We'll get another souless Bloopers team "remake" that will cost 80$ Screencap this
>>2979 Is there anything this girl won't be able to cheese?
>Vanta has been laughing at the concept of canadian TV existing for the last 3 minutes
The image of Wilson and Vanta in the middle of the night totally drunk arguing about Clifford over a dead body they are embalming while being haunted by demons is really funny to me
>>2983 Just bro things
>Vanta tries to explain Winx Club without it sounding like a hentai
>>2985 It somehow back fired
>>2986 I think he could've made a case if he were more sober
>>2976 she deletes almost 50% of her memberships streams because she always starts talking about personal stuff which I like about her but it means if youre not there you cant ever know what happened on that stream and it sucks, Ive missed a lot of her membership streams and theyre permanently lost to the void now unfortunately
>>2988 Why does she even have to delete those? I think personal stuff is fine as long as it doesn't go into doxxshit territory
Vanta is telling Raymond to GO KILL HIMSELF
>>2991 unfortunately she tends to border on it so she ends up deleting a lot of them, shes really sweet but I just wish I could catch her memberships live before she deletes them.
>>2991 just millie being paranoid, i think. maybe she feels uncomfortable leaving them up
Gamer Vivi
>>2996 Is this her longest stream so far??
Oh shit she was gaming so hard she didnt even realize
>Wilson and Vanta are gonna stream drunk monthly LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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>>3000 I love her vivinese!
>>2997 not sure. would be funny since she said it was supposed to be a short one
Wilson almost took medication with alcohol but totally fucking drunk Vanta told him to not combine medicaments with alcohol
Ok, i archived the stream in case something happens to it, i'll probably edit the Wilson mic thing and upload it if the VOD isn't there by tomorrow
>>3003 God, Vanta is such a bro. He always comes in clutch when someone almost does some kind of fuck up.
>>2997 >>3002 Nah her longest was 3:52
>"Last one! I pinky promise!" She's so cute
Vivi might be a little special in the head
>>3006 oh the SF6 one she also said that one was going to be short so she could watch the offcollab kek
Is Vivi.... You know..?
Vivi please i need to sleep but you just keep going and say 1 more...
>>3012 Post the cum version
Otsuvivi! I can't wait to see this cutie cheese another boss fight next time!
Kek Vanta acting so confused with this AC BGM is so fitting
kek vivi raided a drunk vanta this is hilarious
Vanta HATES Gigi
>>3019 Only pretty people allowed!!
vanta is completely gone
I kinda hate ACNH ngl
Vanta's drunk AC streams are great, last time during the daily exercise portion he started feeling like shit
why is he digging the flowers up? can't he just pick them?
Vanta is 100% right in this one, it's honestly impressive enough that someone has the patience to play the games so they shouldn't feel like they have to be the best at it, they just need to have fun and take it at their own pace. Hell some people struggle with bosses i killed on the 1sttry and vice versa, it's really a personal experience
>if youre in nijien and you start talking down about yourself youre in my strike zone BITCH vanta is funny
>>3026 Ethyria.... Pomu.....
>Vanta has SMT V on his Switch SMT V stream when?
>>3028 do they have perms?
>>3028 >Atlus Haha, nice one
>>3030 Plenty of people have played Persona 5, Elira played Persona 4 and Doppio played P3P. I don't know why SMT V would be in the perms cage while Persona games aren't
>>3031 Because they lifted their restrictions pretty recently but it only applied to Persona games, also at first they were limted on how much they could show. We don't know how the SMT perms work but since SMTV is a game from 2021 i could probably bet that Atlus won't let them stream it because it's too new and "they will spoil the game and people won't buy it"
Vanta is just talking nonsense now
>>3031 >>3032 saiki streamed nocturne two days ago but >jp
>>3034 Not only that but the game released in 2003
>sometimes i think and then i don't same
>>3031 >>3032 SMT V might actually be streamable remember elira played 13 sentinels
this game maria is playing is really cute looking
>>3041 He's sobered up a lot which is surprising he seemed seconds away from passing out an hour ago
Maria would easily be an atelier autist if they had perm
im too tired to stay up for maria but shes so cute give her some love anons
Enna's constant confusion in collabs can be frustrating sometimes but I enjoy these kinds of small moments that it sometimes causes.
Maririn's voice is so cute and relaxing
Maririn is already addicted to this game
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Maria is playing this game for a whole 2 days straight in-game
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Maria says marippets are slime-based lifeforms
>>3048 Caketra...
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I'm going to try and take a nap so I can catch Vivi and Reimu's collab later. I hope I can make it
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>>3052 I stayed up too late, I'll have to just catch the vod. I hope someone else can capture cute Vivi moments in the moment
>>3054 I wish i didn't have to touch grass today...i'll be missing the Mumu collab but i'll be watching the one with Kunai later
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Peto is moaning a lot today
Based Maririn trolling in league... I miss playing full infinity edge and phantom dancer healer or weak characters
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Imagine tiny Peto passed out on the floor from the spicyness and covered on milk she wanted to drink but spilled all over her when she fell back
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>"This bitch! You weren't supposed to fill me up so much! Banana milk!" This fucking bratty kid is asking to be filled with my banana milk 💢💢💢
Oh.. Albans new GPU died.. RIP..
Awwww, that girl Maria covered Roki with is so cute https://www.bilibili.com/?bvid=BV1xe411D7RL&spm_id_from=333.788.seo.out
Oh shit, we have reached 48 users
>>3067 One lookks like a tempura'd rat...
vox discussing the moral quandaries of being a demon that depends on human lives both physically and emotionally while playing funny elephant mario game >>3068 our livers are age-regressing...
>>3069 i didn't want to point it out lol
>existential dread aside, look at how easy to control this water level is! kek
>>3063 Can't watch for long but why are Enna and Mika replaying this level I remember Enna clutching this in their first stream.
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I miss Pomu. Why can't it be 17th already...
>>3075 almost there, pomie
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Vivi is gonna make Reimu mald in Spanish
I love Reimu laugh
i haven't caught up to vivi streams since she usually streams when i'm busy, i forgot how cute she sounds
Vivi trying to get Reimu to put her guard down. Devious
Vivi is lowering her defenses by telling her about jjk
>>3077 What the equivalent of the hard n word in spanish?
Ken is going through it...
>>3083 Latinx ?
>>3085 Kek
Reimu is kicking vivis ass
Twin tail mumu?
Kick her ass Vivi!!
They're starting to get warmed up and actually do some combos
I feel like everyone hyped up splat 2 and then nobody played it a month after release
Oh shit this stretchy monk guy seems pretty good
I'm watching the vod for peto cunny she's so cute and sexy and built for anal
Everyone loves Levi....
I remember as a kid really liking the green guy
I have heard so much about that anime, frieren or whatever it is
Vivi is cute
Vivi is into clowns.....
Vivi has a thing for clowns
New Vivi fetish discovered kek
Fuck, man. Kunai is so silly
Kunai does not like dildo dillick Dilbert
>>3058 God dammit Finana I'm trying to do NNN
>>3103 I'm down bad for her breathy voice
I really like kunai she's got great zatsus skills. She's pure hag energy and I'm for it
Massaging kunai massive breasts!
Oh no Reimu.....
I hope Reimu does more hand cams soon her small hands are so cute
I bled so much the last time I built my pc
Poor kunai....
Kunai is cooking and I'm not sure I like it
Kunai you're so cute
Cute vivi
Aww no ship between them? Shame
Vivi is friendzoned. There's only room in Kunai's heart for 1 Vi
I hope we get more kunai news
Reimus getting her ass kicked kek
Vivi let's Reimu off easy sometimes it's cute
Oh shit I love drunken fist
Oh Vivi you're so cute
I'm glad Kunai wants to do creative goofy stream gimmicks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqEH6zYvvk8 Kunai likes wood soup ASMR is not for me, they make me uncomfortable
This site keeps crashing my phone entirely.....
Kunai is luring kids to her van with candy
aunty kunai kidnapping tempting kids with free candy 😭
>>3096 Kunai raided her again LMAO
TTT also shares 1 braincell
>>3126 sorry didn't mean to reply
>>3127 They're so great
>>3130 Pomu's cute laughter in the background, I needed this
>>3130 Elira sounds like a little boy
>>3122 I only like ASMR if it's a girl getting off
>>3134 ToT
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>They skipped the tutorial Well, it will be a fun stream
>>3138 >>3139 Time to bring on the suffering
everytime someone dies they panic
Kunai is a mouth breather...
my mouthbreathing snoring hag
Rose win
Let's go Rosemi!!
Why did she do it
>>3147 oh god she looks like a botched south park character
Pomus voice is so cute
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Enjoy the sunshine on this island vacation
vivi and kunai are getting pretty far in comparison to rissa and mumu
this is not an island vacation
Millie and feesh are so cute
Feesh and booba!!
Nice ass
all games are improved with fishing minigames, cant change my mind
Kunai and Vivi's stream was fun, now time to wait for Aia's outfit reveal now
Feesh has never seen a gun in her life im fairly certain
Millie better get the gold character too!
Millie and feesh really are one braincell
Oh millie got a dff gold character
I dont think you will Millie.....
whooooo go millie!!!! totally not rigged accounts or anything
No boob physics
I wonder if they have the drop rates available anywhere
I hope millies new costume continues with the cat theme
Millie and feesh and their cute tiny asain feet!
I hope feesh doesnt get addicted to this shes been doing good about not playing every gacha lately
>>3174 specifically mine
Drill hair tsunderes are my weakness
I wanna fuck Staff B
Ohio. I can't wait for Aia.s new outit
>they have too balls!
>>3180 (me) two* I cant type
>>3179 Im looking forward to it
Millie is not very good at dodging
Claude got the first Suika!
>>3185 Oh shit lets gooo
>>3183 Heh, Dogging.
>>3187 id raw dog millie
>>3188 Hey that should be me
Last minute guesses?
>>3192 Breast window
>>3192 Shinigami? I don't know, just a guess absed on the cover she's releasing
>>3194 Based
Why isn't she starting? Nervousness?
why are all of iluna edgelord emos
>You must be wondering how I get up in this situation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2KRpRMSu4g
Oh god i got reminded of Aia's original terrible tumblr style during debut....
What is she even saying
>>3207 Her artstyle has improved so much in the past year, I'm glad she hasn't stopped drawing
She is cringe but she is free
>>3209 That Claude he did last time was really good
Are her streams always like this..,?
>>3214 Dude, spoilers
>>3217 Valkyria Chronicles Aia
Aia is my new favorite Blue Archive character
D&D 5e sucks balls
Holy sex
>The eyes in the dress looking at Aia's fat ass They're just like me!
Ok Aia it's been 40 minutes already...
Awwww this one is really cute
Snorts: 1
Aia sweetheart it's been nearly 45 minutes and you haven't even started
>>3234 Without counting the 10 minutes it took her to actually start the stream...
>>3235 She's gonna miss her own cover.....
some of these are really ugly ngl......
Oh Meroco also got a Snowbreak sponsored stream https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran/status/1723520991731781822
>>3239 herr yeah
>Last 4 God, finally
>>3241 I dont wanna rush her but on the other hand I WANNA SEE THE OUTFIT ALREADY DAMMIT SHOW US YOUR TIDDIES
final 2
Oh, my boy Bad Fanart made it
Snorts: 2
these last two are the best
Snorts: 3
I wonder if her leaked outfit will be this outfit, I dont really watch her so i dont know
>Aia moved the time of her cover by 30 minutes Oh we're gonna be here a while...
>>3253 shes in her element
Is Reimu's 2nd outfit reveal still the longest one?
Hex vaing is always funny to me
She lost...
that's rock lee
I appreciate all the anons focusing on the important part
Aia wants the sexy filipina cosplayer to have an easier time while doing sexy cosplays of her...
Snorts: 4
Aia is so cringe but shes having fun at least
The tights are pretty sex
WTF Aia is talking about.....
Kek the model reset
Furen from nijisanji EN...
when will we get thick thighs
pretty sex so far
>>3285 My aunt is just like me!
H-Holy moply long gloves...
long gloves with rings on top are sex
The abillity to post multiple images is a blessign for screenposting, I can't come back to do this on the other site after this
>🤍The Guardian Angel🤍
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you jiggle, I giggle
the transparent white on her puffs are making me imagine the transparent white everywhere
>>3310 You could probably see everything if you threw a bucket of water on her
God her face is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
She looks your asian babygirl kek
Cute! I think her rigging has improved too, holy shit she looks good
cute and sex
very cute outfit
She glowed up..
Love the outfit I hope Maria gets Oppai too
and back to aia cringe, all is right in the world
Aia is going to peg Hex!
Pretty artwork
>Former archangel Aia did all this lore just to tie it with her fucking Gabriel from Ultrakill, didn't she?
Aia deserves the world shes very cute
>>3315 her face slightly reminds me of layla
Aia's new background
I think god watched a little too much Gankutsuou and gave her a themed halo
>>3329 Huh, she also has a light pink blush under her eyes
Aw this is cute
I like how iluna are getting 3.0 features with their outfits
>>3339 Aia already had 3.0...
>>3339 Yeah, their rigging has improved a lot
I hope the amounts of nsfw art of Aia increases with this
>>3341 Yeah thats true but she gets to use the features with this outfit too which is neat
Pinkscreen jumpscare
>>3345 I need more srunkle Aia porn
>>3345 I thought only the 4th one existed...
>>3348 The person who did them has their account locked but i would've told you to ask them
Aia doesn't need to fight chat about being a dork anymore, she now has to fight her breasts from jiggling all over the screen
Aia wants me to drink her milk
Fuck, I'm so horny. I want to fap but I'm in class right now. Damn you Aia. Damn you. I hope you choke on your spit and then survive so that you can feel ashamed.
>>3358 but its sunday...
>>3359 anon is religious
So, will Hex be voicing demons, rapists and creeps in all future lore videos?
>>3361 based
>>3360 I take part time degree study. We have class on Sunday
>>3363 I liked my headcanon better
>>3364 B-b-but I'm not Christian
Oh, it was Wilson's mom yesterday who was heard in the collab https://twitter.com/YuQWilson/status/1723539474955583936
Aia got jumscared by ads
>>3368 Yeah, I'm his mom(male)
>>3368 Is his mom single?
Her singing voice is so cute
>>3372 I honestly think she could be a very good singer if she learned how to sing with her Ms. Amare voice
Her voice reminds me of a vsinger I listen to
Thank you Aia, that was extremely emo, also the video and art for it was reaaaaaaally good
less than four hours until maririn also, aia and scarle showed off their boobs so maririn has to have negative boobs to keep the balance of iluna
>>3376 oh wait is marias outfit reveal today too
LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1723544052937662787
>>3378 oh no, she hasn't announced it yet. i'm just voicing out my hopes...
>>3379 Finally some good news
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Hi, anon who proporsed an idea to make a news thread few days ago. I've baked one >>3382 Feel free to post any criticism or suggestions how to improve it. Also, the thread isn't one man's show, so feel free to post any news and discuss them howewer you like while I'm AFK.
>>3385 thanks anon!
>>3385 Thank you for your contribution!
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maririn fighting tooth and nail for justice to prevail
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>>3385 Fuck, I put the thread's subject as the name. Sorry for scuff, I'm not used to bake threads. Guess you can call me the news anon now
>>3393 /News/...
>>3392 management hate unironically if they give her big boobs
poor sewen shes so sick
Shes triggering all the scatfags right now with her stories
the more selen mentions shes asian the more I wanna fuck her
I wanna marry selen and take care of her
Selen is tired of the same fucking meta of FPS games being the same
Just play Rocket League, Selen
Overwatch collab with a bunch of the boys next week, it's all men
>>3400 Theres literally been so little hype for any fps lately honestly
>>3403 It's pretty stagnant and the big stablished franchises don't take risks, CS:GO 2 literally selling smoke
>>3404 It doesnt help that Halo, COD and OW2 all went f2p and prioritized money over content
"What do you mean you want to shoot? Nonono, you want to open loot boxes!"
Valorant isnt even good! Its just a fuck around game vtubers play when they have collabs with more than 4 people
>>3408 Valorant is great
>>3409 It's CS 1.6 with kpop Overwatch characters and more than 2 sites, which is truly questionable game design wise
Halo Infinite just had a revival but that doesnt work since they cant get perm
>>3408 Ngl from the Valo streams i've watched they make it seem so chill that I'm considering giving it a try lmao, cs2 meanwhile can be pretty stressful sometimes.
Well Selen, time to become a fighting gamer
Just accept fortnite selen its the only shooter worth it these days.....
PUBG is still popular in japan for some stupid reason
I dont understand how LoL hasnt died honestly
Selen piss!
>>3418 Not to mention you couldnt even buy a skin directly there was no direct way to get skins, you had to purchase a set amount of loot boxes and earn enough currency through them to buy the skin you wanted and currency only started dropping regularly after you unlocked the billion and one recolors
>>3418 My biggest issue with WoW too, you pay the sub, pay for the expansion and then they want you to also pay for mtx? Fuck that shit
>>3417 It's like a really bad roguelite with small different changes in every game..
Of course you don't hear about new League players, Selen, it's like telling your friends you're gonna start doing crack on Friday
RTS kinda died but people do love chess now
maririn cooking alien burgers! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q2HjhlUL5o
Cute small selen....
>management keeps giving maririn bread MANAGEMENT HATE
I guess we'll have to wait until Maririn's 3rd outfit for total flatness again...god i fucking hate management if they actually forced her to have boobs
>>3413 Valorant can be really fun especially with all the abilities
>>3430 >valo can be fun you cant say that
this stream is making me want to play godlike burger again but I broke my controller...
maria is so cute
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>>3416 I still remember how JP streamers discovered Forsen through his PUBG streams. It was truly bizzare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYnDYoVaJUc
Wish my oshi streams more
Wonder if the EN branch managers are deciding that the girls (and the guys too probably just looking from Vox) should go full coombait on their new outfits
>>3439 isnt aia the one who designed her outfit? I might be wrong as I'm threadwatching
>>3439 Zuttomo's outfits seems like they will be simple cookie cutter cute stuff it's probably still up to the livers. Vox probably had that idea for his outfit for a long while since he was working on that movie since shortly after debut.
>>3441 >Zuttomo's outfits seems like they will be simple cookie cutter cute stuff I'd imagine that yeah, all of them would probably wear casual girls day out oufits kinda like Rosemi's third outfit
I have no idea what maririn is doing
>>3443 making burgers!
Did Maririn say management might be forcing her to get breast implants?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq-OcErSSpE >Aster doing a magic show This should be kino. I really liked his segment during Iluna's 1st anniversary
>>3445 Nah, she said that she always get a read addition in merchs. She mentioned IF the new outfit has bread, she will fight against it.
>>3447 Based. It would be pretty fucked up if they forced her to do something like that And honestly, Maria with boobs is just plain wrong
>>3446 I know aster has his faults but I hope one day he gets some recognition
maririn said her new outfit won't be revealed in "the next month or two" also minimum two new covers in december and a idolmaster/love live karaoke coming up
>>3452 no...
>>3452 So Iluna will have their outfit reveals stretched for 3 months minimum? Fuck, I hope Xsoleil won't take this long
>maririn's mind is still a child UOH 😭 same tho
The theme for this schedule was "PLEASE FINISH IT FOR FUCK'S SAKE"
>>3458 How far are Reimu and Enna in DS3 actually I'm only had time to watch one of the earlier parts months ago.
>>3458 >Dead Space 3 Holy fucking shit, I unironically thought that they've dropped it. Hope they will be able to finish it this month. With Reimu's determince to do all sidequests, it will take them like 2 - 3 more streams to do it. >>3459 They're on chapter 14 right now, doing sidequests
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https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxv1oyoUWJQzIoKSISig9hVh6pX7YGmGfi No gaming streams and probably no cooking stream from Koto this week, she's too busy doing offline work and prepering for Xsoleil's one year anniversary. Expect another karaoke stream and a membership stream though
>>3460 Thanks, I remember Reimu's persistence in doing side quests in the stream I watched. Probably won't bother catching up tbh but hope they finish it.
>>3463 The whole series was extremly fun, probably one of my favourite collab series in EN period. I haven't watched Enna's POV streams though, I should watch them someday
>>3466 Koto... You should stop egosearching yourself and stalking your fans on Twitter even though female Kotocats are really cute
Scarle schedule
>>3470 If you told me that Scarle of all people in NijiEN was going to be the one doing the longest run of BG3 i would've told you that you're a retard a few months back, she really earned my respect for getting so far with it
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>>3470 >FF XIV >WOW Scarle becoming an MMO autist wasn't on my bingo card.
>>3465 I think the one stream I watched was Enna's POV and I remembered they struggled so much with this encounter in this image. Their character dialogues were like telling them to activate a harpoon or something but it took so long for both of them to realize lmao. Honestly I wasn't really feeling the collab that much from the bits I've seen but it's great to hear you that you are enjoying it a lot.
>>3471 >Go to last stream >Go to the end to the end to see where she at >See this SEXO
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>>3473 Yeah, them being stuck for like an hour there was frustrating, but still really fun
Ohhhh i was watching VODs and didn't realize Zali was doing karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_e486U_5Co
>Robotic voice >"I amTsuchi" Zali, it's kinda fucked up to speak for your dead sister
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Honestly, it's kind of impressive that we went from 5 people posting once per months to 10 people posting once per day. Hope we will incline from now on
>>3478 We're actually quite a few more, yesterday it reached 45 posters
>>3479 You still need to count stuff like dynamic IPs, phoneposters and tourists saying hi and going away for the day. Still, the number is impressive, even if it's somewhat inflated
Peto schedule!
>>3481 >Frozen Latino collab after outfit reveal >It's The Forest >The silhouettes were actually fake >Peto and Reimu now both look like tribe ladies with their breasts covered only by leaves
>>3481 >Petra, Rosemi, Selen, Shu, Uki, Doppio Odd line up. Still, every collab with Rosemi and Doppio in it will be kino
>>3481 Holy shit, I've just realised that she used Naokomama's art for the schedule
>>3478 Ngl I still came here checking this site almost every week to see if that one disgruntled peep in the Enna thread eventually replied to me since he resonated with me so much back then lmao. They never did so I guess they might have moved on from Enna.
>Zali singing hated by the live itself I can't stop associating this song with the bully panda after her shitpost cover
>>3486 Probably I mean she follows him lol
>>3485 I used to be a peep, i almost got to the 1 tear badge membership also but i dropped her because i felt like she was giving more attention to the antis than the fans and i was already sick of the antis from everywhere else so i just stopped watching her because i didn't need that negativity on my face on stream
Ok i might kill and redo this thread since it takes forever to load in mobile because there's almost 3000 posts, holy fuck. I will do it maybe at the end of the day
>>3489 That's very understandable, I assume you membered her around Feburary 2022? Things were not good during the early 2023 period. Personally I feel like everything with her has been so much better since she came back from her first Japan trip sometimes I get a bit emotional thinking about it lmao. Just been really enjoying how she's been the past several months.
>>3490 🫡 Salute to this thread
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>>3490 >We reached a post limit WE'RE SO BACK
>>3492 Yeah she calmed down a lot in the past few months and i've been able to enjoy her again but the first half of 2023 was just terrible...
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>>3496 https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1723718220090388648 She's been listening to Kuzuha's cover on loop
>>3495 Glad to hear that you are still able to enjoy some of her now. I still have a feeling that she'll mess up again since she still says some questionable things on stream lmao but I trust her more now compared to earlier in the year.
With Zali doing that voice i just had an idea...full Yugamin karaoke but it's different livers doing cutesy voices and you have to guess who's who
>>3498 Oh boi I'm gonna sound like him. I think Enna need some kind of patriarchal guidance/solace in order to function properly and since right now she able to get it from her dad. I hope Enna keep has bright future in this gig.
>>3500 I can be her daddy
>>3501 Can you cook perfect congee?
>>3490 Is there an option to limit it to 1500 posts? Also o7 for the thread
>>3502 Idk, never tried, i could probably pull it off since i know how to cook and can follow simple instructions, also know when something has the texture, density it needs to have, how much heat to use, how much time things take to be done, i check what i'm cooking very often even if it needs some time to cook, etc
>>3504 Better start now aloupeep. I don't know how long she will be single(not married).
>>3503 Yeah, we could make the limit 1500 posts, but i also want to run a full check on the board first while checking performance to see if this is the issue or if there's something else wee need to change like the custom CSS since it loads first and then it goes into your chosen theme
>>3504 You can follow her own congee cooking stream too. That was personally one of my favorite ever streams of hers, thought it was really pleasant.
>>3507 I'm sorry but i follow guides from grannies in cookpad because they know best
I wish Zali would do a French Karaoke but maybe permissions are too much of a problem
Apperently, Zali will have a suika collab on Tuesday with some kind of super Suika master. This person will train him to get the first place in Niji
Just got raided into Vox's stream.... Is he having a menhera breakdown again?
>>3514 Ok, apperently, it's some kind of schizo RP.... He went really far from his early coomer ASMR into schizophrenia simulation
Vox having another Episode?
>>3513 He really became the suika streamer
>>3517 He even said that he will be training with a new account since he doesn't want to break the record while being backseated.... His dedication is impressive
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>>3481 Clue collab with Rosemi-sama... Awesome!
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>>3520 LET'S GO
>>3520 started
>Kunai watched Trigun untill 11 PM No.... Your sleep schedule....
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Kunai sounds so cute when she speaks japanese😳
So, what is the current status of Reimu's phone? Did she mention when it will be back in her hands?
Good afternoon! I love kunai and mumu
It reminded me that one gif of Pomu bouncing on Elira's boobs
I try having a normal life on a weekend but i sometimes forget that the schizo doesn't have one, thank you for the reports
AAA I just wanna watch streams but I'm out right now. Can someone tell me how kunai is doing?
>>3534 I never played this game but i guess she's having fun, also she's making a lot of cute hag noises
>>3533 I tried to take care of it myself, this site could be a bit more mobile friendly tho. Thanks
>>3537 You're welcome and no worries, i'll just halve your pay
>>3536 It's on my backlog of games. I wish she streamed for longer periods so I didn't have fomo
LMAO Kunai got greedy and got fucking sniped
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>>3533 Thank you for being awesome. I hope the rest of your weekend is swell! Just waiting on the next Rosemi thing
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Honestly, I'm ready to drop that thread at this point and only use it to save images. The same schizo retards, the same noomber raiders, use the same arguments, the same trollposts, type in the same way and local retards still reply to everything every day. It's like a never ending loop, everything is the same fucking shit, they never fucking learn. It's like an insane asylum full of demented people doing the same shit over and over and over again. It's practically impossible to have any kind of good faith discussion or even to livepost anything without schizo derailing the thread. I fucking swear, I see that retarded "Pomu is graduating/her 3D is cancelled" argument literally every day, this is asinine.
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>>3542 Buddy, it's a NSFW board. Don't blueball us
>>3545 Wow, wow, calm down maripet, take some tazumi curry and enjoy auntie kunai with us
>>3546 I wish there were more to that pic than there already is because i love collecting cursed lewds but there isn't
>>3543 Thank you! I'm actually playing pathfinder with some friends in a few (while keeping an eye here)
Kunai is probably dropping Ori because she's not feeling it
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>>3548 Oh....
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>>3545 I gave up on posting anything remotely positive because it will either get ignroed or twisted into something negative. I also gave up on reporting because none of the retarded loops get deleted ever. At this point this is my NijiEN thread now, the only thing I'll miss is posting about gaming but I'll survive.
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>>3549 ooohhh AWESOME! I had a game last night and it was so much fun! Hope your game is going great. I am playing a Half-Elf Magus Archetype called a Myrmidarch which is basically a 3/4ths Fighter Magus who can Switch Hit with Ranged Spell Strike. Not as good as a Magus Eldritch Archer for the arcane archer range spellstriker archetype, but very very cool for playing a hybrid that can go between melee and ranged combat. I also tend to be the team strategist/tactician but the players this time are great at all giving their own input so I don't feel like I have to take the initiative all the time like with my last couple of games. To keep it a little more on topic, I REALLY REALLY want to see Aia run a serious weekly or bi-monthly campaign with the players that have the potential to to beyond one shots... I could see Doppio, Fuuchan and Vox as primaries for this, Rosemi possibly outside her usual business! The casual one shots are fun but the roleplay, character bonding, moments of glory, looting, self made memes are so good in long form campaigns Again hope your game is awesome =w=
>>3550 Bye Kunai, thanks for the stream! I'll probably watch Reimu for a little bit and took a nap now >>3550 Fair enough, the puzzles take too much time + the game takes too much attention for her, which won't make a fun playthrough. At least she's honest about it, I hate it when vtubers drop games quietly and when people brought them up, they just make up some dumb excuse why they aren't playing it. Like Nina and her New Vegas playthrough
>>3552 >>3552 I'm at the point of dropping my ritual and only checking in when my oshi is streaming. This place is a lot better. There's enough negative shit to deal with in the real world, I don't need to watch an endless loop of the same tired shitposts and narratives. And no I don't mean nuanced or constructive criticisms. I have things I dislike about my oshis. I just don't bother talking about it unless it comes up, or don't watch content I don't care for.
>>3552 This is probably the first time I want genuinly to drop the thread. There were really shitty moments when shitposting was over the top, but even then I just took like a month/two break at most, but now I literally see no value there. Yes, even during doxxing and graduation arcs the thread wasn't this bad. Fuck, shitposting itself used to be more handcrafted and creative, now the same schizo repeats the same narrative that he made up every single day and gets guaranteed (you)s. It's like the thread's collective IQ had dropped down or something, it's pure brainrot. I feel like I become more and more retarded myself when I read those loops.
>>3555 I can't even livepost the livers I like anymore, the schizo will bring up some retarded schizophrenic narrative about them and derail the thread. I will only use that thread during big events like outfit reveals, at least people during those streams genuinly come to livepost and discuss, so shitposters get filtered by genuine posting.
>>3553 Oh nice, i never learned to play with magus, i'm playing a kineticist right now and we're playing in Forgotten Realms (the DM knew FR a little better) so i'm an earth and electricity kineticist that left his hippie elemental village to go to the temple of Gond in Waterdeep and learn to be an engineer, he's on his way of learning metal too now. And yeah i would love a more serious campaign but i don't know if some of the players would be able to handle it, we've seen many joke characters but we still have to see if they can go through a serious campaign, also i know Aia can only DM for 2e and 5e in fantasy themes but it would be nice to have something like a WoD campaign since it's very beginner friendly and also there's so many edgy bois in NijiEN who would love to play vampires dressed in full hot topic that i think they would really vibe with that
Reimu loves Inuyasha's spanish dub
>>3559 It's pretty good ngl, also the Angelus OP hits different in spanish because the song has heavy spanish music inspiration
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>>3558 Magus can fulfill a lot of fantasies for a spellsword or battlemage but requires a lot of mechanical understanding, lateral thinking and is preferably in a high point buy game. Pathfinder fixed a lot of gish issues but Magus can be quite rough. The best overall usage of a Magus is a kind of novaspiker that gets insane value out of spellstriking something like intensified shocking grasp for insane value multiplied on crits with extra hit on heavy armored opponents. This is because spellstrike hits on your weapon attack dice rather than purely off touch attack requirements, so you can dish out ridiculous nova damage at the cost of being neither a full caster or a full babby martial, while using spells that don't focus on on save DCs as part of the spell. For action economy utility, a different class feat, Spell Combat has incredible value as it let's you cast a spell AND full round attack, as long as you either cast the spell first or after your full round attacks. So you could ping a scorching ray into a full combo or do a touch attack spike into fra. Or self buff into fra, such as true strike or haste, etc. The other cool kind of build is to focus on delivering debuffs or CCs into fras, such as taking extra arcana class feat into Spell Blending to take spells from the wizard spell list. Good example is ghoul touch but there are many others. With Myrmidarch, if you reach metamagic ghoul touch, you can ranged spellstrike a ghoul touch at say, a wizard, and paralyze them. At 11 on Myrm, you get to fire off multi hits on a ranged touch like say scorching ray, per arrow on top of your arcana pool clas feat or say arcane strike feat to do ranged nova spike damage. The Magus also eventually is able to spellcast in medium and heavy armor without arcane spell failure so you can play a proper spell sword or battlemage build. A neat trick you can use that paizo confirmed with Maguses is utilizing the arcane mark orison to give yourself early game two-weapon fighting for an extra attack per round, with both attacks being at a -2 by Spellstriking arcane mark and treating arcane mark as your spell as if off-hand for Spell Combat's purposes. Couple these tricks with a spell drinker weapon and you can deliver a lot of damage, debuffs or CCs in melee or at range with certain archetypes. It's super fun but definitely skews on the complex side of classes. Also I agree with you completely! It would be so good for her to run something beginner friendly but with great RP potential like WoD. She'd probably also struggle teaching a more complex system like 3.5 or Pf1e... One can still dream though. I just see the serious rp potential in the livers I listed if they get into it, provided she can give them the proper support, and really wonder what it'd be like if she gets more confident in her writing to the point of making a homebrew setting that is not just there for the sillies. I wish her luck since she expressed interest in that, but would also be happy to see her run some adventure paths of length. My party is a blessing because everyone is both mechanically minded but really loves RPing their characters to their full potential. Someday in the future I hope to unironically be a DM Vtuber so I can run campaigns for multiple groups of people and get them into deeper fantasy systems with my own settings or try out systems I never got the chance to DM but only play like WoD or Dark Heresy.
>>3561 I think Aia does silly campaigns for the participants, not for herself. Majority of players don't really know how to play and would quickly get fucked in a semi-serious campaign without safeguards. Maybe if we get more D&D autist in the branch who can actually play seriously, then she'll able to do a proper campaign, but even that is a really complicated task to pull through. Just look at what happened with BG3 collab campaign, I doubt they'll be able to continue it untill January. Now imagine this but in a table top game. It would take Aia like a year to finish it on stream properly.
>It's just like Goblin Slayer Reimu is going to get raped by goblins
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>>3562 That's very true as well. It's a tough balance because you want them to have fun and feel invited but if you go too far it's always going to be joke ones hots and joke characters. Scheduling is also probably a nightmare when it comes to corporate streamers. I would aim to run one shot fun adventures to ease them in that have the potential to lead into actual settings of the world, or see their initial characters become npcs or rival parties to their main parties. It is definitely hard to wrangle people, especially people who have low attention spans. It could be something more lighthearted initially like The Hobbit (book)'s segments like the Elvenking's Halls or something simple or compelling in LotR (Book) the Barrow Downs. Then asking the players if they'd like to continue the campaign or play in the setting. Maybe someday I can be the TT and CRPG/RPGs in general Autist in EN, I'd like that a lot, even if it is a niche.
>>3566 oh nice this could be fun
Vivi feet love!
>>3568 I JUST SAW THIS! Im commissioning a piece rn for her
would vivi look better in a blue or a black swimsuit
>>3572 Black because she's an edgy girl
Ok yeah, sorry, say bye to the custom CSS because this is in a good PC but on something worse it's gonna take a long ass time, 40$ of the load time is just loading the custom style and then changing to another style
>>3574 Rip custom css
>>3574 I'm already using tomorrow so it makes no difference to me lmao
>>3578 it does because it defaults to custom CSS first and then it goes to the site default (Yotsuba, i think?) and then it goes to the one you have set up
>>3574 $40?! That's some ridiculous shit
>>3581 Sorry it was 40% i just mistyped
>>3568 H-Holy macaroni well spank me cross eyed shiver me timberss hot diggty jeeper creepers smack my mack goodness gracious crikey oh my gosh aye carambaa mon dieu
We will go until 3000 and then i'll archive this and make a new thread
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I will be the last post

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