/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Loli thread #3 Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 09:46:50 No. 55022
Back with a vengeance
>>55022 You forgot to post the link to the old thread. https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/14435.html
>>55022 gotta luv pics that double down as oral invitation and vorny mouth shots
(1.66 MB 4000x3817 Ikihaya-1043768-151.png)

>>55060 Deal with it
Anyone got nyokitsune's art compiled somewhere? Their pixiv hasn't been updated in ages, and I refuse to use Twitter
This a pred or prey or both
(3.26 MB 1400x1979 19643563459.png)

(1.67 MB 2800x3500 no way except here!.jpg)

>>55085 Preds. Repostan a favorite because Ruto deserves a spot.
Please archive the old thread with full images, so that we don't end up losing the content again, like what happened to the first thread.
>>55147 I saved nearly all of it in a zip, but I don't know any anon file alternatives that are good.
>>55195 use catbox, it allows for zip files lat I checked
>>55335 The only dumb fuck is you. stop thinking they're the same thing you dumb shit, because your watering it down, like how the word nazi means nothing anymore because people keep calling everyone a nazi. You're the boy who cried wolf. Also, Loli isn't the reason for it as the shit was spammed on many other boards that have nothing to do with Loli. They just wanted to be a scumbag and people like you end up downplaying their disgusting shit.
>>55335 >>55353 Not even ten posts in and we have devolved into pol already
>>55105 Source...?
>>55022 Who's the artist of that pic btw? I've seen it before but couldn't find out who drew it
>>55335 >>55365 >>55060 Your posts are likely bait, but I'll bite. The entire point of the pin is to turn away normies like you. Having loli be allowed is like the ultimate gatekeeping tool to outsiders of any kind. Take a step back, we're on the fantasy cannibalism forum, whether or not you added loli into the fetish mix, we'd both end up in the asylum for being degenerate lunatics. This fetish, especially the same size portion of it, is one of if not the most ridiculous thing to be attracted to. If you told someone about this fetish you would literally have to give them a psychology lesson in order for them to even conceptualize it as sexual attraction. >Bruh what? Loli and kid-diddlephilia are adjacent if not identical. How the fuck does someone have the mental fortitude to beat their dick to cartoon cannibalism drawings and understand it's not real, but not apply the same logic to other cartoon drawings. Like how does one come this far? It's like being an Olympic level mental gymnast, but not being able to stick the landing on the final flip. >The only difference between the two are material since the desire remains the SAME.YOU FUCKING EMPATHIZE WITH THEM, just like Nazis and Neo Nazis. How? This shitty fetish is already outlandish, there's a zero percent chance of a cartoon girl eating you let alone a little one. If you're talking about sex, like the one real people do, that's probably the rarest thing to even come across depicted in this fetish, for most vorefags, vore is the ultimate sexual act everything else drawn after is secondary. Go back to the previous thread and count the amount of times somebody is getting fucked. Just because you feel guilty for beating your dick to images in this thread, doesn't mean lash out at the rest of us.
>>55353 the word nazi doesn’t mean anything to nazis. definitely still has it’s meaning. just don’t be a nazi, not that hard.
>>55375 “Take a step back, we're on the fantasy cannibalism forum, whether or not you added loli into the fetish mix, we'd both end up in the asylum for being degenerate lunatics.” no dawg possessing loli will land you in jail, not an asylum, lol
55375 >kilboo
>>55377 only the eternal bongland lmao >no dawg possessing loli will land you in jail, not an asylum In many places possessing extreme fetish material will also plainly place you in jail. Scat, zoophilia, gore, etc. Guess how many of those feature in the vore threads in this site. You want to play moral crusader? By most places, especially the ones that specifically restrict loli shit, loli ends up being the least legally controversial content here when considering the other extreme shit that feature here as part of the literal snuff fetish.
>>55404 It’s not even about moral crusading. The claim that you’d end up in an asylum is just false. It’s straight to jail. Enjoy what you enjoy at your own risk, I can’t stop you. I’m just saying an asylum is not where you’d end up.
>>55415 I don't live in bongland, so nope.
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>>55446 Hopefully she just digested Rock~
>>55435 More wendy's is always good
>>55356 artist who drew the vore comic is strawberry, Ruto ass cheeka is called moderately ashamed, according to their tags on atf.
(1.71 MB 3465x4410 Roll 1F.png)

(1.41 MB 3291x4295 Roll 2F.png)

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(906.53 KB 726x1965 NightmareBros-757303-fupvore.png)

>>55446 No idea, but while you're here, got any more Roll?
>>55365 You attacked this thread over your mindset and insinuated that these two are the same, so I criticized the mindset that you have saying that it can defend these vile pieces of shit. I then said that linking the two is an example of the boy who cried wolf because this causes people to be less likely to take action. I didn't put words in your mouth or exaggerate what you said, I just responded to what you said and your implications since you did say, "Whoever keeps pinning these boards is going to hell.". However, saying that we empathize with them is a straw man argument. You are taking something that has nothing to do with real harm and making the extreme jump in logic to push a point that we empathize with them. You are pushing a narrative that fits your mindset to villainize people and justify outrage. I never change what you said or the intent of your actions but you are trying to turn this to look like we empathize with these sick fucks based on how you think. It seems you have consensus bias as you are using how you see the world to assume how we see it. You believe we "empathize " because you can't separate the two. Also, I reported them and looked into why this was happening which is how I knew it had nothing to do with Loli. what do you do? It seems you only bitched and bitched. The reason I argued against you was that there are people who will see posts like yours and try taking action by reporting Nice persontent to child protective services, this wastes their time and money which could have been used to help abused children. this is why I hate people like you who dilute words and overreact.
>>55321 it doesn't allow over 200mb
>>55522 got any more roll?
>>55321 It doesn't need to support a zip as the sip doesn't save much room anyway. As long as it can store about 2GB it should do, if not I may need to post it in 200MB chunks.
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>>55083 Bumping this
(224.71 KB 900x1901 937458-134521-5zze41-preview.jpg)

(1.38 MB 2374x1775 GSNHsKZWYAEGoMX.jpeg)

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>>55742 Source for these?
(16.13 MB 2100x10430 IMG_6829.png)

>>55924 Managed to find the source for this masterpiece. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1050232
>>55195 I may have to use Mega but I don't know if Mega is any good for something like this since they tend to take down downloads for no reason.
>>55525 I just wanna remind people that every acedemic study on the matter has found no definitive link between Nice person and Nice personphilia. https://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/article/view/127
>>56349 Lollycorn and real kid diddling urges
>>56349 Exactly. By the same logic, that would mean every single person that likes Vore is Suicidal, because they fantasize about Death. Liking Loli's and things like that, doesn't mean you want to fuck a kid.
>>56559 >Liking Loli's and things like that, doesn't mean you want to fuck a kid. about that....
>>55525 Whatever he said i agree with him.

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>>56707 >121116689_p0.png Nice.
>>56707 where is the nanako one from?
(452.13 KB 983x1109 Bullied Pred.png)

>>56786 Who is that? I know I've seen her before, but I'm totally blanking on the name
>>56707 This is so weird to see my Pan commission posted here. Can I ask where you saw or got this from? To my knowledge there was only supposed to be one other person that had access too it.
>>56899 Same here. Although my commission is on the shota pred threat. But yeah, weird to see your commission showing up here.
>>56904 Really? That is so weird. Something is going on because after only 32 minutes of me recieving the commission privately an imposter on Pixiv posted it. Neither me nor the artist knows how it happened...
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>>56860 Lovely Hat Kids, especially the 3rd pic. Such a good face
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>>55377 only if you're a europoor
>>55377 If anyone want to possess loli stuff, move to Japan as it's still legal to possess that sort of thing.
>>55377 based.
>>57286 It's pinned because people kept complaining about it. Also, you're saying it's because it's pinned but that is not true for nearly all of the posts that are bitching about Loli.
>>57305 Are those posts bitching about loli in this room with us right now?
>>57307 Ai generated? Those tinies are a little... off Nice pic though
>>57238 you could also just zip up the loli folder with a password, and change it to "funni_gibberish.txt"
>>55659 pikmin prey are awesome
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>>55522 >>55730 No Roll eating her Rock.. Sad..
>>57574 Source for the third pic?
(255.04 KB 2200x1960 GOWjyKyXEAECltu.jfif)

>>57917 Glad he drew her again
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>>58189 Chloe is a underrated ass pred
(1.15 MB 900x895 IMG_7075.png)

>>58103 lucky little goobers. they should be more grateful about being inside a pretty gal.
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I'm not spamming right? 😅 same artist as no. 58421 who likes making vore (lolis especially) well here's another something I made
>>58888 Perpetually sad this artist hasn't posted in years, was one of my favorites
>>59213 lol, that's nice you drew that?
Anyone got King1440/1440A's Discord content?
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>>59480 Holy shit, I remember the /tg/ thread this was made for. The premise was the loli was some hag (D&D creature) that the party adopted and cared for/worshiped. I think that pic was done up specifically after the guy telling the story shared a part about her eating an entire orc raiding party and needing to be carried for a week afterwards. I may still have the greentext saved, don't know if we can post those here though.
>>60154 just post it
>>60349 Do you have a link to the thread itself?
Same guy >>60430 >>59480 >>60349 This girl is great and I honestly think she should be the mascot for this thread or board, and I would love to see more of her. Such a fun and fucked up story with cute art oddly fits this board. If this place had more stories and interactions like these it would make this board so much better. What I think makes these posts some of the best posts I've seen here is that I doubt I would have ever known about her if it wasn't for this thread, and that's why I like this board. All of the hate threads and Patreon share threads are dogshit, and this shit here is what I like to see. Whoever makes the next thread please use the art of her as the first post.
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>>60349 Did some looking into the tg threads and found these
>>60436 Oh fuck, the last post in the screencap was me. Man, crazy to recall a time when /tg/ knew how to have fun and wasn't filled with a bunch of minimod-wannabe faggots.
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>>60436 I found some more good shit. It may be worth looking into the archives for more vore as it seems to have some good stuff. >>60439 Well looking for some more stuff I noticed quite a few people shared the same feelings with a few comments from people disappointed in how /tg/ changed. It's a shame but at least there are plenty of good memes, stories and images in the archives.
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more stuff from the archive
>>59575 That artist knows how to pluck the right strings 🤤
>>60451 1st girl is the best her tum looks soo rubbable
(303.15 KB 1190x823 Smol Gal Bellies.png)

>>61032 Source?
>>61133 I think I know the artist, but it seems to be OC uploaded here
>>61133 It's definitely Teruyuki, where it's from I'm not sure
does anyone have those audios cardsandbears made of the persona loli's? Preferably with disposal ending? The guy deleted everything iirc in a wave of new-found piety
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I love the concept that she knew what the guy wanted beforehand because of her power as well as the idea of a dominant prey forcing themselves into the preds gullet.
I love this, but I wish Mest was Wendy's snack. If anyone going to add him to their curves it should be Wendy, not Sherria.
>>61201 I only have the non-disposal version of Nanako. Cards did a good job of scraping all of his loli stuff off the internet
>>61545 The audio is pretty good with the only negative being the limitation of using voice lines and the choppiness that comes with it. With AI voices, I'm surprised people haven't tried making more vore audio. No need for writing or art skills, just some simple dialogue, like a girl treating you like food, and then some sound effects with muffled dialogue. It would probably sound off at first, but with time I can see someone mastering it and making high-quality vore audio. You could make something sound like the character and have complete freedom on what they say and how it sounds. I could see it getting a pretty big fanbase since most people would love to hear their favourite character treating them like food. I don't get the idea of whipping audio content. With art, you can tell who made it by the art style, but with audio, what can they tell from that?
>>61555 I meant wiping, not whipping.
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Does anyone have more Dabuchi Tabemi art?
>>61926 i can't tell if this is sarcasm or someone with brain damage
>>62011 You're on the board bro. Figure it out
>>62011 Some artist that likes the Mc. Donald loli? Who knows!
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I feel blessed whenever I see some nice Senko pred no matter how big or short she is.
>>62178 Senko~<3 Love Shiro too, but... Senko~<3
>>58469 Oh so we can share OC? Nice ^^ Made this piece today
>>62288 Could see a mod around the ghost girl eating people. You would need to update the model to look a bit better, give her a stomach and have it be that when captured you don't die straight away, but instead are slowly gurgled up so people on their own can see her gut. If you somehow got friends to play with this mod, you could have it so she won't chase anyone and have her rest well enjoying her meal. This would mean that when a teammate is eaten, you know you're safe for a bit. If you teleport her food out, she could get mad and hunt all players down, eat the remaining 3 in one go, and go to the ship to eat her stolen meal. I could also see the addition of perma vore mode, where if eaten, you get no more days on solo. In multiplayer, your POV is of the ghost girl when eaten, or you could even play as her to keep it interesting, with control swapping between prey and the only way to come back is after you reach your quota. When one guy's dead maybe you could team up with her telling her you'll get her more food if she works with you. However, I doubt this would work since who would play multiplayer with a vore mod? If this was a mod I would definitely play it, but I could never see myself playing multiplayer with this, which is why as much as I would love this I think this would never be made since a big factor of the game is its multiplayer elements.
>>62289 So is the art from a game? What's the game called?
>>62349 It's the ghost girl from Lethal company.
>>60451 It's funny how as I was looking into the archives for the North Korean pic I found no one who seemed to care for the American soldier as a pred. Everyone was more interested in the North Korean pred and making jokes about them. it just shows that cute preds are always loved and deserve the biggest meals.
>>62407 Wasn't there also a russia vs ukraine one?
(1.04 MB 1500x1800 1695835509550.png)

>>62415 this one?
>>62531 Oh yeah that's the one
>>62531 the nazi tattoo detail
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ai anyone?
>>62951 Right here. I love to gen these.
Anyone have Zizims gallery?
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>>63030 Do you have any tips? I've tried making a few and most of the time they come out bad with a few coming out some what decent but still not that good.
>>63096 Just use Illustrious models. Ntr Mix in this case. There is a vore belly lora for Illustrious, so use that. I don't know what more to tell you, i just describe the character and then prompt "vore belly". If you want some help, find me on the Novel Vore discord. I'll post some Amelia Watson gens on "vore-images" so you can find me (i refuse to share my user here).
thx. more. <3
>>63106 >>63104 >>63103 >>63098 how tf do you even make ai vore art? all of the apps used for generating are paywalled, filtered, or dont even do it right
they suck
(319.68 KB 1000x1399 tatu_shin--Fo2ssG8aIAACTiu.png)

>>63146 I use Yodayo, the website.
>>63276 Add some text and these Ai images would be even better
>>63276 But what do you type into it
>>63280 Its not just about what i type, its about the model, loras, weight, etc. I'd like to explain it here, but i think its gonna be easier for me if you join the Novel AI discord.
>>63298 Is it possible to do macro loli vore using AI?
>>63356 Never tried it before, but i think so.
>>63393 What are your details so I can message you privately? I'm already on the server but it's clearly not welcoming of loli or shota stuffs. Can't exactly out myself on there. Hmm... actually. This seems harder than I thought. You'd have to out yourself aswell Maybe alt accounts?
>>63435 he said how you can find him here >>63098
>>63436 Based
>>55026 Cool I know that artist
>>63298 Can you link the discord?
>>63104 Can you do some more with Hilda, and maybe a couple with girls from Loud House
TheBoxOfPizza deleted their Peni Parker vore.
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ai will keep this thread alive my brothers. heres some TWD Clementine what do we think about furry lolis?
>>63952 How. Do. You. Make. Like give me the specific promps and settings and options picked to make these
>>63953 the PNG files save the prompt info if you are using Automatic1111. Just drop the file into the PNGinfo tab in A1111. It's easy to make these images tho, just get the right checkpoint and LORA and if you understand some of the syntax you can trial and error and go a long way.
>>63953 I lied the PNGs are compressed so they don't save the data in them. I made a thread that hopefully helps people and won't get burned
>>63952 I love furry lolis, but idk if this is the right thread. You could spoil them just in case.
>>63813 These really need a digestion+wg follow up
>>63952 >POV: You didn't feed Clementine over several choices to do so >and then failed the QTE
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>>64167 Damn that's really pretty? Karbo?
>>64168 no it's from barusu on pixiv, from a commission set
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>>64167 They have a Twitter and a Pixiv. Sadly they don't make vore but do some giantess content, mostly of Petra, (the girl on the right) and mostly focusing on the ass and feet. https://x.com/Barusuthegoat/media https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32866912
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You're just ass fat for the future Ice Queen
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Lamia scat
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>>64363 *forgets to spoiler*
>>64368 deleting your own post is broken. If it wasn't I would have deleted this and reuploaded it with a spoiler.
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Does anyone have the paid images from VoraliaEatums? They mainly do edit of old brains3times3 images
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Some rare Illya vore
>>64363 Is there a set of pre scat digestion? I cant get off to the scat alone if I can't see the eating and digestion first
>>64954 There isn't, and the artist deleted the images of his Pixiv, so I doubt he'll do anything with this character again sadly.
>>64965 Ffs I really wanted to jerk off to that.l, but without seeing her gobble up yuu chan I can't. life is so shit
>>64990 No shit or disposal?
>>65036 the anon didn't post all of it for some reason. Just saw this on eka and was pretty shocked since two years ago it was just a WIP and I never thought it would ever be finished. >>64990 I'm uploading where they left off with the clean version first.
Scat version of this >>65053
(818.09 KB 960x1920 InShot_20250102_010712739.mp4)

>>65123 Sweet

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we've barely even started 2025 and there is already some great shit being made. find some nice stick chan and Entoma and it seems we may even get some Tanya very soon as seen by this tweet https://x.com/5l0shy/status/1873601814417039710
>>65251 Good Entoma is rarer than gold. Poggers
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>>65251 stick-chan is stupidly rare, what's the source of that it's really good
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>>65283 Thanks anon
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These were deleted, but I found them in a video by the creator Voretoons.
>>65366 lmao voretoons
>>65366 Were these mad in Call of Duty?
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it's always nice to see more jack vore
I like this guy's art but they really need to stop coping. It's a fictional character, no one should care what they look like and those who do should be ignored since they will never be happy and are probably hypocrites.
>>65768 nice post! source?
>>66042 The only thing you'll find on my computer is drawings, unlike whatever deranged shit you just posted. I ain't clicking that shit.
>>66046 What kind of drawings?
>>66161 Jesus Christ, you're one of those cringy guys who post the shity Goku memes, aren't you?
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>>66296 Source?
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>>66523 Noice
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begging for voraliaEatums deviant exclusive https://www.deviantart.com/voreandpregnant
>>66523 Oh yeah, in the comic this is from that girl became a giantess due to the demon woman they were fighting, who then was eaten by her.
>>67573 do you have the source?
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>>67340 I like that last bit of the large intestine lurching toward the foreground—toward the backdoor. Not sure how accurate that is, but dick likes.
>>67840 Source? Can't find it anywhere. Is it OC? Quite a lot of OC in this thread, lol.
>>67340 is that a face? can't tell
Some prime loli pred material
>>68227 "ah yes, I loved the part where she vored us"
>>68227 I agree but tanned Kaai Yuki is better.
Anybody know if they can remove this cringe text and isolate it with just the artwork?
>>68374 It's just a simple white background, dude. Just use MS Paint, or another drawing program and white out the text and background stuff.
>>68374 Did this in like, a minutes just using a bunch of white squares. Unless you meant something else? I also made a cropped version, if you were wanting that. >>68380 Pretty much this
>>68374 >>68380 >>68381 Well, heh, I forgot to actually attach the files at first. My bad. Is there an internal version of that pic?
>>68382 thanks man. The cropped version is what I was looking for. And no sadly not. Imagine someone edited a prey in there though, maybe a hot lady
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(79.82 KB 900x900 Aiden Meets Izzy [B3x3].jpg)

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>>68796 >>68806 >>68807 I know this is BillowedChristi but it reminds me of an artist from about 10 or so years ago called Brain3Times3. I swear they must be inspired by them or something.
>>68810 That’s the point, they explicitly said they’re copying the style.
>>68811 I think BillowedChristi did a good job at not just recreating the style but also improving on it as I always had an issue with how little Brain3Times3 style would develop and how he did his faces. It's like seeing a game that has an idea but fell short and then seeing a new game realise that idea to its full potential.
I wish somebody would make a good ai prompts that copies b3t3. His style is my favorite but it's clear he's never coming back
>>68819 Was there a reason he stopped?
>>68837 I think he just moved on. He still replies to people but makes it clear he doesn't like drawing anymore.
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I really like the FantasM lolis, particularly the twin-tailed qt that points her butt at the viewer for her battle graphic. Just really got a weakness for preds that tease you with your exit route. It's not strictly vore so I thought maybe I'd link it, but I AI'd some simple stuff of Colt's butt. files.catbox.moe/llpdgp.png files.catbox.moe/k6lzuy.png files.catbox.moe/fy4s6q.png files.catbox.moe/zn8pxv.png files.catbox.moe/6q0hvg.png files.catbox.moe/txpq9d.png files.catbox.moe/knwj9t.png
>>64368 You don't have to spoiler scat that's not a rule
>>68926 He was pointing it out as I had used the spoiler for every other part of the sequence but forgot to do so for the last part.
One of the better Gura pics. I love her expression and pose and her hips are decently wide and those thighs are great. She also looks good wearing some of her prey outfits and the way she sits on her prey is peak belly posing and I love the leaning-back cowgirl position she has well on top of her own gut. The only issue I have is her mouth as I think it looks a bit funny, but I love how they did the eyes, it feels like a good mix of guar goofiness with the mix of an apex predator.
>>68806 Rare to see the girl scout being the one having a snack rather than vice versa.
>>68918 Do an of those have scat? That's what kept me away from getting FantasM.
>>67596 Whoops, left you hanging. "Heart-pounding Magical Girl Koko-pure". There aren't many chapters, I think it's chapter 8 or 9 that has the GTS segment.
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I like Mertle
>>69547 Can you spoiler this fucking trash next time you fucking retard
>>69534 They're not vore related at all, they're just a genned Colt showing off her butt.
>>69547 The ones where they’re past the point of no return are quite nice

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