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General Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:23:31 No. 17
The catch all thread of zoophiles to talk and post whatever you want part of the discussion. Share experiences, whatever spurred you into this interest, or anything really. It can be kind of a hang out.
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>>4028 >His one man crusade is a daily inspiration If only there were more people under the same beliefs as other anons here as well as him and less normal fags who oppose the concept of Zoophilia, then there wouldn't be such states like Oregon or European countries who class it as 'animal abuse' and other crap countries that deem bestiality as against the gay government's randy rules and lousy laws. Alas, if that day ever comes where there are more places more accepting of sexual inter species relationships, instead of the reverse, then i shall gladly and gloriously die a happy anon! Until that day dawns i will thus wait in anticipation and hope for it.
is zoox18 "better" than APR or does it just have more content?
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Does anyone have hentai of, like, snake women fucking or sucking off dudes? I saw some snake related hentai in this thread which made me want some, lol. This seems like the best place to ask on the board.
Well this is cool
>>4034 That's the thing with fucking a really small pussy, be it cat or toddler, it's often just not practical, and forcing it could cause serious harm, though there are rumors of being able to stretch it out for increased accommodation (and even if they are true, and the advice works out, there's only so much you can get in). You see a lot of this stuff with porn about a human guy and a fairy sized chick, that she can magically turn her body into some plastic substance to take a dick bigger than she is. Though there are other variations where the minigirl and her partner simply accept that they can't get anything inside her, and instead turn to alternative sex acts which forego vaginal penetration, like with bodyjobs or a lot of oral and frottage, of having her be the one going inside the guy rather than the other way around. Same could apply to other tiny pussies, like cats or toddlers, I guess. There's a lot more to sexual pleasure than PIV.
For me it was looking up something in google when I was 12 of like werewolf or wolf person and then it went from there.Then I found fchan and found what furries were. then that went from there and it was all set for me haha but i always was more atrratcted to dogs than humans
>>211 I miss that asshole.
>>11628 omg I love this
>>3086 >black twitter shitskin memes fuck off
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why are goats the most attractive yet the most underrated in the scene?
No idea. Growing up, I thought their bare asses were kinda gross, like chimps. We had only one Saanen female, and I remember her just screaming her head off on occasion. Now I know she was just in heat and wanting some cock. I did try to finger her once but she wasn't interested at the time. After that, I never gave goats much thought until after I fixated on deer, which are just much more difficult to find photos of, and to mix with. Their junk is very similar- even though deer are infinitely more attractive- I am a practical person after all and I'm sure a goat would be lovely. In some of the dairy breeds like Alpine and Oberhasli, some of the females are very deer-like too, so. Cool part about the goat community is the (mostly female it seems) owners have this thing they like to do: Posting detailed and well-taken images of their goat girls' pussies onto goat groups asking the community whether they think they're pregnant. Also popular are very well-taken shots of dairy goats' udders, and butt shots of Boer goats (they have the nicest-looking pussies of all goats). In this way, I have found and collected easily thousands of photos of good-looking goat pussy. If you're curious to enter this rabbit hole, just image search "goat pooch" (some doofy owners like to call a goat vulva a "pooch" for whatever odd reason). Maybe someday I'll have some goats for fun. They seem pretty entertaining and I bet the pussy is top shelf.
So anons, tell me about Rhinos... heard they can be pretty playful and gentle with caretakers. Why theres no Rhino fucking porn already?
Hi friends. Do we have a booru style website for doggies? Something in the vein of Callista.
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>>12159 from what i've seen, they're as horny and sometimes even hornier than horses; the problem with fucking them is that they're almost blind so unless you're known to them they'll try to horn you to death (hell their mating courtship begins with them almost killing each other, and sometimes doing so). Then 1st method would be being a caretaker or a rhino vet but then you would be caught 4k drowning in rhinussy. 2nd method would be to go for a wild one but then the gut horning problem reemerges while at the same time having the risk of being caught by either poachers or anti-poacher authorities or life conservation innitiatives since they're endangered and most rhino herds are monitored by gps, all of that for some pussy that you can barely see past the 50 fat ticks that got to it first (seriously i haven't seen a wild rhino's pussy without at least 1 tick on it) Also supposedly they stink like shit TL;DR It fucking sucks
>>11628 Hot thanks
>>11646 most emotionally stable 8chan user
Maybe its because they're already a small part of the population, but I really wish there was trans females getting railed by dogs, literally never seen it sadly, the only transgirl I know thats into dogs is specifically drawn only sadly.
>>16459 I think i've seen that on zooville before.
Hey guys, so I really just want to fuck an animal. I would prefer a horse, dog or goat. (A chicken would also do fine but I dont want to permanently injure the animal.) Do you have any past experiences or advice on what to do? I'm working fulltime so getting a pet is not an option. I live in a rural area though, so "fencehopping" would technically be possible. Here are some ideas, feel free to comment on them: a) Hopping into an animal enclosure (e.g. Goat) at night, looking at, petting and possibly touching them sexually. b) Doing the same at an animal shelter with dogs. c) The above but also short-time "leasing" the animal, so I can enjoy it in my home. (I would obviously bring it back "unharmed" and well-fed.) d) Street-dogs (but they aren't really a thing where I live) e) Buying an animal at a farmers-market or pet-store. (I would have to find a place for them afterwards. Ty
I'd like to connect with zoos more but I'm socially retarded and paranoid plus the area I'm in seems to be pretty barren when it comes to zoo anyways
>>22138 Fencehoppong used to be viable. Not anymore with how much camera tech has evolved, and depending on where you live you're risking getting shot. Offer dog-sitting for people. Look for people asking for dogsitters. It doesn't guarantee you'll get laid but atleast you get to spend time with an animal and get some money from it.
>>22138 a) Unsafe in an wireless camera world b) They're all spay/neutered c) See above d) They won't trust you. You could get harmed. You'll bring fleas into your home. e) You'd need to find a place for them first, obviously. Get a good job, find a place of your own, buy a puppy - train her well, fuck 1.5 - 2 years later
>>22138 I'd go for a mare if possible, best pussy you'll ever have in your life. First and foremost, for multiple reasons DO NOT IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO MOLESTING AND TRYING TO FUCK HER. Even though most mares have been touched by men before (seriously! It's something you don't talk about in farming in polite company but it's known most mare guys are fucking them and the chances are if you're getting a new mare she's lifted her tail for a human before even if it's just so he can feel her up. It's accepted usually begrudgingly even by female farmers.), unless shes used to putting out for men she doesn't know, chances are she'll deny a strange man in the dead of night trying to touch her sex and you'll get kicked or bitten. Now, even if she wants you to fuck the shit out of her (unlikely because she'll more than likely be wondering who you are but it does happen), DON'T FUCK HER YET. As another anon said there's probably cameras about, linger around for a few days and see if there's any reaction or change from the farmer (also helps her get more comfortable with you), look around for any obvious cameras on the outside and inside because, usually, they WANT the cameras to be seen. Stops any would be thief's or mare fuckers from even trying. If you see even ONE camera, go for another stable because there WILL be more that you can't see. If possible, try to go for farms and stables with older owners, technology (especially hidden cams) is beyond their understanding usually and they've never needed it so... Why start now, right? Ignore any moral crusaders crying about you fucking their mare. Pussy that good is too good to pass up and should be experienced by everybody! If you ever get the chance take pics and videos! Don't go giving yourself away however just to take pics and such, bright lights will get you caught Good luck! As soon as you get your first experience on a mare you'll be hooked!
>>22313 In a dark barn, any IR-emitting camera is easy to spot with any cellphone running in video mode. Cameras that do not emit IR but use low ambient light to capture video exist, but are more expensive and less common. "Covert" cameras concealed in objects also exist, but any of there would stand out like a sore thumb in a barn as they are meant to be used inside a home. Smoke detectors, clock radios, etc. Less common than those are true concealments which have to be custom-installed. Even those have a tiny lens showing, there are devices designed to detect them as well. The presence of a strong local wifi can tell you whether you're in a barn with technology or not. There are handheld devices that can detect RF transmissions or noise, no consumer-grade stuff is shielded. Even so, I don't think I would risk trying something in someone else's barn anymore, people can be sneaky and just walk up on you.
>>397 Great name for a band.
>>463 Are you a man or a woman?
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I know I'd seen a thread about peek-a-boo sheaths but can't find it now. So, have a general FB reel, almost guaranteed not to have been intended to be titillating, but here we are.
To the guys who have tried multiple animal vaginas: Please explain (in detail if possible) which vagina feels the best and how they feel. I'd love to hear you guys comparing Goat, Sheep, Horse, Dog and Pig pussy! Hit me with your tierlist. Merry christmas.
>>22426 >posted in 2021 <"I hope they reply"
>>22592 Dream: dolphin pussy Best: mare Great: human and sheep are tied and honestly are quite similar Good: canine It works: anal
>>22608 Filly is probably better than mare, but I don’t have personal experience to know for sure. And merry Christmas
I'm really surprised I haven't seen a single video of a transwoman getting knotted; the thought of a from-below view of someone with their boobs swinging and cock and balls squirting uselessly is so hot
Every Christmas I hope for someone to fuck a reindeer. Every year I am disappointed. They are such personable and fearless animals as well; you would think that it would be easy.
>>22687 Every year somebody fucks a reindeer, of that I have no doubt. It's just they don't video and post it, which is unfortunate. There's probably not much internet where the Sami live, and anybody else with captive pets would be too worried about being ID'd. I think about all those "christmas village" farms that have tons of cute "santa's reindeer" to pet and feed... there's no way that someone hasn't fucked some jtrh reindeer pussy before the tourists arrive (just remember to clean all your cum out of her pussy so she's not dripping during the photoshoots) I did read one nicely written account a long time ago on a forum. Seemed pretty legit and I busted to it more than once. I wonder if I saved it? If I find it should I post it in the deer thread?
Talking about special animals: I dont want to approve or promote this but did you guys ever fuck a chicken? How does it feel and would you say its worth it? I've seen lots of content on zoox18

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