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Garden~of~Butterflies~ #1 Voxian 07/04/2023 (Tue) 00:12:08 No. 24400
We are well into summer now, time to enjoy the outdoors and the possibilities this special season brings us la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/04/2023 (Tue) 00:39:38.
>>24400 So I've made it so only 1 file can be posted at a time. I'm going to stop posting images for the most part la~
>>24402 I had an attractive young blonde gal say she fell in love with me at first sight, we exchanged contacts, she texted me, and then she vanished. For a fleeting moment I was on CloudNine, butt I always thought it was too good to be true... and so it was. Alas, when will spring and summer come for my heart? I have been frozen in winter for so long I've already cracked quite a lot la~
>>24417 Butt, you know, I can't settle. It's not fair to the lass. I have to be fully attracted physically to my love interest or else my lack of attraction will eventually show la~
>>24419 It is also necessary to motivate me to pursue since 99%+ of women will not pursue a man unless he is very clearly high status la~
>>24425 https://exhentai.org/s/a8c89b66be/2597395-8 <MC has his beloved Aunt basically begging him to fuck her... pussies out. Yeah, at least I'd never be that much of a pussy la~
>>24446 Bloody WASPs, and I don't mean White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, although they also suck by virtue of being cucks la~
>>24449 Happy 4th of July BTW, the First and Second Amendments to the United States Constitution are the most important enacted political documents in history. Sadly the promise of the USA really started dying with the importation of non-Whites and later the failure of the CSA to achieve (peaceful) independence la~
>>24457 https://archive.ph/uTa4G >Nucom menace marches on la~
>>24458 Tree of Liberty looking parched la~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/04/2023 (Tue) 23:33:47.
>>24459 <Water the tree with the blood of tyrants la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/04/2023 (Tue) 23:34:22.
>>24460 Ah~ today was a unexpectedly difficult day thanks to buggers la~
>>24462 Here, relax to this relaxing folk song la~
>>24491 Nya~ la~
>>24493 Time to sleep nya~
>>24497 Butt, first a bath nya~
>>24498 So the 'people' I matched with and exchanged messages with just stopped responding and soon were 'deleted users' this has happened on 3 different dating sites. Were they even real people? Especially the 'gal' who said she fell in love with me at first sight... evidently not or else she would have responded. Honestly, it's all so tiresome la~
>>24499 <Yes la~
>>24503 I really need to move out for my health, butt it doesn't make financial sense, thus it has always been. The only hope I have is marriage and/or moving in with my WIFE/GF/BF either on a property s/he owns or her/his parent's own... or maybe, perhaps more realistically, it might make sense to split rent. I'd take the financial hit to move on with (and try to find) my life la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/05/2023 (Wed) 22:23:00.
>>24509 Sex la~
>>24520 Ahn~ la~
>>24522 Ara~ la~
>>24540 Ah~ I love the feeling of failure in the morning, help yourself to my asshole la~
>>24541 Harder nya~
>>24542 Ahn~ I came la~
>>24550 Hello la~
>>24555 Ahn~ la~
>>24551 Hello. It looked like you was having fun there.
>>24569 Maybe la~?
>>24570 Today was a bad day though, yet another day where my confidence has been crushed la~
>>24571 More than that, I've been suffering from a lack of liberty and love for over 2 decades now. Everyday is a struggle against my curse (blessing). All I can do is to (futilely) try and redirect my passion and seek a way towards either independence or codependence with someone who will actually love me. I'm so very weary of censoring and suppressing myself to 'fit in' to this 'family.' I haven't really moved forward emotionally since I was 12. I've still living in the same old 'box' la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/07/2023 (Fri) 08:30:45.
>>24572 Whatever, regardless I have no choice butt to keep on struggle towards the hope of happiness la~
>>24573 Starting again tomorrow la~
>>24582 https://kaas.to/the-gene-of-ai-f5b8/ep-1-c071aa <For all those people that want to 'upload' or 'create' a digital copy of themselves and think it a form of immortality la~
>>24581 >Up until the Second World War, eugenics was popular among the educated classes. This included those on the political Left — such as progressive novelist H.G. Wells and Nobel laureate and communist Hermann Muller. Aldous Huxley, D.H. Lawrence, and Bertrand Russell were also eugenicists. Until the Pope condemned eugenics in 1930, it had many Catholic advocates. Feminists and suffragettes were often outspoken eugenicists. Activists in Europe and the United States succeeded in getting many eugenic measures enacted, such as sterilizing violent criminals and prohibiting the mentally retarded from marrying la~
>>24603 >Endowed chairs, journals, and entire academic departments were established in the name of eugenics. Interestingly, opposition came primarily from conservatives, who objected to eugenics mainly on religious grounds. Today, of course, the situation is reversed, and only those on the far-right speak positively of eugenics, with leftists opposing it with febrile intensity — though largely on grounds no more rational than appeals to religious faith (e.g., the insistence that “all lives are valuable” and that standards of mental and physical health are “oppressive”).la~
>>24604 >Let’s consider first the decline in intelligence. Studies of identical twins have confirmed that IQ is in the region of 0.8 heritable, which means that 80 percent of differences in individual intelligence are the result of genetics. The environmental component to intelligence is intellectual stimulation and nutrition, which is needed to push a child’s IQ to realize its full potential. IQ is correlated with wealth: wealthy people tend to be smarter, because intelligence is needed to create wealth. Even in the case of inherited wealth, intelligence is needed to maintain it or cause it to increase. The flipside of this is that poverty is correlated with low intelligence. In pre-industrial England, wealthy people had more children, as they were better able to care for them, whereas the poor were most impacted by child mortality. Some couples had no children who survived into adulthood la~
>>24605 >This pattern has now been completely reversed — a fact that is well known to readers of American Renaissance. Today, the lower one’s IQ and socio-economic status, the more likely one is to have children. And most of these children survive, given that even indigent mothers can avail themselves of modern medical advances and social welfare programs. By contrast, affluent people with high IQs have few children or none at all. This means people with low IQ are proliferating la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/09/2023 (Sun) 02:26:47.
>>24606 >There are a number of factors that have contributed to this situation. Since the use of contraception is associated with impulse control and the ability to plan for the future, more intelligent people tend to use it — exactly the opposite of what we would wish to be the case. Feminism has encouraged intelligent women to devote their most fertile years to education and career, which means they have few children or none la~
>>24607 >The rise of the welfare state removed any incentive for low-IQ, low-income individuals to limit their number of offspring. Indeed, state child-support payments have incentivized these people to be even more fertile. Prof. Dutton (echoing the views of Volkmar Weiss) even argues that democracy itself has impacted the relationship between fertility and intelligence: “[Those] of low socioeconomic status vote . . . for parties that redistribute resources from the productive to them, allowing them to be ever less concerned about limiting their fertility la~”
>>24608 >Using proxies for intelligence (such as reaction-time studies conducted in the 19th century) as well as the results of modern IQ testing (which has been used since 1904), researchers have estimated that intelligence has been declining in the post-industrial West by about one IQ point per decade. If this trend continues, the average IQ of white Westerners, currently 100, will be around 85 by the middle of the next century, which is the current average IQ of American blacks la~
>>24609 >Studies have shown that being left-wing correlates with low agreeableness, low conscientiousness, and high neuroticism. More than 50 percent of females under the age of 30 who identify as far-left have been diagnosed with a mental illness, most often depression. Depression is significantly less prevalent on the political right. Being far-left has also been found to correlate with the so-called “dark triad” personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The most conspicuous of these traits is narcissism — something we have all noticed in SJW-types. These are highly insecure individuals with a fragile sense of identity who crave approval and adoration from others. They attempt to achieve these by signaling their adherence to the values and beliefs that prominent authority figures have declared to be morally correct. They expect, in return, approval and “likes,” from which they derive a sense of self-worth. But this situation is highly unstable. If those beliefs are questioned — or, worse yet, if their signaling is met with skepticism or ridicule — they fly into fits of narcissistic rage la~
>>24610 >Leftists claim that they are concerned about equality and about injustice done to others. Conservatives suspect that they are insincere, and psychological testing largely bears this out. Leftists do identify with groups or individuals whom they see as low in power, but this is because they perceive themselves as weak and thus also low in power. They place so much emphasis on equality because they feel they deserve more power than they have. Leftists are also concerned with harm avoidance, insofar as they feel that others have power over them, which makes them feel oppressed. Since they perceive themselves as physically weak, leftists feel they have no choice but to try to acquire power by any means la~
>>24611 >Thus, they virtue signal about equality and harm avoidance. This is clever, because most people fail to recognize it as a strategy for attaining status and power. Leftists also “victim signal,” another covert means of attaining power, strongly correlated with narcissism and Machiavellianism. As Prof. Dutton writes, the leftist “loudly proclaims that he is compassionate and kind in order to hide the fact that he is selfish and ruthless and in order to allay his own feelings of inferiority by convincing himself and others of his moral superiority.” He cites one psychological study that identifies “malicious envy” as the single biggest motivator of radical leftists la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/09/2023 (Sun) 02:45:32.
>>24612 >I will note that although these findings are extremely interesting, they add little to what Friedrich Nietzsche was already saying about the Left in the 19th century. Principally in The Genealogy of Morals (1887), Nietzsche theorized that leftists (as well as the first Christians) were constitutionally weak individuals whose envy and resentment of the strong led them to concoct a “slave morality,” which inverts natural values and celebrates instead weakness, victimhood, and asceticism la~
>>24613 >Nietzsche held that this morality is an expression of the concealed “will-to-power” of the “slave types,” who are essentially in revolt against life and everything that promotes health, happiness, and normalcy. To be sure, there is no talk of genetics in Nietzsche; no talk of mutational load. But Nietzsche intuited that something like this was the case, since he was adamant that a difference in “physiology” was the explanation for why some gravitate toward life-affirming values and others toward values that are life denying. Nevertheless, the “high mutational load” theory of the far left — which may turn out to be Prof. Dutton’s most important contribution — does improve upon Nietzsche by offering a precise causal explanation, in contrast to Nietzsche’s vague references to “physiology la~”
>>24614 >Prof. Dutton describes leftist theories as “clever-silly,” meaning that they are the sort of silly ideas that intelligent people often manage to convince themselves of. For example, arguments supporting the idea that sex and race are “social constructs” are impressively sophisticated — in the literal sense that they exhibit sophistry. The ancient sophists were adept at devising clever arguments for falsehoods. The trouble is that most people are not trained in logic and so are intimidated by the pretentious jargon and casuistry of these arguments la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/09/2023 (Sun) 02:48:19.
>>24615 >Prof. Dutton defends at length the thesis that religion is evolutionarily adaptive. Studies show that religious people have lower rates of physical and mental illness. When they do become ill, they are more likely than atheists to recover. They are longer lived, more likely to be married, less likely to divorce, and far more likely to have children. They have lower rates of depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction, and they report higher subjective levels of happiness and satisfaction with life. None of this means that religion is true; it simply means that having a religion seems significantly to promote human flourishing la~ <The key part of 'religion' is a shared internalized 'code of law' and 'destination' that supports the creations of a community, and that community is what actually provides the benefits of 'religion.' Some religions are also objectively better than others la~
>>24616 >There is much else here that is extremely interesting, but at this point we must consider what Prof. Dutton projects for the future of the West. Unsurprisingly, he argues that the only way to arrest our dysgenic decline is through fairly drastic eugenic measures. We would need positive eugenic programs, such as giving financial incentives for healthy and intelligent couples to have as many children as possible. The problem here is that judgments would have to be made as to which couples are healthy and intelligent and which are not. Such judgments are currently forbidden in the modern West, where even the concept of health has been challenged as oppressive and “exclusionary” (it excludes the unhealthy, which might hurt their feelings) la~
>>24617 >Furthermore, negative measures would be necessary, such as incentivizing the unhealthy and unintelligent not to have children. Since this would not be foolproof, it would also be necessary in some cases actively to prevent the worst genetic material from reproducing. This would mean that large numbers of blacks and the lowest-IQ members of other races would have to be stopped from breeding. Indeed, Prof. Dutton argues that this should apply to anyone with an IQ below 92. At present, of course, this is culturally and politically impossible la~
>>24618 >Needless to say, the specter of Hitler would immediately be invoked. In addition, even many of those one would expect to be in favor of such measures are likely to oppose them. We have discussed at length the relative physical and mental health of conservatives, and, surprisingly, Prof. Dutton even cites evidence that there is a high correlation between being rated as physically attractive (as conservatives often are) and accepting the principles of evolutionary psychology. Attractiveness, as we’ve already seen, connotes physical symmetry, which in turn connotes low mutational load. Such people are more mentally healthy, thus more logical, and thus, in Prof. Dutton’s words, “less overwhelmed by feelings of resentment which might cause them to try to create a self-esteem enhancing yet empirically inaccurate worldview la~”
>>24619 >The trouble, however, is that conservatives are likely to be religious, which in the West usually means Christian. Christianity acts to thwart the healthy tendency of its adherents toward what we might call “natural eugenics” (i.e., the “gut feeling” that health and intelligence are good and that those with them should breed, and those without should not). As noted earlier, in the modern West, opposition to eugenics has frequently come from religious conservatives. Whatever psychological benefits may accrue to its adherents, Christianity is a fundamentally dysgenic belief system, for it preaches egalitarianism and opposes “love of one’s own” with an impossible ideal of “universal love.” (Nietzsche was right about Christianity, too) la~
>>24620 >Prof. Dutton theorizes that the decline and anathematizing of eugenics was not so much due to Hitler as to the dysgenic decline itself la~ <I disagree, the total defeat of the Third Reich doomed Eugenics in the West, as before WW2 Eugenics was a rising star... end of story la~
>>24621 >Does this mean we are doomed? Not quite. We can attribute the proliferation of those with high mutational load in the last two hundred years to the fact that while industrialization drastically reduced infant mortality, for a long time people continued to reproduce as if the child mortality rate were still high (i.e., they still reproduced as if they were expecting some, or most, of their children to die). This is no longer the case, and native Westerners now produce far fewer children. In addition, rising mutational load means a rise in maladaptive beliefs or practices, which diminish the likelihood that “mutants” will reproduce la~
>>24622 >As Prof. Dutton puts it, “rising mutational load results in a growing percentage of mentally unstable people with maladaptive inclinations but where these lead to them not desiring to breed then the relatively high presence of such people can only be transient.” Those who do want to have children tend, as we have seen, to be conservative and traditionally religious. Thus, we can expect that this population — which Prof. Dutton treats as effectively “a remnant population from pre-industrial times” — will gradually grow, while the number of spiteful mutants will decline. Unfortunately, given current trends, we should not expect the victors in the competition for reproduction to be particularly bright. Nevertheless, there will always be outliers, including those with unusually high IQ. Here lies the hope la~
>>24623 >Spiteful mutants appear to be a real thing, but they appear to be a relatively small minority. The real political problem in our society is that large numbers of relatively healthy and normal people have been influenced by this small minority at least to pay lip service to bad ideas la~
>>24624 >They do this for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is due to cowardice and conformity, which one sees even among professional athletes (i.e., people with symmetrical bodies and thus low mutational load). Sometimes it is due to the fact that people cannot see the problems that come along with bad ideas and have accepted them in good faith. But this means that our efforts cannot be entirely focused on out-breeding leftists. We must also continue trying to change minds — at least those minds that can be changed la~
>>24625 https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=pregnant+sex&z=5 <I've noticed that the vast majority of these images are dysgenic la~
>>24616 >This should be unsurprising. Religion is a human universal: there is no culture on earth without religion. From the standpoint of the evolutionary psychologist, religion must have evolved because it is highly adaptive. Furthermore, it evolved in all human societies, because it appears to be critically important both to the health of individuals and the cohesion of groups la~ <Indeed, la~
>>24627 >"Self-identifying conservatives" do not differ from leftists in meaningful ways. Conservatives are Cultural Marxists as well. Even if I took the principal thesis of this book seriously, a fairer, more rational conclusion would be worded thusly: modern conservatives, on average, have likely suffered less dysgenic decline than modern leftists, even as they have suffered substantially. They are doing badly, just less bad than leftists. Hardly a rosy picture la~
>>24628 >Atheism is dysgenic. Really? Author/Reviewer then cites famous German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, notorious genius-atheist. The reality is, atheism is associated with intelligence. As IQ increases, the probability of one being an atheist increases. Is atheism associated with some supposedly "bad" traits too? I don't know, maybe. Perhaps one of the reasons atheists do badly on x, y, or z is because atheists lack those social support structures that help people succeed (churches being one). Community matters. Being a patriot is good for one too. The more you support the government, the more it supports you. Proof that being servile is a useful personality trait! la~
>>24629 >Bad and good traits are not absolutely bad or good. They derive their bad/good from [evolutionary] circumstance. Perhaps some of these supposedly bad traits are proliferating because they serve a function in less trusting or more dysfunctional or more diverse societies. For example, extraversion might be useful in a functional society but it can be dangerous in a society such as ours, namely a predatory one. The more others, including government officials, know about you, the more exposed you are to their designs. Similarly, openness is a good thing generally. I like it. It is also costly in a society such as ours. America is a country of stupid people. It is a painfully anti-intellectual country. Being intelligent, and open about it, can cause all kinds of problems [for a person] in many circles la~
>>24630 >Religion, whilst arguably useful for populations, is nonsense. In societies where people have access to different ideas, and where no religious power structure is imposing religious belief on the populace, religion declines. Because it is nonsense. Even if religion is marginally useful for a civilization, religion will continue to decline. As it is doing, generation over generation. Because it is based in nonsense, lies, fairy tales, etc. Even if a belief is evolutionarily useful, at the end of the day it is still a belief, which means reason has a say. Although I should note, superstition is widespread amongst human beings. Virtually all societies were religious historically. I am not so sure that religiosity is evolutionarily useful however, so much as rationality is so rare. Furthermore, there are some relatively successful non-religious societies. Multiple wealthy, well-off European countries are comprised of more non-believers than believers today. China might apply as well... Japan too la~
>>24631 >"Endowed chairs, journals, and entire academic departments were established in the name of eugenics. Interestingly, opposition came primarily from conservatives, who objected to eugenics mainly on religious grounds. Today, of course, the situation is reversed, and only those on the far-right speak positively of eugenics, with leftists opposing it with febrile intensity — though largely on grounds no more rational than appeals to religious faith (e.g., the insistence that “all lives are valuable” and that standards of mental and physical health are “oppressive”)." It is kind of strange to connect all of these genetic abnormalities and dysgenic mutations to modern leftism when modern leftism shares a good deal with rightism from a mere 100 years ago la~
>>24632 Time for fun la~
>>24637 Ahn~ la~
>>24645 When I was 20~ I was weak, and still held the naïve hope that I could have both an IRL connection to my mother and my own life. I was wrong. I have paid a severe price for my foolishness la~
>>24647 Time to live life la~
>>24648 OK, I will now delete HOI4, I've wasted enough life on this 'game' la~
>>24649 Ah~men~ la~
>>24650 Time for anime la~
>>24652 Do you enjoy the current season of anime, la~?
>>24668 I like a few anime so far this season, that's all, what about you la~?
>>24674 Online 'dating' is impossible butt IRL nanpa is even more difficult as I'm not just looking for any normal bitch, I want an unvaxd (post-2019 at least) pro-liberty very attractive young virgin woman for marriage. I might have to give up and just buy an escort for my birthday, I give myself until my 35th birthday upon which I will become a patron of escorts unless I've found a wife nya~
>>24676 Danger nya~
>>24678 Time for sun la~
>>24681 I won the lottery? Wow la~
>>24701 So yeah, I select: >Ava >Sarah >Lana >Ana >Sofia >Lily <I don't need anyone to be exceptionally brash or have flair, that is my job la~ >General training la~ <Combat Drills la~ <Hit Rundown la~ <Farm Day la~ <Boot Day la~ >VR Speed courses la~ <Despite the temptation of Gersha, Xerxes is my choice of world la~
>>24702 <Mass unfreezing la~ <Laissez-fare; Constitutional Libertarian Matrilineal Electoral Monarchy; my 6 lieutenants become my Queen-consorts, and all those born of them and their female descendants are royalty/nobility. After the death of the first Emperor (myself), a perpetual confidence vote is held among the nobility (only nobility can vote and stand for election) to select the next Emperor who 'rules' (as supreme judge) for life (unless another candidate has over 90% nobility support continuously for a year). The primary role of the nobility is to act as the judiciary. Only members of the nobility may be judges. All territory is owned by the Imperial Crown but is rented to individuals via auction (determines the flat rate per month~) with an additional 10% tax on net revenues. If a renter wants to 'sell' s/he holds an action (the rules thereof determined by the Crown) for the right to participate in the new Crown auction for the territory. Half of all royal land revenues are split evenly been all adult members of the royalty while the remaining 50% is the Emperor's to do with as he pleases / for the good of humanity la~ <I'm not going to bother with the details la~ >Long term goal la~? <Equal investment into Travel On and Fight Back la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/11/2023 (Tue) 03:38:12.
>>24703 I am la~
>>24730 Ahn~ I came la~
>>24671 No, but I am currently watching a chinese drama, la~ It's called the Golden Eyes, la~ Boiling here like an egg, la~
>>24742 Oh~ you don't mind the sound of Chinese la~?
>>24742 How hot is it there? If you play Genshin or Star Rail, add me as a fren la~
>>24744 The only anime I like so far this season are Ryza's and Roxy's la~
>>24754 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/07/progress-decay <Cuckservatives just want things to stay as they are, they lack any deep understanding of the forces of history la~
>>24755 I want to fuck MC's mommy la~
>>24756 Ah~men~ la~
>>24757 Time for fun la~
>>24759 Ahn~ la~
>>24761 So I'm 100% done with investing any (emotional) energy in (or having any expectations from) my mother let alone the rest of the 'family.' Ah~men~ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/13/2023 (Thu) 06:27:30.
>>24769 Time to bathe la~
>>24774 https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/07/what-england-has-come-to <The (((Allies))), the worst faction, won WW2, and the (((leaders))) of the (((Allied))) nations duped their White plebs into fighting against their own natural biological interests la~
This circlejerk is afloat again?
>>24774 Suntime la~
>>24788 Ahn~ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/14/2023 (Fri) 04:59:01.
>>24804 Amaterasu~ is a lewd Solar Goddess la~
>>24819 https://www.amren.com/commentary/2023/07/frances-descent-into-chaos/ <Sad, butt, only a genuine pro-White revolution can saw Whites from being collectively murdered AKA genocided la~
>>24822 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/07/women-are-not-doing-better-than-men <Perhaps, butt women SHOULD be doing better than men IF they were equals to men in all areas except for physical strength. Of course, when we speak of any collective without qualifiers, we are typically referring to the norm, the median la~
>>24823 Time for fun la~
>>24828 What to do la~?
>>24830 Sunshine la~
>>24832 Butt, there were wasps la~
https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/ got taken down due to copyright infringement, la~ I'm not happy over this, la~
>>24837 What happened there la~?
Ahn~ la~
>>24843 Today I went to the river. There was a possibly attractive woman at the same spot with her girlfriend. I thought about nanpa, butt as I was with my 'family' I abandoned that thought. However, I have to question myself since I will likely never be at the river without the 'family.' So when and where is is 'acceptable' to nanpa? Obviously it would be easier if I had IRL friends. Life is difficult la~
>>24846 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>24851 Perhaps, I could attempt another dance class, butt, I'd want it to actually be partner dance. The one gal in my last dance class was almost in my strike zone butt a few factors threw me off... and so I just left her with my card instead of asking her out. She hasn't contacted me, so that is that la~
>>24838 It was the go-to resource for japanese material or how to learn it, la~ It had links to many books, courses, la~
>>24857 Ah~ that is a shame. I've come to the view that the best way to learn Japanese is with an IRL native speaking friend or to actually go to Japan. If I were not receiving gov.bux for being fucked I would go in an instant la~
>>24858 Ahn~ la~
>>24860 https://9animetv.to/watch/bleach-thousandyear-blood-war-the-separation-18420?ep=103072 <I'm not sure I care about who wins, like no clear reason has been given to support either camp besides perhaps attachment to preexisting characters la~?
>>24861 https://9animetv.to/watch/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-season-2-18418?ep=103529 <If you were reincarnated as Rudeus Redcat what would you do nya~?
>>24862 First the bad news: our White subspecies has a 99+% chance of doom as a significant population on Gaia without pro-White/Liberty revolutions and/or (super)natural intervention; my health (I've survived an extremely stressful life) and finances (due to all my investing and career plans being thwarted) are not wonderful if you're looking for someone to support you financially, look elsewhere la~
>>24863 https://www.amren.com/features/2023/07/how-america-got-an-antiracist-constitution/ <The Civil War happening at all was a Synagogue victory. The Civil War resulting in anything else butt CSA independence from the USA was a Synagogue victory. The assassination of Lincoln who wanted to return to a Silver Standard AND strongly incentivise Blacks to move to Liberia was a Synagogue victory. Let's be honest, the Synagogue has won the war against Western Civilization since the Civil War AND since Constantine's 'conversion' to the preferred Jewish religion for goyim—although that seems to have been replaced by Communism and Islam la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/17/2023 (Mon) 00:48:19.
>>24864 https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1018218 <Well, that was lame, Yabuki should have fully freed male Matsuri, butt kept him separate like Mei. The two Matsuri's could then become serious rivals butt without falling to 'darkness.' The permanent split would allow the story to move on from the mission to return Matsuri to being male, butt alas la~
>>24868 Oh well la~
>>24871 Sexiest character found la~
>>24872 A natural enchantress la~
>>24873 If she comes on strong she has ulterior motives la~
>>24874 The way of the femme fatal la~
>>24875 Oh no la~
>>24876 She's the Queen Bee of at least her year right la~?
>>24877 Does she sex-change uppity male students she defeats into her bitches? I hope so, because that's what I would do la~
>>24878 Reminder to check https://twitter.com/RheaDemeter since I'll be doing most of my personal blog posting there la~
>>24881 Twitter has moved from obviously (((NUCOM))) to (((CONOP))), the (((WHO))) is always recommended to every user, (((they))) think they are close to total (((victory))) e.g. world enslavement, hopefully, (((they're))) wrong and (((they've))) overplayed their hand la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/17/2023 (Mon) 17:28:31.
>>24882 Time for breakfast la~
>>24883 Eat up la~
>>24884 https://youtu.be/AkXPD92Fg2c <All human religious-political movements can be divided roughly into the Saturnian/Satanic and the Solar/Jovian. The Third Reich was seemingly the last chance we had at the triumph of the Solar, the symbol of the Reich's flag is literally the archetypal symbol of the sun. In contrast, Communism, is represented by the hammer and sickle, when rotated these symbols easily form the alchemical symbol of Saturn. The hammer represents the power of the state to crush dissent (the nails to be hammered down) while the sickle is the more obvious Saturnian symbol. The sickle represents the harvest, in this case, the harvest of souls. After Saturn's defeat by Jupiter and Sol, Saturn became Satan, the Dark Star, the vengeful grim reaper, the enemy of life. Saturn was Chronos, and Yahwey for the Jews. Satan's 'spirit of liberation' is antithetical to Sol and Jove's 'spirit of liberation.' The Cultists of Cronus AKA the Synagogue of Satan achieved world domination in WW2, however, their work was not done for they had to destroy every last vestige of the Solar Order, and thus the 'Great Reset' that is actually a Satanist 'mop-up operation.' However, the hubris of Satan is even greater than that of Jove. The very act of forcing the 'Great Reset' in such a short period of time may reignite the spark of Sol on this world. The Synagogue fears this, and thus they plot to even blot out the Sun itself and silence the voices of the people la~
>>24885 Note that this video is produced by a Satanist organization, the only way (((they))) could be more direct would be to directly label it Satan's media la~
>>24886 I love Jove la~
>>24887 I certainly don't agree with all of the policies of the Third Reich (especially those that restricted Aryan liberty), nor the decisions of Hitler et al., butt their victory, to any degree, would have resulted in a far better world than what we have now la~!
>>24888 Time for sunshine la~
>>24889 Time for fun la~
>>24892 TFW no real love in my life, so ;_; sad la~
>>24893 Dinnertime la~
>>24892 Now time for fun la~
>>24901 Yay la~!
>>24902 Butt what to do la~?
>>24903 Anime la~?
>>24904 Butt, I don't know if there is anything good to watch la~
>>24905 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>24925 Have you gotten any closer to what you've set to accomplish for this year, la~?
>>24926 Not really, no. I've had defeat after defeat, and I'm really weary of it all, butt my fundamental goals haven't changed and so I will continue to working towards fulfilling my desires (while caring less about everything) and being more internationally mobile. I'm working on the TEFL course now la~
>>24927 I'm also going to force myself to go the farmer's market and river every remaining Sunday of this summer, and force myself to talk to and at least give my card to any hot women that are alone or just in the company of women la~
>>24928 I'm sure that will be really uncomfortable... I should look into other options as well la~
>>24929 I've been rejected all my life despite not being at all ugly, so I've become somewhat of an unwilling loner and introvert. My quest to find a woman of marriageable material that will want to marry me is challenging indeed, and has thus far proved impossible. Perhaps I should lower my sights and just seek sex-friends to 'build confidence' la~
>>24930 Ah~ well, time for fun la~
>>24933 What to do la~?
>>24930 At a certain point, I have to just find a way to enjoy life on my own, and if women come to me, wonderful, butt not necessary la~ >>24934 Post anime pictures la~
>>24937 Gaymu~ la~
>>24952 https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/07/regression-only-one-way-to-escape-it/ >Following Scott Adams’ advice of totally avoiding Blacks la~
>>24953 Heh, my posts are always deleted from /a/ while other equally 'political posts' are not. Butt, people seem to love censorship la~
>>24955 Time for fun la~
>>24956 Yes la~?
>>24958 Fun la~!
>>24964 Yay la~
>>24965 Just do it la~
>>24966 So I think I'll prioritize just finding women to have sex with from now on la~
>>24972 Butt now, time for anime la~
>>24983 Another day, another defeat la~
>>24996 https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/07/great-white-fathers-great-white-mothers-butt-out/ <My parent's are deeply guilty of this, they manage to be 'loving' to everyone butt 私, their own child who they mutilated, terrorized, and suppressed la~
>>24998 Butt, I'm done thinking about the past unless it will help me make better decisions now la~
>>24999 >Meeting Ms. Right… <Respectful (requires superior yet connected status in the frame, relative to her) AND/OR nurturing (requires her to be responsible for my wellbeing) relationship required la~ >Ideal frame = no male competition, meeting new people, many attractive females doing something fun/creative you want to do that requires other people, or at least, is made more enjoyable by their presence. Have everyone exchange contact la~ <Do something associated with power, money, and fame… e.g. making a movie la~
>>25007 Time to do stuff la~
>>25008 Ahn~ la~
>>25009 I had to stop myself from speaking, and just leave the room, since I am sick and tried of repeating the same old BS discussion that goes nowhere with my Jew-loving Jesus-cuck 'family.' Scratch the surface and their answer to everything is muh bible. It is so fucking wearisome and it's like I'm talking to a bloody annoying NPC la~
>>25011 Now I'm irritated with myself because I didn't just stay silent and fucking leave before I became angry and frustrated with their shit la~
>>25012 Whatever, I'll remember to do better next time la~
>>25013 Right now I'll go watch something and hopefully forget la~
>>25014 Anamu and Gaymu la~!
>>25016 Umu, la~?
>>25018 Okay, now I am, for real, done 'playing' work substitution simulation gaymu la~
>>25032 Sexo~ la~
>>25033 Sunshine time la~
>>25037 Time to sleep la~
>>25038 Sweet dreams la~
>>25039 Sweet dreams to you too, la~ >>25011 Why do you keep intending to continue interacting with them, la~
>>25040 >Sweet dreams to you too, la~ Thanks la~ >Why do you keep intending to continue interacting with them, la~ I don't intend, sometimes it just happens when I lower my guard unintentionally for a moment la~
>>25041 There is no possibility of buying a place to live in this country. Maybe I should try to become a gold-digger after used-old 40+ women lol la~
>>25042 The (my) situation is all so wearisome la~
>>25043 I'm 'filled up' la~
>>25044 Rather, I'm 'fed up' la~
>>25045 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>25051 I came la~
>>25052 Back to boredom la~
>>25053 English grammar la~
>>25056 My bible-thumbing Jew-loving race-cuck daddy gave up working and soft-retired in his 50s. It's too bad because now he expects me to 'love him' after tormenting me my whole life, and this includes joining him on his home improvement projects when, like always, he has never offered me anything in return. I don't even have a guarantee of an equal share of any inheritance. Butt, I don't want to think about my 'fam,' I'm just stuck with them because of $ problems. I stopped 'loving' and began h8ing my daddy when I was 12. My mother was the last one I began to h8, butt whatever, it doesn't matter. Best to think of nice things rather than of what I would change butt can't la~
>>25071 Ah~ my life is so loveless la~
>>25074 How can I find love in this doomed world la~?
>>25075 I should have spent my high school years chasing gals instead of getting good grades la~
>>25076 Butt alas la~
>>25077 I'm running another HOI4 simulation la~
>>25078 Last one forever I promise la~
>>25080 One of the worst parts of the 'game' seems to be border-gore as a result of the treaties that end wars la~
>>25082 Butt, yeah, I'm totally done with solo-gaymu, I swear la~
>>25083 Instead of deciding what I'm not going to do, I need to decide what I am going to do la~
>>25084 Right now, I'm going to go do some exercise la~
>>25085 Then I'll do some work la~
>>25088 https://kickassanime.am/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-2-cd26/ep-3-872796 <I understand that fear of women, after-all, I've lived over three decades without having a single woman love me, butt yeah, going slowly rather than expecting to suddenly get turned on is the way to go la~
>>25092 Alas la~
>>25093 Is there any greater curse than to live loveless in a loveless world la~?
>>25094 I think not la~
>>25095 I curse this world where it is easier to 'meet' people than ever yet the hardest to find love la~
>>25097 Three loveless decades, full of largely pointless suffering, and I'm still here while the world seemingly only gets worse la~
>>25098 It is clear that I can only continue to try, to attempt to change, to adapt to this world la~
>>25100 I must continue to seek peace in attempting radical revolutionary action everyday la~
>>25101 For the cost of the lust for life is eternal struggle nya~
>>25102 Ahn~ la~
>>25108 Glorious moonshine la~!
>>25116 Played some guitar while standing, it is difficult la~
>>25117 My 'family' always made being popular and experienced (especially with the opposite sex) extremely awkward and difficult. If you want to find an attractive woman of wife and mother material, this is absolutely necessary unless you win the fucking lottery. Now my mother is again telling me to find a wife. I want to strangle her to death for that, since she and my bitch father are the reason I have never even had sex. The whole 'no sex before marriage' rule only works for women, not men. If my parents actually wanted me to be successful sexually and took action to that effect, or at least got the fuck out of my way, they would have been completely different people a~
>>25131 To put it simply, my 'family' was culturally (strongly) dysgenic la~
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>>25135 Thx anon you're really sweet~ I'm OK, butt you know, it is up to each of us to bless this day la~
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>>25134 You better bless your day then, cause i know i would!!
>>25144 Ara~Ara~ you're so sweet anon ~chu~ la~ https://www.audible.com/pd/Dominion-Audiobook/B00HU71EJC https://www.audible.com/series/Small-Change-Audiobooks/B007SRCTLQ <I've been looking for a way to dl these as references for my (mostly) Yuri series without wasting $ butt alas, I have had no luck la~
>>25145 Time for fun la~
>>25156 What to do though la~?
>>25157 Gaymu~ or anigay~ la~?
>>25158 Time-travel la~
>>25161 How do I achieve an enjoyable life worth living? I'll start with sex with hot bitches, even if only to stroke my ego, she bloody well needs stoking la~
>>25162 Far easier said than done though la~
>>25163 I guess I'll sign up for all the dating apps I can and (partner) dance classes la~
>>25167 https://kickassanime.am/the-gene-of-ai-f5b8/ep-2-93ad88 <This is so stupid, having androids imitate and act like humans, butt not for human benefit. Dumb la~
>>25171 Oh no~ I let my ice cream melt la~
>>25175 Ara~Ara~ la~
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>>25145 I have no idea how to do that my friend. i'd look for a way but right now, head is as misty as possible after hours of hentai
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I also forgot to kiss you back MWAH!~
>>25178 You should set a schedule for times to indulge in maximum hedonism (like the weekends), and times to do other interesting stuff. I really want to make erotica, an activity that would allow me to do both at the same-time la~ >>25179 Ara~Ara la~
>>25181 Oh no~ I visited random boardz and wasted good time la~
>>25203 I get angsty knowing I have better things to do la~
>>25204 Like fucking Himiko until the stars explode la~
>>25205 Time to run la~
>>25224 I'm done enduring my 'family's' small talk or engaging with them as much as possible (AMAP). So fucking done la~
>>25226 I have to go back to when I was 9~ to maybe find a time when I was 'comfortable' with my 'family' la~
>>25227 Butt, it just doesn't make any sense to move-out only to pay the (((extremely high rents))) la~
>>25232 https://www.amren.com/features/2023/07/rufos-counter-revolution-and-its-limits/ <Liberty does not promote equality, let alone equity. Liberty, individual liberty, is the only valuable value that came out of the American Revolution la~
Only valuable value that came out of that is the birthing of you, cute fucc..
Ara~Ara~ I'll blush if you don't stop that la~
>>25235 https://kickassanime.am/bang-dream-its-mygo-f147/ep-7-70de5a <Ah~ it's been so long since I've a bang-dream la~
>>25236 This was the best episode yet, the directing was 'natural' and the song was really beautiful la~
>>25237 I feel for Sayo-chan~ she was just trying to bring everyone together harmoniously and yet some hurts cannot be smoothed over, let alone healed, so simply la~
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>>25235 I'm going to stay up late tonight to talk to you more! You seem very interesting tiny anyon
>>25238 First love, and love first lost, are special moments in time. Butt, then, we just want to forget it all and so we settle for hard fucking getting fucked hard. If innocence is lost, you mind as well indulge in the pleasures of the flesh la~ >>25239 Oh dear~ oh my~ Anon-chan, how sweet la~
>>25238 This is the role my mother and I have played to various degrees for as long as I can remember, of course, my mother has always rejected me in order to play this role, to maintain the illusion of the (sick) 'norm' la~
>>25240 Yes i am very sweet, just like the people i meet. aka YOU. anyways what are we doin' tonite
>>25241 The 'happy (Judeo-christcuck) family' la~ >>25242 I don't know, butt the default is gaymu~ (if you want to play Genshin my # is 662428740 or if you prefer StarRail my # is 603423010 la~) and anigay~ or maybe roleplay-writing (CYOAs are fun 2) la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/29/2023 (Sat) 20:25:07.
>>25243 Butt, whatever la~
>>25243 Roleplay sounds fun!! And i am a tad bit horny from the awesome pics you post.. I can't really jerk off though, maybe in 5 hours or something. I only ever played honkai impact for a bit on my phone, and i don't know what StarRail is!! and La more like MWAH!~ <3 >>25241 Wish to talk about it, great one?
>>25245 >Wish to talk about it, great one? I've already talked about it 2 much la~ >Roleplay sounds fun!! Then it's settled, Storytime it is la~
>>25246 *nuzzles* What is this storytime going to be about then!!!
>>25248 Uhm, i think. Whichever one you find most interesting!!
>>25249 I see, butt~ I'll need more to go off of than that, is there an existing character you'd like to play from, say, an anigay~ la~?
>>25250 For roleplay, it's often easiest to start with an existing world or characters or both la~
>>25250 I don't know, nya Doesn't seem like any specific character comes to mind.. We could roleplay me petting and kissing you though.
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do excuse me, i am quite tired i'll maybe sleep 4 hours See you if you're still here then Mwah!!!
>>25252 Nice peach, what about a >>>/cyoa/ that you like la~? >>25253 Good night la~
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>>25255 Work and life obligations are draining me from day to day, la~ >>25255 Good to know that this board has more frens to talk to, la~ >>25253 Hello, new fren, la~
>>25256 Good morning again friend!! I hope you're still here to talk to.. cyoa, i've never been big on it. quite alot of text for my little brain to un pack. >>25256 Fuaa no work here.. All free to act stupid with my time ye <3
>>25258 Ahn~ la~
>>25256 >Work and life obligations are draining me from day to day, la~ I've sacrificed a very great deal indeed to avoid having many work obligations... sometimes I feel like it was a deal with the devil (family) I know la~ >Good to know that this board has more frens to talk to, la~ Yes, I hope we can have a 5+ regular poster frens someday la~ >>25257 >CYOA Umu, then isn't there some IRL or fictional world/characters that you enjoy? Like LOTR or Mushoku Tensei la~?
>>25260 We have three posters, the Axis has been formed la~
>>25261 Time to celebrate la~
>>25262 Ahn~ la~
>>25272 Ball dress la~
>>25280 https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/07/uk-white-girls-victimized-but-its-not-racial/ <Genetics and the environment explain 99+% of the human condition la~
>>25281 Butt you know, I don't care about any 'White' girls that aren't mine. In fact I don't care about anything or anybody that isn't mine unless I plan to take 'it' by force la~
>>25282 I truly despise the orthodoxy of (((those in power))), as well as a great deal of the policies of the reactionaries (National Vanguard). The orthodoxy of this Biblicist family that denies me liberty and love is even more disgusting than that of the (racial) reactionaries however... alas la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/30/2023 (Sun) 21:55:48.
>>25283 It is clear to me that the only way I will ever have a place to belong is if I 'create' it. It is with that hope that I created this board. Butt life in the interim has not been kind, and I have made very limited progress. I cannot even start to build a new society without my first real convert... and there is little point to further revealing the word of Voxxe without achieving this apparently perquisite first step. That said, perhaps I should change my outlook and embrace the liberty of the fictional realm la~
>>25284 This winblows computer definitely has viruses, spyware, ect. (beyond the pre-installed default), and this this why I separate my computing into pirate and non-pirate computers la~
>>25287 I played some StarRail and was disappointed that the captured Kafka scene's audio was fucked up, also the lack of a 'rape' (Kafka would enjoy it) scene was sad la~
>>25288 >Bocchi was secretly (or magically turned into) an incubus la~
>>25289 It's wonderful to have daughters la~!
>>25290 Ah~men~ mooo~ la~
>>25291 https://kickassanime.am/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-2-cd26/ep-4-77296d <So... the moral of the story is to listen to an indiscriminate hoe get fucked while doing push-ups, crunches, and squats to get a nice physique and build confidence? Cool la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/31/2023 (Mon) 05:54:22.
>>25297 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/07/tanks-for-the-memories >It’s about keeping our globalist overlords happy with yet another Forever War while Canada continues to decay la~
>>25299 Ah~ I'm so tired again today, why can't something good happen la~
>>25302 Ah~ what to try and do la~
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My deepest apologies, i've been trying to quit porn and one of the reasons why i wasn't coming here as often was cause you people post very lewd and very good porn.
>>25305 That makes sense, la~
https://news.northwestfront.info/women-rfn-feb-28-2023-557/ >>25305 Ah~ I'm thinking of creating two threads at one time, one for lewd, one for lily pure virgins la~ >>25306 Yes, I suppose, personally, I find it better to embrace the lewd butt without fapping la~
https://www.whitedate.net/articles-interviews-altright-dating-site/ >>25307 By lily pure, I suppose I could just restrict posting to Yuri, butt does anon get turned on by that too much as well la~?
>>25305 Here is your thread anon-chan >>25309
>>25310 That makes this thread the official lewd thread then la~
>>25312 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>25315 I decided not to troll CA; I came last night; while laying on my right side, I spread my left leg, placing my left foot above my right foot, and I imagined myself as a beautiful woman that had achieved transcendence getting ploughed from behind. It felt really good to let go of all my burdens for a moment that lasted until I came la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/02/2023 (Wed) 17:56:01.
>>25329 I find that when I do it alone, imaging myself as a beautiful woman getting fucked turns me on way more, the one exception is imagining hate/love fucking my mom. This is probably a result of being unloved my whole life la~
>>25330 Butt, there's nothing to do butt keep looking for love, it has become almost an impossible game though, what with the 'mark of le beast' and seemingly almost all fe/males being vaxd la~
>>25331 https://www.amren.com/news/2023/08/white-america-disappeared-and-replaced/ <Total war, a program of genocide, is being waged against Whites... and Whites have only been losing since the USA joined the (((Allies))) in WW2 la~
thank you so much anons for making a new thread but i don't wish to divide the populace here. i will continue seeing your incredible pics and probably give in tomorrow.
>>25332 https://www.amren.com/blog/2023/08/what-is-racism-2/ <(((Racism))) is a memetic Trojan-horse virus especially effective against naturally empathetic Whites, especially females, where the motherly impulse is hijacked to make them hate their own White family and embrace the nigger et al., la~
>>25333 Ah~ well the population is quite low, so I wouldn't worry about that la~
>>25335 don't care! frens must be kept in one big thread.
>>25336 Ara~Ara~ the do as thou wilt la~
>>25337 You say la one more time and i'm prepping my lips and giving you a nice big kiss~ Ready?~
>>25338 My~ what shall I sing today la~la~la~!
>>25339 What will you make me sing la~?
>>25340 Butt, perhaps, it is time for other things la~
>>25339 MWAH MWAH!!~ Umffies <3
>>25342 ~ChuuuChu~ the train is leaving the station la~
>>25343 Time to eat la~
>>25344 Ara~ so sweet la~ >>25346 Thanks dear, have fun la~
>>25347 Of course i will! Enjoy <3
>>25348 Ah~ I want to fuck la~
>>25354 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2023/08/race-change-to-another/ <WTFLOL~ Japanese have been trying to look like White blondes with blue eyes for decades, now self-hating Whites try to look 'Japanese' when Japanese don't even like looking 'Japanese.' Why not just move to Japan? Goddess these stupid bitches do not deserve their beauty, please give me all their beauty so I may be the most beautiful of them all la~
>>25355 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/08/making-russian-children <This website has now clearly aligned with Russia, so I'm done posting it. Russia will not save the White race nor liberty, and as such it should not be held up as a savior of any kind. If you want to look to a current country as an example, look to Japan and Thailand la~
>>25358 The only possibly valuable 'equality' is equality under-the-law la~
>>25362 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/08/law-would-require-shorter-criminal-sentences-for-bipocs/ <There is no realistic chance of saving the US(S)A, the experiment failed la~
>>25370 That is, an Aryan girl la~
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>>25373 i wasn't here when you wanted to fucc!!!
>>25373 https://news.northwestfront.info/august-19-2022-555/ >>25374 Ah~ as I thought, thanks ^.^ yes, I am very unfulfilled. No woman online seems to want me, clearly I'm too bitchy... and IRL I was too fucking picky again. I should have just asked out (to diner or drinks I duno) the (likely vaxd) plain tall redhead with wide shoulders and bad eyesight that was seemingly into me (at flamenco class)... instead of trying to recruit her to my 'libertarian' social media group as a perquisite before trying to tap that ass... alas la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/05/2023 (Sat) 04:08:00.
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>>25375 that sounds stressful nya, that's why i don't go outside..
>>25376 Yeah it was really stressful, my life has been nothing butt stressful and loveless, so I'm happy to have you post here anon-chan~ chuuu~ la~
>>25377 Christianity truly is the opiate of the masses and especially the Aryan subspecies. It allows people who would ordinarily take action against their enemies (especially their racial enemies), to instead justify doing nothing because, "vengeance is the lord's," or 'Jesus saves.' It even allows some (like my brother) to turn betray their own (family; I) race for an ugly non-White bitch. My 'family' has never truly accepted me, and they'd far sooner accept an ugly nigger as family la~
>>25378 Butt, whatever, time to forget the misery of this world and do something fun la~
>>25379 Verbascum (thapsus), supposedly, is a fish paralytic that can be used for emergency fishing la~
>>25380 Nyao~ about that fun la~
>>25381 What shall we do today la~
>>25382 Anime la~
>>25383 >TFW no Bridget BF la~
>>25384 Just do it la~
>>25387 Dumb evil bitch didn't even know how to make use of the savant gem she picked up la~
>>25388 Bad mothers deserve a special place in hell la~
>>25389 Mothers that are both good and bad deserve purgatory la~
>>25390 Cucking the King is next level netori la~
>>25391 >TFW ;_; I never had lusty MILF milk me dry back in my youth la~
>>25392 Tragic la~
>>25393 Wasteful la~
>>25394 Women always want a confident guy, what that means is you have to had everything go right for you in your life (or at least with women), since that is the only way to be naturally confident. The only exception is if you are able to not give a fuck about the bitch, WHILE still pursuing her WHILE faking being 'confident,' meanwhile the actual sweet girls are off limits. Sad la~
>>25395 Back to FUN la~
>>25396 YES la~!
>>25397 FUN la~!
>>25398 Fun at the beach with my maids la~!
>>25405 Fun day and night la~!
>>25406 A flourish of maids la~
>>25407 I really struggle in this practice of non-attachment, why is it so difficult to let go of this disgusting, cruel, uncaring world of humanity la~?
>>25409 While it does hurt being unwanted by those I at least desire physically, I care not for those who do not want me, and there is a limit in attempting to become more attractive to them la~
>>25411 I haven't given up on humanity entirely, I am still open to finding lovers, butt let's just say that I (should) care nothing about anyone who is not my lover la~
>>25412 I was brought into this world by a cruel mother who would not be my lover, nor even help me find one, alas la~
>>25413 Time for fun la~
>>25414 What are we gonna do on the beach la~?
>>25415 Giving head la~
>>25416 Drinking mommy's milk la~
>>25421 No rules capture-the-melon la~
>>25426 This cuts deep la~
>>25427 Poor Soyo-chan, she just selfishly wanted harmony, and yes, seeking harmony can be selfish la~
>>25428 Seeking harmony within a group can mean rejecting everyone in that group la~
>>25433 Anne >.< Anon-chan is best gal though la~
>>25435 >She couldn't handle the feelings (passionate love) of the vocalist she recruited, and so she quit the band she created la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/06/2023 (Sun) 05:05:29.
>>25437 >She tried to pick up the pieces and even resorted to manipulation, butt it failed regardless la~
>>25438 https://kickassanime.am/reign-of-the-seven-spellblades-4bb3/ep-4-04efab <I really don't like the orange haired girl and her love for monsters, she reminds me IRL leftists la~
>>25437 So muh daddy is having a Brazilian nigger as a homestay brotha this time, really it's hard to care anymore. He's never given a fuck about me or his race so whatever la~
>>25441 It's hard to decide what to do when I don't really care about anything anymore la~
>>25442 Besides fucking, I really want to fuck la~
>>25444 Something I've never fucking had la~
>>25445 Ahn~ la~
>>25446 Tonight is the night I quit this 'family' completely, including my mother. I will no longer go out of my way to show her any attention. She has made it quite clear that she doesn't care for me. I'm also done playing the game in my mind that I 'love' my mother while also hating her. For the last time, I have balanced the scales and found every single individual in my 'family' wanting and deserving of my hate, although I will simply disengage to the greatest extent possible. I AM DONE. This is the last time I will think or comment about this, my decision has been made la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 05:27:12.
>>25461 https://kickassanime.am/the-gene-of-ai-f5b8/ep-4-4c8bb5 <Jealousy is the primary force that starts relationships and keeps couples together la~
>>25462 https://kickassanime.am/the-gene-of-ai-f5b8/ep-5-490a7b <Are some emotions wrong to have? Are some desires wrong to have? Who decides? Ultimately, those with power, and ultimately, for their own selfish reasons la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 06:50:48.
>>25463 https://kickassanime.am/rent-a-girlfriend-season-3-248d/ep-4-ae63d8 <So... the lesson is to 'rent' women you find attractive and work at turning the relationship into something more la~?
>>25464 Bang~! la~
>>25465 https://kickassanime.am/rent-a-girlfriend-season-3-248d/ep-5-360d8f <I kept hearing about how this MC is a cuck, butt so far he hasn't been cucked once while he has 'cucked' another cute girl la~
>>25469 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/08/why-is-justin-the-most-hated-pm-in-canadas-history <How about since his tenure as puppet-in-chief has only made life worse for the vast majority of people (including non-Whites) living in Canada. I'm really tired of this website calling neocommunism 'liberalism' so I quit la~
>>25470 Ah~ what to do la~
>>25472 Enjoy your nights, la~ I haven't been able to do so in recent times, la~
>>25472 >Enjoy your nights, la~ Lately, I have not. Butt I'm seriously done giving a fuck (it can't be helped) so things are looking up la~ >I haven't been able to do so in recent times, la~ Ara~ Why la~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 20:41:02.
>>25475 >Newhalf ニューハーフ is a Japanese slang term for a non-op male-to-female transexual (having an apparently female body but male sex organs) la~ So I've cum to a decision: so long as my parents are alive, I will keep trying to be le man (working out and impregnating as many attractive [especially White] women as possible, and having them give birth to my babies) la~ <After that, unless I have an attractive wife that wants me to remain le man, I will 'transition' to being 'female' or rather, a ニューハーフ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 23:37:42.
>>25476 Ah~men~ la~
>>25477 I think this is a very reasonable decision, really, I should have been born a girl, I would have been far happier la~
>>25478 When I see a truly beautiful woman my first two thoughts are: I want to impregnate her AND I want to be her la~
>>25479 If I were able to master the art of 'possession' I could achieve both ; > la~
>>25480 'Become' the target while my body remains asleep, and while I am her, I can impregnate myself with my body, and when I return to my body, the target will think that she made all those choices, and must have found me wildly attractive to the point of raping a sleeping guy... truly a guilty pleasure la~
>>25481 Fun~ la~
>>25483 Love la~
>>25484 Ahn~ I came la~
>>25485 Aw~ I wasted my cum, sad la~
>>25486 Whatever, back to work la~
>>25487 I mean, nya~
>>25488 Ah~ I hate my brother's ugly Mexican (butt she can't even speak Spanish) wife la~
>>25489 Nyao~ what to do for fun la~
>>25490 Cum in Nami la~!
>>25491 Ahn~ diva's milk la~
>>25492 Let's play some StarRail la~
>>25493 Sounds like a plan nya~
>>25494 Let's do it la~
>>25495 Just do it la~
>>25496 Ara~ la~
>>25497 Ahn~! la~
>>25495 I'm not big into glasses gals, sign of bad eye sight la~
>>25501 Butt for play glasses can be hot la~
>>25503 Back to gaymu la~!
>>25506 Rail to the stars la~!
>>25507 Butt, I think I missed an event ;_; la~
>>25508 Ara~ that's too bad la~
>>25509 Well, let's see what we can do la~
>>25511 I lost on SU3 twice... dumb la~
>>25512 On the last boss la~
>>25513 Depressing la~
>>25514 Even in gaymu I am frequently defeated la~
>>25515 Alas la~
>>25516 I just want to win nya~!
>>25517 I've been losing for two decades and more la~
>>25518 It really is oh~ so wearisome la~
>>25519 Fuck me harder la~!
>>25520 Ahn~ la~
>>25521 Time for fruits la~
>>25523 Figs la~
>>25525 Plums la~
>>25526 Ripe fruits la~
>>25527 Beautiful la~!
>>25528 Fireworks la~!
>>25529 Peaches la~!
>>25532 https://nordicresistancemovement.org/contribute-positively-instead-of-blaming-and-criticising/ <If a pro-Aryan movement dropped their anti-libertarian stance (except on genetics) that would be a major productive step. The strict adherence to cuckservatism in social relations turns off those on the left who might otherwise be a pro-Aryan movement's greatest supporters la~
>>25533 It's really not that revolutionary... to have a party that has pro-Aryanism and pro-Eugenics as their central stance... actually focus on the that? Maybe they could adopt a pro-Liberty policy by default in all other policy areas? The lack of ability of nationalists and other dissidents to adapt and evolve from the 1930s-1950s may be fatal la~
>>25534 Besides religious zealots, especially those who adhere strictly to an inalterable text, revaluating priorities, adapting in a realpolitik way to the circumstances, and evolving should be the default la~
>>25535 >You're wrong about never being able to please me, I'm just not a priority la~
>>25536 There is little point in discussing anything at a deep level with strict Biblicists (just as with normals), unless you want to use their own book to mess with them. Butt, I don't accept (((your))) book as my God, so frankly that's a pain in the ass and ultimately pointless. Just like trying to explain why I don't accept said book as God la~
>>25537 Time to do stuff la~
>>25538 I'm still bocchi butt, I'm cooler la~
>>25547 What to do nyao~ la~?
>>25548 Sexo~ la~
>>25549 Roll for Kafka la~
>>25550 Just do it la~
>>25551 Ahn~ la~
>>25552 Modified kabedon la~
>>25553 It would have been a nice added twist if the doctor had reincarnated as ruby ; > la~
>>25554 Too bad the author didn't see it la~
>>25555 Kafka time la~
>>25556 Ahn~ la~
>>25556 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-admin-concedes-no-evidence-behind-recommendation-6-annual-covid-booster-shots <Anyone that continues to believe/support anything western gov'ts and their (((controllers))) say/do is braindead la~
>>25559 New game la~?
>>25562 Or time to work la~?
>>25563 Time flies la~
>>25565 I did some work la~
>>25566 Now it's time to try my luck la~
>>25567 You are reincarnated as a girl on a strange and dangerous world. To survive without becoming a slave, the women of this world typically take vows to either the Goddess of Virginity or the Goddess of Sex. The Goddess of Sex allows women to transmute semen into magical power, and this can be done more efficiently with more experience. Taking the virginity of young men grants a permanent magic boost, and the semen of young men generally grants more magic by volume. All these activities are addictive. The Goddess of Virginity passively grants women magical power at rate that increases everyday as long as they remain virgins (no contact with semen, and even touching men drains magic). Magical power can be used to restore youth. Females cannot have sex with each-other, so the faithful Virgins are known to be raging lesbians. The flower of the Goddess of Sex is the Red Rose while the flower of the Goddess of Virginity is the White Lily. It is typical for girls to start with vows to Virginity and then failing in their vows resulting in them taking vows to the Goddess of Sex. Males can also take vows to the Goddess of Sex (perhaps better called the Goddess of Semen), and overtime they will appear the exactly the same as females except for their male genitalia; their power at converting semen to magic is half as effective as females and each time they ejaculate they lose 9% of their total accumulated power (unless they completely consume their own semen), butt, they never get pregnant. Males almost never take vows to the Goddess of Virginity as it requires complete abstinence, including never ejaculating... such a path is almost impossible. There is a way to restore virginity, butt it requires being 'born again' and such a magic spell requires transferring one's spirit to their own child at the moment of conception, a very difficult magic intensive spell la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/10/2023 (Thu) 02:11:37.
>>25568 I kept on losing trying to beat the flying sword boy. I also wanted to see the 'correct' solution to the Kafka interaction. I get that the way to please her, like any woman, is to surpass her expectations, so maybe I should have broken the rules of the Truth and Lie game? The fun of a game is the ability to travel back in time and try different solutions (something impossible IRL)... butt StarRail doesn't let you do that when it comes to the important decisions la~
>>25575 Ah~ so annoying to lose even at games la~
>>25576 If a game is going to be this difficult I mind as well do something real la~
>>25577 Whatever, time to do stuff la~
>>25578 Butt, what la~
>>25579 Work la~
>>25580 Ahn~ la~
>>25583 https://www.amren.com/news/2023/08/matt-walsh-whites-are-trending-towards-extinction-in-the-united-states/ >The preservation of the hummingbird community is more important than the preservation of the white race la~ <Thank the victory of the (Satanist) Jews in WW2 for that la~
>>25585 https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/indigenous_peoples_day_survival_international_self_exposed_as_frauds <To this day muh daddy still thinks 'Nazis evil' (they were right on the conspiracy of powerful Jews, race, and somewhat on eugenics, that is all) even when the (powerful) Jews have, in his lifetime, completely destroyed the USA and are close to completing their genocide of Whites... I passionately hate him in everyway regarding his 'philosophy' if you can call it that la~
>>25586 His 'philosophy' is better described as (((programming))) really la~
>>25587 Whatever, time for fun? La~
>>25591 Okay, I'm permanently done playing video games alone with the exception of scripted games la~
>>25592 I'm also permanently done fapping la~
>>25598 Also not going to mass-dl/post random images anymore la~
>>25603 FREEDOM LA~!
>>25621 I'm going to focus on finding beauty and love, gaining teaching certifications for international mobility, learning instruments and composing music la~
>>25629 https://www.amren.com/news/2023/08/bidens-woke-housing-plan-for-all-of-us/ <'Woke,' call it what it is, the Neocommunist (Satanic) extermination and/or enslavement of Whites who are not permitted to have their own spaces (habitat) la~
>>25631 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2023/08/10/film/hollywood-strike-japan-film/ >“The advantage of being able to work without having to follow union rules is that it gives first-time directors and people who don't have direct access to stars and financing the opportunity to make films,” she says. “Hollywood is a very closed ecosystem that is hard for someone who did not grow up in the industry and does not have family connections and wealth to break into. In many ways, it's easier to get a start in Japan.” >But having labored in the indie trenches here, she also sees the downsides of Japan’s union-free industry: “If crews are overworked and underpaid, they might be willing to stay in it in their 20s, but a lot of them start to burn out by their 30s if they actually want to have any kind of personal life or family... Unions establish some kind of benchmark of professionalism and try to fight for the living conditions of film industry professionals.” <Interesting la~
>>25633 Ahn~ la~
>>25633 >JKs are shown to be pro-guitarists, makes me lose confidence... Good drama though, I don't get why Soyo-chan liked her previous band so much to the point of trashing her relationship with her current band. Her back story didn't explain that la~
>>25646 I'm tired no, weary, of this loveless life la~
>>25648 Dinnertime la~
>>25650 <Bocchi is no longer bocchi la~
>>25652 <Bocchi the love la~
>>25653 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>25658 Those moneygrabbing music companies just keep trying to pick a fight with the internet archive, la~
>>25658 May you have fortunate dreams tonight, la~
>>25660 O? What's happened now, I thought internet archive just recorded websites, not music la~? >>25661 May you as well la~
>>25663 https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/08/choose-your-friends-wisely-how-to-survive-in-a-prog-world <WELL, I'd start by NOT bringing non-White males into your own home for long-stays, and NOT marrying an ugly divorced vegan Mexican bitch who can't even speak Spanish. Marrying a non-White in a formerly White land is just formalizing your surrender to the anti-White (((genocide policy)))... I think the first step (in real local resistance) is to create 'gangs' starting with the rule that only non-vaxd unmarried bisexual White males may apply. A new guy can only be admitted to the gang with the explicit (unanimous) consent of the rest of the guys. The gang must also have some sort of primary objective. The most natural objective is the gangbang, to gain access to sex from physically attractive (especially White) gals. Guys graduate from the gang when they get married. Alumni of the gang would have a club that operates on roughly the same principles, butt instead of just sex, the goal is reproduction and arranging marriages between their children. If the White race is going to have a future, we must seize the means of reproduction la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/13/2023 (Sun) 22:43:28.
>>25664 https://twitter.com/ben_kew/status/1690134230787907584?s=20 <So there are like... 10 good people in the remnant USSA official government la~?
>>25664 >non-vaxd unmarried bisexual White males la~ How many actually exist la~?
>>25666 >666 Hopefully more than that, and what sample are we talking about la~?
>>25667 I stipulated bisexual because straight guys dump their friends & brothers they've known for years (and betray their race) for pussy all the time la~
>>25668 Ara~Ara~ la~
>>25669 There is something incredibly erotic about the thought of having sex with a mother and her daughters together, more so than the regular threesome la~
>>25670 https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/98_year_old_ww2_veteran_evicted <Poetic or karmic justice? All the soldiers who were fighting for the (((Allied Powers))) were fighting FOR COMMUNISM (their own enslavement/genocide), ignorance of the truth is a weak defense, reality doesn't care la~
>>25672 Sadly, this includes my own grandparents who were fooled into fighting against the interests if their own race. They should have fought for national sovereignty, liberty, and armed neutrality; they should have fought against their own treasonous regimes or stayed home la~
>>25673 >Me getting fucked in the ass la~
>>25674 2 bad I'm still 2 pussy (or not pussy enough?) to suck bananas (especially while living with my parents), it seems that I'm only popular with men and little girls (under 13), and all I ever wanted was a hot MILF to be my mommy-lover (well I wanted to sex Kate and her mother when I was 12, butt I was too afraid of my parents [story of my life] to make a move) la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/14/2023 (Mon) 04:02:24.
>>25676 >TFW ;_; no sweet jam la~
>>25678 When will I actually have a happy new year la~?
>>25679 When I find some real path forward in my life... I haven't seen one in a long, long, time la~
>>25681 Ahn~ la~
Hello again anonys! Sorry for my little break i was kind of trying to grow a lil discord server
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>>25666 also i existt!!!~
>>25685 Ara~? What does that do? / what for la~? >>25686 Ah~men~! Chu~ la~!
>>25687 https://www.amren.com/news/2023/08/interview-with-ed-dutton-the-jolly-heretic/ <It never ceases to sadden and amuse me that Whites care more about some subspecies of bird (e.g. the dodo) than their own subspecies (race) la~
>>25688 https://www.amren.com/features/2023/08/a-rebirth-and-a-reawakening/ <Worth a read, as usual my least favorite speaker would have to be Dr. Richardo Duchesne because I fundamentally disagree that supporting personal liberty, real liberalism, is incompatible and cannot be reconciled with a pro-White pro-Eugenics society la~
>>25689 So it appears that directed energy weapons (DEW) have been used this year to alter the weather and start fires in order to justify keeping the slaves in their cities, and to punish the slaves for their sin of existence (breathing, eating, using-energy. ect). In the case of the Maui DEI attack, boats on the water away from the shore were incinerated, while many trees in the target zone were unharmed. This indicates that the frequencies used are specifically targeting manufactured buildings/products la~
>>25691 The use of these (nuclear powered) satellite weapons will 'punch holes' in the ozone layer further accelerating the collapse of the ozone layer locally and globally as the pole shift nears. This indicates that one reason for the chemtrails is to temporarily cover for the damage caused by the use of space DEWs la~
>>25692 The ozone holes left by the use of space DEWs will allow UVC to reach the earth further increasing the 'natural' occurrence of fires and the failure of crops. Of course any problem caused by the Synagogue will be blamed on the slaves, so the slaves will continually submit ever more to their evil Synagogue masters la~
>>25693 >TFW no Galko GF in HS to save me from suffering in solitude ;_; very sad la~
>>25696 Butt, let's stay positive la~
>>25698 So I'm only worth a look to 15%~ of women on dating apps (waste of time) la~
>>25699 >Become hot gal la~ >Self-esteem issues fixed without effort la~ C'est la vie la~
>>25701 Mommy~ la~
>>25706 Luv~ la~
>>25707 All men who know not of breast-related backpain are reincarnated as girl babes destined to suffer the pain of the huge bosom la~
>>25709 Butt la~
>>25710 I came again la~
>>25719 Whites, especially the top 10% of Aryans, represent peak humanity la~!
>>25720 Even the Androids in Nier: Automata were modeled after us la~
>>25721 So having been to the river, I've discovered again how little I care. Aryans, the only human subspecies I care about (1 vs. 0 [with the Japanese being a, perhaps, 0.5]), do not interact with each-other IRL (on vacation/recreation) beyond their existing family (and sometimes friend) groups. A solid reason is required for interaction beyond just physical attraction and natural affinity. If you break this rule you are instantly labeled a creep (this can be spoken or unspoken). Breaking into an existing social group is incredibly difficult. When I do work up the courage to violate western anti-social norms, and appear to have some success with a cute gal, her 'people' and my 'people' get in the way. Honestly, I have 99% no hope at this point. I'm weary of caring as well. There are so many people in this world (even White non-vaxd people), and despite 'putting myself out there' for years I have not found one person that I can love, that loves me. Meanwhile, White women will adopt non-Whites and host non-White males as 'homestay sons' (granted that in the latter case they are being directly paid). In many ways, I despise Whites that are not pro-White friendly (and so are cold to Whites not in their small social group) more than even niggers. Then I remember that memes have the possibility of being changed while genes... not so much la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/16/2023 (Wed) 02:30:18.
>>25722 I'm also sick and tired (weary) of being the third wheel between my parents. Whenever dad is around mom makes it abundantly clear that I am not her priority. Okay, whatever, yeah I know, butt then don't expect me be happy when you make a plan with me and then invite him at the last moment. In fact next time she does that I think I will decline at the last moment. Yeah, I've already, "written my 'family' off," butt I'm still living with them so I can't (sadly) just ignore them. That said, I did say I wouldn't think/talk about this again, since I'm weary of that too. Ah~ it's all such a pain la~
>>25723 Time for burgers la~
>>25726 >>25727 >>25728 Ara~ I mixed up the threads la~
>>25729 >>25725 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2023/08/will-trump-indictments-tear-the-country-apart/ <Trump is controlled-opposition, butt yes, I hope it tears the sorry excuse for a country apart, maybe White Nationalist Libertarians will control one of the successor states... we can always hope... la~
>>25741 BUTT LA~
>>25743 <Maids la~
>>25746 I came la~
I've been fapping a lot in an attempt to worship Voxxe. Do you think Voxxe would like it better if I held in my cum, or if I came as often as possible?
>>25752 Hold your cum until you can't anymore then cum into a cup, add milk, and drink la~
>>25753 Mother&Daughter sex la~!
>>25758 >Aren't you staring at my mom's butt a bit too much!? <How about a threesome la~?
>>25759 <Have sex your students la~!
>>25760 Deus-ex la~
>>25763 <Yes, your ass please la~
>>25765 Fuck la~
>>25768 I want fuck nya~
>>25775 <So, I've figured out how to achieve Aryan victory la~ First, we must define victory: 1) At least half the total world population is Aryan, and overtime the quality of the Aryan population as a whole increases (ever higher lows and highs; increasing quality of median and average population) la~ 2) Control over the commanding institutions of society, especially the banking system and the official governments of the White founded nations la~ 3) The pacification (example: the US pacification of Japan) of non-White nations la~ <SIEG HEIL LA~! Organization: 1) Simple hierarchal structure: one leader recruits 9 subordinates. These 9 subordinates are leaders in their own right and each one recruits 9 of their own subordinates. This structure continues (theoretically) infinitely la~ 2) Support for lone wolves: Individuals should take action whenever they see fit to do so in order to further the goals of this testament la~ 3) Liberty is reestablished (i.e. the non-aggression principle [NAP]) wherever said liberty does not damage chances of victory la~ <HAIL VICTORY LA~! Policies: 1) Sexuality, beyond eugenic reproductive considerations, is individual expression... however, White female extra-racial intercourse/reproduction is high treason la~ 2) Official bisexuality; eliminate the Judaic confusion around sexuality: bisexuality is admitted to be the human norm, males/females shall not be punished for expressions of masculinity or femininity. In regards to transsexuality, adults are free to do (and be as foolish) as they wish but the genital mutilation (including circumcision) of children is not permitted la~ 3) 'Incest' and age related restrictions on sexuality are ended la~ <LIBERATE YOUR LUST LA~!
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/17/2023 (Thu) 04:49:49.
>>25776 Ah~men~ la~
>>25777 So, what do you think la~?
>>25778 About my declaration of love la~
>>25779 Let us ; > build-back-better la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/17/2023 (Thu) 04:52:41.
>>25780 Two brides la~
>>25782 Ahn~ la~
>>25783 >Meanwhile in the girl's dorm la~
>>25784 Oneesama~ love me la~!
>>25785 >The state of the world is so depressing, I really need to stop wasting my time on it, I've already learned more than enough. It's long past time to focus on what I can do to make my life better, nothing else really matters la~
>>25786 https://metatron.substack.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic <Yup la~ https://canucklaw.ca/vaccine-choice-canadas-other-lawsuit/ >They appear to be controlled-opposition la~ https://canucklaw.ca/appeal-of-bad-beyond-federal-argument-federal/ >They appear to be controlled-opposition la~ https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2023/01/12/british-columbia-doctor-lashes-out-against-authoritarian-bill-36/ >British Columbia Doctors vs. Tyrannical anti-Truth Bill-36 la~ https://librti.com/view-video/interview-recall-david-eby-for-his >If British-Columbian's let this stand, they will have embraced their own enslavement to cruel and sadistic masters la~ https://librti.com/view-video/interview-and-update-with-the-doctors-who >British Columbia seems to be a frontline in the war of Tyranny vs. Truth la~ https://librti.com/view-video/arrivecan-app-contract-was-dated-for >What more evidence do you need? The 'pandemic' and the 'solutions' offered were all part of a premeditated crime—a tyrannical global takeover—organized at the highest levels of power. The truth is out in the open la~ https://librti.com/view-video/the-wef-says-they-will-re-write-a-new >Pandora's box has been opened, and the bad and ugly control it... la~ https://rumble.com/v23kysc-trudeaus-brother-says-wef-has-compromising-material-on-him-that-keeps-him-i.html >Interesting video on Trudeau la~
>>25806 TBH even though the slutty spy is gross for fucking whoever for experience or a mission, I'd still probably fuck her since I've had literally nothing since I first became interested in sex at 10. I'm an easy mark la~
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how are my friendly friends doing on this fine evening
>>25815 Meow~ I'll eat you up nya~
>>25816 Big cats on the prowl nya~
>>25824 https://www.amren.com/features/2023/08/the-2023-mcc-feszt-and-the-war-for-culture/ <Christianity is entirely capable of destroying western culture all on her own. Christianity is more sympathetic to open borders and 'anti-racism' than not. Many serious White Christians would prefer Whites were replaced with niga 'christians' over the creation of an officially Agnostic White Nationalist State, for example. Pro-Whites should diverge drastically from Christian traditionalists, since, it is entirely possible to have a Christian traditionalist society where Whites are eventually completely replaced by nigas la~
>>25838 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2023/08/the-remarkable-eric-zemmour/ <A good (French-Algerian) Jew? Can such a thing be possible la~?
>>25839 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/08/keith-woods-conference-speech-amren-2023/ <Ireland (((for everyone))) = the extinction of the Irish, and more broadly, White people in Ireland. If the Irish are not intelligent enough to comprehend this, nor have the desire to take action in order to resist their genocide, then they will soon disappear for their violation of Mother Nature's law la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/19/2023 (Sat) 00:22:16.
>>25842 >Best anime this season. The two episodes on stage are obviously the best. A far more dramatic evolution for the series la~
>>25814 I'm a Diva (Goddess) cursed with reincarnation as a boy to an unsympathetic (Biblicist) and ultimately loveless family. The name I chose for myself is Voxxe, for I have had to silence my true voice since I first became aware of her. This largely explains my (unique) suffering la~
>>25845 Could I have chosen another path? One where I never silenced my voice? No... not without a 'pedophile' adult to save me. What about when I was 18? Yes, I should have moved away for university, and I should have done music or massage therapy. Butt, I was too weak to cut the cord with the lukewarm love of my mother. I was always too alone. So I have paid the dear price for my weakness, suffering almost unto death followed by permanent scarring and near continual daily suffering as unique as I am unique. Alas, butt I can only try to find some way forward, yet truly, I feel as 'stuck' as always la~
>>25846 I've always been in the position of trying to find ways to make the best out of a bad situation. I'm still there, butt I'm working on caring-less while still attempting to move, even if indirectly, towards my goal of true liberation, beauty, and love la~
>>25852 And extremely loveable, la~
>>25855 https://youtu.be/2YTBgFmK_bs?si=_uvNO2QRES79GeuV <The historical analogue is the last of the Anglo-Saxons fighting for their spiritual independence against Catholicism, or today where the White Anglo-Saxons are a dying lineage la~
>>25860 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Otoyomegatari-chapter-105-page-1.html <I think our British bookworm-explorer hero is making a mistake in returning to Britain, he should just stay in India with his waifu~ and his family can visit him there if they so wish la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/19/2023 (Sat) 22:52:17.
>>25863 https://youtu.be/ch4oseXuDGI?si=oP0XQdsz5lfEZiZn <Interesting, butt I'm not sure why a Greek explorer wouldn't just sail south-west to the Caribbean instead la~
>>25868 If USSA Civil War does occur, Russia would likely side with the 1st and 2nd amendment supporting 'Republicans' et al., and would likely be their only serious foreign support. Sadly, I think it is likely that the 'Democrats,' (should be called what they are, Neocommunists) would likely win given the regular military brass would be on their side, as would almost all foreign support. Canada would also join the USSA Civil War as Alberta and rural Canada would side with the 'Republicans.' The PRC would take the opportunity to conquer Taiwan (followed by Japan, SEA, Australia, NZ), and NK would conquer SK. Russia might invade the EUSSR... and that might be the only real hope for the 'Republicans' vs. the Neocommunists in the Great North American War. If Trump, and especially Pence, had not been controlled-opposition, the Civil War would have happened following Pence choosing the Republican electors (on January 6th, 2020) after Trump revealed proof of election fraud by the Neocommunist 'Democrats.' This war would have been won by the Republicans. Butt alas, both Trump and Pence were/are controlled-opposition la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 01:39:55.
>>25875 Need to find a JK with this complex la~
>>25878 ASSuna~ la~
>>25879 SorcerASS la~
>>25880 Elfass la~
>>25881 I do it bocchi la~
>>25882 Bocchi the imposters la~
>>25883 Bocchi the draftee la~
(1.10 MB 1298x955 1669316447194006.png)

>>25884 bocchi le scaredi
>>25885 >Bocchi la hurt la~ https://odysee.com/@FAVORITES:a/Johnny-Cash-Hurt:f <I connect too deeply with this song, the hurt runs deep, deep into the abyss la~
>>25886 Bocchi the Lost Greensleeves la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:58:23.
>>25887 Bocchi the Eternity-Chained la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:57:22.
>>25888 Bocchi the Raped Warrior-Princess, butt she starts liking it... la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:56:32.
>>25889 Bocchi in Nightmareland the break la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:53:25.
>>25890 Bocchi ze Rozen-Princess la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:54:21.
>>25891 Bocchi za Seductress-Queen la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:53:52.
>>25892 Bocchi zi Nun-Witch Knight-Queen of Thorns la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 08/20/2023 (Sun) 20:49:40.

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